#neil murdock
loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Birth of a King
Summary: This is the story of how an ancient king was born and of the legacy he created.
Genre: general
Word count: ~2100
Centuries ago, in a land which has since lost its name to the passage of time, there lived a young Lord.
The land which the Lord ruled over was one that carried many burdens. A drought which left crops frail and few. Plague had stolen away too many innocent lives. Even the living were left as frail as the elderly, so much so that they couldn’t work as they once did. Towns at the edge’s of the Lord’s territory were victim to attacks from wild beasts and bandits alike.
The Lord saw the troubles of his people. It frustrated him terribly. What could he do for them? He had too little wealth to hire soldiers to drive away the evil-doers. He could not command the rain to fall. There was no way to restore the strength of the sick and impaired.
As the land struggled and the Lord searched for a way to help, he happened upon an old legend of a dragon. The dragon of legend could grant power to humans and would do so if they were sought out with an earnest heart.
“It’s just a fairy tale, m’lord!”
“Regardless of how truthful it is, we can’t risk you going away!”
“My liege, send us instead.”
The Lord shook his head at his advisors and stated with the firmness of stone, “I am the lord of the land. It is my people that suffer. It should be myself pleading to the dragon, if they in fact exist.”
Thus, the Lord set out in search of the dragon. He rode the finest steed through hills and valleys for any trace of the great dragon. As tired as the Lord grew and as dangerous as the journey was, he never lost heart, for his people’s future rested on his shoulders. The Lord, eventually, found the dragon’s lair high in the mountains.
“Majestic” was the first word to come to mind. The Dragon was larger than a house and shined like the golden sun. So too like the sun did it radiate warmth and light.
The Lord offered his horse to the Dragon, for he knew he couldn’t merely demand the ancient being’s aid. The Dragon granted the Lord to approach and speak his case. The plight of the Lord’s subjects was recounted. As the Lord spoke, the Dragon sensed that his heart was pure and intentions were true. Once the account ended, the Dragon agreed to grant a favor, a dragon’s boon, to the Lord.
“Drink my blood and what powers you require shall be granted unto you. If the burden is too heavy for your shoulders alone, pass it onto others the way I have shown you. Be aware that this boon comes with conditions. The first is unavoidable: commanding the nature of the world is taxing. Blood is the sacred force of power and thus, you must regularly consume it—fresh and pure—to maintain your strength.”
The Dragon sunk its head low to look the Lord dead in the eyes. The Lord felt the very ground shake from the heavy tone the Dragon spoke with.
“The second condition is one I give for the world’s sake. Listen close and listen well. Should any human use my boon for their gain alone, all who bear the power shall be cursed. Neither life nor death shall take you as their own. The sun’s rays from which I was born will seal your strength. The purity of silver will burn your tainted flesh. And the wrath of the living will not be quenched until all with my power cease to be, with their corrupted hearts pierced through and their heads taken from their necks for their thoughtless evil.”
The Lord agreed to the terms. Though the Dragon’s blood tasted bitter and burned in his mouth, the Lord managed to swallow it and made the Dragon’s might a part of him.
During the journey home, the Lord tested the full extent of the Dragon’s boon and prepared to teach whoever he would share the power with.
With the Dragon’s boon, the land slowly came out of hardship. The Lord was careful to give powers to as few people as possible, only his closest advisors and subjects he evaluated to be upstanding individuals. Those who were granted the power gained the strength of ten men and sharpened senses like an eagle’s hunting eyes or a hound’s nose. The Dragon’s boon also allowed the boon bearer’s bodies to heal from even the most grievous injuries.
The greater powers of the Dragon’s boon were as follows. The skies—rain and wind and lightning—became subject to human command, allowing the Lord to end his land’s drought. The minds of beasts could be commanded, allowing hunters to drive off predators that would do harm or draw in prey to feed the people. Lacking skilled knights, the Lord passed on the power to command blades and shields with their minds to fight bandits to a group of his subjects and trained them to fight that way. Raising the dead was a gruesome power but it was used to speak with the deceased to hear any final regrets and resolve them. The power to peer into the minds of others and compel them to speak made the trial of criminals child’s play. Those found guilty would be placed under the influence of curses—later known as maleficium—to punish their wrongdoing while still sparing them from death. The Lord hadn’t been sure how to make use of shapeshifting at first but it turned out that his subjects were willing to act in the place of sickly plow oxen or pack mules. These seven powers were shared with a good handful of noble heart though only one, the Lord first granted the boon, could wield all at once.
