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somanywords · 2 months ago
OOOO 🌹🌹🌹 I love your fics so much
omgg thank you so much?!!! let me hunt down a prime snippet for you then...lol here's a bit from a modern fake dating stevebucky AU i'm working on:
“Bucky,” Clint barked. “Look up the nearest pet stores or shelters. We’re buying Natasha a cat.” Bucky pulled out his phone obligingly. “Everything’s gonna be closed, Barton.” “Dammit,” Clint said, looking truly crushed. Steve wanted to laugh, but he was too thrown by the strangeness of it all. It was nearly midnight. He was standing on a cold sidewalk next to Bucky Barnes. Clint wanted to buy Natasha a cat.
Exchange a 🌹 for a random WIP sentence!
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mlim8 · 11 months ago
May I request a baby Colin with his teddy bear Rory 🥺💕 I miss my darling son
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Of course!!! Please don't mind that I added a Dami too uwu he just wanted to join in!
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casscainmainly · 1 month ago
A Collection of My Favourite Duke Thomas Thoughts
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We Are Robin #1 // We Are Robin #2 // We Are Robin #6 // We Are Robin #7 // Batman & The Signal #1 // Batman & The Signal #2 // Batman & The Signal #3 // The Cursed Wheel
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etherealrin · 2 months ago
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✧₊⁺ thinking about nerd!karasu...
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nerd!karasu who wears heavy rimmed glasses whenever he's in class or studying. though he wears contacts most of the time and whilst playing football, he houses a firm belief that wearing his glasses make him a better student.
nerd!karasu who accidentally becomes your academic rival after placing above you one too many times in the test rankings. it pisses you off how he's so good at analyzing your facials, knowing exactly how to press your buttons. and he wasn't even a psychology major!
nerd!karasu who's in love with anthropology and can occasionally be found on weekends sitting in random cafes near campus. according to him, he's "people watching."
nerd!karasu who needs a matcha latte every morning or else he cannot function at the 9 AM lectures he foolishly thought he could wake up for when he was doing course registration.
nerd!karasu who despite being known as "studious" somehow has time to be the star player of your university's football team, and a full time gym rat. does this man even sleep?
nerd!karasu who is often caught at the convenience store at stupidly late hours. one time you witnessed him microwaving a buldak carbonara inside of 7-11 at 3 am. why were you there? to get a red bull (so you could continue your all nighter.)
nerd!karasu who's keenly perceptive; he knows when you're feeling down. if he's feeling generous that day, he'll ask if you want to grab pastries together (when you're in a bad mood he almost always pays.)
nerd!karasu who during midterm and finals season is too tired and locked in to gel up his hair so you're blessed with the rare sighting of his raven colored locks falling naturally down his face. his bangs get into his eyes and he has to shake his head to clear them.
nerd!karasu who has this infuriating (hot) habit of lifting his shirt up to wipe his sweat in the too-warm lecture halls, giving everyone a glimpse of impeccable washboard abs. he winks when he catches girls staring.
nerd!karasu who's favorite subject is chemistry, which you happen to share with him. your professor had just assigned a month-long lab report that would total 20% of your semester grade, so you were really praying that your partner wouldn't be a complete bum. when karasu’s name and yours are called together, you're not sure whether to be relieved or distressed. on one hand, karasu was insanely smart. on the other, he was annoying, your number one competitor, and kind of beautiful. scratch that, he was majestic.
karasu wastes no time tracking you down after the professor is done, his smirk making you self-conscious.
"would ya look at that, sweetie. it's us two, again."
"yeah well, don't drag us down," you shoot back, rolling your eyes. you pretend he has no effect on you, that his deep eyes don't draw you in with a magnetic pull.
and maybe nerd!karasu had pure, academic intentions when he invited you to his room to work on the report. maybe he didn't mean to lean in too close, to flirtingly tease with you.
you're trying to type and he's making it impossible because he insists on "making sure you didn't mess up his pc settings." what that really entails is his hot breath on your neck as you attempt to finish up the document. karasu is staring shamelessly; you're trying not to think about any of it. you're in his room, sitting in his chair, with his things surrounding you—worst of all, he's way too close. every little spike of his purplish hair, you feel against your skin.
"you're turning red," he notes, peering at you through his black rimmed frames.
"maybe if you got off m- huh?"
karasu's pulling you in by the waist, expression unreadable and eyes shining with anything but the intent to do schoolwork.
"we're practically done now. i think that we should stop studying the reactivity of elements and start looking at attractivity instead."
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a/n: karasu and his cheesy chem pickup lines…we've seen nerd!gojo but wb karasu!! even better bc imo this is so canon.
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waitineedaname · 5 months ago
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now that i've finished tgcf i can make memes about all three books! i was tempted to put binghe at the absolute center because he could easily go into any quadrant at different points in his life, and both lwj and hua cheng could swing jock, but i think the most important thing is that wei wuxian is all four at once. somehow.
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molinaesque · 2 years ago
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Astarion: I think he likes us. Tav: I like him, too. But I'd never say it to his smarmy face. Raphael has a crush on Tav and tries real hard to act cool about it.
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maskofnova · 1 year ago
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I think its a rite of passage to make an au at least once, and ive been thinking super hard about how Sonic raised tails lately. So obviously an age swap au had to happen. Aka, the au in which they are both team turbo nerd and Tails needs a Vacation as a dire medical suggestion. (more rambling in tags)
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mouseshift · 5 months ago
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oxenfree nd gravity falls crossover because i can do whatever i want
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wynntermelon · 2 years ago
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Spiderbing meets spiderzun from another universe! I hope this doesn't awaken anything bad in him ....
Continuation from my first svsss spiderverse au art!
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years ago
Adopt a Jock Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 4
Shoutout to @bloomingconflagration for the title!!! And a HUGE thank you to everyone who left comments or gave suggestions!! I love you all you amazing, silly humans <3 <3 
There comes a time during a long work shift were your average overworked and underpaid employee starts to think they’re hallucinating. 
In Gareth’s case, it was when Steve Harrington walked through the doors of Palace Arcade, making a beeline right for him. 
“Gareth?” Steve asked, like he was the one out of place. “What are you doing here?” 
As if people just randomly stood behind the counter of retail and entertainment spaces with a nametag on. 
You know, for fun.
With a great deal of restraint, Gareth managed to hold the sass back, instead opting for a far more polite; ‘I work here, Harrington. What are you doing here?” 
Because no matter how much Hellfire had adopted Steve into its fold, Gareth could just not see the guy choosing to spend his free time at the local arcade. 
Not of his own free will, anyway. 
“Pick up duty.” Steve said, proving him right not even a second later. 
“Of what?” Gareth asked, puzzled, right before Steve’s name was shouted in stereo.
A miniature stampede took place as several children proceeded to swarm him like oversized puppies, most of them trying to talk at once. 
“One at a time, we talked about this!” Steve barked, loud enough to be heard over the commotion. “You’re giving me and Gareth here a headache!” 
He waved his hands in a “calm down” gesture, shaking his head and looking at Gareth in exasperation. “Probably giving the people in the video store next door one too, lord.”  
“Wait.” A curly-haired kid said, looking between the two older teens like he was watching the laws of the universe rewrite themselves in front of him. “You know Gary? How?”
“We are not close enough for you to call me Gary.” Gareth said dryly, for what felt like the fifteenth time that day. 
This was a regular battle between him and the kids who haunted the arcade.
(One had overheard Grant call him Gary the last time he was in, and ever since, every single child that graced this fine establishment with Cheeto-dusted fingers and candy-induced sugar rushes had decided to replace his actual name with his nickname.
The fact it clearly frustrated him only egged them on. )
“We go to school together Dustin,” Steve said, as if he were talking to someone particularly dense. 
“Yeah? You go to school with lots of people. You bitch about most of them.” Dustin fired back.”Plus Gary’s a total nerd. I bet you call him names.” 
"Hey, language!" 
Gareth’s eyes narrowed as he glared down at the little fucker. He was definitely going to remember Dustin (and equally going to watch and see what arcade games the younger teen played-- and top the score chart of every single fucking one.
He might be a nerd but he wasn’t gonna take that shit from a middle schooler.) 
“Hate to break it to you brats, but your babysitter here just joined our D&D club.” Gareth replied, if only to finally one-up the little bastards. “Our DM is building him a character as we speak.” 
(Which wasn't even a lie. Eddie was building a character for Steve. The guy just refused to give any input on grounds that he "wasn't going to play anyways." )
Abrupt and sudden silence, as several stunned faces stared at him. 
“Oh goddammit.” Harrington cursed, as the entire herd of children turned on him in unison like some kind of hivemind horror monster. 
“You joined the D&D club,” Dustin said slowly, outraged. “And you let them make you a character sheet, but you won’t play with us!?” 
