#nebulizer machine for adults
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dangermousie · 8 days
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In a narrative full of people who should have known better and reaped what they so incautiously sowed, this lady wins the grand prize.
And for no good reason but to score some nebulous points for her ego.
Yeah, yeah, she has no time machine, she doesn't know this is one of the future most famous kings of Joseon, known for both his skill and his ruthlessness BUT BUT BUT here is what she knows:
This is the most capable of YSG's sons
He already loathes you for replacing his mother's place
He is there to take you to safety or you and your kids would die
Your kids are tiny. You are a woman in a society where women do not go into battle. Any strife between you and a full grown battle hardened man with his own army is gonna end not well. Especially since the other adult children of YSG's are gonna be out for themselves not assist you
She was never gonna get Bang Won to like her, but to set his back up for no good reason is insane.
His reaction is so...him.
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This is SO GOOD because you know he kills them later in the fight for the throne.
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The way he throws that "mother" at her.
The thing is - it's a terrible, uncertain time of civil war and who knows what after; in a society that does not hold with primogeniture (though if it did it would not help her), with there being plenty of enemies gunning for her and her kids without adding their terrifying half brother. LIKE WHY WOMAN WHY
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This is a drama that got me to root for a man slaughtering his family, sorry not sorry.
(blah blah bad in rl don't do that at home, but you are not a 14th century warlord so I think it's unlikely that scenario will arise.)
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eyedoeluhn · 2 months
the portrayal of Aisha in BCF is, to say it concisely, awful. It’s not a surprise, BCF is (in my opinion) a terrible fic, but it manages to, at this point in the plot (108.1) managed to make every character it seems end up in a far worse position than where they normally would’ve been in canon. Which goes the same for Aisha, who is part of our main character’s, Joe’s, squad.
Before she’s folded into Joe’s team she’s a sexually aggressive ‘fast’ girl who harasses Joe by flirting with him and following him around the Laborn’s gym which he frequents.
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Apparently her favorite hobby is this because it’s basically all we get about her from the other people at the gym too!
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thanks Joe I really loved reading that. It’s my favorite part between the bits where the gym guys console poor baby you about how they’re so sympathetic about you being harassed by a child. This isn’t even my specific point I just wanted to mention this is how they meet. Anyways, after this Aisha triggers and having worked out Joe is a cape, follows him to his workshop. Through CF shit he makes a focus that boosts and allows her control of her power and makes a workaround for him, and she’s now ‘part of the team.’ Her welcoming ceremony is his sentient fashion thing dragging her away to dress her ‘properly’. Don’t worry, she dresses modestly and tastefully with Joe’s guidance!
now as a member of his team Joe does not treat Aisha like the child she is. Not in a ‘you can do work’ way, he speaks to her as if she was a fully emotionally mature and stable woman. This includes sharing his problems with her, all the time. Aisha admits to herself that as the team takes form shes been shoehorned into becoming the emotional cornerstone as the only ‘normal’ human. The fact that she is 13 years old and is explicitly shown to have not aged during time dilation and only ‘matured’ nebulously and experienced most of her time within the workshop makes it worse. She’s also too mature to date a boy her age by word of god apparently.
Why is this guy in his 20s going to a 13 year old about his problems? In her interlude she even directly states she’s using skills she used to deal with her mothers abusive boyfriends to handle Joe.
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this is just like, actually sad. Why is the 13 year old the one in charge of managing this adult man who has a licensed therapist’s mental health. Joe does not find this concerning or does not enough to take any measures to stop Aisha from feeling responsible for him or attempting to administer care. When Joe is having a difficult (for him) call with his family who he is estranged from due to his trigger event and traumas involving them, Aisha is the person to check in on him
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Naturally Joe’s first and really only concern about this is that Aisha is annoying him by prying. There’s really no attempt from Joe to do anything but occasionally shield her from physical harm. He constantly discusses his issues with her and leans on her emotionally while only really gifting her items. Which is where most BCF fans cry, but she’s getting all that cool tinkertech and personal teaching! I don’t think this terrible relationship should be tolerated just because she’s managed to get some fun stuff. Joe shouldn’t be bribing a child to give him reassurance. This is frankly exacerbated by the giant, insurmountable power gap between them which goes beyond an age difference. Joe is perfectly capable of constantly surveilling Aisha, seriously harming her, altering her mental state (arguably he’s done this before) and a myriad of awful things that Aisha just has to take on his word that he would do. It’s less funny when he jokes about putting nano machines in her to keep her from doing things he doesn’t want her to do when he could at any time.
