#new life dan
maybe-drawing · 1 year
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Loosely inspired by Joel's New Life episode 5 thumbnail
Horses are harder to draw than they look
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 163
Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath, counting to ten and then letting it out. Why was this always his luck? Alright. Okay. Time to move again thanks to Dan pushing his body too far again, and ending up in his core. This was not how he was expecting to spend his days when he ghost-adopted his clone and sort-of son now actual son. Welp, he’ll throw a dart at the map to figure out where he’ll go next. 
Hm. Well, pack up Ellie! They’re moving to a place called Smallville, you always wanted a horse, right?
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aratribow · 9 months
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Jingyuan has always been made of love,
And love he did from the depths of the ocean to the farthest star in the sky
Love so deep, he drowned farther and farther, inking his blood into the dark waters and the skies
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Hey there! Halfa!cass anon here
Holy shit that was such a good read, I've gone through and re-read it over a dozen times now
Can we please please get a part 2?
When Cass wakes, she knows that something is seriously different about her body. There is a lightness to her bones that she only associates with flying through the air or even leaps during her dance.
The fact she is lying in a bed completely still makes the lightness a worrying sign. Cass doesn't sense anyone else in the room, and if there is, they do a wonderful job hiding from her instincts.
Carefully she cracks open an eye, careful to not move any other part of her body. She does a slow look around taking in the room that for all purposes seems to be a hospital of some kind.
There are even informational posters on the walls, the kind that doctors put up to help citizens with basic hygiene. She can't see any windows, which isn't promising for her if she needs to escape, but there are no restraints on her body.
Despite the weightlessness, there also doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her body that would hnder her movement. If she is being held against her will, then this is an oversight.
Either her captors are underestimating her or there are no captors at all. Cass carefully goes to stand up, trying to stay as silent as possible, when suddenly she finds herself floating.
She panics, attempting to go back down, but the more she moves the higher she goes. She ends up on the ceiling trying desperately to figure out what is happening- is there a telepath in the room? Anti-gravity ray she got hit by?- when the door opens and in steps a man in his early thirties.
He looks around the room, body language screaming worry and confusion before he glances up and makes eye contact with her. At once his face softens, amusement and relief bleeding into his body language.
"Hey there." He says flouting up to her level slowly. "Need some help adjusting?"
"Adjusting?" She asks her voice slightly rough from disuse. "From what?"
The man's smile turns slightly sad. "I'm sorry to have to tell you but you were in an accident and it killed you."
Cass blinks at him and then shakes her head trying to gather her thoughts. She knows that she was electrocuted- it was like a blink had passed since the shock, really and she isn't surprised that it was strong enough to kill her. But she doesn't feel dead.
Doesn't feel much different at all. Does that mean she died quickly? Was that a mercy?
The man must have mistaken her head shake for denial for he only smiles sadder. He pulls out a mirror from his chest- that was only slightly alarming after all she's seen in life- turning it around and showing her reflection.
Or someone who looks like her but is so very obviously not human. Cass reaches up, afraid to touch the dirty silver hair that stands straight up like someone had gone at it with gallons of gel. Her reflection does the same staring back at her with glowing silver eyes Her skin is now an ashy grey, covered in blue Lichtenberg marks like a full body tattoo.
She gasps.
The man's body sings of regret, of sadness for her, but most of all comfort. "You're a ghost now. That's your ghost from. We can work on getting an understanding of your powers at a later date. For now, let me help you set in."
He takes Cass's hand- making sure his movements are slow and allowing her to pull away if she wants. She doesn't. He uses their linked hands to descend back to the ground. It's only then that she notices there is no light in the room- the glowing she had been using to see is coming from her.
Cass is glowing because she is dead and now she is a ghost. Somewhere her corpse is lying in an abandoned town where it will likely stay until her family realizes she hasn't reported in.
She hopes it's not Bruce who finds her. Her dad has already suffered enough. Cass wishes he saved the view of her corpse if only to save him from that heartbreak.
The man leads her towards the door. He is speaking but Cass can't hear a single word that he is saying. Her head is buzzing, she's trying to come to terms with everything so when he pushes open the door she nearly walks right off the edge of a cliff.
"Careful now." The man says yanking her back. Cass swings wild eyes at him, at his flaming white hair and glowing red eyes, before she looks around.
