#need to give my brain something to chew on so it leaves the load-bearing stuff alone
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trying to figure out how to improve my mental health and unfortunately I think buying a really long jrpg might be a cornerstone element of the strategy here
#talking#need to give my brain something to chew on so it leaves the load-bearing stuff alone#I mean I need like 8 other things more but they are not available on steam#metaphor refantazio fix me...fix me metaphor refantazio
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Bound Pt. 2
Summary: You and Henry have been arranged to be married, by each other’s parents, in a month. While You have a crush on Henry, you don’t really love him, and Henry is actually head over heels in love with you. But, with no real other choice, both of you try and make the most out of the situation. Henry’s willing to do anything to earn you, and you are finding yourself falling in love with him, after all.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,995
Rating: G! Fluff, Disappointment, Kal Cuteness, Teasing
Inspiration: This is a second part to Bound Pt.1, that was requested by an anon.
Author’s Note: This is the, obvious, second part of Bound. The first part got a really good reception and reviews, and it’s an interesting plot and idea. There will most likely a few other parts to the story as well. I���m also going to post it on Ao3, if you’re interested in any of the work I have on Ao3, here’s a link to: Dragon_Dweller!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @hm-fck, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog @p3nny4urth0ught5, @severuined, @royallylazy, @thisisntmyrightera, @rizeandvibe, @authentic-bish-face
You woke up to the smell of food, followed it downstairs and found Henry standing in your kitchen, in just his sweats as he cooked breakfast at stove. You cocked an eyebrow at his broad and muscular back, smirking as you listened to him hum as he cooked.
“Morning.” You greeted him, slipping into the seat at the island.
“Morning.” Henry grinned over his shoulder at you.
“How long have you been awake?” You asked, rubbing at the sleep still in your eyes.
“About two hours.” He answered, moving over to your dish cabinet and pulled down a pair of plates. “I did my fasted cardio run, then went to the store to pick up stuff for breakfast, seeing as you don't have food in the house.” He told you, loading up one of the plates and setting it down in front of you. “One sausage and cheese omelet, for the lovely lady.” He smiled, loading up his own plate next. “Steak and scrambled eggs for me.”
“How do you manage to remember what I like to eat?” You asked, taking the fork he offered you.
“I'm Superman,” Henry laughed, sitting at the island with you. “I have an eidetic memory.”
You laughed around your mouthful of omelet, grinning brightly at him. “Well, Superman.” You said, swallowing. “You make a mean omelet.” You complimented him, shoveling in another bite of your breakfast.
“Thank you.” Henry grinned, proudly. “You know, you kissed me last night.” He said, collecting a bite of steak and egg on his fork, and glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“I also used you as a body pillow,” You added, finishing off your breakfast. “and allowed you to call me, your wife.” You took Henry's empty plate and fork with yours to the sink.
“So, does that mean you're taking my deal into consideration?” He asked, resting his elbows on the counter and watched you wash the dishes.
“Well,” You sighed, rinsing the plate. “Part of the deal was getting me to kiss you of, my own free well, that was one part of the deal you offered me, was it not?” You asked, moving to wash the other plate.
“It was.” Henry nodded, nervous and excited butterflies in his full stomach.
“And I did.” You told him, looking over your shoulder at him. “So, that means you have the next year to fully woo me, Mr. Cavill.” You grinned, impishly at him, seeing his nervousness.
“And woo you, I will, Mrs. Cavill.” He grinned back, mischievously.
You blushed wildly, giggling nervously and turned back to the dishes. Henry sat at the island and watched you wash, dry and put the dishes away with a deep sense of peace and contentment. It was nice to relax and watch someone you love so much do something so simple and domestic as washing the dishes, it wasn't something Henry had the privilege to witness often, not with his work schedule and relationship luck.
“How's your leg feeling?” He asked, snapping out of his daze, seeing you still limping a bit after the paintball accident the day before.
“A lot better than it was yesterday.” You replied, standing on tip toe to put the last plate away. “I can, at least, walk on it without a whole lot of pain. There's a wicked bruise.” You told him, moving around the island and pulling up the leg of your pants, showing Henry the large, multi-colored bruise on your knee.
“That's nasty.” Henry frowned at it, lightly touching it with the tips of his fingers.
“It's nothing I haven't dealt with before.” You told him, rolling your pant leg back down. “I've had a million times worse, it comes with the action sports life.”
“That worries me.” Henry said, watching you limp into the living room.
