#neptunic girl and her emotional support object
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misiahasahardname · 5 months ago
she’s so me <3
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noxstellacaelum · 5 years ago
Filtering Female Characters Through the Male Gaze
Female characters filtered through the male gaze:  A (way) too long post about why we need a more diverse and inclusive approach to staffing showrunners, writers, directors, crew – heck, all roles -- in TV and movies.  
Yes, I know I am not the first person here on this.  
And note that while I have included a few tags b/c I talk about my frustration with Shadowhunters, Veronica Mars, the Irishman, Richard Jewell, and a few other recent shows/movies, I don’t get to this stuff until the very end,  I appreciate that fans may not want to wade through the entire essay, which (again), is a bit of personal catharsis.
I recently had a random one-off exchange with a TV writer on twitter.  The writer said that she had enjoyed the movie Bombshell much more than its Rotten Tomatoes rating would have suggested.  She wondered if the disconnect between her experience/perception of the movie and that of mainstream reviewers might have been shaped by gender: Specifically, she observed that Bombshell is a movie about women, but most reviewers are male.  
I have complicated feelings about Bombshell.  On one hand, yes, there was and is a toxic culture at Fox News.  Yes, Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly were victims of that toxic culture.  But no, these women were not mere bystanders:  They traded in the racism, misogyny, and xenophobia (for starters) that still characterize Fox News today.  Why should these wealthy, privileged white women – both of whom spent many years as willing foot soldiers in the Fox News army -- get a glossy, Hollywood-approved redemption/vindication arc?  On the other hand, I am glad that the movie makers made a film about sexual harassment, and that the movie presented Kelly, in particular, as an at least somewhat complicated character.  This would not be the first time that a movie about women – especially complicated, and not always likeable women – has proven to be polarizing.
My ambivalence about Bombshell notwithstanding, the writer with whom I exchanged tweets is (not surprisingly, since she is in the industry and I am not) on to something when it comes to gender, character development and critical reception. It’s not just that Bombshell was about women, but reviewed largely by men; it’s that stories about female characters (real or fictional) often are filtered through the male gaze in Hollywood:  On many projects – even those focused on female characters – creators/ head writers are male, directors are male, showrunners are male, and producers are male.  This matters, because preferencing the male gaze impacts what stories about women get told, who gets to tell them, and how these stories are received inside and outside Hollywood.  
First, though, the caveats. I do not mean to suggest that men can never tell great stories about women.  Of course they can.   I also don’t mean to suggest that being female exempts creators, writers, directors, showrunners, etc. from sexism or misogyny (or any other forms of bigotry, as my discussion of Bombshell suggests).   There are plenty of women who prop up the patriarchy.  Rebecca Traister’s work speaks to this issue, as does the work of Cornell philosopher Kate Manne.  There is an important literature on the concept of misogynoir (misogyny directed at black women, involving both gender and race), a term coined by black queer feminist Moya Bailey, as well.  Intersectionality matters in understanding what stories are told, who gets to speak, and how stories are received in and outside Hollywood.  I also don’t mean to suggest that there are no powerful women in Hollywood.   Shonda Rhimes; Ava DuVernay, Reese Witherspoon (increasingly, given her role as a producer of projects like Big Little Lies), Greta Gerwig’s work in Lady Bird and Little Women, and others come to mind.  As I am not in the entertainment industry, I am sure others could put together a far more complete and accurate list of female Hollywood power brokers.  And, finally, I appreciate that Hollywood is a business, and people fund and make movies that they think their target audiences want to see.  So long as young, male viewers are a coveted demographic, we are going to see projects with women who appeal to this demographic onscreen.
Given these caveats, why do I think that the filtering of female characters through the male gaze is an issue? For me, it has to do with a project’s “center of gravity” -- that place, at the core of the project’s storytelling, where the characters’ agency and autonomy comes from.  It’s where I look to understand the characters’ choices and their narrative arcs.  When a character’s center of gravity is missing or unstable or unreliable, the character’s choices don’t make sense, and their narrative arc lacks emotional logic. Center of gravity is not about whether a character is likeable.  It’s about whether a character – and the project’s overall storytelling and narrative voice – make sense.  
When female characters are filtered through a male gaze, a project’s center of gravity can shift, even if unintentionally, away from the characters’ agency and point of view:  So, instead of charting her own course through a story, a female character starts to become defined by her proximity to other characters and stories.  She becomes half of a “ship” . . . or a driver of other characters’ growth (often through victimization, suffering, or self-sacrifice) . . . or mostly an object of sexual desire (whether requited or not).   Eventually, she can lose her voice entirely.  When that happens, instead of a “living, breathing” (yes, fictional, I know) character, we are left with a mirror/ mouthpiece who advances the plot, and the stories, of everyone else.
What are some recent examples of this? The two that I have mentioned recently here are Shadowhunters and Veronica Mars S4.  
- With SHTV, I will always wonder what might have been if the show – which is based on books written by a woman, intentionally as a “girl power” story – had female showrunners. Would an empowered female showrunner have left Clary, THE PROTAGONIST OF A 6 BOOK SERIES – alone on an NYC street in a skimpy party dress, in November, with no money, no ID, no mother, no father figure and no love of her life, stripped of her memories, her magic, and chosen vocation, as punishment, after she saved the world?  Would a female showrunner have sidelined Clary’s love Jace, and left him grieving and suicidal, while his family lived their best lives and told him to move on?  Would a female showrunner have said, in press coverage of the series finale, that the future of the Clary and Jace characters was a matter for fan fiction?  After spending precious time in the series finale wrapping up narrative arcs for non-canon and/or ancillary characters.  And to my twitter correspondent’s point, I guess I am not surprised that mainstream entertainment media outlets didn’t call out the showrunners’ mistreatment of Clary, and by extension, Jace, and the obliteration of their narrative arcs -- and yes, I am looking at you, Andy Swift of TV line (who called the above-mentioned memory wipe “actually perfect”).
- Likewise, with Veronica Mars, would a more diverse and inclusive writers room have made S4 Veronica less insightful and less competent than her high school self, or quite so riven with self-loathing, or quite so careless and cruel with the people in her life who love her?  Would a more inclusive creative team have made S4 Veronica less aware of the class and race dynamics of Neptune, yet more casually racist, in her mid-30s, than she was in high school?
- There are so many other examples from 2019.  Clint Eastwood falsely suggesting that a female reporter (who is now deceased and thus unable to defend herself) traded sex for tips from an FBI agent in Richard Jewell. Game of Thrones treatment/resolution of the Ceresi and Daenerys characters – where to even start.  Martin Scorsese’s decision to give Oscar winner Anna Paquin’s character a total of 7 lines in the 3-plus hour movie the Irishman.
