#nico and annabeth friendship
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demigods-posts · 1 year ago
okay, but we know nico is obsessed with mythomagic. but has no one to discuss it with because bianca isn't particularly interested. and then here comes annabeth who's been equally obsessed with the game since she was seven. and these two bonds instantaneously. and over the years, he grows to see annabeth as a friend, not super close but someone he knows he can trust and rely on. and then he realizes they have a crush on the same guy. and he wants a reason, any reason, every reason, to hate this girl who made him feel so seen and validated and known. but he just can't.
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I was bored
I was lying in bed trying to read, I didn't particularly enjoy reading in English but Annabeth and Percy had been helping me and I didn't want that to go to waste. Then Annabeth walked in through the half open door, holding a pair of scissors.
"Finally someone to put me out of my misery." I mutter putting the book down,
"Nope, but I will be bringing that up to your therapist. I think it's time for a haircut Nico." She said smiling like a maniac,
"Oh fuck no." I say running past her and out the front door. My hair was in a braid down my back; I ran as fast as I could but I knew Annabeth was faster than me. I saw her chasing me, I could probably shadow travel away but when her minds set to something it's very hard to get her to give up. I honestly didn't care too much but why not add a bit of excitement into this. "Why the fuck are you doing this?"
"I'm bored."
"Go find someone else to annoy."
"Don't think I will Neeks." I flipped her off and continued running, she grabbed my wrist. I shadow traveled to the edge of the forest and ran towards the center, I was hoping to throw her off but she spotted me pretty quickly and ran after me. I should have been able to stay away with the lead I had but the shadow travel tired me out and Annie's fast. I was about to shadow travel away again, "You do realise if you pass out you can do whatever I want right?"
"Fuck you."
"Save that for Will." I blushed hard before shadow traveling back to my cabin, I knew I wouldn't be able to run properly after that, but I got away for a bit. "You aren't getting away that easy, Angel boy." She said walking through the door, I was honestly too tired to do anything.
"Fine, you win. But please don't fuck up too badly."
"You have such little faith in me, I'm offended."
"We both know that that is very reasonable."
"Shut up di Angelo." She quite literally pulled me into a chair and started brushing out my hair. "When's the last time you even cut it?"
"Like a month ago I think? Will cuts the ends, it terrifys him so it's always entertaining as fuck."
"You're a terrible person Nico." Annabeth laughed
"I am fully aware; what are you doing to my hair anyways?"
"I think it's time for a change."
"Oh no.... PLEASE don't dye my hair, I am never doing that shit again."
"Don't worry... but you are getting an undercut." I paused for a couple of seconds,
"Now you see the concept, I have no problem with but the thought of you doing that...."
"Oh shut up I can actually be accurate."
"Fine, I trust you." Annabeth sectioned my hair into two parts plaiting them separately, one around the bottom and edges, one on top.
"You ready?"
"I really don't care, honestly I just wanted to make this hard for you."
"Of course you did." The daughter of Athena said while cutting off the bottom braid before buzzing the now short hair, she threw the braid in front of me. "Well that was a lot of hair."
"No shit." I laughed before hitting Annabeth lightly in the shoulder, she started taking out the rest of my hair that was in a braid and brushing it out again.
"What do you think Will's gonna say?"
"He's not going to give a fuck let's be honest with ourselves."
"You seem so certain on that."
"He didn't care when I got twenty tattoo in one day, I mean he was concerned and gave me a bunch of pain killers and kept me in the infirmary for a day but that's unrelated. I doubt he's going to give two fucks about a haircut."
"I am not going to ask why you got twenty tattoos in one day." Annabeth started cutting the rest of my wavy, thick, black hair to just around my shoulders, layering it before adding some bangs, that were long enough for me to put behind my ears. "So thoughts?"
"I'd love to give them but there isn't a mirror here."
"That's irrelevant, I want to see Will's reaction."
"That's the whole reason you did this wasn't it?"
"Naaa, I was just really fucking bored." I laughed as I ran my fingers through my hair, it was so much shorter than I had, had it in years but was kind of nice. Honestly I also really wanted to see what Will would say, I didn't think he'd be judgemental or anything. But the thoughts always had to cross my mind, all the 'what ifs?' I push them out of my mind and tell Annabeth to wait for a minute so I can wash and properly do my hair. It took about a quarter of the time it used to but still that moment of time made me think of every possible reaction for Will to have, I decided to leave my hair out as we walk to the Apollo cabin. I knocked of the door and unsurprisingly Will answered it, he saw me and kind of froze, a bit shocked.
