#nick: threads
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rayofsunshinc · 1 year ago
STARTER FOR @jundlcndwastes from Nick
As soon as he got the chance, Nick took Juniper aside to talk. ❝You think you can stay out of trouble for one day?❞ His words were teasing, but held some worry in them. He watched her expression carefully, searching to see if this had been anything serious. ❝You know you can talk to me about this, right?❞ He added. The two of them had arrived at Redstar together, so they had a common bond. Trust was something else entirely. He wanted to have someone there that he could trust, and he hoped that Juniper felt the same.
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trrids · 2 years ago
@rxscss​ ( bianca ) 
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“  you  leave  the  scene  for  a  hot  second  and  the  next  thing  you  know  lizzo  has  a  boyfriend  and  the  queen  of  the  underworld  is  married  to  some  ratty  director  .  this  is  unbelievable  ,  “  nick  and  bianca  had  never  had  a  sexual  relationship  (  somehow  )  .  perhaps  they  were  both  just  too  psychotic  to  really  get  there  when  they  were  too  busy  fucking  with  everyone  else  ,  still  ,  his  disappointment  and  sadness  almost  looks  real  .  almost  .  
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tweetingukpolitics · 2 months ago
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chimiye · 1 month ago
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Matthew Broome as less toxic Nick Leister My Fault: London (2025) Dir. Charlotte Fassler & Dani Girdwood
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rad-roche · 4 months ago
oh shit, mind games is happening!
i'd heard about this way back and thought it seemed really ambitious. from the mod page
Mind Games is an upcoming quest mod for Fallout 4. Take on a new detective case with Nick Valentine, where you find yourself entangled amongst various factions vying for control over the sewers and tunnels beneath Boston, while facing the consequences of the search for your son - everything from Skinny Malone to Jenny / K1-98, from the Institute's machinations to Kellogg's lingering presence. Meet new characters, make tough choices, spend more time with your companions, and explore new locations.
i've only skimmed the video since i want to play it myself, but i went checking to see if there was any ai used for the voices (in which case i would not be playing it)
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rayofsunshinc · 5 months ago
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Along with most other people, Nick was headed to his room. He was totally with Juniper on figuring out a way to get out themselves out of this situation, but ducking and blending in was the best way to not be suspicious. So he didn't fight the rules.
When he heard Juniper's voice, the corner of his mouth turned up into a half-smile. ❝Hey.❞ He murmured back quietly, approaching the doorway. He checked over his shoulder, making sure that no one important was paying him any attention before he went into her room.
He looked down at the floor, then back up at where she was seated. ❝What's all this?❞
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The building was mostly silent tonight except for the hushed sounds of feet scuffing against the floor. Not everyone had made it to their rooms yet—or cells, as Juniper viewed them—and a couple of "officers" were on patrol to ensure the building was secure from outside threats that might creep up on them in the dark of the night. Sometimes, she thought they were more worried about something getting out instead of in.
The door to her room was open and she looked over just in time to see Nick passing it. ❝ Hey, ❞ she called out to him, her voice quiet but just loud enough to get his attention. When he appeared in the doorway again, she motioned with her hand to come join her. She was sitting on her bed but on the floor in front of it and for a good reason, too. She'd show him in a moment.
☆ ───── @rayofsunshinc for nick !
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radicalrascals · 5 months ago
Open: Nick is a werewolf and owns an occult bookshop which just got vandalised Looking for: anyone who fits a supernatural setting; perhaps someone who wants to help Nick find the person responsible, warns him about them or actually shares their stance Muse: Nick Silva; werewolf | fc: Wagner Moura
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Nick's hands were smeared in that awful shade of red spray paint, his nails scraping at the brickwork with a ferocity barely contained, grumbling under his breath as he scrubbed at the mess. Someone's written "Freak Show" across the front of his shop in jagged letters. His jaw clenched as he was approached and he forced a tense smile, the kind of smile that barely holds back anger, and he let the words spill out in a low, dangerous tone: "If I ever find out who did this, I'd love to give them a lesson in respect." Nick flexed his fingers, each knuckle popping with a slow, deliberate snap that echoed in the silence. Of course, he never would. But the thought alone helped him cope.