- And, in real life, I wonder whether a Hollywood that empowered and supported female creators would make sure that people like Mira Sorvino and Annabella Sciorra got a bunch of work while also making sure that Harvey Weinstein never again is in a position of power or influence.   Same with female comics targeted by Louis C.K. Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose … the list is long, and Kate Manne’s work on what she calls “himpathy” is useful here.
To be clear, I am not saying that stories involving “ships” of whatever flavor, stories of suffering and self-sacrifice, and stories of finding (or losing) intimate relationships are “bad” or “wrong” or inherently exploitive of female characters.  I don’t think that at all.  I also don’t think that female characters have to be perfectly well-adjusted, virtuous, or free from bias, or that they should never be make bad choices or mistakes.  I want female characters who are flawed, nuanced.  I don’t mind lives that are messy, or romantic entanglements that are complicated.  Finally, I don’t think that that faulty, reductive, or unfair portrayals of female characters is a new thing.  Mary Magdalene was almost certainly not a prostitute, after all.  And classicist Emily Wilson – the first woman to translate the Odyssey into English – has brought a hugely important perspective (including an awareness of how gender matters in translation) and voice to the translation and study of canonical characters and works.
At the end of the day, I just want female characters to be able to speak with their own voices, from their perspectives.  I want them to have their own, chosen, narrative arcs.  I want them to speak, act, see, and feel as autonomous individuals, with agency, and not just in reference to others.  And, I think that more a more diverse and inclusive approach to staffing writers rooms and in choosing show runners, directors, and key positions in storytelling would help.  
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yurireview · 6 years ago
How ironic that what I feared was the first thing that happened and really bothers me...Do not you guys support a simple joke? but when the BB speak badly of Whiterose always when someone replies "hey is his blog" 
But let's analyze this, although I have already done this analysis for a long time
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This argument is ridiculous
First in that scene the first thing that Ruby did was to run towards Weiss disconcerted as she was knocked out and not even aware of what happened.
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but Ruby arrived just when Jaune was healing her and she was watching her for a while...Ruby no longer had to despair or cry, was filled with great joy...In addition to that Jaune and Ren brought Ruby up to date on the situation so that she would not despair while the battle was still being waged
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Then she saw that Yang and Oscar were being attacked, so she recovered to continue fighting (because that's what she does is a leader)
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But before she looked at Weiss again and made Jaune stop touching her (for no reason)
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Literally that was the reason why she was very angry
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The irony that you ignore as Weiss did not thank Jaune and in the end all the emotional part was given to Ruby.
I love how she ignores that Yang's battle was one where the only one in danger was Blake (but that's not my business)
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For something later in Vol 6 they are more linked than ever ... due to that incident, did Weiss feel more united to Jaune? It was just Ruby. You just decided to ignore the whole narrative to say "The Whiterose is not as deep as the BB" which brings us to your next point.
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Now it is not that the Bumbleby is deeper ... but it is more dramatic, there is much drama in its dynamics more than any other ship or couple (except Ozpin and Salem) but you already understand ... the Whiterose is not going for the drama
I'm surprised that this user says, Where was the focus on the emotional bond of Ruby and Weiss?
Either this girl or boy missed that in Vol 1 more than half of the Vol was dedicated to the dynamic of partners and the emotional bond between Ruby and Weiss.
In fact the Ruby and Weiss meeting was more focused than the Bumbleby ... it seems so great that Ruby discarded all options since she saw Weiss and really wanted his acceptance
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Literally the Whiterose dynamic was the most focused on the first volume...Blake and Yang only received 3 minutes, and then making Blake spend time with Sun
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Do you talk about the Dance of Vol 2? where Yang was only with her less than 10 seconds later and not being together, that's ridiculous to use that point to say that the Whiterose has no depth
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I ask you a question Why in the chapter 4 Vol 2 did not Yang bother or react that Blake was with Sun the boy who wants to be with his "cat girl"?
On the other hand Ruby did not let Neptune and Weiss connect
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It’s strange how Weiss narrative instead of more “Straight” does not have any development with the boys, unlike Blake
even here they destroyed the ship of Weiss and Neptune (never to use it again) because they really only did it to develop Jaune as a character.
Why did this happened? Why did they waste so many opportunities to develop more or give Blake and Yang more screen time?
I'm not complaining, but your questions are fucking hypocritical
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Do you want to know why they have not needed someone to "help" them as with the Bumbleby?
For the simple fact that Ruby never disappointed Weiss in fact as seen in Vol 6 is her closest person and this developed through all the volumes, in fact Ruby herself always wanted to be closer to Weiss.
As with other protagonists ... the dynamic of the protagonist develops slower and this is the perfect case (for something the Whiterose is so cliche in Japanese anime) because it is literally something that has been seen so many times
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Even in Vol 4 there is a similar scene of Yang and Ruby where both miss their companions and respective best friends.
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We can continue all day but this is just a small clarification finished this point we go to your next "argument"
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The first I answered in my previous paragraph ... but let's focus on sadness and anger? I mean, I think I said a bit above, that Ruby did not disappoint Weiss or viseversa ... in fact, as I said in the first paragraph, her link evolved after Vol 5
Where is the part Awkwardness?
you must be kidding, the whole Vol 6 was full of those moments, but if you want some examples I will give them to you
The scene where Ruby wanted Weiss to be by her side for emotional support and her presence comforting her is simply a genius
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when Ruby smiled at her, putting all his trust in Weiss, even though she was very worried about his imprudence
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literally this is one of the best moments of Awkwardness in the whole show
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When Ruby gives her the emotional support where Weiss gives her the sweetest smile of all (of course, we're talking about Weiss) that moment only stopped because Qrow interrupted him
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The development of Ruby and Weiss is very present that there is no "drama" does not mean it is not there because the show spends a lot of time ... now let's go to your last points
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I'm not surprised that after all the nonsense and arranged arguments say "it's like  “partnest touching hand" jajajajajaj is ridiculous at this point
Jaune and Ruby has (18 minutes on screen in the six Volumes) Oscar and Ruby (12 minutes on screen)
There is no point of comparison with the interactions between Weiss and Ruby...in fact.
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I made a review of both to demonstrate this point and unlike you I did put all your moments without hiding or diminishing anything ... I was objective
I respect the ship Bumbleby ... but I will never say that it is a perfect ship because it is not and you know it (but act as if it were) Bumbleby have his moments... but your argument to discredit the Whiterose is stupid
I love that you only mention Ruby and the "friendly relations" because the Vol 6 to Weiss literally dedicated 1 minute of screen with Jaune is sad.
Blake that almost did not share time on screen with Jaune was more affectionate than Weiss with this ... so do not come with those arguments (they are stupid).
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Besides ... What did you not read? my previous post was a joke, a parody, a meme ... can not stand that someone makes a joke ... fuck they are ridiculous.
I want to clarify this because I really do not like to come to say those things ... so let's go with your arguments elsewhere I'm as Bumbleby fan as you but I do not blind to other ship and I can also endure jokes.
