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nepf-ufrj · 11 months ago
Entrevista com Tati Lopatiuk, criadora da Oficina de Fanfics da FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira de 2018
Tati Lopatiuk é uma publicitária e escritora que, em Setembro de 2018, realizou uma oficina de Fanfics na FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira na Escola Estadual Prof. Mauro de Oliveira em São Paulo, onde conseguiu, através desse evento, abrir espaço para as fanfics na escola pública.
Assim como a Tati, nós do NEPF temos como premissa levar a fanfic para todos os lugares, e as escolas são os locais onde mais devemos incentivar a leitura e o manuseio da nossa imaginação. Por isso, convidamos a Tati para responder algumas perguntas sobre a oficina e sobre qual a importância da fanfic para o desenvolvimento de futuros escritores.
English version here!
#1 - Primeiramente, muito obrigada por aceitar participar desta entrevista, Tati! Conte um pouco sobre você, de onde você é e com o quê você trabalha.
Eu quem agradeço! Eu me chamo Tati Lopatiuk, tenho 39 anos e trabalho em publicidade. Nasci no Paraná, e aos 25 anos me mudei para São Paulo, onde moro desde então. Sou redatora por vocação, e atualmente trabalho como Gerente de Conteúdo em uma agência multinacional. Sou casada há 13 anos e tenho 3 gatos de estimação.
#2 - Como você conheceu as fanfics? Conte um pouco sobre sua experiência com elas e de que forma elas te formaram até os dias de hoje.
Como alguém que lê muito desde criança, sempre explorei todos os gêneros literários ao meu alcance. Com a internet, tive contato com as fanfics quando comecei a gostar de One Direction. Até então, eu não escrevia ficção, apenas tinha meu blog onde escrevia em formato de prosa sobre assuntos do meu cotidiano. Foi só em 2014 que escrevi meu primeiro conteúdo ficcional, uma fanfic sobre o Daniel Johns (vocalista da banda Silverchair). Como fez um relativo sucesso na plataforma onde publicava, Wattpad, comecei a exercitar mais minha criatividade nesse sentido e não parei mais de escrever. Hoje escrevo romances regulares e fanfics também, principalmente envolvendo jogadores de futebol. Tenho 16 livros publicados de maneira independente, sendo que 5 deles são fanfics. Continuo consumindo muito do gênero, assim como tantos outros que gosto de ler, como romance, biografias e suspense. 
#3 - Para você, a fanfic é uma importante porta para o desenvolvimento da escrita de futuros autores?
A fanfic é muito interessante para quem está começando a escrever porque permite que você parta de um lugar seguro: um ídolo ou personagem fictício que você já “conhece”. Grande parte da dificuldade de escrever uma história vem de precisar criar do zero, e com a fanfic você já parte de um ponto, ao ter mais contexto para os personagens principais. Além disso, as tramas das fanfics são mais próximas aos nossos devaneios cotidianos quando se trata da relação de fã: sonhar estar perto, viver uma história com aquele ídolo. Tudo isso colabora para que a escrita da fanfic seja relativamente mais fácil de elaborar, e assim se torna uma ferramenta valiosa, porque a partir do momento que você compreende que consegue, sim, escrever uma história, se sente encorajado a produzir cada vez mais. Assim, vai se aprimorando a cada nova fanfic, o que torna possível crescer e tentar diferentes gêneros e abordagens que antes pareciam impossíveis. 
#4 - Soubemos que você produziu uma oficina de fanfics, qual foi o processo para essa oficina ocorrer e onde ela ocorreu? Nos dê detalhes!
Em setembro de 2018, ministrei uma oficina de fanfic para os alunos da Escola Estadual Prof. Mauro de Oliveira, na zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo, durante o FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira. O convite partiu da organização do evento, onde se buscava que os alunos pudessem expandir seus conhecimentos sobre literatura não só como leitores, mas como autores eles mesmos. A oficina teve cerca de três horas de duração, e a partir do mote “escreva você mesmo o livro que você quer ler”, trabalhei com os alunos o contexto histórico do gênero, trazendo exemplos de fanfics famosas, inclusive aquelas que nem eram vistas como tal, trouxe algumas dicas de escrita, falamos sobre plataformas de publicação e, por fim, encerramos com um breve exercício onde cada aluno escreveu uma sinopse longa da fanfic que pretendia escrever (ou já estava escrevendo). Finalizamos lendo juntos essas sinopses e trazendo nossas percepções sobre os pontos positivos e os pontos a melhorar nos projetos desses alunos.
