#nature to recuperate
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galoogamelady · 1 year ago
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Some photos from our trip to Hungary (2023)
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everythingunderthesky · 1 year ago
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Let him recuperate, Leo! He's been racing!
1 2 3 [You are here!]
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fluffernuterfiller · 1 year ago
my personal favorite version of the “humans are special because…” is the idea that humans don’t just pack bond with other species we make other species pack bond with us
the idea that a human will pack bond with something/one and after a period of time that thing/person will begin to care about the human too, even if the species doesn’t typically form pack bonds or are exclusively solitary or only brought the human aboard for its usefulness (only thought of us as a tool to be used and discarded if no longer of use)
the idea that by caring for someone/thing we can make them go against their own nature and care for us too
I like the idea that once the alien’s figure out that it’s a thing™️ they try to study it and the results are frustratingly inconclusive, it’s not some sort of telepathic manipulation, it’s not pheromones, it’s not psychological conditioning, it’s not a method of training. it just is
Humans are Weirdos (ft.  animals)
I know a popular ‘humans are weird to aliens’ topic is how easily humans can bond to animals. But then think the opposite.
We humans are so weird because we are practically bonding magnets to animals.
We have our social hierarchies, so it makes sense that we can fit in with certain groups like dogs and even gorillas if we can understand them enough. We get ourselves acquainted with dogs who have been domesticated and these dogs will leap into our laps and constantly bother us for pets and treats and licking us as a way to show affection. People who can get certain animals to open up to us are super cool. Aliens are in awe of how our understanding of them can get us into a pack so readily that humans who are super close to normally protective dog mothers are allowed to hold their precious babies.
We can even manage to bond with animals like cats, known to be mostly solitary. We care for these cats and when they’re comfortable they will break their isolation and seek us out for affection.
Imagine an alien seeing a dog or cat go to an upset human and try to nuzzle them or snuggle into their lap to let themselves be held for our emotional comfort. These animals which, though currently domesticated, were descended from predators streamlined towards a goal of becoming efficient hunters. Willingly coming to our emotional aid and comforting us because they’ve bonded with us so closely.
Aliens see dogs act as protectors and bark away intruders on the human territory, but instantly turn happy when they know it’s their owner and friend. They see cats utilizing inborn maternal instincts to hunt down and leave ‘gifts’ of dead things in an effort to feed and teach their humans to take care of them since we’re such worthless hunters in their eyes. They’ll even know if something is wrong with humans medically before we do, or know about disturbances in the home like fires or gas leaks, and will uncharacteristically jump us to get us out of danger.
And when humans are in danger by others, and an animal senses it before we do, these animals will immediately jump on the defensive and snarl and warn against any potential enemies  and try to alert us.
You’ve got dogs who will literally jump on intruders and bite them when they’re trying to attack their human owners. Throwing themselves and and intimidating animals many times larger than themselves for our sake. Even cats, the ones people might think aren’t very interested in their humans, will throw themselves into the fray and claw the hell out of something that’s a danger to a precious human of theirs.
And, for an added bonus, imagine if we can get this to apply to bigger, deadlier animals with similar capacity for pack bonding.
After months and months of talking, mimicking, feeding, and caring for a giant predator the rest of the crew refuses to near, it’s sort of relaxed to the human. A sense of loyalty that 'yes, this creature cares for me’. Then, one day, pirates invade the vessel and somehow the animal gets loose. Cue the crew panicking when it comes ambling out of its’ holding bay at the time when a pirate is about to bring a knife or something down on the human. Two seconds later this pirate is running and screaming for its life when it sees it. The creature takes a running start, LEAPS over the human (which was closest to it and already injured) and takes off after it. When that pirate is either captured or dead, the creature returns to the human, nuzzling them and making sounds to see if they’re okay.
The human is smiling and mimicking the sounds back, or just talking to it to say what a 'good boy’ it is.
The aliens of the crew are in shock.  The rest of the humans just smile knowingly.
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olasaudavel05 · 11 days ago
Acordar com rigidez nas articulações, sentir dor ao se movimentar e até mesmo ter dificuldades para atividades simples do dia a dia pode ser frustrante. Mas você não precisa mais viver assim!
Apresentamos o GoldenPure – Cúrcuma em Cápsulas, uma fórmula natural e poderosa para combater as dores articulares, reduzir a inflamação e restaurar sua mobilidade.
✅ Reduz dores e inflamações✅ Melhora a flexibilidade e mobilidade articular✅ Ação antioxidante para proteger as articulações✅ Fórmula com Curcumina altamente concentrada + Piperina
🔗 Garanta agora seu GoldenPure com DESCONTO EXCLUSIVO 
👉 SITE OFICIAL: https://bit.ly/CurcumaGoldenpure-SiteOficial
A Curcumina, presente na cúrcuma, é um dos mais potentes anti-inflamatórios naturais. Estudos comprovam que ela pode ser tão eficaz quanto medicamentos convencionais para aliviar dores articulares – mas sem os efeitos colaterais!
