#next will be maybe some more stuff specific to the inside packs
zephyrchama · 20 days
(A bit of OM! Mammon comforting MC. TW: Lots of crying? Depressive episode? No specific cause is mentioned, the reader is free to use their own scenario, but anyone who is uncomfortable with scenes of crying and being really upset might not like this one.)
The loud rustling of a plastic bag falling to the floor, its contents shifting noisily as they dropped, drew your attention. Mammon stood there dumbfounded.
He knew you were probably upset that he ate your ramen. He expected some harsh words, maybe a light berating and a slap on the wrist. That’s why he preemptively went and bought replacements. The spicy kind that he liked, some fancy new steak flavor that seemed cool, and a bunch of the tried and true classics. That way you’d have nothing to complain about.
He expected a cold shoulder. Playful teasing. A punishment, like having to eat one bowl with ten ultra spicy flavor packets. He never expected to find you curled up in tears. Eyes red and swollen. Your face looked pale with visible streaks trailing from your eyes and nose. Your expression remained a quivering frown when you weakly looked up, and it didn’t change as you buried it back into your knees.
How long had you been at this? he wondered. Was all this over a cheap pack of noodles?
Deep down somewhere, Mammon knew this wasn’t about the ramen. But he didn’t know what this was about, and it scared him.
You needed a tissue, or a glass of water, or a big hug. Mammon had no idea which to get first. He hadn’t even shrugged off his outdoor jacket yet. It slid down his shoulder as he scampered towards the kitchen for a glass, then stopped. He couldn’t leave you alone like this. His hands rooted around in his pockets which held only receipts and some loose change. No tissues or anything suitable for nose-blowing.
Up close, your shoulders shook. Your back heaved with every fresh sob. It tore his heart to little pieces. Your sleeves and the front of your top were soaking wet, no doubt from attempts to curb the crying. Mammon had a difficult time approaching you, unsure what to do or if he could even take being rejected when you obviously needed him.
Overthinking things was not his strong suit. Mammon didn't like the feeling of being stuck, of not having a plan. He was the kind of man with a goal in mind who always gets results. The goal right now was to see you smile, to eat some ramen and joke around. Most importantly, it was to get your mind off of whatever was currently happening. He wasn't going to change that by standing around like a fool.
"Hey." This wasn't his usual boisterous voice. It was a hushed tone filled with concern. You hardly acknowledged him, you had enough going on inside your head already and anything outside just felt like an afterthought. Mammon lowered himself next to you and fidgeted awkwardly with his jacket zipper. "What can I do?"
You weren't in a state to respond, that much was clear. Your answer was to shudder and hug your legs tight against your face.
Your knees were as soaked as your top. Seeing that was Mammon's last straw. He didn't want to be rough, but he was a man of action. He tried to coil an arm around your shaking shoulders, resolution only growing stronger when it caused you to cry harder.
"Knock that off, c'mere." Tough words never sounded gentler. You had no energy to move, but luckily, Mammon had plenty to spare as he brought you in to lean against his side and draped the edge of his jacket over you. You blindly cried against the first surface you could press your face against - his shirt. It smelled of deodorant.
"Don't forget, you're my responsibility, aight? When stuff like this happens, ya gotta come straight to me."
The silence wasn't as awful with Mammon around. It didn't feel suffocating. It took time, but the heartache began to fade. Your sobs became more infrequent. Mammon patiently waited the entire time, occasionally tugging you closer. Occasionally murmuring things like, "you're gonna have to use me as a tissue. I don't have any." Or, "just say the word, I'm gonna beat that sadness into a pulp. Gonna show it I'm the boss around here."
He may not be most eloquent of speakers, but he's got the right spirit.
Even after calming down, Mammon didn't budge and you remained locked against his side. Perhaps you still didn't have the strength to move yet, but you could manage to whisper out a grateful "thanks." A word that finally eased the pain tugging at Mammon's conscience.
He ruffled your hair and leaned down, placing his head against the top of yours. "I always tell ya, I'm the best. Call for me if this happens, ok?"
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sleepyhead0720 · 1 year
May I request a one-shot with Luffy or Ace where Reader is painting a big portrait of them looking really cool?
Sure! I hope you enjoy<3 (you didn’t specify a lot so I added a couple things! Hope you don’t mind<3)
Woah…that looks like ME!
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The crew just returned from a rather peaceful island, it was very calm to take a break and relax and not have to worry about the navy being after your boyfriend
During the small break though, you discovered that you enjoyed drawing! And we’re quite good at it too!
More specifically you liked drawing living things, you had been practicing all month, even after you guys departed from that island
You were planning on painting a portrait of luffy! You didn’t know why you wanted to, there wasn’t any special occasion aside from you wanting to see a big smile on your boyfriends face once you show him the portrait
It was meant to be a surprise for him till the it was ready. But of course, things didn’t go as plannned
You huffed and placed the painting brush down
You were almost done with the portrait, you just needed a a little more shad and it would look better
Maybe the next island will have more painting supplies
You didn’t really have to worry on leaving the portrait unintended since luffy was busy bothering Sanji for food and once you arrive to the next island, he would immediately get off the ship in search for food or something
You started packing your stuff up and put a black blanket over the painting
Once you put all the stuff away, you headed to the front deck to see if any island was in view
“Usopp! Is there anything yet?”
“Yes! It’s still far away but I can still see it, it’ll take a couple hours before we reach it”
He gave you a thumbs up
You smiled and headed to the kitchen expecting luffy to be there trying to eat everything in sight
“Y/n-san! What brings you here? Are you hungry?”
You turned to Sanji was already getting ready to cook something for you
“Yea kind of, where’s Luffy? I thought he was here?”
You started to panic a little considering you haven’t seen him at all
Sanji tilted his head
“I thought he was with you? He did say he was going to look for you,”
You panicked
What if he snuck into the room?
“Uh I gotta go really quick!”
You speed walked outside and started heading towards your room
As you got closer, you heard sounds inside as if something was moving there
You really hoped is was some sorts of animal and not luffy
As you peeked you head you saw luffy fidgeting with one of your paint brushes
He jumped and turned towards you
“Why are you snooping through my stuff??”
You crossed your arms while glaring at him slightly
“This is your stuff?”
He said bringing up one of your big paint brushes up to his face eyeing it curiously, he then starting brushing his face with it
“Y/n how come it’s so dirty? Is your face THAT dirty?”
You sighed
“No Luffy, it’s not makeup! And even if it was you don’t use it like that,”
You grabbed it and started organizing your stuff
“Is this yours too?”
You were too busy organizing your stuff to notice Luffy approaching your portrait,
But when you did, it was too late
“Woah…That looks like ME!”
He said yelling excitedly pointing at himself and back at the painting
You sighed
“That IS you lu,”
As you started to pick the blanket up, he smiled eyed the painting in awe
It was him standing on top of a rock admiring the sunset, behind him was his straw hat flowing gently behind his back.
“Woah! I look so cool!! Where’d you buy this y/n? It looks straight out of the museum thingy’s!”
He turned towards you, you smiled at his excitement
“I didn’t, I drew it myself, it’s still not done and I was planning on giving to you once it was done,”
“Wait… YOU DID THIS??”
You nodded to which he grinned wildly
“It looks so cool!! Could you do one where me and you are fighting? Or maybe e two of us eating!! Could you, could you???”
He basically lunged at you with excitement raiding off him
You chuckled at his childish behavior
“Sure lu, but it takes a lot of time and I’m not even done with that one,”
He looked confused at your words
“What do you mean? It looks perfect to me!”
The both of you turned towards the portrait for different reasons
Luff because he was trying to find any imperfections
You because you tried to see all the flaws in it
“Well first of all-“
You cut yourself off, even if you did explain you doubted he would understand at all so you just said,
“I want to add more details,”
He still liked confused but accepted your answer
“Well ok! But you ARE doing more right??”
You smiled at him
“Of course Lu,”
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farejourney · 11 months
REPAST – Chapter 1
(manhwas x reader) *will be following the webtoon, which takes in Ancient China.
"Guess it's time to change into a hanfu and pack all my stuff then," they said, putting the key with the pink and white tag onto the counter of the pony wall that was separating the kitchen and the outside while putting the other key back on the key holder on the wall. They went straight to the changing room, which is just the break room with lockers in it, and search for a reconstruction of commoners' hanfu of their favourite colour. Simple and light.
Once they change, back to the kitchen they went and they packed things that seemed important as much as they could inside of a bag of just cloth. "Ah... The food ingredients will spoil once I get there.. oh well, I guess I'll hunt for more in murim.. I should write down a list for that," they murmured when they realise how much of a stock shortage they'll be experiencing on their journey. Thinking positively fast, they wrote down a list of things to hunt for later and also instead pack all the basic necessities for cooking and some ingredients for the other menu into different boxes as well as jars, "I'll just bring salt and pepper... Cauliflower? Maybe that... Mhmn... Ah, I need these too... Two or three jar of hyacinth petals... More of that.. and we're done!" Tying the cloth together tightly and securely, they carry it on their shoulder with one hand. The other hand grab the key from the counter and head over to the entrance, trying to not trip over the hanfu. Inserting the key into the keyhole, turning it to the right which unlocked the door. Then putting the key into the secret pocket, along with money of the era, the ingredients list and a map, to hide it. Opening the door even wider, they glance to the side to see their sword. 'Should I..? No, I'll just beat them up barehanded,' They shook their head at their thought and with that, they exit their restaurant to another world.
