#new moon forecast cartomancy
New Moon Reading, January 6-February 5, 2019
The first reading for 2019! I hope you guys can look forward to a better year with this reading. Or at the very least, enjoy. 😇
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Present spread - 8♣ J♠ J♣ 6♦
Universal balance is always a thing. It is ever constant, enduring, harsh, strong, yet fair to all. No matter how much everyone complains, the fact of the matter is that it is only through acceptance that everything (and I mean everything) happens for a very good reason that one can become even more knowledgeable and open-minded to new, other possibilities.In this new moon that also had a partial solar eclipse, let us reflect on what values to keep, and let go of those that needed to be let go of because these have been bogging us down, so that we can start anew, with an open heart and an even more open mind. Whichever works for you. Once you let go of all things that you have ZERO control over, you will be amazed at discovering the fact that the world is not your prison, but your beautiful and vast playground.
Sunday Spread - 2♣ 10♠ J♣ 2♥ A♦ Causal Agent: 4♦
How did these came about? - Most probably due to the even greater unpredictable energies of the universe. And by unpredictable I mean getting things you didn't ask for, like more pain, greater messes, or more confusion. But hey, don't be mad, remember, chaos ushers in greater changes. This brings everything down, so we can level things up for the better. Changes may be painful, but changes can also be good. Again, it's all about the framing and what perspectives can better define the situation, as well as how it can be good for you.
Twos usually signify two energies working with each other in a dynamic way. Whatever the results are, this just means that it takes two to tango, or two to pick a fight. Whatever works. This spread simply means that the coming together of two energies, whether they are polarizing or synergistic, must be accepted, welcomed even, so that new beginnings, albeit powerful ones can happen. Especially whe it comes to practical matters that mean most to you, like health, money, emotional balance, etc. Don't discard something right away just because of novelty, but rather try looking at it from a different perspective. How can it help me? Others? What can I do about it? When will be a great time to use it? Where can this be put to its best potential? And don't forget the most important and hardest question: Why did it even exist? These can either be doors to more problems, or doors to endless possibilities. It is by your choice how you will frame such things.
If you're in a relationship: Twos also signify a tag-team sort of relationship, and in this case it's a soul-group or soulmate connection. Both of you are in need of deep healing right now, maybe your partner more than you. Or vice versa. It is also possible that one of you needs healing (can be due to mental health issues, a heartache, head injuries, or ascension sickness) and needs a lot of support. It is up to you if you'll take the chance to heal or if you'll give your support. This whole thing might also be due to a karmic agreement or karmic debt, so if you have a chance to look at that, please do. It's probably something that your souls agreed upon before being born. Release past pain, trauma, forgive the past, and yourself. Forgiving others is always an open option. This may not heal the whole thing but you can always expect that things can grow better in time. More importantly, heal together. Grow together. Get to know each other once again. Let your significant other know that no matter what, you always got their back. Who knows what magic can happen. Even I don't. 😆
Whatever the case, please know and remember that Spirit always loves you, even if you don't feel like it.
Where we are right now: #50
At the moment, we are all just enjoying the peace, the comfort, the ease. Things are actually doing great. Even if they don't, we just surrendered and accepted things and now we are reaping the rewards. We just let things flow through us, letting things hang loose. We are being our true selves, for we have nothing to hide. Bathing in our soft, warm, happy thoughts. All is right with the world. We are happy and secure, like happily prepping up to gey a good night's rest, because we're looking forward to a great day tomorrow. Just bask in this energy, it is time to rest, to let go, to breathe in. For this is our true nature, our true, loving self.