Se você está cansado de sofrer com dores articulares, chegou a hora de experimentar uma solução natural e eficaz!
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gojoest · 19 days ago
this was supposed to be a ramble post but i went on and on ;-; i might fw this idea some more in the future! tried to be as eloquent as possible but failed
royal au, crown prince!gojo satoru, f!reader (she/her), you reject him but that ain’t stopping the king to be from pursuing you, wc: 1.5k
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crown prince gojo satoru, predictably, was the most desired man in the kingdom.
along with his royal heritage — the simple fact of being the next in line to the throne — his highness was undeniably a well-favored, handsome man that no other could hold a candle to. naturally, ladies would often throw themselves at him — some charmed by power, others harboring genuine feelings. he could see through them all and he would politely, and sometimes not so — depending on the intention — would turn them down.
his highness found no thrill in the concept of love. he saw no challenge in it and in someone dolling up for him and speaking to him of all the things that he, supposedly, wanted to hear. he deemed it boring. thus, he’d often sneak out of the castle (jumping off his balcony, unharmed) when the ladies arrived to visit him. other times he’d send the servants to deliver the unfortunate (and very much untrue) news of his highness being sick and needing rest to recuperate his strength. he truly could not be bothered while there were other things that piqued his interest more.
the battlefield, he admired it.
he grew up as — what others considered — a problematic child. ditching etiquette lessons to go into the forest and climb the trees, hunt animals and pick up branches to practice swordsmanship by himself. other times he’d simply act up in inappropriate ways, purposely so, that would inevitably bring punishment upon him, resulting in him being locked in his room to reflect on the unfitting of a royal behavior he displayed that day.
yet, nobody knew how agile and flexible he was, that he had learned how to climb and land safely after jumping from dangerous heights.
hence why, to this day, his highness uses his balcony as an exit when faced with unwanted guests. and to this day, nobody knows to where the crown prince has perished when the noble ladies line up in the castle to meet him.
truly, a problematic man.
his father, the king, was not having it. he thought, maybe, if he were to actually send his son the battlefield in order for him to come face to face with the harsh truth of it, that it was not as the fairy tales told so, that it was bloody, merciless and brutal, filled with death and decaying corpses — he would, maybe, come to his senses.
but, unfortunately so, that did not do it.
so far, everything was going the way the crown prince had desired — he had learned, early on, how to manipulate his environment to get what he wanted, through mischief. he had become a self-taught knight by his own means. he had caused enough havoc in order to be sent away to the most desired of places he wanted to be. the battlefield.
he conquered lands. each time he returned to the royal capital, he brought victory.
the neighboring countries were growing wary, avoiding conflicts and easily agreeing and bowing to the demands of the kingdom in order to prevent wars from breaking. the army’s strength, led by none other than the crown prince gojo satoru, was unheard of.
soon, the entire world knew of it. the clashes and conflicts seized. nobody dared oppose the kingdom anymore.
the prince returned to the capital, back to his boring days.
the days once filled with dull etiquette and history lessons were now replaced with the constant nagging to review a list of candidates in order to pick a bride to be the next crown princess.
it was a bothersome activity. his only challenge now was finding new excuses every day to avoid it.
but alas, there was only as much he could do to run away from his royal responsibilities of continuing the bloodline.
it was after the king had threatened to have the head of his right arm in combat and best friend, the glorious knight geto suguru, that the crown prince caved and considered looking at the portraits of the candidates presented to him.
in front of him were a list of the big families and the portraits of their daughters sent in.
“say, suguru”, satoru lifts a curious brow. “the lady of this house”, he points at the paper, “i can’t see her portrait”
suguru chuckles. “i am afraid, she did not send in one”
the prince scrunches up his nose. thinking. “i don’t understand?”
suguru, covering his mouth, tries to hold his laugh back. “she did not send in a portrait”
“did she forget?”
“i don’t think so”
“then? why?”, satoru stares. clueless.
suguru, with his entire willpower, is earnestly trying to fight the laughter climbing up his throat. the crown prince might be his best friend, but he didn’t really know how this man would react when faced with rejection for the first time in his life.
“in my humble knowledge”, he clears his throat before continuing, “when a lady refuses to send in a portrait to the royal palace, it only means she is politely withdrawing from the list of the candidates, your highness”
and then, a stretch — of lips, into a smile. a smile of disbelief. one that resembles the smile he shows when faced with a challenge on the battlefield that his audacious opponents throw at him.
“is she rejecting me?”
