#new year new icon ig
hyena-frog · 2 years
I adore your icon 💖
😊 thank you!! 💕 I had the sudden urge to represent my (correct) Darrow headcanon.
edit: also my friend @catherdrashepard helped me make it! :>
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bitterie-sweetie · 7 months
Fake it til you make it
Pairing: Jeonghan x reader Genre: fluff, fake dating WC: 6.5k Warnings: alcohol A/N: yes it's about vday buuut it's actually for @syuperseventeen's bdayyy!!! surprise surprise! happy birthday nat, i hope this year is even better and filled with many things to look forward to <3
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Your Valentine’s date with Jeonghan is coming up and yet the only thing on your mind is how to break up with him. Of course breaking up with someone is difficult, but you’d argue that what’s more difficult is breaking up with someone you never even dated.
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Jeonghan is a prankster. 
Growing up, you’d often be on the receiving end of his pranks at school. Third grade “initiation” had you drenched in water after he told you to pin a cup against the wall with a straw, and in ninth grade you had tears streaming down your face after eating an entire scoop of wasabi—not the matcha ice cream he said it was. Then there was the time he did something to make your first crush hate you, which, in hindsight, was a good thing because the guy turned out to be a total asshole. 
It wasn’t Jeonghan’s fault entirely when you were too willing to fall for his pranks because being the target of a prank meant having his attention, and that’s something that you wanted. Jeonghan had a way of making everyone feel special, and his attention was a limelight that you never wanted to step out of. 
Honestly, you might’ve kept up with it if he kept going. But then that fateful day came and it was like you were suddenly on his side, working with him instead of being the victim to his antics, and you’d say that that’s what has kept the two of you together after all these years. 
Well, at least until now.
“Hey,” you greet in a rush, looking around the table at everyone and seeing that you’re truly the last one to arrive. Usually, you’d give that place to Lee Chan; he’s the most popular of your friend group and almost always has a prior appointment to your meetups. “Sorry I’m late. My train was delayed and—oh, did you already order for me?” 
Jeonghan slides a sealed bubble tea across the table and sets it in front of your seat—the one empty chair right beside him, no less. When you glance at him questioningly he shrugs and tilts his head towards the crowd at the front. “The line was too long so I ordered yours with mine. Hope you’re feeling like your usual today.” 
Indeed, the sticker on the cup shows that it’s your go-to order. “Aw, that’s so sweet of you. Thanks, babe.” 
Today’s meet up with your friend group is the first of the year and it’s also the first time you’re seeing everyone since Chan’s wedding… including Jeonghan. You would’ve spent Christmas and New Year’s with him had he not cancelled on you, and now that bit of distance has manifested into a larger uncertainty for you over the past while. Even now, the ‘babe’ seemed to come out awkwardly, sticking to your throat.
“Wow, you guys are actually disgusting. I hope you know that.” Seungkwan makes a face at you, and beside him, Soonyoung nods a few times in agreement. 
You plaster on a smile. “It’s okay to just say you’re jealous.” 
The only response you get is an eye-roll from Soonyoung, and then everyone moves on, thankfully. Mingyu asks you what you’ve been up to so you talk about your recent promotion at work and some new habits you’ve started in the new year, and when you sense that the conversation is starting to approach the territory of your future with Jeonghan, you gently steer it towards Chan. After all, he’s the one that got married just a few months ago, and you know he would never miss the chance to talk about his amazing honeymoon and how great this new chapter of his life is going.
There is truly nothing like adult friendships and its quarterly updates. 
Once there’s a bit of a lull in the conversation, Jeonghan turns to you. “What are you doing this week?” 
“Oh, this week?” Your heart speeds up tenfold at the uncertainty of what might come next. “Hmm well, it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yeah, exactly.” He nods and much to your relief, there’s a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. “So I’ll see you for our date then?” 
“Of course, babe.” 
“Can’t you guys do this somewhere else?” Soonyoung says as he stares daggers in your direction. You totally understand and sympathize with that though; today you’re turning up the sweetness more than usual to compensate for the distance you actually feel, unfortunately at the expense of your friends.
Jeonghan completely ignores Soonyoung’s complaint and doesn’t even look his way. “That’s good,” he says, leaning back in his seat and almost looking relieved at your answer. “I was afraid my darling might not have time for me anymore.”
“What? No way. Did you have anything in mind for our date?” 
“Hmm, yes but it’s a surprise. I’ll text you the details later.” 
“Well, uh, I have to run,” Chan says, slowly getting up from his seat. The rest of you hardly bat an eye, having gotten too used to his busy schedule. “It was nice seeing everyone. You guys should come over for my housewarming once everything is set up.” 
Mingyu stands up too. “Oh, I actually have to go too; got a dinner with Wonwoo later.” 
…On second thought, perhaps you overcompensated a bit too much with the cringe. Soonyoung and Seungkwan leave soon after getting a call from their roommate, Seokmin, and then it’s just you and Jeonghan at the table. Still seated side by side, your arm occasionally brushing against his. 
“How have you really been?” he asks in a low voice. 
“Decent, I guess, despite the winter blues and all. It’s pretty much what I said earlier.” You shrug when he remains silent. “Why do you ask? Do I look depressed or something?”   
“No,” he shakes his head with a laugh, “not depressed, exactly, but I wanted to see if you’re as sad as I am about not seeing each other in so long.” Then he leans in a bit closer, as if to whisper a secret. “I missed you, darling.”
It’s times like this when you feel like he’s toeing the line. There’s a small smile lingering on his lips and a softer look in his eyes, not at all like the overdone sweetness to the point of sarcasm from before, but you can never tell if he really means what he says or if this is just part of the act. 
Regardless, it makes your face feel hot and it makes you unable to look directly at him. 
“Oh… yeah,” you say, trying to make a quick recovery. “It’s too bad we missed out on the holidays but at least we get Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yup, that’s exactly why I have something special in mind for that day. I want to make it up to you, darling.” 
You give him a smile and then go to take a sip of your drink, and that’s pretty much the end of the conversation. Despite saying he misses you, it’s interesting how he doesn’t explain why he bailed on the holidays in the first place, and you don’t know whether you should ask about it at this point.
Or if you should even be curious about such a thing. 
Jeonghan pulls you out of your thoughts with a brush of his hand on yours. “It’s getting dark. Let’s head out?” 
You agree and then let him hold your hand, lace his fingers with yours, and then lead you out of the shop. He doesn’t let go until you cross the parking lot and get to his car. It’s strange, you think. You can’t seem to recall the last time the two of you held hands so naturally like this especially when there’s no one else around. 
In fact, when the two of you are alone, the sickening sweetness is always toned down but not completely dropped. Now, Jeonghan’s smiles are softer around the edges like they’re less exaggerated, less of a performance, and when he calls you darling, his voice is quieter and isn’t at all coated in the sticky honey you’re used to. When he hugs you goodbye at your door, it’s a loose hug and almost has a degree of uncertainty. 
Jeonghan steps back but lingers just for a second. “I’ll see you in a few days for our date, darling.”
“Of course,” you put on a smile, “I can’t wait, babe.” 
He waits until you get into your building before giving a little wave and then heading on his way. 
After you close the door behind you and collapse onto your bed, you heave a sigh and finally let the smile slip from your lips. So there would be a Valentine’s date this year after all; the anticipation makes your heart speed up the slightest but at the same time makes you all the more anxious. You thought that he really would end things today, and if not, that you should be the one to do so. But seeing him after so long, feeling the way the warmth of his touch lingers on your skin, basking in the brightness of his smiles, you simply couldn’t utter those words. 
Perhaps Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be the right time to do it either, or maybe your date won’t end up happening for whatever reason. You know that this is something you have to do, but the question is how exactly would you go about doing it? Because there is one major problem. 
You’re not dating Jeonghan at all. 
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One moment in high school is what started this whole thing.
It was eleventh grade drama class—which Jeonghan thought would be fun to take as an elective—that resulted in the two of you being cast in the school play. Although neither of you landed a role that was remotely close to important, Jeonghan decided to have fun with it and improvise during your one minute of screen time and that somehow turned your insignificant cameos into a beautiful romance that had the audience rooting for you. 
And that very moment somehow managed to embed itself so deeply in your relationship with Jeonghan that it became a long running joke to this day. 
Today you’re sitting across from Soonyoung and Seungkwan again, with Mingyu beside you this time. Almost an exact replica of last week’s meetup, but Chan already has plans and Jeonghan is very obviously missing—something Soonyoung points out immediately.
“Wow, no Jeonghan today?” he says loudly even before the hostess is out of earshot. The people at the two tables nearby glance in your direction and you start to regret coming here at all. “We really won this one. Y/N, we should do this more often.” 
You definitely should not. “Um, yeah. Totally.” 