“What the hell Steve!” The sporty-looking one whined, clearly hurt. “You won’t sit in on our games! You said they were lame!” 
“They are lame.” Steve defended immediately, pushing at sporty-kids head. It was fond though, the kind of gentle shove an elder brother gave to a younger one. It caused the kid's camo banana to fall into his eyes, which he adjusted quickly with a grumble. “Turns out the high school version’s cooler.” 
“He’s lying.” That from the bitchy one, whose arms were crossed over his chest, a glare on his face. “Steve probably paid Gary to say that” 
Gareth had seen that exact same stance on Steve at lunch that day, and wondered if the little asshole knew who he was copying when he did it. 
“Who cares about D&D?” This from the redhead, standing with another girl giggling in her ear. “I’m just amazed Steve has friends.” 
“Really Mayfield?” Steve said, looking almost betrayed. As if he thought she was going to be the one to defend him in this weird little showdown.
The girl leaning on her giggled harder, making Mayfield grin (even if she tried to hide it.)  She whispered something, which the redhead outright laughed at before repeating; “Adult friends even!” 
“Okay.” Steve said, clearly cutting the kids off before they could embarrass him further. “Thank you, unwanted peanut gallery, for all of that lovely commentary. Now go back to playing the games you little shits robbed me of all my quarters for, or we’re leaving.” 
Henderson’s eyes narrowed. “I thought you were here to pick us up?” 
“Oh I’m sorry, did Jonathan magically appear behind me in the last five seconds?” Steve turned around pretending to search the parking lot through the windows. “No? Then I guess we’re still waiting. Unless you, Lucas and Max want to leave first.” 
“You’re such an ass.” Dustin huffed, rolling his eyes. “Why aren’t you waiting in the car anyway?” 
“It’s raining, it’s cold, and I thought I’d come in to say hi to my friend.” Steve replied, so quickly it took Gareth a moment to realize what Steve referred to him as. 
He'd gotten the friend title before Eddie. 
His best friend was going to fucking freak. 
“Are you done drilling me or are you going to let Max kick your ass at DigDug again?” 
“Shit!” Henderson cursed, spinning to intercept the redhead as she bent to put a coin in said arcade machine. “Max, you said you’d let me keep my leaderboard score today! Max!” 
“I know you said you watched kids, but this wasn’t exactly what I was imagining.” Gareth said, slumping against the counter.  
(He'd been thinking of Steve watching much younger kids for one, and two, he was starting to get the idea the babysitter thing was used as an insult. 
Gareth knew a big brother vibe when he saw it.) 
Steve gave him a tired look. “Me neither man. Me neither.”
 Then; “You fucking owe me for that D&D comment, they’re never going to shut up about it now.”
Gareth winced. “Sorry. I was trying to help.” 
Steve blew out a breath. “I know. I appreciate the attempt.” 
Which was better than Steve bitching at him for it, not that he’d really ever done that to Gareth. 
The two of them hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to be playful like that with each other, though they had occasionally jumped in on opposing sides to arguments Eddie caused. Gareth figured they’d get there in time, but even with all the progress Steve made, he still had more off days than on. 
It was a fragile line to walk with him. Especially when there wasn’t a single member of Hellfire who wanted to ruin the progress they made. 
(Even if half of them would never admit to it.) 
“Steve?” A voice interrupted, quiet in a way that contrasted directly with how loud the rest of the brat pack was. 
Steve closed his eyes for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose with his hand as if to starve off a headache. 
“Yes, Baby Byers?” He asked after a long, painful pause, turning to look at the saddest looking kid in the bunch. 
“Is there actually a D&D club at the high school?” 
The kid looked at Steve like he wasn’t entirely certain he wanted to hear the answer, but was hopeful for the outcome he wanted anyway. 
It was the kind of thing that pulled even on Gareth’s heartstrings, and he was almost immune to anything involving giant, sad eyes after a solid year of working at the arcade. 
(Never mind Eddie’s own puppy dog looks.)
Steve’s voice gentled, in a way Gareth had never quite heard him use before. “There is. You’d love it, it’s called Hellfire. I’m sure it’ll still be there next year when you come in as a freshman.” 
He nudged him with his shoulder playfully, smiling when the younger boy perked up. “If you’re nice, Garebear here might even put in a good word for you.” 
“Garebear?” Max repeated with a burst of laughter, appearing behind Steve like a fucking ghost. “Oh my god.” 
“No.” Gareth said, bolting upright from his slouch as he stared at her in horror. “Do not call me that.” 
“Sure thing, Garebear.” She outright cackled, as Steve sent him a wide-eyed, apologetic face. 
“What did you just call Gary?” The sporty one--Lucas, asked, a wide grin overtaking his face. 
“I swear to God.” Gareth threatened, as Steve took another dramatic look over his shoulder. 
“Hey look Jonathan’s here!” He yelled, jerking a thumb over his shoulder as he started quickly walking backwards. “Come on, dipshits, we're leaving!” 
“Bye Garebear!” Lucas and Max sang together, following after him. 
“Harrington!” Gareth howled, as Steve mouthed ‘Sorry’ over his shoulder, all but bolting out the door. 
“I like Garebear a lot better than Gary.” Another, random child informed him with a grin as he sauntered past, arcade tickets in hand. 
Steve Harrington, Gareth decided, was a dead man. 
Not even Eddie’s fucking crush on the guy could save him now. 
“Did you know Harrington has a literal pack of kids he watches?” Gareth asked a few hours later, messing with his drum kit as he set up for band practice. "He even drives them around." 
More than that though--he’d seemed almost normal around them. That was the most Gareth had seen the guy banter or act relaxed since Eddie had dragged him over. 
“He’s mentioned it multiple times.” Grant replied, tuning his bass. “You have ears Gareth, use them.” 
“Gareth? Listen?” Jeff teased as he dragged an amp into the garage. “I don’t think I’ll live to see the day.” 
"Oh screw you guys.” Gareth growled, winging a drumstick toward his friends for the insult.
Grant, long used to Gareth's tantrums (and Eddie's dramatics)  didn't look up from his bass.
Not even when the drumstick hit the wall with a bang!-- allll the way near the opposite end of the couch, entirely opposite of either him or Jeff. 
"As usual, your aim is dead on." Jeff appraised sarcastically. 
"Like I'd ever actually hit you." Gareth grumbled with a pout. "I was gonna say the kids are older than I expected."
He reached down, blindly fishing for another drumstick from the bucket of them next to his kit. 
He came up empty. 
"Hey Grantman." Gareth asked, tone changing to something mildly embarrassed. "Could I uh, could I get the drumstick back?" 
He got a flat stare back. "No." 
"What did I do to get stuck with such dramatic friends?" Jeff joked as he began moving all the amps he’d pulled in back into their usual places. 
They hadn't had time to unload anything other than the drums after their last show and the regret was real. 
"Eddie’s been standing on tables since seventh grade, you knew what you were getting into." Gareth fired back, making grabby hands for his drumstick. 
"And you never grew out of being that dorky middle schooler who snuck into Hellfire games and screamed we were all going to die every time anyone made a bad play." Jeff shot back. "Yet here I am, once again wondering if I should just permanently confiscate Eddie's snacks, your drumsticks, and now Harrington's fricken spatula." 
"One year. I am one year younger than you and you act like it's an entire century!" Gareth muttered, as Grant relented and leaned over to fetch said drumstick. 
"We all know Eddie chucks food at people, but what'd Steve do with a spatula?"  Grant asked as he tossed it back to Gareth.
He missed and nearly took out a cymbal in the process. 
"He had a snit while we were making chocolate roulade cause it wouldn’t roll right. Flung the spatula around so much it splattered whip cream on his ceiling." Jeff shook his head as he finished hooking an amp up to his guitar. "I had to rescue it from him." 
"His ceiling?" Gareth said in disbelief. "Wait, you were in Harrington’s kitchen?" 
"Yeah?" Jeff looked up to find his friends staring at him. 
Grant blinked. "The fuck?" 
“Can we just play?” Jeff complained, just as embarrassed as Gareth had been.
“No.” Gareth said, retrieved drumstick nearly falling from his hands in shock. “You don’t get to casually drop that you went to Harrington’s house to help him bake and then try to get us to play right after!” 
Jeff, who had done exactly that, blushed, skin darkening as he fiddled with his guitar.
“It wasn’t a big deal.” He said finally with a shrug, as if this was something he did all the time and not the groundbreaking revelation that it was.
“Did you meet his parents?” Grant said, sitting up from the couch. “What did his house look like?”
Jeff finally gave up the pretense of playing his instrument.
“I didn't, and it was kinda sad, actually.” He said, as if he didn’t live for this kind of shit. 
Gareth knew better than anyone how much of a fricken gossip Jeff could be. 
