#nico and annabeth
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demigods-posts · 1 year ago
okay, but we know nico is obsessed with mythomagic. but has no one to discuss it with because bianca isn't particularly interested. and then here comes annabeth who's been equally obsessed with the game since she was seven. and these two bonds instantaneously. and over the years, he grows to see annabeth as a friend, not super close but someone he knows he can trust and rely on. and then he realizes they have a crush on the same guy. and he wants a reason, any reason, every reason, to hate this girl who made him feel so seen and validated and known. but he just can't.
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asofspades · 3 months ago
Here we go!
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Nico understands his crush on Percy was mainly due to admiration since he was the one who saved him from the manticore. And after all they've been through he no longer idolises him, all of them are just demigods who happened to be dealt a ton of crap and came out on top.
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Percy was so confused 😂. But this means so much to me, not only does this mean Nico accepted his sexuality enough to talk about all of this with Percy and Annabeth, but his complicity with Annabeth because they're both intelligent and good strategists, him being so nonchalant about what literally was a breaking point for him a book ago and him walking towards his new crush.
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camifandomfan · 2 years ago
Nico, about Will: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.
Percy: Are we stealing them?
Annabeth: New or used?
Nico: Wonderful responses, both of you.
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I was bored
I was lying in bed trying to read, I didn't particularly enjoy reading in English but Annabeth and Percy had been helping me and I didn't want that to go to waste. Then Annabeth walked in through the half open door, holding a pair of scissors.
"Finally someone to put me out of my misery." I mutter putting the book down,
"Nope, but I will be bringing that up to your therapist. I think it's time for a haircut Nico." She said smiling like a maniac,
"Oh fuck no." I say running past her and out the front door. My hair was in a braid down my back; I ran as fast as I could but I knew Annabeth was faster than me. I saw her chasing me, I could probably shadow travel away but when her minds set to something it's very hard to get her to give up. I honestly didn't care too much but why not add a bit of excitement into this. "Why the fuck are you doing this?"
"I'm bored."
"Go find someone else to annoy."
"Don't think I will Neeks." I flipped her off and continued running, she grabbed my wrist. I shadow traveled to the edge of the forest and ran towards the center, I was hoping to throw her off but she spotted me pretty quickly and ran after me. I should have been able to stay away with the lead I had but the shadow travel tired me out and Annie's fast. I was about to shadow travel away again, "You do realise if you pass out you can do whatever I want right?"
"Fuck you."
"Save that for Will." I blushed hard before shadow traveling back to my cabin, I knew I wouldn't be able to run properly after that, but I got away for a bit. "You aren't getting away that easy, Angel boy." She said walking through the door, I was honestly too tired to do anything.
"Fine, you win. But please don't fuck up too badly."
"You have such little faith in me, I'm offended."
"We both know that that is very reasonable."
"Shut up di Angelo." She quite literally pulled me into a chair and started brushing out my hair. "When's the last time you even cut it?"
"Like a month ago I think? Will cuts the ends, it terrifys him so it's always entertaining as fuck."
"You're a terrible person Nico." Annabeth laughed
"I am fully aware; what are you doing to my hair anyways?"
"I think it's time for a change."
"Oh no.... PLEASE don't dye my hair, I am never doing that shit again."
"Don't worry... but you are getting an undercut." I paused for a couple of seconds,
"Now you see the concept, I have no problem with but the thought of you doing that...."
"Oh shut up I can actually be accurate."
"Fine, I trust you." Annabeth sectioned my hair into two parts plaiting them separately, one around the bottom and edges, one on top.
"You ready?"
"I really don't care, honestly I just wanted to make this hard for you."
"Of course you did." The daughter of Athena said while cutting off the bottom braid before buzzing the now short hair, she threw the braid in front of me. "Well that was a lot of hair."
"No shit." I laughed before hitting Annabeth lightly in the shoulder, she started taking out the rest of my hair that was in a braid and brushing it out again.
"What do you think Will's gonna say?"
"He's not going to give a fuck let's be honest with ourselves."
"You seem so certain on that."
"He didn't care when I got twenty tattoo in one day, I mean he was concerned and gave me a bunch of pain killers and kept me in the infirmary for a day but that's unrelated. I doubt he's going to give two fucks about a haircut."
"I am not going to ask why you got twenty tattoos in one day." Annabeth started cutting the rest of my wavy, thick, black hair to just around my shoulders, layering it before adding some bangs, that were long enough for me to put behind my ears. "So thoughts?"
"I'd love to give them but there isn't a mirror here."
"That's irrelevant, I want to see Will's reaction."
"That's the whole reason you did this wasn't it?"
