#needle juniper
pointandshooter · 9 months
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Needle Juniper, Bonsai & Penjing Museum, Washington, DC
photo: David Castenson
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lexezombie · 8 months
Oops oops oops oops
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Y'all ever go looking for your bestie/claimed sister and end up injured, trapped and being drained of ur blood?
yeah man I hate when that happens,,,
(Juniper is the glitter Pop-Troll, Caspian is the Techno-Troll)
This weird situation I think is happening either during the events of BTG or after it -- surprise to no one, I'm bouncing off the 'Trolls Are Drugs' idea again but making it much much worse <3
I prommy Juniper isn't dead don't worry she's just knockin on heavens door rn lmao
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balkanradfem · 2 years
So, remember a few posts ago when I made up a game to go outside and identify every tree I see, but I had to give it up because it's February? And nothing has leaves? I remembered later this doesn't apply to evergreens! Evergreens are still out there, and actually much more easy to point out, now that everything else is bare.
So. This is the knowledge I gathered from various sources from the internet!
Pines have long needles and they grow together in bunches, their silhouette is rounded at the edges, distinct and easy to recognize.
Spruce's branches are always pointed up, and grow upwards. Their needles grow in all directions out of the branches. Their needles also have 4 sides to them, and are easy to roll between fingers.
Fir's needles grow only to the left and right, and leave the middle of the branch exposed. The back of the needles have 2 white lines. Their lower branches point down.
Yew's needles are soft to touch, their color is more vibrant than the other evergreens, they grow red berries on them. Their needles also only grow from the sides, and not in the middle. Yew is the poisonous one that must not be mistaken for the rest!
With this info in my mind, I set off! This is the first evergreen tree I found, right in front of the building. I never tried to figure out what it was before.
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It looks majestic. What I can see here, is needles growing in every direction from the little tip I took off, so I decided it has to be spruce.
The next tree I noticed was in someone's backyard, but I wouldn't let that deter me! It was big and noticeable from far away! So. I sneaked in to take a picture:
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Isn't it beautiful? This one also has needles growing from all directions, so it has to be another spruce. But, this one also has some tiny cones growing? I noted that as interesting, and moved on to the next.
Then I saw these two in people's backyard:
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And I thought, well what are these? At first I thought, cypress, but these are obviously two different things, and they seem to be bushes at that, and I didn't research any bush varieties, so I had to let that go for now. If anyone can tell me their names I would love that!
And then I found lots more of similar trees!
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They were definitely planted for decoration, and they're planted all together, but some of them have kind of a purple berry (cone?) growing on them, while some don't, and I'm not sure if they're the same species. Though I do think sometimes trees will grow their fruit only from the side that is more exposed to the sun, so it's possible the branches without berries are just underexposed to the light.
So the next several trees I found were spruces, or so it seems. I'm starting to get suspicious, because first, why didn't I know we were in a spruce-supremacy biome, second, why do all of these trees look so different? Look at them:
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Look how janky some of them look! That is fun! Is that really a spruce? They all had needles growing in all directions, and the tips of their branches pointing up, but I'm starting to get suspicious and feel like these are different varieties of trees and we just called them all 'spruce' and moved on.
Then I, on purpose, went to the place with pines, where I usually harvest my pine needles for tea. This is, one of the most beautiful pines in the city:
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This is not even a good picture of her, this being is divine. She's about the only thing that makes this place livable, every time I see her I'm astounded and filled with awe, she's so gorgeous and lush and perfect? Her shape? The feeling of being closer to heaven when you look at her? She has it all. I don't even know how they made that gorgeous tree grow next to such an ugly building. Anyway.
Close by is a little park made out of pine trees, I was able to find a little pine cone! And here are the pine needles:
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These can be eaten, added into meals, they can be made into syrups, tinctures, and they make a very calming tea! You can also weave a basket with them, which I did once! Blessed source of life.
Spruce and Fir needles are also edible and medicinal, but I've never tried them, so I'm not gonna talk about that yet. But here's whats NOT edible. The deadly yew tree:
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She's so soft to touch, it's almost impossible not to recognize. If you touch an evergreen and it's super soft and pliable, do not eat it! She's also beautiful and vibrant with her colors, I took pictures of this tree before, just because it was so pretty. You can see the needles also grow only on the sides, and not in every direction like the spruce.
And then, I noticed this tree from the road, and it was Different from all of the others. Firstly, it was growing new shoots, which most of the others were not into. Second, it looked super lush and healthy. I couldn't back out further to take a better picture because of the cars behind me, but I grabbed a little shoot, and checked it.
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And see these needles how they're only growing to the sides, and not from the middle? And when you turn the needles on the other side, I know you can't see it, but there were 2 white lines on them! I've found a Fir!
That was the first, and the only fir I've found. I was so happy, relieved, and thrilled to find, all 4 evergreen species in walking distance of my residence. I also was pleased to know that my methods of recognition were true, firs really do have white lines on the underside of needles. Who knew!
Now, these are not all of the trees I've found, but the rest I found only gave me more questions than answers. I've found some baby spruces that looked completely different, like this:
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And while I do find these adorable, I wanna know why are they so different? Is it because they're tiny? They look more lush and healthy, is it because they're cared for or they're different, imported species? Why is that last tree in the middle of cone production, while the other spruces are after different businesses? If this is a matter of different varieties then I'm personally offended nobody explained this to me.
Also, I found this bush? And it smelled? Incredible??
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The scent of this was thousandfold the power of any other plant. Smelling this transported me into a thousand old forest and underground. After touching this, my entire hand smelled like it for the rest of my trip, I could smell nothing else. It was pine-like but also plant like, and deeper, stronger, like I was smelling not the ends of the plant but the middle of a tree, the center, the roots and the soil. I took a bit of it home to smell. I think it will do me good. Further research revealed that this is a juniper bush, well known for its intense and overpowering scent!
I'm happy to report that this tree ID mission has cured my anxiety for the day, made me feel like a sneaky little secret scientist, gave me special inside knowledge of the evergreen tree society around me and had me meet some awesome trees! I also found some I didn't even know were growing close to me. I looked into making the syrup from the needles, but found out it required outrageous amount of sugar, so I gave up on it. I'm going to use little branches and shoots I took to make tea out of all of the edible plants instead.
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Dawn of the Clans Cats stuff in no real order
(Note: Small mistake was made with Dangling Leaf. Don't use canon names as placeholders, kids.)
Alder saw Thunderstar as a brother, and wished she could have gotten to know him better as a child. She is fiercely protective of her adoptive mother, and wished that her adoptive father would seek peaceful solutions rather than fighting. She went WILD when Leafstar created the Mediator role.
Morning Whisker
Morning Whisker lives! But she doesn't really feel at home in the Moor. She prefers the more closed spaces, and leaves to join Shadowclan. She helps raise kits there, becoming a permanent Queen with Bumble, who she quickly bonds with.
Dewy Leaf
Dewy Leaf was not in a happy relationship with Moon Shadow. The two fought all the time, they were pressured to get together by their families, mostly Dewy Leaf's mother and Moon Shadow's father. She was having an emotional affair with Sharp Hail after she'd taken vows of loyalty (an equivalent of marriage, it isn't extremely binding, because polyamory is a thing and is very normal) and when Moon Shadow caught wind, he just wanted to leave. She wasn't the best mate for him, and she tried to be a good mother to Sun Shadow, but in the end, we have to live with our choices.
