#never thought i'd be into a man in a white suit yet here we are
lovepollution · 10 months
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Luke Kirby attends the Prime Video 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' Finale Celebration at the Fonda Theater - 22nd May 2023
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roosterforme · 5 months
The Younger Kind Part 59 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: With your wedding on the horizon, it wasn't the best time for you to question your place with Bradley. But he's always patient, and Noah is perfect, and it doesn't take you long to realize that your husband-to-be is always going to see you in a different way than you see yourself. 
Warnings: pregnancy topics, swearing, blowjob smut, angst, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Now that you were looking at your wedding dress all spread out on the bed, you were afraid to try it on. It looked too perfect. Pristine and white. It was exactly how you imagined it would be when Natasha convinced you to order it, and it looked like it would fit like a glove over your belly which was starting to grow. But right now, you were feeling so overwhelmed. 
With your reduced work hours, you were home alone until Bradley and Noah got back in another hour or so. You had the whole place to yourself to do as you pleased. Plenty of time to try this thing on and send some photos to Natasha for her opinion. Then you could unwind with a glass of juice and a nice shower. But today was starting to feel like one of those days where Bradley's perfect bungalow on the perfect street in Coronado wasn't really where you belonged.
When you felt like you were in control of things, this was your castle. You were Bradley's Princess. You were Noah's Mommy. But today you felt like a fraud. Part of you was missing your little rental house where you could feel small and insignificant. Where you only had to take care of yourself. Were you really going to marry a man over a decade older than you? Were you really capable of raising not just Noah but a baby as well?
Mortification and embarrassment flooded your body as the dress mocked you from its place on the bed. You would never be deserving of anything as perfect as this soft fabric. Or this perfect life. Why did Bradley even want you?
You didn't hear him come in, but now you heard his heavy footfalls as his boots met the hallway floor. He was headed for the bedroom, and you were in tears, staring at the dress. You managed to throw the bedding and pillows on top of it as Bradley entered the room. 
"There you are. I was calling your name," he murmured, wrapping his arms around you from behind and letting his hands rest on your belly.
His touch was everything you always wanted, and he hadn't seen your tears yet. You tried to pull it together as you whispered, "Actually, you were calling my nickname."
"Same thing," he whispered, his nose pressed to your neck.
"You're home early," you said, wiping your eyes. "Did you pick Noah up?"
"Not yet," he said, trying to spin you around to face him. "I thought I'd pick you up first and see if you wanted to go out to dinner after we get him. And maybe we can hit the mall so you can help me choose something to wear for that minor, little occasion that's just around the corner also known as our wedding."
You tried to fight against his grasp on your shoulders, but he spun you easily in place. You'd been too slow to remove all traces of your tears and worry, and his face fell when he looked at you. "Sorry," you whispered. "I'm just having a weird day."
"What's wrong?" he demanded softly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes dipped down to your belly.
"We're fine," you whispered, wishing you could convince him that was true.
"Something's bothering you," he said, his brown eyes meeting yours. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No." Then you started crying as he collected you against his rough flight suit. "You didn't do anything wrong. I don't even know what's wrong! I just don't belong here."
You felt his body go rigid as he held you impossibly tighter. This time he did use your actual first name, and you had to force yourself to meet his eyes. He looked concerned as he asked, "You don't think you belong here? With me? I love you."
But you just shook as tears streamed down your face. You didn't know how to say what you were feeling, so you just started talking through your sobs. "It's perfect though. You know that, right?" you asked, gasping for air as he looked at you in silence. "Your house and your son, and all of it. Everything here is perfect, Bradley. And the wedding dress arrived," you sobbed, gesturing to where there was some white fabric peeking out from the bedding. "And even it's perfect, and I just feel like a fraud. Like I'm inserting myself where I don't even belong. And I don't know how to be a mom."
You had your face buried against his chest, and he let you cry. He didn't say a word, and you weren't sure if that was better or worse right now. He just rubbed his hands in slow circles along your back until you were able to swallow and take some deep breaths. Then he guided you back so you were sitting on the edge of the bed next to the messy bedding, and he knelt down in front of you. His big hand came up to your cheek, and he swiped away some of your tears as he spoke.
"If anything here seems perfect, I can assure you it's because you're here now. It feels perfect to me, too, but it didn't always."
You swallowed hard, letting him trace your bottom lip with his thumb as you whispered, "It didn't?"
Bradley shook his head, his brown eyes wide and sincere. "No. It never felt like this before I met you. You showed up and made everything better until it was perfect. It happened slowly, but I could feel something shift right from the start. Each day got better after Noah fell in love with having you here. And after I'd known you for just a few weeks, I never wanted you to leave."
"After just a few weeks?" you asked as his hands and voice soothed you.
"Yeah," he replied softly. "I knew it. I'm sorry you had to put up with so much shit before we got to the point where it felt perfect, but I knew I wanted you with us. And then I needed you with us. And now I need you to understand that you belong here as much as Noah and I do."
"And Skittles."
The pup popped out of her bed and ran over as soon as you said her name, but Bradley kept his eyes on your face. "Always Skittles. And I hate to break it to you, Princess, but you already are a mom. So stop lying and saying you don't know how to be one. You are Noah's mom, and he's happier than I've ever seen him."
You closed your eyes and let all of his words fade into you. "But the baby will be different," you whispered even as you understood that you did know what to do. You handled kids and babies all day long at work, and you did it with care even though they weren't your own. And you did love Noah like he was yours. "But I think I can do it."
When you slipped off the bed and into Bradley's arms, he cupped your face in those hands and examined you closely. "You're not gonna be doing anything alone, Princess. I'm right here."
You nodded and breathed him in, and you already felt better knowing that this house and Bradley and Noah weren't as perfect unless you were here with them. "Can we go pick Noah up and just come back here for the night? I think I feel better, but I just want to relax."
"Anything you want," Bradley promised, and you let your arms go around his neck so he could help you to your feet. "We can come right back here, where everything feels perfect thanks to you."
Bradley wasn't sure exactly what upset you so much earlier, but after you took a shower and ate dinner, he sent you and Noah to the couch to watch Mickey Mouse cartoons. When you paused in the doorway, you reached for him, and he went right to you with a soft kiss. You were wearing his sweatpants and an old tee shirt, and you belonged here. He didn't know how else to make you see that. But you seemed to understand it deep down where it mattered.
"I feel better," you whispered as he kissed your cheek. "My hormones are all over the place, and I'm always tired, but I do feel better. Thank you for being patient."
He was about to tell you that you didn't have to thank him for that when Noah called out. "Mommy? Are you coming?" 
A beautiful smile found your lips as Bradley said, "You belong here."
You nodded and turned toward the living room, leaving him in the kitchen to clean up. But he didn't want to have it any other way. He promised you he'd take care of everything around here, and that included wedding planning and decorating for Christmas. One problem was the fact that he barely had any decorations, because he barely had time to do anything before you. The other problem was that you were clearly worn out this week after Disneyland, but he needed your input for the rest of the planning.
After loading the dishwasher, Bradley paused and decided to make you some decaffeinated coffee in his Aviators Look Down on Others mug with an extra dollop of French vanilla creamer. He let it cool on the counter for a few minutes while he wiped down the table, and then he took a sip for himself before heading into the living room. Noah was curled up on your lap, and your fingers were gliding gently in his hair as the two of you watched your show together. 
"This is where you belong," he whispered, and you turned to look at him. 
"I know," you said with a soft smile.
Bradley snuggled in carefully next to you and handed you the mug, and soon Noah started to fall asleep. When your head came to rest on his shoulder, Bradley said, "How do you feel about me asking Amelia if she can babysit Noah on Saturday so I can take you on a date?"
"A date?" you asked softly. 
"Mmmm," he hummed. "Maybe go old school and do dinner and a movie. Something other than pizza and an animated classic. Actually leave the house and stay out past eight o'clock."
You laughed softly as Bradley pushed Noah's soft curls back from his forehead. "You do like to go old school, Daddy."
He rolled his eyes but smiled. "So is that a yes?"
"That's a hell yes," you replied. "A date with my hot baby dad sounds nice. And thanks for letting me have a freak out earlier." You looked up at him with his mug in your hands and his son sprawled halfway across your lap. "I love you, too. And I'm totally ready to get married." 
He let your words settle in his mind. There was so much to do. The extra bedroom still needed some work if it was to become the nursery. There were still a few things to finalize for the wedding. But he wanted to do all of it, and that included enjoying every moment with you. 
"Well that's good, because I'm totally ready to get married to you, Baby." He kissed your forehead and said, "I'll carry Noah to bed, and then I'll text Amelia and Penny."
When he stood with Noah curled up against his chest, you got to your feet as well, and Bradley's heart leapt as you told him, "I think I feel like trying on my wedding dress now."
"Yeah? You need any help with that?"
You shook your head and stretched, and the soft swell of all your curves was accentuated by your bump. You kissed him softly like he wasn't completely entranced by you. Like he wasn't aching to tuck Noah in and follow you to the bedroom.
"I think I'll keep it a surprise. You can see it on me in a few weeks," you said with a little smirk as he started following you toward the bedrooms.
Every mention of the wedding left him throbbing for you. When you started to close the bedroom door behind you, Bradley said, "As soon as you're undressed again and in bed, you let me know, and I'll be right in."
"Yes, Daddy."
As Bradley pulled the Bronco out of the driveway, you waved to Noah and Amelia on the porch. Bradley let you pick the spot for dinner, but he said he was in charge of the movie. Then he mentioned something special that he wanted to get on the way there.
"What's the special surprise?" you asked several times as he drove. "You're just teasing me at this point."
He gave you side eye and reached for your hand. "Thought you liked that sort of thing."
You had to bite your lip to keep from laughing and encouraging him. "I like it when you do it in bed a lot more."
He hummed like he was mulling over your words. "Then consider this some quality foreplay: you'll learn what the special surprise is when we get there, and not a moment before."
You moaned like you were in pleasure, and you felt the Bronco jerk a little to the right as Bradley's hand tightened around your fingers. You burst out laughing and looked over at him. "I love it when you talk Daddy to me. Oops, I mean talk dirty."
"You keep moaning like that, and I'll drive off the damn road," he muttered, checking the mirrors and changing lanes.
When he turned right and drove a block, you saw Sweet Dreams Bakery. "Oh, wait," you said, pointing out the window. "That's where you got the princess crown donuts!"
Bradley pulled past and found a spot where he could parallel park. "Yeah, and we can stop later after we buy the special items."
"Oh, we're shopping now?" you asked, happy you brought your credit card along to keep teasing him.
"We are," he confirmed, and when he helped you down from the Bronco, you realized he parked right outside a jewelry store. He led you inside and said, "Shopping for our wedding bands."
You wrapped your arms around his waist, and bounced up and down a bit. You had been making yourself giddy over the idea of Bradley wearing a ring. He was literally letting you stake your claim with something visible, and if your moan in the Bronco was intended to wind him up, the one that just escaped you was one hundred percent authentic.
His dark eyes were locked onto your lips as he whispered, "Behave." 
A sales clerk with a bright smile was headed your way, and Bradley squeezed your hip in warning when she said, "Hi, Mr. Bradshaw."
You looked at Bradley with raised brows. How many times had he been here that they remembered him. "Are you here to pickup your special order?"
"Special order?" you asked as Bradley's cheeks grew pink.
"Uh, we're here to pick out weddings bands," he said, avoiding your eyes.
"Perfect," said the sales clerk, and she was immediately leading the way over to a display case. You were ready to dig your feet in and demand more information about Bradley's special order and why they knew him by name here, but he took you by the hand and tugged you gently along.
You pressed your lips together to keep quiet as you remembered that Casey lived in this neighborhood; you were really starting to dislike the idea of Bradley hanging around here when your eyes settled on a tray of men's wedding rings. "Oh," you said softly.
Bradley kissed your temple and whispered, "Tell me which ones you want me to try on for you, Princess." 
You pointed to the plain band right in the middle, and you knew before he even put it on that it was going to be perfect. He picked it up with his right hand and slid it onto his left ring finger. It was a little thicker than a traditional band, and once he had it on, he held his hand up for your inspection. 
"It's perfect," you told him, your voice a little breathless. 
"You want me to try on any others?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. 
You kissed the edge of his mustache, letting your body clench at the rough feel of it. "No."
"You sure?" he whispered.
He removed the ring and handed it to the woman who worked there. "This one," he told her while he kept his eyes on you. "It's perfect."
When it was your turn to try some on, Bradley stood behind you with his chin resting on your shoulder. You started to reach for the plain bands that would match with your enormous diamond ring, but Bradley said, "What about one like that? With the little diamonds that go all the way around?"
It was gorgeous. You should have known he'd point out something spectacular looking when you considered how pretty your engagement ring was. "Bradley, it probably costs ten times more than the plain one. Besides, the plain one kind of looks like yours."
When you glanced at him over your shoulder, you were met with those Bradshaw brown eyes that you couldn't seem to say no to. "Humor me?"
So you slid it on with a soft sigh, because it was incredible. "I do like it," you told him, trying to take it off again, but he stopped you with both of his hands. 
"Then we should get it."
You tore your gaze away from him and asked the woman, "What's the price difference?"
"Please don't tell her that." You turned back to Bradley to glare at him, but of course you didn't get an answer about the price. He had the upper hand in this store. "If the price didn't matter, would you want this one?" he asked you, tapping the ring where it was still sitting on your finger.
"Maybe," you whispered. "But the plain one is just as-"
"You're not plain. You're a Princess."
The kiss you gave him was a little indecent, but you didn't really care. He slid the ring from your finger as you tasted his mouth, and you assumed he gave it to the saleswoman so he could buy it for you. You just didn't want to let go of him as his big hands moved down your sides to your belly, and then he broke the kids.
"I would get you anything you want," he whispered, his lips ghosting along yours. "Same goes for both of my kids. Now let's get dinner before we miss the movie."
You tried to pay with your credit card, but this time he shook his head and told you to put it away. The woman was discreet when she ran his card, and then she handed Bradley a bag way bigger than was necessary for two, small rings.
"Is there something for me in the bag besides the wedding band?" you asked, trying to grab it when he led you back outside.
"Maybe," he muttered. "How about you stop asking about it, and I'll buy you some donuts."
Your stomach growled pleasantly at the thought. "Great idea. We can have dessert before dinner and the movie."
Bradley smirked. "And then after the movie, we can have another round of dessert."
Bradley couldn't get enough of watching you eat your dinner with your hand occasionally pressed to your belly as you chatted away. He wasn't too concerned about the way you'd been overwhelmed to the point of tears a few days ago. You were tired and pregnant and working and busy being a Mom to Noah. Your hormones were changing again after the progesterone shots ended, and he knew it was a lot. Honestly, it was a lot for him to process, too.
But tonight you looked like you always did. Young and perfect and vibrant as you told him a story about something that happened at work. You ate and ate, picking up another piece of garlic bread after you told him you were getting full.
