#nebula imagine
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justanotherescapism · 7 months ago
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Being Nebula's first love would include...
Nebula has never being in love before and at first she is terrified of her feelings. All she's known is training and death, so when you come into her life, it hits her all at once.
She would want to ask the Guardian's for help but would feel embarrassed, not used to that level of vulnerability.
You caught on to the fact she had feelings for you pretty quickly but you didn't know how to approach her. Saying one word wrong could ruin things, she was closed off, even with the Guardians.
Nebula would always be in your space. If you were in a room, she just so happened to be there. If you were fighting in battle, she'd be next to you, making sure you were okay.
The other Guardian's figure you both like each other, and try various tatics to set you up. Leaving you both alone to 'guard the ship' on a peaceful planet.
You'd steal touches from each other, brushing elbows and holding hands to help each other into different parts of the ship. Everytime there was a moment where neither of you would let go.
Eventually, you couldn't take the pressure anymore and would admit your feelings in a long rant, leaving Nebula speechless. When she didn't reply, you walked away, thinking she wasn't ready.
But then she'd grab your hand and she'd tell you that she liked you yet she was scared. She had never done this before.
You'd reassure her that you would take it slow and you'd learn together.
Then you'd plant a gentle kiss on her lips, and softly place your hands on her cheeks.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years ago
Imagine when nebula has feelings for reader she goes up to him pins him to the wall yelling "what did you do to me"
Nebula slams Y/N against the wall…
Nebula: what have you done to me?
Y/N: done what?
Nebula: I can’t stay away from you. I find myself thinking about you so often.
Y/N: uh Nebula-
Nebula: I find I don’t want to leave your side. What did you do to me?!
Y/N: I think that’s called love. I love you
Nebula: oh…I love you as well
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skylarinfinity · 2 years ago
nebula: [decided to mess with m/n] have you heard joke about the gaslighter?
m/n: [look at nebula confused] ...no?
nebula: yeah, you have.
m/n: no, i haven't.
nebula: [smirking] you're literally heard it already.
m/n: [pout] no! i haven't!
nebula: yes. you. have.
m/n: [in a verge of tearing up] i don't know what are you talking about!
nebula: [raised an eyebrow] you're acting a bit crazy right now joseph.
m/n: [crying] it's m/n!
nebula: [in dark voice] no, it's not...
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tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket
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midnightmayhem13 · 2 years ago
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You're all i wanted
a/n this idea has been in my head for a while nd i'm tryna fill up the nebula x reader tag🩶 love my tall emo girl so here's some angst
summary: love wasn't ever easy. especially when nebulas embarrassed of her love for you and treats you like shit on the bottom of her shoe
nebula x reader; mean nebula, also mean guardians gamora x nebula, gamora x reader (platonic) angsty with a happy ending; just nebula with her soft girl
nebula had caught your eye ever since you two met. having to take nebula in for gamoras sake, you couldn't help but fall in love? you didn't understand, well you did i mean she was beautiful even with all her parts, her eyes captivated you, the way she didn't let people tell her what to do or ever let herself be scared of something. you fell in love from afar bc she wouldn't let you close anyways.
little did you know, nebula had taken a liking to you. now that was something she didn't understand. why you? and why did she like you? she treated you as if you didn't exist and you still made efforts to try to be close to her. you had defended her and all she did was yell at you and tell you to leave her alone. she shouldn't like you she thought. she sure didn't try to act like it. someone as beautiful as you didn't deserve to be with her. being mean to quill or drax or rocket was easy, it's the only way she ever treated them. but seeing you get teary eyed or hearing your voice crack when she raised her voice at you hurt her more than she cared to admit. and she liked seeing people get hurt. why did she get angry when rocket made a mean comment and made you cry? or why did it anger her when you got hurt fighting a goon?
nebula had you under her gaze all day everyday, her sister took note of this. gamora found it odd bc you couldn't seem like a threat even if you tried. the thought came to her head but she ignored it. nebula didn't like you like that right? right?
it was obvious to everyone that you had heart eyes for nebula. you wouldn't tolerate the way she treated you if you didn't. you didn't plan on telling her, never in a million years would your feelings be reciprocated.
it all started going downhill one night. the whole team, even nebula. was sitting together having drinks and laughing.