Lights blinds them for a moment before the blue sky and tree leaves takes over their vision. Currently standing in the middle of the woods. Taking the map out of their pocket, taking a good look at all the sectors and information written down as well as the list. "Next location is Shaanxi but before that, 'get a jar full of red masrakins and blue sylimes'. Should be easy enough," Putting both the map and list back into their pocket, they close their eyes and focus on their surroundings and use the energy inside of them to locate the ingredients. A pathway of energy connected them to the energy that the masrakins and sylimes radiate. With that, they opened their eyes and took out a metal scrapper and two plastic glass jars. They walk towards a nearby tree and scrapped off the dead skin of it off to reveal red masrakins embedded into the trunk. Gently scrapping it out of the trunk, they spent precious time to finally get a jar full of red masrakins. Now, for the sylimes. Rushing towards another direction that the energy pathway has shown before, they went.
Finally reaching the specific spot, they crouched down and immediately started digging into the dirt. Soon, a bright light started to peak into their sight and they quickly dig even more to get the pieces of sylimes. Once they finally finish digging all the pieces they can find, out they put them all in the other jar. Unfortunately for them, it didn't fully reach the top but they figured they'll try again some other time and place. Gently putting the two jars back into their sack, then pull out a bottle of water to wash off the dirt from their hands. Putting the bottle back into the sack after. Standing up while wiping away the wetness on their hanfu, quickly holding up the sack - they started rushing towards to path to Shaanxi. They already wasted time on trying to find the ingredients, sure it was worth it but right now they have to speed up. In their speedy pace, they still managed to hear the loud scream of someone. They pay no mind or attention to it as it's not important to them right now.
Once they've reached the place, you look around. The streets are full of people, houses and markets. They walked around, looking at all what the markets trying to sell but none of them catches their eye, all of what they sell are not edible - even if they are edible, it doesn't fit into what is needed in their recipes. Still having the, pity or kindness, decency to buy at least a little bit of different ingredients from different markets.
In the middle of the place, they can see a boy with a messy appearance getting panhandling offerings. He looks pathetic, yes but they can see right through him. He isn't innocent as he seems and it's exactly who they're looking for. Fortunately, they didn't have to approach as the boy already approached them. Very brave for a beggar, they thought. He was putting up a pathetic facade and since he has a cute facial appearance, he's capable of doing so. But they know better.
They smile at him but it doesn't reach their eyes. "Are you thirsty, kid?" To which he nodded, he had realised that he doesn't have water amongst the food he has. Smirking, they thought, 'Sure I'll give you something to drink. I may have come here on a 'mission' but that doesn't mean I can't have fun.' They nodded and gesture him to follow them. While the boy is suspicious, he figured that he can still beat them up. They don't look strong to him. The both of them reach a secluded area and they gestured him to sit down with them. Once the both of them did, the boy look in anticipation once the person in front of him put their sack down but does not untie it. Instead, they simply reach inside from an opening - making the boy curious. Before he could peak in to see the inside of the sack however, the person look at him sharply as if they sense what he's trying to do. "Please, would you mind? I need you to close your eyes." It doesn't help the raising suspicion inside him but he did it anyway. If they try anything, he'll just beat them up. The person in front of him saw him close their eyes and they let the smile fall from their face. Sounds of items clanking together was all he heard but he didn't open his eyes. More like, he can't somehow. He can feel his eyes feeling heavy but he's not tired or sleepy. He's confused. Who is this person? Is it weird that he suspects the stranger on doing this?
The said person took out the jar of blue sylimes and took one out. Putting the sylime in their hand while putting back the jar and took out a Boston Shaker. Crushing the blue sylime effortlessly, they put the remains inside the shaker. Then, they grab a box of minpetal and add 4 of it into the shaker with the sylime dust. The cherries on top of this drink, they took out two bottles. One bottle of water and the other is a bottle of egite that looks like the raw egg without the yolk. Pouring half a bottle of water and egite together. 'It would be too cruel to use the higher but definitely more disgusting ingredients, so I'll give him some mercy.' Putting the top back on, they shook the Boston Shaker. After a while, they stopped and pour it into a gourd to avoid questions on where they got a Boston Shaker or what even is a Boston Shaker. After all, they can't reveal their secret just yet. That's way too soon.
The concoction emitted a refreshing minty smell. 'A drink shouldn't emit such smell unless it's medicine,' the boy grow wary. "You can open your eyes now, kid." To which he did. In front of him was their hand holding a gourd to him, 'Alcohol? Are they seriously giving an alcohol to a kid? I'll try to ignore the sound of the 'drink' shaking.' He hesitantly grabbed the bottle and took a sniff. Well, he can now confirm the minty smell so he's wondering if it's medicine but before he could ask them, they stood up hastily. Slinging their sack over their shoulder, they throw him a smile saying, "Well, I better go now. Keep the drink, kid. Bye!" And scurry away after, leaving him in confusion.
"They're so weird..." He said out loud now that the stranger is gone. He turn his gaze back to the bottle in his hand. "Should I drink this..? What if it's poison?" He rationally thought over. He stayed silent for a moment before his body trembles, but not in fear, "...But what if it's actual alcohol?" He laughs under his breath, licking his lips remembering the taste of alcohol in his past life. "Hehehee well there's only one way to find out!" Without hesitation, he drank it all in one gulp. However, he immediately regretted it when he taste it. He spat whatever was left in his mouth back out but unfortunately he managed to drink some. His face turns light green in disgust, "BLEH! What the hell is this?! It's disgusting!" Trying to rub the taste away from his tongue but his efforts are all futile. The taste still lingers on his tongue and he keeps cursing out the stranger from before that gave him the drink. 'That hag! When I see them again, I'll beat them for this!... But wait, something feels different... I feel refreshed for some reason...' His body has never felt so light and refreshed as the purest water. 'Hey.. my dantian feels so much better...' he realises when he figured that out.
"Maybe I'll considering being more merciful if we ever meet again." Then he remembered the taste of the drink, "Maybe not."
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Okay my favorite batshit au for Spiderman that’s incredibly self indulgent to me is:
Peter starts out as a Spider mutant, of course no one really knows this because he’s a very quiet and cautious kid and the stuff he has isn’t that noticeable to other people
On top of that, due to the age gap between his dad and his uncle, Ben and May already old when they take in young Peter (closer to comic canon), which comes with the side effects of being raised by older legal guardians
Side effects like because of their age they’re so tired when they come home from work that they can’t really give Peter the attention and energy that he needs and they want to give him, and because they’re always so tired and old and stuff, Peter, who’s already an obedient kid, doesn’t want to make their lives harder and their health worse, hides away anything that can upset them
(This is very important because it explains how Peter gets away with so much as a kid, there’s gonna be a lot of well meaning neglect in this au, and is also the very beginning of that deep anger taking seed inside of him, he feels can’t show emotion about his parents abandoning him, can’t make a fuss about Flash bullying him because the school won’t help and it’ll only stress out his aunt and uncle, he just feels like he can’t show anything and has no outlet for it all)
So Peter, even before going to live with his aunt and uncle didn’t get much attention because his parents were focused on their research and trying not to get killed, and then after moving in with them, feels like he has to make his presence as little as possible
He becomes a very, very independent little kid, even though May and Ben keep trying to let him know he can just be a kid, it’s okay, but at some point one of them has a health scare, there’s the hospital bill from it and the possible chance of future medical bills, so both adults start working more and more hours to afford all that
Which leaves poor Peter alone most of the time, he doesn’t want to make a fuss so he just accepts, and because the adults are too busy to really sit down and coordinate their time together, they don’t even realize how much they’ve left him on his own, thinking that the other adult was helping him
Peter gets himself up for school, washes the laundry, cleans what he cans, and cooks himself breakfast and maybe makes some for Ben or May if they haven’t left yet, packs his own lunch, then he’s responsible for getting himself on the bus to school (where he gets bullied all day), and then getting back to school, then because of the hours they’re working, he usually comes back to an empty house and makes everyone dinner, eats his, then puts himself to bed early after doing homework alone
At this point, Peter is now 10 years old, he’s formed a new friendship with his next door neighbor, MJ, who’s being purposely neglected by her shitty angry drunk dad, and another boy at school, Harry, who’s being emotionally neglected by his dad
The three of them start hanging out at Oscorp and getting to see the new stuff that the company is developing before it’s put out, one of those things is radioactive spiders, and one of the spiders with specific markings becomes Peter’s favorite
After some time, Norman makes a deal with the army to sell one of the spiders to them because of their own research with radioactive bio specimens, unfortunately, the spider he sells is Peter’s favorite one
For the first time in his life, Peter decides to try and be vocal about something he wants, but he’s too scared to interrupt Norman’s conversation, too used to being quiet, so he follows Norman along, waiting for a break in the conversation to ask him to sell a different spider, just following aaaallll the way to the army base, just being so quiet that no one notices him
Norman makes the handoff and Peter ends up following the spider, eventually getting his hands on it and accidentally releasing it from its container where it then bites Peter
Now remember, Peter was already a mutant, these spider mutant powers already included super strength, climbing on walls, and being able to produce webs, and also because being Spidery was a core part of his being, he has also has a ton of spider behaviors and instincts that he has to constantly fight to appear normal in public so no one calls his relatives and stress them out
After the bite, all of the hair on his body, not just the hair on his head, but the body hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, just everywhere, becomes bright red and blue patterned, his eyesight becomes supernaturally incredible, but when he uses his eyes like that, they become entirely black, I’m talking pupil, iris, and the whites become a dark inky black, and when he’s not using it, his eyes look normal, but his eyesight is back to being crap, he also now has fangs that produce a high intensity venom, and his super strength becomes so much stronger than it was before
These effects start slowly taking over as Peter starts wandering around with his spider, that he’s already forgiven for biting him because of course the poor thing is scared, trying to find an exit, but instead he stumbles upon the other radioactive specimen in the army’s care: the Hulk
