newsiesimagines · 3 days
Which of the Newsies has committed murder?
Canonically at LEAST David has but I think probably Dutchy as well. He has the face of a murderer methinks. Within the NewsiesImagines Official Canon, Skittery has attempted to murder You, The Viewer. Special challenge to anyone who sees this post, tell me which NewsiesImagines post features this secret attempt.
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shitty-rtc-imagines · 2 years
Hello! Welcome me
This account is in no way affiliated with @newsiesimagines but I think they’re peak comedy so I’ve been inspired def check them out
Send me imagines of your favorite silly Rollercoaster fuckups and Ritalin dealers :)
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noxleyfin · 4 years
Newsies Imagine: Homeless And Annoyed PART 1
Newsies x 13-year-old (M) Newsie (Homeless And Annoyed) Part. 1
→ a/n: I don’t know any of the actors personally nor do I own them or their characters. What’s written below is fiction and should be thought of and treated as such. I am essentially using them as a name-claim and face-claim. I’m creating my own character and using the actors as background characters, and just using their name and features for details. I do not directly associate the actors with any ideas used in my writing. This writing is to be used for entertainment and fictional purposes only. → summary: this kids done with his living situation and stumbles upon a fellow guy in need.  → warnings: mentions of past abuse, violence, strong language, bad writing → word count: 1.2k → completion: done → (Y/N) - Your Name
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Friday, August 7th, 1899 2:47 p.m. 2rd Person POV  
Drip. Drop.
Drop. Drip. Drip. 
You had heard that pattern over and over again. You were surprised you hadn’t gone insane by now. Okay, maybe you’re overreacting but you had been in this same stupid alley for a couple of days now and you were just so hungry, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You didn’t want to steal (you wouldn’t lower yourself any further down the chain) but you didn’t want to beg anyone either. You already tried that. All it got you was a painful kick to the chest from some prissy rich man who didn’t want his money to be ‘infected’  by ‘the likes of you.’
Drip. Drop.
Drop. Drip. Drip.
Jesus Christ! Would someone fix that damn pipe already?! Okay, Breathe. Just calm down. Gods, you really were going insane. 
That’s it, you’re getting out of this place. You cautiously pulled yourself from the ratted blanket that did nothing to keep away the cold at night, wincing from the pain in your side. It was bright -too bright- when you stepped out from under the dark shield that the tall buildings gave you. Wishing you had a cap to wear, you threw a palm up to cover your eyes so they don’t burn right out of your head. 
The sounds of the bustling city tended to blur together if you listened long enough. At first, it was a mix of screaming children, slamming crates, uncomfortable dress shoes click-clacking as you walked, and cursing men; now it all just sounded like a faint buzz-besides the cursing men. They tended to stand out. 
“Poisonous Fish in the Harbor! Deadly Infection Spreads Fast!” 
What the-oh, right. The newsies. Or as you liked to call them: The Voices of New York. The nickname could be taken figuratively (they spread the headlines around) or literally (they scream their lungs out to do it). You weren’t sure what you thought about them yet. On one hand, they seemed like pissy little boys who don’t know how to use their inside voices, but on the other, they seemed like all they wanted was to earn money to eat. 
Ignoring your own thoughts, you found yourself walking through Central Park. You did this sometimes. It wasn’t to stare at the pretty trees or some dumb shit. No, you came here to stare at the people who stared at the pretty trees…or some dumb shit. They all looked different, yet, they all had one goal it seemed: How can I waste my entire existence? Most of them were old ladies and the occasional ditsy teenager, but today there was someone new, a little boy. He didn’t look particularly harmless but you can never be too sure. Some kids are rude and kick your shins when you try to even walk by them. This one just seemed lost though. He was tan, with dark hair, and eyes that only looked a tiny bit demonic, and what’s that in his arms?-
Another newsie? Do these guys ever go home?
You guessed the kid couldn’t be too bad. He was definitely younger than you but his semi-glassy eyes held some level of maturity. You walked closer. Is he...crying? So that’s why his eyes were glassy. Treading carefully, you edged closer and closer until you were standing right in front of him. 
“Hey, kid?” You waved your hand in front of his face. He looked up. 
“Um...ya good?” You didn’t think you sounded very concerned but the kid didn’t seem to notice either. 
He sniffled, “I-I got lost.” 
Sigh. Of course. 
“Well, how’d that happen? You run after a squirrel or somethin’?” 
Jesus Christ. 
“Well, who were ya with. Where were ya headin’?” You asked, just about done with this squirrel-chaser. 