#5 - Como foi a receptividade dos alunos com relação à oficina? E do corpo docente?
Foi uma turma muito calorosa, interessada e participativa. A oficina de fanfic foi a primeira a ter as vagas esgotadas assim que abriram as inscrições, e muitos alunos me contaram que “nem acreditaram” que a escola traria algo sobre o tema, que eles tinham como algo muito “só deles”. Todos os alunos fizeram o exercício final proposto, saindo dali já com um começo de livro, o que os deixou muito motivados e se sentindo valorizados. O corpo docente se mostrou muito satisfeito ao ver que “acertou” ao acreditar no tema, tanto pelo alto nível de adesão dos alunos como pela felicidade deles ao se verem tendo espaço para falar sobre seus sonhos e seus ídolos.
#6 - Você acha que essa experiência impactou de alguma forma o ambiente escolar e a vida destes alunos?
Acredito que sim. Para mim, a principal sensação que percebi vindo deles foi de validação. O tema fanfic não era novo para nenhum deles ali, pelo contrário, eles quiseram participar justamente para pegar dicas para começar a produzir ou melhorar a produção já em andamento. Senti que foi algo colaborativo, um momento em que criamos juntos, e isso fez com que se sentissem importantes. Afinal, era uma autora, adulta, falando com eles de igual para igual, trocando experiências e mostrando que existe valor no que eles estavam fazendo. Saímos de lá todos muito felizes e inspirados.
#7 - E pra você, o que essa experiência significou?
Para mim, foi uma troca muito interessante e uma reafirmação sobre o valor da literatura em minha vida. É muito significativo poder falar sobre o que nos move e ver que aquele nosso mundinho solitário que existe enquanto estamos escrevendo é algo muito maior, que muitas pessoas estão vivendo isso também, e que, mesmo cada um no seu canto, juntos estamos criando algo.
#8 - Quais dicas você daria para outras pessoas e/ou outras universidades que queiram fazer oficinas de fanfic?
Vale ficar atento nos perfis proeminentes das plataformas de fanfic para descobrir novos talentos que possam transmitir sua experiência com o gênero. Aliás, mesmo dentro da universidade é possível encontrar essas pessoas, então é sempre bom partir do ponto de que é um assunto que já faz parte do cotidiano desses jovens.
#9 - Por último, deixe aqui seus comentários sobre nosso núcleo e para nossos leitores do blog!
Fico muito feliz em saber que existem núcleos assim dentro das universidades, é fundamental entender que a fanfic é um gênero literário tão válido quanto qualquer outro. O fato da fanfic ser mais acessível, tanto em consumo quanto em produção própria, precisa ser visto como um potencial, e não como demérito, como tantas vezes encaramos por aí. No mais, agradeço o espaço e torço para que essa iniciativa cresça mais e mais. Público sempre vai ter, isso eu garanto!
Link para o perfil da Tati no Instagram: @tadsh
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midnighttime · 3 months ago
Fanzine Workshop
Omg I did a very gay little book with @nepf-ufrj
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studiesof-fandom · 10 months ago
The future of this blog
Hi, guys!
How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing great! Today, I came here to give some updates about my life and what it does mean for this blog!
The first one is that I've officially finished college! I graduated with a double major in English and Portuguese! I got A+ on my undergrad thesis! I don't know if you guys remember it, but I wrote an authoethnography about the process of writing fanfiction, exploring it using my own fanfiction. I'm translating it at the moment, so people can check my work if they're interested!
I graduated, but I didn't leave my university! Aside the fact I plan to apply again for the Master's program at the end of the year, now I'm part of the fanfiction research center we have there! At the end of last year, I was invited by the coordinators of the research center to become a coordinator myself! I started working with them last month and it has been incredible!
