#need a new serotonin button. Where Is It
fluorescentbrains · 2 years
need a new fixation like it’s fucking cocaine
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mxauthor · 1 year
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Summary: Y/n is a photographer and Spencer is a great model.
Word Count: 1,135
Warnings: fluff, kisses, probably false statistics, giggly spence at the end.
November 4th. 
That was the deadline of when Y/n’s assignment was due. 
That date was one week away and she had no idea what the hell she was going to do. The whole class was given three weeks to complete the assignment and Y/n was running out of time. 
She’s an aspiring photographer.
Several of her works have been published in magazines and have won many contests. She even has a website dedicated to her photos as well as other young photographers wanting to pursue their passions. 
However, most of her clients don’t want an amatrue to take any of their photos, hence the course. Even though her boyfriend, Spence, has rattled off statics about not needing classes to become a photographer; it still made her feel better: more official
But now, her photography course is requiring her to submit new artwork instead of some of her old pieces. The professor said he ‘wanted to put their learning to use and catch something they’ve never thought of before.’ 
Y/n hated it. She was hitting deadend after deadend. Everything she’s shot is within her comfort zone, not new. 
With a loud groan Y/n threw her head back on the couch she was perched on. Spencer only rounded the end the moment she was looking up at their light tan ceiling. 
“Still can’t find anything?” Spencer asked. His tone knowing the answer, but wanting to be caring still. 
“Not a thing.” Y/n replied, enunciating every word in the sentence. Spencer looked at her with a sympathetic look. Knowing the frustration not being able to achieve something. 
He thought about the requirements of the assignment, having told him once she first got it. Spence wanted to help, he really did, but it was the first time he’s drawn a blank. 
“I have no clue what to do. All the photos I’ve taken are like the ones I’ve taken before.” Y/n raised her head and looked at her boyfriend of a year. “Nothing new, nothing that’s caught my eye.” 
“You know statically, most photographers set up their master photos. All of them have been staged and made to look candid. A lot of the photographs that I’ve studied since you’ve started your classes I’ve noticed that a lot of the items seemed to be perfectly placed. Just like it was made to be a photoshoot of some sort. While a lot of your works are within the moment, scenery or candid of people.” Spencer rambled. Y/n watched him intently as he talked, never liking to cut him off once he started, “So I believe that your professor is asking you to do something of the sort, to make a piece that you have to stage. I would suggest using someone that you are comfortable with, which will trigger a higher dopamine output as well as a higher serotonin that allows cognitive flexibility and an increase in mood.” 
Y/n looked at Spence. A sparkle within her eye that Spencer knew to be trouble. 
“Comfortable, staged and someone I know.” Y/n summarized, Spencer nodded along enthusiastically, always touched when someone listened to him all the way through. 
“Well then, pretty boy, I just found my client.” Y/n said, her eyes sparking with, what Spence can only describe as creativity. And lust. 
The nickname alone should’ve told him that he wasn’t going to like this idea nor was he going to be the most comfortable with it. However, when Y/n had jumped up from her seat and started to set up her equipment with a huge smile on her face, Spence couldn’t really say no. 
Y/n had placed one of their kitchen chairs in the living room (after she moved everything out of the way). Claiming that it was perfect. Her lights and camera were setup to where he supposed was his place in all of this. 
He watched with a little nervousness as he stood in a white button down and some black pants. He was demanded asked to change from his comfortable warm pajamas, into this more serious ‘photo worthy’ outfit. 
“Okay now, I need you to sit in the chair and I’ll be right back.” Y/n commanded, her voice left no place to argue.
So Spencer sat down. Patting his legs while he waited for the final piece of this photoshoot.
About 2 minutes had gone by before Y/n walked out, red lipstick painted on her lips. As well as a tub in her hand. If he looked close enough, he could see kiss marks on her hands, some more faint and one very vibrant. 
Spencer studied the way Y/n walked up to him. Almost like she was trying to seduce in a way. As she got closer, Spence could see a smirk playing on her lips. 
“What are you-” Before the genius could actually ask his question, Y/n had kissed him. 
His brain short circuited. His IQ is now at 60. 
It took a second before he kissed back, before it could get more heated Y/n pulled back. She studied the lipstick print on her boyfriend, liking how well it was placed. 
Spencer’s face had flushed, he stared at her surprised, trying to understand what’s happening. 
Before he could ask Y/n started talking, “The assignment is to do something new. To try and incorporate all of the lessons we’ve learned up into now. As you’ve said all of my past works were either scenery or candid photos. Something that has just happened or there for anyone to see. What I’m doing here is different. This is a photoshoot, not candid. You are normally sophisticated and well cleaned, however at this moment your unshaven and floppy hair. As well as dressed in something more date-casual.” 
Spencer tried computing everything that was said, only to realize what she meant. His flush grew a little as Y/n looked at him for a silent ask, him nodding his answer. 
She started to unbutton the top four buttons of his shirt. Spence started to grow even redder as Y/n started to kiss all over his neck, face and chest. 
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, all this attention and kisses making him hot.
But one thing is that he couldn’t stop smiling. Neither of them could. Y/n’s kisses varied in shape and size, trying hard to control the smiles on her face. Spencer giggled and flushed until she stopped. 
Y/n looked at the lipstick marks with a proud smile and a flush of her own. Giddy to take the pictures. 
“Okay hold still.” Y/n commanded, trying to capture him flush and giddy. 
Trying to catch her Spencer, the goof ball that’s in love with her, in a living memory.
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aurumacadicus · 7 months
My partner dumped me yesterday, so could you please if you have time or inclination today, write a fluffy or sexy V-day prompt with WinterIron? I need some serotonin.
That's crummy my dude. Anyway Tony's bodysuit is this one.
Tony had been freaking the fuck out since January fourteenth. JARVIS had asked him if he wanted to make plans for Valentine’s Day, since they needed to be made well in advance for such a popular holiday. Sure, it would be around four months that he and Bucky had been together, but was that early to do Valentine’s Day? He could admit to himself that he was pretty damn committed, but he knew that he went all-in way too quickly. He just wasn’t sure that Bucky was that committed. He’d said ‘let’s see where this goes’ and while he seemed to have fun, Tony couldn’t tell if that was in a ‘Tony’s comfortable enough around me, hot, and amenable’ way or in a ‘hey, this could be forever’ way.
He split the difference and bought the biggest Whitman’s Sampler he could find (Bucky and Steve had a fondness for the boxes, even if the recipes had changed from 1912), a nice watch, and an upgrade for his bike. Bucky still got finicky going out in crowds sometimes, so he wasn’t going to try and take him out on one of the busiest nights of the year. Chocolate, dinner in, and maybe some wine to end the evening with would be fine for a four-month relationship. Probably.
Tony had also splurged and bought himself something lacy. He and Bucky hadn’t been intimate long, just a couple months, but he thought, if there was a time to surprise him, maybe it would be on Valentine’s Day. If Bucky didn’t like it, he could play it off as holiday fun and then hide all his other lingerie, he figured.
Bucky had said he’d be busy until dinner time, but that was fine. Tony had to work that day, too, and if he was focusing on paperwork, he wasn’t focusing on whether he’d done too much, or too little, or the way the lace was pressing into his skin under his suit. It was fine. Everything was fine.
Except, when he was putting the bags of takeout on the counter to plate up, then he got self-conscious about the way the lace felt over his hips, around his chest. This was still new, he reminded himself, rushing back to his bedroom. Four months! What was he thinking?! He was gonna scare Bucky off. Sure, Bucky was open to new things in the bedroom, but maybe Tony had to ease him into full lingerie sets that cost more than Bucky’s entire wardrobe. Besides, he didn’t even know if Bucky liked Valentine’s Day. He’d had plans today, after all. Maybe he was only coming up for dinner because Tony thought it was special.
Okay. It was going to be fine. He just needed to change out of his suit and lingerie. He could put on one of his band tees and jeans. Bucky said he liked it when Tony looked… comfortable. Was that a compliment, Tony wondered, movements slowing to a stop. Was it a good thing to be called comfortable? It must be, he thought, hands slowly returning to the buttons of his shirt. Bucky always smiled slow and syrupy at him when he said it. He obviously liked it. Right?
Tony hesitantly glanced in the mirror. He’d decided on a lace bodysuit, figuring a one-piece would draw attention away from the mess that his chest was. It also helped hide the fact that his abs maybe. Weren’t as defined as he would have liked anymore. He unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants down around his thighs, turning to look at the back. Well, at least his ass still looked nice, he figured, frowning. Maybe he should go with the red silk thong instead of the whole… lace ensemble. He could try again when they were further into their relationship, probably. The thong would be fine. Everything would be fine.
“Tony,” Bucky said, sweeping into the room.
Tony spun toward him, surprised, mouth dropping open in shock. Bucky did not typically barge into his personal quarters. Usually, he sent a message via JARVIS or text. He still hadn’t gotten changed. And now Bucky could see everything, from his open shirt to his pants around his knees.
And Bucky appeared to be looking, if his wide eyes and gaping mouth were anything to go on. He was holding a large bouquet, Tony noticed distantly. Pinks and reds and pops of orange and yellow. He hadn’t gotten Bucky any flowers. Should he have?
“Well,” Bucky said, dropping the bouquet and approaching him with long, sure strides.
