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jaewritesfic · 7 months ago
Everlasting Trio DPxDC Nobody Knows Au
I love nobody knows aus.
I love aus where danny flees to Gotham after a Bad Time with his parents.
So what if:
Sam moves to Gotham for college after graduation. Tucker has flown down from MIT over the semester break to spend the month with her. They've stayed very close knit.
They're having brunch at a small cafe maybe a week in, and suddenly Sam's hand darts across the table and grips his forearm so tight it hurts.
He startles and asks her what's wrong, but she doesn't answer. She's too busy staring across the room with a haunted look on her face. Tucker follows her gaze and goes cold and still with shock and disbelief.
They're both frozen because that? That looks like Danny.
Danny, their childhood best friend. Danny who came to their freshman year of high school a little different. Withdrawn.
Danny who kept pulling away and making excuses no matter how hard they tried to engage him, who looked more tired and ragged with every passing week.
Danny who disappeared without a trace shortly after he turned sixteen and who, though it largely went unspoken, they believed dead and gone forever.
"It's not," Tucker whispers weakly. "It can't be, right?"
The guy across the cafe is older than the kid they remember, of course. Around twenty, exactly how old they are. How old Danny should be. He's tall, tall like they and Jazz always assured Danny he would be once he hit a growth spurt and into his dad's genes.
His nails are painted and his ears are pierced and his hair is a little longer, but he sits in front of his papers and computer with eerily familiar bad posture and a pen tapping at his bottom lip like their Danny always did when he tried to focus.
He looks leagues healthier than their Danny did before he went missing.
He huffs a breath out of his nose and pokes his bottom lip out as he scowls at something on his screen, and before Tucker can even process the gut punch of such a familiar mannerism Sam is out of her chair and halfway across the cafe.
Tucker scrambles after her with half coherent protests.
He reaches the table as Sam slams herself down into the chair across from the doppelganger, the guy jerking in surprise and blinking up at his two unexpected guests with confusion and alarm.
Then, slowly, Tucker watches his face go pale and the confusion be replaced with dawning shock, recognition and something unreadable.
"Oh," Danny breathes.
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eemamminy-art · 4 months ago
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My half of an art trade I did with @fuerrziah !! :3 The softest guys ever 😊
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inaconstantstateofchange · 10 months ago
binggeyuan modern!AU based on this prompt where shen yuan and luo binghe live in the same apartment building, but have never met each other. SY is more-or-less his regular shut-in self, and keeps very odd hours, which means that he happens to be wide awake the first time LBH gets back to the apartment building at 3 a.m. after some manner of illicit activity and realizes he doesn't have his fucking entrance key. LBH hits one apartment number after another into the intercom, fully prepared to dazzle his way into getting one of them to open the door for him, but the intercom is old, and people come and go from this building often enough that most people don't bother getting it set up, and he's having no luck.
finally, just as he's about to give up and bully his way onto mobei-jun or sha hualing's couch for the night, someone picks up. he doesn't even remember which specific apartment number it was, he was just entering them mechanically. immediately, LBH pulls on his smoothest affect (sure the intercom has no video, only shitty, garbled audio, but that's no reason to let the universe catch you slipping) and prepares to give the sob story performance of his life. before he can even get a single word out, however, there's a crackly, almost indiscernible "Open!" and he hears the click of the entrance door unlocking before the intercom call is ended. he stares at the intercom for a minute, somewhat wrong-footed, but then shakes himself out of it in time to catch the door before it locks again.