Not to mention that Weiss plot and the trauma of his past (his father) is going to develop more with Ruby, for something the Vol 6 has made his bond evolve ...so really do not come with these things is absurd...Not mentioning the argument that "Ruby is very immature" is very worn is easy to deny because Ruby has matured enough and its development has been incredible highlighting its dynamics with Weiss as always ... that this evolves more in Vol 7 would be consistent (since there is something big about it) the Whiterose fandom takes its time, it is not desperate to "be canon" everything has its time ... if it happens very well more than half of the fandom will be happy, if it does not happen I will accept it in a mature way
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This is the reason why many hate their fandom, I personally enjoy the Bumbleby ship ... but lately his fans are taking advantage of any opportunity to speak of the Whiterose and with bad arguments ... I will not do it again a joke with the BB because his fandom needs to mature.
To finish (I do not care if some fans of the Bumbleby do not ship  Whiterose ... for that there is the freedom to match anything ... but I can not stand what you just did) if you made a parody post I would tolerate it instead of do what you did
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gg-astrology · 7 years ago
Black Pink: Lalisa Manoban (Brief Inner planet Natal Reading)
💕 I saw a photo of Lisa and I’m overwhelmed with love for her. This is new test for a different text-format/’theme’, unlike the ‘overview’ series I’m going to go through her chart one by one (w/o houses), looking at the planet and it’s aspects and the decan it’s in. We’ll see how it goes! 💕
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💕disclaimer: i’m no expert on astrology but these are my interpretations of the signs and how they’re working based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and studies in astrology, all interpretation and experiences within the realm is valid, however feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and the point of this post is to relate to someone, entertain and have a fun time, validate people with similar experiences and get people excited about the girls+ astrology. Also, since we don’t know their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
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Sun in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
I’ve already went ham into this with the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but I’ll give a brief reintroduction on this as well! 💕
Sun in Aries especially in the 1st Decan, exhibits traits that emphasizes their Arian nature- energetic, lively, uncomplicated and innovative. They’re often already on the move, most likely to get things done physically rather than wait on long-awaited plan or drawn-out emotional speech that would ‘inspire’ them. They’re quite pragmatic, and although they admire and respect other ways of doing things, they’d much rather just get on the move and actually do it to achieve what they want
Impatience and impulsiveness might be a vice, however their greatest strength is their ability to move on and direct their energy forward. 
They’re not big on planning ahead, but that creates space for innovation. They live in the now, and unlike other signs, they benefit a lot from this kind of mentality.  
The way they go about things is pretty direct, active and straight forward. They often get a bit whiplashed if someone tries to play games with them, as they’re pretty forthcoming people and expected the same back.  
They can be careless, lack tact, impulsive and reckless to a fault without realizing what they’ve done. But they’re quick to want to atone for any mess they might have made.  
Aries lives simply in this way, they know what they want and they do whatever is necessary to achieve it. They don’t mind cutting corners, but often they see it as underhand or unnecessary, it’s the journey that matters to them. 
Most of the time, Aries appreciates challenges in their life. They feel best when they can overcome those little objections and feel ‘progressed’ in how far they’ve come. They like things clean and tidy, a fresh slate or a fresh start to the day. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct - Venus (Aries) [1 degree]
This is a good aspect to have! Conjunction around the lesser degrees, between aspects of the Sun-Venus can help the native Arian showcase their much more charming side to the public and smooth out rough edges they might have otherwise. 
Lisa already has this working for her even when she wasn’t in the limelight, people with Sun-Venus aspect tends to exhibit harmonic, pleasant and charming traits (think Libra/Taurus) and places an emphasis on their Sun that they want to be perceived pleasantly this way. 
They tend to be alot more easy-going with this aspect, working that Arian charm in a non-confrontational manner and bringing abundance of joy and enthusiasm to the people around them. 
There’s a like for social interactions and pleasantries, diplomatic and often generous. They can sometimes become pushovers when they’re trying really hard to please someone (in the industry) or don’t know any better. 
The ability to attract people to her through her charm (Venus) is convert, she exudes her individuality and self-expression (Sun/Ego) and if the person responds positively, she might find interest in them. This however, can mean that she might need validation from other people or put pressure on herself if she doesn’t receive positive affirmations. Learning to balance it with validating herself and finding a mixture of self-love within her own body might benefit in balancing out and stabilizing this aspect. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct- Saturn (Aries) [3 degrees]
Again this is a good aspect to have especially when it’s conjuncted. I kind of do 3 is the max and 5 is pushing it, but I know some people accept it at lower degrees than I do and that’s fine too! 
Sun conjunction Saturn can put a damper on the Sun but in a way, it might benefit them more in the long run which is what’s happening in Lisa’s chart. 
She understands responsibility and long-term commitment, and she’s not afraid to sacrifice abit of her vitality in order to achieve it. 
When it comes to commitment, she puts in hard work and acts cautiously. She rarely makes impulsive decision that would damage or effect anyone else (family/members) long term, she has the forethought and sight to be mature when she needs to be and handle responsibility well. 
She sees and understands the significance in establishing long-term relationships (members) and has patience, tolerance and loyalty to them. She puts in work and dedicated effort into establishing this bond, and expects back on their relationship. People who lacks this Saturnian trait would turn her off.  
Sun (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [1 degree]
Although it’s a harmonious aspect, Uranus is a generational outer planet ruled by Aquarius, having an Aries sun there can mean her individuality is expressed fighting for the underdog. 
There’s a fiery quality to it that both Aries and Aquarius posses, a strike against tradition and you can see it in the way her ego (Sun) expresses her style (Venus) in how she dresses/performs. 
Black pink is amazing because this aspect comes through very vividly, like 2NE1 the unusual styling and effect their stage performance and music has is trans-generational. It doesn’t cohere to just one aesthetic taste, it’s something most people can get into very easily. I suspect the other members probably has similar aspect in this area as well. They’re standing for something they’re comfortable in. 
Sun (Aries) - Trine - Pluto(R) (Sagittarius) [1 degree]
Sun is the planet of the ego and Pluto is the planet of transformation, this emphasizes her moon even more since it’s in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) she often feels that she’s going through different phases of growth and transformation all the time. 
Between comebacks and stages, Lisa is constantly evolving and she realizes this. It’s a double whammy for her both in her moon and the aspect. 
Her ego shifts along with her transformation, but at the same time her pluto is in retrograde. She might not show it as often but she is going through alot of these changes. 
She can be slow in incorporating it into her ego, or letting her inner change/growth show in other aspects of her life. She feels it, she knows it. But that doesn’t mean she has to show it (abit of an escapism) 
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Moon in Scorpio - 2nd Decan/Ruled by Neptune (Pisces)
Again, I’ve touched on her moon in the  the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but here’s a brief description of it here as well 💕
Scorpio moons can go through many intense emotions and internal growth rapidly, they often feel overwhelmed by their emotions and their thoughts transforming at a pace and intensity that even they can’t control. This can be devastating and amazing, depending on how one views it- their emotional growth goes through periods of death and rebirth and often pushes them to go through serious transformation within themselves throughout their entire life. It’s exhilarating, giving and tiring at the same time.  
