#need to see him in the new kit asap
gavidaily · 1 year
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the Lewy challenge
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Carpe Noctem 22
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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There’s a hiss of steam and a clank. Peter pulls away from the machine and stifles a yelp to a grunt. Instinctively, you go to him as he grips his hand and examines the patch reddening on his skin. Those type of burns are never nice.
“Run it under cold water,” you nudge his elbow softly and turn to crank on the tap, “ouch. You okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” he swallows tightly, “wasn’t paying attention.”
“Hold it under,” you guide his hand under the flow and he nods, glancing over his shoulder towards the seating area.
It’s not very busy, not for staying in. Most people take their coffee and go. There’s one woman who’s been there for at least an hour. She only ordered a tea before nestling into the corner and hunching over a book. At one point, you even thought she’d fallen asleep.
You tell Peter to wait and go to fetch the first aid kit mounted on the wall. You flip it open to find a disappointing array. Yellowed gauze and dried out alcohol swabs. This isn’t good and it can’t be up to code.
“Don’t move, okay?” You tell Peter and take the box with you down the hall.
Cole’s door is open as you find him furrowing his brow at the laptop screen. He looks up as you shake the tin chest as him. He sits back and greets you with his usual smile.
“What’s up?”
You cross the room and put the box down. You pop the lid again and show him the pathetic collection. His face pales and his expression draws tight. He slaps his forehead.
“Oh, shoot,” he turns his hand out helplessly, “I knew I missed some things–”
“It’s fine but we should consider bulking this up ASAP. It’s a code violation.”
“Wait, is someone hurt?” Cole frowns.
“Peter burned himself but I think he’s okay,” you explain, “he’ll just need to wrap it up.”
“Well, it’s a good thing he has you taking care of him. We’re all very lucky to have you,” Cole lets the tension drain from him, “what would we do without you?”
You chuckle. He asks that a lot. His gratitude can be a bit overwhelming. You don’t really know about running a business, least of all a cafe, but he puts a lot of faith in you. More than he should.
“You’d be okay,” you assure him. 
You still haven’t let on that you’re not exactly planning on staying forever. Once you submit an appeal to the daycare, everything will go back to normal. Most things.
“Thank you for taking care of Peter,” he says, “I’ll go right now and get some supplies,” he shuts the laptop and stands, “anything else we need?”
“No, I think we’re okay.”
“Oh, as well,” he snaps his fingers and points a fingergun to the ceiling, “earlier, you mentioned new recipes. Something seasonal. I think that’s a great idea but to be honest, I’m not much of a baker. More a taster, you know? We inherited the menu, we just go by the book.”
You nod as you close the kit up and leave it on the desk, backing away as Cole steps around the desk.
“Do you bake? Maybe you have some suggestions?”
“Me? Oh, I mean, yeah I’ve baked now and again but… I don’t know.”
“I can’t really afford a consultant right now so if you get any ideas,” he shrugs, “you seem like you're full of good ones.”
“Yeah, uh, we’ll see,” you say evasively.
“I’m sorry, not to put more stress on you. I know you have a life outside here. Not my fault I don’t,” he laughs at himself. You barely shift out of his way as he passes, brushing close as he grabs his fleece-lined flannel from the coat rack, “I assume you do, you don’t share much, do you?”
“Just life,” you sniff, “not much going on.”
He pulls his jacket on as he faces you again. He looks at you, almost as if he’s sizing you up, trying to see through you. It’s not lying if you just don’t tell him anything. No one needs to know about the mess that is your personal life.
“Well, I’ll ask ma. Maybe she has some ideas for new sweets,” he feels around in his pockets, his face twisting with confusion.
You peer around and see his wallet on his desk. You snatch it up and bring it to him. His eyes sparkle as he takes it from you.
“Ah, there you go again,” he grins, “thanks. Really, I’d be so lost without you.”
“You’re just fine,” you assure him, “I’ll go check on Peter.”
“Don’t forget to fill out a report. Technically, it’s a workplace injury.”
“Right,” you agree as you skirt out the door just ahead of him, “thanks, Cole.”
“No, thank you,” he claps your shoulder, a gesture that surprises you, as much for his strength as it’s suddenness. You flinch and shrug him off, “you’re holding this whole place together.”
You look back and give a tight-lipped smile. He beams at you and you don’t know what to do or say. You give a tiny wave back then turn down the hallway, rushing back towards the noise of running water. Peter grimaces as his hand trembles under the faucet.
“It’s my fault,” he shakes his head, “I got distracted.”
“It’ll be okay,” you assure him, “a lesson learned, right?”
“Excuse me,” the tiny voice startles you both.
You look over at the woman, the singular customer that afternoon. Her shoulders remain slouched as if to make up for her towering height, and her eyes are downcast even as she speaks to you. She puts her porcelain cup on the counter.
“This one’s chipped,” she slides it over and quickly retracts her hand.
“Oh, no,” Peter splashes you as he spins around, forgetting the pulsing burn in his hand, “did you cut yourself? Do you want a new one?”
She shakes her head vehemently, gripping the slender strap of her crocheted handbag. She stares at the floor. She can probably see the stains on the grout.
“It’s no problem, I’ll make sure you get a good cup–”
“I… gotta go,” she murmurs and briskly crosses to the door.
Peter sputters as disappointment paints his features. He pulls the cup close and runs his thumb over the chip in the brim. You near as you watch him. He likes her, you realise.
“Does she come in often?” You ask.
“What? I don’t know,” he shrugs and backs away from the counter. He takes the cup with him and drops it in the bin.
“Oh, you have no idea? You were just distracted by the wall, huh?”
“Please,” he hides his face from you. It’s too late, you saw the bloom of rosiness in his cheeks. “I don’t know her…”
“But you want to,” you tease.
He turns on you and hushes you, waving his hand wildly, “shhh, please, it’s stupid, okay… she’s… she’s pretty. That’s all.”
“Don’t worry, Pete, your secret’s safe with me.”
He chews his lip, “promise you won’t tell Ned.”
You pretend to turn a key in front of your lips and smile. It’s cute seeing him so bashful. It reminds you of when you were so in love. When you still believed that was a thing.
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iloveoldermen-posts · 8 months
Summer -- Fem!reader X Simon 'Ghost'
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Use of Y/N
Pt 2 -> currently N/A -- here asap.
Ghost in summer.
Ghost almost always has his whole kit on, I mean he is alwaysss working. Except for today, it's hitting highs of 37 degrees and with y/n being around, it will only feel hotter. 
He is dreading y/n seeing him without his mask, but that is the price he will have to pay for not melting into a puddle.
He walks into 141's meeting point and she doesn't seem to be there yet, he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and finds his seat - the one placed right next to y/n. He's grateful for his punctuality at times like this, it prevents them all staring at him at once.
The rest of the 141 squad had all seen him without his mask, obviously, after working with him for such a long time. It was just y/n that hadn't seen him without it, she was relatively new to the team - well at least the newest out of the 141 squad. And she is one of his favorite people already, he would literally take a bullet for her without any hesitation.
It takes a few minutes for the team to fleet through the door into the office, all of them complaining about the heat one by one which Ghost just releases a little grunt in response. She's the last one to come into the office as usual. 
She glances around the warm room until her eyes find Ghost's, she is stuck between awe and shock - frankly, she doesn't know how she should react. 
He just sits there staring at her, annoyed that he can't hide behind his mask.
"Well, who's this handsome gentleman? I don't think we've ever met, I'm y/n." She says, chuckling slightly at her own joke.
"Handsome huh?" He replies with a small laugh of his own.
"Oh shut up," y/n answers rolling her eyes, smacking his arm lightly as she sits down next to him.
She almost falls out of her seat as Ghost offers her a small smile.
"He should wear his mask less often. But she needs to get over this crush on him, so maybe it would be best if he kept it on" She thinks to herself as she tries to sneak glances at him.
All the eyes turn to hers. Shit.
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Thanks for reading, hope you all enjoyed. All interactions are deeply appreciated.
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Oh thank goodness Frederick has a cat-like flexibility. No but fr tho. The fact that he can fit in small places and just, fold his body??? He's a cat.
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OH I AM SO DOWN TO GWEN, AURELIA, THE POSSUM, AND THE RAT PROTECTING FREDERICK LET'S GOOOOO. Also The possum and Gwen's sharp teeth and Aurelia's spit? Heck yeah. AND THEN AURELIA PROTECTING GWEN!! I'm so glad she had a redemption arc :')
OH. OH. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Do you understand the amount of time I've been thinking about Frederick throwing a book at his bullies and Leland to the point I want to draw it but give up midway due to unable to draw anatomy of a person throwing a book? Yeah. And Frederick calling Leland a doofus LOLLLL.
Curtis not being able to see shit but still defending the aid kit station pretty well? That's what I call true skill. I mean he's really fighting multiple soldiers with armor and spear, and he's winning. But man his hand tho. I'm guessing those are from splinter and maybe some sorta swelling from holding the broom too long (idk how to describe it) or smth? Those has got to hurt...
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HAHAHAHHAHAH I can't believe I didn't expect she would say that LMAO. Also she looks so goofy in the second image HAHA.
Nah the commander really went for Laverne too... Did Leland even agree on that?
Omg....Lorena catching Suzie....Lorzanna....
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Leland's strength continues to terrify me. He just broke stair railing that seems to be made from marble, WITH HIS BARE HAND. I swear the Pastel palace is gonna need LOTS of renovation after all of these end.
"You don't decide what you want" oh bull I say, bull. Boooo Leland rotten tomatoes rotten tomatoes boooo nobody likes you go home boooo rotten tomatoes.
Eugh I'm surprised Frederick hasn't broken AT LEAST a bone with how much he got slammed and thrown hardly. The door broke bro the door broke. His spine...
Now that I think about it never have i ever with syrah would probably be wild XD
Okay at this point I am the most glad that frederick told cpc because otherwise many bad things would happen...
Wait a minute. What happened to spider Prez? I can't seem to remember...Did she pass out after breaking the door?
Wait so the Plaidypus isn't the royal plaid army?? Wait cause I'm kinda confused now :') if someone can explain it to me that would be great.
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Shit, Frederick fr need a doctor asap. All those tossing around, the dusts, nah...
Okay this is sad and all but Syrah with the long nose made me giggle.
THANK YOU PRINCEL-WHOSE-NAME-HASN'T-BEEN-REVEALD!! Blaine really missed like ¾ of the war lmao.
