#never really think about how incredibly weird it looks sometimes
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craneboys · 5 months ago
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silly little guys
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dyketennant · 5 months ago
oh i can already tell i’m about to have some really unpopular opinions about the edge of sleep tv show
#i remember everyone loving the podcast when it came out#but as someone who was an active fan of audio dramas and podcasts for years at that point the show just. made me frustrated#i realized later after listening to left right game that qcode has this very strange and almost uncanny production behind it#where they get incredibly famous actors to play characters and then bank their marketing on that alone#and the writing is always *almost* good. like sometimes you start to think you might actually be listening to a good show#bc i mean the audio quality and special effects are all stellar#but then the writing and acting is always just a little bit too over-the-top and dramatic for it to feel natural#like the writers don’t know how to portray emotion without visuals so they just make everything Way Too Intense#and each time it feels like they just ask ‘what’s the most insane thing that can happen next?’#’oh ok he’s gonna chop dave’s dick off’#and every time you start to actually like a character they say something misogynistic or just otherwise batshit fucking insane#not to mention that time in left right game where a girl confessed her love to her best friend before LITERALLY DYING FOR HER#only for the best friend in the next scene to be like ‘erm i’m not gay 😐 awkward…’ and she’s NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN#qcode productions are kinda like the fast fashion of fiction podcasts i think#they churn out so many so quickly and they always feel just slightly unnatural or superficial#not to mention when i tried looking into them years ago and it’s impossible to find#literally anything about them. like their minimalist ass website was so insanely insanely vague#and yet clearly they’ve gotta have a fuck ton of money backing them to have this absurd amount of a-list talent on board#(which really i think that is all they care about)#anyways yeah some markiplier fans are gonna get pissed at me for not kissing the ground he walks on. but i was one of you. i AM one of you#and i hate that somebody out there is holding the iron lung movie over us like we’re dogs and if we wanna watch it#we gotta watch this show. which BTW they are giving no details about where to watch it#and seemingly no promotion or marketing material for a show that’s been in production for years coming out in less than 3 weeks#just weird as fuck man. and i don’t even think mark has much to do with it
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skeletalheartattack · 3 months ago
Using anonymous because interaction scary but I want you to know when I saw Zarbon while playing Sparking Zero I thought of your blog.. its neat how one very dedicated person on the internet can change your mind on a character
*dialing my rotary phone to call the press* the hyperfixations are working. inform every body immediately!!
#ask#anon#you lovey to see it#and it's working. it's working#i kinda think about how crazy it is sometimes. the ways in which i kinda happened into really liking him#like i thought DBZ was really fucking cool. but it was my brothers who were the reason i got into it or even knew about it#between them having the original rubber clothing action figures. wall stickers. and some PS1 region-locked DBZ games#like i only really knew some barebones stuff regarding DBZ. just like some characters and maybe a few episodes at the time#then like one day i got DBZ Budokai 1 and i played the fuck out of that game.#and then going through Vegetas story. seeing Zarbon for the first time and thinking ''wow. guys can look and sound like that? that's cool''#then something about him transforming was really cool to me#then like i let my cousin borrow the game for his birthday. only for him to assume that i gave it to him for his birthday#which is only odd to me because like months to years later i would constantly ask him to give it back. in which i never got it back#so i kinda forgot about Zarbon for a really long time throughout my life#but even from that moment like i think that definitely stitched some closeted thoughts about other guys through my life#just like thoughts of ''oh id be fine dating guys'' to ''if i were gay id be fine dating that guy''#and then like sometime after graduating. it eventually clicked that im bisexual. around the time i started watching and reading jojo#then at some point i was trying to connect the dots with someone about characters that were an origin point for me#and the first thought was a point in Budokai involving Vegeta. and me going on youtube to rewatch footage of the game#only to have like. a portion of my memory re-emerge the moment i recognized and remembered Zarbon#like from that moment so much shit made sense to me. and because of that im just so fond of him#it's just wild to me that sequence of events.#anyway. thank you for the ask anon :) im glad that my weird obsession for him could change your perspective on him#or. i guess less glad and moreso like. that i find it incredibly fascinating
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vrystalius · 13 days ago
I know i just requested with weird nicknames for squid game characters.
But I want to see their reaction to your wallpaper being them or being another person. Literally obsessed with what you write its so cute. Take my heart ❤️
Squid Game men’s reaction for putting them as your phone’s wallpaper.
They randomly check your phone one day and find a picture of themselves staring back. How will they react? What kind of wallpaper do they have?
Pairing: Recruiter, Thanos, Nam-gyu x gn!reader
Summary: You putting them as your phone wallpaper, them putting you as their phone wallpaper
Genre: Fluff, maybe a little angst in Nam-gyu’s part (mention of drug use)
Words: 800 per character
Note: I wrote this during my medicine and head concussion induced haze, forgive me for any inconsistencies or mistakes 😭🙏 Also, the middle pictures are a suggestion as what said wallpaper could be.
Gong Yoo // The Recruiter // Salesman
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— Choosing you as your wallpaper. —
Mostly surprise and confusion spread swirled in his mind the first time he stared back at himself in the form of your phone wallpaper. He never thought you’d screenshot this picture let alone use it as your wallpaper because c’mon— let’s be honest, you could’ve chosen any other picture of him and yet you decided on this.
It’s weird. Gong Yoo feels a little watched as he tries to find the food delivery app on your phone while having his own eyes stare back at him.
Although he had grown more and more fond of it every time he opened your phone anew. He sees how you grin a little when turning on your screen, how you sometimes giggle when you stare at it for too long. Sometimes you show it off to him and complain about he barely ever wears any skincare masks anymore.
“So you can have a new wallpaper? I don’t think so. My skin is fine for now, thank you darling.”
To be really honest, he finds it incredibly endearing that you chose him as your wallpaper, especially a picture like this. He thinks of himself as a sophisticated, charming, handsome salesman that lures desperate people into a death game and messes with homeless people in his free time, but you seemingly just see him as your soulmate, the love of your life, your husband.
— Choosing you as his wallpaper. —
Two months into the relationship and after a couple of dates, Gong Yoo already set you as his phone wallpaper. It was nice to have a reminder looking back at him to text you, check in on you, give you a call or even come by for dinner. A reminder that he has a special someone to care and love for.
He switches his wallpaper up every few weeks or months, wanting to keep it updated to your appearance. His chosen pictures are mostly intimate ones, snaps he takes while you are being unaware of how cute, attractive or adorable you look.
Pictures like when you are asleep on the couch in his arms after watching a movie, you after waking up and sleepily brushing your teeth in the mirror, you showing your back to him while waiting for the microwave to finish heating up the cheap convenience food, maybe even you stuffing your face with ice cream after a long day.
Whatever picture he may choose (much to your dismay), it always makes him smile to himself no matter the situation. Even if another homeless person asks him for spare change or those two random mobsters tried to jump him in an alleyway and now he was forced to “get rid of them”, a quick glance on his phone and seeing a cute picture of you immediately forces a smile to break out on his face.
The sight of their kidnapper smiling at his phone so lovingly while they were tied up and playing rock-paper-scissors for their lives probably made the two men shit their pants more than feeling the barrel of a revolver being pressed against the side of their head.
Thanos // Su-bong // Player 230
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— Choosing him as your wallpaper. —
At first, Thanos reeeaaaallly disliked the picture you chose as your wallpaper. It was just a random reaction picture he send you one day about something he doesn’t even remember, and you went ahead and chose this as your phone wallpaper? Seriously?! Can’t you choose something more handsome, flattering?
He even offered to pose properly for you so you have a better pic to use, but after Thanos obviously started mewing and tried his absolute best to look as attractive as possible (which he already is but shhh), your boyfriend got extremely offended when you started laughing at his posing.
Your boyfriend gave up after a few attempts of secretly changing your wallpaper and seeing you pout every time he did, changing it right back to the one before.
If you really like it that much, fine. Just don’t let anyone see that you have that as your phone wallpaper, or else his rapper persona will never be able to recover from being exposed like that.
You don’t even understand why he is being so dramatic about your wallpaper anyway.
“I look hella ugly there, c’mon baby! Work with me here!! Here, lemme pose for you real quick so you can change that thing.”
Although it does flashbang you in the middle of the night when you turn on your phone, the brightness of the picture vaporising your eyes in an instant. It’s not the most pleasant thing to look at first thing in the morning but you still think he looks kinda cute in the pic.
— Choosing you as his wallpaper. —
He was careful to choose the prettiest picture of you he can find and the proceed to show it off to everyone he meets. Thanos even showed you off to Nam-gyu multiple times, forgetting that he already showed his friend the same picture four times now. Nam-gyu is already totally looking forward to next week when Thanos shows you off again.
Your boyfriend grins like a child whenever he glances at his phone for too long, falling in love with your picture all over again.
He changes his wallpaper every week so he always has something cute to look at after performing at another underground club or while doing whatever, sometimes getting distracted from searching for a certain app and instead ending up scrolling through either your social media account or his photo library to search for more pics of you.
Whenever you catch Thanos grin at his phone again, your first instinct is to glance over his shoulder to check what exactly he is looking at, but he immediately closes his phone when you do. At first you thought he might be looking at some random girl’s profile or whatever, but when you open it up and find yourself staring back, you’re kind of surprised to be honest.
Although, he always denies that he really cares about his wallpaper. Your boyfriend is totally choosing it at random and totally does not match his lock screen with his homescreen and mostly chooses pictures of you two together, you kissing his cheek or him holding you. Not at all!
Nam-gyu // Player 124
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— Choosing you as your wallpaper. —
You choose a rather cute picture as your wallpaper. You took it during one of your first dates where you dragged him to a festival that was being held near your home, dragging Nam-gyu there against his will. Back then he had shorter hair, wore his glasses more frequently. Back then he was a little shy believe it or not, at least when it came to romance.
He used more before he met you, being around alcohol and drugs at all times due to his occupation. It kind of came with his job and the circle of friends he was around, so before meeting you, there was barely any day he wasn’t high or having a hangover from some random drug.
Nam-gyu never noticed you had this picture as your phone wallpaper until he accidentally grabbed your phone, thinking it was his. Seeing this picture in particular gave him a brief jumpscare.
You took this picture after he managed to scrap out the star shape out of the sugar cookie he bought from a random stand during the festival. His hair was shorter back then and he wore his glasses more frequently, the mask a reminder of how times were 5 years ago. He struggled staying clean during that time and always felt like shit wich is why he didn’t want to go to the festival in the first place.
He didn’t even know you took this picture of him despite him fully looking at the camera. A small smile spread on his face at the thought of you really choosing a picture like this as your phone wallpaper.
Quickly putting your phone down, Nam-gyu quickly played off his reaction as he hard you come into the room.
“I’m smiling about nothing, shaddup. Go back to wherever you came from.”
With a dismissive hand wave, he tried to shoo you away. His attempts were futile as you instead pull him into a clingy hug, instead demanding cuddles instead. Who was he to deny your wish?
— Choosing you as his wallpaper. —
Nam-gyu likes taking 0.5x zoom pictures of you from above and choosing them as his phone wallpaper, pushing you away as you try to protest and stop him from putting them as his wallpaper because seriously, he can literally choose any other pic!
You can hear quiet, evil “hehe”s from the corner of the room whenever you two are together and he turns on his phone, briefly turning it around so you can see what he was giggling so stupidly at, only for him to giggle harder at the sight of your unamused face.
Even if he mainly chooses those pictures as his phone wallpaper to annoy you, he likes having a stupid picture of you always available to him.
Some shitty guy searching for a fight at the club? Quick glance at your face at a 0.5x zoom makes him crack a smile right after. Thanos called him Nam-su, Gyu-nam or literally anything else but his name again? Turning his phone on lightens his mood immediately.
Sure, a flattering or cute picture of you would have the same effect on him, but this is much funnier in his opinion.
Author’s note. Thank you for reading!
HAPPY LATE VALETINES DAYYYYYYY!!!! Since tumblr limits your tags to 30 tags per post I always have trouble tagging all of the Squid Game men, so I decided to split this one prompt into two posts. If this gets enough attention / love, I’ll post a part 2 with Dae-ho, Gi-hun and In-ho! Also, thank you for requesting, I needed a break from writing my smut draft 😭
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!!
Take care of yourselves <33
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astrow1zar6 · 10 days ago
Astro Observations~ 49
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👑Mars conjunct Venus people can either be really irresistible or repulsive to be around no in between. I feel like people either can’t get enough of them & are so attracted to them or they are very disturbed by their energy of come off as very obnoxious.
👑Venus in Aries LOVE when people are obsessed with them. They care more about making you obsessed with them than actually keeping you. They love the chase they live for it tbh.
👑Mars in the 8th house can prefer very rough sex. They have a thing for pain. They can be big masochists.
👑Pluto in aspect with the moon will love you deeper than anyone else. Especially when it’s positively aspected (sextile & trine). When they leave you will never find that depth again. You will find yourself thinking about them years later.
