#new witch advice
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crazycatsiren · 1 month ago
You are a witch when you decide you are a witch, even if you have just begun a witchcraft practice. And no, you do not need to call yourself a "baby witch".
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preservationofnormalcy · 1 year ago
So I went to the store today and bought a pack of playing cards. When I got home and opened the pack, they looked like normal cards. Once I shuffled them, though, all of them turned into the same card: The Tower.
All except for the King of Hearts, which, as you know, is the one with the sword in his head.
I don't know what this means, but it certainly isn't good.
The Tower is...not a great one. Something's trying to get your attention, and it looks like it worked. Partially anyway.
Tarot-adjacent topics are usually the domain of witches and witchery - we can connect you with a coven in your area. East or west coast? You didn't fill that out in the form.
East coast will be the New Salem Coalition, mostly in the north. As the name implies they were formed a few decades after the Salem trials destroyed a lot of the witch population (and killed a bunch of innocent people in the process.) They're pretty professional. You should see their shooting competitions.
West coast will be Andromeda Starlight, which I remind my readers is a witch coven and not a cult, corporation, or pyramid scheme.
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puppywitchling · 1 year ago
I’m trying very hard to take this slow i swear but here’s what’s happened:
I got into witchcraft because I realized I could use it to explore my connection with Archangel Micheal, which I noticed from signs throughout my life. I did my first jar, and then did my first tarot pull. I decided to focus it better to write my question down, since I didn’t have husical cards, and used salt to cleanse the area, with clove oil and cinnamon . I drew 3. got a ‘yes’, two cards speaking of long connections and the right place and time, and the third was about new connections. The next day I did a draw for an experience I had several years ago when during meditation and inner self work I had an experience where I spoke to something I describe as a cluster of stars who told me to get things together and get back in touch. It identified itself as Ophiuchus. I don’t have the oil or cinnamon so I write it down on a card and decorate the back with symbols and colors, the snake, stars,and Ophiuchus’. I used purple for power and clarity, orange for new beginnings, and blue for honesty. My question is if I have a connection. I pull three cards first, all ‘yes’. I pull another three, all ‘yes’. New connections and risks and destinations. I pull for Archangel Micheal’s feeling on this, three cards and a fourth one after, all ‘yes’ cards about unity and relationships and journey. I pulls. Fourth, it’s my zodiac card, The Lovers.
so not really sure what to do that. I’m doing research and I haven’t done any pulls or anything since. I’d like to dedicate something to Archangel Micheal soon but I’m saving that for alter while I do little spells and research a lot.
advice is welcome (_-_) I really wasn’t expecting a second connection or even a first proper connection at all & it’s a little overwhelming to be honest. I guess I lean towards more cosmic powers lol? Rn plan remains unchanged, gonna wait at a least a few months and use that time to really get more of the basics down and build up my book of shadows before I do much.
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witch--tips · 11 months ago
Dedicate/enchant/etc candle holders if you don’t feel like going through that process for every candle you use
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arwynstarot · 5 months ago
New reading is up 💞☺️
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hexpresshotline · 1 year ago
Hey... So do any of you guys know when its appropriate to tell your date that you may have sold your soul to a group of witches because you wanted them to turn your ex into a duck billed platypus, and now you run their social media? Asking for a friend.
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candlelightdiaries · 6 months ago
I’ve been spending a lot of time throughout the last few days on magick and I have a confusion I need to pray and consult with other pagans/witches in AA on. I believe in magick and the concept of spells and manipulating the energy around us, but how does following the will of higher powers fit into that? Spells and rituals are performed for a specific reasons and with specific intentions, but how do i reconcile manipulating the energy of the universe to do my bidding with following the destiny and will given to me by the gods? If anyone has any ideas/answers to this question I would greatly appreciate it. I would love to talk to my sponsor about it, but she isn’t pagan and doesn’t do witchcraft. Advice is greatly appreciated.
