#new recs concept?
notsogreatdion · 2 months
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✶ IF PROJECTS THAT I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT (and you should be too) ✶
✶ Embers of Hope - @embersofhope-if
who doesn't love hunger games
but also the added drama of being chosen by the people themselves?? ooff
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Press Play - @pressplay-if
i need more slice-of-life ifs
i'm already in love with such happy campers, so I'm sure this one is going to be another banger
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Paved in Ashes - @pavedinashes-if
i'm about to be a 20-year-old in a completely new city
i always wanted to know how to skateboard
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ The Magus Sanctorium - @magussanctorium-if
houses? sign me up
so many poly options omg
also, I'm still trying to fill in that hp shaped hole in my heart, pls don't mind me
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Seven Days in Paradise - @themysticaldrumstick
very juicy exes to lovers mmm
we have a son? i'll be the coolest parent ever, believe me
oh and a very sexy bartender RO
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Love and Leases - @loveandleases
more family drama!!!!
give me back my dog pls :(
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ The Muse - @themuse-if
not only did i struggle with choosing my own major, i'm already struggling with choosing the mc's too
character interviews are such a fun concept - i'm already in love with the whole cast
also did i mention how much i love slice-of-life ifs?
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Van Helsing (the demo came out before I managed to post this so go check it out!) - @vanhelsing-if
oh i love absolutely everything about this
i love playing characters that are centuries old
-> locate and destroy the end of the world (or romance it). - this sold me ngl
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
if recs 1.0, if recs 2.0
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spookyshay · 1 year
Spotify Playlists For...
crying on the bathroom floor at 3 am
feeling like you’re in a dream
when you’re ANGRY
late night drives
regressing to your 2014 tumblr phase
rainy fall days
pure twilight vibes
feeling like a rockstar
feeling like you’re a vampire dancing in a goth club
feeling like you’re floating in the clouds 
reliving your emo phase
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finelinevogue · 2 years
tears of love
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summary - a whole bunch of tears and a whole bunch of love for the album of the year grammy winner
warnings: swearing, tears, shyness?!, slight media hate mention
word count: +3.6k
pairing: new-boyfriend!harry x reader
The night before the Grammys, Harry had never been more stressed.
He had tried everything to get himself to sleep, but no amount of lavender spray or chamomile tea could get his eyes to close. 
He knew he needed a good night's sleep if he wanted to survive the next day, but not even a soothing bubble bath helped him settle down. So he resorted to the one person he knew would help him fall asleep, but he had been too shy to contact at first. 
His phone rang as he waited for you to pick up, his bitten nails a clear sign that he was stressed with both not being able to sleep and calling you. 
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“No, no. Not at all. Wouldn’t even matter if you were anyways.” 
Harry smiled and laid back on his bed, running a hand over his forehead and back through his hair. He pictured you in a similar position, laying in your own bed across the city. He wished you could be laying beside him instead, but your relationship was only recently new and it was too soon to be sleeping over. 
There had been too many people coming and going in Harry’s life that it took him a little longer than most people to become comfortable, and safe, around the people he was dating. He was beginning to think you may be the exception though. There weren't many nights he wasn’t thinking of having you next to him always. He craved the intimacy of falling asleep with you and then waking up in the morning with you still wrapped around him. 
For now, he would have to deal with the fact you were across town and would see you in a matter of hours to get ready for the Grammys.
“Thank you.” Harry said quietly, more for himself than you.
“I forgot to tell you earlier, but my mum says have fun tomorrow.” You said.
“I wish she could be there with us all. I wish my own mum could be there, y’know?” Harry sadly chuckled, wishing more than anything he could spend more time with his loved ones and ones who love him.
“I have no doubt she has subscribed to Paramount plus especially to watch the Grammys, lovie.” That much you knew. Harry chuckled and nodded because he knew you were right. His mum was his biggest supporter, as any mum should be, and he was lucky to have a mum like her.
“I know.”
“She’s so proud of you, H.” You made sure he was reminded.
“I’m more proud of her.”
“Give yourself a little credit. You’ve not always had it easy either. The way the media harrasses you, I would have given up years ago.” 
“I wouldn’t have let you give up, just like you don’t let me.”
“You didn’t know me way back when, H.” You chuckled over the phone and Harry’s heart beamed like sunshine at the sound. There was no better sound for him now. Not even awards calling his name. 