👑Mars in Aries people are physically so strong. Usually grew up always winning arm wrestling or running the fastest out of all your friends, was able to beat everyone in sports ect. They re blessed with incredible strength & endurance.
👑Scorpio Venus’s are the most jealous out of all the Venus signs. They do NOT like sharing their partners with anyone (even family) they are like this with friends as well. Once they fall in love with you they almost never let you go. You will always be in the back of their minds forever.
👑Saturn sextile or trine Venus in synastry is really the glue to a relationship. I’ve seen so many married couples with this aspect. No matter how much they piss you off you are always gonna want to fix it to make it work. The relationship can start off pretty slow at first but usually once it gets there it lasts a lifetime.
👑Jupiter in the 10th house people are usually very popular. Whether they are popular for good or bad (depending on your aspects) reasons they will be paid a lot of attention from the public eye (especially in Leo or Sagittarius). You have a very powerful divine presence & it’s hard for people to keep their eyes off you. The types to be nominated for prom queen/king in highschool.
👑Pisces & Capricorn in the big three can make someone be very pessimistic.
👑The hardest workers I ever seen had Aries and Capricorn in their big three.
👑You rarely see a man with a Venus in Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn being confused about someone. Those people almost always know what they want.
👑On the other hand Pisces, Libra & Aries Venus men usually never know what they want and recklessly get into relationships they aren’t always so sure about.
👑Aquarius placements are usually into things that can be seen as “childish” or “nerdy”. For example; Video games, collecting figurines, cartoons, anime ect.
👑Libra suns can have a problem with mirroring others personality subconsciously. They can suppress their natural self’s to be liked by others more. It actually really hard for them to be themselves in social situations. They only show their true selves to those they trust deeply.
👑People are usually obsessed with getting approval from those with a Capricorn rising. You have a lot of people that look up to you & value your opinions deeply. Others naturally respect you due to your mature put together presence. You have a very powerful aura & others are more likely to yield to you.
👑Uranus in the 5th house people get turned on by weirdness. The weirder the better. They highly appreciate people who are free with expressing their quirks. They hate being around people who get embarrassed too easily.
👑A lot of 12th house placements can make you a very “lowkey” type of person. People usually forget that you are in the room sometimes. 12th house placements can make people with extroverted signs quiet. Especially if you have it in the sun or mercury.
👑Sun & Venus in Taurus women usually look really good without makeup. The more natural the better they look.
👑Saturn in the 4th house can have difficulty in expressing affection (especially with their family. Could’ve came from a household where their family often neglected their emotional well being or they weren’t able to vent properly to anyone. Mother could’ve been very cold and strict when dealing with the native. They usually had to grow up super fast & was emotionally mature at a very young age. Could be used to dealing with problems on their own making it uncomfortable to ask for help. These people usually have the hardest time going to therapy.
👑Sag moons can come off as more like an air moon. They are the most detached emotionally out of all the fire moons.
👑Most narcissists have a mutable moon sign. Or just a lot of mutable placements in general.
👑Cap Venus men can be big crash outs when they get rejected or find out their partner isn’t loyal. They take that shit so seriously they absolutely hate being embarrassed or looking stupid for someone.
👑Pisces/12th house mercury’s can struggle with having a voice when younger. Could’ve repressed what bothered them a lot because they were used to the things they said being dismissed by others. Could’ve felt like they spoke a completely different language than everyone else.
👑Venus in retrograde people usually have a lot of trauma from other women. Other women could’ve not liked them too much or it’s difficult for them to make genuine girl friends. Other girls viewed them as being “mean girls”. Felt more comfortable in the presence of men.
👑Venus square mars I’m synastry can feel uncomfortable for the Venus person. Mars person usually makes the Venus feel uncomfortable because of how strong they can come off with them at times. The mars person can act very lusty around the Venus which can scare them a little. This aspect can be common with one sided attraction.
👑Gemini suns/risings are the epitome of golden retriever energy.
👑Mars/ Venus in Taurus men prefer women who are more curvy/voluptuous.
👑Aries moons can lose interest when you aren’t giving them enough attention.
👑Libra suns almost always have nice 🍑. Almost every girl I’ve seen with a big 🍑 had their sun in libra
👑Aqua Venus’s are usually amazing friends & they tend to have a lot of them. Their friends can also fall in love with them very easily.
👑Cancer suns can either be super hilarious or so corny
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chaoticallyfluffy · 10 months ago
I’ve been forced into reading Danny phantom fanfics because I’m desperate for Billy Batson content and for some reason half the stuff on ao3 is crossover stuff so I guess I like Danny phantom now?? Kind of?? I haven’t watched it and I don’t plan on it but I really like the idea of it.
Billy has maintained a very delicate balance of half truths and lies of ommision over the years to protect his identity as a literal child. He uses facts he learned from his patrons and his interest and knowledge in history, specifically Ancient Greece, to convince people he’s ancient.
Then one day this ghost guy joins the league claiming to be incredibly old as well except he just goes around straight up lying about stuff, saying whatever the hell he feels like about the past if it’s convenient to him or just funny. Most of it contradicts with the story Billy has been delicately weaving over the years and he’s kind of panicking.
One day he confronts the ghost guy and is like “I know your not actually ancient but I’m not a snitch, how old are you?”
And Danny kind of feels bad about pretending to be ancient in front of someone who has literally been around since at least Ancient Greece and confesses that he’s 14. Captain Marvel stares at him for a few minutes before breaking out in a big grin and transforming into a 12 year old Billy. They instantly become inseparable.
You’d think that Billy would ask Danny to stop lying all the time because it’s gonna get them caught, but no, he thinks it’s hilarious. Now whenever Danny says something absurd or directly contradictory of the actual history that Billy told them, they’re just like “oh yeah both of those happened at the same time but all the scribes were at the same spot so no one wrote about the other one and it was lost to time” or “there was a time loop for a good few years back in good old Greece so a lot of weird things happened that just didn’t stick.” Or “that did happen but only ghosts could perceive it.” Or sometimes, if they absolutely cannot get away with any other explanation, “dang must have dreamt it!”
The league is hopelessly confused and 90% sure they’re being messed with but they have no proof and if they look at the history at least MOST of the stuff they say is true so there’s really no reason to doubt it when Danny claims he once fist fought the god of time while the entirety of Rome cheered for him and placed bets, especially when Billy nods sagely and says he remembers having to clean up the space time continuum after the fight and that he lost the modern equivalent of ten bucks in the bet (he still doesn’t lie, just doesn’t disagree with the blatant dishonesty. He honestly did have to clean up the space time continuum multiple times after Danny messes with time a bit too much thanks to Clockwork + shenanigans. They make bets all the time too lol)
I think the contrast between ‘never lies’ and ‘lies all the time for funsies’ with the same motivation of ‘do the funniest thing possible at all times’ can be extremely entertaining and interesting.
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plethorawrites · 2 months ago
Oblivious Smallville Clark Kent who, for whatever reason, can't see how attractive he is to everyone, especially you. It isn't exactly his fault for never making a move on you when you've never really openly told him how you feel or even actually flirted with him. You wouldn't. He was your friend and you wouldn't ruin it. You had, however, complimented. A lot. He never really picked up on it though.
A comment about him looking nice in a suit when he was feeling weird about it, or telling him the haircut he thought was too short looked good on him just rolled off his back. A breezy smile and small thanks was all he'd ever give in return. So, you pined quietly, appreciating all the features he was entirely unaware anyone loved about him.
Until one night, you're stood up on a date and have to call him to come pick you up. It was sort of like being stuck by lightning, seeing you that night in a gorgeous outfit, your hair done neatly and your eyes reflecting sadness. He, without warning, realized exactly how beautiful you had always been.
You were already compassionate, funny, honest. He always knew you were an incredible person and he always felt good around you. Comfortable. Which, for an alien, was hard to feel sometimes.
But suddenly, it was like a light had switched in his head and ever since driving you home, quietly, leaving after assuring you that you didn't do anything wrong and any guy would be lucky to be with you, he couldn't stop seeing you as more than a friend.
All the little habits he brushed off became clear and something he hated focusing on but couldn't stop—chewing on your pencil while working on homework, running your hands through your hair when frustrated, licking your lips to keep them moist because you always forgot chapstick and they were always raw from the weather that had been getting colder.
Yeah, it was safe to say he was completely, totally, utterly screwed. Because he couldn't go more than half a day without thinking about you, getting jealous when someone else talked to you or made you laugh, calling just to talk for a bit. And you, he thought, would never feel the same way about him. It was a lost cause.
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wqnwoos · 2 months ago
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You were once deeply and irrevocably in love with Kwon Soonyoung, and it’s incredibly hard to avoid that fact when he works literally two offices down from you. It’s even harder to avoid when you’re stuck in a broken elevator with him for hours, and he seems determined to dissect everything that went wrong three years ago.
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⇢ pairing: kwon soonyoung x f!reader
⇢ genre: angst, fluff, exes!au, lawyer!au
⇢ wc: 5.6k
⇢ warnings: minor alcohol consumption, lots of flashbacks
⇢ a/n: early happy new year!! this is my gift to u all <3 thank u to @haologram for hosting this collab and for just being alive. and thank you SOO much to ally @lovetaroandtaemin and em @gyuswhore for beta'ing i appreciate u both endlessly 💗
as part of the don’t hate, litigate! collab hosted by the wonderful @haologram
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SOMETIMES IT TRULY feels like God, or the stars in your skies, or whatever the hell is controlling your fate down on this measly earth, hates you.
Sometimes it truly feels like this indefinite being is determined to deal you the worst set of cards, and this – this trumps all. Being stuck in an elevator with your ex-boyfriend sounds like the beginning of a shitty romcom, except it’s not. It’s your life, and it’s been your life for the past eight minutes, since the metal box you stepped in ground to a creaky, noisy halt halfway between the sixth and seventh floor. 
And it takes eight minutes before Soonyoung sighs resignedly. “Are you just going to ignore me forever?” 
Forever, you think, is your least favourite word. There were a lot of things you thought you’d have forever, and one of them is standing right next to you.
You swallow thickly. Your reply comes measured and clipped. “For as long as possible.”
When he speaks next, you can hear the attempt at a forced smile in his tone. “Well, you kinda just failed.”
You stay silent. If anyone had told you five years ago that Kwon Soonyoung would be begging to talk to you and you’d be ignoring him, you would have called them crazy; and yet, here you are. Ignoring him like your sanity depends on it, because actually, it does. So for the past eight minutes – nine now, but who’s counting? – you’ve barely spoken a word. You’re both stuck; the recovery team can’t make it for two hours at least; and God hates you, basically.
Soonyoung’s trying to make the most of it, and you’re not letting him.
He says your name, ever so softly. “Really, though. How – how have you been?”
It’s weird, going from years of no contact to working together. It’s been a year since Soonyoung joined your company, but it hasn’t become any easier. Not when he’s such an open book, so fucking easy for you to read. Every time you cross paths, he gets this look in his eyes – sad puppy, you’ve nicknamed it. Now is no different.
“I’ve been okay,” you say finally, stiltedly. You’ve never been able to resist that face, and you’re pretty sure he knows it too. “What about you?”
The silence is painful, but the way he says fine stings a little bit more. You know when he’s lying, and he never used to do that to you.
“So…” He shifts his weight awkwardly, huffing out an uncomfortable laugh as he gazes intently at his shoes. “This is weird, right?”
You match him with an equally uncomfortable smile. “The weirdest.”
“Our longest conversation after forever,” he says. “But I wasn’t expecting it to go like this.”
You cock your head to the side, fixing him with a questioning gaze. All hopes of ignoring him are sailing out the hypothetical window. “How were you expecting it to go?”
Soonyoung looks up at you with one of those embarrassed, endearing smiles. “Better.”
There’s a pregnant pause, and then – “You know, Jeonghan calls you the one that got away.” 
He’s always had a habit of dropping things like that on you; things that leave you a little winded.
“That makes it sound like I escaped,” you say, with an ease you don’t feel.
Clearly, Soonyoung doesn’t feel it either — he exhales heavily. “Maybe you did. Escape, I mean.”
You snap your head towards him, eyes almost owlish in your surprise; “You’re not serious.” When he doesn’t say anything, you continue haphazardly, “Soonyoung, that’s not — there wasn’t anything to escape from.” 
Your ex-boyfriend looks miserable. Avoids eye contact, staring fixedly at his shoes with a dejected expression he can’t properly disguise; even throughout the three years of your relationship, you rarely saw him like this. He looks…
Heartbroken, your mind suggests.
“I’m serious,” you insist again, pushing the thought out of your mind. “You weren’t a bad boyfriend, Soonyoung.”
He snorts then. “Okay, we both know that isn’t true.”
“It is!” 
“If we had, like, a counter of who fucked up however many times, I would leave you in the dust.”