“Name of the game, love.” You called out to him. “I'm not changing jobs, and nothing will ever make me, so you'll just have to deal with it.”
“I'd never ask that of you, y/n,” he told you, joining you on the couch. “Your passion for your job goes even beyond my passion for acting, and I'd never want you to give up something that makes you so happy.” He laid his hand gently on your leg, above your injured knee and massaged it.
“You know, if you tell my parents that, they'd probably get rid of the contract.” You laughed, relaxing. “They've tried to get me out of it, since I started.”
“Probably think getting married would make you an obedient, stay at home, wife.” He giggled with you, grinning.
“Stay at home and obedient, have never and will never, be in my list of descriptions.” You told him, giving him a wink.
“Good.” Henry nodded, a bit serious. “I don't want a 1950's house wife, though coming home to a home cooked meal is always nice.”
“Cooking is easy.” You rolled your eyes, playfully. “I just don't bother, since I'm the only one in the house, usually. But, since we'll be together, I can cook for you, if you're a good boy.” You teased him, resting your shoulder against his.
“I'm always a good boy.” Henry grinned back at you, reaching out to brush his hand through your hair, tucking it behind your ear. “What are your plans for today?”
“Um,” You sighed, feeling his fingers brush your cheek and scalp, flustering your brain. “I have my Orthopedic appointment this afternoon, then I just need to do my homework for my Forensic Anthropology class.” You told him, chewing on the inside of your cheek and looking into his blue eyes.
“You mind if, I bring Kal over?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow at you.
You gave him a 'are you kidding' expression. “You think, I'd mind you bringing the big gorgeous Bear over here?” You chided him, lightly, shaking your head. “I swear, it's like you don't know me at all.”
“I'm sure, if you had the chance to marry him, instead of me, you would.” Henry smirked, with only the slightest hint of jealousy.
“I'd have married him, the minute I found out.” You grinned, teasing him about it. “But, I guess, I'll take the next big and gorgeous Bear.” You added, leaning in to kiss Henry on the cheek.
You and Henry talked for a little while longer, agreeing that Kal was more than welcome in your house, and that you were alright with Henry staying with you as well, before you went upstairs to take a shower and get dressed for the day. You worked on your homework, while Henry went out to grab Kal and his clothes, then contently did your homework with Kal curled up on the couch with you, his big head resting on your thigh as your laptop was balanced on your other thigh, typing mindlessly. When your doctor's appointment finally came around, Henry had convinced you into letting him go with you. He sat in the waiting room with you, and stayed there when you were called back.
“Who's the handsome man?” the Nurse asked as she took you back, but you could tell from her expression she was well aware of who Henry was.
“He's...” You started, then paused, what was Henry exactly to you now? “He's my...fiancé.” You told her, feeling the oddity of saying it.
“Oh, congratulations!” She beamed at you, taking your vitals. “When are the two of your getting married?” She asked.
“Very soon.” You answered, not meeting her eye.
She congratulated you again, before leaving you alone in the room, so you could wait for your doctor to come in and see you. When you finished the appointment, the nurse showed you back out to the waiting room, giving you the details on when to make another follow up appointment with them, and congratulated Henry, before going to receive the next patient.
“What was that all about?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“She asked me, what you were to me.” You told him, cranky.
“And you told her what?”
“The only thing that made any sense at the moment.” You told him, getting into the car. “That you're my fiancé.” You added, as he got into the car with you.
Henry beamed at you, stomach flipping at the word as you said it. “That's cute.” He told you, licking his lips. “Fiancée.” He let it roll off his tongue, still grinning like a bandit.
“Yes, lovely word for you.” You growled at him, staring out the window.
His grinned slowly turned downward, seeing the expression on your face. “What happened, y/n?” He asked, resting his hand, supportively, on your thigh.
“He didn't clear me.” You whispered, sighing and resting your forehead against the window. “So, I'm not going to the Olympics next month.”
“Is it because of what Luke did?” He asked, concerned.
“No, but it didn't help.” You told him, deflated and depressed, you'd worked so hard to get cleared, only to have it ripped away from you. “I have to go back in three months, then, hopefully have him clear me in time for Beijing.”
“You'll get there, y/n.” Henry told you, squeezing your thigh. “I believe in you.” He added in a whisper.