I swear cpc is responsible for me learning new vocabularies daily.
OH??? BLAINE?? BLAINE??? I don't, I really don't know how to start.
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First of all, there's a new meaning to this. So what I'm getting here, Blaine wants to be at the top because if he gets all the attention, Lance and Frederick won't be in trouble because he thought Leland wouldn't notice him much then. I suppose what's in Blaine's mind is, it's better to be neglected by your shitty parents rather than being noticed and verbally/physically abused by them?
Okay, I'm starting to get it. I'm the youngest sibling so I don't know if I'm getting it correctly, but this is what I get: "I will take all the abuse from our father so you, my younger brothers, can live a happy life without being notices by him."
Older siblings, amirite?
So, Blaine has been trying to protect his brothers but because Frederick keeps upsetting Leland and then making him proud, Blaine's plan keeps on being in shambles?
One thing I'm confused about though. Hear me out, Blaine most likely has golden child syndrome right? So how do we draw a line between which act is because wanting to succeed due to believing that's all his worth, and which act is from protecting his brothers?
Oh but he still owes Frederick and Lance lots of apologies though. Don't think I can forget what you said to Frederick in the dungeon, Blaine. That chapter broke me. To Lance, well, to be honest I don't exactly know what he should apologize about, but I feel like Blaine still has to? Sorry, I'm not making sense. Maybe apologize due to not talking to Lance and Frederick about his plan?? Oh man someone help me–
Imagine this tho: Blaine apologizing to Lance and Frederick for letting them get hurt by father, but then Isolde came and assured him that what Leland do isn't his fault. Haha I love to analyze this guy's mental health.
I hope he goes to therapy after this is all over. The plaid princes really need a lot of therapy. Actually the whole plaid family need therapy.
Okay say goodbye to my professionalism for awhile.
Frederick looks so amazed and I won't blame him cause I WOULD TO. IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE, And someone suddenly came to save me, then proceed to throw the bad guy and himself out of the window by breaking the window and letting the damn sun rise view come in. I. I would look like that.
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Blaine looking at the sunrise and realizing the true meaning of life and contemplating what he has done. I love him so much you got this bro.
Also Blaine turns out to be strong! I remember headcanons of him being the weakest out of the three. I mean that could still happen, but the fact that he carried Leland in which who knows how much he weights, and threw him out of the window. Damn.
But they're still falling though, that's not good. I doubt Blaine will die for that matter. It would be wasteful. He barely had his redemption arc. I'm thinking either he uses Leland to break his fall, or Nell's premonition about the tent save him. But the forest is a little far though... Oh! Or maybe, because the pastel kingdom is full of hills, they would fall and roll down towards the tent! That's a possibility!
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That's it for now. See ya next chapter!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Please actually tell me your thought on this because I NEED answers and theories. Also psychology analization will actually make me go insanely happy)
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Heyyy….how ya doing….its me…💛 Before I start with my request, I find it imperative to let you know that you have inspired me to start writing my own TØP related story. It’s only for me right now and I currently don’t plan on posting it here or anywhere else for that matter, but maybe as it grows that will change (it’s multiple chapters after all).
Anyways, due to the band deciding the middle of a concert was the perfect time to drop a crazy amount of lore implications, I’m on a lore kick…🎉
Okay, but this one I think could be fun and fluffy, especially with how you write torchbearer. Could you do a oneshot where the reader and torchbearer are in an established relationship and torchbearer takes the reader out on a “date night” in trench. Personally, I think this would include them sneaking away from the Bandito camp for a bit, but if you have a different vision feel free to do that one. I just feel like, even though torchbearer can seem like a stickler, he can be a real softie at heart and, especially for those he cares about, he tries to make life in Trench feel more normal when he can.
I hope this ask makes sense. I know it’s a bit vague, but I also feel like it could be fun to see how you interpret it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s all fine. Don’t stress. ❤️
Anniversary Date - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: TorchbearerJosh x Bandito Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 940 (sorry it's a bit short, wasn't too sure where to take it but I think it's cute)
A/N: HEYYY! Hope you liked the lore fic (I was excited to write something as soon as I saw the prompt and started to write pieces of dialogue down on my phone asap. Tyler’s little lore kit was so cute imo). I love that I’ve inspired you to write your own thing! Hopefully you’ll still want me to write tøp stuff for you. This Torchbearer idea is awesome :) Also… wondering if you’ve read my Blurryface fic? I’m so proud of it and have a feeling you’d like it. And if you’re into the lore you should try Break the Cycle, it’s a Clancy x Reader fic. 
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The sun had set in Trench and the Bandito camp was silent as Torchbearer and I returned from our patrol. Every night we wandered through Trench looking for escapees–not that they were very common. We’d gotten news recently that the Bishops had locked down the borders, set up extra security and boarded up the catacombs. I thought about Clancy, how he’d been taken back to Dema, how none of the Banditos had heard from him in months. But tonight was special. It had been exactly one year since I’d escaped Dema. 
As we hiked back up to the camp Torchbearer reached out and grasped my hand. 
“Wait,” he demanded, keeping his tone low and trying to not wake anyone up.
“What?” I stepped towards him and he let out a relaxed sigh. 
“We should do something for your anniversary. Something together, me and you,” he started walking away from the camp and out towards the hills. I followed him, feeling like I was running due to his large steps. Torchbearer and I had been together for six months, both him and Clancy helped me adjust when I first arrived but Torchbearer had really been there for me. He checked in every day, offered to take me out on patrol, and even asked me about my time back in Dema. Despite the fact that I didn’t want to talk about it, he seemed to know exactly what I needed. 
“Come on, we really shouldn’t. It’s not that big of a deal,” I whined. Torchbearer chuckled and continued to lead me up to the top of a nearby hill. 
“It is and we’re doing something,” he stated. I rolled my eyes and continued after him. We passed patches of yellow flowers, reminding me of the first time I met him. I had run as fast as I could through the catacombs before escaping out the other side and a small patch of yellow flowers was the first thing to greet me. That and a man in a green hoodie with a yellow bandana covering his face and yellow tape strapped across his chest. Little did I know that man would end up here with me a year later. Eventually he stopped and sat down, pulling me with him. I positioned myself between his legs and he wrapped his arms around me, yellow flowers surrounding us. I remembered when he first explained the significance of the flowers to me, I had no concept of the color yellow and it took a while for me to figure out all the different shades. The Torchbearer pointed out in the distance towards a small blue light. 
“See that?” he asked and I nodded, squinting a bit to see better. “That’s Dema.” I hadn’t seen the city, even if it was on the horizon since I’d left. It shone beautifully, as if it were safe–as if the Bishops weren’t keeping Clancy held there.
“Is it weird to say I miss it? That I miss my friends?” I held the Torchbearer’s hand and snuggled in closer to his chest. It was warm, raising and lowering with every breath. I couldn’t help but feel guilty that I missed the city, that people were still suffering in there and I wanted to go back. 
“Not at all,” he hummed, pressing his lips to my neck. His lips were warm against my skin, trailing from my collarbone and up to my jaw. “I’d miss it too if I still had people in there.” I ran my fingers through his curly brown hair, feeling every bit of the love he was showing me.
“God I hope Clancy’s okay in there,” I shuddered, trying to not let my thoughts go dark. Torchbearer pulled his lips away from my skin, giving me his full attention. He knew that every night in our tent I struggled to fall asleep, my thoughts darting from scenario to scenario. 
“He’s stronger than you think,” he reassured. “He wouldn’t want you to worry, Y/N.” I knew he was right–the Torchbearer knew him better than any of us did. 
“I love you,” I whispered, untangling my fingers and turning around to face him. He smiled softly at those three words before returning them. 
“You know, when I first met you all I could think about was how cute you’d look in yellow,” he started. “Clancy knew straight away that we’d end up together. I don’t know how he knew but he would tell me every time we were alone that I should talk to you.” He brought a hand to his pocket and pulled out a yellow piece of fabric. His eyes were filled with love and I couldn’t help but blush at his words. “This is the bandana I wore when we first met.” He handed it to me and I brought it up to my face. It smelt just like him, like hope. “I want you to have it, to wear it. I heard earlier this morning that Clancy has made it out of Dema and onto Vøldsoy, which means that sooner rather than later he’s going to be back–that the battle with the Bishops is fast approaching. I want you to have this because I want you to have a piece of me Y/N.” Tears of joy poured from my eyes. It was the best news I’d heard in months. Clancy was coming home, the battle with the Bishops would put an end to everything. The Torchbearer had trust in me. 
“He’s coming home?” I sniffled. 
“He’s coming home and soon, you’ll be able to go home to Dema–you’ll be able to save your friends.”
Hope you enjoyed it :)
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wonhosmistress · 1 year
Word Count: 1,196
Warnings: Slight mention of Kinks, sexual BDSM themes, sex work, and lastly, TW! toxic-ish relationship mentions. Think I missed some? Lmk and send me a dm, I'll update this.
A/N:I have no IDEA how long this took for me finish because I’ve been teasing this series for a couple months with the only two teasers I mentioned of Hyunjin. Seems I have a lot of sub!Hyunjin enthusiasts because same y’all. 😩I promise to finish the Hyunjin before June ends and after that I’ll focus more on other members.
Anyways! This is the prologue enjoy this unfiltered, unedited, there will be hella grammar mistakes and I don’t plan to edit it because it’s too much work and I honestly just want to post ASAP. It’s been far too long since I’ve written and had any sort of inspo to write. Thanks to my dear mutual @nirvanawrites111 she gave me hella inspo with her amazing works!! I’m obsessed with her writing please go do me a favor and read her amazing stories/fics.
Also I tried to add the read more on mobile but I’m a dumbass and idk how to work tumble mobile sometimes lmao. So I apologize for anyone that will see this and doesn’t want to see it.
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As a result of unsuccessful relationships and partners being concerned about where she went or what she was doing, she became more secretive about her whereabouts. Even though she wanted to be honest and open with them, she hesitated on many occasions; if she were to be bold and unapologetic they would go insane and ask questions like, "Why did you choose this job out of all the others?", "Are you cheating on me?", etc.
Those tiresome scenarios were one of the reasons she was always the one that broke it off with them, and so she took it upon herself to take a break from her dating life to focus on herself.
She had a job that wasn't just any regular job.
OnlyFans? No
Camgirl? No.
