#jeno tarot
oraclemoontarot · 18 days
what your nct dream bias says about you 𓂃⊹ tarot reading
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little fun reading on the general personality of a fan who biases a certain member.
This is a general reading on the personalities of all those who bias a specific member so, there could be individual differences, take what resonates!!
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mark ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: seven of wands, sun, hanged man, wheel of fortune, queen of swords, hermit, four of pentacles, magician, eight of wands, snow leopard: self-reliance, lady bug: good luck, wolf: pathfinder, sea otter: happiness, loon: intuitive
Mark Lee stans are generally busy bees. You work hard for things that make you happy, things that you are passionate towards. Just like Mark himself, you embody warmth and happiness, spreading your positivity and light; your joy is contagious. You also have a different perspective on various things, such as your views on the world, concepts, and others' opinions. You likely have a wide range of skills, or at least one which you are focused on and others could have a high regard for. Whatever you set your mind on, you achieve. There are various sides to you, constantly changing, constantly evolving. The person you were yesterday is not the person you are today.
As the queen of swords, you are quite intellectual, a strong presence, oftentimes viewed as cold when, internally, you are far from that. But you do set clear boundaries, never letting others overstep. There are times when you retreat into your shell, guarded and reserved, or embracing your solitude to let yourself reflect. After retreating, you come out even stronger, more self-assured, and confident in your decisions. You could be quite good with your finances as well, sometimes holding back more than what is necessary or beneficial to you. It could also mean that there are moments when you hold back on sharing your ideas and views with others, especially as it may be something valuable. But you are a creator. Whatever you want or wish for, you have the power to make happen. You are fast-moving, dedicated, strong, and with a lot of willpower. You have an appreciation for art, people, and your own mind and solitude. You really do have an incredible mind; your thoughts are intricate and intellectual. There is so much people could learn from you, having the ability to influence and educate others, to give them the opportunity to think and explore.
With the animal oracle, you are self-reliant. A very independent person who embraces solitude, often finding strength through spending time in your own company. You value integrity, with a strong intuition, and may have a tendency to be a perfectionist. But you have such bright, lucky energy. Just being in your presence fills others with joy and makes them feel lucky in some way—lucky to be next to you, lucky to receive that contagious good energy. You don't have much time to worry; you focus on the present, having so much love and color to you. You are not one to live or dwell on the past. You may be like that of a teacher to others, helping them find their way through guidance, advice, or even lending an ear to them. Whatever challenge comes your way, you have a strong, unwavering soul and character—able to endure, persevere, and be resilient, especially when it involves those you love.
You likely have a playful nature to you, enjoying every moment of every day, oftentimes going with the flow. You have such a loving nature, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and being such a warm, caring, and kind individual, one most would value. You have so much trust within yourself—your own opinions, thoughts, and feelings come first when it comes to forming decisions about your own life, having this inner knowing, this powerful intuition. The busier life is for you, the more likely you are to enjoy and seek your own solitude—not in a lonely way, but likely as a way to recharge. You appreciate your authenticity, your uniqueness, and you have a strong sense of self-love.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
best friend
pretzel (♡)
yogurt shake
renjun ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: fool, star, judgment, knight of swords, six of pentacles, six of wands, strength, nine of cups, two of cups, orca whale: adventure, bison: abundance, heron: patience, white stag: protector, pronghorn: action
Renjun stans have such a rich inner world, embracing their inner child and having this immense amount of curiosity and eagerness for adventure. You may often smile a lot, having a contagious happy energy. There is also this dreamer and optimistic side to you; you may even have one big dream that you wish to achieve someday. But there is something comforting, sweet, and pretty about you and your energy. You know who you are, who you're meant to be, and what you are meant to do in this world and life. You may have gone through a self-awakening, knowing what your destiny or purpose is. You may also have impulsive or go-getter tendencies, not wasting a second in pursuing what interests you or towards your goals.
You are generous, both in your time and energy. You never hesitate in helping others; gift-giving may even be your love language. There is also a possibility that you may donate to charities or causes, or support your friends and family if they are in need, not hesitating in sharing your resources. You may even be popular or well-liked by those around you, or at the very least, successful in whatever you do—whether with academics, career, personal hobbies, skills, or interests. There is this inner strength and independence to you, and that comes from knowing who you are. You value the little things in life; the little moments are so, so special to you. You appreciate beauty such as art, music, nature, etc. And you value the time you spend with people and deep, meaningful connections. You have a lot of love and even a cuteness to you that people can't help but adore.
You love doing things differently from others, being as wild, free, and authentic as possible. You may be someone who is unafraid to voice their own mind, and you may love to travel and explore various cultures! You, at your core, are loyal, confident, brave, powerful, and have a deep value and appreciation towards your friends and family. You have so much wisdom, as well as gratitude and warmth. You know how to balance between your drive and alone time, finding a sense of patience. You are also a protector, an old soul with a strong intuition. You have your own 'magic' and strength, the power to influence and motivate others, but also a sense of creativity, art, and passion. You are action-oriented, acting immediately when opportunities arise. You have a quick wit and sense, often finding success with ease.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
glitch mode
yogurt shake
chewing gum
we go up
jeno ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: page of cups, hanged man, high priestess, three of cups, ten of cups, four of wands, page of swords, knight of swords, emperor, raven: shaman, heron: patience, white stag: protector, moose: wisdom, raccoon: inventor
Jeno stans are romantic idealists at heart. You may believe in concepts such as fate, destiny, soulmates, and the mystical—filling your heart with romance tropes and an eagerness for true, meaningful love. You likely value family and want to find a long-term partner, someone you could build a family or home with, as it is something that would bring you this sense of content, this peace and love which fills your whole heart.
