#nct daily
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misfitlele · 2 months ago
Sometimes when the nostalgia hits me really hard I just go to yt and watch nct daily, i kinda miss those times (hit the states, jcc, chenle & jisung's this and that) they took my queen and I never gonna recover from that
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foxy-kitsune · 6 months ago
excuse me but what the fuck
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jaemdigital · 5 months ago
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friends to lovers; jeno!headcanon.
jeno x reader, friends to lovers. (pt-br)
contém: fluff, menção à karina e jaemin, jeno é mto fofinho. :( *alguns prints de mensagens.
notas: um headcanon fofinho :p. eu sumi por bastante tempo, né? se quiserem entender, eu fiz um post aqui! muito cansaço, desânimo e tristeza acerca do que aconteceu com um dos meus maiores ídolos. mas eu estou bem! e voltei. :)
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• você e jeno se conheceram numa socialzinha na casa da sua melhor amiga, karina. karina estava namorando com jaemin e jaemin, por sua vez, tinha jeno como melhor amigo.
• você nem se importou com a presença dele, já que seus outros amigos estavam ali e você não estava no pique 'pra interagir com gente nova.
• só que por acaso, vocês formaram dupla num joguinho de estratégia – e se deram muito bem de primeira.
• o considerou uma nova amizade feita naquela noite e acabaram trocando números de telefone casualmente. honestamente, você não olhou 'pra ele de outra forma, e nem imaginou que iriam se aproximar de verdade.
• acontece que, de repente, a presença de jeno nos rolêzinhos começou a ser mais recorrente. agora, ele já fazia parte de todos os seus grupos no whatsapp também. é como se ele nunca tivesse sido um estranho. dessa forma, você acabou ficando mais próxima dele também.
• e realmente começaram a trocar muitas mensagens todos os dias. mensagens inocentes, sabe? como no dia que você acabou esquecendo sua jaqueta na casa do jaemin. ou aquele dia em que você demonstrou estar um pouco 'pra baixo e ele estranhou – ele esteve te olhando a noite inteira só 'pra ter certeza que estaria bem.
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• uns três meses depois as coisas começaram a ficar meio esquisitas. é que, do absoluto nada, você percebeu que estava olhando para jeno de um jeito diferente. e foi através de karina; segundo ela, seus olhinhos brilhavam toda vez que via ele e abria um sorriso radiante quando ele estava perto.
• é óbvio que você se recusou a admitir que estava afim dele. que o achava lindo e trocar uns beijinhos aqui ou ali sem compromisso não seria de todo mal.
• um dia ele te chamou pra sair. você não estranhou porque, afinal, naquela altura do campeonato, vocês já eram quase melhores amigos.
• mas ele fez questão de dizer que ia ser diferente. era um date. você agiu plena, mas entrou em completo pânico.
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• contou 'pra karina e fez ela prometer que ninguém mais saberia – como se não estivesse óbvio, né?
• o date foi incrível. você nunca havia parado para reparar que jeno é extremamente cavalheiro e doce contigo. ele te buscou, pagou tudinho para você, te deu o casaco dele durante o friozinho da sala de cinema e andou de mãos dadas a noite inteirinha. fez você se sentir a garota mais amada e admirada do mundo e se manteve o amigo engraçadão que você conhecia.
• e é claro que vocês nem sequer prestaram atenção no filme, já que, ele foi um mero cenário para o primeiro beijo de vocês.
• beijo esse que fez o seu coração bater mais rápido mesmo depois de acabar. ele foi carinhoso no início; acariciou seu rostinho e te beijou lentinho.
• óbvio que não foi o único beijo, né? foi assim durante todo o filme e, quando ele te deixou em casa, vocês se beijaram mais uma vez.
• depois disso, todo mundo ficou ciente de que vocês estavam ficando, se curtindo, se conhecendo além da amizade. a galera se acostumou a ver vocês grudados o tempo inteiro, se acariciando ou se pegando num cantinho.
• a coisa começou a ficar séria quando você foi dormir na casa dele pela primeira vez. jeno te chamou 'pra passar um fim de semana com ele porque seus pais iam viajar.