It’s not a parental relationship, it’s not a mentor mentee, at best it’s a toxic codependency where Aisha is not treated her age and really any positives to this are because the author wants Joe to seem sympathetic despite everything. for Aisha, honestly, this is extremely fucked up
why are you like this, BCF.
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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oscillatingmadness · 7 months
Cycling and E-bikes, my thoughts
I'm a cyclist. I have been for more than half my life.
There are 3 kinds of cyclist. Four motivations.
Three kinds of cyclist ride for Fitness, Competition, and Transportation. The fourth motivation is joy. The joy of riding. The joy of being out on a trail, a seawall, a boardwalk, and riding slow and taking in the sights. Pretty much all cyclists have this, it's often a bigger motivation, but a more nebulous one, not often a reason to be a cyclist, just to ride a bike.
I'm what's referred to as a "super-commuter." I ride my bike almost exclusively from point-A to point-B. And for all of my life I've done it in all weather (snow wind storm what have you) as my sole or primary mode of transport, even when a car or transit is available.
When I hear people complain about E-bikes it's always, "They're too fast, and they don't even pedal." "Back in my day..." type arguments.
E-bikes to me are about accessibility and transport density. (I have a rant about the need for ~35 kph max speed regulations but that's another post).
An e-bike enables basically 1 thing in my mind. It enables folks to ride without exertion. Which, if you ask "Why, isn't that the point of cycling," you've missed the whole point of the bit above."
Joy is universal, if riding's not enjoyed it won't happen. Fitness, Competition, and Transportation are the remaining motivators. Only two of these require exertion, competition and fitness.
E-bikes are not here to make folks fit. E-bikes are here to enable living with less requirement of a car. They enable able-bodied folks to get to work and not need to shower. They enable kids to get around the city without relying on adults (a huge need for a teen that is getting harder and harder). It enables on-demand higher transportation density, about 6 times higher than car, similar to the space effectiveness of full occupancy buses. It enables folks who can't, won't, or aren't comfortable needing a 2-ton death machine. And by proxy, it helps deal with isolation. When you're on a bike, and other folks are on bikes you actually see them. You're no longer in a city of glass and steel boxes, cut off from the world, cut off from experience.
I've never seen a cyclists road rage against each other, enough to stop. I've only seen motorists in their little prison boxes get so incised and heated in their little oven box that they come out steaming.
We need the infrastructure though. Gutter lanes don't cut it. If bikes are going to become a favored mode of transport in a city, a town, they need dedicated infrastructure. Else it's never going to go above 10%. Even Vancouver where I've spent the last 10 years barely hits 6% ridership, #10 most cycling friendly city in NA. Almost all it's infrastructure is share lanes, though the increase of bike-ways and 1-way car 2-way cycling funnels towards major thoroughfares has been making it a lot better.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'Where to start when profiling such a talented and charismatic actor as Andrew Scott? How about the fact that, aside from some youth theater workshop experience, this Dublin-born actor has had no official drama training? At 17, he was cast in a substantial role in an Irish film called Korea and, from there, joined the prestigious Abbey Theatre company in Dublin. His move to England in the late 80s corresponded with small parts in British, Irish, and American films and TV series and paved the way for his career to take off.
Among other projects, Andrew Scott appeared as an extra in Saving Private Ryan's Omaha Beach sequence, as well as several guest starring roles in British TV series like Garrow's Law and Foyle's War. All in all, he spent the first decade or so of his career building a solid body of work that would soon catapult him into pop culture stardom.
Let's take a look at some of Mr. Scott's iconic characters and lesser-known projects.
Sherlock (2010 – 2017)
Who can forget when Sherlock first revealed the character of Jim Moriarty to audiences in "The Great Game" episode? Scott played Mr. Holmes's famous nemesis as a deranged mastermind with a playful sing-song creepiness and a palpable presence of malice. He won the Best Supporting Actor TV BAFTA for that role in 2012.