You have an incredible perspective and view on the world, especially with relationships. People are intrigued by your mind, but also your mysterious nature. You are incredibly attractive, and there is something about you that pulls people in, like this depth, this inner-knowing and something mystical. It's like, even if people have known you for years, there's still so much to you—it's like trying to point out every star in the sky; that is how much depth there is to you. You likely enjoy socialising, going out, or networking—finding joy in interacting with others.
You have a wide range of ideas and goals, possibly loving to travel as well. You may be good at communicating and always looking towards the future, but with this drive where you act on your goals as well, not one to miss out on opportunities. But you are also a protector. You are a pillar within your family and connections; you look after others and provide support, you are a source of strength.
You are both a creator and a magician. You know how to use your gifts, skills, and resources for good and have a power and wisdom to all the words you speak, harboring a sense of mystery and inner wisdom. You have a balance between living in your head and in reality. You are a dreamer who is grounded in logic, but you are also patient and bring a sense of comfort and stillness in terms of your presence when with others. You are a protector, an old soul who has a strong intuition. You are meant to create blessings in yours and others' lives—an inventor who has integrity and balances between various roles and responsibilities.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
it's yours
haechan ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: page of cups, moon, seven of wands, lovers, seven of pentacles, knight of swords, high priestess, four of pentacles, two of cups, dragonfly: magic, lynx: keeper of secrets, sea otter: happiness, humpback whale: singer, deer: love
Haechan stans are generally dreamers. There is this childlike nature to you, likely believing in concepts such as fate, soulmates, destiny, or the mystical and spiritual. There is this playfulness, and something about you or your energy that most would see as cute or sweet. You may live in your head a lot, where people would naturally be intrigued by you as you're mysterious, seeing you as someone with a lot of depth and a lot that they don't know about you, even after years of being close with you. You could be a hard worker, or at least put a lot of your energy and effort into relationships you value. You are a romantic at heart, often spending time daydreaming about certain romantic tropes, though in reality, you could be quite reserved, cautious, or closed off to romance, preferring the way it exists in your own mind as the story plays just how you like it—safe and warm.
You're naturally a patient person who could have impulsive tendencies due to your excitement—possibly random hyper fixations that you suddenly feel passionate about and want to enjoy. Many would view you as attractive, especially with your energy, linking back to your mysterious nature, but equally because of you knowing who you really are. There is something authentic and true to you. You present yourself the way you are—nothing more and nothing less. You may even be good at tarot. There is this inner knowing to you, this strong intuition. Lies and false intentions can't get past you.
With the two of cups, your overall energy is one of love and meaningful connections. That is what is most important to you: authenticity, real connections, and deep emotions tied to deep relationships. You have a lot of love to give, but you are also deserving of that amount of love back.
With the oracle cards, you are someone who is constantly changing, unafraid of improving yourself and your life. You are able to move on from the past, not letting it hold you back—you are someone with this magic to you, this undeniable strength that presents itself in a light, beautiful, and graceful way. You value honesty just as much as you value loyalty and keeping secrets safe. You are an observer, someone who listens and watches more than speaks. You also have this inner knowing with other people; you can see deception, feel when someone is hiding something or isn't doing too well but pretends they're fine. You also seem to enjoy your own company and space, finding your strength through spending time with yourself. You have such a positive and happy energy to you, as well as this cute innocence.
There is something so friendly and approachable about you, where you are filled with gentle and loving energy, seeing the positives in everything and everyone, valuing and acknowledging your sense of self-worth and self-respect. You may even be someone who tends to go with the flow, being a healer for those around you, appreciating art, good things, good people, and the world itself. You have a strong sense of purpose and never stray from your path.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
my first and last
walk you home
rains in heaven
dear dream
as a haechan stan, I was severely called out 😭
jaemin ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: three of cups, two of cups, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles, queen of wands, four of swords, magician, four of wands, king of cups, penguin: authentic, cat: independent, moose: wisdom, dog: friend, hawk: messenger
Jaemin stans value friendships and meaningful connections. You don't appreciate superficial relationships, seeking only those that are deep, loving, and authentic. You are likely to be social butterflies, or at least prefer having a group of friends, at least three close people in your life. You are patient, especially when it comes to your goals and dreams, feeling like the rewards would likely be guaranteed and abundant that way. You are someone who has two sides to you, yet nurturing at heart. On one side, you value safety, security, and finances, making a house a home, and are grounded and humble. On the other end, you are passionate, creative, enthusiastic, sociable, warm, confident, and welcoming, and most would find you attractive, especially with your energy.
When you are hurt, stressed, or overwhelmed, you seek solitude, prioritising your health and comfort, letting yourself heal and relax before going back out into the world. At heart, you are a creative and a romantic. You may believe in marriage and seek long-term relationships, being really loving and expressive. Whatever you want, you'll get as well. Just like Mark-biased NCTzens, you know how to turn your dreams into reality. You could also love fantasy novels or romance films/books, embracing your inner child and finding ways to bring love and joy into your life. Overall, you are a mature person, especially emotionally. Sometimes, you may be intimidating, but you are so loving and a protector toward those you care about. You don't let others hurt them, quick to defend and stand up for them.
