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you were right about the end, it didn't make a difference. everything i remember, i remember wrong.
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trrids · 2 years ago
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“understandable, i’d be jealous too if i wasn’t me.” bianca commented dryly with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked at her nails before looking back towards him. â€œa murder charge? do i look poor to you?” she said with an arch of her brow. â€œif i were to commit murder, i obviously would never, ever get caught. nobody would ever believe that this pretty face could be capable of something so gruesome.” 
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           â€œ  if  there  was  one  person  i  would  think  was  capable  of  something  so  gruesome  ,  it  would  be  you  ,  â€œ  no  need  to  use  his  charms  or  powers  of  persuasion  on  bianca  ,  the  two  cut  from  the  same  cloth  ,  capable  of  stroking  each  others  egos  or  being  straight  to  the  point  .  â€œ  all  these  pregnancies  are  ruining  the  atmosphere  .  i  can’t  turn  around  with  seeing  some  pregnant  idiot  carrying  the  spawn  of  someone  even  worse  .  â€œ  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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alexa  ,  play  â€˜  obsessed  ‘  by  mariah  carey  ,  considering  if  he  was  the  last  man  on  earth  ,  she  still  wouldn’t  let  him  hit  this.  psyche  profoundly  twisted  ,  alternate  reality  of  his  life  envisioned  &  believed  to  be  true  but  a  breath  of  fresh  air  ,  like  dili  ,  was  able  to  set  the  record  straight  for  the  both  of  them.  granted  ,  she  could  commend  him  for  his  desperate  efforts  to  satisfy  all  of  her  needs  ,  refuel  her  ego  and  place  her  on  a  rightfully  deserved  pedestal  but  nothing  grew  deeper  behind  those  cold  ,  jet  black  eyes  of  his.  â€œ  why  are  you  still  pinning  for  someone  who’s  so  visibly  not  interested  in  warped  games  ?  especially  if  you’ve  got  all  these  trophy  fucks  to  keep  up  with  ?  â€œ  gossamer  lashes  flutter  with  stoic  expression  ,  index  finger  lifting  to  trail  across  open  mouth  of  his  ,  ivories  sinking  into  bottom  lip  as  a  means  of  distraction.  â€œ  i’m  not  scared  of  anything  ,  definitely  not  a  rusted  nfl  player.  â€œ  venomous  smile  extends  across  sun  -  kissed  features  ,  nose  wrinkling  again  in  distaste  for  the  hovering  male  ,  thumb  &  index  now  gripping  his  chin  to  force  him  to  look  down  at  her.  â€œ  those  other  guys  you’re  so  clearly  threatened  by  take  my  halo  off  for  me  at  night  ,  true  gentlemen.  â€œ  she’s  slow  with  her  words  ,  articulating  each  syllable  to  keep  his  focus  on  plump  ,  glossed  petals  before  pushing  his  face  away  with  a  full  palm.  
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            “  who  else  am  i  meant  to  pine  over  ?  you  can’t  pine  over  someone  who  wants  you  back  ,  â€œ  he  points  out  ,  the  corners  of  his  lips  flicking  upwards  in  his  tell  -  tale  devilish  grin  .  there  was  no  true  logic  behind  his  obsessive  nature  ,  his  affections  towards  dilys  as  much  a  kindness  as  an  infliction  upon  them  both  .  the  previous  acting  seems  to  melt  away  ,  dark  features  contorted  in  a  way  that  is  telling  of  his  entertainment  ,  amusement  in  the  exchanges  between  the  two  of  them  a  common  thread  but  when  he  found  that  juicy  little  pulp  of  vulnerability  ,  he  would  not  be  able  to  resist  squeezing  .  perhaps  dilys  didn’t  see  it  but  the  difference  between  her  and  the  other  women  that  he  tormented  was  that  he  was  curious  ,  not  just  entertained  ,  to  see  who  she  really  was  .  â€œ  i  wouldn’t  want  you  to  be  scared  of  little  old  me  .  i’m  harmless  ...  and  rusty  ,  â€œ  no  faltering  ,  not  a  pout  of  even  attempt  to  feign  hurt  at  her  comment  ,  no  insult  ever  really  touching  him  beyond  causing  fake  outrage  or  on  some  days  ,  an  outburst  of  sudden  explosive  anger  that  quickly  passed  .  the  palm  pushes  his  face  away  but  his  smile  seems  to  still  remain  when  it  is  removed  ,  a  blink  slow  ,  words  not  seeming  to  stir  any  natural  jealousy  within  him  about  the  idea  of  her  with  another  .  â€œ  that’s  nice  of  them  ,  â€œ  he  says  simply  ,  his  dark  eyes  tracing  her  from  head  to  toe  and  then  back  again  ,  swallowing  until  their  eyes  meet  once  more  and  he  finishes  his  thought  ;  â€œ  it’s  a  shame  they’ll  never  see  you  how  i  do  ,  â€œ  comment  unexplained  but  the  way  he  looks  at  her  so  intense  ,  so  burning  ,  that  there’s  nothing  hidden  or  held  back  .  