#needed her back in my roto ;-;
canmom · 2 months
So the Tie Fighter guy, Paul 'OtaKing' Johnson, dropped his latest magnum opus: this time, Alien in the same 80s-anime inspired style! Six years to make, which I can well believe looking at every frame of this.
I have mixed feelings about it as a film, but it's definitely worth a watch before you read my words below.
As ever, it's a retro pastiche fan film - this time a tribute to Alien. The animation is, as before, largely 2D-on-3D with a bit of 3D-roto assistance here and there - there's a process video from a couple years back here.
How do I even comment on something like this? The man is a shape rotator nonpareil, drawing complex perspective shots with an ease that makes me envious. At the same time... do you notice how the movement is just... kinda off throughout this film? So many shots feel too evenly spaced, lacking weight, or with odd unmotivated choices in the character acting. It seems churlish to make such a criticism when this guy is singlehandedly drawing animation at a level of detail that would be out of reach for most full-fledged studios, but it feels like the same problem as Umetsu's animation in Megazone 23 Part 2, where they pursued such a level of detail that nothing moved naturally. It's like this guy is some kinda animation minmax build.
Like Tie Fighter, it's a side story that leans heavily on the visual language of the original. It's not as heavily referential of anime shots this time - no Itano Circus or that one shot where the camera flies over the decks of a ship up to the bridge (where did that come from, Yamato?). But it's still got a lot of flashy rotating camerawork and unusual angles and complex character rotations.
Despite this technical complexity, though, there is little of the tension that suffused the original film. Here the alien is in plain sight throughout, somehow feeling more like a guy in a rubber suit than it did in the original movie. This is, I think, largely down to how it moves, and how much the camera wants you to see everything.
It's a tricky balance: on the one hand, the whole thrust of this short is to wow you with its drawings, so it really needs to show you just how shiny the alien is in Johnson's style. But Alien was very much a 'never fully show the monster' kind of movie, letting the alien blend into the dark mechanical environments of the Nostromo as a constant 'could be anywhere' menace. Here everything is brightly lit, the better to show off those delightful anime highlights, so you'll never miss the alien walking down a corridor.
It was also a much slower movie, with waves of 'worse shit happening' washing over you - the escalating ladder of tension and brief relief before the alien does something more fucked up. Here there's no mystery, we know the alien's life cycle already. So in the end this feels like something of a speedrun of the original's beats, to its detriment - when the MC decides to scuttle her ship, you don't get the same sense of a desperate last resort against a relentless enemy, such that destroying the ship is the only option. (In fact it seems rather like she could have escaped the alien once it was floating around in space near the ship...)
Creating a fan film like this, much like franchise media, is a pretty tricky problem! Devotion to the original is kind of its whole raison d'être, so it can't do anything that would really extend or contradict the canon, or really touch the canon characters. But it still wants to hit the images that people associate with Alien! So not!Ripley on the not!Nostromo confronts an alien, as if this is something of a regular occurrence. But the alien must not escape, or it would undercut the original movie. So it's like an echo; it can't mix up the formula.
I don't want to complain too much tho. It's not every day you get something like this drop. More just that I want to learn from it... that 80s shading style still has that power, flat colours and strong shapes beat all the gradients in the world. But if you neglect those animation principles... it won't save you!
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You don’t gotta type in caps, y’know, bzzt…
Sorry Roto! But it was so COOL! I did get my prescription glasses thanks to my friend Nemona! The nonsense they told me about why couldn’t take Flying Taxis to places we haven’t been was someone along the lines of ‘We don’t have our own navigation system, and if some kid doesn’t know how to get to their city; we don’t want to be held responsible’. When questioned on why they can’t just use the kid’s Rotom Phone, they got mysteriously silent.
(Gotta love the government, bzzt.)
Anyways!! Finally saw one of those Cyclizar things out in the wild and!!!
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They unironically look sooo cool! I wonder what the seats people use to ride on them look? Not to mention how straight up convenient this is. No wonder you barely see cars here!
Cyclizar typically need a 2-hours rest after traveling long distances, though that information could be inaccurate! If it is, please let us know!
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Also went to the Kofu Lounge! Nemo wanted me to meet the Gym Leader who runs the restaurant as his main hustle, but he was busy at the auction house? I think? Kinda reminds me of Gym Leader Nessa and her modeling career!
(Not shown is your insistence on wanting it to be a suprise to see him…)
(I’m taking on the Gym Challenge! What if I get an edge by knowing the guy?!)
What else…! Oh! We had just enough time to squeeze a visit to the Bagins in Levenica before Nemona had to head back! I didn’t find the bags everyone else did unfortunately, but I did pick up this olive bag I think is pretty neat!
While this was a fun excursion, we do plan on eventually doing a full analysis behind Cascarrafa in the future! It’s not on the top of our list but it is there!
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tammyfeabakker · 1 year
2 weeks jean and Jimmy are coming back friends of the family. Jimmy is a handful. He is 71. Katy and I got into it a couple days ago. We been pretty good not fighting alot. But we get into it. Ok Jimmy bought us the garden. One thing I can not stand is to many people involved. My mom always said to many cooks spoil the soup. The argument was over putting jimmys timer for watering the garden back on. 30 mins everyday. I said ahhh no. Katy well Fran has his spices outside well Jimmy has a garden other people opinions. Problem. My side of the story. We first started this. I said remove the sod Jimmy like no we don't have too. I said yes we do. Of course Jimmy won because Katy believes in Jimmy of course don't trust your mother. Jimmy butchered the Japanese cinnamon bush ok fucking butchered it! We roto tilled it ok. Put the manure down. I said roto till some more Jimmy said no you don't have too. I jus love people make messes I have clean up. The sod is growing through the hard ass manure its like ce fucking ment ok!!! Jimmy also put a switch in the garage blew something and now my bedroom light blinks. Jimmy worried bout the garden! I said don't you think we should wait on the plants until we fence it in. He said you don't have to!! Pepper plants are being eaten and I have not seen a deer a bunny at all until this morning I seen it hopping away from the garden. It was nice peaceful neighborhood until we moved in. I'm sure we are going to be the talk of the town after the fight. Gossip gossip gossip all they do is gossip around here. I havtah walk back to the shop today my kid needs struts. If I fucking hear bout our fight shit is going to hit the fan. Because I know its his ex talking shit. I do believe she is spreading rumors bout me. Because Mia jus kinda seems to run but says hi when I see her. I heard her and the ex talking bout how this bitch said something to her or bout her and Mia was like ill rally with you. Kinda like Facebook all fucking talk no action. That what this guy is all talk no action. Actions speak louder then words. They jus talk and talk. I don't wanna go to the shop! I'm not supporting the cuddling between him and his ex. I really want to stay away and out of it. I want nothing to do with them no more. Shes a fucking mess sleeps in her clothes and she still thinks she's hot shit. He blames her mom. I'm like please get a fucking brain. The blame game. Oh her mom told her to go break into your safe steal money her mom told her to quit her job get fat her mom told her life is suppose to revolve around you my daughter your suppose to be the center of attention. Her mom told her be fat and lazy he will love that. Her mom told her to call the cops until they don't bother coming anymore if you don't win the argument. Her mom told her to call the cops on his dad to have him arrested ! Her mom told her to be superficial! He said like her mom called her a whore on Christmas I'm like join the fucking club. Roll my eyes smoke 2 joints walk my ass back there. I can feel the dynamics changed. I'm not excited I have a reason to go there. I'm rather sick now. But its for my kid. I could call but I don't want to wait on the struts. He might not get to it. If I'm there he will give me price now I havtah hear bullshit take my time up. Eye roll eye roll.
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safic4-m · 2 years
🚬🦁Are you going to finish me?
Pairing: Sally McKenna x Fem Lector
Author’s Note: Request made byPerraPeroNoLaTuyawho requested romance, smut and count #29 on the smut list.