Scorpio has this intensity inside of themselves that, when projected outwardly onto other people you can see the storm inside of their eyes. Their emotional intensity doesn’t just stop there with themselves, but they can also evoke this kind of intensity in other people as well. 
Lisa’s moon is ruled by Neptune/Pisces, which rules her subconscious and her dreams. Most likely her Moon in Scorpio is influenced by these elements, and her transformation often has to more to do with herself and her own growth than any external output. 
Pressure she puts on herself, her dreams and aspiration she carries for her family to do well in foreign lands, insomnia, lethargy and depression might be prone to these individuals (again, I’m not certified to diagnose anyone with medical help, and I’m not trying to do so, if someone is suffering from mental illness or requires assistance in these areas, please consult a doctor or a medical assistance if they want to seek available help)  
They might have the tendency to use sleeping as a coping mechanism and escapism in order to avoid going through these transformation too much (escapism or fighting to simplify the situation aka ‘im fine’ ). It can lead to repression of emotions or inner growth in order to stabilize her body. 
Her Virgo Mars is the only earth sign capable of stabilizing her, but it’s also the only out put to her emotional transformation. She might’ve learnt to utilize this subconsciously in an unhealthy way to cope with how much she’s feeling and how much she’s going through. Most likely she did so anyways, especially with Sun-Venus and a strong Taurus/Venus influence on her Mars. She needs to unlearn how to do this and express herself when she needs to, or seek help when she needs it. 
She desires stability but it she needs to realize it doesn’t need to be internal. She can seek stability externally through support and close friends as well. She should show this through consistency in reaching out to people, but in order to do so she needs to vocalize it or exert her Mars and Mercury into helping her with her Moon. 
She might also be prone to having transformative dreams, or going through upheaval inside her subconscious. Suppressing these emotions during the day might point to having to confront them later when she’s in the unconscious realm, this can lead to very emotionally taxing dreams or adventurous ones, having to confront and balance negativity to positivity at some point. But it’s in no way unhealthy compared to the above (better dealing it through dreams than actively trying to repress it all the time conscious OR unconscious).  
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Jupiter (Aquarius) [3 degrees]
There’s a restless quality about her when she ‘can’t deal with her moon right now’, she tends to seek outlets that can extort her resources (i.e. retail therapy, shopping, negligence) a square is a difficult aspect but it’s capable of overcoming. 
Her moon (emotions) has a direct impact on her luck (Jupiter) through her actions. Although it’s in 3rd degree, it might not be working strongly for her since she can easily learn to self-discipline.
She can become aloof, cold or negligence to those around her when she’s dealing with her emotions/internal turmoil. Absentmindedness or too coldly observing, she can neglect or make others around her feel like they shouldn’t support her which doesn’t reflect her natural charisma. 
Lisa can have her moodiness, and its in this aspect how it effects those around her and her immediate resources (money, luck, etc). 
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees] 
Again, her moon is working to bring her down. All her internal turmoil is effecting to some degree her relationships with others and her ability to perform sometimes. With her moon (emotions) squaring her Uranus (rebellion/innovation/technology) this can be interpreted in so many different ways.
Bigger picture is, she might find herself at odds with the people around her, slow moving and unstable or unsupportive at times because she’s lost in her own turmoil or has some doubts, her friends can feel unsupported or in-stabilized by her when they require her vote of confidence in them.
Lisa can be disagreeable to rules or authoritarian figures, or act out/lash out in a way just to prove her point across if she feels she’s unheard or misunderstood (her Saturn is too strong and working too well for her to do that, but she might have instances)
 She might find bad news due to technology (it might bring her grief) or does something online she might regret later (hope it’s retail therapy)  
Anyways its not a bad thing to have difficult aspects in your chart, all these are capable of the person who owns the chart to overcome and they can absolutely do it. 
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Mercury in Aries - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Curiously this is un-aspected, but it seems to be working strongly in her chart and is very good for our girl Lisa! 💕
Mercury in Aries natives possesses an innocent charm about them, this is directly amplified by Jupiter’s influence (Sagittarius) her Arian charms becomes expanded upon, and her youthful vitality and charisma that makes her so lovable is put into a softer light. She acquires a happy-go-lucky trait to her that has people falling head over heels to do as she asks, often popular. 
People like her because she’s straight forward and simple, she’s often humble and enthusiastic which is refreshing to be around. 
Mercury in Aries are also magnetic in a way that they possesses great self-will that their Aries sun already has. The way they think and talk about things are quick and to the point, fast and decisive. 
She can streamline progress and gets points across simply and easily, she’s amiable and likes helping others with a jokester kind of joviality to her. Often capable of lightening up any situation, she’s great at taking the weight/heat off of shier signs like Virgo or Capricorn who might get embarrassed by a mistake. 
Mercury Arians in the 3rd decan likes to help others out, they possess an expansive open-minded quality to them that likes to learn and give/take equally. They’re willing to help people in worse situation than they are if the opportunity arises. 
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Venus in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
Aries in Venus says alot about her charisma on stage and her style that draws people into her. Her powerful performance really came through with her artistry, and it’s all in her Venus amplified by her Sun and Mercury of the same sign and similar element. She has so much passion (fire) in her chart (Aries and Sagittarius) along with the magnetic quality (water/Scorpio and Pisces) - the clash of the two elements in force makes for a powerful charisma in a person. 
Venus in Aries in general,  has a pretty daring and up-front style about her. She has a cheeky smile but also a confident, independent women. 
Venus in Aries often has this quality about them (especially in 1st degree) anyone  who wants to be with her has to match up to her in some way. She won’t ever settle for less than what she deserves, and if she finds you unworthy- well, she wouldn’t even give you her time of day. 
That’s not to say she’s a minx all the time, Aries Venus charm extends to more than just her confidence. Her innocent childish charm complements the tougher side of her personality well, even the aegyo and possible tantrum she might pull is endearing. 
There’s a fun-loving quality about them, like they’re not hard to please but you have to do it well. However, if you take too long to approach them they’d already be gone. They don’t tend to stick around, even if they’re going to give you a chance. They’re turned-off by wishy-washy behaviors, too much ‘games’ and not enough stimulation (slow burn) and not enough activities. 
They’d rather take the lead in love and other areas in life, let them have their moments. They also like a little bit of competition, and likes games in the spirit of having fun. If something is done with intensity or mixed-up emotions (i.e. complex emotions directed towards them) they’d probably say no to that as well.  
Venus (Aries)  - Conjunct - Saturn (Aries) [4 degrees]
Phew Im relieved for her! Venus conjunct Saturn can help trim and regulate the more impulsive habits of a native Arian.