With the Dragon’s boon, the nameless land prospered.
Those bearing the Dragon’s boon partook a portion of blood each day, the greater the use of power the more blood they required; a sparrow could make a man confess his crimes while summoning a day’s worth of rain required feasting on the blood of a grown stallion. Otherwise, they lived and died as normal humans would, no more than fifty years to any man or woman.
The Lord who first received the Dragon’s boon passed the responsibility of protecting the whole of the power to his Son before dying. The Son humbly took his father’s place and kept a careful eye on the boon bearers.
Tales of powers granted by a dragon spread as rumors to neighboring lands. One Nobleman’s ear was turned toward those stories and desired to make use of them himself. He ventured to the nameless land. He watched the people and saw those carrying the boon of power. He eventually gained an audience with the Son and requested for a share of the power.
“Surely there is more use to these almighty gifts than merely pulling carts through streets as a horse or causing a little spring shower,” the Nobleman remarked. “Imagine the wars that could be won if you didn’t have to concern yourself with the lives that could be lost on the battlefield. You could bend a tyrant’s will so they bend the knee to you!”
“Conquest is not the purpose of the boon,” replied the Son. “It was given in the name of service and in the name of service it shall be used. I cannot share the power if those are your intentions.”
The Nobleman refused to accept such an answer. He slipped a poison to the Son’s wife and children, promising an antidote in exchange for the power he sought. Because the Son loved his family so dearly, his heart needed only to falter for a moment. He cut his hand and offered his blood, and the boon’s power, to the Nobleman.
Not even a moment after drinking the blood and feeling his body fill with inhuman strength, the Nobleman attacked the Son, breaking his neck in one fell strike. He took the complete power of the Dragon’s boon for himself. Furthermore, he left the wife and children to rot from poison. With blood on his hands, the Nobleman awakened the Dragon’s curse in every boon bearer.
Their hearts stopped. The sun’s golden rays sealed their powers, only to be used at night. Silver pendants and rings scorched the wearers as the holy metal rejected their new, monstrous state. All knew at once that their fates had been sealed.
At evening, the Nobleman presented himself before the citizenry of the nameless land and declared himself their new ruler, the King of the Night. Those who voiced dissent, be it humans without power or those with the boon, were met with death.
The King of the Night turned those with the same lust for power as he and began a conquest of terror. Whenever the sun went down, he and his undead soldiers trampled enemies beneath them. Villages drowned in torrential rains. A squad of only ten or so undead could raise weapons for a hundred hands to slay an army of a thousand. Maleficium spread incurable plagues to people who would stubbornly refuse to submit. Even if the enemy complied, their minds were twisted or stolen away entirely by the King of the Night’s otherworldly compelling.
The rampant use of his power brought about intense bloodlust, one that the blood of beasts failed to quench. His hunger grew and grew until he sank his fangs into the flesh of an unfortunate servant. And that, at last, sated the King of the Night. With that revelation, the King of the Night encouraged his subjects to feast on humans as well.
The boon bearers gave into their inhuman hunger and the blood of countless innocents was spilled. The actions of the King of the Night and his subjects gave rise to certain tales. Pale and fanged monsters. Creatures repelled by silver. Beings who escape death time and time again. The “vampire” was born.
Some details regarding vampires were mistaken observations. Devout souls who were forcibly turned despaired before their former faiths, leading to the belief that vampires were weak to holy symbols. Garlic was never a weakness but the pungent scent did irritate the sharp senses of vampires. Misinformation of vampires burning in the sun spread because vampires fled the dawn to keep their powers if only for a few minutes more. That is the nature of the world, though, for the facts to be twisted as they are spread and misunderstood.
Vampires terrorized humanity for years… Decades… Centuries…
Until eventually, humans unwilling to succumb to fear of the King of the Night and vampires found one another. With their shared knowledge, they developed techniques and strategies to hunt the vampires. They coated blades and arrows in silver to do as much harm to the monsters as possible and ensure their deaths by decapitation and piercing. They found that the silver coating also meant vampires could not manipulate the weapons. So too did silver fastenings on clothing prevent such control. Silver piercings were also upon those who hunted the creatures, as they would weaken mental manipulations and maleficium, the greatest of the vampires’ powers. Those dedicated to eradicating the blood suckers became known as the Vampire Hunter Society.
The war between vampires and Hunters was not a short one. Though the Hunters’ silver weapons killed many vampires, the vampires’ inhuman strength and powers killed far more Hunters. Vampires, with their ability to heal and immunity to natural death, outmatched the humans who could not regain lost limbs or put their bones back into place.