You are authentic and unafraid to embrace it. The people you are friends with are likely kindred souls, sharing similar interests or personality. Your family and close friends are extremely important to you; they are your source of strength, especially in times when you struggle. You are yourself, unchanging and unashamed. Even if everyone else is the same and you stand out, you stay true to your authentic self. You are also independent and a natural healer, with a strong intuition, and are not one to follow the crowd. You have so much wisdom, yet a balance between the dream world and your current reality. Your creativity and logic are like yin and yang. You are grounded and have an old soul. However, although you are grounded, you are also the definition of a true friend. You have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, bringing inspiration with you, inspiring others, and giving them a source of love and happiness without expecting anything in return. You are a true protector and friend. You are someone who is likely to have a bright future, being able to see and understand things most wouldn't. You are not one to be easily distracted or strayed from your path or goals, constantly growing and achieving.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
my youth
candle light
dive into you
chenle ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: king of wands, high priestess, page of wands, eight of pentacles, page of pentacles, eight of cups, knight of pentacles, page of cups, ace of swords, peacock: vibrancy, cat: independent, polar bear: mystic, tiger: fire, dolphin: play
Chenle stans are passionate, energetic, and enthusiastic people, especially when it comes to learning, academics, studying, or their career. You have so much depth and mystery to you; just like Jeno stans, there is something so intriguing about you, it just pulls people in without them knowing why. You are attractive, with such a powerful, compelling energy. You have this balance of work hard, play hard, bringing life with you wherever you go, the life of the party. You could be the class clown or resident hype buddy. You are a determined and hardworking person, focused and dedicated towards your goals.
You are someone who doesn't stay too long in things that do not serve you, quick to move on towards better things—such as a better job, environment, relationships, or the past itself. You move at a steady pace towards better things and towards your goals; patience is something you value, finding it builds a strong foundation in most things within your life. You are also a dreamer and a romantic idealist, possibly enjoying creative hobbies and endeavours. You wear your heart on your sleeve and likely believe in concepts such as soulmates, destiny, fate, and mystical, spiritual things—similar to a lot of other NCTzens on this post. You have this child-like nature to you that is so innocent, sweet, and romantic. Some people may even have a strong adoration for you, especially as they'd find you really cute and endearing. You are also an incredible communicator, able to express your thoughts and feelings with clarity, always voicing your opinions, unafraid of judgment—similar to Chenle himself.
You were born to shine and inspire others, yet you are humble and aren't jealous in nature, feeling grateful for your life. You are true to who you are, recognising your self and authenticity, and you are independent, a natural healer. You have a strong intuition, not one to follow the crowd, and someone who is stronger through challenges you go through. Adversities don't hold you back at all. You find and renew strength through resting and dreaming, and you are someone who likely has psychic abilities, which explains your mysterious intrigue. You are bold, brave, powerful, and passionate—someone who is fierce and unmoving from their path and goals. But you are equally someone who brings happiness and joy with you, knowing how to have fun, filling yourself with confidence and not letting fear hold you back. You likely go with the flow and have such rich wisdom, enjoying life through having fun and letting your playful nature shine.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
carat cake
to my first
jisung ౨ৎ
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cards pulled: nine of pentacles, ten of cups, knight of wands, eight of wands, seven of wands, king of cups, knight of cups, nine of wands, empress, butterfly: rebirth, eagle: mastery, tiger: fire, deer: love, giraffe: visionary
Jisung stans are people who embody gratitude and humbleness, especially after working hard to get to where you are now. You treasure and gratefully accept the rewards, but not forgetting the journey it took to get there. This gratitude also seeps into your value and treasuring of your family. You have a lot of love for your family and wish to have a family of your own someday; it is what brings you both strength and a sense of contentment. You are also enthusiastic and full of energy, life, and excitement. You are a go-getter, never backing down and never one to miss out on a new opportunity or adventure.
You are emotionally mature, and may even have a sensitive side to you. You are a protector towards your family, looking out for them and providing support, especially emotionally. You are someone who is a romantic at heart, and in a very sweet, innocent, and genuine way. You make the ideal partner and likely wear your heart on your sleeve—very affectionate too. You are also resilient, never backing down and not letting challenges stop or sway you. As the Empress, you are nurturing, loving, feminine, and know how to make a house a home—things such as tending to a garden, bringing life into your environment. But you are also strong, voicing your thoughts and opinions, and setting clear boundaries.
You are someone who embraces change, constantly looking for ways to reinvent yourself, open to the journey of self-discovery and rebirth. You are constantly transforming and sharing the brilliance which is you. You don't let the past hold you back, focusing on mastering your skills, your character, career, or hobbies, having a lot of wisdom and strength. You likely have a talent in guiding and inspiring others too. You are someone bold, brave, passionate, and unstoppable—you charge headfirst towards your goals, never straying from the path you laid out. But, just as you are fierce, you also embody love and gentleness, like a deer. You have the ability to heal others, seeing the positivity in all things, and have a sense of self-worth and grace.
── .✦ songs by nct dream that represent you:
fire alarm
we young
love again
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venusoracle · 9 months
hello! could you do a reading on nct dream’s jeno and twice’s mina? was there ever anything between them or did he really just accidentally follow her? tysm!
5ow, kow, qoc
nah, i don't think so.
i think they were good friends and jeno thought he was on his spam/priv. i think they got to know each other through a competition (maybe gaming/sports. board games, etc) and mina was really good at whatever it was so he followed her bc of that? like "oh cool, we're becoming friends plus you're good at this". and imo, that was it really.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
For #tarotquickquestions:
Can I request a reading on nct dream? Like what solo opportunities the members would want to do? 😁 (Btw, welcome back!)
thank you! ♡♡ enjoy your reading!
Mark || the devil, five of swords: My guy just wants to write some diss tracks… lol. He wants to let it all out; curse all he wishes; fight back at haters and people that piss him off. So, yeah, a mixtape is at the top of his wishlist, for sure.
Renjun || king of wands, seven of pentacles: I see him wanting to make a solid solo debut - one that sets him off for a long lasting solo career. Maybe write his own lyrics and compose, too.
Jeno || two of wands, ace of cups (seven of swords): Collaborating with korean artists that he admires. Acting, possibly; something along the lines of Vincenzo, I'd say. He might be very interested in that right now.
