#nikolaus hirsch
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I am delighted to participate in some portraits made by Chrystel Mukeba for the exhibition STYLE CONGO, Heritage & Heresy at Civa in Brussels.
Also these images will be part of an installation at Yser station at Brussels in collaboration with Kanal Pompidou.
The works in the exhibition challenge and destabilize the canonical histories and colonial roots of this legacy. By examining the marks of colonization in the city of Brussels and in the Congolese urban landscape, they present a decolonial resignification of private and public spaces, and seek to rewrite the margins of history at the center.
FROM 17/03 to 3/09
Hermitagestraat 55 1050 Brussels
Curators Sammy Baloji, Silvia Franceschini, Nikolaus Hirsch, Estelle Lecaille
With the participation of Judith Barry, Rossella Biscotti, Peggy Buth, Ayoh Kré Duchùtelet, Jean Katambayi, Johan Lagae & Paoletta Holst, Chrystel Mukeba, Daniela Ortiz, Ruth Sacks, Traumnovelle
With a selection of works by Victor Horta, Ernest Acker, Victor Bourgeois, Joseph Caluwaers, Jean-Jules Eggericx, Paul Hankar, Georges Hobé, Henry Lacoste, René PechÚre, Fernand Petit, René Schoentjes, Gustave Serrurier-Bovy
#lewisossokoh#chrystelmukeba#twentyninestudio#civa#kanal pompidou#style congo#art nouveau#brussels#bruxelles#yser station#congo#sammy baloji#silvia franceschini#nikolaus hirsch#estelle lecaille#judith barry#rossella biscotti#peggy buth#ayoh kré duchùtelet#badi#drucila clement#jean katambayi#johan lagae#chrystel mukeba#daniela ortiz#ruth sacks#paoletta holst#traumnovelle#lewis ossoko h#2023
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Psalm 42,2
Wie ein Hirsch lechzt nach WasserbÀchen, so lechzt meine Seele, o Nikolaus, nach dir!
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âSick Architectureâ Exhibition, CIVA, Rue de lâErmitage 55, 1050, Brussels, Belgium _ Conceived by Beatriz Colomina [guest curator, Princeton University], Silvia Franceschini [curator CIVA], Nikolaus Hirsch [artistic director CIVA] _ Â Assistant curator: Minne De Meyer Engelbeen [CIVA] _ Exhibition Architecture: OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen & Richard Venlet _ 06.05.2022 - 28.08.2022 _ Photos by: Spyros Kaprinis [18.06.2022].
âArchitecture and sickness are tightly intertwined. Architectural discourse always weaves itself through theories of body and brain, constructing the architect as a kind of doctor and the client as patient. Architecture has been portrayed as both a form of prevention and cure for thousands of years. With Sick Architecture, CIVA and guest curator Beatriz Colomina (Princeton University) highlight a topic that has shaped our lives since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.â
#Sick Architecture#CIVA#Brussels#Belgium#Beatriz Colomina#Nikolaus Hirsch#Minne De Meyer Engelbeen#OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen#Richard Venlet#Alvar Aalto#Hans Hollein#Spyros Kaprinis#2022
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Por senda oculta del bosque gusto de hurtarme entre luces del juncal yermo a la riba ÂĄpor pensar en ti, muchacha!
Cuando afosca la espesura, rozan sigilosas cañas, y se quejan y susurran; sin quererlo rompo en llanto.
Y me parece que escucho vibrar de tu voz el eco, y al fondo de la laguna zozobrar tu suave canto.
El sol declina, pasan nubes negras, ÂĄcon bochorno tĂmido, huye todo viento!
Fieros por el cielo corren rayos lĂvidos; cruza la laguna su imagen fugaz.
Como en un relĂĄmpago me parece verte: tus largos cabellos restallan al viento.
En quietud de la laguna luna clara se demora tejiendo quebradas rosas en el verde de las juncias.
Corzo vaga en el otero, mirando la noche en alto; tal vez rebullen las aves que sueñan carrizo adentro.
Mi mirar se sume en llanto; ÂĄpor lo mas hondo del alma duce pensamiento tuyo cala como una oraciĂłn!
Auf geheimem Waldespfade Schleich ich gern im Abendschein An das öde Schilfgestade MÀdchen, und gedenke dein!
Wenn sich dann der Busch verdĂŒstert, Rauscht das Rohr geheimnisvoll, Und es klaget, und es flĂŒstert, DaĂ ich weinen, weinen soll.
Und ich mein, ich höre wehen Leise deiner Stimme Klang Und im Weiher untergehen Deinen lieblichen Gesang.
Sonnenuntergang; Schwarze Wolken ziehn, O wie schwĂŒl und bang Alle Winde fliehn!
Durch den Himmel wild Jagen Blitze, bleich; Ihr vergÀnglich Bild Wandelt durch den Teich.
Wie gewitterklar Mein ich dich zu sehn, Und dein langes Haar Frei im Sturme wehn!
Auf dem Teich, dem regungslosen, Weilt des Mondes holder Glanz, Flechtend seine bleichen Rosen In des Schilfes grĂŒnen Kranz.
Hirsche wandeln dort am HĂŒgel, Blicken in die Nacht empor; Manchmal regt sich das GeflĂŒgel TrĂ€umerisch im tiefen Rohr.
Weinend muĂ mein Blick sich senken; Durch die tiefste Seele geht Mir ein sĂŒĂes Deingedenken, Wie ein stilles Nachtgebet!