He sniffled once more before he answered you, “I was with my big brother. We were heading towards Newsie Square to meet with Jack and Crutchie.” 
Thank you, Miss Leanette, for my geography skills. 
“(I can’t believe I’m doing this) I’ll take ya there kid.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
“Really?” His eyes went wide. He looked like some weird kind of fish I saw in the harbor once. 
“Sure.” Waving for him to follow, you turned around and started walking down a specific path beneath the old trees that don’t seem to understand that leaves fall down in fall. “What’s your name, kid? Cause’ I ain’t calling you ‘kid’ forever.” You asked, genuinely wanting an answer this time.
Less? Less a’ what?
“That a nickname or somethin’?” 
“Yeah. My full name is stupid so I named myself Les.” Well, he sure sounds proud of himself. “What’s your name?” 
“Why’s it matter?” 
You turned onto the sidewalk.
“I told you mine when you asked so now you have to tell me your because I asked. It’s only fair.” 
“(Y/N). Happy?”
You sighed. It was silent after that and you were glad. This kid was getting on your nerves. After a few minutes of walking, you turned the corner and crossed the sidewalk into Newsie Square. It was...not what you were expecting. There were crowds of boys everywhere, whether they were sitting on the statue or committing to questionable poses elsewhere, it didn’t matter. There were four guys standing in front of the old Horace Greeley statue. One had a crutch and was really starting to creep you out with his smile, one kid was smoking an expensive cigar he probably stole (no way he could afford a cigar with golden lettering). Another guy in a blue overshirt was leaning against the statue with his arms crossed and the whole ‘I’m a bigwig who don’t worry bout nothin’ face. The last guy...well he was pretty much not breathing. He looked dressed a bit nicer than the rest of them but you didn’t really wanna look at him anymore.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when Les screamed from next to you. Of course, another screaming child. 
The asthmatic kid looked up and stared at you, well, more like Les. He came running and you quickly ran to stand behind the kid. Hey, it’s not like the kid didn’t know him, no need to risk your own life. 
“Les! Oh, thank god!” The guy definitely spoke nicer than what you’d heard before.
What’s he doing being a newsie?
He pulled the kid into a hug and you’re pretty sure Les was turning blue but he didn’t protest (not like he could if he tried). 
“Where did you go? We couldn’t find ya.” This supposed ‘Davey’ said. 
It was then that you noticed the million other boys staring at the three of you. You tried to sink into an imaginary sinkhole but Les really wasn’t helping any.
“(Y/N) helped me,” Les pulled away and pointed at you. “He found me in the park.” 
Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking.
“He helped me find my way back here.” 
STOP TALKING KID. sigh. Too late anyway.
Davey looked up at you astonished. 
You awkwardly waved. “Uh, hi. So uh...he’s very annoying.” You pointed to Les who looked overly offended. You almost laughed.
A snort of amusement erupted from the crowd and you all turned to stare at the kid walking towards you. Oh, great. It’s mister bigwig. 
“So, (Y/N), huh? Jack Kelly. Pleasure ta meet ya.” His hand reached out.
You involuntarily flinched. 
Now some people looked at you weird. Some just looked like they knew. 
“Hey,” Jack looked at you with sympathy. “Ya alright? Ya looked scared.” 
Oh, fuck off. 
“Whatever. So uh, bye Les. Bye...everyone else.” You gave a big wave to the crowd and a two-finger salute to Les before heading down the street on your merry (not really) way.
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icedtea15 · 7 years
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“Never fear Brooklyn is here” - Spot Conlon
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yikestripes · 7 years
Imagine: Elmer claiming he knows how to read, but really doesn’t, and you have to teach him how.
For @lordmokus i love you girl
“Hey Elmer, what’s today’s headline?” You ask, exiting the lodge, as you shove your hair into your cap.
“Oh, uh, lemme see.” He says, squinting at the pape in his hand.
“Says t-t-oooornadoo to end New York!” You take the paper from him and examine it for yourself.
“Elm, it says tornado headed to New Jersey.” You say, laughing and handing him back the paper.
He turns a little pink, but rolls his eyes to hide his embarrassment.
“That’s what I meant. It’s early! I can’t read this early in the mornin’.” He mutters, walking away, in the direction of your selling spot.
“Sure.” You laugh to yourself and follow along behind him.
Night begins to fall, and the selling game was pretty successful, for a tuesday.
You are walking, hand in hand, back to the lodge, and a silence had fallen over the two of you.
“Hey, Elm?” You say, shattering the peaceful quiet.
“Do you know how to read?”
