#neji's death
okamirayne · 11 months
*a Wild Friend turns dramatically in your desk chair cradling a fluffy white cat (it's a plushy)*
Do you ever think about how Neji spent his whole life rebelling against fate and destiny to be able to carve his own path only for Kishimoto to kill him off doing exactly what his destiny was determined to be from birth and then retroactively make his whole life struggle meaningless by establishing that fate is actually a real thing in the world by having Naruto and Sasuke be literally the chosen ones destined to change the ninja world
*takes a sip of tea (it's apple juice)*
I think about this a lot cuz it feels like a real fart in my face, ya know
*takes another sip, the cup is somehow fuller than before (it's tears)*
Anyway, this is definitely not me trying to not immediately dive into OtC after bawling my eyes out over BtB nuh-uh, no way, no how...
Except it totally is and I'm losing that battle, goodbye
*the Wild Friend turns the chair again and disappears*
*a Wild Friend turns dramatically in your desk chair cradling a fluffy white cat (it's a plushy)*
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Do you ever think about how Neji spent his whole life rebelling against fate and destiny to be able to carve his own path only for Kishimoto to kill him off doing exactly what his destiny was determined to be from birth and then retroactively make his whole life struggle meaningless by establishing that fate is actually a real thing in the world by having Naruto and Sasuke be literally the chosen ones destined to change the ninja world
......*reliving the event*....
.......*eyes begin to twitch*....
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........ *defaults to the Dastardly Twins excellent method of deep-seated denial*
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I think about this a lot cuz it feels like a real fart in my face, ya know
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Oh yes. I know. I bloody know.
I bloody remember it...
*considers the ceiling with false calm* You know when you laugh for a minute because you're so deep in the ass-end of feeling emotionally gaslit and cheated that you're processing the crap that's unfolding at the speed of a virus-molested XP Windows laptop...you know the one, right? You've got about ten alerts going off but you're stuck like a frozen monitor...your screen is blank...I mean, you can smell smoke coming outta your vents...but you're not catching on....because the BASTARD BACKDOOR MALWARE plot device you're reading (or watching) is like some dirty little Trojan Horse worming its way through your mother-bloody-board and your CPU is like WTF, cannot COMPUTE...and you're still not too alarmed because system's aren't yet fully shutting down...I mean...
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Oh ho! What's this?! Neji just got impaled? Neji's on the brink of shuffling off his mortal coil!? What tosh! What Bollocks! Oh so he's leaking vital fluids...so what? That's happened before! No need for alarm. Nothing to see here, kids. It is but a scratch! A flesh wound! Just a waft of smelly red herring Kishimoto has thrown in there to distract you from the fact that there's no WAY that Neji's freedom-seeking character arc is about to go up in flames...because...
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Argh...*self-soothes, violently*...Way to kick-up the feels, Wild Friend...I probably deserve it...fair play to you, fair play...
Well...it is at this point that we have no other choice...
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And I am still honoured and touched that you revisit BtB and it's following instalments (bloody hell, you read fast btw) to help with the hurt...or maybe to masochistically pick at the scab...but I get it...Damn, I GET IT. I mean, I swore up and down I'd never go POST WAR....and then Heaven Hold Us made a dirty little liar outta me.
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badly-drawn-pigeon · 6 months
My favorite moment in Naruto is when Obito is indulging in his dramatic monologue about finality and irreversibility of death while standing next to a literal zombie
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Naruto boys react to your death
A/n: I’m feeling sad right now, because of Boruto Two Blue Vortex chapter 10. Iykyk.