Where do we go from here: #44, reversed
Just stay in this relaxed, allowing state. Don't fight it, or overthink things. Do not let fears, worries, anxieties ruin your spa day. Remember to be in the now moment, for the past is long gone, and the future is all but nonexistent. Curb the urge to ruin things by saying that things won't last, or suddenly expecting the worst. You always have the power to call upon your being things that you think or believe to be true. What you keep in your brain and heart, you cast into your life, whether you like it or not. So be extra careful on what you put your focus in, and likewise do not overanalyze. Chaotic trains of thought do not suit you, and will not benefit you. If you can, clear your mind or better yet, your subconscious of the excess baggage, the extra garbage that has been preventing you from reaching your true potential and robbing you of your happiness. Also, remember that your emotions, your heart will never lie to you as much as your lizard brain does, so trust your heart and gut, while locking your car. Do not overanalyze, lest you end up being paralyzed due to so many choices and options. Remember to breathe in and expel the air out, before taking in new air. Approach things, especially the negative ones with neutrality and love. Once you harness this capability, bigger, better, even more amazing things will naturally come your way. To get better choices, think a bit less for more possibilities.
Lessons for the new lunar month: Trust that the universe will provide. Trust that your needs and wants will be fulfilled. Just take the first few steps toward your goals, and the universe will take 10,000 steps towards you to fulfill your dreams. Trust and believe.
In love and hugs,
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
Camellia Giardini 💫 
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the innovative magician with stars in their eyes
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Full name: Camellia Giardini
Camellia is named after the camellia flower, which is sometimes associated with the moon. Camellia flowers begin to bloom in late fall or winter, and bloom throughout the cold months. The camellia sinensis variety is the flower from which all types of tea are derived.
Giardini means “gardens”  in Italian, and as Cam is from Venterre (which I hc as fantasy Italy), their last name is Venterrean.
Nicknames: Cam, which they usually go by rather than their full name
Gender: nonbinary, they/ them
Birthday: December 4th
Age (start of story): 25
Orientation: lesbian / sapphic
Magic: potions, arithmancy, astronomical divination, astrology, cartomancy
Occupation: astronomer, mathematician, potioneer
Familiar: Pumpkin, an opossum
Love interest: Portia Devorak
Shippable?: yes!
Theme song: Venus- Sleeping At Last
full playlist
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Zodiac signs:
Sun: sagittarius
Moon: libra
Rising: aquarius
MBTI: intp
Element: air
Major Arcana: The Magician
UPRIGHT: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action
REVERSED: Manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
Minor Arcana: The Page Of Swords
UPRIGHT:  New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating
REVERSED: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste
— Potions: They are very good at brewing potions and people travel far and wide to buy them because they always work. From headache cures to luck potions and everything in between, if Cam brewed it- it’ll work (or you’ll get a full refund, but that’s never happened before)
— Arithmancy: Arithmancy is a form of divination based on assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, Cam uses numerology and arithmancy to divine the future and answer questions about the past
— Astronomical divination: Cam uses the stars as a form of divination, as well as reading people’s astrological charts for astrological divination. They can pretty much guess someone’s chart on sight (or at least their sun sign) and they usually know the weather forecast for the week
— Cartomancy: They use tarot cards for divination and have a strong connection to the major arcana
Other abilities: speaks multiple languages, cooking, technical and construction skills (good with tools)
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Cam is an optimist, they always try to see the best in the world and in the people around them. They’re curious, intelligent, and love to share their knowledge with others. Cam wears their heart on their sleeve and is very direct and straightforward in how they communicate. They leap before they look, and often do impulsive things “just to see what would happen”.
They use their magic to help others whenever possible, and always try to do the right thing. Cam is very kind though they can come off as a bit intimidating or quiet on first meeting. Once someone gets to know them, they’ll find that Cam has a great sense of humor and cares deeply for their friends and family. They tend to avoid conflict, but they’d do anything to defend their loved ones.
Cam is introverted, but is quite restless and likes to spend time outside or with friends. They like to multitask and are often working on multiple projects at once. They tend to start more projects than they finish, but they can be determined and single-minded when they’re interested in something. They love to invent and tinker with things, and always keep their hands busy. While Cam is very intelligent, they lack “street smarts'' and can be a bit ditzy and naive.
