#netflix biohackers
comeplayandgoaway · 11 months
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forestlion · 1 year
I'm sorry ao3-user ChildofTheWild... But this fic
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is not worth this comment
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I was so unserious when I wrote that, it doesn't deserve your sincerity.
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as a native german speaker i must fulfill my duty and urge all of you to watch dark and biohackers because they're the best german netflix shows thank me later
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seriesdepelicula · 2 years
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Mas series para esta colección de nuevas o actuales.Series del siglo XXI.En este caso el resumen pertenece a una serie alemana llamada BIOHACHERS del año 2020 y que extendió por otro más, para completar dos temporadas y 12 capítulos en total.
Es un thriller de ciencia ficción en el cual abundan los flashbacks, creando un halo de misterio y al mismo tiempo mezclado con un drama de tinte adolescente.Mia Akerlund (LUNA WEDLER) es una joven inglesa que llega a la ciudad universitaria de Friburgo, la más grande de Alemania.
Mia desde el primer semestre de curso, demuestra un talento inusual y pone énfasis especial en la profesora, doctora e investigadora Tanja Lorenz (la buena actriz JESSICA SCHWARTZ ).Esta aparentemente tienen algún tipo de relación con su pasado.Mia sospecha que podría estar involucrada en la muerte de su hermano y trata de acercarse a toda costa a ella, incluso si tiene que establecer una relación con Jasper (ADRIAN JULIUS TILLMAN), quien es el ayudante de laboratorio de la doctora.Jasper es estudiante de biología y tiene a cargo diversosexperimentos fuera de la facultad, que rozan con lo ilegal.
Las cosas se precipitan de golpe y Mia descubre toda una conspiración que esta relacionada con el BIOHACKING, que es una filosofía nacida a partir del año 2000, y que involucra intenciones de modificar las estructuras de los seres vivos; con el objetivo de explorar sus capacidades o incluso de crear nuevas funciones.Una de las practicas mas comunes es el estudio de los marcadores genéticos para identificar una especie, la fabricación de material de laboratorio de bajo coste para estudiar la vida y el cultivo de microorganismos no patógenos para obtener sus productos.Cabe destacar que la manipulación genética de seres vivos así como la lectura del ADN humano están sujetas a regulación en la mayoría de países del mundo, y son muy pocos los laboratorios de biología DIY (asi se llama) que poseen una licencia del estado para realizar tales operaciones.
Pues bien, con sus compañeros de cuarto y finalmente amigos y además un aliado inesperado, descubrirá accediendo a los historiales antiguos de la empresa de la Dra. Lorenz, un antiguo proyecto llamado HOMO DEUS.
Obviamente la historia se desarrolla en 2020 (como podría ser en 2030 o 2040) y esto sucede de manera sub académica es decir fuera de los carriles normales y con sujetos llevando a cabo sus propias investigaciones y contando con pocos medios, pero mucha imaginación.
Aquí estamos de lleno en una temática transhumanista y las posibilidades de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al mundo de la ingeniera genética.Si bien el guion es un poco flojo, particularmente sugiere algunos variables que van a estar muy presentes en los próximos años.Por sobre todo, que la manipulación genética seguramente va a seguir prohibida y que se seguirá desarrollando de manera ilegal y que las terapias descubiertas no serán ni estarán al alcance de la mayoría y que dadas ciertas circunstancia si estas cayeran en manos equivocadas podría ser peligroso para la humanidad.
El argumento presenta dos protagonistas excluyentes Mia y la Dra. Lorenz.Son partes contrapuestas.Mia, la joven brillante que intenta descubrir además, a los responsables de la muerte de sus padres en un accidente y que le ocasiono heridas también a ella y por el otro, la Dra. Lorenz, ambiciosa, poderosa y veterana profesora que está a la vanguardia de las investigaciones de biohacking.Finalmente Mia se anota en su cátedra y cada una de ellas tiene un entorno diferente.La Dra. Lorenz al ver que Mia es brillante, la acepta en su laboratorio como ayudante.
Hasta qui todo bien, el tema es que después empiezan a aparecer tramas secundarias que no llevan a ningún lado, que son de puro relleno.Mia empieza a sospechar que las cosas no son como las preveía y empieza a tener dudas sobre la Dra. Lorenz y esta a su vez, sobre su alumna.
La frase que pintaría la serie seria que los médicos dejarían de ser puros sanadores, para convertirse en creadores, utilizando estas técnicas de terapia y manipulación genética, en donde se crearían soluciones (o evitaría) para diversas enfermedades de manera personal.
Yo diría que las actuaciones son buenas, pero el entorno donde vive Mia es mejor, dado que los otros estudiantes con los cuales convive (y que la ayudan en todo) le dan vida a la serie.Estos jóvenes y otros del campus, practican estos temas creando drogas nuevas que mejoren el rendimiento físico y mental, incorporándose esas drogas mediante implantes.