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divinatorydoll · 2 years ago
herbs for the new year: 🌿
sprinkle a mixture of these around the house or simply line your doors with them to cleanse your space and get a head start on your new year !!
rosemary - purification, banishes evil, exorcism, breaks hexes and undoes malign energy, consecrates tools, accelerates learning and understanding
parsley - purification, exorcism, invites friendship, love, creates fondness and closeness, attracts prosperity
fennel - protection (especially of one’s possessions), promotes better finances, confidence, healing, purification
cardamom - promotes fidelity and clarity, romance, sexual satisfaction, creates passion, vitality, and energy
mint - romance, attracts wealth and luck, protection, invites friendship, promotes spiritual wellness, happiness
orange peel - protection, attracts wealth and luck, promotes intuition and clarity, invites friendship and cooperation, creates lasting love and bonds
my linktree
book a reading !!
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esotericawakenings · 10 months ago
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Track 2 The Forest of The Ancients is available now! Check it out on rumble with the link above or by clicking HERE!
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c0conuh · 1 year ago
2024 Get-It-Together Guide
Hey all, Happy New Years! As I’m reflecting on my own year, why don’t we challenge ourselves. Here’s the 2024 GITG
•Daily checkin. Periodically check in throughout the day, allowing yourself to breathe and debriefing at night
•Listening to yourself. Drop the drama in your life! Is your job stressing you out? DROP IT. Is someone toxic? DROP IT. Money and relationships come and goe but your mental health is and always will be your #1 priority
•Create a structure in your everyday life and stick to it. I personally feel like my life is chaotic, really structuring out time for resolutions and goals can help us achieve them
•Shut down negative thoughts. I should practice what I preach but truly, be kinder to yourself. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt for once, treat yourself, be on your own team
•Do things your future self will thank you for. Don’t feel like washing your face? Your future self will feel more refreshed if you do! Unmotivated to eat? Your future self could enjoy a nice home cooked (or takeout) meal if you let them!
• Live more. Life is too short and it’s never guaranteed. Don’t live in fear or live for others opinions. You want to look back at your life and be satisfied you put yourself out there and made amazing memories doing it
I love you, you can do itt! -Coco
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sunbeamedskies · 2 years ago
Free Tarot Readings
Hi! I’m doing free tarot readings again. All you have to do is follow me, follow the playlist I link below, and inbox me or message me your question
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breelandwalker · 1 year ago
"Witch" Is A Gender Neutral Term (Yes, It Is. Shut Up.)
Critical Thinking Should Play A Role Building In Your Craft
Learn About Baneful Magic...Even If You Never Intend To Use It
Tips for Fact-Checking Your Witchcraft Sources
PSA - Will It Summon Demons?
The Toad Talk on Curse-Shaming
Friendly Reminder - Your Tools Don't Hate You
How Do I Know If I've Been Cursed And What Can I Do About It?
I'm Not Sure Where To Start. Is It Okay To Dabble?
I Feel Tired After Spellwork. Is This Normal? How Do I Deal With It?
How Can I Use Local Plants In My Practice If I Can't Find Magical Correspondences For Them?
Additional Resources
2024 Witches' Calendar
Full Moon Info Post Series
How To Write Your Own Spells
Witchcraft Exercises for Building Your Craft
Additional Book Recommendations
JSTOR Articles on the History of Witchcraft, Witch Trials, and Folk Magic Beliefs
Podcast Recs - Witches and Witchcraft in History
Podcast Recs - Debunking and Fact-Checking for Witchcraft Spaces
Creature-Wizard's Guide To Recognizing and Avoiding Conspiracy Theories and New Age Cult Scams In Witchcraft and Pagan Spaces
Additional Episodes of Hex Positive
Ep. 034 - Building Your Witchcraft Library (May 2023)
Ep. 035 - Money Magic (or Why I'm Not A Rich Witch) (June 2023)
Ep. 037 - Cleaning, Cleansing, and Magical Germophobia (August 2023)
Ep. 038 - Creating Your Personal Grimoire (September 2023)
General Advice for Beginner Witches
A brief masterpost of some of my advice posts for beginner witches and the episodes of my podcast dealing with the same. (There is UPG here, particularly where marked, as I base a good deal of my advice on my own experience and observations of other witches.)