"So what do you think?" I muttered, Will pulled me closer to him and sunk into a kiss, he tasted like strawberries. He ran his fingers through my hair; he was warm always, smelling like rubbing alcohol mixed with roses and a sweet scent I could never really place. I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tiptoes to reach him, grabbing the ends of Will's short, curly, blonde hair. As we broke the kiss he leaned down and whispered,
"You look amazing my Angel." I blushed and that is when we realised Annabeth was recording the whole thing and was running off to cabin one to show Jason.
Not a helpless chapter (sorry about that, the next chapters long and I haven't had time to write)
Pls give advice cuz I don't think the plot makes sense.
I don't know if I really like this ficlet, I started it in the middle of writing the Ariel chapter because I hated writing it so much I needed something to write that wasn't helpless.
I don't really like it but I feel like might as well post it.
I have a Angel Dust ficlet that I wrote a few weeks ago so comment if u want to see it
You will be getting Harry Potter, specifically marauders shit soon because I have far too many wolfstar ideas that I want to write that I haven't.
If you read my Wattpad stuff I promise I'll try to update Not All Hero's Have Happy Endings and if anyone wants (don't know who's reading it at this point cuz I've barely started) Mischief Managed, I was actually very excited when I started it but I think the style might change a lot cuz I started that like two years ago.
If you have any fandoms u want fics for I will try to write some, just comment.
The mystery in my mind is taking over, maybe the time is up. I will always be there with you, I promise I'll always be there.
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demigods-posts · 1 year ago
i like how this could imply that annabeth and nico went on a quest together. would love to read that lol
literally can’t stop thinking about demigods going and doing normal things after a battle,,,
annabeth, covered in grime, blood smeared down the side of her face and inexplicable feathers tangled in her hair; yeah i’ll have the chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon and a cup of coffee thanks
the waitress, on the verge of tears; ,,,do you need me to call the police
nico, bleeding from ten visible points on his body, a rib bone stuck to the bottom of his boot; i want Waffle
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battoad · 1 year ago
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modawg · 4 months ago
it’s so crazy to me that nico’s “final attempt at getting percy to like him” is a gift/thing that has literally nothing to do with what percy as a person would’ve liked to see from nico
like nico getting him to the styx and telling him to get in is the pinnacle of nico seeing percy as a warrior or hero above all else
in hoo nico talks abt finding percy cheesy and goofy (talking abt traits other than being a hero) but above all else he will always be a hero to nico which he again shows by talking abt how strong percy is when he falls into tartarus
on the other side in tlo when annabeth is also in a kind of last ditch effort to prove herself she does exactly what shows percy that she’s literally it LMAO
she takes a dagger for him (even tho he’s like why tf wld you do that) she literally mirrors his fatal flaw back at him showing deathly and devoted loyalty like he has many times to her
and when their in tartarus and either one of them is getting beaten down they don’t talk abt fighting or winning they talk abt the future and abt living a full life (one outside of being hero’s)
i love being able to see when people will and won’t work well together even on such a small subconscious level
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somewhereincairparavel · 1 year ago
No thoughts.
Just thinking about how Reyna kept her distance from Jason because of Venus, fearing heartbreak, but ended up getting heartbroken anyway.
Just thinking about how Jason felt guilty about Reyna's feelings for him, thinking that he led her on, and felt truly sorry that he didn't love her back.
Just thinking about how bitter Reyna sounded when she said that Jason was no longer fully roman anymore.
Just thinking about how, upon seeing Thalia's eyes, the only thing Reyna can think of is Jason's startling blue stare.
Just thinking about how Jason could tell that Reyna was tired simply by noting how her shoulders move.
Just thinking about how Reyna rarely compliments anyone, but fondly calls Jason an "all American boy".
Just thinking about how Jason would never bet against Reyna under any circumstances, and knows if anyone is capable of completing dangerous missions, it's Reyna.
Just thinking about how Reyna daydreamt of her and Jason holding hands, walking in the garden.
Just thinking about how Reyna and Jason would geek over their shared interest of roman history.
Just thinking about how Jason HATES unkept promises, yet the only unkept promise he'd unintentionally made was that if he and Reyna would go visit Diocletian's sceptre, it would only be them visiting TOGETHER. Not seperately. The fates ruined his chance of keeping that promise.
Just thinking about how Reyna would've felt upon hearing that her once best friend, died tragically saving a god, and that she would never see him again.