Nikolaus Lenau
#Nikolaus Lenau#literatura alemana#poesĂa romĂĄntica#juncias#mal de amor#soledad#apartamiento#di-versiones©ochoislas
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KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
Wachsmann, Nikolaus. KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-374-53592-6 Sometime in early 1944 children in the Brikenau family camp performed a musical based on Disneyâs Snow White. This special camp was primarily Czech Jews deported from the Theresienstadt ghetto. The childrenâs teachers, led by inmate Fredy Hirsch, managed toâŠ
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Rauenberger Weihnachtsmarkt 2022
Rauenberger Weihnachtsmarkt 2022 Vom 9. bis 11. Dezember 2022 findet der achte Rauenberger Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Rathaus- und Kirchplatz in Rauenberg statt. An zahlreichen HĂŒtten finden die Besucher ein breites Angebot von Geschenkartikeln bis zu weihnachtlichen Köstlichkeiten. Insgesamt beteiligen sich 23 Vereine bzw. Beschicker und verwöhnen die Besucher mit weihnachtlichen Köstlichkeiten. Zudem werden Kunsthandwerk, Geschenkartikel, Schmuck und vieles mehr feilgeboten. Ein Rahmenprogramm rundet den Weihnachtsmarkt ab. Eingepackt in warme Kleidung dĂŒrfen sich die Besucher auf eine gemĂŒtliche AtmosphĂ€re freuen und neben Punsch und GlĂŒhwein den VortrĂ€gen der örtlichen Vereine und Musikgruppen lauschen. Los gehtâs am Freitag, 9. Dezember 2022 um 18 Uhr mit der feierlichen Eröffnung durch Herrn BĂŒrgermeister Seithel. Der Musikverein Rauenberg spielt dazu weihnachtliche Lieder. SpĂ€ter darf noch den KlĂ€ngen des MGV SĂ€ngerbund gelauscht werden. Die Kinder des Kindergartens Unterm Regenbogen, Seepferdchen, Kinderhaus MĂ€rzwiesen und KiGa Mittendrin sowie der Mannabergschule werden jeweils einen Weihnachtsbaum schmĂŒcken. FĂŒr Sonntag, 11.12.2022 â 16.30 Uhr hat sich der Nikolaus angekĂŒndigt. Der Gewerbeverein spendiert die kleinen PĂ€ckchen, die der Nikolaus an alle Kinder verteilen möchte. Jung und Alt sind aufs Herzlichste eingeladen, die AtmosphĂ€re inmitten den Ortskerns zu genieĂen und sich an den kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten zu erfreuen.    Programm Rauenberger Weihnachtsmarkt 2022 Freitag, 9.12.2022 18.00 Uhr Eröffnung durch Herrn BĂŒrgermeister Seithel 18.15 Uhr Stammorchester des Musikvereins Rauenberg zur Eröffnung 20.30 Uhr Weihnachtslieder gesungen vom MGV SĂ€ngerbund Rauenberg Samstag, 10.12.2022 16.00 Uhr Lieder zu Advent und Weihnachten Capella Carolina und Kammerchor Camerata Carolina Sonntag, 11.12.2022 15.00 Uhr Jugendorchester des Musikvereins Rauenberg mit weihnachtlichen Liedern 16.30 Uhr Der Nikolaus kommt Ăffnungszeiten des Weihnachtsmarkts Freitag: 18 â 22 Uhr Samstag: 17 â 22 Uhr Sonntag: 14 â 21 Uhr  Kulinarischer Wegweiser Weihnachtsmarkt 2022 Angelverein Rauenberg Backfischbrötchen Heringsbrötchen Calamares Fanfarencorps Rauenberg â Förderverein Gulaschsuppe Erbsensuppe HeiĂe Wurst Rindswurst Waffeln Weihnachtliche Liköre Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rauenberg - Förderverein Brat-/Feuerwurst im Brötchen WinzerglĂŒhwein rot und weiĂ Bier Kinderpunsch Cola/Fanta GV Liederkranz Rauenberg Curry-/Feuer-/Bratwurst WeihnachtsplĂ€tzchen GlĂŒhwein Sekt Mineralwasser Los Amigos Rawhill KĂ€sefondue GlĂŒhwein Apfelstrudellikör MGV SĂ€ngerbund Rauenberg Original NĂŒrnberger RostbratwĂŒrstchen im Weck Gegrillter Saumagen mit/ohne Zwiebeln im Weck GlĂŒhwein mit/ohne Schuss Dachsenfranz Weihnachtsbier Weihnachtstee Musikverein Rauenberg Flammkuchen Langos GlĂŒhwein Kinderpunsch Liköre Postillion e.V. Jugendarbeit Crepes Softdrinks Privatinitiative Elke Greulich KĂŒrbissuppe HeiĂes Raclette-Brot WinzerglĂŒhwein GlĂŒh-Gin SSV Rauenberg Hamburger Cheeseburger Vegetarische Burger PlĂ€tzchen Linzertorte HeiĂer Lumumba Tennisclub Rauenberg â Förderverein Gulaschsuppe Kartoffelsuppe GlĂŒhwein VfB Rauenberg Currywurst Feuerwurst Bratwurst Frikadelle mit/ohne Zwiebeln GlĂŒhwein Kinderpunsch Baileys Eierlikör Alkoholfreie GetrĂ€nke Weingut Hirsch Wildschweingulasch WinzerglĂŒhwein Punsch Weine EdelbrĂ€nde Liköre Weinbau und Brennerei RĂŒhl Hausgemachte Maultaschen Hausgemachter Winzer-GlĂŒhwein GlĂŒh-Gin Liköre BrĂ€nde Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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What is luxury? Anything that is not essential to life and that, once everyone has it, is rather annoying. âSolution 264, âPublic Povertyâ Having furnished solutions for Germany and Dubai, Ingo Niermann takes a new look at what nationhood can mean and accomplish today, finding inspiration, of all places, in North Korea. Now that the promise of global prosperity and abundance can technically be fulfilled, the time has come for a minimalist rethink of society. By relying on drills and a principle of reduction, the individual can be granted a freedom for experiences and ideas that are not possible otherwise. The more we simplify, the lighter the ballast we'll have to carry. The twelfth volume in the Solution series includes an account of Niermann's travels through North and South Korea, accompanied by the author's photographs. The eleven solutions in Solution 264â274: Drill Nation build from insights culled while on the trip. Published to coincide with the Real DMZ Project 2015, curated by Sunjung Kim and Nikolaus Hirsch #HemanChong #ReneeStaal #TheLibraryOfUnreadBooks #DrillNation #IngoNiermann #RealDMZproject2015 #RealDmz #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #Bookstagram #booksofinstagram #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookaddict #booknerd #bookphotography #booklove #bookcommunity #library #librarylife #librarybook #sternbergpress #libraryofinstagram (at The Library of Unread Books) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck5Ov7qLJx_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change
Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change
Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change Nick Axel (editor), Nikolaus Hirsch (editor), Daniel Barber (editor), Anton Vidokle (editor) Examines how images of accumulation help open up the climate to political mobilization  The current epoch is one of accumulation: not only of capital but also of raw, often unruly material, from plastic in the ocean and carbon in theâŠ
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Sick (rather than smart)
Sick Architecture Talks e-flux Architecture
May 6, 2022, 2pm
CIVA Rue de lâErmitage 55 Kluisstraat 1050 Brussels Belgium
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Sick Architecture Talks is a conference program accompanying the opening of Sick Architecture, an exhibition curated by Beatriz Colomina, Silvia Franceschini, and Nikolaus Hirsch at CIVA. Moderated by e-flux Architecture Deputy Editor Nick Axel, Sick Architecture Talks will feature presentations by more than 20 architects, artists, writers, and scientists.
Architecture and sickness are tightly intertwined. Architectural discourse always weaves itself through theories of body and brain, constructing the architect as a kind of doctor and the client as patient. Architecture has been portrayed as both a form of prevention and cure for thousands of years. Health is supposed to be the main goal of the architect, as Vitruvius already insisted in the first century BC. Yet architecture is also often the cause of illness, from toxic building materials to sick building syndrome. Architecture itself has become sick.
Every age has its signature afflictions, and each affliction has its architecture. The age of bacterial diseases, particularly tuberculosis, gave birth to modern architecture in the early decades of the 20th century, to white buildings detached from the âhumid ground where disease breeds,â as Le Corbusier put it. In the postwar years, attention shifted to psychological problems. The architect was often seen as a kind of shrink; the house not just a medical device for the prevention of disease, but for providing psychological comfort, or as Richard Neutra put it, ânervous health.â The 21st century is the age of neurological disorders, with depression, ADHD, borderline personality disorders, burnout syndrome, allergies, and âenvironmental hypersensitivityâ defining the contemporary experience of architecture and the built environment.
