#nexomon oc
farceargon · 9 months
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Doesn't make art for months. Suddenly makes this. Normal things!
Nexomon is on the brain hardcore this time. Here's my OC's (Byron, he's a bad guy <3) final boss fight weapon! Aka a giant Omnicron mech that can rip holes in space and time to kill you sooo so much with.
I can't human so no one gets to see Byron in the flesh. Instead everyone gets to witness his murder machine and greatest invention.
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tulipsnflowers · 11 months
I did say I'd draw more for @zscyber 's fic so...
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This is from Chapter 31 of Zcyber's Nexomon:Extinction fic, Seasons of Change!
I tried my best I really cannot draw interior.. Oh well.
The fic is amazing though and would absolutely recommend it for someone looking for a N2 postgame fic!
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pikatjejen · 5 months
Decided to make a little fanfic. Main character is @anacharafan 's oc; Aster.
This is chapter 1
A new world
She closed her eyes. There wasn't much to see anyway. She was just hoping that Solar wouldn't let go, who knows what happens if they got separated here.
In a short moment she went from what felt like zero gravity to standing on (somewhat) solid ground. Aster finally opened her eyes, however it was bright. Too bright.
Once her eyes had grown used to seeing things again she could see that she was in a small forest clearing. The ground was a smoothie of mud and soggy dead leaves say for the miscellaneous patches of grass sticking up. All the trees were mostly baren say for a few buds. The sky was a depressing grey and the air felt heavy. At the edge of the clearing stod a statue. Plants covered the sides of the platform it stod on cracking the stone. The statue hadn't been spared by the growing plants wrath. Twisting vines climbed from limb to limb cracking the edges. The poor condition of the statue made it hard to see who it was supposed to resemble but she could see that it was supposed to be Wira.
"That. Was awful!" Solar exclaimed, he had still not let go of her arm. "It gets better once you're used to it." Wira chimed in. He floated to the side of the statues base, there was a big patch that wasn't covered on plants. "Welp, this is where we part ways. It's been a blast!" The ghost gave a little peace sign before he went straight through the side of the platform, disappearing from view. "Is he... possessing the statue?" Aster quietly asked Moss who was excitedly waving at the statues direction. "No, there's a cave under it!" He gave her a quick smile before continuing. "Where to go first..." "Parum, maybe?" Solar suggested.
The forest path branched of in many places, if they didn't have Moss with them they would probably been lost for days. Sometimes Moss stopped to point at thing or a path to talk about his little adventures from when ge was "a child". "Aren't you still a child?" Solar asked. "Not according to the guild!" Moss swiftly continued to talk about how he and his friend "Ross" had fallen out of a gigant tree down the path he was pointing at. "Um, how old are you?" Solar sounded very concerned. Moss paused a second before answering "14!" She looked at Solar and then back at Moss. Moss just had a innocent smile on his face, did he not think that was... Messed up?
Over the treeline a gigant tree was visible. It had what Aster thought was a tree house in it, but once there were no other trees in the way she could see there were in fact many little tree houses. It was another forest clearing, this one much larger than the one she first arrived at. The beaten path they had been following went trough the clearing meetings in a crossroad near the trees on the other side. A fence separated the clearing from the surrounding forest. There was also a small stone house at the edge, close to where she was. It was a tiny brick house, well taken care of (and probably old).
Moss said that Parum was close by but this walk had taken the entire afternoon. "This... Is this... Parum?" Aster knew that it probably wasn't, but she just had to ask... Just to be sure. "No, this is old home!" Moss pointed at the big tree excitedly. He had climbed over the gate that blocked the path forward. Aster hesitated before realizing that the gate was unlocked and she could just pass through. Good. She wasn't fond of the idea of climbing over it. "Hey, I'm back." Wira was behind her, floating as usual. "I thought you weren't coming with us?" Aster said. "Eh- Nara's having one of Those moons..." Wira started. "and I promised that she could use my bunker to hide away... So I'll stick around for a little while. "
Both Moss and Wira seemed to know the people in charge here and managed to get us a place to stay for the night. It was a small but cozy room. The two beds took up most of the space in the room with a tiny table (fitting only one chair) in between. Solar had already decided that one of the beds was his and were fast asleep. This meant that she either had to share her bed with Moss or Solar... Maybe she can sleep on the floor. Or maybe not... There was simply to little space for her to lay down.
