villains4hire · 6 months
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"One massive hunk and a heart-stopping cutie pie? All for me? Only me? Haha, kidding~ But seriously, what's the plan now? I'm more the heart and heavy-hitter, as I've made a pathway, but my audience needs some good creators to relate to when following me. So try to keep up, m'kay?" Miss Heed noted as those eyes stopped going alight, having mind-controlled guards to this facility that had been collecting beings one way or another, even the galactic influencer finding herself there. They didn't account for some of the powers this odd, diverse lot had, as several guards launched themselves and large parts of this sector's crew out the airlock at Heed's behest. Giving a yawn, Heed had an odd feeling about her, as if a beast resisting the temptation to snap its jaws on anything around it. Yet calm, calculated and... disturbingly 'loving and sweet'.
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docnefarious · 2 months
A new purple card has been left on the table in Nefarious office, this time without there being any posters or cutouts left along with it. Just a card that says: dearest Nefarious. As you can see, I haven't done my usual after dropping by. Instead, I have now set up great number of Groovitron traps around your station that will activate at random whenever you step close to one of them, so you better watch where you step next or you might find yourself dancing. From V~
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The light flicked on in his office, and everything seemed ordinary. Suspecting nothing, he made his way to his desk, ready to review the blueprints he’d been working on. It had crossed his mind recently that he hadn't been subjected to any pranks from Vendra in a while—a very welcome change of pace, he had to admit. Perhaps terrorizing her the other day had actually worked!
So, he hadn’t expected to see a simple purple card on his desk as he sat down.
The sight of it instantly filled him with dread. And for a prolonged moment, he just sat there, frozen, staring at it, blueprints still in hand. Then slowly, he set them aside and picked up the card and read it. But what he saw written on it made his eyes widen and the dread sweep through him like a tidal wave.
A Groovitron? Not just one, but multiple? Hidden!? But—he hadn’t seen any sign of—just then, something bright and shiny caught his attention, spinning lazily beneath his desk. He locked eyes with the little disco ball and, almost as if sensing his presence, it activated.
Lights began flashing on its surface, and music started playing as it rushed toward him. An intense and irrational fear gripped the robot as he scrambled away, knocking his chair over in the process.
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"NOOOOO! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, VENDRA!!!" So much for scaring her into backing off.
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trashthrashiing · 2 days
@nether-twins | continued from here!
You would think maybe - just MAYBE - she'd have a SHRED of enough sense to NOT piss off the guy who could EASILY CRUSH HER. But Scourge is... not always very smart. So here we are.
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" Ay, ya heard me, big boy. Three words: dental floss. "
that's two words you idiot
besides, she's one to talk, with a mouth looking like half a Jenga tower.
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all-fleshed-out · 13 days
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Don't mind Molly...she's just.. touching. Touching everything in her path. Buttons, switches, screens, you name it. She can't help it! Especially not when there's such COOL stuff in here! This next thing, though? She is VERY eager to touch. She's even stacking books on top of each other just to reach it!
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smugglinbax · 2 years
Have you ever been having a drink, minding your own business, not a care in the world! Just happy to put that drink to your lips, enjoy that first sip and--- two jerks in power armor plop down at your table. Well we all know the rest right? You try to deescalate they make a snarky comment about you being a space rat--- and you make fun of there mother! Same song and dance, no matter how hard he tried Hex never quite could catch a break! The twins were just innocent bystanders in what was about to be a full on bar fight! As the poor Lombax came crashing down into there table with a titanic crash! 
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“ ...anyone get the number of the bus that just ran me over.... “ 
As if on que the whole table collapsed with the poor Lombax on top of it, a resounding CRASH that followed it. He just lay there as the two Goons stood up tall cracking there knuckles! They looked like the type to enjoy this type of work--- damn he thought as he lay there in pain. 
Who wanted him dead this time? and how was he gonna weasel his way out of this one!
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vyladromeave · 7 months
This was originally intended for people who tangibly create their own designs of characters, but if you have your own designs of MCD characters floating around in your head for any reason at all, drawn or not, this poll is for you too!!
"Combination" and "Elements of Orange AND Brown" refers to if there are multiple hair colors going on at once. EX: a gradient from brown to orange, red streaks in brown hair, etc.
