#new year's resolution ideas
drinkprime · 2 years
30 Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2023
New year’s is just around the corner and you must have already thought about all the ways you want to change your life in 2023! Let 2023 actually be your year. Here are 30 fun and realistic new year resolution ideas that you can pick from and focus on next year! 
1.“I will eat healthier” 
Here’s something that is everyone’s new year goal! Let 2023 be the year you take care of your body inside out! 
2.“I will stay active”
One of the best new year’s resolutions that will help you stay healthy and maintain your body. Go on a walk, join the gym or just dance around – but stay active! 
3.“I will travel more” 
This new year’s resolution will help you experience new things that you will always cherish. 
4.“I will not stress” 
Something that should be on everyone’s new resolution list! Stress less in 2023 and enjoy life. 
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5.“I will learn to play an instrument” 
One of the most common answers when anyone asks what’s your new year’s resolution! Pick a favorite instrument or a new skill and master it by the end of the year. 
6.“I will learn cooking/baking”
Cooking is a basic skill that everyone should learn. Learn new recipes in 2023 and include this skill in your list of new year resolution ideas. 
7.“I will maintain a journal”
It’s considered super healthy to pen down the daily happenings of your life. Cultivate this habit in 2023!
8.“I will save money”
A new year’s resolution idea that you will thank yourself for! Save a little money every month and make it a habit. 
9.“I will take a social media break”
Social media can be toxic sometimes and it is necessary to take regular breaks from it and keep a check on reality. 2023 can be the year you finally find a healthy balance between the two. 
10.“I will reduce using plastic”
Not just this, you can include multiple other environment-friendly habits to make 2023 a year where you did your bit for the world and its betterment. 
11.“I will read more books”
You need something to do when you take your social media breaks! Reading a book not only enhances your knowledge but also significantly improves your vocabulary. This is a great new year’s resolution idea! 
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12.“I will drink more water” 
Safe drinking water is so important to maintain a healthy body. Doctors recommend a certain amount of water depending on the person and in 2023 make sure you always consume this amount of water! DrinkPrime water purifiers not only give you clean, safe and healthy drinking water but also help you track your water consumption. Know more about DrinkPrime >> drinkprime.in  
13.“I will donate”
Donating to the less privileged is a very noble new year resolution to have. Donations can be through money or even old clothes that you do not use anymore! Start small, help somebody in need. 
14.“I will start investing” 
Saving money is great but learning to invest it and make money work for you is a skill you should definitely learn in 2023! 
15.“I will do volunteer work” 
There are so many organizations or clubs out there that would love some extra hands. Be the person to help someone out just out of humanity. 
16.“I will learn to drive a car”
Driving a car or riding a bike is a skill that will help you stop depending on others to take you around. Consider this a new year resolution idea to help in making yourself independent! 
17.“I will learn to swim”
Swimming is a sport that is not only relaxing but can also be a great way to keep yourself active and healthy. Who doesn’t like water anyway?
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18.“I will quit drinking/smoking”
Few habits are best left in 2022! Let 2023 be the year you work on a healthier version of yourself. 
19.“I will spend more time with my family”
Nothing comes before family. 2023 can be the year you make an extra effort to spend more time with them and show them your love and appreciation. 
20.“I will try new restaurants/dishes”
How many times do we go to the same restaurant and try out the same thing over and over again? Spice up 2023, try new things! 
21.“I will take care of a plant”
Plants are a great addition to your home or even your office table. It will teach you a sense of responsibility. Add this to your list of new year’s resolution ideas! 
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22.“I will only hang out with good company”
The people we surround ourselves with play a huge role in our lives. Cut off ties with everyone negative next year and only surround yourself with people that inspire you to do better. 
23.“I will do a solo trip”
Traveling solo teaches you to be independent on so many levels! Pick a spot you always wanted to go to and enjoy your own company. 
24.“I will talk less, listen more” 
Everyone wants to talk but no one really listens to what people have to say! Pick this new year’s resolution idea and truly try to understand others. 
25.“I will dress better”
Looking good is an easy way to feel good! Learn to dress for the occasion and watch your confidence grow. 
26.“I will stop procrastinating” 
A new year’s resolution idea that will help you get all your tasks done on time! Procrastination will only build up your work and nothing will get done. In 2023, make a choice to be less lazy and get things done! 