Word count: 1441
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~Master list~
The place was a mess, papers everywhere, instruments on the floor and empty pizza boxes. The last few weeks Sally had spent a lot of time in her music booth and only went out to eat; today your girlfriend had gone out to get a new microphone and you decided to take the opportunity to clean up her work place, it had taken several hours but finally the place was clean.
You took the small trash can to empty it, but it was so much that a ball of paper fell out, you got curious and read its contents.
Ella es una dama, y ​​yo soy solo una línea sin gancho
She’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook
T/n, soy un desastre cuando estoy sin ti
Y/n, I am a wreck when I’m without you
Te necesito aquí para quedarme
I need you here to stay
Me rompí todos los huesos ese día que te encontré
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Un corazón roto es todo lo que queda
A broken heart is all that’s left
Todavía estoy arreglando todas las grietas
I’m still fixing all the cracks
Dime lindas mentiras
Tell me pretty lies
Mírame a la cara
Look me in the face
Dime que me amas
Tell me that you love me
Incluso si es falso
Even if it’s fake
Pero tal vez eres demasiado bueno para mí T/n
But maybe you’re too good for me Y/n
You check the rest of the papers and the rest of the songs are the same, saying that you are too much, that she doesn’t deserve you and about why you are with her. Your girlfriend had never been good at expressing how she felt, so music was her method of release.
The last few weeks Sally had been distancing herself a lot and now you knew why, you had tried to talk to her before but always avoided the subject and ended up fighting. Your alarm goes off, reminding you that you have to go to work.
If you could you would stay to work things out with Sally, but this was a scheduled surgery and you couldn’t miss it.
- -
The sun’s rays come through the window illuminating the whole room, the blonde moves on the bed and buries her face in your pillow, your scent was impregnated in her, she had missed you so much during the night. She decides to stay in bed a while longer, but her plans are ruined when she hears the bedroom door open.
She quickly gets up and finds you holding a tray of food.
-Good morning sweetheart,- you greet, falling in love with his newly risen self.
-Morning,- he replies, settling into bed.
You place the tray on her legs and see her inspecting her breakfast, which consists of waffles with bacon (strange combination but very good), freshly ground coffee, a bowl of strawberries and toast.
-What’s all this?- she asks, popping a strawberry into her mouth.
-How did you sleep?,- you ask, ignoring her question.
-I missed you,- she answers pouting.
-Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to take so long but some things got complicated,- leaving a kiss on her forehead.
You both share breakfast in bed, as you move the sentences Sally finds a piece of paper, you pretend you didn’t see anything and wait for her to read it.
-Are you going to finish me?- she asks crumpling the paper you read the day before.
-Of course not,- you hasten to say, knowing that she tends to overthink things.
-So?- looking at you with teary eyes.
-I don’t know,- quickly regretting your words, -every time I tried to talk to you to find out what was going on we ended up fighting… and I don’t want that..
-Where did you find him?
-When I was cleaning your cabin…I had to read your garbage to know what was going on,- you say carefully, not wanting to scare her.
You wipe away the falling tears and pull her in for a hug.
-You can talk to me when you have these thoughts,- she says, rubbing her back.
-But it’s true… I don’t deserve you, I’m a fucking addict who doesn’t….
-Don’t even think about finishing that sentence, Mackenna.
-You’re a doctor, you save lives, and I’m just a mistake.
-Then you’re my mistake, yes, I saved lives, but you saved mine.
-What do you mean?
-The first time I saw you you were singing in a bar and I was determined to end my life, but listening to you singing…it was like you were talking to me,- remembering that dark moment of your life, -so when I saw you when I was completely sober I knew that my heart was already yours
-I didn’t know,- she says hugging you tightly.
-It’s because I didn’t want our story to start that way- she lets out some tears -I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you Sally- pulling you away from her to stand next to the bed.
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-Yes I will marry you,- throwing herself on top of you.
Luckily for her your body cushioned her fall and you were the one who received the full blow, you place the ring on her ring finger and kiss her passionately.
-I love you with every fiber of my being Mackenna.
-It’s Y/L/N,- she says with a wide smile.
Las Vegas hadn’t been a bad idea, Sally said she wanted to get married there, so they went to one of those chapels and got married. They spent the day gambling in the casino and left before they realized I was counting cards. You had gone out to buy a pack of cigars, but the image Sally greeted you with made your mouth go dry.
She lay on the bed with her eyes closed and her right hand rubbing slow circles between her legs, you ran your gaze down her body, her pale legs to her hips that squirmed in place, her heaving breasts and her parted lips.
A soft gasp escaped her lips, followed quickly by your name.
-I’m here baby
The blonde’s eyes snapped open, instinct taking over and she sat up in bed as she pulled the sheet to cover herself.
-Don’t hide from me, I want to see you,- you say in a husky voice.
Hearing you Sally can’t help but clench her thighs, as you looked at her with a hungry look in your eyes, you approach her leaving the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand before sitting next to her.
-Go on with what you were doing.
But Sally didn’t move, you took her hand gently and slowly guided it down between her legs, giving her time to pull away. Her breath caught as your fingers found her clit and you moved so you could leave kisses on her neck, while she was pleasuring herself.
-I love you- sucking on the skin of her neck.
The blonde let out a moan in response, moving your hand to caress her legs, as her hand gained speed and her hips sank into the bed. You whisper words of love as you mark her neck, watching as her movements went from circular motions, to pumping up and down.
-Keep it up, you’re doing great,- running your nails up and down her leg.
A moan escaped Sally’s lips and it didn’t take long for her body to tense as her breathing and moaning became faster and louder. her hips contracted, guiding your hand in and out, slowly, to drag her pleasure.
You felt her body relax as you settled in beside her, wrapping her in your arms, after a few seconds she lazily shifted in your arms to look up at you, dark, loving eyes meeting yours.
I kiss you, as you squeeze her to pull her closer to you,
When you broke the kiss, you took her hand she had used to bring it to your mouth, you held her gaze as you closed your mouth around her fingers, humming for her taste, you watched as the black of her eyes turned a little darker. When you were done, she kissed you, a little more forcefully and greedily, sliding her tongue inside your mouth, to prove herself.
-That was quite a show you greeted me with- you tease, playing with her hair.
-Just for my wife…plus I was feeling needy,- as a casual remark.
-You’re always needy,- brushing your nose against hers.
Sally was frowning at you but it looked more like she was pouting, but you were able to laugh at her.
-I love you Sally,- you smiled kissing her again.
-And I love you
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nimbasa-librarian · 2 years
Sharing Accomplishments
Gym Leader
Piers Morris Caddell - Dark Type Gym Leader
And right in his damn hometown 
Perfect 20th birthday present to himself, if he did say so.
Checking his phone, he messaged Marnie about dinner - they were ordering out from their favorite place in quiet celebration of his new position. 
“Well look at tha!” “Yama!” 
He turned to face the familiar voice, and - donning a gray parka - was Anya, giving him a rather wide grin that he couldn’t help but return. 
“What the ‘ell are you doin’ here?” 
“Marnie messaged me before y’could get the chance” She explained “On top a tha’ i had t’give y’somethin” 
She held up something in her hand and tossed it to him. He caught it quite effortlessly, and looked at what he was just given 
“A key?�� 
“The spare t’my apartment” She motioned down the road “Might be doin’ Uni in Circhester, but rent’s cheaper in Spikemuth” 
Piers didn’t say anything at first, taking in the knowledge that his best friend, after two years of living on the arse-side of Galar, was back in Spikemuth. 
He put the key into his front pocket, and crossed his arms in front of himself in question. She gave him a nod, and the lanky man wrapped his arms around her, getting a returned hug - just as tight. 
“Happy t’ave y’back, Anya” 
“Happy t’be back, Piers. Congratulations on the gym. Y’earned it” 
“Yes, yes, nice t’see you too, Drew” Piers parted the hug “Need help movin’ in?” 
“The boxes can wait - we gotta celebrate it!” 
Anya took his arm in hers, “Marnie knows I’m comin’! Let’s go!” 