“His house was enormous. I only saw the first floor, and his kitchen is huge.” He set his hands apart at a good distance, showcasing just how large “huge” was, before continuing. 
“But it was weird. It was like a model home. No pictures on the walls, no art, no personality to the place at all.” 
“What are we talking about?” Eddie asked, finally returning to Gareth’s garage from where he’d been gathering up all the wires they’d thrown haphazardly into his van. 
“Jeff went to Harrington’s house.” Grant and Gareth tattled as one. 
“To help bake stuff for this Friday!” Jeff defended, the blush creeping back onto his face. “I was curious about his chocolate roulade recipe and he invited me over!” 
“When was this?” Eddie asked, staring at Jeff like he’d grown a second head. 
Or more likely, Gareth knew, in jealousy. But he wasn’t going to call Eddie out on that just yet. 
“Yesterday. We got to talking about it in the parking lot after school.” Jeff said with an embarrassed shrug. “He said he wasn’t the best at explaining how to do things and that he’d rather show me instead.” 
“Kinky.” Grant deadpanned, making Jeff sputter. 
“You sure you didn’t see his bedroom, Jeff? It’s okay if you fell for the ‘wanna see my music collection’ line. We won’t judge you.” Gareth waggled his eyebrows, ducking with a laugh when Jeff went to whack him. 
“Shut up, we just made the chocolate roulade!” Jeff’s ears were red now, and huh, maybe Eddie wasn’t the only person with a crush.  
“Guys.” Eddie reprimanded, tone warning. 
“Sorry Eds, you know we don’t mean it.” Gareth soothed. Of course, his best friend's anger was less about the gay comments or Steve’s reputation as Hawkin’s man whore than it was about Steve fucking Jeff (and not Eddie) but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be appreciated if he pointed that out either. 
Eddie didn’t respond, eyes already back on Jeff. "Details, Jeffery, give us the details!"  
He dropped onto the couch, flapping his hands at Jeff in his version of a "sit down" gesture. 
Jeff sighed, but repeated what he'd just said for Eddie as he took a seat on the edge of an amp, placing his guitar down gently. 
 "I think Wayne was right. I don't think anyone else lives there but Steve. Not full-time anyway." He finished. 
Which sounded like the best fucking thing ever until Gareth thought about it for more than two seconds. 
Tried to imagine what his life would be like if his parents and siblings were gone. Not for a day, or even a weekend, but always. 
How silent his normally loud house would be. 
Thought instantly that he'd be inviting Eddie, his friends, and hell, l even Wayne, over as often as they could handle. 
"The way he looked when I showed up, and how quiet he got when I left I just…" Jeff fiddled with his guitar’s strap. "I think he's lonely." 
The four of them sat in silence for a long moment as they digested that. 
“Hargrove kicked his ass right? And Byers?” Grant said finally, breaking the silence ad he stared up at the ceiling. 
“Old news.” Eddie replied absently, jiggling his leg.
“You think his parents were around for that?” Grant continued, slowly.
No one answered outside of Eddie's leg loudly jiggling faster. 
 "Did you see the kids hug him or anything?"
"They're like thirteen. I seriously doubt they're pestering Steve for hugs." Gareth answered flatly.  
 "So he got his ass kicked, his parents are gone, he was supposed involved in that whole has leak thing…" Grant trailed off with an air of someone who expected the end of his sentence to be obvious. 
“You’re doing that thing again where you think what you’re saying is obvious and its fucking not.” Eddie grumped. "Just spit it out." 
His friend's head finally tipped back down from the ceiling, to face the rest of them. “Maybe the flinching is because no one ever touches him anymore unless it’s to kick his ass.” 
“Oh.” Eddie blinked, body going rigid. “Oh shit.” 
“That…would make sense. A lot of sense.” Jeff said slowly. 
Grant put on a face that read “Duh” loud and clear. 
“So what do we do about it?" Gareth asked after a moment. 
"Touch him, obviously." Grant replied, like he couldn't believe the drummer was even asking.
Gareth and Eddie shared a look while Eddie rolled his eyes.  
"The guy almost fell down the stairs last time I tried that." Gareth pointed out. 
Never mind any other time Steve got weird over the lightest of touches. Eddie couldn't even clap the guy on the shoulder without getting major side-eye. 
"No."  Eddie cut in, sitting up suddenly. His eyes had gone bright, "We're going to trick him into it." 
"We're going to trick Harrington into being okay with, what? Shoulder pats?"  Gareth echoed, like Eddie might hear himself if his words were repeated back to him. “You realize how stupid that sounds right?" 
"Shut up, listen. It's like getting a stray to trust you. You just gotta be calm and so obvious about it that they get confused and let it happen." Eddie had begun practically vibrating, causing his friends to trade uneasy glances. 
They knew that look. Eddie only got it when he thought up a plan that was going to cause problems. 
"Eddie, that makes zero sense." Jeff told him.
Gareth just shook his head, because only Eddie Munson could compare Hawkins golden boy with a fucking stray animal. 
Even if the guy kinda acted like one sometimes. 
"I just need an opening." Eddie continued, the little hamster wheel spinning in his head so fast the rest of the band could almost hear it. 
If Gareth had been told two months ago he was going to be sitting in his garage, discussing the best way to acclimate Steve Harrington to casual touch, he’d have actually smacked whatever idiot dared spew such nonsense with his drumsticks. 
"I did tell tell the kids today you were making him a D&D character." He said, before his best friend could truly go off on some half cocked plot. 
Eddie lit up like a kid on Christmas. "Gary, I could kiss you."
Gareth made a face. "Please don't."
He clapped hard before springing to his feet. "Huddle up boys, I've got a plan." 
"God help us all." Jeff muttered. 
(He huddled up anyway, any thoughts of playing guitar that night fully forgotten.) 
"Why don't you just get high and watch a movie with Steve? You're a fucking cling-on when you're high." Gareth complained the next morning, when Eddie swung by to pick him up for school. 
Mostly because the plan Eddie had come up with was ridiculous.
 Eddie took both hands off the wheel, pressing them against his chest in mock offense while he stared at Gareth and not at the street. “That would be taking advantage of him and I, as a gentleman, would never." He gasped, dramatically. 
In his normal voice, he added: "Plus it doesn't count." 
“Eyes on the road!” Gareth yelped, swatting an arm. “And you know I didn’t mean it like that. People relax more when they're high and maybe Steve needs something like that as an excuse to allow it. Hell he doesn’t even need to be high, just you.”
Which Gareth personally thought was a very insightful thing to say, so of course he had to ruin it with; “or whatever.” 
"Do you recall how you kissed Jeff on the cheek when you were high and then spent the entire next month swearing up and down that you weren't attracted to men last summer?" 
"That was different. I was discovering myself." 
Eddie outright cackled. "Discovering yourself? What self help book did you pick that gem out of?"
"I was quoting you, you moron!" Gareth sputtered. 
"If I said anything like that then I was definitely high and it just proves my point. Steve would just be uncomfortable."Eddie stuck his tongue out. "So there." 
"Fine." Gareth sighed. "If we ever get high with Harrington, I'll sit in his lap."
Eddie's eye twitched. "No you will not."
Thrilled to have something to tease the elder metalhead about, a smile graced Gareth's face. "In fact, I'm calling dibs." 
"You can't call dibs on a lap! And besides, you don't even like him like that!" 
"So?" Gareth retorted. "It's a nice lap, looks comfortable. You don't want it, so I'll take it."
Eddie grit his teeth, grasping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles went white. 
"I know what you're doing Gary. This is some bullshit reverse psychology shit and I will not be falling for it." 
"Oh contraire, this is sibling bullshit, Munson. You want it, so I want it." Gareth crossed his arms and looked at Eddie smugly. "And unless you do something about it, I'm getting it." 
"I hate you." 
Gareth grinned, delighted. "I know." 
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somanywords · 24 days ago
Ooo so many intriguing WIPs 😍 how about “Steve, mixture of maladies” 👁️👁️ please do go on
thank youuuu 😊😘 and i would be honored to talk about this a bit! this one is exploring steve's relationship to his body -- from the vita-ray onward -- and chronic pain and body dysmorphia and the sort of bizarre habits one might get from being deaf in one ear and then not, and really short and then not, being able to see/smell/hear really well all of a sudden and not truly understanding that it's not like that for everyone.
have a snippet!
Nothing hurt. Not a single damn thing, except maybe Steve’s brain, from trying too hard to find the hurt. The hurt was gone. It was like probing the tongue into the fascinating new gap left by a lost tooth, only every single part of his body was both the tongue and the tooth. It almost hurt from how much it didn’t hurt. Almost.
Ask me about my WIPs?