Mental health: Cam is impulsive, restless, and doesn’t like to stay still. They have trouble focusing at times, but can also have periods of hyper focus where they need to be reminded to take breaks. They put on a confident face, but below the surface they are very scared of rejection from others. They’re the middle child of 9 total siblings, and they’ve got classic middle child syndrome.
Likes: stargazing, math, cold weather, hiking, collecting things
Dislikes: boredom, large bodies of water, bees, coffee
Fears: losing their memories again, being forgotten
Quirks: they can fall asleep anywhere, anytime and like to take little naps rather than a full night of sleep 
Favorite food: garlic bread
Favorite drink: orange juice
Favorite flower: anemones
Favorite color: night sky blue
Most likely to: get hopelessly lost in their own house
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Height: 5’7 , 175 cm
Eyes: dark blue 
Hair: short and wavy, dark brown that’s more of a reddish copper color in the sun
Other: their skin has olive undertones and a few freckles spread around their arms and back, they tan easily in the sun
Tattoos: a small tattoo on their right wrist shows which phase the moon is currently in, they have the sagittarius constellation on their right forearm, andromeda constellation on their left upper arm, and a tattoo of the planetary symbols for jupiter and mercury on the back of their neck, they also have a few stick and poke tattoos of stars and planets they got as a teenager, each of their tattoos is black lined, but in the dark they faintly glow 
Scars: top surgery scars, a lichtenberg figure/ lightning scar on their left arm from their wrist to their mid forearm caused by a magical training accident
Piercings: they have a nose ring and multiple ear piercings: double lobes on both ears, a double helix on their right ear and an industrial on their left 
Color theme: dark blue, silver, gold, sage green, purple
Fashion sense: little shirt big pants vibes, baggy, colorful, 80’s / 90’s inspired (but make it medieval) they dress a bit like a dad on vacation at Disney World (they’d wear a fanny pack) they like to layer their clothing, picture a bowling alley’s carpet- that’s their aesthetic
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Cam has 8 siblings, listed in order of age (start of story) 
Cassia, female, twins with Calix, 31
Calix, male, twins with Cassia, 31
Calla, female, 29
Calanthe, female,  27
Canna, female, 23
Clio, male, twins with Crisanta, 22
Crisanta, female, twins with Clio, 22
Clema, male, 17
Cam grew up on a ranch in a small town in Venterre. The Giardini family raised cattle and had a lucrative farm that had been in the family for many generations. Cam helped on the farm a lot growing up, but their clumsiness made them get in the way more often than not. They weren’t meant to be a cowboy, and no amount of riding horses and harvesting crops could change that. Cam grew up right in the middle of eight siblings, most of whom were not the nicest to them growing up. They often felt as if they didn’t fit in and dreamed of a day when they could leave the stifling family ranch behind.
Cam spent most of their childhood reading, practicing their magic, and sneaking out of the house to stargaze with their sister Calla. While it took them a while to come into their magical abilities, they soon became powerful enough that their parents wanted to send them away to Vesuvia where their Aunt Angela lived. 
At the age of twelve Cam went to live and train with her, and Cam found that they were quite adept at making potions. They were so good, in fact, that people began to travel far and wide to purchase them, making their Aunt’s magic store famous. Angela was a powerful witch, but a bit unconventional in her teaching methods. She was not a very kind woman, and she often exploited Cam’s magical talents for money or status. Eventually, Angela used the funds from Cam’s potions to buy a lavish manor in the Heart District where she retired, leaving Cam to run the store. 
Not long after, Cam met Asra at the masquerade. The two became fast friends and Asra began to help them at the shop. Cam became an amateur astronomer around this time, frequently climbing onto the roof or travelling out to the woods for a better look at the night sky. They built their first telescope, with the help of magic of course, and began to chart and name the stars. For a few years, they were content to run the store during the day and study magic and the stars at night. They hardly got enough sleep- but that's what energy potions and tea are for! 
All too soon, the plague came to Vesuvia. Cam made the decision to close the shop to focus on making healing potions for a nearby clinic, run by Julian Devorak. Asra begged them to leave, but Cam knew they could do the most good by staying. It was this dedication to helping others that led to their eventual death. 