You don’t know how to tell him this might even be half of it. This weird pedestal he puts you on – it’s not even guilt-tripping. You’ve seen that, but never from him; Soonyoung just truly, sincerely feels bad. Whenever you look back on your relationship, which is more often than you’d care to admit, it’s plain as day. He truly, sincerely feels that he has never deserved you. Like you’re something out of this world, out of his world. 
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“Wow.” Soonyoung huffs out the one word, and it’s half a laugh, half admiration. “You are so out of my league.”
“Stop,” you whine, pushing his shoulder lightly. “Don’t say stupid things like that.”
“Well, not everyone gets to date the prettiest girl in law school,” he retorts quickly, lifting his brows. “Not sure why I of all people get to, but thank you.”
“Stop it,” you repeat, rolling your eyes and fixing the tie he’s wearing. “You’re gorgeous and you know it. You should know it, at least.”
“Not just that!” he protests quickly. “I just mean… you’re so smart. And good. And kind, and funny, and — ”
“Ah, yes! Of course, Kwon Soonyoung, known famously for being mean and horrible and extremely unfunny,” you say sarcastically, before tugging his tie and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “I choose my league, and you’re the only one in it.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” he murmurs, slightly breathless.
“Oh, shut up and kiss me.”
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There were a lot of things that went wrong with you and Soonyoung. You’d started off wonderful: both of you bright, flaming, drawn to each other like magnets. You managed the stresses of law school, graduated together, and lined up jobs – jobs that were miles and miles from each other.`
There were lots of things that went wrong with you and Soonyoung, but if you had to pick one, it would be long distance.
“When did we stop trying?”
The question makes you snort. “What, you want a date and a time?”
Soonyoung smiles ruefully, but there’s nothing happy about it. It’s more of a painful grimace. That’s always been the way with you both: you deflect, he feels. He doesn’t hide the way you do, not from anyone. And for a few years, he was the only one who you didn’t hide from. 
Maybe that’s what has you opening your mouth again. “I could probably give you one. A date, I mean.”
Soonyoung hugs his knees to his chest, eyes searching your face. You can read him so well it physically makes you ache. The hint of uncertainty in his eyes, the twitching of his fingers – he’s nervous. He’s torn between wanting to know what you have to say and the strong sneaking premonition that it might hurt. “Go on,” he says finally, just as you knew he would. 
Honestly, you don’t have an exact date. Things fell apart slowly, and then all at once. A toppling tower – leaning, leaning, leaning, until it crashed. 
“There were probably a few things,” you say, softly. “My birthday, for a start.”
He winces reflexively. “That…” he begins, and then breathes out, shutting his eyes. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make up for that.”
“I mean, in the end, it wasn’t that big of a deal.” You’re not sure why you’re trying to reassure him, even if it's true. You forgave him almost immediately.
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Soonyoung’s first eloquent word when he walks into the apartment only means you become sure of what you already suspected. He takes in the half-eaten cake on the table, candles blown out and tossed to the side, the scraps of wrapping paper littering the floor, the cards; you take in his face. And you know, as quick and as simple as that – he forgot. 
Some small part of you had been holding a sneaking hope that maybe this was just an elaborate attempt at a surprise. You’d told him once, months and months ago, that you didn’t think ignoring people on their birthday to surprise them later was a very nice thing to do. But you’d rather he forgot that than your entire birthday.
His eyes meet yours, both of you frozen to your places. Him at the doorway, you at the table. The distance between you isn’t more than a few metres, but suddenly it feels like an engulfing abyss. Still, even from the other side, you can feel the guilt pouring out of him. 
“Shit,” he says again, before rushing his words out. “Shit, baby, I’m so sorry.”
You haven’t cried all day. You haven’t let yourself, but this has your eyes brimming over before you can control it.
“I’m going to bed,” you say finally, hugging yourself tightly, making yourself smaller. The apartment is warm, but you suddenly feel freezing. And despite your best efforts, there’s a waver in your voice, verging on a crack. “I’m tired.” 
You glance over the remains of your birthday party, one that you plastered a fake, painful smile on the whole way through, and then you turn to leave. 
“Baby, wait,” he implores quickly, and takes a step towards you — you mirror it immediately with a step back, and it makes him pause, his expression falling even further. “Baby.”
“You’re not allowed to call me that.” Your voice is obviously shaking now. “Not today. Maybe — maybe tomorrow.”
Maybe tomorrow you’ll be able to hear his excuses, his promises, but today, you’re allowed to be upset. You’ll let yourself have today, at the very least.
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He’d driven hours to see you that day, but he’d still forgotten why he was there. You hadn’t really celebrated your birthday before you met him. Soonyoung was the one who made it a big deal, back when you first started dating, and even now, there’s a sharp pang in your chest when you remember how hurt you were that day.
“You made up for it tenfold,” you remind him now, because it’s true. He made the rest of the week practically a utopia, once you banned him from apologising. And he’d been so busy at work, so incredibly tired the whole month before, and you could understand. Both that he upset you, and that it was an innocent mistake. And you’ve never seen more sincere apologies than those that came from Soonyoung.
He looks grim, shakes his head, but doesn’t say any more. Probably because you’ve had this conversation a few times already, both of you too stubborn to give in. 
“Keep going,” he says, then, looking at you head on. “What else?”
All of a sudden, you don’t want to talk about what else. All of a sudden, you’re annoyed with him, his stupid face, this stupid elevator. “Do we have to do this?” Your voice has switched from somewhat reassuring to harsh – for want of a better word, angry. It makes his brown eyes a little round with surprise, his mouth parting a little.
“What else and what if have been on my mind for three years, Soonyoung,” you say acidly. “Forgive me if I don’t really want to talk about it to your face.”
Again, his mouth opens a little bit, stays open as he tries to form words. Until he gives up, seals his lips and nods. “Alright. Okay. That’s fine.”
“I know it’s fine!” you cry out, only more angry that he won’t argue back. You’re lawyers, it’s what you do. And just to be petty, you add — “Besides, I bet your girlfriend wouldn’t be happy about this anyway.”
Finally, his passive poker face drops, and he looks a little confused. “My what?”
Immediately, you regret opening your mouth, but it’s too late to back down. “Your girlfriend. You know, that girl from accounting.”
“The girl fr— You mean Rachel?” Soonyoung gapes at you, and something in you bridles, until he continues. “Mrs Choi, who's married to her wife and adopting a kid next year?”
Well, now you feel stupid as fuck.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he continues, and if you weren’t afraid to look at him right now, you’d swear he was hiding a smirk.
“Whatever. I don’t care. Why are we even talking about this?” you snap, irritated and embarrassed.
He still sounds smug. “You brought it up.”
“You sit with her every lunch hour,” you mutter, heat creeping up your neck. “I just assumed.”
“Well, there’s nothing there. So don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried! I don’t care who you date, Soonyoung!”
He looks a little taken aback, blinking once or twice, cockiness gone without a trace. “Wow,” he says, finally. If you didn’t know him as well as you did, you wouldn’t notice the slight tremble in his voice. “That’s the first time you’ve said my name since — ��
He cuts himself off, but you complete the sentence in your head — three years ago. Three years since you packed up and walked out of his life. It feels like a decade ago; it feels like last week. You’d been so sure that you wouldn’t see his face again after that, that it was a decided end of a full four years of your life. Until last year, when he’d waltzed straight back into your life, this time at your workplace.
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“This is the new hire.” Your boss is speaking, but you’re still finishing up the last sentence on the document you’re working on, and you listen absently as he fires a couple instructions — “Jeon, you’ll show him around. Filing system, get him logged on, the works.”
You look up then, to cast Wonwoo a knowing smile, because he always gets lumped with showing around the newbies, but halfway to making eye contact with your friend, you catch the familiar tilt of a jaw, the soft lines of a nose you know so well.
You’ve seen Soonyoung in a hundred people since you left him. You’re always looking over your shoulder at the bus stop, at the grocery store, at the library, finding a tiny piece of him in everyone and everything, a tiny piece that lodges itself tight and sharp into your throat until you take a second look, until you see unfamiliar eyes or too dark hair or shorter legs. Until you find something to make you swallow, exhale, and keep walking.
Now, your second look doesn’t yield anything unfamiliar. Except maybe his hair, gone from blonde to black, but everything else — everything else. It’s him, and he looks just as shocked to see you as you are to see him. There’s a heavy moment that seems only heavy to the two of you, everyone else still talking, the boss still giving instructions, but you and Soonyoung are looking at each other, dumbfounded, and all you can think about is the distinct taste of bile in your throat and the tie he’s wearing is the one you got him for his birthday.
Your initial plan is to avoid him. He foils that plan within two hours, cornering you in the break room, whispering urgently, “I had no idea you worked here, I swear I’m not, like, following you or – ”
The thought hadn’t even crossed your mind, and you just pin him with a blank stare. 
“I could quit.”
You’re shaking your head before he can even finish the sentence. “I’m not so butthurt that I can’t be a professional.”
“Right,” Soonyoung nods, breathing out a little. His lips are chapped. He never used to wear lip balm, just used to borrow yours. You hate yourself a little for remembering that.
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The memory almost makes your lips twist with an sardonic smile. “I was so pissed when you showed up here.”
You can see his half smile, rueful and charming, through your peripheral vision. “I felt so bad about it, you know. But you just seemed annoyed when I saw you in the break room, so I figured you weren’t… mad or upset or anything.”
“I went straight from the break room to cry in the bathroom for fifteen minutes,” you admit truthfully. “I had to tell Wonwoo I had curry for breakfast.”
“You cried?”
You scowl. “I’m not saying it to be pitied, Soonyoung. I’m just saying, I’m not, like, some heartless jerk with no feelings. Of course I was upset.”
“I know that,” he says quickly, vehemently. “Of course I know that.” He hesitates, and then continues, words practically inching out of him. “It’s not really my place to ask, but… you and Wonwoo… are you guys…?”
“You’re right,” you say, and press your cheek onto your knees to fix him with your eyes. “It’s not your business. But that’d be hypocritical of me, so… no. No, we’re just friends. I’m friends with his girlfriend too, Cam, she works at the plant shop down the road.”
Soonyoung tilts his head back, lets out one of those breathy laughs that aren’t really laughs. “It’s so weird that you have new friends now.”
“Thanks,” you say, dripping with sarcasm.
“Not like that! I just mean I’m so used to – like, it used to be our friends, you know what I mean?”
“Not since three years ago,” you say with false lightness, because when you lost Soonyoung, you lost the friends he brought you too. You catch the glint of pity in his eyes again, and scoff. “It’s not a big deal. They were your friends first.”
Frowning, he speaks again. “First doesn’t matter. It didn’t matter to them either. Seungkwan said you were the one who stopped answering their calls.”
It’s true, and the feeling still burns a little, because Seungkwan and Jeonghan had called so many times. Even Vernon called a couple times, and you weren’t even that close to him, but Soonyoung has always attracted good people. Like calls to like. Maybe that’s why you ended up leaving.
“I was trying to make it easier,” you say bluntly., “for them to choose you.”
Your ex-boyfriend clicks his tongue, rakes a hand through his dark hair. “It’s not about sides, ___, for fuck’s sake.”
“Well, it felt like it at the time, alright?” Your words come out louder than you mean them to, and you pause, trying to quell your defensiveness. 
Soonyoung raises his hands in half-hearted surrender. “Alright. Alright.”
Something in your stomach feels acidic. Leaning your head back against the cool wall of the elevator, you manage to meet his eyes apologetically. “How – how are they, though? Seungkwan and everyone?”
Graciously, he ignores your quick show of temper. “They’re good. Seungkwan’s working freelance photography now. Jeonghan still hates his job, but keeps getting promoted anyway.”
Jeonghan. You told him you thought you were going to break up before you even told Soonyoung. You wonder if he remembers it, because that night is seared into your memory – New Year’s Eve, three years ago.
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You’re much drunker than you ever intended to be when you finally find a place to sit in the cramped apartment, waved over by a sympathetic looking Jeonghan. He pats your head affectionately as you groan. 
“Feeling alright?”
“No,” you say elaborately.
Jeonghan never pries, which is probably what makes people tell him everything. He only raises his eyebrows at you, a hint of scepticism toying with his smile.
You look away, eyes drawn immediately to your boyfriend, laughing in the middle of the kitchen. Throwing his head back, squeezing his eyes shut, looking so fucking happy; when you see him like this, your heart always feels so incredibly warm and so incredibly full. 
Except today, there’s something else intertwining it, something similar to dread, and it causes the faint smile on your face to fade a little.
Jeonghan sees it, of course, and when you look back at him, his eyebrows only raise higher. 
You sink further into that horrible, looming feeling. “Jeonghan.”
“I think I’m going to break up with him this year.”
If you didn’t know Jeonghan as well as you do, you’d think the information hadn’t affected him at all; his features remain completely impassive, but you catch the flash of surprise in his eyes. He stays quiet for a long time, the silence between you filled with thumping bass and indistinct conversation, until finally, he asks the only question there is to ask. “Why?”