Piers rolled his eyes with a delighted grin “Hell yeah, le’s go!”
Anya stared at the degree in her hands, neatly placed in a frame, ready to be hung. 
She’d done it. She was a certified librarian and preservationist. She could do the work she’d been talking about and dreaming about since she was eight years old. 
She’d opted to not go to graduation, as opposed to when she graduated from high school, it was just too many people at the Circhester University. 
That and none of her family was able to come, due to a round of flu making its way through Hammerlocke and some of the surrounding towns. Even Denton was down for the count, the poor man. 
But that was fine. She was just happy to finally have the degree and certifications she’d been working so hard at. 
She’d earned it, that much she knew. 
Drew was happily yaping about, and she’d even let Irene and Frankie out of their pokeballs, keeping the temperature in the apartment cool for the Froslass. 
But then there was a knock at the door. 
All four beings in the apartment looked over. 
Anya glanced at Irene, the hatterene not looking very bothered. 
That was a good sign
“Who is it?” She called out
“Your celebration committee, Miss Master Preservationist!” One voice called out “And Librarian!” a younger voice added
Opening the door, she was greeted by a grinning Piers, and a smiling Marnie (The girl wasn’t a grinner), both of them holding boxes with Piers having a bouquet of flowers. 
“... What are you doing here?” 
“Celebrating your 7 years of post-high school education that you seem dead set on not celebrating” Marnie replied, walking right in like she owned the place “Hi Frankie, Irene, Drew.” 
The pokemon greeted her happily, and Anya let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Whose idea was this, hm?” 
“Mine” Piers smirked “Come on, Anya. Y’celebrated my gym leadership. We can celebrate somethin’ that took you twice as long, hm?” 
She chuckled “I don’t even have a job with it yet” 
“Get inside! You’re letting out the AC and Frankie is glaring!” 
Pier and Anya both let out a laugh at the order, and Piers stepped in with Anya shutting the door. 
“We have flowers, cake, and a whole box of dumplings from Sir Fochs” 
Anya snorted “Really? Sir Fochs?” “Funny name, great food” Piers argued “Marnie!”
“Oven’s preheating!” 
Anya rolled her eyes at the two making themselves at home in record time, though her smile wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon 
“Should I get Roto-Flix going then?” 
“If you want that” Piers reached into her lower cabinets, finding where she kept the single vase she owned for the flowers. 
She gave him a smile, headed over to the couch to grab her remote “I do” 
“Let’s finish “The Spectacular Race”” Marnie recommended 
“Oh, good idea, we’re still a season and a half behind!” Piers nodded
“Think we can catch up t’night?” 
“If we stay up till 3 am” Piers shrugged 
“Is that a challenge?” His sister glared at him 
“Absolutely not, but you’re gonna take it as one” He gave her an unimpressed brow raise. 
The girl gave him a pout, getting a laugh out of Anya, who had just turned on the television. 
They managed half a season before all three of them had fallen asleep on Anya’s couch. 
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eartheats · 1 year
((ooc: so!! a while back i made a post saying if we got to 200 followers over here, i'd make an AMA for the dipshit brigade of ren's blog, and well...here we are now!! feel free to send any questions you'd like to them all, i'm gonna put all the introduction stuff under a cut o/ this is just something fun and dumb for me, and also a thank you to everyone who's been watching these dumb adventures for a while! <3 ilu all, thank you so much!! we'll be doing this until 12am EST on the 28th, so feel free to get questions in!!))
<a tumblr live goes up! it seems to be showing a shot of...a very dusty desert area that's probably an all too familiar backdrop in ren's life: welcome back to zapapico>
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"--Oh! I think I got it workin' finally!"
There's a very distinct sound of Ren speaking up, ever cheerful, and then the next person speaking up's booming voice comes and practically knocks the rotom phone's shot over with the enthusiasm--
"YOOOOOOOO!! LET'S GOOOOOO REN, tech wizard IN THE HOUSE!" The rotom phone turns to a very tall young man with long, messy blonde hair who's bangs practically cover his eyes.
At that, the rotomphone turns back to a very familiar mop of blue hair, bowing exaggeratedly--in the background, a brown haired young man in a Pokemart uniform stands, along with an amused looking Pokemon Center nurse. Ren speaks up though, grinning, "Thank you, thank you! I'm here for only a day, but I'll gladly put on a show!"
"Oh my Arc, you fucking morons." The Pokemon Center nurse speaks up, waving into the camera when it turns to her. "Anyway, uh. If the dumbass brigade is too distracted, hi. Ren got stuck on a small layover so..."
"I decided to come back here and visit for a bit! Oh, but even if I didn't, I have some business here I had to take care of anyway!" Ren seems to come back to reality after that, grinning brightly as they lean just a bit. "So, um, I figured I'd introduce all of you guys to all of my friends on Rotomblr, since you guys are cool with it? Because you guys are real great! And everyone on Rotomblr is real great too! So...let's answer some questions together, maybe?"
"Hell fucking yeaaaaah, let's do it!!"
"I can't disagree with that." The young man in the Pokemart uniform speaks up, politely. "Ren, should we all introduce ourselves?"
"Ohhh, yeah, totes! Honestly, I was gonna wait until L got here, but--"
"Hihihi! Oh gosh waaaaait!"
The Rotomphone turns to a woman with a slightly messier looking Pokemon Center nurse uniform running down through Zapapico with a Charcadet in tow to try and catch up to them--she seems to be carrying...rocks...?
"Right on time, Lyd--L!" Ren waves her on over, and gestures out to the group. "So um, feel free to bring us some questions! We'll answer everything we can, yeah? But first! Introductions!!"
As Lydia catches her breath, the first Pokemon Center nurse speaks up with a tired expression.
"Alright, so. Hi I guess, I met some of you back when the squirt ended up in the hospital, so I don't need much of an introduction. Hi, name's Madison, couldn't get a job in my field despite my Poke Veterinary License, so I'm a Pokemon Center nurse. Good to meet you all."
"Mads is like, super knowledgeable about Pokemon Care! So if you got any specific questions, feel free to ask her!" Ren grins a bit, before leaning into the camera. "But ohh, if you ask her about Eevees, she might just melt!"
"Okay, that is so not true. I love Eevees a normal amount, thanks."
That gets a laugh from everyone involved, before Ren speaks up again, "And next up, we've got..."
"Oh, me?! Is it my turn?!" The blonde man speaks up, and the camera turns to him easily. An entire Maushold seems to climb up his shoulders, all squeaking into the camera. "Yooooo, what's up Roto-Gs! It's ya boy Kevin here! Or I guess 'K', from Ren's post! I'll answer just about anything you throw at me!"
Ren and the others laugh, but Ren's guffawing takes over pretty quickly. "Kevin loves giving his opinions on stuff, so please, feel free to ask him anything! He'd love to answer it, and next up...how about you, J?"
"Oh, me?" J, the pokemart employee, turns around with a smile. "Well, certainly. My name is Jacques, but everyone just calls me Jay. Ah...if you have any questions about fairy types, I'm more than happy to answer them!"
"Damn right he is!" Ren grins easily. "He's got the prettiest Florges in all of Paldea, and it's only because of that big brain of his that she's so beautiful and strong!"
"Aww, Ren, you flatter me..." Jacques rubs his head and laughs a little. There's a wave over to the side of the camera, and it turns to the slightly disheveled Pokemon Center nurse, who smiles at the camera.
"Oh gosh, so hiya! My name is Lydia, and I'm kind of an amateur geologist?"
"Amateur?" Ren pipes up and laughs, prompting some loud guffawing from Kevin off to the side. "Girl, what're you even saying! You're the biggest rock nerd in all of the regions, I'd say!"
"Noooo, no! Listen, I love rocks--I got some excellent specimens today while chasing after lil miss...um..." Lydia pauses, looking down to the Charcadet who's running in circles around her feet. "...Did we ever decide on a name for the little lady you're giving to that Professor, Ren, or--"
"Her name is 'I Write Sins, Not Tragedies, by Pani--"
"We are not naming her that."
