#nice nonny
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pseudofaux · 8 months ago
Pseu! How have you been? What have you been up to lately?
Running AROUND, it feels like! Thank you for asking! Last year I missed the window for the kind of gardening I like to do and it made a crummy season even crummier so this year a bitch MADE TIME and it is going better. I do have to maintain constant gd vigilance against yard bunnies and now a squirrel????? with a taste for seedlings?!?! But chickenwire and I are reacquainting with one another and (literally) setting up a defensive perimeter. This year’s sunflowers will be taken from me only by force. 😤 And I finally got raspberries!!!! And @riftings was kind enough to give me ANOTHER healthy cane so I am very excited to harvest those later. Plum trees are going absolutely wild, so much fruit. I hope we get a crop big enough to easily be generous with.
Trying to read more widely, mostly recent stuff but also going back for classics I’ve never read, like Beloved (read in February and it’s still with me nearly every day).
Going to Japan for the CLAMP exhibition— and Sengoku and Bakumatsu stuff, lbr— later this year! It has been very gratifying for that trip to go from “wouldn’t it be nice” to something discussed, to booking flights and lodgings. Aaaaaaaaaa! Baby pseu, you’re doing it!
What’re you up to? I hope you are well! 😚😚
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wonderlandleighleigh · 2 years ago
just read an old catskills one you wrote and just was blown away. the whole thing is perfect and this line is particularly beautiful - "But the idea that he will go to jail for daring to make good points about uncomfortable things is not his failing,” Abe says. “It’s our society’s failing.”
Oh man this is so sweet. Thank you so much!!
I love Abe. He reminds me a lot of the good things about my own dad.
And I'm heartbroken that we're not likely to get another Abe and Lenny scene. What a duo.
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vera-dauriac · 9 months ago
450 fics in the operafic ao3 collection 🙌🙌🙌
All of operablr--please remember that you too can add any opera fanfic you write or come across to this Bookmark. The idea is that since Opera is not a single, unified fandom, this Bookmark was the best solution I could come up with to gather all the opera fics together. I haven't done a thorough sweep of AO3 in a while, just adding fics when I find them, but I'll try to do that soon. And truly--add your own! This is meant to be a helpful bookmark for the whole community. 😊
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justanothersong · 2 months ago
Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your dad. I’ve had to say goodbye to 2 family pets who I’ve helped take care of for 13.5-19 years. I also had an uncle pass away who was really involved throughout my life. The 3 things that I’ve found help with grieving and coming to gradually accept the loss 1) talking about them and revisiting memories, 2) having a song that reminds me of them and being ok with crying while listening to it, 3) working towards not second guessing how I acted in the past with them and try to use what I’ll learned or how I currently feel to try and avoid doing those things in the future. I know you didn’t explicitly ask for help with navigating this monumental loss. 3 can be tricky. 1 and 2 have been easier to. I hope these help. I tried with my uncle to think about things that were unique to him that I could bring into my own life, like stuff he was passionate about. He maybe gone but he will never be forgotten.
Thank you, nonny. Your kind words are so very appreciated <3
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l3viat8an · 6 months ago
Hey I’m back on my Diavolo and thigh riding shit. 
So if you would imagine with me,,,
sitting on the sofa with Dia and you two are making out and it’s getting hot so he pulls you into his lap so you can straddle him and you stop for a sec, biting your lip and now he knows what you want. He opens his legs and lets you climb on one thigh, he’s gripping your hips and guiding you as you grind down on his muscular thigh and your whimpering and he’s hard then he gently bounces his leg and squeezes your hips as you move quicker and cum in your panties 
dunno if I have a sign off yet so just call me “Dia anon” ;-) 
Thigh riding with Dia is a weakness for me omll Like I’m imagining-
CW; thigh riding duh, spanking at the end. oh ‘n the reader wearing a skirt! But it’s only mentioned once jskjs
Grinding on Diavolo’s thigh, slowly at first, your skirt bunching up around your waist as your fingers get tangled in his hair, exchanging messy kisses back and forth between you two. his hands gripping your hips, guiding you, rocking your hips just a little faster and bouncing his knee up just right so it’s rubbing against the growing wet spot on your underwear.