Just so you know a bit about the research center: It's called Fanfic Studies and Research Center, in Portuguese is called Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Fanfic (NEPF). This research center is part of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), one of the top universities of my country, so you know the work we do is pretty serious and legit. We have a page here @ Tumblr: @nepf-ufrj. We usually post everything in Portuguese and English, so check out the stuff we posted there! Anyways!!!
Some stuff I'll do this semester @ NEPF: a lecture about the reason we should study fans, based on Gray, Sandvoss and Harrington's introductory text of their book Fandom; an introductory class about Fan Studies for newbie researchers; a fanfic terms and expressions dictionary alongside another coordinator from the research center, Julia, and some collaborators.
As you can see, I'll get to dedicate my time for Fan Studies, so I'll try to keep this blog running too! I love the work I've being doing here, even if I'm terrible to update the blog, but this time I've my focus on being an acafan in a way I couldn't do before thanks to university!
I hope you guys will like this new era of this blog and I can actually do a better work now! I'll probably try to get moderators that are involved in fandom research, so they can help me out to run this! But that's all, my people!
I'll post more stuff soon!
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rozecrest · 10 months ago
palisade 41 spoilers - just rambling about my feelings in rot13
v fgvyy srry nyy zvkrq hc naq fnq nobhg svther… v yvgrenyyl znqr n cbfg evtug orsber guvf nep nobhg ubj v jnf jbeevrq nobhg svther qlvat v rkcrpgrq gur cbffvovyvgl ohg vg sryg fb fhqqra? naq v qba’g qvfyvxr gung, vg’f ubarfgyl bar bs zl snibevgr cnegf nobhg aneengvir va npghny cynl vf ubj qenfgvpnyyl guvatf pna punatr jvgu n ebyy be gjb, ubj vg pna srry wneevat naq hacbrgvp naq cneg bs gur sha vf jrnivat gur aneengvir gb rzoenpr rnpu arj harkcrpgrq guvat. naq v guvax qer naq nhfgva qvq n tbbq wbo ng gung jrnivat naq zbzrag uvg ernyyl uneq naq jnf n terng yvfgravat rkcrevrapr. gur pehrygl bs gur shgher… fhpu n cbvtanag ovg bs rzcunfvf sbe svther fcrpvsvpnyyl nf n sbezre pbafreingvir uvfgbel cebsrffbe naq gur svefg punzcvba creraavny jnf urycyrff gb fnir. shpx!
v’z whfg fnq nobhg svther yvxr, nf n crefba. ur’f unq fhpu zbzragf bs gevhzcu naq pynevgl nobhg uvzfrys guvf frnfba, ur jnf cbvfrq ng gur rqtr bs terng ubcr naq serrqbz naq vg jnf qnfurq njnl ol gur n fcrpgbe bs punapr naq yhpx gung’f orra unatvat bire uvz sbe nepf jvgubhg gurz rira xabjvat— juvpu vf irel ggect. ohg vg qvqa’g jbex bhg! yvsr pna or hayhpxl! v nterr jvgu nhfgva nobhg ubj gur gbar nebhaq inyrapr naq svther’f qrngu nyzbfg srry yvxr gur frnfbaf gurl unccrarq va fubhyq or fjvgpurq. irel irel vagrerfgrq gb frr ubj cnyvfnqr ynaqf rzbgvbanyyl.
v nz tynq ng yrnfg, gung svther vf gehyl tbar. gurve obql unf orra chg gb jbex, znqr n gbby ntnva, ohg ng yrnfg gurve zvaq vf abg pntrq. naq sbe n ovg, gurl jrer zber serr guna gurl rire unq orra. gung’f abg abguvat.
birenyy: vg znqr zr srry naq guvax n ybg, juvpu vf zl snibevgr cneg nobhg rkcrevrapvat sevraqf ng gur gnoyr. rkpvgrq va n fnq jnl gb frr gur arjf uvg gur cnegl, rfcrpvnyyl pbev naq oeavar. v’z tynq rpyrpgvp jnf yvxr shpx ab gung’f na vzcbffvoyr cubar pnyy gur znxr, fb gehr. zber yvggyr urnegoernxf gb pbzr sbe gur oyhr punaary. erfg rnfl svther ;-;
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ohmypreciousgirl · 9 months ago
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Por que estudar fãs? O papel do campo de Estudos de Fãs na atualidade
Para iniciarmos as atividades do semestre 2024.1 no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Fanfic, eu apresentarei uma palestra sobre a relevância de estudar fãs e fandom na modernidade e as diferentes ondas de Estudos de Fãs.