She is shocked to see floating purple islands, each top with a building flying around. The floating islands are close by, barely kept apart by small gaps, gently moving around in the wind.
All around here is green, the sky is the bottomless floor, and even some flying beings are green. If it were not for the few human-like beings she could see jumping to and from between the islands she would think of herself on an alien planet.
"This is the Ghost Zone. We're in Phantom's Keep." Her guide says gesturing around. "The locals call it New Amity Park. Said locals are the humans and Phantom's only rule here is that no one harms the humans. Understand?"
So they were humans. But how did they get to the Ghost Zone? Who was Phantom? Were they the missing people of Amity Park?
Something on her face must have given away her thoughts because the man- a ghost? Is he like Cass- gives her a weary smile. "The humans are stuck here. See a few years back their hometown was attacked by the old King, and were sucked into the Ghost Zone. When Phantom defeated him the town returned but the people couldn't."
Why she wants to ask. Why can't they go home?
He shrugs as if though he heard her question. "You know how if you eat food offered by the Fae you are trapped in their world? Same concept. Phantom has been trying to get them home, but it's been seven years now. Everyone pretty much adjusted to this place."
He nods to the flouting island that proudly proclaims a large mall that is slowly passing overhead. "When they first arrived the humans were all stuck on one large piece of rock that used to be their park. It was Phantom that slowly pulled islands towards them, linking them to a gravitational pull he designed and powered, that let the humans expand into this web-like conany."
Cass thinks back to the large crater in the middle of town. She remembers passing by a half-buried sign that proclaimed "Amity Park" but she never realized it was literally snatched off the ground.
A group of children- likely born after their parents were trapped- jump by, laughing in a carefree way only those with wonder can. They land gracefully on the flouting rocks that form makeshift stairs as they race up toward- an ice cream shop.
Cass realizes those rock stairways are all over, connecting all the parts of the town into one. They all lead to a large green field that a castle sits on. Likely the old park.
""By the way, my name is Dan. I'm in charge of Phantom's Keep while Phantom is away." Dan says. He shrugs at Cass's questioning look, somehow aware of her question without her having to speak it again.
Could ghosts read body language in the same way she could?
"I'm basically the mayor/ enforcer. Phantom stuck me with the job as a form of community service. I can't leave because, like the islands, he trapped me here with a gravitation pull."
Then was this Phantom evil?
Cass opens her mouth to ask- when a strange tightness in her abs makes her jerk to the side. She doubles over, pressing a hand to her stomach and Dan pauses. "Are you alright-"
Twin rings of pure darkness appear, running over Cass's form before vanishing without a trace. At once Cass feels her whole body become heavy- the familar heavy she had known all her life as her balance.
She also realizes that she had been flouting the whole time before she fell to her knees right at the edge, using her hands to cushion her fall. Her now normal human hands- the deadly grey nowhere in sight.
Dan sucks a hiss through his teeth. "You're a halfa."
Cass looks up at him, watching the ghost rub the space between his eyes while his hair flickers around in irritation. "Of course the new ghost I come to welcome turns out to be a halfa. Right when my shift was ending too."
The ghost rolls his shoulders and then sighs "Alright come on. We have to report this development."
Where are we going?
Dan's smile turns sharp. Cass isn't sure she likes "To See the Fentons."
She follows him anyway for she has no other choice. As she hops along the rock stairways down to the castle, she notices multiple people stop to stare at her. Some beings that are obviously not humans- ghosts her mind supplies- gape at her with just as much wonder.
She picked up bits of conversation as she scurried after Dan's floating figure.
"A new human? Has Danny finally found a way home?"
"Maybe she fell through a natural portal. Poor thing"
"Will never see her family again. That's going to be the hardest part. My dad said he was only passing through Amity Park the day it was attacked. My grandparents might still be looking for him."
"If King Phantom leaves, what will happen to ghosts like us? His Keep is the only place that welcomes us!
"Calm yourself, the King never stays on Earth long. Not when his entire family is trapped here like the rest of the humans. We will be safe."
Cass doesn't like the implications of this place one bit
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grmpgm · 1 year
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come on, danny, let’s go party! 💗
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viriv · 1 year
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
Beans is a Kind grandpa now 👴
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reunitedinterlude · 3 months
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phil + tattoos
bonus (2015):
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cydanite · 1 year
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new life doobles c:
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jtl-fics · 10 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 44
The flight up to New York is a pleasant one.
