#need a tag for you that isn't just jess tag because i post too much about jessica moore (sorry not sorry)
supersapphical · 2 years
RACHEL i need to text you more about bad books. i will do that. i haven't read anything truly atrocious lately tho. trust me i will be complaining. HOW ARE YOU. what's up. what's new. 💜💙💚
OH MY GOD JESS i'm actually reading a terrible book right now. it is SO bad and i got 100 pages in and hit a chapter where the characters go on a double date to an escape room and i had to stop reading. i still want to finish just to see how much worse it can get but i'm not sure i have the strength to continue.
i am very good!!!! i am thiiiiiis close to meeting my writing goal for the year and this weekend i get to hang out with some friends i haven’t seen in a very long time so i am excited!!! how are you?????
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hello i am asking politely for your mommy Medic surgeon goresex thoughts. feel free to use the reply to this ask as your dumping ground if it would be easier than an original post!
Welllll if you insist! Putting all this under a cut bc despite my cool exterior I'm extremely ashamed of every thought I've ever had (and bc I wanna put this in some tags and if the juicy stuff is under a cut no one can complain)
Uhhh CWs for sex, gore, goresex, surgery kink, medfet, mommy kink (just the title and the persona for Medic, no specified role for the sub), needles, knives, boot stuff, whatever. This makes me feel like a real writer
Sooo first things first bc I think people won't understand this one at first: Medic tf2 is a man who is a mommy dom. To me and to a lot of other kinky people, there exists a non-gendered semantic difference between a "daddy dom" and a "mommy dom", so women can be daddies and, much more rarely, men can certainly be mommies. Kink educator Evie Lupine describes mommy doms as "giggly, joyful sadists". Sound like someone we know? He's mommy (Mommy doms are also typically more "nurturing" and smothering than daddy doms, I'll get to that later)
I really love characterizing Medic as extremely faux-sympathetic (with flashes of real sympathy every now and again), so he's telling you (or whoever) just how bad he feels for you, you poor thing, that looks like it really hurts, and it's, like, the extra hand he attached to your pelvis. If it does actually hurt and the procedure wasn't successful he will safely remove it, though
Although I definitely think Medic can be mean, I think ESPECIALLY in a gorekink/medfet context, he gives a LOT of praise. He's SUPER full of himself, he'd never deride one of his Crowning Achievements In The Field Of Medical Science!
Similarly, he's very good about giving compliments specific to like, all of a person's inside stuff. The size of your organs, the shade of your blood, the prominence of your veins, the sturdiness of your bones... Medic tf2 is leaned over you on the vivisection table lovingly stroking your liver and cooing about how much he loves the color
This one's kind of a big one for me tbh... I think Medic tf2 would intentionally (consensually, temporarily) incapacitate someone so he gets to take care of them. Misery-style. My favorite version of this is Medic "accidentally" taking too much of someone's blood out during a blood draw, so they get all sleepy and he needs to feed them (with his boobs) and let them rest (on his boobs). Despite it all I think he really does like to feel needed.
I think Mommy Medic can be veryyyy... smothering. Figuratively and literally. He can really heap on the compliments, especially with a character who isn't very used to praise, which is its own kind of sadism. And he literally suffocates you in his boobs/thighs/ass/tummy/whatever. That one's a little less psychological.
Okayyyy goresex time... surgery makes Medic horny and he wants to fuck people's internal organs. Tf2 is really fun for this because the medigun is a built-in explanation for how he can do that while the other person is still awake. In Meet the Medic he should've been straddling Heavy's hips and jacking off onto his large intestine.
I don't know how into drinking blood normal humanguy Medic would be, but he definitely likes touching blood. Getting it all over his hands. I think he'd maybe be more into making you (or whoever) drink blood, lick it off his gloves, off his boots, off his big hairy (eroticized body part of your choice here). One of those things that he probably intends as a humiliation thing but if you're enough of a freak you just enjoy for what it is.
The penetration imagery of the needle. I read something like that recently about the scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin for the first time and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. You understand
On a humiliation note, I think Medic would think it's Very fun to "force" (lovingly encourage) someone to call him "mommy" if they're embarrassed about it, which I think most of his team would be. Medic using kink to help Sniper drop his inhibitions and give in to his urges and Have Fun is one of my fave bushmed dynamics and I definitely think getting Sniper to get over the hill and call him "mommy" for the first time would be a big thing for him. Of course this is all part of his plan to break you (consensually!) and have you (or whoever!) whimpering into his cleavage as he gets to nurture you
Imagine everything I just said but he's in a sexy nurse outfit that's extremely visibly too small for him. And also just COMPLETELY covered in blood. That's my vision
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Filed Under: Payroll Complaints
Words: 1,108
Summary: As an office worker living on Coruscant, you had little to no understanding of what the war was like. The only reason you even got a glimpse of it was because you worked in the front office of the GAR.
or alternatively: a collection of voicemails found on your answering machine, all proving one irrefutable truth: that you (and all of the clone commanders) really deserved a raise.
Note: i have no idea where this idea came from, but i cracked open some wine and stayed up way too late writing this (it's currently quarter after midnight. i really need to go to bed) but i hope you enjoy it!! i'm dedicating this to my lovely friend @captainsophiestark, who has asked to be tagged when i posted this fic! it is probably the least "standard" reader fic i've ever written, but i liked the idea of using a reader character to frame the narrative, even if there isn't much importance to them :)
ao3 link || clone troopers masterlist
Tumblr media
“Hello, you’ve reached the Grand Army of the Republic’s front office. If you know the extension of your party, you can dial it at any time. If you need to contact the Jedi Temple, please press 1. To reach the Kaminoan cloning facility, press 2. To get in touch with the Coruscant Guard, press 3 in the case of an emergency and 4 for the office of Commander Fox. If you’re interested in enlisting or aiding in the war effort in any way, please press 5. If you would like to speak to someone in our payroll and budgeting department, press 6. For all other inquiries, press 7. To listen to these options again, please remain on the line or press 8.”
