#nigel planter
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Big fan here. However my wife didn’t like the episodes that featured Nigel Planter because she’s a big fan of Harry Potter and we are currently marathoning the movies. She wants to know if you actually read any of the books because she’s wondering why did you portray the parody versions of the characters in a unflattering way and getting things wrong such as making Nigel not a Nobel as Harry and why “Not Hermione” has a thing for “Not Draco” when in the books Hermione and Draco hate eachother and Draco refers to Hermione as “Mudblood”.
So she just wants to know if you actually read the books or saw the movies or just made up things on a whim for the sake of parodying Harry Potter.
Billy & Mandy was my "Mad Magazine"-style satire. Anything was fair game to make fun of just because it existed. Like anything else on the show, Nigel Planter was the dumbest version of that particular character. He had a big "L" on his forehead, so he wasn't destined for greatness the way Harry was.
We were also in the middle of the book releases during Billy & Mandy, and I think we wrapped about the time Order of the Phoenix was released. We didn't have all of the information on how the actual stories were going to play out, so I pretty much let the storyboard artists do what they wanted with the specifics.
That being said, back then I hadn't mastered the art of the uppercut. Today, I'd give J.K. and her boy a more serious, justified thrashing.
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Glasses Swag Tournament Preliminary Round #12
Only one of these characters will make it into the bracket so vote for your favorite!
#glasses swag tournament#preliminary round#tournament poll#weevil underwood#insector haga#yugioh#yugioh dm#reiji akaba#yugioh arc v#retasu midorikawa#tokyo mew mew#harry potter#albus dumbledore#nigel planter#the grim adventures of billy and mandy#morpheus#the matrix#noah bennet#heroes#term Miami#death note
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Hi sorry if you don’t like to be reminded of the past or anything- but I came across your Frankenstein HC voice vid (very good and accurate) and I been kinda dying to know the sources of Ernest’s (young and older) and Lieutenant’s voice claims. I can’t recognize them at all
Sorry for forgetting I had this ask aaaaaaaa, but for Ernest I used the character Nigel Planter from Billy & Mandy, both young and older version. And the Lieutenant's is Shikamaru from Naruto, as suggested by @captainclervals .
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Those Nigel planter episodes of Billy & Mandy where the h*rry p*tter expy is just insufferable have really aged well haven't they
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Saturday 22nd April
Hello World, Some of the updates may overlap a bit but bear with us, we are all keen to say hello and the watch systems mean that sometimes we are repeating ourselves a little. We are still making good progress however wind conditions have been variable and included light to not so light winds and all aspects of sailing including having to resort to motor at times. Latest conditions mean that we are now heading south of Horta to make the most of the winds and the last day has been excellent with constant winds and bright skies! The Tractor Beam of the Azores has proved too strong to break, an issue with the water maker finally tipping the balance and we will aim to stop in Horta to top up water for the final leg home. Not a problem though as we have water in the tanks so more of a precaution. Old-Skool salt water washing up is order of the day, More pressing is the need to replace the coffee and critically the Peanuts for Nigel! (Planters if possible). Fun fact / tip - Getting dressed on a boat is Tricky!, lurching about constantly at various angles requires a lots of skill and a large amount of luck. My top tip is to try to ensure that the underpants you are trying to put on are actually going to fit and your own !!, and not your nephew's that have some how ended up in your laundry and then been packed! (Lucas I hope that makes you giggle). Yesterday we saw more Dolphins and even a Squid ended up on the deck for a free ride. For clarity the Dolphins stayed in the water :) Galley duties were passed over to Robin for the evening meal, and I must say he delivered a fantastic result! ‘Bully-gnaise' was on the menu and a must add to anyone’s culinary repartee. Speak Soon
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Alexandria’s Bedroom
Closet, Alex has Titan City School Uniforms, Japanese Traditional Dress/Pajamas and Every Day Civilian Clothes
Plants, Alex trimmed her bonsai every day at the plant pot
Frame, Alex has Japanese, between ninjas with elemental powers, Earth, Fire, Air and Water frames, Samurai frames, Japanese Cherry Blossoms with Green Tea Ceremony
Bed and Bedding Sheets, Alex has cherry blossoms sheets on her bed and pillowcases and Chinese dragon blankets
Table, Alex has Japanese table, she and her friends Huey, Dewey, Louie, Sammy and Clover study during the evenings for the tests at school
Bookcases, Alex has Japanese books of elemental poetry and artwork
Samantha’s Bedroom
Closets, Sammy has Every Day Clothes and Pajamas
Frames, Sammy has a Outer Space Frame and I Love Space And Science
Bed and Bedding Sheeting, Sammy has space bedding sheets and pillowcases along with white cats pillows, her favorite animal is cat.