Shattered Ice
Shattered Ice actually leaves Riverclan after a while, rejoining Windclan. He missed the taste of rabbit and loved tunneling, something that just isn't safe in Riverclan. He would later go on to have kits with a Rogue named Olive, later bringing her and their kits (Little Stone and Pale Breeze) into camp. Culture was different back then.
Pine Needle
Pine Needle will become mates in the future with a lovely tolly named Shimmering Carp, and become the grandpa to a future Riverclan leader. He is the ancestor to Greenflower and Mintclaw, 2 Riverclan apprentices in Into the Wild. His son Puddle Whisker looks just like Greenflower. His grandchild is Laurel Shine, who becomes Laurelstar.
Dawn Mist
Dawn Mist is Riverclan's first permanent Queen, and has another litter of kits during Riverstar's Life, Misty Flight and Gray Paws. She would go wild if she knew what was going on in Riverclan right now, but she isn't really paying attention to the living anymore.
Rainswept Flower
Rainswept Flower is now Jagged Peak's mate! She was one of the rare cats that would be happy with any bit of land, but was happy to stay where her closest friends, Hawk Swoop and Cloud Spots. Her bloodline is still around today! Through her daughter, Dew Nose, ancestor of Tallpoppy.
Juniper Branch
Her son, Dangling Leaf, is the ancestor of Rosetail. Juniper Branch herself is also chosen as Shadowclan's deputy once her mate Ravenstar takes over when Shadowstar dies. She retires at the end of Skystar's Life, after a long, fulfilled life.
Dangling Leaf
Speaking of him! He stays in Shadowclan his whole life, but his child, Echo Tail, leaves Shadowclan and joins Windclan. His description (aside from scarring) matches Windflight perfectly. Dangling Leaf himself is a powerful warrior, and a bit of a romantic. It attracted him 2 mates: Holly Bird (Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter, one day Birdstar), and Mossy Creek (a former loner who fell in love with Shadowclan's ways. Back then, this was extremely normal)
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strawberryteabunny · 4 months
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finally finished knitting these socks! The cable pattern has bunnies in it 🐇
Yarn is from Juniper Moon Farm, Herriot Fine yarn in the color ‘timber wolf’ (75/25 baby alpaca/nylon). Needles are size 0 wooden needles from lykke. Bunny cables are from ‘Bunny Sock Hop’ by Ann Clark on Ravelry
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honoura · 27 days
Shaaloani: The Land of Enchantment Part Two
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Hello again! First of all thank you so much for your responses to these posts -- I've really enjoyed reading your reblogs. I'm glad folks are enjoying this!
As I mentioned in the first post -- here is the second half! It's covers the plants and animals I thought worth special distinction. By that I mean animals that communicate how much research was done regarding this zone. So no rroneek, no uxtena. It's pretty clear they are both meant to be buffalo and rattlesnakes.
And if you're somebody who hadn't caught that, um... surprise! That's what they're based on.
If you're somehow getting this post without reading or seeing Part One first, here is a link to Part One. I'd recommend giving it a read first.
With that taken care of, let's pick up where we left off before!
Shaaloani Flora
Aside from the cacti, there are a lot of plants I recognize as native to the regions discussed in Part One! First is this scrubby, short and wide tree. It took a few screenshots and a lot of scrutiny. I was torn for a bit thinking it was a creosote bush, but upon zooming in close I'm of the mind it's a redberry juniper tree instead!
The leaves are long and thing, and the shape gives to mind of juniper needles more. Juniper 'leaves' kind of scale over each other and between texture resolution and my horrible eye sight I can't tell if this does the same. Still! There's a photo below my two screenshots for further emphasis:
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These are also the trees turned red near the ceruleum fields -- junipers tend to do that when they are dying. They are also incredibly hardy so typically when you've managed to kill one it's likely not good.
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I will say when I was out here I noticed the botanist gathering log has mesquite beans on it -- and you harvest them from these trees! Which is too silly for me; so here's a link to the the wiki about honey mesquite, and a photo of the beans on a tree.
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It's probably a reach to try and ID this grass in the Yawtanane Grasslands, but given that it caught my eye I felt inclined to make a pitch. For context child me thought a fun and engaging after school club project was to learn how to identify grass and other plants native to Texas. So when I looked at it I wanted to take a guess based on other regional clues:
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To me I think it could be cane bluestem, a grass that's drought tolerant and popular for grazing animals. And its seeds are dispersed from these little fluffy heads like this.
I will say as a caveat that a lot of grass in this area can be dispersed by wind. So it might not be cane bluestem -- hell it's a stretch to even try this. But I like to think they also considered the grass.
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The bush above I also hmmed and hrmmed about for a bit before positing if it was meant to be black persimmon. It's commonly called Texas persimmon or Mexican persimmon -- and it's found in Coahuila, Tamaulipas and Neuvo León. They generally just look like big shrubs instead of trees.
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I mentioned this in part one, but I'll go ahead and reiterate here a few things:
One is I think Lake Taori's about the only place that reads as specifically Texas
Two is it's not a bayou. That's an East Texas ecosystem and way too wet for Shaaloani
Three is there are cypress trees west of San Antonio growing along the Frio river, and doing quite well! Garner State Park has quite a few of them
I stand by this because these trees are show to be reproducing by making 'knees' -- offshoots from their root system. Think of it like Pando.
I also feel cypress is correct; the trunks are wider at the base than higher up, and the leaves are the right shape. I also appreciate there's Spanish moss hanging from them, which is also pretty common.
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The last plant I want to cover is this flowering bush -- I'm going to admit this one was a struggle because I don't know of a lot of bushes with large white flowers like this. I've seen flowers of this shape, but most tend to be ground cover plants that grow very low to the soil.
What I think it might be, which would feel appropriate, is a take on the datura. They can get a bit higher off the ground than most wildflowers. And they were used by several native tribes for cultural practices.
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The flowers are bigger in real life than depicted here -- so this is a reach! If someone has a better suggestion I'm open to it.
Shaaloani Fauna
When Fate farming out here, I've seen several players comment like 'huh, there sure are a lot of dinosaurs on this map'. And you're right! Because a lot of this region is home to some incredibly rich fossil formations.
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Big Bend National Park contains part of the Javelina Formation -- home to large creatures such as the Quetzalcoatlus, a pterosaur that boasted a 39 foot wingspan. You can read about fossils found in Big Bend here. The Javelina Formation has its own wiki article that details some of the specimens found within it, including the Bravoceratops and the Torosaurus. The Ojo Alamo Formation in New Mexico is home to the Ojoceratops. Just south of these is the Aguja Formation in the Mexican states of Coahuila and Chihuahua. These formations are home to fossils of all three types of scalekin above -- as well as alligators, who are also on this map!
Other Formations in the Southwest home to great fossil finds are:
Kayenta Formation (Colorado & Utah)
Tepetate Formation (Mexico)
Black Peaks Formation (Texas)
There's even a fun sightseeing lore blurb which acknowledges this!
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I think this is a fun addition to the zone that strengthens the real world inspiration sources and have fun with world building -- a lot of the formations near the Permian Basin were along the shore or under the waves of the Permian Sea!