"If you're still hungry, we can always skip the movie," he mused, and you paused as you ran the last bit of bread through the sauce on your plate.
"Oh my goodness," you said, eyes wide. "I didn't know I was basically inhaling my food."
He just shrugged as he said, "Well, you are gaining weight."
A smile found your lips, and then they were twitching before you started laughing. "Wow, Bradley. You got all the smooth lines. It's a wonder none of your app dates were successful."
He hooked your feet with his under the table as you tried to stop laughing. "That was entirely your fault. It had nothing to do with my lines, because I wasn't trying very hard. And you're supposed to be gaining weight."
You were still grinning as you said, "Once again, coming in hot with the seduction."
You were still teasing him when he signed the credit card receipt and stood. He helped you to your feet and said, "Maybe I was just saving all my worst lines to use on you. Make sure you really love me. You ever think of that, Princess?" 
"It worked," you told him. "I actually do love you. And I especially can't wait for you to start wearing your wedding band." You gasped as he held the restaurant door open for you. "What are we going to do for music for the wedding? We don't have a wedding band."
"Oh," he said with a laugh. "I made a playlist." 
 "You made a playlist?"
"Yeah, you wanna hear it while I drive to the movie theater?"
He handed you his phone and let you start up the playlist. The first song was okay. So was the second one. You skipped along a few more songs, and then you looked at him while he drove and said, "It's all your old people music."
"Damn. Who's being rude now?" he laughed. 
"It's just that it's all from the '80s!"
"So am I."
"Bradley! Be so serious!"
"What? You know how old I am."
"I'm adding some things to the playlist, and if I find the Electric Slide in here, I'm deleting it."
Bradley ran his palm across his mouth and said, "There's my little brat."
You sat up straighter in your seat, clearly proud of yourself as you tapped away on his phone screen. It was so hard to surprise you; the way you reasoned through things was exquisite. He should have known you'd call him out on the extra item from the jewelry store, and now you were glancing out the window as he pulled past the movie theater.
"Throwback '80s night?" you said, reading the marquee out loud. "Bradley Bradshaw!"
"Okay, fine," he said, parking and killing the engine. "I'm old, and I like old shit. But really, the movie selection was just for you, Princess."
You turned and looked at the marquee again as it changed to show the retro film of the night. "Adventures in Babysitting!"
Bradley pulled some of the cash from the spot behind the TV and gave it to Amelia as she collected her belongings. She and Noah made some art projects together which she said were drying on the kitchen table, and once again, she offered to watch him anytime.
"He's the sweetest little guy," she promised as her eyes dipped down to your belly. "But you'll have to pay me more to watch two."
"We can negotiate your rate when the time comes," Bradley said with a laugh while he opened the front door.
She walked along the path to her parked car, and Bradley made sure it started up before he shut the door. He was turning the lock as he asked, "Did you like the movie?" But then his hand froze when he realized where your fingers were.
"I did," you promised, pulling his jeans zipper down over his considerable bulge. He wasn't even hard yet, but you were already so turned on. "Wanna go on your own adventure? With your former babysitter?"
You weren't subtle as you looked up at him and licked your lips, tugging him gently toward the couch. "If I ever say no to you, then there's something seriously wrong with me," he groaned, letting you pull his jeans and underwear down so his soft length hung out from beneath his shirt. 
When he dropped down onto the cushion, you dragged his jeans down to his calves so he could spread his legs open a little wider. You kissed his tip and he made a soft sound at the back of his throat as he started to get hard. You dragged your hands up and back down his full length, keeping your eyes locked on his. "Hi, Daddy," you whispered before dragging your tongue along the pretty bead of his precum, enjoying the way he throbbed.
"Hi, Princess," he managed as you smiled up at him. His voice sounded strained as you moved slowly and meticulously, stroking him until he was rock hard.
Right before you took him between your lips, you said, "We're getting married." You smiled around his length as he whined your name, and you let him thrust until he tapped the back of your throat. Then you sucked along his length, inch by inch, until he popped free from your lips, and you whispered, "And we're having a baby."
His fingers found your cheek, his skin a little rough against your face as you rested your head on his thigh. Bradley's eyes were glued to yours, watching you with wide pupils as you lazily kitten licked his cock and stroked his balls with your thumb. "You look so pretty like this," he rasped, and you kissed him before continuing with your little licks. "You're gorgeous when you're driving me out of my mind."
You giggled softly, and his cock throbbed against your lips. "I like teasing you."
Bradley grunted, his fingers tipping your chin up as he said, "I can fucking tell. And you can tease me all you want as long as you suck me off in the living room for the rest of my life."
You licked his length and whispered, "I'll put it in my wedding vows." Then he guided your parted lips around his cock again, and he moaned in satisfaction as you took him deep. 
His stamina was commendable like always. You gagged yourself on him over and over until your saliva was dripping down your chin and his balls. You gripped at his thighs as he thrust up to meet you with his fingers gentle on your face. And all the while, he words were sweet in comparison to the rough hairs rubbing your lip and the tears burning your eyes. 
"You're perfect, Baby. Can't get enough. Gonna marry you... my beautiful Princess."
When he finally came, you were sputtering and practically in tears before scrambling up onto his lap as he told you he loved you. Bradley's hands found your belly as you kissed him. 
"I love you too, Daddy," you whispered before he dipped his tongue between your lips to taste himself. Soon you and he would be married. You were pregnant and exhausted and letting him do most of the planning, but it would be great. No matter what happened on your wedding day, it would be perfect. You'd have Bradley and Noah as your family. The baby was healthy. You didn't want to overthink how you belonged here and fit with them. You knew that you did, even when it was hard to see yourself the way Bradley always seemed to. You snuggled against him and said, "I think you're perfect, too."
I love this family. The next chapter was originally going to be their wedding, but I got some asks about Bradley's bachelor party, and well now I'm intrigued. So there may be one more chapter than I anticipated! If you have DILF Bradley bachelor party thoughts, please let me know. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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celestie0 · 7 months
nanami kento x reader | drabble
coney island. where did my lover go?
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"𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲."
ᰔ pairing. husband nanami x wife reader (f)
ᰔ summary. you're sitting on a bench in coney island, the place you and nanami met all those years ago, to talk about where your relationship went wrong. heavily inspired by the song "coney island" by taylor swift from her album 'evermore'
ᰔ warnings/tags. some pretty heavy angst. mention of blood/wounds.
ᰔ word count. 1.3k
a/n. hellooo i just had an itching to write something angsty, and i came up with something while listening to music. hope you enjoy :')
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you're sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering why nanami hasn't arrived by your side yet.
pulling back the sleeve of your blouse, you glance at your watch. the evening has settled in, and it was well past the time the two of you had agreed to meet. here, where everything began all those years ago. this place, where your soul has been left to bleed dry.
it was nanami who told you not to feed the ducks any bread. before you knew him, that was all you would do. white milk bread, torn apart into pieces, tossed into the pond in front of this bench for the quacking ducks to feed on with delight. but nanami told you that's not right. he told you that the ducks cannot digest the bread the same way that you and him do. you can relate to the ducks today, unable to absorb and understand the pain within you, and in a blink of an eye, that pain takes a seat next to you.
"hello, sweetheart," nanami says, voice soft as it always is. his familiar stature is beside you in your periphery.
your eyes flicker to your watch once more. "you're late, ken."
"i know," is all he says. "forgive me?"
you do.
"i thought you were lost somewhere," you tell him, the thought sending a shiver through you. or perhaps it was the cold.
"i wasn't lost. i could never be lost, coming to this place," he assures. you glance at the skin on his hands. he looks pale, like he hasn't seen the sun in days.
you still wonder if he's lost. you wonder if that man you loved was still out there somewhere, simply wandering, trying to find his way back to you. but the disappointment is palpable, and when you close your eyes tight, the chill of the air once again bites through your bones to silence all your hope.
"i looked for you everywhere. do you know that?" you say to him. "at the park entry, across the field. by the church. i even walked by the merry-go. and i cried when i couldn't see you standing there to watch me on the blue pegasus."
from the corner of your eye, you see him turn his head to glance at you. you can see he's wearing a grey suit, the same one he wore exactly one year ago today. the one you said goodbye to him in. "it's been a long time, love. i'd wish you would let those memories go."
"we were supposed to be married forever," you barely whisper, glancing down at your ring still adorning your left hand. your eyes flicker to his hand, and the absence of the silver promise on his finger makes your soul sulk. "you've moved on from me, haven't you?"
nanami rubs his left finger with his thumb, like the sensation of the ring was a phantom limb. "i have. and i want you to move on from me as well. one day, you'll be too old to care. so don't spend another moment of your youth thinking about me."
your youth was him, from the day you met him on this bench. sprawled across it on a warm summer tuesday, reading your paperback of les misérables that had a worn out spine, gust of wind peeling a sticky note away from the page and delivering it to the front of this tall, handsome man that was walking by. he had bent down to pick it up for you, and curiously chose to read it first before handing it back. 'to love or have loved, that is enough' it said, one of your favorite quotes from the book. you didn't know what it meant at the time, but you knew what it meant now.
"were we just fools, ken?" you ask him out of nowhere. "if i had tried harder, could we have still been together? if i had let you know what it takes to be by my side, would you have still chosen to fall in love with me in the first place? how can i shake the thought that this was all a mistake?"
he shifts in his seat beside you. you still can't brave yourself to look at him. you haven't looked him in the eyes once this entire time. and you register that there's no heat from his body, leaving you feeling barren and cold.
"i would've loved you in any lifetime. there is nothing you could have done that would've kept me away," he tells you.
"so then you'll haunt me in every lifetime, too?" you ask. "a universe away from here, i'll still see your face everywhere i go?"
"no. i agreed to meet you here today to tell you that it's finally time for you to forget. those dreams of ours, of suburban holidays and tiny fingers, they can belong to someone else," he says to you, "they should belong to someone else."
you shake your head, feeling tears prickle in your eyes. christmas, winter snow, the oaky warmth of the fireplace. fresh spring air, wildflower blossoms, trees turned lush and new. salty air, summer breeze, mist of sprinklers over brown grass and skin. but by the time autumn came, there was nothing left but heartache.
"what if i asked for your forgiveness?" you say. your hands play with the bag of white bread in your lap. you thought he would scold you for it, for not remembering the wellbeing of the ducks, but truthfully you had simply forgotten. because it was like you were the version of yourself before meeting him, and you needed him to save you again.
"there's nothing to forgive," he replies. his voice is hoarse, like he's running out of air to breathe as the sun begins to set over the horizon. like this time spent together was something bought, not gifted.
"i'm sorry," you say, because you felt like you needed to say those words. "i'm sorry for how mean i was to you the last time we spoke. i don't know what got over me, but i really wish you had just stayed." your eyes prick with tears as you stare down at your lap. "i wish you weren't so quick to leave my side, even though i told you to go."
nanami places a hand over yours. you finally notice the scars and open cuts, fresh with blood. "i know, darling. as much as it troubled me to leave, i didn't want to stay and hurt you anymore."
you felt suffocated. "if i could turn back time, i would. i would go back to that moment, last week. and i would tell you to stay, so that i could've had you for the rest of a lifetime."
his thumb runs circles over the skin of your hand, but the movement is rigid and stiff. "was it last week?"
"it was." you're not mistaken, but he will try to convince you otherwise.
"i don't think so, darling."
"it was last week."
"it's been much longer than that. fifty-two fold longer."
yes. today was the anniversary. of when you buried him in the grey suit that he wears right now.
"you see my face wherever you go, hm?" nanami says to you as the tears begin to freely flow down your face. "well, when i got into the accident, the last sight that flashed before me was your face. i'm happy. i'm so happy that the last person i thought of was you."
blinking, wet drops falling onto his pale hand in your lap. "you should've stayed," you whisper. "that night, you should've just stayed with me. i would've said sorry, and i would've loved you forever."
you're sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering where your lover went. because when the sun dips underneath the horizon, his hand disappears from your lap, and you finally turn your head to look at him. but he's gone.
and when you blink the blur of salty tears from your eyes, you realize you were never sitting on that bench, waiting for him. you were standing in front of his gravestone, hoping that he'll talk to you again someday.
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a/n. gege would love this one
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nejiverse · 1 year
Sae, Shidou, Nagi, Reo
In which i write scenarios of you and the boys both being spiderman. Fem! Spiderman! Reader
cw: mention of feet in sae's, shidou being as foul as ever (what's new), suggestive, reo and shidou trynna rizz y/n up fr, maybe ooc reo, implied reader is shorter than shidou ….is it bad that the only spiderman i’ve seen is the two spiderverse movies?💀
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1.6k words
You were sitting on Sae's couch, your legs flung over said man's shoulders who was sitting on the floor in front of you with his back against the couch. You were both clad in your suits but with no masks on.
"How'd you think your fans would react if I took a picture of you right now painting another woman's nails", you poked at his head, running a hand through his hair.
He dipped the brush into the white nail polish once again and added a second coat onto your toe.
"You've got fans too. I'm sure i'd make good money out of selling your feet pics", he retorted.
You smacked his head repeatedly, cringing at the sheer thought of him doing that. Despite the fact that it hasn't even happened yet (nor will it ever happen on your watch) you could still feel the embarrassment. "I'd be mortified! Please don't ever do that", you pleaded.
"Alright, alright. You're about to concuss me", he took a hold of your wrist and quickly laid a small kiss on your gloved wrist.
"I would never do that...probably".
You stretched the neck of his suit out, catching a glimpse of the hickeys littered on the back of his neck from your earlier makeout session before snapping it back against his skin.
He hissed in pain and rubbed the back of his neck, turning around and giving you a scowl. A fake one. He wasn't really upset about it.
Once you noticed he was done painting your nails, you brought your legs down from over his shoulders and leaned his head backwards so that his head was in between your thighs as you cradled his cheeks in your palms.
"On second thought, I should've taken the picture...I want all of your fans to know you're mine", you grinned, soaking in his blue eyes that were curtained with long lustrous eyelashes.
"I wouldn't give any other woman the time of day anyway, you know that", he said. "Besides we can't reveal our identities...idiot", he flicked your forehead.
"Oh right!", you laughed sheepishly.
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A harsh slap to your ass and you already knew who the culprit was.
You turn around with a scowl on your face as you rubbed a soothing hand against your ass. That would definitely leave a mark.
"I come here to think and now I've lost my train of thought because of you!".
"You look so hot today, I couldn't help myself", he shrugged his shoulders.
You folded your arms against your chest.
"We're wearing the same damn thing, slap your own ass", you retorted. You shook your head and sat down against the ledge. "Im seriously gonna take up Rin's offer of getting you a damn cage", you spat.
Shidou had a frown on his face now from hearing…..his name.
He looked down at you. "You talk to that loser?".
You didn't respond. Shidou poked at your side with his foot. You merely kept ignoring him.
