now6older · 3 months
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admit2nothing · 4 years
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R E S P E C T 8X10"- sharpie and micron on old New York map▫️ ▫️ ▫️ #womenagainstpatriarchy #sharpie #sharpieart #drawing #drawings #art #originalartwork #originaldrawing #vintage #originalart #activist #resist #inkdrawing #penandink #penandinkdrawing #artforsale #newleft #blacklivesmatter #classic #feminist #fuckthepatriarchy #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #sharpies #socialjustice #womensrights #feminism #protest #aoc @aoc https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIA8JJFErf/?igshid=1r5e151vmwluo
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pbpicture · 5 years
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Jakob, Vilnius, Lithuania
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Collective Custodianship Manifesto
All humans are custodians. Collectively, we are responsible for the health and wellbeing of humanity and of our natural world.
Humans, individually and collectively, throughout the world, deserve our assistance in reaching their goals.
We want to guarantee a reasonable level of health, education, infrastructure and income for all people. We want to protect and improve wellbeing for all people, by supporting their mental, social, spiritual and cultural wellbeing. We want to provide people with strong government and non-government institutions.
Wealth is created by the global community, not the individual. Wealth should be shared, not hoarded. The global community consists of the human beings who work in the global supply chain, contributing labour, ideas, investment and acting as consumers. The global community also extends to the natural environment that provides the air we breathe, freshwater, food resources and the natural beauty that inspires us.
Economic incentives are powerful motivators for individual actions. The economic benefit for an individual should, however, be proportionate to their contribution. The wealth and income of a successful tech innovator should be taxed to the extent that the government, human society and the natural environment have contributed to that success, such that it is shared appropriately.
Human society operates effectively in the presence of strong government and non-government institutions. Protecting and strengthening these institutions is a core part of our goals. We want to create an environment that also supports the development of new institutions and, in some cases, we will instigate these new institutions.
As custodians, we are responsible for both those with a voice (well organised, large political groups) and those without a voice. We owe a debt to humans of the future, who are stakeholders in the decisions of today but whose voice we cannot here. We owe a debt to those not in a position to speak for themselves, due to forced silencing, disability, distance, lack of education or any other reason. We also owe a debt to the natural environment, whose voice is hard to hear.
Custodians do not decide what is best. It is the responsibility of the custodian to understand the goal of whoever is helped.
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alexandrebrazrangel · 3 years
Duplo Expresso Piero Leirner 17 09 21
O antropólogo Piero Leirner fala ao Duplo Expresso sobre a Guerra Hibrida contra o Brasil.
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luteporsualiberdade · 4 years
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Pois é, #NewLeft globalistas, progressistas, à nível "moderado", sempre mudando discurso para se encaixar. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VPVfun50D/?igshid=h8kj3ow8t5xx
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The greatest book I've never read. #epthompson #themakingoftheenglishworkingclass . The #gollancz file copy of the first edition. Yours for £700 if it wasn't sold already. See profile link for the list from which it came. #newleft
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hydralisk98 · 3 years
Opinions over Trudeau’s double standards
So on Thursday morning there were quite a few radio news that I deemed interesting to discuss some about. Especially concerning First Nations’ issues.
With the full context of the previous news segments about worker rights and employee shortages, I felt like what the Amerindian representative, Michelle Baudet, was describing very precisely what I felt was wrong about the current government of Trudeau’s. I mean, the long lasting issues for both Natives, Immigrants and European-descent Canadians made me feel heard in this NeoLiberal sea of Wilsonists. Not that they can’t do anything good but like most Wilsonist ideology descendance they fail at implementing much good as of their cursed systems and tools. (Neo-Conservatives, NewLeft, Leninisms, NeoLiberals, Stalinisms, Maoisms, woke SJWs...)
Beyond nuances though, I think most of those Wilsonist types of people haven’t gotten properly formatted memos to explain what’s wrong and to do instead. I would be happy to provide my advice and knowledge to those willing to enact such change and which won’t do any backstabbing. I am not perfect but you know, there are several good arguments to be expressed and enacted over many things that went horribly wrong ever since Woodrow Wilson got elected in 1912.
And for those of whom fights back against such constructive attitudes similar to Libertarians, Republicans before 1912 and Solarpunk folks, I am sorry to address it to you but if you don’t change course towards that constructive direction I am talking about, you are very likely some of the reasons why this entire world is falling from the quality-of-life grace which started back ~500 years ago. The world has not always been this high in terms of living standards for quite long historically speaking but that ain’t a excuse to not work towards that grand dream unless you have a fair share of arguments to convince me.