Just thinking about how Jason dies with the guilt of not properly reconciling with his old friend.
Just thinking about how Reyna lives with the guilt of keeping her distance from him because of that wretched warning Venus gave her. Maybe if she had not, would they have been together? Would they have atleast remained best friends? Would they have not grown apart?
Just thinking about how Reyna looked like she'd been crying for hours during Jason's funeral.
Just thinking about how they both knew their friendship would never be the same again but refused to confront that bitter reality, so they ran away from it.
Just thinking about how they never even shared one last hug together.
Just thinking about how in the end, both of them most likely only had bittersweet memories of eachother, and that neither of them got to say their final goodbyes.
No thoughts, just the tragic end of Jason Grace and Reyna Avila Ramirez's friendship
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mermaids-ate-my-dinner · 1 year ago
Hot Take
Heros of Olympus would be so much better if everybody was single.
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littlestkoi-n · 10 months ago
the rage I feel when reading Blood of Olympus chapters 45-56 is almost equivalent in magnitude to the absolute joy I experience when reading The Last Olympian chapters 1-23.
remember when percabeth was good? when they meant the world to each other but had other people they cared about (nico, for one. both of them. so much), other worries and other storylines aside from their romantic plot? and when nico's completed arc wasn't repeated for no reason other than to dump more trauma on the youngest character in the series? when background characters were included in the story not for all the unnecessary last minute romantic subplots but because they were fun and fascinating to learn more about? and were actually friends with main characters? remember when grover was percy and annabeth's best friend forever? and antagonists were actually interesting and intimidating and had compelling goals? and the story revolved around friendship and family and loyalty? and death was definite and loss was palpable and battles were thrilling?
yeah. good times.
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omwtoblowupmtsthelens · 10 months ago
I take your “Jason and Annabeth should’ve been rivals” and “Jason should’ve been jealous of Percy and Thalia’s relationship” and merge them into “Jason should’ve been jealous of Annabeth’s relationship with Thalia”.
Jason and Annabeth are SO similar. Rick could’ve given us so much and fed it into Jason’s Feeling Replaced arc.
Imagine Jason, the Roman, the Outsider, watching as Thalia ruffles the blonde hair of a kid a couple years younger than her with the same fondness reserved only for a sibling.
Jason sees Annabeth and sees a kid with blonde hair and startling eyes, a kid that could take you out in one move, a kid who wants to build something to last. To be remembered by. A kid who had always ever wanted to be seen, to be loved, to be wanted.
Jason and Annabeth both built their legacies, in the end. It wasn’t just their temples to the gods or the entirety of Olympus but their families. After years of being alone, each of them had built a family like the foundation for which they built their temples. Buildings will fall, and be rebuilt over and over. They will wear and tear and crack and crumble and fade. But family lasts forever. They will be remembered.
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purpleshadow-star · 2 years ago
If two single characters start arguing in a "they're so annoying" way and not an "I hate them" way in a Rick Riordan book, you know those two characters are going to get together eventually.
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jankwritten · 1 year ago
Jasico Bingo Challenge: Cuddles
“I wouldn’t call that cuddling,” Nico says, arms crossed defensively over his chest. “I would call it sitting near one another.” 
Across the infirmary, awaiting medical attention from the busy Apollo kids, Annabeth rolls her eyes. “He had his arm around you.” 
“You put your arm around me all the time,” Nico rebuts. 
“You were leaning on him!” 
“I was tired!” 
Annabeth slumps sideways in her cot and stares at him, unimpressed. 
Nico refuses to budge. Cuddling is not resting your head on someone when they offer to let you nap on them! Cuddling is, like, prolonged, sideways hugging, or something. He and Jason do not cuddle, and even if they did (which they do not!) they wouldn’t do it at the campfire, for Hera’s sake. 
“Fine,” Annabeth concedes without averting her intimidating gaze. “What about when you two took a nap under Thalia’s Pine? That was definitely cuddling.” 
Heat rises up to Nico’s ears. He turns around to face the countertop, littered with empty bandaid packaging and unportioned nectar. “It was not, and you’re weird for remembering that.” 
“You’re weird for refusing to admit you like cuddling with Jason,” Annabeth says. She’s long since perfected that I’m right, you’re wrong, shut up tone, the one that makes Nico bristle. 
“How does that make me weird?” he grumbles, slicing even squares into the pan of nectar. “I spent the last, like, four years of my life doing everything I could to avoid human contact. How is it weird that I wouldn’t want to admit to something like that.” 