“i am afraid so”
intriguing. it’s been too long since he felt that kind of thrill, and to think he’d experience it while flipping through mere portraits of his wife-to-be’s. perhaps, he should’ve listened to his father sooner, huh?
he chuckles to himself. “good. i want her”
from that day on, the crown prince, who was once apathetic and uninterested in banquets held by the nobles, attended every one of them that was rumored to have you as a guest.
sadly, you rarely showed up. during the times you were present, you obviated his approach in a crafty and tactful manner.
he started sending you gifts — luxury gems and stones, hairpins, foreign cloths and dresses that were considered hard to obtain even by the big noble families. you sent them all back to the royal palace.
but unfortunately to you and very fortunately to the crown prince, this uncourteous gesture of yours intrigued him even further. he already had a hunch from your previous encounters, that you were not one to be bound by etiquettes of high society nor were you one to be easily blinded by opulence. but just in case, he wanted to test you. he wanted to see more of your deviant nature.
yet, he almost felt defeated, ashamed of taking you so lightly — as if tarnishing and trampling on your character — every time upon seeing the gifts delivered back to him in the same state that he had sent them, unpacked. not even touched out of curiosity. spotless as they were — as a sign of unambiguous rejection.
maybe, he shouldn’t have acted so carelessly with you.
it was during a banquet hosted by the royal palace in honor of the visiting diplomats from the neighboring countries when satoru finally got the chance to strike a more private conversation with you.
eyes glued to you all night, watching as you danced and socialized with other nobles, he was waiting for the right moment to approach you.
and just as you happened to leave the ballroom and walk toward the balcony to catch some fresh air, he excused himself and followed behind you.
“don’t tell me you’re already bored and want to leave, my lady?”
you turn around, visibly unfazed by his presence.
“good evening, your highness”, you politely greet, bobbing a curtsy to him. “although it is not to my liking, i wouldn’t call such a fancy banquet objectively boring. i was merely getting some fresh air after dancing”
there she goes again with that witty tongue of hers, he chuckles. “i see. you find it subjectively boring, if i may assume?”
“you may and that wouldn’t be far from the truth”
he lets out another chuckle, wiping a hand across his face as if at a loss of words. you truly are one intriguing woman.
“i will be very frank with you, my lady”, he speaks. “i think, i might’ve fallen for you”
you remain unamused, not even a single feature on your face flinching at his very confession.
“love is not something you think, but rather something you feel, your highness. curiosity, on the other hand, might pick at your brain and make you think and ponder”
he chuckles. “they’re not mutually exclusive, i believe. can’t love start from curiosity?”
you crack a soft smile. “perhaps”
“may i assume this is you giving me permission to pursue you further?”
“excuse my impertinence, your highness, but — do you have a thing for getting rejected?”, you tilt your head, an impish grin on your lips. “how long are you going to keep this up for?”
he steps closer, “i promise i’ll stop”, taking your hand into his and courteously going down on one knee before kissing it — “when you stop rejecting me, my lady”
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pedgito · 4 days ago
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𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑 | Cowboy!Joel Miller x reader
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summary | Through all of his supposed wrong-doing, Joel has never failed you. Alternatively, falling in love with your dad's enemy while he shows you your full potential.
author's note | this is for @kedsandtubesocks's wild ride writing challenge! i struggled with this for a while, but ultimately erika and @hauntedhowlett helped me settle on something after sitting on the struggle bus for longer than i liked. this is all unbeta'd so please go easy on me dsjhkg
content warning | 18+ MDNI, no outbreak au, rodeo cowboy!joel, dbf but they're rivals now, forbidden love, hefty age gap (early 20s, late 40s), daddy issues, switches between present/flashbacks (all titled to differentiate), joel strolling around shirtless in a cowboy hat, mentions of injuries from riding, angst/internal conflict, fluff, smut (inappropriate use of a barstool), joel's such a loverboy
word count — 7.5k
Austin, Texas — Present Day: 
The energy in the stadium is inconceivable.
Austin always had amazing crowds during rodeo season, especially with such a close-knit community of people supporting a passion many have attempted to pursue. For you, it was in your blood, riding on the coattails of your father, you were saddled on a horse before you could even speak full sentences.
You can hear the deep, roaring chants as you stand steadily in the waiting pen, eyes locked on the television as the words echo in your ear, a faint smile growing on your face as you feel the solid press of his hand against your back.
It was a year of tireless dedication to get you back on a horse, somehow managing to entangle yourself in his grasp in more ways than you can explain—he wasn’t just a partner, he was your lover, a confidant, and the only person that could ease the quickly growing nerves.
“Like ridin’ a bike,” He says with an ease that comes natural to his voice, hand climbing up to settle against the back of your neck with a reassuring squeeze, “what’s goin’ on in that head of yours?”
“What if she gets startled?” You ask absently, the accident flashing through your mind in snapshots, the subtle twinge of pain in your knee that came and went when it felt like it.
“All she needs is you,” Joel reminds you, “s’never been a time I’ve seen her freak out when she’s got you on her back and you know it.”
Honey had been with you since you were a young girl, a trust built through years of connection and care, having practiced the art of non-verbal communication, you knew there was nothing to worry about, but the fear still lingered.