Last week’s meeting with your friends is what gave you the idea to consult with them about your situation. You first suggested the idea to Mingyu, and then used the prospect of free food to get Soonyoung and Seungkwan to come out, and naturally, Chan is busy so it ends up being the four of you at brunch. Which is better on your wallet, you think. You get the feeling that this quarterly meetup can totally happen more often if you were to make this offer every time. 
As for what you’re about to ask… well, truthfully, you still don’t know if you should even do it. You’ve gone so many years without saying a word that it’d simply be odd to ask now, plus you would run the risk of making everything weird. But if you don’t do it, you would only end up making it weird anyway because how much longer can you go on pretending?
Besides, it’s not only you and Jeonghan who are prolonging this inside joke for way longer than it should’ve lasted. All of your friends should be in on it if they treat the two of you like a couple too. 
The waiter comes by to take your orders, and you try not to wince at the entire list that comes out of Soonyoung and Seungkwan’s mouths. Mingyu gets the least, seemingly knowing that something is up if the worried glances he throws your way is anything to go by. 
Once the waiter leaves, that’s when the small talk stops and all eyes turn to you.
“So what did you want to talk about?” Soonyoung asks with a goofy grin. “Since Jeonghan’s not here, does that mean you need help with Valentine’s Day plans or something?” 
Beside him, Seungkwan has the complete opposite expression as he eyes you warily between sips of his americano.
You take a huge swig of water like it’s liquid courage, and then go for it. “This is going to sound weird…” you start, trying not to notice the way Seungkwan tenses up as if bracing for your words, “but I wanted to ask you guys what my relationship with Jeonghan is.” 
Silence. Complete, dead silence. 
Soonyoung freezes like he’s in a photograph while Seungkwan’s hand holding his americano hangs in mid air as a drop of the drink dribbles down the side of his lip. 
“Sorry, what?” It’s Soonyoung who recovers first. “I think I heard that wrong.” 
You shake your head. “Just tell me.” 
“You’re asking us what your relationship with your own boyfriend is?” 
“Boyfriend—exactly!” You have to hold back all the thoughts you have on the topic. “Yeah, that’s what I mean. So you think he’s my boyfriend? That we’re dating?” 
Soonyoung frowns but it’s Seungkwan who answers, exasperated. “Y/N, what are you trying to say here? Are you trying to say you guys broke up? Or do you think we don’t know you well enough and this is a test? Can you say whatever it is directly—” 
“Jeonghan and I aren’t together.”
There, you said it. Your biggest secret is out.
It should make you relieved to finally let out the secret you’ve been harbouring for years or it should at least alleviate some of the weight on your chest, but it doesn’t. The silence in the wake of your confession only closes in on you and makes it all the more suffocating.
“No. We were never together.”
The bit of silence from earlier repeats itself. Maybe you should become a speaker or presenter with your ability to draw such reactions from a crowd.
Seungkwan noisily sets down his drink and then leans forward with a frown. He’s still in denial, that much is obvious, and he narrows his eyes as he asks, “Is this a joke? A hidden camera? Are you trying to prank us like Jeonghan—”
“No, I’m completely serious. It’s really not what it seems, and this is why I’m asking you guys what you see us as because at this point I don’t even know the answer myself.” 
With a deep breath, you tell them the truth about this entire thing.
You tell them about the high school play and your impromptu acting, and how that led for the two of you to become the famous couple at school afterwards. Sure, it might’ve been a good thing because that meant your acting was believable. But to two people who were interested in just about anything except love at that age, it was annoying and gross. 
After the show when the shippers wouldn’t stop, the two of you decided to do what you do best—pull a prank. You spent that Valentine’s Day together as a joke and acted extra disgusting to mock couples while making fun of how stupid people were to believe whatever you showed them. In twelfth grade, the two of you did the same for Valentine’s Day and then even went to prom together as a joke. 
In recent years, however, the annual joke of a Valentine’s Day date has turned into his Christmas and your Lunar New Year, his cousin’s graduation, your coworker’s housewarming, and Lee Chan’s wedding. It’s made you on a texting basis with his sister and it’s made him familiar with all your favourite food spots and go-to orders. It’s turned him into someone who’s simultaneously as distant as an acquaintance yet closer than a best friend. 
And so, here you are, living an entire lie because you and Jeonghan had the whole world fooled.
“That’s insane,” Soonyoung says when you finally finish the story, unable to look your way and instead, stares into his drink with how mind blown he is.
Seungkwan, on the other hand, remains a bit skeptical. “Okay, but then what was with all that PDA?All the kissing? Is this some sort of situationship?” 
“Oh, um.” Immediately you can feel your cheeks heating up. You didn’t think this far at all but now it seems like the entire truth will have to come out. “All of it was fake. We’ve… never actually kissed.” 
That drama class has taught you more than you needed to know about manipulating angles and the audience’s perception, and Jeonghan is very good at it. Your fake kisses were often just a trick of the angle or occasionally using the thumb trick, and having seen the evidence captured in photos over the years, you know how convincing it can look.
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit for reasons you never would’ve imagined. Admitting to pulling a childish prank like this is one thing, but the realization that you and Jeonghan have faked it for so long without ever once making it real has you feeling almost dejected.
“I always knew Jeonghan was crazy but I didn’t know he’d be *this* crazy.” Soonyoung now has his head in his hands and is staring off into space. “This is the most insane story I’ve ever heard. I’m not sure if I should be happy for you or sad.” 
You give a wry smile. “Yeah, well, I get why you would think we were together though. You met us in college and wouldn’t have known about what happened in the past so I guess there would never be a reason to question it.” 
Beside you, Mingyu clears his throat and you turn to look at him. He’s been so quiet throughout your story that you were too busy focusing on the reactions of the other two, but looking at him now, his reaction is entirely different. Mingyu isn’t as surprised as he is concerned. “Actually, Y/N, a few years ago…” he says hesitantly, “there was a time when I asked him if you were actually dating.” 
“You did? What did he say?”
“He didn’t deny it.”
“Well, we all know how he loves to be ambiguous and leave things a mystery.”
Mingyu shakes his head. “No—see, that’s what I thought too, but it was different that time. At first he didn’t deny it, but when I pushed a bit more, he said that you’re dating. In actual words and with the most serious look I’ve ever seen on his face.” 
This is news to you. You always assumed that they were all in on the joke and would’ve never guessed that anyone actually asked Jeonghan, but the fact that he answered that way is all the more baffling. 
“I don’t get it. Why would he tell you that?” 
“Yeah, so,” Soonyoung says, “from then on we all thought that was fully confirmed, and he never said or implied otherwise.” 
Mingyu nudges you gently. “Y/N, are you telling us about this now because you’re planning on stopping the act? Has it been bothering you? Or did something happen?” 
“Is that why you wanted to tell us today?” Soonyoung lets out a dramatic gasp and leans all the back in his chair, hands over his mouth. “Don’t tell me—are you going to stop the act because you have a crush on someone?”
“What? No, definitely not. It’s not that, it’s—” 
Here’s the next part of your big secret being revealed, something you weren’t entirely ready for but you tell yourself that this needs to happen. 
It’s because of your feelings for Jeonghan. Your very real, very genuine feelings that have nothing to do with this prank.
Truthfully, you can’t pinpoint when you started feeling this way, much like you’re not sure how this joke was able to stick around for so long. It could be the most recent development—when your friend tried to convince you to hop on a dating app, all you could think about was how wrong it felt because you already had Jeonghan. Or maybe it was the Valentine’s Day just before college graduation when he leaned in so closely you thought he was going to kiss you, for real this time, and then only realizing much later that you were disappointed that it wasn’t real. 
Or perhaps it started way back, to the time he asked you to prom—he said he didn’t have a date only for you to later find out he’d already rejected two promposals from other people. All for your fake relationship, supposedly.
And now, for you, what has started as a harmless prank has turned into something much more than that over the years. 
Everyone looks like they're at a loss for words after that part, and even Soonyoung has lost his enthusiasm after hearing it. “Shit, that’s…” he starts. “Okay, yeah, I’m definitely sad for you.” 
Seungkwan and Mingyu have similar sentiments but you wave them off, eager to lighten the mood again after such heavy topics. The food on the table has been long finished and you’re beginning to feel like you’re overstaying your welcome when there’s a crowd waiting at the front of the restaurant. “It’s fine, it’s whatever. I just wanted to get this off my chest today so that I can figure things out before I see him in a few days.” 
A while later, you finish paying and then all head out together. 
The conversation continues to replay itself in your head, and you realize there is one thing you’re curious about. You turn to Mingyu. “By the way—Mingyu, why *did* you ask Jeonghan if we were actually dating?”
Mingyu stops mid-stride and freezes like a deer in headlights, clearly not expecting your question at all. “I—um, I was asking for a friend.” 