Shidou chuckled under his breath, taking a seat next to you.
"Y'know you're really hot when you're mad at me".
Nothing. Not even a reaction.
He narrowed his eyes and reached out to your face, taking your mask off. It was only fair he catch a glimpse of your face since he took his off ages ago.
An amused grin grew on Shidou's face when he feasted his eyes on your flustered face.
He chuckled lowly. "Did I really get you this worked up? Little ol' me?", he teased.
You reach over to get your mask back from him. "Give it back!", he did exactly the opposite.
He got up and held the mask over his head, using his height and build as an advantage. You got up after him, trying to get it back as you went on your tiptoes and held you arm up a high as you can.
Shidou glanced at your unimpressed glare on your face and your chest against his, feeling a sense of superiority wash over him.
He leaned down and kissed you lips, his hand coming to the back of your head and pushing your body flush against his once again.
He bit on your lip softly, causing your grip on his chest to tighten. He pulled away a bit, but his lips were still very close to yours.
"You're strange", you said against his lips.
He pecked your lips once more before placing you mask over your head. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy that", he snickered.
You shot some webs from your wrist, one going around his wrists and his legs, causing him to fall back onto the ground.
"Wow Y/n I never knew you were into this kinda thing~", he taunted at which you gritted your teeth at his annoying personality.
"Shut up! And stop using my real name", you muttered, walking closer to the ledge preparing to ditch Shidou and jump off until he told you to wait.
"What now?".
"Day 16 of asking you to sit on my face?".
"Absolutely not".
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You hated when interviewers and reporters crowded you whenever you finish defeating a tough enemy.
Couldn't they understand that it was exhausting and you needed space to at least breathe??
You swung between a few structures before landing in a quiet alleyway and slid your suit off your shoulders and out of your arms, taking the bandage wrap you stole from one of the ambulances on sight and used it to wrap the wound on your arm.
"You hurt yourself every time", a voice chimed in.
You looked up and were startled by Nagi's face who was very much in your personal space. He was hanging upside down from a building and you backed away a bit.
"And you show up after the fight every time", you rolled your eyes playfully.
"I was asleep and getting up was a hassle", he yawned.
"You said that the last time too", you finished wrapping your arm and put on your suit fully again.
You walked closer to him again and pinched his cheeks, stretching and pulling them.
"Your Spiderman now, not just Nagi Seishiro", you giggled.
"Mmm. Spiderman needs a kiss", he looked down at your lips which were upturned into a smile.
You tilted your head. "Does Spiderman need a kiss? Or is it actually Sei that wants one?".
You chuckled and leaned closer to his lips. Nagi beat you to the punch and seized your lips before you could do just that. His kiss was needy, he did everything in his power to deepen it, pushing his head closer to yours if that was even possible, cradling your head in his free hand. You were starting to think he was a better kisser when he was upside down.
You parted your lips from his, Nagi chasing you lips for more as he came down and held your waist.
"One more for Sei", he muttered. "That one was for Spiderman".
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"That stupid Reo", you muttered from the top of a building as you looked down upon the purple haired man helping the civilians out from the rubble.
"Stupid stupid Reo", you continued. "Always stealing my spotlight".
Suddenly you heard a voice from behind you.
"Who's stupid?".
Your shoulders jerked up and you turned your head sharply, being startled by that voice you were very much familiar with.
You scowled. "How the hell did you get up here so fast??"
Reo puffed out his chest proudly. "Magic".
You rolled your eyes— even though he couldn't see it— and hopped onto various buildings. You were ready to go home and go to sleep.
"There can't be two spidermans around here", you spoke loudly because you knew he wasn't far behind you. Reo had a habit of following you around like a lost puppy.
"There isn't two spidermans silly", he chuckled. "I'm spiderman and you're spiderwoman".
"No no. I'm also spiderman. I always knew you weren't— ".
You stopped in your tracks, turning around to face Reo who wasn't able to stop in time, resulting in him clashing into you and the both of you falling back off the building.
You both yelped, thinking of ways to stop yourselves from plummeting to your deaths.
Unfortunately, both you and Reo's first thought was to shoot two webs at the buildings to your left and to your right.
The reason why it was unfortunate was because your webs got tangled up and you two ended up slamming into each other, bodies right up against each other and webs tangled around you two.
If any civilians were to decide to look up at the sky, they would certainly think they were gone crazy.
"...A feminist", you finished your previous sentence and gave Reo and unimpressed look. "Is this your way of flirting?", you deadpanned.
"Is it working?".
"Then I guess it's not", Reo sighed.
masterlist :)
a/n: spider man nagi is definitely my favourite, lmk yall’s favourite 😌 also let’s take a minute to appreciate this fanart (sshiroixx on twitter)
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 2 months
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❧ 11. 2009 Disney
❧ Masterlist - Previous - Next
❧ A/N: SO this took a very long time, IM SORRY.
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"Wow, it actually smells normal in here."
"This is an academy arena, y/n. Not a stinky high school gym."
The latter portion of the statement was accompanied by a disapproving head shake by the white-haired soccer player. As you battled the urge to flick him, a playful squint was provided in return.
Of course, you knew that much. But it was the first time you had entered a sports arena without being met with a ghastly odour.
"Can you two pause the bickering? I want to find good seats." Reo had purposefully maintained a distance from the pair and elected to lead the charge. The match was scheduled to start in an hour, meaning they would have the first pick at seats.
Over the last few weeks, Reo had developed an attachment to some of the volleyball players - specifically Kuroo and Bokuto. Although goofy at times, the duo embodied brotherly love. Accordingly, he was excited to see them engaged in the sport of their choosing.
"Dude, are you a fanboy or what?" It was natural for Nagi to shift his attention to his best friend when given an "unreasonable" request. "Because why do you look more excited to be here than your sister."
"Shut up, man." The purple-haired boy waved off the comments with a gentle hand gesture. Though, he could see you clenching your jaw from the side of his eye.
"What does that mean? I do not know what you are insinuating, but I am here for my best friend Oikawa Tooru! That's it." A tiny huff accompanied your declaration, but the younger boy only snickered in response.
"Left side or right side?" The inquiry was posed out loud, but it was mostly for himself. "Right side, yeah. Closer to our home team." Reo made the decision unilaterally, before proceeding down the stairs towards the front row. This time, he did not bother to glance back at the two individuals he had entered with. They would find him again at some point. Evidently, his priorities were different than yours.
"We'll see who you actually came for soon enough, little miss." A wiggle was delivered to Nagi's eyebrows as he slipped past you before jogging to catch up to Reo.
You were about to proclaim your innocence again to the disinterested boy when a gentle hand tapped your shoulder. The sudden contact prompted you to straighten your spine on instinct. Interactions with unknown parties would activate performer y/n - it was a habit you were striving to break.
But the second you shifted your body to acknowledge your captor, a strange sense of relief flooded your body and silenced the sirens ringing in your head.
It was the first time you had experienced such a reaction to someone who wasn't your brother, Nagi or Oikawa.
"Looks like the ice princess made it." The black-haired male displayed a flashy grin while resting his hands against his hips. "You're even dressed in our school colours. Who knew you had so much school spirit."
"If you're trying to hurt my feelings, I'd suggest you try harder." It was clear he was teasing you without any malicious intentions, and yet you could not bite back a snarky retort. "I guess you might feel threatened, as these colours suit me much better."
A sharp glance was administered from the bottom of his shoes, until the pointed tip of his hair. The judgment was evident in how your eyelids were drooped, but the truth was...
He looked ... attractive. The school tracksuit suited him far too much for your liking. In fact, he could even pass for a damn model. You would know - as you've met hundreds since you were a child. That being said, you would never in your wildest dreams, admit such a thought.
"You know, I think we can both agree on that." Kuroo lowered his voice just a smidge as he took in your figure with an appreciative nod. The gesture communicated defeat with no hostility. As if he was content with you outshining him.
It made your stomach churn with an unrecognizable feeling. Just when did your insides turn into a damn washing machine?!
With a quick shake of your head, you mentally banished the sensations filling your body. Kuroo simply exhaled a chuckle, seemingly knowing your inner conflict.
"Bangs, don't you have a game to warm up for?" Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, your gaze was cast to the empty volleyball court below. Maintaining eye contact with a sly cat was no longer viable. "We don't need any unnecessary accidents on the court. So I'd suggest you go."
"Oh, are you worried about my safety now?" The outside hitter raised an eyebrow at you, with curiosity shimmering in his eyes. "Don't worry, I still have enough time. Our Captain is the reason I'm out here anyway. He needed to grab something from a friend." When your attention refused to return to him, Kuroo scanned the space for Bokuto while running a hand through his hair.
"Is your captain Bokuto? I share a class with him." For some bizarre reason, you continued your conversation with him. Your mind was whispering - begging - you to return to Reo and Nagi. Yet your heart took control over your vocal cords and feet.
Was it not the slightest bit nice to speak with someone new? Someone you didn't have to pretend with?
"Yeah! Kou mentioned you guys have a project together coming up." A low laugh rumbled in his chest at the thought of you and Bokuto working together. Oh, it would be chaos. "When the two of you eventually lose your shit, please call me. I'm great at mediating."
"Somehow I truly doubt that." Exhaling a soft sigh, your y/e/c irises reluctantly returned to meet Kuroo's adoring gaze. The two of you had only known each other for a limited time, and yet his eyes practically sparkled whenever he was near you. "Well, may-"
Suddenly, the person you were both discussing burst into the scene. His voice booming and cutting off the words dancing at the tip of your tongue. Perhaps you would have experienced annoyance in that moment, but the owl-haired male was not alone. In fact, he was accompanied by your favourite mocha-haired setter.
"Where the hell have you been? I got the bag from Akaashi and ran into Oiks. Let's go and get warmed up!" It took Bokuto a few additional seconds to discover that his friend was also not alone. "OH! Was I disturbing something?"
Kuroo was about to answer, his lips parting - when you raised a hand and quickly spoke up.
"No. I was just about to return to my seat. Tooru, can you spare me a moment? Reo and Nagi are also here. We should say hi." A polite smile was draped along your lips and it caught only one person by surprise. The abrupt personality change was expected by one, and unnoticeable to the other.
Kuroo found it odd, yet kept his lips pressed together.
"Yeah, sure. Let's go, y/n." Oikawa mirrored your expression, before extending a hand out in your direction. "My lady, lead the way."
"Good luck on the game today." A respectful bow was administered to your head as you accepted your best friend's hand. A calm exterior masked the inner tornado of emotions that tormented your mind upon your exit.
And what bothered you the most was Kuroo's expression upon seeing your hand in Oikawa's.
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TAGLIST: @boosyboo9206 @valleyofheartz @hunnie-lily @pearl-blue-musings @moonlit-mizukage @lilith412426 @veecynii @aquariarose @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @seijurosempress @lixie-phoria @yeehawslap @gigiiiiislife @skylarkalchemist
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ferrocyan · 17 days
ffxiv write day 7 - morsel
aspen opens his eyes. huh, he thinks, that's new.
he hasn't been picked to manifest in.. gracious, must be decades now? he doesn't mind too much. he'd died young but without regrets, he thought--the one who had some for him was adele. aspen feels sorry for her, even now. wonders if she stuck around after he dissipated back into the cloud.
come to think of it, he's about nearing dissipation right now. he's only been an endless once but it was different for sure. his aether was thicker and more whole, though now he's plenty solid he feels hollow in the inside, like a suit of armor. not bad, though, it's like he's 20 again, light and nimble on his feet. he could probably do a backflip--
but aspen decides against trying because he's ignored the other person here long enough. he manifested in an empty white room (inside the mesoterminal of living memory, his mechanical memory storage supplies helpfully) with another man standing in front of him but to the side, so as to let aspen acclimate without confrontation. a dark-haired mystel clad in a black suit, face half-masked with silver cloth. he stands still with his hands clasped behind his back, but his tail swings back and forth in a way that tells aspen he's uneasy. when he turns towards him, the mystel smiles. "hail, ser montvelle."
sounds about half his age, aspen thinks. "hi yourself, kiddo," he replies, and the kid flinches. oops, his nephews always hated that too. aspen gives him an apologetic smile. "so what's going on here? why are we in the terminal, am i being summoned by the queen?"
"not quite, ser--"
"just aspen, please."
"aspen. you realize where you are?"
"ahh, didn't i just say--" wait, wait. his senses have calibrated properly now, aspen realizes there's another one of him. part of his memory-consciousness is awake elsewhere--in alexandria. aspen looks at the mystel boy. "i'm in two places at once?" he nods. "why?"
"why do you think?" his question is returned, and in the mind of aspen montvelle there is only one answer.
"to fight."
that's all his life ever amounted to, and yet he wouldn't have it any other way. aspen feels another crucial difference in his current manifestation from being an endless--he reaches into himself and pulls out his halberd, solidifying as he shapes aether into the familiar weapon that was his one and only. "ohh yes," he hums, just holding her makes him so damn happy.
he eyes the mystel, who returns his excitement. "is this you giving me your aether so you can fight me?" aspen asks, and he nods. whew, some aether this kid has. he looks less solidly made than any other endless in aspen's estimation, but if this is the stuff he's made of then he must be tough. giving away his own aether sure is bold, too, and aspen can't resist asking, "can you give me more?" just the thought of being even stronger makes him giddy. he's pretty disappointed when the boy shakes his head.
"rather not be noticed, too much activity might draw sphene's attention here." aspen notes his dismay. "and my friend urianger might get worried."
"oh, well if it's for her majesty and your friend's sake, i guess i can deal," he replies lightly. "though i'd really rather not fight a masked stranger, either. think you can indulge me on that?"
"name's orhtus," he tells aspen. when he doesn't respond, the mystel tilts his head with his lips pursed as if to say if you insist, and takes off his mask.
aspen means to thank him, but, "oh what the fuck," is all that comes out as he finds marcus montvelle staring back at him. well, no, it can't be marcus, since he was a hyune like himself--but that's marcus. aspen knew for a fact his brother never had a kid, but he finds himself now suddenly worrying if the old bastard had married a mystel after he'd died. no way, there's no way--(it doesn't occur to aspen that the boy was his spitting image, too, as the man had avoided mirrors in life unless his wife dragged him in front of one.)
"goodness me, sorry about that!" he shakes off his thoughts. the boy--orhtus tells him he doesn't mind, smiling like he knew it would happen. aspen feels guilty for how sad he looks about it. he grips his halberd and raises it, nods to his opponent, "shall we get started, then?"
"aye." aspen blinks--it couldn't have been more than a split second, but orhtus' clothes changed into a white set of leather armor. aspen's jaw drops at the queen's favor slung across his shoulder--holy shit, this kid's supposed to be his superior? he feels giddy again, and orhtus sports a similarly ecstatic grin. "fight first, talk later."
"just how i like it!"