Table, Sammy has cats headphones, laptop charger and pugs
Bookcases, Sammy has The Life of her maternal grandfather Michael James Storm book, Space books and science books, her favorite idols Juniper Jim comic book
Na’ Luzia’ (Clover)’s Bedroom
Closet, Clover has Every Day Clothes, Pajamas and Titan City School Uniforms
Frame, Clover has Hallow Eve with Nigel Tyler, Tori Smith and Professor Michael Louis (parody of Laurie Strode and Dr. Samuel Loomis), Dreams with Spirit Face say Hello Dory (Parody of Scream and Ghostface say Hello Sidney) and Creatures Slayer (parody of Demon Slayer)
Flags, Clover has Lesbians Pride Flag on the wall
Bed and Bedding Sheets, Clover has Bennyrise/If Bedsheets (Parody of Pennywise/It), two Fear Toys Zombies (parody of Fear The Walking Dead), and The Cult of Clancy pillowcases (parody of the Cult of Chucky), Tailor Moonlight (parody of Sailor Moon), black cat pillows and Mason Moorhead plushie.
Table, Clover had Molly Harley and Buzzface table cloths (parody of Sally Hardesty and Leatherface) on her desk, with her laptop with a Willy The Sock Puppet from Sew, (parody of Billy The Puppet from Saws), lesbian pride heart, and Teddy Vs. Mason Stickers on its.
Bookcases, Clover has horror comic books Tailor including Being No Devils (Parody of Seeing No Evil), Devil Dead Meat (Parody of Evil Dead), Tailor Stars Manga Books (Parody of Sailor Moon), English, Spanish, Biology, Mythology and other texts books including LGBTQA+ books on her shelves.
Plants: Kindergartner’s Playdates Andy 3 inches mini planter pot on her desk. (Parody of Chunky from Child’s Play)
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This is why I'm glad OTGW is getting more attention every year.
Besides, The Owl House is way more Halloween-esque than *pfft* Nigel Planter or whatever those overrated books are called.
Can I get an amen?
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Que faire au jardin du lundi 10 au dimanche 16 avril 2023
Que faire au jardin cette semaine ? Jour feuilles
Plantez des choux frisés Au potager Plantez des choux frisés, des choux cabus et des choux de Bruxelles. Taillez la sauge officinale que vous devez rabattre de moitié. Effectuez des plantations d’aromatiques (persil, ciboulette, basilic, aneth.. Etc.. Pincez le thym, le romarin, la sarriette et l’origan. Lundi 10 avril Jour feuilles / fruits
Rabattez la sauge officinale Au jardin potager Avant 12 heures en jour feuilles Plantez des choux frisés, des choux cabus et des choux de Bruxelles. Taillez la sauge officinale que vous devez rabattre de moitié. Effectuez des plantations d’aromatiques (persil, ciboulette, basilic, aneth.. Etc.. Pincez le thym, le romarin, la sarriette et l’origan. Au verger Après 12 heures passage en jour fruits Taillez les arbustes à petits fruits et en particulier les mûres. Pour cela, supprimez toutes les parties ayant donné des fruits. Les différents rejets des framboisiers doivent être supprimés car ils doivent être en surnombre. Laissez-en 8 à 10 tous les un mètre. Cela favorise l'aération de vos arbustes. Vous pouvez également planter d'autres ronces (mûres). Si vos fraisiers ont 4 ou 5 ans, renouvelez-les en enrichissant vos planches avec du compost bien décomposé. Au jardin potager Après 12 heures passage en jour fruits Si vous habitez une région douce, vous pouvez planter des tomates, des poivrons et des aubergines. Dans les autres régions, il est préférable de repiquer les tomates, les poivrons et les aubergines dans des godets que vous installez au chaud. Si vos fèves et vos petits pois atteignent une vingtaine de centimètres binez-les et buttez-les. mardi 11 avril Jour fruits
Semez au chaud de la pastèque Au jardin potager Semer en pleine terre des pois ridés, des pois gourmands et des fèves. Semez au chaud en godets des pastèques des courgettes, des melons, des courges et des concombres. mercredi 12 AVRIL Jour fruits / racines
Semez de la courgette dans des godets au chaud Au jardin potager Avant 18h30 en jour fruits Semer en pleine terre des pois ridés des pois gourmands et des fèves. Semez au chaud en godets des pastèques des courgettes, des melons, des courges et des concombres. Au jardin potager Après 18h30 passage en jour racines Semez du scorsonère. En effet ce dernier est plus résistant aux grosses chaleurs que le salsifis. Vous pouvez aussi semer du chou-rave sous châssis ou bien encore sous tunnel. En pleine terre semez du persil tubéreux, du panais, du rutabaga, de l'hélianti, de la betterave, des carottes, des navets et des poireaux d'automne. jeudi 13 Avril Jour racines