SY, for his part, was broken out of a binge-reading spiral by the intercom call, and fully did not realize how late it had gotten. he assumed he had ordered something that was arriving earlier than expected, and kept an ear out for a knock on his front door from the delivery person for a few minutes, but then got sucked back into the target of his current literary criticism.
the next time LBH gets locked out, he starts in the general number range he remembers striking on the last time, and pays closer attention to the numbers this time. he's curious if his little philanthropist will be so accommodating again. SY orders a lot of packages, okay! the one time he didn't pick up the intercom he had to wait an extra three days for his ultra-rare, limited edition merch, which he will not be going through again. this time, though, when the intercom picks up, LBH is prepared. he starts talking immediately, playing up his stress at being locked out, how sorry he is to be a bother, and how much he really, really appreciates it. SY fully blue screens at this unanticipated display of emotions, blurts something out about how it's not problem and of course he's happy to help out a neighbor in need, then hangs up (after unlocking the entrance, of course). it is perhaps fortunate that the intercom has no video, and thus he can not see the look on LBH's face.
LBH gets more and more consistent pushy with his calls, curious how far this little philanthropist will go for him. he knows his apartment number, of course, he could just knock and introduce himself, but he'd rather let him come to him. LBH starts interjecting little questions here and there, trying to glean any information about his mysterious benefactor. SY, meanwhile, is lighting a daily candle for this poor little bun somewhere in his building, who has truly the worst luck in the entire world! who ever heard of a gang of pickpockets stealing someone's keys not once, but twice in the same week!
LBH gets comfortable with the state of things — as ever, too comfortable. nothing good can last forever. one night, after a long and utterly shitty day, for the first time in ages, he loses his key for real. he's tried to avoid reaching out to SY at any time when he's not 100% in control of himself, but there's nothing for it. he punches in the numbers for the unit he knows by heart at this point, and when it picks up, he sighs tiredly, and waits for SY to speak first. after a moment of silence, the call drops, and the door remains locked. LBH is almost shaken entirely out of his malaise. not even a word? he puts SY's apartment number in again, but this time it doesn't even pick up. he stares at the intercom in unpleasant shock for a few minutes, then punches the wall next to it and leaves. he spends the night on mobei-jun's uncomfortably small couch, staring unseeing at the ceiling above him. at least the other man doesn't ask him any questions.
their easy rapport broken, SY starts to worry when he hasn't heard from his unfortunate little neighbor — maybe he's moved out? hopefully to a place with a more accommodating security system... after a full week, his worry ramps up even higher. he wants to believe his neighbor just found a system to keep track of his keys that works for him, but statistically, it seems unlikely. feeling like the most awkward, overstepping idiot on the planet, he scribbles off a few short notes, and sticks one by the the intercom, one by the mailboxes, and one in the laundry room. his neighbor will have to go at least one of those places, certainly?
to my keyless neighbor - hope you're well! i was worried- if you ever need me, you know where to reach me. you weren't a bother- - XX4
the next time LBH stops by the apartment (he's been avoiding it by couch-hopping as much as possible, to the great aggravation of his friends) he carefully avoids looking at the intercom. as such, it's actually sha hualing who spots the note first. (she bullied her way into an invite to make LBH actually go home.) she crows out a harsh laugh, snatching the note off the wall and holding it up dramatically, cackling about "rom-com shit". LBH isn't really paying attention, until he catches a glimpse of the apartment number at the bottom. eyes flashing, he snatches the note out of her hand, and reads it over once, and then again. after a moment, he turns to sha hualing, and tells her to go home, that he's got plans, actually. she gapes at him for a moment, then scoffs and turns on her heel, flipping him off as she goes. whatever! she didn't want to babysit his mopey ass any longer anyway!
LBH spends a few frozen moments running over his options, torn between calling right now just to see if his philanthropist will pick up this time, and giving himself a chance to freshen up, and maybe make a good enough showing for himself that whatever it was that caused him to be ignored before will never happen again. ultimately, he decides on the latter, but rushes through all his preparations as much as he can while maintaining sufficient attention to detail. he wishes he had the materials to make something truly spectacular, but his apartment is showing his absence over the past week. he settles on a meal that just barely feels sufficient, and finds himself more anxious than he can remember being in years at this point, staring at his philanthropist's apartment door, two levels below his.
he raises his fist to knock, tentatively at first, too quiet to hear, and then once more, louder. a muffled voice comes through the door, and a few moments later, it cracks open to reveal a man just a bit shorter than him, with a rumpled shirt that looks like it has just been haphazardly thrown on and hair that might not have been brushed in days. he's... really cute.