The Bachelor Weekend aka The Stag (2013)
Some may have missed the delightful indie comedy, The Stag, about a group of friends who set out on a hiking excursion in the Irish countryside. Mr. Scott leads the ensemble as Davin, the groom's best man, in charge of their mild-mannered weekend. Their plans are wholly upended when The Machine (Peter McDonald), the bride's laddish brother, crashes the party. Lest you expect an Irish Hangover clone, emotional confrontations ensue between Davin and our groom, Fionnan (Hugh O'Conor), when unresolved issues from their past rise to the surface.
Pride (2014)
The feel-good, historical dramedy Pride depicts a group of London-based lesbian and gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the Welsh miners' strike in 1984. Scott plays Gethin, owner of a gay bookshop, who lends support to the group but hesitates to get actively involved due to his experiences as a gay youth coming out in Wales. He earned the best supporting actor trophy for his performance from the British Independent Film Awards.
Spectre (2015)
Once an actor is lauded for playing a baddie well, you have to expect the 007 franchise will come calling. In the 24th Bond film Spectre, Scott played Max Denbigh, aka C, Director-General of the Joint Security Service, an organization created by merging MI5 and MI6. While at first his disagreements with M (Ralph Fiennes) seem to be internal power struggles, it turns out C is a danger to democracy worldwide.
This Beautiful Fantastic (2016)
This Beautiful Fantastic is a quirky fairytale for adults and tells the story of Bella (Jessica Brown Findlay), a young woman who aspires to be a children's author but lacks the skills to navigate her out-of-control garden, let alone her nebulous career. Befriended by a kindly chef/housekeeper named Vernon (Scott), Bella begins to conquer her issues and blossom into the person she wishes to become. The film also stars Tom Wilkinson as Bella's gardening mentor.
Denial (2016)
A biographical legal drama, Denial depicts the libel case brought against American professor Deborah Lipstadt (Rachel Weisz) by Holocaust denier David Irving (Timothy Spall). Mr. Scott plays Anthony Julius, the lead solicitor of Deborah's legal team, who guides her through the UK justice system and their arduous path to obtaining justice.
1917 (2019)
In the innovative war drama 1917 (which starred a who's who of British talent), two English soldiers run a harrowing gauntlet through enemy territory to deliver a message that could save the lives of over 1500 troops. Along the way, the young men meet up with a handful of officers who help them on their journey, all played by respected British actors, including Messrs. Cumberbatch, Firth, Strong, and you guessed it – Scott. His portrayal of Lieutenant Leslie stands out a mile for its humor and hopelessness.
Present Laughing (2019)
Mr. Scott garnered theatrical acclaim for his performance as Garry Essendine in Present Laughing, a semi-autobiographical piece by Noel Coward performed at the Old Vic. Farcical in tone, the play depicts the harried life of a successful and self-obsessed light comedy actor facing an impending mid-life crisis. Andrew won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Play.
Fleabag (2019)
Andrew Scott's name may have been synonymous with Moriarty until the world witnessed his portrayal of a character known only as "Hot Priest" in Fleabag. In the second season of Phoebe Waller-Bridge's award-winning dark comedy, Scott was introduced as the cleric who would be marrying Fleabag's dad and his fiancé. The couple has an immediate connection at the dinner table, and a trinity of friendship, spirituality and physical attraction ignite throughout the six-episode season. Scott's contribution was perfection!
This is only a brief sampling of Andrew Scott's work and impressive range...'
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icharchivist · 1 year
Yeah, you're right and you raise a good point
Belial and Beelzebub and everyone aren't human
Ferdinand is just a guy
And he isn't trying to just to nebulously"destroy the world" either, from what we know, his machinations involve a lot of tangible and understandable suffering for named characters
Which also makes a lot of difference
Not to mention Belial is just really sexy and Ferdinand is not. Those tits can do no wrong in my eyes
Right??? right???
i actually had a lot of thoughts about all of this so excuse me about it:
like it's kinda paradoxical in a sense, when an enemy isn't human and the goal is as nebulous as just "destroying the world/overthrow god" and stuff, it feels more mythical, and in some level, it doesn't work with human logic.
of course i love reading Belial and Lucifer as brothers, for instance, but on paper they're two creatures who were created at the same time by the same creator, who also never lived a normal family life, were born as adults with their own set of thoughts and were always used as tools. It removes a lot of the elements that comes into play when talking about realistic depiction of siblings, for instance, and it becomes difficult to hold them at the same standards, especially since they never called themselves siblings even once.
it just doesn't work with human logic, like i said, greek gods logic. it's mystical in a lot of sense. Of course it also doesn't lessen the suffering caused, especially the ones the primal beasts went through because of Avatar, but it's unrealistic in a sense. it's the human centipede horror compendium that only exists in fiction.
but Ferdinand... is human. he's just a guy. While there seems to be a plan to "mock God" on the long term, while they do seem to be working a machination to face God himself and stuff..... ultimately his actions are much more personal in general. And real.