Como o NEPF está sempre trazendo projetos para introduzir os Estudos de Fãs à universidade, esse semestre não será diferente! Além da palestra, falaremos um pouco sobre os projetos ativos do núcleo e alguns planos para o semestre.
A palestra será online e ocorrerá no dia 05/04 às 19h (GMT -3). O link para a palestra está disponível aqui.
A palestra é aberta ao público! Quem desejar receber uma declaração de participação será disponibilizado um documento no dia do evento para preencher com seus dados para poder receber a declaração.
Eu e o NEPF contamos com sua presença para mais um evento do nosso núcleo!
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ao3feed-everlark · 2 years ago
Carta de Libertação
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/w1T9XNe
by UFRJnepf
Esta é uma carta trágica de um amante.
Peeta sempre foi apaixonado por Katniss, mas sempre teve medo e não tinha a intenção de se apaixonar. Contrair a “doença do amor” era algo inimaginável para alguém do distrito 12, e por isso, ele não aceitava essa condição: ser prisioneiro dessa doença sem conseguir a cura.
Peeta escolheu o caminho mais fácil para se livrar dos dentes-de-leão, mas será que realmente essa era a liberdade que ele precisava? Ou será que suas palavras poderiam ter mudado seu destino?
Somente Katniss possui essa resposta.
Words: 1208, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro
Series: Part 17 of Oficina De Fanfic do NEPF 2023.1
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Peeta Mellark's Brothers
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hanahaki Disease, First Love, Self-Harm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/w1T9XNe
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sunaleisocial · 3 months ago
Study: Marshes provide cost-effective coastal protection
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/study-marshes-provide-cost-effective-coastal-protection/
Study: Marshes provide cost-effective coastal protection
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Images of coastal houses being carried off into the sea due to eroding coastlines and powerful storm surges are becoming more commonplace as climate change brings a rising sea level coupled with more powerful storms. In the U.S. alone, coastal storms caused $165 billion in losses in 2022.
Now, a study from MIT shows that protecting and enhancing salt marshes in front of protective seawalls can significantly help protect some coastlines, at a cost that makes this approach reasonable to implement.
The new findings are being reported in the journal Communications Earth and Environment, in a paper by MIT graduate student Ernie I. H. Lee and professor of civil and environmental engineering Heidi Nepf. This study, Nepf says, shows that restoring coastal marshes “is not just something that would be nice to do, but it’s actually economically justifiable.” The researchers found that, among other things, the wave-attenuating effects of salt marsh mean that the seawall behind it can be built significantly lower, reducing construction cost while still providing as much protection from storms.
“One of the other exciting things that the study really brings to light,” Nepf says, “is that you don’t need a huge marsh to get a good effect. It could be a relatively short marsh, just tens of meters wide, that can give you benefit.” That makes her hopeful, Nepf says, that this information might be applied in places where planners may have thought saving a smaller marsh was not worth the expense. “We show that it can make enough of a difference to be financially viable,” she says.
While other studies have previously shown the benefits of natural marshes in attenuating damaging storms, Lee says that such studies “mainly focus on landscapes that have a wide marsh on the order of hundreds of meters. But we want to show that it also applies in urban settings where not as much marsh land is available, especially since in these places existing gray infrastructure (seawalls) tends to already be in place.”
The study was based on computer modeling of waves propagating over different shore profiles, using the morphology of various salt marsh plants — the height and stiffness of the plants, and their spatial density — rather than an empirical drag coefficient. “It’s a physically based model of plant-wave interaction, which allowed us to look at the influence of plant species and changes in morphology across seasons,” without having to go out and calibrate the vegetation drag coefficient with field measurements for each different condition, Nepf says.