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changelingz · 2 months ago
LOCATION: red creek library TIME: 2:13pm
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nick  was  incensed  .  some  might  have  thought  this  odd  on  the  basis  that  he  and  kirby  had  only  ever  seemed  to  dislike  each  other  when  she  was  still  alive  .  but  in  death  ,  it  seemed  ,  nick  had  turned  over  a  new  leaf  on  their  relationship  (  much  too  late  ,  but  aren't  all  the  best  things  ?  ).  you  see  ,  nick  had  been  attached  to  heather  visser  ,  held  an  affectionate  thought  of  her  in  his  mind  for  an  eternity  and  been  angry  at  anyone  who  spoke  about  her  and  in  the  same  way  ,  although  all  he  had  done  is  attempt  to  irritate  her  ,  he  had  cared  for  kirby  .  sincerity  was  something  he  lacked  ,  games  were  something  that  he  enjoyed  and  it  was  no  lesser  torment  that  someone  had  ended  the  one  he  had  intended  to  play  with  the  girl  far  too  early  .  the  library  is  quiet  ,  possibility  of  mourning  not  lost  on  him  as  he  paces  around  in  the  openness  in  front  of  the  desk  before  turning  to  announce  ,  "  it  just  doesn't  make  sense  .  are  we  just  sitting  around  waiting  for  the  murder  spree  to  continue  with  no  help  from  the  sheriffs  department  ?  "  ah  yes  ,  just  a  local  really  concerned  about  public  safety  .  that  was  nick  !
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2189114reads · 15 days ago
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and none of them knew why he came or stayed or who he was or ever acted like they cared.
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irradixnce · 2 months ago
@rattlesnakeshine from VALENTINE.
'Keep an eye out for Dregs at whatever waterin' hole is closest. Rexie always did like him,' the King had said between sips of his whiskey. 'But... careful, Nicky. You're a good fella. This guy's not winnin' any popularity contests any time soon. Not for good reason.'
Nick Valentine had taken it in stride as he did most things. Unsavory folks were common as weeds in his line of work: more important at the moment were results.
The detective was on a time crunch. He couldn't afford to be picky about an escort for his client-- so Dregs was suggested, and Dregs it would be.
The Atomic Wrangler was really the best place for a merc to get business-- so that was where Nick went. His was an odd face to see skulking about the tables, though it was well obscured under the brim of his fedora and over the lapel of his trench coat.
Skin of plastic and polymer, eyes like neon lights, a gash in the synthetic flesh of his face advertising steel bones and wire veins. At least he paid up front for the one whiskey he'd have. It was little more than a prop to a mechanical man, held in a skeletal hand de-gloved and exposed with steel knuckles. That drink came to rest on the bar next to the man he'd been pointed to.
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"Dregs?" He asked in a low rumble. "Can I get you a drink? I've got a proposal."
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fcrox · 3 months ago
who: @nick-mulciber where: the selywn party when: evening
Any party was a good party, a place to connect and most of all, a place to celebrate, even if the thing in question was life itself. New Year Eve, an event unlike any other. Weddings were one thing, these types of annual things something else all together. It certainly had caused the blonde to turn into even more of a hawk, glancing around the room, scanning the crowd as though it held answers only Estelle could see. Every now and then she threw a nod one way, or another to greet the odd guest.
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Until her eyes landed on a familiar figure that the former Slytherin wouldn’t mind bumping into. “Not one for leaving out a party, hm?” The witch moved over, leaning against a pillar next to the refreshments, a soft smirk on her lips. “Good to see you. For now.” Her words were playful, despite it all. “Anything interesting to be found?” Estelle had no doubt he would know what she meant.
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rayofsunshinc · 2 years ago
I am testing things out rn. Tag Drop.
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trrids · 2 years ago
dilys ( @delvedinto​ )
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       nicholas  lehoy  was  an  acquired  taste  ,  a  bit  like  marmite  ,  except  even  worse  .  unfortunately  ,  sometimes  when  he  had  his  eye  on  somebody  ,  they  were  simply  unable  to  escape  his  ever  present  attention  ...  most  disengaged  from  him  ,  he  bored  easily  of  people  that  did  not  source  him  with  entertainment  or  at  least  fleeting  fantasy  of  being  more  than  just  another  dull  face  .  dilys  was  different  -  not  for  her  beauty  ,  looks  or  even  first  presenting  persona  ,  nick  had  simply  latched  onto  something  inside  of  her  that  he  was  unable  to  full  exploit  and  so  it  had  began  ,  months  spanning  into  synchrony  with  the  path  to  hell  being  paved  with  awful  intentions  .  “  there  she  is  ,  my  beautiful  girlfriend  ,  “  he  coos  with  the  feigned  dripping  affection  of  only  a  mad  man  ,  glint  in  dark  eyes  all  you  needed  to  behold  to  know  he  was  up  to  no  good  .  
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notnickj · 10 months ago
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so disney's been great, such a shame it's our last night here. although been debating on staying a few extra days just so spend more time doing anything and everything with selena. what was your favorite part of the trip though? were you able to stray away and do your own thing even for a little bit? how about that brunch though? definitely delicious and my compliments to the chef. everything about disney always puts me in a good mood, and by disney i only mean the theme parks and the movies but so far the theme parks definitely take the cake with how happy i feel whenever i get to visit. | @hfrpstarters
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r5dacted · 12 days ago
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@valdefontaine is getting a thing from nick that i told u about lskdjlfk
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❝ like what you've done with the place. ❞ nick makes a show of looking around; bringing the glass of scotch to his lips. ❝ took the liberty of replacing some of your broken glassware. ❞ if there's a hint of a smile on his face, its gone within a second. ❝ you mind tellin' me just why in the hell you thought this was a good idea, sweetheart? ❞
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serenastark-writes · 4 months ago
Chapter 4: Donuts, Revelation and Invinitation
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Malibu, California. 2010.