Haechan || ace of wands, three of pentacles: I think Haechan would like debut in a new unit with other NCT members - not sure what that would be about, tho. But, primarily: producing, writing, composing. He really wants to learn more about that whole side of things, and… create! He wants to make music, not just sing and dance to the music others make.
Jaemin || the emperor, six of swords (nine of swords): Something very official; philanthropic activities. Become an ambassador of some kind; discuss serious life matters with the public; use his platform to raise awareness for something important.
Chenle || the world, six of pentacles: Variety shows; international shows. Collaborating with a western artist, perhaps. He just wants to explore more of the world and of the industry, so whatever opportunity comes to him, he's fine with it.
Jisung || seven of wands, ace of cups (nine of cups): Participate in a dance competition show; Street Man Fighter or Hit the Stage type of thing; become a judge on a survival show.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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403tarot · 10 months
Can you do How would nct dream members would want to be loved?
★ — how nct dream would want to be loved ?
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jaemin: he's such a hopeless romantic. i see that he wants to be loved exactly the way he's willing to love: embracing the mistakes and flaws of the person, adapting to them, and being a supportive presence if the other person feels the need to change. evolution together – jaemin wants someone to stay with him, not shy away from the intensity of his feelings, and not be afraid to form a bond with him.
jisung: these violent delights have violent ends / triumph, like fire and powder, / which, as they kiss, consume." this excerpt was the first thing that came to my mind reading his cards. jisung is somewhat disenchanted with love, so he's searching for someone who makes his heart burn: startling love at first sight, mutual seduction, and the feeling of being challenged not to fall in love easily.
jeno: desires a love that is calm and stable, making him feel secure and comfortable in a relationship. he can get anxious and insecure easily, so he needs someone mature with a future vision. jeno wants to be loved fully, facilitating healing from past wounds and promoting emotional growth.
renjun: is looking for a love that, above all, is solid. a relationship free of problems and easily manageable, where his and his partner's personalities are compatible but not in a way where they "merge" into one. he wants to be with someone who has originality and also respects his tastes and need for individuality at times.
chenle: wants to be loved passionately. someone with their head in the clouds enough to accept his imperfections and faults without running away – at least that's what he's looking for. he wants someone who can truly know and love him, even in his worst moments, and has patience with him as he strives to become a more confident and responsive person.
haechan: wants someone to take his breath away. he seeks someone who makes him feel out of orbit and elicits a sensation different from anything he has felt before. that's how he'll know he found "the one." someone who makes him laugh even when he wants to cry, warm, and with whom he envisions marrying. he doesn't want to waste time with just anyone; he wants someone he feels will be forever.
mark: is seeking a love that reflects maturity. i see that he's looking for someone who connects with him in a way that makes him feel they both have a purpose together. he wants someone who makes him think of family, dream of quieter times, someone whose company he truly appreciates, and who makes him admire all the little things that a stable and loving relationship can bring to his life. he wants someone willing to start an entirely new chapter in life with him through this relationship.
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lagoonalake · 8 months
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Personality: the sun, 6 of wands, the star
Boss energy. Someone confident and proud, spontaneous, connected to their inner child who would help him let lose a little. Someone a bit loud and cocky. Assertive, who would probably lead the relationship. Someone very visible, could be someone famous. Someone charismatic and funny, the life of the party. Someone who has a lot of energy and vitality. very optimistic and positive, who can see the light in the darkness always. Very generous and giving, could be a humanitarian. Bubbly, comic relief type of energy, a prankster. Very reliable and stable. leo, aquarius, aries, jupiter
Appearance: 2 of wands, king of wands, the hierophant
Someone who looks very strong and healthy, almost unbreakable. Someone regal, with a very shining and bright aura, could have narcissistic tendencies though! XD Muscular or fit, more of a stocky or compact body type. Thighs and calves are well shaped. Squarish face, solid features. Radiant. Warm colors. More of a traditional style or look.  leo, taurus
Turn offs: strength, king of cups, 7 of swords
When the bossy energy gets out of control and the relationship becomes a power play, someone who doesn't take care of their health, someone unkempt, someone who is too restrained, controlled, who lacks spontaneity, someone too secretive, who uses their emotional depth to manipulate others, a coward, someone passive aggressive, a trickster, someone who is two faced.  negative leo, capricorn, scorpio, gemini
Personality: the lovers, the devil, 5 of pentacles
Could be attracted to people who need help. Very sensitive, affectionate people, very passionate. Romantic people who understand that relationship are about sharing, that this is an exchange, who give as much as they receive. He is the kind of guy who wants to merge with his partner, so he attracts people who are like that too, who can be needy, possessive, clingy, but he can be clingy too. There is codependency in his relationships. There is a fear of abandonment coming from him and his partner, so they tend to get strongly attached but afraid to lose the other person, so there can be emotional manipulation as well. But the love is very deep, very strong, sometimes overwhelming. Us against the world type of love. cancer, scorpio, pisces, pluto, libra
Appearance: 3 of wands, 2 of wands, 8 of swords
Someone who looks both tough and vulnerable. He tends to go for people who look like they need help. But he also likes to see that the person is combative, is trying hard to rise above their issues. Someone who could be small in stature, but with a very strong body, muscular. Could prefer someone a bit skinny. Someone who could look a bit nervous, always in movements. Someone who looks like they could handle themselves in a fight, or outdoors, NOT the type who would be scared to break a toenail or mess up their hair and makeup XD A survivor. Short hair. Still who can look a bit fragile, shy, sensitive, youthful. aries, pisces, virgo, capricorn, scorpio
