deathgasmic · 2 months
yes you should bring the ski mask but only for completely normal reasons i promise :)
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ethory · 1 year
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
This isn't, like, the biggest deal, but I do find it funny when people are almost... surprised or shocked that converts unironically believe in judaism and also unironically align themselves with jewishness. It's just something I've seen a small handful of times and it's like... of course I (and others!) unironically believe in this stuff. I'm not putting in this work because I don't have enough going on in my life
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farosdaughter · 20 hours
Sauron can mansplain, manipulate, mutilate his way through Middle-Earth for thousands of years and still genuinely love Galadriel btw. It’s called range
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anonyanonymouse · 1 day
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Anyone who's seen Monster, don't ask me who any of the other characters are or how the plot progressed before this point because I have No Clue
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cartoonsinthemorning · 3 months
youre singlehandedly feeding every one of us marchil enjoyers who are also freaks, thank yuo...
What a sweet message, thank you Anon! I've drawn Marchil 3 times only, and I can't hold the candle to some AMAZING and productive artists that also draw our OTP, but knowing I made a fellow freak, specifically, feel fed and understood is very very heart warming and gratifying.
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atleast8courics · 1 year
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snugglesquiggle · 2 months
the juzi novice considers the possibility that nuzi works so much easier, so much more naturally on every level, and thinks this is an obstacle to shipping them, or worse, denies it.
the juzi adept understands this fact is double-edged, a key ingredient in the explosive chemistry, the faultline on which things can break
because it's not toxic yuri if no one gets hurt
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comicsansstein · 3 months
>open reddit slash ar slash games >see an interview with Hades II's art director >first comment is voicing his disappointment with returning character's redesigns >downvoted to minus fucking ninety >some top mind in the replies:
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What do I think about contemporary reddit's culture? Well, a quote comes to mind:
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lovetogether · 1 month
Being interested in taboo subjects comes a sense of understanding that you will be seen as weird or even sometimes “wrong”. We enjoy fetish content from a pov of deep fascination and utter obsession, though these very topics can be a source of discomfort for others, it’s important this is understood and respected. If anything knowing you will not always be liked helps in being less afraid. Learn to read a room, don’t bring up certain subjects which may shift a mood if brought up around the wrong person. Make sure you’re somebody that others feel fine saying no to, or than they’re uncomfortable. In all this though remind yourself so long as you are not taking part in something harmful to others you are justified in your interest. Everyone should have space to exist and exist so loudly and boldly as they can. Don’t cross boundaries, but don’t apologize for existing either.
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binarybitex · 1 month
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wally n hana wip for the website :p
( + snippet from the chapter "the club of hearts")
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if-mirrormine · 8 months
idk how you feel about country music, but 'she wouldn't be gone' by blake shelton really gives me grayson vibes. maybe not the breakup part, but definitely the frantic looking for someone and wondering if you did something different, would they still be here?
i see the vision. and i am on board.
but i also wouldn't discount the breakup part if i were u. there are three bad endings after all🤭
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heavencasteel420 · 3 months
I actually agree with quite a few defenses of Billy, but it’s frustrating how often they turn into victim-blaming of Max or Lucas or Steve, or refusing to extend the same empathy to those characters as they do to Billy. Like, if you’re going to make the argument that Billy isn’t (fully) to blame for how he acts at the Byers house because his abusive father will punish him if he doesn’t bring Max home and also being battered constantly has done a number on how he responds to conflict, then you can’t reasonably blame Max for handling the situation like a scared kid instead of an expert hostage negotiator. Likewise, Steve is reasonable to stand between Billy and the kids, based on the information available to him. And he’s also just a teenager in a weird situation, not an expert in deescalation.
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morsmortish · 2 months
[replying to your last text] beth i discovered what my problem is with bartybella: bella doesn't have a defined personality in my head.
so share... share your deepest thoughts... convert me...
oh irene dearest…bella is one of my fav characters at the moment…let me ramble….
she’s the eldest child of the house of black, but she’s never been the favourite. they all wanted sons, or well-behaved, subservient daughters. bella is none of those. she does not quite know how to play the game, like cissy, not does she want to run away, like andromeda. she loves her family, but she has never properly been loved back.
the key part of bella’s character that is vital to understanding bartybella is her innate desire to be desired. she has never been favoured by anyone- her parents prefer narcissa, who prefers andy, who prefers ted. at best, she’s the second favourite, the backup option, no matter how much she tries. she’s somewhat alienated from her family, who tend to deal with secrecy and underhand tactics and Complex Evil Schemes more than outwardly exhibited ‘wickedness’. their weapon of choice is poison, whereas bella’s will always be a knife. she does not move subtly, and her victims will always be brutalised and bloody when she’s done. she always tried to act in the best interest of the family, but even just The Way She Is is too much of an incongruity for them, she’s too volatile, dangerous, unmanageable. they never fully accept her, and this is her worst nightmare. she wants more than anything for them to want her. she endlessly chases after the idea of being important to someone, whether that is her family, yes, or even tom. (i wrote a post on how this trait works in terms of bartybella here.)
aside from her crippling, all-consuming need for validation, bella has a lot going on that makes her so interesting. she is More Than A Little Batshit, and she is not afraid to show it. she’s maniacal, she’s mad, she monstrous. she loves blood and violence and death and gore. like the rosiers, she collects animals from her back garden to experiment on- not in the name of science, but in order to take them apart limb by limb, for fun. she loves knives and other sharp, shiny, dangerous things. her canines are just a bit too pointed. she grows her nails out to resemble talons. she’ll do anything to feel powerful. she’ll do anything to feel important.
she’s also hot as shit. we’re talking pointy heels, leather, short short dresses, silver rings, eyeliner, lots and lots of black…to quote myself, she’s the ultimate goth girlfriend.
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yucky-bug · 10 months
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Who wants to be a test subject to my evil invention? Who knows what will happen, it could be fun. Just stand in front of the nozzle of my dastardly device and I will press the big red button to activate it. Simple as that.
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