The time in the airport itself had been less pleasant. Matt, as it turns out, is a firm believer in arriving with just enough time to check a bag, get through security, and get to the gate. He had claimed up, down, left, and right that he had it down to a science.
No matter how many times Smith had wondered about the scientific rigor of this 'science' he still kept it to himself. There was no need for Smith to voice his uncertainty with this plan because Kevin well and truly had it covered.
"You're giving us only an hour to check bags, get through security, and get to our gate?!" Kevin demands.
"Kevin, if you wanted to be there earlier then you could have asked Andrew to give yo a ride." Matt says. "We'll be fine."
"You know what Neil and Andrew get like when they have a long roadtrip ahead of them." Kevin argues.
"All lovey-dovey?" Nicky asks as Aaron makes a gagging sound.
"No, well yes, but no they always stop and buy all of the worst food too." Kevin reminds. "I'm just concerned about us missing our flight! We have barely enough time!" Kevin huffs crossing his arms.
"You're wrong anyways." Aaron says idly as he continues to text with Katelyn.
"How am I wrong?!" Kevin demands.
"We also have to park within that hour that Matt has left us with." Aaron says looking up from his phone.
"Matt!" Kevin squawks.
"It'll be fine." Matt reassures for the 2nd time.
"We all have checked bags!" Kevin exclaims, "What if we miss our flight?!" he wails.
"It'll be fine!" Matt repeats.
"No it won't!" Kevin exclaims.
It was fine.
The only real delays they met were at security.
Smith prided himself on being efficient in the security line. He has his watch off, his phone and ID secured in a zipped jacket pocket, his backpack and electronics in separate trays, and his shoes ready to be slipped off.
So he was shamed to have been the cause of the first delay when the TSA agent wouldn't wave Smith through the metal detector since she didn't realize he was there. That had been a whole anxiety attack and a half as the line had formed up behind him all wondering what the hold-up was.
Finally she seemed to startle as she realized that Smith had been standing there waiting and waved him through.
The other delay was that Kevin got patted down after he had forgotten to empty his 'emergency' water bottle.
It was probably for the best that they didn't have to be in the airport for that long. Every announcement that it was very important to not leave your bag unattended made him worry that with every blink somehow someone had slipped a bomb into his backpack.
While it was on his back.
As he was running with the rest of his friends to their gate.
"It just had to be the gate on the other end of the terminal." Aaron huffs.
"It would have been 100% perfect if someone hadn't left their water bottle in their bag despite the, let me check, 3,820 signs that said remove all liquids from your carry-ons!" Matt says as they continues to run.
"I said I forgot!" Kevin yells back from his spot at the front of the pack. Smith was under the distinct impression that Kevin was keeping pace with them since he had seen the Striker move much faster on the court and during warm-ups.
"We could have forgiven that!" Nicky pants, "Why did you have to slam the whole thing to prove that it was 'just water'?" he asks.
"Because I wanted to prove I wasn't a national security threat!" Kevin says. "I'll be going to the Olympics in a couple years and I can't have that on my record." he continues as he rounds a corner.
"What record?!" Smith asks suddenly worried that there was a record.
"Smithy, there's no record Kevin's just an idiot. An idiot who got patted down, tested for explosives, and had his carry-on searched." Nicky huffs.
"You don't know that there's not a record! The record everything nowadays!" Kevin huffs and their gate is in sight.
"Kevin, just shut up!" Aaron exclaims as they reach the line for their flight.
"Wait why aren't any of you getting shitty with Smiths?!" Kevin asks.
"His delay was like a minute and more importantly NOT HIS FAULT!" Nicky defends.
"He should have just walked through!" Kevin argues.
"Oh it's fine if he gets a record but not you?!" Aaron asks.
"So there is a record?!" Smith asks again.
They reach the line and the largely empty area around their gate is more than enough evidence that this was the final boarding. Smith breathed a sigh of relief as he took his place in line behind Nicky.
"The lines pretty slow, I'm going to go get a water." Kevin says and before any of them can say anything he is off towards a busy looking Newsweek store.
"I cannot believe him." Aaron huffs.