“Bucky?” Tony asked nervously, shuffling backward.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to take a romantic bath, but I see you’ve got the romance covered,” Bucky continued, as if he hadn’t heard him.
“You’re coming at me very quickly,” Tony squeaked, nearly tripping as his feet got caught in his pant legs.
Bucky’s face took on the focused expression he got when he was fighting, eyes sharp, every movement carefully calculated—predatory came to Tony’s mind. “And you’re going to be coming very quickly,” he told Tony seriously, and Tony squawked when a moment later, he found himself sailing through the air toward his bed.
Then what Bucky said actually registered, and he only had a moment to screech before Bucky leapt on him like a wild animal.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/08/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Alex Sherman; Samson Kayo; Samba Schutte; Rhys Darby Harbringer of Cute; New Valentine's Calendar/Events; Calling all UK Folks for Help with Radio!; Watch Party Reminders! Love Birds!; Articles; Love Notes; Tonight's Taika;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
Well Crew, today was certainly a day. I don't know about you but it sure seems like there's been a LOOOOT more cast activity lately. It's certainly triggered more clownings each day.
= Alex Sherman =
First noteable was our silent supporter Alex Sherman once again out here liking everyone's tweets.
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= Samson Kayo =
Today was #WeLoveSamson day and lots of love was sent his way!
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= Samba Schutte Eel BTS! =
David Fane got bit by a baby eel! Check out the video over on Samba's Instagram!
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= Rhys Darby Cute Monger =
Well Rhys Darby decided to BREAK THE INTERNET today. First off, he has a new cameo -- it's on the far right with 5:34
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Second, he decided to post a video of him and his son at a kitten rescue, where he's being viciously loved by a little grey kitten.
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Please go watch, it's all the serotonin you'll need for like a month: TikTok / Instagram / Tumblr
Of course, that broke everyone's sanity. Here's a few highlights:
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== New Calendars - Valentine's Events ==
#WooAsACrew Calendar! Checkout the upcoming Valentine's Events!
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Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
== #Moonglow Manifesting ==
Something witchy is afoot! In the spirit of our beloved Buttons, let's put the moon to work and manifest what we all want: Season 3 of OFMD!
In many traditions, the growing moon phases are harnessed to visualize and manifest what you hope for.
Channel your inner Buttons if you're so inclined and cast a Moonglow Spell! Post your pics and use the hashtags:
#Moonglow Manifesting
#AdoptOur Crew!
Thank you so @_Irene_Adler on Instagram for posting these!
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== Calling all UK Folks ==
For those of you interested in reaching out to the radio stations! They're looking for some help on with specific songs!
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
Love Birds Watch Party tomorrow! 9 Feb, 2024 9 pm GMT, 4PM EST, 1PM PST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
Our Flag Means Death is Taika Waititi and co at their best – we need more of it
Our Flag Means Death star wore bespoke chest binder after costume designer’s moving gesture
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies, apologies for not having the energy to say much tonight. Been a long day at work and then I got distracted by Taika Butt and Rhys Kittens. I've been saving some of these little pictures for this kind of day so I hope they give you a glimpse into my love for you. Get some rest and see you tomorrow lovelies <3
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== Tonight's Taika ==
Since we've got all the Rhys Cat videos tonight, I think it's time for some Taika Pups gifs.
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sirenjose · 10 months
Your thoughts on the Identity Switch
Thanks to you…. I now really like Norton. I used to hate him because I have a vendetta against people taller than my 4’11 self but now I love him.
on another note, what are your thoughts on the Identity switch system? Looking more into Norton’s background specifically makes me wonder why Norton gets a hunter form. What does this represent? I know that there’s a lot of drugs involved but I always interpreted it as them unlocking a new personality or smth, one more attune to following the manor’s games and supervising it (hunter) and like the other just trying to leave (survivor). I’ve been so interested in Norton’s lore lately that now I’m in an existential rabbit hole in how survivors get hunter forms, why that is, and if it’s like some sort of curse or punishment. Why are these survivors getting hunter forms?
soooo many questions, IK. But like reading your theories and analysis at 3Am is my serotonin. As a new player purely interested in the game for its lore I am just excited to know more but can’t wrap my head around all these weird concepts cause, again, I’m new. Also if I spend the next hour reading more of your analysis I will not sleep so therefore I need to preface my curiosity with a timed endeavor. My question probably do3snt make sense but like uhhh yeaaaaa. You should totally make something on your thoughts on identity switch (especially for the survivors gone hunters) cause I am too far in deep into the Norton-Campbell-Fool’s-Gold-Alternate-personality rabbit hole.
I’ve never done the questioning thingy before so sorry if this is not how it works. G’day!
Ah, it makes me happy to think a nobody like me can turn your thinking around on someone. Especially Norton since he was 1 of the main reasons I got started with the lore at all. I'm someone who usually plays a game based on how interesting the story or characters are, so I was interested in learning about idv's lore soon after I joined (had to take quite awhile to figure out the basics of the game and what all the various buttons were, then take some more time to get used to it before I could even get started with the lore). Was the main reason why I went looking to join places like Discord or Reddit, just so I could find people talking about the story.
Started by just understanding what I could about what people said, but then I eventually moved on to trying to understand at least the basics of everyone's backstories (once again, took me awhile to do that ^_^; Especially as I joined before we were getting all that much story at all). While I was doin this, I heard a lot of people saying bad stuff about some character named Norton. Have to admit I didn't know who he was for quite awhile. Wasn't in my radar. Can't even say I cared much for him. But I eventually got to the point where I basically decided I wanted to see if I could determine if Norton really was that bad or not (maybe as a challenge to myself, maybe because I wanted to find out myself rather than just hearing other's opinions, or maybe because I failed to find anything really in-depth about him).
That analysis took a ridiculous amount of time. In part because I ask too many questions, because I'm a perfectionist and wanted to look at every bit of info on him and detail on him, but also somewhat because I ended up writing this like a persuasion piece, and felt the only way to do that was by going through everything to back up my conclusion (whatever my research turned up). Which was also why I analyzed every single essence he had a skin in, as well as any skins not in an essence, his accessories, emotes, etc... It was during that process I actually got attached to Norton. Probably because of how long I spent going through him (no one needs to know how long it took... only the immense joy and desire to collapse I had when I finally finished).
Since then, I've rewritten his analysis... 3 times now I think? Counting after hunter norton's release? Though I've taken down that 1st version due to issues, and haven't reposted my essence analyses as they're old (they were pretty much the 1st analyses I wrote, and I'd like to think I've improved since then) as well as because they're based on the 1st version of my norton analysis... and because they're probably a bit needlessly long and thus embarrassing... Maybe I'll repost them once I get around to rewriting them. I definitely will eventually at least for Soul Catcher's and Magic Item Keeper's essence because I have to say they took longer than almost any other part of that original (complete) norton analysis (i can never forget the trouble they caused me over how long it took to understand them).
ANYWAYS! Ignoring my stupid rambling because who cares about any of that.
I was going to include my answer to your question about Identity Switches but it’s starting to become a little silly in length ^_^; (seriously, for those who know me well enough, I have a bad habit of writing more than I initially intended to once I get started) so I’ll make that a separate post for you, and you can let me know if it answers your questions (once I post it). If not, feel free to ask any more of your questions.
Honestly, the lore is confusing even to those who aren’t new players, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t wrap your head around a lot of this ^_^;
It’s hard for me to imagine my stuff is so good people are willing to read it, much less re-read it. Especially as I know people tend to prefer… shorter things, but I have tendency to be lengthy. I can’t help it though ;’) But thank you so much for the compliment.
And please, I’m still pretty new to Tumblr, so I’m still figuring all this out myself.
Anyways, don’t feel nervous talking to me or asking me any questions you have. I enjoy being helpful! So please, ask whatever you like. Or even if you don’t have a question, that’s ok too. I enjoy rambling about a subject I get started on, as long as the other person can bear with me ;’)
 It’s always nice to know people besides me, myself, and I are reading this stuff.
(Apologies for any errors or nonsense in this post, as I decided to write it without double checking it for errors cuz I felt like being lazy, and I'm still busy writing out my thoughts about Identity Switches for you)
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ao3feed-xicheng · 1 year
Because You Are All I Know
by minttcm Jiang Cheng prides himself in his adaptability, a big reason why he became a web designer was his ability to map things out and know where they fit. It's embedded in code, systematic and no room for error, and it runs so well on the outside. He knows all the buttons, his whole self is a map filled with a barely working supply of serotonin, self-defense mechanisms and other such joyful wonders. Lan Xichen was a lot of things. He was born as a Lan then a first son and then later on the older brother. As his consciousness grew, he was the role model. Then he was the student council president, and then he became a close friend of somebody and also someone's first love. Lan Xichen was everything except himself. Six years ago, Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen almost fell in love, but what of Jiang Cheng's desire to prove himself to the world— he leaves Xichen, building up his new life from scratch. Six years later fate decides to make their paths cross again as neighbors and with a little bit of movie-marathons, emotional support, dogs, and some overly enthusiastic friends, they both learn that perhaps they don't have to need something in order to deserve it. Words: 23010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Niè Huáisāng, Jiāng Family (Módào Zǔshī), Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán Relationships: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén Additional Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, jiang cheng has a cute dog, jiang fengmian is an asshole here, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Teacher Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Mentions of WangXian - Freeform, Pining, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, neighbors to lovers, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, imagine meeting your situationship after 6 years something like that via https://ift.tt/DfugOSl
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Oh, my dear Ollie hello. How have you been?