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esmedelacroix · 9 months
❅☃❅Hiii I would like to request something for the christmas-fluffdown
I have been thinking about x reader story with a ice skating scenario with any jjba character from part 5
That's all thanks for taking the time to read this ❅☃❅
hey non non! im actually rewatching part 5 right now so this is perfect! hope you like ;)
17 days til' Christmas
ice skating date with boyfriend!bruno bucciarati ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
You met your boyfriend Bruno Bucciarati when you were on a vacation trip with your best friends. Going to Italy with your girlfriends, you expected a fleeting summer romance. That's not what happened with Bruno.
He swept you off your feet and his advances blew you away. You had met him at a little hidden restaurant. "I think we are ready to pay for our food now," you said to the waiter.
You were at the restaurant with one of your friends. The other three of your friends had gone shopping that evening and you and your friend Stella were far too tired.
"Oh, your bill is already paid for," the waiter replied.
Your face contorted to confusion as you eyed Stella. She shook her head and shrugged.
"Well there has to be a mistake, we haven't paid yet," you explained taking out your wallet.
"No no no, signora[miss], that man over there paid for you and your friend's meal,'' the waiter reassured, pointing over at a table where a man in a white suit with a dalmation-esque print. His outfit was fashionable and almost chic, exposing his tattooed chest.
You were never fond of long hair let alone a bob on men until you had seen Bruno for the first time. He looked calm and collected as he sipped a glass of expensive-looking wine.
His aura was almost alluring like he was pulling you towards him. You got up and walked up to his table. "Um excuse me, sir, I wanted to thank you for paying for my friend and I's meal," you started.
"Thank you for coming to my restaurant. I have never seen such a beautiful woman set foot in here," he said. Your eyes widened in shock. He's the owner of the restaurant?! You thought to yourself.
Could he really be talking about me? You questioned.
"Are you talking about me or my friend?" you asked nervously.
He gave you a strange look. A look that almost screamed how I could be talking about anyone but you right now? When you glow naturally and your eyes are as profound as they are? Like they could say a million words, how could it be anyone else?
"Well of course I'm talking about you Bella[beautiful], please have a seat," he offered motioning towards the chair next to him.
"As much as I would love to, I would hate to leave my friend Stella all alone," you started turning around to see an Italian man sitting in your seat flirting up a storm with Stella.
"Never mind then," you said sheepishly as you sat.
That night one of the greatest loves you had ever experienced bloomed. You danced on the street with Bruno late at night when all the buskers were playing their late-night slow jams.
The rest was history. After your trip, you parted ways with Buccirati and you were doing long distance and thought you would never see him again until you found out that your job was offering an abroad working opportunity in Italy where you would get to live there for a whole year.
Once that year ended you and Bruno went back to long distance until he surprised you at JFK airport. "Bruno! What are you doing here?" you asked as you hugged him tight.
"Well I thought I'd visit my girlfriend of two years for Christmas in her home city," Bruno answered as he kissed you on the forehead.
"Awww, I love you, darling," you said, hugging him even tighter, breathing in his comforting and familiar scent.
Bruno had texted you saying that the gift that he got you for Christmas was arriving at JFK that day. You never would've guessed that the gift was him.
. . .
That week was perfect. Bruno met your family for the first time and of course, charmed them all. You never stopped talking about Bruno to your family the year you came back from Italy. They too thought it would be a short fling and that long distance never worked, but here he was standing before your family greeting them and joining them in the Christmas Eve festivities.
You were just about to show Bruno his stalking that you altered last minute when you saw your father pull him aside to talk in his study. Oh no, why does he have to be like this? You asked yourself, shaking your head.
Your father had this habit of talking to anyone you were dating one-on-one just to get to know them better. He meant well but he often scared them away.
That wasn't the case with Bruno. They both walked out of his office laughing together and making jokes. After speaking with Bruno his whole mood lifted. As much as your family loved to have you and Bruno, they got you two out of the house to go spend some alone time together. The two of you kept walking until you arrived at the ice skating rink at Rockefeller.
The Rockefeller tree this year was a beautiful sight. "I love this place," you said as Bruno took your hand as the two of you began to glide together on the ice.
"Bruno..." you started trying to find the right words.
He turned to look at you, squeezing your hand so you would feel more comfortable speaking.
"Why did you come here? I don't want to sound rude but this is pretty random," you continued.
He couldn't help but chuckle at your question. "Alright, you caught me. I am here for a specific reason but I can't tell you yet. Is that okay? Can you wait a bit for me?" he asked as he stuffed your hand in his pocket. It was starting to get windy and colder and he could see you were shivering.
"Okay, but if it's something bad I want to know now," you said sternly.
"It's quite the opposite," Bruno said, smiling to himself.
The two of you spent what felt like an eternity. The two of you finally were able to push through the crowds and you were right in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree. You went out of your way to take a selfie with Bruno to send to your mother. As you were typing away at your phone texting your mom about this date that Bruno had taken you on you started to hear people around you gasp and ooh and aw.
You looked up from your phone and looked around to see what was going on but when you turned around and looked down you saw Bruno on one knee with a little box with the most beautiful ring in it.
Everything started to make sense when your family came out of nowhere and took pictures and clapped when all you could do was cry and nod your head.
Your parents came to hug you after he put the ring on your finger and endless pictures were taken. You got proposed to in your favorite place in New York, during your favorite time of the year, to the love of your life.
You had a feeling that he and your dad were keeping something from you but you never would have guessed it was a proposal.
Happiness was overflowing as your family congratulated the two of you and after a while, all you wanted was to be alone with him. So you did the first thing that came to mind and you took his hand quickly skating away from the others.
Laughter followed as you finally found a place to hide with Bruno. "Bruno, I don't even know what to say, I just, you've made me the happiest woman in all of New York. I don't even have the words," you muttered sheepishly.
"Then just kiss me," he suggested with a warm smile.
You immediately pressed your lips against his and for the first time in this cold weather, you felt a kind. of warmth that could completely fend off all of the cold air.
As the snowflakes began to adorn your nose, hair, and eyelashes all you felt was love and happiness along with great hope for your future with Bruno.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Might I request, for the Event: Actual dragon Lady Dimitrescu, or werebat Lady D if you'd like, with K-2 and K-3 prompts?
Yes! I'd love to ^^
Prompts Found Here!
Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu Prompts K-2 and K-3
(Halloween Event - Dragon)
Pairing: Romantic
K-2: "It's not kidnapping when your soul yearns to be here."
K-3: "There's no use trying to run. This is your home now."
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Biting, Forced relationship, Forced marriage, Dragons, Monster loving(?), Manipulation.
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In tales as old as time, dragons have been kidnapping humans. For as long as dragons have been known to man there has always been tales told by man of how horrible they are. Even if all dragons have their reasons for what they do.
Some are hungry. Some take sacrifices. Some simply wish for companionship... both friendly and romantic.
You were an unfortunate victim to a dragon's yearning for companionship. A dragon who lives in the north, where snow swirls around an old castle. A dragon who bares sharp teeth and claws, along with long white fur.
Dimitrescu was a powerful dragon who alone cared for her three daughters. All smaller dragons who roamed her halls. Yet... her daughters were not enough to keep her company.
Which is when she took you in. At first as a servant in her castle, before eventually easing you into a role more suited for you. She was usually in her more humanoid form, but ocassionally you saw her stronger dragon form.
You thought she only wanted you to watch over the smaller dragons she called her daughters. A life where you were nothing but a slave to the dragon like in tales you heard. Turns out...
"I kept you here because I thought you were suitable to serve as a more... romantic companion to me."
Learning of Dimitrescu's true intentions scared you. She had liked how you treated her daughters who were still learning their humanoid form. Her daughters had also already imprinted on you.
Even if you wanted to decline, you could never go home if a dragon wanted to keep you-
"You kidnapped me to... be a lover to you?"
"It's not kidnapping when your soul yearns to be here."
The humanoid dragon scoffs before grinning.
"But... yes. You care for my young so well, I promise you'll live a lavish life here in my castle."
"I can't-"
"Why not? You're playing a dangerous game by refusing a dragon's proposal, human."
"This is not my home... no matter what you do, this will never be my family!"
"I wouldn't say that so loud, dear... you'll upset our daughters! Now, come here and embrace me. Dragon weddings are much different than your human ones, but you'll enjoy it."
You shake your head when the dragon comes closer. Like a frightened prey animal you run away, frustrating the dragon.
"There's no use trying to run. This is your home now."
You hear smaller screeching, most likely coming from her daughters.
"Girls. Fetch me our human...."
Claws hit the floor, clacking the cracked stone tiles in a rhythmic pattern. They were in their dragon forms, making them fast and agile. You run as fast as you can, slamming doors in the faces of the smaller creatures.
You thought you were doing well until you heard heavier thumping nearby. Dimitrescu was searching for you, her dragon form stomping through the large castle.
"I'll find you, dear...."
She growls, a noise loud and deep enough to shake your soul.
"You can't hide forever. I know you can't leave this place. You'll either be caught or die in the cold!"
You try to dart away from the noise, only to hear claws skitter behind you.
"There you are!"
Teeth sink into your arm and drag you off your feet. You look down to see a small ginger scaled dragon digging into you. Two other dragons, brown and gold scaled, corner you with growls.
"Mother is upset!"
"It was bad to run away...."
"Mother! We caught your human!"
You're forced in place by the three smaller dragons while a large white one approaches you. Her mouth is filled with teeth, anger flowing off from the beast in waves.
"Finally, (Y/N). Enough games."
You shiver when she swaps back into her humanoid form, wings still outstretched behind her in a menacing display.
"You have a lot of nerve running from me. The bites you were given will serve as your punishment. Now, girls, help me escort our human back to my room."
Against your will, you're herded back to the room Dimitrescu keeps you in. Her daughters do not leave you out of their sight and Dimitrescu wraps her tail around you.
Your fate was to be bound to this dragon... now and forever...
This was no fairytale, this was your horrific reality.
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 10 random thoughts (ch 5-8)
part 1 here.
okay, time for part 2. i don't want to do this, i have a pit in my stomach.
chapter 5:
destroying razlo's punishers... a good strategy!
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getting leverage to jump by stepping on his leg, i love it
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you could say he. he was. *wheeze*... i guess you could say he was... ...disarmed... [a comically large hook drags me off the stage]
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wolfwood and razlo just met today (not technically but y'know), but he can read razlo so well already, taunting him like this.
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THIS FIGHT...!!! it's reminding me of vash vs knives in the finale of the 98 anime! one black gun and one white gun, and them being on even ground, making the same moves...
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they're an even match when they're just whaling on each other, but wolfwood has tactics that razlo doesn't. also this is an insanely cool move.
chapter 6:
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (said again)
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (said for a third time)
he knows wolfwood is dying. we know wolfwood is dying. he can't do anything to stop it. we can't do anything to stop it. (except for refusing to keep turning the pages, i guess)
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vash can't do anything to stop wolfwood from dying, but he can help wolfwood go out on his own terms...
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livio interfering... i'm not an expert but this is not how DID works. but sure. the drama carries it.
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razlo realizes very fast that chapel never cared. despite his verbal denial, i think he was realizing way before this.
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DESERVED!!! YES.... KILL!!!!!!
of course razlo can only attack. attack, like how he killed livio's parents. not that chapel doesn't deserve it, but this is the only thing razlo knows how to do.
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ough. livio apologizing... "i'm okay now"...
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so is razlo just gone now? like i said, i'm not a DID expert, i know re-integration(? not sure if that's the correct term sorry) is possible, but i don't know if this is how it works...
honestly, i feel bad for razlo. he only knew a life of violence, he was manipulated and indoctrinated by chapel, all he wanted was to be needed but his last experiences are finding out that chapel didn't care about him and then livio telling him he doesn't need him anymore. poor guy.
chapter 7:
oh, no, i don't want to read this chapter again. don't make me read this chapter again.
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the difference between this and tristamp... stamp had the orphanage much more directly tied to EoM, and a bunch of guys in suits came to pick wolfwood up. this scene is a lot more "normal," a lot less obviously suspicious. idk if i'd go so far as to say stamp!melanie was in on the whole thing, but she doesn't look happy about wolfwood leaving... i do wonder how stampede will handle all this... ANYWAY!
"six years"... lmao. now i understand what people meant when they said the timeline is confusing. it's killing me and i hate it, actually?! nightow ALL you had to do was NOT specify a number!!!
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the coins... i constantly forget about them and i find it funny whenever they're brought up... they were so clearly meant to set the ghg up as a shonen battle enemy-of-the-month type thing but then that got thrown off the rails when the magazine ceased publication and everything got turned upside down. yet the coins persist. what are they all for in the end.
also i'm sad. this is wolfwood's paltry attempt at pushing vash away. (also he's been carrying rai-dei's coin this whole time?! lol?! that's also sad... just waiting to give it to vash i guess...)
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"this is the way you want it? are you sure?" i'm just fucking inconsolable at this point.
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of course this attempt at sincere emotion is deflected. you boys are so, so, so, so, so stupid.
i can't do this man. i can't review the couch scene. i'm crying too much.
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the prayer. this especially is getting to me. we've seen wolfwood pray a few times, but now it's vash's turn to pray. we've never seen him do that. and while vash was there to answer wolfwood's prayer... there is no one to answer vash.
what if i climbed into the microwave right fucking now.
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ourgh. out of all the images in this chapter, this is the one that stuck with me the most. even more than the couch images. ugh, i can't even fucking write.
chapter 8:
i don't know where else to say this...? lol but livio's personality is different, he's cute now. is this because he broke out of the EoM brainwashing or because he integrated with(???) razlo? (once again: IS this how this works???) or is it both? either way he's a lot more expressive than he was before...
other people have already talked about how we didn't see the burial. i'm also thinking about everything else we didn't see. vash buried wolfwood, and he also cleaned up outside, brought livio in and laid him down, gathered ingredients and started cooking...
how long did he sit on that couch for before he moved. how much and how hard did he cry. we didn't see that either. we don't need to.
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knives. he's smearing blood on his face again.
his laughter... i don't think he finds this funny like "haha funny" necessarily, i think he's just losing it.
vash defends the orphanage and knives doesn't even push it. he just moves on. hmm, i'm trying to articulate this... vash's display of power used up more of his life, which knives noticed obviously, and vash is willing to go that far to protect the orphanage... knives still doesn't want vash to die, and... he's laughing out of disbelief, or something like that. i don't know.
vash and livio sharing a meal together is... it's nice. but vash is still clearly very angry. with livio, with razlo, with himself too probably.
i don't know. i'm not angry with livio or razlo at all. they were both victims of chapel same as wolfwood. this is all chapel's fault in my mind, lol.