When Sandalphon threw Islands in the Crimson Horizon in his destroying the world rage, it was material, it was intense crazy destruction, but it was a fantasy one. So fantasy that they could retcon later that he didn't kill anyone out of threwing the islands in there because they managed to evacuate before that. The damage is material at best.
But when Ferdinand uses his pawns for his plan, he hurts people extremely intimately.
Child abuse due to issues at school because you have learning difficulties, and the idea of a professor pushing this to happen? is not a fantasy.
what happened to Shannon is perhaps a bit more fantastical, but it's not unrealistic either.
That's why i compare it to a Cult Leader/Serial Killer. Ferdinand grooms kids, and then use them later, but he has no problem killing people in horrifying ways, especially if it allows him to strengthen his hold on actual, vulnerable people, who end up doing his bidding
you look at Ragazzo's first appearance in Feather's FE, and you know this guy has commited murders in Navis' name. In Ferdinand's name. while everything else we learn about Ragazzo, especially via his relationship with Fiorito, and his reluctance to actually kill Feather, is that he's not the type of person who would do this type of things normally.
When Sariel is the same: an executor who can't resist the orders given to him, he's in a situation where there are greater powers influencing him in carrying this bidding. The murders is all he's ever known, there's nothing else for him to question, he was MADE for this. Him realizing he doesn't like the chains is another level. But Sariel's situation isn't humanly realistic in a sense. It's not like it was taught to him. He was born this way. His desire for free will comes in this specific context that is different from a human one.
But Ragazzo was made this way. A normal kid turned killer, turned into a weapon, because of the very human need for affection.
And i think there's also really this shift in genre also, of the mystical, the Mythology VS the horror, especially the psychological horror.
the wmtsb gang is a creation myth gang. Belial and Lucifer are just another Cain and Abel, a brother killing his own kin for the love of a God who favoritize his sibling, only to be hated by God once discovered. Or Seth and Osiris, with Seth dismembering the brother he was jealous of and throwing his limbs in the river. It's horrible, it's horrifying, it's the acts of Godlike individuals who take their beefs to a whole other level.
When Ferdinand tells Tikoh "you're a fantastic doctor. I know it, because that one time i came to see you, you healed me fully, while i would have died otherwise. i'm alive all thanks to you.", knowing that he was testing her that day, and that he went to Shannon's home right afterward, always makes me think of this horror story that ends with "Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn On The Light?" this visceral horror of "you let the monster in". The horror movie feel of the serial killer who's stalking you, following you, setting you up, sadistic not because he enjoys the pain itself, but because he enjoys the torment.
of course it's not fully clear cut: the horror creeps its way on the mythology all the time, the horror can also become mystical in its own way.
But there's a clear different balance in the way one can interreact with characters who indulge in those behaviors, and it's the ultimate difference between a character like Belial and a character like Ferdinand. they basically exist in different genres, and as such, on different scales.
And yeah also the tits plays a huge role in all of that, i'm not denying this one. I still can't believe Ferdinand ended up in the DILF top of the latest DILF off competition whY--
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solasan · 1 year
band name + album + songwriting + change + tattoo + voice + seven for Marnie? 👀
infamous MC questions
TYSM amber
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
they definitely went through a few iterations. rowan fought hard for rowan & the hartettes but was quickly vetoed. they threw around the idea of making some seven-based number joke but couldnt come up w anything they liked LOL. jazzy and iris played around with a few flower-based names, but that didn't Fit The Vibe (bc the vibe is a lil less flowers, a lil more everything on fire).
i think hornet's nest itself was a seven-marnie joint effort? they were playing around with the idea of it for a song n then figured it actually worked better as a name. marnie Very Seriously Considered changing the name after he left, but they'd been established as hornet's nest for two EPs already and had a growing fanbase, so she didnt think the disruption was worth it.