“A friend?”
“Yeah, Chan.” He nods a few times in a row. “I thought Chan had a crush on you and I was trying to help him out.”
Strange, seeing as you’ve probably interacted with Chan the least among your friend group. He’s simply too booked and busy to hang out with you, and has been all throughout your college years together. 
Oh, and he’s married.
“Like, before he met his wife?” you ask.
Soonyoung starts to cough furiously from where he is a few steps ahead while Mingyu’s cheeks redden the slightest bit. 
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You vaguely remember the first time the two of you did this, and how it wasn’t anything like how it’s going now. 
Tonight is the night you’re supposed to go on your date with Jeonghan, and you’ve been buzzing with nerves since the night before. You have no idea what to expect for tonight since all he told you about it was to show up at his apartment, and that in itself was slightly concerning as you’ve never been to his home before nor has he been so secretive about any plans. Usually the two of you would be going to a casual place or would have the schedule shared ahead of time if it was a more formal event that needed preparation. 
Jeonghan buzzes you in when you arrive and before you can say you’ll wait for him in the lobby, he tells you to go up to his unit. Again, a bit strange. You do as he asks though, and then even go to knock on the door when there’s no sign of him coming out.
When he opens the door and steps aside, that’s when everything clicks—you’re not here so that he can get his car and take you to your date location. This *is* the date location.
Beyond the doorway, you can see that his apartment is completely decorated. Rose petals line the sides of the hall and lead to the dining table, covered in a deep red tablecloth and perfectly set for your meal. Beside it, a large bouquet of roses rests at the center of the sideboard surrounded by a row of flickering candles which light up the space.
Even without knowing what his home normally looks like, it’s obvious that all this would’ve taken a lot of effort to set up.
“Jeonghan, why did you prepare all this?”
He gives you a dazzling smile. “Because my darling deserves the best, of course. I told you I was going to make it up to you for cancelling Christmas.” 
“Babe, that’s too sweet of you. You really didn’t have to.” You try to return his smile but it doesn’t come easy when this whole situation is overwhelming. Then you let him take your coat and then guide you to the dining table where everything is set up. 
Only when you’re seated do you realize that his response doesn’t answer your question at all. 
The scent of the roses fill the room and looking at them gives you a pang in your heart. This is what the two of you used to make fun of—these big, romantic gestures, and the couples that willingly eat them up. Now it’s as if the tables have turned and you don’t know what to think. 
If this were in public, in front of your friends or other people, you would’ve said that it was another funny gesture that Jeonghan put up for the sake of making them cringe. Because the two of you were the perfect joking, prankster couple, right? 
Now that it’s just you and him here, it confuses you as to why he’s going to such lengths for a joke when it’s something that no one else would see, when there’s no audience to watch his performance. 
You watch as Jeonghan busies himself in the kitchen, serving the food that he’s prepared and pouring the wine into glasses while glancing your way every once in a while. He looks pleased, you note, and he should be if he got his space to look this beautiful. But you can sense that there’s something else too, almost like a nervousness that sits on his shoulder every time he breezes past you and makes eye contact for the briefest second.
After everything is ready, he finally takes a seat across from you and the dinner begins.
Making small talk is easy at first; you comment on your surprise at this type of date, talk about how cold it’s been lately and how it sucks that your company is forcing you to go back into the office. You ask him how his holiday went and how his family has been, and mention how cute his sister’s new puppy is after seeing a post about it on her social media. 
You know you’re just delaying the inevitable. Somehow you get the feeling he knows it too, judging by the way his answers are shorter than usual and how your conversation feels so superficial. So this time after there’s a lull in the conversation, you decide to go for it.
"Jeonghan, um…"
"Hmm?" He looks at you and waits for you to continue, but you don't. Or rather, you can't. "Ah, you're going to comment on how good this is, right?" he says instead, as if supplying you with a way out.
You're all too eager to grab onto it. "Wow, you read my mind." An enthusiastic nod, a slight look of surprise. "It's amazing. Did you make all this yourself?"
Jeonghan shakes his head and then follows up with a sheepish smile. "Partly. The rest is store bought."
Another nod, and then it just ends there again. Seated in this spot with the soft lighting of flickering candles cast against the wall and the heat of Jeonghan's gaze on you, the feeling of discomfort only grows. It's hard to remember what the two of you were like before, during the days when everything seemed so silly–when each move was a clearly defined act between two actors and the world was your stage. And most importantly, when each smile he showed you didn't send your stomach into somersaults or your mind into a loop of second guessing. 
The air is so heavy and stifling that you grab your glass and down a large gulp of the wine. At least when you're drinking, you wouldn’t have to speak, whether that might be responding to him in a way that gives away all of your thoughts, or completely spilling them out yourself. Maybe the alcohol will also drown out some of your anxieties and–
"Hey, slow down." Jeonghan glances at you with worry. "We have all night."
You set the glass down, albeit a bit reluctantly. "Right, sorry. This wine is just so good."
Yet another lie, but what's one more at this point? The wine is much too sour and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. You would've much preferred a soda or bubble tea, and drinking something fancy like this during such a fancy occasion makes you feel like you're pretending to be someone you're not.
Which is exactly what you're doing, isn't it? You've been living a lie this entire time.
You briefly wonder if Jeonghan feels the same way—the two of you have never properly spent time alone in complete privacy, and to have your first time be in such a formal atmosphere must feel strange. But if he's uncomfortable, he makes no sign of showing it. Or maybe he's always been the better actor of the two of you.
“You know, since you mentioned seasonal depression, I was thinking that for Christmas this year we should go somewhere. Somewhere warm and sunny to get away from the cold.”
“Oh, this year?” you repeat stupidly when you can’t quite believe what you’re hearing. Jeonghan wants to continue this thing? And here you were, thinking that he was about to end it at any moment for the past few months. “Um, yeah. That would be nice.” 
“Or it could be a fall trip. Your parents have been wanting to go see the leaves change colour, right?” 
There’s no hint of sarcasm on his face and no playful twinkle in his eye, and even though no one can read him very well, you know enough to tell that he’s being serious. You also know that what he’s saying makes no sense at all.
“Right, yeah. They’ve been wanting to do that.” 
“Y/N, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply automatically, and then reach for another long gulp of your drink. “Yup, all good.”
Jeonghan frowns, a tiny crease appearing between his brows. “Are you sure? If you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen.” 
It’s strange, the way he looks at you. Jeonghan, who dances around questions and deflects easily with humour and only shows people what he wants them to see, now has worry filling his eyes as he waits for you to continue. As if he *knows*.
You doubt Soonyoung and Seungkwan would have spilled your secret so easily, but there’s a great possibility that the two of them would be unable to act normal around him after what they learned, and unintentionally hint at the truth. Then there’s the other possibility that Jeonghan knew way before any of this. Because maybe he—
No, you don’t want to think about that.
“It’s just that,” you say, having to force yourself to pause and slow down your thoughts before something terrible comes spewing out. A slow inhale, a shaky exhale. “Why are we here, Jeonghan?”
His frown deepens, but now it’s turned into confusion. “What do you mean?”
“What are we doing? This date has been nice, but I’m just very confused over why you put so much effort into this when there’s no one else around to see it. Weren’t we doing all of this as a joke? As a prank? Pretending to be a couple so that we can fool the world since that’s exactly what they wanted to see, but joke’s on them because we’re not?” 
Jeonghan watches you silently with an unreadable look on his face. “Is that how you feel?”
“’Well, yes, because isn’t that the truth? And now, we’ve been doing so much together that it doesn’t feel like a joke anymore. How can it be when your mom is offering to give me homemade side dishes? Or—or when Chan’s wife was there, smiling at us on her wedding day like she wished we’d be just as happy as they are?” You pause to look at him and then proceed to look away. “How long are we going to continue lying to the world? Because I can’t stand the guilt.”
The last part of that may be true, but it’s not the full truth. 
“Yeah, you’re right. We don’t have to keep doing this.”
“W—what?” You stare at him, dumbfounded. 
Jeonghan sighs deeply and then meets your eyes, but then quickly looks away. “Yeah, we should’ve left this in high school. The joke has kind of gotten old, hasn’t it?” 
You have no idea what he means by any of that, but it feels like you’re better off not knowing. The tension in the air is thick, and even when you imagined your fake breakup hundreds of times in your head, this is not something you could have predicted. It’s as you’re on a precipice, and one wrong move will delete all those years, all that time you spent with him. 
And the worst part is that you don’t even want to break up.
“Jeonghan, look. I know all of this is supposed to be a joke, but why is it that it feels like you really do care?” One last deep breath before you make the jump. “And why is it that I *want* you to care?” 
That has him stunned for a second, so much that the expression is obvious on his face in a way that almost never happens. 
