#madison talks
puffy-fluffy272 · 8 months
A character from my childhood that is STILL major comfort character happens to be canonically ticklish! Bubbie from The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack.
Her laughter is so darn cute! 🩵
I'd always hide my face when this scene came on as a kid, due to tickles making me flustered >w<
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The official wiki says she's extremely ticklish too!
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sassy-lightning272 · 10 months
My self insert kisses KITT's voice modulator whenever the two of them have moments alone. Every time she does this, KITT freezes for a moment due to the fact that he doesn't expect the kiss. KITT won't admit it, but he loves the feeling. He appreciates the kind gesture but feels bad that he can't give kisses back. To make up for this, KITT will nudge Maddie with his nose and make a kissing sound. He usually nudges her cheek or her legs.
If the two of them are busy, driving, or don't have time to be alone, Maddie will press two fingers against her lips and then press them against KITT's voice modulator. This will also proceed to make KITT flustered for a moment.
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pizzacam272 · 1 year
Bella B is such a waste of a character. She's just there for Spanish representation and has no story. She is also steaming Pasqually's spotlight, and CEC Entertainment will push him to the side to make more room for Bella.
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eartheats · 9 months
status: part 2 of 3
[location: blueberry academy, unova]
((ooc: buckle up, it's gonna be a long one. WHO WANTS SOME HOT, SPICY BACKSTORY LORE!
cws: mostly descriptions of violence and a lot of swearing. like a lot of swearing. and some of noriko's nastier behaviors toward madison. and some shades of mental spousal abuse. and like. general high stakes pokemon stuff. if there's anything i missed lemme know and i'll add it.))
"What do you want to know?"
Madison's question isn't properly answered on the video; whoever this detective is talks on the other end of the phone, and try as one might, it seems like it's too far away to pick up any of the other person's voice.
Either way, Madison's eyes roll briefly at the assumed question, moving her free hand to rub her temple a bit.
"...Alright. Twenty six years ago is a bit of a tall order for telling you anything about her, but I'll tell you at least what I can."
There's another pause of seeming talking, and another roll of the eyes from Madison before she speaks up again.
"So, yeah. I'd already been in Zapapico when Noriko decided to move in. I think I'd been living there for about...I want to say it was seven years that my parents shipped us out of there once they sold their stocks with Macro Cosmos and decided to retire. Not that they ever fucking rested, but that's neither here nor there."
"Noriko moved in around '97. Just this...Tandemaus-y looking woman who's Paldean was passable at best. The most I saw of her at first was just her bringing back rocks to her house that had fossilized bones in 'em, but my Ex at the time started talking to her."
A small pause, and a brief quirk of Madison's brow happens before she sighs a bit. "...Yeah, I'm talking about Mateo. You didn't think we parted on bad terms, did you? --Oh my Arc you totally did." Madison laughs a bit, the sound biting and barking. "No, no. We just weren't a good fit for each other and decided to go back to being friends, a little while before she moved in."
Madison pauses a moment at that, though, seemingly interrupted before going back to speaking.
"Yeah. He's the one who reached out to her first. She probably would've stayed hidden in her little home had Mateo and some of the other miners not reached out to help her. But yeah, she and Mateo got married eventually and had a kid. That's the start of it, at least."
There's another pause on the phone, and some consideration as Madison speaks again.
"...We never got along. Me and Noriko, I mean. Mateo insisted that I'm a friend to the family and asked me to become Ren's godmother, and I didn't reject it. She hated it, though; so worried I was going to try and steal Mateo back from her. As if. He was a sweetheart, but we rubbed each other's nerves raw sometimes. It was for the best that we stayed friends, rather than expect any, like...actual intimacy with each other, romantic or otherwise. I mostly just played babysitter for the kid when Mateo was working in the mines, and Noriko had to go to work. She hated it, but nobody else was willing to work for free and they both didn't make a lot, so..."
Madison pauses briefly again as the Detective seems to ask something, and perhaps without thinking, she moves to sit on the floor and lets out Charcoal, her Flareon. The Flareon seems a little confused at first, but settles into Madison's lap as the nurse pets him.
"Gonna be honest with you, Noriko was pretty tight lipped about the shit she did for work. I didn't think too much of it, at first. She mentioned a few times that she did a lot of her work remotely, sending it back to her employer--no, she never gave me a name. She talked about the Fossil Lab in Cinnabar so much that I just assumed at the time she was doing remote work for her family. Kind of weird, but I respected it."