A phone Sex worker? No.
Feet pics? No.
Used panties? No
For her working at night was ideal because her sleeping schedule only allowed her to be a night owl. Even before any partner appeared in her life she was still in the process of discovering a whole new part of herself that she wasn't aware existed, and here she was in a dungeon that she had been hired at over a year ago and was one of the few popular dommes among the clients.
"How are you feeling?", She stood next to the man sitting on the loveseat.
"I'm good, Mistress." He smiled at her.
"Would you like some water?" He nodded in response.
She walked towards the room next door and back to the playroom to hand him the bottle.
She crouched down to his level to face him as well to check in with him, "How are you feeling? Was it too much?", she asked curiously as to how she could improve. What she should've done is saved that question for the head domme but she didn't and took the risk.
"No. Not at all. It was perfect, I enjoyed every second of it."
He faced her smiling at him and held her hand realizing he shouldn't be doing that.
"I'm sorry...may I?" She smiled warmly at him not pulling her hands away from his grasp.
"I just wanted to say thank you."
While she had not broken skin or drawn blood, she still left a few red welts on him. She grabbed the first aid kit in the corner and treated his wounds, trying to be as gentle as possible.
"No need to thank me. You went out of your way to give it a shot when you could've easily backed out and I would've still respected your decision. BDSM isn't everyone's cup of tea and so we've learned to respect everyone's decision."
She applied a first-aid ointment to every single red mark on his back; he hissed at the lightest touch, "I'm sorry, I know it hurts I'm just trying to make sure these heal quickly and nicely."
"I know and I appreciate it."
"Done." She stood up and handed him his T-shirt. "Make sure to take a warm bath or shower after you get home and keep applying ointment on the marks afterward.
He smiled at her making his way toward the exit.
"Will do.",
She smiled at him and nodded, seeing him off.
That was one of the roughest BDSM scenes she had done in a while. She would like to take time to make sure her submissive didn't go into a sub-drop, but sadly she couldn't. If it were her, she would go out of her way to remain with every submissive for a bit longer. However, her boss had to remind her that they only came here for a service nothing more. Because of this, she couldn’t be there for more than ten to fifteen minutes with her clients after their sessions ended.
"See you tomorrow night!" Her boss told her as they both headed in different directions.
She silently walked for the next couple of four blocks by herself and finally got closer to her apartment. She walked up the stairs and opened the door to her place. The second she got in she took off her shoes left them at the entrance and hung her purse on the rack.
Exhausted and couldn't even begin to explain how she felt after handling four subs back to back today. It was not an ideal situation for her couldn't handle more than two subs a day because her anxiety and insecurities kept creeping back up on her.
She meditated, journaled, exercised, and even set days apart for self-care plus, she detoxed from her constant electronic use. She ate healthily and did her best to keep her homey environment clean and organized. However, regardless of what she did something inside her told her she couldn't keep doing this.
She craved something new and stable.
She loved domming but maybe because of all her ex-partner's insecurities of themselves as she hid her true identity was reflecting on herself.
Could it be that deep inside she was ashamed of her job and what she did?
Years ago when she discovered the person she truly was glowed with confidence. How could she even be a dominatrix if she wasn't sure of herself and her current job?
Oh no.
She was experiencing not only her anxieties but also a dom drop.
Telling her boss; she was fine could've been a mistake because she was responsible for taking care of her dommes since half of them didn't have a partner to take care of them.
Two years Later:
Two years and a half of learning Korean were a big help during the entire process of her moving across the world. She wasn't fluent yet but could manage conversations with her neighbors, classmates, and strangers. And so here she was, sitting inside a cafe shop a couple of blocks from the Korean class she had just finished attending.
It seemed like only yesterday, she was experiencing the worst anxiety and burnout from only a year of working as a domme which was odd considering that she had never once felt like that before. But it made sense since she kept getting the gnawing feeling that she shouldn't have gotten into the dominatrix world way too early and so she took it upon herself to resign to take time for herself; and continue her future as domme by researching more information about the career, lifestyle, and possibly a new business.
The grueling work of research, language learning, space vacancy, furniture shop, etc made her take a step back and reconsider if she could do this all by herself. Thankfully, after taking a couple of weeks to continue her research she found herself posting on an exclusive adult site looking for dommes to work with her.
After returning calls and doing interviews she had successfully found four dommes who wanted to continue their careers in the kink community and so never once she thought, that she out of all people would be involved with any of Korea's music industry. Especially the ever so sexually frustrated men of Kpop that had an image and reputation to uphold in the industry, their companies, and not to forget their fans.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
KIT KIT KIT !! NEW IN TOWN !! perfection ! thank you! i feel like i’m the world of joel angst (which i’m a sucker for) this was a slice of heaven! Thank you and where can i get a man like that asap!
I need to see their first days living together, their marriage bliss, honeymoon, i need it all!
Also interested to see if more kids come into the picture? in the fic joel says that he’s not into having more kids at one point near the start so i’d be curious to see if he’ll change his mind or if him and Beautiful will just live a happily ever after together travelling and fooling around? I honestly don’t mind which way but it would be cute seeing a more mature joel with a baby and a partner to share responsibilities with! ahhhh
OMG Hi Bestie!!
Thank you so so much!!! I know, the men written by women just hit different lol I feel like we should send some fan fic excerpts to real life men and be like "just copy + paste this and you'll find women."
I totally hear that you need more! There's actually going to be a one shot featuring these two coming soon. Very very soon. Like... real soon!
There might be a short sequel series about them in a few months, one that features the wedding and whatnot. I think it would be fun to explore, especially because of Beautiful's family history and how weddings can really bring a lot of feelings around that to the fore.
Full disclosure, when developing this pairing, I never intended for them to have children. I think Joel is happy with having Sarah as his only child and Beautiful likes the freedom that being childless provides. She's very focused on her career and living her best life - and as she rises through the ranks at her agency, she'll make even better money so they'll be able to afford to travel and have a lot of really cool experiences together. But when Sarah has kids, I imagine they'll both be VERY hands on (though there'll be a lot of confusion about wtf the kid will call beautiful lmfao Auntie? Grandma? Auntie Grandma????)
THAT BEING SAID I already have another request about seeing them pregnant so I will probably do a non-canon/AU kind of thing where they do have a baby because 1) I think it'll be fun and 2) I know it'll make some folks super happy :) But canon, they're going to be a childfree couple and get in all the baby snuggles with Tommy and Maria's kiddo and Sarah's eventually kiddos.
Thank you so so much for reading!! Love you!!
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all-hallows-evie · 1 year
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
I got tagged by the ever so lovely @tech-deck 💜💜💜💜💜, imma need that Imp Tech fic you teased like...asap. lol
I've been mostly working on my mando kit for the mando mercs costume club but I may have been working on a lil WIP called Tech Dies Vol 1....>.> just seems kinda awk now buuuuuuuut yeaaaaah <.<....
Hunter runs up to him next, shaking him as he shouts, "What did you say to them?!"
A string of words that make absolutely no sense come out of Tech's mouth before he turns a funny color green. 
"Tech, what did you say to the Regs?!?"
"S'not my fault they are so delicate!" He shouts back before Hunter rolls his eyes and blocks a punch that seems to come from out of nowhere and is headed right for Tech's face.
Oh gosh, I dont know who hasnt been tagged sooooo, if you see this and you wanna share PLEASE DOOOO!! Especially if you are like me and have been lacking inspo to write for awhile!! 💜💜💜
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year
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Getting started with the actual stage, you'll notice that we're surrounded by space colonies. Much like the base from stage 1, these aren't decorative; they give us hefty Defense/Evasion bonuses alongside HP and EN regen, so you might be tempted to just huddle up on them and wait for the enemies to come to you. While that will certainly be practically sound, there's a few goodies that you need to be willing to jump through hoops to get in this stage, so we won't be doing this.
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I load everybody onto the Ra Cailum, cast Accel, and off we go!
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Only one enemy has the movement and courage to aim for the Ra Cailum, and gets chunked for nearly 50% of his HP for his troubles.
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Another Accel cast lands us in a nearby asteroid tile that seems like a good enough vantage point for us to start deploying units from.
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We made sure to hurry up here as soon as possible for a few reasons, most of them involving Quess. You see, Rezin and Gyunei have nothing but consumables, which we'll get plenty of with or without them. But Quess is carrying a special part which will be pretty useful to us in the early game, and she is incredibly skittish. You can't shoot down too many enemies, or lower her HP below half, or shoot down Gyunei, or let the turn counter hit Turn 5, or she WILL run away, taking her drops with her. The silver lining is her Geara Doga shouldn't be THAT hardy, so if we just make sure to get there early and steadily chip away at her, we should be able to line up the killshot pretty easily. An added layer of difficulty is that i'd really like to shoot her down with Hathaway, if i can manage to get that to work out.
Time to properly space everyone while making sure to keep shot down enemies to a minimum.
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As Amuro and Kayra take their places over to the west, I keep Hathaway close to his dad. It might seem counterproductive to my goal of shooting Quess down with him, but he's in a Jegan, and i'm not keen on repeating the Kayra incident from last week.
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Since we want the Fairies online ASAP, i feed a kill to Raul.
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And as we move Chan into position, we get to show off what the Love animation looks like! With everyone in position and having shaved off at least a little bit off of the opposition's HP, we pass our turn.
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On the second enemy phase, a Geara Doga aims for Amuro and triggers the Cut Down animation for the first time!
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As is usual, countless Dogas aim for Bright and get bopped in return, though again, we take care not to shoot down any.
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Quess then attacks Kayra's spiffy new machine. Raul takes the hit for her, and Kayra attempts to counter with the Incoms, but Quess cuts them down. That's a newtype for ya.
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Rezin also tries to attack Kayra, but is far less successful.
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So does Gyunei, who would have hit, but Chan protected Kayra.
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And with that, it's our turn again. I move Hathaway up to take a potshot at Rezin...
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Now, you might be thinking i'm repeating past mistakes and being overconfident on the Jegan, but this was a calculated risk.
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Battleships can use consumable items on friendly units, not just themselves, so i use Bright's Repair Kit to heal Hathaway.
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For extra insurance, i move Bright next to Hathaway. Now, to get started on weakening Quess! I have Kayra cast Strike and get to work.
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This is a pretty disadvantageous trade, but we need any damage on Quess we can get.
