#neon’s nonsense
neon-catarina · 2 years
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Since you guys loved the "fat orb-shaped virabots," have some more. I've always wondered what the extra virabots used that big secret basement thing.
Yeah Chosen and the virabots don't get along.
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pilesofnonsense · 5 months
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The Rusty Quill Big Bang is back to challenge you (yes, you!) to put your creative talents to the test. If you’ve been waiting for the chance to take on an ambitious project or collaborate with other folks in the fandom, now’s the time!
Writer sign-ups open on Monday, May 20th, with artist sign-ups to come in August.
Schedule for 2024:
Writer Sign-ups: May 20th - 26th
Full First Draft & Summary Due: August 18th
Artist Sign-ups: August 26th - September 1st
Art Draft Deadline: September 29th
Final Fic & Art Due: October 13th
Posting: October 16th- 27th
We will post a link to the sign-up form along with a list of rules and requirements on the appropriate day, but if you’re interested in participating, you can have a look at the full Challenge Guidelines and other information on our blog right now!
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chipped-chimera · 6 months
Since you guys liked the finished planted tank so much, have the tetra update!
A little bit of glass surfing is still happening but honestly was more because I was bugging them with my phone camera than anything. Most of today they were all over the place exploring~ also weird thing in the tank is a Banksia Seed Pod, threw it in for some extra tannins to help with any transition stress (natural antibacterial).
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thedeafprophet · 6 months
I do wonder what kind of reality shows the neon future would have. the possibilites for survivor type shows in the neath is... fascinating. game shows, dating shows.... so many options
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dicethewanderer · 10 months
oooohhhh i get it!
rusty🔄 neon
quill🔄 inkwell
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thepoisonroom · 2 months
btw does anyone have any recs for a pair of lightweight hikeable everyday shoes that they like that are some kind of fun color
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chinchillasorchildren · 10 months
So now The Taste of Things is also a 2023 US release via a single-city qualifying run
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appsartstash · 11 months
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OC-tober Day 30: Magic
Mimosa's an alchemist by trade, but she's also an incredibly skilled wizard, which, in this world, requires a bond with a magic conduit. Omen (the horse one) and Jet (dragon-looking guy) are her familiars, which are born from the connection between a wizard and their conduit.
The part that confuses those around her is that she has two familiars. No one can bond with more than one conduit (and Mimosa only seems to have the one anyway), but both Omen and Jet are definitely tied to Mimosa.
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ghostsandgod · 4 months
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Making my way through the world, taking skooma, getting captured, interacting with demonic entities, you know, just Influencer things.
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nonsense-aesthetics · 7 months
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someratidk · 6 months
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in my neon era, slowly recovering from the worst slump ive ever experienced in my life oml (die ärzte have been my crutch the last 2 weeks oml 😭🙏)
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neon-catarina · 1 year
Well then.
Spoilers to the new purple menace comic!!
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I will admit, @tulipsempai , the new comic was pretty tragic. They were friendsssss aaakdjdsjdjdjd
I don't know why but when characters repeat stuff it always gets to me. If anyone actually gets what I mean, ive used it in pictures and writing and it's engaging for whatever reason!!
Iris (purple character with grey accessory) belongs to Tuilp if anyone didn't know.
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pilesofnonsense · 4 months
RQBB 2024 Writer Sign-Ups Open!
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Writer Sign-Ups are now open for the Rusty Quill Big Bang 2024!
Please read through the information carefully to understand what will be expected of you as a participant.
The sign-up link is at the end of the post under the spoiler cut!
You do not need to have decided what you will be writing at this stage, but please consider whether the fic requirements are compatible with what you have in mind, and be sure that you can commit to contacting us on the below deadlines to share your progress (or withdraw your participation if necessary).
Schedule for 2024 (all deadlines at 23:00 BST / 5pm CDT):
Writer Sign-ups: May 20th - 26th
Full First Draft & Summary Due: August 18th
Artist Sign-ups: August 26th - September 1st
Art Draft Deadline: September 29th
Final Fic & Art Due: October 13th
Posting: October 16th- 27th
Confirmation e-mails for sign-ups will be sent out after sign-ups close; if you have not received a confirmation by May 30, please contact us at [email protected]. We ask that you check your email (including the spam folder!) and reply so we can confirm that your registered email address is correct and you still intend to participate.
Participation Requirements:
You must choose whether to join the Big Bang as an artist or writer. You may not do both.
Writers will require an AO3 account; if you do not have an AO3 account, please request one via AO3’s login page.
If you wish to write M or E rated fics you must be aged over 18.
All participants must read and adhere to the Expected Conduct guidelines (see below).
Minimum Final Word Count: 20,000
Maximum Number of Fics per Writer/s: 1
Maximum Number of Writers per Fic (collaboration): 2
Fic Draft Requirements: At the draft deadline (August 18th), we will require a complete draft of at least 18,000 words. “Complete” means that the fic is written from start to finish with no indispensable scenes missing or left as outlines—think, “If I posted this right now, would I be happy with the story it tells?”
Ideally, you will refine and polish your draft in the remaining time, but it can also be your final draft if you prefer.
Drafts will be handed in via a form that will be sent out to you before the deadline. Drafts should be available in Google docs, or if need be in PDF format.
Summary Requirements: A form for the summary will be sent out to you before the deadline. Summaries should briefly outline the general premise, and include rating, ships, triggers and other warnings, and any other relevant details.