After their resurrection, they found relearning magic far easier than learning how to speak or walk. Cam spent most days practicing potions and accidentally setting houseplants on fire. They also regained their interest in the night sky, and relearned everything from the notes they’d made years before. Cam began to focus more intently on astronomy and using the stars for divination. Their connection to The Magician strengthened, as did their magic.
In their post-canon life, Cam builds an observatory and seeks answers in the cosmos. They're always looking for ways to use their magic to make something new.
Five facts:
alcohol has pretty much no effect on them, they don’t ever get drunk
they wrote a math textbook for fun, but it didn’t sell very well
despite what their more nerdy interests might lead you to believe, Cam is a bit of a jock and likes sports and being active (they especially love hiking)
however they aren’t particularly good at these activities, Cam is very clumsy and often runs into things, they’re a bit of a hazard to those around them
Cam’s magic is strongest at night, and they’re a night owl in general so they often stay up all night to work
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notes: Yay! Here’s my starry-eyed babe, I’m very excited to finally have Cam’s bio update done! Special thanks to @leila-of-ravens​ because I used her oc bio template again 💗
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Autumnal Equinox September 23 2018
Hi again all you beautiful people, I wasn't sure when it was but I guess it was today so... basically night and daylight hours are equal today, and for northern hemisphere peeps the nights will start to grow longer, and for southern hemisphere homies the sunlight hours will grow longer. Since I live somewhere near the equator the daylight hours get adjusted by about 2 hours max, but for those way upper the lights go out around 4pm. Scary. And i usually complain when I can't see my hands around 6pm. Oh well.
So... what can we do today? Well, as always healing ourselves is a great part of the journey. We can also start making or casting spells or affirmations for the new moon on the 28th, or 29th, since it's gonna be a new cycle. I have just finished hauling about 70% of my stuff (had to do it on my own lolz) but in case I do get settled in, I will be redoing my cartomancy energetic forecasts in my cartomancy page @kannagimikazukioracles which I had put on hold for about a year now. I just try getting out seasonal forecasts but even this one will be a bit delayed. For now, we just need to clear and heal the energetic crap and baggage somwe can be a lot lighter and be able to receive more blessings for the new moon. Hope it works!
I hope this post serves you well. I just needed to do this quick while I have wifi connection lolz
May you all find the healing you seek. Love and hugs from Source above. 💖
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New Moon Forecast (August 11 to September 8, 2018)
New Moon Forecast (August 11-September 8, 2018) This also doubles as a Sunday Oracle Reading
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Present Spread:
4♦ K♦ A♦ 9♠
5-Card Spread:
4♣ 3♦ 4♠ Joker D A♠
Path of Least Resistance:
Message from Spirit:
Expect a lot of changes for the new Lunar Month, as if the changes that came recently weren't enough. There will be even more weird but also amazing changing coming your way, and Spirit is letting you know in advance so you won't get too-shocked about it. But in case you didn't get the full and detailed memo, just remember that changes usher in a lot of movement, of motion, of upgrades (if you want to see them that way). Changes are normally hard unless you have been prepping up or if the changes are clearly favoring you or your situation, most of the time they do not. At any rate, do not fear these changes, because despite the rattling these also allow the influx of energies, so you'll probably have more energy at work, or you'll receive timely increase in funds, or people will help you with a lot of stuff out of the blue, or you'll suddenly get a strong urge to be creative, any kind of assistance that will come through from Source. But as with all flowing energies, be especially careful to remain grounded, be humble, be detached from the outcome, let all things that you have zero control over to wash over you like raindrops on your umbrella. Otherwise, the lessons that you were meant to learn through this energy influx can cause you to be light-headed, out of touch with other people, or worse, hungry or lusting for even more power.