Turn offs: queen of wands, king of cups, knight of pentacles
Divas, people who think they are all that. Show offs. People who had it easy in life, spoiled people. People who use their connections to get ahead in life. People who are too calm, too comfortable, who seem to have everything and are happy about (he tends to be attracted to people who are a bit more complex). People who seem like they don’t need any help. taurus, leo, cancer
Personality: 5 of swords, the wheel of fortune, the hermit
He is attracted to an independent thinker with strong opinions, who doesn’t let anybody influence them. Someone who learned things on their own. Someone who could be a bit outside of the mold, have an alternative lifestyle, or simply like to spend a lot of time alone to read, educate themselves, focus on their own interests. Someone a bit philosophical. Definitely very cultured with a lot of knowledge. Very opinionated and could enjoy debates, could have a tendency to be contrarian, a bit rebellious. Someone adaptable, resourceful, open minded and who sees life as full of possibilities. Someone who enjoys change and need variety in their life. Someone who enjoys traveling. aquarius, sagittarius, virgo
Appearance: 6 of swords, 4 of swords, 9 of wands
He doesn’t have a specific type. He can be attracted to a lot of different people, and enjoys diversity. But he likes them sexy. Fierce, expressive eyes. And with a bit of a tough, intimidating. Street style. Colorful, warm. Someone who looks intelligent, vivacious, active. aries, gemini, mars, mercury
Turn offs: knight of pentacles, the hermit, 4 of pentacles
People who are very slow, stoic, who follow the same routine everyday, boring people. Although he likes the more closed off misfit type, he also doesn’t like some aspects of it when the person is too close off to the point they don’t want to see him anymore, someone who never allows any intimacy to happen, someone who is stingy, selfish, so focused on their stability they don’t allow for any change to happen, too structured, no spontaneity, people who never let their guard down, who are paranoid. capricorn, taurus, cancer
Personality: 9 of swords, 10 of wands, justice
He tends to go for people who have a lot on their plate, with a lot of responsibility, worriers who are overworked, anxious, and who are hard on themselves, extremely serious, intelligent, fast-paced, hard-working and disciplined. He wants to lighten up these people and make them happy, because these people are very giving and dedicated, but they can also be the type who don’t get too much credit, who could work behind the scenes. He wants to be the ray of sunshine in their life, help them relax, let loose. He likes people who are humble and supportive, reliable, with a lot of integrity. People who are honest and polite. always ready to help. Secretary vibe.  virgo, capricorn, gemini, saturn
Appearance: 7 of wands, the hanged man, 10 of swords
So if the person looks like they have a lot going on, he’s in. XD He likes someone who looks a bit tired, anxious, he can’t help but gravitate towards those people to comfort them, brighten their mood, make them laugh. Could like blond hair, or light hair color, feminine style, a bit dreamy, sleepy, soft type of beauty. Someone who looks a bit wounded (could even be physically wounded), he has a bit of a savior complex and wants he would want to assist or help in some way.  pisces, neptune, virgo
Turn offs: 10 of swords, 8 of wands, 7 of pentacles
Although he likes the overwhelmed anxious and even a bit depressed type, he admires someone who holds on and keeps going no matter what. But he doesn’t like when a person doesn’t try, when someone is quick to give up, is passive, procrastinate, is lazy, let their emotions overwhelm them to the point they become completely numb, or is easily overwhelmed and makes impulsive decisions, runs away from their responsibilities. Sudden mood swings. negative pisces, sagittarius, uranus, gemini
Personality: 3 of swords, 7 of cups, knight of wands, knight of pentacles, devil
(I pulled more cards because his reading needed clarification for me to understand)
Jaemin has a lot of options and likes to test them all. On one hand he wants to be with someone who is adventurous, feisty, fun, quick to move on. On the other hand he also wants to be in a relationship with someone who is more committed, and it would require more patience from him, more time to get to know that person. With the first type, he tends to be unsatisfied as it is fun but doesn’t give him that stability that he needs (but that he isn’t ready to offer himself anyway). And with the second type, he is afraid of commitment and runs away, breaking their heart in the process. There tends to be a lack of trust in his relationships, leading to manipulation, jealousy, either from him or his partners (especially the second type more interested in commitment). He needs to reconcile these different aspects of love within himself and find himself someone who can give him both the fun and the stability, and needs to be honest with his partners about what he wants and what he can currently give them. sagittarius, aries, gemini, aquarius/taurus, virgo, capricorn/libra
Appearance: ace of wands, page of cups, 2 of wands
A creative, artistic type. Someone who inspires him. Someone who looks dreamy, innocent, cute, cuddly. He needs to feel the passion and physical chemistry. Someone spontaneous, expressive, with a cute laugh, sunny vibes. But also someone who may be looking a bit shy, kind, more reserved. Could like it if he sees someone taking care of animals or children. Nice shapely legs and calves. Crop tops, abs or a cute tummy. Short hair. Small petite stature, short height. mercury, gemini, cancer, leo, pisces
Turn offs: ace of wands, 3 of cups, the emperor
Bossy people, people who are a bit rude and unfriendly, tactless, people who turn him down and friendzoned him, people who are too independent and see through his bs, people who come off as a bit too masculine, harsh. People who he feels no physical or sexual attraction with.  aquarius, capricorn, aries
Personality: page of coins, the sun, queen of swords