If the hair color of your Laurance doesn't depend on his time pre/post Nether, or falls outside of the bounds of the options here for some other reason... Use your best judgement!
If things get complicated, feel free to leave clarification in the tags/etc! :D
Back at it again with more design polls! I'd like to do polls more regularly on this blog again, and personal interpretations/designs seems to be a good way to do those :D
I know I'm definitely in the weirdo camp here, so where do you fall?
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"I didn't think there were so many different types of aliens! I think I've only seen four, at most."
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fantasyconcrete · 5 months
“That sucks!” Whendi blurred out, a bit louder than they meant. “I think you deserve more nice things.”
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ohmerricat · 1 year
inviting a girl over for movie date night making her watch twin peaks season 3 episode 8 if she says she doesn’t get it she’s not the one for me
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bagel-eatser · 1 year
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Realized I have never posted Sónek here... He's my current brainrot and im going wild in aggie
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villains4hire · 2 years
@nether-twins as discussed. c:
Alarms blaring throughout the facility, something was laughing in the background, its distortion like that of a demon in its tone. The sound of screams calling out, only to go suddenly silent as the chaos came closer, then stillness as the doors were ripped off the hinges. Whatever it was, in the background, it sounded as if she already had freed the other prisoners, gun-fire ringing out.
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The two had been placed here with levers turned as they'd both face each other, strange. They wouldn't have been allowed to be looked at or talked to at once. Floating on in, purple energies surrounding her as that hair flowed, the blood-curdling voice didn't match her body, "OH? IT LOOKS LIKE YOU TWO GOT THE VIP SUITE. FUN. LEMME BREAK THOSE CHAINS!" Shackles, suppressors torn with ease using her mind that had been placed on Vendra, she'd carve off the near titan sized restraints off of Neftin with a purple beam.
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Landing on her feet when she was done, that eye returning to normal with a purple pupil, she stood around 4'8 as the small adult lady stared up, that chameleon tongue mleming out in the air for a moment, "Yup. You're what the whispers said I'd taste here, that I needed to free. Hello, I'm Ash! Let's go before we die horribly, yeah?"
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docnefarious · 2 months
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@nether-twins asked: Oh Nefariouuuus, I got a surprise for youuu~" And she couldn't wait for him to see it. See the 15 feet tall bronze giant she had been turned into, a Talos as it had been called, by a lovely anon. It had been seen as a curse at first, but now she was rather happy it had happened. Because now she could finally get back at the robot for scaring her. ((Magic anon got to Vendra oops))
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Terrifying Vendra had definitely been one of the most satisfying moments of his life lately. He was still enjoying it! The look on her face had been priceless! It almost made up for all those infuriating pranks she'd pulled on him! Or... it was a nice start, anyway! He was sure he could think up even more ways to make the witch regret embarrassing him.
That's when he heard that voice, and it had him stopping dead in his tracks. He would recognize it anywhere at this point. But something was different... First of all, he did not like that mischievous tone she had. That was never a good sign. Secondly, why was it sounding from… above him?
Slowly craning his neck back, he looked up to see the gigantic bronze figure towering over him—and he just froze, blinking up at her for a few seconds and trying to process what exactly he was seeing. Well, whatever it was, he had a feeling it wasn't anything good for him.
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"Oh, hi!" he gave a tiny sheepish wave, definitely noticing their size difference right about now. "Did you get a new suit? Looks great!" Yep, he had to get out of there.
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nether-twins · 5 months
30?? If you have it! For our special little spaceman who's only got 30 days to live :DD OH AND 2 , 4 , and 10!
((I assume this is for both of them soooo, yeah, let's go!))
((Got the icons on this post))
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detectivesteamo · 5 months
“Well, the interdimensional bad guys I have witnessed here?! Very interested radio show I could make!” Young vigilante jumps on the box to confront them despite that she’s supposed to be out of the sights from anyone who’s a threat.