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snail-day · 26 days ago
Nerd!Gojo would be such a sweat in Bed Wars, sweating over every little detail while you’re just vibing. He’d be barking out strategies, obsessing over bed defense, and speed-bridging to emerald within seconds of the game starting. Meanwhile, you’re casually collecting resources, maybe even messing around, buying heal pool instead of sharpened swords, and he’s losing his goddamn mind. If you so much as fall into the void, losing all the diamonds you collected, he’s dramatically sighing like it’s the end of the world. If you’re on the enemy team? Oh, you’re done for - he’ll hunt you down with a grin, calling it “tough love” as he knocks you into the void for the tenth time.
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parrish-the-thot · 20 days ago
What if in season three Janet and Yuri become a science duo? Yuri has shown knowledge and interest in science, plus janet having someone who sees her an an equal in the partnership, perfect science duo
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hoesheez · 2 months ago
The Hot Nerd…
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WARNINGS: unprotected sex and language
A/N: another collab with @gyoobies 🤝 this was soooooo much fun to write and i cant believe we’re this funny and unhinged 💀 (yeah i can lol) hope yall enjoy! silver hair seonghwa’s got me by the BALLS 🙂‍↕️
You hurried to your workplace, not wanting to be late and get another earful from your boss, who also happened to be your best friend.
Although the walk to work was chilly, you sucked it up and pushed through, knowing it would be worth it once your patrons got a look at you in your outfit. Along with your glittery chunky heeled boots, you wore a tight black turtle neck with jean shorts that were probably admittedly so, a bit too short.
But you didn’t care especially considering your chosen fits were something that kept the clientele flowing, along with another one of your special talents admired by few but known by all.
You entered the café and saw your best friend and co-worker already busy at the counter. “Get in the kitchen Hoover, we’ve got a bit of a rush.” She instructed and you headed straight for the kitchen, waving at the patrons who knew you personally by your café name.
Once the rush was over, the two of you stood at the counter watching the monitors and waiting to greet anyone who walked in.
“Him, him, him, her, her, all of them.” You said as you pointed to your conquests on the monitors that would indicate to the staff if any patrons needed assistance.
“Wow, and here I thought it was our speciality drinks that kept them coming in, by the way aren’t you freezing in those?” she asked as she pointed to your shorts, worried about your health after walking in the bitter cold. You shook your head, “Hoes don’t get cold darling.” You said with a laugh and suggestive pose, despite being glad you were finally in the warmth of the café.
The bell above the front door suddenly chimed. “Hi! Welcome to-“ you stopped your greeting as your friend continued hers, watching the tall gorgeous man that just walked in.
“Ohhhhh, looks like it’s time to get to work.” You said with a playful wink. Your friend shot you a look, “Easy there, that’s the guy I’ve been telling you about so, back off.” She said with a very serious tone. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, not expecting the guy shes been fawning over to be that damn sexy and tall.
Just as you resigned yourself to not having any fun today, another patron walked in. His silver hair caught your eyes first, then his height when he stood next to your friend’s crush, who was a few inches taller.
Then it was his lips as they curved into a shy smile. You practically bounced over to your friend, “A new foe has appeared!” you cheered.
The monitor signaled that someone in the gaming section needed help, so she hurried off after telling you to check them in.
You happily turned your attention to the hot nerd in front of you. “You here for business or pleasure?” you asked, eyeing him up and down.
The taller of the two shifted his eyes between the two of you, nudging his friend. “P-pleasure, uhm just a few hours, thanks.” You turned to tap away at the point of service tablet and smirked, “Oh honey, a few hours is more than enough, I promise you.”
Yunho giggled and his friend looked at him, “What? You think it’ll take longer to rank up?” he asked, completely oblivious to your remark. Yunho just rolled his eyes and walked off, heading to where the student section was.
“Right this way!” you chirped and he waited for you to lead him off. As you walked, you made sure to sway your hips a bit harder just in case he was staring. But when you turned to lead him to his seat, you saw he was just staring at his phone instead of you. “Thanks,” was all he said as he walked past you and sat down. “No problem, just press the call button if you need anything” you said reluctantly, feeling you’d need to up the stakes if you wanted his attention.
You headed back to the front, intentionally ignoring one of the customers who was trying to get your attention. Your mind only focusing on getting in that hot nerd’s pants.
After your friend was done tending to her crush, she finally made her way back to behind the counter.
“How’s it going?” You leaned down on your hands and sighed, “Horribly, he’s not even paying attention to me!” you said in a huff as she came to stand next to you.
“I meant work? how’s work going?” You turned away from her, looking to see if he’d press the call button anytime soon for some kind of refreshments.
“Huh? Oh, it’s fine.” Your friend rolled her eyes, “Really? You of all people getting upset cause this one guy isn’t foaming at the mouth for you?! You’re hot you can have anyone!”
You sighed, knowing she was right hut also wanting something you craved so deeply. “But I want him!” you whined in jest and rolled your eyes when another patron called for help instead.
“Ugh, I’ll go! Oh and don’t think I forgot to ask about Yunho, I’m only slightly dickstracted!” you said pointing at her before you headed off.
“Hi how can I- oh it’s you.” You rolled your eyes, seeing one of your past hook ups. “I was trying to get your attention earlier, but I guess you didn’t see me.” You looked down at the tablet, “Do you need something Chan? Or are you trying to make small talk? Cause I’m on the clock, soo.”
He started yapping, his aussie accent coming through a lot thicker given his excitement from finally getting to talk to you again. If only you had cared the slightest bit about him, you probably wouldn’t have lost interest in the conversation he was currently carrying on his own. You looked around the room for anything more stimulating.
Your eyes fell on the hot nerd you checked in earlier. He was tapping away, engrossed in the game he was playing. You watched as he used his index and middle fingers to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Were his fingers always that long?
“Hey!” Chan said loudly, snapping his fingers at you. “Yeah yeah, you said a number 3, no pickles and a large boba, anything else?” you asked, hurrying to tap all the information in. He sighed, “I also asked if you, maybe wanted to, you know, continue what we started last time?” Your eyes flicked from him to the silver haired boy who currently piqued your interest.
Should you go with something easy, someone you’ve already had? Or should you try for something a bit more challenging? “Sorry Chan, I don’t fuck gacha whales!” you said with a giggle and walked off.
Seonghwa watched you walk back to the front of the café, leaning back in his chair to get a good look at your ass. He didn’t get a chance before when you first lead him to his seat since his phone suddenly pinged with a text from Yunho.
You had caught his eye ever since check in, realizing you were the person at Sip n’ Surf Mingi was always on about. Then his pants started to tighten at the thought of what he suggested the two of you do if he was ever given the opportunity.
He thought about Mingi’s words to him when the younger found out where he was headed with Yunho. “If you’re lucky, you won’t come back a virgin bro.”
Seonghwa went hot and breathed deeply, just as Yunho walked up to sit next to him. “Did I just catch you eyeing up the staff?” Yunho asked, quite thrilled his friend was actually checking someone out so openly. He coughed and stretched, “What? No, I’m just stretching?” He lied and went back to his game.
But he would mull over the thought of you. Your legendary mouth on his cock, thinking about what had that one guy you were talking to in such a huff after you walked away.
Yunho mentioned something about getting food right when his crush joined him. Seonghwa didn’t want to feel even more like a nuisance after his “smash” comment so he headed off to the front to order something. He nervously walked up and watched you from behind as you observed the monitors.
You watched the monitors with your back turned to the counter, waiting for station 69 to light up. You sighed, thinking there might be something wrong with the button and you began hitting the monitor, as if that would help.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you composed yourself before turning around with a smile. “Hi is there anything I can help you with?” You met eyes with him, the silver haired hottie who walked in with Yunho.
You couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together and inhale a breath when he smiled back at you. God damn, were those all of his teeth?
You gulped and hoped he didn’t hear it, “Oh, number 69, did you hit that rank yet?” you asked as you logged into the tablet, preparing to assist him.
“Not yet, Im stuck at Immortal 3, thought I should take a break for some food.” you nodded and tilted your head, “Well you don’t have that far to go, you might just hit Radiant if you keep at it, but looks like your couple of hours is almost up.” Your voice came out more flirtatious than you had intended, but he simply nodded in response, not really catching on. Or so you thought.
“Right, can you add another hour please?” you nodded and input more time for his station, his eyes following your fingers as you tapped away. He eyed you up and down, admiring your form and thinking what you must look like out of those clothes. He shook the thought from his head and focused on the menu in front of him.
You waited as he looked through the menu, his eyebrows knitting together as he was deep in thought. God he kept getting more and more gorgeous every time you looked at him, as if that was even possible.
“Do you play Valorant?” he asked, his eyes not leaving the menu. “No, but I think KAYO is suuuuper hot.” you said with a sing-song voice and he looked up at you. “He’s a robot?” he questioned with a raise of his eyebrow. You looked back at him matter of factly, “Yeah, and?”