“Wait, what? I do care. No, I get that we started all this for fun back then, but that’s not how I feel about it now. Everything we’ve done is real—trust me, I wouldn’t have brought you to my family if that wasn’t the case. And I never thought I was lying to them. It’s exaggerated, yes, and much too dramatic, but I’m not a good enough actor where all that can be based on a complete lie.” 
You braced yourself for the final blow, only to be completely confused over his words. “What are you saying?” 
“Y/N, it’s always been real to me. All of it.” 
“But—but I thought you wanted to stop all this when you cancelled our plans for Christmas. Why did you do that?”
Jeonghan opens his mouth a little but then closes it again. “Do you remember last year at Chan’s wedding when you caught the bouquet?” 
You nod but don’t hide your confusion about where this is going.
“After you caught it, everyone was looking at you… and then at me. It was like they all expected us to be next, because well,” he shrugs, “everyone thought we were together. And that’s when I realized that this is more than simply feeling like it’s real. We were turning it into something real.”
“So you called off Christmas because you wanted to stop doing this? Because you hated how it was becoming real?” 
“No,” Jeonghan shakes his head. “The opposite. I was afraid of how much I liked that it felt real. That day at the wedding, I—I wanted to kiss you for real, Y/N. Not have to fake it.” 
“If we did meet up for Christmas, I don’t know what might’ve happened. I thought it was safer to stay away for a bit and gather my thoughts.” He hesitates slightly and you can see the pained smile he has on. “But one day into the holidays and I was already regretting my decision.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. Your mind is hardly listening anymore when it keeps on repeating Jeonghan’s words like a broken record, screaming to you that it’s real, that all of it is real. That you’re not the only one who’s been feeling this way, and that you won’t need to stage a fake breakup for your fake relationship. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“I’m just—are you sure all this is real? Jeonghan, are you being serious?”
He breaks into a tender smile. “Don’t you remember? I already answered you back then, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” 
“You asked me if I’d be your darling, even if thousands of miles may separate us, even if—” 
“—if the paths we walk may crumble,” you finish off. “Or something like that. I actually have no idea what we said back then.”
Those were the lines in the play that you did back in high school, the very lines that the two of you conjured out of thin air one day and the very moment that started this whole thing. 
“Yeah, that,” he says softly.
“Hmm, so, babe,” you put on your usual mockingly sweet tone, repeating the line that you said on stage many years ago, “are you going to kiss me?” 
Jeonghan holds back a smile like he can’t contain his happiness, and follows with his line without missing a beat. “If that’s what my darling wants.”
The smile only widens when he gets up from his seat and you go to meet him halfway, and it’s the last thing you see when he leans in closer and closer. Jeonghan gently slides his thumb between his lips and yours as he closes the distance, like how it was done the very first time, but this time you can feel it as he slowly moves it away. 
Then you’re kissing him, actually kissing him for real for the first time. His lips are soft and warm, and the bit of hesitance between you seems to completely melt away as you wrap your arms around him and he pulls you closer. You let yourself drown in his scent, the warmth of his touch, and the loud pounding of your heart now that you no longer have to be paying attention to the reactions of the people around you. Nothing else matters anymore, all that matters is what you have now.
You spend the rest of the night catching up, whether that’d be stories over the years of shared memories, or creating new memories to make up for the lost time. He tells you he loves you and that the trip suggestions were very much real, and the two of you laugh over how you’ve become the exact couple you once mocked. It’s easy to understand them now though, you think as Jeonghan gives you a sleepy smile as you’re cuddled up on the couch.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to ask something,” you say, and he looks at you in alarm at your abruptness. “Why did you tell Mingyu that we were together?”
Jeonghan stays silent for a bit, narrowing his eyes as if having difficulty recalling what you’re talking about. Then he finally answers. “Oh that?” He chuckles. “That was because I didn’t want him to think he had a chance with you.”
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fuumiku · 9 months
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Happy new year!!
Some doodles I did today to unwind + test a lineart brush
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starswallowingsea · 11 months
Half of the tag is Shu birthday and the other half is "MITSURU'S VA GOT ARRESTED FOR FRAUD" so thats how enstarries are doing today
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naitosutan · 1 year
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Doodled out some art for my bday cuz I can 😤
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it's real missing artfight hours lads
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lno-x · 1 month
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Not even a year has passed, here is the design for Gideon
It's not as detail-heavy as Harrow because overall I had to read and learn more about weapons than clothes (which was fun)
Details as usual under cut
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Warrior Saints in Orthodox Christian Iconography
Religious formations rarely had warriors in their ranks, but there are number of holy martyrs who are considered great warriors.
In icons these Saints are often shown holding crosses, a spear or sword, and wearing armor beneath a cloack of red, also representing martyrdom.
My desing has a little in common with there bc is canon she was never described as wearing any armor or colors besides black, but I will use that knowledge for future works...
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The Cavaliers (17th Century)
Need to mention that Gideon title (even if it's not real) is Cavalier – this term refers to the Baroque period, when this class of people was most widespread.
Its cool concept and i have seen that other artist do but for my personal opinion that too fancy for Ninth House (I always feel that Gothic Period fit them more)
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Medieval-like design
That design not historically accurate at all but ig I can made up some things for vibe or creativity since its fiction at furst place and sci-fi at the second
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Swept-hilt Rapier
Rapiers evolved from knightly swords with the purpose of lightening the sword, protecting the hand and increasing the distance in combat
Tbh his is the most common rapier with a stylized pommel (i am not that smart to make my own) but learning new stuff was nice
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Zweihänder (Two handed German Sword)
Zweihänder swords developed from the longswords of the Late Middle Ages and was used by the front ranks of the army to fought with and against pike formations.
I highly recommend watching this lady's channel that talking about history of cold weapon, armor and combat technics. Thats an treasury of knowledge.
Knuckle Knives
Furst of all i wanted to make an bagh nakh kind of knives (you can learn more about it from this post), but in book its described as knuckles with three fixed blades protruding from the back (which is not really useful in a real combat as far i know but okay its just look cool)
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Thats all thank you for your attention now i am going to watch second part of "How to train your Dragon" with ma bestie and two bottles of beer
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afterglowsainz · 3 months
so high school | lando norris
summary: no one imagined that the rising popstar of the moment and the papaya f1 driver would be dating until an album release and a very much awaited maiden win takes everyone by surprise
fc: maia reficco
request: here
a/n: whenever you guys request something based on a taylor song a fairy is born <3
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux and others
yourusername the tortured poets department is out tonight 📝🖤🧸
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username new music from my queen finally !!!
username i’ve only had two weeks to prepare for this since she announced it i’m not okay
gracieabrams 🖤🖤🖤
yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
username i already know it’s gonna be album of the year
username mother blessing us with new music
username is this gonna make me cry or not? i need to be prepared
sabrinacarpenter iconic of you (liked by yourusername)
username breakup album or i’m in love album?
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liked by oliviarodrigo, landonorris and others
yourusername i love you, it’s ruining my life
tagged postmalone
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username WTF MV ALREADY??
username omg this fucking song 😭 yn you’re going to JAIL
username that’s how you open a motherfucking album
taylorswift actually sick!
yourusername learned from the best!
username i love you🫵🏽 it’s ruining my life (these fucking songs man😩)
landonorris 🖤
username HUH?
username and what is he doing here 🤣
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username not only that but repeatedly according to oscar???
username guys is it wrong for me to ship lando and y/n🤭
username we’re living of crumbs istg
username oh i know my man listens to the alchemy to hype him up
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liked by lissiemackintosh, yourusername and others
landonorris pre-miami🧸
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username hello there
username don’t look at the camera challenge
username prayer chain for lando to win in miami 🙇🏽‍♀️
username stay delusional
username so when’s our wedding?
username these likes between lando and yn are a bit flirty or is it just me?
username they’re just likes on a social media app 😭
username AND a comment he did on her post
username AND him listening to her music before races
username you sound a bit insane but i’m digging this theory
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and others
yourusername my honest reaction to the ttpd reception 🤍 what’s your favorite currently?
