Skaters Art Blog
146 posts
Main blog: @skaterfc / only art allowed here!!! no ands, no buts, no coconuts! please dont repost my art!!!
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skaters-art-blog 29 days ago
Soooo Undertales 10th anniversary is this year, yes? I wanted to create something special to celebrate how much this game means to me, so naturally this means creating the first full length, fully colored, (partially) animated "Lyric comic" I've ever made!!
This is just a WIP, and I already know many changes I want to make from now til the final product (which i hope to release in time with the anniversary in September) but for now, take this animatic that I banged out in just a month!
I'm so excited for the real thing and I hope you guys are too!
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skaters-art-blog 2 months ago
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got some new gouache paint for kris-mas and had to paint a kris to prepare for deltarune chapters 3 & 4 later this year!!
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skaters-art-blog 3 months ago
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"Non-Consensual Body Modification"
I finally finished that sketch of Link i posted months ago. Did all the "lineart" fixing and the color for it tonight while procrastinating my hw 馃憤
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skaters-art-blog 3 months ago
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Been wanting to do another TTSTTS sketchdump and artie @eternalduos had already complied a bunch of text posts that would go with each character, and so I had to draw some!!
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
If you've followed me long enough, you've probably heard about my project to totally rewrite the DreamSMP. In fact some of you may have followed me for it! Today on this November 16th, I give you an exclusive first look at the first part of this rewrite!
If you enjoyed it and are excited to see more, please comment or send me more asks about this project! I would also really appreciate if you could watch til the end of the video, as I pose a question that I would really like some feedback on! I'll make a poll about it in a few days as well, but let me know your thoughts!!
Thank you so much to everyone who as sent me asks about this and has shown interest in this project, especially @rozugold ( i hope you don't mind the tag) as you really really helped to keep my motivation going on this project!!
As always, if you are hungry for more DSMPR content, you can find all the posts I've made talking about it or referencing it under "#dsmp rewrite" on my blog!
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
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Something unrelated to any of the projects that I'm doing, here's Philza Minecraft that i'm playing for an upcoming DnD oneshot!
Character sheet stats for those curious below the cut!
I've had an Idea to play Phil as Horizon Walker Ranger for AGES, but because of who Phil is, and sorta the nature of the subclass and the story I had associated with it, it just wouldn't make sense to play him as a Level 1 character working his way from the bottom. In fact I couldn't see playing him below level 10! But luckily this oneshot has us making level 12 characters!
Like I said hes a level 12 Horizon Walker Ranger (2014 dnd 5e btw), he's also an Aasimar, but flavored to have black iridescent wings instead of white (so Protector varient).
We were allowed to have 1 level 1 feat to start off with so I chose Sharpshooter for him. This guy is utterly kitted out for range and movement!
We were also allowed to have a few magic items to start out with, I chose these to be: Bracers of Archery, a Peript of Wound Closure (for that Hardcore survival nature, also sorta inspired by one sircantus fic where Phil has something similar!), and a Cloak of Protection. I also gave him 2 Spellwrought Tattoos to give him 2 addtional cantrips, these being Guidance and Frostbite. He also has the Light cantrip on account of him being an Aasimar.
He also has his animal companion as a crow named chat because I thought it was funny.
Thats all the notable stuff that you cant just find if you look up the classes, here's the full character sheet for those interested!
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Thanks for reading and looking over him! He's being used for a "Battle Royale" campaign, so he's VERY combat geared, but I think its in character! I'll be sure to let you all know what happens to him on my main blog if you all are interested!
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
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This. this right here is the big reason why I've been procrastinating working on the Dream SMP rewrite, but now with the hard part out of the way (9 characters, all in dynamic fighting poses, with a background) my ideal upload date for part one is well on track!
Here we have a panel from my revised Egg Arc finale, hmmm seems like a big battle is taking place! Wonder whats gonna happen...
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
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Welcome to the first installment of Through the Static, to the Stars! Me and @eternalduos take on a Relativity Falls AU!! There are many secrets to explore and fun times to be had, so everyone please give this first installment in this series a read for us!
Onto the art, this is one of the scenes from the fic and I had a very fun time making it and making their reflections look semi natural! I had never drawn one of these little compact TV's with VCR's before and i sorta kept switching what style I wanted for this, but I think it ended up turning out alright!
Reblogs > Likes but both are appreciated!
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skaters-art-blog 4 months ago
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Felt bad about having you guys go so long without more au content, so here i am posting these sketches of modern (2012) Dipper and Mabel for ttstts!
Dippers "coming through the portal" fit went through a few iterations, i was initally against a long coat bc it would be too similar to Ford's fit, but we (me and my co-conspirator for this au, artie @eternalduos ) ultimately decided it would look cooler with that dramatic shadow
We also had a bit of a debate in regards to Dipper hair, artie is saying it should be pushed back, i think it should be side swept. Both of us think it should show off Dip's birthmark, but we are split, what do you guys think?
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skaters-art-blog 5 months ago
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Here's the next set of sketches for Through the Static to the Stars, me and @eternalduos Relativity Falls AU!! Here we have the Stan twins (featuring fidds and a new character hehe!)