You looked at him, seeing the expression on his face, he really did believe in you. You could see how much he believed in you, the amount of loving support in his eyes, the comforting way he rubbed your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze every now and then. Henry was just as upset and disappointed you hadn't being cleared and able to go to the X Game, as you were. He knew how much you wanted it, and wanted it just as much for you. He was one of the few people in your life, that wasn't in the same career you were in, that honestly supported your want and love to do it, and it felt nice to have his support. You rested your hand on top of his as he squeezed your thigh again, squeezing his hand back.
“Thank you, Henry.” You whispered back, giving him a small smile.
“You're welcome, my wife.” He grinned back, turning his hand to hold yours.
“Oh, dear lord.” You giggled, shaking your head and blushing. “I'm going to regret letting you call me that.”
“It's very likely.” Henry laughed back. “I'm not going to let you forget, you calling me your fiancé either.” He added, pulling into a store parking lot.
“Just don't say either, in front of my parents, huh.” You warned him, getting out of the car to follow him inside.
“Not until, after the wedding.” He promised, grabbing a shopping cart. “I promise.” he teased you, with a wink.
“Thank you.” You winked back, playfully popping him on the butt and running off before he could return the favor.
Henry had bought enough groceries to keep the house stocked for at least a month, and returned the favor of popping you on the butt, as you stood in the kitchen cooking dinner for you both. You yelped and melted into laughter as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you make the curry stir fry, you both had agreed on, on the way back to your place. You looked down feeling Kal brush against you and Henry's legs.
“You two are laying on the charm, thick.” You commented, looking back to the food. “Is that why you wanted to bring him?” You asked, tossing the stir fry in the pan with the curry. “So, you have the add advantage of wooing me?”
“Am I that transparent?” He asked, turning his face into your neck.
“Very.” You nodded, turning your face to look at him. “Don't play Poker.” You added, patting him on the cheek.
“That does explain why I always lose, when I do play.” He chuckled, his arm snaking out to add more curry to the pan.
“That be why, love.” You told him, taking the stir fry off the stove. “Did you make what you were supposed too for dinner, Hen?” You asked, looking over to the rice cooker, where he should have made the brown rice.
“Um...” Henry bit his lip, looking at the island where the brown rice still sat, untouched.
“Such a naughty boy.” You shook your head. “No dessert for you, tonight.” You playfully chided him, patting him on the chest. “You can have it though, Kal.” You told the Akita, who sat patiently in the doorway of the kitchen. “You've been a much gooder boy than your daddy today.”
“I can still make it.” Henry pouted, picking the rice up and going to the cooker. “It'll only take a couple minutes.”
“If you'd made it, Kal,” You kept addressing the Bear, loving the pouty sound in Henry's deep voice. “You'd have had it done, before I even got the curry simmering, huh?” You asked him, bringing yourself down to Kal's level, his curly tail swishing back and forth, excitedly. “I know! That's why you are the goodest, good boy in the house!” You glanced over your shoulder at Henry as he huffed, loading the rice cooker and turning it on.
“I'm the goodest, gooder, good boy in this house!” He protested, turning to you and crossing his arms over his chest, bottom lip puffing out and making you grin even more at him.
“Are you?” You raised an eyebrow at him, then looked at Kal. “Is he?” Kal blinked, tilting his head at you. “Or are you the gooder, goodest, good boy in this house?” Kal barked at that, bouncing on his front paws and licking your face. “The Council as spoken, and you've been out voted, Henry Cavill. You are the least goodest, gooder, good boy in the house, and the weakest link, no dessert for you!”
“That's not fair.” He pouted even more, looking like a wounded puppy.
“Lord, if I was weakest gooder, goodest, good girl in the house, I might actually break at that look and let you have dessert after all,” You told him, your heart fluttering as you stood up. “But, I'm not!” You laughed, pulling out plates, wine glasses and silverware. “But, I'll let you pick the show, we watch tonight, though.”
“How considerate of you.” He whined, not looking at you as he sulked.
You laughed, hearing his tone and the look on his face, but you could see the coltish look in his blue eyes as he check the cooker. “How about this?” You offered, plating the food as Henry took the rice out of the cooker. “If you wash all the dishes after dinner, and pick a decent show for us to watch, I'll give you dessert.”
“Depends on what dessert is.” He replied, serving you some of the rice.
“Hm, what indeed?” You smiled at him. “Perhaps, you should look in the fridge.”
Henry narrowed his eyes at you, turning to pull open the refrigerator door and cooed seeing the fresh strawberries and cream on the shelf. “Ooh, now I'll definitely endeavor to be a good boy.” He grinned at you.