it  is  true  .  at  least  ,  to  him  .  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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he wonders what he’s doing here. the text from the other had been unexpected  but the other couldn’t deny that it had warmed a part of his chest that had been severely lacking in love these days. archie had screwed things up with him in the past, not something he had even realised until after the fact and he had never quite been able to mend what had broken between the two of them but having the male parked out in his door way now gave him some hope that they could at least mend some sort of friendship. if he could make up with micah then surely he and joey could make things work? â€œmessy seems to be my thing lately, i’m sorry about that.” it had been years ago now, when archie had managed to mess things up for the first time with him but that didn’t mean it hurt the other any less. â€œdo you wanna come inside
you kinda might need to sit down after all the time out here if we’re gunna talk this shit out.” 
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       he  hadn’t  came  there  with  the  intention  of  talking  things  out  ,  years  had  allowed  the  memories  of  their  friendship  gather  in  every  corner  of  his  life  like  dust  .  fists  had  flown  enough  time  ,  his  even  temper  easily  stirred  when  he  became  irate  but  that  energy  was  gone  now  and  dark  eyes  trail  to  the  ground  only  momentarily  before  refocusing  on  archie  .  â€œ  if  i  come  inside  then  it  really  is  time  to  talk  ...  â€œ  he  says  ,  humour  interjected  lightly  into  the  comment  despite  how  true  it  was  for  him  .  joey  was  never  a  person  that  was  good  at  talking  ,  in  the  end  maybe  that  was  what  had  led  them  here  ,  that  there  were  so  many  moments  when  he  should  have  said  exactly  what  was  on  his  mind  or  swallowed  his  pride  but  they  remained  locked  in  stale  mate  ,  the  angry  words  spewed  over  the  years  meant  to  cause  superficial  wounds  to  avoid  the  crushing  reality  that  their  friendship  had  shattered  into  pieces  .  his  hesitancy  seems  to  waver  ,  normal  uncomfortable  attitude  as  he  lets  out  a  sigh  and  then  nods  ,  unprompted  motion  as  he  walks  through  into  the  doorway  that  the  other  is  standing  in  ,  warmth  of  inner  home  radiating  but  he  doesn’t  seem  to  make  it  too  far  ,  lulling  against  the  next  connecting  doorway  ,  back  against  wall  .  â€œ  i  thought  that  this  stuff  with  micah  would  make  me  hate  you  more  .  it  seemed  like  the  perfect  fuel  ,  that  i  could  finally  say  aha  ,  i  was  right  !  â€œ  it’s  strange  ,  the  irony  of  it  all  ...  joey  waiting  forever  to  prove  himself  right  that  his  best  friend  was  destined  to  be  awful  ,  to  fall  into  the  moral  pot  holes  that  he  never  would  and  all  along  ,  it  had  been  that  which  had  made  his  facade  of  not  caring  come  crashing  down  ...  even  if  it  was  mainly  to  people  who  didn’t  seem  to  make  a  big  difference  .  he  swallows  ,  â€œ  it  didn’t  ,  though  .  it  made  me  feel  worse  because  i  was  worried  about  you  .  and  that  ...  makes  no  sense  .  after  all  this  time  ,  i’m  still  just  a  loser  who  can’t  let  go  of  you  .  â€œ  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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               sensitivity  is  a  personality  trait  many  masculine  individuals  took  as  an  offensive  term,  however  tobias  relished  in  it.  his  sensitivity  was  well  known  around  california,  especially  around  his  fans  who  witnessed  the  tears  he’d  shed  on  the  field  after  a  big  win  or  the  tightly  pulled  strings  of  a  hoodie  hiding  his  face  after  an  intense  break  up.  nick  had  initially  been  someone  toby  enjoyed  being  around,  actively  would  sought  him  out  in  a  crowd  and  buy  a  round  for  them  both  without  hesitation,  now  the  idea  of  him  caused  his  skin  to  crawl  and  insides  to  ignite  in  a  resentful  fire  he  wasn’t  used  to  enduring.  â€œ  huh,  funny  how  that  works.  â€  words  are  cross,  eyes  refusing  to  meet  nick’s  as  he  raises  his  drink  towards  his  lips,  wishing  that  he’d  requested  company  for  this  evening  but  stuck  by  his  lonesome.  â€œ  how  could  i  forgive  you  when  you’ve  given  me  absolutely  no  apology  for  it?  you  slept  with  my  fuckin’  girlfriend,  nick.  like  what  the  actual  fuck?  â€  feelings  for  ivy  had  been  dismissed,  but  the  hurt  still  resided,  especially  when  looking  towards  someone  he  thought  was  his  friend.
