#nazi india
anarchistin · 1 year
Members of Naik’s family back in Jammu and Kashmir have repeatedly been “hounded” by local police, he said, while HW’s X account is routinely targeted by organised groups of Hindu nationalists who seek to get it taken down by mass reporting alleged abuses.
And now with the police complaint, plus stiff government opposition, Naik knows the road ahead will not be easy.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Then there are these perverts. Some hindutvadi was talking about applying the 'Israeli' model to Kashmir.
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So we're all well aware that Hobie and Pavitir are best friends because of their mutual hate for the British government,
But what I feel like we all overlook is how good of friends Hobie and Noir are going to be because of how much they both love punching nazis in the face.
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you post pictures of swastikas. you have no leg to stand upon regarding antisemitism you nazi bitch. leave people who just play a game alone
Ooooohhh you are so edgy! Accusing a hindu of being a nazi for [checks notes] using a symbol that has held cultural importance for thousands of centuries before some white plagiariser decided to steal it to spread hate and commit heinous crimes against humanity.
Here, take some good luck for your journey to becoming a decent human being:
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artcinemas · 7 months
people why am i seeing like fucking sixteen year olds call for genocide of "crores" of rohingya refugees (it is not even 50k girl atleast refer to actual sources lmao) in this country and then these same brainwashed dumbfucks say that hindus are oppressed in india. like y'all like to debunk yourselves a lot despite what your delusion likes to project in y'alls brains, like sanghis genuinely please touch grass and stop referring fucking quora and whatsapp posts for once!
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unravelingwires · 11 months
When you eradicate cancer, you have to take out healthy cells too. Chemotherapy consists of murdering cells in your body, taking advantage of the fact that cancer cells are more vulnerable while not actually stopping normal cells from being vulnerable. If you think about it, even the actual cancer cells are a part of you. They are your cells mutated, not some invading outside force. Smoking, radiation, and air pollution can all encourage mutations, but it’s your DNA that ultimately poses the problem.
The swastika started out a Hindu symbol. It’s still exceptionally common in India, where it was used religiously for centuries before the Nazis took it. Between that and Indian political parties using the hammer and sickle, I have practice scrutinizing the background of family photos to make sure nothing questionable has slipped in.
I’m the kind of person who stopped using the okay symbol when it became an alt-right dog whistle; I’m not saying anyone has a right to reclaim the swastika. I just think a lot about the fact that it was ours, first.
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taricide · 1 year
Was talking with my friends at school and some Muslim persons name came up and one of my friends said "one day all of them will be cut 😀" I was like what did you say?? and he's like yeah one day we'll fill the streets with their corpses. I don't know how much I have to yell about this but the! nazis! are! back!!!!! I was watching magnus v praggnanandha chess match yesterday and the chat was FULL of either Indians being extremely Islamophobic randomly or white people being racist. What the fuck is going on !!!! The youth is fucking poisoned !!!!!! They're all budding nazis!!!!!!
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carolkeiter · 4 months
If War is a Crime Against Humanity ~ Pope Francis, the True Criminals are Not Protestors Camping out in Tents – Cast as Antisemitic or Pro-Palestinian – but the Unethical Actors in the Politics of Economics
My initial intent was to convey my shock after reading several New York Times articles in which mainstream media portrays a solid alignment with, rather than query of, the educational institutions’ and US government’s stance on the war in Gaza. Ok, not so surprising, when the media owns the government. In the clearly economic arena of politics, peaceful protestors are cast as the bad guys,…
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spiritofmultitudes · 4 months
Well Joanne, I hope you get the respect this wonderful trans referee deserves. They’ve got more grace than you’ll ever have.
FYI, you’re the reason billionaires are such a target. Using your power and privilege to abuse and channel hatred towards someone merely for existing. You, Elon, Jeff and all the other toxins polluting our planet and culture. What did trans people ever do to you?
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Noor Inayat Khan was the daughter of an Indian Muslim family of musicians and poets, a descendant of the ruler Mysore, Tipu Sultan. She overcame her Buddhist belief in not taking life because of her opposition to Nazism and her hope of making common cause between Indian and English people.
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She was the first woman radio operator ever dropped into France, and she chose to stay on in Paris as the only English radio operator, even when her circle was broken up and she was offered evacuation.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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nando161mando · 10 months
Fourth, leaked Pakistani intelligence reveal that the far-right Hindutva government in India has an extensive assassination program and death squads with a global reach to kill Sikh separatists and other opponents of the Hindutva regime.
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schoolhater · 6 months
i love watching movies w ppl if anyone wants to watch origin (2024) with me pls. lets do it. this is not a documentary its different
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immaculatasknight · 11 months
Blackfaced buffoon rides his wrecking ball
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I took a wrong turn on the internet and ended up on Twitter.
But not just any Twitter.
Genius podcasters with many degrees from top universities Twitter
It was full of the regular shit they tweet about, viz. "I read voluminous amounts of arcane leather-bound books whose knowledge is so esoteric it's almost erotic" or "I'm going on vacation to this European country and can't figure which 300 books to carry with me from my massive library"
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Two interesting developments were:
1. The usual right-wing dog whistles are now couched in a layer of sarcasm, which is ironic for how much they hate postmodernism. For example, they'll share a video of a woman of colour being aggressive or doing something stupid and caption it with something like, "Brave African American queen displays her dominance" or "The benefits of diversity" and "Multiculturalism is good" etc.
2. They're constantly referring to how they're arguing in good-faith with tweets like,
"I love how Joe Rogan has the balls to engage in good faith debates" or
"I'll be making a good faith argument about why woke LGBTQABCDEFHIJKLMN (making fun of that acronym is another favoured pastime) ideology is dangerous to western civilization"
I don't understand if that's also sarcasm, in the sense that they know they're arguing in bad faith, as does their the audience, who laughs along because being intellectually dishonest to own the libs is funny.
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Or is it a desperate gasp of attempted credulity? As more and more people discover how sophistry and bad faith arguments work, these intellectual grifters will need to hide their MO better. The American right have inspired global right-wing movements to adopt a tactic of denying evil actions while simultaneously committing them and then accusing anyone who points out their inhumanity of being a paid member of the MSM or deep state or whatever.
Anyway, I shall now resume my 'social media is garbage' arc.
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gilliatt83 · 1 year
A New Brand of Hindu Extremism is Going Global | Decade of Hate
Far-right Hindu nationalism is fuelling violence and sparking fears for the future of Indian democracy – and is now spreading its influence across the world, and winning admirers among Western extremists.
India’s populist Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, advocates a hardline form of Hindu nationalism, known as Hindutva – which has been accused of inciting deadly violence in India, as well as inflaming the tensions in the US and UK.
And this radical brand of nationalism –  with its unapologetic Islamophobia – has found an unlikely fanbase among the Western far-right
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mulaplateada · 1 year
spock why are you agreeing with a nazi ur literally JEWISH
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