Eligible Fics:
Fics of any rating and with any warnings are permitted, as long as they meet the minimum word count (20,000), are centered around at least one Rusty Quill original podcast (The Magnus Archives, The Magnus Protocol, Rusty Quill Gaming, Stellar Firma, Inexplicables, Chapter & Multiverse, Trice Forgotten, Cry Havoc!, Neon Inkwell), and are tagged appropriately.
We encourage authors to take this opportunity to challenge themselves to take on a project that they might not otherwise—though please consider what is realistic in terms of the deadlines as well!
Fics must be stand-alone (requires no knowledge of previous fics to enjoy), complete (resolves all main plotlines within the story, as opposed to being part I of a trilogy, etc.), and previously unposted.
Crossovers are allowed, but the focus should be on the RQ podcast involved. For example: a fusion crossover with the Leverage Team replacing the LOLOMG in the RQG!verse would not be permitted, though the RQG characters in the Leverage!verse would be.
Please be aware that fics with obscure crossovers, common squicks, higher ratings, etc., may be more difficult to match, and thus take a little longer to get snapped up. We will do our best to find you a suitable match, though!
If you have any questions about the suitability of your fic, please contact the mods.
Matching Process:
The artist sign-up will include a list of the anonymised fic summaries. Each artist will select 3 fics which they would be interested in creating for, with additional preferences (favourite show/shows they do not follow, OTPs and NoTPs, Do Not Wants, etc.) indicated in the comment field. Mods will then match writers to artists, taking preferences into account as much as possible.
If fics are oversubscribed or if it is otherwise necessary for matching, they may be removed from the list of eligible fics before the end of artist sign-ups.
If you have an issue with your match, please let the mods know as soon as possible.
Do Not Wants:
In this event, you will have an opportunity to Do Not Want (DNW) the types of content that you do not wish to work on. Similarly, if you’ve had conflicts with certain people in the past and do not want to risk matching to them, you can include this in your sign-up or draft submission, and we will avoid matching you with them (details of these will not be shared beyond the mod team).
The mods will always account for DNWs within reason; however, attempts to manipulate matches via DNWs or otherwise acting in bad faith will result in the rejection of your sign-up or draft. We are also not private detectives, and will thus not be fielding any requests such as “do not match me with anyone who has ever drawn/written XYZ.” Please keep that in mind when considering whether this event is right for you.
Expected Conduct:
By signing up for this event, you agree to do your best to meet the deadlines. If you might need a little more time, please email the mods to explain your situation before the deadline passes. Those who miss deadlines without contacting the mods beforehand may be dropped from the event without further contact.
In order to participate in this event, you must be willing to contact the mods directly in the event that you have a question, concern, or issue with your participation (as in the deadline example above). We are happy to help participants with anything that arises, but cannot accept “telephone”-style communiques on behalf of others.
Be in regular contact with your match—if you’re going to be offline for a significant length of time, let them know. Radio silence from your match in events of this kind can be very concerning. (If you are having trouble getting in touch with your match, please contact us!)
Please take care to credit your artist/writer in your own final post.
Our Discord server has its own list of rules, which are listed within the server. If you decide to join the server, we require you to read and abide by those rules.
Be kind and courteous towards your match and fellow participants. This naturally means that all forms of bigotry and discrimination are prohibited, but even where those are not at play, you are expected to treat others with respect.
We, like Rusty Quill, have an “all headcanons are valid” policy. Harassment or mockery of those with different interpretations will not be tolerated. This does not mean you cannot discuss how you see the characters with others or that your artist/writer should not take it into account at their discretion, but insistence that any one interpretation must be adhered to is not allowed.
If you have concerns that a work or participant may be in violation of the rules, please bring it to the mods directly. Harassment of other participants (including but not limited to callout posts, name-calling, baiting, etc.), either publicly or in the Piles of Nonsense discord server, over their identities, fanworks, or headcanons will result in an instant default.
A full overview of the Guidelines can be found on our Challenge Guidelines page. We also have an FAQ.
The writer sign-up form can be found here.
Thanks for reading, and we look forward to working with you!  
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chipped-chimera · 4 months
So I (a novice first time aquarium owner with way too much hyperfocus and research) missed the memo that Green Neon Tetra are (supposedly) 'quite delicate' (though everything I read said the opposite) but regardless, I lost a heap of them and have been down to 2 for a while because I haven't seen a restock in my local fish shop for a hot minute. It's to the point I have stuck drawn paper tetra on the side of the tank to keep them company after I realised they were being attracted to the blue light on my headphones - yes this worked, they actually love their little paper fish friends ; m ;
Anyways I have determined they are a male and female and the female is getting ... fat. Likely pregnant. I know my water parameters have always kind of been 'breeding condition' perfect (pretty sure a female was carrying eggs before the ich outbreak got em :c), so maybe I'll get more green neons after all. And for free. That's provided the eggs survive in there between their own parents, cories and a pleco so pls pray for my mama neon to drop those eggs somewhere not stupid because there is no way I am catching them in there to put them in a breeder box between a massive hunk of wood and all the plants.
I mean at least I can feel better about the turnaround here - they're thriving in there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thedeafprophet · 6 months
Do you think they'd be able to get WiFi in polythreme in the neon future
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aesfocus · 11 months
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A farmer from Whiterun hold.
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