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     slithers  into  gap  ,  the  presence  of  some  poisonous  creature  ,  although  despite  how  he  injects  negativity  into  all  his  interpersonal  relationships  ,  he  is  honest  in  his  own  way  .  somewhere  in  his  life  ,  perhaps  before  he  was  even  born  ,  nick  seemed  to  have  been  left  without  those  receptors  for  feelings  that  allowed  you  to  empathise  or  even  sympathise  with  others  .  his  fingers  tap  against  cool  bar  surface  as  he  sighs  ,  â€œ  you’re  right  ,  tobias  .  from  the  bottom  of  my  heart  ,  i’m  sorry  ,  â€œ  dark  eyes  focusing  on  the  other  whom  had  known  him  long  enough  to  know  that  if  he  was  genuinely  apologising  then  something  must  have  been  seriously  wrong  .  there  is  barely  a  pause  or  breath  before  he  opens  his  mouth  again  ,  â€œ  that  you  thought  that  you  should  make  a  thot  like  ivy  your  girlfriend  and  then  were  surprised  she  cheated  .  if  i  was  a  bad  friend  then  i  would  have  allowed  you  to  continue  your  relationship  ,  i  was  clearly  doing  the  right  thing  by  sleeping  with  her  and  freeing  you  from  the  binds  of  your  toxic  relationship  ,  â€œ  commendable  in  nick’s  opinion  ,  not  that  he  much  cared  for  loyalties  to  begin  with  .  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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trrids · 2 years ago
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FEATURING ; @sweetncthingss
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trrids · 2 years ago
@lgends​ / carter
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           the  night  had  set  in  and  her  appearance  was  sudden  ,  midnight  blue  dress  clinging  to  body  as  she  shimmies  inside  ,  immediate  attention  drawn  .  being  a  sex  worker  had  earned  her  a  reputation  but  being  an  onlyfans  star  ,  launching  into  different  avenues  ...  had  made  her  infamous  to  some  ,  the  seedy  at  the  top  of  that  list  .  her  front  never  fell  ,  her  character  who  she  was  the  majority  of  the  time  ,  vulnerability  a  rare  sight  to  behold  .  she  saddles  up  to  carter  at  the  bar  ,  the  element  of  surprise  at  her  late  appearance  ,  â€œ  there  you  are  ,  my  handsome  lover  ,  â€œ  elongated  last  word  ,  irony  .  â€œ  how  shall  i  embarrass  you  tonight  ?  i  have  so  many  ideas  already  in  my  mind  ,  â€œ  clicking  for  a  drink  from  behind  ,  confidence  radiating  from  her  .  the  man  may  have  thought  she  hated  him  (  an  emotion  well  earned  from  his  betrayal  ,  projection  of  his  lack  of  morals  upon  her  )  but  really  ,  she  thought  him  a  fool  ...  someone  so  incredibly  incapable  of  change  that  he  was  his  own  worst  enemy  .  he  could  do  her  no  damange  but  she  knew  that  she  could  mess  with  him  ,  pride  ,  ego  ...  precious  cargo  to  men  .  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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       not  a  woman  that  was  intimidated  in  the  presence  of  others  ,  a  lifetime  in  industries  imposed  by  the  male  gaze  but  also  by  looming  figures  ,  celebrity  statures  who  felt  they  were  somebody  .  she  was  sure  everybody  was  somebody  but  not  everybody  was  somebody  to  her  and  she  collects  her  champagne  ,  lulling  against  the  edge  of  the  bar  stool  beside  the  other  ,  â€œ  it  is  not  my  decision  if  you  want  to  shave  years  off  of  your  life  although  it  would  be  a  shame  for  us  all  to  suffer  the  loss  of  such  a  pretty  face  so  early  ,  â€œ  argentinian  accent  shining  through  the  lilt  of  each  word  as  glass  presses  onto  the  edge  of  red  rimmed  lips  as  she  takes  a  slow  sip  ,  savouring  the  bubbles  on  her  tongue  .  she  drinks  for  pleasure  but  pleasure  ends  when  you  become  drunk  ,  out  of  control  of  your  thoughts  ,  feelings  &  actions  ...  â€œ  alas  ,  i  leave  my  hazmat  suit  at  home  ,  it  does  not  earn  me  much  favour  in  these  places  ,  â€œ  she  puts  her  glass  down  ,  â€œ  are  you  going  to  shoo  me  away  ?  â€œ  she  pouts  ,  edge  of  flirtation  unwavering  but  no  real  investment  other  than  fun  .  