He just laughed and shook his head, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks. “Wow, okay I’ll have the number 8, oh and a strawberry mochi.”
You input the order and read it back to him. “Anything else number 69?” you asked and he shook his head, handing you his card. “No that’s it, and it’s Seonghwa, you don’t have to keep calling me that” he coughed and giggled, trying to seem nonchalant but failing.
You laughed and ran his card. “Aw, but thats my favorite number!” you teased and turned the tablet for him to sign, handing him back his card after he quickly input his signature. You politely let him know his order would be out soon and he turned on his heel to head back. You admired the way he sauntered off, awkwardly tripping over his own feet.
He arrived back to his station, tapping Yunho on the shoulder to let him back in his chair. “I think I may be a bit out of my depth.” Yunho and your friend wondered what he could mean but before they could ask, you called her over on the intercom. “Would the sweet and spicy Sindel please come to the front, I’m about to pass out, over.”
Your friend groaned but got up anyway, saying bye to yunho and heading to the front. “Wow what did you do to them?” Yunho asked as he went back to playing. “Nothing? I ordered some food, that’s all.” he said as he clacked away on the keyboard. “Then they must be really into you, maybe you could finally-“ he insinuated that last word and Seonghwa stopped what he was doing and looked at his friend.
“Shut up!” he whisper yelled and looked around, his cheeks dusting a light shade of pink. Yunho shrugged, “I’m just saying!” he teased and went back to his game.
Your friend finally arrived, catching you on the floor, gasping loudly for air and practically shaking, “His name is S-Seonghwa, dear god I’d stand up but there’d be a puddle.” You were right about hearing his name for the first time, just barely keeping it together as he walked away.
She laughed at your statement, “Good thing I didn’t text you he was heading over here, does the name live up to the man?” You moaned out loud, “Oh I’ll be seeing stars for sure!”
You thought about his pretty mouth all over you, wondering just how incredible he must be with his tongue and hands. The thought of his obvious sexual prowess in bed sent your mind reeling with thoughts.
“Oh! Is that his order? I’ll take it!” you yelped and stood up, taking the tray from your friend. “How do I look?” you asked and she eyed you up and down, “Desperate.” she deadpanned.
“Perfect!” you said and turned on your heel to bring Seonghwa his food. You had mentioned to her about your new plan to purposely drop the silverware so you could bend over in front of him and give him an eyeful and she cheered you on, giving your butt a slap of encouragement.
Seonghwa and Yunho were quiet for only a few minutes after your friend left them before Seonghwa spoke up again. “Do you, think I actually have a chance? With someone that hot and obviously uhm, more experienced?” he asked his friend who nodded with a smile.
“I think they’re the perfect person for you, actually.” Seonghwa sighed, staring at the screen in front of him. “I made it to radiant, got called a virgin in the chat.” Yunho couldn’t hold back his laugh, “Well, you are.” was all he said and you just happened to round the corner with his order in that exact moment.
“I have a number 8 for Seonghwa?” you sang as you walked up to the two men. Seonghwa didn’t look away from his screen however, the one named Yunho had to tap him on the arm to get his attention.
“What?! Oh!” he finally turned to you, “T-thank you,” he said and took his tray after pushing his glasses up his nose. You bit your bottom lip, thinking maybe you shouldn’t drop the utensils on purpose like you had planned. He suddenly seemed more innocent to you than you had first thought, and possibly not at all interested. In your haste to give him his utensils however, they fell from your apron and onto the floor.
“Shit sorry!” You bent down and he quickly got up and bent down to help you. “It’s okay, I got it.” And just then the two of you reached for the same fork, fingers lightly touching. The two of you made eye contact and he turned red and darted his eyes. “Sorry, here.” He handed you the fork and your throat betrayed you as you gulped audibly.
“Thanks, I’ll go get some fresh ones.” you said as you stood up and bowed, hurrying off to talk to your friend about the all too familiar cliche that just happened between you and Seonghwa.
“I think I like him? Is that bad?” you asked your friend. She turned to you surprised, “Why would that be bad? You’re allowed to like him. And it’s not like it’d be the first time you liked one of our customers! You liked Chan.” She said with a giggle, reminding you of your past mistakes.
“Who?” you joked, still wishing those events were all just a fever dream. “Damn, F in the chat for him.” Your friend said with a laugh as you grabbed the supplies to start cleaning the bathrooms, beginning on closing tasks for the night. “Ugh, I hate having feelings! I’m going to go, clean something!”
Seonghwa had finished his food, seeing he didn’t have much time left on his session. He started getting his things together, mindlessly tuning in to some chit chat from the patron next to him.
“You do know why their name is Hoover right? Like the vacuum?” His ears went hot, knowing they were talking about you after hearing your café name. “I haven’t gotten one from them, but a couple of my friends have, said it was the best they’d ever had.” The two patrons laughed amongst themselves, beginning to call you some unsavory names.
“So they’re just giving them out that easy? Wow, what a fucking slut! You think maybe-“ the man was cut off suddenly as Seonghwa swung his bag right into his face.
“Oh my bad bro.” he said nonchalantly as the guy just rubbed the back of his head and turned away without a fuss.
He mulled over his thoughts about the situation, deciding not to go through with it as he texted Yunho.
“I’m way to scared to follow through with this, gonna wait in the car.”
He headed to the closest bathroom, finding out the door was locked after trying the handle. With a sigh he turned, heading to the other bathroom and opening the door. He stopped once he saw you, currently bent over the toilet with your ass facing him. He admired the way your ass cheeks peaked from the bottom of the tight denim. He felt himself stiffen, hurrying to hide the growing bulge in his pants.
You mulled over the events in your head, feeling downright foolish for chasing after someone who clearly wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you. And that was fine, it’s not like you ever actually even cared about the people you’d hook up with, they were simply amusement for you when business was slow.
But you’d be lying if there wasn’t something about him that intrigued you. Was it just his looks? No, it couldn’t be just that. There were plenty of good looking people who came through the doors. So then what was it?
You wondered with a sigh and scrubbed at a particular spot in the toilet, bending over to get a better angle when you realized you weren’t alone.
“Oh!” you yelped upon seeing Seonghwa behind you. His large hands were currently covering his crotch and you quickly caught on to what was happening.
You watched him with the toilet scrubber in your hand as he tried to slyly cover the growing bulge in his pants. “Right sorry! Uhm I’ll just, uh-“ you put the brush away and grabbed the cleaning caddy, trying not to look in his direction as he seemed embarrassed enough.
After washing up you hurried to the front, ready to tell your friend what just happened and how dumb you had felt about everything, but you noticed her talking to the hottie that occupied almost all of her thoughts lately.
She laughed and lightly tapped him on the arm, you decided to approach without complaining, not wanting to ruin her good time.
“Hey!” Yunho said first, your plan to stay unnoticed now thwarted. “Hi,” you said simply and your friend turned to look at you, knowing something was up. “What’s this? Not saying anything snarky? What happened?” she asked as she approached, feeling your forehead with the back of her hand. “Are you sick?”
Yunho laughed at the two of you, “Is this that out of character for them?” Your friend turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest, “You kidding? This one never shuts their mouth! That’s how I know, so spill!” she said turning back to you.
You shifted your eyes between her and yunho, hoping she’d get the hint. But it seems Yunho knew more than he let on. “Is it about Seonghwa?” he asked holding back a laugh, “you’ve got him all hot and bothered you know.”
“Oh? That explains the boner but-“ you said with a hand on your chin. Your friend turned to you “What boner?!” she practically screamed out. “The one I just saw on Seonghwa, well the one he tried to hide but of course I’d know one from a mile away.” You sighed, deciding that your current endeavor to take him home that night was over. “He’s clearly not interested, so whatever.” You came to grips with the fact that you’d probably spend the night overstimulating yourself until your vibrator died.
Yunho nodded, “Actually I think you should go see if he needs a hand, or a mouth, I can guarantee he’s interested.” Your friend turned to him and raised an eyebrow, “So you’re co-signing with their shenanigans?” she asked walking over to him and leaning over the counter.
You watched as she kicked back her leg while she talked to him, they were sickeningly cute together. “For my friend’s sake? Yeah, he could stand to have some fun. I mean, we all can.” he smirked back at her and you took it as a sign and turned to head back to the bathroom. You were now newly determined to get your man the way she was getting hers.
“Who’s the blowjob bandit of Sip n’ Surf!?” your friend yelled some encouraging words as you walked off triumphantly. “Me!!!” you answered loudly and practically skipped to the bathroom, hoping Seonghwa would still be there.
You knocked on the bathroom door, seeing if he was ok. “Hey, are you alright in there?” You felt dumb for asking such a thing, of course he wasn’t alright! He was probably a sticky sweaty mess by now.
