#night’s asks
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Hi :) got any knuckles headcanons? (or sonic hc in general)
Alright, buckle up cuz I’m about to live up to the third part of my name
Knuckles may have a short temper but He’s super chill and calm most of the time, Sonic is just exceptionally good at pressing his buttons.
He may act all rough and tough but he’s a huge softie and once you get to know him you’ll see his kind and gentle side.
he’s so good with small creatures and knows how to restrain his strength so he doesn’t hurt them.
Chao really, really like him. He grew up around them and know how to look after them.
It is not rare for Knux to end up in a pile chao. Especially on colder nights.
Since he can sense chaos he’s able to recognize all of his friends chaos signatures and he can tell exactly who’s on Angel Island. (It is possible for him to miss someone in the same way you can miss someone calling your name if you’re really focused on something)
It also means he gets an early warning for any chaos based moves and attacks.
His strong connection to chaos also leads to him being a target for things like ghosts.
He’s able to sense them, but they’re able to sense him. Malevolent ghosts will attack him first most of the time and ones without any true goal will follow around after him.
Knuckles’ Guardianship starts to apply to the people he cares about and anyone who hurts them will have an angry Guardian to deal with. (But he’s still willing to beat his friends up for fun because that’s a way sonic characters bond.)
He plays the aloof card, but he gets super worried when a friend is injured. Being a protector is a huge part of him and he doesn’t like to see what he protects in danger.
Less of a headcannon and more of an idea I like. (Although, with the Master Emerald this is possible.) But Knuckles with healing powers speaks to me, him being a skilled warrior who most people only see when he’s riled up for a fight, but also a gentle and kind healer that very few people ever get a chance to see.
and the idea of him being a grumpy healer who will yell at you for getting yourself into danger has plenty of entertainment value.
I love it when Knuckles get to have echidna traits. They’re such a cool animal an I think that should be acknowledged. Knuckles has big long claws like a real echidna does perfect for digging.
digging is a relaxing activity for him and he’s accidentally scared his friends many times by popping out of the ground with zero warning.
Also Since he’s an echidna he’s electroreceptive
the first time he was in a modern house he was so confused. He could sense electricity everywhere but no one else had any clue what he was talking about.
thats also another reason why he hates wearing communicators. He’s constantly able to feel electricity moving through it and it feels uncomfortable. (Tails is working on one with a lower electrical output for him)
It also means he’s the go to for finding faulty wiring. Tails just points out a room and asks him if the electricity feels weird.
The Master Emerald raised him and used its power to guide and teach him.
His ability to glide has a level of m.e influence to it. I’m not set on how much, but his gliding working the way it does can’t be 100% natural.
knuckles’ connection with the Master Emerald means that if he chose to fully tap into the Master Emerald’s power he’d have the potential to be one of the most powerful and dangerous creatures on the planet. The Master Emerald has been able to mess with time and space like it was nothing. It breaks the rules of gravity on a daily basis. It can make the chaos emeralds useless.
But Knuckles doesn’t believe the power is his to use and believes he is only there to guard it.
a situation would have to be truly, truly dire for him to choose to wield it.
Okay I still have a lot more than this, but I’m gonna cut it off here before I go on forever.
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inkskinned · 3 months ago
it's extremely critical that you see the photo of the perp walk for luigi mangione as being propaganda. i've seen so many people wave it off and instead fawn over his looks. and trust me, i know it ended up being kind of pathetic and weird - but please don't brush it off as a "modelling opportunity" for him. it's a fucking terrifying message the police are sending.
i want to make a few comparisons here, in case you're not from the US or familiar with why the perp walk thing is something to pay attention to. just to set the groundwork for why this is a purposeful, unusual, and cruel act by the nyc police - for why this is not a common occurrence and for why that matters.
the prosecution alleges the show of force is due to the charge of "terrorism." for comparison, in june 2015, tsarnaev was found guilty for the boston marathon bombing, which killed 3 people and injured hundreds. his actions are considered to be an act of domestic terrorism. i have spent the last hour looking through google for pictures of similar to mangione's perp walk - and so far, i have found zero. i also just do not personally remember a moment like that, despite living in boston at the time.
they allege that luigi is a stone-cold killer who carried out a longterm plan, making him particularly dangerous. again for comparison: in nyc, recently cory martin was found guilty of the killing of brandy odom. the murder was planned and premeditated to steal insurance money. and yet no staged perp walk. why didn't her life matter enough for a "show of force"?