special  delivery  :  jolene  &  your  muse  .  (  open  )  location  :  bar  at  the  beverly  hills  hotel  .  
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you  can’t  smoke  in  here  .  words  presumably  sent  her  way  from  a  meek  voice  behind  her  ,  as  she  lights  cigarette  .  a  nasty  habit  she  picked  up  in  her  teen  years  ,  never  able  to  fully  kick  it  and  now  it  just  became  apart  of  femme’s  aesthetic  .  cat  eyes  fall  on  the  worker  ,  content  look  plastered  on  sharp  features  .  curl  of  the  corner  of  her  lips  .  “  are  you  going  to  pry  the  thing  out  of  my  hands  ?  “  brow  raising  ,  bringing  the  very  object  in  question  to  her  lips  ,  “  i  didn’t  think  so  ,  “  she  manages  to  huff  ,  turning  her  attention  back  to  the  drink  in  front  of  her  .  smoke  filling  the  air  around  her  without  much  care  .  a  few  moments  pass  and  she  feels  a  new  presence  in  her  space  ,  flick  of  her  finger  by  ashtray  handed  to  her  by  the  bartender  (  she  was  sure  he  liked  her  or  something  ,  sure  her  antics  wouldn’t  fly  if  she  were  anyone  else  )  .  “  if  you’re  here  to  tell  me  i  can’t  pollute  my  own  lungs  in  this  fine  establishment  ,  “  sarcasm  lacing  tone  as  she  takes  another  drag  .  eyes  fluttering  closed  ,  before  smoke  releases  into  the  air  again  ,  “  i  don’t  care  ,  invest  in  a  hazmat  suit  or  something  .  “        
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trrids · 2 years ago
 |  starter for : : @sweetncthingss​​, @ofmumu​​, @rxscss​​  her  eyes  hurt.  but  that  happens when  sitting  in  a  dimly  lit  studio  as  you  produce  music  back  in  Atlanta  she  did  it  all  the  time.  granted  it  wasn’t  millions  of  dollar  worth  of  equipment.  she  loved  her  life,  it  was  what  she  had  wanted  for  so  long,  what  she  and  jordan  had  worked  hard  for .  but  sometimes  she  liked  those  chill  moments.    because  thats  what  she  wanted  to  do,  fate  baby  was  on  the  rise  but  to  stay  there  she  wanted  more  â€“  maybe  that  was  her  fatal  flaw.  kelly  carter  always  wanted  more  and  would  do  just  about  anything  to  get  it.  it  wasn’t  enough  that  she  was  in  the  hottest  girl  group.  she  wanted  to  be  in  the  hottest  girl  group  and  produce  music  for  them.  that  fit  each  of  them.   a  dream  maybe  but  it  is  what  keeps  her  so  busy.   tonight  though  she  was  practically  falling  asleep  at  the  mixing  table  when  the  loud  slamming  of  something  caused  her  to  start  
“  the  fuck  bro!”  she  hissed  towards  them  it  wasn’t  until  she  saw    a  caramel  &  mocha  ice  coffee  with  whip that  she  clapped  excitedly.  before  her  frown  marred  her  features  once  more.  "next  time  don’t  be  a  dick  head  and  just  knock  like  a normal  person.“  reaching  for  the  ice  coffee  â€  what  are  you  doing  here  anyway?“  
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         there  was  enough  of  nick  lehoy  to  go  around  ,  the  way  to  hell  paved  with  toxic  intentions  which  were  exactly  why  he  was  here  today  .  nick  revelled  in  being  a  constant  reminder  to  the  women  that  he  had  relationships  with  that  he  was  him  .  his  misrepresentation  at  the  beginning  of  his  relationships  seemed  to  be  enough  to  hook  women  ,  feeding  them  enough  toxic  fuel  to  keep  the  cycle  going  for  months  at  a  time  until  it  fizzled  out  into  nothing  .  his  list  of  past  relationships  broadening  from  hookers  ,  musicians  ,  actresses  and  models  ...  