Joel’s Ranch, One Year Ago — Flashback:
Joel can see the way your hands shake, attempting to grasp the reins a few times with a clammy grip, over-adjusting yourself on the horse he’s ridden for many years, even into retirement. Buttercup was docile but strong and he’s attentive to Joel’s instruction, a rub over his snout as he attempted to reassure you.
It was your first time back on a horse since your accident, months of recuperating on Joel’s ranch with the help of him and his brother Tommy, working through doctor’s visits and physical therapy alongside two men who weren’t your father, but had filled the hole enough that you didn’t have to suffer through your injury alone.
“We’re just doing a few laps and getting a feel on things,” Joel reminds you, “I’m not pushin’ you and I’m not gonna let you push it too soon—what’s your number today?”
You bend and stretch your leg hesitantly, a subtle movement as Joel’s hand rests just above the thick band of your jeans, your face contorting in slight discomfort.
“Five…six,” You say indecisively, looking down at Joel.
“So, an eight,” He surmises with a smile, “alright—just a few laps and we’ll work from there.”
It was a step forward, fearful that you might never ride again. 
But, Joel follows you around the ring from start to finish.
He promised in the beginning that he wouldn’t leave your side and he hasn’t lied once.
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
While dressage started their run, you and Joel slipped off into a dressing room to watch the show and deal with the insistence from Joel that you shouldn’t ride on an empty stomach.
You picked at the food sparingly though, still feeling rattled by the energy in the arena.
Joel’s presence comes from behind, palms spread over the arms of your chair as he leans his chest into your back, lips brushing against your ear in an endearing manner, a ghost of his breath against the side of your face as he presses a gentle kiss against your neck.
"Hey," he murmurs softly, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. "You're going to be amazing out there, baby. I believe in you."
You lean back into his warmth, letting out a shaky breath. His arms encircle you, strong and comforting. "I'm just so nervous," you whisper.
Joel turns your face with his fingers at your chin. His eyes, filled with tenderness, meet yours. 
"Remember why you started riding in the first place? That freedom? The connection?"
You nod and his hand flattens against the side of your neck and you tilt your chin up expectantly, eager for a kiss that never comes, instead he chuckles and placates you with another kiss to your cheek.
“No distractions,” He chastises, “I meant that.”
You pout for a brief moment but relent, knowing that you needed a clear head and Joel would give you anything but with how easily he’s clouded your thoughts in the past several months.
Joel’s Ranch, Six Months Ago — Flashback:
When it happens, you aren’t expecting it.
Neither is Joel, which makes the entire situation unfold faster than you’re capable of processing.
The storm rolled in without warning, the wind picking up like someone had flipped a switch. 
But, the lighting strikes unexpectedly from the right and downfield with not a drop of rain in sight.
It startles everyone, but especially Buttercup, Joel’s horse. It was quick buck, with Joel’s hands on your waist luckily, so the decent is smooth but the impact isn’t as graceful as you would have liked while Joel’s horses thrashes wildly until he can calm him down, moving you a safe distance away before he can eventually get Buttercup tucked away in the stables and return to you, jogging toward you as the rain began to mist.
As Joel approaches, his eyes lock with yours, concern etched across his features. 
The misting rain clings to his cheeks, making them glisten in the fading light. He reaches out, his calloused hands gently cupping your face. Thumbs rubbing over your cheekbones.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice soft and filled with worry.
You nod, unable to speak as you realize how close he is. 
It’s never been like this, even in the moments of physical therapy and joint dinners with him and his brother—Joel had always been careful about being respectful and keeping his distance.
Joel was prominent in your childhood, weekend dinners with him and his daughters after the death of your mother—it was all a blur now, most of it buried away and forgotten. But, there was an eventual blow-up with your father and then he was gone. 
You’d see him on television and around town when shows were happening and he had a break from his extensive tour through different states, having turned his professional career into entertainment both out of a need for change and necessity.
He constantly remained out of reach, but with your injury and his willingness to yield to you when you needed someone in your life the most, he had stepped in. It made you feel like that little girl again, scraping your knee on the ground and crying for help, but instead of your dad it was Joel and the floating feeling in your stomach wasn’t because he was comforting you, but because he was touching you and neither of you had the courage to speak on it.
He’s never touched you like this. He wouldn’t. 
Joel’s always been careful—too careful.
"I'm fine," you assure him, but your voice trembles slightly. Joel kneels closer, his warmth enveloping you despite the cool rain. His hands find your shoulders, steadying you, “Joel—I swear, I’m okay.”
“M’so sorry, sweetheart,” He apologises despite no wrongdoing, “I should’ve checked the weather or at least held on a little tighter,”
You look up into his eyes, seeing the genuine worry there, and something else – something that makes your heart flutter in your chest. "It's not your fault," You insist, blinking away the rain from your lashes before Joel is helping you to your feet, his touch never once leaving your body.