And that's all I have! Thank you all for indulging me, and by all means take any and all of this to do with what you will in roleplay. Have fun with it!
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Essential oils toxic to cats
Cats are particularly sensitive to essential oils, and even small amounts can be toxic to them.
Here is a list of essential oils that are generally considered toxic to cats:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil)
Pennyroyal Oil
Wintergreen Oil
Pine Oil
Clove Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citrus Oil (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit)
Cinnamon Oil
Thyme Oil
Peppermint Oil
Oregano Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Bergamot Oil
Sweet Birch Oil
Garlic Oil
Garlic Extract
Onion Oil
Onion Extract
Nutmeg Oil
Chamomile Oil
Anise Oil
Juniper Oil
Mustard Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Bay Leaf Oil
Cassia Oil
Cajeput Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Geranium Oil
Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other essential oils that could be harmful to cats. It's crucial to keep these oils and any other potentially toxic substances out of reach of your feline companions.
If you suspect your cat has been exposed to an essential oil or is displaying any unusual symptoms, it's important to contact a veterinarian immediately.
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alicealmost · 1 month
Jax once said to Ragatha:
"You, me and a bunch of ragbunnies."
Bro wasn't joking
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Man, including Jaiden, Bunnydoll has around 65 kids! 65 KIDS! AND those are only the ones I know, it might be more out there.
I am addicted to Jax and Ragatha fankids. I guess it's because all creators have one thing in common, shipping bunnydoll (at least, most of creators). At same time, whenever someone create a shipchild, we are able to explore people's creativity and traits of their personality.
I will try to draw Jaiden with each one of her siblings before tadc ep 3 is due, if you guys allow me (if don't, ease tell me, there is no prob) I don't know if I will get it, as I don't have much time or ability.
Fankids mentioned belong to (this gonna be long)
Scruffy -> @lumineary-arts
Ruby, Jesse, Jett-> @ruemodes
Andy (girl) -> @sorascribbless
Lux-> @naitmeir
Klyukva-> @yakkuo13
Andy(boy) and Aba -> @eryberry594
Onyx -> @pxnky-prxmise
Jeager -> @michiruxbna
Patch, Sugar, Duffy-> @kodaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Maggie, Vivi, Benji, Roger -> @this-old-bee
Daisy, Nibs, Frankie, Periwinkle and Seymour -> @candy-heart-brew
Cole, Juniper and Loo -> @beanandberry / @raggedypina
Ellie, Ethan and Owyin-> @livi-in-digital-circus
Abby -> @fizzyellouw
Jinx -> @ese1anime
Rachel and Jayden -> @kansuda2478
Mopsy and Buster -> @raggstosketches
Rix -> @karikorii
June and Reggy -> @artzy-sketchy
Wink -> @zapperona
Randy -> @starquarck
Chucky -> @saffiroll
Velvet -> @snowthedemonfox
Randall and Mimo -> @Ra1bow-echo
Mimi -> @kazee-acxbi
Shuji and Ruthy -> @lazyxkazee
Donnie and Richard -> @fraudefiscal
Ralice -> @valentinbelleyh505
Anne, Rose and Andy -> @switcherooreo
Annie-> @lovelyragdolly
Kit -> @sh4tt3rg1rl
CJ -> @royalion9
Hope -> @groovygladiatorsheep
Needle and Thread-> @redvelvet-choclatecakes
Riska -> @iverylike-coffe
Wisteria -> @frazzledpixels
Marionette -> @whomstress
Wildyx -> @rayndis
Sabrina -> Star Blossom (pinterest)
Juliet -> this_person-does-art (pinterest)
Quick apologize for marking Needle's creator wrong... I saw a drawing of her in another account and thought she was from that said account. And then I saw Needle has a brother and @lindseynicole1999 has designed fankids too, so...
It's more than 65 in the end of the day
Funny... haha...
Edit: two important announcements
1° Wildyx real creator is @rayndis and I can't apologize enough for the mistake. I marked a person in pinterest, but his real creator is rayndis. I am sorry
2° more kids, lol
Maelisa and Kelsey -> @naive-bunbun
Patcharicia -> @xxmia0wm4yh3mxx
Rajany and Athax -> @vanillakkat
Judy, Lola and Briar -> @wondwaeland
Rascall and Ann -> @lindseynicole1999
Raggit -> @6hstz
Hue, Lace and Denim -> @devilgem
Randall -> @krislgfox
Bonbob, Showee and Peabs -> @that-weird-skeleton-bastard
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Randy --> @sillyseaveerablogs
Minx, Jinx, Jayce and Andy --> @aleesianicool
Clover and Jolane -> rasyleaf (devianart)
Janny --> PinkHiu (devianart)
Angora: @eldritch-muppetshow
Emma -> skelefun (instagram)
Rob ->There.Real.Lim (Twitter/X)
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astrophileous · 1 year
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Spencer Reid was never a fan of thunderstorms. On one particular night, he woke up to one.
Warning(s): established relationship, mentions and/or depictions of gun violence/injury, protective spencer, parent-child relationships, I think that's it (?) this one is really just fluff wrapped in more fluff 🥰
Word Count: 2400-ish
Author's Note: HELLO! I'm finally back from the dead (yayyy)!! To celebrate, and as we all wait for me to finish rewriting the remaining chapters of love bugs, I'm posting this fic here for you all to enjoy :) I think it's the fluffiest piece I've ever written (srsly, not even a drop of angst!) so I hope you will enjoy! Let me know what you think okkk, don't forget to LIKE+COMMENT+REBLOG if you like this one xx btw I'm pretty sure this can be read as gender neutral reader since I'm positive I didn't use any gender-conforming words, but pls lmk if I'm wrong!
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Spencer hated thunderstorms.
He had many memories of them, not particularly good ones. Most of them involved him being on the field during yet another atrocious case, gun and flashlight in hand, trekking after muddy footsteps that belonged to an UnSub he was chasing.
He had been shot, once, during a thunderstorm. The bullet lodged itself against his bulletproof vest before the perpetrator had received a retaliation shot from Derek's gun. The vest had saved his life that night. The nasty bruise decorating his torso for the following week, though, served as a sufficient reminder in Spencer's mind.
Thunderstorms were a natural enemy whenever he was on the field. Unfortunately for him, the rivalry seemed to continue past the doorstep of his home, too.
Back when sleep was a luxury that he had to scour and cherish, thunderstorms would be the antagonist that kept the two even further apart. The sound of heavy rain against windows was a line of needles prickling into his circadian rhythm, erasing any possibilities of sleep if he was even lucky enough to have them in the first place.
On those nights, Spencer would sit against the headboard with a book in his lap, hoping that the passage detailing the fall of Joseon Dynasty in Korean Peninsula--or the rise or Majapahit Empire in the island of Java, whichever had caught his interest more at that specific moment in time--would be enough distraction to take his mind off the disaster wreaking havoc outside of his apartment.
Thanks to years of therapy, Spencer now had found it easier to chase sleep whenever he needed it. Still, its sweet relief stood no chance against the chaos brought by a raging thunderstorm.
This time, too, was no different.
Spencer had been dreaming. A land of reverie where his tongue had tasted honey, where his nose had recognized the hint of mint and juniper berry before the image was rattled by a high-pitched shriek in the sky.