“I'm sure.” You grinned back, picking up your plate and going out to the living room, Kal close at your heels.
Henry joined you on the couch, balancing his plate on his knee as he grabbed the remote and started searching the channels and DVR, for something the both of you would like to watch. Settling on the Prodigal Son on your Hulu account, the two of you settled in, enjoying the dinner you made and making back and forth comments on who you each thought the killer was and why. When the show and dinner was finished, Henry left you to find something else to watch on the tv, while he washed the dishes and prepared dessert, bringing the strawberries and cream to you. He dipped a strawberry into the cream and held it out to you, but pulled it back, when you reached for it. Tilting your head at him, eyes narrowing slightly, you opened your mouth and rolled your eyes as he fed it to you, making you hum at how good it tasted. You returned the gesture, feeding him the next strawberry and cream concoction. The two of you completely forgot about the show playing on the tv as you shared the dessert, Kal attentively watching you feed each other, even passing a strawberry between you, with only your mouths, from his spot on the other side of the coffee table.
“I could get use to this.” Henry murmured, swiping his thumb over a bit of strawberry juice and cream on your bottom lip, and licking it off.
“I have no protest.” You panted back, licking your lips, tasting the strawberries and cream, but importantly, Henry on them. He tasted better than the dessert did, and you felt the tell tale sign of yourself losing the battle of not wanting to fall in love with him, but you weren't going to give in on day one, either. You wanted him to earn you, and you didn't want your parents rubbing their choice to arrange your marriage to Henry, down your throat any more than they already did, either.
“I love you.” He whispered, brushing his thumb over your cheek and jaw.
“I know, you do, Henry.” You whispered back, stomach quivering.
Fuck. You thought as he leaned into kiss you on the lips again. I love you too.
#Henry Cavill#Henry Cavill/Reader#Henry Cavill/You#Henry Cavill Requests#Viking-Raider Fics#Viking-Raider requests#Viking-Raider#Bound *fic*#Bound Pt.2#August Walker#Mission: Impossible – Fallout#Mission Impossible: Fallout#Mission Impossible#mission impossible: fall out#Fallout#Fall Out#geralt of rivia#Geralt#witcher geralt#geralt z rivii#The Witcher#Witcher#witcher series#Walter Marshell#Marshall#Nomis#Night Hunter#Superman#batman v superman#Man of Steel
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i wrote a fic about the Mandalorian taking care of you while you menstruate bc i can
that’s where we’re at rn
You have a personal bone to pick with whatever laser-brain designed the human female. Let’s make it continuously bleed for a quarter of every month, and since that isn’t enough of a pain, let’s add actual pain on top of that. Genius.
You bite your lip and try to focus on successfully landing the Razor Crest. Mando’s cashing in on three separate bounties, which should give you enough credits to take it easy for a while. Well, as easy as the Mandalorian can take it. You suspect his pace was even more ruthless before he found the kid, but fatherhood has forced him to relent, just a little.
You really don’t mind his lifestyle. Anything is better than that mind-numbing mechanics job back on Nevarro, though the stabbing pain in your gut makes you miss the old shack you called home. No one around to judge you for collapsing in on yourself and praying for death.
That’s how Mando finds you: in the pilot’s chair, folded in half with your head on your knees. You don’t bother to look up as you grumble, “Ready to go?”
He doesn’t respond right away, probably deciding whether or not he should be concerned. You realize that this is the first time he’s seen you like this. Your implant makes it so you only bleed every three months, and you’ve been traveling together for almost four. The part of you that is harboring a completely futile crush on the Mandalorian wants to melt into the floor. The rest of you can’t be bothered to care, knowing that if it doesn’t concern his kid, his work, or his creed, he doesn’t care, anyway.
When he still doesn’t answer, you slowly lift you head to meet his metal gaze. You try to offer a smile, but the lights of the cockpit make your head pulse and it turns into a grimace.
The baritone of his voice reveals nothing when he asks, “You okay?”
No, you want to growl between your teeth. You don’t, because if there’s one person in the universe you know you shouldn’t complain to, it’s the Mandalorian.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You close your eyes and take a purposeful breath through your nose. “Are there any heat packs left in the medkit?”
“No. I think we used them up when the kid had that cold.”
Kriffing aces.
“Okay, I’ll add it to the list.” You sag deeper into the chair. “We shouldn’t go so long between supply trips, next time.”
