#nihility anon
hakusins · 25 days
Rejoice! Ruan Mei's banner will rerun along with Firefly's debut banner in 2.3!
If predictions are right, Jiaoqiu's banner would be around the latter half of 2.4 which is around near the end of August to early September so you can try to get Ruan Mei if you'd like and still be able to save for Jiaoqiu!
As for wanting to try Nihility~ you should definitely aim to get Kafka since she makes every stack of DoT go Boom
Good luck to your pulls and savings! I wish you the best!
Sincerely, Nihility Anon
I'm honestly gonna try to roll for her, but if I lose 50/50 then thats that, i'm not gonna go ham to try and get her to come home 😭 but hopefully i'll get ruan mei this time around !!!!!! but i'm gonna stick to my motto of wives before meta. meaning if im really squeezed dry, jiaoqiu would take a priority over ruan mei JHBREBFHJERJF
I'm planning on rolling for all of the stellaron hunters eventually !!! gotta give bladie his family 🥺🥺🥺.
BUT YES thank you Nihility anon and don't forget to redeem the codes from the livestream!!!
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
may i request uhhh.....the papas reacting to their s/o teasing them in public?
Papas with s/o who teases in public
You knew what you were doing when you wore those stupidly small shorts and tank top with his jacket over your shoulders, half pulled down and showing off your chest.
And you made sure to press real close to him when you sat down for the dinner, placing a hand on his thigh.
At first, he just thinks you're being touchy, and smiles softly and holding your hand on his thigh.
But then you start to slide your hand up, and he softly asks what you're doing, turning to you with a adorably confused look.
And when you cup your hand over his dick, gently rubbing at him through his robes?
He's growling into your ear, warning you to not play with fire.
And of course, you jump headfirst into it. Continuing to palm and practically jack him off under the table.
But primo is a patient man.
He can wait until you two are back home, then throw his robes off and bend you over the nearest surface and slam in over and over until you're nice and mindless.
Unlike primo, he is not a patient man.
You will be dragged to the bathroom and fucked against the wall, hand on the back of his head and keeping your head shoved against the wall and a hand cupped over your mouth as he rudely pounds in.
Will not stop until he has came twice and you've learned your lesson. Then clean you up best he can and take you back to the Ministry.
If you're still being a brat, he will fetch the paddles.
If not, he draws you a bath and scrubs you down, so you can both go lay in bed.
He is patient.. to an extent.
He will tease you back. Only tenfold.
If you have a dick, he will purr and whimper of how much he need's you to fill him up, how much he needs you to shove him down and fuck him stupid.
If you have a cunt, he will growl and beg for you to slam down onto him, begging for you to ride him stupid, pleading and kissing your neck.
If you manage to not fuck him in the bathroom, and manage to get back to the bed?
Don't expect to walk.
Oh this poor baby.
It won't take much to get him to cum in his pants
He also has to bite down on your shoulder to stay quiet, because this boy does not know how to muffle his moans, He will scream with each orgasm.
He will not last to the bedroom before cumming at least once, but when you two are back at the ministry? He will begging for your cock or cunt, sobbing about how much he needs you.
Will need a bath afterwards.
Old Nihil
He's been staring at you the entire time with a happy dreamy look on his face.
Then you place your hand on his thigh and he just grins even more. He was happy enough just to be in your company, but this... this is even better.
As your hand slides up his thigh he raises an eyebrow with a little chuckle. It takes him back to his youth.
He cannot believe his luck when you continue and he rests his head back with a contented smile.
He is too old to even care it's in public so he'll let you take it as far as you want to.
When you get back to the Ministry he'll wrap his arm around your waist and take you straight to bed a glint in his eye.
Young Nihil
Brave idea with this one. He knew exactly what you were up to the moment he saw what you were wearing.
Of course he immediately starts playing his own little game. His shirt buttons are undone lower than usual as he fixes you with his charismatic gaze. it's enough to make anyone melt on the spot, but you hold your nerve and just smile.