"Aww, come on Maddie Thee Stallion, don't be a killjoy!"
Ren laughs from the slightly petty squabble, easily defusing it, "Hey, hey, come on. This lil lady is for Mr. Hemp! He should be the one to decide it, yeah?"
"Aww...but yeah, you got a point there!" Kevin laughs a bit, scritching his Mausholds chins. "And I mean, his name's Hemp, he's gonna pick out a dope ass name for her!"
"I'm certain that he will. But I believe introductions are out of the way, yes?" Jay turns to look to Ren, who smiles and gives a thumbs up.
"That should be a decent primer! Anything else they can all ask! So...let the questions begin!!"
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starsescape · 2 years
A gun fire twice before a deafening screams of the infected overshadow the third shot. Fourth shot never came as the infected must have got their hold on the man. He curse Jill and yell as he succumb to an overwhelming crowd of the infected who tore his clothes apart. His protests were soon replaced by gasping moans and muffled groans. One of the infected women must have found a better use for his mouth than talking. Then everything became quiet for a split second before a loud slam coming from the door. The infected who were left out from enjoying the man at their feet now toss themselves against the door in attempt to break in and have their way with the women who hide inside instead.
“Juno!” Jill call out as she dash to the room at the back, hoping to free her friend and barricade the door before the infected would be able to break in.
Stepping through the archway she wince and came to a stop. “Oh my God...” Juno was tied to a bunk bed with her arms above her head. Her top was pulled up to show her bare breasts and erect nipples stained with saliva. Juno slumped with her feet bent backwards, yet her knees didn’t touch the floor. The rope held her up and force Juno to stand even after her legs gave out. Jill’s eyes move lower to see Juno’s unbuttoned shorts pulled down just past her knees. There was a half dozen cords belonging to rotos disappearing into her pussy and ass with one more taped to her clit. Juno’s thighs glister with clear trails of her arousal still leaking out and dripping down to drench her shorts. On the lower bunk was a slick coated riot baton that was no doubt used as a dildo.
Jill stood still until the shock wore off. She rush to free her friend. Juno squirmed half-heartedly against her restraints, the exhaustion having taken its toll even as another ragged moan fell from her lips. Her eyes, while open, were unfocused, lost in a haze of lust as the toys continued to churn within her body and against her bud. It wasn’t until one of the restraints was undone that she seemed to finally notice Jill. “Ji… Jill?” She said in little more than a whimper, her eyes slowly starting to focus on the officer as the hand reached to turn off the rotors. “Nnnn…. N-not yet.. s-so close… d-don’t wanna cum… but I’m so cl-close… Hah… Ne-need it…”
Don’t listen to her. Jill turn off the rotors against Juno’s wish and focus on undoing the last restraint. The pink haired woman whimpered as the rotors went dead, her body going limp as the restraints were undone. Juno collapse and fall in Jill’s arms as she gently lower her to the floor to lay down on her stomach. “Juno, listen to me.” Jill got up to her feet as she tried to reason with her. “There is no time.” As she spoke Jill heard the door creak. The infected would break in soon. “I need your help to barricade the door.”
Waiting for Juno’s reply Jill look around. The back of the break room had a sink with a mirror above it facing the archway she came from, then there was two bunk beds with an item box between them pushed against the back wall. Jill and Juno were in the small space between the bunk beds. She glance at the item box and hesitate... I could use the grenade launcher. It only had one explosive round left and it was her only weapon. [Flip a coin to determine Jill’s decision, the vote was a tie] Jill step over Juno and took the grenade launcher from the box before walking to the archway.
Juno groan as she tried to answer, but words didn’t follow it. The mental fog was slowly lifting, but the lust remained, evident by her wandering eyes lingering on the officers bust and her nibbling her own bottom lip. She nodded as Jill spoke to her, but the words didn't seem to affect her in any way that could be noticed. Instead, her hands lazily went to her own crotch, massaging the powered off rotor into her clit with one hand and a soft moan as the other hand slid finger after finger into her own sex, making itself busy with both fishing out the toys inside her, and stimulating her to a final orgasm. [Juno fail the willpower challenge]
Jill part her lips as she let out a strained breath. To see her friend rather pleasure herself than to try to save them both shock her, yet Jill couldn’t bring herself to blame her. What Juno had been put through must have messed up her mind and Jill only hope she would recover from it. She watch Juno finger herself until one of the rotors pop out of her with a gush of her arousal. Jill stay and watch for a moment longer, but then she realize what she had to do. [Jill won the willpower challenge against infection]
Stop. Jill took a deep breath and held it. Stop staring at her. She release it and turn around. Running out from the back Jill grab a chair and lodge it against the door by jamming it on the underside of the door handle. Next she went back for the table and push. Jill groan as she force it to move, but it was so heavy. As she gave it another push her feet slip and she fell hard against the floor. An abrupt moan left her lips as she felt the eggs inside her stomach shift around. Jill grit her teeth to hold in the second moan, but she only manage to suppress it to a mindless groan. Jill force herself back to her feet while trying to block out the moans that echo from the back of the room... Juno. Stop it.
Jill took a good grip on the edge of the table and shove it. She got it in place against the door, but not as tightly as it needed to be. The next hit against the door brought it down. [Skill challenge 6, Jill fail with engineering down at 1] No, no... This can’t be happening. Jill stare the infected in the eye as they leer at her through the broken doorway. Behind them she saw the corrupt officer lay down with a female infected riding his face. His shirt was plastered with his own cum as his ass was being used by another infected who fucked him roughly. The sight should have given Jill satisfaction, but now seeing her antagonist brought only terror as she was about to share his torment with Juno.
Jill pull out the grenade launcher and took aim.
[Vote on what Jill should do]
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
Give yourself the chance to hear what the oracle of delphia has to sais to us to day.mehGrub
Muggles do say one dot had her day
Because they are confusing clue with guess who
So write
If you want to see it play it in the post screen
Hear I Am
Duh dud duh oh I kno
Then devils aide not bad, I was in breaking bad
Your pretending this jail cell aren't you.
I'm not Alex Jones it says car sails
Some kid just kidnapped nevermind Anton has returned fromAktion
I'm magon lucca swamp rat.
Julian no I'm fine over here but I'm watching a towel, a too bars all I got.
My tatto is butterfairy
K I'll do it to you instead
Knew I'd audition
The girl
A lul
Bugles ran cqptef RANCHzbugelscizHaloborg iceberg bigger icebellygreen I said that's a gundamwing
Somehow showstopper says migl9be just spells drag down lupilpr brief respite we collide temperance union all the all that's salt water we come visit quebeca all the time it's up the Segway technical look trigger Gomorrah trick, that old trick ever really wo Der nearbye
Answered the membership organization see the lost save the cheerleader friendship center, we must be read to be hands full of doors can you 9ts just a bag
-lily by NYwalkup
See pops up in Roswel meckluke corner toker Applebee's a restaurant for shower monarch ketchup over floor I got fucking shot bye
Pillow top webcamera
Came to wave them off my window sill
Parasite poopdex
On cracked head it's a hospital vader
Frequently marshaled billings rout music to my teath bitch on debank music store attempt ro make rent release
Primus detachable penis
Secrates elon muskles passion pits lead
Oh sweet adopted baby of my own love, you know your mother's diabetes story's acting up again.
She's my noise. I get clap
When you try it'll retin elenar rose lipsmuch
Pink stars
Falling in lines
You know likemonkeys do all the time oldphotographt habit.
I ca. PikTure
Cave in even too merry . Twelvechesthairz dotcoks mistakes Beth's dads a doctor hud
Piff posh it's an out house for my magazine tray, don't stop believing just. Cause you opened eye
They don't know you don't know all the things they do know about the choices you make which is lrical output not behavioral
And this
Is what
Udo: cabinet filing system roto locked ties lip v
She meant it
She plugged the phone into something
Last green
Card reader library theft
The U.S. congress is held in library. It means a closed door session is Nobel work wich samwheres a registered face it your voice
Hod is my lobe:
Then they use this needle here to see if you even bleed we need a Medusa not a cry baby.