"All that water he just drank and is about to drink? He has lost window seat privileges." Matt pants wiping sweat from his brow.
"Agreed." Nicky says.
Smith laughed between panting breaths. His stomach hurt a bit from the stress of running but it was fine.
They get on the plane without Kevin and head to their seats. Most of the overhead storage is taken up at this point but Smith slides his bag under the middle seat in front of him after Matt
In the end, Kevin barely made it onto the plane in time since he got caught up in deciding on water. "You're in my seat." Kevin says as the only man not yet seated.
"I am not about to spend this flight getting up every 2 minutes because you have to pee." Matt says, "Abby didn't used to need to take all those pitstops when we're on the bus." Matt adds.
"I hate the aisle, the cart could hit my legs." Kevin argues.
"Then you can sit in the middle if Smith's willing to move." Matt says.
"You can have the middle Kevin." Smith offers actually preferring the aisle seat since then he doesn't have to ask anyone to move for him.
"I hate the middle seat, there is no room." Kevin crosses his arms.
"Smith is like only 3 inches shorter than you and he's not complaining." Matt continues.
"It's an important 3 inches."
"I bet it is."
"Nicky, are you serious?"
"There is an uninvolved member of the public, right there."
"He's wearing headphones it's fine!"
It's fine.
Eventually Kevin takes the middle seat if for no other reason than Matt stubbornly pretends to go to sleep but absolutely does not want the aisle seat either.
Smith gives it up and ends up with his own preferred seat while Kevin pointedly takes both of the arm rests, as is his right. The plane ride progresses smoothly from there. Smith has always liked flying. There is always a sense that the second that he gets onto the plane and the door closes he has absolutely zero control over what happens afterwards.
That is a nice comfort.
He pays attention to the safety briefing, finds his nearest exit, and that he should secure the bag over his own face before securing it on Kevin's.
He puts his headphones on and tries not to think about the anxiety of meeting the 'girls'.
He has heard much about the 'girls'.
Allison Reynolds. Allison was someone who's legacy existed even outside of the team. Smith didn't know much about fashion but a Reynolds bet remained a solid practice within Palmetto. She was, undeniably, absolutely gorgeous and if Kevin was to be believed 'kind of a bitch'. Nicky had swatted his arm but had said that it was not entirely inaccurate but like 'in the best way'.
Dan Wilds. He met Dan. Dan was nice. Also, if Matt was to be believed, the best human to ever walk the planet earth. The reason the sun rose in the east and set in the west. The gravitational pull that held the universe together. If Andrew is to be believed, she's fine.
Renee Walker. Renee was the one who taught Andrew how to use knives. His friend has talked warmly of her, in the way that Andrew talks warmly about anyone which is mentioning them at all. She was the one that Smith was the most anxious about meeting.
Kevin turns his nose up at the ginger ale that Smith gets but he's allowed these now per his actual doctors orders.
1 hour left until arriving at JFK.
He hopes this ginger ale is enough to calm his stomach since he's still not allowed Pepto.
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kanda-franca · 1 year
joel makes the characters of all time. yeah this is dan, they eat the souls of mobs but has a soft spot for Marvins and Red, builds within the dark aesthetic but also loves flowers, have i told you dan likes wearing dresses?
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nothoughtsonlytrance · 4 months
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Embrace the void, and have the courage to exist.
Graduating college tomorrow and I thought I’d decorate my cap to say @danielhowell’s famous quote from his “We’re All Doomed” tour. His and @amazingphil’s videos really got me though these last two semesters of college and his quote has helped me reflect on how I will move going forward in life and what it has in store for me! Thanks Dan and Phil!🧡
-Kristy (@nothoughtsonlytrance)
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kizzer55555 · 1 year
DP X DC School Project
So...I am part of a dp x dc Discord server under the nickname Jazz. Someone decided to post a Pinterest picture in the fanfic ideas channel. This is the conversation it created. I love this Discord server so much.
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Danny and Damain working together on school project together.
Or even Dani and Damian up to you.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny and Damian just sounds so much more funny to me.
Alrights 👌
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious
And they totally would act like this
crying lmao
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damien: Why wouldn't we shop at [the expensive place]? I am an heir-
Danny: taps the paper 2k a month. You gave up your money to make me feel more comfortable.