Ho boi! I am not writing anymore today! Bye! o/
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glitchven · 6 months
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Hnngg warm up doodle of my fursonas in my favorite jackettttttt
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1-nexomon-a-day · 7 months
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2/21/24 - Asteor
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thecrimsondragon · 1 year
Kissing Queens
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Some art from my fanfic
(Rip: my Ultra violet colour sharpie)
Fanfic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35056825/chapters/87320818
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aidenhighope · 2 years
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I did the style challenge thing and tried my hand at different anime style.
From up left to right we have, Nexomon, Beastars, made in abyss, okami, tokyo mew mew new
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musicaldaydreams · 2 years
OCtober Day 10: Mentor
Nexoextinction earlygame spoilers!
Keely sits down across the desk from their lifelong Mentor.
The last time they were in here, it had to have been two or three years ago, when they’d pulled some sort of prank on Ross. Sitting here now, they can’t even remember what the prank was. That— and everything else— feels so far away right now.
The bandits had been looking for Keely.
Their mentor clears his throat. “Deep breaths,” he tells them.
They hadn’t realized, but they’ve been hyperventilating. Keely slows their breathing, and they focus on the feeling of the wooden chair beneath them. After a minute, they give the man across from them a shaky thumbs-up.
He gives them a gentle smile- gentle for him, anyway. It’s strange how one person can be both so intimidating and yet so comforting, at the same time. “There. Now. I promised you answers, but I don’t have all of them. But…” He looks out the window. “I’d imagine you don’t hold Tyrants in high regard, hmm?”
Keely makes a face. Of course they don’t, not outside of television anyway.
“Well. What would you think if I told you there might be a good Tyrant? One who’s actually worthy of becoming the King of Monsters?”
He looks levelly at them, and Keely looks away. They’re very confused. ‘I’ve never heard of it,’ they sign, before a memory comes back to them ‘No, I did, that was the second Tyrangers movie. But I’m scared. What does this have to do with those people?’ they sign.
Their Mentor laughs, a booming sound. “It’s an old story, Keely. There are many tales of such a creature. And it has everything to do with those cretins who invaded this place. As I said, there are many stories, tales of a Tyrant whose eyes are not clouded by madness, nor their heart tempered by hatred. The so-called ‘Tyrant of Light’. Amusing, right? But many Tamers believe it. There are those who have spent a lifetime searching for this creature. Your parents were among them.”
Their parents? Keely’s haze of fear and confusion is broken, just for a moment, by surprise. In all their life, Keely’s never heard their Mentor mention their parents. They didn’t know he even knew anything about them. Heck, Keely doesn’t even know anything about them- just that they died when Keely was a baby.
‘You knew them?’
For a moment, something flickers across his face. It’s too fast for Keely to read, and after a moment it’s gone, replaced with his usual serious look. “I met your mother once. Not long after you were born. There was… hang on, where did I put that?”
He fumbles in his pockets, grumbling something under his breath when whatever he���s looking for isn’t in the first one he checks. From the third pocket he tries, he withdraws a keyring. Looking a bit more satisfied, he walks over to the back corner cabinet and opens it.
Part of Keely— the part not currently filled with fear or the new longing to know more about their lost parents— is thrilled. Nobody has ever seen what’s in that cabinet. ‘Nobody touches the back corner cabinet of Mentor’s office’ is his number one rule, and he’s always been extra stern about it. All of the kids have speculated; Michael once told them that the old Mentor’s heart was in there, and scared half of them so badly Ezra had let the story slip and gotten Michael sent to bed early.
But when their Mentor opens the cabinet, there’s nothing dramatic or grotesque in there- in fact, it’s nearly empty. Only an old wooden chest sits inside. It’s into this chest that he puts the key he found, and its lid swings open.
“Here,” he says. “It’s just a tad dusty.” He reaches into the chest and pulls out a glittering object, handing it to Keely.
They take it. It’s the strangest object they’ve ever seen, about the size of a large party balloon, and a similar shape- except it’s covered, all over, with seven large gemstones. Or maybe it’s not covered- maybe it is a solid mass of gems, although if that’s the case they must be very light gems. Keely’s able to hold it in one hand.
“This was what your mother left with me. Your parents never did find the Tyrant of Light, but they did discover this relic, which belongs— they believed— to the Tyrant. I don’t know if it’s true, but… if those bandits did come all the way over here just to kidnap you, this artifact you were to inherit must be the reason.”