Peter, being the sweet kid he is, lets the Hulk out and the Hulk remembers that and becomes a lifetime friend of “bug-man’s” from that, and the two escape the army base with the cameras capturing footage of a blue and red spidery creature helping the Hulk, starting Norman Osborn’s lifetime hatred for Spiderman (no one notices Peter’s excursion which takes a couple of days getting back home because quiet kid, kinda being neglected, teachers didn’t even mark him absent because they didn’t notice he hadn’t actually showed up, etc)
Peter is now visibly a mutant and so his friend and neighbor MJ notices immediately when he comes back and helps him out immediately even though she likes his new look, but it gives her a chance to try out makeup looks and hair dyes on someone else, and that’s what starts them becoming best friends, MJ starts hanging out more at his house to get away from her home life, Peter isn’t so alone anymore, it works out great for the two kids and starts Peter’s huge crush on her since this is the first time he’s actually been close and open with another person
(Also cause of the neglect, man it feels awful saying May and Ben neglected him in this au but there’s no other way to put it, Peter doesn’t ever return to the doctors and get checkups, and no one investigates because fuck it they lost Peter’s file or something)
Peter and Harry don’t have that moment where they suddenly intensely bond over something, but over the next four years, the three of them slowly become inseparable, to the point that many times MJ and Peter forget that they haven’t shared their big secret with Harry
(Although Peter hasn’t become a vigilante yet, him and MJ still go off and have adventures during this time, like helping the Hulk or meeting up with the x-men, this ends up being another thing that helps him hide his identity as cameras keep picking up grainy images of him without the stuff he uses to hide his looks at school and of course no one’s gonna assume a kid is out doing these things, so Spiderman, when he makes his debut, has to be much older than the Parker kid is what everyone thinks)
So instead of the spider bite being what causes his fight with Uncle Ben leading to him running out and consequently his uncle dying, it’s Harry finding out that MJ and Peter had this secret they hadn’t been sharing with him, and Peter’s resentment at not being able to go to his relatives for advice because how would he even explain any of that to them?? He doesn’t even know how they feel about mutants much less a mutant who’s now been made radioactive!! That causes his anger issues acting up and then the origin story with Uncle Ben except now his death includes him apologizing to Peter for not being there more often and knowing that he’s a mutant (but not the other stuff) and letting him know that he’s okay with it and he’s sorry he made Peter feel like he couldn’t share that with him
This is depressing for everyone, because even though him and Aunt May dropped the ball a lot (in this specific au), he was still a great relative when he was able to be there for him, he was also a great adult figure to MJ and Harry
So after that, all 3 of them decide to get into the vigilante business, with Peter being the face of it since he’s the only one that could actually handle fights and stuff (but with Harry’s money and Peter’s smarts they do end up making equipment for Harry and MJ), just these 3 little traumatized, neglected 14 year olds forming a vigilante group together
They find an Oscorp warehouse that Norman forgot about, put it in Harry’s name, and completely reinvented it to be their base, and over time it becomes less lonely, at first it’s just the Hulk hiding out there occasionally, maybe some x-men they befriended, but once they turn 18 and Spiderman becomes less of a cryptid and starts actively putting himself out there (because Harry and MJ couldn’t stand the idea of losing him so they made him promise to stay out of the limelight) their group starts really taking off
(Getting people like Gwen Stacy, Daredevil, Nova, Iron Fist, White Tiger, Power Man, Wolverine, Venom, Squirrel Girl, etc)
While staying completely hidden from SHIELD the entire time, Nick Fury doesn’t find out for ages that all these other heroes were secretly connected to Spiderman and had a base together this whole time
And eventually of course Miles joins, with his origin story being that he found Spiderman on the brink of death, saved him, accidentally got pierced by one of his venomous fangs, which acted the same way a bite from a radioactive spider would affect him, which is not something any of them had known, apparently a full on bite would kill a person, but a tiny amount of venom makes them radioactive, so that’s something to worry about now
Miles’ uncle eventually joins their little superhero gang sometime after that because it’s my self indulgent au and I want that kid to be happy with his family
Also after Uncle Ben’s death, Aunt May makes a concentrated effort to actually full on be there for Peter and all his friends, it doesn’t magically make his childhood better, but it’s healing
And a good portion about this is: Peter’s identity being so hard to find because how he shows himself in his civilian life isn’t what he actually looks like, so when his mask gets ripped off there’s not actually much to worry about, doesn’t mean he’s not still doing The Most™️ to hide his identity to protect not only Aunt May now but also his group
And also I wanted him to be as strong as possible, like could fight Superman strong, as well as have all these abilities that would make you think he’d be a part of the avengers fighting aliens and stuff and he’s just like “I really gotta dedicate all my attention to stopping muggers and bank robbers” because that’s so him
Also I think he’d look incredibly pretty with the red and blue coloring as well as the completely black eyes, and because it’s funny to me, while the Hulk is a part of them, Bruce Banner has no memory of this in the slightest, and Johnny Storm is pissed when he finds out Spidey has a hero team with a base that he didn’t invite him to
The neglect and stuff also really ties into not joining SHIELD, because Peter is still the unofficial leader of the group and he's not used to depending on others, but also he's worried about SHIELD trying to force him to become a big named hero when he does just want to stop robbers, and he's terrified of SHIELD knowing his and his friends' identities and what danger that could lead to for them
There’s probably a ton I forgot to put down but this post is already so long 😭 lemme know if anyone has any questions!! would love to answer any
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deadmomjokes · 4 months
Do you have any adventures of bean to share before you sign off for a bit? good luck with the move!
I wish I had more specific ones, but life is all blurring together at this point so I must settle for Tidbits: Moving Edition
She loves to pack stuff. I have no idea where it's coming from, but holy cow this kid. She's going to be the only reason we're completely packed and ready to go on time. Every morning, she hops in my bed and goes "Can we pack another box?" And any time we're not actively doing something, "Should we pack more boxes?" Her dad whispered to me earlier, understandably dumbfounded, "What is with the packing thing? Why is she so into this?" And she somehow heard it from the next room and merrily hopped in holding the roll of packing tape and said "I dunno, I just really like packing things." So... yeah. She's keeping us on task.
She has Plans for the drive. -First, we need to eat at Subway (she was very excited to learn she can, in fact, have Subway in moderation). -Second, we need to stay at one of the number hotels-- those being National 9, Super 8, and Motel 6. (She is bummed there's no 7 hotel.) -Third, if we successfully get a number hotel for one night, we also need to do a Red Roof Inn some other night. -Fourth, she wants to go inside a gas station and look at the maps. (She means the visitors guides and brochures that truck stops have when they're near-ish to state lines and/or tourist destinations.) -Finally, she wants to borrow my phone to take pictures. Unbeknownst to her, we are getting an old digital camera tuned up and outfitted with a child-proof case so she can have her own camera, because when she starts taking pictures it's an hours-long affair, and I kinda need my phone for GPS purposes. We're presenting her with said camera next weekend when we get the trailer, so hopefully she'll stay occupied while we do the part of packing she can't actually help with. But yeah, she knows how to set realistic, attainable goals, and I honestly think we can make these things happen for her.
She's been obsessively watching that Bluey special every day, and it Concerns me. See, she's generally quite media literate, and knows how to separate fiction from reality, and we had our big group cry about leaving our friends the first time we watched it. But. I am deeply worried that she's under the impression that we'll get all packed and ready to go and then do what Bluey's family did and decide to stay. I desperately hope not, but hoo boy, if that is the case, that's gonna be one heck of a 4-day drive. We've tried bringing it up and talking about it, but we still can't tell what's going on in that little noggin.
She is really, really sad about leaving her friends. I know that's not fun to hear, but honestly, I'm really impressed and proud of the way she's been handling it. She's come up with some great coping mechanisms all on her own: asking if we can get everyone's parents' Facebooks so we can do video calls, asking if we can do a party before she leaves so she can play with her school friends again (both yes, of course), and the one that truly floored me-- she asked if we can find "a new therapy place" when we get to where we're going. My four year old asked if she can go back to therapy, y'all. She's been 'graduated' since before Christmas, but she remembered that it helped when she was feeling anxious all the time and wants to do that again after we move. I just... Holy moly! I am so, SO proud of her for how she's so in tune with herself and her needs.
Her requests for our next housing situation have been few, but very specific. It has to let her get a pet, either a rabbit (maybe two so they can be friends), or a ball python, or both. It needs stairs so she can bumslide down them. It needs a pantry with a shelf she can reach for her snacks. And she'd really prefer if it had hard floors so we can get a fuzzy rug. We don't have it on lock yet (fingers crossed!), but the place that looks most likely meets all of these criteria.
That's all I've got for right now, because I need to go pre-plan what tomorrow morning's packing adventure is going to be so I don't have to think about it two minutes after opening my eyes.
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misterdetectiveswag · 5 months
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"𝐔𝐇𝐌." he felt quite awkward and he actually did not know what to say. he was just staring at sae while sae glared back.
"I still haven't forgotten about what you did, you know." his tone was more rough, more than usual. this did not go unnoticed by the h/c male.
"I didn't as well. you still have to pay me back for the tea." the two were was always considered mature for their age but both felt like pouncing one another, even though they just met not too long ago.
"shut up."
"no, you."
"no, you."
after a few minutes when they stopped bickering sae just now noticed the soccer ball in the boy's arms. 'huh, didn't notice that thing.' it was loosely held by him, sae thought if it would've be funny if he were to smack it out of his hands.
"you have quite the temper, mr. under eyelashes.."
"you think I didn't know?"
"anyways, wanna play?" sae thought the male to be quite moody
both were breathing quite heavily and sae was still playing. the h/c male truly wanted to be on the same level as him.
"hm, you're not as bad than what I expected." In truth, he thought that the male was already quite good. not exactly his level, but it was striker worthy. he didn't know what help he needed when the h/c male asked.
"what..really?" the boy's eyes were basically gleaming with joy. he didn't expect THE sae itoshi to compliment him, especially with the current history they have at the moment.