When Spencer opened his eyes, the bedroom was enveloped in a near state of total darkness.
The sharp cry he heard had come from a lightning that struck momentarily before he woke up. Five seconds later, another one struck again, sending a jolt of adrenaline through Spencer's body as he waited for the imminent thunder to shatter the atmosphere.
Spencer shut his eyes in an attempt to get his racing heart back under control. Once he opened them again, the remnants of sleep had washed away from his pupils, allowing him to take in the empty bed, the chill bedroom, and the opened door right across from where he was sitting.
Frowning, Spencer thought back to a few hours prior. How he had promptly retired to the bedroom after coming home from work. He remembered clearly--courtesy of his eidetic memory--having slammed the door shut before he got ready for bed.
A creak in the floorboards outside his bedroom door compelled Spencer to reach into the bedside drawer, fingers inching nearer to where the secret holster of his gun was located.
Before his hand could wrap around the weapon, the bedroom door was pushed ajar, revealing a familiar figure standing in the doorway, outline cast by a hazy kind of luminance.
Spencer breathed out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were an intruder."
You raised an eyebrow at his statement. A playful smile sweetened by the gentle glow radiating off the flickering candle in your hand.
"It's just me," you assured him, finally stepping into the threshold and placing the candle on top of the dresser.
"I can see that." He watched you approaching, gaze never straying even when you picked up the comforter a tiny bit to slip back into bed. "Where did you go?"
"Went down to check the breaker. Power's out completely, by the way. Looks like the storm took out the whole block."
He made a disapproving face at your response. "You were in the basement? Alone?"
Your forehead furrowed at the tone of Spencer's voice. It wasn't until you glimpsed the telltale sign of worry in his eyes that your shoulders eventually deflated. "I'm okay, Spencer."
"Why didn't you wake me?"
"Because," you began, an amused smile threatening to split your face into two, "it's a three flights of stairs walk from our bedroom, darling. I think I can manage it just fine."
"Besides," you cut him off, silencing him with a gentle palm pressing on his cheek. Spencer instantly melted at the contact. "I know how you get during nights like this. I wanted to let you have as much sleep as you could before the storm eventually wakes you up."
His hand circled around your wrist, then, bringing it upwards so that he could leave tiny kisses on your palm before he entwined his fingers with yours. "You still should've woken me up."
"I know, I know. You could've done it yourself, I don't doubt it. I just--" he paused, swallowing a lump before continuing, "--I could've just waited here. In the bedroom. But in case anything happened, I would've been there for you."
The admission was quiet within the four walls of your bedroom. You knew that Spencer's plea had nothing to do with a toxic need to be controlling. Instead, it had stemmed from the vulnerability within. A naked truth that nestled in the deepest corners of Spencer Reid's soul.
The years that you had spent together allowed you to understand Spencer at a level nobody else could. They allowed you to understand that this silly request was nothing more than a fruit of his vigilant bones, forged consistently throughout his years in law enforcement. Spencer Reid, underneath his soft eyes and tender touches, had witnessed all of the gruesome layers of the world, lost far more things than anyone ever should.
It was only logical, now that Spencer had you in his life--a miraculous reprieve to his otherwise ghastly world--he would spend every waking moment to do everything in his power to make sure you were safe.
With this knowledge in mind, you couldn't, in good conscience, bring yourself to deny Spencer's plea, no matter how foolish it might seem.
What you did, instead, was shifting yourself closer to his body, seeking permission with your eyes before you leaned forward for a quick kiss.
"I'm sorry, darling," you offered sincerely. "I'll keep that in mind for next time, yeah? How does that sound?"
The relief was blinding as it washed over Spencer's whole being. "Thank you," he muttered before kissing your knuckles. "And I'm sorry, too, for being like this."
You shook your head firmly. Not because you didn't accept his apology, but because you didn't need one. Spencer didn't have anything to apologize for.
When you told him as much, Spencer's only reply was to press his lips to yours.
You were rendered pliant underneath his ministrations, your body molding into his as if you were two fabrics cut from the same cloth. Spencer poured all of his emotions into the kiss. Wishing--begging--that you could taste just how consuming the love he harbored for you was. The same way he could taste your heart beneath the hint of honey on your lips.
Once breathing became a chore, Spencer took the heavy decision to pull away, settling for resting his forehead on top of yours instead.
"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" you whispered.
Spencer wanted to nod, feeling a huge load pressing on every inch of muscle in his body. But before he could take you up on the offer, a distant sound between the roaring of thunders caught his attention, stopping his words right in their tracks.
"Did you hear that?" Spencer asked.
"Hear what?" You frowned. "The thunder?"
"No." He rushed to get up from the bed, gaze apologetic as he looked at you from the doorway. "Stay here? I'll be back soon."
Soft footsteps trudged along the landing of your two story house, leading Spencer towards another door located right by the stairs. He knocked slowly on the wooden door, twice, before pushing it open with a gentle nudge of his hip.
The room he entered was smaller than the room he shared with you. During the days, the windows on the far end of the wall would offer a mesmerizing view of the creek that ran along the backside of the neighborhood. During nights like this, however, they merely provided another harsh peek at the tantrum that mother nature was throwing against the world.
Although the room was swallowed in darkness, Spencer could still make out the silhouettes inside. From the haphazardly scattered toys on the floor, the colorful drawings taped on the walls, even to the lavender-colored furniture that seemed to fill every available corner in the entire space.
Amongst them all, the one silhouette that managed to pull at Spencer's heartstrings was the one curled up on the center of the bed. A usually joyous sunshine, reduced to a whimpering ball under a cotton unicorn-themed blanket.
Spencer tugged the blanket down, revealing misty eyes and pouting lips on a face he held dearly. A sob managed to wreck itself out of the little girl's chest, plummeting Spencer's heart further down the abyss of no end.
"Oh, sweetheart."
He gathered the 4-year-old in his arms, feeling her immediately hugging his neck. Her body was still shivering with tiny whimpers and sobs, all of which Spencer tried to subside gently by constant strokes down her back.
"It's okay. You're okay," he shushed quietly, rocking his body to a phantom tune while she clung to his chest. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"
The girl sniffled aloud before lifting her head, her tiny hands rubbing rigorously on the tear stains around her eyes.
"The-the thunders," she murmured. "It was so loud. I woke up and everything was d-dark. Daddy, I'm scared!"
She threw her arms around his neck again, crying softly into the collar of his sleeping shirt. Spencer tightened his embrace around his daughter, heart breaking into pieces with every tear shed from her innocent eyes.
"Sshh, it's alright, princess. Everything's alright. Daddy's here now," Spencer cooed. "Do you wanna sleep with us tonight? Hm?"
His daughter started to nod frantically. "Don't forget Mr. Elphie, Daddy."
Chuckling, Spencer quickly grabbed the elephant stuffed animal lying next to her pillow. "Of course not. Mr. Elphie is coming with us, isn't he?"
Spencer began to retreat back in the direction of your bedroom, all the while conversing with his little girl to keep her mind off the storm that was still raging wildly outside.
You were checking something on your phone by the time Spencer finally returned. Immediately, you tossed the device aside once you saw him, eyes widening in concern when you saw your daughter's limbs entangled around Spencer's form.
"What happened?" you asked.