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we're gonna see this in stampede too, aren't we. wolfwood will die for a third time and we're gonna see vash holding the punisher.
the fact that this volume doesn't even have the goofy author extra... we're just forced to sit with this. man. the book club wasn't kidding, it's so much worse the second time around. the first time i cried a little but i was mostly just taking it all in. the second time i was like actually heaving and sobbing. reading this volume twice within a few days was a BAD IDEA.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
Magic Flute Thoughts
i liked nathalie stutzmann's conducting a lot more in this than i did for don giovanni. granted i am much less familiar with zauberflote than i am with don g so i'm not like hyper picky about tempi or whatever yet but anyway i liked her
flute soloist! glockenspiel soloist! FLUTE SOLOIST!!!
i just like lawrence brownlee man idk what to tell you. i think he's neat. i think he's singing something here in the winter and i'll definitely try to get tickets to that if so
i really liked erin morley as pamina! actually i thought all the main cast did a good job no one stuck out to me as being particularly Amazing or Bad. kathryn lewek got a HUGE applause (and standing o) tho and i mean kudos it was her fiftieth performance like damn.
interesting choice to play the queen as physically frail as she did; i think it works and the performance is very good, although the heavy age makeup sticks out a bit on hd cameras lol
the queen's three bitches. i'm free on friday (twirling hair)
also i hope those three kids who played the old men get to borrow their outfits again come october because they have the funniest possible halloween costume opportunity in the world now
VERY funny to me that papageno's costume makes him look like he's drenched in bird shit
okay speaking of costumes. do i 100% Get It with the like suits and colors and everything....not really but i don't think i can say that i Get a lot about this opera tbh. what i did get was the very obvious dark/light symbolism going on with pamina and tamino wearing white and the queen and her cronies wearing all black. and i think zauberflote does benefit from some heavy handed symbolism bc what else is this show about actually without that....then again the fact that sarastro and his priests or whatever are all in dark colors too kind of undermines that a little so 🤷‍♀️
same thing with the whole reason vs superstition thing too like...sure you can claim Truth And Reason as good all you want sarastro but the constant invocation of isis/osiris and Mysterious Rituals kind of undermine what you're going for there lol. i think my point is that i don't feel like i really Get what zauberflote is like...going for, thematically. i mean i get the Themes but not a clear Point. maybe if i was an enlightenment era freemason i'd get it lol but alas i am not
that said......i didn't go into this one expecting a rock solid plot and honestly who does....it's zauberflote....it is very obviously not designed to work or be interpreted on a literal level and i appreciate that it never tries to ground itself in reality. that its plot and characters exist in a completely fantastic realm works and it works with the weird plot and its vague theming.
which itself is of course accomplished through good design and holy SHIT. this is truly the shining strength of this production. the design is INCREDIBLE.
the orchestra isn't totally onstage but they are raised up in the pit to the point where they are fully visible the whole show. i love an onstage orchestra so this made me very happy. and it allowed for actor/orchestra interaction which i also love!! like tamino coming down into the pit to hand the eponymous magic flute to the flute soloist and bring him onstage with him (i was wondering during the overture why the flutes and oboes were swapped places seating wise -- it's so the flutist can easily get onstage! delight!!), or when papageno brings his glockenspiel to the percussion soloist to play (the player being 'missing' at his last solo, making papageno play by himself, and he enters late with a cup of coffee...lmaoo). also stutzmann giving a big ol grin and thumbs up to papageno during his duet with papagena at the end. so sweet
also blocking around the orchestra seating of the audience and up the aisles! so much fun we love immersive theater
the set itself had this big flat platform in the center hoisted at each corner by a cord so it could raise/lower/tilt in any direction. made for some very neat staging with levels and slants and i enjoyed that, especially since the production forgoes any kind of traditional set pieces
papageno's birds were done in such a beautiful way omg...they have an ensemble in black wandering around stage and following him about when he's doing stuff and they each have a 'bird' made of a folded in half piece of paper that they flutter about stylistically (some of the orchestra members have some too that they flutter during his entrance aria). description does not do it justice, this was a beautiful way to stage it...so simple and evocative.
the designer was saying in the interview between acts that this production was meant to combine the high and low tech aspects of theater to connect present performance practice with the opera as it was originally done (hence the visible orchestra) and i looove that philosophy. and it worked here really well i think
they get to be onstage (albeit off to the sides) the whole show too and i love it. i love that the cameras on the broadcast kept cutting to them periodically to show off their work.
the use of live projection art was really well done -- he managed to make Writing On A Chalkboard captivating!!
and the foley. the FOLEY!!! i've done sound design and a bit of live foley before so i have a soft spot but wooow she did an amazing job and it was SO much fun to see all the props she played with to make the scenes come alive sonically. plus her little interactions with papageno were very funny. give her a tony award
i do think there were a couple of small moments here and there that didn't entirely work for me or a scene or two that dragged out longer than necessary but overall it was a joy to watch. the beautiful and whimsical design of the whole thing totally makes it worthwhile even if the plot itself is a bit lacking.
easily THE coolest production design i've seen the met do yet, and the best lighting and projections from them for sure. when it comes on demand i am forcing anyone i can to watch it with me bc that SET! the LIGHTING! the SOUND! the STAGING! it ticks all my boxes it hits all my buttons it was MADE for ME SPECIFICALLY
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vinxwatches · 1 year
my adventure's with superman
saw it, thought it had the save voice actor for Lois as played Luz in the owl house (it's not the same) and really liked her design. watching it, damn i like these personalities. i've also grown to like superman more then i did. is he OP? yea, but that's now the draw of him, and a more fun universe is needed to make him enjoyable.
also het get a magical girl transformation which is just hilarious. suit is a bit too armour plated for my liking.
ah, he's so sweat with his parents. i'd seen clips from them trying to do it in other cartoons but it was always a bit stilted, and of course it was shit in man of steel. here's it's just very nice.
i probably shouldn't sympathise so much with the villain.
nope, i think i was mend to sympathise with her. and now we have found the "goodguys". you know, just like how belos was the benevolent leader.
who the fuck uses a blimp these days?!
you should not make the villains fucking cute together if you want me to see them fail!
i really like the banshee. damn she's probably never coming back is she.
"oh, he's a liar" genuinely had my laughing out loud. sorry Clark, this problem isn't over yet.
"now, shut up. i'm about to be nice" great line.
wow, they really made this guy the most unlikeable. treatning people, misogonist, general elon musk and like. truly the biggest douche canoe possible.
standard equipment should come with some needle and treat... yea i really should add that to my handbag. won't need it often, but man will i feel stupid if i could ever need it but then don't have it with me even though i know how to use it. need to look into how to store some treat though.
you can't give superman the :3 face!
you call your product the parasite... bit on the nose for a tech company don't you think?
the bad tech tyrant claims he build the company himself, because of course he does. also it's a white straight man, because of course he is. yea, i got opinions. sure, this is made by an equally big company, but at least calling out bs like this is the popular/normal thing to do.
it really plays into the threat to superman is collateral damage. also fuck yea Lois will fucking suckerpunch a fucker. i really like her personality and that they gave her so much stuff to do.
damn, ep4? that's fast. also really neat as it allows things to continue instead of stagnate, i'm really interesting what she'll do with it.
wow, that's the laziest debumker ever. just going "nah"? you have to give some evidence.
ok, really like that people don't just have one body types. a lady can also be jacked as fuck.
oh, it's her, because of course it's her. it really is impressive how she's so recognizable across series and forms of media.
damn, that's one hell of a way to end the episode, truly tearing shit apart.
so, they're just doing this trope exactly https://www.tumblr.com/moringmark/724550083360718848?source=share (the trope it's making fun of, not the subversion)
the weirdest sweat gay romance ever.
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novaloo · 1 year
Inevitable - part five - Enlightening debates
I know you didn't read part four. Here it is.
– Why did you bring it over here, doctor? – Julie asked, looking into the corner of the lab where the secondhand vanity now stood.
– You know the lobby is more or less a public space – he answered. – I don't want such a unique gift to be damaged.
– If you think that the lab is safe enough...
– Could you pass me the hydroiodic acid, please?
Another dawn, another day spent on science. And it brought some surprises. As Dr Sunshine and his assistant were working on another experiment, someone knocked on the door.
Julie came over to the lobby to greet the guest. It was a young man with elegant cold blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He was wearing a dark teal suit with black shoes, a white shirt underneath his jacket, adorned with a red ribbon tie. He had an air of mystery about him, or was it just the way he smiled?
– Hello, miss – he said. His voice was clear, but not loud. – My name is Cotard Calamitas, but please, just call me Cotard.
– Well... Pleased to meet you, Cotard - she answered. – I'm Julie. Are you looking for Doctor Sunshine?
– Yes, I am. Is he available right now? I'd like to exchange a few words with him.
She peeked behind the lab door, asking if Sunshine was very busy right now. Hearing his answer, she let Cotard in, and left the two men alone.
– Hello, Doctor Sunshine – Cotard said, that subtle smile never leaving his face.
– Good day, sir... – the scientist replied as he observed the guest. – Who might you be, and what do you need?
– I am Cotard Calamitas, a mere scholar. And what I need is a conversation.
– A conversation...?
– I need something to get my brain going. I have heard about your brilliant mind, and I believe that this conversation would surely be an enlightening one.
Dr Sunshine was somewhat surprised. But he decided, why not?
– And what would you want to talk about...?
Cotard's smile widened by a tiny bit, and he started musing as he gestured subtly and walked around in slow and small steps. He looked very comfortable with his surroundings and the scientist's presence.
"Why, I can't see
That I am the 'me'
That I was born into...
And what's the source of you?"
His tone suddenly changed to a more intense one for a slightly longer while, before returning to normal.
"In your head, in your head, in your head
And yet you believe it's true
Well, you do
Like you knew anything!
Never ever trust in yourself
Or anyone else
We've always all been wrong...
And we built these walls strong..."
Sunshine was quite surprised by Cotard's intelligence. This meeting was very promising. He then chimed in, sneaking in a strong note of intensity into his voice.
"Even I
Might defy
Won't deny
That I'm trying
While my eyes
Do defy
And belie
Quiet liars
As I say
What I say
Any way
I might be saying it
But I've been wrong before!"
Then Cotard continued.
"You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could, you could-"
The scientist repeated after him.
"You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could never know!
You could never know!
You could never know!
You could never know!..."
Then Cotard took the lead, his voice turning somewhat gentle.
"Don't you forget
That all you project
Is just to protect you from
The void within the form..."
And with a groan, his smile widened even more, his tone intense once again, as the two kept exchanging thoughts.
"Yes or no?"
"Isn't null!"
"Yes it is!"
"No, I don't know!"
"Yes or no?"
"Isn't that a silly question?"
"Ask it anyway, 'cause
What we are is
(Gotta get to the bottom of this)
What we are not
(Gotta get to the bottom of this)
’ehjeh ’ăšer ’ehjeh...
(Gotta get to the bottom of this)
What myths must make us man!?
What is 'is'?"
"What is 'not'?"
"What is 'what'?"
"What's up party people!?"
"What? What I wonder?
Why I'm not whatever
What the fuck 'cause
You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could, you could-"
And Sunshine repeated after him.
"You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could never know!
You could never know!
You could never know!
You could never know!..."
Then Cotard's voice turned more melodic, as he clapped along to the rhythm of his words.
"I noticed that the sunshine is a gaslight
I'm hoping that this one might be my past life
My Lord, I know enough to get my facts right
And that's good enough for me!
And everything and everyone will die soon
And we'll have nothing left for us to lie to
No matter what we seek you'll never find truth
And that's good enough for me!
So give me that old time religion...
Give me that old time religion...
Give me that old time religion...
It's good enough for me!
So give me that old time religion...
Give me that old time religion...
Give me that old time religion...
It's good enough
But not enough
To be good enough for me!..."
Sunshine joined in, their voices as one.
"You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could, you could-
You can break a shovel when you break new ground!
You dig dirt up when you dig deep down!
You should know better than that by now!
It's not profound to know that you could never know!"
After a few deep breaths, Dr Sunshine let out a quiet chuckle, that slowly grew louder. He could not contain his smile anymore.
– Oh, my! I do hope that this... conversation was enlightening on both ends, Cotard.
– Surely it was, Doctor Sunshine – he replied, that subtle smile never shifting.
– But about one thing you are wrong...
– Oh?
– I WILL find the truth! - he flashed a confident smile.
– The truth about...?
– The essence of human existence.
– Well then, I wish you luck, Doctor Sunshine.
As Cotard was preparing to leave, Sunshine accompanied him to the exit door, where they bid a farewell. The scholar may have left, but the scientist's smile did not. He felt very pleased with this encounter.
– How was the meeting, doctor? – Julie asked.
– That man, I tell you... He has that air about him, but I can't put my finger on it...
– Shall we continue where we left off?
– Oh yes, let us get back to work.
With a jolly attitude, he entered the lab once again.
– Ladies... It is him. – Cotard said.
– I told you. But no one ever listens to me! – the woman in white crossed her arms with an angry huff.
– It's quite funny how everyone believes in death, yet very few acknowledge fate... – the blonde girl stated as she played with a knife, trailing her fingers along the blade.
– But it doesn't mean that fate doesn't exist... – the blue lady added.
– And fate cannot be changed... – Cotard replied with a nod. – ...Go. Have your fun. It'll be time soon...
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treatian · 1 year
The Chronicles of the Dark One: The Delicacies of Time
Chapter 44: A Happy Ending
"There are details!" she breathlessly exclaimed when she pulled away from him. The reality of a wedding tonight was settling in, romantic as he knew she'd find it, the planner within her was starting to overwhelm. "There are things that need done…people, announcements, at this hour-"
"I'll take care of all that," he promised with a shake of his head. "Marry me."
Her smile spread once more as she nodded. "What do you need me to do?"
"Prepare your vows? Meet me in an hour? I'll do the rest."
"The well," he answered without thinking. To him it was as normal as answering with "in a church" in this realm, but the more he thought about it…
It might have been a cheesy tradition in his old village, but it worked for them. The well was someplace special for them even here.
"The place we first kissed after the curse broke, after you came back to me. Give me a chance to make a promise to you there that I'll keep for the rest of our lives."
She beamed. Then nodded her head as her eyes glazed over with tears. "In an hour then," she answered, her voice choked with an emotion that he no longer thought was from grief but rather joy.
It was appropriate. He felt the shift too.
Quickly he leaned forward to kiss her, then moved away the second he managed to tear himself free, and left her in the library, knowing he'd see her soon. As much as he hated to do it without giving her the ring in his pocket, parting was necessary. The truth was that there were things that needed to be done if they intended to do this today, but not nearly as much as she thought.
People and announcements…those were wants. Not needs.
Needs for a marriage were quite simple.
They needed a place. And they had one. The well.
They needed an officiant, someone who could pronounce them officially husband and wife. He wasn't one for a Holy Man, but being who he was, he knew there was someone in town who was licensed in an official and legal capacity, who might not mind doing the deed.