He likes someone who is a ray of sunshine, very positive and kind, relaxed, with a fresh, innocent aura. Someone popular and loved by all, warm, friendly, compassionate, helpful. Yet when it comes to him, they can be a bit cold and closed off. For some reason, he could come off as untrustworthy to this person, or maybe this is the kind of person who has prejudices when it comes to him, or has heard rumors about him and doesn’t want to let him in. Maybe they are close to someone he has a beef with. Or maybe they are both from very different environments that don’t mesh well. I feel like this could be a specific person I’m picking up on. It could also be that he can come off as a bit of a bad boy, or a bad influence, or maybe he doesn’t know how to express his interest and comes accross as rude or disrespectful to that person. Good girl/bad boy type of dynamic libra, leo, pisces, virgo, aquarius
Appearance: 3 of cups, 4 of swords, the fool
This is probably the same person as above, a specific energy he is very interested in right now. Clean, friendly appearance. Kind, innocent face, long hair, slim shapely compact body type, petite frame, popular, has a lot of friends and is very well liked by colleagues but also the public, smiley, looks relaxed, charming, spontaneous, authentic, expressive. Very likable, disarming charm. Could be a good dancer. Most likely an idol. Radiant, warm skin and aura. Cute and sexy.  pisces, virgo, libra, aquarius
Turn offs: 2 of wands, the fool, 8 of swords
Delusional people, people who are too easy to charm (he clearly likes the chase), people who are immature, naive, weak, cowardly, whiny people who don’t have their own opinions, wall flowers. People who are mean, unlikable, rude, always negative, selfish. People who are weird or unwilling to fit in, awkward, always killing the mood, different just to provoke others. negative cancer, scorpio, saturn, neptune, aquarius
Personality: judgement, 2 of cups, knight of swords
Someone who would make a big impression on him, a soulmate, karmic type of connection. Someone who would sweep him off his feet. A passionate, tumultuous, immediate connection. Someone who is a bit aggressive, impulsive, moves quickly, would express his feelings towards him or wouldn’t even be able to hide them as their emotions run so high. Someone who would understand him deeply, that he could share his deepest secrets with. He wants to start over with someone who would be 100% invested in the connection. Transformative, healing, intimate connection. Someone opinionated, witty, intelligent, quick to react, who can be blunt with words. Someone brave and dedicated to their path, with a strong sense of purpose. aries, gemini, scorpio, saggitarius, pluto, mars
Appearance: the world, 4 of swords, strength
He doesn’t care about looks, just that this person is strong and honest. That he can connect with them on all levels. He likes people from all over the world, and is not too attached to beauty standards. 
Turn offs: 6 of swords, high priestess, 8 of wands
People who are quick to move on, a bit shallow, who don’t have long lasting emotions, people who are nosy and want to know everything about him but don’t share anything about them, overly secretive people, impulsivity, mood swings, people who change their minds all the time. People who can’t sit still. Unreliable, unstable people. Vague, overly “mystical” people. The type of spiritual people who have their head in the clouds, speak about “angels” and “auras” and things that for him are not real and a bit weird. XD negative scorpio, gemini, aquarius, sagittarius, neptune
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tarotsol · 6 months
hey there 🤍 would you mind doing a little reading on nct dream’s overall career in 2024? will there be any new achievement?
Hi there! Thanks for the request!
Apologies for getting back so late with this request! So much has been happening lol. It’s been a while since I did a reading for my favs!
Let’s get to it!
NCT Dream 2024:
the groups dynamic:
with the 4 of wands reversed alongside the moon, all i’m getting right now for the remainder of 2024 is that SM is not going to be helping their career in the slightest. this represents a challenging work environment and often a lack of teamwork or a sense of instability. of course, we all know how much of a hell that company is right now and the cards didn’t hesitate to show me. emotions are going to be in the rise for all the members for sure unfortunately.
mark lee solo opportunities:
with the lovers and the seven of sword’s reversed, I don’t see much coming his way for now, his name could be scraped through dirt in the coming months/ something could get leaked about him.
huang renjun solo opportunities:
with the wheel of fortune, clarified with the page of wands and five of swords reversed, I feel like his solo projects are going to be very tinkered with by the company, like a constant fish to bait/ carrot to the donkey manner. the management is definitely playing with him, however their could be a good? businessman forseeing all this mistreatment and keeping an eye out on him.
lee jeno solo opportunities:
with the queen of wands reversed, I think that jeno needs to focus more on his mental health right now. he’s been through a lot.
haechan solo opportunities:
with the two of wands here, he’s just waiting for opportunities to come by right now. he’s also thinking long term about his career.
na jaemin solo opportunities:
he has the 8 of wands, so it’s definitely, no pun intended, in the cards for him right now to get some sort of solo opportunity by the end of the year. keep an eye out!
zhong chenle solo opportunities:
yep, I definitely see some sort of “business” opportunity coming his way soon with the temperance card here! he also is thinking long term about his career.
jisung solo opportunities:
with the 6 of wands, that’s a guaranteed yes! His hard work is paying off and will definitely land an opportunity this year!
That’s all I have for now! Some parts are a bit negative but this is SM entertainment we’re taking about and sometimes we need to be realistic. I wish all the success for NCT this 2024! Again, this is just my reading and things can most certainly change!
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bittertarot · 9 months
hihi could u do a yes or no if nct dream would date a foreigner? pls n thanks 😊
Hii!! Sure, that's no problem! Jaemin : *3 of Pentacles* - Yes! Park Jisung : *Knight of Cups Reversed* - Heavy no (it would sour his mood and lead to disappointment apparently?) Jeno : *5 of Swords Reversed* - Definitely not, seems to be some sort of lingering resentment here. Renjun : *Page of Wands* - Yes, feels like it would help him learn more about cultures and explore the world, energy would feel more free Haechan : *3 of Wands Reversed* - Nope, feels like it would make him frustrated and there would be a lot of obstacles within the relationship Chenle : *Page of Pentacles Reversed* - Nah, feels like it would be too impractical. Mark : *Page of Pentacles* - Absolutely, he dreams about it and desires to date a foreigner. He seems to be the most likely to date a foreigner. That's all for this reading, thank you for joining me, dear soul!