It’s ridiculous, how one word can bring you to the verge of tears. But that one word holds so much weight – why would you break up with him? Why would you, when you’ve pictured a future with him a thousand times over? 
Why would you leave the best thing that ever happened to you?
You blink back the tears, and Jeonghan waits.
His voice is soft, but you still hear him under the din of the party. “Is this about your birthday?”
You shake your head quickly. “No.” You stop. “Maybe. It’s – there’s just – little stupid things.”
“Little things add up,” Jeonghan says gently. You hate how he’s already understanding.
“Sometimes – ” You swallow thickly. “Sometimes I just feel so far away from him.”
You don’t have to explain that you don’t mean physically. Because that’s part of it, but it’s not all of it, but without you saying that, Jeonghan knows. You barely notice when he takes your plastic red cup from your hands, setting it on the table next to him. “And I know he loves me, and he’d never hurt me on purpose, and – he’s been so good to me, Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan only hums, waits for you to continue. And you do, the alcohol only pushing more words out of your mouth. “The distance,” you say, “is killing us.” You rub furiously at your eyes. “No matter how hard we try, Jeonghan, it’s not working, and I feel like – I’m the only one who can see that. He’s ignoring it, but we can’t keep going like this.”
Jeonghan hesitates for a second, looking torn, more torn than you’ve ever seen him look. “Do you still love him?”
Tears blur your vision again, but don’t quite escape this time. “I don’t know how to stop.”
When you kiss Soonyoung after the countdown, your cheeks are wet.
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“Long distance.”
“You asked what else,” you say, picking at your nails. “I think it was the distance. I think that’s what – you know. Broke us up.”
Soonyoung has that look in his eyes, the one where he wants to argue but knows he’s going to lose, knows that you’re right. He breathes out, licks his lips and tries to speak. “We tried so hard.”
It’s not even a counter-argument. You agree with him, even. The two of you were brilliant at long distance, until you weren’t. Hours-long video calls, surprise weekend visits, staying over for the holidays, until it all started collapsing. Weekly movie nights kept getting postponed. Visits had to decrease in number. You were missing each other’s calls – if one of you wasn’t working late, the other always was. It was like the entire universe was working against you both, and suddenly, you felt like a burden rather than a lover, and Soonyoung would probably say the same. It’s hard not to feel that way, when you’re celebrating your anniversary over FaceTime and both of you keep dozing off while the other talks.
In a way, Soonyoung is right: you both tried so hard. In a way, he’s so wrong: neither of you tried hard enough.
Towards the end of it all, you were too tired to fight. Both of you were. The breakup was a quiet affair, mostly. You brought it up first, standing in the kitchen of Soonyoung’s apartment after realising you had no idea where he kept his cereal bowls.
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“Babe, I told you, it’s the third cupboard from the left,” he calls, but he’s rounding the corner to his kitchen anyway. He stops in his tracks when he sees your face, smile fading, and for a second, time freezes.
“Soonyoung,” you say again, quieter.
And he knows. “Don’t,” he says, faintly, but there’s no weight behind it, because he knows.
Tears are already brimming your eyes, and you’re wrapping your arms around yourself, shaking your head. “I can’t,” you say, and you’re not sure what you mean. I can’t end it. I can’t keep going.
The picture before him is enough for Soonyoung, and any defence, any fight he still had in him (because he’s always been the more tenacious) drains. He gives in, same as you. 
“Okay,” he says, in a voice that’ll haunt you for years to come, a clashing harmony of gentle and damning. “Okay.”
You try to formulate words. You fail. All that you can say is “Soonyoung.” before you trail off. 
You don’t finish. He gives you a tired, forced smile, says something about, “We had a good run, didn’t we?”, but you’re too busy trying to wrench the tears back into your eyes to focus properly. Your efforts are in vain, of course, tears slipping down your cheeks hot and heavy, no matter how much you try to stop.
“I’m sorry,” you say tearfully, but he shakes his head.
“Don’t be sorry.”
After that, he only helps you load your bags into your car and says thank you when you give him the house keys. He does everything so quietly, so methodically, so defeatedly. It’s like he’s just lost a war he’s been fighting for far too long.
It turns out that in the end, four years can be reduced down to this: two cardboard boxes, three bin bags, and two broken hearts.
It’s your fault, in technical terms. You finished this. You’re the one who said the words, or almost said them, the one who spelled out what was so obviously ignored. More than once, because you’d tried this before, six months ago. Soonyoung was the one who fought back. He’d said no, of course, that first time. He’d said no with tears in his eyes, like it was a surprise to him, like he couldn’t see it the way you saw it — that you were on two very different paths. 
Soonyoung didn’t believe in following diverging paths, he believed in forcing yourself straight ahead hand-in-hand, come hell or high water. He believed in it, until he didn’t, and then he let you go.
When it’s time for you to leave, he accepts the hug you can’t help but fling on him just before you step in the car. Both of your arms around each other, fitting into place like you have a hundred times before, but so much tighter and so much briefer this time. Soonyoung clings to you like he’s never going to see you again, because he isn’t. You cling to him like this is the last time you’ll ever hug him, because it is.
And then both of you are pulling away, laughing awkwardly at the wet patch you’ve left on his shirt, and then you’re getting in your car and he’s waving you off and it’s over, just like that.
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“It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?” There’s an acerbic quality to Soonyoung’s laugh as he continues. “We broke up because of distance, and here we fucking are.”
There’s a metre and a half between you two.
“Maybe it was a dumb reason,” you say. Voicing the thought that’s tormented you since the day you drove away. Because maybe it was stupid. Maybe it was a temporary rough patch, and if you’d stayed, if you’d fought a little more and a little longer, you’d still have Soonyoung.
But you didn’t, and you don’t.
There’s a heavy expression on Soonyoung’s face, a strange mix of anger and confusion and guilt. “Maybe,” he says, at last. There’s the vaguest trace of bitterness, the little tiny sting that reminds you again that you’re the one who called it quits. 
“It felt like the weight of the world at the time,” you say ashamedly, squeezing your eyes shut for a second.
Soonyoung takes the chance and scoots closer to you, sitting against the wall with you, shoulder-to-shoulder. (How easy it would be to just rest your head there, as you’ve done a thousand times before.) “It can’t have been easy,” he says, patting your hand with his own. Warm and familiar in its unfamiliarity, which is when you realise you’ve misread him, for once – he’s not bitter. He’s empathetic.
“It wasn’t stupid,” Soonyoung continues softly, rubbing his eyes, “but God, I wish you’d just talked to me. Actually — I wish we’d talked to each other.”
“Yes, well,” you say dryly, wondering if he’s going to catch your reference, “I’ve always had a problem with communication.”
He catches it; it makes him pause, lift up his head, give you a tiny smile.
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It takes you a minute to register that the seat across from you has been occupied. When you do look up, you realise Soonyoung’s mouth has been moving since he sat down, and you haven’t heard a word of it. Also, somewhere between the class you guys shared two days ago and his presence in the library this morning, his hair’s gone from a discreet dark brown to a particularly indiscreet blond.
“I’m sorry,” you shake your head, taking out your earphones and setting down your pen. “What?”
“I said – do you have a problem with communication or something?” Despite the nature of his words, he’s practically beaming at you.
You blink at him, bewildered. “I mean… maybe? But — what?”
He holds up his phone. “Project,” he explains elaborately. “I’ve been texting, and I didn’t get a reply, and then I saw you over here, so I thought I’d ask.”
You frown, grabbing your phone. “I didn’t get any texts.”
Soonyoung mirrors your expression, tapping at his screen, and you’re struck by how much the blond suits him. As did the brown. As did the black he had a semester ago. Not that you’ve been keeping track, but it’s hard to not notice someone like Soonyoung. Even if the first time you talked to him was two days ago to organise the project you’ve been paired up for — you know him. Of him, at least.
He swivels his screen round to face you, showing you a contact with your name and what you quickly realise is almost your number. You smile a little awkwardly, tapping the last digit. “That’s meant to be a seven. You’ve got an eight.”
“Fuck,” he exhales, “that explains it. Who the hell have I been texting about litigation then?”
Something about his expression and his tone is so comical it makes you laugh, which surprises him a little – he glances up at you with a blatantly admiring smile, and he taps the edge of the desk. “Your eyes light up when you laugh, did you know?” And as quickly as he says it, he moves on, gesturing to your phone. “I’ll text you about the project, okay?”
He’s like a hurricane, and you’re trying your best to keep up. “Okay,” you agree confusedly, still hot-faced from the sudden compliment. “Yes. That’s — yes.”
As he gets up to leave again, he shoots you another one of those blinding, dazzling smiles, and sticks his hand out. “We’re friends now, right?”
His question sounds childishly sweet, and you can’t find it in yourself to do anything other than agree. 
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Your one little reference sets you both off. You spend the next two hours talking and talking and talking, every other sentence beginning with “Remember when…”, as the two of you dredge up the long-buried memories of four long years spent together.
Soonyoung talks about the massive crush he had on you before you even got paired up for the project. You talk about how you never believed him, even when he did ask you out – it took three tries before you understood how serious he was. And then you remember the time Soonyoung sprinted from campus to his accommodation and back just to get you the calculator you forgot for your exam – and the time you both went to a frat party and ended up playing the most intense game of UNO in the bathroom with Vernon, which ended in a drunk Soonyoung trying to flush the cards down the toilet. 
He talks about the surprise party you threw for his birthday, and you talk about the time he tried to make you pancakes for National Girlfriend Day and failed horribly. You ate them anyway.
You don’t, however, talk about other things, even if you remember them. You remember Soonyoung kissing your forehead every morning he woke up next to you. You remember him buying your favourite flowers for your favourite vase every week. You remember coming home after a long day to food already delivered and paid for when he was working hours and hours away. You remember being so incredibly in love that it made you giddy and so in love it made you calm. And you don’t talk about it, just store it away somewhere as a reminder of what love is meant to feel like. If four years with Soonyoung brought you anything, it’s that: it taught you how to love and be loved.
When the recovery team finally arrives, you leave the elevator feeling like a new person. It doesn’t hurt when you look at Soonyoung anymore, there’s only a vague, warm fondness. And he can look you in the eye now, which he does. He smiles at you, sticks out his hand the same way he did all those years ago.
“We’re friends now, right?”
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an / AHHH!!!!!! i know this fic is only like 5k but it took a lot out of me so i’d love to hear your thoughts. literally any thoughts. i wanted this fic to be longer but it happened this way and. what can i do. i may be the author but im NOT in control. it’s not a fic i’m 100% proud of but i think it’ll still hold a special place in my heart!!!! i love an angsty exes au.
anyway — this will be my last fic this year!!! see you all in 2025 and thank you so much for all the notes and all the reblogs and all the wonderful conversations this year i love you
perm taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon
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@immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting
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twilightkitkat · 4 months ago
Do yall ever think about how Logan would be a messy eater? How his first instinct would be to use his hands and sharp teeth instead of utensils?
He'd probably been admonished before for having bad table manners. But using a fork was like being able to walk fine and still being forced to use crutches. It was doable, but unnecessary and unnatural when he already had claws that were an extension of himself.
He became more self-conscious about his eating habits. He knew that it looked gruesome, seeing him gnaw and tear at a piece of meat like a dog. It was uncivilized. Vulgar.
So he tried to "eat normally." To sit up straight and hold his knife and fork at the right angle. He didn't necessarily like it, and to him was just a useless custom, but he did it. Even if he never really enjoyed meals when he had to painfully control and curb all his habits, watching for the slightest hint of discomfort on others' faces.
When he was outcasted by society, he didn't have to worry about that anymore. Nobody would want to eat with a monster like him anyway. So he let himself give into his instincts, to eat like he was a wild animal tearing into his meal.
It was relieving, in a way, to finally be able to eat like he wanted. But part of him felt guilty. Like he was wrong, inhumane, monstrous just like they said.
Oh well. He already accepted that he was a monster, what's another bullet point on the long list or reasons he can't be a functioning member of society.
That was his attitude until he met Wade.
He felt uncomfortable at first, unused to eating around another person after becoming accustomed to eating alone. To not having to watch for other people's reactions.
But Wade... never looked at him judgementally. Hell, he wasn't super neat himself, playing with his food and showing off weird shapes he made on his plate to Logan.
So Logan let his guard down. He stopped being as neat and proper when he ate. Stopped using a fork stiffly and suppressing his urges.
The first time Logan skewered a meatball with his claw instead of a fork, Wade didn't even blink. He didn't look uncomfortable or disturbed. He just leaned in closer and asked for Logan to feed him one, saying that it was always a dream of his to eat from Wolvie's hands (or claws).
(Logan did, in fact, let Wade lean in and eat a meat ball from his claw. He tried to ignore the fuzzy feeling in his chest at the sight.)