he  was  never  alone  .  his  relationship  with  kelly  had  ended  a  million  years  ago  (  at  least  in  his  mind  )  but  he  was  sure  to  maintain  a  dark  presence  in  her  life  for  as  long  as  he  was  able  ,  a  break  up  gift  !  passing  her  the  drink  ,  a  surprise  that  he  bothered  to  remember  any  details  about  her  now  when  he  hadn’t  paid  much  attention  during  their  relationship  ,  he  began  to  clap  his  hands  as  he  waltzed  inside  ,  â€œ  i  love  that  .  you’re  really  giving  fake  outrage  ,  â€œ  he  says  as  if  he  was  watching  an  onstage  performance  but  his  grin  grew  ,  shit  eating  as  it  always  was  and  pleased  with  himself  for  inexplicable  reason  .  no  one  would  ever  love  nick  as  much  as  he  loved  himself  ,  an  ego  maniac  ,  â€œ  i  came  to  see  you  ,  obviously  .  stop  being  ungrateful  ,  i  have  a  busy  schedule  and  i  managed  to  fit  you  in  .  â€œ
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trrids · 2 years ago
Enzo would much rather be at home resting than at the event, but he was happy to smile with fans and answer questions. After all, that was the biggest reason he played the game. It was so much bigger than just him. Still, he was confused by the man that approached him, but his ears peaked when he heard what he was saying. As the words registered, it nearly set him off. It would have been so easy for Enzo in the past to say â€˜fuck it,’ and go fuck with some girl. But, it was Ardy. She would never do that to him. If she even felt she’d crossed a boundary, she’d be rambling at him and in tears before he even knew what was happening. He knew her, and that was what he needed to keep telling himself. â€œThat shit’s crazy man,” he said as he shoved his hands in his jacket’s pockets. â€œIt’s fucked up what happens in this city, you know? What’s worse is how we feed off of it. We all clamor to see someone crash and burn. Still, not being able to trust your girl? Couldn’t be me, man.” 
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       realising  his  initial  plan  wasn’t  successful  and  innovating  to  meet  the  idea  that  the  man  in  front  of  him  seemed  far  too  trusting  ,  nick  wondered  if  he  had  under-fired  and  should  have  been  playing  the  long  game  .  his  compulsion  for  drama  seeming  to  be  what  he  fed  on  and  in  his  experience  ,  it  was  the  betrayals  that  took  the  longest  that  had  the  biggest  pay  off  .  he  turns  his  phone  screen  off  to  save  ruining  the  long  term  surprise  .  â€œ  i  know  .  i  thought  that  when  i  came  to  la  it  would  be  all  glitz  ,  glamour  ,  fun  ...  but  this  is  truly  the  city  of  heartbreak  ,  â€œ  thank  god  he  had  gotten  into  acting  because  he  deserved  an  academy  award  for  his  performance  as  a  regular  human  being  &  now  heartbroken  -  ex  -  nfl  player  -  number  -  one  ,  â€œ  when  i  first  moved  out  here  i  was  just  messing  around  with  all  these  different  girls  but  i  found  one  ,  she  seemed  so  different  ...  we  were  dating  for  eight  months  and  then  i  found  out  through  tmz  that  she  was  fucking  the  director  the  whole  time  ...  it’s  the  ones  you  least  expect  .  at  least  the  rest  are  upfront  about  how  untrustworthy  they  are  ,  â€œ  this  probably  seemed  like  a  man  who  was  over  sharing  due  to  his  trauma  rising  but  nick  was  just  making  things  up  .  his  experience  with  heart  break  just  the  many  women  he  managed  to  scorn  on  the  way  out  of  the  door  .