“Yeah Ise told youse earlier!” He says, getting a little defensive.
You stop walking and he looks at you, confused.
“You can tell me anything, Elmer! Not knowing how to read is nothing to be ashamed of. Just last week, I was teaching Mush and Albert how to read their headlines a little better. I would be more than happy to teach you!” You say.
He sighs, and removes his cap to run his hands through his hair.
“Youse got me. Ise don’t know how ta read.” He says, hanging his head a little.
You lift his head to look you in the eyes.
“I would be more than happy to teach you.” You say, smiling.
He breaks out into a grin and runs a bit ahead.
“Come on!” He yells.
“Elmer relax! The books I have won’t disappear before we get there!” You yell after him, but to no avail.
He beat you back to the lodge, even after you started running.
He was sitting on your bunk with a copy of your Jane Austen novel in his lap, as he gave you puppy eyes.
You roll your eyes, but can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.
You sat beside him, and opened to the first page.
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crutchieheadcanons · 7 years
⭐️ Newsies Superlatives Results ⭐️
@thestoryweneededtowrite ~best overall fanfiction writer @ostrich-on-a-rampage ~best angst writer @pontmarius ~ most famous newsie @jackscrutchie ~best cosplayer @dont-sneeze ~best JackCrutchie writer @ask-the-newsboys ~best overall role play account @deafwestnewsies ~most understanding @nerdgirl453 ~friendliest! @amber-irises ~best moodboards @musicalsandmayhemandmurderohmy ~best Sprace newcomer @gay-newsboys ~Best ship fanfiction writer @crunchie-morris ~best smile in the fandom @serendipity--goddess ~most likely to win a Tony @vitariesocks ~ superhero of the fandom (he is literally Spider-Man) @nonstop-laurens ~most supportive account! @educationaladmiral ~best newcomer fanfiction writer @dszahdh ~ best username @spot-and-all-his-cronies ~most creative @benshook ~Best Ben Tyler Cook fan @spitboi-mcriffs ~most likely to stan Barney Peanuts (nominated by Spot-Conlons) @nobody-told-the-horse ~best hugger (nominated by Spot-Conlons) @mouserzwuzhere ~most likely to be the mom of the friend group (nominated by spot-conlons) @spot-conlons ~most likely to get sassed for cursing on a livestream @brainsofthestrike ~best Davey role play account @buttons-standby ~most likely to hang out with toursies (nominated by @spot-conlons) @alexanderhammyhamham ~funniest @cinnatris13 ~sweetest @jackdreamsofsantafe ~Best Jack roleplay account @freedomfriesandapplepies ~most likely to brighten someones day @writewhatyouknow ~Best Katherine roleplay account @hamilton-canyouimagine with @davey-jacobs ~best bromance @knivesandsarcasm ~smartest @tired-alexander ~most likely to cheer you up @crutchiebytheway ~most likely to have been head boy @cigarrace ~Best Race Roleplay account @spotsies ~best artist @angry-ace ~best overall newcomer @A-smile-that-spreads-like-buttah ~best genderswaped Roleplay @smackjelly ~created the best meme in the fandom @irl-jackkelly ~sweetest tags @racehas2hands ~best Ralbert fanfiction @transnewsies ~most likely to become an actor @fordaveyjacobs ~best headcanons @jackdaveycrutchie ~best Spot Conlon art @racetrack-and-jojo ~best Jojo blog @Iiebytheoceanside and @wonderofthemind ~Best couple @ask-yesterdays-newsies ~wittiest in the fandom @fandom-overload7890 ~best at posting good advice @ask-thenewsies ~most caring @aeichajoanes ~most likely to be sorted into Hufflepuff @ask-the-richmond-newsies ~best ask blog that doesn't include the main newsies @newsies-movie-fangirl ~biggest fan of the movie @newsiesimagines ~best Newsies imagines!! @kidblink ~best personality @Askthewoodsidenewsies ~most likely to be a good friend @seizethedaveyjacobs ~most considerate @iconicshrub ~best Smalls art @mllemensonges ~most humorous tags @david-jacobs-would ~best Davey headcanons @she-loves-you ~best attitude @racetrackhuggins ~best bio @tiredjay ~best Chaz fan @kathycats ~most likely for their blog to become famous @ask-da-newsies ~most likely to win a Pulitzer @spotchie ~always informs us of amazing newsie things @fatherlessamber ~most spirited @newsiesask ~most likely to be president @lesbian-thespian-from-next-door ~most likely to be a leading lady @savemyplace-santafe ~best newsies content @song-of-the-moon-1025 ~kindest blog @justwatchwhathappcns ~sunniest disposition @youdontknowme56 ~most selfless blog @aaronleburr ~Smallest content but biggest heart @spralbert ~most likely to marry a newsie @thinkaboutseizingtheday ~Does the most for the fandom @ask-the-newsies-of-flushing ~most likely to write the next Harry Potter @Neverfearbrookylnshere ~most likely to organise a strike @newyorksgotus ~most organised And there you have it! If I got your name wrong or forgot you just message me! This took a long time and I hope you like it! Also thank you to the two people who nominated me but I didn't know what to give myself 😂
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can-youimagine · 7 years
I Never Planned On You
Summary: This Post! ( @newsiesimagines is amazing)
A/N: I’m gonna make this a series, so that’s why there’s no “x reader” thing. I have plans
“Davey, I really don’t mind. My family would love to let you and Les stay for a bit. We’ve got an extra room,” you say.
