#nerdy posting
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patoarbol · 12 days ago
Menú de Recursos
﹒ ﹒ ♪
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Bienvenue, al Pato Bistró. Esperamos que su experiencia sea agradable cenando con nosotros, el servicio de hoy es à la carte.
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Los que ya me conocen saben lo mucho que me encanta el arte, la historia, y más específicamente la moda (y los que no, bueno, es cosa de bajar por mi media tab par darse cuenta). Por lo que al momento de dibujar, o diseñar piezas para un personajes, me gusta tener a mano una buena cantidad de referencias recolectada. En este último tiempo me propuse comenzar a ordenar los recursos on-line que utilizo, al menos marcarlos en carpetas de favoritos en mi cuenta de Chrome, y ¡por dios! nunca creí que sería tanto trabajo mantener un orden.
Tras un tiempito logré acumular unas cuantas páginas(las más frecuentes y otras que no tanto) así que hoy decidí abrirle al público mi baúl de los secretos para nada secretos. En este ""master post"" encontrarán páginas de museos, archivos de colecciones, etc, etc. No soy ninguna profesional (mi carrera de hecho es en ciencias naturales, así que tengo más autoridad sobre mitocondrias que corsés), por lo que esto es una recolección de cosas que me son útiles e interesantes a mí y no una guía 100% infalible: "haz esto y serás el mejor dibujante de monas victorianas de la historia". No, para nada. Así que pido que tomen esto como una manera de adentrarse en este mundillo, o como una vista ""superficial"" de una chica que anda compartiendo sobre la cosa de la que viene nerdeando por los últimos siete años.
[DISCLAIMER: Iré actualizando esta lista agregando y/o sacando cosas a medida pase el tiempo y vaya juntando más páginas. Cualquier sugerencia pueden ponerla en mi ask, o en mi strawpage ¡Yo encantada de tenerles en cuenta! Fecha de actualización: 21/02/2025]
Con esto fuera del camino: Bon appétit.
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╰⪼┆[screencaps]capturas de pantalla de cine y animación
Muy útiles para realizar estudios o recoger referencias de composición.
Inicio - Animation Movies
Animation Screencaps.com
╰⪼┆[poses]maniquíes, fotografía, etc.
Muy convenientes al momento de querer inventarse una pose y no encontrar un modelo, o directamente practicar dibujo lineal.
DesignDoll | Terawell
Reference Angle
Animal Photo Art References Search
Line of Action
╰⪼┆[arte conceptual]portfolios, trabajo de grandes artistas
Portfolios de referentes, trabajos tras producciones, referencias para la creación de tus propios conceptos. Más onda Vis Dev.
Creative Uncut - Video Game Art
Character Design References
Artbooks- Internet Archive (recomiendo crearse una cuenta para "pedirlos prestados")
╰⪼┆[colores]paletas y combinaciones
Para cuando no podés elegir cómo pintar algo, o estás aburrido y querés juguetear un poco.
Rueda de colores | Adobe Color
Color Hunt
Create a Palette - Coolors
Poline — Esoteric Color Palette Generation Library
╰⪼┆[tutoriales]videos y clases de profesionales
Nunca es mal momento para aprender algo nuevo.
[Hay varias en inglés, pido perdón desde ya]
Free Video Library — Digital Painting Simplified
╰⪼┆[imagenes de stock]visuales libre de uso
Para robar como un pro(yo)
╰⪼┆[paisajes]lugarcitos del mundo
Lugares del mundo, street views, y demás para cuando no sabemos qué poner de fondo.
MapCrunch - Random Street View
╰⪼┆[pinceles]eso mismo que leíste
Devin Elle Kurtz
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MODA ๋࣭ ⭑⚝ [39 links]
A history of feminine fashion| Internet Archive
Mode in Hats and Headdress| Internet Archive
Dame fashion : Paris - London, 1786-1912 : Price, Julius M. (Julius Mendes), d. 1924| Internet Archive
Greenberg: Godey's Lady's Book: List of Illustrations
╰⪼┆[fashion plates]
Costume Institute Fashion Plates | MET
::: Fashion Plate Collection :::
Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century - Claremont Colleges Digital Library
FASHION Magazine
╰⪼┆[archivo]bibliotecas, colecciones, museos
KCI | The Kyoto Costume Institute
Search our collections | National Museums Scotland
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fashion · V&A
Colecciones – eMuseum
Central & South America – Fashion & Textile Museums
Collection | National Museum of African American History and Culture
Search Collections (Textiles) | National Museum of American History
Australian Museum of Clothing and Textiles - MGNSW
Fashion Museum Bath | The Fashion Museum Bath
Home - Fashion and Textile Museum
International Library of Fashion Research
Explore the Complete Vogue Archive
Gallica vous conseille| BnF
NYPL| Digital Collections
La Sylphide | BnF
Home | Digital Collections - Iowa State University Library
╰⪼┆[blogs]páginas, articulos, etc.