The roar of engines filled the air as the Monaco Grand Prix reached its peak. Serena Stark sat in the backseat of a car, excitement bubbling within her as she watched the live feed of her father, Tony Stark, racing his sleek blue car. The blur of colors on the screen, the screech of tires on asphalt—this was her father in his element, pushing the limits of speed and technology.
Suddenly, the scene on the screen shifted, the camera capturing a figure stepping onto the track. The man wore a jumpsuit, his face obscured by a helmet, but what stood out were the electrified whips he wielded, crackling with deadly energy. Serena’s heart stopped as the figure swung the whips, slicing through the air before bringing them down on the bonnet of Tony’s car. 
The front of the car split away, and Serena’s breath caught in her throat as she watched in horror. The car twisted in the air, flipping upside down before crashing onto the track, trapping Tony inside. 
“Dad!” Serena’s voice trembled as she shouted. 
Pepper Potts, who was in the front seat, gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. “Tony!” 
Happy Hogan, ever the stalwart protector, slammed his foot on the gas, the car lurching forward as they raced to the scene. The chaos that unfolded in front of them was a nightmare, with debris scattered across the track and panicked spectators fleeing in all directions.
When they arrived, Serena’s heart raced as she took in the scene. Her father’s car lay in ruins, smoke curling from the wreckage, and the menacing figure of Whiplash stood over it, his whips sparking as he prepared to strike again.
Just as Whiplash was about to bring the whips down on Tony, Happy steered the car directly into him, slamming into the villain with a loud crash. The impact sent Whiplash stumbling backward, giving them the precious seconds they needed.
“Dad!” Serena cried out as she saw Tony crawling out of the wreckage, his suit tattered, but his spirit unbroken. Relief washed over her, but it was short-lived as she heard her mother’s voice, sharp with fear and anger.
“Are you out of your mind?” Pepper screamed, her voice echoing Serena’s own thoughts as she took in the sight of Tony’s battered form. 
“I was being attacked!” Tony argued back, his voice defensive, yet tinged with the same frustration Serena felt.
Before Serena could chime in, their attention was drawn back to Whiplash, who had recovered from the impact and was advancing toward them again, his whips slicing through the air with deadly precision.
Without a second thought, Serena reached for the suitcase that housed her father’s portable Iron Man suit. Her hands shook with urgency as she fumbled with the locks before finally tossing it to him. Tony caught it with ease, a brief moment of understanding passing between father and daughter before he activated the suit.
With a series of mechanical clicks and whirrs, the suit enveloped Tony’s body, the familiar red and gold armor gleaming under the scorching sun. Serena watched, her heart pounding, as her father stood tall, facing Whiplash head-on.
Flames from the wreckage danced dangerously close to them, but Serena knew, deep in her heart, that as long as her father wore that suit, he would protect them. He was Iron Man, and nothing would stop him from keeping them safe.
Whiplash lashed out, his electrified whips cracking through the air, but Tony was ready. A burst of energy erupted from his suit, sending Whiplash staggering backward. Seizing the opportunity, Tony pressed his advantage, launching a counterattack with the precision and power only Iron Man could muster.
The air was thick with tension as the two adversaries clashed, each refusing to give an inch. Serena held her breath, her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she watched the battle unfold, every strike, every blow, feeling like a direct hit to her own heart.
And then, in a flash of light and heat, it was over.
Whiplash lay defeated, his whips sizzling and smoking as Tony stood victorious amidst the wreckage. The relief that washed over Serena was overwhelming, the tension draining from her body as she let out a shaky breath. Tony was safe, and for now, that was all that mattered.
As they emerged from their car, Serena couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude for her father’s bravery and resilience. He was more than just a hero; he was her father, and in that moment, she knew that there was nothing he couldn’t overcome. 
Pepper rushed to Tony’s side, wrapping her arms around him, her earlier anger giving way to pure relief. “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.
Tony hugged her back, his expression softening. “I’m sorry, Pep. But you know me—I can’t just sit back and do nothing.”
Serena joined them, wrapping her arms around her parents, feeling the warmth and safety of their embrace. Together, they stood amidst the chaos, a family united by love and the knowledge that no matter what dangers they faced, they would face them together.