• você estava morrendo de vergonha de que algo pudesse rolar. não era mais virgem, mas tinha medo de estragar as coisas que estavam construindo.
• no fim das contas foi tudo ótimo; vocês assistiram filme, transaram pra caralho e ficaram de grude também.
• no fim da noite rolou uma declaração de amor e um pedido de namoro, para a sua surpresa. você disse sim imediatamente! e ficou muito feliz.
• jeno agora era seu namorado e permanecia sendo seu melhor amigo.
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oraclemoontarot · 6 months ago
what your nct dream bias says about you 𓂃⊹ tarot reading
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little fun reading on the general personality of a fan who biases a certain member.
This is a general reading on the personalities of all those who bias a specific member so, there could be individual differences, take what resonates!!
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mark ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: seven of wands, sun, hanged man, wheel of fortune, queen of swords, hermit, four of pentacles, magician, eight of wands, snow leopard: self-reliance, lady bug: good luck, wolf: pathfinder, sea otter: happiness, loon: intuitive
Mark Lee stans are generally busy bees. You work hard for things that make you happy, things that you are passionate towards. Just like Mark himself, you embody warmth and happiness, spreading your positivity and light; your joy is contagious. You also have a different perspective on various things, such as your views on the world, concepts, and others' opinions. You likely have a wide range of skills, or at least one which you are focused on and others could have a high regard for. Whatever you set your mind on, you achieve. There are various sides to you, constantly changing, constantly evolving. The person you were yesterday is not the person you are today.
As the queen of swords, you are quite intellectual, a strong presence, oftentimes viewed as cold when, internally, you are far from that. But you do set clear boundaries, never letting others overstep. There are times when you retreat into your shell, guarded and reserved, or embracing your solitude to let yourself reflect. After retreating, you come out even stronger, more self-assured, and confident in your decisions. You could be quite good with your finances as well, sometimes holding back more than what is necessary or beneficial to you. It could also mean that there are moments when you hold back on sharing your ideas and views with others, especially as it may be something valuable. But you are a creator. Whatever you want or wish for, you have the power to make happen. You are fast-moving, dedicated, strong, and with a lot of willpower. You have an appreciation for art, people, and your own mind and solitude. You really do have an incredible mind; your thoughts are intricate and intellectual. There is so much people could learn from you, having the ability to influence and educate others, to give them the opportunity to think and explore.
With the animal oracle, you are self-reliant. A very independent person who embraces solitude, often finding strength through spending time in your own company. You value integrity, with a strong intuition, and may have a tendency to be a perfectionist. But you have such bright, lucky energy. Just being in your presence fills others with joy and makes them feel lucky in some way—lucky to be next to you, lucky to receive that contagious good energy. You don't have much time to worry; you focus on the present, having so much love and color to you. You are not one to live or dwell on the past. You may be like that of a teacher to others, helping them find their way through guidance, advice, or even lending an ear to them. Whatever challenge comes your way, you have a strong, unwavering soul and character—able to endure, persevere, and be resilient, especially when it involves those you love.
You likely have a playful nature to you, enjoying every moment of every day, oftentimes going with the flow. You have such a loving nature, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and being such a warm, caring, and kind individual, one most would value. You have so much trust within yourself—your own opinions, thoughts, and feelings come first when it comes to forming decisions about your own life, having this inner knowing, this powerful intuition. The busier life is for you, the more likely you are to enjoy and seek your own solitude—not in a lonely way, but likely as a way to recharge. You appreciate your authenticity, your uniqueness, and you have a strong sense of self-love.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
best friend
pretzel (♡)
yogurt shake
renjun ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: fool, star, judgment, knight of swords, six of pentacles, six of wands, strength, nine of cups, two of cups, orca whale: adventure, bison: abundance, heron: patience, white stag: protector, pronghorn: action
Renjun stans have such a rich inner world, embracing their inner child and having this immense amount of curiosity and eagerness for adventure. You may often smile a lot, having a contagious happy energy. There is also this dreamer and optimistic side to you; you may even have one big dream that you wish to achieve someday. But there is something comforting, sweet, and pretty about you and your energy. You know who you are, who you're meant to be, and what you are meant to do in this world and life. You may have gone through a self-awakening, knowing what your destiny or purpose is. You may also have impulsive or go-getter tendencies, not wasting a second in pursuing what interests you or towards your goals.