Albums: What are some of the albums the band has released? Are they a consistent style? What themes did they explore?
so gasping was their first EP (the one maya has on vinyl that marnie's super embarrassed about) and that was when they were kind of figuring out their style. probably more punk than grunge rock? kind of them just trying to find their groove. there's a few ethel cain southern gothic style references lyrically and a lot of angsty horrific references to bodies in the marshes outside their hometown (It's Symbolic For Seven & Marnie's Buried Trauma) LOL
i think possibly they released another EP after that but i dont have clear Thoughts on that yet?
then was take cover, which is their final release with seven LOL. leaning more into grunge rock now (heavy guitar & bass sounds, more refined but still intense vocals). this one's pure anarchy bc marnie's fully rejected (and been rejected by) her parents and seven has fewer songs where he's centre-stage so there's a kind of? tension? in some of his songs. lots of rage against the machine type shit. also some more gothic americana, since that's just Their Thing Now
under the bus is next and it's a hate-letter to seven lol no it isn't. there's a couple angry songs abt nebulous betrayal/getting thrown under the bus by circumstance that r juuust vague enough that marnie can feasibly get away with saying theyre not about him, tho 🤥. it's kind of more an album abt growing up than anything, n they definitely have a more mature sound. probably there's smth abt liminal spaces as a metaphor for the Ephemeral Nature Of Youth (And Love) or smth
and then finally there's their most recent album glass houses :) so named bc a few of the songs are rewritten versions of stuff she wrote when she was still living w her parents, n the whole album kind of... deals w the isolation she felt during that time? but from her pov as an adult now? we got references to breaking windows, we got references to being cut off from the world by glass, we got it all. (also forecast fires is on there bc it's a heavily reworked once-sweet love song she wrote abt seven when she was pining years ago, but this time it's abt the inevitability of catastrophe and how knowing what's coming can be like... soul destroying)
Songwriting: What’s their process? Is it different than it was when they used to write songs with Seven?
i'm not sure that she has a specific Process tbh. i think she probably comes up with lines in the shower/bath quite a bit, if only bc she's a shower singer and she likes to experiment. she's gotten into the habit of keeping her phone nearby when she showers so she can peek out of the curtains and write stuff down in the notes app lol. uhh i think tunes come to her before words do; she finds patterns she likes chord-wise and then goes from there?
writing songs w seven was a lot more collaborative obv so yeah it's different!! but also i think she was a lot less critical abt her songs n ideas when they worked on stuff together bc she kind of... always trusted seven to tell her if something didnt work or could be improved??? n now she has to do that herself LOL. it takes her longer to come up w songs without him than it did with him, but i think they're a bit more streamlined and perfected than they were before??
Change: How has their personality changed since Seven left the band? Are those changes related to Seven leaving?
she's still got her humour, which is good, but she's a lot more serious abt the band/their music/their future. she tries to take more responsibility for them now, bc seven's not around to kind of split that with her, and she's stepped into the role of leader bc no one else will? so there's a lot of pressure there, both from herself, orion, and (less intentionally) the band, who have kind of gotten into the habit of turning to marnie for help n advice.
she's also a lot more spiteful LOL. she's generally angrier, if only bc (since she voted to keep seven as a lead singer n not a backup) she rly feels like she didnt do anything wrong to him and it's fucked up that he left. uhhh more trust and abandonment issues than ever <3 which means more self-destructive behaviours!!! party drugs r a big one (she didnt used to rly touch much beyond weed before he left) but also hypersexuality since as someone else who deals w my issues thru vacillating wildly between hypo and hypersexuality i like 2 drop my trauma in there she finds it's a good way to get out of her head (shes always found sex was good for that, even when it was happy n healthy w seven), but then she has some issues around feeling dirty/regretting it, so. :shrug:
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
amber look at me look me in the eyes. thank u so much for askin this one, this one is the one i've been MOST excited for. wuv u.