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trrids · 2 years ago
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optics  roll  theatrically  ,  every  interaction  between  them  was  a  recipe  for  disaster  in  its’  highest  regard  ,  skin  becoming  irritant  under  his  stare  upon  her.  â€œ  bold  of  you  to  assume  such  blasphemy.  â€œ  feeding  into  his  narrative  became  easy  ,  fuelling  his  ego  momentarily  in  hopes  the  conversation  would  come  to  a  crashing  halt  ,  leaving  her  to  revel  in  the  aftermath  of  a  poisonous  affair.  once  naive  to  think  her  words  would  hurt  him  ,  adapted  realisation  to  announce  to  self  that  he  wasn’t  capable  of  such  a  reformation.  nimble  digits  run  from  cotton  shirt  ,  manicured  french  -  tips  graze  along  structured  jawline  in  attempt  to  examine  features  in  detail  ,  keen  to  pick  on  any  sort  of  imperfection she  could  find.  â€œ  bet  you’re  keeping  those  places  alive  with  all  that  retired  nfl  bags  of  money  ,  what’s  the  sob  story  this  time  ?  someone  ran  at  me  mid  -  field  so  i  collapsed  to  the  ground  &  injured  myself  in  the  process  ?  â€œ  pupils  alight  with  mirth  ,  lulling  his  true  colours  out  towards  the  surface.  allowing  head  to  tilt  with  his  guidance  ,  tip  of  tongue  wets  bottom  border  as  she  gazes  through  long  ,  gossamer  lashes.  â€œ  i  wouldn’t  believe  everything  you  read  about  me  ,  babe  ,  my  angelic  attributes  alter  every  so  often.  â€œ  she’s  continuing  efforts  to  fall  into  playful  narrative  ,  palming  tapping  against  his  sternum. 
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       there  was  only  one  nicholas  lehoy  .  that  was  a  good  thing  for  humanity  and  a  terrible  thing  for  dilys  who  had  fallen  foul  to  being  his  only  one  true  hinge  in  life  ,  the  focus  of  all  his  attention  &  energy  .  of  course  ,  for  periods  he  lapsed  and  ran  around  ,  entertainment  sought  through  his  normal  behaviours  but  he  returned  ,  the  most  loyalty  he  had  shown  to  another  human  being  in  his  life  .  pinched  features  as  if  experiencing  real  emotional  turmoil  ,  just  a  little  but  still  enough  to  show  when  he  says  ,  â€œ  it  hurts  me  that  you  think  i  need  to  tell  lies  to  get  women  to  want  to  sleep  with  me  .  i  just  have  to  tell  them  that  the  woman  that  i  want  keeps  turning  me  down  and  their  legs  come  undone  as  quick  as  their  sympathies  ,  â€œ  still  ,  that  look  of  defeat  ,  depression  ...  emotions  that  he  has  never  felt  despite  his  inability  to  regulate  his  competitive  nature  ,  his  fall  from  grace  epic  and  leaving  him  thudding  to  the  ground  and  yet  he  lacked  any  relationship  to  the  disappointment  of  his  short  lived  career  besides  rage  at  everyone  who  refused  to  allow  him  to  make  the  quick  recovery  that  he  wanted  .  "  oh  ,  really  ?  â€œ  he  asks  ,  tilting  his  head  with  mock  interest  (  although  his  interest  in  her  was  always  real  ,  the  sentiment  was  entertaining  )  ,  â€œ  are  you  scared  that  i  won’t  still  love  you  when  i  see  who  you  really  are  ?  â€œ  he  asks  this  question  already  knowing  the  answer  ,  she  doesn’t  care  about  his  affections  and  he  doesn’t  care  that  she  doesn’t  care  .  it’s  beautiful  .  â€œ  don’t  worry  ,  i’ll  still  love  you  when  your  halo  falls  off  and  shatters  .  that’s  the  difference  between  me  and  all  those  other  guys  ,  â€œ  he  bites  his  tongue  ,  not  to  stop  any  further  talking  but  to  restrain  his  grin  as  he  lifts  his  index  to  gently  poke  her  on  the  tip  of  her  nose  .  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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trrids · 2 years ago
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photographed by 36neex
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trrids · 2 years ago
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“now now, darling nicholas, are you jealous?” bianca asked, pout of her lips as head tilted to the side - voice drenched with sarcasm because she knew that if anyone was as soulless as she was, it was the male in front of her. â€œwhen a man asks you to ruin his life forever, how could a gal say no to an offer as delicious as that? besides. this is only my first marriage and on one’s first time is ever memorable.”