"HA quill remember when mantis exposed your sexual feelings for gamora" drax cackled making rocket and mantis crack up at the memory. gamora just rolled her eyes leaned into quill
"alright guys cmon let's not talk abt that. y/n would be in a deeper hole if mantis did the same. she has the fatest crush on blue girl over here" quill said proudly. your world went dark. no no no no. not this way. everyone was laughing except gamora and nebula who now looked like she had a disgusted look on her face. you felt tears well up in your eyes. this is so humiliating.
all you wanted to do was run. so you did. you got up from your spot and locked yourself in your room. the men's laughs only grew louder as you ran away. gamora sending you a sympathetic look as you turned to see if they were watching you as well.
you sobbed and sobbed. the smallest chance of becoming close to nebula was just crushed. you didn't leave your room from two days. finally deciding you had to face your fears you went out.
the boys continued to laugh but it wasn't as funny as two days ago. but when you tried to approach nebula, she told you to get away from her and left. this continued for days as she avoided you and constantly made you know she didn't want anything to do with you.
it's not that she thought she was superior to you. bc god she was in love you with. she didn't know what that was tho.
after about a week of being avoided and treated like shit by nebula you decided to give up. you wouldnt bother or burden her anymore.
one day in the late evening you went to look for something you had left out. when you ran into all the guardians on the ship. gamora organizing some files and cleaning, the guys talking, mantis and groot making an attempt at knitting, and ofc course nebula working on something on her arm.
you took a deep breath and went out to look for whatever you were looking for.
"hey lover girl" rocket teased. not again. drax and quill caught on and had smug looks on their faces, ready to make you regret ever leaving your room.
"i would shoot myself if i were nebula, have you seen yourself?" drax snickered letting out a belly laugh. guess they felt like being dickheads to you again. the all laughed and pointed. looking as if just looking at you made them almost pee their pants
you would do the same in this moment.
nebula just watched. wanting to laugh but knowing deeply she wanted to shoot all the men in the head for hurting your feelings. she knew how much words hurt your feelings, reasoned it for calling you weak various times.
your sure you were already crying but you didn't notice. all you wanted to do was get out of there but they had blocked your path. making you start to shake. you couldn't stand up for yourself because your voice was caught in your throat.
peter caught his breath as if preparing himself to say something. you too had prepared yourself for whatever he was about to say.
"of course nebula doesn't like you idiot! you're uglier than rocket!" peter barley managed to get out.
that one stung your heart more than anything could. you didn't think rocket was ugly, but knowing it was obvious to everyone that you had no chance because you weren't attractive was what hurt.
"hey!" rocket said sounded angered, it soon turned into a deep laughter "thats... that's a good one" he nearly yelled not being able to hold back throwing his head back in amusement.
you didn't care about crying in front of them anymore, you just wanted to leave.
just as you had made your way out covering your face with your hands, someone pushed you harshly. and lucky you, you fell straight into nebulas arms who had just gotten up to leave
"UGHHH, get off of me!" nebula yelled pushing you away from her harshly. you nearly fell ass first on the floor. as soon as you regained your composition. you were completely sobbing. breathing heavily and trembling.
"im sorry" was all you said as you past nebula. you couldn't even get we it out without your voice cracking and your breath picking up pace. she saw you disappear into the shadows and heard your door close.
why did i do that? was all nebula thought, all she wanted to do was hold you and comfort you, even tho she didn't know how, she wanted to prove to the imbeciles wrong. instead of saying anything she just left
"what the hell is wrong with you?!" gamora yelled slapping peters arm and rushing to your room. your door wasn't locked bc all you wanted to do was curl up and die. "y/n..." was all she said. she held you and let you cry on her until you fell asleep. nebula had told her everything she felt about you. why wouldn't she let it show. you were the sweetest girl in the galaxy. you just wanted to love nebula.