For those curious enough, the USA (and the things that could be done fast enough for the rest of the world) was going in a fairly grand direction after the assassination of McKinley in 1901 thanks to the famous Theodore Roosevelt’s terms and to a degree William Taft’s. But as soon as Woodrow Wilson got elected, which was a lost-cause revisionist historian supported mainly by the same types of people that made McKinley a undecisive corporate piece of meat (religious fanatics/institutions, corporate magnates and wrong-minded powerful individuals), the grand majority of 20th and 21st century problems came from such a root and amplified ever since.
Espionnage Act, Sedition Act of 1918, segregation of the US Government, massive levels of foreign countries’ ill-fated diplomatic interventions, wars upon third-world countries for “Holy Democracy”, up-bringing of Nazism, Leninism, Wilsonism itself, blatant racism upon Japan leading to the Second Sino-Chinese war, Executive Order 9066, massive surveillance actions by governements, the wrong-doings of Vladimir Putin (it ain’t all bad I think but there are some things that originate from global Wilsonism), massive internet censorships since at least the mid-2010s, the midigations of the US military into fiction productions to muddle anti-war messages... These are just a few of what Woodrow Wilson and his collaborators did to the world.
I am sure there might be some good things behind the curtains but you have better show me strong evidence for it because what I appreciate of this Earth seem to have next to no positive link with these Wilsonisms and often it goes the other way around. Computers, the World Wide Web, the popularization of Internet access, social welfare policies, small use of Land Tax in a few instances, the rare regulation of big businesses, worker rights, smart tools and all those nice things I strongly appreciate are not the result of the misery induced by Wilsonism, but by dreams slown down as much as possible by Wilsonist details from what I can tell.
Let me just clarify though that not all powerful people are bad, not all billionaires are wrong-minded and not all Wilsonist-minded people are cursed forever. As long as the people get the right tools with a proper mindset and that make a significant effort to fight that inner and outer battle for the well-being of all sapients/humans, yourself included, I will see the value that are behind the eyes of such comrades. You still have value without but you know, it ain’t much positive/ethically-valid value as far as I understand right now but more like a “They did the opposite of what should be, let’s see together what we can learn from this”.
Not gonna lie here, I am preparing a escape from this world because with my personal (and of several people in fact) values don’t align with the coming of ever stronger dystopic burdens to me and especially to the generations born after myself.
Climate change, ecologial collapse, diminution of new specific niche services ny new-comers in the sea of obligarchic capitalisms, total mind control, propaganda everywhere, corruption of fairer alternatives like Linux and soon BSDs, unavoidable online advertising by big corporations with little considerations for the fairness of the entire experience, the ethically-doubtful corporate influence of big banks over society, the ill-fate of Desjardins from a fair cooperative to a toxic corporation, constant puchasing of indie companies innovating enough into big corporations to profit from the product and not enhancing it much after the buying, the search engine bubble of promoting less than ethically relevant bodies and pages, the closing of indie local companies to a bigger multinational brands that won’t serve much of what was good about the local versions, the monopolistic-like behaviors of Government & Big Companies, the lack of skilled works and employees because of alientating work conditions and corporate social ecosystem, the ever-growing gap between the rich and poors, the sponsoships of strong violence in third-world countries, proxy and civil wars, the use of human links by the sides of the corporate state apparatus like the CIA’s hidden courts to exploit good-willed individuals worldwide, the YouTube’s rise of censorships and shutdowns among all creators, the repression of quite a few esoteric good-willed sublimninal makers and overall promotion of twisted esoteric gurus for as long as possible, etc...
I truly dislike having to tell such strong words in the light of some great things I have on this planet. But as I wanna feel safe, closer to happiness than existential dread and avoid most massive issues of this world, I am gonna flee in a similar way to Snowden as far going away from the core of the mess goes. Not even to fight back at all as it ain’t my priority right now, but as a just memo of “letting you all know” about truths I emotionally feel are relevant to me and to several more people thinking similarly to me over these topics of key importance truly.
If you really want to get me back to work for you all on the long run, you have better send somebody honest and humane to convince me and get fixed several of such details in a pretty significant fashion, along with several proof pieces to assure me it has been done or at least on-going well enough. Which is very hard I know it is but as far as I can attest, the consequences for fixing those issues (or not doing anything constructive about it all) is gotta be tremendous. And before somebody asks, yes it is hard in a similar fashion than how I feel about this entire problematic series of world instances that had continued to pursue the nightmare-ish details and policies it naturally goes up to by path of non-resistance. Many minds have already travelled elsewhere by many means and I am gonna be among them because that deeply-rooted feeling of existential dread that Wilsonism amplified by a crazy factor ain’t gonna be fixed in time, even with a righteous use of esoteric and secular methods combined.