He found Archie still at Granny's with the others. The man went pale when he pulled him aside to speak with him privately, not that he could blame him. Not only was he the Dark One, but he was also Mr. Gold, a man who never smiled unless something sinister was afoot, and yet he couldn't keep himself from smiling even now. But color returned to the man's cheeks as he explained the situation, as he told him that he knew he was friends with Belle and couldn't think of anyone else who might not only consider performing the wedding but might actually enjoy it. He expected a lecture from the cricket who prided himself on being a conscious to people who were acting against their own, but instead, he'd nodded his head and said, "I'd be honored."
A place secured, Archie preparing, the details given, a ring in his pocket already that he simply couldn't wait to give away, he realized that the list of "needs" had been fulfilled. Thirty minutes remaining didn't give him a lot of time to fulfill many "wants," but it allowed for some. He drove home quickly, changed suits, selected a steal gray tie and pocket square, then added a scarf for a bit of extra flair, and summoned a fresh white flower to fix to his lapel. Eighteen minutes to spare, he took the car and headed up into the back woods of the forest, where he knew of a spot to park his car for the well.
Archie was already there, Pongo in the backseat, he leaned against his car with a flashlight in hand. "Bit dark for a midnight wedding…I don't think there's any lighting at the well."
He couldn't be annoyed at the nitpicking. It was impossible. So instead, he answered that it wouldn't be a problem when they arrived, and the two of them began the short hike up to the well.
Another want he could accomplish…setting the mood.
With a sweep of his hands, he covered the well with glowing white candles that even made Archie gasp. "Ah…yes…well…that will work just fine."
Between the candles and the moon, it would indeed work just fine.
Seven minutes to spare.
If he knew Belle, she'd be right on time.
There was time enough to do something more, he knew. Time enough to fulfill another "want," but for the life of him, he couldn't think of anything that would be appropriate. His mind felt hazy. There was a lump that was somehow managing to swell in his throat. Concentration was beginning to feel impossible. But when he heard a branch break at four minutes to go and turned to see her step out of the clearing…
He couldn't think at all.
He could barely breathe looking at her.
Time slowed to a crawl as she walked toward him, a vision in white…in every single literal way he knew of.
It was true. That vision that he'd seen so long ago in the castle when he'd caught her after she'd fallen from the ladder, the vision that produced so many small little glimpses of a future he wasn't sure or hadn't wanted to believe were real…one of those visions had shown him this. Had shown him her. Dressed exactly like that.
On their wedding day.
It hadn't shown him Archie. It hadn't shown him Belle clinging to her father's arm, only her as she made her way to him, eyes fixed and nearly in tears already.
She was gorgeous. And he wasn't sure this was the best idea he'd ever had, or the worst because he'd taken so damn long to get to this place.
"It is my great honor to officiate this most lovely union," Archie began when they were toe to toe, and her father had stepped away. The shock of his voice had him glancing over at him, reminding him that they weren't alone at the moment. His mind seemed to keep forgetting that. It kept blocking out everyone and everything except her and that gaze of hers. "If you'd like to begin, your vows…" Archie prompted, glancing at her first as he realized…
A need that he'd forgotten…his vows.
"Rumpelstiltskin…" she began with a swallow. "This thing we have it's…it's never been easy. I've…I've lost you so many times," she cried, struggling to breathe through her emotions. Oh, he wanted to take her in his arms even then. "I've lost you to…to darkness, to weakness, and-and finally…to death. But now I realized…I realize that I have not spent my life losing you…I've spent my life finding you!"
Beautiful vows. Simple and elegant, just as she was. Just as he had difficulty being, especially when he went into something entirely unplanned and unprepared. How was he supposed to say anything half as good as that?
But then again…
There was nothing he could tell her she didn't already know. What had he said to her in the library? He wanted to make a promise to her that he'd actually keep. What was a vow if not a promise?
"Belle…" he began, doing his best to look at her and go back to that place where Archie and her father didn't exist. The things he wanted to tell her now were things he had only ever uttered to her in the privacy of their bedroom or the back of the shop. He blushed to think others might be witness to it, but that was the point after all. He just needed to block the others out so he could get them out of his mouth. It was just the two of them here at this well. It was the two of them making these promises. "When we met, I wasn't just unloved and unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up, but you brought them down. You brought me home." He swallowed hard and tried not to be distracted as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You brought life into my life and chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you, I will never forget the distance between what I was and what I am."
That was it…the "want" he had time to provide for her. He wanted to do right by her, wanted to be everything that she wanted him to be. That was a vow, a promise that he wanted to keep. A gift that he could give…plus one other she didn't yet know about.
He glanced at Archie as he pulled the ring out of his pocket, more to let the cricket know he had it than to seek his permission, but he was happy when he nodded all the same. Her jaw dropped as she stared at it, and he reached for her hand to slip it over her finger.
"I owe more to you than I can ever say," he explained, settling it into place and feeling the magic solidify. "How you can see the man behind the monster…I will never know."
"But that monster's gone," she argued with absolute certainty. "And the man beneath him may be flawed…but we all are. And I love you for it," she insisted, squeezing his hands tighter in her own. "Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes the best teacup…is chipped!"
A small laugh spread over her face, taking him right back to one of their earliest interactions, when she'd dropped that cup, chipping it forever, and he'd made a not-so-funny joke that she'd still laughed at all the same. It was strange how a moment like that could evolve, the places it could lead to the challenges that would arrive to dismantle it. They'd conquered their demons, climbed their mountains, and come through the other side. And now there was only one thing left he could think to do.
Vows said, ring given, he stepped forward in front of that well, and the few there to witness it, and kissed her, proclaiming to all the world they were now and forever, finally, husband and wife.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
More pirate au :D
So, Zaratras and Baltra get Meliodas out of the hole. They ask why he was in there in the first place, if he was chased or something and Meliodas, not wanting to be suspicious by not telling them anything, told them what happened, how the village chased him out and how he hid here so they wouldn't find him. When they asked his name, Meliodas stuttered out "Me-... Mel... dor...".
As they talked, Zaratras and Baltra gave Meliodas medical attention, properly disinfecting the bullet wound in his shoulder and the other nicks and bandaging them. His legs were mostly fine, but his shins and calves were plenty scratched up, so much that they were bleeding and painful to walk with. But not impossible. Which Meliodas emphasized as he got up and attempted to walk on his own only to heavily support himself on the next tree (they were still in the forest). And sure, it wasn't impossible, but it was obviously extremely painful, especially now that he wasn't pumped up on adrenaline anymore, and his wounds would get worse, if not infected.
Not willing to take the risk, despite the blondes protests, Zaratras scooped him up and seated him on his horse (they came with horses, due to how far into the land it was, and with Liones being the only military base around, they were also in charge of the surrounding land. I guess.)
Having been a pirate, Meliodas had never ridden a horse before, but he had seen them plenty of times. He knew that, if spooked, a horse could quickly turn dangerous, so he clung to the saddle until his knuckles turned white and didn't let go. He was even relieved when Zaratras got on behind him and took the reigns.
"Relax, Meldor, the horse won't hurt you", Zaratras tried to calm the boy down, but he didn't seem to listen. "Is everything okay?" asked Baltra, who had climbed his own horse by now. "Yeah, I think the boy is just nervous", Zaratras whispered to Baltra. Normally, Meliodas would have heavily protested such an accusation, but in this case, he really was too nervous to say much of anything.
Zaratras held Meliodas with one arm as they set off and he clung to the silver haired man, taking deep breaths as he tried his best to stay calm. The horse, by the way, wasn't bothered by him in the slighest.
And so they trotted back to Liones. Baltra occasionally looked over to the two and couldn't help but smile at how tightly the boy clung to Zaratras, especially after they could barely get him out of the hole under the tree.
They arrived rather late into the night, so the city streets were mostly empty, aside from the odd drunkard. Meliodas had calmed down a little after a while in the saddle and was looking around in awe (although he was still pretty stiff). When they arrived at the actual base though, he clutched his bag close to himself, hiding behind it a little when they crossed the guards.
Finally, they stopped near the stables and got off the horses. Meliodas breathed a sigh of relief after Zaratras lifted him off and the horses were taken in by the stable guys. "See, that wasn't so scary, was it, Meldor?" Zaratras told Meliodas, still holding him. "N-No...", Meliodas answered. 'It was terrifying', he thought. "Let's head to the medical wing", Baltra suggested. "Your wounds need more tending to if we don't want them to get infected."
~On the way to the medical wing~ "You can set me down now, my legs already feel much better", Meliodas told Zaratras. "I can go on my own, too... I'm sure you two would like to go to bed."
"Perhaps so, but I'd prefer to accompany you anyway, Meldor", Baltra responded. "Your wounds were pretty grave."
'Since when are marines so damn caring?', Meliodas thought to himself. He had planned to get away and sneak out before they reached the medical wing and someone would remember him. Although he could see their reasoning. His legs did feel better, but he wouldn't be able to walk with them for long just yet. "Alright then, suit yourselves, I guess..."
They reached the medical wing and the night staff took care of Meliodas' injuries, including finally extracting the bullet from his shoulder. Only when he laid on the bed afterwards, did Meliodas notice how tired he was. He contemplated getting out after Zaratras and Baltra were gone, but quickly trashed that idea. He'd get caught in no time with all the guards patrolling the base at night. He had no choice but to keep pretending to be Meldor.
As the staff helped wrap Meliodas' wound, Meliodas pondered. How long could he really get away with this facade, before they caught on that his real name was Meliodas?
If he ran away now, he would most likely get questioned as to why he was running away. As if he had something to hide that he didn't want them knowing about. He would look guilty.
He would have to stay as Meldor for now. Even if these were his enemies, it was the safest place he could be as of this moment. As long as they believed he was Meldor instead of an infamous pirate, he was safe.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
hey kind of weird question but i saw a post of yours from a couple years ago while searching some random tags and you mentioned having some opinions about anais mitchell (presumably her recorings of the child ballads?) and the whole coffee shop au-ification of balladry (particularly tam lin) and that resonated so hard with me so i just thought i'd ask you to elaborate more on that because i genuinely want to hear what you have to say. also i fucking love angela carter
oh man... I mean first of all I just reject the term 'child ballad' out of hand nowadays because like fjc was some random racist eugenicist middle class american academic borderline-hobbyist who never even heard a folk song in the wild and basically just compiled stuff other people had already written down. so even if I pretend to subscribe to the ownership of the collector, which I don't, we never refer to 'sharp ballads' or 'percy ballads' or even 'burns ballads', despite the fact that burns was actively re/writing his. add to that the fact that like a third of child's collection came from a specific, named woman (Anna Gordon/Mrs Brown of Falkland) and you start to get angry at the anonymisation&dehumanisation of 'the folk', especially when you learn that child's ballads made him rich yet socially humiliated mrs brown. she (along with numerous other women + burns as a kind of anomalous man) was working actively from inside a tradition, but we instead default to the authority of the prejudiced outsider because of romantic beliefs about the naivety of 'the folk'. (if anything, child actively harmed the tradition with his completely arbitrary subjectivity + not collecting any fucking tunes...)
the very notion of folk music as just this organic wellspring that just emerges naturally from a people-group is a victorian/edwardian fantasy concocted by nationalists in order to reclaim said material, both for profit and for nationalism reasons. objectively speaking, someone or several someones composed that material & many of them were most likely women. the idea of claiming that folk music 'belongs' to all of 'us' (and 'us' at least in its original intention meaning white english people or white people of english extraction) because several generations of performers put their own spin on it is like saying the beatles' copyright really belongs to all of us because lennon & mccartney co wrote them. I'm not arguing for copyright law here but like the recognition of folksong ownership is completely broken in popular conception and it's v much a case of the idea that something belongs to 'everyone' is erasing the actual individuals/groups whose cultural property it is. (+ the living folk tradition regularly accepts new songs of known authorship, and operates a paradigm of collective ownership that is really ill served by the modern idea of intellectual property that can only make something a specific someone's or no one's at all)
so in THAT context, the girlbossification and uwuification of balladry by an outsider (who believes themselves to be an insider) is just kind of grotesque. firstly you're working from a canon which was selected and heavily modified by a victorian man to suit his delicate sensibilities, and then projecting like modern western feminist sensibilities on them. I've seen like 'feminist reworkings' of songs which lament women's helplessness, or exist for mothers to warn daughters about sexual assault. this is where the angela carter comparison comes in bc shes like the patron saint against the 'feminism is when women slay' school of folklore retelling and also someone who was both working really hard not to claim ownership of the stories she collected or to claim thematic ownership with her interpretations, but also writing her own 'folklore retellings' that actually comprehend and work with the deep themes at play rather than being like hm it's kind of problematic that the prince couldn't remember what cinderella looked like (fwiw most cinderella-esque stories are explicitly about the resourcefulness of the girl, and the prince - w his attached status+possessions - is literally just there to be her reward lol kind of a win for feminism idk..)
it's the belief that everyone in the past, especially if they were illiterate, was stupid. not to Survivals Theory but I recently saw this song from an irish traveller woman who claimed it was in the bible which everyone found funny but it literally heavily resembles a story from the apocryphal infancy gospel of thomas, which incidentally was extant as old irish poetry c.700 CE. like the anais mitchell girlies always have this approach that they're the first ones to recognise how great this repertoire is, or something. and her approach is very like oh I've discovered this lost hidden tradition etc although ironically she herself is part of a historic tradition of north americans ripping off martin carthy LOL 🤭
sorry this is like a huge thing for me and i kind of ran out of steam to get into it all but i appreciate the question n i hope at least some of that means something to you<3
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u5an5 · 1 month
SCP : Sedition - SCP - 343 [Tape 02]
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_Mess Hall_
*Watch sits alone in the mess hall, eating a soup. he hides his face in his hands*
Watch: <shaky, to no one in particular> I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
*Jacobs comes up to the door, in the middle of talking to someone on phone*
Jacobs: <muffled> -we'll have to keep track of it. make sure we lose nothing this time. *stops behind the door* ... Oh, it has? *opens the door* good. Thanks McCrimmon. *hangs up*
Jacobs: *walks up to Watch* No word yet from... God. Not that we really expected much. so far, all video footage is accounted for. There's no evidence 343 has taken action... to erase anyone or anything as a result of the... complications,... and 035.. appeared back in its cell four minutes ago.
Watch: Mmm, what's he saying?
Jacobs: Nothing. It refuses to take a host. (huff)
Jacobs: <annoyed> Never thought I'd see the date when 035 would shut up.
Watch: Could be worse: he could be fine.
Jacobs: So... you took a swing at God...
Watch & Jacobs: (laugh)
Jacobs: <with laughter in voice> How did you think that would turn out?
Watch: I don't know. Black eye, Thunderbolt, the usual.
Jacobs: (bursts out laughing)... Well... Add that to the resume.
[Rest bellow the cut]
Jacobs: <back to being serious> He's getting to you, that's obvious... But I know you. You don't let your emotions take control like this. I need that special something you've got. Can you keep it together?