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Tony Stark and his daughter, Serena, sat comfortably inside the massive donut atop Randy’s Donuts, the iconic landmark in Los Angeles. It was a perfect day to escape the craziness of the world below, especially after the chaos they had just gone through in Monaco. Tony, clad in his Iron Man suit minus the helmet, casually munched on a glazed donut, while Serena sat beside him, enjoying her own.
“Seriously, Dad?” Serena smirked, watching as Tony took another bite. “A giant donut in a giant donut? You’re going for full-on irony now?” Tony chuckled, brushing off a few crumbs. “What can I say? When you’re feeling existential, nothing beats a good donut.” Just as Serena was about to respond, a voice boomed from below, cutting through their moment of peace. “Starks, I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the donut”
Tony and Serena exchanged glances before leaning over the edge of the donut to see who was shouting. Standing below, in his long black leather coat and eyepatch, was none other than Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Great,” Tony muttered, rolling his eyes. “Can’t a guy enjoy a donut in peace?”
“Not when you’ve got a giant target on your back,” Serena quipped, grabbing another donut for the road as she followed her dad down from the oversized pastry. They descended from the donut and landed in front of Fury, who looked at them with his usual stern expression. “I hope you two aren’t thinking of spending the whole day up there,” he said, crossing his arms.
“What can I say, Nick?” Tony said with a nonchalant shrug. “It’s the perfect spot for some father-daughter bonding. You should try it sometime. Fury’s eye narrowed. “We have more pressing matters to discuss. And the world isn’t going to save itself while you’re sitting in a donut.”
Before Tony could make another witty remark, Natasha Romanoff entered, Tony’s assistant—who up until now, Serena had thought was just another one of Tony’s hired hands. But the presence of Daniella Romanoff, Serena's adopted sister, was what truly surprised her. Serena had always known Daniella was a little more intense than your average assistant, but she had never expected this.
“Nat?” Tony asked, surprise evident in his voice as Natasha approached them. “And Dani? What’s going on?” Natasha didn’t break stride as she approached, her expression all business. “We need to talk, Tony. Serena.” Daniella, standing beside her, crossed her arms, her expression a mix of seriousness and concern. “You might want to listen to her, Tony.”
Fury watched the scene unfold with an almost amused glint in his eye. “Allow me to introduce Agent Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow,” he said, gesturing to Natasha. “And Agent Daniella Romanoff, who has been keeping an eye on you as well.” Tony blinked, glancing between the two women he thought he knew. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You two are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents?” Serena was equally stunned, looking at Daniella with wide eyes. “Daniel, how could you keep this from me?”
Daniella sighed, stepping closer to her sister. “I didn’t want to keep it from you, Ena. But it was for your protection. And for Dad’s. We had to make sure you were safe before we could tell you.”
Tony ran a hand through his hair, the realization slowly sinking in. “So all this time… you two have been spying on me?”
“Not spying,” Natasha corrected. “Protecting. Monitoring. Making sure you don’t get yourself killed while you’re out there playing superhero.” Fury, tired of the chit-chat, stepped forward. “Stark, we need you to focus. The world is changing, and we need to be prepared. That’s where you come in. We’re putting together a team—a team of people with special abilities, and we want you to be a part of it.”
Tony arched an eyebrow, his interest piqued despite himself. “A team? What kind of team?”
“A team to defend the world from threats it can’t handle on its own,” Fury replied. “We’re calling it the Avengers Initiative.”
Serena’s eyes lit up at the mention of the Avengers. She had heard rumors about S.H.I.E.L.D. working on something big, but she never imagined her dad would be at the center of it. “You want Dad to join the Avengers?” she asked, looking between Fury and Natasha.
“We want both of you,” Fury said, his gaze locking onto Serena’s. “You’ve inherited more from your father than just his wit and stubbornness. Your skills and intelligence make you a valuable asset. You’re both needed for what’s coming.” Tony let out a low whistle, leaning back slightly as he considered the offer. “You really think I’m Avenger material?”
Natasha smirked, her serious demeanor softening just a fraction. “With some guidance, yes. But it’s not just about you, Tony. This is about something bigger than all of us.”
Tony glanced at Serena, who looked back at him with a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was a lot to take in. His daughter had already been through so much, and now they were being asked to join a team that would put them both in even greater danger. But he knew they didn’t really have a choice. The world was changing, and they needed to be ready. Tony finally nodded, his usual bravado returning as he looked at Fury. “Alright, Nick. We’re in. But I’m going to need a new suit—and maybe a bigger donut.”
Fury’s lips twitched into a small smile. “I think that can be arranged. Welcome to the Avengers, Stark. Both of you.”
As they walked back to the car, Serena couldn’t help but glance at Daniella, who gave her a reassuring smile. This wasn’t going to be easy, but at least they would face it together—as a family. And as for Tony, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as he looked at Serena, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would tackle them side by side. After all, they were Starks—and Starks always found a way.
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PS: Daniella Romanoff is an OC of @mutantwitchgirl
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