Just wanted to say that you never fail to amaze with your fics. Not sure once have I thought that a simple notification could bring so much excitement. Your masterlist is already top tier and you still manage to set the bar higher each time you hit that post button 💖
Thank you for creating a place where I can disconnect and get the needed serotonin 😊 you're highly appreciated
Hello beautiful! I'm very well thank you 💕 I'm keeping myself busy trying my best to pump out as many fics as I can before I go loopy on painkillers and anaesthetic 😂 and I got a new tattoo on Wednesday so I'm in a good mood every time I look at it.
To hear how much excitement it brings you makes me so happy! That's what I love about sharing my work with you all and motivates me to keep going (even if I do have a slump every now and then) ♥️ so thank you for the continued support, it is really appreciated from me too!!
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brainbuffering · 6 days
New Forms of Story Telling and the Notion of Wasted Time
For the past year or so, I have been unable to play on my Switch. I didn’t own a TV, and my tremor caused by Functional Neurological Disorder meant that I couldn’t manage controllers. Yet recently I managed to save up enough money to buy a new TV, and a couple of second-hand controllers with better grip design and larger buttons that have made playing far more accessible for me! Not only this, but because my TV is now an OLED it has reduced the amount of flicker that was a worry because I have become more photosensitive in the last year too. 
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So you would think this was a win! I can play Pokemon! I can play Ace Attorney! I can play Tears of the Kingdom! Games that have a huge impact on nerd culture and bring me joy to play. Especially since Video Games have clear narrative structures and goals which helps give me a serotonin boost of a task complete. 
Then why do I feel so guilty playing these games? Completing games that I own SHOULD be a good thing! I should feel as though I am effectively crossing things off my list. That I am not wasting money by letting them just sit there. Yet my desire to keep on playing these games makes me feel as though I am wasting time. I’ve convinced myself that I need to be doing something more intellectual with my time than trying to fight off robots with nothing but a tree branch to win a magic orb.  
We definitely seem to have created a hierarchy of storytelling, with Video Games somehow near the bottom. In terms of cultural respectability, it sits above Love Island but well below Hamlet. As a society, we value a notion of serious academic prose above all else in terms of respectability. Shakespeare is seen as the absolute pinnacle of respectability, when in reality it’s just as bawdy and bloody as anything you’d see today. After all, even Shakespeare thought “I fucked your mum” jokes were the height of comedic insult! (Titus Andronicus, Act 4, Scene 2). We refer to the Odyssey and the Iliad as THE Classics, stories worthy of serious academic study in their own right, when the constant gory battle scenes and eternal questing makes them no narratively different to most Video Games. 
Narratively speaking, The Twelve Labours of Hercules are just a series of fetch quests and timed missions. How is Hercules having to capture the Ceryneian Hind any different to Link having to capture a Stalhorse? What makes a deer with golden antlers more worthy of literary respect than the reanimated skeleton of a horse? Fundamentally, the only difference is that reading The Twelve Labours of Hercules is a passive activity where you have no control over the narrative, with no say in the method Hercules uses to capture the Hind – meanwhile in The Legend of Zelda, you are the one in control of Link and you are the one responsible for completing the quest. Despite both stories having a fixed narrative of capture and reward – in The Legend of Zelda how you go about solving the quest is up to the individual. 
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Many people argue that Video Games are “mindless”-- they don’t require any thought or skill. Yet in reality, all gamers know this is simply not true! From Tetris to Doki Doki Literature Club, puzzle solving has always been a key part of video games. Puzzle Solving is vital for Brain Health, they’re especially recommended for adults with signs of early dementia. Anything that helps engage the brain in complex thinking is, medically speaking, an absolute positive! However, because the nature of the puzzle doesn’t come in an approved format, it is automatically dismissed by the broader public as having no value. 
Like all Disabled Queers, I’m absolutely opposed to the notion of upholding a social construct. I am of the firm belief that Video Games are art! They have creative value and are just a new form of storytelling that comes in a long line of narrative evolution.
“The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth…” is a quote that could have been said today, but is in actual fact from a 1771 letter to a “Town and Country” Magazine! Society has always been criticising young people consuming media. Today if you told your parents you were off to see The Barber of Seville you’d be praised for your dedication to the arts and intellectualism, yet in the 1770s you might as well be saying you’re planning to spend all night playing the new Dragon Age. 
If I can acknowledge all of this, then why does my ever increasing Manga TBR pile fill me with the same sense of guilt felt by a pile of incomplete maths homework? I think that it comes down to the notion of productivity. When reading a manga, I can write a review about it. I can produce an article. I can engage in relevant media criticism that is relevant to my degree. Meanwhile, when playing video games, I never have anything to add to the conversation. I’m usually always late to playing them so the hype has all but gone, and even when I do get it the same time as everyone else, I usually fall far behind everyone else very quickly. So I feel as though I have nothing useful to contribute to the conversation other than screen recording my various epic fails. 
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This doesn’t diminish the fun I’ve had! But I think it does create a different level of expectations. I am bad at video games and this is a shameful thing because I cannot financially benefit from them. I am good at reading and writing and therefore spending time on perfecting this skill is worthwhile, as it may lead to later financial compensation. Even if I’m just reading about the trial and tribulations of being a heterosexual teenager with a crush, it feels as though the act of reading has far more overall value. There’s a slightly arrogant part of my brain that thinks others can benefit from my expert opinion on the subject of comics and art. 
Fun isn’t allowed to come into it. Everything I do has to have some sort of net benefit to my career and well being. It’s the idea that if I can’t one day make money from it, it doesn’t matter. If I can’t turn a hobby into a job then I shouldn’t have the hobby to begin with. And it’s funny, because in writing this blog post, I am doing just that! I am applying my critical thinking skills to discussing the notion of what art is. My Critical Historical Studies teachers would be proud. But it is also kind of sad that I felt I had to write over 1400 words to make the hundreds of hours I’ve poured into Zelda feel worthwhile. 
I set myself reading targets this year based on my previous achievements. Last year I read a book every day and I assumed that I could easily do it again. I am very much not reading a book a day. It’s creating such an intense, sometimes paralysing, sense of guilt within me for not living up to an expectation that only I have myself to blame for. In reality, I’m actually being significantly far more productive than I was last year! I go outside every day. I’m starting to write professionally, with one article published and two more commissioned in the works! I’ve even begun to take up cycling with a local disability group! In all ways that matter, I am getting back to a happier and more balanced life. That’s the goal I need to work towards, not making sure I have all the boxes ticked on Storygraph! I need to understand that happiness is far more important source of self-fulfilment than any other arbitrary notion of success.
More importantly, I need to allow myself to enjoy things for pure fun again, and that includes spending forty minutes on the character creation team trying to make my character look the most Gender as possible. And not spending a week writing, planning and researching a blog post to give me an excuse to feel as though questioning parrots in court is a noble and intellectual thing to do.  
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oganicmagicshroom · 1 year
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Buy magic mushrooms online
Buy magic mushrooms online. You’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety for far too long. The dark clouds have lingered for what seems like an eternity, and you’re desperate to find a ray of sunshine. Well, get ready to brighten your day and open your mind with psilocybin from Organic Magic Shroom. This trusted psychedelic dispensary offers 100% organic magic mushrooms and other psilocybin products to help you overcome your mental health issues in a natural yet potent way. With microdosing capsules, gummies, chocolates and more, Organic Magic Shroom has everything you need to start living life in color again. Why waste another day feeling blue when relief is just a click away? It’s time to turn your frown upside down at Organic Magic Shroom. Happiness awaits!
How Psilocybin Mushrooms Can Help With Depression and Anxiety
Have you been struggling with depression or anxiety dont know where to Buy magic mushrooms online? Psilocybin mushrooms could help lift your mood and ease your worries. Psilocybin is the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms that can positively impact your mental health.
Organic Magic Shroom offers organic psilocybin mushrooms and products to help you overcome depression and anxiety. Their mushrooms are grown in a controlled, sterile environment and tested to ensure high quality and potency. When you microdose with their psilocybin capsules or gummies, you’ll start to feel lighter and happier as your negative thoughts and worries fade away.
Psilocybin enhances neuroplasticity, allowing new neural connections to form in your brain. This can help break cycles of negative thoughts and make it easier to develop healthier thinking patterns.
Psilocybin increases connectivity between different brain regions, enabling a freer flow of emotions and cognition. This can give you a fresh, more positive perspective on your life and situations.
Psilocybin stimulates the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. This boost in mood-regulating chemicals alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety, leaving you feeling good.
Why live another day weighed down by depression or anxiety when Organic Magic Shroom offers an all-natural solution? Their psilocybin products can reconnect you with joy and inner peace. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and freer you feel after microdosing with their mushrooms. Happiness is only a dose away – visit Organic Magic Shroom today and overcome your depression and anxiety. Life’s too short to feel down, so choose to feel better with the help of psilocybin!
The Science Behind Psilocybin as Treatment for Mental Health Conditions
Have you heard the exciting news? Psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, is showing promising results for treating depression and anxiety. Several recent studies found that psilocybin can significantly improve symptoms and may even lead to remission of the disorders.