He shakes his head. “We can get a job. They’re always looking for people to sell papers. Besides, my parents need the money.”
“We’ll be fine, (Y/N),” he insists.
You sigh and fall onto your bed. “Fine. But, I want to buy your first paper.”
He laughs and sits next to you. “Of course.”
You wander through the city, looking for your friend. You don’t find him, but you are able to find Les. You smile and run over to give him a hug.
“(Y/N)!” he exclaims. “Did you come to buy a pape?”
You hand him a dime. “Yep!”
He smiles and hands you the paper. “Jack! I sold one! I sold one!”
You watch as a guy around Davey’s age comes around the corner. He takes the dime from Les and looks at it. “Congratulations. Only nineteen more.”
“Les,” you ask, “where’s Davey?”
The two of them turn to you. Les answers, “I dunno. He didn’t want to sell with me and Jack.”
“Y-you know her?” Jack asks.
“Yeah!” Les responds enthusiastically. “(Y/N)’s the best! Just ask Davey! He loves her.”
You roll your eyes and stand up. “Remind him that the both of you are coming over for dinner.”
“What about Jack? Can he come?”
You sigh and look at Jack, who has not stopped staring at you since he arrived. “If he wants to.”
He shakes his head slightly. “Don’t worry about me. I-uh-I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? We really don’t mind.”
“Nah. I’ve got plans with someone tonight.”
You stare at him for a bit, disappointed that you won’t see him again. “I better find Davey. See you later, Les.”
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noxleyfin · 4 years
Newsies Imagine: Homeless And Annoyed PART 2
Newsies x 13-year-old (M) Newsie (Homeless And Annoyed) Part. 2
→ a/n: I don’t know any of the actors personally nor do I own them or their characters. What’s written below is fiction and should be thought of and treated as such. I am essentially using them as a name-claim and face-claim. I’m creating my own character and using the actors as background characters, and just using their name and features for details. I do not directly associate the actors with any ideas used in my writing. This writing is to be used for entertainment and fictional purposes only. → summary: this kids done with his living situation and stumbles upon a fellow guy in need. → warnings: mentions of past abuse, violence, strong language, stupid Delancey's, bad writing → word count: 1097 → completion: done → (Y/N) - Your Name 
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Saturday, August 15th, 1899 5:04 p.m. 2nd Person POV
Life sucks. And that’s a fact. 
“Hey, dirtbag! Where ya’ running to?” Your new ‘friend’ called from behind you.
Up your mother’s ass.
Of course, you didn’t say that. Probably wouldn’t have been a very good idea. 
What you really said was, “Didn’t know there was a curfew, Nerf Herder!” 
...That probably wasn’t much better, was it?
“The hell you call me?” 
You turned into your alley. “You deaf or somethin’?” 
Swinging your body around, you watched the dark shadow figure follow behind you. 
Well, at least this one isn’t super ugly. It’s real embarrassing to get beat by a guy who’s less handsome than you. Luckily, that doesn’t happen often. He was older than you, maybe by 5 years. His face was bare of any hair but his dumb looking hat distracted you from the fact that he hasn’t puberty yet. You’ve seen him around before; he and his brother like to go around messing with people. Speaking of which, where is his brother? 
“So you found the rat, Oscar?”
Speak of the asshole.
“He tried to escape, but he couldn’t get past me,” Oscar informed his brother with a smirk.
You just stood there looking at them and they looked at you. 
“Get him.”
Your mind was fuzzy after he said that. 
You could faintly hear the sound of your body flopping to the ground and the insults that the brothers yelled at you as white-hot pain exploded everywhere. “Leave me alone!” 