"don't make me take back what I said"
"what? a..are you serious though?" he began stammering, just a bit. what he felt during that moment was something he never felt before. he felt prideful. he felt something like pleasure perhaps..? he didn't know but it certainly felt good. that's for sure.
"heey! answer me!" he was being annoying again. he was pestering sae until he got an answer.
"come on! say it one more time?"
"shut up, brat."
the male pouted while sae was throwing insults left and right. sae imagined y/n as the fly in his room that wouldn't let him take a moments rest.
the pout that tugged on y/n's lips gave him an extra touch to it. sae wouldn't admit that it made him look cute.
sae shamelessly stared into y/n's drink. y/n bought another pack of kombucha tea and was currently drinking(flexing) to sae about it. it ticked him off but let it go. if you thought that sae would let go of his attitude just for some tea then you're dead wrong.
it's just tea after all. it isn't something worth the trouble.
one moment sae was staring at tea, the next hes watching y/n gulp down the drink. y/n seemed to take notice of it and raised an eyebrow.
"want?" the tone seems like it's mocking sae. but really, it wasn't.
"no." yes he does.
a rather loud and dramatic sigh escapes the h/c-ette's lips as i shoved the thermos into sae's face. as if sae was forcing him to.
"you can drink all of the remaining. it tastes different." y/n liked his tea prepared in a specific order. unfortunately today his mom was the one to prepped it up for him and messed up his taste buds.
sae took it without a word and drank from his thermos bottle. it was nice. the heat that transferred from the metal to his hands wasn't burning. so that was a good sign. it tasted good as well.
he drank it all up and slid the bottle back to y/n. he was left wondering why his friend was red in the face, and badly covering up his face with his forearms.
sae shrugged it off as he continued doing whatever he was doing.
rin was inside the store with his and sae's mom. he was picking out the stuff that he wanted and needed. thats when he came across kombucha tea.
'maybe nii-chan would like this..'
and so, he grabbed the entire box and plopped it down in the cart.
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ghastlyvampire · 3 months
Large 1 am thought dump about the ghovie under the cut (contains spoilers) (it really is large and pretty disorganized and a bit random)
(I rewrote this at 8 am ☝️)
The theater was PACKED!! The session I went to was almost fully sold out. There were cosplayers where I went too, it was great. No merch available unfortunately, but hey I didn't even expect it to show in my country so I'm very pleased.
(downside: no popcorn because if we tried to get popcorn we would have been late. The popcorn line basically took over the cinema's entry hall. The ghovie coincided with a bunch of parents taking their kids to see inside out which made for a funny mix at the waiting line).
I basically didn't know anything about what to expect but it was so cool. I'M JUST SAD I COULDN'T GET THE LAST QR CODE IN TIME SIGH BUT IT'S OKAY!!
I went with my dad and he loved it. This is the first movie we watched in a theater that he somehow didn't fall asleep in the middle of LOL.
The downside: as usual, sexual innuendos were a bit awkward to witness when your father is sitting right next to you. That didn't stop me from enjoying anything though dkkskfkdk
I kind of wish the people in my session had been more... Idk I mean it was basically a concert right!! I was expecting more singing and stuff. I normally hate loudness but in these contexts I really like it, but judging by the wait line we were all nerds so it makes sense why no one was extroverted enough for that.
(We did all laugh sometimes and also everyone groaned at the cliffhanger which was funny) (twice, once when the screen turned black and then when the lights of the theater turned back on) (everyone waited)
I did unfortunately also conclude that there's like a 90% chance that I could not ever actually go to a Ghost concert (or most big concerts) because of the lights* 🥹 (autism). I just looked away whenever it got too much but I was also kind of transfixed but regardless I had fun.
*well, really thinking about it I would probably already be overwhelmed just by being in that big of a crowd. Then having to listen to it scream the whole time would have probably kill me so there's that
I got so scared that Copia was going to die at the end. My heart was beating so fast nearing the end and when the balloon thing start I was like It's Over. Then it wasn't!
(In my heart I kind of knew Tobias wasn't going to do that because we are all very attached to him at this point and I would imagine he is too)
The Mary On a Cross animation made me very happy
The costume changes were so cool to witness and I really liked Papa's (or Fráter's now, I guess hehe) little boxer outfit.
Someone brought their baby AND THE BABY DIDN'T CRY OR SCREAM ONCE! Idk how their mom did it since I'm sure they couldn't have been sleeping but maybe they were raised with Ghost so they were just as hooked into the movie as the rest of us.
Oughhh ouch now I'm craving cinema popcorn so bad I wish I could have seen the movie while eating popcorn.
It was nice to get the confirmation that Copia really is Nihil and Sister's son (even though we all knew).
When they were in that box thing I thought that Nihil was going to possess him. I was expecting for him to possess him when he did the pose too for some reason.
I was like wow I will be completely normal about this I'm not even autistic about Ghost anymore. Then I sat down on the chair and immediately was fighting back tears. Apparently I can never be Normal About Things (specifically Things That I Like a Lot).
The new song is great
I was sad that Sister died but she's a ghost so really it's okay.
I might edit this later with more thoughts but I'm too sleepy to think right now. If you somehow read everything then hiiii thank you for reading my messy thoughts
Edit #2: The ghovie had no ads before it. Like at all. I was pleasantly surprised but also feel bad for the people that went into it a bit late thinking they wouldn't miss anything because the ads usually take minutes.
Edit #3: Another reason that makes me think that I'd die at a real Ghost concert is that the music is probably very loud as well, and while my brain dislikes loud music that I like less than the other loud things, it's still not immune to it. Thinking about it, it's crazy that somehow I didn't feel overwhelmed by the sounds in the ghovie once, considering that usually that happens at least once in every movie I see on the theater. Idk if it's just me or they just made it like that, but I'm VERY pleased about that too.
If you want more specific spoilers then dm me I love rambling about things I like
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jakeyzzz · 1 year
I'll be here
requested by an anon !♡
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(fluff/angst) - { hurt - comfort } heeseung x f!reader oneshot
masterlist ♡
⚠️♡ warnings - ( reader's parents fighting, screaming, arguments, sadness, depression, swearing, running away, sneaking out, crying, mentions of feeling alone, comfort, cuddling, hugging, kissing, heeseung being the most amazing human being ever - ) ♡⚠️
!! please let me know if I missed anything 🌻
!!! english is NOT my first language so please be nice
♡ 1,4k words
Emptiness. That's the only Word that could ever describe the Way you felt when you opened your Eyes in the Morning after hearing your Parents constantly screaming at each other in the Kitchen for the whole Night. You felt weak, scared and maybe even a little angry. You didn't know what the Fight was about. But to be honest ... you didn't even really wanted to know. You've already had enough to worry about, since you've been kind of depressed. But your Parents never listened to you. They just always acted like they didn't care when you told them about your Problems and Fears. They made you feel alone, and sometimes even unwanted. And that made you wish your Parents were more loving, and especially caring .
When you heard them arguing again right after you woke up, you just wanted to scream into your Pillow. You could've sworn that you heard Glass shattering on the Floor from the Kitchen, which made you flinch slightly. You were sick and tired of their shit, and you just wanted to leave. You just started sobbing into your Pillow, trying to think of a Way to get out of here. You just couldn't do this anymore. But where the hell were you supposed to go ? You didn't have many Friends, and the rest of your Family lived far away from where you lived. You were basically alone.
But then, one specific Person popped into your Head.   Lee Heeseung.  He has helped you a lot of Times before. He picked you up after your Parents left you in the middle of a random Street at night after a big Argument, and let you stay at his house for over a Week. He also got into a pretty big Fight with your Parents for you before, and basically saved your ass with that. That Boy was basically your personal guardian Angel. He protected you. And whenever you were with him, you felt safe. He gave you, what your Parents were never able to give you. Comfort and Safety.
So you didn't even think twice, before finally dialing his Number. And only after a few Seconds, he picked up. ,, Y/N? Are you alright ?'' Hearing his soothing Voice made you smile softly, even though you were still crying. He heard you sniffling through the Phone. You shook your Head, even though he couldn't even see it. ,, Actually, i'm not alright. I really need to get out of here, Heeseung. I was wondering, If i could come to your house and stay over for a few Days . I don't wanna bother you though'' You mumbled through your Tears. ,,No, please come over. You know you're always welcome. I'll be right here waiting for you.'' Heeseung answered with no hesitation. He sounded worried. ,,Thank you, Heeseung. I promise I'll make it up to you some Day'' You said, wiping your Nose before hanging up to pack your Stuff. You grabbed your Backpack from the Corner of your Room and stuffed everything you'll need for the next few Days inside of it.
You packed some Clothes, your Toothbrush, your Phone, your Makeup and some other Stuff you thought you might need. And when you were done with that, you threw on a Hoodie and made your Way out of your Room. You quickly ran down the Stairs, before taking a last glance at your Parents in the Kitchen. They were still fighting. And they didn't even notice you standing there, which made your Heart clench and your Eyes fill with Tears once again. So you quickly turned around, and eventually left your House.
You hugged yourself the entire time on the Way to Heeseung's House, trying to get some warmth. And you cried. You cried so much. You didn't want anyone to see you cry though, which made you walk faster as you tried to hide your Face as good as possible. You felt pathetic. But you knew it was okay to cry ... Heeseung taught you that a while ago. And only a few Minutes later, you finally arrived at his House.
You softly knocked on his Front Door, before waiting for him to open the Door. And after a few Seconds, he finally did. He looked at your Tear stained Face in worry, before quickly pulling you into a tight hug. He softly caressed your Back, as he let you sob into his Chest. ,,It's okay Angel, you're safe in my Arms. '' Heeseung carefully kissed your Head, before pulling you inside of his House. He realized your Hands were Ice cold, as he took you to his Room. He took your Backpack, before making you sit down on his Bed.