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bellestarot · 26 days
Jeno's Reading
September 02, 2024
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Right Now
He's really sad and upset right now; he feels betrayed. He believes people aren't trustworthy and seems pretty determined to cut some people out of his life at this point.
He feels like he doesn't have anyone he can rely on and is trying to take care of himself without needing certain people around to feel okay.
He’s also not telling people that he's struggling to get his work done and having a hard time attending meetings he needs to be at. He might feel tired or even burnt out from work, but he knows that if he doesn't put in the effort, he won't see the rewards in the end.
Love Life
He's not in a relationship right now, but I think he had the chance to be with someone or have a relationship, and it didn’t work out. He feels like maybe the effort he put in wasn't enough to make it work with this person. I also think that both he and this person were very materialistic, or maybe this person had a strong desire to be spoiled, was very focused on money and possessions, and that contributed to the end of what could have been something serious.
He feels that they had a good connection, they were similar, but he's really frustrated that things didn't work out between them. However, I see someone else coming into his life. Someone who has feelings for him, and he's also developing feelings for this person or might already have them. They have a good physical connection, a strong attraction, but he's still holding on to that person from the past.
He's feeling very anxious, even though a lot of good things are happening. He’s struggling to enjoy these positive moments because he’s going through a lot of anxiety right now. I also think there are two younger people around him at work with whom he’s been having conflicts.
The first person he has issues with because he feels like they aren't fair, don’t stick to schedules, and don’t put in their best effort at work. This has caused some tension between him and this person. The other person, he feels, isn’t living the right way; maybe they’re involved in something questionable or have bad habits.
This person also seems pretty disconnected from the work environment.
But overall, he has good relationships with people at work. I think there’s a balance with many people, and he’s able to build strong connections, almost like a family in a way.
It seems like he has some issues with his mother. Their relationship appears to be a bit strained, which sometimes makes him lose hope that they could have something healthy together.
However, he is very close to the women in his family overall. While I’m not sure if he has sisters, he does seem to have many women in his family, and he is very close to them. He trusts them a lot, talks to them often, and his family is currently starting their own business.
I see that he is supporting them in this endeavor because it’s being led by someone in the family whom he believes deserves this success. This person has worked hard and manifested this project for many years, and now it’s finally coming to fruition.
Actually, he was hurt by many of his so-called friends. I’ve noticed he’s ended many friendships recently. He feels judged by these people and believes they were never really there for him. Looking back, he can see all the signs that these people weren't true friends and didn't have good intentions.
Many of them just wanted something from him, something related to money or materialism.
He also had this behavior. With other friends, he was involved out of interest as well.
He kind of wishes for genuine and healthy friendships in his life. I think the universe will eventually send that his way, but it might take some time. Right now, he feels very alone and seems to only have one person to rely on—a female friend who has been helping him overcome this and showing him that he can meet new people and trust others too.
He will get an amazing opportunity at work that will bring him a lot of fulfillment. It’s something he’s wished for, so seeing it happen and succeed will bring him great happiness. In terms of his career, it could be a solo project, a drama, or something he’s wanted to do for a long time.
Unfortunately, his mother’s relationship will continue to cause him a lot of stress. I think he’ll try to balance things in their relationship, but it will be somewhat difficult and stressful.
I think he will go through a challenging time in his life, possibly emotionally. Something psychological will deeply affect him, making him feel very hurt, painful, and hopeless. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it will be, but it seems to be something very intense that will really shake him up.
However, I also see good things ahead.
I believe he will enter into a very positive and healthy relationship, fulfilling all his desires and dreams. He will be completely in love with this person, and I see them creating their own family, possibly even entering into the relationship quite quickly.
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prettyrealm · 1 year
nct jeno mini personality reading
positives + negatives
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+ positives
has a genuine lust for life & a thirst for knowledge and experience, focuses on taking time to celebrate life when he can, loves a good time, knows how to defend himself (he won’t fold and you can’t bully him), i actually think he’s pretty good with his words overall (whether it be saying sweet things to a lover or putting someone in check), doesn’t back down from challenges (in fact, i think he really likes competition) flexible with good social skills and is able to adapt his personality to get along with those different to him when needed be (he has no problem moving between different groups of people), confident in his abilities and what his role in this world is, he may feel unstoppable “no weapon formed against me shall prosper” energy, he can be pretty charismatic, naturally a good teacher and may even act as a mentor to others without even realizing, can see the bigger picture and and has the courage to sacrifice for a greater good (whatever that may be to him)
- negatives
he can be super mean and cutting (i don’t think he’s someone you want to argue with) in general i can see him saying pretty blunt and rude things, likes to party too much (he may go overboard when clubbing or even be into gambling), may have a lot or beef or make enemies easily, immature and doesn’t want to grow up, manipulative, fake & two faced (he likes to talk behind peoples backs, but don’t worry he’ll say it to your face too) he also likes to poke fun at others, overall, i think he’s someone who just says what he wants and doesn’t care how anyone else feels about it, lies often and steals peoples ideas and acts as if they were his own, selfish, ignorant, may have issues with women/views them negatively, not very fair or honest (could definitely run into legal issues in the future because of this) & i think he has a bit of a god complex.