She’s much more thrifty than the typical Arian, and less likely to spend her money impulsively if it isn’t going to serve her long term. Saturn itself has a quality to endure and likes to establish long lasting relations. It wants to establish longevity within oneself and with others. 
She’s faithful and loyal to her friends and family. When in love, she exhibits more of her deeper, caring and nurturing side Aries also have. 
She understands her traditions and her duties to the people around her, and can mature her Aries up a little to becoming more reserved and humble. She also can appreciate a little bit more sensibility in people, suitors who only wants to have fun doesn’t catch her attention unless they show the same quality and good sense as she does. 
This really helps her Aries plans ahead in her future as well. Although there’s an innate need for the immediate now, she’s not oblivious to how long-term planning can benefit her and her activities. 
Venus (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees]
The planet of love (venus) and the planet of innovation (Uranus) can sometimes mean she’s more adept to nontraditional relationships within her life. 
This can be in her love life, associates, working relationships or personal relationships. She’s bound to have an abundance of different relationships that she might not even know how to categorize.
But when she feels comfortable with this aspect, she’ll be ok with it. The idea might unnerve her at first, but sextiles typically come to fruition if she works on understanding herself and her expression better. 
She can accept different types of people she’s met in her life, her open-minded sincerity (Uranus/Aquarius ) is met with pleasant charm and a refreshing disposition (Venus/Aries) .
She can also see insincerity in people. The charmingly quick wit of Aquarian and the intensity of Scorpio can bring this about even more in people who has this aspect. She likes to meet people at a middle ground (Aquarius) somewhere they can compromise to being in between. 
She’s freedom loving and likes to give back the space to other people because she feels that’s what they need in order to grow. 
She likes her independence (Aries) and even when she has that intensity about her, she doesn’t mind if others are a lot more cooler or different from how she is- as long as they give the same respect back to her.  
Venus (Aries) - Trine - Pluto (Sagittarius) [0 degrees]
God this is the tightest degree she has. And I’m really glad for it too. 
Her areas of passion and interest (dancing/performance) is transforming her life (Pluto) this is the aspect you can really see how she belongs on the stage and why Black Pink is so so good for her. 
She has a needs to do something with her passion physically (Aries) and she finds it in the form of dance. It saved her. She found ‘it’. She doesn’t really know what to do with it yet, but she dances because she loves it. She wants to show it to the world, to more and more people. 
Pluto talks about transformation, and Sagittarius talks about learning and travelling. Being able to transform and learn every time she dances, she thrives on it. When she can travel with the group on tour, and she can dance on that stage, she lives and breathes passion. She transforms herself when she dance. 
She can express her venus fully and comfortably, she takes on a whole new persona every time and she feels so lively and bright when she can show and do things she’s passionate about. 
This aspect is working amazingly well for her, and her charisma, her stage presence her magnetic aura (Scorpio/Pluto) it all comes and leads down to this. I’m so happy for her and this aspect. God. 
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Mars in Virgo (R)  - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Venus (Taurus) 
Again this is un-aspected, so it’s probably working like her mercury. Usually un-aspected planets are working strongly for the person or it can be hard to find. I think personally for Lisa, she might not find this aspect in herself (un-relatable) especially since it’s in retrograde. It can be abit more slow moving for her to realize or self-actualize than others. 
Mars in Virgo are focused, detail-oriented and often busy people. They can become nervous if they don’t work a lot (when bp comeback doesn’t come, most likely Lisa NEEDED those modeling ads to keep her nervous energy at bay) they become restless if they feel like they aren’t being productive, and do their best to serve or work towards a project. 
Mars in Virgo can be prone to micromanaging alot, and this might affect them personally. They can appear abit scattered or all over the place (trying to do everything at once) as well as micromanaging their feelings or emotions ‘not right now, lets do that later’ - this especially in retrograde, makes them notorious for being harder to anger than even a Capricorn Mars (who actively repress their emotions) Virgo still needs to explode, but more than righteous anger they are more prone to bursts of verbal attacks and creative criticism than anything else. 
They’re less confrontational, and would probably not even realize they’re angry or upset until days later. Lisa having this in 3rd decan AND retrograde, she’s much more prone to neglecting her emotions until later or not realizing them at all, with an innate need/influence to keep peace and positive emotions at all times- she can even neglect her own emotions in order to keep the balance or diplomacy in situation. 
However, if it overwhelms her (both Virgo and Taurus are earth signs, they’re good at suppressing but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel deeply.) she can breakdown pretty easily when she bottles it up too much and be overwhelmed with emotions. It’s good to realize this sooner and learn how to manage her concerns in a healthier way. 
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God I love her. 
That Venus-trine-pluto aspect at 0 degrees really did me in. It sealed my coffin and I’m forever in love with her please write that on my grave stone. 
Usually, Venus-Pluto aspected people tend to have a charm to them. The sexy Scorpio type charm? Even in square or opposition aspect it can come across as magnetizing to other people. Lisa having this working FOR her is amazing to her own benefit. She deserves the world and if she could have one thing in life, it’s this. Her dance IS her escape from her mind. Her performance and travelling and being the group helps her with her personal growth and development, it saves her vitality and her life. She found a good output for her energy and she can finally learn how to unwind and relax.
Lisa has a lot of nervous energy about her in her signs and aspects, especially in her Virgo Mars being un-aspected and her Uranus/Jupiter squares. She’s actually doing pretty well not having a lot of difficult or ‘disharmonious’ aspects to worry about or overcome. At the same time, her mind is her biggest enemy and that in itself takes a whole lot of energy to conquer.  
💕gosh this was really fun to do, time consuming but less taxing on me to provide in-depth explanation on how they’re all working together. I just had to do them separately. Anyways, I’m really glad I did this because I got really excited for her on that one aspect (as well as other areas in her life) I really hope to explore her chart further, maybe romantically or sexually because I totally pg-ed it out on here to save materials for next time 💕 
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callmeakumatized · 7 years ago
Fish Funk - ch. 5
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ao3 ff.net
 Mermay Day Five – Prompt: Moon
After Adrien discovered a set of handholds that ran the length of almost every ship – somewhere – his trips into the open air exploded into life. His world was suddenly full of colorful seafarers, people speaking in a language he recognized, some speaking in languages that almost got him discovered for his gasping. Sometimes there was "music", where sailors would bring out tools that replicated sounds Adrien had only heard through singing. Sometimes there was dancing.
It was the first time Adrien had seen a "woman", which Plagg only described as the female version of a human. She was softer, but more playful, expressive. And when a man danced with her, she came alive.