You are generous, both in your time and energy. You never hesitate in helping others; gift-giving may even be your love language. There is also a possibility that you may donate to charities or causes, or support your friends and family if they are in need, not hesitating in sharing your resources. You may even be popular or well-liked by those around you, or at the very least, successful in whatever you do—whether with academics, career, personal hobbies, skills, or interests. There is this inner strength and independence to you, and that comes from knowing who you are. You value the little things in life; the little moments are so, so special to you. You appreciate beauty such as art, music, nature, etc. And you value the time you spend with people and deep, meaningful connections. You have a lot of love and even a cuteness to you that people can't help but adore.
You love doing things differently from others, being as wild, free, and authentic as possible. You may be someone who is unafraid to voice their own mind, and you may love to travel and explore various cultures! You, at your core, are loyal, confident, brave, powerful, and have a deep value and appreciation towards your friends and family. You have so much wisdom, as well as gratitude and warmth. You know how to balance between your drive and alone time, finding a sense of patience. You are also a protector, an old soul with a strong intuition. You have your own 'magic' and strength, the power to influence and motivate others, but also a sense of creativity, art, and passion. You are action-oriented, acting immediately when opportunities arise. You have a quick wit and sense, often finding success with ease.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
glitch mode
yogurt shake
chewing gum
we go up
jeno ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: page of cups, hanged man, high priestess, three of cups, ten of cups, four of wands, page of swords, knight of swords, emperor, raven: shaman, heron: patience, white stag: protector, moose: wisdom, raccoon: inventor
Jeno stans are romantic idealists at heart. You may believe in concepts such as fate, destiny, soulmates, and the mystical—filling your heart with romance tropes and an eagerness for true, meaningful love. You likely value family and want to find a long-term partner, someone you could build a family or home with, as it is something that would bring you this sense of content, this peace and love which fills your whole heart.
You have an incredible perspective and view on the world, especially with relationships. People are intrigued by your mind, but also your mysterious nature. You are incredibly attractive, and there is something about you that pulls people in, like this depth, this inner-knowing and something mystical. It's like, even if people have known you for years, there's still so much to you—it's like trying to point out every star in the sky; that is how much depth there is to you. You likely enjoy socialising, going out, or networking—finding joy in interacting with others.
You have a wide range of ideas and goals, possibly loving to travel as well. You may be good at communicating and always looking towards the future, but with this drive where you act on your goals as well, not one to miss out on opportunities. But you are also a protector. You are a pillar within your family and connections; you look after others and provide support, you are a source of strength.
You are both a creator and a magician. You know how to use your gifts, skills, and resources for good and have a power and wisdom to all the words you speak, harboring a sense of mystery and inner wisdom. You have a balance between living in your head and in reality. You are a dreamer who is grounded in logic, but you are also patient and bring a sense of comfort and stillness in terms of your presence when with others. You are a protector, an old soul who has a strong intuition. You are meant to create blessings in yours and others' lives—an inventor who has integrity and balances between various roles and responsibilities.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
it's yours
haechan ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: page of cups, moon, seven of wands, lovers, seven of pentacles, knight of swords, high priestess, four of pentacles, two of cups, dragonfly: magic, lynx: keeper of secrets, sea otter: happiness, humpback whale: singer, deer: love
Haechan stans are generally dreamers. There is this childlike nature to you, likely believing in concepts such as fate, soulmates, destiny, or the mystical and spiritual. There is this playfulness, and something about you or your energy that most would see as cute or sweet. You may live in your head a lot, where people would naturally be intrigued by you as you're mysterious, seeing you as someone with a lot of depth and a lot that they don't know about you, even after years of being close with you. You could be a hard worker, or at least put a lot of your energy and effort into relationships you value. You are a romantic at heart, often spending time daydreaming about certain romantic tropes, though in reality, you could be quite reserved, cautious, or closed off to romance, preferring the way it exists in your own mind as the story plays just how you like it—safe and warm.