You put your hand on his thigh and Nihil gives you the most lascivious smile you've ever seen.
Eventually your hand reaches it's destination as you rub him through his jeans. Nihil lets out a soft moan, then some louder ones, people start to notice. "What's wrong babe?" he says with an innocent smile. He's calling your bluff, "too public?" For all his bravado, you can feel how hard he is, you have him.
His hand now rests on your thigh and he traces gentle circles with his fingers, higher and higher until it's too late, you as much under his spell as he is yours.
You both get up at the exact same time. He takes your hand and hastily leads you out of the room, enjoying the shocked expression on peoples faces. Then up some stairs and out onto the roof, it's a beautiful warm night and there you fuck under the stars.
Papas I-IV Written by Zenith/Jasper.
Papa Nihil Written by Nyx
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @dio-niisio @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @choco-meow69
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mercurysketches · 7 months
Some questions about the cardinal
How old is he
Does he have sibling
Does he get along with the ghouls
oh shid another anon hi um-
he’s a 41 year old only child, and it shows.
how are you at each other’s throats arguing one minute, then the next just enjoying tea like nothing happened???
ah, you do not have brothers, eh?
as for the ghouls-
he interacts most with Copia’s ghouls, and is closest to Aether. Copia, Callisto, and Aether all kind of have a Thing. his interactions with Dew and Swiss are mostly making sure they don’t burn or break anything. or themselves. the newly summoned ghouls Phantom and Aurora kind of follow them around like curious ducklings, especially Aurora. during this last tour, Callisto hung back at the ministry with Aether and Sunshine to keep things going in Copia’s absence (and to clean up after Nihil’s phantasm. they’re also not sure why or how). And hanging out with Terzo meant third wheeling with them and Omega quite a bit. Primo’s and Secondo’s ghouls only ever spoke to him when spoken to, mostly keeping to their duties.
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finisnihil · 2 months
I read your post from 4/10 and wanted to double check: you mentioned that Sunday took Sparkle up on her offer to pose as Robin, but I don't remember a time when that happened? He mentioned the family had a plan + the emanator post by hyv basically says they can take on the form of other family members. If you mean the convo between Aven/Sparkle couldn't that have just been Aven's misconception? She never confirms it in that convo as far as I remember. Loved the post btw just curious
That could very well be the case as well! It's all very vague so I went with what I thought made the most sense based on context clues, which was Sparkle replaced her.
Looking at it from a meta perspective I don't see why the writers would have Aventurine say that unless the statement/question held some genuine weight. When writing you wouldn’t typically introduce the idea of Sparkle replacing Robin by her demonstrating her ability to do so believably, having her offer to do it for the Family to upkeep airs, and then bringing it up again later as Sparkle being the culprit if that’s a plot line you don’t intend to actually upkeep as it would be redundant and take up time and space.
Speaking of Sparkle not confirming it, it’s in line with her character. Sparkle as a Masked Fool lives to invoke chaos. Just because she didn’t confirm it doesn’t mean it can’t be true, think back to her conversation with Aventurine some more. She doesn’t lie to him but she doesn’t reveal her hand enough to help too much. Basically her attitude about it all can be summarized by a quote from her character trailer: “Let me tell you what foolishness is, pretending to be smart like you do. Then what is a fool? Knowing when to act clueless, like I do”.
It’s only when he’s found the right questions to ask he’s able to push her for more details, and even then she’s cagey about the information she shares. Sparkle enjoys watching everyone run around trying to manage the disaster because that’s Elation to her. It would be more out of character for her to give a clear yes or no on the matter, hell the closest she gets to giving one is implying that’s the answer by saying “…and if I say ‘no’?” Adding to this she only gets this close to giving a clear yes or no because Aventurine entices her with the idea it will cause further chaos.
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But then again, 2.1's writing decieved us in a lot of ways so like you said, it could've been a misconception. This is just my take on the matter based on what we’re given.
