#ngl i kinda miss them
do y’all remember those ask jojo blogs from a few years ago? they were fun.
i remember there was a discord server for them and others could join, too.
- mod erina
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aethersea · 19 days
I do think Blazing Saddles handled its one depiction of native americans very poorly, and the full extent of its representation of chinese workers on the railroad is they were literally just there. not even one single speaking line. unclear if this is worse or better than the redface.
it's fucking phenomenal at lampooning antiblack racism though. extremely blatant, extremely funny satire, which is constantly and loudly saying "racism is the philosophy of the terminally stupid at best and morally depraved at worst, and we should all be pointing and laughing at them 24/7"
plus the main character is a heroic black man who has to navigate a whole lot of bullshit but is constantly smirking at the extraordinarily stupid racists and inviting the audience into the joke. the one heroic white character is a guy who was suicidally depressed until he met the protagonist and they just instantly became buds, and he's firmly in a supporting role the whole time and happy to be there. the protagonist saves the day with the help of his black friends from the railroad, and uses the position of power he was given to uplift not only those friends, but all the railroad workers of other minorities too, in an explicit show of solidarity.
anyone saying "Blazing Saddles is racist" had better be talking about its treatment of non-black minorities. it had better not be such superficial takes as "oh but they say the n-word all the time" or "they have nazis and the kkk in there!" because goddamn if that's the full extent of your critique I very seriously suggest you read up on media analysis. there is too much going over your head, you need to learn to recognize satire.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
The funniest part of NBC Hannibal will always be Hannibal getting Will incarcerated and then loudly complaining about it to literally everyone.
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
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honeydewtual · 6 months
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tartagliove · 2 months
little update!
hello!! I hope everyone has been well c: in my time away from this tumblr account, I've graduated from college, gone on vacation, and found a job! but I've also gotten back into writing a bit, and I've really missed interacting with my friends' fics and creations on here.
sooooo... I'll be coming back to tumblr! I'm taking some time to rebrand and set up a little return/birthday event, but if everything goes according to plan, I'll be back officially on the 17th of August!
I hope to see you then! ^u^
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l1me0p0ssum · 14 days
Only the real ones knew about my LN oc's
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ashipikaur · 24 hours
this is the most scandalous thing you’re gonna wring outta me EVER
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no text ver below cut ↓↓↓
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crazysnor1ax · 4 months
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Drew @angst-dealer/@ask-the-werekraken-sisters’ werekraken Callie and Marie! LOVE these girlies and they’re a huge inspo for my own AU :3
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godofstupidsentences · 6 months
I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about the new heartbreak high s2 trailer
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high-voltage-rat · 9 days
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got around to playing A Tale of Two Frostvals and it gave me Reset Feelings so naturally I had to make some little edits of how the timeline merging would affect Ravyn. Mechquest uniforms you will always be famous to me.
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askchilchuck · 10 days
What's the worst and happiest day of your life?
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Like, at the same time?
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That’s a pretty hard one. My life’s been mostly highs or lows, not both at the same time. The closest I can think of would be around when I started the union, but that was more a period of time than a day…
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zukkaoru · 2 months
no one:
me, with like 8 fics i have to finish in the next two weeks: i should start a new oneshot that no one asked for or wants
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ratwars · 11 months
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Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my first fic Angel Collective . It hit 200 kudos today and it makes me so happy that ppl enjoyed it 🙏💜 My expectations were super low when I started since I was new to writing and it is a rare pair polyship which I realize isn't everyone's cup of tea. So it absolutely blows my mind that it has been received so well and that is so motivating yall have no idea.
If anyone is interested and unfamiliar with it, it is a Fyosiglai canon divergence AU (Fyodor "won" and used the book) where the DoA trio opens a boutique, tries to build their own international fashion brand, and sorts out their relationships with each other along the way 😌
I am also currently working on a Kunikida-centric hurt/comfort themed spin off of it in the same AU (end game Kunikidazai) called The way out is through.