You were about to walk away when you heard the door unlock, his face peaking from a crack in the door. “I’m not,” the man before you looked absolutely disheveled. His hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, his face flushed. “But you already knew that.” His voice was deeper than the last time you spoke to him, and he looked so much more attractive in this frenzied state.
Had he been trying to get off all this time? And to no avail it seemed from the distraught and unsatisfied looked on his face. “Well, is there anything I can do to help?”
Your voice was soft as you reached out to him. He took you by the wrist. “I sure hope so Hoover, you’re the reason I’m like this.” he said in an almost growl as he pulled you into the bathroom.
He quickly pinned you up against the door, his bulge brushing up against your thigh, your core stirring as you felt his breath on your ear. “Been staring at you all day, do you always dress like this?”
His hands moved to your hips and trailed down to the hem of your shorts where he attempted to slide his hands underneath despite how tight they were on you.
The sudden change in his personality was suffocating, but you got your bearings and tried calling his bluff playfully and ever the flirt.
“It depends really, but today something told me to go the extra mile, just in case someone as hot as you walked in.” You spoke against his plush lips, kissing them briefly before pulling away.
Your hands traveled into his unbuttoned pants and reached for his dick, your hand beginning to tug on him slowly. He hissed, moving a hand to brace himself on the wall, moving closer and moaning in your ear. “More, please.” he huffed out softly.
You got down on your knees so fast you were certain they’d be bruised by the time you stood up again. You wasted no time in taking his length into your mouth, your saliva dripping heavily as your mouth watered around him.
“Fuck!” he whisper yelled, taking a fistful of your hair in his free hand while the other gripped the wall for purchase. You looked up at him and pulled off, meeting his stare with a smile. You gently kissed the tip of his dick before taking it all back into your mouth.
The sounds that dripped from his mouth as he gripped your hair were downright heavenly. You met his eyes that were fixed on you, watching as you took him all the way into the back of your throat.
You held onto his thighs, nails digging into the fabric of his pants, as you let him push your head further onto him. He held you there for a few seconds before realizing you needed to pull away. You inhaled deeply, his cum and your saliva dripping down your lips and chin.
You used both hands to grip and pump him as you worked on sucking his tip, both of his hands now going to brace himself on the door.
“God!” he huffed as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. “Yes? I’m right here baby.” you mewled before moving to suck on his thick sack.
Just then your phone rang, but you were so fixated on pleasing the man before you that you absentmindedly answered it, slobbering loudly and breathing deep. “Huh? Oh, yeah everyone’s gone! Oh, what am I doing?”
You had answered your friend, who was checking in on the task she gave you of checking the back for any more customers. You remembered she had asked twice, the first time was before you started cleaning, the next was before you started performing like a damn Hoover vacuum on your new favorite conquest.
You took Seonghwa back into your mouth and he whined almost breathlessly. You put your phone down, your friend hanging up once they figured it out, and let your back hit the door.
“Come closer,” you beckoned and he moved in so close, his body pinned you against the door. He pumped his long dick in your warm, wet mouth just a little and he quickly busted his load down your throat. You moaned as he cried out, his moans almost as pretty as his current orgasm face was.
You swallowed all of him, letting him pull back and out of your mouth, but stopping him before he pulled out fully. You gripped gently on him and sucked on his tip, savoring the last drops of his cum before you finally pulled away.
“Nice dick.” you said and got up, a bit wobbly but he helped steady you. “Nice mouth.” he huffed and put his dick back in his pants. “What this ol’ thing?” you giggled and went to clean your face.
You watched as he stood behind you, awkwardly far and avoiding looking at you. “Uhm, can you not tell anyone about this? It’s a little embarrassing.”
Embarrassing? What a weird thing to say after he was just balls deep down your throat. You suddenly felt bad, almost ashamed and doubting yourself. You only ever did these things to have fun, and it never meant anything to you before. So why now? And with him?
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” you said as you dried your hands and watched him hurry out, not once looking back at you.
You sighed deeply and made your way to the front of the cafe, going on autopilot mode to get through the rest of your shift.
Seonghwa sat back next to Yunho, trying his best to not look like he just got his soul sucked out of him through his dick.
“Welcome back,” the taller of the two said with a smirk. Seonghwa tugged the straps of his backpack to tighten them and sighed, “Hello.” He said before pushing the mouse and keyboard aside and groaning loudly as he put his head down in his arms.
Yunho chuckled and patted his friend on his back, “There there,” he teased and went back to his game. Seonghwa sniffled as he thought about what just happened. “Bro, you crying?” Yunho asked as he pushed his friend.
Seonghwa sat up, “I’m pretty sure I just had my first blowjob?” he said, looking at his friend. Yunho nodded, “I heard!” he laughed as he turned to him.
“What do you mean you-?” Seonghwa questioned only for a second before realizing. “Holy shit did I black out?” he sat there questioning everything as Yunho just laughed hard at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever come like that on my own, holy shit dude.” the man who just came down your throat said in praise and in a kind of relief having finally gotten that out of the way. “That good? Congrats! Did you return the favor?” Yunho asked as he leaned back in his chair.
“Uhm no, I just kinda left? Shit should I have- oh my god!” He held his face in his hands, a feeling of shame washing over him. “You just LEFT?! What the fuck is wrong with you I taught you better than that!” Yunho said, shaking him roughly.
You had told your friend about what happened, never keeping any juicy details from her. But she noticed you seemed upset, not at all smug like you usually were after sucking some good dick. You sighed, “Then he just left, said he was embarrassed. God I feel gross for the first time in a long time.” You huffed and headed to the back to finish on some desserts for tomorrow, not knowing your friend was about to send Yunho a very heated message.
“I felt embarrassed and I suddenly wanted to leave? I don’t know, god they must think I’m an asshole!” He said as he ran his fingers through his hair in distress. “No, you’re definitely an asshole!” Yunho responded and turned to the alert he got on his monitor. Seonghwa looked over and read the absolute ass reaming message she sent to Yunho. “Oh no!” the elder of the two said as he stood up, ready to hurry out. Yunho held him still, “No way I’m letting your awkwardness ruin this for the both of us, come the fuck on!” he advised and dragged his friend to the front.
Seonghwa walked up to the front with Yunho at his side, holding him close, afraid he’d run away if he hadn’t. “Hey is Hoover around?” Seonghwa asked after clearing his throat. Your friend crossed her arms over her chest, “Why?”
“Please i just want to apologize, I promise. I need to tell them something.” She raised an eyebrow at him and gestured for him to head back there, but not before giving him a stern look.
You felt a presence enter the kitchen and sighed, “That’s the last time I suck dick in the bathroom, too many horrible memories.” You said, already knowing he was behind you. “Sorry, let me explain-“ you ignored him however, focusing on stuffing the pastries in front of you with cream.
“I’ll have you know I never had someone tell me they were embarrassed of me, if that’s the case why’d you pull me in there?!” He moved closer trying to get a word in but you just continued.
“You seemed just fine stuffing your pretty cock down my throat, not to mention the noises you were making, sounding like a total degenerate and-“ you were currently stuffing a pastry with so much cream it was about to burst.
“I’m a virgin!” he blurted out and the pastry burst open, cream flowing out of it as you kept squeezing the piping bag.
You turned to him, “No fucking way?” you put the bag down and looked at him, finding the news incredibly unbelievable. “Yes way. Why is that so hard to believe?” He asked with a shy smile.
You put your arms out in his direction and moved them frantically, “UHM?! Cause you’re walking sex Seonghwa, excuse me if i find it hard to believe that a guy who looks like he just stepped out of an anime, isn’t getting laid every night.”
You noticed just how red and embarrassed he got from your words, so you finally stopped talking about his looks. You figured he must be a bit insecure, not knowing just how attractive he was. “But that doesn’t matter anyway! Virginity’s not real? Hey why’s it even a thing?” you spoke quickly, trying to help him feel at ease.
“I’m sorry, that I walked out like that, I probably hate myself more than you hate me right now.” You shook your head and took his hands in yours, “I don’t hate you, and uhm, thanks for actually taking the time to come and apologize.” His hands felt nice as you held them, his long fingers interlocking with yours.
“I still feel like shit, and your friend probably wants to kill me.” You turned away from him with a laugh, “She’s looking out for me, can you blame her?” You asked as you put the ruined pastry in the trash and took the tray of the good ones into the cooler.
You came back and gave him a kiss, his hands moving to grab your ass immediately. “Well, how was it?” you asked against his lips as he avoided your eyes. You took him by his cheeks and made him look at you as he answered.
“Really fucking good.” His voice was low as he moved in closer. You met his lips and draped your arms over his shoulders. “So, did you wanna-?” your voice being cut off by his before you could finish.
“Yes!” he practically screamed and turned to look out of the kitchen door, thinking someone heard him. “Uhm I mean, if you’re insinuating what I think you are then, yeah absolutely.” You just kissed him back, taking him by the hand and out of the kitchen.