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Placing Chan next to Kayra to boost her chances of survival, i take the chance to shoot down one more Doga. Chan will also need Will built up for later in this stage.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
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And these are candy cigarettes it's hard to find the ones that blow the puff of confectionery sugar and sometimes it can blow several and our son and daughter used to do it and we we saw Kathy and Ellie and bja doing it and not Mom and Dad but they were smoking real cigarettes elsewhere. And they would Puff it and laugh and puff when did they went through a pack of cigarettes without eating them and said we don't want to eat them we just want to poof on it.
It's not a great idea it is superb we won't look like us and we can get the boat out there ASAP and everybody wants it.
They both want the Lucky Brand and it's kind of like everybody might race that particular one really it's just a different colors on the boat and a different decal and you can order the different brands or you can get the standard ones and you can add decals yourself we're going to actually do this because they want the boat in there as like a separate manufacturer and we have a way of doing that you name it a different subsidiary and we're going to go ahead and do it and the Lucky Brand cigarette candy cigarette usually has a pair of dice and that's on the box and it's on the back and it has puzzles and people want the puzzles on board and you can photocopy him in do them as a fun thing to do on the boat and these are racers these are three seaters and they have races for three seaters believe it or not and they're really it's a small sport but the whole we have is it's the hull it's shaped for that kind of racing it's a little bit deeper of a v but it's it's necessary these days you have no flat water ever and more or less you have to do it in the harbor or a lake land waterway or estuary or a river Lincoln Shelby and the rivers and harbors around here full of crap and they're too dangerous other estates some of them don't have the crap anymore and it's perfectly safe you want to check for critters and some water bugs get kind of big and it's really disappointing so the race might be on pretty soon we got calls from 4:00 retailers who do outdoor stuff no we got calls from for boat companies and usually they have some sort of novelty it used to be like some sort of fast jet ski or a small speed boat type thing and they used to make those it's like an advertise and gimmick and these are real cigarettes and some of them and they're coming to kit and you can have a small cuddy cabin believe it or not you have in front of you this is 12 ft long about 7 ft that's 10 inches longer than our son's e-bike is tip to tip and a new one it's big enough for adults to sleep in and adults will be buying this they can fit in the seats if you're 5'10 or shorter and her son would fit because his legs are shorter than his torso. They have a dual inboard IO motor system the inboard motors are about 45 horsepower each they are both Coleman and they're outfitted for the ocean so they can go in any water and they are very fast they come out with almost 100 horsepower and most boats that size have 50 horsepower and go 60 miles an hour you have to put the speed kit in to go 120 mph but it will with three 100 lb persons with one 100-lb person it'll go 140 mph and they have those races too and you'll win every time boat is unstoppable and we do have a white hole cigarette and it's less money but the most people buy colors and boy do they look nice and our son will probably buy one. And that leads us to another discussion you want to take over a candy company because we want to make the candy actually edible so if any candy companies wish to sell we are looking for candy cigarette companies and if you make other candies that's fine we are looking to purchase even if they're defunct. Wonka candy company is not defunt however it is owned by Tommy f and he is way ahead of schedule and trying to get rid of everyone and need stuff and he has not slowed
Thor Freya
We have had enough of him he is not a friend and he is an enemy and he needs to be stopped right now and we can see what he's doing we need teams in I need them in right now to help me same with this John remillard guy
I'm asking them to go in right now
We're sending them in and we have a lot and right now and we do see what you're saying we have to be a little ahead of it but we have it in a moment
Thor Freya
We are getting handle on it right now and we're sending more in very fast we have also approved this idea believe it or not they do put them in a whole bunch of boat stores we have about 50 large boat dealers that want them and they're all over the world they sell all sorts of different kinds of boats they heard it was a Coleman engine at different type of Hull and very fast and colorful and they're going to flip out when they see it's candy cigarettes and that we actually will be a sponsor me to get paid money to put their candy cigarettes on there
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Summary: Fury sends you back in time on a mission. How will you handle seeing Steve and Bucky in the 40s?
Word Count: 4717
Warnings: nothing big, some angst, strong language, time travel
a/n: I don't really know what this is, but it's happened. It's pretty Bucky x reader heavy, but technically a Stucky x reader fic. Pls ignore any typos, I hand wrote this and then transferred it and it was a mess. Apple's new feature of copying text from a photo is not the most accurate (at least for handwritten stuff)
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"What's the mission?" you questioned Maria while jogging slightly to keep up with her. "And why me?"'
"Fury's orders," she answered in her familiar no nonsense tone. She handed you a file folder, briefly describing the mission as she lead you to Fury. “You need to retrieve a file."
You furrowed your brow as you read through the file. “From the U.S. Army? I thought Fury on good terms with the government. Why not just ask for the file?"
"It was destroyed.” Her words left you more confused.
"Am I hacking?” You took a guess as to how you were meant to recover a destroyed file. If you were being honest, the idea of Fury specifically choosing you for a hacking mission made absolutely no sense. Luckily the man himself was finally in front of you to explain.
"Not a lot of hacking in the 40s.” Fury and Maria watched as you looked up from the file, realizing where you are. You looked between them, the file in your hand, and the time machine in front of you.
“No fucking way,” you mumbled. “Tony actually did it?"
Fury simply glared at you, leaving Maria to explain.
"Scott helped. Sort of- he supplied the idea. Either way, it's been tested and you're good to go.” She moved on to talking you through the mechanics of the time suit and the Pym particle discs. As she spoke, she had someone do your hair and makeup. By the time she finished explaining the items in your shrunken emergency kit, you were ready to regroup in the morning. Fury, however, had a different plan.
“Ready to go?” You knew it wasn't really a question, but you still answered
“Now?” When he once again only glared at you, you knew you didn't really here a choice in the matter if you wanted to remain employed. "Uh, okay. Let me just say goodbye to Steve and Bucky."
Before you could leave, Maria was handing you clothes to change into while Fury interrupted your protests.
"No time. Need this file ASAP."
"No time? What- it's time travel? I'll be back as soon as I leave."
"Doesn't matter. You have to leave now." You managed to fit the time suit on over your 40s agent uniform, but your confusion remained.
"Why me?" You asked one last question as Maria selected your arrival date.
"Because, you’ve got Barnes and Rogers wrapped around your finger. No reason you can't do it in the 40s too."
"What the-“
And you were gone. Just in time too since Steve and Bucky walked through the door just after you disappeared.
"Where's Y/N?” Steve asked, him and Bucky both looked around the room. “Friday said she was here.”
“She was. She just left for a mission.” Maria filled them in when Fury didn't answer.
"She left?” Bucky glanced at Steve, matching expressions of confusion on their faces. The three of you agreed to always say goodbye before leaving for a mission, just in case anything went wrong. "For what mission?"
Fury tossed the file to them before speaking. "There was no time for goodbyes.”
"'You sent her to the 40s? How long could she possibly have had to prepare for that?" Steve seethed. Bucky was just as angry, glaring at Fury when he looked up from the file. Fury cut in, already knowing they were going to whine about it.
"She knows everything she needs to know, Rogers. You’re both welcome to wait for her to come back. Should be about five seconds.”
Both super soldiers rolled their eyes, anxiously turning to wait for your return.
“- fuck does that mean?" you stumbled as you landed on unfamiliar ground. Glancing around, you definitely recognized the camp you were in. How could you not when Steve and a Bucky have spent hours upon hours talking to you about their time in the war. You took a few deep breaths, staring up at the sky in an effort to calm down.
Once you were calmer, you quickly got to work. Thanks to Maria, your hair, makeup, and clothes were perfect, so you just needed to remove and shrink the time suit to truly blend in. Once you had it safely hidden, you began the trek through the tents, looking for somewhere they might store top secret files.
“I swear to god, when I get back I'm gonna kill him, screw this job, screw SHIELD. I don't care anymore,” you grumbled under your breath as you tried to hike through the mud in the standard issue heels.
"He's dead. Stupid, mother fucking-”
"Murder probably isn’t best planned out loud.” A familiar voice spoke up from behind you, causing you to jump. Your eyes widened when your suspicions were confirmed.
"You're lucky Steve didn’t hear. He doesn't like that kind of language.” You were so busy silently cursing Fury in your head that you didn't realize you were staring until Bucky spoke up again.
"What's your name, doll?" he smirked, enjoying your flustered state. It seems Steve wasn’t exaggerating Bucky's flirty behavior when he told stories about the 40s.
"Agent L/N,” you stated firmly, rolling your eyes at Bucky's flirty smile. Another soldier came up to you two as you introduced yourself.
"Agent, huh? First Carter, how you. They must be desperate," he laughed at his own poor attempt at a joke.
"You've heard about Peggy's jab, Seaver. I wouldn’t underestimate the women,” Bucky warned him, but it did nothing to deter his attitude.
“Yeah right. You think I can't beat a girl?" Seaver goaded you. Maybe this is how you can prove yoursest to stick around the top tier while looking for the file.
“I could use the practice,” you held up your fists in a loose defensive position. “Take your best shot." You weren't surprised when he immediately started shaking his head.
'"I can’t hit a girl for no reason.”
“You’ve got a reason- training. Unless you’re scared you’re going to lose.” You knew he would take the bait, especially with someone watching. You had garnered a small crowd while you waited for the soldier to decide. You glanced at the familiar faces, recognizing the likes of Dum Dum Dugan and Jim Morita from pictures you've seen. You had just managed to catch sight of Steve when movement to your left caught your eye. Of course he would attack when you weren’t looking.
Still, you easily dodged his swing, stepping aside just in time to avoid a punch to the gut. The crowd started cheering. With each of his swings came a swift block on your part. You parried each hit, holding off on going on the offensive while Seaver never let up. It was fun to watch him grow more agitated with each miss. You caught Bucky's eye a few times, his smirk matching your own. It was nice to see him enjoying himself, but it also reminded you of what was coming.
The momentary slip in your focus allowed Seaver to connect a punch, his fist briefly connecting with your jaw. The crowd quickly silenced from the shock of seeing you hit.
Unfortunately for Seaver, he was throwing combos. His momentum carried him through his next swing, allowing you to grab his arm, twist it, and throw him to the ground. Your winner's high didn't last long, however. The clearing of a throat behind you immediately quieted the hoots and hollers of the soldiers surrounding you. You yourself stiffened, recognizing the voice despite not actually hearing any words.