Another pause. Charcoal's expression goes worried as Madison's face seems to darken, her fingers running deep through the Flareon's fluff.
"Oh, no, I realized that eventually. Like--you don't get it, she was always a little bit...off. Like not even in that eccentric, Pokemon Professor kind of way--I could hear her muttering to herself sometimes when she was out and trying to find fossils for herself, about like...just how much she hated the world. How she always thought it was selfish, that it's people needed a reality check of some kind. Only got the guts to try and call her on it once, but nobody believed me when I tried to bring it up with anyone else. Kind of just assumed I was going crazy."
"And, well...considering the whole Flare connection she mentioned, I guess I can't fucking say I'm surprised. I should've fucking known quicker."
Yet another pause occurs, and Charcoal paws at Madison briefly before a small 'no, charcoal, stay down' keeps him lapbound for the moment. But Madison's expression goes contemplative...
"...You're talking about like...October, right? 2013? Somewhere around there?" Another pause, and Madison's breath is shaky. "...Yeah. Yeah, something happened that coincided with the Flare attack."
Madison straightens, briefly, as she recalls the incident.
"It was...a little bit before Ren's fourteenth birthday, if I remember right. Several months before shit hit the fan on that end, before you ask. But I was going to drop off a couple gifts for Ren and Noriko both--yes, their birthdays both were pretty close to one another. Let me finish. But when I got there, there was...nobody in the house. It was fucking unlocked, but nobody was in there."
Something in Madison goes tense as she recalls further. Clearly whatever it is, it's definitely not something good, and she starts to shudder the further she goes along.
"I--I filed a missing persons report for them and everything. I even used some of my parent's inheritance to try and hire someone to look for them. I was worried fucking sick about them! Mateo wasn't at work, the kid came back to celebrate their birthday and they looked fucking miserable a few days prior, and not even she was around. Like, I even had someone call Noriko's family in fucking Cinnabar? They didn't even know where the fuck she was, and like, I wasn't going to put it past Noriko to drag the kid and Mateo over to Cinnabar for something private. They were fucking worried sick too! And you know what happens?"
"About a week after I file the report, they're back in their house. I see the lights on at night, and I'm worried someone's breaking in or some shit so I go check on them, or scare the fucking punk off, or just. Something. Anyway, I go and knock on the door, and out comes fucking Noriko, sporting a new, horrible looking face scar and snarling at me to fucking leave. I tell her I'm not trying any shit and I was worried, she doesn't buy it. I tell her that I was fucking worried about her too, and she brushes it off and tells me to leave. I tell her I'm not fucking leaving without making sure that the kid and Mateo are okay, and she starts slamming my hand in the door over and over again and telling me to leave, leave, fucking leave, you don't belong here, you're no longer fucking welcome here and if I say anything? No one will believe me and no one will fucking do anything."
"...And you know fucking what? That stupid fucking bitch was right. I tried to get people to look at the house, but she had the lights off and nobody else fucking saw them on when I did. No one fucking believed me when I even brought up my fucked up hand, because oh, Noriko's just so fucking sweet and pechas! She wouldn't hurt a fucking Cutiefly. She had some sort of sob story about shit that happened that fucked her up, and everyone just fucking ate it up. Fuck, Mateo and Ren wouldn't even fucking look at me up until the night Ren went apeshit on the house. Mateo looked like he got fucked up by something falling on him, and I could hear around town that he was doing worse and worse. It looked like one of Ren's arms got fucked up a bit too, but they seemed...confused about it, before they went back to school. I just tried to put it out of my mind at that point. Everyone there had chosen their narrative, and all I had was a fucked up hand and nobody to fucking listen to me. Shit's fucking demoralizing."
There's a pause as Charcoal curls up against Madison; for all of her shivering, all of the pain that she recalls, and her left hand coming up briefly from the Flareon's fur--showing off some rather nasty looking old scars on it--she doesn't cry. She breathes, shuddering as she tries to calm herself a bit, and she even laughs a little bit when it's clear she's being spoken to again.
"Kind of a shitty platitude to offer. But thanks. Glad to know somebody might've believed me if I went to them."
But there's a sharpness that comes into her voice as the detective clearly says something that Madison takes offense to.
"No. Absolutely not. Neither of them were Flare. You don't have to fucking believe me if you don't want, but Mateo wouldn't fucking dare to do that shit. Ren wouldn't either, no matter how much--" Another pause, and a glare into the phone. "Do you even fucking hear yourself?! You're accusing a teenager--yes, a fucking teenager at the time, don't you fucking start with me, who yes, fucking hated people because of the shit they faced, but come fucking on! Ren's better than that. They're so much fucking better than that shithead mom of theirs, they'd fucking never. Not even unintentionally. I fucking swear on it."