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username down bad, mbobhft, loml, all of them
username THE BLACK DOG !!!
maxverstappen1 down bad (liked by yourusername)
username hello?
username the flowersss 👀
username literally every song on the album i physically can’t listen to anything else
oliviarodrigo fresh out the slammer is crazy (liked by yourusername)
username guilty as sin? was … an experience
username girlie just casually dropping album of the year and asking us to choose a favorite?
landonorris the alchemy and so high school (liked by yourusername)
username HELLO?
username no one talking about f1 drivers randomly commenting their favorite songs 😭
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liked by lewishamilton, lissiemackintosh and others
f1 not much here, just your favorite celebs attending the miami grand prix
tagged kendalljenner, davidbeckham and yourusername
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username my girl yn!!!
username yn at the paddock was not what i expected to see at all
username missed the opportunity to caption this “i'm an aston martin that you steered straight into the ditch”
username lowkey i need to see a yn lando meet up
username kings of flirting through ig likes!
username promote that album queen
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and others
landonorris FUCKING P1 🖤🧡
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username so proud!! very well deserved
username well this all makes so much more sense now😭
mclaren first of many🧡
username when they recreated ‘the alchemy’🤭
username pls it was so cute to see him run straight to her as soon as he got out of the car😩
landonorris that song was written about me actually
username bro hard launching on a race post
username well he lowkey hard launch on international television after kissing her in front of everyone!
yourusername so proud of you!🧡
landonorris 🖤
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1onelypoet · 8 months
sweet tooth (for you) || lando norris smau
a/n: we're backkkkkk!!! making this took way more time than I expected but hopefully it's better quality?? also I have an actual plan for how the story will unfold so (ik, shocking) 😍
pairing: lando norris x singer! ex-leclerc! reader
fc: reneé rapp
warnings: cursing
disclaimer: this is completely fictional. no hate meant towards anyone mentioned.
part two, part three, part four
popculture August 7
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liked by f1gossip, user1, user2 and others
tagged yourusername, charles_leclerc
popculture Singer Y/n L/n's boyfriend of 3 years, Charles Leclerc, has been spotted with another woman.
The Ferrari driver was seen spending his summer break in Corsica on a boat with the unamed woman yesterday. He was pictured talking to her and kissing her, leading us to wonder: where is Y/n? The singer was last spotted in Monaco, where she and Charles share an apartment.
Neither party has said anything about the situation as of now.
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user4 poor y/n :(
user5 ikr, hope she's doing okay :( ↳ user4 also if we assume that she found out via ig :(
user6 if THE y/n l/n gets cheated on there's no hope for us
user7 love isn't real.
user8 the new album is going to slap
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yourusername added to their story August 7
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seen by carlossainz55, yukitsunoda0511, gracieabrams and others
replies have been disabled
yourusername August 9
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liked by charlottesiine, lilymhe, sabrinacarpenter and others
yourusername maybe i should try religion cus jesus ur hard 2 rely on
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yourbff my love <3
yourusername <3
carmenmmundt sending love 🫶🏼
addisonraee main character.
lilymhe love u babe ❤️
yourusername love u too lils❤️
user12 are those song lyrics i see in the caption 🤨
f1gossip August 9
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liked by manonsworld, user14, user15 and others
tagged charles_leclerc
f1gossip More unseen photos of Charles and his unamed beau
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user16 this is actually really sad
user17 Charles, I just want to have a chat! 🤗
user17 🔪🔪
user18 bro imagine being y/n and just seeing ur bf publicly cheat on u
user19 someone HAS to know who she is, like 🤨
user20 i bet the twitter stans are already on it
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yourbff added to their story August 11
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seen by yourusername, anasainzvdec, landonorris and others
f1gossipgirl August 12
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liked by f1gossip, user21, user22 and others
tagged charles_leclerc, manonsworld
f1gossipgirl Paparazzi photos taken of Charles Leclerc and Manon Bernardi enjoying their holiday
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user23 oh thats not...
user24 I mean she's really pretty but um
user25 Cute couple!
user26 bffr ↳ user27 HELP
user28 how r u guys getting these pics what???
yourusername August 15
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liked by luisinhaoliveira99, landonorris, spotify and others
tagged charlottesiine, isahernaez, itselenaberri, katerinaberezhna, luisinhaoliveira99
yourusername girls night out 🥂
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luisinhaoliveira99 ❤️❤️❤️
charlottesiine had so much fun 💓
user29 the ex wags supporting eachother is so precious 🥹
user30 they're such cuties 🥹🥹
itselenaberri 👯🏼‍♀️👯🏼‍♀️
isahernaez my fav girls 🫶🏼
katerinaberezhna ❤️‍🔥💋
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yourusername August 19
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liked by landonorris, lizzymcalpine, yourbff and others
tagged yukitsunoda0511, yourbff
yourusername surprise coming soon yay
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yukitsunoda0511 who dat boi 😎​
yourusername pls never say that again u sound like a frat boy ↳ yukitsunoda0511 maybe i am a frat boy ↳ yourusername ...no ❤️
yourbff loveeee the crying pics!
yourusername ty pookie
user34 it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's
yourusername added to their story August 21
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seen by yourbff, landonorris, f1gossip and others
yourusername August 22
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liked by gracieabrams, conangray, lilymhe and others
yourusername i was originally planning on making an ep, most likely called talk too much, with somewhat final drafts of pretty girls, 23, i wish, willow, talk too much, and gemini moon for the tracklist. but, as some of you guys know, my life took a drastic turn in august. in the past month i have tried to distract myself as much as possible, constantly on the move, whether it was actually moving out of my apartment or hanging out with my friends. but when i worked on my music i let myself really feel. feel the pain and the betrayal. and so, after way too many late night runs to mcdonalds, mental breakdowns, calls with my therapist, and movie marathons, i had six more songs.
and so snow angel was born.
even though i know this isn't going to get rid of the pain, which will probably linger in the depths of my insecurities for years to come, snow angel is the step i needed to take to reach acceptance.
thank you to everyone who made this album possible: my fans, friends, producers, family -- i truly could not have done this without you.
i love you all.
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landonorris Great album!
yourusername tysm lando 🤗
user35 UM??
oliviarodrigo not okay rn
yukitsunoda0511 slayyyy 🔥💅🌈
user36 yuki, babe, what is this... ↳ yourusername we'd all like to know 😔
carla.brocker Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference
leclerc_pascale ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername 💗💗
danielricciardo pop offff (did I use that right?)
yourusername thanks! (yes but it sounded cringe) ↳ landonorris hm (y/n's being nice, it was atrocious)
spotify on repeat.
rachelzegler omg
1K notes · View notes
starlight-library · 3 months
mr. & mrs. 'surprise couple' | LS2 (sm au!)
pairing: logan sargeant x reader
summary: logan and his partner decide to hard launch their relationship as casually as possible during a week break
warning: cursing, fluff, suggestive language, some dirty talking ig?? (18+, minors DNI), not proofread soo have fun
FC: @/desreii on instagram
a/n: with logan's new website / app making me delulu, this is for all the logan girlies, guys, and ppl!! (this inclusdes myself), honestly it came to me late one night and i only worked on it half asleep sooooo strap in!! also, i opened a ko-fi for tips! please buy me a coffee if you want!
part one | part two
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logansargeant tagged yourusername
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, oscarpisatri and 50,205 others
logansargeant happy one year to my other half 🩵 thank you for making this year unforgettable, here's the many more with you ❤️
view all 48,045 comments
landonorris HELLO???
landonorris YOU KNEW???
carlossainz55 this is a very interesting development
oscarpiastri the best couple i know 🧡
logansargeant thank you 🩵 ↳ yourusername gay! oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and logansargeant liked this comment
yourusername the way imma ride you into the next anniversary oooo baby--
landonorris @ yourusername IS THIS THE MYSTERIOUS PARTNER?? OMG????
logansargenat BABE ↳ yourusername it's true!
alex_albon Y/N?!!! OH MY GOOOOD ↳ yourusername OMG HEY BESTIE!!! are you proud that i made an instagram???!! ↳ alex_albon I AM BUT WTF WAS THAT COMMENT???!!! Also, maybe you'll answer my messages here!! ↳ yourusername blocked actually!! :)
user52 OMG OMG OMG!!
user204 they just made an instagram? oh we bout to watch the best era ever!! 😍
oscarpiastri all over this for sushi? ↳ yourusername damn right ↳ oscarpiastri as unhinged as always ↳ yourusername you love it 😘
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liked by yourbestfriend, logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 204,503 others
yourusername it's silly season fr 😮‍💨
view all 129,204 comments
yourusername wifey!!! stoooop 🤭
↳ logansargeant that OUR life partner. ↳ yourbestfriend NO BACK OFF UGH I WAS HERE FIRST!!! ↳ logansargeant i'll buy you coffee for two weeks anytime you want. no questions asked ↳ yourbestfriend @ yourusername if you ever breakup with him istg i'll hurt you ↳ yourusername RUDE???
logansargeant i am the luckiest man ever, truly 😍
↳ yourusername oh please.
alex_albon lily asked if logan can fight
oscarpiastri my lily also asked that ↳ yourusername good thing i got two hands 😇
logansargeant too bad one hand is more me, guess they'll have to fight each other. alex and oscar y'all are gonna have to fight in place of your girlfriends ↳ yourusername B a b e ↳ alex_albon it's on sight next week ↳ oscarpiastri hotel lobby at 22:00. drinks at 23:00 ↳ alex_albon bet ↳ logansargeant deal
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, landonorris, and 304,503
yourusername guys remember, it's important to eat three meals a day!
view all 230,249 comments
alex_albon Y/N. OH MY GOD????
yourusername what?? it's a good reminder!! ↳ alex_albon YOU FUCKIN HEATHEN OH MY GOOOOD ↳ yourusername still confused on what's the issue!
user205 AYOOOOOOOOO????
oscarpiastri it's always been a whore house with these two ↳ yourusername THIS IS SLANDER!!! HE LIES!!! IM INNOCENT!!!
user49 welllllll who can really name y/n?
user204 TRUE
user50 YUP
logansargeant i think you forgot to eat lunch today...
yourusername on my way right now 😇
alex_albon NO. HEATHEN!!! STAY AWAY!! I NEED HIM FOR THE PODCAST ↳ logansargeant alex hurry up and let's film this please--
oscarpiastri god please nobody wants to hear you two
yourusername your just mad you can't join, it's okay maybe next time 😘 ↳ user205 AYOOOOOO ↳ user46 GOD DAMN ↳ landonorris i will gladly take his spot instead-- ↳ logansargeant nope!