but mangione gets paraded by a veritable army of police officers as if he is a rabid animal. for a single citizen who allegedly killed one other single citizen, the "largest perp walk ever" occurs.
so what is the "strong message" that the mayor and the police were trying to send here? the mayor speaks as if mangione is already convicted of terrorism. there is a very thin number of people who feel threatened by the CEO's death. none of us felt like mangione needs to be under massive armed guard.
the message is that you shouldn't resist. they are trying to "make an example" of him - that if you behave badly and kill a single rich person, you'll be treated as if you killed hundreds of people. you will be treated worse than a man who was found guilty of terrorism. you will be considered guilty without trial. the message is that the rich are a protected class, and you cannot touch them without massive punishment. they are trying to prevent a revolution by showing dominance and force against you.
the message is that the police are a puppet of the wealthy and that the law is not equally applied across class disparity. it is "some are more equal than others." it is "one life is more precious than another."
the show of force wasn't for luigi. it was for us. it was a warning. they are trying to remind us who is really in control.
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saint-soap · 10 months ago
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???????????????? ????? ??????????
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evgar · 5 months ago
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nicky loves putting flowers in his mama's hair, naturally whenever rio is around she makes sure to grow the prettiest ones for them
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chloesimaginationthings · 2 months ago
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Vanessa had her priorities straight in FNAF help wanted
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liimonadas · 8 months ago
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so i've been playing a game
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duckysprouts · 3 months ago
if you were at your worst, if you’re a villain or a screwup or whatever, there is a goth man dressed as a giant bat who keeps coming after you, bothering you. he sabotages your journey of self destruction over and over. ur ready to give up but he won’t let you. you think, today he won’t come. today he will give up on me too. he never does.
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sluttyquarantinetheory · 4 months ago
I find it really funny that the last two Dragon Age games have advisors to guide them through the game. Like the Hero of Fereldan got a brief introduction and a slap on the ass before being immediately placed in charge.
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noodles-and-tea · 4 months ago
I politely ask for more of the vague modern AU art :3 they're so silly I LOVE them
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They’re playing sister location, specifically night 4
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stalebagels · 1 year ago
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Edit: muted this monstrosity but if you're looking for the blank template it's on my blog and I'll tag this and it with "the stupid fucking shorts post" so you don't have to scroll through everything 💀😂 (I did not make the template btw, I don't know who the OP is but if you do please let me know)
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meo-eiru · 7 months ago
Where do you think you are going?
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oh my god Dread and Boom Knuckles' would be an amazing pairing I mean Boom would just go along with whatever Dread says, and Dread would exploit the SHIT out of poor Boomy.
Poor boom Knux would be so enamored by this version of himself with a cool outfit and sword who captains a pirate ship to go wherever he wants. Easily swayed by his tales of adventure and glory, not seeing any of the manipulation or how unhinged he really is.
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foolsocracy · 9 months ago
Hi, I love your art! Would you ever consider drawing the Fab Five as adults?
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hell yeah
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
is there a match for the entire Connection Terminated speech from fnaf? link to the text (here)
String identified: Cct tat. ' t tt , at, t tat a, t ' aa ' . a t t c a gt, a ca t a a, atg, a ca. a a ca , t a at a , ct a t. A at t t, a a t . 't a tat a ta. t a cc, cag t c c ca, aa g a, t t ac, t t. . T t . A t , a t, t tg t t , atg t a a a t a , a a g tat' t at at. a a g tat a gt at t . a ag a . a a. T ac t , a t tg tat tat t ca a g t a aa. A t ag tag . A t t ta t c, t a g t. T 't g t . t , t ac a a atg at t ca. Atg, , t at t a t a , 't t atg, . agt, ca a , t a . t' at t tct t ct. ' tat tat a, t a t t a t t , a t t t t t a t a t t t , a t, at ca . a 't ctt t aa, t agt. c't a t, t a . t' t t t - , a t a ca a. T a . ccat.
Closest match: Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-504G5 from 2, complete sequence Common name: Common human
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(image source)
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Outie Dylan, swallowing his pride and deciding to tell his innie that he’s actually pretty cool despite the wife smooching debacle: I’m proud of you and while I’ll respect your decision if you want to resign I think you should make it work there because I don’t want you to die
Dylan G: *immediately hits his boss with a vending machine*
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chloesimaginationthings · 3 months ago
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Monty and Michael match each other in FNAF
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