"Naaa, I was just really fucking bored." I laughed as I ran my fingers through my hair, it was so much shorter than I had, had it in years but was kind of nice. Honestly I also really wanted to see what Will would say, I didn't think he'd be judgemental or anything. But the thoughts always had to cross my mind, all the 'what ifs?' I push them out of my mind and tell Annabeth to wait for a minute so I can wash and properly do my hair. It took about a quarter of the time it used to but still that moment of time made me think of every possible reaction for Will to have, I decided to leave my hair out as we walk to the Apollo cabin. I knocked of the door and unsurprisingly Will answered it, he saw me and kind of froze, a bit shocked.
"So what do you think?" I muttered, Will pulled me closer to him and sunk into a kiss, he tasted like strawberries. He ran his fingers through my hair; he was warm always, smelling like rubbing alcohol mixed with roses and a sweet scent I could never really place. I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tiptoes to reach him, grabbing the ends of Will's short, curly, blonde hair. As we broke the kiss he leaned down and whispered,
"You look amazing my Angel." I blushed and that is when we realised Annabeth was recording the whole thing and was running off to cabin one to show Jason.
Not a helpless chapter (sorry about that, the next chapters long and I haven't had time to write)
Pls give advice cuz I don't think the plot makes sense.
I don't know if I really like this ficlet, I started it in the middle of writing the Ariel chapter because I hated writing it so much I needed something to write that wasn't helpless.
I don't really like it but I feel like might as well post it.
I have a Angel Dust ficlet that I wrote a few weeks ago so comment if u want to see it
You will be getting Harry Potter, specifically marauders shit soon because I have far too many wolfstar ideas that I want to write that I haven't.
If you read my Wattpad stuff I promise I'll try to update Not All Hero's Have Happy Endings and if anyone wants (don't know who's reading it at this point cuz I've barely started) Mischief Managed, I was actually very excited when I started it but I think the style might change a lot cuz I started that like two years ago.
If you have any fandoms u want fics for I will try to write some, just comment.
The mystery in my mind is taking over, maybe the time is up. I will always be there with you, I promise I'll always be there.
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zetadyllica · 1 year ago
i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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atsu-kinnie · 8 months ago
Does anyone think about how Percy Jackson maybe the only main character who is also the fandom's favorite and most popular character?
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lilislegacy · 1 year ago
percy’s view of himself: i’m so stupid and ugly and useless. i’m such a lame demigod
literally everyone else’s view of percy:
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macs-instantdoodles · 3 months ago
*rises from grave* I need to draw these characters I was fixated on as a teenager
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raccmeta · 1 month ago
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theeee messiest heroes of olympus doodles ever but i wanted them out there
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valewritessss · 9 months ago
Percy waking up with no memories but that he hates a bitch named Ares and that he’s wifed up
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starii-void · 9 months ago
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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azerinbouee · 2 months ago
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We as society forget this gem also known as Percy Jackson's immense hating on Luke because I am telling you, the way Percy hated on Luke (and I support him for that) was so precious. I really hope they don't change this storyline in the show to soften everything like they did to pretty much everything else.
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percyjackson-post · 4 months ago
PJO Trauma Candy Salad Part 2!
Part 1
Piper McLean is both an agent of chaos and a woman of the people. After the success of the seven’s trauma candy salad video, she begs (and bribes) a few of the others to join in. The video goes viral, and they end up as a trending topic for 3 days.
Reyna: Hello, my name is Reyna, and I got kidnapped by pirates after Percy Jackson destroyed my home…I brought peach rings.
Will: Hi, I’m Will, and my dad and I are the same age. I’m putting in fruit gummies. 
Rachel: Hey everyone, I’m Rachel, and the first time I met Percy, he tried to stab me with a sword. I’m adding nerds gummy clusters. 
Percy: My name is Per-
Piper (behind the camera): Percy, you already went last time.
Annabeth (also behind camera): Just let him do it; he needs this. 
Percy: My name is Percy Jackson, and I was kidnapped by my aunt and assumed dead for six months. I brought shark gummies!
Clarisse: What’s up, I’m Clarisse, and I was one of four survivors of a boat explosion in the Bermuda Triangle. I brought some warheads extremes. 
Magnus: Hey, I’m Magnus, and after my mom was murdered by wolves in front of me, I spent two years living on the streets. I’m adding sour patch kids. 
Nico: Nico just stares directly into the camera for a few seconds while pouring in black chocolate rocks. "I know what hell actually looks like."
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camifandomfan · 2 years ago
Nico: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Will: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Percy: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!
Annabeth: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Nico: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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the-goddess-of-gays · 4 months ago
percy would not tease nico about the "not my type" line. my boy had zero self-esteem and was terrified of ruining his and nico's newfound friendship.
you know who would never let nico forget it?
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piedpip3rrr · 5 months ago
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Mildly late annual Halloween art
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