“No one was stopping you when we were on Malthor.” He says with a hint of mockery.
You wave a dismissive hand. “That was all merchants and you know I can’t haggle for shit.”
He blows out a breath, the closest thing you get to making him laugh. It’s a small victory that nearly makes you forget the demon attacking your uterus.
You haul yourself out of the pilot’s seat and the protests from you body must be so loud even the Mandalorian can hear, because he takes a step forward and insists, “What’s wrong?”
You start to say it’s nothing when he takes yet another step, getting closer than you’ve ever dared to. Gods, you hope he doesn’t notice the way your breath catches.
“I’ve spent my whole life watching people.” He says in a tone you’ve never heard before, equal parts menacing and tender. It makes your gut twist in a completely different way. Then he adds dryly, “And you’ve got about as much subtlety as a rancor.”
You deflate.
“Yeah, yeah, piss off.” You mutter under your breath. Then in a huff, you admit, “It’s menstrual pain. You happy? Nothing I haven’t dealt with before so let’s go.”
You’re through the hatch faster than you need to be, the awkwardness burning under your skin. You busy yourself with the kid’s cradle, making sure he’s secure despite there being nothing to actually secure him with. The child tilts his little head at you like he can sense your embarrassment.
“Hey, Bug.” You whisper conspiratorially, “Don’t look at me like that.”
He lets out a string of nonsense that sounds a lot like you’re the one acting weird, although you may just be projecting. Mando drops down from the cockpit and you suddenly remember you need to check every single pocket of your day pack, just to make sure everything is where you left it.
“Is it bad?”
The question surprises you, and you’re not really sure why. It’s not because he cares. You know there’s a heart underneath all that beskar. It’s something in his voice, a gentleness that isn’t like the kind he uses with the kid.
After a moment, your neurons decide to fire again and you manage to say, “No. I mean, mine are pretty heavy, and the pain is sometimes a lot, and the migraines really suck but oh my gods, I can’t believe I am talking to you about this.” Or that you just said that part out loud.
You spin on your heel, all attempts at subtly flying out the window as you activate the kid’s pram. “Ready to go, Bug?” You squeak, cheeks burning.
You reach for the control panel to lower the ramp when Mando takes your hand and pulls you around to face him. You can’t think of anything other than kriffkriffkriffkriffkriff, heart hammering against your ribs so hard he must be able to see it.
There’s a torturous moment of silence before he says, “You stay here with the kid. I’ll go to town and get what we need.”
That brings your panic to a screeching halt. “But… you have to turn in the quarries.”
“I’ll collect the credits then head to the shopping district.”
All your nerves start to dissipate in the wake of a very familiar spite. “Mando, I’m not a liability. I don’t need to stay behind.”
A nagging voice reminds you that there’s no way to sound tough when talking to the kriffing Mandalorian, but something shifts. There’s the slightest dip of his helmet that makes you think you’ve surprised him, that he’s looking at you through new eyes.
“I know you can handle yourself.” He says carefully, like he’s worried about getting this wrong. “This isn’t an emergency, though. Just… just let me go. Try to feel… better.”
There’s something in his voice that helps you know it isn’t a judgement, that he’s not offering because he thinks you’re some stupid flower that needs protected. He’s just a friend who sees your pain and wants to help, in whatever small way he can.
You do smile, this time, though quickly squash it in favor of a very serious-business-face. “Okay, fine. Let me help you unload the quarries, at least.”
Once that’s done, you sit on the loading ramp with Bug and watch the Mandalorian leave for as long as you can before the pulsing behind your eyes becomes too much. Leaving the ramp lowered, you shut the bay doors and find your data pad, searching for a kid-friendly holo that Bug will like. He’s going through a phase where anything to do with water excites him. You lay out your bedroll and set the kid up with a Mon Cala cartoon, his ears perking up in approval.
After he’s situated, you skulk off to the fresher. Luckily, you have a decent stash, so you don’t have to ask the Mando-fucking-lorian to buy you menstrual products. The Crest’s medkit is pretty sparse, though, and most of what you do have is either for field injuries or baby stuff. You toss back some child’s pain killers and go to curl up with the kid, keeping your eyes shut tight against the barrage of colorful animations.
By the time Mando comes back, you’re both only half awake. Without a word, he scoops the child from your arms and settles him in the bassinet that Kuiil made. You don’t try to move, just listen as the Mandalorian flits about the ship and puts away supplies. After a while, he returns, sitting with his back against the wall, facing you.