Warning(s): Talk of death, grief, general angst. Did I miss anything? Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Neji
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Naruto Uzumaki
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★ He found out after he got back from a mission in the land of waves, the atmosphere of the village was almost suffocating. When he heard what happened to you he felt like he couldn’t breathe, just like when Jiraiya died. ★
★ Naruto completely isolated himself from everyone, he could barely keep himself together. He didn’t feel like even his friends could help his grief. Everything felt so different without you around, his apartment was so quiet. ★
★ Everything remind him of you, he felt completely lost and alone, like nothing could quell the intense feelings he felt. He truly didn’t know what to do without you…★
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Sasuke Uchiha
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★ You had gone on a mission, you promised him you’d be back in a week tops but that didn’t happen, it and been a month by the time the news of your death got back to Konoha. At first, he wanted to deny it, you promised, you couldn’t be dead? Right…..? ★
★ Once the reality of the situation hit, he realized his worst fear as come true. The only person he truly loved and had left was gone and he was alone….again. Unlike Naruto his grief was hidden under the surface and he kept his stoic demeanor until one day he just cracked and broke down. He felt the same way he did when his family was murdered…★
★ There was a lot of guilt associated with your passing, he started to overthink everything about what went wrong, maybe you would’ve still been here if he had gone instead or even accompanied you. He went through every possible scenario and the guilt was eating him from the inside out. He wished he could’ve been there….. ★
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Neji Hyuga
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★ It was supposed to be him…not you. During the war when he stepped in front of the ten tails spears he braced himself to die and he accepted it, but when the feeling never came he turned and saw your back to him, you sacrificed yourself for him…. ★
★ Neji didn’t understand, why did this happen? It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! He watch as you collapsed to the ground, he was almost in disbelief with what happened. When he broke out of tunnel vision he ran over to you only to see you were already gone. ★
★ When ninja medics finally arrived, he didn’t want to let go of your body, his generally cool and stoic nature had been shattered and all he could do was whisper how much he loved you to your body. ★
Thank you for reading, I truly do appreciate it <3
Do not repost
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fairyluffy · 1 year
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All this time I’ve been called a genius, so I cannot lose.
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lizajane2 · 2 months
Oh, do I have time today. I have been in the Naruto fandom for a long time, and I've never seen Rin get hate until today. What the fuck do you mean it's her fault that Naruto was deprived of his parents?! She was just a kid!! Who had been kidnapped and Isobu was sealed inside of her, which was programmed to attack Konoha. That wasn't her choice, she didn't ask for that to happen to her.
Rin committed suicide to protect the village, and because Kakashi refused to kill her. What we're not gonna do is villainize her for future events that Obito caused. Sure that was his reasoning, but she is NOT responsible for what Obito did to Minato and Kushina. That's all on him, their blood is on his hands. But if we're gonna be pointing fingers, the one to blame for the cause of it all is Madara.
I don't wanna hear or read about Rin being responsible for depriving Naruto of a happy childhood when her own life ended at eleven. She was a child too.
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animeomegas · 8 months
You saying that Neji is one of the most requested characters actually reminded me of an angst plot line I thought about a couple weeks ago.
I don’t usually think about Neji dying (because he shouldn’t have but that’s besides the point) but it does have really good angst potential.
I imagine an alpha who’s a bright person, kinda like Naruto but to a lesser degree and they have a huge crush on Neji. I’m talking ginormous crush on him. They meet Neji when they both enter the academy because they’re also a shinobi but they don’t interact with him very often because he’s Neji.
During the Chunin exams when Neji reveals what the Hyuga clan has done to him they make it their mission to help Neji get out of the clan. They go to see Neji after his match (they lost in the previous matches) to make sure he’s alright and then they promise to help him be free from his clan. Neji being Neji denies the alpha at first because he’s stubborn and doesn’t want the help but as they get older he can’t help but think about the promise the alpha made to him.
During the war the alpha almost dies and when Neji comes to check up in them they tell him that they refuse to die so easily because they made a promise to him and they intend to keep it for when the war is over. I like to think it would reflect when the alpha first made the promise to him with the alpha being hurt instead. Neji is the tiniest bit less stubborn and while he doesn’t directly accept the alpha’s words it’s clear by his body language that he is more accepting to the alpha now that he’s older. Then he dies :D
The alpha basically falls apart when he does. They feel like a failure, like an awful alpha, their chest hurts so much they feel like they’re dying. They don’t understand why it had to be Neji (I’d change his death to an accidental one honestly because his canon one is bad) he just wanted to be free and live how he wanted but instead his life got cut short at 18 with him still being a prisoner.
When the war ends the alpha can barely do anything. They can’t eat, can’t go anywhere, can’t get out of bed and can barely sleep because they see Neji is their dreams. In said dreams Neji often blames the poor alpha for not protecting him like they promised they would. Their friends come to see them to comfort them but it doesn’t work because they can’t bring Neji back to life. Their friends are super worried about them because it’s been almost 4 months and the alpha hasn’t had any improvement and just keeps drowning further and further into their grief.
I had 3 ideas for the ending 1 angst, 1 bittersweet, and 1 hopeful. One was that the alpha dies from the heartbreak of losing Neji. They weren’t mated but they loved Neji so much that they just couldn’t take it.
The second one is that the alpha decides to just give up and waste away. They’re friends stop them and get the alpha help but they will never be the same. Yes they have their friends with them but they don’t have Neji. They appreciate their friends but they just wanted to be with Neji again. The alpha keeps living as a husk of what they were before but at least they have their loved ones to help them.