Meanwhile, pandemics have returned. COVID-19 is completely reshaping architecture and urbanism. The virus has exposed the structural inequities of race, class, and gender, provoking a call for social transformation and perhaps an architectural revolution. The exhibition, together with the online publication series Sick Architecture, offers a wider historical and conceptual frame for such conversations.
Sick Architecture talks May 6, 2â8pm CEST
2pm CEST, Introduction Nikolaus Hirsch Beatriz Colomina
2:20pm CEST, Borders panel Simon De Nys and Johan Lagae, âCordon Sanitaireâ Guillermo S. Arsuaga, âEllis Island: Architecture at the service of biopowerâ Jeremy Lee Wolin, âExclusion by Design: the Angel Island Immigration Stationâ Maxwell Smith-Holmes, âToxic Workplaces, Contaminated Homes, and Irradiated Landscapesâ
3:20pm CEST, Contagion panel Angela Brown, âImmunocompromised Architecture: Henry Klumb and the Puerto Rican Homeâ Dante Furioso, âSanitary Imperialismâ Andrea Bagnato, âTerra Infectaâ An Tairan, âTouching, Disease, and the Sacred Artifactâ
4:10pm CEST, Coping panel Iason Stathatos, âHunger Architectureâ Caroline Voet, âNearness in a House for (Im)mobile Guestsâ Victoria Bergbauer, âProsthetic Villageâ 51N4E, âTous Ensembleâ
5:05pm CEST, Break
5:35pm CEST, Keynote Mark Wigley, âChronic Whitenessâ
5:55pm CEST, Toxicity panel Clemens Finkelstein, âsick world building syndromeâ Victoria Bugge Ăye, âCoop Himmelblau and the Making of Environmental Healthâ Kara Plaxa, âAn Epidemic of Toxic Masculinityâ Holly Bushman, âRegel-ated Bodiesâ
6:50pm CEST, Psychiatry panel Marie de Testa, âHysteria as Scenographyâ Alexandra Sastrawati, âDepressed Worldsâ Giuseppina Scavuzzo, âFranco Basaglia and the Destruction of the Mental Hospitalâ architecten jan de vylder inge vinck and Gideon Boie, âThe Caritas Psychiatryâ
7:50pm CEST, Keynote Emily Apter, âCovid-Denialismâ
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A critical spatial practice is a means of rethinking oneâs modes of action and codes of conduct. Edited by architects Nikolaus Hirsch and Markus Miessen, this series reinvents its internal structure according to the content of each volume: a toolbox that ranges from single-authored essays to conversations, manifestos, fiction, investigative journalism, historical studies, and artistic interventions, each accompanied by an artist contribution. The series follows the tradition of the discipline of architecture using the publication format as a testing ground for ideas.
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Norman Foster Foundation Madrid
Norman Foster Foundation in Madrid, On Archives Masterclass, Digital X Workshop News, Spain
Norman Foster Foundation Madrid
Public debates in which practitioners from the fields of design and innovation, Spain
29 July 2021
Norman Foster Foundation âOn Archivesâ Masterclass Series
Madrid, 29th of July 2021 â The Norman Foster Foundation (NFF) presents the âOn Archivesâ Masterclass Series, a series which explores the fundamental aspects related to architectural archives and libraries around the world. Given by fourteen leading experts in the fields of archiving, architecture, art, design and heritage management, this video series supports the NFFâs extensive educational programme by promoting an exchange of knowledge across a range of geographic and disciplinary perspectives.
While archives have, for centuries, been the core of cultural, historic and artistic institutions, these online lessons also acknowledge the relevance of archives for the performance of other disciplines, such as architecture and design, and for the future of society. From the Canadian Centre of Architecture (CCA) to the Vatican Museums, speakers will touch on key themes such as the materiality of archives, the concept of interarchive, the challenges of digitising archive materials, new preservation methods based on a dynamic order and how to manage special collections, among other topics.
While archives have, for centuries, been the core of cultural, historic and artistic institutions, these online lessons also acknowledge the relevance of archives for the performance of other disciplines, such as architecture and design, and for the future of society. From the Canadian Centre of Architecture (CCA) to the Vatican Museums, speakers will touch on key themes such as the materiality of archives, the concept of interarchive, the challenges of digitising archive materials, new preservation methods based on a dynamic order and how to manage special collections, among other topics.
In addition to an introductory masterclass given by Norman Foster (President, Norman Foster Foundation, Madrid, Spain / London, UK / New York, USA), in which he considers the important role that archives play in anticipating the future, contributing speakers include the following experts:
Giovanna Borasi, Director, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Sol Camacho, Director, Instituto Lina Bo e P.M. Bardi â Casa de Vidro, SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil; Estrella de Diego, Academician, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain; Michelle Elligott, Chief of Archives, Library and Research Collections, MoMA, New York, NY, United States of America; Patricia Hartmann, Director, Sitterwerk Foundation, St. Gallen, Switzerland; Charles Hind, Chief Curator & HJ. Heinz Head of Drawings, British Architectural Library, RIBA, London, United Kingdom; Barbara Jatta, Director, Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Italy; Valerie Maasburg, Director, Bookshop and Artistâs Books Collection, Ivorypress, Madrid, Spain; Hans Ulrich Obrist, Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries, London, United Kingdom; Mar Perez Morillo, Head of Division of Digital Processes and Services, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, Spain; Marcia Reed, Chief Curator, Associate Director and Head of Special Collections and Exhibitions, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, United States of America; Mathias Schwartz-Clauss, Director, Domaine de Boisbuchet, Lessac, France; Bill Sherman, Director, The Warburg Institute, London, United Kingdom.
As part of the NFFâs upcoming digital initiatives, the âOn Archivesâ Masterclass Series will be soon followed by the release of the âFuture Citiesâ Conversation Series, a virtual dialogue series in which Norman Foster will reflect on the future of cities alongside ten leading voices and visionaries, as well as the release of the âOn Archivesâ Conversation Series, another virtual dialogue conducted by academician Estrella de Diego and art curator Hans Ulrich Obrist on the most compelling issues related to archives and libraries.
The masterclasses included in this series are part of the Norman Foster Foundationâs Education + Research Programme and have been developed thanks to the research fellowships supported by BYD, Crankstart Foundation, David and Nina Fialkow, Ford Foundation, Lisa and Richard Cashin and the Rolex Institute.
The âOn Archivesâ Masterclass Series is currently available for viewing on Youtube.
24 Jan 2019
Norman Foster Foundation Digital X Workshop 2019
The natural world and the artificial world are becoming interchangeable. Change will happen very rapidly
18 â 22 February 2019
âą The Norman Foster Foundation presents the second edition of its annual Digital X Workshop with public debates in which practitioners from the fields of design and innovation will participate, including Amber Case, W. Daniel Hillis, Mary Lou Jepsen, David Moinina Sengeh, Nicholas Negroponte and Ben Vickers.