Damien: Why would I care about your comfort?
Danny: dramatic gasp How could say that about your husband?!
Damian: husband?! what "husband"?!
then proceeded to fight on types of toast and pricy vegetarian meals
Danny: look our family needs a balance diet, we can't live off vegetables alone! The very least we should mix it with some actual food like Ectoplasm.
(if Ectoplasm can be considered all kind of elements/a semi living organism since it revives things then any food brought to life should be counted as a beast of some kind)
Also counts since Danny lived off ectoplasm for a fair bit of his life so he would see it as a food source
Danny: me. I'm your husband, we agreed to marry to make it easier for the kids.
Damian: KIDS?!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Danny Jr and Damian Jr!
Danny: yes kids, don't tell me you forgot we had kids! I swear you'll say you forgot we have pets too!
Danny: shows the paper that says they have a pet and two kids
No wait, the ectoplasm comes last. Just the Wayne’s seeing Damian and this random kid fight about every single thing. Finally Damian comes home and says that they finally agreed on something.
The Wayne’s: finally. Looks like this is a good learning experience:
Damian: we have agreed to live off of Lazarus water.
And the best thing is that they might not know about Danny being a halfa. So they think Damian is now corrupting random citizens.
Cause like, they both grew up with Lazarus water/ectoplasm and know the nutritional value.
Great for child development too!
They both turned out great!
Alright now both Danny and Damian are fully into this project now they have at least a agreed idea on food
Because the project they have is this; budget for every day living
So they have food set out
There is now trying to keep the house running and kids/pets alive and entertained
Danny agrees that with his skills he can do the majority of repairs, Damian agrees to take responsibility of the pets
They are now having an argument on how children should be raised.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian is all for strict discipline, high standards of education, after school activities (he may not want his kids to be assassins but he still wants the best).
Danny's all for independence, finding your own way, encouragement and lots of love and support.
Damian: Do you want our children to grow up to be garbagemen?!
Danny: Do you know how much a garbageman makes?!
Danny grew up around a lot of physical affection and love from his folks, except around the time of the accident/the holidays he always knew his parents loved each other very very much.
Damian comes from such an emotionally constipated house hold that he only gets the majority of physical affection from Dick
This is so perfect.
Danny then says something that puts Damian’s entire world view into question.
Danny: is this how you would treat our pets?!
Damian: gasp how dare you, how very dare you!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
XD Danny, recounting the story later to Sam and Tucker: I swear, if he had pearls, he would've clutched them.
Me imagining Damian going to Dick to complain.
Damian: can you imagine?! Raising kids and hugging them! Or saying it’s ok to fail!
Dick’s face.
Damian complaining to his family: we might have agreed on living off Lazarus water, but now he wishes for our children to just go wild, then compared our pets to them!
Damian: obviously our pets would act nothing like those…savages.
It just keeps getting better~
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Waynes are listening to this kind of like a soap opera
Sam: wow Danny, at the very least your doing better then when you were partnered up with Val, like the majority of the time you were trying to pawn off raising the kid on each other until the flower was in danger, but I can't say much myself since Tucker pulled a Kronos.
Which opened a new can of worms; how much time were they going to take care and be there for their "kids" what kind of training would they go through
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: I learned from my mistakes. I wasn't ready to be a parent then.
Their whole class and teachers are watching it like a soap opera
The very least they get to see it live and not re counted
(Someone get popcorn, or they just get out their packed lunches early).
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Yes! The Waynes and Sam and Tucker get the play-by-play but the class gets to see the actual show!
No wait, someone records it and post it and then it goes viral. (Do they think that the Wayne’s make a lot more sense now hearing of how Damian thinks children should be raised?)
(Are there now more questions?!)
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Oooh. I can see people being even worse to Damian. Maybe pitying him because he grew up with so little love.
Then the next day Danny brings up the issue of child raising again since Sam makes a good point.
Danny: okay so I've re think a few things, mainly on occasion the kids should get self defense classes or something like that since it would make most sense to keep them safe. But beyond work and school activities how should we spend our time with them?
People see the two about to continue their conversation and immediately stop what they are doing to bring their phones out.
What if this becomes one of the most popular ‘dramas’? Like, so much in fact even villains will stop what they are doing to watch?