Those were the options everyone got when they commed the number posted for the GAR. And half the time, those calls went to you in the payroll department. Rarely did they ever contain requests, demands, or complaints that you could ever do anything about, but they were entertaining (if nothing else).
you have *:・゚✧ eight ✧ ゚・:* new messages
“What, Fives?”
“You have to press the button, not say the number.”
“I knew that. I did both.”
“Who are you even calling anyway?”
“But we don’t even get paid.”
“Exactly! I’m going to fix that”
“I don’t think this message is really selling it vod.”
“Oh kriff, is this thing already recording?”
“Rex is going to kill you.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“Are you in charge of the budget? My name is General Skywalker, I wanted to talk to you about getting some new weaponry but General Kenobi seems to think that most of the GAR’s funding has already been allocated for this quarter. If he’s right, no need to call me back, but if there’s a few credits left laying around, please contact me as soon as possible. My troops and I have some ideas that might benefit more than just the 501st and would love to put our thoughts into action. If you want to get in touch, just contact Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, she’ll be able to reach me.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“Hello, this is Commander Thorn of the Coruscant Guard. I understand you’ve been in contact with Fox about new equipment for our commanding officers? Look, is there any way that we can divert those funds to cover a new caf machine and grounds that don’t actually taste like dirt? The commander would never ask for it himself, but in my personal opinion the effectiveness of the force would drastically increase if we didn’t have to drink the equivalent of Endorian mud water every morning when we came in to our shift. More so than if we got all new weapons and equipment. I heard that the 212th got a fancy caf machine with the excess funds from the last budget redraw, did their general have anything to do with it or could we have always just asked for it? Either way, let me or Fox know the status of the request as soon as possible. Thorn out.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“This is General Kenobi. I’m calling to hopefully precede a communication you may receive from a pirate called Hondo Ohnaka asking for monetary compensation. Whatever he will claim that he has done for the Republic is likely nothing but trickery and lies, and there is certainly no reason to feel threatened by him. If you receive more than one communication from him or his crew, please reach out to me and I’ll handle the situation. If there is anything else you or the GAR office in general needs, you can always reach out to me or Commander Cody as well.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“Alright, I have gotten through to the payroll and budget department. What supplies do we need at this point, Tech?”
“More explosives!”
“Wrecker, I highly doubt that the GAR’s payroll and budget receptionist will have the power to clear that kind of request. And besides, Hunter asked me, not you.”
“So what are you going to get? Better goggles?”
“No, he’ll just ask for a new ship to ruin.”
“You are all incredibly rude. My requests are based on when I took inventory of the medical supplies and tools on the ship. Speaking of which, maybe you should ask for more toothpicks, Crosshair.”
“I hate you all.”
“Guys, come on. We-”
But before the one calling could get through the rest of his sentence, a beep echoed from the answering machine, signaling the end of the communication on your line.
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“This is Hondo, the greatest pirate in the galaxy calling to collect on what is owed to me. Kenobi should have informed you that I will be in touch. Don’t believe anything he said about me, my service was invaluable to your war effort and I believe that it is only right for me to ask for what I am owed. Please call back and I will give you the full itinerary of my grievances, and if you don’t, I will not hesitate to break in and take what I want myself. I hope to speak soon.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“How many massif treats do you think we need to get our point across, Sinker?”
“I don’t know, I feel like we should at least get a box or two, and send some to the Guard as well. Hound is always talking about how they need treats for Grizzer down there.”
“So should we really be dumping a bunch of them on the Commander’s bunk then?”
“Probably not, but if I had to walk around for an entire campaign with blue in my hair because of him, then he’s going to have to deal with the consequences.”
“I don’t know, I thought you looked nice!”
“Yeah, maybe if I was part of the 501st.”
“Good point, two boxes it is. Hopefully they got the message.”
*:・゚✧ ✧ ゚・:*
“Hello, this is Kix, CT number 6116 calling from the flagship Resolute. The 501st will be arriving for a week of shore leave in two rotations, and I wanted to inform you of the supplies that we need to replenish in the medbay so I could arrange it to be delivered before we are deployed again. Please call back as soon as you can, either the comm in the medbay or Captain Rex’s direct line should be able to reach me in the event I miss your call. Thank you!”
You have *:・゚✧ zero ✧ ゚・:* new messages
As the machine beeped to signal the end of the messages, you sighed in relief.
At least that last one was both feasible and reasonable.
-the end-
(divider credit to djarrex)
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landinrris · 10 months
It's Jess here to request a little something from the grad school fic you listed in your wip title game post 👀👀
As someone who is thinking about going back for my PhD I could use a little motivation!!
Also thanks for tagging me XD I gotta get on that
The way there isn't much plot for this one right now, just vibes as I was getting my own work done one day and being like "oh, this is such a specific mood right now." The beautiful thing about grad school and a subsequent au is that there is not really a "traditional age" like university, so everyone involved would be their relative real-life age. Here, I'm thinking Lando's a second-year and Carlos is a fourth year. Their place-holder programs are different concentrations within psych because that's what I currently do, but we'll see. Truthfully, I am not sure how motivating it will be, but don't take life advice from these two 😅. Here's a rather longish and rough draft snippet of Lando and Carlos meeting each other because Lando sucks at stats as a treat Interested in learning about some wips?
When Lando gets an error message for the third time in a row on his code, he pushes back from his desk and goes to take a walk. Maybe a few minutes of wandering around the building to clear his head will help.
He finishes locking the door when he looks over to see the door of the lab next to him open where it wasn’t earlier.