Isn’t that incredible? This natural fungus could help provide relief for millions suffering from these debilitating conditions. The science behind how psilocybin works is fascinating. When you ingest psilocybin, it activates certain serotonin receptors in the brain that can alter your mood and perception. This leads to changes in brain connectivity and blood flow in regions involved in emotional processing and higher-order thinking.
The results? Feelings of openness, optimism, and insight. Participants in studies report a sense of connection and oneness. Their entrenched negative thought patterns are disrupted, allowing for a refreshed and more positive perspective. The effects seem to last long after the psilocybin experience ends. Some describe it as hitting a mental “reset” button.
The research is promising, but psilocybin is still illegal in many places and not approved as a treatment. However, as the body of evidence grows, attitudes are shifting. Several cities have decriminalized psilocybin, and compassionate access programs are allowing some patients legal access to psilocybin-assisted therapy. The future is looking bright for psychedelic medicine!
Overall, the early research suggests psilocybin could be a game-changer for mental health. If approved, it may provide a natural alternative to antidepressants and traditional talk therapy. The opportunity to experience deep insights and reconnect with oneself gives hope to many. Psilocybin deserves an open and honest discussion so we can understand its full potential as a treatment. The truth is, it could help a lot of people find inner peace and healing.
Overcoming Treatment-Resistant Depression With Psilocybin Therapy
The Power of Psilocybin
You’re about to discover how psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, can help overcome even the most stubborn cases of depression and anxiety. Psilocybin therapy is proving to be a game-changer for those who haven’t found relief from traditional treatments.
Numerous studies show that psilocybin can rapidly and significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. In one study, over 80% of participants showed significant improvements in mood and anxiety just two weeks after a single dose of psilocybin. The effects lasted up to five weeks for some. Psilocybin appears to work by disrupting negative thought patterns and enabling new neural connections in the brain.
How Does Psilocybin Therapy Work?
During a psilocybin therapy session, you ingest a controlled dose of psilocybin capsules or mushrooms under the guidance of a trained therapist. The therapist stays with you for the 6-8 hour experience to provide support. Psilocybin alters your senses and perception of the world, allowing you to gain a new perspective on your thoughts and behaviors.
Many people describe the experience as emotionally intense but profoundly meaningful. You may gain insights into the root causes of your depression or anxiety and find new meaning or purpose. The psilocybin experience often leads to lasting positive changes in mood and behavior. Studies show the majority of participants still felt the benefits over a year later.
What to Expect From Treatment
If you’re considering psilocybin therapy, here’s what you can expect:
An initial consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate and prepare you for the experience.
1-3 psilocybin therapy sessions spaced several weeks apart. Each session lasts 6-8 hours.
Temporary changes in perception, emotions, and senses. You may experience visual hallucinations, feelings of transcendence, and dream-like states.
Potential challenging moments. With the guidance of your therapist, you can work through difficult emotions and thoughts.
Follow-up integration sessions to help you process your experience and apply the insights to your life.
Ongoing improvements in mood and well-being. Most people continue to benefit from psilocybin therapy for months and even years.
Psilocybin therapy offers new hope for those suffering from depression and anxiety. When administered properly under medical supervision, it appears to be a safe and effective treatment option with long-lasting benefits. Talk to your doctor about whether psilocybin therapy may be right for you. A more joyful and meaningful life could be on the horizon!
Using Microdosing Psilocybin to Improve Mood and Reduce Anxiety
Microdosing psilocybin mushrooms is an exciting new way to boost your mood and ease anxiety without the psychedelic effects of a full dose. When taken in small amounts, psilocybin can have subtle yet powerful benefits for your mental health and daily life. Let’s explore how microdosing “magic mushrooms” may help you overcome depression and anxiety.
Start Low and Go Slow
The key is to start with an extremely small dose, about 0.1 to 0.5 grams of dried mushrooms. This amount is too little to cause hallucinations but may be enough to elevate your mood and spark creativity. You can always work your way up, but start low. A scale that measures down to 0.01 grams is ideal for precision.
Find Your Sweet Spot
Once you start, pay close attention to how you feel. You may need to experiment a bit to find your “sweet spot”—the perfect tiny dose that helps you feel good without causing any psychedelic effects. Many people find 0.2-0.3 grams is ideal, but see what works for you. It can take 30-60 minutes to feel the effects, so be patient. You can microdose 1-2 times per week, with rest days in between.
Track Your Progress
Keep a journal to record how you feel on microdosing days versus rest days. Note any positive or negative changes in your mood, anxiety, focus, creativity, and sociability. Over time, you should start to see patterns emerge and find the right schedule that benefits you most. Microdosing isn’t a “quick fix” but rather a long-term strategy to support better mental health and personal growth.
Additional Tips
Try microdosing on a day off from work first to see how it affects you before using it on a workday.
Stay hydrated and eat healthy, nutritious meals. Your body and mind will appreciate it!
Get some light exercise like walking or yoga. Microdosing may give you an energy boost, so take advantage of it.
Connecting with others can be especially rewarding on microdosing days. Call a friend or engage in an act of kindness.
Avoid alcohol and cannabis when microdosing. Psilocybin is best used on its own.
Microdosing magic mushrooms is a safe, natural way to boost your mood and ease anxiety. By starting low, finding your sweet spot, and tracking your progress, you’ll be on your way to overcoming depression and anxiety with the help of psilocybin. The future is bright!
Experience the Benefits of Psilocybin in a Safe and Controlled Setting at Organic Magic Shroom
Experience the Magic of Psilocybin in a Safe Space
You’re in for an incredible journey of self-discovery and healing with psilocybin from Organic Magic Shroom. Their guided psilocybin experiences provide a safe, supportive environment to explore your mind and make meaningful connections.
Organic Magic Shroom offers psilocybin in a range of forms, from classic magic mushrooms to microdosing capsules, gummies, and chocolates. Their products are 100% organic, sustainably sourced, and lab-tested for purity and potency. You can start with a low dose to gently open your mind, or dive deeper with a high-dose psilocybin experience. The choice is yours!
Discover Your True Self
Psilocybin has been used for centuries as a tool for spiritual enlightenment and insight. Now, a growing body of research shows it can help relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Psilocybin works by altering your brain’s default mode network, allowing you to see yourself and the world from a new perspective. This can lead to profound realizations and a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose.
Heal Mind and Body
The mental and physical health benefits of psilocybin are vast. Many people report decreased feelings of stress and worry, as well as reduced inflammation and improved gut health. Psilocybin may even stimulate the growth of new neural connections in the brain. When taken in a controlled setting with the guidance of a therapist, psilocybin can help you work through trauma, negative thought patterns, and other mental blocks.
Connect With Something Greater
For many, psilocybin evokes a sense of connection to something bigger than themselves. You may feel a deep connection to nature, the universe, or a higher power. This experience of unity and shared consciousness can lead to positive changes in attitudes, values, and behavior. Psilocybin provides a glimpse into the profound interconnectedness of all beings.
A journey with psilocybin is a gift. Organic Magic Shroom provides the safe, legal access to this gift so you can rediscover your joy, heal your pain, and reconnect with the wonder of existence. The magic awaits! Let Organic Magic Shroom guide you home.
FAQs About Psilocybin Mushrooms and Other Psychedelics From Organic Magic Shroom
Have you been curious to try psilocybin mushrooms but have some questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as “magic mushrooms”, are natural fungi that can produce psychedelic experiences. While they may seem mysterious, we want to demystify them and provide answers to your most frequently asked questions.
Are psilocybin mushrooms legal?
Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal under federal law, but some cities and states have decriminalized them. But we ship to all locations without boundaries or any problem.
How do I take psilocybin mushrooms?
The most common ways to take psilocybin mushrooms are:
Eating them whole or mixed into food like chocolate. This produces effects in 30 to 60 minutes that last 4 to 6 hours.
Brewing them into tea. The effects come on faster in 15 to 30 minutes but may not last as long.
Grinding them up and encapsulating them in pill form. This also has a quicker onset but shorter duration.
Start with a low dose of 0.5 to 1 gram your first time, and have a trusted guide with you. Never drive or operate heavy machinery after taking psilocybin mushrooms.
What effects will I experience?
Psilocybin mushrooms produce a range of psychedelic effects including:
Heightened senses (visuals, sounds)
Spiritual insights
Euphoria and bliss
Feeling of connection with nature
Altered perception of time
The effects can be highly variable between people and experiences. Make sure you are in a safe environment with trusted companions.
Are there any risks?
While psilocybin mushrooms are considered physiologically safe and non-addictive, there are some risks to be aware of:
Anxiety and fear (“bad trips”)
Nausea and vomiting
Accidentally taking too high a dose
Interacting with medications you’re on
Impaired judgment that could lead to unsafe behavior
To minimize risks, do plenty of research, have a guide with you, start with a low dose, and avoid mixing psilocybin mushrooms with other drugs. By taking appropriate precautions, you can have a safe and meaningful experience.
Let us know if you have any other questions! We’re here to provide helpful information and high-quality psilocybin products. The journey awaits!
Products Offered at Organic Magic Shroom – USA’s Most Trusted Psilocybin Dispensary
When it comes to the wide range of psilocybin products offered at Organic Magic Shroom, you’ll be thrilled by all the amazing options to experience the magic of mushrooms! This trusted dispensary carries the highest quality organic mushrooms and mushroom-infused products to help you tap into your creativity, gain new insights, and overcome depression and anxiety.