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yourusername posted a story
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↳ alex_albon BESTIE!!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!!
yourusername THANK YOOOU!!! alex_albon cannot wait to see you at the race!! yourusername me either!!! it'll be a bestie reuion!!
↳ lilymhe HOTTIE HOTTIE HOTTIE!!! 🥵😍
yourusername LILLLLLY STOOOOP 🤭 i hope alex can fight!! 😘 lilymhe he can't so easy win 🥇 yourusername LETS GO!! 💪
↳ oscarpiastri i like the pink, you're gonna keep it longer for a few days??
yourusername hopefully! i like the pink but idk if im feeling it rn oscarpiastri well i think it's nice but i say natural hair for your first paddock appearance yourusername maybe 🤔 thinkin bout it still but thanks you
↳ charlesleclerc the makeup? the hair? the pose? please tell me you're blessing the paddock with your beauty
yourusername oh don't worry, i will! i'm excited to meet you! charlesleclerc you as well!
yourusername that's the plan!
↳ logansargeant are you tired from running through my mind all day baby?
yourusername babe that was a horrible logansargeant you loved it, don't lie yourusername i did but still really bad logansargeant it's fine i'll just slip between your thighs when i get home to make it up to you 😉 yourusername LOGAN HUNTER SARGEANT! logansargeant what? do you not want me between your thighs when i get home? i was gonna just drop to my knees and flick that dress up so, no real reason to wear panties btw yourusername i-- logansargeant please? pretty please? babe look at you--what am i suppose to do? not drop to my knees and let you use me how you want?? yourusername you should come home. like right now logansargeant already out the door.
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbestfriend and 640,593 others
logansargeant great way to end the week break! next up, miami!
view all 302,503 comments
user49 god damn y/n is sooo pretty it's unfair 😩 comment liked by logansargeant
alex_albon can't believe i lost to you in golf still
↳ yourusername you lost to EVERYONE in golf ↳ alex_albon lily doesn't count ↳ yourusername no duh, lily's a professional of course she doesn't count!!
user492 THE LAST PIC??? HELLOOO???
user5 i knooow 🤤
user24 no right to be that fINE!! ↳ yourusername i keep telling him that ↳ user24 OMG HI HELLO SKPINOWJNGFION
yourbestfriend USA!! USA!! USA!!
yourusername USA!! USA!! USA ↳ logansargeant 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 RED WHITE AND BLUE
yourusername omg that's my MAAAAN!!! 😍 those swim trunks look heavy let me hold them up for you--
logansargeant babe ↳ yourusername and tight. i could help take them off 👀 ↳ logansargeant please 😩 ↳ alex_albon GOD MY EYES!!!
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend, and 492,530 others
yourusername petition to be f1's new goth icon
comments on this post have been limited
logansargeant or just mine. mine works too
yourusername that was a given ↳ logansargeant thank god--still. step on me, please--
alex_albon as long as you promise to walk logan back to the garage, deal
yourusername just got you bestie
oscarpiastri nobody else is gonna take the title
yourusername now they can take it from my cold dead hands
logansargeant do you need a dog? i can bark
yourusername BABE WHY DID YOU COMMENT TWICE? LMAO??? ↳ logansargeant had to make sure i had your attention ↳ yourusername velcro boyfriend fr. come lets cuddle ↳ logansargeant YES
481 notes · View notes
goldfades · 5 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | y/n posts herself while on vaca in europe!
─ warnings | pls this is so short but so fun to make, nothing but banter
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yourusername rome, italy
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Liked by nikamuhl, ice.brady, uconnwbb and 99,674 more
yourusername | european summer ✌🏼 july 15th, 2023
View all 2,312 comments
nika.muhl | oh hello 🤗
↳ yourusername hi gorg
↳ paigebueckers u think ur soooooo funny huh?????
↳ yourusername she kinda ate u with that sorry love you paige
fan001 | oh my god im in love?????
fan002 | she's so fucking fine oH MY GODDDDDDD SOMEONE GET ME AN INHALERERRRR
↳ kamoreaarnold everyones collective reaction to this post
paigebueckers | im so quirky ahh pose in the second slide
↳ yourusername wanna talk ab the nose scrunch thing u got going on???
↳ paigebueckers wym??? i look cute
↳ yourusername addison rae 2020 ahh pose
↳ paigebueckers oh! so you're blockedddd! bye 🤗🤗🤗
kamoreaarnold | mom forgot the kids (me and ice) at home with dad (azzi) for years (two weeks)
↳ azzi35 when did i become the dad?? hello?
↳ yourusername im sorry baby next year ill take u
↳ kamoreaarnold thank u mom
↳ azz35 so this is a family trip u say??? 👀👀
↳ kamoreaarnold u didn't seem to pleased earlier so no
↳ paigebueckers hey kk u need a stepdad?????
↳ kamoreaarnold no this is a mom and daughters kinda vaca sorry
↳ ice.brady 🥳🥳
paigebueckers | im mad at u but u look hot so ur forgiven ig😘
↳ yourusername u started this with my bday post
↳ paigebueckers bro aaliyah posted worse pictures and a tiktok slideshow???
↳ yourusername ya and who gave her the pictures????? YOU
↳ aaliyahedwards_24 why are u being so messy paige...
↳ paigebueckers i hate both of u get out of here
paigebueckers | holy cow wowwowowowowowowowowow😍😍😍
↳ ice.brady it's giving obsessed bro ur living in her comment section
↳ paigebueckers jealousy is a disease get well soon love 😘😘
↳ yourusernames i giggled
fan004 | new pfp unlocked thanks mother
↳ yourusername youre welcome child
ice.brady | the facetime pic made me cackle thank u y/n
↳ yourusername i know me too
↳ yourusername SAYS YOUUUUU
uconnwbb | we missed u! our star player!
↳ kamoreaarnold yall keep in mind this is y/n...
↳ fan00 i fucking love her she's so iconic i cant
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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stylespresleyhearted · 6 months
or the one where i pretend i am Callum’s girlfriend (and also tagging @precious-little-scoundrel on this bc I GOTTA)
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liked by yourinstagram and 56204 others
tmznews Callum Turner spotted with a mystery girl! Is the new heartthrob off the market? Link in bio for everything TMZ has on his new gal.
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user23 the invasion of privacy … yikes
user12 What does it say about me if I read the article because tbh I’m curious
fan12 don’t do it, lets respect their privacy
callumupdates Don’t give TMZ any clicks. Look at the horrible quality of the photos, they obviously weren’t supposed to obtain these. Callum will share when he is ready.
yourfriendsig At least she’s pretty 😍
yourinstagram stopppp haha
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liked by rafflaw, anthonyboyle, and others
yourinstagram soft launching my man bc he’s hot and i love him ❣️ (oh yeah and tmz exposed us)
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user41 crrrryingggg omg iconic
user23 lol attention seeker
yourfriendsig It took me three years to be IG official with you, why does he get special treatment 😒
yourusername take a guess 😉
keoghan92 @tmznews you suck
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liked by fan12 and 63917 others
deuxmoi Spotted: Callum Turner and his girlfriend at a pub in downtown London. Looks like no more hiding for this couple. Sources tell me they’re in love and don’t care who knows it.