Aside from the influx of Divine energies, Spirit also wants you to be mindful of your own personal energies. If you can (because this is of utmost importance) please try to focus your attention or energies to only ONE THING AT A TIME. This kept coming up, and for this entire Lunar month this should also be a priority. Do not spread yourself out thin, or else you won't be able to deliver out your full potential or give out the best possible outcome for any and every situation. You can start with just enjoying the now moment: eating your meal with just putting your focus on the food and drink, the texture, taste, how sweet or salty these would be, the crunch or lack of crunch, if the drink suits the food pretty well, and if this was a Yelp review how many stars would it have. Something like that. Or if you're in a company, unless you didn't really wanna be there, just enjoy the place, the food, or try connecting with one person at a time. Just don't think excessively or obsessively about what you're going to do at work tomorrow morning, or what you did last Saturday night that you were still regretting up to this day. Seriously, once you go back in the past or forward to the uncertain future you're already missing the moment you have right now. You could overlook things, or not appreciate what you have right now because you're either looking at the past that you left behind or focusing too much on the future that hasn't been set in stone yet, or ever. Just be in the moment, feel your body move with every breath, be creative in how you's just wanna BE for a moment, like a plant that sways softly with the flow of the breeze.
Indeed, Spirit wants you to grow, to evolve, but also to enjoy life, to stop and smell the flowers, to be kind for no other reason than being the embodiment of kindness, to just BE. Because you're a human BE-ing, not just a human DO-ing. Don't let life pass you by in a flash. Instead, how about being that grandma or grandpa who has so much life experience that you can never run out of weird or amazing stories to tell your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, or even your fellow old people at the hospice. Just enjoy life in all it's gore and glory, the highs and the lows, the smart and dumb things you did, for these are the times and moments that help you grow into an even better person than before, and will probably make you think in your deathbed that your life was really worth living.
The Path of Least Resistance:
For this Lunar month, Spirit advises to reconnect with your community, or the group that you feel strongly for. Or if you don't have one yet, find your community. Share a part of yourself, and allow others to do the same for you. Recognize the individuality of each member, as you all celebrate what ties you all together. This is also a good time to learn or recognize your life lessons, apply them and help people grow with your own personal growth. Also, find your niche in this community, like what you can contribute to fill in the gaps, or help the group improve. Lastly, remember, do not think excessively about what the community can do for you, but rather what you can contribute to it, for this is the true essence of abundance.
I hope this message brings you hope and peace for the new lunar month.
Be well always, and may the Source be with you.
In love and hugs
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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New Moon Forecast (September 9 to October 7 2018)
New Moon Forecast (September 9 to October 7 2018)
Present Spread: K♣ 7♣ Q♣ 10♦
5-card Spread: Joker L K♠ 3♠ 3♦ 7♥
Path of Least Resistance: #50⬇, #36, #46⬇
Theme: Just trust, take that leap of faith, and then let go.
Message: "Now, more than ever is a time to pierce through the dogmatic principles that have been passed down from generations. No longer is yhe stereotypical polarization of ideals and methods the only thing that can be done. Rather, a strong need to pierce through absolute logic and rational thinking, as well as through our own doubts and fears would be the inevitable step towards finding our true selves. We must come to trust Source in providing us the answers we need, at the times we need these the most. It is time that we move from extremely routinary movement to a life with added creativity, in order to honor our divine feminine, so that we can assimilate this in our everyday life. Let logic and reason move us hand-in-hand with the power of creativity and allowing things to unfold, so that we can reduce stress and let in freedom, to help us grow in faith and trust that miracles will ALWAYS happen in our lives. Let us see magic do its work, but also remember to set our strongest intentions using our desire, our willpower, and our drive so that we can truly feel and see the miracles happen, alongside our true nature are co-creators of our lives. Such deliberate actions in our part along with fully trusting the universe and Source lets the impossible things happen, helping the process of making our dreams into reality a whole lot more meaningful and sweeter.