You're naturally a patient person who could have impulsive tendencies due to your excitement—possibly random hyper fixations that you suddenly feel passionate about and want to enjoy. Many would view you as attractive, especially with your energy, linking back to your mysterious nature, but equally because of you knowing who you really are. There is something authentic and true to you. You present yourself the way you are—nothing more and nothing less. You may even be good at tarot. There is this inner knowing to you, this strong intuition. Lies and false intentions can't get past you.
With the two of cups, your overall energy is one of love and meaningful connections. That is what is most important to you: authenticity, real connections, and deep emotions tied to deep relationships. You have a lot of love to give, but you are also deserving of that amount of love back.
With the oracle cards, you are someone who is constantly changing, unafraid of improving yourself and your life. You are able to move on from the past, not letting it hold you back—you are someone with this magic to you, this undeniable strength that presents itself in a light, beautiful, and graceful way. You value honesty just as much as you value loyalty and keeping secrets safe. You are an observer, someone who listens and watches more than speaks. You also have this inner knowing with other people; you can see deception, feel when someone is hiding something or isn't doing too well but pretends they're fine. You also seem to enjoy your own company and space, finding your strength through spending time with yourself. You have such a positive and happy energy to you, as well as this cute innocence.
There is something so friendly and approachable about you, where you are filled with gentle and loving energy, seeing the positives in everything and everyone, valuing and acknowledging your sense of self-worth and self-respect. You may even be someone who tends to go with the flow, being a healer for those around you, appreciating art, good things, good people, and the world itself. You have a strong sense of purpose and never stray from your path.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
my first and last
walk you home
rains in heaven
dear dream
as a haechan stan, I was severely called out 😭
jaemin ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: three of cups, two of cups, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles, queen of wands, four of swords, magician, four of wands, king of cups, penguin: authentic, cat: independent, moose: wisdom, dog: friend, hawk: messenger
Jaemin stans value friendships and meaningful connections. You don't appreciate superficial relationships, seeking only those that are deep, loving, and authentic. You are likely to be social butterflies, or at least prefer having a group of friends, at least three close people in your life. You are patient, especially when it comes to your goals and dreams, feeling like the rewards would likely be guaranteed and abundant that way. You are someone who has two sides to you, yet nurturing at heart. On one side, you value safety, security, and finances, making a house a home, and are grounded and humble. On the other end, you are passionate, creative, enthusiastic, sociable, warm, confident, and welcoming, and most would find you attractive, especially with your energy.
When you are hurt, stressed, or overwhelmed, you seek solitude, prioritising your health and comfort, letting yourself heal and relax before going back out into the world. At heart, you are a creative and a romantic. You may believe in marriage and seek long-term relationships, being really loving and expressive. Whatever you want, you'll get as well. Just like Mark-biased NCTzens, you know how to turn your dreams into reality. You could also love fantasy novels or romance films/books, embracing your inner child and finding ways to bring love and joy into your life. Overall, you are a mature person, especially emotionally. Sometimes, you may be intimidating, but you are so loving and a protector toward those you care about. You don't let others hurt them, quick to defend and stand up for them.
You are authentic and unafraid to embrace it. The people you are friends with are likely kindred souls, sharing similar interests or personality. Your family and close friends are extremely important to you; they are your source of strength, especially in times when you struggle. You are yourself, unchanging and unashamed. Even if everyone else is the same and you stand out, you stay true to your authentic self. You are also independent and a natural healer, with a strong intuition, and are not one to follow the crowd. You have so much wisdom, yet a balance between the dream world and your current reality. Your creativity and logic are like yin and yang. You are grounded and have an old soul. However, although you are grounded, you are also the definition of a true friend. You have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, bringing inspiration with you, inspiring others, and giving them a source of love and happiness without expecting anything in return. You are a true protector and friend. You are someone who is likely to have a bright future, being able to see and understand things most wouldn't. You are not one to be easily distracted or strayed from your path or goals, constantly growing and achieving.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
my youth
candle light
dive into you
chenle ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: king of wands, high priestess, page of wands, eight of pentacles, page of pentacles, eight of cups, knight of pentacles, page of cups, ace of swords, peacock: vibrancy, cat: independent, polar bear: mystic, tiger: fire, dolphin: play
Chenle stans are passionate, energetic, and enthusiastic people, especially when it comes to learning, academics, studying, or their career. You have so much depth and mystery to you; just like Jeno stans, there is something so intriguing about you, it just pulls people in without them knowing why. You are attractive, with such a powerful, compelling energy. You have this balance of work hard, play hard, bringing life with you wherever you go, the life of the party. You could be the class clown or resident hype buddy. You are a determined and hardworking person, focused and dedicated towards your goals.