Watch: I don't know what you want from me. One day you're out for blood- my blood. Then the next, you want to make nice. Need a chance to gloat to the suits upstairs about getting 343 on film? Prove once and for all that he's the real charlatan here? You don't need me for that shit.
Jacobs: I do-
Watch: No man, you don't. You know what's special about me? I actually give a damn about things. I want to help the ones we can, because the reason they hate us so much isn't always some blind Rage or Incorruptible bias they've been programmed to believe. It's us. No, no no no. It's you. How do I know? Cos I've only gotten the same treatment.
Watch: <mockingly> "Oh, I'm not the same. Oh, I want to change". Why don't f████ prove it, huh? As long as you keep kicking me on the front lines as your personal meat shield to protect your sorry ass, I'll never believe you've changed.
Jacobs: <in hurt tone> I do want things to change. ..Don't you?
Watch: Personally, I am this close to not caring.
Jacobs: ...Finish up. We don't know when 343s will- *a ball of white light ecompasses them, and when it disappears they are gone. After a moment Watchs soup is teleported away in the same way too*
_343s Room_
*both of them get teleported to a room looking nearly identical to the last one, with main difference being plants that fill space between pilars and white nothingness beyond them*
Jacobs: *startled, looking around* Oh!
SCP-343: Am I disturbing you?
Watch: Nah, we were finished.
SCP-343: I see. I see.
Jacobs: Thank you for returning 035. What... did you do with it?
SCP-343: It will tell you, once it is ready. I must admit, I have more pressing concerns.
Watch: <doubtful> Oh yeah? What about?
SCP-343: You, as a matter of fact. *a ball of light appears beneath his hand. in its place materialises vague, small white thing* I notice you've been taking these for quite some time. When I notified the Foundation of my arrival, your overseers took them away. What are they?
Watch: ... *looks back at Jacobs then turns back* Lexapro... antidepressant. Supposed to reduce depressive and suicidal tendencies... allegedly.
SCP-343: Ah, I see. I see. To manage trauma... *appears some other bottle of medicine* And the other?
Watch: … Zyprexa. Antipsychotic. For hallucinations, and when you really want to get a good cleaning-out downstairs-
Jacobs: <annoyed> That's enough. Are we gonna start this?
SCP-343: No need for hostility, Mr Jacobs. *disappears both bottles* I was merely showing my concern.
Watch: It's shown. Let's do this.
SCP-343: Certainly.
Familial Links
Watch: Are you or beings like you responsible for all SCP-1795 instances?
SCP-343: Directly or otherwise, I am responsible for all things within this realm. But to be clear, I had no part to play in the creation of these chariots.
Watch: They seem to indicate an ancient civilization lived in our universe long before we ever did. Must have been a great deal of time, as they were Advanced enough to forge organic vessels capable of exploring space. With how they're designed to look like a literal heart, they must have shared some Anatomy with us. This begs the question: Was this race some kind of precursor to mankind? like a prototype of what we were to become?
SCP-343: Though ultimately incorrect, this specific species was born on a world... that has since ceased to exist. Succumbing to the ultimate inevitability.
Watch: And that is?
SCP-343: Universal Collapse.
Jacobs: I-I'm sorry, are you saying that... our universe is in a state of collapse?
Watch: Right now?
SCP-343: It has been... times before. And... and most likely will again. But not currently.
Watch: I don't understand.
Jacobs: Are we constantly living on the brink of destruction or something?
Watch: No. He's saying the universe isn't just a one-off deal... aren't ya?
SCP-343: Go on.
Watch: Space expands, stretches until it reaches its limit. Eventually, the bandwidth snaps... and so the whole thing collapses back into a singularity. Like a reverse big bang.
SCP-343: And?
Watch: And... then... the immense pressure of all forms of matter being compressed... In such a tight space would cause an explosion.
SCP-343: Restarting the universe! *spreads arms and creates big ball of reddish light between them* death in rebirth... *the ball explodes into a burst of light* Generating a new instance with every cycle.
Are you saying that those entities in space... they're from an earlier Universe?
That's- <incredulous> But nothing can survive Universal Annihilation.
SCP-343: Nothing. Unless reality poses no threat.
Watch: That would mean that... they can break the laws of physics.
SCP-343: Vessel capable of acclimating to the amazing pressures of universal collapse, biomechanically bred to become one with the Singularity, and strong enough to ride the shockwave of a big bang.
Watch: That's impossible. Nothing could ever do what you're describing. It goes against every natural law.
SCP-343: Their instinct... is to survive. And with that incentive, even the bounds of what's possible are meaningless! A shockwave the dispersal... powered by the energies of a reforged cosmos, tasked to propagate new worlds and inseminate them with life forms of the same shape as their creators. They were not the first to achieve such a Feats. And perhaps, one day you will join them in that honour.
Jacobs: That can't be right. The transmission we received from the ships that their creators have been part of a Great War. They were on the brink of extinction!
SCP-343: What greater battle exists than the fight for survival?!
Watch: You designed it that way.
Jacobs: <with warning> Watch.
SCP-343: An accurate observation. Deaths do not always factor into previous versions of creation, but an end to existence has always been part of every design. It ensures those born unto me are as untarnished by consequence as the next Cosmic iteration.
Watch: That brings up a good point. Are you even capable of having children? Cain and Abel come to mind. They've been in our care for quite some time.
SCP-343: Hmmm... "care" is not the particular word I would use to describe the treatment they'd endured here. but such suffering is unavoidable for them.
Watch: you don't disapprove?
SCP-343: On the contrary... It is they who have brought this fate upon themselves. though I mourn for them. In essence... they are my grandchildren. Cain, the ever repentant... forever searching for the means to atone for his sin. And Abel... the victim, doomed to stand as a monument of the Canes' failure... and the lost potential of his bloodline. The mark of Cain is not only a reminder of his brother's murder... but the symbol itself is tied to Abel's damned soul!
Watch: What does it do?
SCP-343: You will need to ask Cain for the answer to that question.
Watch: You've spoken in fewer riddles since our last session. So why don't you just answer the question?
SCP-343: It is not my place to do so. only Cain can judge you worthy of that. Though as I understand... he has pledged services to your Foundation. No doubt means to repair the damage he has caused. Would you also deny that his past is already known to your Council? There is little wonder why he was so quick to Ally himself with you. Manipulating his Agony to make him your puppet!
Watch: You're one to talk.
Jacobs: <admonishingly> Isaac! *to 343* It's not something either of us condone. But he has proven to be a useful Ally.
SCP-343: <unbelieving> Ally? Prisoner.
Watch: What do you expect us to do about it?
SCP-343: Nothing. And I wouldn't have it any other way. The decision is up to your Council... and Cain's guilt-riddled conscience.
Watch: <quickly> Can we change the subject please? We're running a little short on time.
SCP-343: Certainly.
Gifted Individuals & Eden
Watch: Okay. I pulled these two files. Hoped you might explain the reason for being? SCP-239.
SCP-343: The Witch Child.
Watch: SCP-2845.
SCP-343: I see. Hmmm... well, to put it simply. their powers, though Godlike, are not on par with my own. As you well know.
Watch: <quietly> I don't know about that.
SCP-343: *as if he didnt hear Watch* Their abilities are akin to lesser deities. demigods who wield great might, but... are not tied to the fabric of existence like true Celestial beings.
SCP-343: Take the deer for example. It is from an ancient time prior to Earth's formation. A phase of creation, when... well...(inhales through teeth) let's just say, I dabbled in making creatures that served the greater function of enriching nature. The fauna of this world are modelled on their design. My leader attempt would resemble what you were... to become. But ultimately, that process was flawed.
Watch: Hard to believe you of all... people, would make a mistake.
SCP-343:Iit was meant to be. A lesson I was doomed to learn. Without their instincts being tailored towards maintaining mega-cosmic balance... selfish desire dictated their wills. Those alive today only exist to further their powers by pretending to be Gods.
Watch: But that's not what 2845 is.
SCP-343: No. It has no interest nor concept of narcissism. It exists to live as one with nature. Eternally protecting that with which no other life could spawn. Even if that life does not appreciate nature's gifts.
Watch: So... 239 fits into another category?
SCP-343: Is that what you believe?
Watch: She doesn't seem to pose a conscious threat. But... that depends on how well the lie holds up.
SCP-343: You fear the truth will corrupt her. perhaps. but... realisation of a lie can turn a friend to a foe far easier than a hard truth.
Jacobs: <enraged> She's just a child! These powers are more a curse than anything one would wish for!
Watch: Exactly. So why would you allow her to have them?
SCP-343: Allow?
Jacobs: Why have her keep them?! She poses a threat to herself and,... well everything we know!
SCP-343: It is an anomaly. I... as with free will, am unwilling to interfere.
Watch: I- *stops talking when 343 holds up his hand*
SCP-343: ... *puts his hand down* Each form of life is tied to my being, and as such acts as a conduit for my power. A sensation that there is always someone Watching over you, protecting you. A greater order than what you perceive. Inevitably, this connection to the source will be stronger in some. They will be able to channel in fractions of my power. These individuals may go their whole lives unaware of this gift. While others will be inherently masterful in its use.
Watch: Masterful? Some of the most harmful things she's done have been because of a single stray thought or careless feeling.
SCP-343: Yes, it is unfortunate. however, in your care... I'm certain she will tame her own mind against such careless mistakes.
Watch: Are you kidding me?
Jacobs: No, he's right. we are the best chance she's got.
SCP-343: More such as her will need guidance. It is they were destined to inherit the world. And should they prove responsibility controlling their powers, a place of my side in the Kingdom of Heaven. 
Watch: Does that mean... anyone can have these powers?
SCP-343: Yes.
Watch: So any of us could just be walking around, the next Jesus Christ, and just not know it?
Jacobs: Would that mean that by definition you'd classify your son as an SCP?
SCP-343: (laughs) To be categorized as such as irrelevant. Do you believe I call myself "SCP" for anything but your benefit?
Watch: Well, actually you insist on "God"?
SCP-343: Then why should I impose such a thing upon my own ilk? Jesus of Nazareth is my descendant. A direct line rather than an invention, such as Adam and Eve and... the Betrayer.
Watch: That's supposed to be Lilith.
SCP-343: *birds fly off, roused by his loud voice* Do not speak her name! But a child or creation or product of either... Anything you might classify as SCP are still alive by any standard. Given The rate their numbers increase, it is evident they are as natural to this world as human beings. And therefore should be valued just as equally.
Watch: In that case, you got any other familial links? Are you related to say... ‘001?
SCP-343: Mmm... The Gate Guardian... a being without name, only singular in its purpose. An early inhabitant of my kingdom. There was a time where the guardian was a favourite in the halls of Heaven... and a good friend. But they surrendered everything for their station at the Gates of Eden.
Watch: "Everything" being?
SCP-343: <quietly> Their life. Soul. Their identity. Everything they were or could have been.
Watch: Why would they do that?
SCP-343: As you have said, Humanity's belief in me is waning, and the servants of the Lord do not take kindly to such disloyalty.
Watch: <incredulous> Disloyalty?!
Jacobs: <admonishingly> Shh!
SCP-343: Eden is no longer the Bastion of sanctuary it once was. In fact, it was never properly part of this Earth. It is A bridge to my realm. And within assembles an army that will one day enact would you call um.. I think it.. umm... Armageddon! Yes.
Watch: So much for the allowance of Free Will.
SCP-343: Well it is not my place. My reasoning has already been made clear. They, like Humanity, are taking advantage of the gift of-
Watch & Jacobs: <in unison, exasparsed> Free Will.
SCP-343: Precisely! Their presence is the consequence of your sin. One you have all been made aware of. And one I have attempted to lessen through my son. they intend to wipe the slate clean, but the Guardian felt otherwise. Their sacrifice was to ensure unwavering commitment to the post. For your sakes, a chance to reclaim a seat in heaven!
Watch: What do you believe?
SCP-343: That neither you, nor this Army, are entitled to either of your desires. But I am unable to change that.
Watch: Oh really? we keep picking up a transmission from the future. When the gate finally opens, the date keeps fluctuating. Is that because of you?
SCP-343: That date is entirely up to you.
Watch: Since you claim to be a higher entity who can do anything, why don't you try to help us contain apocalypse-level threats?
SCP-343: it is the right of All things to exist. some may elect the path of Destruction, While others only appear evil, carring out what is simply in their nature. Death is, after all, a natural part of life. Do all humans consider this when slaughtering livestock for their food? or harvesting entire habitats from species who need it the most?
Watch: Well yeah, broadly speaking, you're right. But not everything is native to here. Like you said, quite a few of these SCPs are from earlier universes you failed to separate from each other. Now they're influencing our world. You're saying that doesn't matter anymore, after the big scene you just made?
SCP-343: Their right in life does not end simply because I had designed it to, and at a predetermined Point. Exceeding my ambitions is no crime worthy of execution.
Watch: fine. Then what about the things we clearly need help containing? Or at least understanding?
Jacobs: Your insights could go a great way to putting us in the right path.
SCP-343: Hmm...that would depend upon the subject. We have an anomalous Plague Doctor on site. Who claims a plague is ravaging the world. Do you have any idea what he's talking about?
SCP-343: The Pestilence...
Watch: Is it real?
SCP-343: The idea of the Pestilence mirrors the virility of a disease. But your 049 merely interprets its function through the lens only available to him. That is all I will say.
Watch: no surprises there. In that case, what about a more direct threat? something like SCP-2317?
SCP-343: That is a dangerous game to play.
Watch: I'll take my chances. What, you wind up summoning him again? I don't have anything to lose.
SCP-343: Very well. you already know that 2317 houses the ritual grounds that contain the Goliath. And you are aware of its connection to the Scarlet king?
Watch: That's right. We've been trying to study how to keep it contained, and making sure that the last seal stays on. Could stop a lot of unnecessary suffering if you just... made it all go away.
SCP-343: Even someone... something so corrupt is entitled to exist.
Watch: Does that mean the creature down there is the Scarlet King? That once the last seal is gone, it's all over for us?
SCP-343: The creature you fear is but one of seven vessels of the Scarlet King. He is ultimately unable to enter the realm, aside from minor breaches, but these avatars only allow him to fragment of his powers across the void into your world.
Watch: So, why don't you handle it then? 
SCP-343: The behemoths are themselves mortal. They have the potential to be slain, and therefore it is the duty of Mortals such as yourselves to survive their Wrath.
Watch: (chuckles) I don't believe this
Jacobs: So you're saying there's a chance, but... only while his powers are fragmented. Watch: What happens if they become one?
SCP-343: They won't. He would never risk such a thing happening
Watch: Why not?
SCP-343: Because then he would be a deity once more. Such power infiltrating this realm would be an affront to even... myself. It is the only circumstance I would resolve to take action.
Watch: So only when you're the one who's under threat. <with dry chuckle> What kind of reasoning is that? No, don't tell me: <mockingly> "it's to ensure everything gets the same chance at life"
Jacobs: Watch!