The rain is falling harder now, but neither of you can find the urgency to move.
Joel's hands slide down your arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Your breath catches in your throat, coming out in a desperate attempt to clear the swell as you make a small, weak noise that seems to break him from his trance.
“Let’s get you dry,” He nods toward the house, grateful for the deflection as you turn, but his hand is still pressed firmly against your back as you both walk toward the door, like he’s too scared to let go - like you were too fragile to leave on your own.
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
Honey nuzzles into your chest before nibbling at the apple in your palm, always rigid about the time you spent with her before your shows, a moment of quiet and connection that strengthens the bond.
She was full of personality, leaning into the gentle touch you apply to her snout as you rub your hand up and into her mane, a small push into your ribs as she hears Joel approach.
Your heart swells with affection as you lean into Honey's warmth, savoring the sweet moment. 
Joel's footsteps draw near, but you're reluctant to break the spell. 
You press a soft kiss to Honey's velvety nose, whispering words of love and gratitude. As Joel appears, his eyes meet yours and a tender smile spreads across his face. He understands the depth of your connection with Honey, having witnessed your bond grow over countless shows and quiet moments like this. Even when you were much younger and Honey was twice the size she is now.
Your father had purchased her when Joel was meeting Buttercup, how the girls had hounded him over the responsibility to name his horse. He wouldn’t admit how much he liked it, either.
"You two are inseparable," he murmurs, stepping closer. His hand finds yours, intertwining your fingers as you both stroke Honey's mane, "I swear, sometimes I think you love that horse more than me."
You laugh, giving your horse one last pat before turning to Joel. "Are you jealous?" 
Your head tilts, eyes as wide and vulnerable as they always were with him.
“Not when you look at me like that,” Joel explains, his hand cupping your chin as his thumb rubs against the point of it, the corners of your mouth tugging upwards as Joel mirrors that same admiration, a playful glint in his eyes as you pucker your lips and kiss his thumb, keeping your eyes on him, “boy, you are really pushin’ it today.”
It was silly to think about now, but a few months prior Joel wouldn’t even allow himself to touch you like this, despite the clear indication of how you felt and how he had ultimately fallen first, too scared to admit that he’d fallen for his old friend’s daughter, knowing your father despised everything that Joel was, it was a maze he didn’t know how to navigate.
He still felt lost on most days.
Joel’s Ranch, Five Months Ago — Flashback:
Mornings were sacred on Joel’s ranch - a beautiful sunrise etched out over the hills and through the trees, animals rousing from their sleep, and a silence that reminded you of a simpler time.
Usually you found Joel up this early, nursing a mug of coffee in his hands as rocked in the old chair on his porch, eventually finding the courage to join him after a while, when it didn’t hurt to bend down to his level, taking a seat on the deck near his legs and sipping at your own drink of choice, talking through your pain level on whatever particular day it was.
Your fondness has grown over shared meals and proximity; seclusion, too.
It was you and him, months alone aside from Tommy’s occasional visit.
Maybe it was inevitable—that your injury served a purpose.
You always tried to find a reason to excuse your own mistake, a moment of hesitation that cost you an entire year of your newfound career, excitedly filling in for Joel in his departure. 
It couldn’t have been for nothing.
You felt her heart skip a beat as his footsteps approached, his gaze warm as it descended upon you, peering over your shoulder to be met with a tired smile.
The morning sunlight caught the silver in his hair, and you found herself admiring the lines around his eyes - evidence of a life filled with both laughter and hardship.
"Good mornin’," Joel's voice was a low rumble, softened by the early hour, “something botherin’ you?”
“Why do you ask?” You chirp with a soft laugh, narrowing your gaze in a manner to intimidate. 
Joel smirks half-heartedly, “It’s a good place to think,” He notes, “so—what is it?”
“Can I ask about my dad?” You start hesitantly, not sure how sore of a subject it was for him.
“Whaddya wanna know, sugar?”
“I want your side,” You wanted honesty, not half-truths, “did you cut him out of the deal?”
“He cut himself out,” Joel explains without skipping a beat, “we were partners for a long time, couldn’t have imagined doin’ all I did without him before he turned on me, but it was good money, security—it put Ellie and Sarah through college.
“He’s a sell-out,” If there was any time for your father to disparage Joel Miller, he would, “runnin’ off to Florida and taking some big deal, that shit ain’t right—it’s selfish.”
Joel had never meant to turn his career into entertainment, competing in circuits at a professional level before his body started to take a toll, eventually earning the Old Timer moniker and booking shows around the surrounding cities of Texas before touring the country.
If you were involved in rodeo, or even caught a whiff of it in the media, you knew who the Old Timer was. And even with him gone, you can feel your father looming.
The echoing mantra of his words in your head as you remember watching Joel perform with Buttercup, a long-established Bronc with his own exuberant personality to match Joel’s more subdued one, a perfect balance. 
Ain’t nothing out there you won’t experience here in Austin. 