There's a long bit of pausing there, and Madison's practically shuddering. Charcoal's started to try and paw at Madison again, clearly worried, but after a few minutes she calms again. No less angry, but. Calm.
"I'm not accepting your apology, but thanks. Anything else you want to know?"
Another pause, this time seeing Madison start to gently nudge Charcoal off of her (earning a whine from the Flareon) as she starts to get up.
"...We're working on getting the door to the parent's old bedroom unlocked, yes. Jacques and I, we're gonna try to clean shit out of there, but we're not throwing anything out if you need it." The detective clearly talks again, getting a nod from Madison. "Ren's finally ready to let it be unlocked, at least. But we're going to see what we can find. I'm not sure if it's going to be much. Or, well...anything that isn't broken. --Yeah, the kid got in there when they fucking blew up. I imagine that's half the reason they couldn't bring themself to go in. It'd probably trigger the everloving hell out of them to relive it through seeing it."
Another pause, and Madison's brow quirks. "No? Of course I didn't offer to clean it before. Hell, the kid only started speaking to me again after they got their first job, over in Montenevera. Four years or so after getting them off the hook for the noise complaint. They weren't speaking to anyone that wasn't through a computer screen for years after that, but it was slow going. They apologized to me first, and I don't think they like...even realized how long they locked themself up for. Far as I was concerned, I was just glad the kid was okay, but I didn't wanna push anything. Offered help when they asked for it and helped them learn how to pay off shit for the house, but I just...kind of let them come to me on that shit. You know? That kid's so much stronger than anyone gives them credit for. I'm...I'm proud of them for making it this far, that they're willing to let us clean shit out and start a new chapter."
There's another long pause, of some talking, and Madison just kind of lets out a non-committal hum as it goes on. Eventually, she simply nods her head.
"Yeah. Thanks. --Don't fucking worry about it, just don't bring it up again the next time we speak in person. Yeah? Okay. Good. Uh-huh. ...Yeah, I'll let you know once we start and if there's anything we can find. Thanks again. I hope you find that stupid bitch sooner, rather than later."
"Okay. Bye."
Madison hangs up the phone, letting out a sigh and slumping against the wall a bit. Her hand goes down to pet Charcoal, who weaves between her legs and demands pets.
"Fucking Arc. Well, glad we've gotten through that mess of a conversation. Kid's room looks pretty good too. I think it's time we head out, buddy. Whatcha say? Do you wanna go out, Charcoal?"
"Flare, flare!" The Flareon jumps around, sparking a bit of genuine laughter and a tired smile from Madison.
"Alright. I'll go ask the Director if I can give you a brief walkies around the school, but then you gotta go back in til we get home. Okay?" The Flareon nods resolutely, and Madison takes one last look around the room before her eyes catch Ren's phone.
"--Oh, fuck! The kid forgot their damn phone. Better get this back to 'em or they'll totally forget..."
And before anyone is the wiser, the recording stops as Madison walks toward the phone, and the video is transferred elsewhere.
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electricjoy272 · 2 years
Why "electric"?
Electricity has always been a favorite aesthetic of mine. If I HAD to have powers, it would be electrokinesis!
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sturnsmadl · 3 months
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matt with a yapper s/o headcannons!
matt who always admires u as u speak.
matt who nods and hums to make sure u know ur heard.
matt who gets all the drama from just listening to u speak.
“and she said that to u?”
“yes! i was so sad.”
“i would’ve beat her ass for u.”
matt who gets nervous when u go quiet.
“babe? u awake?”
matt who ‘needs’ u to explain everything to him as an excuse to hear u talk.
“how do i preheat the oven?”
matt who smiles as he sees u happy as u talk.
matt who comes straight home to ask u about ur day.
“how was today baby?”
“god i have so much to say.”
“go on.”
matt who asks for ur opinion on everything so he can hear u speak passionately about something.
“hey babe? what’s ur opinion on pineapple on pizza?”
matt who facetimes u as much as possible when he’s on tour.
matt who randomly kisses u while ur talking.
matt who reassures u when u stop talking.
“keep going. i’m listening”
matt who when u speak immediately puts his phone down to listen.
matt who snapped at u once and immediately felt bad when u went quiet.