Watch: Why in the hell would you even want to make some of these things? So far we have reality benders who can kill us with a simple thought, apocalyptic diseases, entities that could have killed whole cities because it moved in its sleep once, and potentially worse shit you have planned in the future. So the question I put to you is this: Why?
SCP-343: You give me too much credit, Isaac. All beings that exist today are not entirely a result of my direct intentions. Those that have strayed from my flock have sought to establish their own anomalies. Desire not to suit a specific purpose, to experiment, or for no reason at all but to spite me.
Watch: But as you've said, you made these deities. And by virtue caused their Creations to exist. So why don't you erase their mistakes from the world? It's not like you haven't done it before.
SCP-343: Simple. That is the responsibility of those who created them. It is not for ally to decide which life is more worthy to exist over another. Had these false gods alone chosen to pervert mild realm with these Abominations... I may have done what you suggest. But as we both know, mankind is just as guilty of this sin as any other. Almost all face the consequences of your actions, or you never learn from your mistakes.
Jacobs: I think we should narrow down the subject to... other SCPs for example. Any of them you feel an affinity for?
Watch: We've studied SCP-804, and believe it operates like it has your powers. The device degrades everything, and is man-made. Why?
SCP-343: It is... an affront to life, and refuses those caught in its path of destruction, the will to deny obliteration. It is one of few Junctions within my eterne I have considered revoking free will. To prevent more inventions such as this from seeing the light of the day.
Watch: Doesn't that potentially frighten you? Is there anything that scares "God"?
SCP-343: The plaything of an author, dictating the events of all we know. Holding our fates in the palm of their hand. Does that not frighten you?
Watch: *shrugs* I don't know. They don't call it the God Eater for nothing. Ironically, it was said to have devoured the Abrahamic God.
SCP-343: As you can clearly see, I sit before you wholly unharmed.
Watch: Sure, if you buy the whole "God" thing. Still, wonder how The Druids would've reacted, seeing it waltz in during their ritual ceremony.
SCP-343: *spreads arms* May Mercy find their tainted souls, and guide them back to the lights. *puts arms down*
Jacobs: If I may, somehow personally... Does the soul actually exist? What happens when we die?
SCP-343: ...That the payments on the person. Everyone possesses an Essence, the potential for rebirth in one realm or another. But where it goes is determined by the quality of the life lead. Do you believe you'll be rewarded at the gates of Heaven, Mr Jacobs? Or would you rather... pray for salvation?
Watch: How do you feel when humans claim that your will guides them to do great and terrible things?
SCP-343: I am familiar with being the scapegoat of the deranged. Whether through delusions or deceit, I have never encouraged this behaviour.
Watch: All these murderers, televangelists, and world leaders who command the will of the people, take lives on a whim. Doesn't that make you sick?
SCP-343: Infuriating, yes. But if your aim is to ask if I feel them worthy of retribution-
Watch: *butts in, holding up hand to silence 343* Not just them. We're all guilty of something, you were right about that. Made lots of enemies. Both 079 and 682.
SCP-343: 682?
Watch: Giant broody reptilian type, indestructible?
SCP-343: <unsure> I recall he was mentioned to me before.
Watch: They both claim we're doomed to destroy ourselves if they don't get to us first. Do you believe we're even worthy of being saved?
SCP-343: Why do you ask me this?
Watch: are the actions of the good few... really worth the suffering caused by the awful many?
SCP-343: and where do you see yourself fall on that line? <angered> Do you consider yourself righteous because of good intentions?
Watch: Can't be worse than most.
SCP-343: You are no different than your colleagues. Your moral high ground is paved with the same terrible deeds of a monster. <furious> Deep down you would both sacrifice the lives of others for your own goals, even if they are for the greater good. The people who are tossed into cells as bait, to be experimented on, to study the SCPs you capture. Does that scream ethical to you?
Watch: Then why bother designing a species so inherently flawed as us?
SCP-343: *deflates* (mirthless chuckle) I expected better, at least somewhere down the line. But every new attempt to perfect the design winds up spawning... worse life. Even now, your inner turmoil makes you wish for those around you to be destroyed, making it easier for you to have things you desire.
Watch: You think you're not guilty of this too? Where's your remorse? Aren't you capable of feeling regret?
SCP-343: My feelings add no value to the crimes humanity has perpetrated upon itself. You certainly do not feel guilt over the lives lost of your benefit, the ones you turned a blind eye to, or... the one you left behind.
Watch: <incredulous> I'm sorry, what did you just say?
Jacobs: We should stop here.
Watch: *turns to Jacobs* No, you shut the f██ up! *turns back* What did you just say?
SCP-343: If there is anything for me to regret, is that I wasted my time, allowing things like you *points at Watch* the right to breathe. You don't deserve a thing.
Watch: *stands up abruptly, knocking back his chair* Well, why don't you make like a God and smite me right here?
Jacobs: Both of you, stay cool.
SCP-343: Hoping that I will grant you the coward's way out, Isaac? perhaps I shall... if I find your life is even worth the taking.
Jacobs: *suddenly bursts out while pointing at 343, loud and furious, startling Watch, causing him to look back at him* Shut the hell up!
SCP-343: <jovially> Bravo Mr. Jacobs! Finally found your voice! It is you, who challenges me!
Jacobs: <angrily> You're goddamn right it is.
Watch: ... *finally looks back at 343*
SCP-343: It is unwise to take the lord's name in vain.
Watch: Jacobs, don't bother. He's not worth it-
Jacobs: <still furious> Quiet, Isaac.
Watch: You don't-
Jacobs: <angrier> I'm your commanding officer! And you're still a soldier! You are my responsibility, follow my orders! *leans back on pillar*
SCP-343: Who is playing God now?
Jacobs: <irritated> Oh, don't give me that sycophantic bullshit! I've met plenty of people out in the streets, preaching to the masses, crashing on methamphetamines, who make a more convincing God than you. At least they have the decency to not whip out their superiority complex like a phallus and bust their ego all over the place!
SCP-343: Such a vulgar comparison!
Jacobs: <annoyed> I give as good as I've gotten, and you've been playing this room like where pawns and some Celestial chessboard.
Jacobs: <disgusted> We squirm and suffer away, while you gloat and brag about your morality upon a mountain of corpses, without the slightest sense of irony. Either you are some godforsaken deity who could never measure up to the stature of any God we worship on Earth, or you're nothing more than the SCP who cried wolf, pretending to be something you're not.
Watch: *looks back at Jacobs* <with trepidation> Stop talking to him!
Jacobs: *continues ranting* I'm willing to bet at all that you're just another spineless fake, like 035, hiding behind a mask, desperate to make us believe you aren't worth even a precious moment of our brief existence.
Jacobs: <furiously> Why don't you take that chariot of horseshit you rode in on and f██ out of our reality!
SCP-343: The strengths of our beliefs make or break the man. Are you willing to die for yours?
Jacobs: <with resolve> Kill me then.
SCP-343: So be it.
Watch: <alarmed> Wait!
*Jacobs is teleported away in a flash of light, his scream is audible in last moments before disappearing*
Watch: <with horror>Jacobs!
SCP-343: His fate is of no concern anymore! a far greater decision awaits.
Watch: Where is he?
SCP-343: Scattered... a trillion particles across time and space. *while saying it creates a ball of golden light in his palm, then makes it explode*
SCP-343: Stranded on some Netherworld. Tumbling through a void between dimensional storms. Does it really matter? Isn't this what you wanted?
Watch: ...
SCP-343: Let us put your hypothesis to the test. *holds up his hand and makes a ball of light appear in it. When he bows his body down, it explodes and changes the scenery*
*it appears to be the same place, with few major changes. It looks as if night has fallen during the full moon, with stormy clouds obscuring it and thunder is heard. Lightning strikes, hitting ground every other moment are visible and audible in the background*
SCP-343: You claimed that with my powers you'd do good for this reality. Make the decisions that I dare not, cause the effect be damned. This is your opportunity.
Watch: *holds up his shaking hand, with small orb of light in it* <shakely> I- I can do anything?
SCP-343: A single act. A choice... to have your greatest desire enacted at a moment's thought. but which one will it be?
Watch: ... *stares at the orb in his hand*
SCP-343: To destroy the Foundation? free that unfortunate girl? rid your body of this curse? or... is it... To return Evelyn to your side? The life you indict me for.
Watch: *the orb in his hand explodes, causing him to fall on his knees, then all fours, leaning on his knees*
Watch: <weakly, panting> I... I can't... see.
SCP-343: And the weight of every chain reaction crashes down upon your soul, <whispering> as it does mine. <progressively louder> Feel the repercussions of your actions. Doom mankind to suffer without their "protectors”. Spend your life with 053 forever, fleeing civilization! Lose the one gift you still possess in this life! Or have your sister witness the monster you have become!
SCP-343: <calmer> I did warn you that every choice has its consequences... even my own. And whichever act you make, I promise to never undo!
Watch: ... *light starts to emanate from his form for a moment, then it dies down*
SCP-343: Suddenly, an eterne doesn't seem like much time at all. Why do you fight against your own only instincts?! This is the nature of free will! The constant battle between logic and feeling! Wants and needs! Your base desires have already spoken! *holds up hand and makes thunder hit more audibly*
Watch: <weakly> I... I know what you're doing.
SCP-343: Giving you exactly what you wanted, it is you who must decide what you deserve. Give in to choice, Isaac. shape reality as you wish. It's only human.
Watch: ...
SCP-343: <furiously> Decide!
Watch: ...
SCP-343: <bellowing, making thunder explode everywhere at once> DECIDE!!
Watch: ... That choice is not mine to make. I can live with the consequences of my life, but I won't decide the fate of Innocence with this power. Not by your means.
SCP-343: Whose means then?
Watch: *stands up* My own. *makes orb appear in his hand. When he smacks it they both appear in the unchanged interrogation room from 343 tape part 1*
*Watch looks around. Jacobs materialises in a flash next to him, tumbling down the floor to his knees, his normally white coat soaked in something, making it look dark grey*
Watch: *falls on his knees to catch Jacobs and keep him from falling on his face* <relieved> Jacobs, you're okay. <in soothing voice> Come on. Breathe!
Jacobs: *vomits and hacks, making big pile of bile under them, while trying to catch his breath*
Watch: *holding Jacobs from falling into his vomits* Good. Keep breathing, you lucky bastard.
Jacobs: (wheezes and hacks), (sniffing)
SCP-343: A wise choice. Your sister is quite proud.
Watch: *holds out one hand to shut him up* Don't, just- don't. *goes back to holding Jacobs up with both hands, then helps him stand up* Up ya go. On your feet. *holds Jacobs up by his arm, who stays hunched over*
SCP-343: Mr Watchthorne saw fit to return you. Consider yourself lucky to have a guardian angel such as him. 
Jacobs: <trough hard breaths, covering his mouth> Already do. Be lost without him. <breathes quickly>
Watch: Where did he send you?
Jacobs: <slightly wheezing, hiccuping and siffing back snot> Arctic... I think, judging for the Stars. But for some reason- *winces* uh, sorry *moves hand hiding his mouth away, reaching with it for something in his coat* this little tracker I happen to have on says... *holds up device closely to his face* that for a fraction of a second it pinged my location as being 200 000 miles above orbit. Like there was something there to bounce my signal back to Earth. *looks up at 343* You don't have any idea what that would be, do you?
SCP-343: ... *teleports away in a flash of light*
Jacobs: *back to looking down and holding his hand up to mouth* <under breath> Yeah, thought not. (grunt)
Watch: Easy, numbnuts, you have hypothermia.
Jacobs: <panting> Been there, done that. … Nice job back there.
Watch: Thanks. Can't believe he fell for that.
Jacobs: Neither, really. <through clenched teeth> I suppose I should thank you for saving my life. (swallowing bile back) Thank you, Isaac.
Watch: I'd like to believe you would have done the same.
Jacobs: <in hushed tone> Is that so?
Watch: And you? Did you know I'd save your ass after everything you put me through?
*video cuts off before Jacobs has any chance to articulate an answer*
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*the room is visible from a shelf filled with meds, some of them obscuring the camera. Due to it, its focus is set on them, making everything in the background blurry. Even through this, a bed is visible, with somone laying on it*
Jacobs: <voice hoarse, hushed> Watch. Glad you could come.
Watch: *walks up to bedside, standing directly behind a bottle in front of camera* You asked so... ... Well, at least you got your tapes. I doubt the council will be happy once they see it.
Jacobs: (huff) <bitterly> I doubt anybody will. Tapes are useless... they're going in the trash.
Watch: <taken off-guard> Woah, why? There's a lot of good stuff on there. Details about 343 and others-
Jacobs: Is there? Think about it: the things he said, the ways he said it. It was all to lead you to make your decision. Either that makes him an excellent manipulator, or... (clears troath)
Jacobs: He said it himself: all timelines, every potential future. All God will need to do is tell us what was necessary in exactly the right way to meet his desires.
Watch: I guess the question is... are his ends for our benefit, or just his?
Jacobs: <bitterly> We don't need the tapes of that.
Watch: ... Sorry you didn't get your answer. Look, Crow asked to take another stab at 343 in a month, we'll see if we can get anything from him.
Jacobs: 343'll just do the same... at least I got something valuable out of all this.
Watch: ...Keep the tapes. we'll still need records, and who knows? maybe there's something on there we can use in the future.
Watch: <trying to cheer Jacobs up> Not everyone has home videos of themselves grilling and omniscient with no dark mode support... too bright in there. But looks good on a resume.
Jacobs: Hm, okay.
Watch: Just... make sure you cut out some of the incriminating evidence.
Jacobs: (huff) There'll be more tape on the cutting room floor. Which reminds me. I'm uh (coughs aggressively) I'm told I won't be able to carry out my duties in this condition. So... *holds up some black rectangular object about size of clipboard* I'm handing that responsibility to you.
Watch: *takes the object* The docs say you have brain damage or something?
Jacobs: You're more than qualified to handle the position. Foundation protocol is second nature to you and, (coughs) on top of that. I trust you to make the proper adjustments to those orders.
Watch: Ignoring that I almost got you killed. <sheepishly> My bad by the way.
Jacobs: This isn't repayment for keeping me alive. I'm the one who has to make ground here, not the other way around. Like I said. Together.
Watch: Right...
Jacobs: Don't worry, you'll thrive. Feel free to carry out your duties in any order you wish.
Watch: Jacobs, you didn't have to-
Jacobs: No. Go on.
Watch: ... *walks out of the room*
*Amnesty is shown, working on a laptop. After a moment of typing, she closes it and looks into distance in silence with her hand laying on it*
*Camera is situated above the door leading to a corridor. Several scientists and one man in HAZMAT suit talking to each other is shown. Amnesty walks out from under the camera and trudges away from it, walking next to them. She walks away into a highly illuminated room, which makes her fade out into the light with a flare. The camera fades out into black, and somber music starts playing*
*credits roll in*
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