“I wish I did. I wish I could have met you sooner.” He replied honestly, moving one hand onto his chest and over his heart where it stopped. If he pressed hard enough he could feel you there, where his heart was beating a little extra rapidly for you. No one had ever made him or his heart feel the way you do and his biggest regret in life was not having found you and that feeling years ago. Now you existed in his life, it made all the other moments seem insignificant to the ones you were now creating together. 
“Don’t think about it like we’ve wasted time, lovie. Think about it like we needed to break and fix our own hearts, to become stronger, before we could find the strength to begin again with each other. I think my heart is stronger for you than anyone else because of all the heartbreak it took to find you.”
Late night conversations with you were not a rarity, but it wasn’t common for you both to be so ‘heart-on-sleeve’ with each other. You were only 3 months into your relationship, having spoken for a couple months before that too, but both of you clearly felt something more than just a simple attraction for one another. Harry didn’t want to call it love, because he knew the consequences of falling in love too quickly, but he was scared that’s just what his feeling for you was. Little did he know you felt exactly the same way.
“I…” Harry had to stop himself short, “I think my heart is stronger for you too.” 
Harry looked up at his white ceiling, running a hand over his stubble beard that he would have to shave in the morning. Then he looked over to the other side of the bed. The neat side of the bed, where the sheet was still tucked into the mattress. He ran his hand over the expanse of the vacant bed and swallowed back a tearful lump at the back of this throat.
“I miss you.” Harry said softly. 
What he really meant to say was; I need you here. I love you.
You were quiet for a moment, making Harry think he said the wrong thing, but it was only because you were trying not to cry. Your heart hurt over the thought of it taking so much courage for Harry to be so open with his words. His feelings had often been so vulnerable to the crazed media and ex-partners, but with you he had never felt so safe. His feelings had never felt more protected and accepted. You knew what his words really meant and he could tell what you meant when you whispered the words back too. “I miss you too.” 
I love you too. 
Harry had gotten a good seven hours of sleep.
You had gotten a few more, since Harry had stayed on the phone to tell you stories of his life to lull you to sleep. Something about knowing you were peacefully sleeping made Harry fall asleep so easily. He knew you would be able to help, even if you didn’t realise it.
It was now only an hour before Harry had to head off to the Grammy red carpet venue. It was so hectic in his house, where he was hosting pre-drinks and the getting ready antics. Harry Lambert was busy ironing all of Harry’s outfits for the 15th time and Anthony would not stop taking photos. Jeff was busy social networking with Harry’s friends and family, whilst Harry was busy checking his phone for text messages off you.
Y/N: I’m here xx
Harry smiled, leaving his phone on top of his kitchen counter before jogging to his front door in excitement. He was dressed in a rainbow patterned jumpsuit and white boots, his hair styled so perfectly. He looked so fun and young, representing the younger generation of artists this evening.
He opened his front door and smiled so brightly when he saw you standing at the front door looking so pretty. Your hands were cradling a box of cupcakes, a bunch of flowers and a heart-shaped balloon. All of the gifts were lovely, but nothing could put a bigger smile on his face than you.
“Baby…” He pouted when he saw you, cupping his hands over his cheeks as his mouth gaped in shock.
“Surprise! Happy Grammy day!” You giggled excitedly, laughing at his initial shock and love-heart eyes on you.
“You didn’t have to do any of this.” He put his hands over his heart, itching to just have you in his arms now. 
He moved forward to take the cakes and flowers off of you, placing his other hand on your waist to tug you closer to him. He softly laughed as he desperately pulled you closer and titled his head down to kiss you. He didn’t wait a single second to kiss you senseless, giving you more than just a sweet peck. Your hand not holding the balloon snaked up to around his neck and held him close, making his lips crush over yours again and again. 
He tasted like a winner already with your cherry soaked lips on his.
You pulled away flustered, cheeks blushing and lips wanting so much more. You licked your lips to conceal Harry’s taste with you and Harry’s beady eyes watched every movement like he would be tested on it later.  
“Y’look amazing.” Harry spoke quietly, just wanting his words to be heard by your ears. 
“Thank you.” You blushed, not knowing how else to respond. “Did you forget a t-shirt?” You joked, snaking your hand down from around his neck and over his chest. His skin reacted by giving him a chill of goosebumps and a sense of pride rushed over you for being able to make him react in such a way.
“Just thought I’d get my tits out for you, baby.” He joked in return.
“And your millions of fans.” You patted his chest right over his heart he had been touching before.