The last one is that the alpha decides to live for Neji. To help make the change Neji wanted in the Hyuga clan. When Hinata becomes head they help her fight for the side branch members to be treated equally to main branch members and they adopt a child from the Hyuga clan. They don’t mate or court anyone else but they are content with their child and other loved ones.
Also Hinata treats them like family because I love found family and she knows how much the alpha loves Neji. She also is their biggest supporter both while they are grieving and after because I said so.
I swear this is the biggest idea I’ve had in a while. My brain has been legit empty ever since. Neji both fills my brain with many thoughts and empties it all the same. I wanted to make this into a story but seasonal depression hit hard so :\
This broke my heart in the best way, anon, thank you so much, but also how dare you 🤧 No thoughts, only Neji. Seasonal depression is rough, and I hope you're doing okay. If you do ever write this though, please tag me, I would love to read it, even if it would probably make me cry :(((
I adore the idea of the alpha dedicating their life to living in a way that honours Neji. They help fix the Hyuuga clan with Hinata, they adopt a Hyuuga orphan, they look after his old team and make sure all his friends are doing well. It's bittersweet, but 🥺
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p2ii · 9 months
'we need more stories with complex and nunaced themes and world building that doesn't exist in black and white/where no one is uniquely good or bad' y'all can't even handle the freedom fighter trope when they use 2% violence in their own liberation
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 year
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Well that line aged well 😭
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everyneji · 7 months
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orviposition · 9 months
lee sookyung/persephone/hades has such untapped potential it's funny– mother would prob (unintentionally) sweep them off their feet XD but at the same time i think even singnshong would feel bad ripping away hades after lsk finally had a chance to a loving relationship (its ok persephone still here 😔) not that singnshong prob felt all that bad for kdj and hades but thatsnot the point lol
it really still feels so unreal that hades is dead like?? not the father who stepped up orz
personally i think persephone and hades just like w kdj would know of ways to heal lsk from her trauma although it wouldnt be an easy journey.
the hilarity of lsk and persephone being at odds over who kdj can date or not (cuz lsk is a yjh anti after all) and poor hades stuck on who to support so he just hopes he can retreat without being noticed (he does get noticed). kdj is not part of the decision making crew even if his future is on the line btw
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It kinda annoys me how Naruto had that whole speech about defying fate during his fight with Neji in the chunin exams, but then later on it was “prophecy this” and “toad’s dream that”
I think it would’ve been cooler if they had leaned way more into Senju’s/Uzumaki’s being at odds with the Uchiha (Hashirama and Madara being friends plus Kushina and Mikoto being friends was phenomenal, but it weakened the whole “natural enemies” and “cycle of fighting” for me) and if all the prophecies including Naruto were supposed to end in a tragedy
Like if it was actually fated that Sasuke was going to kill Naruto
But then it didn’t happen, even with a situation in this au of Hashirama and Madara being right there and trying to force the two of them to fight, both of them said no and made their own path
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alybur635 · 1 year
Kept this just a bit messier cause it looked better to me haha
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epickiya722 · 5 months
If there is one funny scene is Naruto that I remember is the scene where Gai starts this team cheer where they're supposed to put their hands in and of course, Rock Lee is already on board and TenTen is just like "yeeeeeaaah 😬" but Neji? Neji had me in tears. The whole time he just has this look of "I'm not playing these games" at Gai, like he was not with the tomfoolery.
Eventually, TenTen gives in but Neji is still glaring like he's just trying to explore his teacher with his mind but Gai was just still grinning. Then it cuts to the landscape and all you hear is Gai making these noises like he's starting a motorcycle and when it cuts back, Neji got his hand in, too but he is so annoyed. 😆
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erumai-maadu · 2 years
you know, i think tenten will also give them good luck charms for protection like how she gave her tsunade-sama one in sd.
she totally would, with her penchant for fortune telling, she’d handcraft three good luck/protection charms and give them to each of them.
I like to think she gives them to each of her team at different times.
Lee gets his first, after Tenten overhears him telling Gai-sensei about how he has almost lost hope in his dream to beat Neji.
“Perhaps just hard work isn’t enough,” he sobs to Gai-sensei as Tenten walks away, her heart heavy. She hands him a little good-luck charm at training the next day, a carved dragon, quietly telling him that he should never lose hope.
Neji may be a genius, but Lee is a genius of hard work, and she will protect his boundless hope until he achieves his dream. Perhaps it comes from a place of selfishness. After all, Tenten is no genius herself, and Lee’s hope is her hope too.
Or maybe it’s not selfishness, but relatability.
Whatever it is, Lee thanks her with a huge hug and many, many tears. Tenten protests loudly, but deep down, her heart swells.