By the by, which Emanator post do you refer to specifically? I don’t recall seeing the information they can take on the form of other family members on any Insta posts (I don’t use Twitter/X) or the big Emanator rundown the official HSR account posted on HoyoLab. If I missed it I’d like to know!
Tbh when analyzing media like HSR, which is constantly updating in real time, you're always running the risk of getting something wrong simply because you're working with an incomplete puzzle. Some of my analysis posts don't hold nearly as much water as they did before 2.1 and whatnot so if I am wrong on that I wouldn’t be too surprised. I try to keep up to date on the lore to the best of my ability as it’s the main reason I even play the game but until Penacony is complete and we have a full picture to work with I really appreciate people like you bringing possible holes in my analysis to my attention!
I’m really glad you liked my post and tysm for the ask! Have a great day, mwah!
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ardate · 6 months
Your top 3 songs of this year?
Those are always so difficult but, nonetheless. Here's three songs I discovered this year that throttled me (/pos). We're going crescendo, starting off strong and ending with my most favoritest of this year.
Greta Van Fleet - Stardust Chords A friend has bestowed upon me the grand gift of the discovery of Greta Van Fleet via their album The Battle at Garden's Gate. It is, undoubtedly, an album that works extremely well as a unit, and its power is such that it convinced even my friends who aren't into listening to full albums that this one was worth the trouble. Musically, there is a lot of inspirations from classic rock of the 70s, obvious to those well acquainted with that genre, but of course much modernized to end up with an incredibly clean and refined sonority in the end that truly elevates it to new heights. Stardust Chords is for me one of the brightest highlights of this incredible piece of art, with those soaring vocals that grip your bones and send you ascending with them. -
Këkht Aräkh - Wanderer Is there any surprise? The ukrainian songwriter shook everyone with his sudden inclusion of rap-like diction and rhythm within his new song, clearly apparent in his music video that mixes classic rap moves within traditional BM aesthetic - and all of it, song and video, enshrined within his usual romantic melancholy as he sings about love and loneliness, as always. And it is masterful, and deeply moving. -
Les Chants de Nihil - Clarté de la Pluie Of course, I already rambled about this one in past posts: this is my absolute favourite discovery of this year. I had explored their discography in the past ('Là où nous étions les rois' being my fav song of theirs for a bunch of years now), but somehow had never taken the time to check out that particular album, and. What a punch in the chest. This album (namely, La Liberté Guidant le Fer) is a unique masterpiece that works at its best as a Whole, but still, I cherrypick this specific song because it carries itself strongly on its own. It sweeps you into the wet streets of an unknown city, under pouring rain - and as the singer, overtaken with old age, screams about his upcoming end and his willingness to meet it in peace, you're left with your heart bleeding through your chest.
BONUS (More like I originally wrote this one for the first of the list and then remembered about Greta Van Fleet but didn't want to delete all my good writing talking about this cool band so i'm giving it to you here):
Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow Discovered this band in february of this year with the release of their newest album, Sheol, but if I had to share one song it'd be this one - Acid Mist Tomorrow, introduction to the album of the same name from 2011. It's also an excellent introduction to the band as a whole, I believe, because of its concentration of their signature sounds - the sudden, brutal, heavy metal phases, intercut with soft and tender light guitar adorned with voice samples, only for it to start and stop and start again, like a pulsating energy. If you're not shy in the face of experimental sounds, you might appreciate Hypno5e's grandiose and complex artistry.
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
Personal headcanon:
Terzo has a whole ass kazoo collection he started when he was 18 years old and he never threw away a single one.
One’s broken? Oh well, some sisters and ghouls are gonna have to stay up all night helping him superglue it back together lest they deal with the actual hell that his him throwing a complete fit that could challenge the most spoiled rich white girls when they don’t get their way.
He does have boxes of ones he doesn’t openly display anymore but they’re all kept in those Christmas ornament dividers, wrapped up in styrofoam or bubble wrap, in a giant plastic box in a temperature controlled room.