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     â€œ  jealous  ?  i’ll  always  be  jealous  when  it  comes  to  you  ,  bianca  ,  â€œ  they  both  know  he  is  lying  ,  the  underlining  emotion  of  his  always  being  perversion  ,  entertainment  ,  seeking  excitement  .  he  listens  to  her  reasoning  and  it  doesn’t  raise  an  eyebrow  ,  unconcerned  by  the  nature  of  her  reasoning  .  â€œ  just  don’t  waste  a  murder  charge  on  this  one  .  you  need  to  save  that  for  the  real  thing  ,  â€œ  sage  advice  .  
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trrids · 2 years ago
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               â€œ  shit  man,  social  anxiety  ain’t  a  joke.  â€  elijah  grew  up  with  an  extrovert  personality;  introversion  would’ve  caused  irrevocable  damage  to  their  adventures,  being  alone  and  navigating  the  real  world  before  legally  considered  an  adult  by  the  government.  â€œ  i’m  sure  you’d  have  fun,  though!  just  gotta  like  â€”  find  your  crowd  and  all  that  shit.  â€  hand  moves  to  lightly  clap  on  joey’s  shoulder  with  a  smile  cascading  over  features,  always  one  to  try  and  make  individuals  feel  welcome  and  included.  â€œ  and  if  that  doesn’t  work,  well  liquid  courage  always  seems  to  do  the  trick  and  silence  all  the  nasty  voices  in  your  head.  â€  hand  falls  to  their  side  before  taking  another  sip  of  their  beer,  body  now  fully  turned  towards  joey.  â€œ  â€”  but  you  don’t  gotta  go  out  of  your  comfort  zone  to  make  people  happy,  either.  if  it  isn’t  your  scene,  don’t  force  it,  dude.  â€
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           unusually  entertained  ,  not  by  the  speech  or  encouragement  about  him  finding  his  people  but  by  the  thought  of  introversion  being  an  unattractive  option  .  it  seemed  to  him  that  the  best  thing  that  had  ever  happened  to  him  was  his  unique  interest  in  minding  his  own  business  and  keeping  the  peace  .  the  chuckle  frees  ,  smile  large  on  his  face  ,  â€œ  liquid  courage  never  ends  well  ...  haven’t  you  seen  tv  ?  i  mean  ,  that’s  what  i  base  all  my  social  interactions  on  &  tit  always  ends  in  embarrassment  or  puking  ,  â€œ  he’s  joking  about  observing  through  tv  ,  being  a  reality  star  giving  him  enough  observation  of  real  human  interaction  for  a  lifetime  .  he  did  imagine  drinking  ending  horribly  for  him  ,  though  ,  the  thought  of  bearing  his  soul  and  not  remembering  it  the  next  day  earth  shattering  .  he  enjoys  the  encouragement  ,  it  reminds  him  of  his  siblings  ,  older  brother  specifically  .  â€œ  what’s  your  comfort  zone  ?  â€œ  he  asks  ,  making  conversation  but  also  teasing  ,  â€œ  i  might  need  to  make  a  list  so  i  can  start  testing  them  out  ...  find  my  new  scene  ,  â€œ  he  laughs  .    