LBH and SY just kind of stare at each other, frozen, for a bit, until LBH proffers the food he's brought, and SY's archaic etiquette subroutines kick in, and he invites LBH in before he can even think about. his immediate wince makes it clear he had not meant to do that, but LBH is not above making a situation work to his advantage, and graciously accepts, stepping into the somewhat cluttered apartment before SY can recover from his slip-up. they still have not exchanged names.
ultimately, they get themselves figured out. LBH introduces himself, and SY follows suit. there's a beat of silence as they both realize that this does not actually clear up anything about how they know each other. LBH finds the words to explain his own part in this are slow to come, so he finally just hands the note, neatly folded, to SY. SY's face colors, but he overcomes it to fussily poke at LBH about how worried he was, when the other just disappeared! LBH stops for a second, hearing that, then slowly responds that it was SY who cut him off first. SY gapes at him, then demands to know when he did a thing like that! he set his intercom call sound to caramelldansen and max volume so he'd be sure not to miss it!
LBH gives him the date, and SY flushes again, then looks away, muttering something unflattering about a "qingge". LBH feels a wash of jealousy, that he's misread the situation and SY is already spoken for, but SY goes on to explain that he had been stuck overnight at the hospital - for nothing major! pretty routine actually! - and the friend that was staying with him must have picked up, then hung up when he couldn't figure out who was calling.
LBH sits back, somewhat at a loss. so it... wasn't because SY was tired of him? SY sputters, waving his hands about. absolutely not! he might be slightly forgetful, but binghe is clearly a wonderful young man and it's not like SY has much else going on in his life!
LBH determines to himself then and there that the only way to ensure such a thing does not happen again is to make sure that he is the one staying with SY the next time he's in the hospital.
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dinxieyinxie · 5 months ago
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based on original
I should make more sninx shitposts theyre so fun to make ahahahah
The background was supposed to be somewhere in Hogwarts but I got lazy 🤷‍♂️
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hello-from-nrc-infirmary · 3 months ago
Vern's Hometown: Centennial Celebration
Book 4: Rhapsody of Seasons
Chapter 2: Countdown
The town square has been converted since earlier. Heat from a large bonfire fights back the night air. Long benches and tables are now organized, bread and hor dourves lining their centers. Vern shifts nervously as he glances around the area. His gaze hovers on the main table, counting the seats carefully.
"Don't worry, we get that table this year," Folia points to a table just to the side of the main.
"Yup! We said we needed room for your guests," Shirley chimes in.
Vern glances away and struggles to pull out a handkerchief. He quickly dabs around his eyes. "I-I umm... th-thank you..."
"It's nothing. We got it set up so you won't be next to Victor."
"I could kiss you," Vern mutters under his breath.
"You're welcome," Folia lightly chuckles, "shall we?"
Vern can only manage a nod. The crowd easily parts for them to reach their seats. Familiar snowy hair gives him pause. A chill crawls over his skin as an unwelcome spell spirals around him. The cool night breeze across his thighs is a warning. The skirt is too short, the bodice is too tight.
"Hey, sweetheart," the winter sprite grins, "you looked a bit ruffled."
Vern's fingers twitch, "how... generous. Unfortunately, white doesn't suit me."
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Ooc// when Vern says: "I could kiss you"... it's a figure of speech. It's a way to express extreme gratitude.. Do you guys like having me post the song(s) I write these to?
Song: Counting Stars OneRepublic
@castaway-achlys @nightonthemountain @nrcbookclub
Book 1: [1] [2] [3]
Book 2: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5A] [5B] [6] [7]
Book 3: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Book 4: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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spiral-cut · 1 year ago
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DecembHyur 2023 Day XIII: Trust
FT. @allyennah | @icehearts | @ahollowgrave | @sealrock | @escherstrange-ffxiv | @soulroot | @primamchorus
I typically like to include other people's characters in these annual hyur prompts for an entry or two. It's become a tradition after doing it for three years so thank you for lending me your beautiful blorbos!