after leaving your room she went to find her sister. she found her in her small room doing some work on a new weapon she recently found. "what was that nebula?" she asked fiercely. "i don't know, get out" gamora inhaled aggressively "are you kidding me?! y/ns the sweetest girl in the galaxy. all she wanted was you, nebula. you couldn't even defend her. and did you have to shove her? cmon nebula, i know we both never knew what love was but the least you could do is not treat her like shit! y/n would kill to be as close to you as i am right now" with that gamora left. leaving nebula staring into nothing, feeling as if she got stabbed in the heart.
this time, you didn't step out of your room. you didn't eat or leave the room other than to use the restroom. you cried day and night just holding yourself and cursing yourself for every catching feelings for her. and even after all of this. she was all you wanted.
nebula found herself think of you often. really often. the ship had been even less enjoyable without your constant efforts to try to talk to her or your beautiful smile when all she did was glare at you.
nebula stood outside your door. listening to your sobs knowing she caused this. knowing she couldve stopped it. she wanted to knock, to talk to you, to hold you. to love you.
she found herself in this position a lot. standing outside your door wanting to knock or see you walk out. she just wanted to see you. she regretted ever purposely hurting your feelings.
gamora eventually saw nebula doing this in her routine. encouraging her to talk to you. nebula just shook her head and walked away.
about three weeks later she was tired of waiting. wanting two just burst in and tell you everything. until one day, while she was staring at your door, you opened it. and for the first time in what felt like forever. she saw your gorgeous face. although there wasn't the light of happiness that there usually was. there was just, emptiness, puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks.
"i'm-i'm sorry i didn't know you were passing. i'll j-just go" you rambled going to close the doors before you cried at the sight of her face.
she slammed her hand on the door not letting you close it "wait. please." she said almost sounding desperate. with a deep breath, you let her in.
you two sat on your bed, an awkward amount of space away between. you fiddled with your fingers, quickly wiping away tears with the sleeve of your hoodie. nebula watched you. a small smirk on her face from finally being able to see you. she knew she had to make things right, right now.
she stiffly scooted closer to you. she heard your breath hitch and saw your cheeks get red. maybe there was still hope.
you two were shoulder to shoulder. facing the big window of your room. you always had the best view of the galaxy. she looked over at you and softly smiled when she saw you quickly looked away flustered
breaking the silence, she huskily said"i always thought you were the most beautiful girl in the galaxy." "wha?" you questioned softly the air having left your lungs from her sweet words.
you two were staring at eachother now. shoulder to shoulder. your eyes never looked so beautiful. and you had never seen how pretty her blue hue was.
she roughly grabbed your hand but held it gently. you were sure she could hear your heart beat. "please stop hurting me, it's not funny" was all you said. whispering it as you were on the brink of tears
nebulas heart shattered realizing you thought she was playing a cruel joke on you. god how she loved you, but how could she come about it.
she squeezed your hand three times. gently grabbed your chin to look into your sad eyes. she wiped a tear from your cheek. she didn't know what to do. so she just acted on impulse. she kissed you. softly, sweetly, briefly. when she pulled away your eyes were still shut and your cheeks were pink. you were so beautiful to her.
"im sorry, i never meant to hurt you. i didn't know what to do." nebula admitted shyly. you had stared with so much love in your eyes after everything she had put you through "it's okay" was all you said, your chin still in her hand, gazing at her. "no it's not. don't say it is because it's not. i will make it up to you." nebula stated firmly. posture stiffening as she squeezed your hand as if she was trying to pop it. you giggled and smiled. "you're all i ever wanted" you whispered touching your forehead against hers.
i love you, im sorry
was all nebula wanted to say and all you wanted to hear, but in never came out. but you were okay with it, as long as she was here now
and everything seemed right after that. you in nebulas arms was all you ever wanted. and now you had it.
a/n that was long i'm sorry😭 it had been in my head for the longest time and writing it felt so good lmao hope you guys enjoyed🩶
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
Peter, Gamora, Mantis and Nebula>>>>>
i know you've already done this with the avengers but could you possbily do how the gurdains react when someone filrts with their S/O? (With nebula added if you don't mind?