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fan12 wahhh they’re so cute
user23 i’m so jealous but i also ship it so hard
fan41 my friend saw them making out at a diner last week lmao she said they were eating each other not the food
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liked by austinbutler and 36072 others
yourinstagram so proud and moved to tears ♥️ the entire cast and crew did a great job honoring these brave men
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fan12 we love a supportive gf
fan41 what a great picture fr
user23 I met y/n at the event tonight and she was the sweetest, most HILARIOUS person its easy to see why Callum is in love with her ❤️
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liked by yourinstagram, rafflaw, and 78912 others
anthonyboyle One Direction
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user97 OMGGG they’re so hot wtf
yourinstagram more like Wrong Direction
keoghan92 you think you’re funny huh
yourinstagram Callum finds me funny 🥲
rafflaw he’s biased he’s in love with u
fan91 cryingg she’s a part of the mota fam 💍🥹
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liked by keoghan92 and others
yourinstagram hi movie star ♥️ i love you - your biggest fan
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rafflaw 💍💍💍👀
yourfriendsig @rafflaw LMAO DONT START THE RUMORS
appletv Mr & Mrs Egan spin off?
keoghan92 sappy
yourinstagram @sabrinacarpenter
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liked by yourinstagram and 639 others
yourfriendsig good times
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user91 … the hand on her ass … making out … CALLUM TURNER I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
yourinstagram why would you post this when you know im missing him 🥺
yourinstagram brb omw to ft him
fan23 i love the way y/n loves him she isn’t afraid to be a normal girlfriend
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liked by anthonyboyle, keoghan92, austinbutler, and 941633 others
yourinstagram social media making fun of me for this but if he was your man you’d get it 😌 i say that’s my baby and i’m proud ♥️♥️
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fan12 if i didn’t see my bf for a week i’d react the same way people need to mind their business
yourinstagram it was only three days but yes your point still stands 😆
yourfriendsig y/n you’re an icon
fan92 i love them so fucking much pls adopt me
yourinstagram okay! ♥️
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liked by austinbutler, rafflaw, and 76043 others
yourinstagram someone tell y/n not to leave her phone unlocked 🤣🤣🥳 - anthony & barry here!
edit: got my phone back. can’t bring myself to delete my boyfriend looks so cute. i guess barry and anthony look okay.
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yourinstagram he was supposed to hold it for me it didn’t fit in my clutch and he sided w the enemies 🥺
anthonyboyle New profile picture?
yourinstagram i’ll kill you
yourinstagram also i think it’s important for everyone to know @keoghan92 stuck his hand down my boyfriends pants pocket to get my phone
keoghan92 and i liked it
anthonyboyle 😂😂😂
The End
Ahhhhhh making this was so much fun!!! Y/N is a bit shameless in her adoration for her man but that’s the point!!! I’d be the same if he was mine (I mean look at Vanessa Kirby and Dua Lipa lmao)
Marina this is for us because this man deserves our love we’d make him so happy 🙌🏼
It was supposed to be silly and funny so don’t give me shit obviously celeb relationships would be a lot more private. And for bonus fun check this out ⬇️
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old-lorarri · 1 year
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❨ main f1 masterlist | football masterlist ❩
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𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! actress! reader
after being caught together multiple times during summer break, people start to speculate if there is a new couple on the block, which leads to 2019 best-kept secrets coming out
𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝟒𝟒 → lewis hamilton x fem! fashion designer! reader
a famous fashion designer is chosen as the theme for the met gala, which leads to a spiral and a revel of an iconic fashion couple
𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐒 → dad! lewis hamilton x fem! daughter! toddler! reader
this year silverstone has given the fans another gift more lewis and baby hamilton moments to melt fans hearts
𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 → lewis hamilton x fem! princess of the united kingdom! reader
a missing royal and conspiracy with a duexmoi anon and the monaco annual gala reviling the new royal couple of the f1 world
𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐌 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 → lewis hamilton x fem! tennies player! reader
gossip sites catch on quick and they have now sniffed out a fresh relationship to expose between everyone's favourite tennis player and f1 driver
𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 → lewis hamilton x fem! russell! model! reader
after a shocker at singapore lewis is left seemily alone at the podium by everyone but his teammate's older sister and things get relived that should have stayed hidden | part 2
𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! russell! model! reader
a secret relationship exposed and one very unhappy older brother leaves tensions in the team thank god carmen is there to fix it | part 1
𝐎𝐉𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! filipino! modle! gf! reader
six years and still no ring leave people dropping not so sutle hints asking when are there favourite couple gonna tie the knot little do they knew my man lewis had a plan
𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 → lewis hamilton x fem! model! reader
it's the end of the year and people are praying for Y/N's ig glow up and what the people ask for the people get
𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! rapper! sneaker head! reader
everyone’s fav sneaker obsessed rapper goes on kick games and reminds everyone of how much of an amazing boyfriend lewis is
𝐌𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 → lewis hamilton x fem! mega famous! singer! reader
the it couple of the decade continue to slay in the past present and future and people can't get enough of them and there child. what can I say they are the moment
𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! kpop idol! reader
people always have an opinion on everything these days especially when it comes to relationships but sometimes people just need to keep there mouth shut
𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! poker player! reader
the worlds best poker player and the worlds best driver both hatch a plan to make sure there teams is back to winning ways - by bankrupting the other
𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 → lewis hamilton x fem! black! reader
lewis girlfriend is known for having a resting bitch face but what people also need to realise is she is an absolute sweetheart
𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄! 𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀 → lewis hamilton x fem! singer! reader
when everyone’s favourite couple’s sex tape leaks, all hell breaks loose + collab w/ @h4m1lt0ns | part 2
𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 → lewis hamilton x fem! singer! reader
false alarm they aren't over people but something is coming that is going to break the internet in all the right ways + collab w/ @h4m1lt0ns | part 1
𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘 → lewis hamilton x fem! surfer! reader
summer break brings out the best type of content surfer boy lewis provided by his very own surfer girl
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 → lewis hamilton x fem! latina! tattoo artist! reader
two of the sexiest tattooed people in the world are a couple and everyone loves them so much
𝐕𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐄 → lewis hamilton x fem! wife! singer! reader
first performance in four years leads you to re-indulge in something that you vowed to quit, lewis isn't happy but at least roseco's on your side | part 2
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄'𝐒 → lewis hamilton x fem! wife! singer! reader
after the argument of the previous night lewis woke to an empty house, will it remain like that or will it change? | part 1
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sirenlulls · 11 months
get him back! → theburntchip
pairing , theburntchip x youtuber!reader
summary , where, in lieu of yours and chip’s reconnection, fans find out how it happened, and just why you ended things in the first place.
part one (bad idea, right?)
oh, i wanna get him back! 'cause then again, i really miss him, and it makes me real sad
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🔴 Y/n L/n Talks On Breakup, Reconnection, The Launch Of Her Brand, & More! FULL POD EP.77 -Saving Grace
join premiere!
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user: stop i’m actually gonna cry ☹️☹️☹️
user: that’s so lala land of them
user: “if i ever complained, i’d be the nagging girlfriend” NO BABY 😭😭😭😭
user: never thought i’d say it but i’m glad they broke up bcs if they hadn’t done it then, it would’ve been MESSY messy
user: off topic but can we please talk about how pretty she is :(
user: “if he ever complained about you, i would’ve given him a belting” YES GRACE 👏👏👏
user: Sending love from Brazil! XX 🇧🇷🇧🇷❤️❤️
user: stop that’s so sad ☹️
user: she’s so real for the anxiety thing
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user: i feel like i’m watching a tv show
user: “i don’t want to lose this again” and when i start sobbing????
user: ok but is the dick game good
user: nah he’s down BAD me too but like 😭
user: he def would’ve thrown a temper tantrum if she didn’t respond
user: grace booing is so real i wanted a kissing in the rain screaming ‘i love you’ confession
user: her smile when she said she’s happy now man they’re literally my parents ☹️
user: Love you both X ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
user: the world is healing
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user: i’m actually gonna cry i missed them sm ☹️😭
user: the camera switching to her looking at him with heart eyes after calling him a bellend is so funny GET HER ASS 👏
user: chip is the new an*rew t*te 🙏
user: oh how i missed him calling her lady and missus
user: he’s the leader of the sassy man epidemic oh lord
user: leave my girl and her spotify playlists alone
user: this has literally made my year
user: just in time for y/n’s fall vids
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[tagged: savinggracepod , gkbarry_ , theburntchip]
❤️ liked by georgeclarkeey, georgebxggs, and 98,992 others
yourusername mum! mum! i made it! i’m on saving grace!!!!!! (and i figured i deserved at least one pic of chip from the launch x)
user that episode was the funniest thing ever i can’t even i nearly pissed myself when grace pretended to spank u with the paddle 😭😭😭
user mother ur so gorg i’m speechless
user you know the content is gonna slap when y/n l/n is there
user im so obsessed with u pls
user best video in youtube history methinks
gkbarry_ loved having you on babe, even if the boss man gatecrashed 🫶❤️
yourusername he doesn’t like feeling left out smh
theburntchip oh alright then
max_balegde ICONIC!!!!!!