The researchers based their benefit-cost analysis on a simple metric: To protect a certain length of shoreline, how much could the height of a given seawall be reduced if it were accompanied by a given amount of marsh? Other ways of assessing the value, such as including the value of real estate that might be damaged by a given amount of flooding, “vary a lot depending on how you value the assets if a flood happens,” Lee says. “We use a more concrete value to quantify the benefits of salt marshes, which is the equivalent height of seawall you would need to deliver the same protection value.”
They used models of a variety of plants, reflecting differences in height and the stiffness across different seasons. They found a twofold variation in the various plants’ effectiveness in attenuating waves, but all provided a useful benefit.
To demonstrate the details in a real-world example and help to validate the simulations, Nepf and Lee studied local salt marshes in Salem, Massachusetts, where projects are already underway to try to restore marshes that had been degraded. Including the specific example provided a template for others, Nepf says. In Salem, their model showed that a healthy salt marsh could offset the need for an additional seawall height of 1.7 meters (about 5.5 feet), based on satisfying a rate of wave overtopping that was set for the safety of pedestrians.
However, the real-world data needed to model a marsh, including maps of salt marsh species, plant height, and shoots per bed area, are “very labor-intensive” to put together, Nepf says. Lee is now developing a method to use drone imaging and machine learning to facilitate this mapmaking. Nepf says this will enable researchers or planners to evaluate a given area of marshland and say, “How much is this marsh worth in terms of its ability to reduce flooding?”
The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs recently released guidance for assessing the value of ecosystem services in planning of federal projects, Nepf explains.  “But in many scenarios, it lacks specific methods for quantifying value, and this study is meeting that need,” she says.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency also has a benefit-cost analysis (BCA) toolkit, Lee notes. “They have guidelines on how to quantify each of the environmental services, and one of the novelties of this paper is quantifying the cost and the protection value of marshes. This is one of the applications that policymakers can consider on how to quantify the environmental service values of marshes,” he says.
The software that environmental engineers can apply to specific sites has been made available online for free on GitHub. “It’s a one-dimensional model accessible by a standard consulting firm,” Nepf says.
“This paper presents a practical tool for translating the wave attenuation capabilities of marshes into economic values, which could assist decision-makers in the adaptation of marshes for nature-based coastal defense,” says Xioaxia Zhang, a professor at Shenzen University in China who was not involved in this work. “The results indicate that salt marshes are not only environmentally beneficial but also cost-effective.”
The study “is a very important and crucial step to quantifying the protective value of marshes,” adds Bas Borsje, an associate professor of nature-based flood protection at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, who was not associated with this work. “The most important step missing at the moment is how to translate our findings to the decision makers. This is the first time I’m aware of that decision-makers are quantitatively informed on the protection value of salt marshes.”
Lee received support for this work from the Schoettler Scholarship Fund, administered by the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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jcmarchi · 3 months ago
Study: Marshes provide cost-effective coastal protection
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-marshes-provide-cost-effective-coastal-protection/
Study: Marshes provide cost-effective coastal protection
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Images of coastal houses being carried off into the sea due to eroding coastlines and powerful storm surges are becoming more commonplace as climate change brings a rising sea level coupled with more powerful storms. In the U.S. alone, coastal storms caused $165 billion in losses in 2022.
Now, a study from MIT shows that protecting and enhancing salt marshes in front of protective seawalls can significantly help protect some coastlines, at a cost that makes this approach reasonable to implement.
The new findings are being reported in the journal Communications Earth and Environment, in a paper by MIT graduate student Ernie I. H. Lee and professor of civil and environmental engineering Heidi Nepf. This study, Nepf says, shows that restoring coastal marshes “is not just something that would be nice to do, but it’s actually economically justifiable.” The researchers found that, among other things, the wave-attenuating effects of salt marsh mean that the seawall behind it can be built significantly lower, reducing construction cost while still providing as much protection from storms.