Spencer headed for the bed, slowly putting down the little girl who instantly cuddled your side after he had tucked her under the duvet.
"The thunders are scary," your daughter mumbled into the fabric of your shirt.
Your eyes flicked towards Spencer, who gave a single nod of confirmation before settling back on his side of the bed.
"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry." You brushed back the hair from her face, taking in the sight of your favorite pair of eyes that seemed to have lost their usual sparkles in the wake of her tears. "What do you wanna do, hun? Should I tell you a story? Play a little music?"
"I wanna sleep here with you and Daddy," she said in a shaky voice. "Is that okay?"
Kissing the crown of her head, you answered, "Of course it's okay, sunshine. Come here."
Your daughter fell back into your awaiting arms. Her small frame fitting so easily into the front side of your body. You watched as her tiny fingers clutched Mr. Elphie tighter, breath evening out while her face burrowed even deeper into your chest.
It felt as if hours had passed before you could find the will to rip your gaze away. In all honesty, you could probably have spent an entire eternity staring at the little miracle in your arms had the universe given you the chance. When you lifted your head, your eyes automatically locked with Spencer's, who looked as if he, too, had been entranced by the sight in front of him.
"She's incredible," Spencer confessed into the night, voice fragile with the weight of awe it seemed to carry. "I can't believe she's ours."
You extended your hand towards him, smiling brightly once Spencer secured it in his own.
"Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," you mused, eyes glinting mischievously from the knowledge that your daughter--just like her beloved Daddy--also had a fear of thunderstorms. "Like father like daughter, huh?"
Spencer rolled his eyes. "I'm not scared of thunderstorms. I'm just... not fond of them"
"Shut up." He bit your knuckles playfully, seemingly pleased with himself when he managed to elicit a laugh out of your chest. "Go get some sleep. You have an early day tomorrow."
"Speak for yourself, Mister." You settled your head back on the pillow, Spencer mirroring your position without breaking his hold around your hand. "Where are you going again?"
"Florida. Miami."
"Damn," you muttered, temporarily panicking about your terrible choice of words before calming back down once you saw your daughter sleeping soundly. "I bet it's nice there this time of year."
"It's Miami. The weather barely changes there all year-round."
"Exactly my point."
"Besides," Spencer added, squeezing your hand once, "it's not a vacation. It doesn't matter where I'm going, I'll only be seeing dead bodies all day long."
"Okay. I really don't need to start seeing corpses in my head right before going to sleep, so thanks for that."
"You started it."
"I most certainly did not." You scoffed. "I'm not liking this conversation. Now, can we please go to sleep?"
Spencer had a retort ready on the tip of his tongue. But once he saw how peaceful you looked with your eyes closed, entangled as one with your daughter, he decided against it.
At last, he opted to shuffle closer on the bed until he could wrap his arm around the two of you, letting the scent of mint from your shampoo and juniper berry from your daughter's body wash to wrap around his whole being.
Spencer was still not a fan of thunderstorms.
But on nights like this, he had to begrudgingly admit that maybe, maybe, they weren't really that bad after all.
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spunknbite · 1 year
He’s thought about kissing Crowley before
On the banks of the Euphrates. Under a juniper tree in the Hanging Gardens. Traipsing through some desert — Arabian, Gobi, Namibian, Kalahari — they all ran together. Beside a rice paddy in the Qinling Mountains. In coliseums and amphitheatres, then theatres and pubs. Over wine or tea or coffee, over too many meals to remember. At an airbase nearing the end of the world, and on the bus ride home after the world didn’t end after all. All of the nights thereafter.
Of course, he’s thought about it. Sometimes it feels as if he scarcely thinks of anything but. 
Quiet down, you, he’d plead in those moments. No use in any of that foolery. Angels simply can’t want like that, the ache of the want be damned. Even fallen angels; there’s an order to things, lines in the sand.
But still, he’s thought about it.
Alone, after those clandestine, ill-conceived meetings of old. Hours later back at the shop, paired wine glasses empty, nose in a book in some paltry attempt to divert his wandering attention. He prays — to God, to the author of whatever book fails to hold his gaze, to his own sense of propriety — but the prayer goes unanswered and so he thinks instead.
A staccato inhale, a press of lips, flush. Who would initiate it? Did it even matter? Lean fingers pull him close and Aziraphale follows as if he’s allowed to, as if he can follow any but the path that was set out before him. And Crowley would taste of the wine or spirits that they’d been drinking hours before this torrid, little fantasy began.
How would Crowley kiss him? Aziraphale had no experience in the matter, naturally. But he’s read enough books, watched cinema, observed the couples on Whickber as they dawdle down the way after an evening out, and he can imagine it. The certainty of it, the way Crowley owns an idea and then just rushes heedlessly forward, assured. No doubt, no hesitation, just momentum and an inner gravity that pulls Aziraphale in, attracted to a sort of confidence that Aziraphale can’t understand. And he’d kiss him like that, firm and heady, like if they could just get close enough to one another they might carve out some sort of safety separate from Heaven and Hell and the nature of the cosmos that prevents this very act from occurring in the first place. 
Fingers would thread through his hair, a sharp hip bone knocks into him as they slot together, and suddenly all is warm and wet and perhaps this is what drowning would feel like if drowning was equal parts terrifying and astounding. Wicked and miraculous. 
“We could have been…us.”
The words only just register as Crowley has him by the lapels, and the kiss is now and here and real, and not some weak midnight submission. 
There is no finesse, no craft, no delicacy. Crowley’s wile and strategy, gone. Just want. He wants in a way that Aziraphale has never permitted himself to. A sort of desperate, wild anguish, and Aziraphale can feel the implicit please please please through every shudder, every movement. No assurance, no givens, only a reckless beggar, and Aziraphale could almost recognize the need as his own, if he’d ever sat with the feeling long enough to comprehend it.
He wants to lean in, wants to wrench Crowley somehow closer, impossibly, like he would in an evening wondering. Forsake Heaven and with it his chance, their chance, at any sort of redemption. He wants to succumb, wants to give himself over with yes and finally and now, because the righteousness of it all seems more absolute than anything Aziraphale has felt.
But he knows better. He was made better. His hands dance over Crowley’s back, unsure, hesitant, fearful that if he touches him the rest of his body may follow, and he may fall right alongside him. 
It’s over before it’s begun, a human expression. And Crowley’s gone.
His shuddering hand lifts to his lips, sore and unnaturally hot, an almost pins-and-needles burn across his mouth. Is it hellfire or purely Crowley? How to disentangle them? Aziraphale tastes the acrid I forgive you as the heat cools and fades off his lips and from his fingertips, and with it the prospect of seeing Crowley again.
now tidied up and on AO3
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Phylum Round 1
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Pine Trees vs A Different Type of Green Algae!
Pinophyta or Coniferophyta (conifers): pines, firs, spruces, sequoias, cedars, junipers, larches, cypresses, kauri, yews — if it has cones and needles rather than leaves and fruit, it’s probably a conifer! (Other gymnosperms — plants that bear seeds but not fruit — are the cycads, the ginkgo-like plants, and the gnetophytes.) Most are trees, but some are shrubs; conifers are especially prominent in boreal forests near the Arctic Circle, which store 1/3 of Earth's terrestrial carbon.