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kenconffetti · 9 months ago
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He wasn't mentally prepared 😭🙏🙏 (x)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 months ago
Sometimes I think about the fact Eddie is technically the first person we see in Bucks bedroom and it makes me feel a little feral.
Today is one of those days!!!
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dawnthefluffyduck · 3 months ago
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all you have to do is ask
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midnight-leaf · 17 days ago
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@pk-freezer-burnt I am your @mlsecretsanta backup gifter!
This is my first time participating in the event, I hope you like this Marichat piece! It was so great to draw something cute and fun, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it.
Thanks for waiting, happy Valentine’s Day!
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violet-sumire · 1 month ago
TDDK runaway (trans)fem!Shouto AU
Sometime in middle school, while on his way home from school, someone accidentally uses their quirk on Shouto that gives the target some traits of their ideal body.
So she realizes, with some awe, that she's now a girl and her scar is gone too (no, she doesn't know why this happened or even what being transgender is). She has an idle thought that her dad might not even believe that it is her, when she gets a spontaneous plan.
She runs away.
With hair dyed black, there's not much tying her to Todoroki Shouto, aside from the eye color and general face shape. She feels pretty confident that she's not going to be found, unless she starts throwing her quirk around. So she's pretty happy that she's now free of that man (she spares an idle thought to Fuyumi and Natsuo, but she doesn't really know them all that well so they must not be too worried right?)
However, living on the streets is harder than it sounds. Just a couple of days later, she's miserable.
Until a green-haired boy reaches out his hand to her.
(With Shouto gone for days, Todoroki Enji realizes there's only one explanation- the boy was kidnapped. His other kids are inconsolable, crying into each other's arms, but he ignores them and focuses even more on his work, dedicating huge chunks of his agency's time and effort to investigating human trafficking rings.)
She rejects his help at first, but he keeps offering over the next couple of days so she eventually accepts. He invites her over to his place for a meal and to wash up. When he asks for a name, though, she doesn't really have anything. Shouto is too obvious, and besides, that's not really a name for a girl anyhow. So, off the top of her head and in a hurry, she's inspired by the person she loves most and calls herself Reina, taking her mother's name and just adding a bit onto it.
The boy, Midoriya, is a little flustered to call a girl by her given name, but does so for lack of any other option.
Midoriya's mother immediately takes to her, but the newly-christened Reina doesn't really understand why. There's not much to love about her. (Meanwhile, Mrs. Midoriya is planning future dates between her son and the nice girl he brought over.)
When they ask her why she'd been on the streets, she gives the Midoriyas a vague story about her family not being nice and lets their imaginations do the work. It maybe works a little too well- a one-night invitation suddenly extends to two, then three, then indefinitely.
It's nice, she thinks, to not be training all the time. Midoriya is pleasing to be around, and has a desire to be a hero not to be the number 1 but to save as many people he can (she respects that). He trains on his own at the beach, with a man he's vague about but seems to be a good, honest man (unlike Endeavor). And Mrs. Midoriya listens to what she has to say, and likes to suggest new hobbies for her to try out. Knitting isn't for her, but she takes to baking, and starts eating lots of sweets and other things she hadn't been allowed to try as Shouto.
How little she knows about girls' anatomy and how to be a girl seems to distress Mrs. Midoriya, who cries when she learns Reina hadn't had any periods before staying with them (and boy, that had been a surprise). She wonders just what tales of abuse Mrs. Midoriya is coming up with in her head, but for now, she won't dispel the nice woman's notions.
Mrs. Midoriya somehow gets her enrolled in Izuku's middle school under a fake surname, though she ends up in a different class than him. It's different from before, being just some girl rather than Endeavor's son.
(Meanwhile, in an old building used by a prolific quirk trafficking gang, three attackers have an unplanned meeting. A pro hero, trying to find his missing son. A schoolteacher, driven to vigilantism by a desparate need to not lose another brother. And a smalltime villain, trying to return the gameboard to how it's supposed to be so he can start his game. For better or for worse, they all recognize each other.)