"To further push us towards attaining our goals of spiritual freedom, we must also ask ourselves if we need to move out of our comfort zone to get what we need. Hint: yes we have to, it is a must. We have to let go of things that have been preventing us from achieving our highest potentials, even if it is nice to stay in our own little safety bubble. If you want something done, be assertive, be courageous, be bold, and definitely define what your end result would be. This is not the time to be wishy-washy, half-hearted or hot-and-cold about your wants and needs. If you need to improve yourself, to heal yourself in order to achieve your dreams then so be it. There is no race with others in doing this, but it is a race that you have to do with your ego, your earthly self. It is a race with an open time, and it does not care much about how fast things went but how much of the dream was achieved, and how much you have grown as a result of this journey towards the infinite future."
The Path of Least Resistance
Where we were: #50⬇
Just because something feels familiar doesn't mean that it is right. Just because something feels familiar does not mean that it is for your highest good. Most comfort zones are not even comfortable, many are toxic, constricting, restrictive, things that are not inherently comfortable but most people have gotten quite used to because these feel familiar. But once you realized that such places are unhealthy, you have bravely chosen to push them aside or move away from them, even if it hurts so much to do so. Congratulations, your bravery has reached greater bounds.
Where we are right now: #36
Once we chose to leave our toxic homes, we now must take a leap of faith into the unknown, the unfamiliar, the other side of what we used to be. We are being pushed towards our true north, towards what we truly are, our divine destination. Be comforted in knowing that Spirit knows which direction we need to be pushed, for Spirit is working with our inner guide, our soul's compass to get to where we needed to be. We must clear all blockages to get the clearest readings of our inner guidance system, so that we will be less-likely to get lost in our ways, and make it through.
Where do we go from here: #46⬇
Expect to become a whole new person after taking that leap of faith. The old beliefs, constructs, foundations, even those which you have strongly-considered to be part of your identity will crumble and have no equal footing with the new knowledge you have gained from trusting Source and your self completely. These new ideas and beliefs will catapult you towards even greater heights, becoming your new tools in attaining your goals, but this time using higher perspectives that you never had before stepping out of your comfort zone. But at times, the old will try to worm its way back to you, and while it is not recommended, it is better to make peace with these old beliefs, assess why these persist, if these are even your own, and what made you accept them in the first place. Be kind to yourself, be patient as you let these things go, make peace with them, knowing that these only existed to help you survive in your previous life before taking that giant leap of faith. But they won't be as helpful as before, not with your new points of view, and as such it is for your highest good to send them back to Source, to be recycled anew, to also be better versions of themselves, just like you are right now.
Wha, that was a pretty long one. Took me 2 hours just to jot it down, but it feels good afterwards.
I hope that this post would help you, guide you, encourage you, and enlighten you for the upcoming new lunar month. It's been one crazy ride, but we're still here in one piece, so I salute you for that. May Source be with you always, and be always cloaked in eternal love.
In love and hugs,
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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Orihime's New Moon Forecast (June 14 -July 11 2018)
Orihime's New Moon Forecast (June 14 -July 11 2018)
5-card pull:
8♣ J♠ J ♦ Q♠ 5♠
Present Spread:
5♦ A♠ 10♦ 9♥
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Spirit's message for the next moon cycle:
"There is a need to find work-life balance, especially with regards to establishing personal connections with people. Otherwise, feelings of entrapment and wanting to get out can occur. This can be mitigated by grounding or even just by getting some of life's simple pleasures. It's because a high influx of energies can be expected to arrive, especially for those with already susbtancial workloads, and energies, even sanity will be squeezed out of you. There will also be a scattering of energies due to such high workload which can prevent proper tying of loose ends (i.e. Forgetting to manage deadlines or receivables/accountabilities) so it is also very important to just take what you can work with, do not over-exert yourself, be kind to your Self and feel free to unload some of the burdens to create win-win solutions for both you and your clients or stakeholders. Be especially kind to your body, heart, mind, and soul so you could move on forward in life with ease, grace, clarity and success. If you feel that you are being choked, it's within your reasonable right to take a short break to recuperate. Don't worry, these too shall pass.
May Source, Higher Self and Spiritual Family provide you with guidance, protection and comfort in the next weeks ahead, and I hope this message serves you well.