There were vampires who didn’t fall to evil. Those among the first to be turned and survived their “king’s” initial slaughter or those turned against their will tried to use their power to oppose the forces of evil. Their good deeds, however, did not spare them from death. Sometimes it was by the hands of the Vampire Hunters. Other times, the King of the Night executed the “traitors.” The King of the Night saw all that his kin did and could even control their actions to fight with more ferocity.
For that reason, the Vampire Hunter Society believed that if the King of the Night were to be slain, then the war would come to an end.
All who tried to slay the King of the Night failed. Centuries of fighting had made him strong. Greater than any man. More like a force of nature. Some Vampire Hunters feared that there was no way to defeat the King of the Night. That vampires would be a terror to humanity for the rest of time.
However, the Dragon’s words would be fulfilled. One day, in a future yet to be, there would arise the sun to dispel the reign of night.
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lovelybucky1 · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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hey everyone!!! this is where all of my kinktober posts from this year will live (each fic will also be on my main masterlists under their respective fandom and character).
i dont have characters picked out for each prompt yet because i want to allow myself to write what im inspired about at the time
i hope you enjoy my fics and as always, please please please support writers and reblog their fics so more people can enjoy them (and it motivates us to create more content)
prompts under the cut
1. porn- neil lewis (no ship/x reader)
Bad Habits
2. anal sex- robert fischer x callgirl!reader
Special Request
3. corruption kink- college au!anakin x reader
Smoke Me Out
4. femdom- jonathan crane x batgirl!reader
Sweeten the Deal
5. piss kink- anakin x wife!reader
6. pegging - neil lewis x reader
Smile For the Camera
7. fear play- jonathan crane x reader
Better Than Revenge
8. choking - batman x scarecrow (scarebat)
High on Your Own Supply
9. hair pulling - best friend!anakin x reader
Nice Guys Finish Last
10. pet play- tommy shelby x reader
11. threesome- oppenheimer x lawrence x reader
The Doctor is In
12. somnophilia- psycho au!jonathan crane x reader
Crane Motel
13. knife play- best friend!anakin x reader
Bad Guys Win
14. bondage- darth vader x reader
15. praise kink- han solo x reader
Pass the Time
16. degradation kink- tommy shelby x reader
Treat Me Wrong
17. sweat kink- lacrosse player!anakin x reader
18. cross dressing- jake "hangman" seresin x reader
Laced Up
19. breeding kink- trailer trash!anakin x reader
20. roleplay-
21. mask kink-
22. voyeurism-
23. spit kink-
24. daddy kink-
25. monster fucking-
26. glory hole-
27. dry humping -
28. sex pollen-
29. dumbification-
30. clothed sex-
31. predator/prey-
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abbyhaslongshorts · 7 months
Every character I relate to has adhd, and is bi, aroace spec, and nonbinary cause I am and I said so...
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unredact3d · 1 year
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youre so real random person on tumblr
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✨ Charlie Cox as Tristan Thorn ✨ 
“For the pivotal role of Tristan Thorn, Matthew Vaughan cast the relatively unknown young British actor Charlie Cox after auditioning him several times. 
Born in London in 1982, Cox had previously appeared in The Merchant of Venice (2004), Casanova (2005), and the BBC remake of A for Andromeda (2006). 
“Tristan is a character who has to go from a nerd to a swashbuckling hero,” producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura explains. “He has to travel a long way as a character.”
“This is Charlie Cox’s first starring role,” reveals Neil Gaiman. “He just came in and nailed it on the audition. Once we had seen him, there really wasn’t any doubt in our minds. He was so obviously right for the role. There were lots of young men who could come in and play gormless and awkward, and there were others who could be wonderfully cool heroes. But there was nobody else who could go from one part to the other as convincingly. You really believe in the progression of his character throughout Tristan’s adventures.”
“Most actors will audition once or twice, get the part, and then start the character work,” reveals Charlie Cox, “whereas I kind of found it during the audition process, which is really interesting.” 
“I think Charlie has such amazing screen presence,” says Jane Goldman. “There’s something so unbelievably genuine and truthful about his performance. He brought an incredible naturalism to what is basically a fantasy film.” 
“When we first meet Tristan,” hair and makeup designer Fae Hammond explains, “we see him living in a small Victorian house in a small Victorian village. We had to make him look very ordinary, so I kept his skin tone very pale. Charlie Cox is a handsome guy, so we couldn’t do anything too over-the-top to make him ugly, but we gave him a geeky haircut and a pale complexion with no definition around the eyes, so he just looked a bit gormless.” 