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trrids · 2 years ago
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ivy  could  feel  the  goosebumps  that  peppered  her  skin,  even  with  the  day  being  so  hot  and  sticky  for  some.  ivy  couldn’t  help  but  shiver  slightly  inching  closer  to  the  other  woman.  â€œ  yeah  danny,  we'er  adults  i’ll  be  fine.’  grinning  as  she  took  in  the  other  woman  features  and  humming  in  approval.  â€œ  only  a  little  loco?  you  would  be  the  first  to  think  so.”  offering  a  wink  now  sure  that  she  wouldn’t  be  letting  the  other  go  any  time  soon.  how  the  voice  was  like  a  siren  call  and  ivy  was  all  too  happy  to  be  lead  by  it.  this  was  a  weekend  of  fun  after  all–  why  not  give  into  the  temptation  of  it  all.  â€œ  if  you  say  so,  â€œ  she  smirked  leaning  closer  to  the  other  woman’s  ear’  whispering  conspiratorially,  â€œ  you  are  a  lifesaver,  i  owe  you  one.  â€œ  
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     â€œ  i  like  to  be  the  first  ...  â€œ  she  teases  ,  not  deterred  by  anything  ,  a  girl  like  ivy  not  enough  to  make  her  bat  an  eyelash  or  recoil  at  the  first  sign  of  trouble  .  every  rose  had  it’s  thorn  ,  wasn’t  that  the  saying  ?  she  was  used  to  getting  pricked  ,  didn’t  mind  bleeding  just  a  little  bit  when  the  moment  called  for  it  .  at  the  promise  of  owing  something  as  they  walk  ,  shoulders  brushing  with  crowds  of  revellers  ,  the  scent  of  body  spray  and  shimmer  of  glitter  in  all  their  surroundings  ,  she  can’t  help  but  smile  as  she  moves  her  free  hand  to  adjust  tinted  sunglasses  .  the  heart  shaped  spectacles  fall  over  dark  eyes  and  then  she  says  ,  â€œ  how  can  you  ever  repay  me  for  saving  your  life  .  that  is  priceless  ,  â€œ  mischievous  in  nature  ,  lips  curved  into  satisfied  smile  as  they  reach  one  of  the  tents  ,  â€œ  you  can  start  with  a  drink  .  you  can  handle  this  ?  â€œ
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trrids · 2 years ago
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introducing  JULIETTE  ARIAS  ,  26  year  old  only  fans  star  ,  actress  &  model  .  you  can  read  all  about  me  below  .  tw  exploitation  . 
at  the  ripe  old  age  of  sixteen  ,  julietta  was  scouted  in  her  home  country  of  argentina  to  become  a  junior  model  .  to  begin  with  she  just  did  standard  jobs  which  included  magazines  and  catalogues  ,  her  scout  ensuring  that  she  was  always  in  the  most  appropriate  places  .  julietta  and  her  family  formed  a  close  relationship  with  her  manager  ,  estella  ,  who  would  go  on  to  take  juliette  to  different ïżœïżœshoots  first  around  argentinia  and  then  around  europe  .  it  was  a  glamorous  life  for  a  teenager  and  her  peers  were  incredibly  jealous  and  excited  about  all  her  stories  but  julietta  found  that  she  was  home  less  &  less  .  by  the  time  she  realised  she  had  been  enveloped  by  the  world  of  modelling  ,  it  was  too  late  .  her  parents  were  so  proud  and  so  happy  whenever  they  saw  the  money  she  made  from  her  jobs  ,  her  looks  her  prized  possession  in  their  eyes  ...  other  dreams  falling  aside  because  they  could  never  be  so  fruitful  .  
when  julietta  turned  eighteen  ,  estella  began  to  take  her  to  different  shoots  which  became  increasingly  less  modest  .  it  was  just  one  after  party  ,  just  one  drink  with  a  photographer  ,  just  one  less  item  of  clothes  but  in  the  end  it  all  added  up  and  julietta  didn’t  even  know  she  was  being  exploited  ,  the  private  collections  catalogued  of  her  not  for  any  catalogue  that  her  parents  would  ever  see  .  the  final  move  came  into  her  early  twenties  when  her  father  had  lost  his  job  and  estella  pitched  that  there  was  one  industry  she  could  easily  tap  into  that  her  parents  would  never  have  to  know  about  ,  modest  as  they  were  ;  pornography  .  
julietta  was  sex  positive  but  after  relocating  to  the  united  states  ,  her  creative  industry  allowing  her  the  opportunity  to  move  far  away  ,  she  felt  the  distance  between  her  and  her  parents  would  allow  her  to  keep  her  secrets  .  by  twenty  -  two  ,  she  was  sure  of  some  things  and  one  of  them  was  that  as  she  watched  young  girls  come  into  the  industry  she  felt  she  had  fallen  into  ,  it  was  no  mistake  ...  that  being  a  sex  worker  was  liberating  if  it  was  a  choice  but  it  had  not  really  been  her  choice  and  many  workers  had  no  real  rights  or  guidance  on  the  skeevy  sets  she  had  ended  up  on  .  of  course  ,  there  were  managers  and  stars  and  directors  anywhere  that  were  good  and  bad  but  julietta  soon  released  her  manager  estella  once  and  for  all  .  she  knew  that  it  was  a  matter  of  time  before  her  family  found  out  where  the  money  came  from  ,  the  extent  of  her  exploits  and  so  she  decided  to  take  back  the  narrative  around  her  career  launching  onto  onlyfans  to  charge  a  premium  rather  than  continue  working  without  management  within  the  pornography  industry  with  people  she  did  not  trust  .  
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