not to mention the way you’re straddling his leg means your knee keeps brushing against his hard cock and every time he guides you hips it’s as if he’s pulling you closer-
your body already feels like it’s on edge from neediness as your orgasm approaches faster then you expect. the kisses stop as you shift a little, pressing your face into his neck now sucking and biting marks into his neck, moaning against his skin. 
the steady bouncing of his knee helps push you closer and closer to your orgasm. your little moans getting louder, your fingers still tangled in his hair tug a letter harder as your legs shake as you cum on his thigh.
when you catch your breath and start to sit up, to pull away Diavolo pulls you right back in chuckling, “you made a mess, darling. you know what happens now.” he pats his lap and you sigh, moving from sitting on his thigh to laying over his lap. the wet spot on his pant leg now under your stomach. and he chuckles again, rubbing his palm over your ass, before giving it a test first, almost playful slap. you don’t even try to hide your moan- and Diavolo knows how much you enjoy this part too, saying, “oh this is going to be fun~” as he lifts his hand to give your ass another slap…
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arcane-vagabond · 6 months ago
In light of a few things, I think it needs to be stated yet again that creators on here are not content farms. We have real lives that include jobs, family, friends, etc. Fanfiction is something we do for fun. It’s okay to be excited for another update, and it’s okay to ask the author if there will be an update. BUT….there are ways of asking that don’t come off as entitled.
“Next chapter when?” = Entitled
“Hi! I love XYZ and was wondering if you had plans to update soon?” = A fan who is curious about when or if a work will be updated
There’s a HUGE difference between the two, and some of you need to internalize how to ask for things politely instead of demanding from the people who put so much work into these updates and then getting mad when we match your energy.
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mygnolia · 7 months ago
i see everyone asking this! moots you are close with or want to be closer to?
hi nonnie!! ok imma preface this by saying i am very bad at interacting with moots 😞 cuz i always need smth to talk abt!! so feel free to ask for my insta i post/talk a lot more on there 🫶🫶
also if you don’t want any tags for asks like this lmk!!
close with!!!
@jlheon @mimiuisu FUCK LIZ IDK UR USER/CANT FIND IT???? @suneng @jakesangel @hanrinz/haeri @dioll @dimplewonie @cinnahoons @ashtxrie
want to get closer to!
i am #scaredtosendasks because ygs are so cool and have such yummilicious themes and i am just silly lil ol me 🚶‍♀️‍➡️
@mioons @flwrstqr @wonsdoll @won4kiss @isoobie @odxrilove @hoonored @heedeungism @junislqve @lcvclywon @yenqa @onlyjjong @sainns
i only tag the people i remember sending asks to / interacting with lowk 💀
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 11 months ago
NPD culture is joking “would you still love me if I had a personality disorder” to test the waters with your friends and being instantly hit with all of them agreeing that you do, in fact, have one, and they already know, and love you anyway.
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sp4ceboo · 4 months ago
Totally random but i was scrolling and saw ur merman!bakugo fic but i thought it said mormon!bakugo and i had such a visceral reaction and immediately scrolled up to see it said merman. I have no real purpose for telling you this i just thought it was funny and had to share
Its super good tho! 10/10 amazing writing!
fic here
LOLLL i write a lot of crazy aus but a mormon one would defo be out there for me ty for telling me this i literally laughed so hard bruh i haven't recovered yet (and ty hehe, glad u liked it)
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teddybeartoji · 5 months ago
the way u write people .... I know the ppl in ur life are so so lucky to be loved by you
. nonnie...... you can't just say smth like that to me:((((((((( WHAT THE HELL THERE ARE ACTUAL FUCKING TEARS IN MY EYES????? THANK YOU???????? HELLO I CAN'T EVEN THINK PROPERLY RN:((((((((( NONNNIEEE YOU'RE SO LUCKY YOU CAN'T SEE ME UGLY CRYING THIS IS THE BEST COMPLIMENT I HAVE EVER GOTTEN OH MU FUCKING GODDDDDDD I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU:(((((((((( i hope you know how much this means to me i will never forget this i think this little ask will stay with me forever and ever thank you again:((((((((((
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kapreday · 8 months ago
As a lesbian: rate my hear me out of Tom Hardy from 1-10
That’s not a hear me out that’s a good fucking choice he’s got those clit/dick sucking lips, he has consistently been a friend to lesbians (hello Mad Max Fury Road), and is a little fruity himself (Venom, but also he’s come out as bi a while back but just wants to be private with his personal life).