“No. Just for you.” Harry reiterated, needing you to understand, like most things, he did this for you. He knew how much you loved it when he embraced his own masculinity and showcased who he truly was with his clothing, so when it came to choosing outfits for events he always kept you in mind and what you thought might be a good option. It seemed he had chosen well with the way your eyes had dilated upon taking him all in. 
Harry couldn’t help but lean in to kiss you one more time, turning into two, three and four. You smiled into the end two, making it harder for Harry to kiss your soft lips but he made do anyway. He couldn’t get enough of you, not even caring that he now had lipstick on and around his own lips.
“Are you coming in?” Harry asked, always making sure you were comfortable with everything before making you actually do it.
“I need the loo, so yes please.” You nodded. Harry took your spare hand in his and he walked you through the front door, shutting it with his foot behind him. 
He could tell you were nervous by the slight tremor in the hand he was holding, but he gave you a soft squeeze to let you know you were alright. He realised it was daunting to be in a room with a group of people you barely knew, apart from Harry Lambert and Jeff, so he made sure to stick close by. 
All Harry ever talked about to his friends was his undying adoration for you, but the majority of them had yet to meet you because Harry enjoyed keeping you just his for as long as possible. Your relationship wasn’t public, but even if it was your social media were private so the fans wouldn’t get a hold of anything anyways. Harry’s friends knew he had someone romantic in his life, because his smile hadn’t been so bright in years. 
They were all excited to meet the person responsible for the rebirth of Harry’s happiness. 
“Y/N!” Harry Lambert shouted across the room, putting down his iron and walking over to you with open arms. You would’ve done the same, but Harry kept a grounding hold on your hand, which you were very thankful for, and so you let Harry Lambert reach you before hugging him the best you could. 
“Hi!” You laughed as Harry Lambert hugged you.
“Oh you look incredible, darling!” He gasped as your outfit, similar to the way your Harry had. 
“Thank you.” You, once again, blushed.
“Harry is very lucky.” 
“I know.” Your Harry spoke up, pulling you back into his side with a tug of your hand. You smiled as he kissed the top of your head, feeling the butterflies all over. Your nerves were already calming just by having him close by like this.
“I need pictures of you two later, okay?” Harry Lambert warned you, knowing that you would both try and get out of it.
Once he had walked away, Harry walked you into the kitchen some more and dumped the cakes and flowers on the obscenely large kitchen counter. A chorus of hellos sounded as you both walked in the room and made yourselves present.
Harry took his time introducing you to every person, getting you to hug them as you did so. Everyone was so kind and lovely, complimenting you on your beauty and your outfit and your ability to bring out the best in Harry. You began to feel a little tearful towards the end of greeting people and after you were done you told Harry you were going to the toilet.
He didn’t think twice about it, until you still hadn’t come back after ten minutes. Yes, women stereotypically take longer than men in the toilet but ten minutes was quite long for you. So he went in search of you, seeing as you had to leave in five minutes anyways.
He went straight upstairs to his bedroom, knowing you would’ve chosen his bathroom rather than the downstairs one out of familiarity. He knocked on the door softly before opening it slowly. When he made it inside, he softly shut the door behind him to notice you weren’t in the bedroom. He rounded the corner to the bathroom and that’s when he saw you standing at the bathroom mirror with a tissue, drying away the tears that had clearly been running stray. 
“Baby… What happened?” Harry cooed, walking in the room and urging you to face him by cupping your cheeks delicately. 
You looked to the ceiling, trying to keep the next round of tears at bay, before shrugging your shoulders at Harry with a sad chuckle. “I don’t know what came over me! Just feeling a lot of emotions right now. Proud of you but then just feeling so loved and accepted by your friends.. It’s.. I.. Just, it’s a lot!” You laughed at how silly it sounded now you were trying to explain how you felt.
“Oh you emotional softie. You’re going to be a right water fountain today, aren’t you?” He rhetorically asked, but you nodded with a laugh regardless. 
“I can’t control it!” You exclaimed, your eyes watering over again. Harry chuckled at you, eyes crinkling and dimples showing from smiling so hard. “I’m not even sad. If anything I’m too happy!” 
“Well that’s a good thing, hmm?” 
“Yes, it is. Sorry!” You apologised for crying, feeling silly. “This is so embarrassing.” 
“Cry all you want, baby. It’s your day as much as it is mine. Any wins are yours to celebrate too.”
“Oh fuck off, you’re making me cry again…” You whined and Harry laughed along with your tears, before helping you reset your makeup in time to leave. 