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Guardians of the Galaxy X neutral reader
Warning: angst, fluff
GIFs belong to their creators.
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Peter would be soooo jealous, and he isn't even remotely good at hiding it. "Excuse me, can you stop flirting with y/n?" He ironically asks and the man who's talking to you chuckles. "Tell your friend to back up, love." He says and you raise an eyebrow. "Well, actually--" you can't even finish because Peter pushes him. "It's boyfriend, and walk away or else I'll be forced to use my guns to make you understand boundaries." He says, his hand on his gun folders and his eyes stuck into the men's. He nods and raises his hands while leaving. You look at your boyfriend. "Babe, you're so tragic." You fool him around and he softly caresses your hip. "It's amusing," He says and you frown, he smiles. "Just the fact that people think they can be as lucky as I am to have you."
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Rocket would be bothered but uninterested. He knows he can trust you, but he has something to say anyway. "Baby, is this dumbass bothering you?" He asks while looking directly at you. The person who's flirting with you gasps. "What the fuck? I'm talking to y/n, go away." Rocket rolls his eyes. "Here it is, another idiot who thinks that can have a chance with you." He says, always talking to you and never to the person who's standing there. You chuckle, trying to hold back a laugh while the person curses. "Fuck it, you're totally not worth it." They say while going away. Rocket looks at you with a smirk. "What a douche, you're totally worth it instead."
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Drax would mostly staring from far away, trying to understand why is someone being so touchy with you. He would do his best to keep calm, obviously failing. "Okay, enough playing." He finally says while walking to you and looking at the man who's flirting with you. He frowns. "I was just--" he tries to say, but Drax stops him. "We don't care, leave." He threateningly says and the man immediately gasps and leave. You smile at him. "Was it necessary?" You ask and he shrugs, his hand caressing your cheek. "Was it not?"
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Groot would naively think that the person who's flirting with you wants to be your friend, at the beginning. Anyway, as soon as he notices that you're getting uncomfortable, he immediately walks to you. "I am Groot." He says and the man raises an eyebrow. "What did he say?" He asks and you slightly smile. "That you should not be so close to me." You translate and the man laughs. "Ah! A tree telling me what to do!" He mocks him and you get nervous. "Okay, I agree with him, anyway." You say and Groot nods. "I am Groot." He says and the man raises an eyebrow. You puff. "He said you should leave and I think so too." You conclude and he walks away while puffing. You look at Groot. "Thank you." You say and he softly smiles at you.
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Gamora would be so pissed off. She isn't exactly jealous, but she tends to be so protective of you. When she sees someone flirting with you, she always thinks that she wants to throw hands at them. She lets you handle the situation, unless someone becomes too intrusive. "Hey, clearly y/n isn't interested and I think you should leave now." She suggests and puts a hand on your hip, to make the person understand that you're her partner. The girl who was flirting with you frowns. "Oh okay, I wasn't even flirting but bye anyway." She lies and Gamora rolls her eyes while watching her leave. "What a liar, but I totally understand her: you look stunning." She compliments and you smile at her.
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Mantis would totally be too shy and insecure to say something. She instantly gets jealous and sad but she lets you taking care of the situation. "What happened?" She asks as soon as you're back to her, you shrug. "Nothing, she asked me out." You say, staying chill. She nods and looks away. "Uhm, okay." She says with a lovely pout, you smile at her. "I obviously told her that I'm not interested." You say while brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. She smiles. "Really?" She asks, her face lighting up. You nod. "I have you, I'm more than okay." You reassure her and she hugs you.
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Yondu would totally want to handle the situation himself. "Boy, are you flirting with y/n?" He asks while looking at the boy, he shrugs. "What you gonna do about it?" He challenges him and he whistles, his arrow immediately coming to him. The boy tenses up while Yondu smiles. "You have two chances now: you leave or you meet my best friend, this lovely creature." He says while making the arrow float around his head. The boy swallows his own saliva before leaving without further words. You shake your head. "You terrorised him." You joke and Yondu shrugs. "That was the whole point, Kid."