He eventually ended up giving you a Blanket, so you could stop freezing. And right after that, he sat down next to you. You looked so exhausted and it was so hard to look at. ,,I think it was my fault they got into that Argument. You know, there's that Voice inside my Head that keeps telling me I'm the Problem'' You said, biting your Lip to stop yourself from crying. Heeseung furrowed his Eyebrows as he shook his Head. ,, Don't listen to that Voice, Y/N. Listen to my Voice. I'm so sorry I can't take the Pain away from you but I need you to know, that you were never the Problem. And i'm here for you. I'm never gonna leave.'' Heeseung said,making you look at him as another Tear ran down your Cheek. You forced a soft smile on your Face. ,,How long can I stay here?'' Heeseung softly smiled. ,,You can stay for as long as you need.'' He said.
You loved Heeseung so much. He was exactly what you needed in the Moment, and he chose the perfect Words to make you feel better. And what he did next, made your Heart flutter. He hesitantly lowered his Head, before softly kissing the Tears away from your Cheeks. You closed your Eyes at his gentle Touch. You've never felt so loved by anyone. And even though Heeseung never told you he loved you, you could feel it. ,,I'm glad you're here.'' He whispered between his feathery kisses. ,,No one's ever done this to me before'' You stated, making Heeseung look at you with a soft Smile on his Lips. You looked at Heeseung, as he put a thick strand of Hair behind your Ear. ,,Can I try something?'' Heeseung softly nodded his Head at your Question.
You nervously cupped his Cheek with your Hand, looking into his Eyes before taking a quick glance at his Lips, making Heeseung giggle quietly. And then you finally leaned in, pulling Heeseung into a soft Kiss. The Kiss started off soft and gentle, but eventually got more passionate and heated, making Heeseung break the Kiss quickly. ,,Can you promise me not to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable ? If it gets too much, please pull away'' You nodded your Head,resting your Forehead against his before Heeseung pulled you into another deep Kiss.
He touched you so beautifully, you could feel how much love he had for you. ,,I've been wanting to kiss you for a while'' You murmured against his Lips,making him smile against yours. You pulled away before giving him one last peck on his beautiful, plump Lips. Heeseung pulled you onto his Lap, before wrapping his Arms around your Waist as you wrapped yours around his Neck. ,,So...you've never kissed anyone before?'' You shook your Head at his Question. ,,Nope , never.'' Heeseung hid his Face in the Crook of your Neck. ,,Well, can I get another Kiss?'' Heeseung mumbled into your Neck,making you chuckle. ,,You're lucky I love kissing you'' You said, making Heeseung look at you again to press a soft Kiss on your Lips. ,,I love you Y/N, and I'll do anything to protect you. I'd even risk my life for you'' You looked at him in adoration, stroking his Cheek softly. ,,You're a Gift sent from Heaven, Hee. I love you too''
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siriannatan · 1 year
Flower Husbands Fantasy Thing
Inspired by these beautiful designs by @applestruda on Tumblr. Go see all their pretty art.
I might have based a lot of Martyn on the old sheriff
Being the winner of the tournament to decide who was worthy of challenging the demon king was never on Scott's life plan but here he was. Couple of weeks away from the capital and the Grand Oracle who said the whole thing about the tournament. Searching for a very specific smith. A smith who - according to the Oracle and the King - was capable of forging a demon-slaying sword strong enough to kill the Demon King. At least they knew more or less where said Smith lived. And after some asking in the nearby town - the local Vigil church folk were no use but a certain tavern owner knew the man Scott was looking for.
So after couple more hours of fighting with the forest, Scott has finally reached a small house with a smithy next to it nested in the woods. "Hello? Anyone there? I'm a knight from the capital?!" Scott called out after tying his horse to a low fence. She had no issue and just started nibbling at the clovers the whole clearing seemed to be covered with. "Smith Martyn?"
"I hear you, ya' whippersnapper!" an angry blonde man with a cane grumbled and mumbled as he came from the back. "What do the capital idiots want from ol' me, huh?" he asked as he completely ignored Scott and sat by the door to the house and pulled out a pipe.
"Apparently I'm supposed to kill the demon-king, at least according to..."
"Not with that toothpick you ain't," Martyn huffed. "JIMMY!" he yelled into the house what had someone drop something metal and yelp in pain - maybe it landed on their feet?
"They did tell me to..."
"Of course, they told you to find me I'm the best. Too bad for you I ain't going on any adventures. Lucky for you I know more or less where you can find the proper stuff to make the sword you want, and I'm willing to give you my apprentice. Wait here a second," he said and went inside. "Hurry up you slow-poke, grab all your important things, we're leaving...!"
With nothing better to do with himself, Scott stood there and tried to ignore even more yelling coming from inside. Was this really who he was looking for? The swords displayed in the smithy did look to be very good quality so he didn't think he was in the wrong place.
Jimmy had no idea why Martyn was telling him to pack. And the damned old man, as always, refused to explain himself so he just packed - light as he was told and left the house. What he would love to be warned about was the handsome knight currently waiting outside, one had on his sword. Dressed in silvery armour Jimmy recognised as mythrill - not a cheap material, with a white tunic with a red pattern at the low edge with a cyan overcoat. No helmet, but that made Jimmy's problem worse. He could see his handsome, flawless face, soft, fluffy cyan hair, and bluish-cyan eyes.
And he was staring at all the swords Martyn had Jimmy make for his training. And he didn't have that dumb look most of their visitors had when looking at them. And while his sword was clearly of a good make Jimmy was tempted to maybe get him to switch it for one of his. Just because Martyn always said the two of them were the best smiths out there. A knight in mythrill armour should have the best sword, right?
"Move it, Jim," Martyn's cane smacking his head had Jimmy move out of the way with a disgruntled expression. 
"Mister knight here needs you to forge him a sword to kill the demon king, so here," Martyn passed him a journal Jimmy has never seen before, "is my journal, should tell you two where to find the right tools, materials and the workshop."
"But..." Jimmy was about to protest. Forge a sword to kill the demon king? Could he really do it?
"You can do it, you learned from me boy," it was probably the softest he ever saw Martyn. "Grab Wednesday, she's faster and a sword. You too knight-boy, if you two hurry you should be in town before sunset. Trust your instinct and nothing else. And if you let my apprentice get hurt demon king will be the least of your worries," Martyn huffed and Jimmy just then noticed he had a bag of his own.
"What about you?" the knight asked what Jimmy was about to ask.
"I'll be off to the capital after I set this thing burning. Gods know these fools will need me. Stay safe. Stay vigilant. May the gods keep you safe," he explained and turned away, obviously already done with them. He would not question why Martyn wanted to burn the smithy. Demon King was involved and possibly had his cronies already looking for Martyn... The old man could take care of himself. At least Jimmy hoped he did.
Jimmy just sighed and started doing as told. Sword first. "If you feel like you don't need one I'll be not offended," he told the knight.
"You made these?" he asked, already looking over one of Jimmy's most recent creations.
"Yeah, the boss doesn't really smith anymore so I had to learn pretty much from his words alone," Jimmy sighed and picked out a random sword. It wasn't like he even knew how to properly use one. "My training did not include how to swing one effectively," he quickly clarified. "Um... I'm Jimmy just... I don't..."
"I'm Scott, technically it's sir Scott, the Flower Knight but I'd rather you don't call me that if we're to travel together," the knight said with a frankly too-perfect smile. "These are all really good swords," he praised and Jimmy felt himself blush a bit. "I can teach you how to defend yourself if you'd like," he offered and grabbed two swords. One a bit longer than the other. Jimmy didn't question it as he packed a few tools and maybe a couple of daggers. Just in case.
Scott was kind of glad he got the pretty avian apprentice and not the grumpy old smith if he had to go on a quest collecting all the stuff they'd need to make the sword. And how hard can keeping one smith alive be? Especially if they are cute and hard to miss with their pretty golden wings and hair. And tall. Dear gods, Scott liked tall men too much for his own good. And to make it worse Jimmy wore baggy clothes, and was a smith, meaning who knew what was hiding under his turtleneck shirt, wrap-up sweater and blue vest. No matter what was under there Scott was pretty sure Jimmy could pick him up. Mythrill was known for being durable, strong and light.
"I'll get my horse ready..." Scott smiled after picking out the swords. He might need an extra sword before they get the special one made. And these were made by Jimmy, making them even more special. Even with just a short peruse, he knew the sword he picked would work perfectly for him. And that the sword Jimmy picked would not work well with how tall and lanky he was. Why he grabbed a second, longer sword?
Poppy, his horse, helped herself to the clovers at the edge of the clearing. She did straighten up as Scott approached, shortly followed by Jimmy and a calm chestnut horse. Wednesday he assumed from what the old smith said. Speaking of, the old man was still moving shockingly quickly around the place. "Will mister Martyn be okay?" he asked but mounted Poppy as Jimmy mounted his horse. She did not look too happy to carry the young smith.
"Martyn's damn hard to kill and much more skilled with a sword than I am... How far is the capital anyway?" Jimmy almost seemed to shrug.
"Like four days at a moderate pace... depending on the weather and the route," Scott gave a rather generous estimate. "And how many and how long breaks you'd take," he quickly added.
"Oh... He'll be fine with Blitz, he's a fast one," Jimmy nodded. He didn't look too convinced but Scott nodded along. No need to scare him too much. They were likely to encounter worse things along the road.
"From what I saw a dragon would not take him down," Scott grinned. "Shall we? The road down the mountain's quite rough."
Jimmy took one more look at the smithy and nodded. With a heavy heart, Scott nodded and led the way to town. This would be one heck of an adventure but he would do all he could to keep the young smith safe. Luckily Scott was more than just a tournament knight.