That being said he does allow people to handle or even play some of his collection and regularly cleans them before and after use so all is sanitary and has made custom mini kazoos for Copia’ rats and will leave kazoos in primo’s garden and tape them to plants to make it look like they’re playing it.
His two favorite ones is a kazoo made completely out of actual fucking gold and no one knows how he got it made or where he got the gold or money but he did and the creation of that thing is a mystery, it doesn’t even make any real noise either. The second one is one he likes to call “The Kaiju” that is roughly slightly longer then his arm span and is so massive and heavy that another person usually has to hold it up just to play it and when that thing is blown (in the Abby especially) the sound is akin to a slightly quieter alpine horn
No one understood why or how he developed a fixation on kazoos but that being said it was a relief for the church, and especially nihil and primo, that he did develop a long-time interest in something since for a while he was going through a pretty bad teenage funk where he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do or focus on outside of mandatory schooling and various church services and it worried his dad and older brother since nihil isn’t really the best father and never really had that problem as a kid himself so he didn’t know what to do and primo tried to get him interested in soooo many things but he just couldn’t latch onto anything so to see his eyes sparkle when he talked about the history of kazoos or the possible practical use of them in classical music or something just as absolutely fucking insane made him indescribably happy.
I APPROVE OF THIS. as an autistic person i support terzo's kazoo collecting habits this is so nice and i'm literally in love with this concept
fucking MINI KAZOOS FOR COPIAS RATS AAAGGHHH (i will never recover from this /pos)
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hella1975 · 1 year
Hiiii hellstie literrally never answer this ask if youre not really comfortable with it but god your vent tags resonated with me, like i'm sorry it fucking sucks so much and it's like literrally what can one do now and you're just tired and it's a terrible self feeding cycle but like. It's whatever. We're not dead yet. I have a really pretty rose in the vase in my desk. You got red hair. Time cares not for the little blunders. You can rise to not give up (try again) another day. I'm holding your hand really tight and pressing my forehead agaisnt yours. We too, will make it. Stained and rotten and and a tiny bit broken but alive nonetheless. I think we can.
anon sent me poetry about my dumb vent post and expected me to be normal about it. 'we're not dead yet. i have a really pretty rose in the vase on my desk. you got red hair. time cares not for the little blunders' HELLO???
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ministry-therapist · 11 months
I have a crush on one of the Papas. Should i confess to him?
Which papa? It depends on which one we're talking about. Cause if you do the wrong thing for the wrong one he'll either die or @ask-sister-imperator will chase you with a shoe. You don't want the shoe trust me I've seen it, she's stronger than you think.
- Therapist
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
I can just imagine Seishiro struggling to contain himself and his creepster perv impulses during this whole interaction.
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“They suit you well” my ass.
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
Feeling in a mood where i want to share dark/self deprecating jokes to someone, rant about politics, and laugh in nihilism.
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hakusins · 26 days
Ah, I see 🤔 For the supports I have though, I only ever use Fu Xuan and Aventurine (I personally recommend Fu Xuan more since she can tank dmg for the entire team and self heal. Aventurine's a good one for Follow-up attackers but can work well with counter units like Clara and March 7th too)
But with your current roster, at least you can make comps that can include Lynx, Gepard, Bailu and even Natasha. Bronya is especially good since she can be used for either Jing Yuan or Boothill (maybe even both if you have her E1).
If you're willing to pull, maybe try pulling for Ruan Mei again when her banner does a rerun soon 🤔
I have high hopes for Jiaoqiu! He looks to be a mischievous, sly guy that is actually helpful lol I can't wait to see how his moves are. He'll finally make me be able to have 2 Nihility teams for MoC and PF!!!