27.“I will learn to say NO” 
Let us leave our people pleasing in 2022. 2023 will be the year you make decisions for yourself and your mental health. Learn to say ‘No’ whenever necessary. 
28.“I will work on a side hustle” 
A side hustle can be a passion you follow or an amazing business idea made a reality. This is an easy way to make some extra bucks in 2023! 
29.“I will listen to new music/watch different genres of movies”
Expand your horizons and add this to your list of new year’s resolution ideas. Try listening to new music and watching movies outside your comfort zone. 
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30.“I will take breaks” 
Let 2023 be the year you love and take care of yourself! Don’t forget to take breaks every now and then to not overwhelm yourself. 
Liked any of the above near year’s resolutions? Then note it down and get a head start on them. There are only a few more days left for the new year! You can also share these with a friend or family, pick the same goals and keep each other accountable! 
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worm-on-a-blog · 9 months
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woahh 2024! cheers!
happy new year. worms are rooting for you to have your best year yet.
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topbestwaysvideo · 2 years
Top 24 Unstoppable Ways to Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions
The new year is already here, it's time to start thinking about your goals and aspirations for the year ahead. Whether you're hoping to lose weight, save money, or start a new career, the key to success is in planning. That's why we've put together this list of the top 24 unstoppable ways to crush your New Year's resolutions.
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letswonderspirit · 9 months
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Stuff I’ve enjoyed drawing this year! 💫
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sjonni33 · 9 months
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☆´。⁠*゚⁠+✧new chances☆´。⁠*゚⁠+✧
[ko-fi] [prints&stickers] [redbubble]
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burningarchitecture · 2 years
Dialogue is a reference to this post
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I wish you could bully Flowey after beating him in a neutral pacifist route.
That's right folks, I'm starting out 2023 by drawing Undertale fanart. Also one of my new year resolutions is reading homestuck. I do not accept criticism.
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ahopelessromantika · 9 months
"What's your New Year's Resolution?"
"To get a boyfriend."
-by ahopelessromantika-
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natypinkns · 2 years
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fuck this post and happy birthday tempest
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safyresky · 2 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 30/52: Milf Jacqueline strikes again...
In my notes/list, she was described as "holding her staff the way Cheri holds her broom in Frostmas and looking smug". She looks delighted instead, which checks out!
Very excited to do a full, PROPER design of her milf-fit! We've seen the original outfit deets HERE, but take the REST of the deets:
The pattern on her SLEEVES! Finally got it how I want it thanks to THIS POST.
The flourishes in each of the little diamonds on the sleeve are flexible—they can be anything tbh!
I went with like. A little circle and four whooshes around it bc I was feelin' it—snowflakey? Ish? I think they were more kaleidoscope-y when I originally did it and I am still quite fond of that design! The lil boops are just easier to doodle lmao
Fun fact: Her fit is a jacket. Custom made, (I think Jack made it for her, same as he did Fino's cloak except she knew EXACTLY what she wanted and was trying to find a place to get it made when Jack went allow me), and it doesn't have buttons but little clasps (these guys)—which is why it looks so smooth on the front!
Under the jacket is more active wear! Dark blue tank top, I think! She overheats a lot 🥵🔥
Moving right down: bike shorts are still bike shorts, just a sparkly grey! I had them grey anyway originally, but like, a dark grey. Now they're SPARKLING! But they don't actually sparkle, they're just. Y'know. A nice grey.
(I need to figure out best practise for using the metallic markers I have, tbh).
She has. Heckin. GARTERS NOW! Cause I thought they'd look cool. And they DO! And lil purple diamonds bc purple is my fave colour (presently) and it's bleeding into Jacqueline's palette!
The BOOTS! So I'm chronically behind in scrimbles and frostmas and lord knows what else bc I have been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley for about a month straight, and when I hit level 30? I think? I started getting the cool Forgotten getup, and the boots? A LOOK.
So that's what Jacqueline's boots are based on!
I wanted to make them the same colour as her dress but decided instead to do the middle blue, so they wouldn't blend in with her jacket OR the inside of her jacket lol.
AND HER STAFF. That's a whole THING.