âą The 2019 Digital X Workshop is designed to pose key questions and come up with some considered conclusions in a week-long event hosted in the Madrid headquarters of the Norman Foster Foundation.
âą A distinguished group of specialists will engage with ten selected students from ten universities around the world who share a common interest in the subject. The workshop mentor is Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder and former director of MIT Media Lab.
Image from the first edition of the Norman Foster Foundation Digital X Workshop (2018) photo © Norman Foster Foundation
Madrid, 23 January 2019
The second edition of the Norman Foster Foundation Digital X Workshop will take place on 18-22 February 2019, in association with e-flux Architecture. âAll things digital are simultaneously local and global, large and small, inside and outside of any given boundaryâ states workshop mentor Nicholas Negroponte. âThe digital world brings together previously separate worlds, like those of discovery, invention and expression. It does that because it has become the DNA of each. The natural world and the artificial world are becoming interchangeable. Change will happen very rapidly. Fasten your seatbelts.â
With that concept as a background, the workshop is designed to pose an key questions and come up with some considered conclusions . Can you build a city without infrastructure: no roads, no sewers, no water or power? Why bother? The answer is to renovate slums without bulldozing them, which is something that could impact two or three billion people. Call it a new autonomy, that of a house or a small community, taking some pages from outer space and bringing them back to earth.
The Academic Body spans a wide range of practitioners from the fields of design and innovation, including Amber Case, Co-founder of CyborgCamp, Cambridge, MA, United States; W. Daniel Hillis, Co-founder of Thinking Machines Corporation and of Applied Invention, Cambridge, MA, United States; Mary Lou Jepsen, Founder of Openwater, San Francisco, CA, United States; Hasier Larrea, Founder and CEO of Ori Inc., Cambridge, MA, United States; David Moinina Sengeh, Chief Innovation Officer at the Government of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone and Ben Vickers, Chief Technology Officer at the Serpentine Gallery, London, United Kingdom
After reviewing applications submitted by hundreds of candidates from around the world, the selection committee awarded ten scholarships to students from the following universities and institutions: American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon; American University in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Ashesi University, Berekuso, Ghana; Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa; Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands; George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States; Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain and the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
These ten students will be asked to park reality at the door. Inviting them to bring their most advanced thinking, craziest ideas, whether they relate to architecture or not, to apply them, their derivatives or simply their point of view to the needs of the worldâs poorest people, especially the increasing number who live in slums.
The Digital X Workshop will include seminars, lectures, one-to-one tutoring and architectural tours to learn more about the context of Madrid culminating in a five day workshop led by the Atelier mentor, Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder and former director of MIT Media Lab.
e-flux Architecture will join this yearâs edition of the Digital X workshop as its editorial partner. Editors Nikolaus Hirsch and Nick Axel will conduct a series of interviews during the duration of the workshop, the result of this joint initiative will be unveiled in Spring 2019.
Public Debates
Tuesday 19 February 2019, 12:30 p.m. â 2:20 p.m. FundaciĂłn Francisco Giner de los RĂos Paseo del General MartĂnez Campos 14, 28010, Madrid, Spain With the participation of Amber Case, W. Daniel Hillis, Mary Lou Jepsen, David Moinina Sengeh, Nicholas Negroponte and Ben Vickers.
Tim Stonor, Managing Director of Space Syntax, London, United Kingdom, and part of the Advisory Board of the Norman Foster Foundation, will chair the debates.
e-flux Architecture
e-flux Architecture is a sister publishing platform of e-flux, archive, and editorial project founded in 2016. The news, events, exhibitions, programs, journals, books, and architecture projects produced and/or disseminated by e-flux Architecture describe strains of critical discourse surrounding contemporary architecture, culture, and theory internationally.
Since its inception, e-flux Architecture has maintained a dynamic international program of projects and events in collaboration with leading institutions and practitioners. Editorial content commissioned and published by e-flux Architecture consistently showcases rigorous, critical, sincere and engaged theoretical work being produced today in and around the fields of architecture, urbanism, and design. For more information, visit https://ift.tt/377zaPr
7 Sep 2018
Norman Foster Foundation Urban Mobility Workshop
Could the new technologies change the reality and perception of new ways of transportation?
Dates: 17-21 Sep 2018
Location: Monte Esquinza 48, Madrid, Spain
The Norman Foster Foundation presents its Urban Mobility Workshop with a public debate with the participation of Alfredo Brillembourg, Tilly Chang, Norman Foster, Carlo Ratti and Tim Stonor. The 2018 Urban Mobility public debate will explore how new technologies could open up an exciting range of opportunities in the infrastructure of movement.
Norman Foster Foundation Urban Mobility Workshop
26 May 2018
Norman Foster Foundation Madrid News
Norman Foster Foundation presents its annual âOn Citiesâ Workshop with the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies
âą The 2018 On Cities Workshop will explore the premise that emerging urban innovations can create more livable, entrepreneurial communities and dramatically reduce resources consumed by cities, in a week-long event hosted in the Madrid headquarters of the Norman Foster Foundation.
âą A distinguished group of specialists will engage with ten selected students from ten universities around the world sharing a common interest in the subject. This yearâs workshop mentor is Kent Larson, Director of MIT Media Lab City Science Group and Initiative.
Madrid, 25 May 2018
The Norman Foster Foundation On Cities Workshop will take place on 18-22 June 2018, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, closing the 2017-2018 Educational programme initiative. The workshop will focus on Autonomous Innovative Communities, selecting a district in Madrid as a case-study for a research project that will be developed throughout the week.
Can each community locally produce all of the energy, food, and clean water needed for basic livingâ requiring no centralised infrastructure? Can humans transition from ownership to sharing, while living and working in compact, agile, supportive environments? This workshop explores the premise that emerging urban innovations can dramatically reduce resources consumed by cities while simultaneously creating more livable, entrepreneurial communities.
âWe are living in an era of extreme urbanisation and rapid global warmingâ, states workshop mentor Kent Larson. âThe challenges of both call for more than mere incremental adjustments.â
After reviewing applications submitted by hundreds of candidates from around the world, the selection committee awarded ten scholarships to students from the following universities and institutions: American University of Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, United States; London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile; Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark; Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, the Netherlands; Tongji University, Shanghai, China; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
These ten students will engage with a group of specialists through a series of seminars and lectures culminating inafive day workshop led by the mentor Kent Larson, Director of MIT Media Lab City Science Group and Initiative, and his team.
The Academic Body spans a wide range of practitioners working in different fields interrelated with the City, including: Beatriz Colomina, Director of Graduate Studies, School of Architecture, Princeton University, Princeton, United States; Luis Cueto, General Coordinator for the Mayor in Madrid, Madrid City Hall, Madrid, Spain; Anupama Kundoo, Principal, Anupama Kundoo Architects, Madrid, Spain/Auroville, India; Winy Maas, Co-Founder and Director of MVRDV and Director of the Why Factory, Delft, the Netherlands; Tim Stonor, Managing Director of Space Syntax, London, United Kingdom; Leonor Tarrasón, Director of Environmental Solutions, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Oslo, Norway; Belinda Tato and José Luis Vallejo, Founders and Directors of Ecosistema Urbano, Madrid, Spain/Miami, United States.