Sometimes they told stories. On dark nights, seamen of all types – the mean ones with ugly scars and uglier language, a captain to his crew, a woman to a child – retold histories that Adrien wondered if any could possibly true. Occasionally stories of mermaids and sirens would surface, which always made him laugh inwardly at their varying descriptions, none of which ever came close. His favorite stories, though, were the ones of Ladybug. Unlike the others, these all seemed to revolved around the same events and same descriptions. Unlike a description of Neptune, which some say was a merman and some a blue human, to say the least, Ladybug was universally characterized in the same way: small, black haired, spotted, wickedly happy, undeniably deadly. Her stories varied only as much as the voice describing it; sailors would idolize her, pirates would curse her. She wore a mask of red with black spots, and, as the years went on, the stories came of the flag on her ship was colored the same way.
Adrien supposed that was must intrigue him the most about her was how her name and deeds were spoken of like a myth, but she herself seemed to be anything but a mere sailor's tale.
Not all trips to the surface were pleasant, though.
The first time he broke the surface to rolling waves and a sky that was black instead of blue, Adrien learned first-hand what had to have been the cause for the shipwrecks under the sea. The air swirled with agitation, waves pitching and crashing in haphazard directions, growing to frightening sizes. In a flash of light that illuminate his home in a way that made him fear it for the first time, the sight of a ship on one of the mountainous waves met his eyes.
It wouldn't make it.
It was tipping over.
Another flash of light confirmed Adrien's fears: there was nothing left on the surface.
Adrien hadn't visiting the wrecks for months after that. Not now…not anymore. Not after knowing what it took to bring the vessels and the treasures inside to the bottom of the sea.
Adrien swam as fast as he could against the pull of the currents. What he could do wasn't a question. That he needed to – had to – do…something…
Their eyes were closed…they were floating…unmoving… And Plagg was trying to pull him away.
"What happened? Wh-Why are they so still, Plagg?"
"A fish can't live out of water, Adrien. Humans can't live in it."
A sharp tail slap to the face pulled Adrien out of his unwanted daydream.
They had arrived at the shipwreck sight. Adrien wasn't sure of the exact words Plagg had said to convince him of how this was a good idea. In the end, Adrien summed it up to his own physical need to see and feel the sunlight through the sea again – to know that it was still there, and that this hadn't all been a cruel dream – than Plagg's insistence that there would be nothing he would regret seeing. This place had once been a place of discovery, of hidden treasures. Now, though, it was only symbols of death and destruction, and ignorance toward them both.
"Look closer, Adrien."
He didn't want to, didn't want to see, to have more hellish memories to fall back on in the quiet dark…but Adrien did as he was instructed.
They were in a dark room, something flat and willowy, a built structure, in the corner. Nearby, attached to a wall, was a chest not yet decayed like many of the others. With a clawed hand, Adrien lifted the lid of the box carefully, appreciating for the first time that this had been important to somebody at some time. It was, like many of the others he had seen, full of different – mostly unrecognizable – objects, each with a purpose or a story to which Adrien would never been privy. He didn't want to see any more.
Look closer, Plagg had said.
Softly, Adrien closed the lid to the chest and began to drag his fingers across the walls of the room.
The "hurricane" had wiped out fathoms of homes to fish and shark and whale alike. Even the Merpeople, buried in the hidden depths below, had felt the effects of it. But here, amid the once eerie carnage and resulting desolation…
Plagg had tried to explain…this before, but Adrien hadn't known, hadn't really understood. An octopus tentacle reached out from the chest. Coral, anemones, and kelp seemed to transform the place, the off-put creatures who had lost their home now finding new refuge in something that had once been a symbol of death, of beauty lost. A school of brightly colored fish swam passed his face. Not that he was looking for it, there were nestles of eggs, colonies of sea horses…
The entire vessel had become a home to those who had none, scores of creatures who would have died themselves if not for this…blessing.
Adrien reached above him without really looking and grabbed onto the frame directly over his head. He hadn't understood, hadn't known how this great power of destruction was able, in its way, to support life. Adrien blinked his eyes, a warmth made of his own volition, a result stemming from dual emotions of sadness and hope.
A spongy texture touches his finger, and Adrien looks up without moving his hand to see a starfish nudging his clawed digit with a strange fervor. Something slid from one of the arms of the starfish onto his own finger, the starfish releasing him directly afterward. The merboy pulled his hand down to his face to examine the strange item. It was snug around his finger, but not in an uncomfortable way. Black and shiny, the surface seemed to be unmarred like the rest of the things that fell below the ocean. In the middle was a design of bright green; four ovals fanned around something like a disfigured circle. When his focus returned, Plagg was staring intently at him. It was the permission he didn't realize he needed to keep this treasure. For the first time in his life, Adrien thanked whoever it was who was the means of bringing this gift to him.
The ring felt stiff and heavy on his finger as if hanging on by magic as Adrien raced through the tossing currents as fast as he had gone in his life.
After years of listening to stories, and hoping, yearning, the flag that Adrien had dreamed of seeing was finally spotted at the edge of the horizon. His initial excitement propelled him forward without explanation to Plagg, the catfish not even bothering to follow his fast pace. When Adrien paused to surface once again, if just to gaze at the ship before the sun faded into darkness, the sight just beyond caused the blond-haired fish-boy's stomach to churn as much as the ocean would be soon.
It was a monster clawing toward Ladybug's ship. And from the looks of it, they had no idea it was coming.
Marinette watches the moon peek through the clouds. At the creaking of the ladder rope behind her, she hastily swiped at the tears on her cheeks, pinching her nose to hide all evidence of tears there.
"Should've known you'd be up here."
Chloé pulled one leg over the edge of the crow's nest and then the other, coming to stand by her friend.
"It was my shift," Marinette replied easily.
Chloé scoffed. Marinette sighed heavily.
"I needed a break," she finally conceded, leaning to rest her forearms on the rough edge, fingers tracing the edges of her spotted mask.
"From your own party?" There was a smile in Chloé's voice that made Marinette's lips twitch upward as well.
"From your party, of which my name is thrown around as freely as the rum."
"Rum?" Chloé huffed in fake indignance, arms crossing over her chest. "Please. That is the finest diluted wine I could get my hands on."
Marinette laughed at the affronted look on Chloé's face, and Chloé, in turn, smirked victoriously.
"So…" Chloé continued when the resulting quiet stretched on. "No better place than the crow's nest for Ladybug to think of her impending demise? Seriously, Marinette. Marriage isn't a death sentence."
Leave it to Chloé to get straight to the point.
"It is for Ladybug," Marinette mumbled sullenly. The reminder that Marinette's good deeds as Ladybug would suddenly stop, and how, in just a few years' time the ocean would be riddled again with filth was enough to send Marinette back to tears. The fear for the innocents she wouldn't be able to reach was nearly unbearable.
Conveniently, the fact that the Ladybug ships would be continuing their work slipped her mind.
Thinking of it like this also helped her avoid marinating in her own personal woes.
"Says who?" Chloé said accusingly.
"Says my future h-h-heaugh-!" Marinette literally gagged on the word, making Chloé roll her eyes. "Er, future husband."