anyway LOL NO SHE DOESNT. the day she got the news that he'd joined a new band, she went to the nearest studio that took walk-ins and asked them to cover it up. it was very much an unplanned thing; she was angry and hurt and sad and she just... couldnt keep it. having his initials on her — like a brand, like ownership, and she hadnt minded that when he was hers too, but now he's gone and she's still his and she feels pathetic about that — was too difficult. when she walked into the studio she said "i need this covered up" and they said "ok, with what?" and she said
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um eventually she settled on getting a big spider tattoo that kind of curls around her wrist and onto the back of her hand??? its butt is what covers the S.D. specifically. funny thing is that marnie hates spiders and always fucking has, but it was one of the first things she saw the studio offering, and she would literally rather have that on her body than seven. liar. seven also knows she hates spiders lol so he's probably definitely hurt abt that :)
seven keeping his tattoo feels like a mockery to her LOL. there's no part of her that's like oh he kept it bc he loves me, there's hope~ it is ALLLL "he's trying to freak me out". that doesnt mean that a possessive part of her doesnt like seeing it on him, tho, even if she'll deny that to the day she dies.
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
answered here xx
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
answered here
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rudrabrothersworld · 7 days
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Order Now - 7428917004 
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healthcarehubhh · 3 months
The Durable Medical Equipment Market will grow at highest pace owing to increasing Geriatric Population
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The durable medical equipment market comprises medical devices that are meant for home healthcare services including mobility equipment, bathroom safety devices and monitoring equipment. Durable medical equipment helps patients manage medical conditions at home and includes wheelchairs, nebulizers, infusion pumps, insulin pumps, CPAP machines, hospital beds and oxygen equipment. These devices offer independence to patients and relieve their dependence on caregivers for certain medical needs. The demand for durable medical equipment is increasing with rising prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and respiratory disorders globally. The global durable medical equipment market is estimated to be valued at US$ 5,949.9 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the durable medical equipment are Stryker Corporation, Baxter International, Inc. Medtronic plc. Becton, Dickinson and Company, Medline Industries, Inc., Invacare Corporation, Sunrise Medical (US) LLC, ResMed, Inc., Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare, Inc. (Medical Depot Inc.) Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc., and others. Stryker Corporation dominated the market with wide assortment of medical equipment including patient beds, wheelchairs and emergency stretchers. The demand for durable medical equipment is growing due to increasing healthcare expenditure and rising prevalence of chronic diseases worldwide. Technological advancements in medical devices are allowing for home-based remote monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases reducing dependency on hospitals. The continuous increase in geriatric population globally drives the durable medical equipment market as older adults often require assistive devices and home medical equipment for mobility, disabilities and monitoring of medical conditions. Additionally, increasing incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases boosts the demand for durable medical equipment as patients undergo long-term treatment and require assistive devices at home. Technological advancements are allowing integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless monitoring in medical devices which is improving patient care and outcomes.
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medical-supply-store · 4 months
Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach: Your Comprehensive Resource for Quality Medical Home Care Products
When it comes to managing health at home, having access to reliable medical supplies is crucial. The Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach stands out as a trusted provider of essential healthcare products. Whether you’re caring for an elderly family member, recovering from surgery, or managing a chronic condition, the right medical supplies can make all the difference in ensuring comfort, safety, and effective care. This guide explores the various offerings and benefits of shopping at a medical supply store in Boynton Beach, helping you make informed choices for your health and wellness needs.
A Wide Range of Medical Supplies
The Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach offers an extensive selection of products designed to meet diverse healthcare needs. From basic daily living aids to advanced medical equipment, the store ensures that customers have access to high-quality supplies. Some of the key categories of products available include:
Mobility Aids
Mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and scooters are essential for individuals with mobility challenges. These products help enhance independence and safety, allowing users to move around with greater ease.
Bathroom Safety Equipment
Safety in the bathroom is a major concern, especially for the elderly and those with mobility issues. The store offers a variety of bathroom safety products, including shower chairs, grab bars, raised toilet seats, and non-slip mats, all designed to reduce the risk of falls and injuries.
Respiratory Supplies
For those with respiratory conditions, having access to the right equipment is critical. The store provides a range of respiratory supplies, such as oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, CPAP machines, and related accessories, ensuring that customers can breathe easier and manage their conditions effectively.
Wound Care Products
Proper wound care is essential for healing and preventing infections. The Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach stocks a wide range of wound care products, including bandages, dressings, antiseptics, and wound care kits, catering to both minor and major wounds.