He started eating how he wanted. Grabbing the steak whole and tearing off chunks with his teeth instead of cutting it up into little slices. Wade never minded. Hell, he seemed to get enjoyment from seeing Logan eat well, judging by how he cooed at him.
(It made Logan flustered when Wade crooned about how adorable he looked eating. When he grinned and said he was happy Logan liked the food, because he has more where that came from.
Wade seemed to be happy watching him eat. Watching him tear into his food like an animal. Because that meant Logan felt comfortable around him and that he was enjoying himself and the meal.
Logan never had someone look at him like that, before. With satisfaction and pride as he tore into the food Wade cooked for him.)
Eventually, Logan just let go of all pretenses. Sometimes he wouldn't even use a plate. He'd eat however he wanted and savor the taste of blood. It scratched a deep animalistic urge inside of him. Sometimes, he'd even chew on the bone, liking the feeling as it crunched between his teeth.
It was nice. Incredibly nice, even. To be able to eat without restraint, without being self-conscious, while with someone else. To not have to be alone to enjoy a meal. It made him feel warm to eat with Wade, who chattered on as if Logan wasn't devouring an entire rotisserie chicken, bones and all.
Logan always had to pick between being around people and being himself. He either ate without satisfaction, restraining himself, or ate at an empty table. (The loneliness ate at him. Knowing that nobody could look at him how he was and still care. Knowing that he had to hide and act and restrain himself to keep people around. It was exhausting.)
Now, he could finally enjoy a meal with his new family. Who didn't try to change him or expect him to be different than he was. Who accepted all parts of him, animalistic or not.
When Wade finished cleaning the chicken off his wings, he pushed his plate with the remaining bones to Logan. Logan grinned, a feral thing, and then dug in.
He'd never felt more seen.
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musashi · 6 months ago
aai2's english translation has done an amazing thing in furthering franziska's juvenile tendency to address people she's close with like she's a child.
here are some facts about franziska:
she addresses nearly every single person she meets aggressively formally and professionally. firstname lastname. sometimes, mr. or ms. firstname lastname. other characters point this out. it's weird, clunky, and a quirk specific to her.
franziska is obsessed with appearing more grown up and professional than she is.
despite her dedication to this facade, she cannot break the INCREDIBLY JUVENILE habit of calling her murderous, long-dead father "papa."
(it pisses me off when people erase this about her. she only ever calls him "my father," twice in canon. he is almost ALWAYS "papa")
to the contrary, franziska does not seem ashamed/embarrassed about this tendency at all, even though she seems very embarrassed about other childlike things she thinks/feels/does.
until aai2 this was exclusive to manfred... but it is now canon that she does it to anyone she considers family, or close to family.
in the fan translation, blaise teases her about being a little girl and calling him "unky boo boo" once upon a time. in the official translation, franziska still calls him uncle in the present day. her first inclination is to call him uncle winner, wholly informal, absolute (pun) whiplash.
okay, cute, but probably not worth noting... AND THEN SHE'S OUT HERE CALLING HILDA "GRAMMA" AS WELL. one thing about me is that when i was TODAY i learned about her having some optional dialogue that alludes to the two of them knowing each other.
(i could go ON about how manfred must have loved her so much more than we see in canon--how often did she insist upon coming along with hm? how often did he find himself unable to say no to her big sparkling eyes? hilda does not say "that's franziska" hilda says "that's von karma's little girl!" which means hilda knows her through manfred. every single person who spent any amount of time around manfred von karma in his heyday knows franziska, which means that she was following her papa around like a little duckling, and he loved her enough to make space for her at his back)
my fave thing they do with franziska is the little hints that her facade is just that. too many of them spoil the subtlety, of course, but they are there--the flavour text about her shaking and looking scared the two times she's a victim of gun violence and thinks no one's looking. the hints here and there that she has a terrible sweet tooth she's trying to control. the meltdown at the end of JFA. and "papa." these are all little ways that the writing nudges us and says franziska is a professional, but she's also quite young, and never really let herself be a kid. she does a great job at hiding most of it, but these little tendencies leak out here and there.
by giving her two more people in life she does this to, it's no longer just that papa is Special Enough that he gets the same treatment from a 3 year old franziska as a 30 year old franziska. no, she does that to everyone she grew up looking up to, any odd work friend that manfred brought around or let her pester.
adorable. absolutely adorable.
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infiniteglitterfall · 7 months ago
I do realize this is a real niche post but I cannot tell you how many damn times over the past 10 months I've seen gentiles tell Jews some version of, "Your own holy book SAYS God doesn't want you to have a country yet!"
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And it's such an incredibly blatant and weirdly specific tell that they're not part of something that grew from progressive grassroots, but something based on right-wing astroturfing.
1. Staying in your own lane is a pretty huge progressive principle.
Telling people in another group that their deity said they couldn't do X is, I think, as far as you can get from your own lane.
2. It's also very clearly Not In Your Own Lane because I've never seen anyone actually be able to EITHER quote the passage they're thinking of, OR cite where it is.
It's purely, "I saw somebody else say this, and it seemed like it would make me win the debate I wasn't invited to."
3. It betrays a complete ignorance of Jewish culture and history.
Seriously? You don't know what you're referencing, its context, or even what it specifically says, but you're... coming to a community that reads and often discusses the entire Torah together each year, at weekly services... who have massive books holding generations of debate about it that it takes 7 years to read, at one page per day....
And saying, "YOUR book told you not to!"
I've been to services where we discussed just one word from the reading the whole time. The etymology. The connotations. The use of it in this passage versus in other passages.
And then there is the famous saying, "Ask two Jews, get three opinions." There is a culture of questioning and discussion and debate throughout Judaism.
You think maybe, in the decades and decades of public discussion about whether to buy land in Eretz Yisrael and move back there; whether it should keep being an individual thing, or keep shifting to intentional community projects; what the risks were; whether it should really be in Argentina or Canada or someplace instead; how this would be received by the Jews and gentiles already there, how to respect their boundaries, how to work with them before and during; and whether ending up with a fuckton of Jews in one place might not be exactly as dangerous for them as it had always been everywhere else....
You think NOBODY brought up anything scriptural? Nobody looked through the Torah, the Nevi'im, the Ketuvim, or the Talmud for any thoughts about any of this?? It took 200 years and some rando in the comments to blow everyone's minds???
4. It relies on an unspoken assumption that people can and should take very literal readings of religious texts and use them to control others.
And a sense of ownership and power over those texts, even without any accompanying knowledge about what they say.
It's kind of a supercessionist know-it-all vibe. It reads like, "I know what you should be doing. Because even if I'm not personally part of a fundamentalist branch of a related religion, the culture I'm rooted in is."
Bonus version I found when I was looking for an example. NOBODY should do this:
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There are a lot of people who pull weird historical claims like "It SAYS Abraham came from Chaldea! That's Iraq!"
Like, first of all, a group is indigenous to a land if it arose as a people and culture there, before (not because of) colonization.
People aren't spontaneously spawning in groups, like "Boom! A new indigenous people just spawned!!"
People come from places. They go places. Sometimes, they gel as a new community and culture. Sometimes, they bop around for a while and eventually assimilate into another group.
It's an oral history, largely written centuries after the fact.
There is a TON of historical and archaeological research on when and where the Jewish culture originated, how it developed over time, etc. It's extremely well-established.
Nobody has to try to pull what they remember from Sunday school for this argument.
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astrasng · 2 months ago
Refined Secret || N.J
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→ summary: you were engaged to jeno, nevertheless, his best man somehow twists your head in his direction.
→ pairing: manipulative!jaemin x fem!reader
→ wc: 3.3k
→ warning: smut || cheating, manupulation but just slightly!, reader is called dumb (by me lol) OJ fem receiving, nicknames, unprotected sex.
→ a/n: 'm so going crazy yall lol i love jeno btw he's my bias but it was logical to him being the best friend yk so i'm sorry if someone thinks it's shit like this but i promise it's WORTH IT. (i swear i’ll write something for him too to even it out)
and here’s part 2!
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    You wish you could say this is not how you wanted your relationship to go with Jaemin. But no. All you wanted was that you have a good relationship with your husband’s best man,being the perfect fiancée that gets on well with everybody. Your husband-to-be prioritized his friends and family like no other, his friends incredibly important as he basically grew up with them. 
    He always found it adorable how hard you try to fit in with his group of friends, always welcoming them with open arms whenever he told you that his friends are coming over. He really did appreciate your hard work. 
    Jaemin loved his best friend, more than anything. But when he heard that he’s getting married to someone, he was the first who wanted to see the bride. Weird, right? Well, up until now he was simply jealous because there’s someone else in Jeno’s life now beside him. There will no longer be just Jaemin and Jeno, but Jeno and his fiancée. Of course, he was happy for him, but the minute his eyes landed on you he felt like he could turn the whole world upside down.
     Ever since that day, he spent sleepless nights in his cold bed alone, trying to get you out of his head. This little game in his head repeated over and over every night, and there were times when it worsened those days when he saw you. After months of knowing you, after stroking himself every night in his bed at the thought of you smiling or laughing so prettily at something Jaemin said nearly always made him finish in his boxers, he decided to make his move.
    You were loyal, never in your life thought about cheating on Jeno, your perfect fiancé. But sometimes you were too gullible, with the right words, your head was quickly turned in the wrong direction. But you thought, this should be fine, it’s his best friend! in a naive voice inside your head. Your eyes couldn't stay away from Jaemin either, whenever he came over he always flashed a leg shaking smile in your way, greeting you in a husky voice. He made your heart skip multiple beats whenever he sat down across from you at the table when he stayed over for dinner, or when the whole group was over for a get together. It felt like he always gave you more attention, his eyes never leaving yours when talking, nor when someone else talked. 
    It was infuriating seeing you being together with somebody else that is not him.
    In Jaemin’s eyes, he didn’t see the chemistry between you and Jeno. And this is why he decided to prove to you that it’s useless being together with his best friend. Even if it hurt him, he needed you at this point. Jaemin felt his body physically drawn to you, his body always close to yours in a room, not holding himself back when his arm brushed against yours, or when that one time he practically brushed his crotch against your backside. 
    “Excuse me, darling.” You heard a voice behind you, then felt two hands gripping your hips to smoothly push you aside so Jaemin could walk past behind you. His warm hands on you made you look up into his eyes,seeing him smirking down at you when your breath hitched at feeling something subtly hard against you. 
    Since then, you can’t not blush in his presence. 
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    The subtle leg brush against your leg snaps your head in another direction, directly in Jaemin’s half lidded smirk as he pays attention to his friend, Haechan, talking about something he finds in this circumstance simply boring. His chin is propped up against his hand as he keeps his gaze away from you, his hair perfectly styled which makes you want to dishevel just to see him blissed out from the pressure you usually use to grip on his hair. 
    But you can’t.
    You told yourself multiple times since the last session you had with him. When Jaemin approached you for the first time, it was sudden but not unexpected. Both of you could feel the weird attraction between the two of you, the ache in your bodies spoke louder than any words. And later, your acts too. But you told Jaemin that it can’t happen again. 
    The thing is with him, he is determined. He wants you, he needs you, so he has to have you now. And you knew this perfectly, when you heard Jeno coming in the bedroom after a long day of work just to tell you that he’s throwing a get-together again the next day.
    You know it perfectly, just as you stare at his annoyingly handsome face not looking at you. But here you are again, hungry for his attention. 
    “Jaemin, can you bring in the beer from the garage?” Your fiancé, Jeno, suddenly speaks up as he momentarily turns away from his conversation with Renjun. You snap your head in his way now, seeing him pointing at the garage door. Jaemin finally tears his eyes away from Haechan and looks at Jeno like everything is alright, immediately nodding at his request. As he stands up, he suddenly stops and walks back to him, bending down slightly to whisper something in his ear. 
    As you scan Jeno’s expression, he nods and gives him a pat on his shoulder. It makes you furrow your eyebrows together, quickly looking away from the scene and continue drinking your mocktail of the evening. But it doesn’t go in your way, it would be too easy.
    “Baby, can you go with Jaemin? He doesn’t know where we usually keep the drinks.” 
    At your pet name, you freeze on the spot, the liquid in your mouth almost making you choke as you look up at Jeno again. He sweetly smiles at you, his attention halfly already back in the conversation going on on his side, trusting you that you can show him the way. Your stomach flips as you notice Jaemin smirking behind him, his hands still gripping the chair behind Jeno as he’s looking at you. His gaze roots inside you the longer he stills it on you, amused by your visibly frightened reaction at your fiancé’s request. But who are you to say no to him? This is exactly why Jaemin pretended to be dumb and nicely ask for some assistance from you, knowing that Jeno is too deep into something with Renjun. 
    “Please? I’m really into something here, baby.” Jeno pleads one last time as you nod your head and hesitantly stand up, seeing Jeno sending you a smile for helping his dear friend out. 