You shook off the memory of the last time you saw Steve, doing your best to remember he wasn't currently in love with you. In fact, you had to remember he was currently in love with Peggy. You pushed through the ache that thought left behind, offering a hand to Seaver. Thankfully, he allowed you to help him up. He surprised you by nodding his approval at your skills.
''Well done. I guess Barnes was right. Never underestimate a woman.” You had to hold back a laugh when the idea of any of these men fighting Nat crossed your mind.
''Thanks. And I won't underestimate your left hook,” you laughed with him, rubbing the ache in your jaw.
"What is going on here." Steve spoke up, his Captain voice fully present.
“Sorry, Captain.” You held your hand out for introductions. "Agent L/N, reporting for duty.”
He shook your hand, glaring slightly. "Do you often show up for work and start fights?" Once again, you had to hold back your laughter. Steve lecturing you on starting a fight was truly comical.
“Of course not! We were just training, Sergeant Barnes oversaw everything.” You winked at Bucky, just out of Steve's view. Bucky chuckled at your explanation, but agreed nonetheless.
''Yeah, Steve. She wanted a jump on training. Now, let's get the gal some ice.” Bucky lead you to the first aid tent, Steve grumbling as he followed behind. Bucky went above and beyond for your ice pack, even offering to hold it for you.
"I think I'll manage,” you laughed. He pouted. Steve watched.
"Why are you here?" Steve wasted no time jumping into the interrogation, earning a glare from Bucky.
"Captain Wilson from the 111th sent me. We caught wind that Zola would be on a train travelling through Hydra Valley. Wilson didn’t want to risk the message being intercepted, so he had me deliver it,” you easily recited the lie Maria fed you. You knew it was information they already had, but it was meant to help them trust you.
"'We found out about the train yesterday. The mission's in three days." Steve replied, his no nonsense attitude remaining.
“Oh! That's good. If you boys don't need any help, I'll make my way back to Captain Wilson." Bucky and Steve seemed to be having a silent conversation in regards to if you could stay. You hoped Bucky would convince Steve, but it wouldn’t be hard to sneak in and copy the file while everyone was focused on the train mission.
"We could definitely use the help, doll." Bucky's voice broke you out of your thoughts of breaking and entering. One look at Steve told you he disagreed, but the sound of the tent opening cut you off from commenting.
"I heard we had another woman amongst us." Peggy beamed when she looked at Steve, but you could tell she was wary of your surprise appearance. "Just had to see for myself. Peggy Carter.” She held her hand out for you, seemingly nodding in approval of your strong grip.
“F/N L/N. A pleasure to meet you Agent Carter.” It wasn't a lie. You did look up to Peggy. She was a trailblazer for women in intelligence, and despite Hydra infiltrating it, SHIELD has done a lot to keep civilians safe.
"Just Peggy, darling. Will you be staying?” The question was more so geared toward Steve and Bucky than yourself, but you weren't surprised. It paid to be cautious of strangers.
"Then just F/N for me as well. I'll be staying if I'm needed.”
"She will be.” Bucky chimed in wearing a mischievous grin. “F/N here is going to help us plan our train mission.”
"That's Agent to you, Sergeant. I don't know you well enough for first names,” you winked.
Bucky pouted at your remark, but Steve chuckled. It definitely felt good to be winning him over, but it only made it harder to pretend you weren't madly in love with him.
"Let's change that. Go with me to the dance they're having to boost morale.” Bucky once again interrupted your thoughts.
“When is it?” you questioned, pondering the best way out of this. Yes you're technically dating Bucky, but not this Bucky. It felt wrong.
“Tomorrow night.”
"Well, it looks like you've got a day to convince me,” you teased. From the glint in his eye, you could easily tell he was up for the challenge.
And up for it he was. Any time you weren't actively strategizing, Bucky was right beside you. He started by telling you about himself, his parents, his sisters, what it was like living in Brooklyn, and saving Steve from countless fights. It wasn’t anything you didn't already know, but 40s Bucky talked about it so differently. You found yourself easily captivated by the lack of melancholy spirit surrounding a life lost.
Of course, he didn't give it all away for free. In return you found yourself answering his questions about your life, tweaking things sightly to fit more with the times. Before you knew it, Peggy was asking you to join her in order to get ready for the dance.
"So, what do say, doll? Save me a dance?” Bucky’s grin was almost shy, a certain nervousness coming of him. How cold you say no to that face?
“I suppose I can handle one dance,” you called over your shoulder. Buck's smile filled you with so much happiness, you almost forgot you were only there for a mission. A stark reminder came in the form of the exact file you were there to retrieve being held right in front of you.
Colonel Phillips stopped the pair of you to ask Peggy a few questions., and he was holding the file you needed. You were so zoned out, Peggy had to call your name a few times before you registered she was talking to you.
“F/N? Are you okay?” Peggy's concern for your wellbeing was sweet, but you had no idea how to answer her.
"Yes. it's just…”
"Barnes?" she guessed. You nodded. "He might be a flirt, but he's a good man. Steve wouldn't settle for less.” If only you could tell her just how right she was.
"You’re right. I'm worried for nothing,” you replied. Shaking your head, you refocused on getting ready for the dance. You managed to copy Peggy’s makeup style, doing your best to blend in with the current trends. In no time at all, you were heading to meet Bucky and Steve. It almost felt like a typical date for you three, but with the addition of another woman. It gave you a newfound respect for Steve and Bucky being able to share your time without getting jealous. Granted, the three of you all loved each other so that’s a different story…
“Wow," Stere's eyes flickered between you and Peggy. “You both look amazing.”
"'Making a move in my date, jerk?" Bucky offered you his arm, smirking when Steve stuttered.
"Oh, leave him alone,” you chastised. "We do look great.”
"That we do. You boys look quite dapper yourselves." Peggy chimed in, earning a hum of approval from you.
Soon enough you found yourself on the dancefloor with Bucky, twisting, turning, and waltzing around the makeshift space. He continued telling you about himself, smiling ear to ear every time he made you laugh.
"'You keep looking at Steve.” Bucky surprised you with his statement.
"What?" Had you really kept glancing at Steve and not noticed?
“It's okay. I get it. He's Captain America, not some broken prisoner of war. I must admit it’s taken some getting used to, all the dames being interested in him. He’s only got eyes for Peggy though.” You teared up as he spoke, recognizing the self doubt.
“Do you want to go for a walk?" you pleaded with him. He looked startled, but nonetheless, he nodded. You took his arm again, allowing him to choose the path.
"Steve reminds me of someone. That's why I kept looking at him,” you spoke up once you felt like you were far enough away from the crowd. You could tell he was going to ask who, so you kept going. “And you're not broken.”
“F/N, the things they did to me.. I'm not myself anymore.” Bucky refused to make eye contact until you stopped walking so you could torn his head toward you.
"Bucky, no matter what they did and no matter what happens, you deserve the world. You deserve to be happy, any any girl would be lucky to have you."
To your utter surprise, he didn't immediately disagree. Instead, he slowly leaned in, pressing a barely there kiss against your lips. He stayed close to you as he whispered. "Thank you. I know we only met yesterday, but it feels like I've known you for so much longer.”
"Me too." Of course, you have known him for longer, but you can't exactly tell him that. Instead you walked hand in hand until you reached a small bench overlooking the mountains. A town in the distance started setting off fireworks. The view was breathtaking, but the sounds put you on edge. How would Bucky react?
"Can I sing you something?” you blurted. Your eyes went wide when you realized that might be odd. "It's something my mom used to sing to my dad when he was remembering the first war.” The story was completely made up, and the song wouldn't be released for another 80ish years, but he didn’t know that. He smiled at your rambling, eventually nodding his head.
"Sure, doll.”
You have sung for Bucky many times, often it was one of the only things that could calm him down after a nightmare. Still, you felt nervous under his watchful gaze.
“Keep your helmet. Keep your life son. Just a flesh wound. Here's your rifle." You could hear someone approaching, but Bucky looked too peaceful for you to stop.
"Crawling up the beaches now. Sir, I think he's bleeding out. And somethings you just can't speak about.” Steve came into your peripheral vision, but you kept going.
"With you, I serve. With you I fall down, down. Watch you breathin', watch you breathin' out, out. Only twenty minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany.” You hummed a bit more, noticing Steve slowly slip away. Neither of you spoke again, simply enjoying each other's company until he deemed it late enough to walk you back to your barracks.
After kissed you goodnight, you were thankful for Peggy's presence in your shared room. The only thing holding you together was the knowledge that you wouldn't be able to explain it to her.
The next day flew by. Everyone, yourself included, was so busy strategizing for the next day's mission, you had no time to discuss the events of the previous night. Before you knew it, Bucky was once again kissing you goodnight and you were falling asleep.
The team had to be up and out early the next morning, but you and Peggy made sure you were up in time to say goodbye. Peggy was in the corner saying goodbye to Steve when Bucky found you.
"Don't miss me too much, doll,” he smirked. You loved seeing him so happy, but pretending you didn’t know what was about to happen was single handedly the most painful thing you’ve ever had to do.
"And feed your ego? Wouldn’t dream of it.” You smiled softly when Bucky pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"I'll be back before you know it.” With that, they were gone. You watched until the truck faded from view. Once again, knowing you weren't alone was the only thing holding you together.
"The first time is the hardest,” Peggy spoke up from behind you. “But they've always come back.”
You managed a smile in return, not trusting your voice to come out even.
"Why don't you help me plan our next few missions? It'll help take your mind off worrying.”
“Sounds great, Peggy. Let's go.”
Thankfully, Peggy left you alone long enough to copy the file. A part of you wanted to leave then and there, but the bigger part wanted to help Steve through it.
Around 7 pm, you received word that Captain America had returned. You put on the best smile you could and pretended to be just as excited as Peggy when you followed her outside. You only managed to catch a glimpse of Zola before Steve had him locked up.
You could see the pain in his eyes before he had even fully turned to you. To be fair, you were expecting it. Still, the tears you’d been holding back slowly began fall. You cried for what Bucky was about to go through. You cried for Steve, who just lost his best friend. And you cried for yourself, because it’s hard to know what to feel when you’re told one of the men you love died, but you know you’ll see him again as soon as the mission is over.
Your tears fell like a gentle stream until you decided you needed a drink. It was still too new for you to try comforting Steve. You were hopeful he would find himself at the bar, so you ordered a drink and waited.
You were nursing your second beverage when Steve showed up. He ordered his drink, swirling it around in its glass before he met your eye.