Chlorophyta (big category of green algae less closely related to land plants): I wasn't sure I was going to have anything interesting to say about these guys, but I was so wrong! With over 4,000 known species, chlorophytes are extremely diverse. Most live in fresh water, but some live in the ocean or on land. Some live in extreme environments, like deep sea hydrothermal vents, hypersaline lakes, deserts, and the arctic. Some have mutualistic relationships with animals like mollusks or sponges or cnidarians, and others have mutualistic relationships with fungi, forming lichen. While plants are known for being autotrophs (creating their own food), some chlorophytes are heterotrophs -- they get their nutrition from other organisms, either as parasites or otherwise. Some are pathogens.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Cryptidclaw's WC Prefixes List!
Yall said you were interested in seeing it so here it is! 
This is a collection of mostly Flora, Fauna, Rocks, and other such things that can be found in Britain since that’s where the books take place! 
I also have other Prefixes that have to do with pelt colors and patterns as well!
Here’s a link to the doc if you dont want to expand a 650 word list on your Tumblr feed lol! the doc is also in my drive linked in my pined post!
below is the actual list! If there are any names you think I should add plz tell me!
EDIT: I will update the doc with new names as I come up with them or have them suggested to me, but I wont update the list on this post! Plz visit my doc for a more updated version!
Freshwater Fish 
Saltwater fish and other Sea creatures (would cats be able to find some of these? Probably not, I don't care tho)
Bass (Saltwater version)
Bream (Saltwater version)
Eel (Saltwater version)
Insects and Arachnids
Flowers, Shrubs and Other plants
Rocks and earth
Water Formations
Weather and such
Cat Features, Traits, and Misc. 
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paingoes · 1 month
Destroyer - MK
they were doing some MK ultra shit to delta im ngl
(Content: medical whump, drugging, dissociation, living weapon whumpee, begging, needles, addiction implied)
Lights and colors. It was all dreamy in the void. How long had he been there? The question made no sense. He was always here. Always had been. Something milk white and slimy nuzzled up against his leg.
“Attention, Control. You’re drifting off again.” A voice cut through the noise. He hadn’t noticed the noise just until the voice had cut through it. What did it sound like? Water on rocks. A rainstorm heard from the inside of a tin chest. Mewling. Drool dripping. 
Something pricked at his forehead. He gasped.
“Tighten up.”
He nodded weakly. For a moment, he was back in the office. The faces surrounding him were blurry and tame. His body was nowhere, but his wrists were bound. A thin line of fire worked its way around his neck. Then the office was gone and so was he. Light and colors.
The sharp tip of a blade rose out of the water, held aloft by a hand whose flesh was slipping off of it. The skin debris dripped down into the lake. It floated there like broth that needed to be skimmed. Disgust rose up in his stomach. Had it been full, he thought it might empty itself. He’d have to have a body for that, though.
Pain replaced everything. He couldn’t tell the source of it. He couldn’t tell where it ended and began. 
Inside of you, something said. It’s inside. Get it out. 
He whimpered. From somewhere far away, someone sighed in disgust.
“Delta. One-oh-seven. Enough. Follow the rabbit.”
The instruction was only vaguely familiar. It was coming to him so slow this time. A sine wave hit him directly in the side of his head. It hurt. Abstract concepts soared over the pit he’d carved out for himself. He was helplessly lost. He was scared. Not how he usually was. It was otherworldly.
A snake bit his ankle. It winded and winded.
“Simon?” He called weakly.
Pain, sharp and hot.
“Dr.Leach isn’t here. And you are not to call him that.” 
He felt the firm grip on his face, but couldn’t see it. His vision was dislocated somehow. He did not know what he was seeing instead. It wasn’t nothing. 
The dragon had two tails. He made out the shape on its side.
“Yellow,” he managed, “Yellow, four-sided, decimal. Cobra. Holly.”
“MK. Omega. Ow. Fucking ow.” 
He felt a hand come down hard against his cheek. He’d just been slapped. Even in his drugged state, he knew that that wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t procedure. He knew Dr.Martino hated him. Really hated him. It didn’t come as a shock everytime he remembered — but the slap had. He made a soft, choked noise. The drugs made the pain feel more intense; they didn’t numb it, like he hoped they would. Weren’t they supposed to?
Something electric and circuitous played against the flesh of his bound hand. The vision shifted.
“Threat level magenta,” he choked, “Seven. Spades. Diamondback. Juniper.”
“Pike,” he corrected. “Please make it stop.”
“You know better than to ask,” The doctor said. Something sharp. He couldn’t tell if it was a punishment for having begged or if it was just part of the procedure. They drew no distinction, expecting him to take either complacently. It burned against the inside of his skin.
When the drug finally wore off, he was shaking so badly that the chains binding his wrists rattled softly and continuously. He’d been bound up for too long, too tightly. His shoulders and knees ached from the pressure. All the spots on the body where the needle had jabbed him bled through the bandages. There was a dull and constant ache all throughout his body that heightened at each injection site. He tried desperately to subdue his crying, but the tears flowed freely and undisturbed. He couldn’t even roll his shoulder enough to wipe them.
Dr.Martino went about his business like he wasn’t even there. There was no reason for him to still be bound, to still be kept kneeling. The experiment was over. It had ended thirty minutes ago. He didn’t voice this, sure that if he did Martino would make a point to keep him there longer. He tried to readjust his position to relieve the tension. Nothing worked. He just wanted to sleep.
“That was pathetic,” Dr.Martino finally addressed him. Delta cringed. He still didn’t move to free him, which was all Delta could really focus on in the moment.
“Needless to say, I don’t think the Cytopline is a good match. We’ll run a few retrials with different dosages to be sure, but I’m not confident it’ll be to any greater effect.”
Delta tried not to cry again. He thought he meant today. He just needed a break before they started again, just a few minutes to get out of position. He wouldn’t be able to handle going under again.
“There’ll be a bit of a cooldown period before it becomes effective again. You might be inoperable the next few days,” the doctor clarified, much to his relief.
“I can write you a note, if you want.” 
Delta laid numbly on the floor of his bedroom, in the same position he’d been in for hours. The blanket was a tangled mess around him. He didn’t know exactly what time it was, just that it was well past when he was supposed to have risen. He drifted in and out of consciousness. There was a sudden banging at the door.
“You know you’re not allowed to quit, right?” Paris called from the other side of it. Delta closed his eyes. 
He was sure that Dr.Martino hadn’t told him on purpose. The unexplained absence would put Paris in a bad mood off the gate, make him totally unwilling to listen once Delta was forced to explain, and Paris was by no means obligated to comply in the first place. The excuse wouldn’t count for anything. He’d still be forced out into the field. He’d probably still be punished just for trying to get out of it. It was such an underhanded move. Delta resented whenever the doctor called him sneaky; if anything, he had learned it from him.
He braced himself up on one elbow, getting ready to open the door, when Paris opened it himself. Right. Not like it had a lock. Delta collapsed back. That was fine. He hated having anyone in his space, but he also didn’t think he’d be able to walk in a straight line all the way to the door.
 But Paris’s anger was always so visibly telegraphed that its absence was immediately obvious. If anything, he was annoyingly chipper. He had one hand pressed up against the top of the doorframe, leaning casually in the entrance. The end of a nicotine lollipop hung off to the side of his mouth. He let himself into the room.
