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....tried a new gym today, sometimes a change, rather, an improvement in your training environment and atmosphere is the key to breaking out of a rut and unlocking new potential gains... . . . . . . . . . . #newgymnewme #happyhumpday #peachgang🍑 #newgymnewyou #legdaygains #quadlife #quadzilla #newgymnewgoals #legdayfunday #sizeistheprize #swoleisthegoal #newgymnewgains #glutesthatsalute #beinøkt #beintrening #newgymnewstart #gymislife #gainsarethegoal #gainsarethemotive #newgymnewhome #wherearethegains #dumbells #dumbellrack #newgymequipment #newgymequipmentmakesmehappy #ascendtoaesthetics #ascenttoaesthetics #trainingenvironment #trainingtips #traininghard https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwp74VhDMqq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wa6ifsff3tsk
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ending the week with a legday....goblet squats....powerful quad and glute builder. my new gym has rubber hexagonal dumbells, and the goblet grip is 1,000x more comfortable than with the dumbells at my previous gym, so I'm going to be hitting some big PBs/PRs very soon....anything above 30kg/66lbs just destroyed my wrists before, but that will no longer be a limiting factor...today was a lightweight session, 5x12 with 25kg/55lbs, supersetted with walking lunges🔥🔥....looking to hit 50kg/110lbs very soon.....🔥🔥 . . . . . . . . . . . . #gobletsquats #legdayfunday #legdayfriday #legdaygains #fridaylegday #fridayflex #flexfriday #dumbellsupersets #legdaysuperset #legdaygrind #legdayfeels #glutesandhams #quadsandglutes #glutesthatsalute #gainsarethegoal #onlinecoach #tcnutritionathlete #newgymnewme #newgymnewgoals #newgymnewgains #newgymnewstart #personaltrainer #disciplined #determined #ascendtoaesthetics #ascenttoaesthetics https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwu_GNLlLKB/?igshid=1ewskmyze4um9
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