Semez en pleine terre du scorsonère Au jardin potager Semez du scorsonère. En effet ce dernier est plus résistant aux grosses chaleurs que le salsifis. Vous pouvez aussi semer du chou-rave sous châssis ou bien encore sous tunnel. En pleine terre semez du persil tubéreux, du panais, du rutabaga, de l'hélianti, de la betterave, des carottes, des navets et des poireaux d'automne. vendredi 14 avril Jour racines / fleurs
Semez en pleine terre des capucines Au jardin potager Avant 16 heures en jour racines Semez du scorsonère. En effet ce dernier est plus résistant aux grosses chaleurs que le salsifis. Vous pouvez aussi semer du chou-rave sous châssis ou bien encore sous tunnel. En pleine terre semez du persil tubéreux, du panais, du rutabaga, de l'hélianti, de la betterave, des carottes, des navets et des poireaux d'automne. Au jardin d'agrément Après 16 heures passage en jour fleurs Semez directement en pleine terre des vivaces et des annuelles comme par exemple du cosmos, de la lavatère annuelle, du zinnia, du pavot de Californie, du bleuet, de l'alysse, du pois de senteur (pensez à prévoir un support pour ce dernier), de l'immortelle vivace, de l'immortelle bractée, du delphinium, de la nigelle de Damas, du calibrachoa, de la capucine, de l'ipomée, de la coquelourde des jardins, du coréopsis, de la croix de Malte, du gaura, de l’œillet d'Inde, de l’œillet de poète et de la scabieuse. Au jardin potager Après 16 heures passage en jour fleurs En pépinière semez des choux-brocolis et des choux-fleurs. samedi 15 AVRIL Jour fleurs
Semez des gauras directement en pleine terre Lune au périgée : Ne jardinez pas avant 7h45 Au jardin d'agrément Semez directement en pleine terre des vivaces et des annuelles comme par exemple du cosmos, de la lavatère annuelle, du zinnia, du pavot de Californie, du bleuet, de l'alysse, du pois de senteur (pensez à prévoir un support pour ce dernier), de l'immortelle vivace, de l'immortelle bractée, du delphinium, de la nigelle de Damas, du calibrachoa, de la capucine, de l'ipomée, de la coquelourde des jardins, du coréopsis, de la croix de Malte, du gaura, de l’œillet d'Inde, de l’œillet de poète et de la scabieuse. Au jardin potager En pépinière semez des choux-brocolis et des choux-fleurs. dimanche 16 avril Je rappelle que les jours prévus par le calendrier lunaire seront pour que vous ayez une idée des périodes de plantation ou de semis car vous devrez faire face aux variations climatiques (pluie, neige, Etc..). Ceci pour vous dire que vous serez obligé parfois de déroger au calendrier lunaire pour cause de mauvais temps. Abonnement au site Inscription sur le site : Vous devez vous inscrire sur le site pour recevoir une alerte par mail à chaque nouvel article mis en ligne. Abonnement à la lettre mensuelle D’autre part, vous pouvez également vous abonner à la lettre mensuelle du site. Si vous avez aimé cet article n’hésitez pas à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux en utilisant les boutons ci-dessous.
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Friendship ended with Harry Potter, now Nigel Planter is my new Beloved Children’s Franchise.
#shitpost#billy and mandy#the grim adventures of billy and mandy#grim adventures of billy and mandy#tgaobam#nigel planter#anti harry potter#anti j k rowling
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GABM - Happy Another 20th Anniversary
While 2020 was the 20th anniversary of the episode Meet the Reaper, today is the 20th anniversary of the Grim & Evil show itself. This picture is based on an old game from Cartoon Network websites (currently removed) in which Billy had to make cupcakes from his own pus... I never reached the 4 "puscakes". I would like a compilation of all those flash games...
I also include the codes of two clothing designs I did for Animal Crossing New Horizons based on Grim & Evil: Boskov (the name says all); and Weaselthorpe, Nigel Planter’s uniform from Toadblatt’s.