From one dipper to dot connect them to bare.
Somewhere along thevway v. Others and footloose I fucking like the brie
Who listend to all reaps oldechp voice its gotta be a few that suck real bad. Where's my chin. Sandwich? Hmm hmm yup not bad not my chin counter picnic bathrobe style musicwonderment
But there is an entire k.bates with bat clubs
Huke is noit nuit from whome a wo. Quantonomo Quantavia
Merklevwants chancelorship
When's lavatory break
Tumblr media
Failwindmilliontoggle master Hazeas
West point
Blacklisted briginals.would you be our debate judge.
Driven there then Back to harlemAptm bunktegredy roof scene no wheres the statue
Theres a strawberry jump Lennon ou mosquitos so much cleaner with wipers
Margalund Kaniderriere crosses arms and checks that I'm agwin shows col9nsubsided along time
Tumblr media
You son fore your words said said I can't hear with all this glasses
What who said that
Who farted!
Yes cruise control all the ones off the steering wheel
Mylaf or uelaf
All the buttons are for cruise control there isn't an uptitle
Tumblr media
Ultramars the best hands down source for all unleaded fuel needs
Do we need gas?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hey later
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
They're all for cruise control!
Us to
Tumblr media
She said she likes gravel and barfbags that's pallisid3 we can test between the tIreland gouges
Do we need gas?
Bla bla bla?
Tumblr media
0 notes
letrasdematondo · 4 months
Tortured poet
Ya ha pasado más de un mes de la salida del nuevo disco de Taylor Swift, y cada día tengo una canción favorita diferente.
Florida, con Florence and the machine es mi favorita de todas.
Y el disco me ha gustado mucho, el bridge The Smallest man who ever lived, madre mía , que fuerte. ME encanta.
La de pullas que a lanzado a kim kardashian. No paraba de reirme al escucharlo.
So long, London
ThanK you aIMe
Smallest man who ever lived
So High School
A continuación los parrafos que mas se repiten en mi mente
Florida is one hell of a drug
Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time Yes, I'm haunted but I'm feeling just fine All my girls got their lace and their crimes And your cheating husband disappeared Well, no one asks any questions here
I need to forget, so take me to Florida I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writing a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified?
And you'll confess why you did it And I'll say, "Good riddance" 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden
I would've died for your sins Instead, I just died inside And you deserve prison, but you won't get time
You'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars You crashed my party and your rental car You said normal girls were boring But you were gone by the morning You kicked out the stage lights But you're still performing
So Long, London
(el suspiro del inicio es como diciendo, aqui vamos otra vez, otro vez con el corazón roto)
Thinkin, how much sad did you think I had Did you think I had in me? Oh, the tragedy ...
So long, London You'll find someone ...
You swore that you loved me but where were the clues? I died on the altar waiting for the proof You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days And I'm just getting color back into my face I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place
I was supposed to be sent away But they forgot to come and get me
I love you, it's ruining my life I touched you for only a fortnight I touched you, but I touched you
Thought of callin' ya, but you won't pick up 'Nother fortnight lost in America Move to Florida, buy the car you want But it won't start up 'til you touch, touch, touch me
So high school
I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
(la imagen de ellos besandose en la final de la super bowl)
Truth, dare, spin bottles (yeah) You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand new, full-throttle (yeah) Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her
thanK you aIMee
(Vamos, el mayor jodete Kim que se pudo escuchar)
Screamed, "FucK you, aIMmee" to the night sky As the blood was gushing But I can't forget the way you made me heal
I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool I built a legacy that you can't undo But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you
And maybe you've reframed it And in your mind, you never beat my spirit black and blue I don't think you've changed much And so I changed your name and any real defining clues And one day, your kid comes home singing A song that only us two is gonna know is about you 'cause
Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman But she used to say she wished that you were dead
Hasta aquí mi resumen muy personal del disco Tortured Poet
---------- 8 junio 2024 - Letras de Matondo
0 notes
ask-carrier-kaiju · 4 months
June 3, 2024 (aka: Ivory)
Emergency situation. Mangrove tidal barrier compromised. Coastal defense walls 84, 85, 95, 98, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 129, 131, 138, and 148 breached. All fleets within 20 kilometers of -
"It's around the Bunker 8 area this time. Who's on patrol right now?"
"E13S-4, E2C-17, Ce11L-3, Ce11L-4, and Mauve, it looks like."
"Only one carrier? That's…rough. Any Rotocarriers available for support?"
"…one should be in the Bunker 5 area, last I checked."
"B7R-3. That's…Ivory. I'll page Bunker 5."
"Hey. What the hell."
"What? What's going on?"
"Where's Ivory?"
"You mean they can't find her?"
"She's completely AWOL. 5, 8, NOBODY knows where she is. She's supposed to be right there, but she's just…somewhere else, I guess! And nobody knows where! She's still on Darkworld somewhere!"
"Yeah, that's weird. It's not like a 1000-ft sheep Kaiju could just wander off unnoticed. So…"
"Where the hell is Ivory?"
Ivory looked around. Beach that way. Beach the other way. Sand as far as she could see.
Where the hell was she? This is… a desert. And there's the ocean here, so…
How did it get like this? She just wandered off for a second.
'// Ok', she thought. '// Don't overthink this. There has to be a way to remotely get in contact with someone. // Wait, Saffron! Of course. She got a new job recently.
"// Communications centre; left roto-partial. Can you connect me to the satellite messaging network?"
A second or so passed. The aircraft-carrier platform on her port side stirred with human activity for a moment, then a message from its air traffic tower.
"That's out of our range, sorry."
"// Hm. Maybe I could do it?"
"Oh, right, we can fly you up. 3 kilometers off the surface should be enough for you, correct?"
"// It's worth a shot. Thank you, admiral. You are the smallest and best human. End transmission#"
The rotors flared to life, propellors spinning with immense force, kicking up sand below. She felt the numerous invisibly small grains fly every which way, some creeping into her joints. Ick. Gross. She'd need a shower later.
She flew upwards, lifted by what to her were handbag-sized flying aircraft-carrier platforms along her sides, feeling the desert heat and wind give way to cooler, clearer air above. About six times her height in the air, she felt a tingle along her ears.
"There you are!! Ivory, you missed a battle, we were looking for you!"
"// Oh!! Oh no, super sorry. Nobody got hurt, right?"
"Thankfully not. We…got Amber to pick up some of the slack. She's going to be quite…enthusiastic about her performance for a while."
"// Thank goodness. I hope you don't mind me asking, and this might sound weird, but…do you know where I am?"
"…well, I can check your positioning signal, and - you're on the opposite side of Darkworld. How did you get over there? That's obscenely far away."
"// I suppose my mind just wandered while I was on patrol. I was thinking over some of those experiment results from the other day. Say, so I don't get lost on my way back, can you patch me through to Saff's Media Shift satellite relay?"
"I guess so."
"// Just trying to be courteous."
"Ok, it's done. Try not to wander off again, okay?"
"// Yes, sir! Of course, sir! #"
Ivory lowered back down to the ground, impacting the sand, and beginning her slow, meandering trek back, stepping over artificial riverbank encampments and manmade oases as she went. Kind of a big desert, even for her.
Let’s zoom out a bit.
Ivory, otherwise known as Unit B7R-3, is a ‘Rotocarrier’, a classification given to Kaiju that haul ships designed for autonomous flight. Given they approximate the size of certain aircraft carriers, these ships are the largest flight-capable vehicles mankind has ever created. To separate them into clean halves, and sandwich a Kaiju in the middle makes their feat of flight even more impressive.