Organic Dried Mushrooms
The classic way to enjoy the benefits of psilocybin. Organic Magic Shroom offers a variety of organic mushroom strains like Golden Teacher, B+, and Penis Envy. Simply eat the mushrooms raw or add them to food for a tasty trip. These dried mushrooms are 100% organic, pesticide-free, and hand-picked.
Microdosing Capsules
For those interested in the cognitive and mood benefits of microdosing psilocybin, Organic Magic Shroom carries microdosing capsules in various strengths. Microdosing with mushrooms has been shown to boost creativity, improve focus, and elevate your mood. These capsules make it easy to find your optimal microdose and stick to a regular schedule.
Mushroom Chocolates
If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll love Organic Magic Shroom’s mushroom-infused chocolates. They offer dark chocolate bars infused with your choice of mushroom strains and various psilocybin concentrations. Simply break off a piece of chocolate and enjoy the delicious taste of mushrooms and cocoa. These chocolates provide an easy, tasty way to experience the magic of mushrooms.
Mushroom Gummies
Another tasty option, mushroom gummies are infused with psilocybin from organic mushrooms. Chew a few gummies for a mood and mind-altering experience. Organic Magic Shroom’s gummies come in a variety of flavors like blueberry, watermelon, and mango. They’re also available in different psilocybin strengths to suit your needs.
With so many amazing psilocybin products to choose from, Organic Magic Shroom is your one-stop shop for experiencing the life-changing benefits of magic mushrooms. Place an order online today or visit their dispensary locations for premium organic mushrooms and mushroom products. The magic awaits!
Reviews and Testimonials From Clients Who Found Relief From Psilocybin Therapy at Organic Magic Shroom
Amazing Relief From Severe Anxiety and PTSD
“I have suffered from severe anxiety, PTSD, and depression for over 15 years. After just one psilocybin therapy session at Organic Magic Shroom, I felt an immense sense of inner peace and calm that I had never experienced before. The psilocybin allowed me to gain a new perspective on my mental health issues and see that there was hope and healing. I was able to release years of pent up trauma and negative thought patterns. The compassionate facilitators at Organic Magic Shroom created a safe space for me to embark on this journey. I am forever grateful for the healing I received. My life has been transformed.” – Mary S., California
Finding Purpose and Meaning Again
“After struggling with treatment-resistant depression for decades and trying over 20 different medications without success, I had lost all hope. The psilocybin therapy at Organic Magic Shroom was a last resort, but it ended up saving my life. During my session, I was able to reconnect with my inner self and remember what it felt like to feel joy and meaning again. I gained a profoundly new outlook on life that has sustained me for months. The psilocybin unlocked something in my mind that allowed me to heal in a way that traditional antidepressants never could. I feel alive again thanks to the compassionate care I received at Organic Magic Shroom.” – John T., New York
A Life-Changing Experience
“As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life, my psilocybin experience at Organic Magic Shroom was life-changing. I was able to release old ways of thinking and tap into a deep sense of wisdom and peace within myself. The facilitators created an atmosphere of safety, trust and comfort. I felt completely supported throughout the entire journey. Psilocybin has given me a new lease on life. I have a renewed passion for living with less fear and more joy. My relationships have improved, and I have a deeper appreciation for life. I am so grateful I found Organic Magic Shroom.” – Jessica P., Oregon
The life-changing experiences of these clients speak for themselves. Organic Magic Shroom provides a safe, legal, and regulated environment for people to heal their minds and transform their lives through the power of psilocybin and compassionate care. There is hope and healing for those suffering from even the most treatment-resistant conditions.
You now have the knowledge and means to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The organic psilocybin mushrooms and other products available at Organic Magic Shroom provide a natural yet potent way to explore your mind, address mental health issues, and find greater meaning and purpose. What are you waiting for? Take that first step today to overcome your depression and anxiety through the healing power of magic mushrooms. A new world of insight, creativity, and inner peace awaits you. Let Organic Magic Shroom be your trusted guide to unlocking your full human potential. The future is bright – go out and seize it
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reddedredemption · 2 years
Such a nice lobby yesterday… Maybe except the first one where everybody left after I played as seeker. Don’t blame them, though, I was more shocked than my crewmates and went berserk. Like, a dog-spooked-by-fireworks berserk.
I got this role immediately when I logged in after about a week of non-playing;
I didn’t watch any videos about this new mode except the official trailer (big mistake);
Also when I realised I was on Polus, it was too late.
And most lobbies played on the Skeld! Surely I could’ve taken care to look at the maps assigned to each lobby, but noooo, I just jumped straight into it thinking “Nah, it can’t be more terrifying and soul-racing than the original.” I prepared for a quick jog around the Skeld – with great music, by the way, really inspires to let it all out and sort of free yourself of chains that have been restricting you for a long time and finally just murder people – but then I saw falling snow and purple soil and that I kinda have zero idea what I’m doing?..
Why is my character being exposed as impostor before the start of the game?
Why is it falling drunk on the ground?– Oh, no, it’s just a little cute monster. Me.
All that excitement only to end up being stuck figuring out how to open decontamination doors. I managed to kill most of my crewmates somehow, but the timer just ran out while I was still in medbay.
I think I refurbished that tiny hospital into a morgue unintentionally... I don't think any of those poor souls were prepared for the seeker to spend the whole game in one location. I mean, it was convenient – for me– they were all running in packs into me pretty much asking for it and I just didn't see much reason to bother going outside. Just like in real life, save the first part. Nobody runs into where I am. And I don't kill for it usually.
See? It’s the map. Map make me lose. Map stupid. Not me. It’s all your fault, Polus.
On a serious note, the controls. I got stuck in medbay because I couldn’t open the decontamination doors with my usual keys and because Polus is stupid. Also spamming Q button while on death timer bring so much excitement into my life that I might’ve been distracted by the sheer outburst of serotonin that blinded my brain.
I already saw people flexing in chat that they were on the seeker win streak, you know, "the usual things pro gamers talk about", meanwhile after I left the first lobby where all people left at once after playing just one game with me as seeker and ran over to another because I literally killed the first one – like, players-wise, I literally killed it, it died after I played only one game – it was so good, and crew was so supportive and non-toxic, except I never got seeker again.
But I was pretty good tasking and escaping the seeker. I got solo survivor twice, and close calls with a bare minimum of survivors, so it was… Not fun, but I feel like it opened some of my chakras that need to be reaaaally shaken to spiral out on my new wave of addiction to Among Us.
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letkanatasayfuck · 2 years
hello i have not stopped thinking about how fucking funny it is that BAE is the one group who uses English the most in their music so here are some of my fave English lines in their songs (with brackets for romanized/translated japanese/korean words!! and romanization used where the sentences change grammatically to keep the lyrics' og flow!!)
"[then] OK JUST PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON LOCATE [connect to the] PARTY": this part was SO good like allen being smooth with it instead of so harsh and rough like he usually is and it's so much fun to sing bc of it!!
“MUSIC MAKE US HOT LIKE PICASSO”: hajun i love you but what the FUCK does this mean. i have no clue!! but it's so catchy!!
"everything you can imagine is real . . . like [paradise and] CHILL": as long as we're on PARADISE lyrics. i LOVE this one. especially how hajun's voice dips really smooth near the end UGH it's like asmr for me
"play button [hitotsu de] hit yo groove": another high quality PARADISE line!! as you can tell i am biased for this song!!
"[everyone] how you doin' WHAT'S UP!": okay this one is SO funny bc it sounds exactly like how'd you expect a guy who speaks only one language trying to combine two and it's just. god. normally they're so on point with their flow but something about this makes me lose my shit
"every scar will build my throne": i just think this metal as fuck and i would totally throw it into a fantasy setting. god bless you hajun i'm just so sorry i know what your scars are :'))
"oh yeah we're feelin' good, [look] it's like an [antlions' trap]": this is just more blatant appreciation for how fucking smooth hajun is. just. <333
"no struggle no progress, we can make it happen": look everything about wavin flag is fucking powerful but i LOVE how anne sings this with so much confidence and self-assurance. like. what the fuck. and this is only like. THREE SECONDS into the song
from "never look back going all the way up (]burning with passion, attack on] PLAYER)" ------> "BAE SOUND HIT THE GROOVE": ALL OF THAT AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN HAS ME FUCKED. THE RAMP-UP. THE ENERGY. HAJUN GOES SO HARD AND DOES IT SO WELL. and allen is a fantastic assist too LMAO
on that note??? the ENTIRETY of anne's chorus makes me lose my shit every single time. i've got "[GET UP] STAND UP NEXT STAGE, [BECOME THE WIND] WE ARE THE NEW AGE" implanted in my brain. like. WAVIN' FLAG is hardcore and i love it for that
EMBLEM is another one where the chorus goes hardcore and i can't just break it all down . . . like how they go from "MY EGO MY EGO" in english and match it with lyrics that phonetically sound the same in japanese but still add meaning to the song??? THAT WAS A FUCKING POWER MOVE. WHAT. THE COINCIDENCE OF THAT BEING WHAT THEY NEEDED. SAW THE OPPORTUNITY AND GRABBED IT IN A CHOKEHOLD.
“BANG! gonna blow your ass”: absolutely adore this one. it’s so distinctly allen in that it’s got explosions and cursing and it’s a threat. like. allen. baby. please. i would prefer my ass NOT blown up but also!!! i support you!!!