I hope for the best in all your future pulls! May you be blessed by support units and hot men 😌💜
Sincerely, Nihility Anon
i do want fu xuan because she is a rlly good sustain for bladie!! but every time she comes its always with another banner that i want or before a banner that i want to roll on. BJHREBJFJHBREF BUT THANK U, yes I have bronya E1 and her sig lc, because she's my only support, i use her for most of my teams. though when i get into MoC, the other team usually uses hanya as a support!
and i'm definitely thinking of getting ruan mei! since i want my boothill to do big boom boom dmg (and she didn't come home the first time around uweh), but i found that i need sparkle a lot more because i use jing yuan a lot more often. hopefully though if ruan mei reruns and there's no other units i want, then i'll think of picking her up! but so far she's only second to sparkle because of harmony trailblazer.
BUT YEEE!!! I rlly hope so as well, it sucks if a pretty face like that is wasted on a bad kit. i actually haven't tried a purely DoT team before since i never tried for kafka or black swan, but i have been thinking of picking up one of them eventually! now with jiaoqiu i have a reason to do so hehe
I HOPE SO AS WELL!! please come by again !!!! i'd love to talk about gacha stuff with you, especially hsr !!!! 🥺🥺 !!! may you experience good luck in all of your gacha games as well!!
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emeritus-fuckers · 2 months
hiii, this request may be hard, but i've been having a hard time dealing with trauma lately, remembering things in the past, so i wanted to ask for some papas and seestor with an s/o who has been sa'd. thank you in advance💗
Hi, please don't worry about the request being hard. This blog is a safe space. And if we can provide you any comfort at all, we will try our best. - Nosferatu
Papas and Sister Imperator SA comfort headcanons
TW: mentions of sexual assault. cannibalism for young Imperator.
Primo (he/him)
He knows. Even before you tell him anything, he can tell from how you're acting. But, of course, he doesn't pressure you, only telling you that if you ever need to talk about anything at all, he will never even think about judging you.
And once you do come to him, he offers you a seat in the comfiest amrchair imaginable and a cup of tea he made himself.
He doesn't rush you. He understands it takes time. And he gives it to you.
Once you start talking, he listens. He doesn't interrupt you. You need time. And he gives you all the time you need.
He'll ask if you're okay with him touching you right now. If you agree, he's gonna hold you tightly until you tell him to let go.
If you don't want to be touched, he'll offer you a plushie he once got on tour instead.
He'll speak softly to you, reminding and assuring you that none of what happened was your fault.
He offers you a few meetings with a really good therapist so you can handle your issues with a professional. He waits outside the room while you have your appointments.
He doesn't look at you differently, he loves you just as much and he will be beside you as long as you need. Take all the time you need to heal. He shall be there, offering support.
Secondo (he/him)
"Amore, tell me." His tone loving but firm. He knows something is wrong, but he didn't want to push you to open. Now you are there eyes red from crying and he just can't watch anymore, he wants to help.
He sits across from you, paints removed and completely serious. "You can trust me with whatever it is." He pauses for a second "if you want to, that is.."
So you tell him. You notice Secondo clench his fist slightly. He makes a mental note to go with his Ghouls and deal with this person. He takes a breath, knowing that soon that person will never hurt you again, and then relaxes. He looks at you with such love and sincerity. "You did not deserve that. You must understand I am angry at the person who did this to you. Never you. I am so sorry that happened to you."
He asks a few questions so he knows how to help you best. "I will help you heal, I promise you amore, no matter how dark the bad times are, I will always be there. We will make the best of the good days yes?"
He also offers to get you the best therapist, but thats totally up to you and on your terms, the offer is always there.
He will take you away on peaceful holidays, if that helps, to your favourite places in the world.
Or he will just stay with you at home and be there for you. If you want to be hugged he will hold you close to him. His embrace feels safe, you know he will protect you and be there for you.
Terzo (he/they)
Terzo is no stranger to trauma and how its effects can linger. He understands it is a long process to heal, some never do heal completely. So when you come to him while struggling with the effects of trauma, he offers his ear if you would like to talk about it.
If you are open to telling them about what is haunting your mind, they will soften immediately. Listening closely to your story and what happened that horrible day. Sitting close and keeping his eyes on you, so you know you have his full attention.