The two of you grabbed your coats and you were about to look for your friend and let them know you were heading out with Seonghwa when something on the monitor caught your eye.
“Interesting!” was all you said and quickly sent her a text instead. Seonghwa looked at the screen and gasped, turning away with a red face.
“Make sure you don’t leave any of your guts behind after he finishes brutalizing you with those fingers, going home with Seonghwa, see you in the morning!”
The two of you headed out and made sure the door locked behind you before heading off into the bitter cold. You shivered and tightened your coat around you.
“Hmm? What happened to hoes don’t get cold?” he asked in jest as he pulled you closer to him. You looked at him with wide eyes, “Yunho may have mentioned something.” He answered the look you gave him, turning pink in the process. You laughed through chattering teeth, “Shut uuuuuup!” You cuddled closer to him as he walked the two of you to his car.
You didn’t think it was possible for him to get any hotter, that was until you watched him drive. He was talking about how it was actually Yunho’s car but him and his roommates all shared it when they needed to. You nodded along just watching his forearm and hands flex as he drove, the sudden thought of sucking his dick while he drove being the only thing on your mind.
You arrived at your apartment, and hurried inside, calling the elevator and kissing as the two of you waited. You could barely keep your hands to yourselves as you pushed him towards your front door. “Your lips are so perfect.” You said as you pulled away, suddenly taking your sweater off and moving back in to kiss him. “Here?!” he asked with hesitation. You stared at him, your breasts looking tantalizing in your bra,
“What? You embarrassed?” you asked as you tilted your head to the side. He remembered earlier and felt bad all over again, “Of course not.” He said and quickly undid his shirt. You splayed your hands over his toned chest and pushed the fabric off of him. “Sexy,” you said and finally unlocked the door.
“Believe it or not, you’re the first guy I’ve brought home, you should be honored.” you said as you pulled him in. He giggled, “I am, thank you.” He was going to get whatever he wanted from you if he kept up with that cute little giggle.
“Did you want something to drink?” you asked as he came up behind you. You placed your bag down on the kitchen counter as he wrapped his arms around you and leaned into your neck.
“Cant think of anything else but fucking you right now, if I’m being honest.” your knees buckled a bit, but you simply took his hands and moved them to grope your breasts.
He sighed against your ear and you turned to him. “You sound really hot when you say fuck, can you say it again?” you asked as you perked your ass up against him. He hesitated, suddenly put on the spot. You heard him swallow, “You’re gonna drive me crazy you know that? Fuck.” he growled and began nipping and kissing your neck.
You turned fully in his arms and met his plump lips. He seemed taken aback, but he took your lead and kissed you back. He was a bit clumsy at first, but got the hang of it quickly, learning from you and meeting your tongue with his. He must have practiced somehow cause the things he was doing with his tongue and teeth, biting your bottom lip after you’d come up for air had you thinking he probably wasn’t as pure and innocent as he led on. His hands didn’t stop exploring your form, “Hold on.” you said and took off your shorts.
“Can i make a request?” he said softly as he pushed you back against the counter once they were off. Your head was fuzzy, the wetness between your legs and the way your pussy ached for him was driving you crazy. “Of course.” you said and pulled him closer by the belt loops of his jeans.
He took his glasses off, his bare face finally exposed to you and he looked more gorgeous than ever. He placed his glasses down on the counter behind you and leaned in, caging you in his arms. “Can I, eat your pussy? Uhm, to make up for earlier?”
If the word fuck dripping from his mouth hadn’t already done something to you, hearing him say pussy in that very needy way would have sent you skyrocketing through the ceiling.
“That’s what I should’ve done instead of-“ you shut him up with a kiss and brought his hands to your waist “Lift me.” you said and he obliged, easily getting you to sit on the counter. “You’re okay with it?” you pulled him back roughly and kissed him hard, whimpering in the neediest way as you opened your legs for him,
“Please Seonghwa, shut the fuck up and get down there.” he smiled and got on his knees, pulling down your underwear after you shimmied out of them. He tossed them to the side and slotted himself between your legs, quickly and eagerly lapping up the mess that was already there.
He moaned deeply, your taste dancing on his tongue. He pulled you closer by your thighs, hooking your legs over his shoulders so he could plunge deeper into you.
That perfectly pointed nose of his teased your clit as he worked his tongue inside of you. You arched against him and whined, “No way you’re this good already, shit!” you tugged on his soft silver hair, your toes curling as he plunged his long fingers into you.
His other hand wrapped around your leg and played with your clit, his tongue and fingers from his other hand too busy inside of you. He had definitely practiced or researched this cause fuck, not even the experienced men you’d been with were this good and thorough.
“Seonghwa-“ you huffed out, feeling yourself about to come undone. He pulled away, looking at you with slicked lips and chin, quietly stuffing two fingers inside of you deeply and standing up to meet your lips in a messy kiss.
You moaned into his hot mouth, clenching down and cumming hard on his fingers after his onslaught on your spot. “I can feel you cumming?” his statement came out more like a question than a comment, something he probably didn’t know was even possible. You giggled against his lips at his cute curiosity.
“Wait until you feel it on your dick pretty boy.” you nipped at his bottom lip, before pulling away. He brought his fingers to his mouth and moaned in delight. His breathy moans as he sucked your slick off of his fingers sent a wave of pleasure to your core.
You moved in to kiss at the expanse of his neck, making sure to leave marks that would have his roommates questioning what exactly he got into that night.
Once he was done thoroughly sucking his fingers, you let him take off your bra and he brought his hands to cup your breasts, “This can’t be your first time touching someone’s tits can it?” you asked as he seemed to be laser focused on staring at them.
He licked his lips as he squeezed them, “And if i told you it was?” You went flush from his words and at the look he gave you, his thick eyebrows raising.
You held back a giggle, “Then I’d say I’m very honored,” you looked down at his hands, his fingers gently pinching your nipples now. “And so are they.” You brought your hands behind your back and swayed side to side so they jiggled as he held them.
“So fucking pretty,” he leaned down, about to take one of your nipples in his mouth. You choked and he looked up at you. “What? You okay?” he asked softly, worried he had done something wrong. “Yeah I’m fine, I’m just really sensitive there.” He smirked devilishly, “Yeah?” he asked as he pinched your nipples harder.
You gripped onto the counter, holding on for dear life as he brought his mouth to latch onto one of them. He sucked hard, using his tongue to tease your hardened nub. You arched against him all over again, your hands flying to his hair as he moved to suck on the other. The sensation caused you to get even more aroused, your pussy clenching over nothing. He used both hands to grip onto the supple soft skin, adjusting his mouth to suck on even more flesh.
“F-fuuuck!” you sighed, feeling yourself come undone in his grip, his tongue flattening against both of your nipples as he pushed your breasts together. He pulled away after seeing you fidget under him. You pushed him away slightly, “No way a virgin made me cum just from sucking on my tits, christ.” You huffed and he couldn’t help but smile with a red face.
You brought him to your bedroom and once inside, with the door wide fucking open, the two of you made quick work of the rest of his clothes. You crawled onto your bed and faced him, admiring the way he walked closer to you. “What?” he asked with a blush.
“You’re the hottest guy I’ve been with, I’m just admiring it before you’re gone.” you teased and moved to lay on your stomach. He moved closer to you, dick in hand but eyebrows furrowed. “Do you not want to see me again?” You eagerly took the dick he offered you into your mouth, eyes fluttering open to look up at him. You sucked his tip briefly and pulled away with an audible popping sound.
“I just mean later tonight when you’re gone, of course I wanna see you again” you sort of moaned the last word of your sentence, taking him back into your mouth and letting your saliva drip down like a waterfall.
He hissed, getting his bearings much faster than in the cafe bathroom where he was a whining mess. His touch on your head was soft as he looked down at you, his bottom lip going between his teeth. He took hold of your hair and used it as leverage to slowly grind against your face. you looked up at him and admired his fucked out look.
His brow was shining with sweat, making his hair stick to his forehead. He smirked at you and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back and revealing just how gorgeous and chiseled his face was. He smiled wide and you clenched over nothing needing to feel him inside.
He’d have those moments where you questioned his experience cause of his striking duality. One minute he was asking innocent questions and sounding inexperienced and the next minute he was deep throating you while growling like a demon.
He pulled out of your mouth, your saliva dripping and connecting you to him in a sticky string. “How do you want it?” you asked as you moved to sit on your knees, pumping his slicked cock in both hands.
He rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. “Why don’t you decide?” he asked and brought you in for a kiss. You kissed sloppily for a few seconds before you pulled away.
“No way, it’s your first time, you decide!” He leaned in and kissed you again, bringing your arms to drape over his shoulders. “Okay then, what do you like most?”