"you can't stop me lovin' myself cause i'm so genius (EY)": look i'm sorry but the way allen slides into the "EY" at the end cracks me up EVERY time. he sounds so arrogant and i love that for him!!
also just. hajun's solo part from "some people say i'm wrong" to "i'm gonna be who i wanna be": i fucking love that for him. he DESERVES to be that cocky and unbothered!!! he's had enough shit!!!
special shoutouts go to:
"jumping into my world" bc fuck if it isn't one of the most serotonin-boosting songs i've heard in a while. i love how anne and reo take turns with the build-up to the chorus. it's so catchy and singing along to it cheers me up every single time
"sound of voltage" bc allen's enthusiasm for metaphorical explosions will never not be funny. "can you hear the sound of revolution, we never stop evolution" is such a good line. and the allenkana fuel . . . "enemy enemy [go beyond] you're like my frenemy, suzaku & kanata [mixed together] BOOM chemistry" . . . allen is crushing and he is crushing hard oh my god
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write-like-wright · 3 years
Hi fam I need some serotonin, can I request our favorite Kazoo-mama trying to seduce the reader
One question before we get started:
When you say Kazoo-mama, do you mean this
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or this?
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Pairing: Kazuma Asogi x gender neutral reader
Warnings: improper behaviour, kissing, making fun of Van Zieks
Wordcount: 339
"It's been days since I've last had you in my arms," Kazuma whispers against your ear, arms wrapping around your waist from behind while he presses soft kisses wherever he can reach, gently nibbling on the sensitive skin of your neck. "And this is where you'd like to have me now? The prosecutor's office?! You've lost your mind, Kazuma!" You giggle, leaning against his muscular chest regardless.
"Maybe I have," Kazuma grins, spinning you around to face him. Before you can respond, his hands gently cup your face and he leans in for a heated kiss. "See what being away from you for so long does to me?" He taunts, inching closer when you back away under his hungry gaze. A surprised gasp escapes your mouth when your thighs sharply hit the corner of the grand desk on the other side of the office, making you stumble backwards until you're seated on the polished wood. "Ah, how convenient!" Kazuma exclaims, the fire in his dark eyes burning bright, pupils dilating as he looks you over.
"Kazuma," you gasp out when his teeth attack your skin, dragging across your collarbone before sucking a few marks where your shoulder meets your neck, "What if Dracula comes in?" Kazuma lets out an earnest laugh against your clavicle. If only Van Zieks knew of the deviant behaviour his young disciple was currently up to, perhaps the desk in question would no longer be in one piece. "Lord Van Zieks is meeting with the new Lord Chief Justice, my sweet. Besides," he sucks another mark into your soft skin, just above your neckline, "As far as I know, vampires cannot enter a room without an invitation."
You glance over to the door, deliberating. Oh, to hell with it. "Fine," you whisper, pulling him on top of you, "But make it quick." Kazuma smirks triumphantly, "It's been too long, my love. I'm not going to rush anything." He silences your complaint with his mouth, skilled hands fumbling with the buttons and ties on your clothing.
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tea-stained-notes · 3 years
Steve Rogers x OFC - Waiting On a Miracle, Chapter 1
After catching an infamous serial killer in the act, Julie Castillo is in line for the witness protection program. She is sent to a temporary safe house with U.S. Marshal Steve Rogers to protect her. Both of them scarred by trauma and tragedy, they find solace in each other. But how far will they dare to go?
Okay, kids: This bitch was desperate for a good old-fashioned cabin fic with sad-boi-but-make-him-sad-in-cosy-flannel-Steve and some musical theatre content because all of those things provide me with stupidly much serotonin lol
There won’t be any Steve in the first chapter cause it’s gonna be my longest fic yet and our MC needs a little exposition. She’s also got a name because it makes sense for this story, promise ;)
Final note: I don’t really speak Spanish, so if there’s any mistakes, please let me know. When it comes to accuracy regarding the witness protection program - I’m definitely gonna take some liberties there. This is a merely a silly little fanfic after all lol
Series warnings: violence, death, angst, trauma, smut
Chapter warnings: violence (non-graphic), death, angst
Chapter word count: ~1600 
Song(s) referenced: Breathe (In the Heights)
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“Your morsal surfaces are quite worn down.” “Whua?” I asked. “Do you grind your teeth at night?” My dentist removed her tools from my mouth. “Not that I know of.” She felt my jaw muscles and made me bite down a couple of times. “Does that hurt?” “Uh, a little?” She rolled her chair across the room and hacked some words into the keyboard. “Are you under a lot of stress?” “Well, I am a New Yorker.” I attempted a grin but it quickly died down as she eyed me carefully. “I’m an assistant stage manager on Broadway. It’s not exactly low-pressure.” “Hm. I’m afraid you’re overly tense at times and start clenching your teeth as a result. Try to be mindful of that. We’ll talk about it again next time.” I nodded and she gave me a smile. “Other than that we’re done for today. See you in six months, Miss Castillo.”
I rushed to the subway station. My lunch break would be over over in ten minutes and there was no way I’d make it back in time. At least I had become an expert at weaving through crowds, keeping a steady pace to the low-fi tunes from my headphones. The city was drenched in an unusual heat for early October and the masses of people swarming the endless concrete made it worse. My shirt clung to my back, a mixture of sweat and mascara burning in my eyes. The spicy aroma of burritos wafted through the air and my stomach rumbled. The subway was delayed. Of course. I paced up and down the platform, repeatedly checking the time on my phone. And then I noticed it for the first time - I was clenching my teeth. Hard enough for it to hurt. I relaxed my jaw and absentmindedly rubbed the sore muscles, wondering how I’d never realised this before. My phone lit up with a text from my dad. How are you, cariño? Haven’t heard from you in a while. Call me x I swiped the text away, unclenching my jaw again. Just then another message popped up. Jules, where are you? Samira needs you On my way back, be there in 15 Finally the train roared out of the tunnel. I slid into a seat, closed my eyes and turned up the music.
“Anyone seen Julie?” “I’m here, I’m here!” I huffed out as I sprinted down the corridor towards the stage manager. “Sorry, Sam.” “Everything okay? I’ve been looking all over for you.” “I know, Finn texted me. Just ran late at the dentist. Did you wanna go over the changes from today’s rehearsal?” “Yep, let’s grab coffee first though.” We made our way to the kitchen and I briefly glanced at the free but horrendous drip brew before deciding to splurge on the good stuff. I fed the machine a few coins and pressed the button for a double-shot latte. Samira patted her pockets down for change but couldn’t seem to find any. I rummaged through my own jeans and pulled out another couple of coins. “Thanks, love. You’re literally my favorite person here.” She gave me a tired but genuine smile while punching her order in. “You doing okay?” “Yeah sure. Just… waiting for the weekend.” “What weekend?” “Exactly.” Samira laughed “We need to do brunch again sometime. I mean I really don’t know when on earth I’ll find the time, but we’ll work something out, okay?” “Definitely sounds like you could use to vent a little.” “Again, you’re my favorite.” She reached for her coffee. “Let’s get started then.”
I was dead tired when I shuffled upstairs after the show, but couldn’t bring myself to go home where my roommate and her girlfriend were most likely giggling at one of those low-budget horror movies they loved to watch. If I couldn’t be alone at home, I’d rather be alone among a million strangers. Just when I was trying to decide on a place to eat someone threw an arm around me and I flinched but quickly recognized the waft of sweet cologne. “Hey bestie, wanna get dinner?” I smiled up at Finn and slung my arm around his waist. My friend’s company was the only one I could tolerate on a night like  this. “Burritos? Been craving those all day.” He grimaced. “With my IBS? Have mercy.” I laughed and elbowed him gently. “Gross.” “Let me take care of the wigs right quick and then we’re off, okay?” I sat in the corner while Finn organized his work station for the next day, mindlessly scrolling through social media. My eyes caught on the blinding grin of an old theatre friend in full costume. Can finally reveal the big news: I’m the new Fantine at the Imperial! Catch my first show on January 15th! ❤️</i> A sharp pain flashed through my jaw and I quickly released the tension before shoving the phone into my pocket. “Ready? I’m starving.”
We took the subway to 175th Street, then grabbed a bean burrito for me and a box of fried noodles for Finn. “Eat on the bridge?” He groaned, but I pulled him with me while he tried to manoeuvre some noodles into his mouth. A few minutes later I leaned against the railing with a sigh and looked down at the pitch black Hudson. Hundreds of lights were glistening on the heaving river below us, the bustle of the city a little softer in the evening breeze. In moments like these I still thought New York was beautiful. How the countless towers stood clear-cut against the sky. How everything flowed in an age-old choreography. There was something about the city that wouldn't let me go, that after all this time somehow still held promise. “Did you see?” I mumbled as I unwrapped my burrito. “Hae’s gonna be in Les Mis.” “Yeah. Good for her.” “Of course. We love to see a Chinese Fantine.” I took a bite and chewed carefully until I felt Finn’s eyes on me. “What?” “How much longer do you plan on doing this?” “Huh?” “Envying others and yet doing nothing about it?” I swallowed hard. “I’ve got a good job.” “And yet you’re still here, doing the whole ‘Just me and the GWB asking, ‘Gee, Julie, what’ll you be?’’” I couldn’t help but grin. “God, your singing is terrible.” “Yours isn’t.” “Stop.” “Not until you stop hiding in the shadows when you should be in the spotlight.” “God, you’re so dramatic.” My face fell at the seriousness in his gaze. “You’re not over it, Jules, you never will be.” “Well, I’ll have to be.” I rubbed my jaw as I stared back out onto the river. We finished our food in silence but my appetite had vanished.