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jennyyy007 · 3 months
PLAYTHING 🗝️ pt. 8
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Cw: Violence, female whumpee, male whumper, punishment, humiliation, degradation, cruel whumper, slave wumpee, drugging, cigarette burns, fooled whumpee
“Eat up pet”
Isaac orders the worried girl sitting by the dining table, currently staring down at the delicious looking meal in front of her.
No bugs… it’s warm… and it’s enough to keep her satisfied for at least a day.
Something has to be off… right?
“I said eat. Don’t you like my cooking?”
Isaac says impatiently as he crossed his arms, sitting down on the opposite side of the table.
Mary quickly tilts her head up to look in the mans eyes before shaking her head.
“N-no master it looks delicious!”
Her voice trembles as water quickly builds up in her mouth. The medium rare steak… the soft, steamy potatoes… The buttery vegetables and… the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice next to it. It’s heaven.
“Then dig in..”
Isaac says rather annoyed as he rolls his eyes, waiting for her to start eating.
Mary decides not to question it, not wanting him to take it away or hurt her. So she picks up the fork and knife and starts to eat. Firstly cutting off a piece of the delicious steak, it slides so smoothly through the bloody meat before she opens her mouth, putting the piece inside before chewing it.
Mary can’t help but let out a small moan of satisfaction. It’s so good…
Isaac smirks as he watches the scene. Maybe he just makes her do this for the purpose of humiliating her. Like throwing food to a starved animal and watching it desperately feed. That’s how she looks right now. A desperate little animal.
Mary quickly picks up one of the potatoes and stuffs it into her mouth, chewing it. Soft, flavorful, buttery and delicious.
The potato makes the inside of her mouth feel a little dry so she decides to take a sip of the orange juice. Gulping down a little less than half of it.
That makes her captor grin wider. But Mary doesn’t notice, heavily invested in her meal.
After around five minutes she finished half of it, still onto the food as she had quite a lot of the juice as well.
“How does it taste dear?”
The man asks her softly.
“Good- I really.. I really like it m-.. mas.. ssster”
Mary just now notices how slow her movement became, how dizzy she’s starting to feel… and how mumbly her voice is. She raises her head, looking first at Isaac before she looks at the food… specifically… the almost empty glass of juice.
“Wh.. whaat di-.. did you d-do?”
She asks slowly as she tries her best to form a proper sentence without stuttering or drifting off.
Isaac smirks at her as he lets out a small chuckle.
“Is it not obvious? I drugged you sweetheart.”
Mary needs around five seconds to register that before she speaks again.
“D-.. dru-?”
He smiles as he gets up, taking slow steps over to her which seem even slower to her.
“Rohyphnol. Three milligrams.”
He steps closer to her before cupping her lower face with his hand, squeezing it slightly to puff out her lips.
“What? You actually thought I’d give you food just because I feel nice today? God Mary I didn’t know you could get even more pathetic.”
He says smirking before he lets go of her face, making it slightly drop down.
“N-.. no I-..”
The man moves to pick her up, holding her in a princess way as he moves to get to the couch, sitting down on it before laying the girl in his lap, so she’s on her back with her head resting on the mans thighs.
He starts running his fingers through her hair, playing in them before brushing some of it out of her face, watching a bit of droll dripping down the sides of her mouth.
“You’re so pretty… with all those bruises… and those disgusting cuts… the uglier I make you… the more beautiful you get”
He mumbles as he observes her, running his hands down her face now, to her chest and over her side. The man reaches over to his pack of cigarettes, putting one in his mouth before lighting it.
He takes a long drag before blowing the smoke in her face, making her blink slowly a few times.
“Let’s make you more beautiful hm?”
He says before lowering the smoke to her face before pushing the burning tip of it into her cheek. But the girl doesn’t move, barely conscious as she’s just looking up at the man, a tiny tear dripping down her cheek.
Isaac moves his head down to lick it off, brushing over the burned skin before he takes another drag of his cigarette. Blowing more smoke in her face. His fingers roughly grip her cheek before he shakes her head a little as he sees the girl starting to close her eyes.
“Stay with me now. We can’t have you passing out already. We’ll have a looooot of fun tonight”
The man says, for the rest of the night he was touching her all over, slapping her skin, scratching her, giving her numerous cigarette burns while she can just helplessly endure it…
@a-living-canvas @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
(I tried writing a short story but came to the conclusion that drugging mary could be fun too! Hope thats okay!! <3)
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
Day 2 of the @domaystic prompt challenge: "A stash of…"
Hunter x Hunter | Gen | SFW | 1,362 words
Relationship: Killua & Gon
POV Gon Freecss
Summary: "…Chocolate. Killua has procured a very extensive snack collection."
Gon isn’t sure he’ll ever completely understand just how, exactly, Killua had apparently once managed to spend a full ten million dollars on only a year or two’s worth of snacks.
Even without the influence of Aunt Mito’s watchful eyes, Gon’s diet has remained fairly healthy during the course of their adventure. And Leorio could really only take, like, twenty percent responsibility for that. The only times he ever really indulged was when Killua was trying a particularly interesting new snack—which, to be fair, was pretty often—but the point still remains that he literally can’t wrap his head around how it’s even possible to spend that much money so quickly.
Killua once sat him down and tried to explain the logistics of it, recreating the specific budget plan and everything in his tight, messy scrawl. Something about inflation, scarcity bias, monopolies, and commodity investments. As soon as numbers started getting involved, though, Gon feared the whole thing might make his brain explode. It made him feel pretty bad, honestly. He was genuinely curious, and Killua was trying really hard to be patient and explain it all, dumbing his words down progressively further until his words sounded like some kind of jumble between caveman-speak and yet-undefined-technical jargon.
Well, it’s probably best that Gon sticks to more targeted problem-solving, anyways. The Greed Island stuff had made a lot more sense to him because they had such a specific goal in mind. He’s happy to let Killua take the reigns with the bigger-picture economic stuff; it’s just another cool product of his training, and Gon doesn’t see the point in trying to outclass his expertise like that.
Gon learns best through example, anyway. And in this case, he hopes he never gets an example to learn from.
They’re staying at a quaint little inn for the moment, one with a cute modern exterior and a surprisingly roomy two-bed. It’s erected right next to a candy shop, which is pretty exciting, too. Gon and Killua had a wonderful time pressing their faces against the glass display cases, admiring the eclectic assemblage of all sorts of treats from around the world. Gon had elected to purchase a pack of vanilla bean candies and one of those cool lollipops with a scorpion inside, but strangely enough, Killua hadn’t wanted anything. Maybe he was feeling naseous after Gon had spent a solid ten minutes trying to convince him to try a lick of his lollipop, employing the tried-and-true sales pitch of waving it around a mere two inches away from his face.
That was a few hours ago, now.
Gon wipes some sweat from his brow as he steps into their inn room without knocking, having just grown bored of chasing butterflies down the street (he’s never seen this species before!) He can see Killua slouched on the table next to the radio, possibly asleep. But Gon knows better than to expect that he’ll continue sleeping for long now that there’s another person in the room. He doesn’t take it personally, really, since he knows Killua has to be cautious like that. It’s just the way he is.
He’s a little hungry, so he heads into the kitchenette. It’s a tiny thing, furnished with only a minifridge and a hot plate on the counter, plugged into a slightly dangerous-looking exposed outlet. They should still have some leftovers stuffed into a styrofoam take-out container somewhere in there, some kind of noodle dish with tofu and bean sprouts. Gon isn’t sure what it’s called, but they had something similar back at home, and he remembers that it was always delicious cold.
The fridge hums loudly, almost like a sigh. Gon begins to open the door, and four things happen in very quick succession.
The little light inside flickers on with an annoyed, electric grumble, just as his hand overpowers the suction-like force holding the door closed.
Three boxes of mint chocolate cookies tumble out with three sequential thwacks, each one landing neatly atop the other on the floor.
Gon can hear and feel something falling against the inside of the door, so he rushes to slip his hand through the side and extracts two more boxes.
Now reasonably sure nothing horrible will happen, he opens the fridge door the rest of the way.
The inside is packed with a smorgasbord of all sorts of treats: at least ten more boxes of mint chocolate cookies, a section of packaged mooncakes and mochis stuffed so tightly together it kind of looks like a giant fungal growth, barricaded by an interlocked gummy bear fencing. There’s a layer of half-melted blackcurrant popsicles behatting a small tower of tupperwares jam-packed with assorted chocolate truffles. It’s all kind of formed a little ecosystem of precarious balance—almost grotesque, in a way, seeing the sheer amount of stuff that’s been tetrised into the tiny space, all organized like a little cityscape.
Gon blinks at the patchwork of commercial color, blinks again.
Closes it.
“Killua?” He calls.
“Mm?” Killua replies, having evidently just woken up. His voice is still sleepy and thick in a way it normally isn’t, and it’s kind of cute, in that kittycat way, like an I know exactly what I did wrong but you can’t be mad at me because I’m so cute kinda cute.
“What’s with the fridge?”
A silence follows before Killua says, “You think it’s too much…?”
It’s a dangerous tone. Not in the way that means Killua’s mad, but more in the way that means Killua’s embarrassed. Gon knows this means that there’s a correct and an incorrect answer, and he better not get it wrong.
“No,” he says slowly.
“M’kay,” Killua says. “Cool.”
And, okay, it’s not a lie—sure, it seems a little excessive, but Gon knows Killua is just kind of like that sometimes, and he doesn’t actually mind. It’s not like they’re really struggling for money, and if they run out, there’s nothing stopping them from just returning to the Heavens Arena (Leorio had definitely been right to become a Hunter so he could make more money).
Killua also sometimes gets weirdly defensive about it, in that way where Gon knows it’s really about something else that he doesn’t want to talk about. So, since it’s not a problem, and since Killua doesn’t want to talk about it, Gon is fine with just letting it happen without too much pushback.