For a few moments, Nico almost mistakes Annabeth’s silence for a victory. He finishes with the nectar and turns back around, ready to gloat and everything, and is instead met with the worst possible thing: Annabeth Chase wearing her planning face. 
“No,” he says immediately, putting a hand out, as if he can physically ward off whatever bullshit he’s about to get dragged into. “No.” 
“I think we need an outside opinion.” 
“I think you’re concussed, do not go spreading my personal business to camp!” 
“Not camp,” Annabeth flaps her hand at him, and does not refute the concussed accusation. “But definitely some trusted individuals, who have insight into your cuddling habits.” 
“I’m not above getting on my knees and begging you to drop this,” Nico says. He’s fully serious. He will do it. Anything to stop this from going any further, anything. 
Annabeth glances him up and down, like she’s sizing up how serious he might be. 
He clasps his hands together. 
She flops back in the cot. “Nope. I’m too invested now. I think I’ll ask Hazel, first-” 
“-and then Connor, he knew you when you were a baby, he’ll have some good insight.” 
Nico buries his face in his hands and groans. 
Annabeth Chase gets her concussion treated, then turns around and runs back to her cabin to draft an honest to the gods survey to hand out to what she deems as a trusted, reputable group. 
Any group with Connor Stoll and Percy Jackson in it is anything but reputable, in Nico’s mind. As soon as he hears that Annabeth’s really gone off the freaking deep end about this, he finds the darkest corner of camp and hunkers down to hide. 
The best thing to do when Annabeth’s got an idea? Weather it. She’ll either find her own solution, or she’ll lose interest. Nico hopes, for his reputation's sake, she doesn’t get any further than the distribution. 
Upside to this shitshow: Nico has time to clean his cabin, finally. A valid reason to tell Will that he genuinely cannot come do archery practice today, a valid reason to kick any and everyone off his porch, lock his doors, and play CDs on his radio as loud as he can tolerate. 
It is, unfortunately, one of his most productive days as of late, and as Nico lays on his newly-swept floor, sweaty but satisfied, he almost forgets the whole situation occurring at the hands of one stubborn daughter of Athena. 
Three knocks on the cabin door. 
“I can hear your music, I know you’re in there. If you want me to go away, that’s totally fine, I just- y’know, want to make sure you’re okay. I’ll leave you alone in a minute.” 
Nico rolls over, squishing his face into the hardwood for one deeply satisfying moment. Then, with all the reluctance of a man who is going to face embarrassment head on, he pulls himself up and trudges to the door. 
Jason, at the very least, has the decency to look worried rather than amused. He’s got his hands in the pockets of his shorts, his head tilted off to the side, his glasses off-center like they always are. He’s frowning, kind of. He looks like Mrs. O’Leary when Nico tricks her into thinking he’s got a treat for her. 
“I’m alive,” he says, as dry as he can manage. The CD skips. 
“That’s good,” Jason says. “I, uh, hear Annabeth’s keeping herself occupied.” 
Nico’s temple pulses with something not-quite-achey, but nearly there. 
“Just- come in,” he huffs, stepping aside. Dammit. “If anyone’s going to explain it, I would really rather rip the stupid bandaid off.” 
“Laughing at me feels kind of insulting, going to be honest,” Nico mutters while Jason hunches over himself, cradling his stomach, downright howling. 
“She’s- She’s up in arms- about cuddling!?” 
“I don’t know! I don’t know, Percy’s stupid bullshit is rubbing off on her and she’s losing braincells, Jason, she’s losing her mind. We need to find something new for her to build so she stops trying to instigate shit in my private life!” 
Jason slumps sideways onto the floor, half-laughing, half-panting. His leg presses solidly to Nico’s like this, sitting side by side against his bed. 
Nico turns his head up and away and forces himself not to notice. 
“She just cares about you,” Jason says. He stays down. Nico can practically feel how hard Jason’s heart is pumping from all that laughter. 
“She cares about drama,” Nico says, though he knows it’s not totally true. Piper has gotten her more involved in the social life of camp, which is a good thing, really. Nico thinks it’s really cool that Annabeth has been able to come out of her own shell, after spending her whole life trying to prove herself, trying to be above everything, better than, the best. 
But does she have to do it at his expense? 
He rubs his hands over his face and sighs. 
Jason sits back up. 