He always keeps it in the hidden pocket of his jumpsuit, and never forgets to take the charm out before washing it. He shows it off with pride to everyone, much to Tenten's chagrin.
Gai-sensei receives his next, after both Tenten and Lee end up in the hospital after the Chunin Exams.
After Tenten is healed, she finds her sensei standing over a sleeping Lee, tears rolling down his face. He immediately puts on an act when Tenten walks in, but she knows what she saw, and it weighs on her.
The next day, when Gai-sensei pops into her physical therapy to check on her and offer some good old Gai-sensei encouragement (motivational shouting), Tenten pulls him aside. She hands him a small charm she’d made the previous night, a little wood turtle carved with the symbol for luck.
“Don’t worry sensei, the people you care about will always be okay!” She smiles brightly at him as she sets the charm in his hand. “It’s for protection—”
Gai-sensei’s thanks is also in the form of many, many tears and shouted declarations of his sweet lotus flower’s kindness and compassion. Tenten’s response, as usual, is loud and embarrassed protests, and a secret smile muffled in Gai-sensei’s broad shoulder as he hugs her tightly.
Gai keeps his charm in the safest pocket of his jounin vest, going as far as to ask Genma to give him a seal to make sure it never breaks or gets damaged. After all, his lotus gave it to him so he could protect her and her teammates, and he would rather die than let her down.
Neji is the last to receive his charm, after his fight with Naruto in the final round of the Chunin Exams. He sits in the hospital room and tells her about everything, his clan, his uncle apologizing to him, his restored faith in the future.
"I will change my clan," he insists to her. "I will better it, for all of the Hyuuga."
The next morning, through the rubble of a torn-apart and betrayed village, in the wake of the Sandaime Hokage's death, Tenten walks to the Hyuuga compound dressed in her mourning clothes and deposits a small carved phoenix charm in his hand.
"What's this for?" he asks, turning the charm over in his hand and studying it.
"Good fortune, protection." Unlike the rest of Team Gai, Tenten always keeps her stories to herself. For some reason, she finds the words tumbling out of her. "My mother used to make them for me. They were for protection and good luck."
Neji nods. He runs a thumb over the carved bird's wing. "Protecting what?"
"My hopes, my well-being, whatever it was she thought needed to be protected."
Neji finally looks up at her, understanding filtering through his gaze. Tenten turns around, ears burning. "Come on, let's go. They'll kill us if we're late to the funeral."
Neji stows his charm in the pockets of his clothes and jogs after her.
Several years later, when Lee surpasses everyone around him, his taijutsu a shining beacon of his hard work and dedication, he is ever aware of the wooden dragon in his pocket, the way his hope is a reflection of Tenten's. He vows to work harder, to prove to her that she can do it just like him.
He will protect her hope too.
On the battlefield facing down Madara Uchiha, Gai quickly moves the little turtle charm to the pocket over his heart. To protect the village, to protect his precious students, he can do anything.
"Eighth Gate of Death, release!"
As medics work to stabilize Neji in the emergency tents, they find a blood-soaked phoenix charm clutched in his hand.
His full recovery is nothing short of a miracle.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Rapid fire thoughts from this evening (some are n-sfw, but not explicit)
Todoroki can’t bare to fight his intended mate during the third year sports festival. As soon as he injuries them once, he turns around and steps outside the ring. He just can’t bring himself to hurt them. 
Bakugou is the opposite. He would take great offence if you went easy on him or tried to forfeit, so he doesn’t disrespect you by doing that either. 
 Asmo cannot function while his alpha is mad at him. Or even if he thinks his alpha might be mad at him. He’ll only last a maximum of an hour after a fight before he cries and begs for forgiveness. 
L is so incredibly touch starved. Like, to an unbelievable degree. It shocks him so much how often he craves physical attention after surviving so long without it. A little scratch to the scalp and he melts into a puddle. 
Drunk Neji and sober Neji are worst enemies. Drunk Neji is always one encouraging statement away from giving his alpha a blowjob under the table in a bar and sober Neji wishes he could kill that part of himself dead. 
Aizawa and Zen tie for the strongest hair pulling kink. 
Kakashi is secretly a massive gossip, but he only shares the things he knows with his mate. 
Shikamaru finds it impossible to masturbate to anything other than his obsession. He feels repulsed if he tries to use porn or random imaginations. 
Light has a secret con noncon kink that he will not reveal even under torture. 
Kusuo thrives as a stay-at-home parent.
That’s all for this evening <3 People are welcome to share their rapid hcs though, I’d love to read them :D
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