You were backstage at the Grammys, in a room large enough to house all of Harry’s friends and family he had brought with him. 
Since you two weren’t publicly official, you decided it best if you stayed in the back room whilst Jeff, Kid and Tyler sat at the table with Harry. 
You had cried so much already from Harry winning best pop vocal album and his performance was just absolutely perfect. Someone had even had to bring another box of tissues for you, since you’d finished the first one you had been given. 
Anthony Pham had been taking photos of all the backstage fun and reactions, since Harry had asked to be kept updated on everything. Especially all of your reactions and enthusiasm. You had recorded yourself dancing and singing to his performance, ready to show him later.
“Oh my god, it’s the album of the year category.” Someone screamed and you pulled yourself away from the conversation you were having with Sarah to watch the screen.
You were already sitting on the sofa, but the next few moments of your life would be grateful for that.
The fans of the artists lined up on the stage, ready to give their respective artists the Grammy. Harry’s fan was an older woman and you aspired to be her when you were older. You couldn’t wait for the day you were 70 years old and still attending a Harry Styles concert with a feather boa. The woman was so cute and she reminded you of your grandma. Harry loved interacting with old people, so you were sure he would find her and hug her no matter the outcome of the award.
Trevor Noah stood centre stage and held the card in his hand. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the reveal for the biggest and most prestigious category the Grammys offered. 
“And the Grammy for album of the year goes to…” Trevor said.
He opened the envelope and paused for dramatic effect. 
You sat on the edge of the sofa, your leg bouncing anxiously. You clasped your hands together and stared at the screen so you didn’t miss a single moment. 
You were confused when Trevor didn’t announce the winner and instead moved over the fan of Harry. People in the room around you started to gasp lightly, catching on to what might be. Then the woman shakily held onto Trevor as she said the name.
“H-Harry Styles.” She said before screaming in congratulations. 
Your head fell into your hands as you sobbed. You had never cried so hard before, but this was an emotion worthy moment. Your sobs were heavy and loud, but they were silenced by the roar of cheers and laughter in the room. You were too buried in your hands to see, but everyone was up and screaming for Harry, running around the room. Sarah and Mitch had collapsed on one another in happiness. 
Someone came and hugged you from where you were hunched over. “He did it, Y/N, he did it!” They screamed excitedly and you couldn’t help but just cry and cry. You had never felt pride like this. 
Your emotions were so strong for someone who you’d only gotten to know for a mere five months. You were overwhelmed by how you felt for Harry in that moment, feeling nothing but… love.
Taking your face out of your hands you sat up and watched him with blurry eyes on the screen with his award. He himself looked really tearful and shaky with adrenaline. You just couldn’t put into words how you felt in that moment. 
The next five minutes were a complete blur. From Harry accepting the award from the woman, to Harry’s speech with Tyler and Kid. After they walked offstage you started crying all over again the minute someone said; “Harry is a three time Grammy winner!” 
You had no idea what you were going to say to him when you saw him, even if you saw him again tonight. No doubt he would be swept up in interviews, photos and parties. No matter, because you would have the rest of forever to express how proud you were of him. 
Anthony was busy snapping photos and you reminded yourself to have a look at them later, when you could actually see past your blurry eyes. 
As you started blowing your nose on a new tissue the uproar in the room started again and you shot your head around to see what was going on, only to see your boyfriend walk into the room with his Grammy held high. He cheered as his eyes watered, people patting him and ruffling his hair. Sarah gave him a tight hug and he kept on thanking her, no doubt because she had much of a part in the album as Harry did. 
You kept back, wanting Harry to get treated with the love from his closest friends and family first. You kept crying, picking out new tissues from the box every twenty seconds from how quickly you were using them. You definitely knew you looked a state, shoulders shaking from crying and clapping your hands in cheer. 
Harry’s eyes kept on you as he hugged the last few people, not turning his head away for one moment. You shook your head as you warned him not to come close, because he would only make the crying worse. You held out your hand to keep him at bay, walking backwards as he walked forwards. Harry was quicker than you, though, and used the arm not holding his Grammy to pick you up at the waist and give you a twirl. He spun you around, before safely landing you back down. 
You laughed out a sob when you finally got to look up at him close. A strand of his hair had fallen down over his forehead, but you made no effort to move it back into place. 