“One of the other exciting things that the study really brings to light,” Nepf says, “is that you don’t need a huge marsh to get a good effect. It could be a relatively short marsh, just tens of meters wide, that can give you benefit.” That makes her hopeful, Nepf says, that this information might be applied in places where planners may have thought saving a smaller marsh was not worth the expense. “We show that it can make enough of a difference to be financially viable,” she says.
While other studies have previously shown the benefits of natural marshes in attenuating damaging storms, Lee says that such studies “mainly focus on landscapes that have a wide marsh on the order of hundreds of meters. But we want to show that it also applies in urban settings where not as much marsh land is available, especially since in these places existing gray infrastructure (seawalls) tends to already be in place.”
The study was based on computer modeling of waves propagating over different shore profiles, using the morphology of various salt marsh plants — the height and stiffness of the plants, and their spatial density — rather than an empirical drag coefficient. “It’s a physically based model of plant-wave interaction, which allowed us to look at the influence of plant species and changes in morphology across seasons,” without having to go out and calibrate the vegetation drag coefficient with field measurements for each different condition, Nepf says.
The researchers based their benefit-cost analysis on a simple metric: To protect a certain length of shoreline, how much could the height of a given seawall be reduced if it were accompanied by a given amount of marsh? Other ways of assessing the value, such as including the value of real estate that might be damaged by a given amount of flooding, “vary a lot depending on how you value the assets if a flood happens,” Lee says. “We use a more concrete value to quantify the benefits of salt marshes, which is the equivalent height of seawall you would need to deliver the same protection value.”
They used models of a variety of plants, reflecting differences in height and the stiffness across different seasons. They found a twofold variation in the various plants’ effectiveness in attenuating waves, but all provided a useful benefit.
To demonstrate the details in a real-world example and help to validate the simulations, Nepf and Lee studied local salt marshes in Salem, Massachusetts, where projects are already underway to try to restore marshes that had been degraded. Including the specific example provided a template for others, Nepf says. In Salem, their model showed that a healthy salt marsh could offset the need for an additional seawall height of 1.7 meters (about 5.5 feet), based on satisfying a rate of wave overtopping that was set for the safety of pedestrians.
However, the real-world data needed to model a marsh, including maps of salt marsh species, plant height, and shoots per bed area, are “very labor-intensive” to put together, Nepf says. Lee is now developing a method to use drone imaging and machine learning to facilitate this mapmaking. Nepf says this will enable researchers or planners to evaluate a given area of marshland and say, “How much is this marsh worth in terms of its ability to reduce flooding?”
The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs recently released guidance for assessing the value of ecosystem services in planning of federal projects, Nepf explains.  “But in many scenarios, it lacks specific methods for quantifying value, and this study is meeting that need,” she says.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency also has a benefit-cost analysis (BCA) toolkit, Lee notes. “They have guidelines on how to quantify each of the environmental services, and one of the novelties of this paper is quantifying the cost and the protection value of marshes. This is one of the applications that policymakers can consider on how to quantify the environmental service values of marshes,” he says.
The software that environmental engineers can apply to specific sites has been made available online for free on GitHub. “It’s a one-dimensional model accessible by a standard consulting firm,” Nepf says.
“This paper presents a practical tool for translating the wave attenuation capabilities of marshes into economic values, which could assist decision-makers in the adaptation of marshes for nature-based coastal defense,” says Xioaxia Zhang, a professor at Shenzen University in China who was not involved in this work. “The results indicate that salt marshes are not only environmentally beneficial but also cost-effective.”
The study “is a very important and crucial step to quantifying the protective value of marshes,” adds Bas Borsje, an associate professor of nature-based flood protection at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, who was not associated with this work. “The most important step missing at the moment is how to translate our findings to the decision makers. This is the first time I’m aware of that decision-makers are quantitatively informed on the protection value of salt marshes.”
Lee received support for this work from the Schoettler Scholarship Fund, administered by the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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ao3feed-pynch · 1 year ago
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nepf-ufrj · 1 year ago
Oficina de Fanzines Presencial - 2023.2
O NEPF realizou no dia 23 de Novembro uma oficina presencial de Fanzines. As coordenadoras responsáveis foram Letícia Pimenta e Maria Clara Carreiro. Abaixo estão algumas das obras feitas no dia do evento.