You are someone who doesn't stay too long in things that do not serve you, quick to move on towards better things—such as a better job, environment, relationships, or the past itself. You move at a steady pace towards better things and towards your goals; patience is something you value, finding it builds a strong foundation in most things within your life. You are also a dreamer and a romantic idealist, possibly enjoying creative hobbies and endeavours. You wear your heart on your sleeve and likely believe in concepts such as soulmates, destiny, fate, and mystical, spiritual things—similar to a lot of other NCTzens on this post. You have this child-like nature to you that is so innocent, sweet, and romantic. Some people may even have a strong adoration for you, especially as they'd find you really cute and endearing. You are also an incredible communicator, able to express your thoughts and feelings with clarity, always voicing your opinions, unafraid of judgment—similar to Chenle himself.
You were born to shine and inspire others, yet you are humble and aren't jealous in nature, feeling grateful for your life. You are true to who you are, recognising your self and authenticity, and you are independent, a natural healer. You have a strong intuition, not one to follow the crowd, and someone who is stronger through challenges you go through. Adversities don't hold you back at all. You find and renew strength through resting and dreaming, and you are someone who likely has psychic abilities, which explains your mysterious intrigue. You are bold, brave, powerful, and passionate—someone who is fierce and unmoving from their path and goals. But you are equally someone who brings happiness and joy with you, knowing how to have fun, filling yourself with confidence and not letting fear hold you back. You likely go with the flow and have such rich wisdom, enjoying life through having fun and letting your playful nature shine.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
carat cake
to my first
jisung ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: nine of pentacles, ten of cups, knight of wands, eight of wands, seven of wands, king of cups, knight of cups, nine of wands, empress, butterfly: rebirth, eagle: mastery, tiger: fire, deer: love, giraffe: visionary
Jisung stans are people who embody gratitude and humbleness, especially after working hard to get to where you are now. You treasure and gratefully accept the rewards, but not forgetting the journey it took to get there. This gratitude also seeps into your value and treasuring of your family. You have a lot of love for your family and wish to have a family of your own someday; it is what brings you both strength and a sense of contentment. You are also enthusiastic and full of energy, life, and excitement. You are a go-getter, never backing down and never one to miss out on a new opportunity or adventure.
You are emotionally mature, and may even have a sensitive side to you. You are a protector towards your family, looking out for them and providing support, especially emotionally. You are someone who is a romantic at heart, and in a very sweet, innocent, and genuine way. You make the ideal partner and likely wear your heart on your sleeve—very affectionate too. You are also resilient, never backing down and not letting challenges stop or sway you. As the Empress, you are nurturing, loving, feminine, and know how to make a house a home—things such as tending to a garden, bringing life into your environment. But you are also strong, voicing your thoughts and opinions, and setting clear boundaries.
You are someone who embraces change, constantly looking for ways to reinvent yourself, open to the journey of self-discovery and rebirth. You are constantly transforming and sharing the brilliance which is you. You don't let the past hold you back, focusing on mastering your skills, your character, career, or hobbies, having a lot of wisdom and strength. You likely have a talent in guiding and inspiring others too. You are someone bold, brave, passionate, and unstoppable—you charge headfirst towards your goals, never straying from the path you laid out. But, just as you are fierce, you also embody love and gentleness, like a deer. You have the ability to heal others, seeing the positivity in all things, and have a sense of self-worth and grace.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
fire alarm
we young
love again
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tbastard · 1 year ago
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xiaowarmas · 20 days ago
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so tell me what I need for now
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content4czennie · 7 months ago
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collection of horrendous nct haircuts
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sunshyni · 4 months ago
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preztty · 2 years ago
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hangout with ur bestie!