“Are you really that upset about this?” he asks, his voice softened into a tone Nico got used to hearing in the days post-Cupid, the tone of a hero. “I know it’s still hard for you, to be comfortable and everything-” 
“I’m not upset about it,” Nico says. Admitting it makes his cheeks flush, but it’s the truth, and Jason has more than earned that with him. “I’m just…embarrassed.” 
“Awe, why’s it embarrassing? I mean, I get from your perspective, y’know, why you might find that embarrassing, but even if taking naps and stuff is cuddling, it’s not like it’s hurting anything,” Jason says. Then, softer, maybe hesitant, he adds, “right?” 
Nico’s heart tugs annoyingly into his ribs. “It’s not hurting anything, Jason, I’m not…I don’t know. I just feel a lot of things, I guess? And it’s a lot of, like, I-I don’t know how to react, when people poke fun at something I’m still- still getting comfortable with. I like being comfortable with you.” He pokes at the rips in his jeans and continues to ignore how much of Jason is pressed up against his side, how natural it feels to just sit with him like this. 
“I like that you like being comfortable with me,” Jason says, his own version of teasing, though one that Nico knows and understands and likes. He knows that Jason’s reassuring him by prodding at him like that. 
The next track on his CD starts to play—Jason turned the volume down, but didn’t shut it all the way off. They’re both too awkward in pure silence, but sitting together when there’s other background noise that means they don’t necessarily have to talk has become a staple of their hang-outs. There’ve been many an afternoon where Nico sets up on the floor of the Zeus cabin with his new, growing Mythomagic collection, while Jason sketches out temples at his desk. 
They’re so comfortable around one another, nowadays. 
Nico brings his knees up and nestles his chin on them, frowning at the opposite wall. 
Are they maybe too comfortable? If other people are starting to look at them interacting and put weird labels like cuddling on it? Isn’t cuddling something people who like each other do, anyway? Friends don’t cuddle. 
Nico feels his ears burn hot at the implication. Is that what Annabeth was trying to say? Does she think Nico likes Jason? 
He brings his arms up to cover his mouth. He chews on his lip. 
…does, Nico like Jason? 
 (to be continued) 
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mioakem · 1 year ago
Part of me wants to write a fic abt if Nico and Reyna were members of the seven instead of percabeth cause I think it would be cool plus I love writing but the other part of me has never written a fanfic in my life and also has issues with actually finishing what I start
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purple-racoon-80 · 1 month ago
who wants to hop on my nico & annabeth friendship fic and watch me try to write, fail to write, and then sell my soul to write
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coke-vapor · 10 months ago
three weeks before jason grace died, he promised percy that after this quest he’d take a break from the camps and come stay with him in manhattan at the jackson-blofis household. percy was ecstatic he finally convinced jason to prioritize himself over the gods and he and annabeth couldn’t wait for jason to arrive in new york. he told sally all about jason, all his heroics and went on and on about how much admiration he had for the son of jupiter, along with how much effort jason put into anything and everything he was passionate about. sally hears it all. sally also hears percys sobs as will calls him to tell him jason died on that quest. that he was never going to make it to manhattan. that yet another of percys friends was ripped away from him by the fates. sally hears his sobs and her heart breaks for the kind hearted boy she never got to meet.
she still sets a plate on the table for jason the night he was supposed to arrive at the jackson-blofis household. percy tears up and excuses himself early. annabeth stares at it all dinner long before retreating after percy. sally finds them both curled up in percys bed a hour later, dried tears on their faces with an open photo album in annabeths lap. its open to a photo of percy, annabeth, nico, hazel and jason in the centre, with about 20 random necklaces on him. jasons smile is beaming as he looks at the camera. sally hopes jasons last moments weren’t spent in pain, but she knows they probably were.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years ago
i actually need more of percy's and piper's friendship, like?? both their names star w p??? they're both unhinged AND queer??? imagine being as iconic as that???
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somewhereincairparavel · 1 year ago
hc that Jason has like the cutest giggle ever, like he only laughs most of the time, which is super rumbly and deep, but his giggles are just soo.. idk cute? Like his shoulders would shrug a little and he has a dimple on his left cheek that would show up (fight me, this is canon bc I said so) I feel like I can imagine he giggles super hard once, and the entire Argo ii would be dying of cuteness, I can literally imagine Percy and Leo doubling over laughing their guts out (even Nico would smile at that) bc Jason's giggle just seems super out of character for him cuz, hello? Here's the son of Jupiter, toppler of the black throne, slayer of krios, child of rome, praetor of CJ, out here giggling like a 5 year old girl?? Pure comedy, they'd never let him live that one down.
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