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Nebula would get mad to the point of wanting to kill that person. She is extremely protective and also kinda territorial. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" She asks, he hand already on the hilt of her sword. You look at her, reassuring that everything is okay with just one look. The girl who was flirting with you raises an eyebrow. "Woah, calm down, I'm leaving." She immediately says and Nebula looks at her, still quite nervous. You caress her cheek. "Baby, it's okay, I was already sending her away." You softly say and she finally relaxes at your touch, her eyes stuck into yours.
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astrhae · 2 years ago
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crowley used the metal tool in season 1 to start time, and we learn that he's used it first to start space. to create the stars -- he still remembers how. he still remembers all of heaven's passwords: in the book crowley is described as an optimist because he has the "utter surety... that the universe would look after him". not god, but the universe. and of course he does: he helped create it and he's looking after it, too.
think about it: aziraphale had a sword, but crowley is about to face satan who wants to destroy the world, and crowley's only weapon is a tool of creation
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lacy-oh-lacy · 8 months ago
Who fell first and who fell harder?
⤷Marvel Edition
She fell first but you fell harder:
Kate Bishop, Jane Foster, Sharon Carter
You fell first but she fell harder:
Natasha Romanoff, Nebula, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Agatha Harkness
You fell first and harder:
Gamora, Peggy Carter, Shuri, Maria Hill
She fell first and harder:
Wanda Maximoff, Mantis, Rio Vidal
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
Heeeeyyyyy I saw that you agree that nebula is bae (*cringe at my grammar*) could we get head cannons for reader worshipping nebula's body 💕💕💕 she deserves some love
I’m a dirty birdy so gonna take this in a sexual way. Just a little disclaimer it might get a little nsfw.
Nebula would be so insecure
Her whole life she was second to Gamora
She’s not used to being put first or desired
She wouldn’t have much sexual experience and if she did it wouldn’t be great (just rushed one night stands with strangers)
She wouldn’t be the one to initiate anything because she wouldn’t think you could feel that way about her
So the first time you kissed her she was surprised but happy
She would be a little bit stiff at first because she wouldn’t know what to do
You would go slow at first to make sure that she was comfortable with everything you were doing.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Yes but it never felt like this”
You would kiss her neck while letting your hands wander
She would be nervous when you kissed the parts of her that Thanos replaced with machinery
But you would just have to tell her how beautiful she was
Eye contact would be a big thing for her so
When you got past her stomach you would look into her eyes and silently ask for permission before pulling off her pants
She would nod and help you get them off
You would kiss her thighs and make sure she was ready before going any farther
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countlessimagines · 2 years ago
Star Lord’s Sister [ Adam Warlock x Reader ]
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Summary: Star lord’s sister takes a liking to the new member of the Guardians
A/N: my beloved!!! <3
Ever since you met Adam Warlock, he had been head over heels for you. Constantly following you around, wanting to be by your side 24/7, interested in your hobbies, and so much more.
You honestly didn’t mind it and found it adorable. And you would be lying if you said you weren’t catching feelings too.
Adam and you had been on quite a few dates since meeting and tried to spend most of your time together since Rocket always whisked him away for Guardians’ duties. He would always pout when he had to leave, but would always kiss you with so much passion, that the rest of the guardians would gag while boarding the ship.
And your brother seemed to not enjoy the constant hanging out together as much as you did. Peter had begun to call you at the end of each week from Earth to catch up on what was going on. He quickly noticed your interests began to revolve around Adam and you two seemed to be attached to the hip.
“So, the guy saves me and you fall madly in love with him?” Peter snickered and shook his head. “I leave for a few months and already it sounds like you two are married.”
You rolled your eyes at your brother’s response, not wanting to hear any of his nonsense. “So what? I am an adult and can do whatever I please.”
“Okay sure, let me know when the wedding is.”
You were about to fire back until Adam walked in from the bathroom only in a towel, saw Peter on the monitor, and promptly fell to the ground and army crawled away.
You groaned and dragged your hand across your face. “Adam!”