Keely tries to sign, but realizes they’re still holding the artifact. They don’t want to set it down. It’s a strange feeling, suddenly having a link to the parents they’ve never known— and knowing that those parents were searching for a Tyrant. They go back to their chair and set the relic on their lap, finally freeing up their hands.
‘Were they Renegades?’
“I don’t know,” the man says, shrugging. “No doubt they would have been, if they’d succeeded in their search. But regardless, if those bandits know about this relic, there’s no point in keeping it locked away now. Your mother had hoped for you not to know for a little longer, but there’s nothing to be done. It’s yours now.”
It’s difficult to tell, but Keely thinks he sounds… sad? ‘Thank you,’ they sign.
He waves them off. “It can’t be helped. But I have to ask… what will you do? You have no duty to search for a creature that might not even exist to begin with.”
Keely runs their hands over the relic, feeling the smooth facets of its gems. They certainly weren’t expecting… any of this, really, but especially not this. Not what sounds like their Mentor essentially giving them permission to search for a Tyrant. They don’t know. They’re still scared. This would mean directly defying the Guild, the Guild they’ve only just gotten to be a part of. Those bandits might come back, and they'd clearly wanted this relic. And yet…
‘Do you think it exists?’
Their Mentor hesitates. “I have no idea… But I’d like it if it were, I think. We’re all tired of the constant fighting between the Tyrants.” His eyes fall on the relic in Keely’s lap. “And if this Tyrant of Light were to exist… I think it could handle it.” He sits back in his chair.
The thought that there could be a Tyrant to end all the fighting… it sounds like a fairytale. It practically is, now that Keely knows the Tyrangers movie was based on a real myth. But it’s a fairytale that might be true. And their parents had left this for them. The idea of Keely making them proud, going on an adventure, maybe even finding the Tyrant that could end the fighting fills them with such a fierce warmth that it surpasses even their fear.
‘I want to search,’ they sign.
The man sighs. “All right, Keely. I will help you find this Tyrant, if that’s what you want.”
Okay, this is even more unexpected. He’ll help them?
“I don’t know much about that,” he says, gesturing to the relic Keely holds, “But I know where you can learn more. When you’re ready, meet me outside, okay? I’ll point you in the right direction.”
Between the adrenaline of chasing bandits out of the orphanage, the fear of finding out they’d been after Keely, and whatever the heck had happened with that terrifying voice out in the hallway, Keely’s exhausted. But they can’t help thinking that for all his gruffness, their Mentor is actually pretty kind— and surprisingly mysterious.
‘Okay,’ they sign. ‘Thanks again.’
He smiles, and though it’s a bit of a grim smile, it seems sincere. “Don’t mention it. And don’t slam any doors on your way out. I will hear it, and you will not be happy.” He walks out, leaving Keely sitting in his office holding the artifact that’s just changed the course of their life forever.
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wet-toast-slime · 7 months
do not get me started on talking about nexomon because i will not shut up, i have so many thoughts about this series
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nayvwriter · 4 months
5 for the ask game! 📝
5: Are there any OCs in this chapter/fic? Who’s your favorite?
(answering for my nexomon fic)
This is a bit of a complicated question for HR?
Hope is technically not an OC, they're an interpretation of a videogame protagonist, but I've definitely seen someone else call their own interpretation an OC and there is a lot of wiggle room for interpretations.
There is also an OC I am wiggling back and forth on introducing, an orphan psychic child who I made up for illustrating worldbuilding, have not decided much about, and am going 'do they need to exist?' Which I need to figure out fairly soon because it's going to come up in the chapter after next.
I could definitely do some things with them in the eventual (very eventual) sequel, but something about introducing a completely non-canon-based OC makes me nervous. Also, I've probably got enough characters to worry about spreading focus over without adding more. I think it's making me nervous because I'm worried they'll start taking over the story...
Then again. Now that I think about it, given the worldbuilding that does exist, it would be weird if there wasn't someone like them. Eliza is not the only psychic in the world. So I should let them in and probably come up with a name. (ask game rubberducking success!)
Also, I feel like I should at least mention Septimus, but they don't count as an OC.
Thank you for the ask!
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farceargon · 8 months
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Nexomon has consumed me, actually. For months!
Mechamon are the creations of a tragic, mad roboticist from another world (one of my blorbos). The man himself created machines that he would slowly use to replace Nexomon in the new world he was forced into. He's a little bit traumatized and insane about it. More info below the cut!