“I’ll walk you home.” “You don’t have to.” I zipped up my coat and wound a scarf around my neck. The day’s heat was long forgotten and in my exhaustion I was freezing twice as hard. “You sure?” “It’s just a couple of streets, I’ll be fine.” Finn hugged me tightly. “Text me when you get there.” We parted ways and I put on my headphones but was met with an empty battery sound. Sighing, I shoved them back into my bag. The street I turned onto was deserted and I glanced at my watch. Almost midnight. A sudden shiver ran down my spine and I picked up the pace. But just as I passed a dark alley something in my periphery made me stop dead in my tracks. A sharp glint. Like metal. A muffled cry. A person crumbling to the ground. I was frozen to the spot, unable to turn my eyes from the horrific scene barely fifteen yards away. I had just witnessed a murder. An actual fucking murder. My heart was close to giving out, my entire body dipped in ice and fire. And then he looked up. His face was half-obscured from his hood but it burned itself into my retinas. Light, almost translucent skin, dark beard, a jagged scar across his cheek. Only when he moved towards me did my legs finally spring into action. I stumbled, almost fell, then started running like it was the last thing I’d ever do. Maybe it would be. His feet hit the concrete behind me. Close, too close. Pure, unbridled panic flooded my veins but I only pushed on harder. I refused to die like this. Not tonight. Not when my life had barely even begun. As I rounded the corner, the lights of a familiar bodega flashed from across the street and I almost sobbed in relief. A breath later I pushed through the door, screaming at the family cleaning up. “Ayúdame! Help me! Please, please!” “Qué pasa?” the mother gasped, subconsciously opening her arms and I flew into them, like she was my own mom and could still protect me from all the horrors of the world. “He’s following me. Un asesino.” “Asesino?” She actually wrapped her arms around me and I snivelled into her soft cardigan. “Félix, asegura la puerta!” Her son was already halfway to the door and I spun around, just catching the dark figure across the street. He stared at me for another second, then turned on his heel and vanished into the night. I collapsed onto the floor as the family surrounded me, trying to calm and interrogate me in a wild mix of English and Spanish. But all I could do was stare at the chipped tiles, silently rocking back and forth and feeling dead certain of two things: He would recognize me. And he would come to find me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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pyrten · 3 years
Post about Tumblr etiquette and basic stuff that I'm trying to make as entertaining and colourful as possible because I have the attention span of a stick and if I saw long paragraphs like this too, i would go " I will scroll ".
Part 2: here you go. it’s very short, i think. 
CW! Twitter discourse (indicated, Techno's boundaries being broken. sleepytwt disbanding??, it's short, don't worry).
Hi hi hello to you all coming from Twitter after whatever the fuck happened. Sit down have a drink, take a sip, have a cookie (...cept for chocolate chip, those are mine). It's pretty safe here as long as nobody drags in the cousin we all dislike.
Tags, hashtags, not shopping tags.
We use the tags as a filtering system, basically. Like stuff about:
Tubbo in general? #tubbo .
Stuff about character Tubbo? #c!tubbo / #c!Tubbo .
Stuff about content creator Tubbo? #cc!Tubbo / #cc!tubbo.
etc. etc.
We try to keep positive stuff in the main tags (in general tags), occasionally there will be stuff about Twitter or negativity about them but generally, as far as I've seen, they aren't heavy, or they are but they're pretty solid arguments that aren't like, loud, yelling, or gives off that vibe, I suppose.
#cw!__ / #tw!__ / #neg!__ / #__ crit+ more can be tagged if needed or requested (as in, if the tag isn't already there). Depends on who runs the blog. Whether you need to send in a ask, or just reply to the post, or DM. Up to the person to runs the blog.
-- if there's more I'll add, when I think of them later --
Reblog button my beloved
I'm not : hey I study the algorithm I know shit!
But IG and Twitter runs on likes / retweets. Tumblr runs on reblogs. yeah, yeah, that small button that's like, circular next to the heart.
Looks like recycling, something the government failed to incorporate well. Looks like the recycling symbol doesn't it? yeah it just lacks one arrow and it's not a triangle.
Liking posts? Great that's nice buddy, thank you (not /s)
Reblogging? Mmmmmmm THATS THE SHIT. SEEING THAT IN MY NOTIFS? serotonin. absolutely.
please, it's like the one thing that's keeping this platform afloat and information / works spreading. also it helps spreads the post. Liking doesn't do much, most it does is be a bookmark just so you can look for that post later.
"but I don't want my blog to be flooded with stuff I reblog!" No, no, dude (gender neutral), that's how you get people to follow and find your stuff. You really worried about people being annoyed, can't find what you actually post? Refer to part 1, tags as a filtering system. Make a reference post or whatever, pin it to your profile or make a Carrd, link that stuff. If people are really that lazy to go to the hashtag, doom scrolling works for them.
Filtering, yes great mechanic.
Filtering, now, this isn't for other people to find your stuff and save them time of scrolling. It's somewhat related to the tagging system of Tumblr but it's for yourself this time, very cool.
- Gear icon. Top right corner of your profile.
- Account settings.
- Filtering.
Two options : tag filter and content filter.
Tags filter is self-explanatory. You enter the tag you don't wanna see, and done. You'll never see that tag, or any posts that have that tag again.
Content filter filters posts with certain text content. Certain- as in the text you've entered, and decided you never wanna see em.
Congratulations, your eyes didn't lose HP today.
Bruh when was this posted.
Haven't used Tumblr on a laptop for a while, but I'm pretty sure it says, uh somewhere.
But on phone:
Three dots. Top right of the post.
There it is, like, rightttt there, above that rectangle pop up thing, there's the date. Have fun seeing how dead some blogs are.
My post is getting drowned :(
Uh, reblog your own post or pin it to your own profile. That works.
So does the post drowning and disappearing into oblivion. Tapping a button requires a lot of work and if ya don't want to, shruggie.
Ayo, if you're gonna justify something about someone or any situation, be specific and as clear as you possibly could, if you mess up a little with your argument, that's fine. Edit button is a pencil on the post, you can make another post or reblog the OG post to clarify.
Use tone indicators. There are neurodivergent people on this platform, like, every platform basically. Save us some worrying and head scratching.
Use the tone indicators, and don't use them as a joke (unless it's between like close moots, and your uh following gets it then yeah I suppose that's fine, but clarify in the tags would be great).
Typing out /insert_acronym_here isn't a time consuming thing. ( A simple Google search of Reddit tone indicators can give you a list if you need it ).
Last thing I can really think of is: the hashtags is where all the short hot takes, that good shit, is.
Not just in general, in posts too ;) .
also why are people on Twitter spreading the #kick____ with saying that you shouldn't do that. Your intentions are great m8, but uh, ಠ◡ಠ that's a... It's a method.
k welcome to tumblr. Each app has their like etiquette, this is Tumblr's or the most I can think of. no you can't have my chocolate chip cookies, have a good stay.
I'm going to bed like man, I'm sleepy. (Also since people is coming in because of like, the stuff related to SBI going on twitter, gonna mainly tag that. Hope that's chill)
Also, it's Ramadan. claps, Ramadan Mubarak, have a good one y'all. (whispers hey, hey send some love to fellow Muslims, hope you're doing well.)
15/4/2021 , 6.42 PM --- Filtering (new section)
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mickeytheticklee · 2 years
Dreamcatcher: 7 soft lers but are too stubborn to admit it
My apologies if this comes out inaccurate
Jiu: Golden Retriever ler
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The golden retriever type ler
Kinda likes tickles mixed in cuddles
Yk the type that would leave you cuddling in a blanket but soon laughing to death bc she's tickling your neck
Is very much the type to show pda in public and tickles you whenever the cameras are rolling
Like how in Dreamcatcher's self made MVs there's literally a scene of you getting tickled by her
Isn't rlly the tickle monster type, would say her being a big teaser covers it up
“Baby, if you lie to me I'll sit on you and tickle you for eternity."
Likes giving you neck, back, and tummy tickles because she likes to trick you during massages
Showers you in affection before tickling you for about an hour
Unrelated but you two sleep in the same bed and you both have matching tickle nicknames on your guy's phones
Sua: Hyper but evil
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No wonder why you two get along so well, you both are energetic
But thing is she tickles you to make sure she's not bouncing off the walls
Plays tickle monster with you frequently
Loves it when you sit on her lap so then she can tickle your armpits
But let's be honest, her armpit tickles are pure serotonin
Constant fights with Yoohyeon because she wants you and your ticklish armpits to herself
Then ends with you being tickled by the both of them
The type to tickle your feet and won't stop until you apologize for what you did
Her secret weapon is knowing where your belly button is even in baggy clothing
Literally loves tickling your belly button like that is her major obsession
Siyeon: Calm and collective but evil
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Siyeon isn't actually that scary, she's just the only one who never says her tickle thoughts out loud
A lot of what she does is so random
Her literally stopping practice to give you a big raspberry on your stomach and then goes back to dancing
But she likes being unpredictable so you can be on your toes a lot
The overall belly is the spot she truly loves
A lot of y'all say Sua is evil when Siyeon always does five raspberries in one sitting AND SOMETIMES DOES MORE
But both of them do share their love of belly buttons
Will evil stare her way into some belly tickles
May seem cold but in reality Siyeon is a huge cuddly softie
Who happens to tickle you before you go to sleep to mess with you
Handong: A girl with a lot of secrets
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Apart of the unpredictable duo, only thing is she isn't scary
Has the cute habit of tickling you when she wants to say good news
It isn't a small tickle she fr tickles you for ten minutes before saying the good news
Before was apart of the lee line of Dreamcatcher but then liked knowing a lot of information on tickling people
How did she know that the digging at the bottom of your toes made you laugh like a maniac? Stay tuned
But she's insane for realizing the back of your legs were ticklish like she does not need to know THAT
You two bonding is her tickling you to where you can't get a word in
“Thats right, I did change my hair color today."