user i hope you know that twt is in flames rn
user i gen teared up a bit when you talked about the breakup 🥹
user icons only
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[tagged: ynapparel , nellarose , theburntchip]
❤️ liked by landonorris, behzinga and 97,872 others
yourusername self representing by wearing @ ynapparel the past (and every) week 😩🤭 featuring the love of my life & chip ig…
theburntchip wow alright
theburntchip i thought you were a g 😔
yourusername oops sorry babe
theburntchip we’re over smh
yourusername oh no… what a shame ☹️ anyway… hot girl winter!!!!!!
theburntchip the fits are fire though 😮‍💨
yourusername as always x
user forever obsessed with u
user graduated from cuntingtion university with an phd in slaying
nellarose love you bae x
calfreezy chip looking dashing as per usual
theburntchip aye thank you brotha
nellarose AYYYY LOOKING SEXY 🔥🔥🔥🔥
yourusername ALL YOU BABY 💋💋💋
ynapparel looking good and dressed to kill 😉😇🩷
user face card NEVER declines
lissiemackintosh this barbie is my mother
user ur so real lissie
faithlouisak doll 🤩
alice_hez 😍🔥🖤
user angel girl 🤍
centralcee 😮‍💨🔥🔥🔥🔥
user OH??????
user wait am i missing smth why are we freaking out
user @ user cench has always been lowk flirting with y/n, like she interviewed him at some event last yr and he was being so flirty and obviously she was giving him blank wall back BUT when her and chip broke up he got even WORSE like man was always in her comments tryna chat her up and she entertained it a lil but now the bitch is back and he’s bold
theburntchip just posted to their story
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lilly-chou-chou · 7 months
Evolution of Gyaru
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Hello everyone the long awaited post is here!! Sorry for the delay I has gone back to my he country to celebrate Lunar New Year.
As we all know Gyaru was and still is one of the most important fashion movement in the history because it's roots of opposing the "good girl" and "submissive" societal views of women that Japan had imposed into them.
During 90's with Namie Amuro being the first idol ever to popularize the Gyaru culture created a huge wave of community in all over Japan which eventually created many subcultures under it, over the years gyarus blossomed for 2 decades heavily but around early-mid 2010's the culture slowly died because people were now really trying to shun them out of the society, gyarus was losing it's popularity and old gyarus were getting to age of finding jobs or trying to get married yet the culture is still alive. There have been multiple support and love coming from international fans too.
Egg magazine, which is holy grail for us gyarus followers is still up and running to this day <3
Today i'll show you just a little glimpse of modern gyaru. Hopefully this will help new followers too.
Gyaru of the past:-
So let's start with how gyarus are usually seen, pictures below are gyarus from their peak eras so definitely from 90's to 2000's. They are all different subcultures but they all have one thing in common the eye makeup, gyarus were and are still known for their beautiful luscious eye makeup. They are what you call
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They were our guide, our mothers and everything! Gyaru has always been the most supportive community to ever exist, over here women were allowed to cuss, they were allowed to be brash, they were allowed to have male friends without the judgement of two goody shoes with insecurities, they were allowed to wear clothes that liberated them doesn't matter short or modest.
People often forget that gyaru exists more than manba, agejo and kogal, few of the modest and lesser knows subcultures are amekaji and roma gyaru, although amekaji is is blue eyed perfect grass is greener on the other side take of American inspired fashion. Either way it is one of the most fun subculture to exist.
We as gyaru followers ow everything to these past mother figures, without them and without brands like alba rosa, D.I.A and MA*RS we and egg Magazine teaching us what? How? And why? We would never thrive in this era. We owe it to them all even after decades and decades the magazines, scans and tutorials on YouTube by the OG gyarus have done it all <3
Modern Gyaru:-
The pictures below are the present models of Egg magazine. The last OG gyaru issue was stopped in 2014 which was Egg last physical print of magazine but in 2018 Egg came back as online magazine.
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A lot has changed in gyaru world. Long gone are the days of owning specific clothing brand or even wearing clothes that resemble even the least of typical gyaru fashion. The only key point which hasn't changed is eye makeup because that is utmost necessary thing for a gyal to have.
Over the years of almost dying to again alive fashion culture the meaning of gyaru has changed a lot, from dressing like the OG gyarus we have now evolved to the whole "gal is mind" mindset, now in this era dressing up as gyal doesn't mean that much because you can still have pointy acrylic nails, iconic eye makeup, wear casual clothes and still be a gyaru.
These days even the gyaru slangs have changed so much like instead of poyo, atonsu, pachikoku now we use yarirafi, kyun-desu, daijuobu-so?, tobu-zo and so on.
Although there are egg models that still somewhat follow OG gyaru fashion like @ / mahiroisme (left) and @ / kae. 06256 (right) on IG.
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By this post I just wanted to show that as time passes it is inevitable that everything changes and fashion changing is a no brainer. What is hate is companies capitalizing and making their own rules for lure in newbies gyals who would do anything to "fit in" and ring the nostalgia bell for old gyarus and all I have to say is that no, you don't have to spend 100-500$ on eBay trying to find the OG gyaru brands because you can definitely wear your own casual clothes and still be a gyaru because if egg magazine who raised whole generation of x gen, millennials and Gen Z of gyarus then who are we to judge them?
Although if you still wish to dress up like OG then I definitely recommend finding clothes that match the subculture that you want to follow for example I follow agejo, Tsuyome and kogal so I shop in Amazon, local stores, Instagram stores, I order clothes fr abroad the most helpful and fast way to do that finding a vendor and my vendors are all from Instagram. Hope this helps.
I will meet you all in my next post bye gyals <3
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vixeneptune · 9 months
Part 2
Love life :
I'm having the best relationship this year! It's literally the healthiest relationship I've ever been in, its even beyond what I imagined! I literally met my perfect match our compatibility is off the chartsss we're so perfect together. He's def my soulmate we get eachother so well without even speaking. It's amazing how much fun we have together , it's so lighthearted yet deep , it's transparent and beautiful and pure. Ugh our love is so powerful! He treats me so well he spoils me all the time like I'm his princess all I do is just exist and he's like "omg goddess I'm obsessed with you". Not to mention he's so loyal, honest, generous, kind, masculine, secure, handsome, rich, he provides for me endlessly, he makes me laugh, I feel so comfortable and safe, our dynamic is the best I feel so grateful and he feels the same. This is literally one of the biggest highlights for me this year 😍 a love so powerful, passionate yet peaceful and uplifting. Marriage is def around the corner!
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Social Life :
My popularity increased so much this year! Everyone seems to wanna be either my lover or my friend! Ig bc I've been focusing on myself and my life everyone is so magnetically attracted to me! I made some really amazing solid friendships this year ♡ I feel so blessed to have such good genuine friends who share my interests! It's amazing how much my social circle expanded this year I've def been getting out of my comfort zone and feeling much more extroverted, outgoing and confident socialising and connecting easily with others! I'm so charming and pretty and smart that people fall in love with me easily, I'm so easy to love, I lost count of how many love confessions I got this year! So many men interested in me and pursuing me, I'm literally everyone crush this year! I'm such a people magnet, my aura is so attractive and magnetic people find me so interesting and fascinating! Im not only pretty but i have a great personality, the best energy, and a beautiful rich mind and soul, that's why everyone is so drawn to me. I'm so good at relationships , I'm consistent, secure, open to give and receive. It's easy for me to maintain relationships and allow them to grow and flourish naturally and beautifully! I feel so blessed to be surrounded by supportive loving trustworthy people who understand me and want the best for me, they truly care about me. I love how comfortable I am meeting new people and forming genuine deep connections, it's so natural for me. Everyone is so sweet and kind to me, they treat me so well, they buy me gifts ,they constantly spoil me with love and attention ,they see my worth and value.
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Extras :
I'm such a money magnet! I'm making sooo much money this year it's crazy it's like money is obsessed with me lol. A high value expensive woman like me deserves the best and attracts the best always ♡ I'm treated like VIP everywhere I go. My energy is so powerful it shakes every room I enter, I'm easily the center of attention cuz w my charismatic presence, everyone's eyes are hooked on me they're so infatuated w my beauty. My aura radiates abundance , security and confidence, I'm so calm and secure which makes me naturally the most confident girl in the room. My confidence, my charm, my popularity and my charisma increased dramatically this year! I'm fully tapped in my inner siren inner goddess energy this year and it SHOWS. My sex appeal and my beauty is beyond compare. I'm known as the it girl and everyone is inspired by me and thinks of me constantly, they're waiting on my every move bc im so iconic and such a trendsetter. I put myself out there and I succeed everytime without a doubt. I'm born to be seen I'm such a star girl ☆
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For my 2024 subliminal visit my YouTube channel kali777
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