'"It doesn't help me.” His vague statement was accompanied by a subtle nod toward his glass. Of course, you already knew what he meant. “Serum made it so I can’t get drunk.”
“I don't think it really helps any of us.” You stared at your own drink as you spoke. Steve merely hummed in agreement. The silence took over until you blurted, "It wasn't your fault.”
“You don't even know what happened.” He threw back his drink before practically stomping from the room. Naturally, you followed suit. You needed to jog a bit to keep up with him, nearly out of breath when he finally came to a stop. He fell onto the small bench where he’d seen you with Bucky.
“I don't need to know what happened to know you did everything you could. I don't need to know what happened to know Bucky wouldn’t blame you. I already know he wouldn’t want you blaming yourself.” You let him think about your words, anticipating a response. When none came, you started to back away. “I'm leaving in the morning. Wilson will be glad to hear you got Zola. I hope you can forgive yourself, Steve.” Just before you turned to leave, he spoke up.
“I heard you,” he whispered. "The night of the dance, I went to check on him because of the fireworks. “Loud noises had been bothering him ever since the rescue.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, trying to find the best words. “He looked so calm sitting here with you. How’d you know that would work?”
"I know some people who suffered through war. It helped them to have something else to focus on when things got rough,” you shrugged, thankful you’d already been expecting his question.
“Would you- would you sing it for me?” You had never seen Steve quite so vulnerable before. He sounded so broken, so lost. So, you sat down next to him and sang.
"With you, I serve. With you I fall down, down. Watch you breathin', watch you breathin' out, out. Only twenty minutes to steep, but you dream of some epiphany. Just one single glimpse of relief, to make some sense of what you’ve seen.”
A few tears slipped down his cheeks as you continued humming. Just like with Bucky, the two of you didn’t say anything else, simply enjoying the silence together. That is, until Steve abruptly stood up. He held his arm out for you, an offer to walk you back to your barracks falling from his lips. It wasn’t until halfway through the walk that he said anything else
"I'm glad he got to know you, even if it was only three days. I haven’t seen him that happy since before the war.” He didn't look at you while he spoke, but you knew it was genuine.
"I'm glad too. He's one of the best people I've ever met." Steve shared a smile with you, a blush blossoming on his face when you leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Steve. Peggy is one lucky lady.” You were pretty confident in that statement given your own experience as the recipient of his affection. “Goodnight, Captain.”
"Goodnight, F/N.” Steve whispered after you shut the door, the blush present for his entire walk back to his own bunk.
You said goodbye to Peggy before bed, using an early transpo as in excuse to leave in the middle of the night. Maybe they'd figure out your lies, maybe not. You just couldn’t spend another second without your boys. After one final look around, you pushed the button on the no-longer-shrunken time suit, firing yourself through time once more.
"What's taking so long?" Bucky had waited five full seconds before questioning Fury and Maria. Luckily for them, just as he finished talking, you appeared in the middle of the platform. You immediately tossed Maria the thumb drive with the digital copy of the file, promptly breaking into tears the second she and Fury left the room.
Steve and Bucky were at your side in an instant, various questions of what was wrong and how they could help being spewed in your direction. You didn't have it in you to respond right away. Instead you held them as close as you could manage, simply enjoying being able to hold them. After a few minutes, you managed to calm down enough to speak.
"I'm so sorry,” you desperately apologized, every moment you could have intervened to save them passing though your mind. You gripped Bucky's face in your hands, needing to see for yourself that he was indeed alive.
"You fell from the train, and Steve was so sad, and I couldn't help either of you, and-”
"Hey, hey! Steve interrupted you while Bury gathered you in his arms. "You did help us.”
"What? I - I did? But you-”
"We wouldn't change a thing about the 40s because it lend us here. Back to you.” Bucky whispered from behind you. “Sitting on that bench with you, when you offered to sing to me because you knew I didn't react well to loud noises... just spending three days with you reminded me that there was something to live for.” Bucky felt like a weight had been lifted now that he could finally explain just how involved you were in his recovery.
"And when I was blaming myself, and spiraling because I had no one left, you gave me hope. I had just lost my best friend, and you made me still feel connected to him when you sang that song.”
You were utterly shocked to learn that they both remembered you. In the grand scheme of a war, three days is no time at all.
"You remember all that?” you choked out the words, still feeling slightly overwhelmed.
"It was hard to believe at first, but of course we do.” Steve wiped a stray tear from your cheek.
"Could never forget you, doll” Bucky whispered into the skin of your neck, successfully lightening the mood by ticking you with his stubble. “Just needed you to live it.”
"So you both already knew me?” you asked, completely stunned. They'd been keeping this secret for years, and you barely made it three days. You suddenly gasped, a realization hitting you. "Is that why you were so excited when Taylor Swift released folklore?” They both sheepishly nodded.
“You had the album on repeat for a week. Hearing you sing epiphany after so many years... it was a big moment for us.” Steve supplied their reasoning.
"We love everything you sing, but that one is special." Bucky affirmed.
"Wow" you stated, mouth slightly agape. "I can't believe the two of you got to know that sang 80 years before me.”
The two men shook their heads, unsurprised that you would focus on that detail. They were just glad you came back to them.
"What do you say we take a bath, and you can ask us all the questions I know you're thinking about.” Bucky suggested, eager to talk about everything now that it wasn’t a secret. You nodded, squealing when Steve picked you up and carried you to your room.
They were right. Everything that happened lead you to this moment, and there’s nowhere else you rather be.
Permanent: @averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman @strawberryspence @sebastnstn @jswessie187 @ellobruv @alohastitch0626
Marvel: @leyannrae @livstilinski @oceaniamaddness @justreadingficsdontmindme @ladymalfoy
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immortal-enemies · 2 years
After getting the new TWP information, I don't think you understand how much I need to see Ty talk abt Kit in SOBH so I can get a proper read on Ty feelings of him needing to go to Kit
Like is he reluctant to go to Kit for help? Or was he just waiting for something that would warrant needing Kit's help so he could go see him again?
Also, I need to know ASAP if Ty goes to Kit while Kit's at home, if he shows up while Kit's at school (if Kit's still IN school) and just hangs around waiting for him, or if this little shit shows up in the middle of the fcking night like 'heeey ready to go on a dangerous but homoerotic adventure?"
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
What The Evans Are Like With Kids
This post pairs nicely with savanionie blanque Sauvignon Blanc, and even nicer with my existing post, What Would Evans Call Their Kids? It’s a very old post of mine so it’s short and not very detailed, but sweet nevertheless.
This wasn’t requested but I thought it’d be a cute idea, having baby fever recently :) This is my first time writing for Pietro so feel free to tell me if you hated it and I should never write for him again, still figuring things out!
Enjoy! <3
Tate Langdon
-A big kid himself
-Finds things in common with them
-Always answers the toy phone when given
-Whenever you go to the park or beach together, he loves looking at kids play
-Might even help a kid build a sandcastle
-But also would be upset if the kid build a better sandcastle than him
-The type of person to pull faces at a baby if they’re in front of you at a queue
His kids -Always cuddling and kissing them, kind of needy -Absolutely always wanting to hold his kids’ hand -Tells them he loves them on a daily -Loves taking care of his kids, giving them baths or feeding them -Will complain to them about how stinky they are if he changes a diaper -Loves laying with his face on/against your belly when you’re pregnant -Because he’s so insecure, he’d hate for his kids to be insecure too so he tells them any chance he gets that they are incredible, unique, and can achieve anything
Kit Walker
-Holds their hands and spins them around
-Picks them up and throws them all the time
-Ruffles the kids’ hair
-If you go over to a friend’s house who has kids, he doesn’t mind if the kid wants to follow him around
-Kids overall love Kit, because he’s a big kid himself
His kids -Overall, the best dad ever -Cuddles them every night before bed -On a regular, he gets them ready for bed in pyjamas with teeth brushed, and then holds them on his lap on the sofa until they fall asleep, before carrying them to their own bed -The kids come crawl in bed with you and Kit in the mornings -Loves dancing and singing and being active with his kids -The most loving and protective dad ever if the kids are sick -Will drive or walk in the storm hail and snow to get your kids medicine if they need it, or even McDonalds to cheer them up
Franken Kyle
-Doesn’t like sharing his things
-Isn’t particularly patient either
-Not that bad at playing with kids every so often, but can’t take care of them since he’s a kid himself
-Silently sits with the kid of your friend and plays trains with them, making little choo choos together
-However, if the kid just gets up and walks away, Kyle will stay and play by himself fine
His kids -If you were to have kids with Franken Kyle, you would have to accept that Kyle wouldn’t be much of a help -Kyle in himself is a big toddler who has to be taken care of -You were especially scared of Kyle being aggressive and flip out around the child or that he would accidentally hurt them -But when you were giving birth (in the academy, because you couldn’t make it to the hospital since Kyle can’t drive and you’re in labour), Kyle was actually helpful -He may have not completely understood what was happening or why you were screaming and crying, but he knew you were in pain and he didn’t like it -He held your hand and stroked your hair through the whole labour, whether you wanted it or not -You held the baby first and Kyle sat by your side and just looked at them, intrigued but slightly confused -Overtime he warmed up to the baby and helped you whenever he could, going downstairs to get a bottle for you, picking up toys after the baby, eventually learning how to change a diaper with you or bottle feed them -If you breast feed, Kyle definitely wants a sippy sip too -They’re his boobs, he cannot understand why he can’t get a sippy sip of your milk -Eventually you sat him down very carefully and calmly, and got him to hold the baby -Once he starts holding and carrying the baby, you’ll have to pry that cuddle buddy out of Kyle’s hands
Jimmy Darling
-When there’s kids at the circus, he asks them if they’re strong enough to pull his fingers apart
-Picks them up and throws them up in the air just to see their parents be scared
-Never wants to scare or intimidate children, so he’ll squat when talking to them
-Will avoid showing his hands if he can, to make sure they don’t get scared
-Loves to show kids magic tricks
-Probably has sweets in his pocket just in case a kid comes to the circus