“How’d it go?” you mumble, peeling your eyes open to see that he’s removed his armor and sits in just his helmet and base layers. You want to appreciate the form-fitting clothes, but everything hurts too much.
“Sit up for a second.” He tells you, and that’s when you notice the huge shopping bag beside him. He coaxes you up, then fishes into the bag. “Here.” He says, handing you a heat pack.
“Oh, bless you.” You nearly weep, cracking it in half to activate the heated gel. You press the pad against your stomach and immediately sag with relief.
“Take these.” The Mandalorian says, producing two white pills and a thermos. “They’ll help with the pain, and your headache.”
“Oh…” you bring the thermos to your nose and realize it’s some kind of tea. “Thank you.”
You revel in the hot compress and tea, totally satiated, but the Mandalorian goes on. “I picked these up, too.” You actually gasp when he pulls out a box of golden tuiles. “I thought they might be…”
“My favorite.” You all-but shriek, setting your tea aside and making the same grabby hands you’ve seen the kid do a hundred times. You stare at the pack of cookies as if they’re precious treasure. “How the hell did you know?”
Even the voice modulator can’t hide his amusement. “A few weeks ago, when we were in that market place on Naboo? A woman was selling them and you got this feral look in your eye.”
“Yeah, that’s because these are the best thing ever.” You insist, tearing the box open. The sweet scent is like a drug, and without thinking, you reach in and hand him a cookie. “You have to try one.”
Equally thoughtless, Mando takes it, and before the obvious can come crashing down, you spin around and shove a cookie into your mouth, burying your head between your knees. You try to focus on the taste of the cookie and not the fact you just stupidly offered the Mandalorian food when you know full-well that he can’t eat in front of you. Nothing to do now but just bear down and wait out the awkwardness.
Your ears are practically ringing as the seconds tick by, bracing for the humiliation as he reminds you about one of his culture’s most obvious rules. You wait, but instead of a discontented sigh, you hear a crunch, chewing, and then, “Okay, yeah. I see your point.”
Your brain short circuits at the sound of his unmodulated voice, but there’s no time to savor it. He’s already getting up and heading toward the cockpit, speaking to you from behind a wall of static. “I’m going to set course for Arvala.”
You lift your head, too tired to process what just happened or what it means, if it means anything. “Hey, Mando.” He stops but doesn’t turn around. You smile anyway, because this definitely meant something. “Thank you, for all this. It’s… thank you.”
He turns his head just slightly and gives you a nod before disappearing into the cockpit. You take another swig of tea before curling up on your bedroll. Physically, you’re a disaster, but even that can’t keep the smile off your face.
#the mandalorian#fanfiction#the mandalorian x reader#baby yoda#din djarin#is this domestic fluff??#fanfic#what have i done#star wars
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Star Catcher
Adventure Nineteen-A chase across the void
“Alina! You can’t be serious! We can’t go on! We need to turn back now!” The whole ship fell silent. V shrugged off their stares.
“This isn’t a time to question orders, V.” Alina’s voice was low and menacing.
“This isn’t the time for insane risks like this either.”
He might have a point captain. We don’t know the long term effects of being here. V hoped Harpie’s calm logic would work but Alina looked as determined as before.
“We are wasting time now.” Dex said gently. V stared at him in disbelief.
“Dex is right.” Nisha said softly. “Set the course I sent you, Harpie.” And just like that V’s protest was left behind.
“Use the dust.” Alina commanded and the ship shot forward. V walked out of the control room letting the door fall shut behind him.
Dex went looking for V after Nisha nudged him to the door.
“I can take care of this. At the rate we are burning dust we should be there in less than an hour. Maybe even half.”
V’s door was locked.
“V, let me in.”
“Fuck off.”
“I’m scared too, V , please.”
“You should’ve thought about that before calling me a waste of time.” Dex let his head thud against the door.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m so sorry. I was just worried we’d leave after realizing we spent too much time arguing.”
“So what if we did?”
“Jai.” There was complete silence from the other side.
The comms inside V’s room burst into life.
Get to my room, now! Jai’s link is broken. Harpie’s words sent a chill down Dex’s spine. The door slammed open and they ran.
It must have been destroyed completely. There’s no signal at all.
“Shit! Were there any messages before it died?”
No, sorry.