You weren’t sure where the animosity stemmed from until now—it was a clear path he had pictured for himself and you, riding out the rest of your career in Texas, even as you were starting to climb the ladder as one of the more notorious female riders, still just a whisper for most people, living in the shadow of your father for so long.
“He’s stuck in his ways and that’s not sayin’ I’m any different, but I don’t regret signing that deal for a better way of livin’—a easier way, it got me all of this,” He throws his arms out lazily, property that stretched for miles, a place where he’s come to offer a camp for young riders to learn the ropes and get comfortable around the animals in a safe environment.
But, it was also home.
It was a surprise waking up one morning to a yard full of kids, a handful no older than ten or eleven, showing how easily Joel molded into the teaching role in such a relaxed environment.
You weren’t sure if that was when your feelings for him had evolved or if it was during the early weeks of being injured when Joel would sit with you bedside almost every night, either reading or working on his crosswords like it was religion, glasses perched on his nose as he moved with every subtle twitch you would make, worry etched on his face.
It was a mix of both and more, countless times you’ve found yourself at a loss for words.
“If he knew,” You pause, chewing at your bottom lip with worry, “if he knew—that I was here, that I turned down his help to come to you, Joel, I don’t know how he would react,”
“There ain’t a single reason he needs to know,” Joel assures you, “I’m sure he’s said a lot about me and some of it is probably true, but you deserve a place you feel safe.”
You nod, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. 
Joel's words sink in, and you realize just how much you needed to hear them. The weight of your father's expectations, his dreams for your future, had been suffocating you for far too long.
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice barely audible over the soft whinnying of horses in the nearby stables, and your words linger, like you’re holding back, “I do—I do feel safe…”
Joel hums, turning his body toward you more, his elbow meeting the railing of the ring.
“You have to know,” You begin, heart constricting with nerves, a surge of adrenaline rushing through your veins as Joel looks at you, all of you, that familiar full body glance that you’re not even sure he realizes he’s doing, “it’s more than just safety, Joel.”
"I reckon I do know," he says, his voice low and gravelly, still thick from sleep. "Been knowin' for a while now."
The words hang in the air between you, heavy with meaning and possibility. Uncertainty.
“I feel stupid,” You laugh away the sudden embarrassment, face heating as the silence grows, “fuck I’m—I’m only a couple years older than the girls and you were helping me with my math homework while trying to teach them how to tie their shoes. It’s wrong, isn’t it?”
“Seems to me like you’re an adult capable of making her own choices,” Joel decides.
You feel a flutter in your chest at Joel's words, at the implicit acceptance in them. 
Your eyes meet his, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt, but you find only warmth and a hint of something deeper, enticingly haunting.
"I've been making my own choices for a while now," you say softly, not realizing the instinctual gravitation toward him until his chest is pressing into your shoulder. "Some good, some...not so good. But, coming here? It was the first choice I’ve made for myself that felt right."
“It always needs to feel like that, sweetheart.”
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
Joel tightens the belt at your waist, the leather stiff from lack of wear. You’ve only worn the uniform a few times for fittings, a brightly colored shirt and riding pants to match, which were still hung on the rack behind Joel. 
He takes a moment to tug at the leather to assure it was secure before he drops down to his knees, catching you by surprise with a bubble of laughter slipping past your lips.
“Joel, what are you doing?”
He shrugs, pressing featherlight kisses along the top of your thigh while his hand drags along the back, hooking behind your right leg as he brings your knee to his mouth, his lips pressing over the jagged but healed scar.
You find yourself overcome with unexpected emotion, throat burning with the threat of impending tears, the moment holding still as Joel looks up at you.
Joel’s Ranch, Four Months Ago — Flashback:
It was intended to be a simple task, filling the troughs with water as you both lugged the buckets to each individual pen, narrowly escaping Joel’s increasingly boyish behavior as he fills the trough up halfway before he’s tossing the rest of the water at you, gasping at the cold, frigid temperature of it.
“You ain’t smiled today,” Joel reminds you, suddenly sheepish as you realize how big the grin on your face has grown, wasting the rest of the water to return the wet favor, tossing the bucket on the floor before you decide to make a run for the house nearly at the door before you slip on a slick spot of mud.
Squealing, your arms flail out—you accept your fate, arms bracing behind you as you wait for the impact, but instead you’re caught by two thick arms wrapping under and around you and your breath catches as you find yourself pressed against Joel's broad chest, his strong arms holding you securely.
Your heart races with an anxious stir of emotions, interlaced with excitement, suddenly very aware of how close your bodies are. Joel aids you back to your feet, shoving him away playfully as you snake your way out of his arms, trying your hardest to seem upset even though you weren’t.
“Careful,” Joel warns, “can’t have you injuring yourself any worse, you’ll be takin’ up a permanent residence here.
“Would it be so bad?” You ask curiously, a hint of teasing to your tone, “I think you like the idea of keeping me here, all to yourself.”