His kids -When you’re pregnant, even if you sneeze, Jimmy is full alert -Nervous as hell when you’re giving birth -Scared for you, the baby, and the baby’s hands -Relieved if they have normal hands -Apologises to you if they don’t, so you have to console him and tell him how much you love his hands regardless -Incredibly protective of his kids, wouldn’t let anybody make them feel inferior for anything different about them -His kids would be athletic like he was when he was a child -Would cling onto his leg and he’d walk around with them, pretending he’s looking for them and doesn’t see them -Puts them on his shoulders and runs around so they feel tall -But holds them extra tight -Makes lots of dad jokes and laughs at them, making his kids groan
James March
-Doesn’t really have a ‘baby voice’
-Occasionally looks after Holden or Scarlett, so they play card games and do more mature things together
-Uncle James has definitely taken Scarlett and Holden out trick or treating
His kids -Mine and James’ daughter is called April -No I do not take constructive criticism -I think he’d only want one child so they can be his whole world -Their designated place is on his hip -That type of stereotypical dad who doesn’t let his little girl near any boys whatsoever -Kills the boy who takes his teen daughter’s virginity -Reads with his kids a lot -Has dinner with them and talks to them about all sorts of things -Wants them to be wise and inquisitive -Their birthday parties take up the whole hotel
Edward Mott
-Utterly disgusted at children
-Doesn’t want them
-Doesn’t want them in his house
-Doesn’t want them near him or his incredible and sophisticated art
Kai Anderson
-Treats them like small people, so he will not talk to any child in a baby voice, though he will alter his voice a little bit and use words they can understand
-Prefers 4+ year olds so you can have an actual conversation with them
-He’d never sit and talk about how cute a baby is, but does find them very cute
-Think about when he quoted Tolstoy and Oz thought he said Toy Story, he exhaled and clearly found it cute
His kids -Likes watching Disney films and then talking to his kid about it, curious to know which character they liked, what they should’ve done instead etc -Like being sporty with his kids -In a lot of ways, he would treat his girls similarly to the way he’d treat his sons, because he’d want his girls to be strong and manly in a way -All play football together -When playing games, Kai would never let his kids win on purpose -Definitely teaches his kids how to play chess -Incredibly strict -Lies to his kids a lot and makes sure they think that everything that Kai says is the holy grail -Makes up stories and reasons as to why they have to do what he says - “Daddy why do I have to go to bed alreadyyy?” “Because it’s 8pm” “Sooooo” “Didn’t you know? It’s illegal for people under 15 to stay up past 8pm, let’s get you in pyjamas before the police comes” -Might even call Samuels to make his point stronger -The kids always fall asleep before 8 -Kai’s Preganant S/O Headcannons
-Similarly to Kit, he likes kids and kids like him
-Probably because they’re both big kids
-Teaches them swear words and helps them to cause mischief
-Fun uncle obviously
His kids -He was probably a little scared about having a baby, but got more and more excited over time -Talks to the baby all the time and has lots of little nicknames for them -Wants them to walk ASAP -Once they’re not a newborn anymore, takes them everywhere with him -Very specific but, whenever he’s walking down the street with them, holds their hand as they walk on a wall -They’re his new little best friend so he wants to do everything with them -They help pack their own lunch and he gives them twinkies and other things they shouldn’t eat
@milly-louise  @amourtentiaa  @kitwalker02  @tatestripedsweater  @therenlover  @maria-akira         @tatesimper  @thxc0untessesgl0ve  @mossybank  @ahsxual  @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess  @mrs-march-ahs-biggest-fan  @kitwalkerangel  @kitisagoldenretrieverboy @darlingkitt  @blackbat2020
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hellsenthero · 4 years
Below Zero
Written by: hellsenthero
Bucky X FemReader
After a mission gone wrong Y/N’s left hypothermic and injured. With no jet to get them back to the Avengers Compound safely Bucky works to save his partner, all while hoping he’ll get the chance to tell the girl about his feelings for her.
Warnings/Themes: Angst, fluff. (1.5K Words.)
Masterlist and Bucky Bingo.
It was a coldness that Y/N had never known before. She could barely move, barely speak, barely think. 
“Come on doll, not much farther.” Bucky rasped. Trudging through the snow he carried her, his body giving off a delicate warmth that she curled into. If she had the energy to speak, she’d hassle him about how the hell he stayed warm despite the freezing temperature, but alas, all that came out of her was a muffled groan. “Keep your eyes open.” Bucky commanded. Giving her a sudden jostle her eyes peaked open, looking up onto Bucky’s baby blues that softened as he gazed back down at her. 
The two silently vowed to themselves that the next time they saw Tony, they’d give him a piece of their mind for the fun little mission he sent them on. His words, not theirs. 
It was supposed to be a clean, easy sweep of an abandoned Hydra hideout for any left behind files they could get their hands on. And it was certainly not supposed to blow up the second they entered the five digit pin code to unlock the steel front door. 
They were lucky they were alive, and relatively unharmed. All thanks to Y/N’s quick thinking and the heavy steel door that protected them from most of the blast. Survive a bomb only to be killed by the cold. Just their luck. 
With the building ruined and bits of shrapnel protruding from Y/N’s thigh, the two Avengers were forced back to their jet, only to find the electronics system damaged. Meaning that they were stuck, stranded in the middle of nowhere and the damn door to the jet wouldn’t even close for them to hide away in until help arrived. And with an injured partner and freezing temperatures Bucky immediately made the decision to begin hiking towards a nearby safe house. 
A safehouse that Y/N had no idea about until Bucky told her. She couldn’t even remember where they were exactly, and she didn’t particularly care at the moment. The only thought racing through her mind then was warmth. Warmth, I need warth. Give me warmth. So cold. Too cold. I need warmth. 
“Buck…” Y/N groaned out, an attempt at telling the man how freezing she was. 
“I know.” Bucky soothed. And he did know, he knew just how cold the girl in his arms was, how hypothermia was taking over, how death hung above her, dark and ominous like the grim reaper’s scythe. “We’re almost there.” He told her honestly. Bucky could see it, in the near distance the safehouse appeared as a brown blur through the snow fall. 
Inside he could start a fire, get Y/N warm, use the backup radio’s to call for extraction after his and Y/N’s were ruined and patch up her thigh. Hopefully he could even get some food and water into the girl. He just needed to get to the safe house first. 
“Y/N,” he called, jostling her once more when he realized her eyes had slipped back shut, “Y/N.” Y/N’s eyes remained shut and Bucky cursed to himself knowing that the girl was now in an even greater danger of not waking back up. “Come on doll, stay with me.” 
Racing through the last few yards of snow Bucky finally got into the safehouse. The door opened up into a living room. There was a couch laden with blankets and pillows set before a fireplace and Bucky sighed in relief at the sight of it. He set Y/N down gently on the couch before doing a quick scan around the safehouse, ensuring that the two really were safe. 
“Okay, doll. Time to wake up.” Bucky said once he came back to the couch, content in knowing the property was safe and a new radio in hand. “Bucky Barnes to Avengers Compound.” Bucky said into the radio, praying he remembered the channel Tony had set up properly.Setting down the radio Bucky went to undoing the zipper of Y/N’s coat, taking off the snow covered puffer he threw it to the floor haphazardly before slipping a pillow under her head. His flesh hand came up to her cheek, gently patting her in hopes of waking her up, but it was no use. With a worried grunt he layered the girl with all four blankets before going to start up a warm fire in the fireplace. 
“Bucky, Tony and Steve here, what’s going on?” Steve’s voice cracks through the radio. With the fire now crackling away in the fireplace Bucky picks the radio back up. 
“Steve, Y/N’s down and we’re stranded. I got us to a nearby safe house West of the base but it’s not looking good. We need to be extracted ASAP.”
“We’re searching for your coordinates now.” Steve answers. Bucky breathes a sigh of relief knowing the team will get to them as soon as possible. Setting down the radio he races across the room to the first aid kit hanging from the wall, bringing it back to where Y/N lays on the couch he pulls out the equipment he needs to tend to her thigh. “We found you, leaving now.” Steve radio’s in. “How bad is Y/N?”
“She��s hypothermic, unconscious and has shrapnel protruding from her thigh, so I’d say she’s fucking bad, Steve.” Unable to control his temper Bucky growls into the radio, uncaring about what Steve will say to him on the matter later on. The only thing Bucky cares about now is Y/N and getting her to the compound where she can be treated and safe. Steve’s voice comes through the radio once more but Bucky doesn’t care, instead he begins talking to his partner as he rips open her pant leg, allowing him to treat her thigh. 
“Hey doll, I need you to wake up. Please Y/N, I’m beggin’ here,” with the fire started and cracking away Bucky prays the heat will soon be enough to wake the girl up, “it’s not often that a super soldier begs, doll. Do me a favour and open those pretty eyes for me.”
It takes a while, but as Bucky takes out the last piece of metal from your leg he finally gets a response from you. It’s only a murmur, but it’s like music to Bucky’s ears.
“That’s it doll, wake up. I need you to wake up and show those pretty Y/E/C eyes of yours.” As you slowly peel open your eyes Bucky can’t help but think it’s the best thing he’s ever seen in his long life. “That’s it,” he says gently, with your leg now all bandaged up and cleaned of blood he brings up his flesh hand to your cheek, feeding you as much warmth as he can through the touch, “good girl, keep those eyes open.”
“Bu...Buck…” The girl croaks out. Her hand twitches in an effort to hold onto Bucky as she opens her eyes. The sight of him kneeling over her filling her with a sudden need to press up against the super soldier, a need to feel him against her so she can be assured that this isn’t all a fever dream. “Buck...hold...me.” Speaking is still too difficult for Y/N but her whispered words are heard by the soldier. He wastes no time in getting under the blankets with Y/N as he too has a need to hold onto his partner, a need to be assured that she’s going to be okay, that if her eyes do fall shut once more that they won’t be shut for good. 
“Don’t worry doll, I’m right here. You’re safe.” Bucky murmurs to the girl. Pulling her tightly against his chest he’s careful of her injury as he wraps his arms around her. 
It doesn’t take long for Bucky to realize the buildup of emotion in him. Yes, he already knew long before this mission that he had feelings for Y/N. He already knew that he’d do anything she’d ask of him in a heartbeat and yet the realization of his love for her hadn’t fully hit him. At least, it hadn’t hit him until now, as he holds her in his arms. 
He’s also shocked by the realization that his knack for self-hating thoughts around her is all but gone. For once he’s not thinking, I wish I could have her but I don’t deserve her. Or the other common one, she’s too pure for a monster like me. Instead, his thinking, when we get out of here I’m going to tell her I love her. And if she lets me I’m going to spend the rest of my days showing her why I deserve her and why she deserves me. 