    When you stand up and walk around the table to get your way towards the door, you see Jaemin finally pushing himself away from the chair and following you swiftly, catching up behind you so close that you can practically hear his heartbeat. Your steps are calculated, your heart beating against your ribcage as you near the garage door, soon opening it with force so you can get over this quickly. As you open the door, the sudden cold and stale smell hits your nose while trying to find the switch to the lamp with your hands, the pitch black making you feel even more uneasy.
    “Don’t worry, I got it.” Says Jaemin behind you, his hands immediately finding the switch in one swift motion, his body standing next to you radiating warmth in the room. As you slowly look up at him he sends you another smile, his hand now sliding down from the switch to catch your hand still on the wall. “Can you show me where the drinks are, princess?” He says lowly, biting down on his bottom lip as he can feel you shaking with nervousness, his hand catching your cold ones. “You’re so cold, baby. Do you want me to-” 
    “It’s over there, behind the shelves.” You cut him off as you push yourself away from him softly, now standing a few steps ahead of him. The door behind him is tightly shut, the light in the room flickering slightly as Jaemin’s body is still leaned against the wall. He looks like a dark fantasy in the shadows, his body alone making you dizzy as he’s just looking at you with dark eyes. Your rejection makes him let out a chuckle and step further away from the door, walking closer to you once again, but before you can blink, he’s walking toward the shelf you pointed to, his broad shoulder disappearing for a second. 
    As you’re left alone, you can let out the breath you holded in for so long, the air hitting your lungs immediately as you slowly step backwards towards the cold wall, your head already clearing out as the minutes passes. 
    “Uhm, they are not here, princess.” 
    Jaemin’s hesitating voice suddenly rings from behind the shelf, making you open your eyes and go around to find him looking down at the empty mini fridge in the corner. You furrow your eyebrows, stepping closer to examine the place but your eyes can’t find the searched drinks. “Hm, this is weird. We put it here when we arrived.” You vividly remember coming in the garage with Jeno to put away the drinks bought for tonight, the cold air still remaining in your memories too. 
    You look around once more, picking yourself up from the squatting position to stand next to Jaemin. “Well, I guess you’re not getting beer tonight.” You say as you stand up,but then you notice Jaemin’s body turned fully in your direction, his eyes boring into yours with desire. There’s that stupid smirk pitched on his mouth and your entire world is moulded around him again. You feel your heart pick up as he steps closer to you again, his head slightly tilted to the side. 
    “Jaemin..maybe we should go back to the others-”
    “You want this.” He breathes, his eyes never leaving yours as you weakly look up into his. He visibly can see the denial on your face, eyebrows slightly furrowed together. “You get wet just thinking about this little game we’re playing behind your fiancé….you get wet just thinking about me,aren’t you, baby?”
    His sentence only proves to you how goddam stupid you are.
    You can hardly look into his eyes as the pictures of you stretched open and sore from the amount of times he has fucked you in different places flashbacks in your mind.It always takes you back when he praised you without hesitation the whole time he fucked into your pussy, until you were trembling and pleading for more. It was weeks ago since you last did it with him, your ache only can be soothed by him. You needed him and he knew it better than anyone.
    “You don’t get it, do you?” He says finally, his eyes still looking down at your plump lips, his hand sneaking around your waist to grab, his body now fully pushing you against the wall. You struggle to breath, your chest touching his as you try to get air in your lungs again, thinking about how wrong this is. But it never happens, because Jaemin brings one finger up to caress your exposed neck. “You gave me a taste, baby. Don’t expect me to let go now.” He draws circles on your skin, his warm breath hitting your ear as his lips ghost above your shell.   
 “I see the way you look at me,you want me just as much as I want you.” He whispers, his words making you squeeze your eyes together like all this can disappear like it's magic. As you take another breath your breasts push against him again, making him groan out in agony, his hand on your hips pulling you even closer until you feel his hardened member pressing against you. Upon that, you can’t help but whimper, your shaky hands landing on his strong forearms.
    “I’m not a temporary desire, baby.” 
    With that, Jaemin pulls you by the neck and kisses you, hungrily, and deeply. His tongue easily slides inside your warm mouth,teeths claddering together as saliva spills from the corner of your mouth. He pushes his body closer to you, his hips stuttering as he feels the friction between you finally reaching him, rubbing his clothed cock against you repeatedly. 
    “Jaemin, we shouldn’t-” You pull away from his chasing mouth, the air between you already hot enough to warm up the whole room alone. Letting your plea go past his ears, he continues to kiss your exposed neck, the delicate skin feeling delicious as he can feel the vibration against his lips caused by the moan you let out. There’s a wet spot soaking through your underwear by the time Jaemin finally takes his hand and slowly slides it under your dress. He groans when he feels the slickness soaking his fingers already, his head nuzzling more in the crook of your neck. “Fuck, sweetheart. You were this wet while sitting across from me? Dirty girl.” He pants into your ear as his hips can’t stop chasing the friction to ease the pain in his painfully tight boxers. 
    “Want me to fuck you tonight too, hmm?” Jaemin swipes his fingers against your puffy clit, making you buck against his hands for more. “Want me to fuck you in here while your husband is outside, not caring where we are?” 
    You gasp into the thin air as you feel him push two fingers in your seeping hole, your back arching off the wall, one hand landing in his black hair to grab on, other grabbing onto his wide shoulders. Jaemin groans against your skin at your touch, his lips finding yours again to quiet your moans. His other hand lets go of your grinding hips, sliding all the way down to his pants to quickly unbuckle his belt, dropping it to the floor with a heavy sound. His fingers move in out of you, involuntarily rooting in your wet, hot, fleshy core with a loud click of your moisture as he takes his already leaking cock out, slapping against your exposed thighs. 
    He continues to plunge  his fingers in and out of you, his eyes scanning your already fucked out expression as he sees a string of saliva rolling down the side of your mouth. “That’s it baby, let me stretch you out.” He groans as he looks down at where his hand disappears, lifting the sundress to expose your wet cunt to the cold air, making him moan at the sight as your knees shake with anticipation. 
    “P-please….Jaem, just f-fuck me already..” You whimper out, your grip on him tightening as you reach your climax soon. You pull him in by his hair and kiss him hard, your tongue swiping over his bottom lip as you moan against his mouth, his body close to yours again. Jaemin moans into your mouth before taking his fingers out, making you immediately whine out at the empty feeling but then he swiftly grabs his cock and strokes it a few times before pushing his tip against your clit. The feeling makes you moan again, clenching around nothing but air as you can’t wait to welcome him inside your warm walls. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet, princess.” He groans as he feels the slickness practically dripping down on his cock, his hands spreading your arousal around his shaft. 
    You can feel him lining himself up against your tight hole, pressing just enough to get you whimper out more pleas and whines. 
    “Say it.” He demands, his eyes hard on you again.
    He sinks the first few inches inside your warm, tight walls, his dark eyes awake and boring into your trembling body.
    “I hate this.” You whimper, your knees almost giving out as Jaemin hits that spot with simply a few inches.“I hate you.” You lie again, your mind clouded with his sex and voice as you throb around his tip. His chuckle makes you arch your back against the cold wall.
    “Say it again while you’re cumming, princess.Want to see you make a mess of yourself.” 
    Thrusting forwards he stuffs his entire lengths inside you with one, rough stroke as you both moan out loud in the echoing garage. 
   “Ah–fuck! Jaemin-” 
    “That’s it,scream my name just like that.” He says, shoving one of your knees up higher his hips as he pulls entirely out, and then slams into your tight hole once again. “I’m gonna stuff this pussy full with my cum baby, and when Jeno fucks you later tonight he can see I already satisfied you.” He grabs your leg tighter, his other hand finding your clit to draw fast and hard circles around it,making you moan out again. 
    “He can’t fuck you like I do, sweetheart. Nobody can.” Jaemin murmurs against your skin as leaves red, purple splotches on your neck and collarbones, his hips thrusting you harder against the wall as his tip hits your cervix. “You always come back. You always say this is wrong, but here you are again, stuffed with my cock with tears in your eyes, right baby?” 
    “J-Jaemin…mhpfm…please..” You try with a trembling voice, your nails leaving crescent moons on his skin, your other hand grabbing onto his har so hard you fear there will be strings in your palm. 
    “Yeah.” Jaemin smirks. “Keep saying my name when you go to bed with him. Come for me. Come on my cock.” 
    At Jaemin’s voice, however much you try to hold it in, you come around his throbbing cock so much, that you almost feel lightheaded as you nuzzle your face into his neck. Your walls spasm around his thick member, your arousal spilling out around him onto the floor as Jaemin keeps grinding into your core to reach his own high. With a slightly open mouth, he pants against your ear as he feels the way you still wrap around him, your cum around him almost making him lose his head at the slippery and delicious feeling. But with one final thrust, you can feel him shooting ropes of white cum inside your flushed walls as he finishes his thrusts, his hips slowing down as the minutes pass. 
  �� You can’t help but wince when he pulls his cock out and the air hits your sensitive area again, feeling his finger already collecting the spilling out mixed arousals from your cunt, stuffing it all back with two fingers, making you moan again. 
    “Think you can sit like this all night?” He finally looks up into your eyes again, his smirk already in the corner of his mouth as he lets your leg fall from his hips.
    At his question, you push his shoulder and fix your dress slightly. With a defeated expression, you look around the garage again. “What should we tell the others? The drinks disappeared, why did we take so long?” You look at Jaemin again, seeing him squatting down next to the fridge just to see him taking a whole tray of beers from behind the fridge. “Are you kidding me?” You gasp and push his shoulders again as he laughs at your expression.
     Jeno’s head snaps in the garage’s way as soon as he hears it slam in once again, seeing the two of you walk out of there with flushed faces. 
    “Hey, did yall find the drinks?” He asks, his eyes glued on the two of you.
    “Yeah man, but you gotta change the light in there. It was really creepy.” Jaemin pulls his chair out and calmly sits down, still trying to catch his breath as he takes a slow look at you.     
  “We almost didn’t find the beer.” He says with a small smirk, his head tilted to the side as you groan inside from his annoying acts.
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important!: this is pure fiction, the act in this story is by my imagination and not based off true events. please do not copy the work.
i need him hello
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ taglist : @tmrwsuns @myraet @arunainluv
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coupsie-daisies · 5 months ago
Kinktober '24: Phone Sex | Song Mingi
Pairing: Song Mingi x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT) interact
Summary: Mingi has never wanted to make things weird between him and his best friend, but it's hard to deny her when she calls him, drunk and horny and begging him to talk her through it
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: drunk sex (kinda), they're both down so bad, nipple play for two seconds, open ending kinda
A/N: Guys, listen...I will have this shit done by the end of the year if it kills me. But I've had a lot going on so please accept this as my apology
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @walkxthexmoon // @aesteraceae // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog // @wonwooz1-blog
Main Masterlist
Kinktober '23 Masterlist
Kinktober '24 Masterlist
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any platform is prohibited
Desperation was something you were very familiar with in many many ways. There was the desperation you felt when trying out for the dance team back in middle school, the way it had driven you to push yourself so hard you sprained your ankle. The desperation you'd felt during that entire recovery just to get back to normal so you could chase your dream again. The desperation you'd felt while applying for your dream university, and the desperation you'd felt when trying to find a decent job after you graduated.
Throughout every single one of those moments, Mingi had been at your side. You'd been best friends since you were kids, and you'd learned early on that you could count on him for anything. Truthfully, you sometimes felt like Mingi was too good to spend time with you. He was so kind and so creative and so goddamn talented that it almost hurt. But no amount of thinking changed the fact that he wanted to stick by your side.
Unfortunately, that also meant that he was the one to carry you home when you got a little too drunk at the bar you and your friends went out to. You were celebrating a birthday in the group, and you weren't the only one to get carried away, but all night Mingi had been keeping a careful eye on you, knowing that you were a lightweight no matter how much you denied it.
He'd dropped you off at your apartment after all was said and done, bringing you water and a snack and only leaving an hour later once he was certain you would be okay. Even so, he made you pinky swear to call him if you needed him for anything.
And really, you hadn't planned on calling him. You weren't so drunk that you couldn't see straight or that you were puking your guts out. You were just dizzy, and way less uptight than you usually were. Okay, maybe you weren't thinking right, because all you'd been able to think about since Mingi had practically carried you home was how good it felt to be wrapped up in his arms, and how pretty he looked when he was so focused on taking care of you.
It was far from the first time you'd had such thoughts about your best friend, but you figured that was probably normal for anyone with a super hot, incredibly kind, really very hot best friend. It was okay, you reminded yourself, because those thoughts were between you and your bed. Nobody else needed to know, and if nobody knew it couldn't make things weird.
But the lingering alcohol in your mind had you forgetting that mantra, because it wasn't even fifteen minutes later before arousal was flooding your senses and your hand found your phone.
It rang a couple of times, and a moment of doubt tried to seep in, but it was quickly shut out by the sound of Mingi's voice.