Diabetic Supplies
Managing diabetes requires regular monitoring and the right supplies. The store offers an array of diabetic products, such as glucose meters, test strips, lancets, insulin pens, and syringes, helping patients maintain their health and control their blood sugar levels.
Incontinence Supplies
Incontinence can be a challenging condition to manage, but the right supplies can make a significant difference. The store provides various incontinence products, including adult diapers, protective underwear, bed pads, and skin care products, ensuring comfort and dignity for users.
Benefits of Shopping at a Local Medical Supply Store
Personalized Service
One of the standout benefits of shopping at a local medical supply store in Boynton Beach is the personalized service. Knowledgeable staff members are available to assist customers in finding the right products to meet their specific needs. They can offer advice on product selection, usage, and maintenance, ensuring that customers make informed decisions.
Product Demonstrations and Training
Understanding how to use medical equipment correctly is crucial for safety and effectiveness. The store often provides product demonstrations and training sessions, helping customers and caregivers learn how to operate equipment properly. This hands-on approach enhances confidence and ensures proper usage.
Convenience and Accessibility
Located conveniently in Boynton Beach, the store offers easy access for local residents. This eliminates the need to travel long distances or wait for online orders to be delivered, allowing customers to obtain the supplies they need quickly and efficiently.
Quality and Reliability
The Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach is committed to offering high-quality, reliable products. By sourcing supplies from reputable manufacturers, the store ensures that customers receive durable and effective products that meet healthcare standards.
Support and After-Sales Service
Ongoing support and after-sales service are essential when dealing with medical supplies. The store provides comprehensive support, including answering questions, troubleshooting issues, and assisting with maintenance and repairs. This level of service fosters trust and long-term customer relationships.
Specialized Services and Offerings
Rental Equipment
For those who need medical equipment on a short-term basis, the store offers rental options. This includes items like hospital beds, wheelchairs, and mobility scooters. Renting provides a cost-effective solution for temporary needs without the need for a significant upfront investment.
Insurance Assistance
Navigating insurance claims for medical supplies can be complex. The store often provides assistance with insurance paperwork, helping customers understand their coverage and process claims efficiently. This service ensures that customers can maximize their benefits and reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
Home Delivery and Setup
For added convenience, the Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach offers home delivery and setup services. This is particularly beneficial for larger items like hospital beds and mobility equipment. Professional delivery and setup ensure that the equipment is installed correctly and ready for use.
Customized Solutions
Every individual's healthcare needs are unique, and the store offers customized solutions to meet these needs. Whether it's tailoring mobility aids to fit a person's specific requirements or providing specialized wound care kits, the store ensures that customers receive products that are perfectly suited to their conditions.
The Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach is a vital resource for individuals and families seeking high-quality medical supplies. With a wide range of products, personalized service, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, the store ensures that residents have access to the tools they need for effective home care. Whether you need mobility aids, respiratory equipment, wound care products, or any other medical supplies, you can rely on the Medical Supply Store in Boynton Beach to provide the best solutions for your health and wellness needs. For more information, visit Medical Home Care and explore the comprehensive offerings available to enhance your home care experience.
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curekahealthcarestore · 4 months
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Accusure UL Compressor Nebulizer Machine Kit for Adults and Kids 
Accusure UL Compressor Nebulizer is effective for coughing, wheezing, and other conditions. It is suitable for elders and kids.  That Suits for personal and professional use at home and hospital. It also Helps to relieve the cause of respiratory problems.
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drsayanis-12 · 4 months
Must-Have Home Healthcare Products: A Guide to Healthy Lifestyle
In our modern-day hustle and bustle, it's easy to overlook the most important aspect of our lives: health is our constant partner. Progress with the daily routine, maddening work days, and never-ending duties, which almost always disregard the need for us to be taken care of ourselves. Nonetheless, health comes first, and it has something to do with enjoying and having a meaningful existence.
Although the situation may seem challenging, it is worth noting that, thanks to the tremendous progress of medical science and 24/7 access to home health care products, you can take control of your health in a new way. 
In this blog post, our focus will be on selected important home care products that assist you with monitoring, handling, or improving your health in your familiar ambiance. From tracking vital signs to pain management and general well-being maintenance, they are critical products used by people of all ages to take control of their healthcare at home.