Cupping his cheeks with your shaky hands you licked your lips to wipe away the salty tears. His own tears were now silently falling, his eyes intensely focusing on you. His thumb was stroking soothing lines into your back and all you could think about was how he made you feel.
“Harry… I..” You started, hiccuping in between words.
Harry nodded encouragingly, “It’s okay. You can say it.” His eyebrows frowned as he anticipated what you’d say next.
“I.. I love you.” You said with a smile. 
Harry smiled nodding. He knew that’s what you wanted to say, because luckily he felt exactly the same way about you.
“I fucking love you, Y/N L/N.” And his lips were on yours for the rest of the night. And the rest of forever.
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music-moon · 7 months
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All my liked songs from the 2020s, organized by the year they were released.
Always updating, discovering and refining. Cover art is my most listened to albums from each year, according to my last.fm.
My favourite songs organized by release year: 2020s
View more decades: 2000s / 2010s / 2020s
Take a deeper dive into my most listened to albums from each year:
Data from last.fm + pythfm.
2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024
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unexplained-events · 11 months
what do you think about digital horror? Like using features of old digital media to increase fear factor/uncanniness? My roommate started showing me the Walten Files and it seems really creative and I was wondering if you know of any similar stuff
hey anon!
I'm not personally familiar with the Walten Files (I'll take this as a recommendation) and I think digital horror as a genre is still fairly fresh/untapped but I love the idea of it.
Idk if I would classify these as digital horror but they're def somewhere in-between analog and digital and I think you'd enjoy them: Backrooms, Local58, Gemini Home Entertainment, Mandela Catalog, (does Marble Hornets count??, and like do found footage films classify?)
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volfoss · 4 months
i think honestly what irritates me about yoshidas work SO much is that people will tell you that banana fish is THE gay manga (ignoring the many things that came before it and were more groundbreaking, ie MW literally having on screen (or like. on panel but still.) gay sex in it and that came out like a decade before BF did) when there really isn't barely any gay rep outside of the pedophiles and the one time ash drops the f slur. like im sorry but somehow yasha, a work she wrote in 1996, has more gay rep in it but also has the same issues.
i truly do not get how people can enjoy banana fish with the rampant racism every 2 pages or the rampant sexual assault plotlines (on women and ash bc he is just... written like how yoshida writes women lmao) that are handled IMPOSSIBLY bad and sincerely i hoped yasha would be better because it had been like a decade or so between works. and then it proceeds to continue with the heres our blonde genius protagonist who everyone is weird as fuck to and will sexually harrass and everyone finds it a VERY funny joke to point out how feminine he is when theres barely any women in the work (if you exclude the ones that are being raped/killed/creepy to minors. which to be fair yasha has toned down the sa a LOT) and that its funny that hes kind of gay except not really!! and its just absurd to me how it just persists in all of her stuff because she is not an author that handles gay stuff well. like the scene in banana fish where ash is completely ok getting gang raped and did it solely to get into the hospital when its been SHOWN that he has a lot of trauma with that. and then right after his friend makes a joke at ash's expense about that. like sincerely and genuinely is this what we are hyping up as the old retro gay manga. go read some tezuka and stop reading shit that the most the main characters do is share a kiss in a nonromantic sense and is obsessed w making every gay person be evil!!
#twist rambles#sorry mw u will always be famous to me (horrible fucking manga to experience for like 50% of the time but also it rocksss and theres#about anything tw worthy in there but i wish more ppl did read it)#sorry im like. i like to read her stuff bc her art is interesting to me but oh my god it makes me so angryyyy#rape mention#ask to tag#like... you do not understand my one sided rivalry w her it is SO intense like... bf was one of the worst reading experiences ive ever had#my tzk gay recs are: black jack (protag literally has a transmasc ex bf) and mw (for aforementioned reasons but its like. genuinely bonkers#and honestly there r a lot of minor characters that r lgbt in his works and like. can we please read smth that doesnt suck 100% of the time#like idk god bf is so baffling to me bc theres NOTHING there other than like. the new horrors every chapter. and yasha seems to be reusing#some plot points so it double sucks. haunted by the one analysis showing how the two had similar themes and point 1 was literally child#exploitation like... man. god it sucks. like not that mw is perfect bc its not and its a media i have a lot of thoughts on but man. id take#that over bf anyday bc like... sincerely how is anyone looking past the horrors there!! the story is a jumbled mess and it rly doesnt have#much to sayyyy but whatever lol!! id love if the characters were in a better media id love if ash didnt end the story feeling positively#towards the man who groomed him but whateverrrr lol#this is super disorganized as a post but like. genuinely it is so infuriating bc some of the plot concepts in yasha have potential and then#she keeps doing this like!!