"Are you okay?" He asked immediately.
"I'm okay. Need your help," You said, pout evident in your voice. Your free hand pushed your shirt up your stomach, fingertips dragging along your tummy, down to trace the waistband of your sleep shorts.
"Should I come back? What's wrong?"
You slid your hand lower, pushing your pants down your hips and tucking your phone against your ear to use the other to get them out of the way.
"I keep thinking about you. Is that wrong?" You asked, closing your eyes as your fingers found their way to your covered core. "You looked so good tonight. You always look good."
You heard his breath hitch, and you sighed in response.
"What are you talking about?" He asked. You couldn't see him, but he was parked outside his apartment, one hand gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, the other trying not to drop his phone.
He listened to the catch in your voice, the tiny hum you let out, and god he tried not to imagine you in some filthy position underneath him. Certainly not a new thought for him, but one he knew he shouldn't be entertaining in the moment.
"I want you so bad, Min, need you." You were basically whining now, rubbing your clit and slowly soaking through your panties at the thought of him. "Been thinking about you touching me for so long. You would, right? I see how you look at me. Never wanted to make it weird but fuck,"
Mingi grunted out a curse under his breath.
"You're drunk," He reminded you. "You probably won't even remember this in the morning. You should go to sleep."
"Don't leave me like this. Please? Just need to hear your voice, wanna hear you talk me through it." You begged, fingers getting more frantic as you sought out your own pleasure.
Mingi tipped his head back into the headrest, his cock twitching with interest. He was already half hard and getting uncomfortable in his tight pants.
"Promise me you won't regret this," He ordered, voice lower now. The sound of it send a wave of arousal all the way to the tips of your toes and you squirmed in your bed.
"I promise. I swear, I won't regret it. I promise."
The desperation in your voice should have embarrassed you, but you were never embarrassed with Mingi.
He reached down, palming himself through his pants and willing himself to last when you sounded so fucked out and he hadn't even said anything yet.
"Are you still wearing your pajamas?" He asked, squeezing his bulge and biting back a groan. You hummed affirmatively. "Take them off, want you naked for me baby."
You didn't hesitate to do as he said, putting your phone on speaker and shuffling around on your bed until you could kick all of your clothes away.
"Good job, baby," He hummed, and you couldn't hold back a surprised whimper at his praise. "That's what you like? My baby likes when I'm nice to her?"
You gasped, fingers slipping between your wet folds as he spoke.
"Yeah, like that." You agreed, nodded even though you knew he couldn't see you.
"Can you play with your nipples for me? Wanted to forever."
Mingi worked his pants down until he could pull his aching dick out of his boxers, stroking himself slowly. He was already leaking precum, but who could blame him when the girl he'd been pining after for years decided to call him up and beg him to fuck her?
You listened eagerly, both hands coming up to knead your breasts before circling your thumbs around your hardening nipples. You gasped softly, flicking over them back and forth a couple times before twisting them a little harder. You could hear Mingi's breathing as it picked up, his ears trained on each tiny gasp and whine that you let out.
"Move your hands down. Want you to touch your sides. They're sensitive, right?" He didn't have to ask to know. He'd found that out completely on accident back in college and it lived in the back of his mind, sparking far too much interest in what other reactions he could pull out of you.
You slid your hands down lower, along the curve of your chest, down your sternum, then up along your sides with feather-light touches that made you squirm. You dragged your nails dully along your side, then down your stomach, wishing beyond anything you could fully comprehend that it was Mingi touching you like this, that his hands were exploring you. You moaned pathetically, a broken keen of his name.
"I'm here, pretty girl, don't worry. You're doing so good for me." Mingi grunted out. He'd been trying to resist touching himself, too afraid that he'd blow the second you opened your mouth, but his cock was throbbing and leaking and simply begging for his attention, and he couldn't deny it anymore. He wrapped his hand around his length, jerking himself off with slow, languid strokes.
"Want you to open your legs nice and wide for me," He told you, listening to the rustle of the sheets as you moved. "Go ahead and touch your thighs. How's that feel?"
Your back arched, chasing some sort of friction now that your thighs were separated, and your hands stroked along the insides of them, kneading the flesh the way you liked.
"Not good enough. Need you, don't wanna do it myself." You huffed.
"I know, but I can't come back yet. Just gotta take care of your pussy for me, okay? I'll make it up to you, I promise." He purred, and you relaxed, his voice running through you like molten lava.
"Can I touch myself, Min? Please?" You asked, and he shivered at the desperation in your voice. He'd never heard you like this before, and whatever string of self control that was keeping him from taking you every time he saw you was beginning to snap.
"Go ahead, baby, play with your clit for me." He ordered firmly now, stroking himself faster. Your hand flew to your core, fingers circling your clit and spreading your wetness against it. You let out the most debauched whimper of relief at the feeling, hips jolting as you moved fast and hard, still too intoxicated to be skilled with your fingers and not entirely caring when you could hear the sound of Mingi's hand around his cock, and his breath picking up.
"God, you're so wet." He groaned, tipping his head back against the headrest again. He could hear you, and what he wouldn't give to have you on his tongue, or have your walls wrapped like a vice around his dick. His head was fogging up with thoughts of you, your scent and your pretty lips and the way you said his name.
"Mingi, can I put them inside?" You asked, fingers dipping closer to your entrance before pulling back to strum against your clit again. "Wanna be full of you. Wish you were here, need your dick so bad."
Any shame you'd felt upon calling him in the first place was gone, and he was going absolutely batshit about it.
"Go ahead baby, let's see how many you can take." He urged. You didn't hesitate to slide two fingers into yourself, wincing a little at the immediate stretch, but the burn felt so good you didn't care. You rocked your hips up to meet each thrust of your fingers, starting slow before becoming a little more frantic, pushing them all the way to the third knuckles. You were soaking yourself, fingers curling up against the spot that had your head spinning.
You were hardly aware of the way you were babbling his name, begging him for more as you managed to squeeze a third finger into yourself.
"Good girl, keep going. Sound so pretty, can't wait to have you on my dick." He stroked himself faster, harder, knowing he was nearing his end. He wanted to drag this out, but he was struggling to deny himself the satisfaction of finally getting off to the sound of you begging for him. This had to be a dream, he hadn't done anything to deserve this kind of blessing, but there you were, fingering yourself dumb for him anyway.
"Close," You warned him, grinding your palm into your clit. Your fingers weren't usually enough, but the sound of him on the line, the image of his large frame engulfing you as he split you open. God, and his hands, they were so much bigger than yours, would fill you up so much better. You didn't even register your orgasm building as high as it did until you were dangling from the edge, thighs shaking with the exertion of bucking your hips up into your hand. "Mingi, I need to cum, please can I?"
The sound of you, breathless and begging and audibly wrecked was too much for him.
"Please cum for me," He groaned, voice tight as he bit back his own orgasm, pushing his limits just to hear the way you nearly sobbed his name. Your orgasm shook through you, fingers messily working yourself through it and pushing it as long as you could, and Mingi couldn't take it.
He spilled into his hand, strings of his own cum spilling over his fingers and onto his pants. He sighed, jerking himself through it despite the mess and imagining that it was you he was making a mess on. When the bliss cleared in his mind, he realized that you were still there on the other end, still breathing hard and presumably coming down from your own high.
There was silence for a few moments, and guilt weighed in his mind as he wiped his hand off on one of the spare tissues he kept in his car. You didn't speak either, too buzzed from the alcohol and the orgasm, and your mind weighing heavy with sleep.
"Mingi?" You said finally, and he felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Will you come back? Don't wanna sleep alone."
He listened to your voice, so heavy with sleep, and so free of any concern about what had just happened. He wanted to argue that it was a bad idea, but despite everything, the two of you still felt so normal. He hummed.
"Give me a little bit, I'll be there soon." He promised, not mentioning that he needed to clean himself up and change his clothes before he could drive back. You didn't argue, just mumbled an okay, and a quiet 'I love you'. That was so normal for both of you, but this time it felt different, and Mingi had to wonder if that was all in his head.
copyright 2024 coupsie-daisies, all rights reserved
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 2 months ago
Hey so can I have a scenario where Kurt has a s/o who he has been with for a while. It’s smut. S/o is a gentle, loving, passionate top? It’s not about his appearance or any bad actions he has done. S/o is just very loving in the moment with him whenever they do the deed?
~Late To The Party~
Pairing: Nightcrawler x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: oral m & f receiving, lots of praise, general goofy cuteness here
Genre: it's smut ofc but plenty of fluff too
Summary: Sometimes your boyfriend just looks good enough to eat ;)
A/N:Thank you for requesting darling! <3
You hum to yourself as you do your makeup at your vanity. You want to go relatively simple, a smokey eye probably, that's your go to when you're struggling to decide on a look. While you work, you hear your boyfriend mutter a couple of curses in German and stifle a chuckle. This happens any time he tries to tie a tie.
"Having a bit of trouble, my love?" You ask walking over to the bathroom where he's no doubt rebuking the very creation of neckties.
"Help, please?" He sighs, hands dropping to his sides.
"Of course my sweet." You smile, adjusting the sides to the proper length and tying it for him.
"This is ridiculous I should be able to tie a tie." He grumbles.
"I don't think it's that important, it's not like you wear ties every day." You shrug.
"But- most adult men can tie a tie, can't they?" 
"I dunno. But you should never learn because I like doing it for you." You adjust the knot around his neck slightly and tap his nose.
"I think it's important that I learn how to tie one for myself." He says.
"Yeah if you plan to start working at a bank." You scoff.
"A bank?"
"Or any other job that requires a tie every morning. You wear them so rarely that I really don't think you're missing out on anything, but if you must know, I'll teach you to do it for yourself. Even though I like doing it for you."
"Thank you." He says and you offer him a smile. With the tie fiasco out of the way, you take a look at his full outfit. He looks good. I mean he always looks good but he looks especially good right now. You tilt your head as you examine him.
"Is that a new shirt?" You ask.
"Yes. Does it look weird?" Kurt frowns looking down at himself.
"No! Quite the opposite, it looks really good." You tell him.
"Really? I wasn't sure the color would-"
"The color is perfect. Although, now I wonder if I should change so we match better." You look down at your own dress.
"Don't. You look amazing." Kurt says softly with that doe eyed lovey look he sometimes gives you. The one that so closely resembles the blissed out expression on his face after sex. Like the other day, you went through your toy stash together, and he picked a couple out that piqued his interest- that was a fun night.
"Keep looking at me like that and we'll be incredibly late to this party." You tap under his chin and leave the bathroom before your wandering mind does make you both late.
"Late? Why? We're pretty ahead of schedule right now." Kurt checks his watch while you sit back at your vanity.
"I know but we won't stay that way with you giving me that dopey grin." You tell him as you do your eyeliner.
"What dopey grin?" He frowns at you through the mirror.
"Well you're not doing it anymore, but sometimes you get this dopey grin on your face like I put the sun in the sky every morning and it looks a lot like your 'I just got my brain turned to mush' face after we have sex." You tell him.
"Don't worry I'm not going to jump your bones- I'm just thinking about it." You wink at him through the mirror as you swipe on your lipstick.
"I- don't wanna be late." He says hesitantly. You spin around on your vanity bench and face him.
"This lipstick is pretty life proof. I bet I wouldn't even have to redo it before we hit the road." You say, taunting him slightly. He's within arm's reach so you pull him towards you by the wrist and he looks at you with wide eyes, anticipating your next move.
"I know I said I was only thinking about it- but you are just too cute, I don't think I can wait til we get back to eat you up." You hum. Kurt gulps, he knows he won't be able to stop you once you start putting your hands on him or rather he'll have no desire to do so, but he doesn't want to show up super late to this party.
You thumb the button of his slacks and tug down the zip, shimmying his pants about halfway down his legs, freeing his dick, which is basically at eye level with you sitting on the vanity bench.
"Now, you'll have to keep your hands to yourself, I don't want you messing up my makeup. The rest of it isn't life proof." You warn him.
"But we'll be late to the-" Kurt trails off when your hand caresses his thigh.
"What were you saying?"
"I- you're distracting me." He says.
"Am I? Should I stop then?" You hum.
"Y/n please."
"We can go! You just have to tell me you don't want it, or even just step back. You haven't moved away so I'm not sure that I'm convinced you care that much about being late at this point." You muse. You're still just rubbing his thigh, giving him plenty of time to stop you.
"I care but I- liebling you know I can't say no to you." Kurt sighs.
"I'm not going to do anything if you won't ask for it then." You shrug.
"Since you're so concerned with being on time I'm leaving it in your hands, if you want to leave we'll leave, but if you want what I want you'll have to tell me that."
"It- it's not the end of the world if we're a little late, right?"
"Right. So are we going to be a little late?"
"I- I think we're going to be a little late." Kurt says.
"Brilliant." You smile, wrapping your hand around his dick. Kurt takes a sharp breath and his abs tense in front of you. You wrap your lips around the tip of him and he gasps, squeezes his eyes shut, and balls his fists at his side.