No todos hablan estrictamente sobre moda, pero son igual de interesantes y útiles.
Fashion History Timeline
Dressed in Time
The Couture Courtesan
Beauty From Ashes
Madame Isis' Toilette
American Duchess Blog
Before the Automobile
The Modern Mantua-Maker | Sewing Through Time
The Dreamstress - sewing, history, and style
The Journal of Dress History – The Association of Dress Historians
Roman Clothing, Part I
Gems Of Jade: Fashion on the runway, in movies and history!
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that-bluesybitch · 9 months ago
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lichen-soup-scribe · 1 year ago
So, my spouse has been exploring his gender lately; he also just built himself a new laptop. Today he told me that he in an attempt to process some genderfeels through metaphor, he made a post on a trans forum along the lines of: "I'm a lifelong Windows user and I think I'm pretty good at it. I want to find out what Linux has to offer but I'm afraid I wouldn't be any good at it. And how do you choose the right Linux distro, anyway? Do you have to try them all?"
The responses, he said, were a mix of useful advice about feeling out your gender and useful advice about choosing a Linux distro.
I love trans people so much
Edit 4/8, in case you don't see the reblogged additions -- my wife is now going by Eve!
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starbiastra · 1 month ago
posted my lautski edit on tiktok
(its a slightly different version actually, with a watermark added/changed clips in second half/new text at the end)
but yeah!! i will be posting my kill the director edit (song requested by mariah herself omg) there soon :3 its a new account, go follow me! its also starbiastra on there, please check it out please please :)
lautski edit 😳
first edit oh yikes but i think it turned out quite alright :3
i think im fallin for youu uu u
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abd-illustrates · 1 year ago
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👻 Nerdy Prudes Must Die! 👻
Some art from yesterday’s video; where, as per tradition, I made illustrations based on some spooky musical tracks! 🎶First up is this one inspired by Starkid’s new show!
[DO NOT EDIT OR REPOST TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS]   ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️
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vehicularmanslaater · 7 months ago
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i think if ruth or richie were the ones doing the summoning this is what the lords in black wouldve looked like
bonus doodles under the cut
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gay-little-axolotl · 9 months ago
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despite being interviewed individually, all four gave the exact same response
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nerds-in-wonderland · 9 months ago
💻🖊🖼Drawfee Fun🖼🖊💻
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blue-willow-tree · 6 months ago
Hello you intelligent, top of the class, smart girl.
Does your head not hurt with all the thinking you're doing? You know so many big words, I'm so proud of you.
You know what you deserve? You deserve for me to run you a bath, and give you massage. Then let me quieten down that pretty head of yours by railing you exactly like you deserve. No more big words, just my name will be coming out of your smart little mouth
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reginasturnovers · 22 days ago
Shy butches
Nerdy butches
Butches with social anxiety
Butches who wear glasses
Short butches
Soft butches
Butches who are scared of the dark
Butches with s/h scars
Butches who hum when they do things
Simpy butches
Butches with a praise kink
Butches who hate PDA
Touch-me-not butches
Plus-size butches
Butches with acne
Butches who like science fiction
Clingy butches
Butches with stretch marks
Sensitive butches
Butches who struggle with mental health
You don’t need to fit the mold. You don’t need to conform to stereotypes. You don’t need to mask. You don’t need to be anything but yourself.
You are loved. You are so loved.
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booigi-boi · 3 months ago
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Ruth's hear me out
Kind of a continuation to this, lol
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wykonii · 6 months ago
Any starkid fans
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that-bluesybitch · 7 months ago
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nerdicorntheshipper · 2 years ago
Spotify should let me annotate playlists. It's not enough to make a ship/character playlist, I need to explain every single song on there.
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peekaboopaulmatthews · 11 months ago
i am bisexual. don't put me in the blender
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lgbtqforeverything · 1 year ago
*stumbles out of youtube covered in blood and panting* that was such a good musical
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