You knew he was just trying to get you to pick, so you relented, thinking it’d be a better experience for him anyway. “Well, i like being on top but,” his hands roamed down your back, his nails just grazing your skin. “backshots drive me crazy.” you huffed against his lips, his hands moved to grip your ass tightly from your words.
He whimpered, “O-okay, let’s do that.” he stumbled over his words and you couldn’t help but giggle at his awkwardness.
You brought him onto the bed and went to your nightstand to grab a condom. You looked at him, then back in the drawer. “Hmmm.” you said out loud. You simply closed the drawer, “I need to get bigger ones, one sec.” you said leaving him on the bed, questioning his size as he looked down at his dick.
You were back within a few minutes, swiftly taking off the large shirt you had thrown on. “Where did you go?” he asked as you began unwrapping the condom. “My neighbors.” you said with a laugh and pulled the rubber onto him easily. He almost questioned you, but decided against it, realizing it probably wasn’t any of his business.
You kissed him before turning your ass to him and getting on your knees. You turned to look at him, “Oh sorry, do you not want to?” You felt slightly off, hoping you didn’t seem too eager or insensitive in a way. “No it’s not that I’m just, I was admiring the view.”
You playfully waved him off, “Really, I mean it you’re really pretty.” His voice was soft, his words sweet as he squeezed your rear. You turned to kiss him, feeling him slide his dick against your folds and slowly sliding into you.
His hands moved to either side of you, his arms caging you in. He sighed in your ear, slowly pulling out with a sigh and plunging back in hard. “Ah!” you yelped and he looked up at you, but you reassured him with a kiss. “It’s ok. I liked it Seonghwa, don’t stop.” you bit his bottom lip and turned, arching your back against him.
He went slowly, trying his best not to slip out of you. He started kissing your back, trailing sweet hot kisses down as he sat up on his knees, slapping your ass lightly. You yelped, more at his shocking duality from sweet to savage than the actual pain.
“Was that okay?” he asked rubbing the spot he hit. You nodded, “Harder next time.” you said and pushed back against him, beckoning him to keep fucking you as you clenched down on him. He moaned loudly, slapping your ass hard this time and finally picking up speed.
God you were so happy he had a nice long dick, you were drooling onto the bed at how nice and snug he fit. He was hitting your spot so perfectly, you couldn’t help but give him praise. “Yes, just like that, fuck!” you cried out, gripping the sheets. He took you by the waist, using his hold to fuck into you faster and harder, his peak nearing. “I don’t think I can-shit!” he huffed out, stuttering against you and cumming hard.
He immediately bent down, kissing your neck and cheek. “Fuck I’m so sorry, you felt too good.” You moved off of him, the look on his face defeated. “Don’t be sorry, just finish what you started.” you said as you pushed him onto his back. You moved so that your pussy was over his face and without asking he pulled you to sit on him.
His tongue danced inside of you, his big nose perfect against your sensitive clit as you rode him. You grabbed your breasts and teased your nipples as you sought your release. He was a sloppy and loud eater, moaning against you and slurping up all of your essence. it wasn’t long before you climaxed, bucking against his face and gripping his hair tight.
“Fuck, you’re really good at that, you should be proud.” you sighed and moved on wobbly knees to lay down. You watched him wipe his mouth, “Thanks,” he said with a giggle and moved to lay next to you.
The two of you kissed for a while before the usual game of needing versus wanting to leave started. “Uhm, did you want to stay the night?” you asked as you stood up, going to grab your phone from your purse. “If that’s okay with you?” he asked as he sloppily removed the condom. You nodded and took a sip from a nearby water bottle. “Cool, we can have breakfast at my neighbors in the morning.” You handed him the water bottle and he kind of frowned. “Oh don’t worry, I promise we’re just friends!”
You woke up with your pussy aching from the dream you had. Seonghwa had you tied up, overstimulating you over and over again until you were crying real, fat tears.
“Dear god I hope you’re still here.” You said as you reached out, feeling his exposed back. You nuzzled closer to him, kissing him gently, hoping he’d wake up soon.
He soon stirred awake, turning to you and immediately taking your lips. You felt his hardness against your thigh and opened your legs for him. “You sure?” He asked and you nodded, wrapping your legs around his skinny waist. He pushed his bare cock into you, the feeling of your warmth around him almost tempting him to stop.
“Seonghwa, go slow okay?” He looked at you and got his bearings, taking your hands in his and holding them above your head.
His pace was slow, his hips moving against you better than last night. So much so that you felt a familiar twist in your gut as the pleasure started to build. He moved to kiss and suck your neck, biting down when he felt you start to pulse around him. He growled at the sensations of your tight cunt, “That’s not helping, Hoover.”
You were taken aback by your cafe name being used outside of work. “It’s Y/n,” you said with a huff as he thrust back in hard. He smiled and kissed you, “Y/n, please hold back a little?” he asked and you relented, the sweet way he said your name earning him a pass.
The pace was nice and slow, feeling so good as he took it upon himself to pull you closer, starting to fuck you faster. His long dick hitting your g- spot with every thrust, causing you to grip onto his back and dig your nails into his skin.
“Fuck, don’t stop Seonghwa, please!” Your moans in his ears encouraged him, his moans following yours as he kept at it while meeting his sweaty brow with yours.
He was loud, his sighs and sweet moans filling your room, you were sure the next door neighbor heard everything. You giggled at the thought and pulled him closer for a kiss. “I’m so close baby.” you whined and he couldn’t be happier as he smiled against your lips, “Can I cum inside of you?” he asked nipping at your lips. “Yeah,” you said with a nod and leaned up so that you now sat on his lap.
You met his hips with yours as you rode him, his moans never stopping as the two of you were a sloppy needy mess. “Fuck!” you yelped out as you came, his still hard dick inside of you. You threw your head back and he attached his mouth to your neck, sucking and biting hard as he felt you constrict around him tightly. He soon came deep inside of you, kissing your neck and lips over and over as he slowly milked himself with your cunt.
You swallowed his moans in a kiss, letting him exhale afterwards, his eyes almost teary as he looked at you. His eyes were blown out and his lips parted, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
“I think I’ve created a monster.” You teased and kissed his mouth, nose and then forehead. He hummed and buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I don’t want to get out, so warm.” he said with a whine.
The two of you cleaned up and you took something for your last minute decision, making sure he knew he didn’t do anything wrong when he watched you swallow the pill.
You threw on the loose shirt and some pajama shorts, handing him some for him to wear as well, telling him you loved wearing loose clothes to bed so he was lucky you even had something that fit.
The two of you hurried to your next door neighbors apartment and you knocked loudly. “Gee I really hope I’m not interrupting something!” You said as you waited, soon hearing them grumble behind the front door.
They opened the door and you were finally met with your friend and boss, damp from what looked like a very pleasant shower. “Hope the coffee’s on!” You chirped and walked in as Seonghwa hesitated slightly and followed once he was welcomed in.
You poured out two cups of coffee for you and Seonghwa and sat at the table, waiting for breakfast to be ready. “Your neighbor? Is?” he asked as he looked around. “Yeah, luckily she still had the condoms I got her, didn’t know I’d end up needing some.” You said looking at him with your chin resting on your hands, eyelashes fluttering at him.
He blushed and pushed his glasses up his nose in that cute way. “Shhh.” He said and you were about to scream about his big dick when Yunho walked out of the bathroom. The men simply stared at one another and gave a reassuring nod.
You all ended up helping with breakfast and were eating in no time. Yunho elbowed Seonghwa, silently asking about how it went with a look. Seonghwa hid his face but nodded and Yunho sighed a breath of relief. “Thank god.” He said out loud, looking over at your friend. “It’s not like we didn’t know, what with those loud ass moans.”
“Gasp! You heard us?!” you joked and moved to sit on Seonghwa’s lap. He hid his face in you neck. “Don’t be shy cutie.” You kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll tell you all about it if you want details?” Yunho went red and shook his head while your friend raised their hand. “Ok so once we-“
Seonghwa stopped you with a hand to your mouth. “Thanks for breakfast! Yunho come get the car keys later, I’m not going home anytime soon.” He said to his friend as he dragged you out of the apartment while you giggled the whole way back home.
A/N: hiiii i think this was my longest story at 9k 💀 uhmmmmmmmmm blame seonghwa haha 🤭 check out the companion fic here and see what happens with the bestie!
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raspberrypossums · 1 month ago
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༄ New beginnings༄
This is a lil piece I did awhile back of my own humanized versions of Spike and Twilight on their way over to Ponyville! I like to think in the human au they take a little train down!
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months ago
more than anything in this world I love wandering through museums and taking pictures of things to research later. like oh, interesting concept, what if I spent an hour reading about that when I am in my pajamas in bed and it can really blow my mind.
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