Reina settles into her new life, enjoying herself greatly. She likes living with the Midoriyas, she likes being a girl, she likes cooking and baking, she likes eating the food she makes, and she especially likes spending time with Midoriya, who she now calls by his given name Izuku.
She also likes not training, which is having some not-totally-unwanted effects on her body. Unused muscle starts to atrophy, and fat tissue starts to replace it from all the food she's been eating. She idly notes that if this keeps up, she'll eventually look like Mrs. Midoriya.
Well, not that that's a bad thing. The woman is an amazing mother and a great role model, so why wouldn't she want to be like her?
Her new classmates, though, ridicule and make fun of her for "getting fat". But she's just confused and doesn't get why that's a bad thing.
Eventually, Izuku starts high school, getting into UA as planned and manifesting a very late quirk along the way. Reina is happy for him, though she wouldn't want to be there with him. Maybe before she ran away, there were some vague plans of becoming number one with just ice, but she's gotten too attached to her current life. UA is too public. She cannot hide from her father there.
(Elsewhere, an operation silently begins to take shape. Heroes move,taking aim at Jaku Hospital and a doctor working there, using information provided by a top hero's eldest son, miraculously found years after his supposed death. The aforementioned hero will be on the mission, but his new intern, working with him for a time as a way to keep a vigilantism charge off her rap sheet, will be staying behind.)
Time moves on. Izuku trains with his new classmates, and Reina attends a local high school, with bullies still trying to target her but getting turned away by her lack of reactions. (Once, someone tries to trip her as she's walking. Long-unused instincts kick in, and she finds herself pinning the offender to the ground. The bullying starts to die down after that, as her classmates gain a sense of respect for her.)
She notices her father is being mentioned for often lately, and even briefly sees a piece of a news headline reading "ENDEAVOR'S SON", so she avoids the news as best she can. She doesn't want to know what people are saying about Todoroki Shouto.
(In Central Hospital, a former small-time villain who was a key part in the takedown of All for One and his operations lies severely burnt, doctors warning he may die of his wounds, new and old. Pro Hero Endeavor, indebted to the man in more ways than one, funds massive research into the remains of Dr. Ujiko's projects to try to save him. This would be the third time he loses a son, but who's counting?)
Reina starts dating Izuku, after many months of doing so in all but name. She admits her past of being a boy to him, though not the specifics. He's shocked, but accepting. He assures her that even if she goes back to being a boy, whether by chance or by choice, they can keep dating. For the first time in many many years, she cries tears of joy. (Izuku's last tears of joy were that morning, when he saw her smiling after eating a cinnamon roll.)
Izuku starts doing better in class and gaining his footing as a hero-in-training, to mixed emotions from her. She's glad for him, but there's still a part of her that wants to be a hero as well. But with her secret identity and her extremely unique quirk, that's not really possible.
One day, she decides to tell Izuku who she really is. Her whole past, everything. He listens silently, but when she touches on Touya's death, he interrupts.
"Umm, he's not dead though? He was in the news and everything. Last I heard, he was doing well recovering in the hospital..."
Reina catches up on what's been going on with Endeavor since she left. She doesn't really want to speak with him, but she does want to see Touya. And, she realizes, her other siblings as well.
And her mother, terrified as she is just thinking of putting herself before the mother she hasn't seen in over a decade.
So, with reassurances from Izuku and his mom, she does what she knows she needs to do sooner or later.
She washes the dye out of her hair, puts on her favorite turtleneck sweater, and approaches the Todoroki mansion for a visit.
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strangegeology · 1 month ago
Saturday snippet
A bit from the second part of a christmas fic (whoops), in which there is rumination on lies and old habits to go with a really rather tenuous justification for a fake date.
“Because your assistance would be appreciated in maintaining the credibility of my alibi,” Eames says politely.
Arthur rolls his eyes at the tone. “You’re usually self-sufficient when it comes to that sort of thing, why do you need my help this time?”