The lab belongs to one of the other faculty members in the department, though most of their students are above Lando and in the middle of data collection for bigger projects. The door being open is a rarity in some regards, and Lando is desperate enough, so he tries his luck.
From what Lando can see through the half-open door, there’s a guy sitting at the large table looking down at his laptop keyboard. All Lando can see is his nose and a large bottom lip. Lando thinks he’s seen the guy around even if he doesn’t know his name. He’s beyond intimidating in a way too-attractive people often are, but Lando’s desperate, so he knocks on the open door.
The guy’s head shoots up, eyes wide in surprise. He’s probably in the middle of office hours and not expecting anyone to need him. His gaze is as piercing as Lando thinks he remembers it being.
“Can I help you?” the guy asks. And while Lando’s seen him, he doesn’t think he’s ever heard him speak. The sound of his voice is a deep timbre that curls around the English words. Does this guy teach a class, and if so, would Lando be allowed to audit it just to hear him speak for longer than four words?
“Sorry,” Lando stutters, kickstarting his brain. ”I’m Lando. I’m from the lab right next door. I’m trying to run some analyses, but I can’t get my code to run properly. My advisor’s not in either today, or I'd ask him. You don’t happen to have any experience with SAS, do you?” Damn Andrea and his attachment to a program only a few people in the department use.
“I do, actually. I can take a look if you bring your computer over here. I would come to you, but technically one of my students could show up. Not that they will, you know?” Lando does know, even if he’s only a teaching assistant.
Lando wouldn't care even if he had to drag his entire desktop into the lab. All that matters is that maybe a second pair of eyes will finally be able to help. “Mint.”
He practically bolts back to his desk and grabs his laptop, desperate to get what he needs to done before going home for the day.
When he gets back, his savior is scrolling through his phone. This lab is a bit smaller than Lando’s own. The main table he’s sitting at has five chairs around it, and there are a further two desks off to the side with desktop computers. There’s an imitation of a stout bald man on the chalkboard along the back wall who looks oddly familiar.
The guy smiles at him as he gets closer. Lando pulls out a chair next to him and sinks down. “What’s your name? Sorry, I don’t think I actually know.”
“Carlos. I’m a fourth-year I/O. We’re a little bit off to the side from everyone else sometimes.”
A name to a face. Carlos. Lando tries to be neutral about the information and not think about looking him up on the department’s website later.
“Ah yeah, I barely know people outside my area, so not your fault. Thanks again for agreeing to take a look. I’d have asked Andrea if he was here today.”
Carlos brushes his words away and leans back in his chair to angle his head toward Lando’s computer. “It’s no problem. I could use the break from this lit review. May I?”
Lando pushes his laptop in Carlos’ direction. Watching him work isn’t unlike watching Andrea— careful, methodical, eyes scanning the rows of code. He highlights a bit to run, and then resumes his scanning. Lando should be watching the screen to see what Carlos is doing, but instead, he can’t help but watch Carlos’ face. He does this thing with his jaw that doesn’t look entirely comfortable, but what does Lando know?
Evidently not how to be subtle because Carlos looks at him and very obviously catches him staring. “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” His voice scratches lowly across the words.
“Uh… good news preferably?”
Carlos breathes out a semblance of an amused huff through his nose. “I found the error I think to make it run.”
“Wait, really? Oh thank God. What’s the bad news? Please don’t tell me my data sucks or something mate, because I will lose it.”
This time Carlos actually does smile. “The bad news is that you will want to bang your head against the table because it is annoyingly simple. You copy and pasted this code?”
“Yeah, but I’ve checked back over it like three times. Don’t tell me it’s a fucking comma or something.”
“Worse, it’s a semi-colon. You have put one at the end of each statement, but this one here in the middle,” Carlos points to the regression lines, “Doesn’t need one because it goes to the next line.”
Lando groans because that is embarrassingly simple. Thank God Andrea isn’t here, actually. “Fucking Christ, of course it’s a fucking semi-colon. Ugh, thank you. Do you mind if I sit here while I fix it in case something else happens?”
Carlos shakes his head with ease. “Please, stay for as long as you like or until 4:00 because that’s when I’m leaving.”
“Fair enough.”
Lando contemplates moving to a different spot to do his work so he isn’t so on top of Carlos. But Carlos doesn’t make any indication that he minds— redirecting his attention to his own computer.
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purplebass · 2 years
Hi. I saw your post in the tag and I don't know if you're still doing request but could we get some Cordelia x Lucie? I don't really have any specific ideas but maybe something with Lucie having a bi awakening and/or them kissing could be nice.
Anon, you asked, and it took me a while to deliver. I don't know if this is what you wanted, but I tried! This one shot is set post COT, and it's more of a bi-awakening for both Lucie and Cordelia (who are with their partners in this story, so it's also a blackdale/jordelia story, but they're not the main focus). I liked the idea that Lucie, after writing about Cordelia in COT, is even more intrigued with the idea of writing a character who likes boys and girls, and she wants to know what it feels like to kiss a girl. And the girl is obviously Cordelia, whom Lucie idealized so much in her stories and often looked at with affection in her eyes. The realization shakes them both, because even though it isn't clearly stated, I believe Lucie might be bi (just like her father, tbh), and Cordelia could be too. This fic was a way for them to acknowledge that they might like girls as well, even though they are with male partners in canon (I believe that both James and Jesse are the straightest TLH characters, but they would be okay if either of them came out as bi to them). I don't know if my message came across, let me know. <3 Read on A03 (tw for mature talk about s*x)
Lucie and Cordelia - For The Sake of Research
Lucie perched on the windowsill of the drawing room with her notebook in tow, hoping to get the inspiration to continue her book. It was a rainy afternoon and she didn’t want to leave the warmth of the Institute. She liked to be where she was, with some of her favorite people keeping her company. 
