#ncis: tony and ziva
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tonysziva · 4 months ago
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One day you will dance with a man who deserves your love.
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swiftlifeline · 14 days ago
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Here's a little Tiva dancing in Berlin to bless your timelines on this fine Saturday morning! 🌷
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thatcaithness · 7 months ago
"Ziva is always a little ahead and Tony knows that, but he is not intimidated. He is a little outfoxed and outmanoeuvred. But he knows that he´s gotta ride along and stay with her, because there is this sort of magnetic attraction. And they have to figure it out. Starcrossed."
Michael Weatherly
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television-overload · 10 months ago
Just now realizing if they bring back Tony's beard in the spinoff, it'll be all salt and pepper-y, and I, for one, would like to see it
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tiva-challenges · 7 months ago
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TIVA CHALLENGES is a fanfiction writing project for fans of Tony and Ziva from NCIS (2003) running before the spin-off NCIS: Tony & Ziva drops, with new writing prompts every month! Organized by @television-overload and @indestinatus.
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This project aims to encourage the creation of new fanwork before the comeback of the decade, highlighting Tony and Ziva's crucial moments and preparing ourselves for the new spin-off!
❤️ The only restrictions are that your content must not be plagiarised and you must not harm others inside the fandom.
❤️ The tag for this project is #tivachallenges. You can contribute as much or as little as you would like.
❤️ Works will be revealed on the last Friday of the month.
❤️ Have an idea for a future month's prompt? Put it in our askbox!
Jet Lag - What really happened in 7x13?
Additional information under the cut:
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❤️ You must publish your work on AO3. We decided to only accept this platform because of the ability to create collections and subcollections for each month's prompt. If you post only to Tumblr, we can still share it here (tag us!) but it will not appear in the challenge collection.
❤️ For detailed instructions on how to post to a collection on AO3, check out this post.
❤️ There is no word limit or format restriction to this challenge.
❤️ Explicit work is accepted in this month's challenge. Because this is a canonical event, AU is not accepted. Episode tagged, fix-its, and canon divergence are encouraged.
❤️ Works will be revealed on the last Friday of the month. A new subcollection will be created on AO3 for you to post to, and all works will be shown simultaneously on the last Friday! Any doubts about how to publish them this way, just ask us! You can find the parent collection here.
We hope you have lots of fun!
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indestinatus · 7 months ago
rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
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summary: Tony and Ziva burst into a wedding ceremony.
Set in the spin-off universe. Inspired by the behind-the-scenes photos released today in Budapest.
read it on ao3
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trust-no-1-but-tiva · 10 months ago
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chicgeekgirl89 · 8 months ago
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queeenaleex · 5 months ago
This year I've got
NCIS: Tony and Ziva with podcast
finally Emily and Carla podcast Boneheads
Gubler finally employed... (Please be picked up)
Universe you have three months to announce the return of Bones...
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televinita · 9 months ago
@kateschechterxthorwasmyfirstotp in reference to this post:
Did you miss they are apparently getting a spin off?
more accurately: I thought I saw the phrase "spinoff NCIS: Tony and Ziva" in a TV article I skimmed yesterday but immediately said no, that simply can't be right, and shut it out of my brain because it sounded to good to be true. YOU'RE TELLING ME IT IS TRUE??
I don't actually know how to handle this! I have spent the past several years imagining, every so often, how their inevitable family reunion might go at various points in the future (not in a way I wrote down or could make fic out of obviously), but I simply cannot conceive of seeing these two on the same screen again with my own eyes.
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tonysziva · 8 months ago
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swiftlifeline · 14 days ago
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thatcaithness · 5 months ago
Really looking forward to finding out what Ziva actually does for living. Tony´s choice makes sense. Ziva is a bit more complicated.
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television-overload · 10 months ago
I can’t wait to see fluffy Tiva on my screen again.
Their chemistry is still off the charts so I know it’s going to be great. I can already picture Tali being disgusted by their lovey dovey antics
My headcanon is that she's so used to their lovey dovey antics, that it doesn't even bug her (much). Especially because for so long they were apart, and she's old enough to appreciate the value of being together at last 🥹
She has such a great example of love right in front of her, I hope she's just as lovey dovey as them. It was just her and Tony for years, her earliest memories probably, so I imagine they were veeeery close, nigh inseparable. I can't wait to see what their family dynamic is.
Though I'm sure she'll be a little disgusted at some point 😂 or at the very least embarrassed, like "you guys can do that at home all you want, but can you please cool it when you come pick me up from school?"
I'm still in disbelief that we saw Cote and Michael talking to each other for realsies today. Here's hoping for him to somehow get her on Instagram live, even though she doesn't have social media 🤞🤞🤞
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tiva-challenges · 6 months ago
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The September challenge is getting close! ❤️ We're very excited to dive into such a special TIVA episode. 🎶 "Like we were in Paris"...
Are you struggling to come up with fic ideas? We have prompt suggestions and ways you could explore this! Have fun with it!
🛏️ "The One-Bed trope"
By the end of the episode, the audience realizes both Tony and Ziva lied about who took the couch. But what really happened? Did they fight to get the one bed? Or did they silently agree to it? Was it funny or vulnerable? We'd love to know!
✈️ "The Before-Sunrise trope"
Having to stay the night in France to escort their witness the next day, the audience realizes both Tony and Ziva spent a whole night alone in Paris. What did they talk about? Did they see any sights? What changed them? Romance in the city of love!
🥐 "The Casablanca trope"
Only one night? Scrap that! What would happen if Tony and Ziva had more time in Paris, now knowing they couldn't live without each other? La Marseillaise plays in the background... And Rick and Isla stay together in our version 😌 Change the story!
🔥 "The Forced-Proximity trope"
So, there's only one room available and only one bed... And could you please not sleep shirtless? Why are your pajamas so flimsy in the middle of the European winter? And... is that your hand under the covers? We like heat! Write about it ;)
🦴 "The Skeletons-In-Our-Closets trope"
Jet Lag 7x13 happens right after Tony and Ziva overcome what happened in 7x01 in Somalia. But is everything truly resolved? These are complex, I-can't-talk-about-it characters. They can't help but worry about each other. Make them talk!
💌 "The Elizabeth-Bennet trope"
We discover later in the series that Ziva has a habit of writing about a lot of canon events in her diaries. There surely must have been an entry about Paris in them, must have not? What was she thinking during their stay there? Be her outlet!
🛵 "The Back-To-The-Future trope"
Discuss Paris. Tony has an entry on his bucket list that we never got to see: why would he need to later discuss it with Ziva? In Paris, it's difficult not to be in love. Well, now's the time! Be their genie inside the lamp, grant him this wish!
📸 "The Family-Heirloom trope"
Years later, Tali may ask about what that Ziva in Paris photo meant. We know it was Tony's favorite picture—the only one with someone in it. But what about the others? What memories do they guard? Tell Tali the secrets Tony and Ziva still hold dearly!
more information about the September TIVA fic writing challenge is in our pinned post! have fun with it ❤️
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myncisworld-2point0 · 6 months ago
I need to see and hear more of Emily, Michael and Cote or Ellie, Tony and Ziva. Either way!
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