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moontaeddybear · 9 months ago
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bgarchivee · 2 months ago
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nct wish
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sinisxtea · 3 months ago
day 14 of posting a kpop song that sounds like another random song
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foxy-kitsune · 6 months ago
i really should subscribe to his bubble😩
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jaemdigital · 6 months ago
bff!haechan que acaba te beijando e te levando pra cama pq não conseguiu mais conter o tesão e o tempo todo fica na provocação pq ele gosta de ouvir vc pedindo mais dele pra compensar esse tempo todo q ele se conteve :(
sempre que penso em bff!haechan eu penso em umas coisas muito específicas, olhem só.
bff!haechan é aquele tipo de amigo que flerta com você e diz que é na brincadeira, diz que é pra "fortalecer".
além disso, ele é muito grudento; vive agarrado na sua cinturinha, te abraça por trás e esfrega o narizinho no seu pescoço, te deixando arrepiadinha. o hyuck faz toda questão de esfregar a ereção evidente na sua bunda e você, nada boba, rebola devagarinho sem compromisso.
bff!haechan que ama uma provocação descarada! ele gosta de apertar suas coxas por debaixo da mesa quando estão em grupo – quase encosta os dedos na sua bucetinha e acaba te deixando molhadinha pelo resto da noite. beija o cantinho da sua boca, deixa mais do que claro que ele está afim.
te chama de "bonequinha" e vem todo manhosinho te pedir uma chance: "pô, boneca, só um beijo, vai. deixa o hyuckie aliviar essa bucetinha..."
quando você finalmente cede pra ele, solta fogos imaginários. ele devora sua bucetinha, te elogia, te marca inteirinha, te faz implorar por mais.
queria ele :(((
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oraclemoontarot · 4 months ago
Can you please do a ideal type reading for jaemin?
hii, of course! here's the reading you requested
jaemin's ideal type ⭑.ᐟ tarot reading
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cards pulled: ten of pentacles, star, queen of cups, ace of cups, wheel of fortune, knight of swords, six of wands, tower, six of pentacles
Jaemin's ideal type is someone who is family oriented, who loves and is loved by children. It seems like this would be a dealbreaker for him if they're the opposite of that, partly because the ten of pentacles was the first card to fall out, but also because Jaemin is someone who would love to have his own family and truly loves children. An ideal partner for him is someone who has a clear focus in life - someone with aspirations, dreams, a sense of optimism and acts on such goals. He wants someone who would establish a legacy, who would value their career as much as their family. Essentially, a sense of balance where they fulfil various aspects of their life.
In terms of character, Jaemin would love someone like the Queen of Cups. They radiate pretty energy, someone who is loving, sweet, a great listener and who is so, so warm - a motherly energy in a way? Like, they would take care of those around them, is incredibly nurturing and soft, like soft-spoken or a soft beauty and energy. Definitely not a pushover either, someone who knows their worth and is emotionally mature too. For Jaemin, it seems like an emotional connection would take priority over something like physical, intellectually stimulating or communication-focused. For him, a true relationship is one where two people are emotionally open, mature, and connected on deeper emotional levels - a better way to explain this is in terms of filling your cup and heart with love, where you feel whole when you look at your partner.
While I was shuffling, when the wheel of fortune fell out, I immediately thought he'd prefer dating another idol/celebrity, and then the six of wands fell at that exact moment, so that seems to be the case. Jaemin may find it to be more convenient that way as they'd understand and have more respect for his lifestyle, that it doesn't shake the other person's world too much. This all stems down to schedules and such, where it could be an issue - long-term at least - in balancing between his work and the relationship, for someone who is not accustomed to his lifestyle.
Jaemin would want to be taken by surprise at their first meeting, someone who appears out of nowhere and steals his heart. It's like a meet-cute, or a love at first sight. He is definitely a romantic and may believe in things like true love and soulmates and would want to experience something like that for himself. Someone who would just take his breath away and shake up his world a little. Overall, his ideal partner is someone incredibly generous, loving, and kind. They may donate to charities or are generous with their time and resources, always open to lending a hand or ear to those around them. His ideal type simply radiates femininity and sweetness. Someone who is the true definition of the 'cute' type.
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rossyyyyffff · 1 year ago
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i'm down for fun
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