Jesse was reading a book about demons – reading advice from her beloved father, no less –  on the armchair close to the window where she was sitting. James and Cordelia were playing chess in front of the hearth, and her best friend was beating her husband again. As she should, Lucie thought affectionately. She loved when someone beat James at something he was really good at. Not that he minded losing. Lucie heard the couple whisper to each other that the loser would have to do a dare or something. At first, she had found their voices distracting. She was trying to write, after all. But then, an image flickered in her mind, and she knew what she had to do. 
There it was, the inspiration she sought so much, but not for the story she had been writing. A new story was forming in her head, except, she didn’t know how to write about her idea. She thought she could’ve asked one of her older cousins, but she remembered that they were in Idris. No, she had to ask Cordelia, who was her best friend, after all. She would understand. Plus, she was curious. She hoped her parabatai would also be okay with her proposition.
Every now and then, she glanced at Jesse and they exchanged a grin. He was often attuned to her glances, as if he knew she was watching him. Lucie loved him, and he was one of the people who inspired her the most to write. She was obviously curious to write more stuff regarding what happened between couples after they kissed, but for this idea, she didn’t have a boy and a girl in mind. She shivered, and she knew it wasn’t because of the cold. She was probably getting excited, and she needed to research. Now. 
Nonetheless, she asked James to tend the fire. “Jamie, are you listening? I’ve just asked you to check the fire, I’m freezing.” 
Her brother was so intent on playing with his wife that he didn’t hear her, so she had to shout it a second time. “By the angel, Lucie!”
“I finally got your attention now, brother,” she sighed. “Could you please put some wood in there? I’m freezing.”
James tilted his head. “Perhaps, if you got down from that windowsill, you would feel better.”
“I sit wherever I please,” she answered with annoyance. “This weather inspires me. Especially when it comes to your character.”
“What is Cruel Prince James up to?” he wondered casually, and both Cordelia and Jesse glanced at her, suddenly interested in this conversation. 
Her cheeks warmed at the thought of what she was thinking of writing, and she didn’t dare to gaze at either of them. “There is no Cruel Prince James in this story, I’m afraid,” she shrugged, hoping no one would notice her rosy face. “It’s a story about girls.”
“Girls, plural,” James nodded absentmindedly. “Today is my lucky day, then.”
“Please, it’s not like I have ever made your character do something unforgivable,” she frowned. “It is just fiction, it’s not real. Cruel Prince James is not really you.”
“A character who locked his sister in the dungeon,” James raised an eyebrow. “Something I’d never do even if it seems tempting sometimes.” Lucie simply glared at him. She knew he was joking.
“Who is your current inspiration, Lucie?” Cordelia spoke before Lucie and James could keep arguing. 
At that, Lucie managed a small grin, and took time to examine her, to take her in her expression and body posture. She seemed like a princess out of a fairytale, and she told herself she was definitely the best inspiration for her novel. “It’s you, Daisy,” she said without preamble. It wasn’t a surprise. Lucie had already written several stories with Cordelia as a protagonist, no one would have a say about her choice of inspiration. 
“Don’t you think you should write about someone else, Lucie? Instead of my wife,” James said. “You could write about Jesse, you know. Your boyfriend.”
“Trust me. She did and she does,” said Jesse, who had tried to keep his eyes on the book he was reading in spite of the discussion happening around him. “And I’m glad to be an inspiration.”
“Thanks, Jesse,” Lucie told him with an affectionate grin. When she glanced at her brother, however, she made a scorned face. “Are you jealous I’m writing about Cordelia? She’s my best friend too. Also, she’s the perfect protagonist and the perfect inspiration. I mean, look at her,” she said with praise, and Cordelia lowered her stare. She seemed embarrassed every time Lucie said these things out loud, but it was the truth. 
James did just that, and Cordelia offered him a loving smile. “It’s true what you’re saying, though,” he agreed, and Lucie saw his brother take his wife’s hand and kiss her. “You’re beautiful, Daisy.”
Lucie thought they were adorable, but now that they were talking about the topic of her book, she needed to act. “Daisy,” she said, “since you’re going to be the main protagonist of this story I’m writing and it’s very cold in here,” she continued, “what do you say we go out and have a little girls’ time at the Turkish baths? I could talk to you about my idea.”
“Is this necessary, Luce? We were about to leave, because the rain stopped,” James interjected. 
“No one said anything about leaving,” Cordelia said. “We needed to finish the game first. Oh, and I like this idea, Lucie. I think we definitely need to spend some time together.”
“We can go with our carriage and you can get us when we’re done, if you want,” she shrugged, and Cordelia nodded at James, who had a resigned expression on his face. Victory! “Or you could come with us! Have a little bonding time too.”
“She’s right, James,” Cordelia said. “I could use the sauna. It’s cold today. I feel the chill in my bones.” Husband and wife exchanged a glance, and Lucie suspected her brother wanted to propose something else to get warm, and she immediately tried to wipe the image from her mind. “I think you may like it. You too, Jesse,” she looked at him.
“I’ve never been to a public bath,” Jesse furrowed his brow, “but it does sound exciting. What do you think, James?”
James eyed his wife, who was beaming and nodding at the same time, and then at Jesse. “I think you’ve just got yourself a partner for the day.”
Lucie got off the window and tucked her notebook under her arm. “Well, then. Shall we?”
It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination. Once there, Cordelia and Lucie said goodbye to the boys and headed to the women’s area. There was a room where the clients could leave their belongings in a cabinet – they had a key, so no one could steal anything. The bath provided a towel and a robe but some people just wore the towel, since they came to bathe. 
Lucie and Cordelia covered themselves the best they could, even though there wasn’t much of a crowd. “Must have been the heavy rain to dissuade people from coming,” the lady at the entrance informed them. The girls thought that it was best that the hot room was empty.