“Will we be okay without the link?” V hated the question but it had to be asked.
I don’t know. Harpie looked as panicked as V felt.
“We need to tell Alina.”
Dex paced around the room. “We should go back.”
“Now! Now you say we should go back!”
V please. Harpie lifted V off his feet and deposited him in the opposite side of the room from Dex. Then they turned to Dex. I need both of you to calm down and do things one at a time. First, we don’t need to tell Alina. I have secondary links just outside the wormhole. We should be fine for now. Second, Jai is beyond help right now. Even if we hurry back we won’t be there in time. Third, remember that only the earpiece is gone. It could just have been an accident.
Dex breathed deeply and let her words sink in. “Okay. I’ll get back to the control room…”
The comms came back to life. “We’re here. V, get in your suit.”
The silence in the control room was uncomfortable. Nisha and V were suited up. V did not complain and Alina felt even more unsettled than she did before. V had never directly opposed her that much. He was always the first to jump in after Alina, even before Nisha. Alina hoped he was wrong for going against her.
“In and out. The Shark is around but we are too small for it to notice or care. Just fire up the harvester to maximum and get as many canisters as you can at once.”
“Yes, captain.”
“Sure.” Alina let the attitude slide. V was clearly having some kind of a breakdown.
The universe felt different. That was all Nisha could tell. She couldn’t even tell how it felt different but it did. There was some new undercurrent that she never felt before.
“What is that?”
“What?” Alina asked. Despite her stoic bearing from before, she sounded terrified when Nisha seemed to be in danger.
“It feels different out here.” V’s anger was completely gone.
“Bad different?”
“No, just weird.”
Hurry up. The shark is getting close and I want to leave before it decides to chew on this part of the star.
The half assembled harvester was hanging between them. Nisha fixed four canisters into it while V did the same on his side. They each had twelve canisters which was enough to power a whole fleet of ships across the universe.
“We’re close enough, go!” The harvester blinked on and the canisters glowed from the input.
“We’ll do all three harvests.” Nisha said, softly just to V.
“Fine.” He was back to sulking but Nisha knew V loved the weightlessness too much to be moody for long.
“It feels nice to just take stuff for once. No patrol ships.”
“Oh come on, I’m trying here.” V sighed.
“Yeah, I know. I’m just worried. There’s too much at stake.”
“Hey, we always have your back. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, thanks Nisha.”
Shark! Nisha had never heard Harpie scream before and the sound chilled her to the bone.
“Abort! Abort!” Alina shouted.
“Calm down, Alina, the shark is headed this way but not to kill us. It’s just eating. I’m sure we can just dodge it.”
“Nisha, V, get the current batch of canisters and get back in immediately.”
“Copy that, captain. And Harpie, please don’t ever scream again.”
“My ears are still ringing.”
Harpie just laughed but they were all on edge. Alina turned off the comms to Nisha and V.
“I want a continuous shark update. Stay on it. If it moves I want to know. Dex, stay on Nisha and V. Amani, keep weapons ready, I want to fire if it gets too close.”
“Won’t do much against this, cap.”
“Yes, but it might give us a chance to get far away.”
“Dig, go to the loading dock and help Nisha and V when they get back. I want them back and safe as fast as possible.”
You got it.
With everyone busy around her, Alina watched the ominous outline of the space shark and the progress numbers of the harvest get bigger and bigger.
Harpie wrote off a few calculations and checked the ship status. They had an eye on the shark but it was still far enough to not be a danger. The harvest finished with a small ‘ding’ and Nisha and V hurried back. It would’ve been better to have a lot more dust just in case it turned out to be worth so much money but the shark was a viable threat. They assessed the ship stats one more time and something wrong caught their eye.
Once Harpie warned them all of the shark, Dex gave up being subtle about the mechanical implants in his brain. He connected his mind to the various ports available and let his head figure out while he rested his head on the control panel. Nisha and V were done and Dex was monitoring their progress when something started nagging the smoothly functioning part of his mind.
The shark paused when V and Nisha were finally inside. Dig helped them both in storing the dust. Alina sighed when the damn shark turned around and began chomping on the star again. It seemed to inhale half the star and somehow spit it out while taking out the dust alone. Although Alina knew it only looked like the star was being consumed. It was consuming a lot more dust than usual though. Alina was relieved they got some at all.
“Good job out there! Head on up, we’ll watch the shark a bit and jump out again if it stays away.”