"Since when have you been dictated by anyone? And don't say the time I put you in the boat!" she added when Marinette opened her mouth, making the black-haired girl scowl at her companion. "We both know you could have gotten out of that easily. And I can't see any of this changing by adding a husband."
"But I'll be hopelessly in love, Chlo!"
Chloé blanched, her expression diving into one of complete surprise. But Marinette didn't seem to notice; her sky-blue eyes went soft and starry-eyed to a point that made Chloé almost slap her to wipe the look off her face.
"I won't want to leave him!" Marinette continued, missing the horrified look on Chloé's face. "I'll want to be by him all the time, him and his heart of gold… Or maybe he won't love me at all! And then I'll live in a world of sadness and despair and pining for what could have been and stuck in a place I'll never escape and I'll never want to get on a boat again simply from being too depressed! And then, in just a few more years, I'll be queen, and my entire future will be laid out before me. Oh my gosh! I don't know how to run a kingdom!"
This time Chloé did slap Marinette soundly across the face.
Marinette looked shocked for a moment, then crumbled in on herself, groaning loudly. Her next words came out muffled by her arms.
"Are you sure you don't want to be the princess instead?"
"I thought we both agreed how much of a disaster that would be."
"I don't care. I abdicate."
"Ugh!" Chloé grabbed Marinette and hoisted her up to stand and look at her. "Marinette, quit being a basket case about this and use your Ladybug brain and think of a solution!"
"I did! I abdicated! Throne is all yours, and no take-backsies!"
"Oh my gosh – "
"On threat of death!" Marinette mimicked taking out her sword before dropping into a classic swordplay pose, one hand behind her head and a closed fist held taut at Chloé's navel.
Chloé looked at her, quite unamused.
The two girls stared at each other for a moment before Marinette, without losing eye contact, started poking her fist repeatedly into Chloé's belly. With each touch, Marinette would cry out in pain in an idiotic way. After the fifth time, Chloé smacked her hand away.
"My sword!" Marinette yelped, then leapt off the edge of the crow's nest as if to go after her "fallen" weapon.
Chloé's shocked face appeared immediately over the edge, eyes dancing wildly as she searched for a moment…before catching Marinette's eye. She smacked the wood rim of the nest and grunted angrily.
"I hate you," Chloé's voice drifted from inside the crow's nest.
"I know," Marinette laughed in reply, hanging comfortably from the rigging just below the lookout spot.
A sudden shout sounded from below from an unfamiliar voice, the same word repeated over and over. After a moment, there were frantic shouts and a stampede of moment on deck. Marinette shot Chloé a look.
"Gall, Chloé. How much rum have they had?"
"Not enough…" Chloé said breathlessly. Her tone surprised her companion. Marinette looked up to see her ashen-faced, looking out at sea with wide, fearful eyes.
A shiver of dread ran through Marinette. They were alone out here, and while they could handle themselves alone well enough, they weren't exactly prepared to do…so…
Marinette, who had climbed back into the nest to see what Chloé was still gazing at, felt her breath catch in her throat. The sight of the moon disappeared into the thickness of the clouds. Suddenly the word shouted from below formed eerily – though belatedly – into her mind.
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cosplaygoddess · 7 years ago
Noire sits up at her desk.  She flicks her head around, trying to figure out where she is.  “Ah, I must’ve fallen asleep while doing some work.”  She stands up and looks at her office, situated deep in her Basilicom.   ‘Huh, it seems dusty in here...’  She picks up a book she loves, blowing dust off the cover.  Right after, she spots a cobweb in a corner.  ‘Ugh, spiders in my office?’
She isn’t able to get a good idea of why her work space seems abandoned before she hears a loud ‘thunk’ below her.  The goddess looks down to see that the floor beneath her has disappeared.  Almost as if gravity was waiting for her to look, she only starts falling when she realizes there is nothing to support her.
Noire is not really used to falling, but she does know how to fly.  She quickly transforms into her CPU fo-  Oh, wait, no.  She doesn’t transform at all.  ‘Why can’t I transform?’ She panics at the realization, and braces for impact.  She hits the ground at tremendous speeds, and is severely inju- wait, no no, that doesn’t happen either.  She instead passes through some kind of canopy and eventually lands with a soft ‘sploosh’ in a marshmallow-like liquid.  “What is this stuff?”  She swims, as much as someone can swim through a gelatinous substance, to what seems to be a tree or a wall.  She holds onto it in order to experiment with the strange substance she finds herself in without slowly sinking into said liquid.
The liquid is viscous and has a number of different parts to it.  She carefully smells it.  “Wow, that smells delicious.  Maybe I’ll have a taste.  For science.”  Noire brings some up to her mouth, and sips a small amount.  “Oh, wait, I recognize this flavor.  This is pudding.”  She takes a moment to digest this information.  “Why am I standing in pudding...”
Just then, she hears a loud sound.  Its deep, bass-y tones suggest a large animal approaching.  But Noire can’t pinpoint where the sound is originating.  “I can barely see anything.”  She takes a look up at where she’s fallen from, but she only sees some light passing through where she broke through the canopy.  The steps become louder and louder before they stop, seemingly very close.  A familiar voice rings out, although much louder than usual.
“Wow, there is some pudding left in here!  I can’t wait to eat it.”  The goddess immediately recognizes the voice as her best friend.  She sadly sighs as the narrator explains this, and looks down.  “Please stop narrating my conflicted emotions about Neptune,” she asks, directly breaking the fourth wall.  However, the narrator agrees to stop, if only because something much more interesting is about to happen.
The “canopy” above Noire opens up, and a large metallic object floats down to pick her, and some of the pudding, up.  “Oh my goddess,” the girl gasps.  She seems to have grasped what is truly happening here.  “I just realized whats going on here,” she continues.  She tilts her head upwards, to meet the gaze of a lilac haired cutie pie.  “I’d chide you for calling her a cutie pie, but she’s about to eat me so I have bigger problems.”  
Noire quickly pushes herself to the edge of the spoon.  She looks down to find a long fall ending at Neptune’s shoes.  Not an amazing solution, but the other option is to be eaten by her best friend.  So the goddess launches herself off the spoon and into the air.  But, strangely, she doesn’t seem to fall at all; her body floats in mid air, seemingly invulnerable to the effects of gravity.  
The helpless girl quickly discovers that the other, much much larger, girl has seen her.  In fact, Neptune seems to be getting closer; or, at least, her face is getting closer.  And closer.  Eventually Noire realizes that she herself is being somehow attracted to Neptune.  The tiny woman seems to fall faster and faster towards her friend.  Just to top it off, every time she looks away, it seems like she’s falling to a different place.  Sometimes she seems to be falling towards Neptune’s left or right eye, and other times it again appears the girl is going to be swallowed by her friend.