Entonces para ir cerrando el resumen, lo más interesante además de la relación entre Mia y la Dra. Lorenz, es el pasado de Mia y por el cual viajamos en dos direcciones: por un lado la muerte de su hermano y por el otro la muerte de sus padres.Tanto la temporada una como la dos, dejan espacio para más.Quizás hubiera estado bueno, una tercera temporada para más explicaciones y cerrar definitivamente la serie.Pero esto es de N y cierras series sin explicación alguna.Entonces lo mejor es que el mundo del biohacking es de lo mas interesante y que seguramente en un futuro no muy lejano escucharemos mucho esta palabra, lo peor es que los capítulos avanzan lentos a pesar de ser solo 6 por cada temporada y que la trama queda totalmente abierta.Mi puntaje para este show es 5.5/10. 
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linafinsterwald192 · 2 months
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Biohackers, Ghost (Sweden Band), The Witcher (TV), The Stanley Parable, Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon), The Walking Dead (Telltale Video Game), 今際の国のアリス | Imawa no Kuni no Alice | Alice in Borderland (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:
Going by the order of the National Pokedex, I plan on having one drabble (exactly 100 words) for each Pokémon, usually with at least one canon or original character. To keep me inspired, I am also using a random AO3 tag generator to combine with each chapter. I'll add the respective fandoms as I go along. Please be mindful of the fact that the archive warnings and rating will probably change. I have chosen English as the language, since I assume that will be the most used language in my fic eventually despite specks of German.
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hollysupertramp · 2 years
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presidenttyler · 19 days
gilded age podcastverse lore: everyone has a podcast or multiple podcasts. too many to even imagine. arthur has a podcast, conkling and platt have a podcast, blaine has a podcast (which has to be called blainiac) which garfield eventually joins... grant has the biggest podcast, everyone else feels honored to come on his podcast, but blaine and garfield want to overtake him, causing drama. (hayes' podcast became temporarily more popular because he tried to make it appeal to everyone, but then everyone turned on him because it was boring and he didn't have good guests on) everyone is sponsored by some insane scams, the biggest one which will be buying/selling stocks in some highspeed rail company, and a crypto scam called gildedcoin or something. there's some deal that netflix/spotify/[world-specific streaming service] is going to be making with one podcast and there's huge drama over whose podcast will get picked up, blaine and garfield team up on a new one which gets super popular and it gets leaked that that's the one that's going to get the deal, so guiteau (who was an insane fan of arthur's podcast, and was so persistent and enthusiastic that he ended up becoming a co-host) poisons garfield's HelloFresh™️ (or some other method of harm involving whatever other generic product people do ad reads for). garfield ends up getting medical advice from Doctor Doctor Bliss, a biohacking guru who thinks he can cure garfield's ailment by injecting him with peptides and creatine and ketamine and putting him on a carnivore diet and so forth and so garfield dies. conkling gets cancelled for having repeatedly said on his podcast that garfield should die, so he takes his podcast off all platforms as protest expecting his fans to clamor for their return, but he has no fans and so he fades into obscurity. but this all does mean the podcast deal goes to the next most popular one, which is arthur's podcast now (even more popular now after the incident) so he does benefit. he streams himself reacting to guiteau's trial
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demi-shoggoth · 1 year
On Role Models
I'm a Biology teacher, and tonight is open house. Because I teach AP, so I get to do much higher level stuff than the usual freshman Bio class, I'm giving a lecture instead of the more freeform approach most teachers take. That lecture is titled "How I Hacked My DNA, and You Can Too". And I'm going to talk about how your body is a constant dialog between cells of different types, including a whole ecosystem living in your large intestines. Thinking about human life in terms of evolutionary theory can help us understand those interactions better. Homo sapiens humans are the last humans standing because they were the ones that moved into marginalized habitats and found new and creative ways to gather food. There's a reason why human cities attract "specialized generalists" like foxes, rats, crows and raccoons. It's because those animals are also good at living in the margins. And so your health, mood, and life will be better if you remember that you're an omnivore with lots of different systems that draw from your diet and your gut bacteria, so take care of them. Eat more fermented foods, eat a wider variety of foods, supplement them with small doses of targeted vitamins and minerals rather than chugging down a bottle of pills every week.
And I'm introducing this with the story of Josiah Zayner.
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If you watched "Unnatural Selection" on Netflix, Zayner is a major figure. They are a biohacker, and were experimenting with using CRISPR to modify the genes of people in vivo. Specifically, by selling DIY CRISPR kits at cost, and injecting themselves with myostatin blocking genes in order to give themselves huge muscles. And I watched "Unnatural Selection" and thought, that's a supervillain origin story. That's if the Green Goblin was a hipster.
But Zayner also recognized that they were on a dark path. Once they realized that letting untrained people possibly do permanent damage to themselves was a bad idea, and when corporations started sniffing around on how to monetize it, Zayner took a step back. And understood that their attempt to go full super serum was because they were dissatisfied with their appearance.