Leia mais para ver o post completo!
A palavra fanzine vem da contração da expressão em inglês fanatic magazine, que significa em português revista de fãs. Isso significa que os fanzines são publicações feitas por pessoas e para as pessoas que gostam de um determinado tema em comum, sejam elas amadoras ou profissionais. (Fonte)
Durante o evento foi feito um exercício de escrita com os participantes, onde cada um escreveu uma short fic sobre o fandom escolhido e, em sequência, criaram a fanzine baseada em sua short fic. Abaixo estão algumas fanzines produzidas no evento, demais fanzines serão adicionadas conforme o envio dos outros participantes.
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Fanzine feita por Maria Clara Carreiro.
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Fanzine feita por Anônimo.
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Fanzine feita por Anônimo.
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 3 years ago
Marshland Wave Damping
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Coastal marshes are a critical natural defense against flooding. The flexible plants of the marsh both slow the water's current and help damp waves. (Image credit: T. Marquis; research credit: X. Zhang and H. Nepf; via APS Physics) Read the full article
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studiesof-fandom · 2 years ago
I'm back and I hope for good this time!
My God, I'm like EXO - always swear to come back for good and then post twice to disappear for another year lmao
Let me update about my life, so you can understand the reason I disappeared.
Do you guys remember the master degree program I was applying to and I even did a Google form to gather more information to include in my research proposal? Well, I was rejected big time. Mostly because I applied to the wrong type of program. They were expecting something from me that I didn't deliver, so I failed big time. The evaluators wanted me to research about fanfic aesthetic or the poetic language in fanfiction or something along those lines. So yeah, they didn't like my project. It sucked even more because the project they were evaluating was the one my advisor kinda forced me to change and it wasn't even close to my original project (which is kinda funny cause even after changing it to fit his taste I got rejected anyway, so there). Because of all this drama, I've decided to shelve the whole Master program for another year. I'll get a new advisor when I apply for my Master degree, but this time it'll be in the right program. Meanwhile, I decided to focus on finishing my undergrad degree, which I just posted about.
Just so you know, I'm not heartbroken for not getting in the program. Honestly, I think it was the best for me. I learned a lot and I think I grew up as a researcher in a way I haven't done in a long time.
I'm coming back not only because I have to write my undergrad thesis about fic writing, but also because I want to focus in being an Acafan, which is something I haven't done at all. I confess I'm more enthusiastic about fandom research because now I'm part of a study group at my university that focus in researching fanfiction (@nepf-ufrj). So, I think I'll bring the blog back. Maybe I'll find someone who commits to keep this thing going with me. Let's pray for it!
Last thing: I'll update the library soon! I found so many new books, you guys have NO IDEA!!! Can't wait to share everything I found!
I'm sorry for the long text, but that's it! I hope you guys forgive me now!
Have a nice Sunday and see you soon!
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bobacupcake · 3 years ago
could we possible have a spoiler free review? I'd like to hear your take
ask is about ffxiv endwalker and my spoiler free review is i really liked it and im very glad ishikawa was the lead writer
semi spoilerish review under cut, rot13'd just in case because i dont remember if read mores work properly on mobile and im terrified of accidentally spoiling something. you can translate it here https://rot13.com/
v ernyyl rawblrq vg!!