~ excerpt from Stardust: The Visual Companion
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
based on all my favourite characters you'd think i have a bad relationship with my father but you'd be wrong
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chellestrash · 1 year
chelle’s masterlist
Carmy Berzatto
Ethan Sawyer
Matt Rayburn
Sam Rossi
Shane Walsh
Paul Hill/John Pruitt
Will “Ironhead” Miller
Ephraim Winslow
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sbd-laytall · 2 years
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
Thanks for the tag @sturionic
This was so hard because there are soooo many characters I wanted to name, but I could only choose one for each fandom. These are some of my favorite characters in no particular order.
Neil Josten–AFTG
Jesper Fahey–Grishaverse
Pharaoh Atem–Yu-Gi-Oh
Matt Murdock–Marvel
Tim Drake–DC
Guinevere "Gwen" Pendragon–BBC Merlin
Georgia Warr–Loveless
Sam Winchester–Supernatural
Percy Jackson–Riordanverse
Rory Gilmore–Gilmore Girls
I'm sure later on I'll probably mentally change my mind, LOL.
Tagging: @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @sarahkies @butchest-lesbianest-grandaddiest @agenderraypalmer @eruthiawenluin and anyone else who wants to do this.
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daredevil-artwork · 1 year
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Daredevil by Neil McClements
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on-the-outside · 1 year
im fine.
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I just think guys with circle sunglasses—
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hi tumblr! i wanna write fanfic but i have no idea what lol :)
send requests!
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onlypartialfucks · 2 years
"Characters from tv shows" themed birthday party, had to bring a little Good Omens (bonus pic with my brother as Daredevil, were i look like a female Matt Murdock)
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First up X Men:
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Matt and Nat!! (Also matt having his mom stay is canon 🥺 and i love that he's Irish)
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Peter being adorable 🥺
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
Hi Neil, long time fan, first time caller. I was skimming through my issues of 1602 recently and I noticed a few details of Matt Murdock's origin were very different from canon (even allowing for time differences). For example, in 1602 he doesn't lose his sight playing the hero; he eats some goo. And his Ma is around to chide him. I was wondering if you were intentional in these details or if it was just a matter of telling a very complicated story in which you couldn't pay close attention to everything.
I don't mean to be negative. Your characterization of him is still very fun, as you really lean into the Irish parts and have him being a terrible singer and it's delightful. I was just wondering. Have an amazing day!
None of the heroes and villains in 1602 have exactly the same origins or lives that they have in 1961-1964ish. That's sort of the point. Angel doesn't join the X-Men in 1963 by being rescued from the Inquisition, and wasn't the last of the original X-Men to join the team.
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Dr Doom isn't injured by a machine he's built to communicate with his dead mother. And so forth.
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Sweet Caroline (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Work has been super busy lately, but I got ahead of schedule this week and I listen to music at work and everything kind of fell together and I wrote this. It's not the best I mean TBH it's probably very crappy, I know that, but it's cute and sweet. I hope you enjoy! :)
Summary: The rivalry between Boston and New York is deep-seated and long-standing, but you're proud of where you come from—just smart enough to not announce it from the rooftops in Hell's Kitchen, or to your friends. Turns out, no matter what—through years of friendship, marriage, and everything that follows—there will always be the rivalry to some degree.
Suggested Listening: Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
Warnings: Fluff, Boston vs. NYC rivalry, not proof read at all, really
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page
Word Count: 1,046
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Moving from Boston to New York City is a cardinal sin. It doesn’t matter that it was for law school: “You couldn’t get in to Harvard? Suffolk?” “Oh, too good for Boston, now, are ya?” The kind of comments go one and on, especially once you made the decision to stay, having met your two best friends and deciding to open up a law firm with them. You can just imagine the similar sort of comments you'd get in Manhattan if people heard that you're from Boston. Therefore, you keep that part of your background on a strictly need-to-know basis, only free to wear your Boston attire and drink your Dunks in the comfort of your own apartment. The first nice spring day in the city means that your Bostonian nature is out in full force in your home—some windows cracked, a pot of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee brewing, and your favorite hand-me-down Red Sox t-shirt you’ve had for years comfortably situated onto your body.
Your freeze when you register a knock on the door.
“Knock, knock!” you hear Foggy call through the old wood. “We’ve got pizza and case files!”
“Just a second!” you call, putting down your mug of coffee and making your way over to let them in.
“Traitor!” Foggy shouts almost immediately.