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This is Jo Zayner now. She/they, emphasis on the she, just like I am. And now they're working on projects to make transition and playing with gender expression safer and easier, like biochemical breast implants that degrade in 48 hours. And she's working on making vaccines that are safer and have less side effects and you don't have to go through a big corporation to get them.
Now, Jo Zayner is one of my heroes. And I'm going to share that story with a roomful of parents and students, and I wanted to share that with you.
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ricisidro · 8 months
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#Vesper (2022) on #PrimeVideo focuses on a 13-year-old girl struggling to survive with her paralyzed father who uses her wits, strength and #biohacking abilities to fight for the future.
Siimilar to "#StarWars"-influenced #scifi epic "#RebelMoon: Part One – A Child of Fire," on #Netflix, it proves that quality #scifi movies can be made on a budget.
#adventure #drama #fantasy #dystopia #postapocalypse
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Get to know me(me)!
i was tagged by @birdkeeperklink (thanks, i think those things are fun)
3 Ships: i'm gonna go with the ones i don't tend to get bored of. joanlock, mystrade and ...ironhusbands, i think. i like friendships, if i'm honest. 'cause of the whole aroace thing, i think, it's the one kind of relationship that makes sense to me.
First Ever Ship: narusaku. also, first blogging experience. also, first time yaoi (as it was called at the time in the circles i ran in) was introduced to me. what a queer journey it's been since then. i think mostly cause one of them loved the other, ya know. i don't tend to ship people unless one of them's invested or someone points at people and says "they should kiss", and then i'm like "ohhhh yeah makes sense".
Last Song: idk mate, it just runs on loop. i think it was "lost" from our last night. really good, both the acoustic and regular versions
Last Movie: i watched Last Christmas. no comment?
Currently Reading:  i would tell you but i don't like it so it's not polite to name it. you can ask me in private if you're curious
Currently Watching: i think it's called "the biohackers"? it's on netflix.
Currently Consuming: it is past my bedtime if by bedtime we meant the time until which i'm allowed to eat for the day. it's a health thing. does that have a name? so anyway, it's water until tomorrow.
Currently Craving: man, i've been eating plain bread and rice for weeks. what don't i crave?
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#criançaindigo #Indigo tdah NÃO EXISTE. TDAH E DDA NAO EXISTEM. #biohacking #biohackers #bradleycooperFILME PROCURE FILME DE BRADLEY COOPER onde ele toma uma pílula e fica mais esperto . Documentários no Netflix também
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colorsinautumn · 2 years
started watching biohackers on netflix and I am so fucking intrigued by this show.
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userbeaufort · 3 years
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Luna Wedler
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I love how the second season of Biohackers starts.
Mia, absolutely confused with memory loss.
Just like me because I barely remember season one, it's been too long.
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forestlion · 3 years
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demi-shoggoth · 1 year
So I'm giving a talk for Open House this week. Which is unusual, because at Open House, it's usually about more casual conversations with parents and teachers. But I teach AP Bio, and I have lots of ideas. So after a fun, weird, witchy April 30th ( Walpurgisnacht), I wrote a fun weird witchy presentation for my AP Bio kids, and I'm going to review and revise it to show to their parents.
It's called " How I Hacked My DNA and You Can Too".
It starts with a conversation about biohacking and the Netflix documentary Unnatural Selection. In the first episode, a guy named Josiah Zayner is basically a prophet of CRISPR, a DNA editing technique that can work in living cells in a whole organism. But because he's unhappy with his appearance, he wants to mitate himself to be more muscular, a real life super serum.
They're trans now. Jo Zayner, she/they. And are doing much safer and more ethical work, like making biopolymers that act as temporary breast implants and improving open source vaccines.
I'll tal a little bit about how the organs and tissues in the human body are still made of individual cells, and that the body works through communication between cells. I'll talk about how Homo sapiens is the last human standing because we had diversified our diets. I'll talk about how the large intestine is more bacteria than human, an entire ecosystem, and how that ecosystem is in constant contact with the body through chemicals it releases.
And then I'm going to tell them little tiny ways to improve their functioning.
Eat more fermented foods to add bacteria to the gut. Even if they don't survive, they'll help teach the immune system what is and isn't a threat, so you'll get sick and stressed less. Dietary supplements like zinc and B12 can be used to institute more permanent changes, from building pathways between neurons to influencing which genes are turned on and off. Not, taking a huge multivitamin every day, but maybe taking a more tailored supplement once a week. And, because I'm trans, talking about how some foods will subtly influence hormones. The "soyboy" insult is a reflection of how little things, like linseed oil, will actually change your hormone levels.
And then I'll open the floor to questions, and I'll talk with whoever stuck around to the end. The door will be open, so people can come and go and see and do other things. Which is important, diversity and choices.
And I'll have a good time being a scientist, even though I dropped out of grad school
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