(because Danny comes from a physical affectionate house doesn't mean there was neglect from his folks working way too much)
Jazz pretty much raised him when it came to actual child care so Danny is determined to be there for his "kids"
Not just for the fun stuff or being pulled to random projects
They get super invested in this project.
Also, what if people intentionally goad them on? Like seeing them together and asking if a kid should be left alone at home or with a babysitter or what they’ll do during a blackout/tornado?
Surprisingly it's Danny who brings a big book of plans in case if emergencies
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Adonnenniel "Addy": - reply to students and citizens goading Danny and Damian on.
The teacher reworks their lesson plans to do an extended deep dive into home economics so that this can keep happening.
Some of the emergency responses are normal like, if there is a tornado, evacuate kids to a shelter, others are strange like arguing whether you should fight the burglar or prioritize the kids. Others are just plain weird. A blackout? Both Damian and Danny will turn to face the questioner. Obviously they’ll be able to see in the dark. (Effect of ectoplasm/Lazarus exposure).
Danny is even willing to share on the "in case of apocalypses" situations
Neither question why they know a massive amount of information about various world ending disasters/villains.
Oh and how they should pack bags for school and for emergencies
Omg, they make a kid survival kit. Including blasters and knives.
Danny insists they should put some of the survival kit stuff in the school bag
Everything a five year old should take to school.
Ooo discussion on how old their kids should be to learn about weapons and how to safely handle them
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Eight should be good.
Damian: Eight is way too late to start!
The fact that both agree this is a necessary subject to teach their kids. Everyone’s reaction to hearing various ways you can kill/dismember a person and why this won’t work. Not because it’s immoral but clearly because young kids don’t have the necessary arm length to complete certain maneuvers.
Damian: that's why we should put the kids into martial arts and gymnastics as soon as possible so  they can be flexible enough!
Danny: that’s why we should wait until their older and focus on their aim while young! Their muscle memory will be all wrong by the time they reach the appropriate age!
Damian: they will not always have a weapon to aim. The body is the only reliable weapon that will never fail.
Now to add extra into the mix; Bruce and Jazz (who is now Danny's legal guardian) show up to school to pick them up as they are in a middle of an argument
Danny: and who will be the one teaching them? Because proper teachers will be expensive, at least we can teach them at home how to aim properly! It can be a bonding experience!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Jazz: What are you talking about?
Danny: Teaching our young children proper aim.
Jazz: You will not!
Danny: I mean, you're obviously not going to teach them.
Damian: I can teach them perfectly fine.
Danny: what about work? You can’t be with them all the time. 
Damian: I can take them with me. We can travel around Gotham and learn to fight through experience. 
Danny: you are not taking our children to fight on the streets
Damian: what, didn’t you want us bonding?! Make up your mind!
Dick looking at Bruce. “This is your fault.”
Danny: You're not letting our children out on the streets, they will put too many people in the hospital! You have any idea how expensive that would be!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian casually dropping he's Robin?
Danny not even processing it.
Then casually stating he’s dead. Damian skipping that detail.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
XD They're too caught up in the roles.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Maybe afterwards, if they think back on it.
Like vigilantism and the dead coming back to life is normal for them. They are focusing on the children right now thank you.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
And then they both come up with the excuse "I was just adding to lore, it was all pretend!"
Not before this;
Damian: fine if you want to control our lives and children then we should just divorce!!
Danny: oh I’m controlling?!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Do they get Alfred to be the judge to oversee their divorce?
Danny: fine, our kids and pets will be happier with me anyways.
Damian: don’t you dare bring the pets into this.
Damian going to Bruce to use the Wayne lawyers for this imaginary family divorce.
He will win this.
Danny actually going to Vlad.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Vlad has been watching the whole time. He doesn't need to be brought up to speed.
Both of them are like, this is ridiculous. But on the other hand, my child actually asked for help from me for once.
Danny uses Dani as an example of a child that is better off with him
Adonnenniel "Addy":
And Jazz even brings it up to Bruce that if Damian didn't get to play like this as a young kid, he might be making up for lost time, in his own intense way.
Because that's what Danny is doing too
The absolute struggle both Bruce and Vlad go through on whether or not to actually do this and use up their lawyers, money, and resources.
The viral videos increase. 