“I am... so incredibly sorry you had to experience such an awful person dolcezza... you deserved so much better than to be taken advantage of like that. May I hug you?”
They will hold you if you’re open to being held in the moment, promising that he will help however you allow him too. He will gently ask questions about any signs he needs to watch for so he knows when to use what kind of help. Some situations you will want to be hugged and touched, but they’re aware in some that might do more harm than good.
He will support you in every possible way on your healing journey…and if the person or people who hurt you so randomly go missing?
He has no knowledge of where they might have gone…none at all.
Copia (he/him)
He can tell something's wrong. But he's not sure how to approach it without making you uncomfortable.
And so, he comes up with a brilliant plan that can't go wrong.
He writes you a sweet note about how much he loves you and how he's always on your side, no matter what.
He then gives one of his rats the mission of delivering the note to you. Said rat stays with you as emotional support as you tear up at the note.
You meet him that same evening an cling to him, sobbing as you tell him what happened.
He's absolutely heartbroken that something so terrible could ever happen to you. Or to anyone, honestly.
He's not exactly sure what he's doing, but he does his very best to organize a nice, safe environment for you.
He tries to offer you simple yes or no choices.
Would you like a snack? Would you like a drink? Would you like to watch your comfort movie with him? Would you like him to hold you? Would you prefer he gives you some space?
He asks around for therapist recommendations and tries to get you an appointment with the best one if you agree.
He's gonna do everything he can to make sure you feel safe and loved. Because you are.
Old Nihil (he/him)
Unlike his younger self he doesn't wait for you to go to him about it.
He can see your pain, Nihil completely adores you and he wants to help you heal.
He knows now to just talk to you about it. He'll never push you to tell him but he does ask you if you are okay, if you need to talk.
Which you do. He'll hold you if you want him too but he also knows that may not help things at all, so he takes his lead from you.
He listens to you talk and nods to show he is listening.
He doesn't ask or push, he just lets you tell him whatever you are comfortable telling him. "It's okay, you can let it all out... whatever you need my love."
"I will do whatever I can, you have me now" He smiles such a warm loving smile. Something about him, the calming smell of incense allows you to relax slightly. You know that for all everyone just sees Nihil as a man way past his prime, you know the real him. This man loves you, he will protect you and he will burn the world down just to save you.
He does all he can to help with your healing, he goes for walks with you, or just spends time with you while you each do your own thing. Everything he can to show that you that aren't alone in this.
Young Nihil (he/him)
It takes you a while to open up to him, you can see how wild he is and how he solves his problems with drinking and parties and so on.
So you just assume he won't be able to help.
But one night you can't deal with it by yourself anymore. You tell him that you need him, that you have to tell him about something. Nihil just nods, he had a feeling something was wrong, he just didn't know how to approach you about it back then. He's terrified of making things worse.
He sits you down on the sofa and sits next you "I know you're suffering, I can see it. C'mon, babe, tell me whats wrong?"
You start to open up to him and Nihil falls silent so you can talk. His expression surprises you, one of total understanding and empathy. While his trauma was of a different kind he can understand the scars it leaves behind and he is actually very empathetic when it comes to those he loves.
"I'm here for you, just tell me what I can do. Babe none of this is your fault, I'm so sorry you had to go through that" He holds out his hip flask and you shake your head and he nods understanding you heal in your way. "I swear to you, whatever I can do to help I will but please don't feel like you have to keep stuff from me. I'm in this with you babe, I'm always going to be here for you." He holds his hand out for yours. He won't be offended at all if you don't take it, he understands, but if you do he'll give it a tight squeeze.
Young Sister Imperator (she/her)
She will have her ghouls hunt down whoever did it to you. Orders them to bring that monster's head, heart and whatever body parts they used to assault you with.
Keeps the head hidden away in her office as a trophy. Burns whatever they touched you with. And the heart? She eats it in a stew served on the bed of mashed cauliflower with a side of roasted brussel sprouts. Usually she eats beef hearts this way, but she's willing to use a different kind of meat if needed.