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pennedinblood · 3 months
had someone ask me for my radiostatic music recs and i figured i'd share here as well! compiled them as best i could into two distinct playlists (for the vibes). i'm way too scared to ask people to use their fanart as playlist covers (maybe someday, here's hoping) so for now have these pinterest-style ones. made this spotify acc for fandom stuff so feel free to follow if you're feeling it :)
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cha1cedony · 6 months
Idk what it is that makes me fixate so hard on one specific thing for years at a time, but I need it to chill out 😭 DnDads has been my only long-term media interest for like 1 and 1/2 years now, and it’s BORING to only like one thing ever lol I’m BORED!!! I need other things to be interested in, but I struggle with getting into new stuff (other than video games) sooo bad :(
That said, if you have DnD podcast recs that have interesting characters……… GIMME 👀 Also where the early episodes aren’t a nightmare to listen to 🙏 I have never listened to any other DnD podcasts, and I think it’s mostly bc the earlier seasons are always poor audio quality or like 3 hours long 😭 I’m also good with any type of narrative podcast. I just want compelling characters and platonic/familial dynamics pls. Stuff I can write sad shit about!! But also not TOO sad the whole time… maybe a little bit silly idk
So far, ones I’ve written down to listen to are Cast Party and Friends at the Table? I don’t know anything about either of them, though so? Also I keep seeing my mutuals posting Oxventure and Woe.Begone (although the latter isn’t a DnD podcast.. I think?) sooooo let me know your thoughts. And recommendations! Send me your propaganda! Tell me about your blorbos
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
I have three stories that I would like to write at least some part of before the deadline for the Inklings Challenge.
I am scrolling tumblr and obsessively looking up book recommendations online.
I see some problems here.
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edrll · 6 months
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the core intimacy of making a private playlist for some you can't have - you revealed facets of yourself previously unseen, embracing authenticity in its purest form with someone you love but can't have. perhaps the timing isn't quite right—or you are not yet prepared to confront the fact lying beneath the surface that he/she really doesn't love you the way you do.
soft sapphic - you believed it mere infatuation, a fleeting girl crush, confided in your closest confidant. aware that this love is one you can never embrace, for she walks a path untouched by your affections. so, you resign yourself to love her from a distance, whispering your adoration into the wind. hoping against hope, perhaps one day, one day or someday, amidst the quiet backdrop of shared memories, she'll love you, too.
the earthy smell after rain and sunsets - that vibe after heavy rain as the earth exhales its musky fragrance and the sky blushes with hues of orange, you find yourself gazing out the window, cradling a warm cup of cocoa. lost in contemplation, you ponder the pathways untaken, wondering what might have transpired had you chosen differently.
photos from lovesdaya
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inadreamplaylists · 1 year
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its me and my spotify playlists against the world <3
Listen here:
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concept playlists i've curated :)
running mascara, poison in the cup: she's distraught! she's dabbing away tears that just won't stop flowing! this was the most perfect marriage, how is she meant to cope now that he's dead? they loved each other. they loved each other so much, that they swore they couldn't live without each other. wait... wait. is that a smile? this is the story of a souring marriage.
luna's: the smooth sound of the heist being pulled off, and the trunk of the car full of wads of cash. there's nothing but the open road, and the sun beginning to dip into the sky. there is no god here but you, and maybe you should stop by somewhere for a bloody mary.
for the bit: for the theatre kids, for the ones who have loved the sound of rapture. the slight sting in your heart when you see someone who snubbed you. the gentlest fluttering of lashes before you get kissed by your lover. the sounds of entering your 20s.
d-grade god: sex, money, cars, and marble floors. the cheap songs of wealth and power.
sultry july: everything we know is from the radio, and everything we dream is never what it seems. i'm in love, and the humidity of july presses onto me like a crush i'm trying to hide. everything is better in the summer with friends. everything is better in summer alone. everything is better in summer.
afternoon: you've introduced them to your parents. you're on your first trip together. the views rush by your train window, and your eyes should stay stuck to the scenery, but all you're thinking of is them, them, them. they interlace their fingers with you.
slow down while speeding up: god forbid you ever drive the speed limit. music for commuting.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 4 months
music venue theme nights are something else…can you imagine. bopping to skinny love and the A team in the club in 2024.