Danny getting frustrated enough that he is tempted to get Clockwork to be the judge
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Bruce gets his other kids involved? They play as Damian's lawyers?
Dick is having a blast.
Then Sam comes in for Danny’s defense.
Both Tucker, Tim, and Barbra (possibly Technis) get into a hacking war.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Cujo and Titus become best friends.
Dani is still the example child
Tim is Damian’s example child.
Peepaw Clockwork comes in a human form to judges
Alfred and Clockwork have tea.
And discuss their kids.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim: I'm older than you! How am I your example child?!
Dick: whispers Hey, he's including you without stabbing you. Take the win.
Clockwork: I do hope they figure this all out before their legit kids are born~
Danny: finally stops, going into a blushing and betrayed look at Clockwork
Damian: who doesn't know Clockwork sees the future what on earth are you talking about, we barely are keeping together for the kids we do have!
Gestures to Tim and Dani
Tim: I’m. Older. Than you!
Damian. Then start acting like it.
Danny: (trying to recover) tsk tsk, how can you treat your son this way?
Damian: he’s adopted.
Danny: and she's a clone, doesn't mean they can't be loved and cared for as their own persons!
Danny: to prove a point he hugs both Dani and Tim, trying to smoother them with love and acceptance
Tim just looks so done with life at the moment.
Danny: plus our pets are adopted, yet you wouldn't love them any less
Critical hit.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny ends up adopting Tim by the end of this.
He wins Tim in the divorce.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim gets a new dad
Bruce doesn’t know how to feel about this.
This one says "I love you" and is into Tim's science projects
Dani’s like new sibling. Tackle Hugs.
And Danny doesn’t restrict coffee intake. He’s just as bad.
If anything he shows Tim a whole world of coffee mixes
Jazz though. Jazz is a bit of a problem with Coffee.
Tim and his new dad form an alliance.
Danny takes Tim to Frostbite to get a new spleen
Danny: see? I provide free healthcare.
Then proceeds to show off Tim: This is my boi, I won him!
All while Dani is giggling and clinging to their sides
Vlad is looking at Bruce very smugly.
Danny would show Tim and Dani off at school after this
Like: behold, my children!
It becomes public that Wayne enterprise’s CEO is Tim Fenton.
(and since I'm going with King Danny in this)
That means due to Danny winning and Tim becoming his kid, Tim Fenton is now the prince of the infinite realms along with his new sister Dani
Cass and Steph come back from a big trip once everything is over
They ask what happened. 
Jason gleefully explains that Bruce went to legal war with another billionaire over an imaginary family and ended up loosing Tim to them.
Also, that Damian might have a crush.
Because he just went through one of the best non injury fights of his life with this guy
And lost
Yet they do agree on a fair bit of things, and now know where their main issues are and can work on them.
The entire world witness this entire thing and there are going to be shippers.
Pft imagine the Justice League hearing about this~
Also just think, when they eventually do get together. That high school teacher is absolutely going to brag that it was their project that started this.
Jon might have a crisis on being replaced as Damian’s best friend. Someone explains the difference between boyfriend and normal friend and Jon’s like, ok that’s fine then.
Oh man, when Jon finds out everything that had happened
Jon would tell Conner
Conner hears about the clone comment.
Now Conner wants to be adopted.
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Danny be pulling a Bruce
Or would Bruce be pulling a Danny?
Omg, I just realized. Bruce Wayne lost a Custody battle.
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Major L
To a child
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Ain't Danny technically a god?
Still child
Who would definitely adopt Conner
Omg this is like a whole ass fic already, it’s soooo goood! I absolutely bursted out laughing at the “we plan to live off Lazarus water”
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Just got caught up and all I have to say is: 😂😂😂
Btw, I love the idea that Tim isn't legally adopted to Danny (by ghost standards, yes, not by mortal law) but he just goes with Danny cuz he's so done with his family.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Dani, Tim, Conner. Do we throw in reformed, de-aged Dan for shits and giggles?
Pfft yess
And Damian only finds out about Dan after the divorce
This re sparks everything into a new battle~
Damian is offended that Danny never told him about their other son Dan
Adonnenniel "Addy":
He wants visitation rights!