Her ghouls get to eat the rest of the body while she comforts you. She stays with you, even if it means her work piling up. You'll watch movies, if you'd like. Or listen to music while either cuddling or sitting together in bed.
She'll read to you, let you hold your head in her lap as she plays with your hair, soothing you to sleep.
She's not the best at comforting, but she'll be there for you and do everything in her power to give you what you need.
Old Sister Imperator (she/her)
She reacts in a slightly less murderous way than she would in her youth. When she was younger, she wanted the assaulter done first and foremost. As she got older, she became more calculated and less impulsive. The person who did this to you still dies, of course, but she spends more time with you first.
She asks you if there's anything specific you need and will recommend you the best therapists available.
She follows your lead on how close she gets and whether or not she gets to hold you. The last thing she wants to do is to stress you out.
She makes sure to organize a safe space for you. Pillows, blankets, your favorite snacks and drinks, all of it.
She only allows a handpicked group of trusted Ghouls or Siblings near you if she absolutely has to leave. But if she can do anything to stay with you, she will.
She won't get too close if you don't want her to. But she will be in the room if you need her.
She has your favorite music or movies playing for you.
If you ask her to hold you, she'll keep you in her arms like the most precious treasure. She gives very secure hugs.
Papas I, IV and Sister Imperator written by Nosferatu.
Papa III written by Death.
Papa II and Papa Nihil written by Nyx.
Due to the subject of the post we've decided not to include the taglist or color-coding this post.
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
My confession is that I would totally fuck old Nihil. Everyone gives me grief for it, but there’s just something about him that makes me feral.
I do not judge my child.
For I have full fanfictions that I have commissioned where I have old beloved Primo, Peepaw himself breeding me so there you go....
Your sins be praised. Go in lust. 🙏
𖤐 Prime Mover Ren
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finisnihil · 3 months
Little reminder : It was in Aventurine plan that Dr. Ratio betray him. He always knew that he will betray him, Aventurine never trust in Dr. Ratio, or he trusted him to betray him.
Hi there was no need for the reminder I am capable of critical thinking and I can understand the complexities of characters, dynamics, and motivations. Ratio betraying him being part of the plan is something I am well aware of.
That being said I can dislike Ratio personally and still acknowledge his value as a character. I do like his dynamic with Aventurine and when I made that one post expressing my dislike of him it was before the reveal that he was in on it so obviously at that time I didn't have the full picture but regardless be rest assured I'm capable of understanding the narrative thanks
Normally I would ignore this ask but let this be here for all the Ratio fans who don't understand that my not liking him on a personal level and making a joke with at the time limited context doesn't mean i'm gonna demonize him for something that was part of the plan now that I finished the quest. Y'all can put down your pitchforks it's okay.
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Hey! I hope you're doing good! Maybe you've mentioned it before, but I'm on a brain rot about the papas sibling dynamic and I need to feed the void. Do you have any headcannons about their relationship with each other? Personally, I think Copia and Terzo were besties, causing trouble for the clergy (Mostly Terzo, Copia is just there for the chaos)
YES OMG. ok so some of my headcanons on the papas' relationships:
ok so. terzo and copia were DEFINENTLY besties!! like, just inseperable little freaks, they were.
aside from that, i think primo and secondo had a very close relationahip as kids, but grew a little distant as adults. i also kinda get the vibes that terzo was probably nihil's favourite to some degree, which might've caused the other two (especially secondo) sone unchecked negative feelings towards him.
i think copia would've been a little scared of primo and secondo at first, but weirdly enough the three got closer because of the pranks terzo would get copia to join in on. kind of just like "the weird kid our younger brother hangs out with has a sense of humor" i guess.
at some point, they all started calling copia their brother without even realizing it.
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
Would Ozai have had enough darkness in his soul to control the bloodlust spear. At face value I decided he's the worst kind of person to find it. But chapters like the latest give me doubts that he has the right kind of evil in him to control it. He is very much a bad man who's ordered terrible things be done, but there's still a tiny speck of goodness deep down in that man's pitiful soul. Maybe the worst possible person to carry the spear was the evil guy who actually found it and not Ozai.