His eyes echo his earlier words. Careful.
The restraint he shows day by day amazes himself with how hard you’ve tried to break him down, some guilt surrounding his own growing feelings, ashamed with how strong they’ve become.
“Where’s your manners, anyways?” You ask, “You get a girl all wet and you can’t even invite her to dinner or kiss her first? And I thought you were a gentleman.”
Joel wasn’t intimidated by much in his life, but the way you see straight through him with ease—he’s helpless under your gaze, the grin on your face that follows is tortuous to his psyche.
“Oh, don’t hurt yourself, Joel,” You tease, poking at the damp fabric stuck to his chest, his eyes following the movement as you pull away and turn toward the house, “I’m just fucking with you.”
Joel snaps then, pulling at your wrist with a gentle tug, “Now, you ain’t gotta be so crude all the time, mouth like that’ll get you in trouble,”
Like this?
Joel sees the smug expression as it sneaks onto your features, his grip climbing higher until you’re at the lip of his front door and he’s got you crowded, pressing into the flimsy screen as he noses at your cheek like a wolf sniffing out prey, violently aware of how your hand squeezes into his wet shirt and pulls him closer.
“Just kiss me,” You plead, “fuck—please. Just do it.”
It was a craving so unnatural you ache, in your gut and chest, lips parting as your chin lifts in an effort to chase his hesitance. You’ve both been dancing around this for weeks.
Joel's resolve crumbles, his self-control shattering like glass.
With a low growl, he captures your lips in a hurried kiss, weeks of pent-up desire pouring out in a single, passionate moment. His calloused hands frame your face, holding you steady as he deepens the kiss, tongue seeking entrance between your lips.
And you melt instantly, fingers curling tighter into his shirt. It was everything you needed.
Rough but tender, his soft lips against your own with the satisfying scratch of his overgrown beard that tickled your cheeks and nose, hiccuping a breath into the kiss as he tilts your head up to meet his hungry mouth, each press more insatiable than the last. 
When you finally part, both panting for air, Joel rests his forehead against your own and allows his eyes to fall shut for a moment as you giggle, shaking slightly in his hold.
“Now, was that so hard?”
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
He’s got you imprisoned this way—body and soul, your hand shifting to rest at the crown of his head, curling into his hair, another gentle kiss before he’s leaning his cheek against the inside of your thigh and offering a gentle squeeze of reassurance.
“You plan on stayin’ down there, cowboy?”
Joel chuckles, shifting to hide his face into your thigh.
It’s a gentle tickle, his mouth against your skin, but it brings you immense comfort.
“We’ve got fifteen minutes,” You remind him, eyeing the clock overhead, “I think we can manage.”
He shakes his head with relaxed defiance, groaning quietly as he pushes to his feet again.
“Right—right, later. No distractions,” You repeat his earlier words, followed by a playful roll of your eyes, “You’re not making it easy, you know?”
Joel’s Ranch, Four Months Ago — Flashback:
Joel’s got you on a strict schedule lately once you’re cleared for training—breakfast, a workout, practice, lunch, repeat, only a few months out until your inevitable return and he’s hammering the routine into your brain, which you appreciate, but a break would be nice.
The run-through was flawless this evening and you retired earlier, savoring the burning heat of water as it melted over your skin, dressed in a loose shirt and panties as you searched through your messy suitcase of clothes and the pile that has grown over time with your extensive stay, down on your knees.
It wasn’t always this easy, depending on Joel for nearly everything in the beginning of your stay.
He was showering in his room simultaneously, or so you thought.
Joel spotted your hat about halfway through the living room, resting on a post outside.
His chest is still wet, jeans unbuttoned but snug on his hips as he strolled barefoot outside and retrieved the item, knowing that you hardly parted with it, it was a strange sight.
You pause in your rummaging, sensing a presence behind you moments later.
Turning, your breath catches at the sight of Joel standing in your doorway, hat balanced on his head as he leaned against the frame and smiled, the muscles in his arms conforming to the stretch and pull as he crossed them, tanned skin glistening with the few droplets of water still lingering.
“Found your hat,” Well, one could only suspect.
You stand slowly, acutely aware of how little you're wearing. "Thanks," you murmur as you make your way toward him, reaching for the hat. Your fingers brush as he hands it over, his own molding around the crown of the hat, bottom side up.
Joel doesn’t let go immediately like you’re anticipating, “I think you deserve a weekend off,”
“No,” You argue instantly, “I’m finally getting comfortable with the routine, I don’t need a day off.”
Joel’s face scrunches up in with a lack of belief in you words, tilting his head with narrowing gaze, “Now, that’s something only a person who needs a day off would say,”
“Joel, no,” You put your foot down, finally prying his fingers away from the hat, seeking a few inches of space from his bare chest and the unbearable heat that radiates from his frame.