“I’m honestly a little wary of other people’s stares,” Lucie confessed to Cordelia when they sat down in their private area. There was a small table in the middle of the seats, with just a water pitcher and some glasses. 
“I’m the same too, you know,” Cordelia was already starting to show the signs of the hot humid air, her hair stuck on her neck, the sweat dripping on her robe. “My mother is the only other person who ever saw me without clothes,” she smiled at her friend, her cheeks pink. “And Risa, of course, and –”
“My brother,” she said matter of factly, and shook her head, a hand over her eyes to purge it from imagination. Ugh, this was the second time she imagined Cordelia and James in compromising positions. She should stop. “I’m sorry, Daisy. I don’t think I will ever be able to talk about what you and my brother do without clothes,” she chuckled coyly. 
“Don’t worry, I know, it’s just,” she bit her lip, clearly distressed, and came closer to Lucie. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but in the end decided she couldn’t. “Have you ever done that, you know,” she lowered her voice, “with Jesse?”
Lucie’s skin probably turned pinker than it already was because of the hot temperature. She sighed, hugging her torso. “We haven’t,” she muttered, trying not to sound bitter or envious of her friend. “I tried to press the matter to him,” she raised an eyebrow for emphasis, “until we had a long conversation about it and decided that we would wait until after marriage.”
“He does seem very patient from the outside,” Cordelia took Lucie’s hand in hers. “I also think he insisted on waiting because he respects you and your family. He doesn’t want them to think he’s taking advantage of you. Would you want James or your father to tear him limb from limb and lay him to rest again before you even get married?”
“Of course not, Daisy!” Lucie squeezed her friend’s hand and they started to laugh, their voices carrying in the empty room. She gazed up at Cordelia, and realized her robe was slightly open and she could see the center of her chest. The sight took her back to what had been meaning to ask her friend. “Daisy,” her tone turned serious. “Have you ever done it with a girl? I mean, not done that –” she looked away for a second, “have you ever kissed a girl?”
Cordelia’s mouth gaped open but she quickly recollected herself. Lucie had written a story about her bosom, she should’ve expected something like that. “There was never the chance,” she giggled timidly. “I mean, James was all of my firsts.”
Lucie frowned. She didn’t want to know that, but still, she thought it was delightful that Cordelia’s first kiss and first time had been with her husband. And perhaps, even her first time, someday — “Would you like to be my first, too?”
“Lucie, I don’t understand what you mean,” Cordelia said, puzzled. “I thought you and Jesse –” but she was cut off.
“We do kiss,” Lucie said with a smile, “and he was indeed my first kiss. But, Daisy, can I kiss you?” she wondered loudly, squeezing Cordelia’s hand hard. When her friend remained silent, she continued. “It’s for research, you know. Just for research. For the character that I’m writing, who has affairs with both women and men alike. I want to know how it feels,” she sighed, “so I can write it properly. I thought I’d ask you since you’re my best friend.”
“That sounds exciting,” Cordelia commented finally.
“Does it?” Lucie lighted up, her grin was blinding. “I’ve always wanted to write about a character like that, Daisy,” she explained, smiling to herself now. “But never got around to experience anything with a woman, you know.”
“I understand,” Cordelia nodded, and Lucie couldn’t help but see how her robe was coming undone even more. “I will immolate myself for the good cause, then.”
“Would you? For real?”
“I’m positive James wouldn’t consider kissing his sister as betrayal,” Cordelia shrugged. “And neither would Jesse, would he?”
“It won’t hurt them if they don’t know,” Lucie winked at her friend. “But no, I don’t think they would. It’s for research, after all, it’s innocent,” she winked. “And they both know we love them and they’re our soulmates.”
“This will be our little secret, then,” she agreed. “Now… what do we do?”
“You should just kiss me, Daisy.”
Cordelia moisturized her lips before she kissed her best friend. They both closed their eyes, their hands still entwined, and gave into the new experience. Once they separated, they were both out of breath. The kiss didn't last long, as both of them were shy exploring each other’s mouths, but it had been intense, as they tried to kiss each other as if they were kissing their partners. In a way, they were also partners. They were parabatai, the oldest of bonds.
“Well, that was… something,” Lucie said, fanning herself as sweat descended on her face and neck. “I think I know how to do it now. Thanks, Daisy.”
“Really,” Cordelia echoed, wiping her face with the towel. “I think I’ve warmed enough for today, shall we go fetch James and Jesse?”
“We shall,” Lucie replied curtly, and the duo headed to the next room to cool off. 
They found the boys waiting for them by the small reception. They were deep in discussion about something, and when they heard the sound of their boots on the linoleum, they both turned in their direction. Lucie and Cordelia glanced at each other and smiled before they reached their partners. She felt giggly all over, and she thought it was because of that kiss. 
“I thought you left without us,” James said more to Lucie than to Cordelia. “We should go back to Curzon Street, Daisy. Apparently, Effie said a pipe broke because of the rain, and the rooftop room is completely flooded. Our presence is requested.”
 “Sure, we’ll go,” Cordelia frowned, exchanging a glance with Lucie. 
“I guess we’ll see you both the day after tomorrow?” James asked Lucie and Jesse. “Well, tell mama and papa hi from us.” He took Cordelia’s hand and started walking away. 
“James, what are we going to do tomorrow? We don’t have anything planned,” they heard Cordelia wonder.
“I’ll tell you later,” James said, before they both disappeared outside. 
“Do you think a pipe really broke?” Lucie wondered as she and Jesse, too, walked to the carriage. James had decided to take a hansom cab, so they could take the carriage back to the Institute.
“Please, he was eager to be alone with his wife,” Jesse replied. “And I can’t blame him. I was also eager to be alone with you, since we can only be alone until we get home.” 