“Hey hey wait a minute! I was joking about the wedding, Adam get your ass back to the screen!” Peter began to shout over the screen. “Stay away from my sister!”
“Okay bye, love you!” You hurried and ended the call quickly.
Adam rose from behind the side of the bed and shrugged innocently when you turned to him. You picked up a pillow from the ground and tossed it at his head.
“Sweetheart! I told you I was calling my brother, he was finally warming up to the idea of us,” you stood up and laid flat on the bed. “Now he’s seen you half naked in my place so I can only imagine he’s going to fly all the way here to beat you up.”
Adam shuffled into clothes and flopped beside you. “I would like to see him try to keep me away from you.”
You faced him and couldn’t help but melt at his cute pouty face. “Yeah yeah, but please don’t hurt my brother if he tries to kick your ass.”
Adam nodded and grabbed you lovingly in his arms. “Can we just stay in today?”
“Why’s that?” You mumbled into his chest.
“Because I rather cuddle my girlfriend than help rocket on a mission today.” Adam kissed your forehead repeatedly and made you giggle uncontrollably.
“Stop stop!” You said and pushed on his chest. “Why don’t you go tell rocket that you can’t make it and then we can have a lazy day in?”
Adam planted a kiss on your check, stood up, saluted you, then quickly left to get out of saving the world today - simply because his world was too cute to leave.
An hour went by without Adam returning, and it wasn’t until your monitor began to beep did you put two and two together. You answered the call that was coming from the Guardians’ ship and saw Adam’s face pop up, and he was in full gear.
You shook your head and sighed, “Care to explain yourself?”
“Okay, well,” Adam dragged off his voice and moved a bit from the screen to point an accusing finger towards Rocket, “He told me it would only take an hour, but once I got on the ship he told me it was a two day trip.”
Rocket popped up and said, “Sorry for stealing your boyfriend, (Y/N). You’ll have to cuddle your pillow the next couple of nights. The world needs Warlock, and trust me I wouldn’t bring his bright gold self unless it was necessary.”
Rocket jumped away when Adam tried to wack him.
“I’m sorry my love. I promise it will go by quick and I’ll be back before you can say ‘I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide galaxy and he’s gonna smother me in kisses when he returns!’” Adam tried to do a high pitched voice to imitate you to which you rolled your eyes.
“Alright, whatever you say,” you waved and blew a kiss to him before ending the call.
The next few days were uneventful, and you were knocked out asleep when your guardians pin began to beep and pulled you out of sleep.
You pressed on it and spoke into it sleepily, “what’s wrong?”
Rocket’s urgent voice spoke through the comm, and it made you wake up fully. “(Y/N)! Prepare med packs! Adam got hit and we need to work on him urgently!”
You rushed out of your apartment and down flights of stairs before running to the supply closet. You pressed your comm again to speak to Nebula. Once she finally answered, you explained quickly what was going on and she was next to you within minutes to set up for their arrival.
It wasn’t long before Kraglin rushed in with Adam slumped over his shoulder, barely responsive. He placed him on a nearby table while you grabbed Adam’s hand and tried to figure out what was wrong with him.
“He took a blow to his stomach, we should be able to patch him up quickly but the beast repeatedly hit him in the wound… making him bleed out.” Kraglin was rushing his words, not making complete sense but still wanting to explain everything.
You nodded as Nebula put a med pack on his stomach, hoping it would help. Adam started to breath deeply and you let out a small cry seeing him in such distress.
A part of you knew that the pack would either help or just make the situation worse. As Adam didn’t wake up quickly enough to be okay, you grabbed a sewing kit, alcohol, and a towel.
Removing the med pack, you removed his vest and immediately began to work with Nebula’s help. It was a tense moment, only the sounds of Adam’s breathing could be heard in the room.
Not too long after you finished the stitch across his stomach and placed the med pack on his wound to finish the healing process. Everyone let out a breath of relief as Adam began to breath normally again.
“You guys can go and clean up, I bet you all have some wounds that need to be tended to.” You said to Kraglin and Rocket who nodded.