V shrugged and headed down to his room. Alina suppressed an angry retort. He had done well and deserved a rest. She would let him cool off.
“Captain.” Dex and Harpie both sounded urgent. Alina motioned Dex to stay.
What is it, Harpie?
We are disintegrating.
Dex couldn’t tell what was wrong but the second Harpie said it he knew it was true.
“What?” Amani almost fired her weapon in shock.
“Harpie please don’t announce things like that so fast.” Nisha pleaded.
We don’t have time for this. I don’t know how fast we’ll evaporate.
“I do.” Dex raised his hand meekly.
“What is happening?” Alina demanded.
“I guess time travel isn’t as harmless as we thought? I mean we found no probes on this side and none came back? I should’ve checked.”
“Dex, how long?”
“Surprisingly we have a lot of time, we can get back easily.” The rest of the crew breathed in relief. “That is if nothing important goes first.”
“Get us away from here, as fast as you can.”
Dex stared at the shark and then to Dig who had followed Nisha in.
“We might have time for one more run.” He added.
Dex threw the suit on in a hurry. He had never gone out into space before but Nisha assured him that it was just like swimming.
“I want to go with you but it takes a lot out of you, especially here. I’ve never felt so tired before.” Nisha said, mournfully.
It took a hurried screaming match before the crew agreed for one last run. It would mean doubling their supply and more profit. It wasn’t a hard deal to sell. But V and Nisha were deemed unfit to go back out. Dex could see Nisha’s eyes drooping from where he stood. The past weighed heavily on them all.
Dig bounded into the loading dock in their suit.
“Dig, please don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Dex was sure Dig wasn’t listening to a single word.
I’m going in for the first time! Or out? I don’t know!!!
Dex smiled at their enthusiasm. It must be nice not to have a hundred food churners grinding away in the stomach at the thought of endless void waiting outside.
“Go!” Too soon, Nisha hit the switch and they were flying out.
Dig could barely contain their enthusiasm. Stars and strange constellations spread around them. Even the shark looked graceful and magnificent. Nisha had warned them that something was different but neither Dig or Dex knew what was normal.
“This is actually amazing!” The suit did most of the work for them and Dig already knew how to operate the harvester. They fitted the canisters in one after the other letting the harvester set up as they went.
I know!!!!!
The second the harvester pinged on, Harpie knew something was wrong. The shark reared its enormous head and roared into the vacuum. It made no noise but Harpie knew anger when she saw it. Then the shark did something that made their hackles rise. It went straight for Dig and Dex.
Abort. Abort now and get inside. Abandon the harvester if you have to.
It was not Harpie’s call to make but in that moment nothing else mattered.
“We are not abandoning the harvester!” Was Dex’s indignant reply.
Get the fuck in Dex!
We are coming back. We saw it. They had one more canister worth of dust. That was plenty.
“Go go go!” Amani fired at the shark ineffectively. They weren’t even sure how it was following them. The star was behind them and they had foolishly assumed that they would be able to outrun it in open space. It swam through the void and came right for them.
“Fuck fuck fuck why does it even want us?”
“I guess to eat us?”
“Space whales don’t eat us. They eat dust.”
And we have its dust. Dig’s grim new voice sent shivers down Dex’s spine.
“When did you even have time to change your voice?” Dex screamed at them.
It doesn’t really take long. Dig said in a comically high voice after a few seconds, making Dex giggle.
“Dex! Big thing! Trying to eat us! Focus!” V yelled.
“Right.” V was forcibly thrown out of his room when the chase began and the crew had learnt the hard way to not poke him the wrong way.
Cap, how about we use our new dust and see how it works? Dig suggested gently.
“We don’t have anything to lose.” Alina answered just as calmly. Nisha and V were shouting about something when Alina gave Harpie the command.
“…..t the fuck.”
They were away. Nisha was suddenly staring at the wormhole which had been too far away before.
“I’m gonna throw up.” Dex announced and did just that.
“So we know why it’s so expensive now.”
“You think our clients even know? No one has been here before.” Alina mused.
“I don’t care. We have other problems.” V announced and they all saw the problem hurtling towards them. The shark was a lot faster than they had anticipated.
“Do any of you know if space sharks can travel through wormholes?”
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#star catcher#chapter nineteen#wlw#scifi#scifi series#queer scifi#mlmlm#polya#my writing#writeblr#lgbt#lgbtq#lgbtqa#nb#trans#this is getting longer than anticipated#mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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