There are more interesting things about Ivory than just that, but a picture is worth a thousand words. We'll uplink you with Ivory shortly. During this time, both Ivory and Saffron will handle Media Shift communications. Get along.
0 notes
greedentstripes · 1 year
Snow@Nick A text from Snow appeared on Nick's phone, reading, "Meet me outside" she had no context with it
"Roto Roto" His phone rang briefly to indicate a text message, which vibrated within his tail. He pulled it out, saw it was Snow, read it and promptly texted her back.
I'm already outside actually, I needed a breather. BTW while I was taking my break I met a Dragonite. She's a kind, gentle lady, a little anxious at first glance, anyways we're friends now! :D Her name's Catherine. If you meet her, please be gentle. Anyways I'm out in the front yard.
Catherine belongs to @team-pokefriends
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cccrhirdb2 · 1 year
week 8 independent
Task 1Reflect: Have a look at your responses to the independent study from week 7, how did this weeks class discussion deepen or help develop and expand your initial understanding? You could write about this in a sentence or two, or you could go back and add to your original notes.
well it did and didn't, catherine and holly chatted about how we just need to be really careful about appropriation and sharing knowledge that isn't ours. Need to think long and hard about our positions as New Zealanders and how we can incorporate the ideas but not colonise them. Which in a way sounds quite difficult to do - lots of nuance to this subject because there aren't huge rights or wrong in the world of design there is just acceptable and unacceptable - without being a part of the culture who the knowledge belongs to it's hard to know when is too far - but I guess one of the easy ways is to acknowledge who we are making it for and why.
Task 2 Research your topic and find 1 academic resource from the library or online — Don’t forget to try out the discovery and research advice.Read what you have discovered and sourced — make notes. (about 2hrs)
Clive Aspin, 'Hōkakatanga – Māori sexualities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/hokakatanga-maori-sexualities/print (accessed 22 September 2023)
this is a nice little piece of writing about maori sexuality - it goes over traditions to do with sexuality, ways this is expressed through songs and art. it also goes into historical examples of same sex relationships and things that happened when the settlers arrived in nz. It also talks about contemporary nz, ideas, acknowledgements, and projects. It's quite short but it gives really good starting points for historical information.
basically it starts by talking about how open maori were with discussing sex and sexuality - with some quotes from Hinepuariari, and Rongomaiwahine, both which I cannot understand fully because I don't know old timey english
Hinepuariari; ‘Kāore hoki tērā te hanga o taku tāne, kāore e rūpeke mai ana, takoto noa mai te nuinga i waho.’ (The remarkable thing is that the treasure of my husband could not be admitted and the major part of it was obliged to remain outside.)
Rongomaowahine; ‘Nā te mea anō rā he kōpua pāpaku, mehemea e taka mai ana ki te kōpua hōhonu a Rapa e tuhera atu nei, pokopoko ana ia ki roto.’ (It is because it is a shallow pool; should it have fallen into the deep pool of Rapa (her father) now opening towards him, it would have been lost out of sight.) 
another thing gathered from folklore is the story of Tūtānekai and Tiki. - Tūtānekai refers to Tiki as ‘taku hoa [my friend] takatāpui’. The term takatāpui was defined in the Dictionary of the Maori language compiled by missionary William Williams (1844) as ‘an intimate companion of the same sex’.
sexuality is also present in song and carvings such as a waita composed for a young man named Papaka Te Naeroa, who died in battle. It describes him as ‘Ko te tama i aitia e tērā wahine e tērā tangata.’ (A youth who was sexual with that woman, with that man)
then there are also carvings that have the sexual organs on them, so the gender of the ancestor can be known there is also depictions of sexual acts such as A papa hou (carved box), in the British Museum, depicts male figures having sex.
then we move onto maori sexuality upon european arrival - viewed from an outsiders point of view because there are accounts from visiting sailors about what they observed and saw and thought such as; Māori chiefs would often have more than one wife. Except for puhi (high-born women set aside for a political marriage), sex before marriage carried no stigma - a French explorer; Julien Crozet said, ‘[Māori] gave us to understand by signs that we must not touch the married women, but that we might with perfect freedom make advances to the girls.' then a naturalist Georg Foster said; 'Their ideas of female chastity are, in this respect so different from ours, that a girl may favour a number of lovers without any detriment to her character; but if she marries, conjugal fidelity is exacted from her with the greatest rigour.' which is in a way backwards to theirs, in western society it is believed that no woman have sex with any man until after she is married, from whence onward she would only be able to have sex with this one man to whom she is married. - going off of this maori also believed it important that children born outside of marriage be raised within the tribe to gain ancestral knowledge from their whanau about their whakapapa, tikanga and te reo maori.
an historical example of new settlers cohabiting in same-sex relationships with Māori. The most well-documented example is the Reverend William Yate, an English missionary. His relationship seems to have been accepted by the Māori community but it was frowned on by his religious peers. Richard Davis observed that ‘[they] showed no shame. They simply declared that they were unaware of any sinfulness in such practices and that Yate had not initiated them.’
then we move on to the influence, sexual attitude of maori changed due to what the missionaries imposition of a code of conduct based on victorian concepts. such as; sexual behaviours is to only occur between a man and a woman within the parameters of marriage and for the purpose of procreation.
the imposition of these ideas led to some pretty drastic attempts at removing sex adjacent things in carvings and karakia. Sexual organs in carvings were often covered over or removed. Waiata and karakia, which often had explicit language in them, were often censored/changed. Europeans collecting Māori traditions often censored them. John White, a collector of numerous Māori traditions and stories, noted, ‘Nearly all my best tales are tainted with indecency’
contemporary society
Nowadays in a more open and willing society the term takatapui is being reclaimed as it acknowledges both the sexual and cultural aspects of one’s identity, and has both contemporary and traditional connections with the Māori community.
It is important to note that the term takatāpui embraces transgender men and women. As is the case with many indigenous peoples throughout the world, transgender people hold a revered position within Māori society. Transgender people play an important role within both the takatāpui community and wider Māori community as holders and transmitters of ancestral knowledge.
Task 3Read: This task prepares you for next week. Read the following and make notes:Lu, Rose. “All Who Live on Islands.” The Pantograph Punch, 3 September 2018. 
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a lot going on here and I'll tell you what he's assholes clogged the drain again it's terrible. It needs to be unclogged and you can't do it tonight it's too late it's too many mosquitoes he needs a solution he needs a solution from us so I'm putting in for one and they'll come up with it
You know how to fix it and we know how to make it work with the two parties on either side don't want to so we have to try and make them so I can make that happen. They do this every time when he wants to go to the mall or take a relaxing day these people are a bunch of losers he's a young man full of piss and vinegar and doesn't care about you and it's willing to get rid of you no matter what I guess you don't care about yourself right now you're getting down to almost 2% and you're going to be in the cities and in your areas and we're deploying stars now I did the test and it works and you go right at it Non-Stop and empty out from behind and stop people from coming in and it's going to try and get everybody there that has anything including pistols and we're going in it and we're taking stuff out and the max are amazed they said who's doing that I think it's a Giants Sue is clogged again and he goes oh that's good and it's a septic tank it's not the d-box and Stan was reaching in his hand and pulling s*** out you got to tell him I got to say it because put his effort in heavy fixing it it needs to be fixed it was going to collapse and had her party over it that was Lily the punishing her it's just f****** too idiots here that live here f***** want to sneak up on me on trying to I mean there's such freaking hose bags those people everywhere out here come by I mean somebody should just get them 24-hour Roto-Rooter guy so was thinking of fixing it you still think it'll work oh yeah they do yeah there they're right on it I tell you every few minutes that was Mac and a son and our son and Hera in the background and it's aggravating her I'm putting stuff in there they shouldn't and I'll tell you what she's been helping cheesman's is a jerk too and they're all really stupid messing up basic stuff so I know what to do and we will probably have to fix this thing it'd be nice he says to get some programs going and to heat something up that we need to oh yeah instead of torturing me to death we're going to do some work and I'll see what you're saying.