Not every lesbian has a bad hear me out! And not every lesbian hear me out is bad! But every bad hear me out I’ve heard has come from a lesbian. It’s like squares and rectangles.
10/10 choice, come back with either a straight dad answer (like the Tom Cruise post, 5/10) or with your cringefail scrungy little guy who was weird when he was last in the public eye 20 years ago and hasn’t really been seen since (like Justin Long wtf 1/10 choice absolutely baffling why did she tell on herself like that unprompted I didn’t even ask).
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wonderlandleighleigh · 11 months ago
You are awesome!!
Thank you and happy Friday!
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vera-dauriac · 1 year ago
Just sharing: I'm watching this new Don Carlos production right now and it feels vaguely soulless..? Don Carlos is one of my favorite operas of all time, especially when the relationships between the main characters are performed in a touching way. (I can even forgive weird hair and costuming choices in that case!) This one just feels stale somehow - I don't connect with it. One of my favorite segments in Don Carlos is the Dutch ambassadors plea - but this one, i feel, has zero impact... Same with the scenes between Posa and the king or Posa and Carlos (Were is the connection?) Also, the costumes are a bit naff. If this would be my first viewing of Don Carlos, I don't think it would be so high on my favorites list. Sad..
I think soulless is a good way to put it. It's the sort of boring costuming and set design that makes people dislike traditional productions. But it's also the direction of the singers. The blocking, well, blocks real intimacy and connection between members of the cast, and I feel as if they were all given awkward stage directions, because I've seen every member of this cast act better.
Some of the singing doesn't do anything to help the issues, either. So, yep, sadly, if this is someone's first Don Carlo, one, I'm very sorry, and two, please give it another chance.
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nani-nonny · 22 days ago
I stabbed my tongue with a toothpick :D
Well, I did say I was interested in a tongue piercing /j
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months ago
How much do you think the opinion of Lestat will change among viewers who haven't read the books after Season 3? At the moment, Lestat is the most hated character in the series, as his actions can seem cruel, vengeful, and selfish. Will the number of Lestat haters decrease after this, or will Lestat continue to be a whipping boy in the fandom?
I really don’t care. There’s a reason why Lestat is the main character of the chronicles and everyone not liking him can go sulk for all I care.
The show will make its statements and that will be it.
Also I seriously doubt your statement here given the reviews and streams I saw, lol.
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clownleys · 1 year ago
I'm a long time follower and I love your blog, I'm happy to see you again on my dash <33
Would you give a shoutout to a few of your fav mutuals and spread positivity too? <3
darling, this made me feel so happy and warm inside, you have no idea! how long have you been around? ���� i love all my mutuals dearly, so i can't choose any faves. but i do want to appreciate the people that make me smile here everyday, so i'll give a shoutout to those who i see regularly in my notes or interact with, both mutuals and followers (including you, dearie!!) in the order of appearance: you dear!, @tikitikitu, @nicenightmare13, @cryolyst, @alexrrr, @cononeillbreastingboobily, @cantputitintowords, @mudalchemy, @anon 💋, @violetwreck, @very-authorized-author, @witchwhaat, @chaoticjuless, @way-to-go-lad, @voidistooshortforausername, @livy-doll, @eucatlyptus, @essaytime, @maurice-a-novel, @antea21, @thriceandonce, @holi-holy, @knifebun, @kli-kli, @pointlesshroom, @atencjuszka, @trevoristhemandarin, @pinkie-satan, @svantetic, @ichithecupcake, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @iorwethh, @soraaiame, @glompto, @spiremire, @ocaenvvaves, @fangable, @warczacy, @svantetic, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @yukinojou, @neutron-stars-collision, @a-lost-little-eevee, @sadchtulhu, @youre-you-i-am-me.....
alright im pretty sure i broke some sorta limit bc it won't tag people anymore? so anyway! here's a tiny portion of the people i really love on here! 💕
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