The On Cities Workshop will include seminars, lectures, one-to-one tutoring and urban architectural tours to learn more about the context of Madrid and itâs districts. During the course of the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Norman Foster Foundationâs archive and research projects.
Nicholas Negroponte, Co-Founder and former Director of MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, United States will act as the Chief Advisor of the workshop tutoring the students through the research process.
As a way to disseminate knowledge and ideas, the public lectures will be recorded and documented for publication in series of annual books published by the Norman Foster Foundation
Public Debates
19th June 2018 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. FundaciĂłn Francisco Giner de los RĂos Paseo del General MartĂnez Campos 14, 28010, Madrid, Spain
6:00 p.m. â On Cities: Governance âą Introduction by Kent Larson âą Keynotes by Beatriz Colomina, JosĂ© Luis Vallejo, Leonor TarrasĂłn and Luis Cueto âą Debate between Beatriz Colomina, JosĂ© Luis Vallejo, Leonor TarrasĂłn and Luis Cueto, moderated by Kent Larson
7:00 p.m. â On Cities: Transformations âą Introduction by Workshop mentor Kent Larson âą Keynotes by Winy Maas, Belinda Tato, Anupama Kundoo and Tim Stonor âą Debate by Winy Maas, Belinda Tato, Anupama Kundoo and Tim Stonor, moderated by Kent Larson
8:00 p.m. â Wrap up âą Dialogue between Norman Foster and Kent Larson
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8 Jan 2018 The Norman Foster Foundation presents its annual Digital X Workshop with the support of Future Planet Capital
15-19 Jan 2018
âą Norman Foster Foundation presents its first Digital X Workshop with the support of Future Planet Capital.
âą The 2018 Digital X Workshop will explore the kinship of Architecture and the Digital World in a week-long event hosted in the Madrid headquarters of the Norman Foster Foundation.
âą A distinguished group of specialists will engage with ten selected students from ten universities around the world sharing a common interest in the subject. This yearâs Atelier mentor is Nicholas Negroponte, cofounder and former director of MIT Media Lab.
The first Norman Foster Foundation Digital X Workshop will take place on 15-19 January 2018, supported by Future Planet Capital.
âAll things digital are simultaneously local and global, large and small, inside and outside of a given boundaryâ, states Atelier mentor Nicholas Negroponte. âThe digital world is not crisp; it is porous and diffuse. It brings together previously separate worlds, like those of discovery, invention and expression. It does that because it has become the DNA of each. Architecture does that too.â
What happens when the natural world and the artificial world become one and the same? How does society change when direct brain communication occurs among humans, and between humans and machines? The workshop will focus on this kinship, that of architecture and the digital world, how the two play together now, and how they will change the world together, going forward, discussing things that, outrageous today, will be commonplace tomorrow.
After reviewing applications submitted by hundreds of candidates from around the world, the selection committee awarded ten scholarships to students from the following universities and institutions: Architecture and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Architecture and Urbanismo Faculty (USP), Sao Paolo, Brazil; Bartlett School of Architecture, London, UK; Centre for Urban Science and Engineering IIT, Bombay, India; City Futures Research Centre, University New South Wales, Australia; National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore; Stanford Department of Civil and Environmental, California, US; Technion Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel; Technische Universiteit Delft (TU), The Netherlands and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
These ten students will develop an essay ontheme of Digital X tutored by a group of specialists through a series of seminars and lectures culminating in a five day workshop led by the Atelier mentor, Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder and former director of MIT Media Lab.
The Academic Body includes: Ricky Burdett, Director of LSE Cities and Urban Age Programme; Hugh Herr, Co-Director of the MIT Center for Extreme Bionics; Kent Larson, Director of MIT City Science Iniacitive; Amanda Levete, Founder and Principal of AL_A; Greg Lynn, Professor at UCLA School of Arts and Architecture; Farshid Moussavi, Principal of Farshid Moussavi Architecture and Benedetta Tagliabue, Principal of Miralles Tagliabue EMB Architects.
The Digital X Workshop will include seminars, lectures, one-to-one tutoring and architectural tours to learn more about the context of Madrid. Architectural critic and writer Jonathan Glancey will act as the Editor-inChief of the workshop tutoring the students to think ahead and to elaborate an essay with their personal view on the subject
As a way to disseminate knowledge and ideas, the public lectures will be recorded and documented for publication in series of annual books published by the Norman Foster Foundation. During the course of the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Norman Foster Foundationâs archive and research projects.
Public Debates
16th January 2018 at Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Madrid â COAM (Hortaleza, 63, 28004 Madrid, Spain)
âą 6:00 p.m. â 6:30 p.m.: Keynote by Nicholas Negroponte âą 6:30 p.m. â 7:00 p.m.: Dialogue between Hugh Herr and Kent Larson, moderated by Ricky Burdett. âą 7:00 p.m. â 7:30 p.m.: Dialogue between Greg Lynn and Benedetta Tagliabue, moderated by Luis FernĂĄndez-Galiano. âą 7:30 p.m. â 8:00 p.m.: Dialogue between Norman Foster and Amanda Levete, moderated by Jonathan Glancey
31 Oct 2017 Norman Foster Foundation Robotics Atelier 2017
âą Norman Foster Foundation presents its first annual Robotics Atelier with the support of the Rolex Institute
âą This yearâs Robotics Atelier, related to design and building, will be explored in a week-long event hosted in the Madrid Headquarters of the Norman Foster Foundation.
âą A distinguished group of specialists will engage with ten selected students from ten universities around the world who share a common interest in the subject. This yearâs Atelier mentor is Professor Mathias Kohler from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.
Norman Foster Foundation, Madrid, Spain, 2017: photo © Luis AsĂn © Norman Foster Foundation
The first Norman Foster Foundation Robotics Atelier will take place on 20-24 November 2017, supported by the Rolex Institute.
Society is on the edge of being transformed through robotics and artificial intelligence. These technological innovations have the potential to change every aspect of our lives in far-reaching ways. Last June, in the Norman Foster Foundationâs inaugural forum âFuture is Nowâ, a glimpse was given into how the world of construction would be revolutionised by these developments in what could prove to be a second digital era.
Ten scholarships have been given to students selected by the following universities and institutions: The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UK; Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), Stuttgart, Germany; Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain; National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore; Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, India; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA, USA; Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y TecnologĂa, Santiago, Chile; Ashesi University, Accra, Ghana; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland; Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona, Spain.
The selected students will engage with a group of specialists through a series of seminars and lectures culminating in a five days workshop led by the Atelier mentor, Professor Mathias Kohler and his team. Leading robotics manufacturer Universal Robots will loan three units of their highly flexible robot arm, the UR5 Robot, to the Atelier.