Nebula reassured Rocket that she wouldn’t leave you alone. You smiled gratefully at her as you grabbed Adam’s hand and pulled up a chair beside the table.
“I’m gonna wait a few hours before trying to move him to my place.”
Hours went by and you had fallen asleep, still holding tightly onto Adam, not wanting to let go in fear something bad would happen if you did. It was in those moments, going in and out of sleep - that you both realized how much you truly loved one another. It was a selfless and innocent love, something so pure that nothing would come in-between the two of you.
Adam had woken up first, confused and sore, but the moment he saw you slumped over the table, holding his hand - he instantly calmed down. He was so relieved he made it back alive and was with you again. He remembered his promise he made and kissed your hand repeatedly to wake you up.
With a startled jump, you woke up in a frenzy and immediately checked to see if something was wrong.
“Did I worry you?” Adam said softly, gazing lovingly at you.
“Oh, so so much.” You placed a hand on his cheek, so happy to see him awake and well. “I think I might have to kidnap you from missions from now on until you’re better.”
“Trust me, I am going to try to take less advice from Rocket and Groot on missions… and take a break.” Adam said and shuttered as if remembering how he ended up in the situation in the first place.
“I’m just happy you’re home,” you smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Adam became teary-eyed at the thought of you being his home. After being pulled out of the cocoon too early and losing his mother, he had felt like he would never feel at home anywhere and be lost without anything to live for. Thankfully, he was wrong. He had found you and the guardians, and now he could go home to someone who loved and cared for him. And Peter would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy that you had found someone to love. In the whole of the galaxy, your brother was happy you had Adam.
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nebuladreamz · 2 years ago
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Y̸o̵u̶ ̴f̵o̷u̵n̸d̴ ̴m̵e̷!̵ ̶Y̶o̴u̶ ̵f̷o̷u̵n̶d̸ ̶m̷e̴!̵ ̴Y̴o̷u̶ ̶f̸o̷u̷n̶d̶ ̶m̶e̵!̸ ̵Y̵o̶u̵ ̵f̸o̸u̴n̴d̷ ̵m̸e̴!̵ ̴Y̵o̴u̴ ̴f̸o̸u̸n̸d̵ ̴m̸e̶!̶ ̷Y̷o̵u̵ ̵f̶o̵u̸n̴d̸ ̴m̴e̷!̵ ̶Y̴o̸u̷ ̵f̷o̸u̶n̸d̴ ̶m̴e̶!̷
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years ago
Nebula x reader where reader goes apeshit on goons after they saw Nebula get injured. Your call if reader knows about the self repair system or not. Please and thank you.
Y/N stands over the carnage…
Y/N: Nebula?! My moon?
Nebula self repairs…
Nebula: did you just take out a whole hallway of goons…for me?
Y/N: you can self repair? And yes.
Nebula tries to hug Y/N, still unsure how to…
Rocket walks in…
Rocket: wow. Never get on Y/N’s bad side.
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skylarinfinity · 2 years ago
m/n: [laughing at something funny on his phone]
nebula: [glaring at m/n] why are you laughing? i didn't say or do something funny.
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tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket @panandinpain0 @badblondebisexualboy
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
Darcy and Nebula 💕💕
hi midnight!! 💜💜 I love ur hcs and I was hoping (if u have the time) u’d write something for Dress, who’s wearing the dress and who’s taking it off 👀 reader or one of the ladies + if u want cause I love a flustered woman 😍 how they’d react to helping you get dress whether they’re helping zip up the dress or putting a necklace on for u
love this idea enjoy❕🩶 ladies helping w a dress or necklace
carol danvers
carol isn't very used to seeing people in such fancy clothes. other than maybe royal alien she's never been around such elegancy. but when she see yours putting on the most beautiful dress she's probably ever seen, her jaw drop. big bold captain danvers will turn into a pile of mush. she feels as if she's standing before a goddess when shes watching you get ready for a gala. when you ask her to help you zip up your dress she's gets nervy omg. she'll respond with a breathy "y-yeah" and she's so gentle with the zipper and you. she knows how strong she is so she doesn't want to break the fragile zipper. she make sure non of the fabric gets caught too. she'll be very focused. when she's done she'll wrap her arms around you and tell you how beautiful you look.