Delta adjusted roughly, just barely pulling himself upright into a kneel. He was already on the floor, so that helped. His hair fell messily in his face. He reached one arm behind him, feeling around clumsily for the doctor’s note on the desk. He offered it up with one hand. 
Paris took it. He read it over slowly, trying to make out the nearly indecipherable doctor’s handwriting. Somehow he managed.
“Oh shit. Comedown?” Paris popped the candy out of his mouth.
“Yes, sir.” Delta stopped himself from rolling his eyes. It was technically true, but he would never call it that.
Paris winced in sympathy, giving Delta some indication of just how pathetic he must have looked. He glanced at the note again. His eyes hovered on the medication name.
“…Do you have any more?”
Delta pulled the pill bottle out from his desk drawer, tossing them over. He was glad to be rid of them. Paris caught them in one hand, letting the note drift back to the ground.
“Take oxitriptan,” he called over his shoulder. He slid the pills into his pants pocket and disappeared out the door. Delta collapsed back against the crumpled blanket. He wasn’t going to take anything. He was pretty content to just lay there. He pulled the blanket over his face, not sleeping, nor moving.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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Kris information!!
It's all under the cut :)
@fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency @justsigma-bsd @currentlyeatingrocks
@fedya-the-rat-god @casinoownersigma @purplelockscreen @reaper-beneath-the-moon
@oscarsgallery @sayuutoria
@discourse-on-decadence @futuremafiabossdazaiosamu @the-caged-jester / @juniper-bunch @sugarthebee
TW for abuse, death, substance addiction, mentions to gore, body disfiguration, s/h, violence etc etc
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Misc stuff
Derogatory terms he calls himself:
Revived Corpse
Flesh puppet [with a soul]
Empty doll
A thing to be manipulated
Creature of bloodlust
Corpse puppet
Favorite things / Likes / Things that’ll win him over:
Robert the Lion, his plush toy
Cold cuts
Chocolate cake
My Chemical Romance
Sparkly stickers
Whiskey, wine and beer
Knives, machetes etc
Really decorated guns
His Nintendo + Video games in general
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The colors purple, pink and black
Gay shit
Spicy food
Homemade Indian food
Oranges, Mangoes and apples
Hobbies / Interests:
Singing (but he never does it in front of anyone)
Composing music
Weapon collecting
Gun customization 
Ability details
Tendrils act as extra limbs
Can summon about thirty tendrils at a time
Most of them come from his back, he can summon them from the ground in a 5 feet radius around him as well
When not in use, they can take the form of wings but when he deactivates the ability they all disappear. Injuries sustained remained though.
Favorite family members
Fukuzawa (obviously)
Atsushi (BEAST)
Extra information
His top three games to play FNAF, Monopoly and Mariokart!! Mario Party Superstars and Super Mario Wonder are close runner ups
He can cook contrary to popular belief. He can cook palak paneer, schnitzel, ramen and idli sambar very very well. He does often set things on fire in the process but it’s tasty!
He can’t feel high temperature. He has no sense of heat
He does start calling his old boss from the mafia “Boss” or his mother “Mama” when he’s in a bad mental state
He loves turtlenecks an unhealthy amount
He also loves chunky booths and certain chokers
He likes emo / punk aesthetics
He loves to wear dresses or fem clothing and does his makeup sometimes
He has worn a bunny suit on several occasions for fun
He will also wear dresses and bunny suits for his boyfriend too
He’s got quite a bit of money from Katie’s will/inheritance
He owns a house in Sweden
His left eye is extremely weak
Behavior patterns
A absolute sucker for headpats and pets. He doesn’t care about the feeling or motive behind them, he will melt into the touch and slowly grow more attached to the person giving them to him
He loves rewards. Food, clothes, anything. He loves loves loves rewards
Doctors make him spiral. Even seeing a long white coat will send him into a panic, and he hates medical equipment
It’s even worse with needles. He sees a syringe, a needle or anything of the sort and he’ll be sent into a panic attack or a hallucination episode
Weirdly he finds some comfort in basements. Because when he was in the basement in the mafia he was “safe” with his box and plush, he couldn’t be hurt by punishments or Boss
He loves cheese. Katie used to only really manage to sneak scraps of cheese, bread and cold slices of meat to him when Kris was forced to starve as punishment, which led to him to viewing all of those as “safe foods” and finding deep comfort in them
He’s used to being called derogatory terms such as ‘creature’, ‘weapon’, ‘monster’, ‘demon’ etc etc so he often tries to call himself those terms when he thinks he’s done a “bad thing”
Dissection was a punishment in the mafia so when he’s had a really really bad day he will gut/dissect himself to punish himself
He drinks a lot after bad days
He spends time on roofs and throws things off of them to release anger and stress
Easily manipulated because he just needs to be praised and given physical affection. Currently working on it
Has bad trust issues but if someone tells him something that feeds into his own insecurities he will believe it after a little convincing
Behavior patterns (fused)
He will grow attached to a person he views as “Boss” and absorb some of their personality traits
He will also grow attached to anyone who speaks German with him!!
He only really eats human flesh when in this state. Any other type of food makes him nauseous and he can only really stomach raw flesh and blood
He has a permanent smile stuck on his face so he uses his eyes and the glow levels in them to show his emotions. Plus when he’s excited or angry or deeply annoyed more black liquid will drip from his mouth
The liquid dripping from his eyes will always be trickling out. It doesn’t matter how he feels, it’s an eternal flow of neon goop
He can’t really feel any other emotion other than all-consuming destructive anger, intense overwhelming joy, or complete and utter boredom or annoyance.
He’s basically run by his thirst for blood and violence, and his need for death and slaughter
He has really spotty memories when he unfuses, being able to remember some things but not others. These amnesia barriers are really frustrating for him
Does not trust anyone. Will only act on his own impulses + bloodlust and orders from whom he views as “Boss”
He genuinely is a monster. A weapon to be utilized for mass destruction
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riley-coyotl · 4 months
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My poor sweet Juniper has had a very rough week :(
tl;dr: Juni sliced her paw open pretty bad at the river, and had to endure her first ever ER vet visit to be stitched up, which involved a traumatic needle-stabbing incident during the sedation process (they missed the vein ~10 times...) A day later, she managed to get around her cone collar and rip out her stitches overnight, so she had to go BACK to the vet (thankfully this time her regular vet who she's familiar with) to get sedated and stitched up again, with a bandage on her foot for good measure this time, and a different cone that better accommodates her long snoot and teeny little neck. She is a very sad little doggie about it.
Details under the cut:
We took the dogs for their first river swim of the year, didn't even stay long because the water level was too high, and then while we were packing up to leave, noticed Juni was floating her back left paw in the air like it was hurt. Discovered she had a pretty big gash in her foot above her paw pad. No insignificant amount of blood. Took her home, cleaned it up... determined it definitely needed professional cleaning and probably stitches.
So Juni had to go get stitched up at the emergency vet--a vet she's never been to before, and has never met anyone there (and normally, Juni has trazodone + gabapentin on board for anxiety when she goes to the vet, but of course she didn't this time since it was an emergency and we didn't have time for meds to take effect.) To their credit, they were wonderful with her, very kind, patient, and knowledgeable on dealing with anxious dogs with Stranger Danger, and let us do most of the handling (everything possible) so she was comfortable being examined. To Juni's credit, she was very brave and very good, and I'm so so proud of her. She was quite nervous, but she did a great job relying on all her training and seeking comfort in us. She even did much better with the emergency handling by strangers than I anticipated.