Contributors to the workshop include Luis Miguel Ciprés, CEO of Barrabés Next, Pablo Jarauta, Coordinator of the European Institute of Design (IED) Scientific Committee, Amelie Klein, Curator at Vitra Museum, and Gijs Van der Velden, Co-CEO of MX3D.
The Robotics Atelier will include workshops, seminars, lectures, one-to-one tutoring, and development of projects by the students. As a way to disseminate knowledge and ideas, the public lectures will be recorded and live-streamed through the Norman Foster Foundationâs website: https://ift.tt/33XGpYI. The lectures will be documented for publication in an annual series published by the Norman Foster Foundation.
During the course of the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Norman Foster Foundationâs archive and research projects.
Public lectures
22nd November at Auditorium FundaciĂłn TelefĂłnica â Fuencarral 3 28004 Madrid, Spain
âą 18:00 h Lecture âThe Robotic Touchâ by Matthias Kohler, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
âą 19:00 h Matthias Kohler in conversation with Amelie Klein, Curator, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany
The Norman Foster Foundation promotes interdisciplinary thinking and research to help new generations of architects, designers and urbanists to anticipate the future. We believe in the importance of connecting architecture, design, technology and the arts to better serve society and in the value of a holistic education that encourages experimentation through research and projects. The Norman Foster Foundation holds the Norman Foster Archive and Library, which provide a window into the larger narrative and history of our built environment through the work of Norman Foster.
The Norman Foster Foundation is based in Madrid and operates globally.
ROLEX INSTITUTE â Encouraging individual excellence through philanthropy and education
Driven by an unwavering pioneering spirit, Rolex SA is renowned for its many technical innovations in watchmaking that have made it a symbol of excellence around the globe. The company brand values of quality, know-how and individual achievement pervade all of its endeavours. Rolex is closely linked to many of the worldâs highest achievers and, since its beginnings, has supported visionary men and women in a variety of fields.
The Rolex Institute embodies this philosophy. Comprising the companyâs philanthropic programmes and educational initiatives, it aims at recognizing excellence and making a significant contribution to society.
23 Sep 2017
Norman Foster Foundation
Norman Foster Foundation in Madrid
âI believe that cities can change the world for good. They are doing so. Cities are the future now.â â Norman Foster
On June 1st 2017, the Norman Foster Foundation officially launched in Madrid with the forum, âFuture is Nowâ. Scholars, students, thinkers, and practitioners from the fields of architecture, design, and technological innovation were invited to discuss the most pressing concerns regarding the built environment.
The forum successfully challenged preconceived ideas about the future of our cities through diverse points of view.
Forum â Future is Now | Norman Foster Foundation from Norman Foster Foundation on Vimeo.
More than 2,100 people attended the event, 1,057 of whom were students from 32 international universities.
To watch the complete forum go to Forum â Future is Now.
Address: Norman Foster Foundation, Monte Esquinza 48, 28020 Madrid, Spain
Architecture in Madrid
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Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong Norman Foster airport
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong HSBC Bank Building
Stansted Airport, London area Stansted Airport
Hotel Puerta America, Madrid, Spain Hotel Puerta America
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RIBA Gold Medal Winner 1983
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Foster + Partners â Venice Architecture Biennale : Common Ground, Italy Venice Biennale British Pavilion
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The post Norman Foster Foundation Madrid appeared first on e-architect.
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Superhumanity: Design of the Self. Nick Axel, Beatriz Colomina, Nikolaus Hirsch, Anton Vidokle and Mark Wigley Superhumanity is first and foremost a question, a self-question, even a radical questioning of the self. It is not a species, a thing, a condition, or a phenomenon. It is not supercharged humans extended by shiny technologies and ideologiesâas if the creature with a cell phone in its hand is existentially different from the creature holding a stone axe. Rather, it is an all-too-human questioning of the very category âhuman. wide-ranging and challenging exploration of design and how it engages with the self Superhumanity seeks to explore and challenge our understanding of âdesignâ by engaging with and departing from the concept of the âself.â This volume brings together more than fifty essays by leading scientists, artists, architects, designers, philosophers, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, probing the idea that we are and always have been continuously reshaped by the artifacts we shape. photo @aabookshop http://www.aabookshop.net
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âSick Architectureâ Exhibition, CIVA, Rue de lâErmitage 55, 1050, Brussels, Belgium _ Conceived by Beatriz Colomina [guest curator, Princeton University], Silvia Franceschini [curator CIVA], Nikolaus Hirsch [artistic director CIVA] _ Â Assistant curator: Minne De Meyer Engelbeen [CIVA] _ Exhibition Architecture: OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen & Richard Venlet _ 06.05.2022 - 28.08.2022 _ Photos by: Spyros Kaprinis [18.06.2022].
âArchitecture and sickness are tightly intertwined. Architectural discourse always weaves itself through theories of body and brain, constructing the architect as a kind of doctor and the client as patient. Architecture has been portrayed as both a form of prevention and cure for thousands of years. With Sick Architecture, CIVA and guest curator Beatriz Colomina (Princeton University) highlight a topic that has shaped our lives since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.â
#Sick Architecture#Exhibition#CIVA#Brussels#Beatriz Colomina#Nikolaus Hirsch#Minne De Meyer Engelbeen#OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen#Richard Venlet#Spyros Kaprinis#2022
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Ludwig Thoma ,Jagdgeschichten
Der Menten-Seppei
Eine altbayerische Wilderergeschichte
Diese Geschichte ist wahr. Alle Leute, die zwischen Tölz und Miesbach wohnen, kennen sie, und mancher wĂŒrde es mir verĂŒbeln, wenn ich etwas dazu tĂ€te oder davon weglieĂe. Also will ich bei der Wahrheit bleiben.
In der SchieĂstĂ€tte zu Tegernsee hĂ€ngt neben vielen schön gemalten Ehrenscheiben eine, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdient. Ein grimmig blickender JĂ€ger schaut mit dem Gewehre im Anschlage hinter einem Baume hervor. Neben ihm fletscht eine rauhborstige Dogge die ZĂ€hne. Beide machen einen unangenehmen Eindruck auf den Beschauer; man sieht ihnen an, daĂ sie schwer umgĂ€ngliche Wesen waren. Und der Eindruck ist richtig. Denn das Bild stellt vor den königlichen RevierjĂ€ger    Johann Mayr von Gmund mit seinem Fanghunde, genannt »Donau«.
Johann Mayr lebte um das Jahr 1832 zu Gmund; sein Haus wird heute noch gezeigt. Es steht unterhalb der MangfallbrĂŒcke. Er war ein verwegener und ĂŒberaus scharfer JĂ€ger, der sein Revier mit aller Gewalt sauber hielt. Manchen schlauen WildbretschĂŒtzen hat er ĂŒberlistet und ihn hinaufgeschossen, daĂ der Rauch wegging. Und manchem jungen Burschen hat er vorzeitig zur ewigen Seligkeit verholfen. Ohne Ave-Maria und Sterbgebet, im grĂŒnen Wald.