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capricornsicle · 2 years
So here's a comment I received on this post (I shared the promo picture of Amy Workman as Hikari Zhang for the Teen Wolf movie, as well as a behind-the-scenes of her that was posted on her official Instagram page).
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(Image: Comment from Tumblr user @thyfggfy. It reads, "I don't see a problem as long as she looks the part. I mean isn't that the whole idea of acting? Pretending to be someone you are not. Should we also be mad that Stiles wasn't portrayed by a half Polish actor?")
My tags on this post, which thyfggfy responds to, are basically "hope they don't send her to the desert" and "there's a joke here about Hollywood assuming all East Asians are the same".
To take things one at a time, the first statement. I am assuming none of this is meant in malice, and is genuine, as I see no reason to assume otherwise.
"She looks the part." But does she? Amy Workman is a Chinese-American actor. Hikari Zhang is a Chinese-Japanese character. There's a similar situation with Arden Cho (Korean-American) as a Korean-Japanese character. Can you hire any East Asian to play another, or to play a mixed East Asian character when they are not mixed?
Well, yes. You can hire anyone to play anyone. But is it good? No. Because saying a Chinese actor looks enough like Japanese to play the character is like to say a Russian is basically Serbian or Bulgarian or Polish or Swedish. It's not the same, and people will get offended if you assume it is. Especially when there is race involved, because it's so common in the US (where the show/movie is made) to hear "all Asians look the same" or "all brown people look the same" or "all poc look the same", or so on. A close Chinese friend of mine is often asked to translate something from Japanese or Korean. I am often called Mexican (I am mixed Native American/Cree and Arab/Syrian). It's rude, and it's racism.
Not to mention, you can circumvent this problem easily. Either send a casting call for a Chinese-Japanese character, if one is needed, or change the character to be just Chinese when you hire a Chinese actor. I like the second, as Amy Workman is fantastic and I'm excited to see her in the movie. It's not like kitsune is specific to Japan. In Japan there's きつね/kitsune, in China there's 狐狸精/huili jing, in Korea there's 구미호/kumiho or gumiho, in Vietnamese there's 狐狸精/hồ ly tinh. All are fox spirits. So why keep the character mixed Japanese? I think because, to Hollywood, and especially to the Teen Wolf writers, it's close enough, right? But it's really not.
Next, "acting is pretending". You're right, it is. In grade school productions, I pretended to be Brutus in Julius Caesar, a forest fairy in Midsummer Night's Dream, a man with a broken hip in The Man Who Came to Dinner, and, in other plays, variously dead, grieving, injured, drunk, old, young, rich, poor, a traitor, a villain, a hero, a martyr, and so on. But I was pretending to be a kind of person having a certain experience. I wasn't pretending to be another race. Because that is a bad thing.
Lastly, "should we therefore insist Stiles is half Polish?". Well, first of all, he's not. What we know about Stiles' ancestry is this: he is named after his mother's father, his grandfather, who is Mieczysław, a Polish name. That's all we know. We don't know if his maternal grandfather is Polish or he was a first- or second- or x-generation immigrant or anything else. We don't even know if this person was Polish, or if it was another Slavic country. We certainly can't say that Stiles is half-Polish. We don't know that his maternal grandmother is, we don't know that his mother is. But it's fair to assume that Stiles is around 1/4 Polish and his grandfather is a first- or second-generation immigrant.
And because literally all we know about Stiles and being Polish is a name, we can't say that the character himself would identify as Polish, would speak the language, would practice Polish culture. We simply don't know. Fandom likes to assert that fanon and headcanon is basically canon, but headcanon does not make absolute truth, and it doesn't serve in place of canon. We can't assume a level of Polish heritage is absolute fact that may or may not exist.
That's not to say that you can't headcanon Stiles as being thoroughly Polish, because you can do whatever you want, and that's why there are such excellent fanworks as this one by KuriKuri (a fantastic Sciles fic that heavily involves Polish language, food, and overbearing grandmothers -- go read it!). I enjoy anything that expands upon the world characters live in.
But another important thing here is that Polish is not a race. It's a nationality. You can cast one white American guy to play another white American guy no problem, because you can't visually tell one white American from another. The only real differences are language -- there are dialects and accents in English that are harder to imitate and, depending on what kind of story you're telling, might have benefited from a different actor or a change to the character.