Hex Positive Podcast Episodes
Hex Positive, Ep. 04 - Advice for Beginner Witches (July 2020)
Hex Positive, Eps. 6-7 - Come In For A Spell 1 & 2 (Sept 2020)
Hex Positive, Ep. 12 - Witching From The Broom Closet (Jan 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 24 - Warding A Witchy Home (Dec 2021)
Hex Positive, Ep. 27 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday (March 2022)
General Tips & Advice
I Feel Like I Might Be A Witch...But I Don't Know
I Have Mental Health Issues - Can I Still Be A Witch?
Can I Still Be A Witch And Use Magic If I Take Medication?
How Do I Teach Myself To Believe In Magic?
How Does Magic Work? (upg ahoy)
Will I Be Possessed Or Haunted If I Try Witchcraft?
What Are Some Things I Can Do To Get Started?
How Can I Start My Practice If I Don't Have Tools Or Books?
How Do I Organize My Study Materials?
How Do I Contact A Deity?
How Do I Worship My Deity If I Can't Have An Altar?
Tips On Working With Deities And Spirits (here be upg)
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I'm In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I've Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
My Candle Is Flickering - Does It Mean Something Bad?
How Do I Make A Magic Circle For Spellcasting?
What Happens If I Get Interrupted While Casting A Spell?
Do I Need To Maintain Positive Vibes For My Spells To Work?
What Should I Do If I REALLY Want To Hex Someone?
How Do I Know / What Do I Do If I've Been Hexed?
How Do I Become More Skilled And More Powerful?
How Do I Know When I'm Ready For The Next Step In My Practice?
Additional Tips For Developing Your Practice
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Tips on How to Visualize and Construct Basic Wards
Practicing Your Warding Technique
Cleansing Before Warding / Warding A Shared Space
Refreshing / Patching Existing Wards
Non-Appropriative Herbs for Smoke-Cleansing
Smokeless Cleansing / Other Methods
Recommended Reading & Book Suggestions
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preservationofnormalcy · 1 year ago
I have been a fortune teller for some time now. A charlatan, if you will. But today was strange. As I was clearing up, I accidentally dropped my tarot deck. Before I had dropped it, it had every card once. But as I picked up the cards, each one displayed The Tower. Every last card, The Tower. A charlatan I may be, but this was ominous to say the least.
I appreciate that you were able to write this out from 1897.
Sorry, sorry.
That is definitely not ideal. Tarot is an important tool for us at the Office, and our decks go through regular spiritual disinfection to avoid things like this.
Can you do a few more readings and see if you can replicate it? The Tower is not one to mess around with. We can connect you to some witches in your area if it's that bad. East of the Mississippi it's the New Salem Coalition, and west of it it'll probably be LA's Andromeda Starlight.
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crumpet-doodles · 7 months ago
Genuinely wondering if my familiar might be a pigeon.
I am not kidding you.
I'm seriously considering that possibility.
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peridotsiren · 1 year ago
People need to learn the difference between a hex and manifestation.
You have to have patience with a hex, it'll do its thing. Trying to manifest negativity for someone else won't work because manifestation, especially with energies is very much personal.
So if you've noticed an abundance of negativity in your life and you've recently tried with all your heart to manifest negativity for someone else; you just manifested for yourself.
This is a horrible redundant explanation, I'll try to remember to ask my grandma how she always explained it or if you know what I'm trying to say & have better words; please leave it in my reposts/comments ❤️
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motherlymagick · 1 year ago
advice/reading please!
someone read mine & my ex's human design & got 24 pages of us being soulmates but huge miscommunication issues. he literally just broke up with me last night, right before a new moon & retrograde. is there a chance he can come back? it's almost like he completely changed over night. the man that was saying such awful things to me was NOT who i fell in love with. even his tone of voice changed with me. i'm just flabbergasted.
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