Sein letztes Opfer war der junge Sohn des Mentenbauern von Hausham, der Menten-Seppei. Dessen trauriges Schicksal trug sich aber folgendermaĂen zu. An Martini, den 11. November 1832, schoĂ der Mesner Anderl, königlicher Jagdgehilfe von Schliersee, beim Eckardt-Kreitl am Ostiner Berge einen kapitalen Hirsch. Dies tat er nicht mit Rechten, denn der Platz lag im Revier des Johann Mayr. Aber, wie es so geht, er wollte den Prachtkerl nicht hinten lassen, als er so schön vor ihm stand. Da zĂŒndete er an, und â pumps â der Hirsch lag da. Hinterdrein bedachte sich der Mesner Anderl, und es fiel ihm ein, daĂ der Mayr in solchen Dingen einen ganz schlechten Tabak rauchte. Also ging er her und versteckte den Hirsch sorgfĂ€ltig unter Dachsen und Laubstreu. Alsdann begab er sich nach Gmund zum Gastwirt Obermayer, woselbst er einige Halbe Bier trank und vom Fenster aus die gegenĂŒberliegende Wohnung des RevierjĂ€gers beobachtete. Er wollte sich GewiĂheit verschaffen, ob Mayr seinen Dienstgang nach Ostin oder nach einer anderen Richtung hin mache. Denn er dachte, daĂ er seine Jagdbeute nur dann in Sicherheit bringen könnte, wenn Mayr nicht um den Weg war.
Nach einiger Zeit sah er wirklich den RevierjĂ€ger. Dieser verlieĂ ruhig und gemĂ€chlich sein Haus und schlug die StraĂe nach Tegernsee ein. Also war die Luft sauber, meinte der Anderl, und eilte nach Ostin zurĂŒck. Bei den EckardthĂ€usern traf er den Menten-Seppei, seinen alten Spezi und Schulkameraden. Er versprach ihm einen Kronentaler, wenn er ihm den Hirsch nach Schliersee fahre. Der Seppei lieĂ niemalen keinen Freund nicht sitzen, und darum versprach er auch dem Anderl seine Hilfe. Die zwei verabredeten, daĂ Seppei in der Nacht mit dem Schlitten    zum Eckardt-Kreitl fahren und mit Anderl den Hirsch auflegen sollte.
Nun hatte aber der RevierjĂ€ger Mayr bereits Kenntnis davon, daĂ dort unter der Streu ein Vierzehnender versteckt lag. Der Jagdgehilfe Riesch hatte den SchuĂ gehört und ging ihm nach. Er fand den Hirsch und meldete es seinem Vorgesetzten. Mayr faĂte sofort Verdacht auf einen Wilderer, und weil er mit allen Schlichen vertraut war, vermutete er ganz richtig, daĂ der Frevler zuerst in Gmund herumspionieren werde. FĂŒr diesen Fall wollte er den Lumpen sicher machen und tat so, als ginge er ahnungslos nach Tegernsee. In Quirin aber bog er vom Wege ab und stieg von der Neureuth zum Eckardt-Kreitl hinunter.
Dort paĂte er nun mit Riesch in der mondhellen Nacht auf den vermeintlichen Wilddieb. Er hatte seinen Hund Donau bei sich, eine bissige Dogge, die auf den Mann dressiert war und ihm schon oft guten Beistand geleistet hatte.
Der Seppei fuhr zur verabredeten Zeit an die WolfsmĂŒhle, wo ihn Anderl erwartete. Als die beiden am Eckardt-Kreitl anlangten, sah Anderl am Waldrande etwas VerdĂ€chtiges und sprang heimlich vom Schlitten herunter. Gleich darauf wurde Seppei angerufen. Noch vor er antworten konnte, riĂ ihn der Hund des RevierjĂ€gers vom Schlitten herunter und versetzte ihm mehrere Bisse.
Erst nach einiger Zeit pfiff Mayr seinen Hund zurĂŒck und stellte den Burschen zur Rede.
Seppei wollte den Freund nicht verraten und verlegte sich aufs LĂŒgen. Das bekam ihm schlecht, denn der wĂŒtende JĂ€ger hieb ihm mehrere Male mit dem Bergstocke ĂŒber den Buckel und zwang ihn dann, den Hirsch aufzulegen. In Gmund wurde Seppei in das Försterhaus gefĂŒhrt und an das StiegengelĂ€nder gebunden. Mayr schlug ihn hier mit der Hundepeitsche, daĂ das Blut an ihm herunterlief. Die ganze Nacht blieb Seppei angebunden bis um vier Uhr morgens. Da wurde er wieder auf den Schlitten geschnallt, um nach Miesbach gebracht zu werden.
WĂ€hrend der Fahrt scheute das Pferd. Mayr konnte es nicht mehr lenken und befreite Seppei von seinen Fesseln, damit er das Tier beruhigen sollte. AnfĂ€nglich ging es gut, aber plötzlich setzte der Gaul quer ĂŒber die StraĂe. Seppei konnte ihn nicht    halten; seine Gelenke waren geschwĂ€cht, und er fiel halb ohnmĂ€chtig vom Schlitten hinunter.
Da glaubte Mayr, daĂ der Gefangene fliehen wollte, und in Wut darĂŒber schoĂ er ihm eine Ladung gehacktes Blei in den RĂŒcken. Er lieĂ den Sterbenden im Schnee liegen und fuhr nach Miesbach, wo er bei Gericht seine Tat als berechtigt zu schildern wuĂte.
Seppei wurde aufgefunden und zum Landarzte Scheucher verbracht, in dessen Hause er wenige Stunden spÀter unter qualvollen Schmerzen starb.
Der wilde RevierjĂ€ger wurde fĂŒr seine Grausamkeit schwer bestraft. Nicht vom Gerichte. Das lieĂ ihn ungeschoren, denn, wie gesagt, damals machte man nicht viel UmstĂ€nde wegen eines wildernden Bauernburschen. Der gestrenge Herr Landrichter hielt zu den JĂ€gern, die das wertvolle Revier des Königs hĂŒteten.
Aber die jungen Burschen im Tegernseer Land waren damals so wenig wie heute der Meinung, daĂ man eine solche Tat ruhig hinnehmen muĂ. Sie wollten den toten Kameraden rĂ€chen. Und sie besorgten das grĂŒndlich.
Ein Jahr nach dem Vorfall, wiederum am Martinitage, erhielt Mayr die Nachricht, daĂ am Giglbergfelde gewildert werden sollte. Der Schlaue lieĂ sich ĂŒberlisten.