"Y-you look- r-really pretty right nnnow." Kurt stutters.
"Thank you baby, so do you." You wink at him and take him back into your mouth. You watch his mouth fall open and his head tip back as he loses himself in the heat of your mouth wrapped around him. You move your head slowly up and down his length, taking more and more of him with each forward movement.
Kurt's hands flex repeatedly, but he diligently keeps them off of you, a task he decides he vehemently hates. The man is never not touching you when you're together, not even in a sexual way, he just loves to have his hands on you.
You continue sucking him off alternating between slow drags and faster bobbing. It's driving him nuts, the sounds spilling from his parted lips telling you everything you need to know. His moans are breathy and sometimes border on whines as they fall on your ears like your favorite song. Only once his legs threaten to buckle beneath him do you let the teasing stop and focus on making him cum. It doesn't take long, you've pushed all the right buttons to get him properly worked up and when you swirl your tongue against the spot just below the tip that always sets him off he spills into your mouth with a groan. He has to grab your shoulder to stay upright as you work him through his orgasm. When you're confident you've swallowed all evidence of his release you finally pull off of him. There's that dopey post-orgasm look of his you love so much.
"I love watching you fall apart you know." You smile as he takes a very shaky deep breath. 
"Not touching you is really hard." He huffs out making you laugh.
"Feeling alright my love?" You ask him.
"I- uh- I feel unsteady."
"Well! Luckily, I have a solution for that." You tug his arm with enough force to pull him to his knees in front of you. "Addendum, it's technically not a solution, more accurate would be luckily I don't need you on your feet for this next bit." You smile.
"This next bit?"
"You said not touching me is really hard. Well now you get to touch me. I wanna see your pretty face buried between my legs."
"Well you definitely don't have to ask me twice." Kurt says, pushing up the skirt of your dress until your panties are visible. He tugs them quickly down your legs and settles between your thighs with his hands resting on them.
"God you are perfect." He practically sighs before taking one long lick of your cunt. He groans at the taste before diving in fully. Kurt's tongue is eager against you, lapping up your juices, circling your clit, thrusting in and out of your center. He eats you out like a man starved, and your fingers thread through his hair has he does so.
"Fuck, Kurt, you're so good at this." You moan, grinding against his face. Kurt pulls one of your legs over his shoulder. He continues to rub the outside of said leg as he does all your favorite tricks with his tongue and you continue to moan and shower him with praise. 'I love you's and 'god that feels good's break up your cacophony of moans and groans. You arch towards him when he fucks you with his tongue, squeeze your legs around his head when he draws tight circles against your clit, and grind into his mouth when he slurps up your juices.
When he glances up at you and your eyes meet, you can barely stand the intensity of his gaze. He's looking at you as if his plan is to devour you from head to toe and nothing is more important than doing exactly that in this moment.
"You are so fucking hot Kurt." You sigh. Kurt groans deep in his throat and the vibrations make you gasp briefly. You pull at his hair and it makes him groan again. When you start releasing a string of curses Kurt focuses all his ministrations on your clit, tight circles that are sure to push you to the edge and over it rather quickly.
"Holy FUCK!" You groan as your orgasm hits. Kurt continues to tongue at your pussy until the aftershocks pass. You drop your leg from his shoulder making Kurt lean back.
"God I love you." Kurt says kissing your knee.
"I love you too my darling." You say smiling at him as you try to fix his hair a bit. You look over your shoulder to check your makeup in the vanity mirror.
"That- was definitely worth being late for." Kurt hums and you laugh.
"I'm glad you agree. And look at that, my lipstick still looks perfect." You muse.
"That would be one hell of an advertisement actually." Kurt chuckles.
"Definitely." You say putting on your earrings and necklace. Kurt stands and tucks himself back into his trousers. You grab a wet wipe from one of the drawers at your vanity and stand up, taking a moment to clean off Kurt's face.
"I was planning to clean that up myself ya know." Kurt says.
"I'm not going anywhere, you're welcome to more later." You wink.
"I will take you up on that." He says.
"Later my love, we should get going." You say. You give him a quick kiss and take his hand, leading him out of your room so you're not any later to this party.
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trustmypoison · 2 months ago
Ateez when you have weird sleeping positions
Requested? Yes!
Request: ‘hii, I've recently seen you work and I like it I love how creative it is, you're a good writer :) I wanted to ask if I could request something with an ot8 ateez reaction to having a so/ that is a straight sleeper. I am a straight sleeper(sleeps straight) and have always thought about how people would react or how my future so/ might react when they see it or I tell them. Its OK if you don't do it it's fine, but if you do thanks a bunch XOXO -🌥 ‘
A/N: I broadened this request to weird sleeping positions in general. To the requester, I hope you’re okay with that and enjoy. 
Highly entertained - Yunho, Wooyoung
His camera roll is full of pictures of your various weird sleeping positions. He thinks it’s funny and is incredibly fond of it. The group chat gets a pic of you sleeping on your back with your arms crossed across your chest, or one with your leg propped up, or one where you’ve totally abandoned your pillow. It’s really one of his favorite things to roll over in the middle of the night, thinking you’ll be curled up on your side in a typical sleeping position, but you rarely ever are and it makes him kind of mushy. Not to be sappy, but it’s one of those things that they miss most when they have to be away from home.
Highly concerned - Hongjoong, San, Mingi
Some mornings, he gives you a concerned look and asks if you feel okay. It’s quite literally because he can’t imagine how some of your sleeping positions are comfortable. He thinks you must have a sore neck or that your back is in knots because he could not sleep in the positions that you do. Once you assure him a few (dozen) times that you’re really more comfortable that way, he lets it go. Except for sometimes that he will readjust your position under the guise that he wants to cuddle. He says it’s for him, and it is, but sometimes it’s also for you. 
Doesn’t think much of it - Seonghwa, Yeosang, Jongho
Might get a little chuckle out of some of your sleeping positions sometimes, but just kisses your cheek or your head and lets you get your rest. He’ll probably never say anything about it, but he’ll notice if you try to sleep in ‘normal’ positions, particularly if others might be around. (Think spending the night at the dorm when one of the other members might see it and make a comment.) If you seem restless in these ‘normal’ positions, he’s urging you to get comfortable, rolling you onto your stomach or back, or star fishing, or whatever makes you feel better. He just wants you to get good sleep and doesn’t care what it looks like. 
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crownofgildedlilies · 3 months ago
christmas shopping
pairing: takami x reader summary: Keigo is a busy man, but it’s the holiday season, after all.  wc: 1.4k event masterlist
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The holidays were, arguably, the busiest time of the year. 
It was also your favorite time of year, don’t get it twisted, but you were so incredibly busy. There somehow always was a new item on your to do list. Baking, cooking, planning. Attending dinners and parties, gift shopping.
And it might have been easier if your boyfriend wasn’t the number two hero.
If the holidays were busy for you, every day of the year was Keigo’s busy season. And you loved him for it, for dedicating so much of his time to saving others. Maybe he hadn’t had a choice in hero work at the start, but he kept with it even when you told him you would still love him even if he quit. 
But Keigo, your Keigo, didn’t quit. He would never. 
You just wished he could have helped you with your growing list of gifts to buy. You were letting him stick his name on all the gifts for your mutual friends, after all. Maybe it was selfish of you, but you wanted him around to entertain you while you shopped. 
And maybe carry your bags for you. 
After an hour of shopping on your own, you were growing bored. It didn’t help that Keigo had stopped answering your texts, either, and you were contemplating the possibility of calling it quits early and heading home when you saw it. 
Something red, something fast, floating through the crowded shopping center. 
A feather. 
Smiling to yourself, you couldn’t help but scan the crowd for any sight of the tawny blond you knew couldn’t be far behind. The feather flew in close to your face, but you snatched it out of the air before it could tickle your cheek. Keigo was a tease. 
“Are you going to show yourself or just watch from the shadows like a creep?” You didn’t care that you might have looked like the weird one, talking to a feather in the middle of a crowd. You knew for a fact that Keigo could hear you, no matter how far he was. 
“You think I’m a creep?” Just like you had thought. He wasn’t able to resist countering your taunt, and made himself known directly behind you. “You really know how to hurt a guy, huh?”
Spinning on your heel, you rolled your eyes at Keigo’s dramatics, though you were secretly brimming with joy that he had managed to find time to meet up with you. Even if it was only briefly, you’d take every minute you could get with your boyfriend. 
“I should have known you were up to something when you stopped answering my texts.” You ignore his taunt about hurting him, and instead opt to greet him with a kiss at the end of your sentence. He chased after you for one, two, more kisses before you had to set a hand on his chest and shove just slightly to remind him you were in public. Not that he ever cared about tedious things like that. 
“Couldn’t pass up the chance to surprise you. And I figured I should give the other pros a chance to get their ratings up. With any luck, I’ll drop back down to where I’m more comfortable.” Even his explanation was littered with confident bragging. At the moment, he sounded like Hawks—but you wanted Keigo.
“Whatever gets you to help me with the shopping,” You pinched his nose in a teasing attempt to help him switch between his pro hero persona and who he really was. Sometimes, he struggled to do so, but after dating for so long you knew all the little tricks. “But I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to just duck out on patrol like this.”
“You’re my number one.” He smirked, always a flirt, and you hated that he was still able to draw a blush out of you like your relationship was only brand new. He winked at you as he deftly slipped the few shopping bags you had already collected from your hand, and you knew he wasn’t quite done just yet. “Just don’t tell Japan that.”
“So romantic,” You grinned, letting him take the weight of the bags. You were perfectly capable of carrying them yourself, but if he was going to insist, you’d let him. 
Plus, it meant he was going to stay for the rest of your shopping trip with you. 
“Is it always this busy around here?” Keigo asked, threading the fingers of his free hand through yours. You rolled your eyes playfully, brushing your thumb over his knuckles in a mindless show of affection. 
“It’s nearly Christmas, Kei. All the shopping districts are busy.” You explained dutifully. You wanted to tease—it was hard not to, really—but you knew he was always so busy that he never had time for simple tasks like shopping. “C’mon, we’ve still got a lot of the list to get through so far. All I’ve managed is a few things for my family, and the night light you wanted to get for Tokoyami. Are you sure you don’t want to get him a real present, too?”
“Nah,” Keigo chuckled at his own joke, but you made a mental note to yourself to get something the young hero in training would actually enjoy. Keigo had him over for meals often enough that you knew Tokoyami wasn’t in the market for a nightlight. “Let’s get going on this list, shall we? Where to first, boss?”
“Well, if I can’t talk you out of getting a corduroy jacket for Best Jeanist, then—”
“It is him!” The not-so hushed whisper interrupted your sentence, and accompanying it was a group of teenagers eagerly approaching your boyfriend. Keigo wasn’t dressed in his hero uniform—a rare sight in public—but the giant red wings he boasted forced him to stick out in any crowd. 
You might have been a little naive to assume that he would be able to help you get the shopping done without being approached by his fans. You never tried to stop him or get in the way, so you dropped his hand and stepped back to let him take pictures and meet with his fans. And after a few minutes they moved on, allowing you to slip your hand back into your boyfriend’s. 
“Now that I have your attention again,” Keigo smirked like he hadn’t been the one to have been pulled away, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek before you could think to argue against his words. “I was thinking about getting Mirko a hamster.”
“I’m not taking care of a hamster when she—”
“Hawks, man, I’m such a huge fan.” 
A couple of guys in their late twenties were the next to approach, and you busied yourself by checking over the list you had made before leaving the house while Keigo tried to subtly end the small talk they tried making with the pro. 
Except, a family with a few young children noticed number two Hawks at their local shopping center and wanted a photo for the kids. And your boyfriend wouldn’t have been the charming hero he was if he didn’t oblige them. It snowballed from there, until a line practically formed to greet Keigo and shake his hand.
You still hadn’t moved after nearly twenty minutes, but Keigo had managed to get the small crowd to disperse enough that he was able to talk to you. He looked a little embarrassed; clearly, he hadn’t planned on you having to stand by and watch him get fawned over. 
“Why don’t we just go home and shop online?” He suggested, scratching at the back of his neck and momentarily losing his confident persona. Unable to stop yourself, you laced your fingers through his to stop his nervous habit. 
“That sounds like a good idea.” You smiled, kissing his knuckles gently. The tinge of red on his cheeks only seemed to deepen in color, and you briefly prided yourself on getting such a sure hero to blush with a simple act of affection. 
“Sorry to ruin your day out and cut it short,” He apologized unnecessarily and you shook your head. You wanted to tell him that he hadn’t ruined anything, that your day was only improved by his presence, but you figured that was too heavy of a topic for a shopping center Keigo could get mobbed by fans in at any moment. 
So you settled for a teasing grin, bumping your arm against his as you walked towards the exit. 
“At least you can’t buy a hamster online.” 
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