Hmmmmmm... frankly, I would say Ozai isn't on Rhone's level of corruption, which really isn't a compliment for him.
Let's just say... Rhone embraced his own darkness in ways Ozai hasn't. Strange as it might sound to say this, Ozai is deeply immature, incapable of reflecting on his own mistakes in the ways Rhone could reflect on his own and simply keep going because understanding the gravity and darkness of his choices just didn't stop or faze him. As far as he was concerned, none of it mattered. Meanwhile, Ozai really doesn't understand his mistakes in that way, at least, not where we are now. And once he does understand them better and reflects on them... he will shockingly be able to regret some of those mistakes, and not simply because he's at a disadvantage by his own making.
It's complicated to determine if Ozai still has anything genuinely good inside him, but as I've always said, my take on him is that he's a dark mirror to Zuko. Where Zuko learns to make better decisions, Ozai does not. When faced by similar crossroads, Zuko might not always make the right decisions... but in contrast, Ozai constantly, persistently makes the wrong ones. So, much as Zuko has the potential to become a darker, worse person, Ozai has the potential to NOT go as dark and yet he often makes the choices to avoid being a decent human being :'D he's a lot more complex than even I anticipated, which means he also has been more infuriating than I ever thought he'd be xD but everything seems to go back to the messed up upbringing he endured at Azulon's hands. I was thinking about it just yesterday but the reeeeally messed up dynamics of that family practically have made it so the biggest villain in Gladiator is... Azulon. Who's already dead. Which means you can't really defeat him since he's already been defeated...
And yet, because Azulon's shadow still grips Ozai so strongly, no matter if he's dead (because Ozai is basically trailing on Azulon's footsteps and furthering the man's campaigns anyway), Azulon's legacy is still thriving in Ozai, no matter if Ozai hated his father enough to want him dead. The generational chaos in this family is soooo messed up... and that's why part of the story is about ensuring Zuko DOESN'T end up following Ozai's footsteps without his awareness, the same way Ozai has with Azulon.
... And I got completely sidetracked rambling there, but my point is basically that Ozai has many complications going on inside him, such as a profound lack of self-awareness and enough regrets to his name, which are constantly piling on and on, that I really don't think he could be a more dangerous wielder of the Bloodlust Spear than Rhone. Rhone, actually, is the most powerful person to wield it because his darkness basically kept the Spear in a subservient position. He never lowered his guard with the Spear, so even when the Spear was tempted to turn on him when he was bleeding heavily, Rhone still managed to keep it at bay by sheer willpower. Ozai... as much as I don't want to undersell him as a villain and whatnot, really wouldn't be able to do that.
All in all, it's difficult to judge who would be the worst person to hold the spear. Rhone is almost the best person for it, in a sense, because he's the only one whose mind was dark enough that it wouldn't be overcome by the Spear. Problem is, of course, that he was a terribly amoral person, so his ability to tame the Spear is relatively meaningless considering what he'd use it for...
That being said, I'll go out of my way to say that the worst person altogether who could have wielded the Spear is actually General Shaofeng :'D he's not on a superior level of acceptance of being a fucked up individual like Rhone is, no... but he's proudly fucked up, proudly self-serving, and he wouldn't shed a single tear if he massacred half the Fire Nation by mistake if the Spear takes control of him, of course, as long as it doesn't choose to kill him too. Murdering heaps of people wouldn't mean anything to him, even if it's his own nation. All he really wants is power, and if he could have used the Spear to obtain that power (such as by slaughtering those who held the power he wants, or controlling everyone through fear of the legendary weapon), he wouldn't have hesitated to do it. He would have been more destructive than Rhone, he would have been more amoral than Rhone, the Spear would have absolutely controlled him as it pleased... he's really about the last kind of person anyone would want to see wielding the Bloodlust Spear.
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