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divorcedfiddleford · 10 months
stanley pines really is one of the characters of all time. he's a gemini and an identical twin but knowing this is a major spoiler for the show. he punched a pterodactyl in the face. he wore groucho marx glasses to his b'nei mitzvah. he invented imposter syndrome. he's a massive jerk. he's transgender and a misogynist. he scares children for fun and actively seeks out reasons to fight them. he's from new jersey. his adhd and autism are battling to the death. he has a tattoo but he doesn't have a tattoo. he punched his brother in the face. he's been to jail in three different countries. he dropped out of high school only to spend 30 years teaching himself nuclear physics and quantum mechanics. he's divorced. he hired a gamer as a handyman 10 years ago and the gamer is kind of his son now. he lives off of brown meat, soda, liquor, bad puns, and cigars. he's a professional con artist. he's a terrible liar. he banished his brother to the nether realm for decades, but like, it was an accident. his dad kicked him out of home. he regularly commits massive tax fraud. he needs dentures by the age of 60. his niece will tell you he has a heart of gold. his nephew will say it's probably pyrite. he will hold on to a grudge until it kills him. no one can hate him more than he already hates himself. he saved the world by lying. he's bi and no one wants him, but that's okay because he gets sick of them all the morning after anyway. he's living out his dreams on a boat but realistically he's gonna get seasick and want to go home in less than a year. he killed the devil by punching him in the face. he's stealing your wallet right now
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tiyoin · 4 months
so i had a thought…
nsfw below cut! unknown voyeruism
tdlr: jade and floyd go to collect ramshackle, but collect valuable… anatomical lesson instead
book 3, jade and floyd are going to ramshackle to kick you out and they’re peeking through the windows. trying to look through the closed blinds to see if anyone’s home.
jade’s about to knock on the door when floyd, still peeking through the dirty windows stops him and ushers him over.
aha! floyd’s found a peep hole! you must’ve thought you closed them all the way in a rush. tsk tsk careless.
they both freeze in their tracks as they peek through the gap in the blinds.
it’s you… unclothed… bouncing in the lap of some male…
human mating is what they chalk it up to.
they’re nothing but curious, nosey leeches who can’t stop watching you bounce up and down up and down furiously in the lap of…
holy shit- no way it’s that wolf friend of yours!! THIS IS GOLD!! no wonder you reeked of him!
floyd comments about how he didn’t see a mating mark on either of you as he continues watching the scandalous scene.
he couldn’t look away if he wanted too. his heterochromatic eyes greedily feasting upon the mating ritual you two were completing. though nether of you were making any effort to mark the other, and every-time floyd thought you were going in for a claiming mark, there was nothing on sea-urchin’s neck to show for it.
jade wonders if your two precious heartslabyul friends knew the,,, things you were getting up to while they were under azul’s iron thumb.
he wonders if you’re even aware of the two freshmen’s affections and how much this would crush them if they were ever to find out..
they couldn’t keep their eyes off of you, how utterly… small, you were compared to him. large hands swallowing your waist as he practically uses you to get off.
they watch they way your hair bounces, the way it inches down down down your back and to your waist as your throw your head back in agony-
“hehe, look jade, shrimpy’s enjoy’n it” floyd laughs lowly, catching the way your mouth opens and eyes screw shut. they swore they could hear gasps and moans escape through the cracks in your dingy hobble.
jack pulls you off him, your tired body against his chest. pushing his hair back you both gaze at each other. floyd wants to puke.
“i guess they-“
jade wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as he saw jack bend you over the side of the couch. your upper body and hands holding the side as jack got on his knees, his larger body engulfing your body with his. almost like he knew there was unwanted company, the ever heroic urchin was shielding your… alluring body from view.
his hips began again, arms around you as he cleared the hair from your face. aww. it was almost romantic if the twins squinted hard enough. it didn’t help the fact that jack basically humping the daylights out of you or how your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and the animalistic noises you both let out.
the twins couldn’t know how much time had passed or how long they watched sea urchin drill into you, hold you. they shared a look when he brushed hair from your neck, staring intensely at your neck. it was obvious this meant more to him than to you as he nuzzled your nape.
“ahh fuck” floyd groaned, jade’s gaze broke away from the show to look at his whining twin who was looking at his lower body.
jade looked down at himself, and sure enough- his penis was becoming erect.
“how interesting” jade chuckled, lolling his head back towards the window. and to his expectations you two were still mating like you were in heat.
“ c‘mon jade, better go before it gets worse.” floyd gives you one last lingering glance before turning. the gleam in his eye didn’t go unnoticed by jade, his own smirk doing nothing to hide his inner thoughts.
but nothing was said as the two made their way off of the ramshackle property.
they gave you another day to live in bliss, though you did have to pay with your body, unbeknownst to you.
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