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astroyongie · 1 year
day2 of asking nct dream (+markhyuck) opinion about jeno😌
What does NCT Dream Thinks of Jeno (+Mark, Haechan, Sungchan and Shotaro)
Note: Please remember to take this with a grain of salt as it used through tarot
Mark: He has 4 strong opinions on Jeno. First that he is someone that is burnout, that is tired and he doesn't understand why he doesn't complain about the whole thing. Then, he also sees Jeno as someone that works hard and that os financially stablished. fOR mark, Jeno's is someone smart and authoritative, that has a lot of self confidence and knows he is successful
Renjun: For Renjun, jeno is a perfectionist, someone that he olds dear in his heart to be honest, but who can be very boring to be around due to that perfectionism and image he gives himself. He also thinks of Jeno as someone diplomatic and compassionate despite his attires
Haechan: He doesn't have a lot of thoughts on Jeno, he only sees him as someone that is fair and just, and who lives according to their own rules
Jaemin: Jaemin also has a very short opinion on Jeno at the moment, he sees him as someone who can be very stuck up and doesn't move forward with his life and that can be annoying around him when in such moods
Chenle: He really likes Jeno a lot, he sees him as a caring friend, as someone he loves deeply and wants the best for him
Jisung: There might have been a clash here because his spread was very aggressive. And the cards also show it. It seems like Jisung thinks that Jeno keeps a lot of secrets, that he is someone dependent and very progressive in his ideas and plans for life. He also thinks that Jeno is mentally unstable
Sungchan: A short opinion for Sungchan who sees Jeno as someone who doesn't aim probably In their career, that he doesn't think for himself
Shotaro: He thinks of Jeno as someone clever and very direct, as someone you can trust
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k-tarotz · 10 months
omg hi can u do nct dream mtl to date a fan💗
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kpop-tarot-predict · 1 year
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NCT DREAM love life reading 🍉
Jaemin: not dating;
He’s currently moving on from a past heartbreak or disappointment, right now he doesn’t feel his best and is longing for a relationship, it’s likely that he’s avoiding making a decision, either to commit to someone or to open up to someone, because he’s still hurt
Jeno: not dating
He has lots of obstacles in his love life atm, both conflicts and external influences are hindering his chance at getting into a stable relationship. He also is in a state of confusion, preventing him from fully committing to a single person. He needs to work on his emotional stability
Haechan: YESSS
Guys I got such a positive spread for him, ace of cups, judgement and the world. He is in the beginning stages of a new relationship, he feels a deep emotional connection. He grew a lot as a person and now feels complete, ready to embark in a relationship with maturity.
Renjun: not dating but has a crush
He went through a hard heartbreak but now he’s moving on from that because I see that someone has sparked his interest and passion, he’s willing to fight to get with this person with determination
The other three I have done already, just check my master list!
Mark Lee : done
Jisung : done
Chenle : done
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satanandsoul · 2 years
Can you do one for how nct dream members see haechan/mark like you did for jay and sunoo
Also as a caratzen (a fan of both nct and svt if you're wondering what it mwans) I had a good laugh reading your last post. I'm glad i found you and hope other caratzens will too 😂😂🤣
Hi anon! I have a strong urge to just ignore your ask so that no Seventeen or Nct fans will find me. 🤣🤣🤣 Just kidding. 😉 But seriously, if you are Seventeen, please don't ask me to do tarot reading on how all the other members see a certain member. I will downright turn down the request. Can you imagine pulling 12 cards for one reading? 😅 I will literally die.
Sorry, slightly hijacking your ask. 😅 Back to your ask, I will do a tarot reading on Heachan as I have done a birth chart analysis of him, I feel slightly more close to him, cognitively. 😂
🔮 How Nct Dream Members See Heachan Tarot Reading 🔮
Haechan to Mark: Queen of Swords Rx
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Mark is terrified of Haechan's sharp tongue and mind. 🤣 Haechan is a bit ruthless in Mark's eyes.
Haechan to Renjun: 8 of Wands
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Renjun sees Haechan as always on the move, always busy doing something, or on the go to do something.
Haechan to Jeno: 9 of Cups
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Jeno actually sees Haechan as an accomplished person, that he should be proud of himself.
Haechan to Jaemin: Wheel of Fortune Rx
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I don't know why but Jaemin sees Haechan as an unlucky person, like he always is the victim of circumstances.
Haechan to Chenle: The Sun
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Chenle sees Haechan as a happy person, comfortable in his own skin, unabashedly being himself.
Haechan to Jisung: Knight of Wands
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Like Renjun, Jisung also sees Haechan as a person who is always onto something. Occupied by creative projects. Very passionate about life in general.
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403tarot · 1 year
can you do a love update/who is dating right now for nct dream 💕
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mark: no, but he's interested in someone that might be not corresponding his feelings
renjun: yes! guys this person is making him so much happy... it's like he's seeing the happiness on its fullest.
jeno: yes! it's a 6 month-1 year relationship.
haechan: yes! he's in a relationship but maybe they have different wantings about the future and this is making things hard to handle.
jaemin: nope but he has someone living rent free in his mind
chenle: yes but if they don't fix their dynamic it'll end soon
jisung: he's not in a relationship but he has an affair... someone here don't want things getting too serious while the other one wants
*based in tarot
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leonaluv · 4 months
pls do a rdg on jeno nct - how is he now and who is his fs (what does she do, what is she like etc.). Thank you.
He ready to go on vacation , and get a chance to clear his head . His spouse is someone who is good at investing , into bitcoin, and someone that love coffee , and positive person. they may be into film and making content that brings more awareness to people on social issues.
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bittertarot · 10 months
would it be possible for a yes or no if nct dreams fs could be idols ?🫶🏼
Mhm, it's very possible to do that! Jaemin : King of Swords - Yes Renjun : Page of Wands Reversed - No Haechan : 10 of Wands Reversed - No Chenle : 3 of Swords - No Mark Lee : King of Cups - Yes Jeno : 7 of Wands - Potentially? Not a definite yes or no Park Ji-Sung : The Hierophant Reversed - No Thank you for joining me with this reading, dear soul. Hope you enjoyed!
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