It felt different from when that one man kicked you in the chest, that had only lasted a few days but this felt like it would stay with you forever. “I’m...I’m warning’ ya’.” You don’t even remember when they stopped hitting you. 
“Hey! Leave ‘em alone!” 
And then it went dark. 
Sunday, August 16th, 1899 8:13 a.m. 3rd Person POV
“What’s gonna happen to him?” 
“I got no clue, Kid.” 
“But what about his family?” 
Les wasn’t exactly happy about what happened to his new friend. The night before, while on a walk, Race and Jojo had found  a half-dead (Y/N) unconscious in an alley with the Delancys on top of them. When they finally managed to chase them away, they dragged him between them to the Lodging House. The warden had sent for a doctor and Snipeshooter ran to the Jacobs’ apartment to bring David and Les along. Les, unfortunately, was not allowed to stay the night so only David could come. When he saw what had happened to the boy who had reunited him with his little brother, he went into a rage, mumbling about how he was gonna kill Oscar and Morris, all while wiping at the bloody wound on (Y/N)’s forehead. 
After he cleaned them up to the best of his ability, the doctor arrived with the warden and Davey was shoved to the side. With an extensive evaluation, the doctor concluded that while nothing was broken (thank god), he had a severe concussion and was ordered to stay in bed for at least a week. The newsies gave him the extra bunk that David usually used while he slept over. In the meantime, David decided to sleep on the old couch in the front room. It wasn’t comfortable in the slightest, but he wasn’t leaving. He felt a strange protectiveness over the young boy, like he was another younger brother. 
Jack sighed. Les had been brought over by Race not too long ago and wouldn’t shut his trap. We love the kid but (Y/N) was right, the kid really is annoying. 
“We don’t even know if the guy has a family or not, Kid. We just have to wait ta ask him.” He explained. 
“C’mon, Les,” David called from the corner. “Leave Jack alone. Wanna draw with Smalls?” He gestured to the close-in-age girl sitting next to him. 
Smalls looked up with a smile and waved Les over. Les grinned and jogged over and was handed a green crayon and the two kids began to color together. At this point, David started to worry and for the fifth time that day, sat next to (Y/N) and brushed some hair out of his face. 
“Dave,” Jack sighed from his spot at the cards table, “Leave the poor kid alone. You gonna give him a heart attack when he wakes up.”
David sighed and began to stand up, knowing Jack was right, but as soon as he did, a soft groan emitted from (Y/N)’s body. Conversations stopped as everyone stared at the young boy. Jack and Davey were the closest and therefore, the first faces he saw when (Y/N) finally opened his eyes. They opened slowly, more groans and grunts coming out as he did. However, when he saw who was above him, he was not happy.
“Get away!” He started to yell. He went to sit up but Jack held him down...only making (Y/N) more mad but he only attempted to fight for a few minutes before falling back in exhaustion. “Where...where am I?” He stuttered out, trying to move his head but hissing at the pain it caused. 
“Woah! Slow down, Kid,” Jack did his best to calm him down but he was still attempting to fight the tight grip on his shoulders. 
“Please let me go,” (Y/N) begged. David could see tears forming in his eyes. His gaze met Jack’s and he nodded to the other boy.
Jack slowly let go of (Y/N)’s shoulders but didn’t put his arms down right away. 
“Is’okay. We ain’t gonna hurt ya’.”
Eventually (Y/N) relaxed back into the hard mattress but anyone could see he was still tense; that is, everyone except Les. As soon as he thought was appropriate, the boy rushed over to the other, ignoring Smalls’ offended look when he threw her green crayon to the floor. 
“(Y/N)!” He called out, smiling brighter than he had in a fair while.
Once (Y/N) saw Les, at first he grimaced but it soon melted into a reluctant smile. “Hey, Kid,” he called briefly. That was enough for the expectant Les. He began to ramble on about nothing and everything while David and Jack backed off, choosing to ignore (Y/N)’s desperate look. They exited the room and spoke quietly despite being away from the group. 
“You think he’s gonna be okay?” David asked. 
Jack thought for a moment. He and the others had seen the flinches and heard the boy’s not so quiet pleas back in the bunkroom; it wasn’t hard to determine what had possibly happened to him in previous times. He sighed deeply before answering his friend, “I’m not sure, Dave. But that’s what we’re here for.”
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can-youimagine · 7 years
More Jack Kelly imagines would be a gift to the world
They would. I’m actually thinking of doing a Jeremy Jordan one. I also do a ton based on @newsiesimagines posts so check them out!
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