“What?” Matt asks, his face scrunched in utter confusion. 
“Oh, Fog, c’mon,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
“I am being no such thing!” Foggy defends. “This is a proportionate reaction for the situation!”
“I think you’re both forgetting that one party in attendance is blind,” Matt chimes. “Can someone please fill in the details?”
“(Y/N)—if that’s even her real name—is wearing a Boston Red Sox shirt.”
“I will not accept Bostonian slander in my apartment, so if you boys—.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Matt rushes, putting a hand on your closing door. “You’re from Boston?”
“Why’d you never mention it?”
“Never came up.”
“Lie,” Foggy interjects. “The day we met, we asked where you were from.”
“You said the city,” Matt adds. “We understood that as New York City.”
“That was a misinterpretation on your part. Boston is a city, and I did grow up there,” you clarify. “Hence, I’m from the city. You are at fault for not inquiring further.”
“It feels like I don’t even know you,” Foggy sighs.
“Okay, goodbye, drama kings,” you say, trying to close the door once more, only for both of your friends to slip in.
“Seriously, why’d you never just tell us?” Matt asks.
“You act like I told you I had a secret family or I was Daredevil or something!” Foggy has to help steady Matt—Matt's clumsiness is starting to get more concerning. “I didn’t tell you because I knew how you’d react as through and through New Yorkers. I’ve heard everything in the book about Boston while I’ve been here. I didn’t want to hear it from my friends, too.”
“(Y/N),” Matt says, the tips of his ears bright pink. “We don’t mean it like that.”
“Then how do you mean it? How else and I supposed to take it?”
“You blend so will with New York,” Foggy says.
“Now I’m insulted.”
“No—it’s just that you’re a natural, really. That’s why we’re shocked. That, and you don’t speak like—.”
“—like I want to park the car in Harvard Yard?” you question with an exaggerated accent, making them both laugh, albeit nervously.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint.” You pick up your mug of coffee from the counter, taking a sip. “What case files did you bring?”
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“Sweetheart, she smells so good,” Matt hums in delight as you both rest with your newborn in the hospital room.
“I know, Matty,” you smile. "Or are you forgetting that pregnancy made me have super senses, too?”
“Yeah, but that’s nature at work.”
“Mm,” you hum, taking another sniff of her head. “She smells so new.”
“Is it weird we’re this enamored with sniffing our newborn?”
“No. We made her. We have the right to sniff.”
As you continue to fawn over your daughter, you hear a gentle knock on the door. You notice Foggy and Karen peeking their heads through the crevice, gifts and balloons in hand. 
“Is now a good time?” Karen asks.
“Well, you are interrupting our baby-sniffing time, but I guess an exception can be made  for you two,” you say.
“I’m gonna ignore the baby-sniffing comment because I’m too excited to meet my niece,” Foggy beams as they enter the room and get closer. “Oh, wow. That’s a cute baby. I mean, of course she is, look at the gene pool she got to swim in.”
“She’s precious,” Karen whispers in awe. “Great job, guys. More so to you, (Y/N).”
“Thanks,” you breathe, resting your head against Matt’s.
“Does she have a name yet? Or is she still Baby Girl Murdock for now?”
“Well, Matt had a suggestion,” you start.
“Caroline,” he finishes, smiling sweetly at your daughter.
“Aww. Caroline Murdock. It’s so pretty,” Karen hums. “She looks like a Caroline.”
“Caroline?” Foggy asks. “Like . . . Sweet Caroline?”
“Foggy, how long has it been since you found out that I’m from Boston and you’re still on this?” you chuckle. 
“No, it’s not that! It’s nice. It’s a real show of love for a New Yorker to name their kid after the anthem of the enemy city.”
You look down at your daughter, the picture of relaxation as she rests in your arms.
“Sweet Caroline, bum, bum bum,” you begin to sing. “Good times never seemed so good—.”
“So good! So good! So good!” Matt adds on.
“Traitor,” Foggy smirks.
“You’re gonna be my little cute Boston fan, aren’t you?” you say softly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Matt tries. 
“You don’t even like sports!”
“It’s the principle of the thing! And you don’t like sports, either.”
“It’s the principe of the thing,” you mock.
“Yeah, but I love her.”
“I do, too.”
“So, Caroline? Is it official?” Karen asks.
“How about Caroline Josie Murdock?” you offer. “She does need a middle name, after all.”
“It’s perfect,” Matt hums, kissing your temple.
“A perfect marriage of Boston and New York,” Foggy smiles. “Just like her parents.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​
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