She has 0 vested interest in looking into if she, too, can warlock, and the only reason she does is bc of shenanigans in a potential Pyros Redemption story.
she ends up having to A) see if she IS a warlock and B) train to staff summoning levels in order to figure out where tf Pyros's staff went after that gnarly defeat he suffered at the hand of Blaise AND Jack AND Jacqueline.
(Remember that? How they kicked his ass? And Jacqueline destroyed his staff? Yeah. There's a method to my madness :)
(It's an opal)
I have no idea how I made the gem holder so pretty but I did?
If you look closely, the very top of said decal and the pommel make a heart (coughs DITE cough cough)
I may switch the gradient! That is, reverse it so the pink is at the top and blue at the bottom. Still on the fence about it 🤔🤔🤔
In terms of like, colouring: Did mess up a bit on the mouth! BUT it looks okay! Yay :3. Almost gave her six fingers on the right hand—still not sure how I managed THAT. But overall, this is deffs in the top 5 scrimbles for sure (so far) :D
Need me a silver marker that can really POP on the dark blue pencil crayons tbh 🥹🥹🥹
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calliopeebles · 2 years
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redraw of a thing from the last new year! cheers to 2023!
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rosequartzforyou · 2 years
new year resolution ideas for self care!!!
1. drink ample water every day — use a tracker for the first two months to make it a habit.
2. only eat when you are hungry, don't force food inside you.
3. moisturize your skin properly everyday
4. do a monthly gratitude jar (there are pretty templates on pinterest if you are an artsy person and if you are not, lists are amazing!)
5. stay curious — make a list of things you want to explore and feed your brain
6. do something everyday that makes you happy — it can be something small like texting a friend you've not talked to in a while or just indulging in ice-cream and netflix.
7. prioritize yourself — do things for you.
8. quit being a donkey — it's high time you stop carrying the burden of others, be it emotional of physical.
9. learn to apologize effectively because good apologies can save you a lot of trouble and bring you peace. proper accountability does wonders (check this out its my favourite resource, it's downloadable)
10. skin care daily, lovely people. let's get that into routine.
11. have goals for yourself, it's good. but don’t get lost in the process of chasing it. experience life on the way.
12. check in on your loved ones once in a while.
13. go to bed early? at least try??
14. go on a digital detox per month/ two months
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ace-robot-has-matcha · 9 months
This new years I’m manifesting enough passion to finish any fucking thing
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bistaxx · 8 months
I'm still losing my mind over a qsmp digimon inspired au- it just feels so perfect- also please just look at this thing:
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imagination-confusion · 9 months
I been thinking about turning Oddity Odyssey into an Object Comic. I don't even know if people would read it but, it'd be fun to make it. I already made a plot outline I just have to actually work on it.
Work on it...
Actually... sit down.. and just go.
No more winging it.
No more just saying I'll do stuff..
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thethingything · 9 months
getting other alters to vote in our new year's resolutions polls and a huge portion of them have all independently decided that voting to make me spend at least 104 hours on one drawing over the course of the year is a hilarious idea
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
hiiiiii ava happy wincest wednesday, if you feel like it I feel like it is the new year and it would be fun to be unrepentantly hornt: just for fun, what's a kink you'd like Sam to have? Like, what makes the top of his head come off? [alternately if that's too hornt, what is his new year's resolution?]
i find it’s a lot easier to imagine sam having more unusual kinks than it is for dean, partly because he’s a lot more opaque and partly because it’s fun for me-- sam’s the kind of guy who might see something about a kink and go ew, what, watch a few videos to see what it’s about, like it, and then catalogue it away with everything else he’s tried. with that, though, i have a harder time imagining sam going 😳 because i think dean is more likely to be swept away by horniness where sam intellectualizes it.
one thing that i think sam is really into is voyeurism. this is not a new take, lol, but i imagine when he does watch porn he’d tend towards solo. the flip side of that is that i think he and dean could get to a point in their relationship where they pick up a third partner and trade off watching vs. participating, and sam would be REALLY into both parts. he knows he fucks well, and he loves having dean’s attention-- watching dean have sex is natural and hot as hell, but getting to show off and blow somebodies mind while dean sits there and watches and drools?? absolutely something sam would be into.
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