He heads to the small pantry instead, mildly hopeful that he won’t find it in similar shape.
Gon opens the pantry door.
Gon closes the pantry door.
Well, wait a minute—he opens it back up against his better judgment—there’s something interesting in here. Standing on the tips of his toes, he reaches into the depths of the pantry, sinking down to the elbow through bags of pickle-flavored chips, fizzy rock candy, and an assortment of Popin’Cookin’s, and dislodges a package from the back. The dim kitchen light reveals its contents: seaweed snacks, apparently. The package is illustrated with a few pieces of nori, glazed with almond slices and sesame seeds. Curious, Gon tears it open and pops one into his mouth.
“Hey, Killua?” he calls again, his mouth still half-full.
“What’s up?”
Gon pads into the little living room where Killua is still sitting, head cradled in his arms with that sleepy-alert look (he really is like a cat sometimes, isn’t he?).
“Let’s get some more of this seaweed stuff later! It’s really good.”
He blinks, then straightens up a little. “…Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Gon confirms. “It’ll be fun! You always shop for this kind of stuff on your own.”
The expression that Killua makes next is, in Gon’s opinion, pretty rewarding. Really, being friends with Killua on its own is very rewarding, but Gon especially loves being able to notice how he’s really feeling in moments like this: gratitude, in a quiet sort of way. His face doesn’t change, but he definitely stares a little too long, taking his time to wrap his head around it.
“Okay,” he says finally. “Let’s go tomorrow.”
Even if he can be a little disarming at times, Gon seriously loves being friends with Killua.
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straysofthesierra · 1 year
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CW: Discussions of pregnancy
(And minor hints of how it came about. Friendly reminder that this project is intended for mature audiences!)
Have some more pre canon stuff cuz that's just where my mind has been lately I guess lol!
“Are you alright Fern? You look tired.”
Fern startled, glancing up at the rest of the patrol who were staring back at her with looks of concern. They had been coming back from clearing and resetting all the traps on the territory and she had fallen a few lengths behind, struggling to catch her breath. She paused to set down the rabbit she had been carrying so she could respond. “Oh, yes, I’m fine,” she gasped. “I just… must not have gotten enough sleep is all…”
But Maple looked unconvinced. “You look like you’re about to keel over. Maybe you should see Camelia when we get back.”
“I told you, I’m fine!” she snapped. She scooped up her rabbit and marched past them while they watched her go in shock. Juniper gave Maple a questioning frown, to which she could only respond with a shrug, and they all continued on back to base in awkward silence.
Privately Fern was already regretting becoming short with them. They were only worried about her, after all. But the truth was, she really had been feeling off recently. Her appetite was all over the place, and she was somehow always run down even when she hadn’t been doing anything strenuous. She had a guess as to why, but it was something that she didn’t want the rest of the pack to know. At least not yet. She was still in a little bit of denial about it herself.
One thing was for sure though; Maple was right, she did need to go see Camelia to confirm her fears once and for all.
Camelia hummed softly to herself as she sorted her herbs in the medical tent. They had just gotten a large batch of brand new ones from Ginger and Daffodil, fresh from the Shepherd’s garden. She was just bundling up a thing of chamomile when Fern shuffled inside, looking over her shoulder warily.
“Hello Fern! Can I help you with something?”
Fern whipped her head around to give Camelia a wide eyed stare. “Oh, um, yes…” She closed the entrance of the tent and sat down, sweeping her long, plumed tail around herself. “I’ve just been feeling a little… off lately.”
“Hmm, off how?”
“Nothing specific, just not normal,” Fern explained. “I’m feeling tired all the time, and I don’t feel like eating much. Things like that.”
Camelia hummed thoughtfully, tilting her head at her. Fern squirmed under her gaze, as if she could tell what was going on with her just by looking. “Is it alright if I examine you?” Camelia asked.
“Oh, sure, I guess…”
She walked over to the bed, which Camelia was patting with a reassuring smile, and settled down in the soft fur. The caretaker started by sniffing her, then ran well practiced paws over her side in search of anything unusual. “Hmmm… oh!”
Fern cringed.
“Fern, have you been seeing anyone lately?”
Fern sat back up with a sigh and a grumble. “Yes. There is this sire from the Mists that I’ve been seeing for a little while.”
“And have you two been… physically active with each other?”
“Well,” Camelia began, keeping her voice light so the other dog didn’t feel cornered or judged. “Then I’m sure you can guess what I’m going to say next. ” She paused for a moment and Fern lowered her ears, a cold wave of dread washing over her. “Based on what you’ve told me, the only conclusion I can come to is that you’re pregnant.”
It was just as she thought. “Oh, I can’t believe this is happening, we were so careful!”
“I know, I’m sure you were.” If it were from any dog other than Camelia it would have come off as condescending, but Fern knew that the large white dam was being genuine. “Things just happen sometimes. Did you not want pups?”
“It’s not that, it’s just… I always thought it would be in the future, you know?” She was only three cycles old, after all. Her adult life and career had just barely begun. She had considered being promoted to Point someday! And sure, having pups wouldn’t stop her. Many other high ranks had families. But she’d always thought that she would be older and more settled by then, more able to handle the struggle of juggling it all. Not to mention that, disregarding even all that, raising pups was just hard. She had always wanted to be absolutely sure she was ready before she thrust herself into parenthood.
But now…
“Hey.” Camelia placed a steadying paw on Fern’s, coaxing the other dam to meet her eyes. “I know this is a lot to process, and I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but it will be ok. You know the entire pack will be there to help you.”
“Yes, that’s very comforting,” Fern growled sarcastically.
Camelia frowned.
“Sorry, I know you’re trying to help. I just… need to be alone to think.” Fern sighed.
“Of course. Feel free to come back if you need anything.”
Fern nodded, speeding past her and out of the medical tent. Camelia watched her go sadly.
Fern, meanwhile, started heading straight across camp toward her own tent, mindlessly weaving through other dogs who were going about their day. She very nearly ran into Arrow who was working on mixing some new paint. The base keeper wrinkled their muzzle at her when she stomped by without so much as a sorry, but softened when they noticed her tense stance. They attempted to call out to her but their concern fell on deaf ears.
Fern burst into her tent, collapsing into her bed and covering her face with her paws. Curse it all, what was she going to do now? Was she really ready to be a mother? She sure didn’t feel like it. And what was Rain going to think? Did he even want pups?
Oh no, Rain! She was going to have to tell him!
A deep sigh escaped from her and she straightened up, her gaze creeping toward the cracked flap of her tent. Her mind strayed up into the mountains, where the Mists made their territory, and a small smile crept onto her muzzle as she thought back to their last meeting. Even though it was what got her into this predicament in the first place, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. He had made her feel desired and adored, like she was the only thing in the world that mattered.
They hadn’t really talked about officially becoming mates yet. But they had been seeing each other for a couple seasons now. She certainly liked him enough. He was such a sweet and thoughtful sire. So unlike all of the other brutish and arrogant males in the Mists. She just knew he would make a great father.
It startled her how easily she could picture it. Her, Rain, two or three young pups running around their paws. It startled her even more that, when she really thought about it, she realized that… she liked the idea of it. Liked the idea of having a family. Liked the idea of having a family with him.
She still needed to talk to him about it, of course. There were still a lot of uncertainties, and there would still be a lot of challenges in the future. But she was starting to believe what Camelia had said, that things might be… ok. Maybe she could do this after all.
She took a deep breath and pushed herself up.
Well, first thing first. She had to get over to the Mists.
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astromechs · 2 years
almost paradise
the gotg vol 3 trailer dropped, i had a breakdown, then went completely unhinged to write this in about two days. gamora/peter quill, 5713 words. do mind the m rating, as well as the tags!
“What was she like?”
He doesn’t know what makes him say it — probably the one Centuarian rye too many he’d had back at the bar to celebrate all the new units they’d just gotten their hands on, if he had to guess, which pretty much always gets him talking way more than he should — but as soon as the words are out of his mouth, Peter regrets them. It’s been about three months or so since he and Gamora had started this tentative friendship of theirs, and he knows, he knows, there’s something very specific that keeps it going: patience to give her all the space she needs, and a firm resolve to not push anything too hard. She’s like that cat his grandpa used to have, he’s thought well more than once; she comes closer on her own time, if you just let her.
That’s how she’d ended up out here with him when everyone else had gone their separate ways for the night, sitting in the sand by the water on Xandar, not far from where they’d parked the Milano. He’s without the Walkman (Rocket had insisted that Groot needed it to sleep, and even if he hadn’t actually said anything, Peter knows complete and total bullshit when he hears it), but it’s all right; there’s actually something kind of relaxing about the way that the waves gently crash against the shore. At least, Gamora seems to think so, judging from the way she doesn’t look like she’s about to go for a knife, as she still so often does — and, honestly, Gamora’s right about a lot of stuff.
But now, he’s freaking ruined it, because he knows exactly what happens when he pushes something a little too far. If he’s lucky, she’ll just get up and walk away, barely make eye contact with him for the next week, and pack just a little more punch the next time they’re sparring; if he isn’t — and he figures that’s probably what he’s in for — it’ll be a lot worse. It’ll be total annihilation of whatever it is they’ve been building, and the thought feels like he’s actually been stabbed in the gut.
All because he’d had to open his stupid mouth to ask something that, even half-formed, is way too personal.
He winces, bracing himself for some kind of impact, whatever it’ll be. Only — it doesn’t come.
Gamora doesn’t walk away; she doesn’t even move at all. Instead, she just shifts a little on the sand, turning her whole body toward him. In the half-light that drifts in from the city nearby, he can see glimpses of her face, which doesn’t show any obvious signs of anger. No, her eyes are searching him, curiously.
And her voice is actually soft when she asks, “Who?”