I'm putting into motion and it's been ridiculous he's right we have to get going on it and we have to hire our people right now
Thor Freya
Put a notice up to mine to get everybody going and we have to get going here I'll tell you what we're going to get these things fixed it's ridiculous the roof isn't fixed the sewer every day it's in clogs it's probably not even their fault
Nuada Arrianna
Well it's clogged up it's saying poor bleach tonight it might unclog on a ton you know maybe like three cups I already put it in like three cups and it's all stand put down gallons but he's pretty gallons in the d-box to clear the d box and you don't want to do that to the septic tank so I'm going to try just a couple cups and stuff toilet tissue and stuff will degrade and a little urine would help but my gas us. That actually works but you're right we might get gas it's going to hit the stuff that's already there so we might try that
John r
Yeah we could put a little in there of cup or too this is such a pain . We're holding off as a matter of fact that could pop the cap and that might help out for tonight cuz someone has to take a s***
I'm going to do that I don't have to take a s*** right now but I haven't tightened and it might stink but at least it won't back up into the house
This is what it's like cuz Tommy F and now we all have this girl's houses nowhere to live in the f***** keeps us here he's a torturous person he did the Holocaust I tell you what he has a ship over us all day and now the sewers busted
Okay no nobody's going to help this guy and I have to pay for it then you all pay it's a realm including you tell me if you'll see figured it out you do pay your bases are restrict attack you f*** around with me more we're going to send more down this is f****** around with me more and I believe he's right and you're wrong
I got to tell you you figured it out but I don't care this is stupid it doesn't do anything and I'm going to sit here and continue doing it as a f****** loser I don't know what to tell you the sewer blows it always sucks but this is the worst I don't know how mean I have to be but I want people to do what I want the more meat I am the one that hit my ass it's stupid I'm doing it for a long time it didn't work that way it says down there and lots of stuff is flammable and he knows how to do things I swear to get something don't kidnap me I'll get rid of you it's going to go on and on I don't care about this s*** I don't want this f****** stupid crap all night long I shouldn't have done it this blows
Tommy f
Then why do you a****** sat over his f****** around with everything they got rid of all your idiots haven't seen each of us you stupid a****** the phone is going to just take over it's God damn dumb
Tell you what I'm going to fix that stupid sewer probably not unless you post it this blows so bad that stupid thing fails every week like clockwork and some assholes always threatening for it it's not Tommy effort someone else you can't sit there I'm going to f*** you all over you God damn morons are going to come out of his ass one day that's who he lights out it's either an action nothing stops them just keep on from okay it's all these old s**** lucky look like complete crap can kick each other asses without trouble. I guess it's all in the ringer and all he wants is basic stuff and we won't do it I got to tell you something we have to do it it sucks so bad the whole country in the world is like this because we're suffocating them he's suffocate these people they come out shooting and we're going to be gone soon.
I guess I should fix the sewer
0 notes
returnoftheolympian · 4 years
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Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena
Done with Procreate :-)
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 7-8
Speed man: The ninja were right this wasnt about us winning. This was something sinister 😨
Shadowman: What gave it away. His cult following or his giant snake head.
Kai: Tell me one thing. Was it his plan to make me fall for you, or yours. Because it worked.
Goofy side character cult activists my beloved. Who are their voice actors because someone needs to get those two a lead job
Kapow and Chope my beloveds
Jay: its not work if you love what you do 😌 the power of positive thinking
Jay nerding over Zanes new look is adorable
Jay: a roto jet? But arent we underground?
Metal man(karloff): what happened to positive thinking huh?
Why does Chen have Zanes pink gi
How does chen have zanes pink gi
Headcannon that Zane or Kai steals it on their way out
Kai YAWNED during Chens evil speech
Idk if that was adhd or audacity but i love it
Chen you manipulative asshole stop using lloyd and his parents to fucking persuade Kai
The cliche ‘GO! ILL HOLD THEM OFF!’ Leaving the most important character to fight for himself
I dont remember what happens at all so im excited
Lloyd: you, you turned Kai against me!?!?
He must have felt so betrayed.
Kai: itll all make sense when this is over.
Ik you have a plan Kai but you better have an apology
So tempted to draw this exchange
Dont the og anacondrai actually get pissed that Chens trying to be a poser or smth
I keep forgetting Lloyds a kid and then his voice actor drops the most child-like line ever and a piece of me breaks inside
(Nya and Garmadon tied up to a pole surrounded by the boned remains of Chens pet snake)
This…. Is fucked up.
I think I would quite literally go insane after this
Kai's guilt. Nyas hurt.
The rbg siblings are splitting apart and it's killing me.
Garmadon is so worried for his son, for Lloyd that he went as far as threatening Skylers life, but even then, he can't because he’s changed.
He's such a good character and I wish they didn't just revert him back to his evil self.
Also, the fact that Chens daughter was in potential danger and he let Garmadon man-handle her is just
I'm glad she's not under his care anymore
Kai: I had to! He said he would let you free Nya
(Proceeds to walk away as Chen doesn't set her free)
At least he has a plan
Nickname 1: tiger
I Like this one bc im pretty sure tiger is Coles symbol and the tiger sashay is the move that he accomplished when he unlocked his true potential
So it makes sense
I'm so glad ninjago hadn't formed it's expressive animation style yet bc I know Lloyd would have looked helpless instead of vacantly angry as kai stood in front of him and that would have destroyed me
Ik Kai had a plan but he didnt know that Cole and zane would come to save Nya and Garmadon and it would have been tragic if he was able to save Lloyd, but came back to another sibling as bones
Nya: Zane! Youre back!
Zane: what! What is on my back?
I love him
Kai: Hey Chen! You forgot one element. The element of surprise!
The master of surprise from the movie popping out of nowhere: SURPRISE!
And then surprise saves the day
Thats exactly how it goes.
Jk jk lol Skyler fucking totals her dad and Kai steals the staff
Its crazy that Kai held every element and was able to use them
i dont remember the power corrupting him holy shit thats scary
Lloyd looks terrified
Hes fighting the curroptness so hard good for him
Hell yeah theyre all back babyyyy
Zanes doing the funny switch song again 🥹
Wait why are they sinking all their escapes to leave
“We’re not stuck on this island with you, youre stuck on this island with US.”
Oh how the turn tables
Skyler(rattles her chains)
The guards watching her: AAHJSENE
Skyler: … i need, to scratch my face. 🤨
The guards (uses their swords to scratch her face)
Skyler (loudly): thank you :)
Other guards 🤨😠
Okay but the way skyler is so used to her fathers manipulation, that she could easily tell that it was an act to take her power Is honestly heartbreaking
Having to walk on eggshells all the time
Jesus christ they implied the transaction could kill her
I absolutely despise chen now hes such a shit bag father
Pixal: Zane! You have to drive slower! I cant predict the obstacles!
Zane: theres no time!
Zanes really betting on that ‘its not about numbers, its about family’ idealogy
Aaaand he fell. In a cave.
Kai: Shes more important!
This is the cave in his dreaaaam
Oh shit is he hallucinating?
God poor Zane can you imagine having someone in your head telling you what you see isnt real but it feels real
Skylers so cool
Clouse (on the roto jet): a bit of a breeze up here! I wonder who will last longer.
Garmadon: How about neither! (Tackles clouse AGAIN)
Okay but Kai and Skyler actually have some chemistry and their legitimately cute
Teamwork and banter always gets me
Okay nvm Kapow and Chope suck
Garmadons not ACTUALLY gonna go to the cursed realm
THIS was a learning experience for Garmadon
I truly believe hes ridden with guilt and a small part of him doesnt find himself worth the same as others. Which is why he always does ‘self sacrificial’ plays, throwing himself in more danger to take the enemy down.
This moment i thought he was gonna do the same thing but instead, he pulled Clouse in the portal and used him as leverage to pull himself out. I think he realized and grew from this.
Pixal: youre not afraid of dragons, you used to have one.