sharon carter
sharon buys you jewelry because she got the money and she loves showing you off. and when she sees you get ready for a date or a night out she literally almost drools. she craves you and your body and your moans. but she also cant help but think you look absolutely beautiful. she'll watch you change (she's a lil perv) and just smirk until you huff and ask for her help. she'll get up from her spot where she was watching you from behind, and let out a chuckles and "of course baby" she'll kiss your kick while she does it and leaves hickies as if to mark you as her own. and sharon can't wait to rip the dress off of you later that night.
darcy lewis
when she sees you wearing a dress darcy's gonna be all over you bro. she's gonna be like "you're so hot babe" and she'll definitely hold you tight nd be like "alllllll mine" and smirk. if you ask for help she'd be so excited to be up close as if you were a celebrity, to her you are. and like if you give her affection while you're dressed so beautifully she gets so flustered. she'll hold your face and attack you with kisses saying how hot and gorgeous you look. she also cannot help but smack your ass while being behind you. then she turns you around and fixes your necklace or adjusting your neck line.
nebula watches you like a hawk. she'd deff get a little jealous. in the sense that you're just gonna go out looking like that?? so beautiful for no reason my god. and if you ask for help she'll be glad you asked her. and omg she'd struggle doing it, especially hooking a necklace bc of her metal fingers. she'd be letting out frustrated little grunts and huffs. she'll definitely mumbles some things like how you should stay with her all night, and that people are gonna be looking at you when you're hers. and while she'll be a little grumpy, she'll smile when you peck her lips and promise her to let her have to tonight.
maria hill
maria might be distracted you while you're getting ready, but when she turns to face the goddess of her girlfriend, her jaw will drop and she'll do a double take. she'll rush over to you and just stare. like a pervy teenager. she actually offer help just so she can be close to you. and if you ask for help with your dress she zip it down instead. she'll kiss your back and shoulders until you collect yourself enough to tell her to actually help. she'll hesitantly zip it up and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. then maria turns you around and makes out with you really passionately, ruining your lipstick in the process.
kate bishop
she'll try to be like all respectful and not look at you when you're putting on you're dress but she'll turn around just wanting a peek. then katie gets super flustered and turns super red. she'll definitely turning mush. when you ask her for help zipping up your dress she's be nervous for no reason. smelling your sweet scent and hearing you're soft breaths makes her so happy. she just feels like she's living her dream and she couldn't be happier. she'll keep repeating praises too. just lost in the thought of you. you're beauty makes katie go mush.
a/n yalls request are so fire and i'm getting to all of them but HERE YOU GO BABIES also i'm going to be trying to pump out a lot of writing rn
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amphibiahawks321 · 6 months ago
Nebula : I see... So this "Game" can deliberately make a visual of many combat battles and our goal is to use the character that we are playing as to get experience in battles so that we can use these experiences also for real life purposes correct?
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader : Wow–Yeah! Actually you're right!
Nebula : Hm... Let's play this "Game" and we shall see the results...
[An hour later, Nebula and Y/N played the game happily and intensely until Y/N completely jaw dropped of how good nebula become]
M!Reader : Jeez nebula! How are you so good?!
Nebula : I have fought in many combat battles before, seeing it turn into a visual experience won't change the fact that I'm good at fighting, but I must say this "Game" date had been a successful night
M!Reader : Hell yeah it is! if I would've known you would get this good I would be jaw dropped from the start!
[Nebula roughly grabs Y/N's collar]
M!Reader : oof!–
[Nebula drags him closer to give Y/N a quick kiss on the lips]
Nebula : We should do this more often.... It's rather... Fun... To be just the two of us....
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years ago
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Flashback scenes? More like a cry your heart out session
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astrhae · 2 years ago
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Do I look like I run a bookshop?
Anthony J. Crowley, aka The Co. to A.Z. Fell and Co.
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