“Yes, me too,” Lucie said absentmindedly with a smile, glancing outside her window at the street. It stopped raining, and more people dared to go outside. “Even though I was happy to spend time with Cordelia. We’ve barely been together because she and James spent six months traveling the world. I missed her. She also helped me with my inspiration.”
“Glad you got your time with her,” he interlaced his fingers in hers. “I also had a fine time with your brother, until some guy with the surname Townsend, I think, walked in and he begged James to tell him everything about his travels, since he wanted to leave with his wife for a trip around the world too. James complied, but it was very awkward because this guy sat between us, legs wide open, his robe undone and everything on display. I don’t have anything against nudity, but we aren’t even friends with this fella, and it was embarrassing. We ran away the first chance we got.”
“Oh, Townsend,” Lucie sighed. “I can’t stand him. “He always had this big ego. No wonder he’s a show off. I bet that’s why Jamie was so pissed off.”
“You can bet on it,” he nodded. “I can’t wait to read what you’re going to come up with,” he added with a grin.
“I’m sure it’ll surprise you,” Lucie said, and she kissed his cheek, still thinking about what the kiss she exchanged with Cordelia made her feel, and tucking it for safekeeping into her memory. 
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I will throw 10$ (No joke) at you on Ko-fi if do a kiss and Make-Up for that Break Up post 🥺
P.S regardless if you do it I’ll give you 10$ cause honestly gotta support writers! XD
Ahh... I see reading those headcanons hurt as much as it did to write them...  Well how about that lol 🙃 Thanks though, anon, for requesting a more positive spin on the subject. I much prefer happier endings to sad ones.
(Also for the record, I'm writing this for free because it's fan-fiction and I don't own any of these characters... but if you want to give me money for other/unrelated reasons I won't complain 😅 hehe. I appreciate your support!)
First, some set-up: His ex comes to him after just a short time away, sobbing and regretful. They hadn't been in a good headspace when they left. They'd been dealing with their own issues and for some reason felt it was best to break up with their clone boyfriend in the process. It hadn't taken them long to realize what a huge mistake that was. How much they still loved him and needed him in their life. They pour their heart out, maybe even have it in a letter for him to read and come to terms with in his own time. But they are asking for another chance. They want to try again....
Kix, Hunter, and Echo are hesitant and definitely need some time to think about it. They were seriously hurt over the breakup and aren't sure they could handle something like that again. They want to be absolutely sure this relationship will last if it's re-started. Once they talk things through and come to the decision to get back together, they will take things slow and ensure stronger communication between them in order to build something that lasts this time. Their makeup kisses are cute and clumsy, like it's their first all over again.
Cody, Rex, and Tup are confused, but willing to reconsider. They'll hear their S/O out, maybe ask for a little bit of time, but they don't drag out the decision either. Of course they'll take their S/O back. They are understanding and empathetic. But they are also cautious going forward. Things won't be exactly as they were. They'll need time to rebuild trust but are willing to put in the effort if their S/O is, too. Their makeup kisses are quick and soft, like they don't want to break the peace.
Fives, Hardcase, and Wrecker are elated. Maybe they should be more cautious and thoughtful about this, but they can't help it. They had been struggling with getting over the breakup, dreaming and praying that it was all some horrible nightmare they'd soon wake up from. And now they pretty much are. They dive right back in as if it hadn't ended, though there may be a few heart-to-hearts about how the situation really took a toll on them. Their makeup kisses are eager and sloppy, like they've been starved for too long.
Jesse, Dogma, and Crosshair are irritated at first. Why did they have to endure a broken heart only to find out it was a mistake? But deep down they're also relieved. They hated being alone, hated having to get over the one person they were able to be vulnerable with. Their return to the relationship seems reluctant, and they won't actually want to discuss anything for a while. But once they do, it's very freeing, allowing them to truly start over. Their makeup kisses are heated and desperate, like they're afraid this isn't real.
Wolffe, Fox, and Tech initially turn them down. Why would they just get back together when there'd been a reason to end it? Those reasons didn't just go away. And all that work they'd put in to heal and move on? No. But as the days go by, their S/O's words really start to sink in and they wonder if maybe they could try again. They make them promise to never leave like that again, and then they're all-in. Their makeup kisses are tender and lingering, like they're making a statement.
Clone Tag List: @damerondala, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @pandora-the-halfling, @misogirl828, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbedumbaf, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @thatmultifandomdumbass, @sarahtanmarvel, @itsagrimm, @call-me-a-fool, @lackofhonor, @error6gendernotfound, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @Techie-bear, @Lottemoppie13, @salaminus
+Bad Batch Tag: @bowtiesandsandshoes, @softlymellow
(Join my tag list here)
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#i want so much to create the representation the next generation deserves to grow up with
My Top Posts in 2021
New stim just dropped and it's literally just me going back and forth with myself saying: How're ya now? Good'n you? Not so bad
77 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 04:18:42 GMT
The way both Nicole Maines and Katie McGrath are positively straining not to crack after Jesse Rath's delivery of "what are these? His nipples? 🤔" sends me!
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79 notes • Posted 2021-09-29 08:03:14 GMT
I just think Adam in Sex Education is so important. His dad too even. We rarely ever see men healing from generational trauma and toxic masculinity this way, even when we're shown the way it hurts them.
I remember watching Glee when I was younger, and there being a football player who similarly bullied Kurt, but turned out to be into him. The character ended up taking his own life because of his own internalized homophobia. And that kind of narrative is so harmful, not because there isn't truth to it but because people who see themself in the character need to know its possible to get through it, and that death isn't the only way out.
With Adam we get to see him struggle, his path is not linear, he is, as all the characters are, flawed. But despite the way he's hurt and been hurt we see his resilience and capacity for growth and healing. I think it says a lot too, about what kind of media I've grown up with, that every step of the way I was scared the character would die or take his own life.