This is so similar to someone talking someone down from a panic attack, go pixal.
She really just kept using logic and it helped.
I think this was to show that Zane changed and grew. He’s still the white ninja but hes no longer the person he was before his trauma, now hes someone else ‘the titanium ninja.’
If i had a nickel for everytime Zane ‘found himself’ id have two nickels. Which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice right.
Something tells me itll happen more than twice.
Aaaand theyre all anacondrai
Oh shit i forgot Garmadon has the tattoo/worked with chen
Jay: first its four arms. Then you became a dragon! would you mind picking a body and sticking with it please!
jays transphobic confirmed /j
Kapow and Chope: WE LOOK SO COOL!
Kai: youre both still ugly! (Blasts them)
Look! Its skylers snake-jay-insecure arc
Jay: they took the roto jet and all of the blade copters!
Yes jay, thank you, we can see that.
Jay im begging you to stfu rn pls i love u but just stfu
Ohhhhh it was Zanes energy dragon.
Honestly if lloyd was never the green ninja id think Zane would be the most qualified
It seems so weird for all of then to just magically get their dragons rn
i feel like this makes ‘wtf happened to the other elemental masters after’ a lot more important
Kai: Chen said only one could remain, well, we are one!
Love that
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the-cosmic-ghost-18 · 3 years
Broken Nose - Chapter 1 of Doctor’s Orders a Benny Miller x Santiago Garcia Sister F!Reader Fic
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Pairing: Benny Miller x Santiago Garcia Sister F!Reader
Notes - So I may or may not of written a outline for a Benny x reader story after reading some of your work @jessie-writes-things. I will keep going with Bacon bits, that my baby. But here is another story to sink your teeth in. This is only an introduction.
Word Count: 1.4K
“What do you want Santi? I am trying to sleep.” It wasn’t uncommon for my big brother to call at God knows time in the morning. It was more annoying at 2 in the morning after working a 12-hour ER shift. When all I wanted was sleep. It also didn’t help that I had just moved here. It was nice living with Santi again. When he was still in the military we lived together. Medical school is expensive, so we shared the costs of living.
“Have you got your kit on you?” He asked. I know exactly what he wanted. He had told stories of all his old army buddies. I had meet Frankie. He was one of the few I had meet and got along with.
“Yeah. Why?” Getting out of bed moving to start to get dressed. Quickly put him in speaker phone.
“I think Benny broke his nose in his fight and he won’t go to hospital.” He said. A voice could be here someone in the background shouting. It sounded like he was saying he was fine. “You’re not fine Benny. She is coming to have a look.”
“Where are you?” I asked while slipping on some shoes. Grabbing My phone taking it off speaker. Walking into the living room I scanned the room to try and find my medical bag.
“At the gym I told you about.” Santi said.
“The one near the school.” I asked while grabbing the red bag and my keys. Heading out the door the making sure to lock the door.
“Yeah.” He answered back.
“I will be there in about 10 minutes.” I said while getting into the car.
“Good. Text me when you get here, and I will get Frankie to let you in.” With that Santi hung up. He was lucky I wasn’t working tomorrow.
At the Gym
Pulling into the car park there were only 2 cars there. One must have been Frankie’s. Parking next to it I got out and grabbed my bag out the back. I quickly text Santi that I was were. Walking up to the door I saw Frankie jogging to the door.
“Come on.” Frankie said while opening the door for me. “How have you been?”
“Good. This hospital is a lot better than the last. It’s nice living with Santi again. How is Rosie?”
“She is running around like crazy. Lily wants another one.” He said with a huge smile on his face.
“I need to come over and see her. She must miss her Aunty Y/N.” I said as we made are way through the gym hall.
“God, you have no idea. Maybe you could watch her one night so me and Lily can go out.” He said while opening the door for me.
“I would love to Frankie.” I said while going through the open door. Opening my bag, I got out two blue gloves. I could see Santi stood next to a tall blonde man. I could then see another dirty blonde man. He was sat on a metal bench with blood on his nose.
“Y/N.” Santi said. “Creo que está roto pero no me escuchará.” I think it's broken but he will not listen to me.
“le echaré un vistazo.” I’ll take a look at it. I said before walking over to the man. He was wearing boxing shorts. I had to admit me was very good looking. He had chiselled abs and thick thighs. Getting to his face he had a boyish smile in his face.
“Now I understand why you kept her away from us Santi” he said. I reached up and wiggled his nose. He winced. I could hear Santi laughing in the background as I did it.
“Sorry.” I said. I looked over his face. His nose was definitely broken. “It’s definitely broken. I would like for him to got to the ER and get a scan, but I guess that isn’t going to happen.”
“Can you set it here?” the bloodied blonde said.
“Benny why don’t we just go to the ER?” The tall blonde said. Benny. It fits.
“God no. We will be stuck there for hours.” He said.
“I could set it here but if I do its gonna hurt.” I said.
“I’m sure I can take it Doc.” He said with that boyish smile again.
“Okay then. Can one of you go and get me some ice?”
“Sure, I will.” The taller blonde said. I could hear Santi and Frankie chatting in Spanish behind me.
“Benny.” He said.
“Huh?” I questioned as I got some gauze out of my med bag.
“My name is Benny. And yours is?” He asked. I could see his eyes scanning over me. Like he was sizing me up.
“Has Santi not told you it?” He shook his head. “Y/N.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful lady but I think Doc fits better.” He said. I could feel the heat reaching my face. But it was short lived as Santi came over and slapped Benny in the back of the head.
“Cabrón.” Fucker. Santi said. A smile gracing my lips. The tall blonde came back over.
“I never caught your name.” I said while looking up at the man.
“Will. I am this idiots’ older brother.” He said while handing me the ice.
“Thanks.” I placed the ice bag in Benny’s lap. “Right, I am going to try and set your nose as best I can. I would have preferred getting a scan, but I guess that isn’t going to happen. I will do it on the count of three. Okay?”
He nodded. Placing my thumbs on either side of his nose started to count.
“1,2” I quickly snapped his nose back. “3.”
“Shit. You said count of three.” He said while leaning back a hit of annoyance on his breath. He brought the ice to his face.
“Cause if I did it on the count of three you would know when I did it.” Grabbing some extra gauze, I placed then under his nose. Trying to catch the blood from his nose. His hand came to envelope mine. Hit was nearly twice the size of mine. He took the gauze from my hand and held it close to his nose. “Does he live with anyone?”
“Yeah me.” Will held his hand up.
“Keep an eye on his. It does look like his has concussion, but I can’t do a CT scan to be sure. I would like for him to go to hospital to get one, but I guess he won’t be convinced. Don’t let him drive or drink for the next 72 hours. Take some pain meds once you get home. Try not to break your nose again. And next done call me after I have worked 12 hours in the ER.”
“At least you’re not working tomorrow.” Santi said.
“No, I am not.” I said while packing up my stuff and walking over to Santi. “But you do own me breakfast.”
“Yep. I didn’t drive so can I have your keys.” I said. I handed him my keys as the two of us headed out.
Still inside the Gym
Benny had the biggest smirk on his face as he watched you leave. Will know exactly what his little brother was thinking. He gave his brother a slap over the back of the head.
“Don’t even think about it.” Will said as Benny rubbed the spot he just got hit.
“I wasn’t.” Benny said. Will wasn’t convinced. “Okay I was but who wouldn’t.”
“Santi would kill you. I would probably help him hid the body.” Will said as he started heading to the front of the gym to leave.
All Benny could think about was you. Your hand. And God your eyes. He was fucked. And he knows that if he tried anything Santi would kill him. You were forbidden fruit, but Benny didn’t care. He was going to have you one way or another.
Taglist -
@aimee-does-dumb-shit @my-name-is-alice-ayers@whiskeymeaway92 @princess76179 @greatgardendeancookie @sunshine2894 @jessie-writes-things @abzidabzy
If you want to be added to the taglist either comment below or message me. Hope you enjoyed.
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