Mit zwei Jagdgehilfen, dem Nikolaus Riesch und Johannes Probst, begab er sich dorthin und legte sich auf die Lauer. Nach kurzer Zeit erblickten die JĂ€ger unter einer Buche am Giglbergfelde einen Mann mit geschwĂ€rztem Gesichte. Es war der Waldhofer Hansl, ein alter Freund des Menten-Seppei, der die Aufgabe ĂŒbernommen hatte, den Mayr anzulocken. Die JĂ€ger stĂŒrzten sich auf ihn, und die Dogge des RevierjĂ€gers richtete den Burschen schon ĂŒbel zu, als plötzlich sechs seiner Kameraden die JĂ€ger umringten und mit den Gewehrkolben auf sie einschlugen. Mayr fiel schwerverwundet zu Boden, ebenso Riesch, der JĂ€ger Probst stellte sich tot und rettete auf diese Weise sein Leben. Riesch starb den nĂ€chsten Tag, Mayr erst im MĂ€rz des darauffolgenden Jahres. Er kam nicht mehr zum BewuĂtsein und konnte die TĂ€ter nicht namhaft machen. Der JĂ€ger Probst aber bezeichnete den Waldhofer Hansl als einen der Mörder und da man auf seiner Brust die vernarbten Hundebisse fand,    welche er im Kampfe davongetragen hatte, wurde er verurteilt, â zu sechzehn Jahren Kerker. Er verriet keinen, und so muĂten die andern Burschen nach mehrjĂ€hriger Untersuchungshaft freigelassen werden. Im Friedhofe zu Gmund liegen die erschlagenen JĂ€ger.
Auf einem alten Steine las ich die Inschrift: »Hier ruhet der ehrengeachtete Johann Mayr, königlicher RevierjĂ€ger in Gmund. Er starb an den Folgen der Wunden, die er im Kampfe mit ruchlosen Wilderern erhalten, am 16. MĂ€rz 1834.« Und auf einer Tafel neben der Sakristei steht: »Hier ruhet Nikolaus Riesch, Jagdgehilfe in Gmund. Er fiel in treuer PflichterfĂŒllung an der Seite seines Herrn, unter den Streichen der Wilddiebe, am 12. November 1833.«
So hat sich die Geschichte zugetragen. Die sittliche Weltordnung ist aber dabei wieder einmal nicht auf ihre Rechnung gekommen. Denn der Hauptschuldige, der Mesner Anderl von Schliersee, der sich am schlechtesten benommen hatte, fand nicht den Lohn seiner bösen Tat. Wenigstens nicht auf dieser Welt. Und wahrscheinlich auch nicht in der andern. Denn er hat sich von der wĂŒsten JĂ€gerei abgewendet und einen gar frommen Beruf ergriffen, der ihm Gelegenheit bot, durch eintrĂ€gliche Frömmigkeit seine SĂŒnden abzuwaschen. Er wurde wohlbestallter Pfarrmesner zu Irschenberg. Seine feige Tat soll er freilich bereut haben. Wenigstens sagte das Lied, das Max Herndl von Kammerloh ĂŒber diese traurige Geschichte verfertigte:
»Es war der JĂ€ger von Schliers schon selber voll VerdruĂ,    DaĂ er des Seppls UnglĂŒck war, weil er den Hirschen schuĂ.«
Trotzdem aber wurde er dick und behĂ€big wie alle Kollegen in diesem heiligmĂ€Ăigen Berufe, und starb erst dreiĂig Jahre spĂ€ter in seinem Bette.
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Ho Ho Ho Druck, Nikolaus, Hirsch, Weihnachten, druckbar, Kunst, Typografie, Vintage, Poster, Kunstruck, Inspiration, Home Dekor, Geschenk - https://zitate.hilesi.org/?p=4424
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Art Without Death: Russian Cosmism
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW)Â
Exhibition: September 1 â October 3, 2017
Conference: September 1â 2, 2017
Anton Vidokle, film still from Immortality and Resurrection for All, 2017. Courtesy the artist.Â
âRussian Cosmism was a movement that called for material immortality and resurrection, as well as travel to outer space. It developed out of the spirituality of nineteenth-century Russia and a strong fascination with science and technology. The doctrine of immortal life in infinite space captured the optimism of both science and the arts at the time. Since then, the utopian, science fiction-like thinking of the cosmists had a great influence on art, science, and politics in both pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia.
Looking at it today, Russian Cosmism, although suppressed by official Soviet ideology, opens up new perspectives on the Russian avant-garde as well as the ideology and politics of Russia to the present day. For example, in his influential writings, Nikolai Fedorov (1829â1903) demanded that the ultimate goal of technology must be to overcome death; all people who had ever lived on Earth must be brought back to life. The cosmists were also visionary pioneers of space travel. For Fedorov, for instance, the colonization of other planets would be the inevitable consequence of the lack of space after the resurrection of the dead. The institution of the museum also played a central role in Russian Cosmism, as the remains needed for the resurrection of individuals would have to be preserved there. Fedorov, like the painter and founder of Suprematism Kazimir Malevich, believed that after the death of God, the museum would be the only place where a transhistorical union beyond the grave was possible.
Art Without Death delves into Russian Cosmismâits philosophical, scientific, artistic concepts and ideasâby intertwining historical material and contemporary contributions. An exhibition shows the film trilogy Cosmism (2013â17) by Anton Vidokle in an architectural structure inspired by Muslim cemeteries in Kazakhstanâwhere many of the films were shotâand Leninâs mausoleum on Red Square. The exhibition design by Nikolaus Hirsch and Michel MĂŒller is based on an idea by Hito Steyerl. The third part of the trilogy, an extensive research project shot all over the former Soviet Union, will premiere at Art Without Death. The exhibition also features historic works by the Russian avant-garde from the George Costakis collection (State Museum of Contemporary Art Thessaloniki), the largest collection of Russian avant-garde outside Russia. These works âselected by philosopher and art critic Boris Groysâare inspired by the projects of the Utopian biopolitics of immortality, enabling re-readings against their Cosmist backdrop that have often been overlooked. And Arseny Zhilyaevâs volumetric artworkâa functional library as well as an installationâcompiles a wide range of key works on Russian Cosmist thought, science, poetry, and fiction under the light of blood-circulation-improving therapeutic lamps based on a technology by biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky.
A conference on September 1 to 2 will explore the current relevance of Cosmism: on the threshold between anthropocentrism and materialism, this movement appears relevant again 100 years after the Russian Revolution. With contributions by Anastasia Gacheva, Hito Steyerl, Trevor Paglen, Kodwo Eshun, Keti Chukhrov, Michael Hagemeister and others.
In September 2017, Sternberg Press will issue a publication including conversations on Cosmism with among others: Arseny Zhilyaev, Hito Steyerl, Franco (Bifo) Berardi, Boris Groys, Marina Simakova, Anton Vidokle.â
Organized by Anselm Franke.
Part of 100 Years of Now
#russian cosmism#Art Without Death#Arseny Zhilyaev#Hito Steyerl#Franco (Bifo) Berardi#Boris Groys#Marina Simakova#Anton Vidokle#Haus der Kulturen der Welt#Trevor Paglen#Anastasia Gacheva#Kodwo Eshun#Keti Chukhrov#Michael Hagemeister#Nikolai Fedorov#soviet union#soviet russia
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