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
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New Moon in Cancer Energy Forecast (Can be timeless)
Something for the new moon. I hope some of the readings resonate. If not, the messages may not be for you, yet. 😊
I was gonna use Tarot for this reading but it didn't make any sense so I just used mostly playing cards and an oracle deck. Please enjoy. 😊
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Primary energy reading - Present Spread
Expect new magical beginnings. Unleash your imagination. Make things happen. Have fun, live life. The etheric realms are ripe for making your fervent dreams and wishes come true. If some secrets are eluding you, now is a great time to unlock them, especially those you have been dying to know about. The divine realms are at your side. Word of caution though: be grounded always, and remember to stay calm and centered. It can be easy to get all emotionally flared up, and cutting words can become unleashed, even unwillingly or mindlessly. The fun stuff can easily go from really great from really sordid, like from high to really low. So have fun, but remember, moderation is your friend.
Work-Life Reading - 5 Card Spread
For those who drink too much: now is the time to reduce alcohol intake, or just stay out of binge-drinking altogether. There are many ways of having fun, but leave the alcohol at best. Especially when you have issues regarding excess intake of alcohol. Hangovers at work isn't really going to give you the best results. And even if you do it on a Friday night, the headaches and wasting the weekend being wasted really won't do you good. Plus the havoc it can do to your body. So, bottomline is: Unless it's social drinking or you have really good control with regards to drinking alcohol, just stick to juice boxes while having fun. 😇
For the workaholics: Loosen up, have fun, you can pick up the slack this time. Things will be going very slow for the next few weeks, so it's not going to do you good to try speed-running everything. You'll be burned out before anything at the workplace even makes any form of progress. Try getting a new hobby, or work on your skills, those that make you happy. If you're not from the bunch that guzzles drinks, then guzzle new information, learn new things, or just engage your brains. This helps in grounding yourself, especially when you feel that strong urge to do more stuff in less time. The bottomline for you is: Remember to take a chill pill every now and then. Your mind and body and heart will thank you for it.
Traversing the Energies - Bridge Spread
What is troubling you that needs to be left in the past - obsessive behavior that leads to really disappointing moments, situations, relationships, mostly regrets. The need to have everything or anything as soon as possible, without thinking or sleeping on it first. Ironically, you can be very self-depracating, or worse, letting people walk all over you, or being very accommodating at your own expense.
What needs to be brought to the future - assertiveness, imagination and creativity, but also remembering that your needs come first. Lose the anxieties, feel what is really important to you, and find the reason why you have anxieties with regards to self-control, of being too accommodating or being a codependent, issues with self-esteem, stuff like that. If you can heal those things, the self-control issues and other problems will decrease. This new moon is viable for healings, take advantage of the energies.
Final Advice from the Oracles - 3 Card Spread
Have you done everything you could in your power to make things work but nothing worked? So you feel extremely disconnected with what you are already doing right now, like nothing makes any sense. It feels like you're just an emotionless drifter that suddenly feels out of place. Or, you entered your dark night of the soul? A spiritual awakening? You start asking "Why is this happening to me?"
Well, I hate to break this to you. This is your wake up call, to pursue what your soul intended to do when it incarnated into the physical realm. But it is also the time to face your fears, because what worked once won't be working into this other realm anymore. These are chaotic times, and doing your best to "maintain order" would prove to be futile. The only thing that makes sense is Divine order, and it's not even something that totally makes sense for a lot of people. So just go with the flow right now, release trapped emotions by crying them all out, remember to be gentle and kind to yourself, and if all else fails, take a breather. Know that you are loved.
For this new moon, remember to sit back, relax, heal what needs to be healed, and don't overdo the fun stuff.
I hope these messages gave you all some hope and some support during these crazy times. You are loved and supported by the universe.
Wishing you all the best this new lunar month,
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So... I did a thing. I was so lazy but I think it backfired because I lost some footage. Oh well, please enjoy the new moon reading for March 6, 2019, and I hope the Mercury retrograde just slides past your back. Love and hugs, everyone. 💝🌚💝
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