These machines have a new typing called the iron type which has no weaknesses but also has no strengths. Mechamon have two forms, the uncharged (left) and charged (right). When an elemental core (another of the roboticist's inventions) is applied to one then the Mechamon will enter its charged form. The attack with the corresponding number to the elemental core slot will change its element to match. The glowing areas across the machine's body will also change colour to match whichever element the first attack gains. (Seen above, fire and wind) If all four core slots are filled with elemental cores, then each attack the Mechamon knows will have a different element.
When charged they retain their sturdy 0 weaknesses. Sacrificing all 4 core slots to elemental cores means no space for stat-buffing cores, but in return allow Mechamon to be incredibly versatile in battle against all manner of types. In this way they act as a near-perfect counter to Nexomon, superior in match-ups and in sheer bulk.
You braved my word dump! Thank you :]
These guys and their creator/s have been in my brain for aaages and it's cool to finally get them out. This isn't even slightly scratching the surface though- I plan to make way more eventually but for now, just these beafts.
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tulipsnflowers · 6 months
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Yeah, alright, I'll post my OC art and not wait, sure
Only like two people know who this is, max
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pikatjejen · 9 months
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i'm not sure what to put in a pinned post yet, but i'll just get things going from here!
please do send me asks for doodling characters from indie games! or for indie games to put on my radar!
no NSFW requests please! i might make sensual doodles here or there, but nothing explicit or NSFW. if you're uncomfy with that, i will tag them with #sensual for blacklisting purposes
i will tag for spoilers! for games that are one word, i will use the tag "#[gamename] spoilers", but for games that have multiple words, i will use the tag "#[abbreviation] spoilers".
i will only draw OCs if i want to. please do not request i draw any OC be it yours or another's, i will simply delete the ask. my OCs will be under the tag #my ocs and other people's OCs will be under the tag #others ocs.
if you want a list for what indie games i'm cool with doodling upon request, just have a peek below the cut!
indie games i've completed
bug fables
dust: an elysian tail
grimm's hollow
hollow knight
ori and the blind forest
ori and the will of the wisps
(umbrella tag for both ori games here!)
rain world (plus downpour!)
indie games i haven't played or completed, but am okay with making doodles for. feel free to expand this list! (*this means i've begun playing it or tried to play it)
darkest dungeon
dead cells
a hat in time
hyper light drifter*
risk of rain classic and 2
shovel knight* (completed shovel of hope, not the others)
solar ash
them's fightin' herds
there are some games i do not wish to make any doodles for. if someone requests a doodle from any of these games, i will simply delete the ask. i don't have any ill will towards any of these games, they're simply not my cup of tea, or i don't like them, or i don't think i could do them justice! i'm not elaborating which is which.
99% of horror games, especially mascot horror games
sea of stars
stardew valley
adding games i wish to get to one day but until then i will not draw them!
animal well
bō: path of the teal lotus
cassette beasts
in stars and time
nine sols
outer wilds
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ptgigi · 1 year
Schedule ramble time, TIL I did a lot of attacks, those will keep posting up to mid-August, then Nexomon fusions will return or maybe OC designs, IDK.
Some of you may have noticed my pattern for reposting my Art Fight attacks is one-a-day, Mon-Thurs. Why? IDK. My brain decided on it and wants to stick to it. That said, I did more attacks than I expected, so those will continue to go up until August 14th if my math is right (I haven’t actually scheduled the last few yet, oop).
My posting schedule will go back to “normal” (aka 1-2 times a week, whenever I have something ready) because I can’t keep up this pace and have completely neglected PMD: WildFire Chapter 5 all July to do so (it is 1-3 months behind schedule depending on which guesstimate equation I look at, oop2)… but I had a lot of fun with art fight and feel creatively refreshed/inspired so it’s good overall.
Nexomon fusions (final 3 OG Starter/Mega Rares) should be next, but also art fight inspired me to finally get around to getting more OCs out of my head and on paper, so who knows!
And looking even further ahead, I still want to keep doing chill monthly challenges and for September. 2/4 ideas involve your input, and I’d need to get a post/poll/survey up during August if I choose one of those but am indecisive so we’ll see!
Cats want dinner so I’ll leave it there, have a good night/day /o/
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oliver-mijumaru · 2 years
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A new alternate form for Oliver which is the nexomon Barver. (Which is of course based on a beaver!)
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