Damian wants to win Dan, like how Danny won Tim
Adonnenniel "Addy":
That makes more sense
Damian goes up to Dan and offers access to all sort of weapons, training/fights, being a heir to a different Kingdom, and possibly be ungrounded if he takes Damian's side in the new Custody battle
The Angst Queen:
When you catch up and burst out laughing
Also - I wanna add something
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Add, please!
The Angst Queen:
Damian would definitely pull a sword at some point - decide to attack and “miss” every time. He does not expect Danny to suddenly have an ice sword in hand. Do then they’re both going at it in a sword fight while still arguing about diaper brands
Damian - so then I attack him 
Dick - WHAT!?!? 
Damian - I know! He didn’t even have the decency to die! He pulled out his own sword! 
Dick in shock whispers - what
Damian - and he still refuses to consider Huggies! Insists on natural diapers!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Like when the arguments get too much they start sword fighting like the Adam's family
It's how they discuss things and keep up reaction times for both brain and body
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Do they fight in school or at the manor?
School, just to add more to the soap opera drama
And for the bats to keep missing the live actions of it
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Except Babs but that's obvious to know why
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Their sword fights go all around the school, interrupting other classes. The security guards or other teachers try to stop them but Danny'll just pull them into the argument. 
Teacher: walking up to them, trying to grab the swords Now, boys, this must stop!
Danny: leaps up onto a desk, put his arm around the teacher's neck as he's still fighting Damian Hey, you look like a reasonable man. Tell me, why would you ever want to buy a waste product all for brand recognition and not cut down waste and get reusable diapers?
Teacher: That's a very leading question and calls on a few logical fallacies-
Danny: shoves the teacher away as Damian leaps for an attack
And this is where Damian's crush really began
It's one thing to argue and have different trains of thought
It's another to have someone actually just as skilled as you in the battle of the sword and the mind
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Hopefully the castle is big enough for everyone
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim: You have a castle!? O_O
Conner: You have a castle!? : D
Danny: Yep!  Oh, and you two are now royalty!  Don't worry, you won't have to do anything unless you want to.
I wonder if Tim rubs it in his other semi siblings faces
Like Steph, Jason, and Damian's faces in particular
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Does Tim take a pic of everything in the realms?
Bruce Kal-el” Wayne:
Or try to
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim especially rubs being royalty in Damian's face.  He knows he should be better but damnit, Damian was/is all high and mighty about being the heir to the League of Assassins and Bruce's biological child - he stabbed Tim over it!  Tim gets to gloat a bit that he technically outranks Damian now!
Does this increase Damian’s crush on Danny? Damian tries to ask out Danny and makes it ‘rational’ by saying of course he needs to be higher ranked than Tim. While also trying to hide that isn’t the only reason why he wants to date Danny
(make Damian unintentionally ghost speak which reveals his true emotions and reasons as to why he wants to date Danny)
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian: I want to date him for no other reason than to one-up my once brother.  That's it.  Nothing else involved here.  Just pure revenge.  I will not let Tim outrank me in this life or the next.
Jason: Uh-huh. flipping to the next page of Pride and Prejudice  Have fun on your denial date.
Omg, imagine Damian formally asking Danny out on a date!
And Danny's like, despite the divorce, I want to give us another shot.
And the plot THICKENS
That's everyone's reactions 😁
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Where would they even go on a date?
Ooo what if they went to the museum
Or an art gallery
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Or a date to the literal moon
I don't think Damian would survive that well
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Ecto shield giving an artificial atmosphere
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian would take Danny to a museum or art gallery.
Danny will chose the next date and take him to the moon.
Then definitely the museum should be like the Glenbow Museum
This is just inside the front entrance
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It's called the aurora borealis
Because they make the crystals actually glow different colors
Adonnenniel "Addy":
This is a full on walk through section where you learn about the stars and First Nations
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Adonnenniel "Addy":
Holy shit, now I want to go to the Glenbow Museum.
Art pieces, and they also have a section for mid evil times and even mini battle fields
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The Angst Queen:
Side note - I bet Danny makes Damian work to get that date
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azuphere · 6 months
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sweet like cinnamon
insp by this photoshoot for the 'better kind of best friend' mv by xana
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goldenpinof · 1 year
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tol boi Danny for anon
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mrfroag · 1 year
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Joel said to draw his character in a dress and my god will I try to deliver
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