Inside his chest, his heart does a flip.
Well, there’s no going back now, and maybe there’s a chance that they’ll make it out of this conversation without torpedoing their friendship, so he figures he might as well just finish spitting it out. He swallows. Clears his throat. “Your, uh — your mother.”
Read More On AO3!
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gardensystemtv · 1 year
wwwwwwwwwWe are going to the Hinterlands! pack your bags! You can find the previous livetumble [here] or the very first [here] all the good stuff is under the cut as always
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Welcome to the Hinterlands, the land of battle, green forests, horses and way too many bears.
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Almithara is beginning to get really sick of being called the Herald of Andraste. she is just herself, and not some hero for the humans to raly behind.
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All she wants is to make sure her own people (the Dalish) are safe, but more and more, the realisation sets in that the entire world of Thedas will rely on her, and needs her to be safe. A responsibility she will not turn away from, no matter how overwhelming it gets. Okay, also a few notes. Still on Nightmare, and it is still going well so far. Im also trying to minimize fast travel, to the point that to leave Haven, I walk to the gates outside and the travel point. Not sure how well that will work inside the larger areas, but I’ll come up with something after exploring more. For now, I’m focussing on looking after the people at the crossroads. and slowly branch out to get more and more quests, trying to avoid going into higher level areas too early.
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“hey, your wife is dead, wanna join my army?” Love the way you recruit agents in this game tbh. Though I am also reminded of how much I kinda dislike the power mechanic. I do a lot of sidequests, so I always have too many, but people who just want to do the story will end up barely having enough. I wish instead, doing sidequests provded some more clear and tangible direct aid to the world, instead of a more undefined “power”
one overlapping trait I will try and maintain for this run: we will side with and help sapphics whenever we can.
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So welcome to the Inquisition Ritts, we can use your talents well I was planning to clear out all of Dwarfson’s pass for now, but one of the rifts is level 8, and my party is level 4 so... back to the crossroads for now. Gonna hand in all the quests I can. For fast travel, I’ll permit myself to use the travel points on the map, such as the stone at the Crossroads, but I cannot travel to camps, or other places that do not have a specific item for it in the overworld, just to make expeditions out into areas a bit more dangerous.
Okay, took a short detour to pick up the ring for the Elven Widow. but now, we delivered the ram meat and potion, got plenty of power, and are ready to head back to haven... next stop, Val Royeaux
Finally got enough Drakestone to make a fire staff too. And need to save up some cloth for a better armour piece fo Almithara, but it’s getting along nicely. Don’t have any rogue armour yet, but I did get new armour for Cassandra. Gotta hunt more schematics still, but so far crafting is going very well.
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We are going to Orlais! Get in!
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We are here to cause trouble.
Well, the chantry proved as useless as Almithara would have expected. and the Templars are showboating for some reason. Time to go... ooh wait what’s this arrow with a message saying?
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Still really love this intro. “Just say what” I love her so much I kinda missed the opportunity to get a good screenshot from the moment, but we also recruited Vivienne already. The team is getting together bit by bit. Okay, used up my power to get the Storm coast and the Fallow Mire opened up for now. Gonna try and recruit The Iron Bull and Blackwall soon, then maybe try and clear whatever missions I can for now, and gain some more XP, got a lot still going on in the Hinterlands too.  But it is all going well! The next chapter should be here [soon]
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daveinediting · 6 months
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So I described this thing about neurons and connections and wiring... and how the wiring makes a difference.
The question is, do we have control over how information moves through all those neurons across all those connections?
The answer is yes.
Here's my testimony:
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Off the top of my head, I have two examples.
One is a straight up neurons that fire together wire together deal. The second is an example of diffuse thinking.
So one of my Go-To Full Court Press moves for tapping more creative ability than I'm consciously packing is to engage in focused, sustained work on a particular creative challenge for a number of days. After that, ideas start popping into my consciousness.
Good ideas.
The most recent example is a play I'm writing then set aside. I got most of it started through straight up conscious imagination. Once I was into it, though, ideas began to appear. 
Good ones.
There are lots of ways to think about this, by the way. Muse is the most common. I think of mine as a red vault tucked into the floor of a massive cathedral somewhere deep inside my brain. I know stuff goes in there. Things I experience. Things I learn. Whatever I intentionally send in there.
And I definitely know what comes out. The stuff that magically appears in my conscious awareness. 
But inside that vault?
I have no idea.
I have no clue what happens in there.
I just know I'm continuously grateful for the gifts that flow from it.
Okay. So I set the play I was writing aside because, well, because there was no deadline. 
By the way I do much, much better with deadlines. I won't lie.
Then maybe a year later I think it's stupid to just stop like that so I pulled out the work I'd already done, read through it from front to back, and then started tweaking, expanding, and creating.
And after a few days of that?
Yup. You guessed it.
Ideas started showing up on my mental front porch again.
Good ones.
Out of the blue. At times I wasn't even working on the play. Once, ideas even showed up while I was driving.
That line, by the way, neurons that fire together wire together, also describes building up muscle through daily exercise. It also describes what happens to those muscles when you stop exercising. Not wire together. So my process, essentially, this process is intended to beef up a specific neutral network to the point where it does some crazy heavy lifting for me. And then when I stop putting in the work... it stops putting in the work.
Booooo, but...
I get it.
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The second example from my creative experience is called diffuse thinking.
It's a way of thinking that I tap into by going for a walk, engaging some activity while at the same time considering some creative challenge that's on my plate.
Diffuse thinking is different from blunt force intentional problem solving that activates a particular neural network. Diffuse thinking activates neurons in disparate parts of the brain because now the brain's directing and coordinating some other activity. So sending a thing to consider into that mental machinery at work necessitates something that reminds me of a roundabout detour. It's certainly not straightforward linear thinking. My thoughts seem to go places of which I can't be aware because I'm doing something physical that also must be attended to. So in-between those times when I'm aware that I'm thinking, my thoughts slip from my conscious awareness and, next thing I know, I'm making progress with some new ideas, some new elements with which to play, some new strategy or even the next little bit of what I'm working on.
I used this method the most over the last two years. Intentionally, that is. Because if this is a project that involves and engages me for more than a few days, I start waking up with ideas. You see, it turns out, I actually have a night shift.
And yes. I have to write down whatever it is I wake up with. Like, right away. I have to write it down immediately or else it disappears, vanishes in the air like smoke.
But man. 
Good stuff.
I actually just thought of one other way I go about thinking... now that I'm into this a bit.
Tomorrow, then...
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irrelevantpan · 6 months
Hey nothing of substance again, just wanted to note down a weird dream I had.
Tw for suicidal ideation and suicide
It started as me and my parents (both significantly younger maybe around 20 for my father and 27 ish for my mother [that is not their correct age gap just saying ] which is sorta bizarre). As I remember it we were all heading back from somewhere (I don’t remember if i actually knew or was simply placed in that situation) and were just on the platform to use the tram ,small side note as a bit of world building the tram stops appeared to be strangely re-enforced as well as the colour on everything being muted, the platform was packed full of people which made collectively catching the train rather hard, but we managed for a couple exchanges (which were also rather odd because usually you’d need to catch one maybe two at maximum to get where your going) which ended up having rather long waiting times between each tram , so long that beds and chairs were installed on the platforms. This is were the problem happened. As we were sitting on the say 5th platform, we’d been there a while and had settled down on a bed and put down our bags (which had appeared somewhere between the 3rd and 4th ride) and opened them inorder to find something, when all of a sudden the tram rushed in. As I scrambled to stuff all of the stuff back into the bag, I watch as my father makes his way onto the tram can calls for us (me and my mother) to join him, as we see the doors start to close ,with my father inside, we attempt to make our way over but the crowd wouldn’t move and the tram departed, leaving me and my de aged mother alone on the platform (quick thing I did manage to get to the tram but only after the doors had shut and I managed to put my hand on the wall of the tram and oddly it was incredibly hot [keep that mildly in mind I guess]) Begrudgingly she tells me to sit down and wait for the next tram and that my father ( she addresses him by name in the dream) will be waiting at the next stop. ( this is where shit starts to get weird fairly fast) now as I look around I promptly realise there is no way of knowing when the next tram will arrive. To shorten the next bit down during the ( what felt like) extremely long wait I somehow turned into a soldier (specifically that Sargent ray-something [I have never watched/read what this thing was about, the only memory I have of it was watching a clip from the movie which caused me a panic attack and having to asses and study the music from it once for a music exam]) and my mother turned into a sort of commanding officer ( still in the same setting) where there was some weird convos but as time when on I (the weird Sargent person) became increasingly deranged and kept (tw suicidal ideas) wanting to throw him self onto the tracks. It appears that the commanding officer ( my de-aged mother) was aware of my (the Sargent) suicidal ideas though they had not been discussed once. Until at one point/morning (it had been multiple day apparently) I (the Sargent) decided to go through with it, ‘woke up’ got ready, packed as my the commanding officer (my mother) awakened begrudgingly before realising what was happening. After a bit of back and forth discussion as reality started to distort into more of a coloured pencil sketch. The dream reached its end as we heard the tram arriving finally (weird because you can’t really hear trams arrive). I ran to the edge mother/the officer chasing (slowly) behind, and I jumped the world became orange and yellow as I watch the tram rush at me at high speed (faster than a tram should go) as I felt it hit me my only though was ‘it’s hot, too hot’ before I proceeded to awaken in a bed that isn’t mine to look out the window and start the second dream of the man who could manipulate trees (not any plants, just trees) but I won’t bore you with that one
Anyway if you got this far, wow very impressive sorry it was a bit odd I sorta felt like I needed to get it of my conscious and share with the world rather than let it fester in my notes app ha. Also sorry for the random blue and green, just figured out how to do that and I’m taking liberties
So have a nice day/night I guess:}
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