The bottom with the color splotches is sketches based around several "episode" ideas that we have! Fortunately for you, many of those episode ideas are gonna get turned into actual fics by artie eternalduos, so unfortunately I'm not going to explain the plots of those. I will however, give you all the next big lore-drop of this AU.
Since Dipper is an aspiring director, not a scientist, instead of the Journals we have the Tapes!! The top center drawing is the twins finding Tape number 3! But what could these tapes be of?
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skaters-art-blog 5 months ago
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Here's my peace for the @mcyt-jukebox-bonanza!! I got the lovely privilege of being able to do The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives!!
This song fits so well for Pearl and Scott in Last Life and Double life, I just had to do it!! Alt versions and a breakdown of the chosen lyric are under the cut!
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This whole song fits for their relationship so well, but I chose the lyrics I think best represents that here! Scott was only able to win Last Life because of the two lives Pearl gave to him to keep him from going red for so long (hence the two green upside-down hearts in the artwork, upside-down because scott is receiving them.) Pearl was only able to win Double Life because Scott had rejected her and given her the fire and bloodlust she needed.
They couldn't've won without the other, but at the same time, It didn't matter who the other person was. "I could've been anyone, anyone else" fits them as well because I didn't matter that Pearl was the one to give him those two hearts in Last life. And it didn't matter that Pearl was Scotts soulmate in Double Life, he would've rejected whoever he was paired with.
I could go on and on about the whole song but I'm sure anyone who's read this far can get the picture or knows a lot of what I'm going to say already haha! If you are curious, feel free to DM me tho! Thanks for reading!
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skaters-art-blog 5 months ago
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Don't let go!!
Please expand the image for better quality static!
This is some more art for me and @eternalduos Relativity Falls AU: Through the Static to the Stars! Here you can see where part of that name comes from!
If you wanna learn more about how the portal works in this AU and the portal incident as it happens here, its below the cut!
Some theory long ago said that the reason Gravity Falls TV shows are so weird is that they are actually broadcasts from other dimensions, leaking into this one. My co-conspirator Artie Eternalduos came up with this beautiful analogy to explain the whole idea.
If a prison has no escape routes, but it has plumbing, then it doesn't actually have no escape routes. Imagine the Nightmare Realm as the prison in this instance, and the TV broadcasts are the pipes. Dipper is not some crazy physicist like Ford was, hes just a film major. Bill has made many different portal designs over the years to compensate for the technology level around them. Ford and McGucket's portal was probably the most stable, but that doesn't mean some of those other ideas wouldn't've worked. So Bill comes up with, and Dipper makes, a portal that utilizes the POWER OF TELEVISION!
Because this portal is the equivalent of squeezing through the pipes as opposed to building a door, its very unstable. If it stays open too long its prone to causing blackouts that kill its own power and shuts itself off.
When Dipper is at his lowest and is alone, Mabel is also feeling at her lowest and is alone. The difference being, Mabel can't get a job anywhere and is about to become homeless, so she takes a chance and drives all the way from Hollywood to Gravity Falls in the hopes that Dipper will take her in. When she arrives, however, she finds that Dipper is clearly in a worse state than she is. She tries to get him to talk to her, but he's suspicious of her presence since he didn't ask for her help. Dipper finally says, "If I tell you whats going on, will you just leave?" Mabel agrees, not intending to leave, just to figure out whats going on.
Dipper than takes her to the basement, and shows her the portal, telling her everything, but Mabel thinks hes gone crazy. She responds with the classic "I believe that you believe that" and Dipper gets so frustrated with her, trying to get her to leave like the last person he told, that he turns on the portal on purpose to prove himself right. This is of course quite a stupid idea and results in Mabel getting scared and more shouting at each other and spewing hurtful words, before Dipper is backed up close to the portal, and something reaches out from the Dimensional Static, finds purchase on Dipper and attempts to pull him back through, which results in the art above!
Eventually Dipper's grip slips and he is sucked into the portal and the act of sending someone through the portal is enough to overload it and cause another blackout. Leaving the portal powerless and leaving Mabel alone. She'll then spend the next 30 years trying to get it going again, causing frequent town-wide blackouts in the process!
If you read all of this, thank you!! There's so much more to Dipper that I didn't even mention and so much to this au, me and artie are so so so excited to share it with you!!
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skaters-art-blog 5 months ago
Anyway, the full version of my Nobody animatic is finally finished! Go give it a watch if you can! :D
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skaters-art-blog 5 months ago
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So me and @eternalduos have been working extensively on our own Relativity Falls AU, and I finally did some art for it!! Its called, "Through the Static to the Stars"
The whole AU has a lot of theming around film, TV, and theater! The whole idea came from Dipper talking about wanting to have his own ghost hunting show. Here is Mabel and Dipper 30 years ago, around the time of the portal indecent! Don't worry, more sketches and info for this AU will come in time hehehe, artie eternalduos is working on some fic for it too, so keep an eye out!
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skaters-art-blog 6 months ago
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Sketch i did of 1 (one) ford pines!! in his epic coming through the portal outfit bc we dont draw that enough (plus a little stan lol)
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skaters-art-blog 6 months ago
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erm. my animatic isnt showing up on the dash for some reason??? posting some goatssek to keep in theme with the blog so its still art but mostly this is to test wtf is going on
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