Edit: Apparently Karofsky in Glee didn't succeed in killing himself, sorry to mispeak. It's well possible that was about where I stopped watching the show. Nonetheless the painful storyline clearly left an impact on my young brain because I still remember the emotions of watching that for the first time, remember his feet on the chair, his dad holding his son when he found him. Personally I feel that the way it was handled in Sex Education is much more conducive to keeping young people safe by giving them hope, and to healing our community.
105 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 00:25:14 GMT
Maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's a a ditzy queer reporter and their perfect haired sciencey partner.
106 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 11:07:50 GMT
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Waverly clearly watched Buffy season 2 episode 6: Halloween and said "What a look! I must have it."
And in Wynonna Earp season 2 episode 6, I see you costume department!
109 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 08:37:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Inside Jokes and References in the Full Bios
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Mainly for @spacelizardtrashboys and @kuruumiya
Also: Any time strikethrough text is used it's because it's meant to be secret information, for example on the small bios any time 'Lucifarian' truly isn't their last name their is strikethrough test after saying that it's not their real name. This is to say that no matter what is written or if it's strikethrough text or not, it is there for a reason.
Damien - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for him refers back to his 'King of Hell' gimmick, as does his middle name, Rex means king.
He's protective, like a dad, but also way too overprotective over the gimmicks for the girls. He's an old, old school guy so he enjoys card games with the boys.
He's supposed to sound like a young Hugh Laurie, mainly because if I heard a young Hugh Laurie say Damien's bio quote I wouldn't be able to take him seriously.
His main finisher (Seventh Circle) refers back to (a) him being the king of hell and (b) the seventh circle is for violence, and well, he's a wrestler, that's a pretty violent job.
He calls fans both 'peasants' and his 'loyal subjects' because he's like an asshole-ish king who'd quickly be dethroned if they rebelled.
Vickie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for her refers back to her gimmick along with the old saying 'pride comes before the fall'.
She's called 'Victoria' because of both (a) it meaning victory and (b) the fact that Queen Victoria ruled back when Britain had an empire, then the empire fell (as in pride [Vickie] before a fall)
Both Her and Damien are born in August and are the only two to share a birth month as they are Father and Daughter (non-kayfabe, as in they share DNA)
She's raised Christian as back when she was growing up England was a lot more Christian than when she became an adult so she got lax in her beliefs
Her personality is supposed to make her come across as a vain, rich, arse of a person, yet deep down she's still redeemable, she's got a long way to go before she actually redeems herself though
She's the type of person who makes sure EVERY little detail of her matches and promos are PERFECT to the point that she will control what other people do or say, down to the moment it's said/done and the way it's said/done
She only likes the other D.O.D (Daughters of Darkness) members because she has only made enemies in the short while they've been in the company, she especially dislikes George 'The Animal' Steele because of his very messy style going against her 'everything should be perfect' views
She's the leader, the brain and the mouth because of her control over the group, if she let them have more control, there might be less arguments about her amount of control
Her named moves are also references to both her gimmick and other things. Beheader is named because of the Tudor monarchs of England having kind of a thing for killing people in this way (ex. Henry VIII).
Lineage Ender is named that because if she ever botches that one specific move (it'll make sense in context/ she does it during a training scene) it could end either her own Lineage or the person she's doing it to.
Lion's den is called that because she traps them in a near-inescapable crucifix pin, and normally if someone goes into a den of Lions, they aren't escaping in one piece.
Family Pride is named that because not only is her gimmick the sin of pride, but she's got pride in her family and she's her dad's 'pride and joy' because she's his only child.
Wish for this (her main finishing move) is called that because it's an inside joke of "you're gonna 'wish for this' to be over soon"
As she's Damien's blood daughter, a 'prodigal son' joke seemed somewhat appropriate.
Billie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the Guerreros and the whole 'Latin lover' trope
She was born in February because of Valentine's day, hence why her birthday is two days before the 14th
She's 1/2 Cuban (just in general - both Mexican and Cuban culture is interesting to me) But she's 1/2 Cuban in case I ever need to write for Razor Ramon, I can get away with making the joke of 'my Cuban accent's better than yours'.
Her casual style is 'Suggestive' because how else is Lust supposed to dress.
She dislikes Hulk Hogan because she finds him incredibly annoying and she dislikes Jesse Ventura because she dislikes his fashion choices.
I imagine her uncle Hugo looks like Luis Guzman and her dad's like Raul Julia. Try to imagine those two wrestling as a luchador tag team.
Her mother was basically a valet to her dad, which was usually Billie's role before she was part of the D.O.D.
Her move name references are all song references: Love me Tender - Elvis' song of the same name, Personal Aphrodite - a reference to / joke on 'Personal Jesus', Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye's song of the same name.
Also, I hope to eventually use the joke 'The Babe, the babe with the power,' 'What power?' 'Power of voodoo' 'Who do?' 'You do' 'Do what?' 'Remind me of the babe' because of one of her commentary nicknames being 'The Babe'
P.G - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is in reference to her being greed and (right at the start of the story) her thoughts on money actually being able to buy her happiness
her surname 'Voronin' means crow, and well, crows like shiny things, like money
she wears 'fancy but simple' clothing because if she bought designer clothes she'd be in debt, but she still wants to look like she has more money than everyone else
she's cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off during a promo and run away once she feels like she's in danger
she's a showman because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches.
Her moves are basically jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold-digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
She hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt slaughter because of how patriotic they are
Kirby - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to (a) the fact that she's Gluttony, (b) her being the only one who wears a mask constantly and (c) her basically being the group's scare tactic against people who think they can push them around.