A lot of what Handong learned is from seeing you get tickled by Yoohyeon and Sua
Is apart of the rare genre of girls who might have a secret Tumblr
Yoohyeon: Friendly ler
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But I would say she's cuddly too
The type to talk to you while ur sad and then ask to tickle you
Then gets so excited when you say yes
But just because she's friendly doesn't mean her skills are
You know it's dangerous when her fingers start to trickle down to your belly in ten seconds
“Ten nine...321 go!!"
A violent tickler but is extremely good at tickling your ribs
A girl of class who always counts your ribs
Actually counts them all if you count them with her
Will and can tickle you for hours if you aren't happy yet
Dami: Everyone's secret weapon
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Fits the genre of girls who pretend to not be interested in tickling
Yea not interested....then gets involved in tickle fights to help you lose
The one time where you had a tickle fight with Sua and you lost because Dami tickled your feet
Then spent 20 minutes tickling you after that
It's very rare to see that side as Dami isn't the affectionate type
But she is the type to tickle you if she's annoyed with you
Or tickles your side so you can lose a video game
Also gives off that evil stare, but you can't pouty face your way out of it
Also a deadly hip tickler
Despite the evilness she sometimes sleeps beside you and kisses you when your asleep bc she loves you (aww)
Gahyeon: Acts like a lee type ler
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When y'all both act the same but it's because you are both switches
Another girl who acts like a puppy
Not because she's clingy but she whines whenever she wants tickles
Then she becomes a happy person when she gets to poke your tummy and squeeze it while kissing ur cheek
Couple goals / couple tickle fights too
Gets easily jealous and acts cold when it happens
But then you cheer her up when you wear her crop top and she tickles you in her crop top
Tickle hugs
Tummy and neck nuzzle kinda girl with the addition of tickling your arms
Ur fav gf (kidding but not rlly)
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arrowflier · 3 years
heyyy ! so, could you write a fanfic where after the wedding gallavich svetlana comes back and she and ian become besties? I would love to see them go shopping and doing stuff together.
and i need to say i love everything you write, your account is pure serotonin
The knock on the door came early in the afternoon, when both of them were half asleep on the sofa trying and failing to watch the newest big action movie.
"You get it," Mickey groused from his position with his head on Ian's lap, burying his face against a broad, boxer-clad thigh. Ian didn't reply.
The knock came again, louder and more insistent, and he rolled so he could glare up into Ian's face. "You not fuckin' listenin', man?" he grumbled, snapping his fingers to get the other man's attention. "Get the damn door."
"Kinda hard with you on top of me, Mick," Ian replied easily, barely lifting his own head from the hand propping it up from the side of the sofa. Ian grinned when Mickey cursed, and swatted at his back when Mickey finally gave in a rolled to his feet.
"Yeah yeah, I'm comin'!" Mickey yelled when the knocks just kept coming, stumbling toward the front door and rubbing his tired eyes.
"If it's that new fuckin' neighbor again, I'm gonna kill her this time," he muttered just loud enough to hear, smirking at Ian's sharp laughter as he threw open the heavy wooden door of the apartment.
"What's with all the--" he started, then trailed off when he saw who it was.
"Racket?" he finished in a whisper. Because there, right in front of him, outside his safehouse that he happily shared with his husband away from their families and their pasts, was the second-greatest reason he almost never got to have any of it.
The whore had come home.
They stood there watching each other warily until Ian came up behind him, peering past him to see who was in the doorway. The hand he casually placed on Mickey's hip tightened when he registered what he was seeing.
"What..." he mumbled, taking the door out of Mickey's frozen hand to open it wider. "Svet?" he questioned disbelievingly when it only showed her more clearly.
"Hello orange boy," Svetlana greeted, not unkindly, before turning her gaze back to Mickey. "Worthless ex-husband," she said more flatly. "We must talk."
A week later, Ian reassured Mickey one more time before leaving for the evening.
"This is good, Mickey," he promised, coming up behind his husband where he was 'not primping, that's gay Gallagher' in front of the hallway mirror.
He wrapped his arms around Mickey from behind, and pretended not to notice the way Mickey breathed out heavily and leaned back into him. Instead, he just stroked a hand over the line of buttons on Mickey's shirt, and pressed a kiss to the back of his head.
"You're just gonna spend some time with him," Ian murmured. "Get to know him a little bit, yeah?"
Mickey didn't say anything, but Ian didn't bother to fill the silence. He knew his husband better than that.
"What if he doesn't like what he learns?" Mickey finally asked, voice hushed. "About me, I mean."
Ian spun him around so he could look directly into his eyes, wide and faintly wet.
"He will," Ian said simply. "But if he doesn't, well." He shrugged. "I guess Svet kills both of us."
That got a choked laugh out of Mickey, and then they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
For the second time in a week, Mickey went to answer it.
This time, it opened not just to Svetlana, standing there in a fashionable dress and a stern expression on her tastefully painted face, but to a young boy with a head of wispy blonde hair and two familiar, ice-blue eyes.
"Hi Yevgeny," Mickey managed, voice little more than a croak.
The boy gazed up at him solemnly, silently. Then his lips quirked up as he said, "Hi dad."
"You think this is good idea, orange boy?" Svetlana asked Ian as they left the building a few minutes later. "Ex-husband was never good with child."
Ian shook his head as he held open the door for her, following her out onto the street.
"I wish you'd stop calling him that," he told her. "He's my husband now, after all."
He glanced at her as he said it, and was surprised to see the barest glimpse of a soft smile on her face before it dropped away again.
"Yes," Svetlana admitted. "What he always wanted."
Ian couldn't suppress his own grin.
They walk in silence toward the shopping center down the street, Svetlana's fancy heels clicking on the pavement as Ian own worn shoes scuff along beside her.
"He's changed a lot, you know," he offered abruptly as they waited for streetlight to change at the corner. "Since you knew him."
Svetlana eyed him until the signal changed, then took off across the street.
"I know this," she tossed out over her shoulder. "Or Yevgeny would not be here, desire to know father or not."
Ian could respect that. He jogged to catch up, halting with Svetlana when she stopped in front of a storefront.
He looked up at the sign, confused. "What are we doing here?" he asked. "Thought we were grabbing a bite while Mick bonds with the kid."
"We will eat," Svetlana promised. "But first, I shop." She took a moment to look Ian up and down, a calculating glint in her eye, then smiled almost predatorily.
"You shop too," she decided. "Give my--your husband nice thing to look at."
Ian flushed as she turned and entered the store. He stood awkwardly outside, eyeing the display, until a woman walking by in the other direction gave him a disgusted look. Then he shook off his nerves, and followed Svetlana into the lingerie store.
"I cannot believe you bought!" Svetlana giggled as the climbed the stairs to the apartment two hours later. "Sales lady could not believe either!"
Ian snorted, a small bag swinging from his hand as they exited the stairwell. "What she couldn't believe was how good it looked," he boasted. "Did you see the way she kept looking at me?"
He unlocked the door as he said that last bit, and it opened to reveal Mickey's scowling face.
"The way who looked at you?" he asked immediately, and it sent Ian and Svetlana into a whole new chorus of giggles.
They only quieted when Yev's voice came from further into the apartment.
"Daddy," the boy called, "is that them? Are they back?"
Mickey coughed, rubbing his mouth as his ears turned red at the moniker.
"Uh, yeah kid," he answered gruffly.
"Did you ask them yet?"
Mickey rolled his eyes.
"No, not yet, let them get in the fuckin' door first." He sounded annoyed, but Ian could see that he was flustered.
"Language," Svetlana admonished as she pushed past into the entry. Ian offered Mickey a smile and a quick kiss as he followed, tossing his bag on the little table by the door. He shook his head when Mickey looked at it with a raised eyebrow, and mouthed later.
"Ask us what?" Svetlana got right to it.
"Uh," Mickey tried to start, but didn't get a chance when Yevgeny came barreling in from the living room.
"Momma!" he squealed, latching himself onto her leg. "Daddy says he was gonna watch a movie with Ian, can we stay? Can we?"
Svetlana dropped a hand to his head, smoothing through blond curls. She looked at Mickey, who was clearly nervous, rubbing his neck and trying not to meet her eyes. She looked at Ian, who was trying not to show how much it meant to hear Yev refer to him by name, like he remembered who he was.
Then she looked at Yev, happy and free, with no knowledge of the ever-present trauma between the adults of the room, just staring up at them all with his heart in his eyes.
"Yes," she answered. "Yes, I think we can."
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