With these thoughts in mind the door to the safehouse opens, the rest of the team bursting in to get their two team members to safety. 
It was safe to say that when Y/N woke up in the infirmary with Bucky sitting at her side, he told her about his feelings for her. 
It was safe to say that with a smile of her own, Y/N admitted her feelings towards him too. 
It was safe to say that together, they proved to each other for the rest of their days why they deserved each other. 
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Tending to Their Wounds
Just some soft headcannon for my 2k Celebration! You can check out the original post here
Pairings: Mirio x reader, Shoto x reader, Bakugo x reader
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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This dude^^^^right here^^^^\
Like he feels it he KNOWS its theree
He just CHOOSES to ignore it
he could have literal slashes all over his body and insists that he’s okay
He main priority is to get healed ASAP of course
he will be cracking dad jokes, insisting he’s fine when he’s clearly NOT
You cant even get ahold of him hes just soooo fast
He will only really chill out if you FORCE him and he sees how nervous he’s making you
Its gonna be wierd cause he gonna be worried about you
Lots of soft touches, asking if your doing alright, and cracking jokes to make you smile
Honestly this baby has a heart of golddddd
“Mirio, please Im begging you-” you sighed, your feet scrambling to keep up with the hero, the first aid kit clanking in your hands.
“Begging me? Geez, didnt realize you were that  worried!” he laughed good naturedly, his body sauntering over to open the refrigerator door. “Honestly, babe, Im fine, honestly!”
You squinted your eyes at him, his arms outstretched as if to show you just how “fine” he was.
What a big ass lie- his suit was in shambles, his skin scraped and dusted with dirt...he was a wreck.
“Mirio, you look like you got hit by a bus,” you stated plainly, your face clearly not buying his remarks.
He simply laughed at you, his beaten body reaching into the fridge and pulling out some food.
“Ah, c’mon, y/n, you gotta believe me, Im feeling perfectly fine!”
Oh, so now he wanted to make food?! When he looked like that, completely trashed and bruised?! 
You shook your head, your lips pursed- deseprate time called for desperate measures.
MIrio began to look through the drawers, trying to find some utensils in the small kitchen.
“Hey, sunshine, do you know where the-uh,uh- sunshine?”
You had his tattered suit balled in your hand, your body pressed up against his own. You face was mere inches away from his, his blue eyes wide with shock as you kissed him square on his mouth. 
Mirio dropped the loaf of bread in his hand, his digits wrapping around your waist and giving it a squeeze as your hands began to work his suit off his battered torso.
Mirio smiled on to your lips at the feeling of you working his clothes off him.
“So this was why you were desperate-” he chuckled softly,his hands pushing you flushed against your body.
He was quickly snapped away from his hazy thoughts once he felt you push away, your hands quickly opening up the first aid kit and getting some supplies out.
“Nope- I just needed to give you a distraction,” you smirked at the boy, his pout making  you laugh
Mirio  gave you a sad look, his lips pouted out as if like a child.
“Ah cmon sunshine, now thats just cruel,”
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Shoto has nerves made of STEEL
And same with his pain tolerance
You could probably give this boy stitches and he’d only wince like twice
Honestly it kinda scary how calm he can be
If your kinda new to bandaging people up, he’s got you COVERED
Like will guide your hands and tell you what to put on what wound, etc etc
Hes a sweeetyyyy pieeeee
He will be blushy hardcore tho, no matter how long you’ve known each other or how long you’ve been dating
Hes a soft baby, and the feeling of your hands on his bare skin makes him melt into your touch
But even though he’s good at taking pain, make sure to remind him to breathe
Cause he has a tendency to hold his breathe, and it literally freaks you out when you see his lips turning purple lmao
You had your legs cradled against Shoto’s thighs, your hands busy at work to patch up an open wound left on his chest. His hero suit was pooled around his navel, showcasing the beautifully pale skin of his torso.
You had to admit it- the boy was built like a god, and you couldnt be more pleased to be so close to him, even if it was because he was injured.
“Are you doing okay?” you asked quietly, looking at him with waiting eyes.
Shoto gulped, his cheeks gaining a little red hue- you were so cute sitting on his lap, and the way you looked at him could have made his heart stop from just pure happiness. He felt so calm yet so nervous around you, and he was intoxicated by the feeling.
“Y-yes, thank you,” he stuttered out, his tone a bit more flushed.
You simply smiled, happy he was feeling okay, continuing with your work- 
until you felt heat radiating under your legs. 
At first you didnt pay any mind to it, letting it seep into your pants and warm your skin...but it began to hurt a little, almost like if a laptop was burning under your thighs.
You cocked your head looking up at Shoto’s face, his eyes downcast as if lovesick and his cheeks a fiery red...he was flustered.
“Shoto,” you mused quietly, taking your finger and resting it against his chin. His eyes met yours quickly, those bi-colored eyes wide in an owlish expression.
“Yes y/n?” he asked nervously, his tone deep and rich like honey.
You gave him a small smirk, tilting your head ever so slightly. “Are you nervous? Because your kind of heating up on me-”
“Oh, I-Im sorry!” he instantly apologized, his hands wrapping around your outer thighs, “I wasnt paying attnetion, I-Ill cool you down...”
Shoto’s kept his hands cradled on your sides for the rest of the time you were working on his wounds, his face a reddened mess as he sent cold sensations down your skin.
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He definitelllyyyyy got hurt from training, fighting Deku, or both
Your probably gonna have to get used to bandaging him up cause his pride wont let him get patched up 
but he will be too rough to properly fix himself up
He thinks he is being all tough,,,,
but honestly he’s not
Like he might be quiet at first, only a couple groans here and there-
but once you pull out that bottle of alcohol for his wounds hes gonna be FERAL
just throwing a damnnnnn temper tantrum
Once you get that part over with he’ll calm down...maybe even say thank you if your lucky smh
(This scene was definitellllyyyyy inspired by Indiana Jones and Ive been DYING to write this since like Christmas)
“Shit y/n, it fucking hurts!” he yelled, his vermillion eyes a deep red as he spoke through gritted teeth.
He was holding his scratched arm away from you, shielding you from being able to properly clean it. You couldn't help but roll you eyes- yeah, cleaning the wound stings a little, but you it wasnt like you were doing durgery on him. He seriously was a little too much to deal with at time.
You leaned away from the whining boy, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. 
“So where does it not hurt then, Katsuki,”
Bakugo gave a sulky look, his eyes squinted at you as he pointed at his elbow
You leaned forward quickly, your lips placing a soft kiss on the skin. Bakugo’s cheeks immediately erupted in red, his eyes wide and all pain erased from his face as he gazed at your slightly annoyed face.
“And-and here,” he stuttered out, his voice a little less forceful as he slowly pointed to his collarbone with bandaged digits.
This needy little prick-a small smirk enveloped on your face as you leaned in gently, careful to not press your body too much on his as you left a small kiss on his skin.
Bakugo watched you with wide eyes, his whole body tingling and the spots where you kissed him leaving electric sparks on his skin.
“Anywhere else?” you asked, your eyes glowing mischievously as you looked at he flustered boy.
He grunted slightly, his mouth swallowing thickly.
“And-and here,” he slowly stated, his hand pointing to his lips.
You simply rolled your eyes, your smile growing on your lips as you happily obliged to his request.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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bwoahtastic · 4 years
Drivers in a mirror maze
Charles Leclerc: checks himself out in the mirrors and forgets he has to find an exit but has a good time
Sebastian Vettel: tells Charles to find the exit and that he's proud of him and just follows Charles out as his teammate's spontaneous superpowers make him find the exit in one go
Max Verstappen: flirts with Dan... and Dan's 40 reflections... and eventually angrily tries to brake the mirrors when he sees Charles is about to beat him
Alex Albon: holds George's hand and the back of Lando's collar in an attempt to make sure they don't get lost. Also has a map of the mirror maze
Pierre Gasly: first stayed with Charles but then said "hell nah" and sat down in a safe corner to watch the drama unfold
Daniil Kvyat: minds his own fucking business and find the exit in a decent time, but no one sees him do it so he doesn't get credit for it
Daniel Ricciardo: drops crumbs of bread so he can at least figure out when he goes into circles all while yelling OI OI OI GEE GEE GEE to try and lure Max in his direction
Esteban Ocon: he either is so tall he can look over the mirrors, or he walks into every possible piece of glass around him
Lance Stroll: panicks after three corners and starts rambling in 27 different languages all while trying to dig his way out of the maze
Checo Perez: will carry Lance out of the maze but not before accidentally bodyslamming him into every corner they pass
George Russell: what is better than shirtless selfies? Shirtless selfies with 25 reflections of you in the background. You can bet your ass he would just be taking pictures the whole time
Nicholas Latifi: tries to come up with a complicated plan and eventually just walks his way to the exit while waving his arms around to find the mirrors
Lando Norris: walks behind Daniel and eats all the bread crumbs cos he got hungry. Also live streams the whole thing and gets the chat to guide him out
Carlos Sainz Jr: probably thinks he is hallucinating and seeing Nando everywhere but OOP its his own reflection
Kevin Magnussen: gets out of the maze in record time fueled by SPITE and goes on about how Hulk could never do that as well as him
Romain Grosjean: doesn't go into the maze and stands at the exit of the maze with a much needed first aid kit to patch all the idiots up
Kimi Räikkönen: bold of you to assume he shows up when a grid trip is arranged
Antonio Giovinazzi: panics for a little bit, then puts up his hair in a bun and goes war mode until he finds Pierre, then just chills and eats popcorn with him
Valtteri Bottas: he would get lost himself but he probably has Tiffany with him and she would come prepared and get them out ASAP so they can go cycling again
Lewis Hamilton: either has Roscoe to sniff his way out of there or holds Seb's hand and lets him lead him out of there with Charles's superpower. Does pauze every 5 minutes to make insta videos
Nico Hülkenberg: gets lost initially but then gets out really quickly by following Kevin's voice as the Dane is taunting him from the exit. Either that or he just Hulk Smashes through the glass
Jenson Button: flirts his way out of there - somehow. Either by flirting with other drivers until they help him or flirting with his reflection to pass time.
Nico Rosberg: follows 2 steps behind drivers and makes notes on what his new YouTube video could be about. Also awkwardly tries to avoid Lewis and runs face first into a mirror
Fernando Alonso: screams so loud the glass breaks
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