“oh baby i’m so sorry..keep talking please i didn’t mean it babe i promise i love u talking okay?”
matt who thinks ur the sweetest girl ever.
“i ended up just apologising because yk i-“
“babe come on. u didn’t do anything wrong don’t let them tell u that u did okay?”
matt who when fucking u makes sure ur aware of the effect he has. .
“got nothing to say now huh? come on baby u know i love hearing ur voice”
“i-i can’t-“
“yes u can. use ur words.”
i’ve never hated something i’ve wrote sm
@sassysturniolo2008 @bellaonthelow @muchloveforhacker @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersslut @ellizzyy @strmbolisworld
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sesamestreep · 1 month
I really feel like one of the best details in “A Scandal in Bohemia” that I never see people fixate on enough is that the story starts with Watson stopping in to see Holmes at Baker Street on a complete whim, because he happens to see that he’s home (and Watson is now married and living elsewhere). Like he doesn’t send word first, he’s not invited, he just shows up and surprises Holmes. Which is not that weird but then Holmes is like “oh good, I’ve got a case anyway, you might as well hang out!” which just makes it funnier when the King shows up and is like “I’d really rather speak to you alone, actually” and Watson tries to leave and Holmes is just like “anything you can say to me, you can say to my best friend John Watson, and if you ask him to leave, I would consider it a grave insult, you would be my enemy and I will not help you ever!!” And the king is like “…ok” and just moves on.
like, that is crazy behavior. Holmes is talking about how there’s probably lots of money in this case, and then almost turns away the client for…not knowing who the fuck Watson is?? He’s not even supposed to be there?? He just came to say hi?? “It is both or none”… girl, GET UP.
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jennicatzies · 3 months
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I have no idea. Woe jeffmads doodles be upon ye
Falls theatrically and his fall breaker
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matty-bear · 4 months
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
general question for anyone whod care to answer: was there a moment that supernatural really clicked for you? for me i was enjoying it as a casual viewer for the first season but by the end of Heart it clicked and i went from enjoyment to obsessed
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puffy-fluffy272 · 9 months
What first got you into tickling?
To be completely honest with you, I'm not really sure! The earliest memory I can think of is when various kids shows I watched contained tickle scenes. I was probably around 6 when I noticed these scenes. Whenever they would come up, I would feel embarrassed and go to another room. If the scenes featured any of the tickle teases, I'd cover my face and hope my parents wouldn't hear it. I still can't for the life of me figure out why those scenes made me flustered as a kid, and they still do. Even just the word 'tickle' gets me embarrassed.
This eventually turned into a comfort of mine as I grew up. It would cheer me up, and it was a good way to bond with people you love. And I personally like the sensations it causes! And no, it's not a kink whatsoever. It may make me flustered, but I do not feel any pleasure from it. My gf completely understands and always provides me with tickles whenever I ask!
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sassy-lightning272 · 10 months
Here'a a very cute idea @trash-city came up with involving Maddie and KITT!
Her and KITT press our noses together! Basically, an Eskimo kiss!
KITT already nudges her with his nose, so why not them touch their noses together as another sign of affection?
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kierreras · 1 year
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"You have to say what you want, Taylor. It's your move."
THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY s2e06 «love fest»
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eartheats · 9 months
status: part 1 of 3
[a video seems to be posted. care to click?]
[the video starts a bit unintentionally; one can hear somebody fumbling around what appears to be a backpack before there's a sudden, bright light of the backpack being opened, before the rotomphone is unceremoniously dumped out with what appears to be quite a few things. some pencils, notebooks, pokemon treats, and lots of other stuff; it all gets cleared as ren seems to be setting up their room in the blueberry academy. they're full of giggles and bright laughter, and one can see madison (out of nurse uniform for once) in the background as they both help get the room set up]
🔆: Hey, Mads! Should I start puttin' these books up on this shelf we got here, or do you think they'd be better off in the bookshelf?
[madison looks over for a moment, contemplating before pointing to something off in the background]
👩‍⚕️: I'd probably say the bookshelf. Unless you think there's going to be a lot of books you'll need?
🔆: Well, ya never know. I've been gettin' by at Uva through Completely Legal Downloads [ren airquotes this, to the amusement of themself and madison, who chuckles] of the books I need. But I like this place so far! If they ain't super expensive I'll probs buy 'em to support the place, y'know?
👩‍⚕️: Sounds like someone's developing a bias.