Grim & Evil © Cartoon Network/@maxwellatoms
Animal Crossing © Nintendo
#Con Carne#the grim adventures of billy and mandy#grim and evil#billy & mandy#evil con carne#maxwell atoms#20th anniversary#cupcakes#animal crossing#animal crosing new horizons#designs#boskov#Nigel Planter#Weaselthorpe
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That is a most awesome framework! Tangent: My Dad has become a master of many things. He decided to make Mum a planter for the deck. "Nigel. This is very overengineered." says my Mum. "??" is my Dad's expression. "I CAN'T MOVE IT! IT'S TOO HEAVY!"
"Oh." He tries to move it with dirt in it. "Hmm." he gives it a thoughtful look. "I see." He proceeds to go build a "less engineered" one. Even after 54 years of marriage, my parents are still adorable.
My honey is building a shed and is a little embarrassed by how overbuilt the window ended up- scale of one to ten, how silly is this?
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Has anyone seen the young ones comedy skit for comic relief? Rik is introduced as 'the world's sexiest man,,, rik mayall!'
Yes this the same one where rik started a 'Do you want to see my pants?' chant.
#aesthetic#dark academia#rik mayall#rick pratt#The young ones#Comic relief#ade edmondson#Nigel planter#Comedy#Alternative comedy
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J.K. Rowling: um so yeah this one guy is gay but I’m only gonna tell everyone after the story, also trans people fucking suck lol
Maxwell Atoms: What if the Weird Al squid and the John Vernon frog got gay married
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Nigel: See? See, one day you are going to look back at this and laugh!
Mandy: I assure you, for the rest of my life, every time I look back on this I will personally run to your house and smack you.
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Friendly, Samuel Adams bumped into me at Starbucks, spilled hot tea all over my clothes! Here, I have a picture of him that I took
Nigel Planter
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Wednesday 19th April
So, in Summary:- Sunday. Day after day, day after day, we stuck there with no motion. As idle as a painted ship, upon a painted ocean. Water, water everywhere – and all the boards did shrink. Water, water everywhere – and not a drop to drink. (So we had tea/coffee). c. Samuel Taylor-Coleridge. Monday-Tuesday Flyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiighh, Like a bird in the sky, Like an eagle that flies on the wiiiinnnnnd. c. ABBA. (Mitch’s favourite band, not) Milestones fell and our personal records were constantly reset as during Monday and Tuesday Sanjula lifted her skirts and flew. Noon to noon we covered a fantastic 257 nautical miles. It was a sleigh ride through the swell for hour after hour - night and day - powering along smashing our way ENE. Mitch and Nigel were on watch as our personal peak speed records fell and fell again. 10.4, 10.7, 11.0, 11.4 and finally 11.8 knots as we rollicked along on a reach just aft of the beam in the rising winds. The mad thing was we stayed over 11 knots for hours really, touching 11.7 a few times in winds of around 25-27 knots. The boat was happy and fully powered in the swells. During that time we also passed the half-way point from Grenada to Portsmouth. Not only that - we also passed the 1000 miles since Bermuda mark and at 0812 on Tuesday morning hit the 2000 miles to Portsmouth point. At this point I’m going to single out David and Mitch again though. Food takes on a whole new importance at sea. It marks time each day but more than that - good hot food provides a huge relief and reward that takes on real significance in the midst of watchkeeping 24 hours a day. Cooking for 6 in a domestic kitchen is one thing – try doing it on a small stove in a galley while your world starts at 30-40 degrees but continuously rolls, bounces, pitches and yaws through various angles as the boat storms along through the swell. Several of the cupboards have been named ‘Cupboard of the flying daggers’ for reasons you can easily imagine. Opening them is a brave move at times. Even simple cooking tasks that take seconds at home take minutes of carefully controlled gym work/ballet effort. Somehow Mitch and David though continue to serve up really tasty food for us throughout – via some sort of galley voodoo. It’s awesome. I’ve learned a few new swear words too listen ing to them mind you. I thought I’d use the trip to grow a beard by the way. I had in mind a kind of Captain Jack Sparrow swashbuckling vibe - with a piratical gleam in my eyes sort of thing. So far though I look more like Santa Claus has fallen on really hard times. Dammit. We are around 630 miles from the Azores as I type this – but the aim is not to stop there – We gybed onto port at about midnight and are heading North. The plan is we should get westerlies in 12 hours or so and bear away East again – subject to the weather gods actually reading the forecast of course. Coffee is now on mild rations but from Nigel’s point of view that’s not the big issue. Our dwindling supply of Planter’s peanuts is keeping him awake. He’s calculating our closest approach to the Azores as he tries to recall his swimming skills – but we are watching him like a hawk to stop him jumping over the side. (Don’t worry Ann!). Sanjula out.
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