Unfortunately, when it came time to stick her to sedate her so she could be stitched up, they had a hard time finding her vein with the needle. Poor Juni was shaking, had to be stabbed over 10 times before they successfully got her, and by now she had freaked out, struggled, sprayed anal gland juice, the whole nine yards. Legitimately, I think this was probably the worst day of her life. :(
Everything else went fine, and we even took advantage of her being sedated anyways to get some routine bloodwork done. Everyone at the ER loved her despite her wanting nothing to do with them. She's a scared doggie, but she's a good doggie.
Took her home, she sulked about her predicament all night. She had a normal "happy visit" appointment scheduled at her regular vet, and we chose to keep the appointment to let her experience the usual routine and nice doctor she's used to. It went well, I think it was good for her to have that experience to contrast with her scary one.
Later, overnight, Juni somehow managed to get around her cone and rip out all her stitches, and so the next morning she had to go back to the vet for the third day in a row, to get stitched up again. This time at least, she was able to see her regular vet and did MUCH better with her. We take her for regular happy visits there and practice cooperative care handling with our vet that she's familiar with, and this appears to have paid off even in the case of emergency handling where cooperative care was not feasible (she's not up to the point in her training where she will accept an IV stick from the doc.) No struggling this time, they got her vein on the first try, and they fixed her up, re-stitched the wound, bandaged it for good measure, and got her a cone collar that fit her better (long snoot, tiny neck...it's surprisingly hard to find!) While sedated, she also got the last two vaccines she needed done this year (lyme and flu.) Still, even though it went really well, I'm sure that was quite stressful for her.
Poor Juni has been pretty sad, she's really not happy having to wear the cone, and it is breaking my heart every time she stares at me with her sad face asking for my help to free her from being "trapped" and being unable to help her. She is gradually getting used to having to wear the cone, adjusting to it, but man. What a week. And no swimming, and reduced activity until her foot is all better...just sad :(
We are considering getting her spay done during her recovery for her foot so we can overlap recovery times, reducing the Total Suffering Time for her. We'll see.
Pics above are as follows:
1. Juni right after her injury, when I discovered she was hurt
2-3. Juni seeking reassurance at the ER vet
4. Juni practicing putting on + wearing the vet muzzle while we waited for them to come sedate her
5-7. Zonked Juni, waiting for her to wake up from sedation
8. Juni being sad after her ER vet visit
9. Juni being sad after having to get her foot re-sutured
10. Juni imploring me to help her because she's "trapped" :(
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She watched as John grabbed a needle off of the cart and handed it to a grunt.
"Give them another dose, would you? They're starting to stir again."
The grunt looked down at the drug confused.
"I know I know nothing 'bout medicine, but shouldn't dey be dead already? We've drugged em like fifteen times."
John glared at the man.
"Don't get paid ta think, I know, I know."
The grunt walked back over to Phoenix and injected another dose as he walked back to her with a grimace.
"I hope you have the mask adjusted properly this time. I've nearly run out of the stuff, and it's been barely four hours."
Fabricator raised an eyebrow.
"You know each needle is supposed to last twelve hours."
"Tell that to the agent."
John pointed with his middle finger.
"They nearly woke up on the way here after fifteen minutes."
She was constantly surprised by this agent. They knew how to keep up an act, they solved her desk(she hated them for leaving such a mess. Was it too much to ask they put things back where they belong?), but this was impressive. And potentially useful.
She wasn't sure if this was tied to their... ability or not.
Fabricator walked closer to the agent as the grunt finished up and turned to leave.
"And I- Are you even listening to me?!"
She ignored him as she looked over the little bugger in person for the first time.
They were fairly scrawny, and a lot shorter than she hoped, with pale skin and brown hair that had never seen a comb in its life. Their suit was both cheaper and more expensive than it looked, with several "hidden" pockets that, knowing Phoenix, would probably be used to steal things from the places they visited.
"I only have you for a short time, but there's something I've been dying to test on you."
Fabricator pressed a button on her cigarette stick and a long, thin blade shot out from the end of it.
She dug the knife into their cheek with only a little resistance, blood flowing weakly from the wound as she raked the blade across their face, down their throat, over their shoulders.
"What- What did- Why would you-"
She turned to John and walked back towards him.
"Shoot them."
The look of shock and bewilderment on his face was so awfully genuine, she could almost believe it was another man. A better man. A man who didn't know what was coming to him.
Juniper quickly regained his composure and put on a mask of indifference.
"First of all, you're not my boss, Fabby. Second, I will shoot them, but not because you told me to."
She chuckled slightly as he walked closer to them, grabbing a pistol from a box and loading it in one smooth motion. She had to admit- he was an arrogant prick, but he was a fantastic shot.
"If Zor asks why they're dead when they wanted them alive, I'm blaming you for this."
He stopped around twenty feet in front of them, holding the gun level with their head. He hesitated for a second...
... before the pistol went off and a hole appeared in their brain.
John lowered the gun.
"Why wasn't I allowed to just do that on the way here?"
"Because I wanted to see how this worked in person."
"How what work..."
He trailed off as he stared in horror as the blood started running back up into their body.
She smiled.
Their blood started slowly at first, fitting back into place in their head like a jigsaw puzzle. It peeled off the wall in droplets, and then suddenly in bigger drops, flying back inside with the force of a bullet. It was almost like rewinding a VHS tape- seeing the wound play out backwards, the flesh regrowing.
She had tried to record it before, but no recording could have done this transformation justice. It was incredible.
John looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"W- I- Huh??? That's not- possible!!"
She enjoyed his absolute horror before his eyes inevitably glazed over.
"That's not... possible..."
He walked like a marionette back towards her, his eyes half shut and the gun loose in his hand.
He put the pistol on the box, muttering the whole time.
"Not possible, not possible, not possible..."
She smirked as he finally found his way back to her.
"I like you much better like this, John. You're much more... manageable."
He looked back to Phoenix, blinked hard, and she could tell that he had reset before he opened his mouth.
"Tell that to the agent."
John pointed with his middle finger.
"They nearly woke up on the way here after fifteen minutes."
Fabricator watched the grunt finish up and turn to leave.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
She smiled.
"Like what?"
"Like you're going to feed me into a sausage grinder."
"Maybe I will."
He rolled his eyes.
She handed him the bag with the mimic mask and watched him put it on.
"Why did you make it look like his face? I really only need to sound like their handler."
"Because, John, you know I can never do anything without a hint of betrayal."
He walked away muttering something about "what does that even mean".
She walked over to the unconscious Phoenix one last time.
All of her cuts were gone. Their face was exactly the way it had been beforehand. No marks at all.
She couldn't help but notice that their skin was a little less pale, their hair was a little more manageable, and, quite possibly, they were just a little bit taller.
Fabricator had to give it to John. He picked the most perfect name.
She couldn't wait to break them in two.
She let go of their face and walked towards the door. It was nearly showtime. And she wasn't going to miss the summit for the world.
(Holy shit, this was long and I wrote it in one sitting what the fuck happened)
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