Noire wakes up.  She looks around, noting the drool on her desk.  “Aw jeeze, gross.”  She goes to grab a paper towel to clean it up, only to note how dusty the cleaning supplies are.  In fact, everything seems dusty.  And theres a cobweb in the corner.  “Why is my Basilicom so dusty?”
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razorblade180 · 6 years ago
I feel like both of these deserve a reply because I’m genuinely interested in what the things they said. @princessknightt in regards to to your Lancaster response I agree with you whole heartedly. I’ll be honest and say I think of it like that when it comes the tropes and what you said is very true. @tanukyclaws did you consider ruby would talk about her problems if anyone asked her; cause no one really does. Except for Oscar, and she told him what’s on her mind. If you argue they shouldn’t have to then look at V4 when she discusses her emotions without anyone prompting her. That’s the same scene where Jaune proceeds to comfort and reassure her like how she does for him anytime he needs it. That’s a reason people like the ship; they support each other through the tough times.
As for the BlackSun argument I’m going to come at this from two different ways. From a writing standpoint, Blake needed a partner with her after V3 and Sun is the obvious choice cause Blake has been shown to be the type of character who can’t whip herself back into shape; someone has to push her and he’s the best option since Yang didn’t even want to think about her at the time. Now I’ll going at this more realistically; even with pure intentions stalking a person is seen as obsessive. However, this is a close friend you know for a fact is struggling and possibly will do something dangerous; you’re not going to just watch them go it alone. Even if it meant getting a bit pushy you would know it’s better than what would happen if they were alone. @tanukyclaws Sun did not mean to interrupt her conversation with her dad; the door fell. If you’re playing that card, Kali did the same thing. It’s a joke and a segway to the next scene. Also literally everyone having trouble with understanding Blake is apart of her character because she shuts everyone out anytime she’s overwhelmed. Yang had to lure her in a room to talk, Weiss wouldn’t allow her to leave the dorm without talking, and Sun does not leave her alone when she builds up walls cause the only way we’ve seen them come down is by her friends forcing her to interact. If you leave her alone then she runs away; they have to be more aggressive with her.
I’m not gonna argue Bmblb. I think we all know it’s most likely happening and I’m okay with that. My problem is only with the people who refuse to recognize BlackSun evidence a shipper could use to promote it. Or warp the Argus station scene and make it sound like he’s not interested in Blake. Following her wasn’t about trying to get with her; it was about making sure she was okay.
Okay so I have some real strong opinions about both of responses to WhiteKnight. Jaune is a socially awkward person and admittedly asked a lot but he never got aggressive, never made it creepy, and never overstepped physically or verbally. He was just a teenage boy who wanted a chance to show this girl (who he liked for her actual personality and talents) that maybe he’s worth something. Her own team told her she was being really cold to the point it earned her a nickname. @tanukyclaws Jaune yelled at Pyrrah once out of frustrations with himself and he even apologized; that doesn’t make someone a jerk. That’s human nature. As for your comment about him seeing Weiss as an object, that’s just no. If you see your crush ask someone out then you most definitely should back off. That is the scene where he finally let’s go and accepts she just isn’t into him and that if she wanted to acknowledge him then she would’ve by now. If he saw her as an object then he would’ve tried to rebound at the dance but instead he chewed Neptune out for not giving the person he thinks is amazing a chance.
Monochrome I’m not really spending time on because I know the inner workings are more complex and rich. The point I was trying to say is the fundamental trope of it involves Weiss learning and looking pass her preconceived notions of a person. So if someone says WhiteKnight has an overused trope is real lack luster answer. If you said it’s a trope not done well compared to monochrome then that’s a different story. That person has a very good point because one of those ships is literally dealing with one of the overall conflicts in that show and in real life. Of course it’s gonna be handled better and more rich in complexity. I can’t argue that.
Finally, the point of me bringing up tauradonna wasn’t to argue why people hate it. Everyone knows why people hate it, Adam mentally abused Blake. I will never argue or disagree with that and I completely understand why don’t like it; I don’t like it! The point I was bringing up a person can draw or write something about them and will get dragged through the mud because of it. @tanukyclaws yes Neo didn’t abuse Yang; she tried to kill her though. Yet if someone drew or wrote something about them people just say that’s cute. You can argue maybe it’s a head cannon or an AU where they got to know each other after that or it didn’t happen. If someone did this options for tauradonna though they’d be harrassed and seen as awful which would hypocritical in a way. Same goes Emerald x Cinder, in cannon they are messed up but no one really screams that in the comments of their fan art like people do with fan art of tauradonna. What am I trying to say? You can hate something but let people do what they want without harassing them. Unless they’re being fucked up and just awful why bother leaving a rude comment, keep scrolling.
@tanukyclaws netiquette is a term that basically means have etiquette while on the internet. There’s no need to try to insult my friends because they’ll never read this and there’s no point in insulting me because what you isn’t true. Jaune has many flaws that not only I recognize in my writings but Rooster Teeth recognizes in the show and in Q and A’s. Sun isn’t perfect and no one is saying he is. Yeah he oversteps but that’s the character he needs to be because if not plot and development would not happen at menagerie. (Blake most likely would’ve actually died getting their or while she was there.)
I hope this clears something’s up and we can remain civil. I usually don’t respond back to reblogs like these because they’re either full of hate or just not worth the headache but I did genuinely felt like this had to be addressed.
Tea time
(Slightly RWDE)
People are so quick to say they hate Lancaster because it’s boring and the main girl and guy getting together is an over used trope. Yet, whiterose follows the trope of partners hating each other at first but eventually growing close; another old trope.
BlackSun gets criticism for roughly the same thing and for Sun not giving Blake space when she wanted to be alone. However Bmblb has a lot in common in with BlackSun; including how Yang constantly wanting to be there for Blake. Just like Sun did.
I’ve been told WhiteKnight is bad because a girl realizing she judged a guy too quickly after he showed interest is overused and not always the outcome. Monochrome literally involves Weiss looking passed her previous assumptions about Blake and falling for who she is.
Emerald loving Cinder is hot to people and so Neo and Yang. However only tauradonna shippers get called out for being an abusive paring; no matter if it involves a different and better head cannon where things aren’t like that.
I hate to say it but every time I hear someone say “this ship is boring or problematic.” It’s just code for “Your ship isn’t gay enough.” And honestly…
that really sucks it seems like that. I understand not everyone is like this and I’m not bashing any of the lgbt ships cause they’re honestly delightful to see. I’m just concerned some people are so worried about being represented they refuse to they’re causing the divide they’re so desperately trying to close.
Rooster Teeth has shown you that your voices are being heard. You shouldn’t have to feel worried about getting represented; they are definitely going to represent you. They have and will continue to do so proudly and respectfully. Please show this same respect to all these ships that are so called “boring” they are more similar to yours than you may think. You don’t have to like them; you don’t have to spend time bashing them either. That last sentence goes both ways…
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