I am planning on eventually making her a part of the machines, maybe as a valet, maybe as a wrestler, not 100% sure as of right now
Her mother is the Norwegian-Scottish one and her father is the Irish-Welsh one
She is the tallest (not the heaviest, that's Damien) but she's still 9 inches shorter than André.
She's willing to bleed hardway, but hates blading
She hates Big John Studd because of his disrespect, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's obnoxiously 'American', she dislikes Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid because they are so insistent on calling her '1/4 Icelandic' whenever she talks about being 1/4 Norwegian. She hates Brutus Beefcake because he's just 'so, so much' energy-wise.
She's always been tall, always shorter than André though, she was 5'6" when she was 12, which is still taller than Sam, P.G and Eli.
Kirby's the best at using folk tales and mythology references in her promos and still keeping them dark and scary.
Her speaking voice is Jessica Hynes, but I imagine her singing voice (which will be important later) to be that of Deee-lite's Lady Miss Kier. On that note, I will be putting up a post on this part of the fic's canon.
Feeding Frenzy is meant to look similar to Roddy's wild punches, hence the 'frenzy' part of the name.
Organ grinder is named because it's meant to look really hard (like she's putting all her force and weight into it) as if she's grinding her opponents organs
Hungry for Blood is an in-joke of during her toughest matches she seems hungry to give the fans the sight of blood
Consummation is a joke of 'the match will soon be over, the match will soon be concluded, or consummated' not the sex-based meaning of that word.
Number of the beast, which is 666, is a reference to the 619, and is a modified 619 basically.
Vampire's Bite is a reference to her sitout jawbreaker looking like she could possibly bite someone's neck, like a vampire, as she performs the move
I didn't want to call her chops, chops, so I made a joke of 'oh it's chopping, like a butcher's knife'
Overfeeding is another basic gluttony reference. Cheshire Grin is a facelock-based joke. Let Them Eat Cake is a butt=cake joke
The ogress is a thinly-veiled way of the commentary team calling her ugly, because why else would she be the only one in a mask
Holly - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is written that way because I always wanted her to sound like she comes from New Jersey
She's very cuddly towards the rest of the D.O.D and thus gets called a teddy bear by the others
She's Pansexual because she doesn't care what your gender is, she loves people just being themselves
She's the only ginger because I've never seen a ginger wrestler from New Jersey
She was raised Catholic but lost her faith upon realising how bad gay people are treated by the church (Holly literally just goes "Y'all it is 1984, how are y'all gonna reject people based on who they love?")
Holly's very much the person who'll ask permission to cut a promo on someone but won't tell them how harsh she's going to be
She's the group's mom friend (mum friend?)
Before she started travelling with another member of the group (Holly travels with Sam a lot) she would accidentally no-show events
She does accidentally give incredibly stiff shots
Holly likes Gorilla Monsoon because their friendship is very much a weird pseudo-dad-daughter friendship, so basically, she's using him as her new dad
Her voice is Angie Harmon because I think Harmon sounds like a badass from New Jersey
Naptime, Dirt Nap and Lullaby are jokes of 'I'm gonna knock you out'
Eli - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a joke of 'this is why she doesn't do a lot of promos'
She's the most likely to be on one of those 'too hot for TV' blooper reels from her promos
Both she and Sam hate people taller than them
Sam - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the fact that her tattoos are her 'masterpiece'
she dresses athletically because she's always ready for a fight, especially because she's usually the one picking fights
She likes Lou because he's like a crazy uncle to her and she likes George Steele because, unlike Vickie, she likes the wild man side of his gimmick
She's voiced by Melissa Etheridge because she's still feminine but is the most masculine sounding
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supersapphical · 2 years
JESS <33333333
how can i limit myself to giving you only one compliment???? bold, brilliant, beautiful, possibly the funniest person on this site. i know i’ve said it before but literally no one is doing it like you—cursed book club, roleplaying as jackles, supernatural sims. everything you do on here is something that no one else has the courage to do and that makes following you a completely unique experience.
but beyond all that, you’re genuinely just a really nice person. so fun and welcoming and supportive! <3333 i am kind of in awe of how you’ve built a little community here and have maintained it even though you now couldn’t give less of a shit about supernatural. honestly absolutely hilarious AND impressive. everything you do is SO hilarpressive...imprelarious? not sure which i like better but for sure a new word is needed just to describe the emotion i feel. <3
send me a strawberry emoji and i’ll give you a compliment <3 (open to anyone not just mutuals!!!)
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felixcatton · 4 years
Your point about Logan 'holding her responsible' doesn't make much sense though because Rory never blamed him in the first place, she just said she didn't want to spend her time partying and he took it too personally. I agree that she makes her own choices when it comes to fans blaming the boyfriends but you holding up Logan on this pedestal for 'calling her out' isn't any different from Jess fans saying Jess was the one that saved her, when neither did that
my point didn’t really have anything to do with her blaming him since, again, it was about how the people in her life talk about her choices, not really how she talks about her own. i didn’t say that as a “wow he calls her out 😍” because i don’t think she needs that, as i said in that post (and i also never used the words ‘calling out’ or ‘holding her responsible’ i’m quite sure, because i never would because a grown woman doesn’t need to be called out on her own basic life choices, which was my point from the start). i said it as a “wow he is the only one who ever said ‘that was your choice and nobody else is to blame for it’” lol. nothing to do with whether she actually does blame him or not, simply that in a sea full of people in her life saying “oh logan must have made her do this thing, jess must have made her do this thing,” logan said “you did it, not me.” maybe this is just a point that only makes sense in my head since it’s not seeming to translate well. but my tags did start off with me saying she saved herself or neither saved her or whatever it was i said, so of course i wasn’t trying to say “she’s so lucky that logan calls her out and makes her a better person” a mere few sentences later haha.
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