I don’t expect anything much here as far as the probability of those getting a fair chunk fixed (also in time) goes is really minuscule so perhaps before I say a final goodbye (as I am exactly not gone away just yet), may your definition of God bless you with understanding and empathy to let me go and contact me when it is gotta be a way fairer trade on my end.
Good luck for those who follow in my footsteps in this path for a honorous existence beyond the (some are truly illegitimate really) chains of this planet.
Cordially yours comrades of this Earth.
Olyvier Klara Bouchard, the lady baby-witch which is autistic, non-binary, transfeminine and definitely a kind-hearted honest INTP-T individual.
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hindiabooks-blog · 6 years
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🔥 SEMBILAN TESIS ANTI KAPITALIS Kritik Anti Kapitalis atas Keruntuhan Ekonomi Global ⚫ #AlexCallinicos #MultiSolusindo 2011 238 hlm Bekas, baik, tanpa coretan 🍝 Rp. 40.000 ⚫ 🍜 Pemesanan 👉 DM @hindiabooks | inbox fb.me/hindiabooks | WA +62-896-2225-3005 ⚫ #sembilantesisantikapitalis #kapitalisme #sosialisme #globalisme #ekonomi #teoriekonomi #fiskal #neoliberalisme #jalanketiga #newleft #welfarestate #kritikideologi #ideologi #marx #lenin #engels #buku #rarebooks #buku #rarebooks #bookloverindonesia #indoreader #hindiabooks 🍷
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now6older · 3 months
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vinegar--tom · 7 years
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A spectacular purchase: LSP scarf & an autobiography of Stuart Hall 💜 #lsp #adventuretime #stuarthall #diaspora #culturaltheory #newleft #britishculturalstudies
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alexandrebrazrangel · 3 years
Duplo Expresso 25 05 21 pt 01
O prof. Nildo Ouriques da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, membro da Direção Nacional do PSOL e líder da corrente Revolução Brasileira e diretor do IELA (Instituto de Estudos Latino-Americanos) fala ao Duplo Expresso.
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hoosierbae · 2 years
Week 11
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1. Message to people
To motivate users, enternaining is helpful to keep them on active. They can chat in message, send progress photos and video, also can make a call.
2.  From sharing my daily diary with friends and family, users can feel more motivated and encourage them to interact with this doing the tasks. 
3. Developed design to find ‘Goals’ easier and faster. 
User Testing R1
- The letters are too small 
- Maybe I can add more animation elements 
- More engage with icons/animations. they looks too dry.
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Left: Original App, Right: My Design
I’m focusing on categorising and design visualisaion.
User Testing R2
Got feedback about visualisaion and animation. I’m not really confident to animate each icons anad ekements but I think it will be looks more natruala and friendly. Since myfitnesspal is not really a friendly design, I need to consider on visualisation and playful elements. 
User Testing R3
People still said the workds are little small. I need to change words size 10 to 12, 14 to 16 and 20 to 22/24. In User Testing R3, I have realised that my settings of grids is not accurate. Since my purpose is better UI Design, I need to set up a new grid plans.
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the99percenters · 6 years
The #newleft isnt going to be intimidated by neofascists in the Republican party. Just saying.
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Striking @spiegelonline cover from the late #1960s covering the #studentenbewegung #j2m #baadermeinhof #apo #newleft #rudidutschke #protest #bennoohnesorg nicked from the net . They put #karlmarx on a pedestal?
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hindiabooks-blog · 6 years
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🏭🏭🏭 🌌 KRITIK IDEOLOGI Menyingkap Kepentingan Pengetahuan Bersama #JurgenHabermas 🌌 #BudiHardiman #BukuBaik 2004 278 hlm Bekas, sangat baik 🐩 Rp. 55.000 🌌 🐴 Pemesanan 👉 DM @hindiabooks | inbox fb.me/hindiabooks | WA +62-896-2225-3005 🌌 #kritikideologi #marx #neomarxis #kiribaru #newleft #teorikomunikasi #kritik #buku #habermas #teorikomunikasi #adorno #kritikpengetahuan #epistemologi #rarebooks #politik #filsafat #bookloverindonesia #indoreader #hindiabooks 🐧
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