Thanks again to all of my readers and everyone on tumblr as well who encourages my writing 💜🙏
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fishareglorious · 3 months
I was wondering to myself where did I first hear of the song 'i wanna take you to a gay bar' ever since i reblogged that lain gay bar amv and it hit me like a full speed motorcycle from several years ago that. That i heard the song in a genshin windtrace video where the dude messes around with people by baiting the hunter without ever transforming into an object. I don't know how to find that video and now I'm sad because I remember it was so legitimately funny
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larrythefloridaman · 7 months
Hmm. Peppermint for bingo
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the thing with peppermint is there are kind of two peppermints to me?
pre-nccts peppermint as-voiced-by-katie is a being so fascinatingly, hilariously, suffocatingly rancid that i felt the need to take a breather at one point when the streams originally aired and still wince going back to her scenes, an erratic obsessive creep armchair psychologist writer and masochist on a constant dizzying sugar high who happily rejects all adherence to social contract in devotion to an evil god she's actively stalking who wants nothing to do with her in pursuit of an escapist fantasy she's projected onto him. (red candy)
nccts peppermint as-written-by-ryan is a particularly unstable cringe sad wet newly crowned old god in a box all alone with abrasive and obsessive tendencies over shipping, fandom drama and her own opinions about character writing to the detriment of her ability to engage positively with the 'real world' (Relatively Speaking) outside of those lenses, her derealization and her tendency to treat other people as fictional objects to project her desires onto in violation of their boundaries only being worsened by Prism's enabling of that mindset and her possessive and obsessive desire for a tooth-rotting archie-andrews ass romantic fantasy with Crimson, but she's observant and sharp and self-assured enough to stand her ground when she realizes she's being manipulated with the promise of companionship and to not waver in her conviction that Prism is wrong. (green candy)
these arent at all incompatible, in fact they read to me as two parts, almost two perspectives, of one greater whole, but they are pretty noticeably distinct in their focus execution and tone, i think?
she's still a creep, but ryan doesn't always sell it as hard or as strongly as katie did, often leaning on common (and thus usually less shocking and by extension less effective due to not hitting as hard) 'unpredictable viscerally lonely yandere' trope stuff. Or maybe the written medium just dampens its effect- hard to explain what specifically makes katie's pep character voice so Offputting, i cant imagine it's easy trying to translate it into text without losing some of its offensive punch when you lose the element of vocal delivery, im not sure how id do it. Havent gotten to the most potent ncct pep stuff in the reread we've been doing yet, my opinions' subject to change, maybe shes worse than i remember, lol
if peppermint's character premise is summarized and boiled down to the absolute basics as 'creepy and obsessive parasocial fan of the sport' then katie put the emphasis on 'creepy' and 'obsessive' and ryan put the emphasis on 'parasocial fan of the sport' to better use her as a character that reflects the concept of fandom and position her as being on the side of characterization over strict narrative structures and expectations for the nccts' metanarrative thematic purposes, you get what i mean?
marking 'couldve been a great character if handled differently' is admittedly kind of misleading when what i really mean is 'i hope these takes on her character maybe get synthesized a little more going forward now that prism's arc villain era in the nccts is effectively over and the narrative actively problematizes her violative and antisocial behavior more again because shes less interesting to me when its treated as inconsequential in the grand scheme of things as it kind of mostly is after ncct2, and that her loneliness and the roots of how she is and why are explored more.' alas the bingo board is written in past tense. None of this is a criticism really just kinda observations of the disconnect that sometimes comes into play when a character is really Made by their voice actor in a way thats sorta lost in translation to another medium and to the hands of another writer with different goals.
All this being said, i like her! In a show about identity and connection and our responsibilities to ourselves and eachother when living in community with others, a character defined by loneliness, disconnecting from other people and their own reality and sinking deeply enough into themself and their eccentricities and what little they DO find connection through to the point of lacking consideration for others' existence as full, real people, reducing them to picking them apart as though theyre storytelling tools, trying and struggling by navigating the world around her as though its the fiction she loves with no REAL consequences, until she upset someone badly enough to be forced to consider them as a real person with feelings (relative to her as. Also A Fictional Character,) is a really interesting character concept for a metanarrative arc of the show, and her being manipulated by the godly 'author' into being her lackey through a sense of companionship and enabling that perspective on the world by letting her in on the in-universe Cosmic Secret that their world IS a fiction to someone, us, the audience... its pretty fascinating, especially because she only falls for the lie in it for so long. It does matter. It may not be real, but it does matter. And she took us believing in her so close to heart...
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