7 Must-Have Home Health Care Products
1. Blood Pressure Monitors
One of the most common silent diseases, high blood pressure (commonly known as "the silent killer"), is experienced by many around the world, from youngsters to older adults, and failure to manage it may expose one to very serious health conditions. At home, with the best blood pressure monitor in your arm, it becomes straightforward to record and identify the slightest changes in your blood pressure levels. The purpose of this proactive approach is immediate, and it can be to ensure the sufficiency of your cardiovascular health.
2. Stethoscopes
A stethoscope is not only a professional caretaking tool but also a basic home care instrument. Everyone should have a stethoscope for each of their homes. You can learn more about heart and lung health issues by taking the recommendation to regularly wear a heart and lung monitor into consideration. The early discovery of any aberrations may greatly help the doctors to offer timely treatment and thus prevent the development of complications in the future.
3. Hot and Cold Therapy
As pain and inflammation are the inseparable partners of our daily routine, be it intense physical exercise, chronic diseases, or injuries, pain and inflammation are the inseparable sides of our existence. Heat and cold therapy products, including joint compresses, ice packs, and so on, are great for diminishing pain, inflammation, and discomfort. Employing these therapies as part of your self-care can help you to curtail treatment and also increase your overall living standard.
4. Nebulizers
For people who suffer from breathing disorders like asthma or COPD, nebulizers are one of the most important medicines' delivery systems, with the ability to go straight into the lung rather than the stomach. An at-home nebulizer machine will then allow you to carry out prescribed respiratory treatments in order to efficiently control your condition and achieve the best possible lung health that you can have.
5. Weighing Scales
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6. Thermometers
Nevertheless, it is not primarily argued that fever is one of the early symptoms of the body when fighting against infections and other diseases, but, in most cases, it serves as a responder. Nevertheless, proof is an important factor for this stage to be leveled and to ensure that the patient is recuperating and that the temperature will not go outside of the safe bracket. That is a highly accurate digital thermometer able to distinguish and keep without any errors the original value of measured temperatures. Would you try a medical approach where lowering the temperature has a deep effect on the fever? Whether this measure is really trying to save your life and health is one of the questions you should ask.
7. Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture is an old technique that has existed since the olden days and has proven its might. It is holistic healing and affects both your physical and mental health. With acupuncture kits being easy to use for home use, they will help you get therapeutic advantages of acupuncture without leaving your home itself. It helps with hypericum and reduces stress. As well, it promotes balance and harmony within the body, offering you the opportunity to develop a good health pattern.
In the end, contributing to the home healthcare market is a way to invest in your life and the lives of your family. It is as if you save your family’s health and your own health. When your home is filled with such pieces of equipment, you get to take proactive steps that, in the end, will shape your health and brighten your future. We are committed to delivering the best quality and reliable products that give you the power to live a healthy life.
Now that I have examined the most important home healthcare devices, I think it is worth considering the impact these gadgets have on our healthcare pathway. Healthcare products like blood pressure monitors and acupuncture therapy kits are great examples of what can be used to help with wellness and put you in control of your health.
Through these household healthcare products, we are not only standing tall against better health but also creating that culture of self-care and personal empowerment at home. We are recognizing that our health is our most important asset, and we are not only treating it that way by increasing our physical activity but also by re-thinking our lifestyles to be healthier as well.
Consequently, make these must-have home healthcare products your friends when you want to achieve a high level of health and wellness with Dr. Sayanis. We offer the best healthcare products for household and basic needs. Whether it's monitoring your blood pressure, managing pain with hot and cold therapy, or practicing mindfulness through acupuncture therapy, we have it all.
Let these instances be a way of remembering that your health is the most prized asset and that, therefore, you should spend more of your time looking after yourself by being proactive in taking positive actions towards a healthier, better-looking future. Get products that meet your needs today at Dr Sayanis!
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ruijng · 10 months
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Medical portable air compressor nebulizer with nebulizador kit
Product Features:
1. Quiet Compressor Nebulizer--The machine is with low a noise oil-free piston motor the sound level is below 55dB, dependable compressor ensures high-performance continuous use.
2. Adjustable Nebulization Rate--The nebulization speed can be easily adjusted by rotating the valve on the medication cup, with high aerosol output for adults and low aerosol volume for children for better treatment.
3. One Button Operation, easy to use--The machine needs no maintenance, simply wipe clean if any water/medication is poured on it.
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