And if casting for a character who is European-American, you can often benefit from an actor who is the same, especially if the story involves them speaking the language a lot, but it doesn't necessarily mean you need an actor of the same heritage. For example, while Crystal Reed is a great actor, she did not make a very convincing French woman in 5x18 Maid of Gevaudan, and as a native French speaker I would have preferred if they had taken some measures to alleviate listening to a fake French accent that wasn't very good -- an American accent would have done less to take me out of the story, or if her lines had been dubbed over by a French speaker, or whatever. But it's not hurting anyone to have someone do an unconvincing French accent, because French is not a race which is often discriminated against and subject to racism. The same does not apply for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean actors and characters, because racism is always hurting people.
In fanwork, though, you can do whatever you want. Let me not be maliciously misquoted as saying anything but. You can write characters with how much or how little heritage you like, because you're not tracking ancestry, you're telling a story, through writing, through art, through audio, through any medium. But it is vitally important to recognize fanwork as just that. Fan-made work that appreciates some part of the source material, and fills in a gap that the source doesn't go into depth on -- or tears it down and rebuilds it, for fix-its and AUs and the like. Fanwork isn't canon, and you cannot treat it like canon. Everyone's interpretation of the source is valid and acceptable, because it is an individual, personal interpretation they have chosen to share. Biased? Often. Prejudiced? Unfortunately, also often. But acceptable? Always.
Though when it comes to Teen Wolf, well... A lot of the time people who headcanon Stiles as more Polish than he appears to be on the show also refuse to believe that Scott is Latino. His mother's maiden name is Delgado, both his parents are Latino, the actor is Mexican. And yet so often fandom will, on the one hand, call Stiles Polish and talk about his heritage and culture, refer to Derek's "Native American cheekbones" (I wish this was fake. I wish I did not read the post that talked about this. Sometimes I hate it here.) and assume based on a later-retracted tweet by Hoechlin that he was learning more about his ancestry and believed there was something Native American there (and I have a lot of posts about dubious Native American "ancestry") that Derek is therefore Native American (I love fanwork as much as the next person, but No.), or blah blah blah, and insist that Scott cannot be Latino.
And of course there is a lot of racism there, because there is a lot of racism in this fandom. I don't think the vast majority of people are doing it on purpose (although I can think of a few people who have all the resources to know better and remain obstinate about being a tool), but it's impossible not to notice when you look for it.
If fans want to talk about characters having interesting heritage to connect with, how about the Hispanic/Latino heritage of Scott McCall/his family (actor/mentioned in canon), Erica Reyes (by surname), Nolan Holloway (actor is Latino/Caxcan), Gabe Valet (actor is Brazilian), Josh Diaz (surname/actor is Brazilian), Theo Raeken (actor is Penobscot tribe -- like, actually a member), Tracy Stewart (actor is Chinese -- and while there's a lot to dislike about Kelsey Asbille her character remains interesting), Danny Mahealani (actor/character is Hawaiian), Corinne/The Desert Wolf (actor is Latina), Nathan Pierce (actor is Singaporean), the Calaveras (all Mexican), Hayden Romero (surname/actor is Latina), Jiang (actor is Chinese), Satomi Ito (Japanese), the Yukimuras (Korean and Japanese).
The reason no one seems to want to write about these characters, and Stiles is always the center of attention, even in posts like these where he was never even implied? Well, to paraphrase @princeescaluswords, I'm sure it has nothing to do with race.
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music-moon · 7 months
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My favourite songs released in 2023
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walk1nghe3rt · 8 months
I'll Be Your Mirror by The Velvet Underground
I know the poll is still going, but I still wanted to share so here's an exemple of what Other could be...
Lyrics under the cut ;)
[Verse 1] I'll be your mirror Reflect what you are, in case you don't know I'll be the wind, the rain, and the sunset The light on your door to show that you're home
[Chorus] When you think the night has seen your mind That inside, you're twisted and unkind Let me stand to show that you are blind Please put down your hands 'Cause I see you
[Verse 2] I find it hard to believe you don't know The beauty you are But if you don't, let me be your eyes A hand to your darkness so you won't be afraid
[Chorus] When you think the night has seen your mind That inside, you're twisted and unkind Let me stand to show that you are blind Please put down your hands 'Cause I see you
[Outro] I'll be your mirror (Reflect what you are) I'll be your mirror (Reflect what you are) I'll be your mirror (Reflect what you are) I'll be your mirror (Reflect what you are)
Lyrics from Genius : The Velvet Underground – I'll Be Your Mirror Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
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