vg ernyyl qvq srry yvxr gur tenaq phyzvangvba bs nyy gurfr lrnef bs fgbelgryyvat naq gurer jrer fb znal zbzragf gung jrer yvxr, jbj, bu zl tbq, guvf gehyl vf gur svany snagnfl kvi raqjnyxre. ybgf bs zbzragf gung jvyy fgvpx jvgu zr sbe fb ybat. nyfb ybirq ubj n gba bs gur punenpgre nepf tbg jenccrq hc naq gur rzcunfvf ba yvxr, bx, bx, lbh thlf, v ybir unhepursnag, v ybir uvz fb zhpu, ohg fbzrgvzrf v ernyyl jnagrq gur tnzr gb npxabjyrqtr fbzr bs gur punenpgref jr ybfg jub jrer abg unhepursnag naq obl qvq vg. jubyr rkcnafvba ernyyl sryg vaperqvoyr, nyfb ernyyl ybir gur jubyr cybg guernq jvgu irang naq glvat rirelguvat gbtrgure vg jnf Ernyyl tbbq. jubyr rkcnafvba sryg yvxr vg fubhyq or bire ol gur yriry 83 gevny ohg gurl fgvyy whfg xrcg tbvat. nyfb gur zhfvp jnf vaperqvoyr gur irefvba bs sybj gung cynlf jura lbh svtug irang vf cebonoyl bar bs zl snibevgr sskvi fbatf abj. nyfb gur jbeyqohvyqvat jnf yvxr, vaperqvoyr, ybirq ynxrynaq vy zurt naq gur grzcrfg va fuo ohg guvf gvzr nebhaq gurl nyy whfg ernyyl oyrj zr njnl jvgu ubj havdhr naq pyrire gurl nyy jrer
yvxr jvgu rirelguvat v unq n srj tevcrf yvxr fbzr bs gur tneyrznyq fghss, fbzr cnpvat fghss gbjneqf gur raq, naq, yvxr crefbanyyl vz zber bs n "yvsr vf jbegu yvivat qrfcvgr gur fnqarff gung pbzrf jvgu vg orpnhfr gur unccvarff nyjnlf znxrf vg jbegu vg" xvaq bs crefba guna n "fnqarff vf bx va yvsr orpnhfr fhssrevat znxrf hf fgebatre" xvaq bs n crefba ohg fbzr cnegf yrnarq gbjneqf gur ynggre, ohg gurer jrer fgvyy n ybg bs gur sbezre va gur haqregbarf. gur jubyr bhe yvirf ner jbegu yvivat guvat jnf bar bs zl snibevgr cnegf bs funqbjoevatref fb gb frr gurz yrna njnl sebz gung va fbzr cnegf, be abg yvxr, yrna njnl sebz vg boivbhfyl gur jubyr ragver cbvag bs vg nyy jnf yvxr ab, yvsr vf jbegu yvivat, vg whfg sryg yvxr fbzrgvzrf vafgrnq vg jnf yvxr "fhssrevat znxrf hf fgebatre" naq zr pheeragyl jub vf fhssrevat qrrcyl jnf yvxr ab guvf vf abg znxvat zr fgebatre v cebzvfr lbh, ohg gur zbzragf bs unccvarff v funer jvgu zl ybirq barf znxr rirelguvat jbegu vg qrfcvgr gur fhssrevat, NALJNLF vz enzoyvat whfg n crefbany guvat naq yvxr v fnvq gung jnf fgvyy Irel zhpu va gur haqregbarf rira vs gurl qvqag nyjnlf rkcyvpvgyl fnl vg bhgevtug fb v qvq irel rawbl vg nyy
NALJNLF gubfr ner zl gubhtugf be ng yrnfg gur barf v erzrzore ng gur zbzrag fvapr vg fher jnf n ybg gb gnxr va. terng rkcnafvba, pnag ernyyl gryy vs v yvxrq vg orggre guna fuo lrg jvyy cebonoyl unir gb yrg vg znevangr n ovg ybatre ohg gur gjb bs gurz ner qrsvavgryl hc gurer nf fbzr bs zl snibevgrf
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ourbastardofsorrows · 4 years ago
brb adding “taught a math lesson without pausing even when the cats had a turf war over my lap” to my nepf brag sheet
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fiercepenguin · 2 years ago
Please consider answering this forms to help out the Brazilian Fanfiction Research Group NEPF in their reasearch! If you’ve ever written fanfiction please answer!!! Lots of love!
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darkseraphscorner · 3 years ago
Neph is doing sit ups when Lief crawls in. “Hey there, what you doing?” She asks.
Leif crawls into her belly, pats it, then lays down and naps.
“..... Help?” Nepf says softly.
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