“Don’t want to appear too predictable, that’s how you get caught.”
“God forbid you are predictable,” Arthur mutters, then scowls at him. “And you didn’t answer the question.”
“Because you’re the best.”
“Flattery only works when it’s not completely disingenuous.”
“It’s not disingenuous,” Eames says, almost affronted, because that was one of the only honest things he’s said in the course of this conversation, and that’s the bit that Arthur has taken exception to.
“Cut the crap Eames, you’re usually better at subterfuge than this.”
He swallows the sarcastic retort that lies are easier when it’s his own skin he’s trying to save rather than somebody else’s; it would be too much like showing his hand.
“Because I owe you a favour for pulling my arse out of the fire in Plovdiv?” he tries.
“That’s better, but why don’t you try the truth for a change.”
The way Arthur is looking at him is a challenge, an accusation; it’s probably a fair one.
“Because you’re not okay, and you’re a liability like this,” Eames says quietly, watching Arthur to see how it lands. He’s pretty sure that appealing to Arthur’s stunted sense of self-compassion won’t yield favourable results so he goes for the throat, aiming the comment right at Arthur’s professionalism. “If you want to be in a position to deliver the secrets of Bartozs’ brain to Mullaney in a few days time then you need to get a grip on this.”
That isn’t why Arthur needs to get a grip on this, and it’s debatable whether ‘getting a grip on it’ is what Arthur needs to do at all, but too much honesty would be out of character. Eames is willing to trade in truths occasionally, and in this instance it strikes him as a good deal, but he’s never been in the habit of spending gratuitously.
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shanastoryteller · 8 months ago
dead boy detectives fic progress report: 6k
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rileys-battlecats · 1 month ago
oughgh i hate getting ideas for videos that i KNOW if i started i wouldn't be able to finish, just because of how energy intensive or long they'd be. im being haunted by a music video in my head every time i listen to this one specific song
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Dc x Dp prompt? idea? story? whatever: Ghost Library
the ship is danny x jason (dead on main) but it could work as jazz x jason (anger management)
old dusty corners of a public library are considered some of the most liminal places that exist, they become even more liminal based on how old they are and how thin the veil(how liminal) is in the city/town it is located in.
Gotham city and Amity park happen to be extremely liminal places.
so when (insert your preferd age)-year old jason todd goes in gotham’s public library to hide from his criminal dad and drugged up mom and indulge in his love of literature, he decides to go into the furthest corner of library, a corner that the librarian never checks.
In the Amity park public library where n-year old danny fenton hid from his bullies/parents (or he was dragged there by his sister) he decides to find a book about stars and then hide in the most secluded corner of library to avoid people as much as he can.
both boys being in doubly extreme liminal spaces, as they try to leave find themselves in strange library that they have never seen before, they end up bumping into each other and become fast friends bonding over their family situations and their love for their chosen hobbies.
they wander around this strange library for unknown amount of time, hours?days?weeks? they don’t know, but as they explore and fight against sentient books, going into stories and experiencing different lives, their bond gets stonger.
until one day? a floating figure appears before them( the librarian? ghostwriter?), telling them they shouldn’t be here and sends them back to their respective libraries. the boys find out they had only been gone for an hour or so (or any amount of time you prefer).
they go back to library the next day and manage to go into the strange library again and this time they learn how to get out too. and they keep meeting up day after day after day.
until some time (years?) later jason starts going less and less, and then he suddenly stops never appearing again.
danny is devastated, and keeps going and searching in the Other library in hopes of finding jason, but after his accident he too stops going to the library.
it is only years later that a resurrected jason goes into the library to look for danny but despite looking for a long while he doesn’t find him.
its only when danny moves to gotham for college/work that they finally reunite.
could also have amnesiac!jason both are good.
please add to this i would love to see what you add
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pressure-escapee-au · 6 months ago
is anyone questioning why a fish is working at a pizza place?
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In which Sebastian's coworkers try and figure out why he is a fish
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