[that gets ren to laugh a bit as they start putting some of their notebooks on the bookshelf]
🔆: Can ya blame me? I mean, I like Uva as it is now--Mr. Clavell definitely hasn't been lyin' when he said he's trying to improve the school. But...there's somethin' about an experience that doesn't have any shitty memories attached that's appealin', you know?
[madison seems to pause at that, as she gets to work on organizing some of the other stuff ren brought with them--clothes new and old, for starters.]
👩‍⚕️: I guess I can't. Not entirely, at least. You do seem infinitely happier than I've seen you in a bit, though.
🔆: Eh, ya think so?
👩‍⚕️: ...Maybe not as much as when you got to go and see your friends in Unova, but it's still pretty noticeable. [madison laughs a bit, getting all of ren's clothes on hangers] I'm glad that hasn't been taken from you. I was worried after...you know...
[madison gestures at the air a bit, and ren doesn't respond for a bit. their face goes...notably more blank, than anything, and they just keep putting notebooks away for a bit until they're done; madison's done hanging their clothes by the time they are.]
🔆: I'm not gonna let her take anymore happiness from me. [ren's tone is surprisingly determined] I've...I've worked so damn hard to find an arcdamned bright side in life, and my own happiness. Somethin' I can be proud of, and share with everyone I know. And fuck, I actually wanna get to know people! I wanna learn all about this school, and more about battle that I'd have never gotten the chance to. Me an' Lulu especially love it, and Bouton and Soba have been showin' a lotta promise too. I just don't want it all to be for nothin', y'know? And that's why I ain't gonna let her take it. I'm--
[there's a pause, and eagle eyed watchers might have noticed madison moving in the background beforehand--what stops ren's words is a soft hug from madison. one she has to lean down for, admittedly, because she does have a foot or so on ren's tiny ass, but it causes them to start for a moment.
it isn't long before they lean in and wrap their arms around madison in kind; mads' hand goes up to run through their hair]
👩‍⚕️: ...Good. I was hoping you'd say that, kid. [madison sounds genuinely proud of them, and though it's barely able to be seen, her expression is warm] You deserve all of the good things in life. And I want you to be able to experience them, too. Without worrying about the future, or what's to come, or anything like that. You go out there and enjoy every bit of what the Academy has to offer, alright?
[madison lets go of ren--or at least tries to. they cling tighter for a moment, startling madison before bringing themself up and wiping their eyes.
they were clearly crying, but the smile on their face is extremely bright]
🔆: I'm...I'm gonna, Mads! You better watch--by the time I'm done learnin' all I can here, Paldea's gonna have to crown a new Champion! Maybe even a new Top Champion, heehee!
[that gets madison to laugh]
👩‍⚕️: Well, look at you starting to dream big! You're gonna have a lot of responsibilities if you take the Top Champion position, though. Are you really prepared for that?
🔆: Nope! Not yet at least! But I'm gonna learn, and I'm gonna become the best damned trainer! Just watch me, Mads!
[madison laughs again, ruffling ren's hair a bit before separating; this time, ren obliges]
👩‍⚕️: Alright, kid! You get out there and enjoy all this Academy has to offer! But you better promise to keep us all updated, you hear me?
🔆: Heehee, crystal, Mads! Ahh, I should probs get going--there's probs some kinda orientation, right? But I still have...
[madison starts to gently shoo ren out the door, smiling a bit]
👩‍⚕️: Don't you worry about unpacking everything else; you leave that to me, kiddo. You get out there and start your school life!
🔆: Heehee, I will! Thank you bunches, Mads, I'll pay you back for the help!
[ren darts off after a wave goodbye, prompting a bit of laughing from madison]
👩‍⚕️: You try, and I'll repay it tenfold, kid. Focus on class!
[it goes quiet for a bit as madison seems to go back to getting everything organized for them. it last for a few minutes, and the recording almost shuts itself down, but...
madison's phone rings, and she picks it up without missing a beat.]
👩‍⚕️: Hello? ...I'm not sure if you have--oh! Oh. Hello, Detective. Yes, you've reached the right number, this is my burner phone. --Yes, this is Madison. Can I help you with something...?
👩‍⚕️: Discussing the case and gathering information, huh...well, I'm at about the safest place both of us can be, so sure. I'll bite. What do you want to know?
[to be continued]
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electricjoy272 · 2 years
Orko is sooo cuddly and friend shaped 🥺🥺🥺 I wish I had a Orko at home
Yes, he is so precious! I got mine from Etsy! I love how cuddly he is!
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nadia-el-mansours · 4 months
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Where is their mini-series as the IAC's certified Mean Girls?
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