While your admission of feelings had led him to be less reserved with the way he approached your or talked, more touchy during practice and at night while you both cuddled up on the couch and watched some old western you could care less about—Joel really loved them, though, so that had to count for something.
He makes you nervous, anticipatory of his next move, waiting for him to put your misery and break the metaphorical seal over your relationship—if you could even call it that, but it never happened. It would have to be you, a choice you made entirely on your own.
Your heart races as you take a step back, clutching the hat to your chest like a shield.
Joel's eyes follow your movement, a flicker of something indecipherable crossing his face before he schools his expression back to that easy, warm smile. It’s subtle, but there.
"I get it," Joel levels, "You're afraid of losing momentum.”
You shrug, unsure if that was fully true.
“C’mon,” Joel beckons, uncrossing his arms to offer his hand, your eyes following it with hesitance.
Joel chuckles to himself and pulls the hat from your grip before placing it on your head, fingers circling your wrist before they trail toward your hand and lead you toward the kitchen, through his expansive living room until he’s guiding you toward one of the few barstool, silently ordering you to sit down.
Almost immediately, he squats behind the island to rummage through the liquor collection he kept stored away for the occasional celebration or nightcap, avoiding it mostly out of preference while you trained, but he’s sliding a glass of whiskey over before you can fully piece together what he’s doing, rounding the counter with his own glass in hand.
“Happy early birthday to me, I guess,” You joke before taking a small sip of the whiskey, knowing your 22nd birthday was on the horizon but enjoying the reaction as Joel’s face contorts through phases—first confusion, then fear, before he’s attempting to pull the glass from your grip as he realizes his mistake
You giggle and stretch the glass out of reach, “Oh, calm down—I’m old enough to drink, Joel. Old age is really getting to you, isn’t it? I didn’t celebrate last year because I was so focused on the show, but we all know how that turned out,”
“You’re tryin’ to kill me, aren’t you?” Joel asks, downing the rest of the liquid in one go.
He’s drifted closer now, palm pressed into the counter beside your arm, his free hand rising up to tip the brim of your hat up, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth with an impish gaze.
“I’m just so young and impressionable,” You feign innocence, “I blame you.”
Joel's eyes darken, a mix of amusement and something more intense swirling in the depths of brown. Holding his eyes, you slide the glass against the counter and reach for your hat before placing it back on his head, a little on the snug side but still wearable.
“Kinda like it on you better,” You decide, adjusting the brim before your fingers trail toward his shoulders and settle there, feeling the muscle underneath twitch as he laughs, though you find yourself deadly serious and sincere, no longer meeting his eyes as yours trail toward the patch of hair at the center of his chest and down, a solid wall of muscle follow—Joel wasn’t defined, but he was large, intimidatingly so. When he wasn’t riding, he was building, working with his hands, lifting and moving things around the ranch, it was mouthwatering to watch.
“Eyes up, sugar,” He warns, not realizing how dangerously low your hands had trailed before your fingers were folding over the open seam of his jeans and how blatantly obvious it was that Joel wasn’t wearing anything underneath and how his cock had swelled slightly with your proximity and innocent touches.
You feel a rush of excitement as your fingers brush against the warm skin just beneath the waistband of his jeans. Joel's breath hitches, his hand moving to grip your wrist firmly.
“But, you’re—”
Joel shakes his head dismissively, “Can’t help that part—bein’ around you ain’t easy lately.”
In any other circumstance you would take those words harshly, but you can see the pain on his face, the self-restraint he’s holding himself to.
“I can—we can,” You offer, legs spreading on their own as you turn toward him, fitting him between your thighs as you lean into him, “I mean—it isn’t like you’ll be stealing my virtue. I’m not that innocent, Joel.”
Joel's grip on your wrist tightens, his jaw clenching as he struggles to maintain control. 
You can see the conflict in his eyes—desire warring with his sense of propriety.
Impatient, you surge upwards, pressing your lips against his with a hunger he hasn’t seen from you before, taking advantage of his parted mouth and dragging your tongue across his top lip, feeling the restrain in the way he kisses you back subdued with his hesitant touch.
“Think about—what you’re—askin’ for,” Joel interrupts through hurried kisses, his hand curling around the side of your neck to push you back, “What this’ll mean for you.”
“I think you should fuck me,” You respond crudely, “besides—you kissed me first.”
His resolve wavers, and you seize the opportunity. 
Your free hand slides up his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your palm. Joel's eyes flutter closed for a moment, a soft groan escaping his lips at the indecent sight of you looking up at him, lips parted on a breath and eyes wide with desire.
Joel never made great choices, only what felt right in the moment.
And somehow, it has led him here.
“We shouldn’t,” He says softly, “s’just another distraction.”
“My mind has never been more clear, Joel,” You argue.
Joel’s resistance is weakening quickly and with a low growl, he’s capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his hand leaving your wrist to grip your hip with a natural possessiveness, the same touch he lends while you’re riding, not an entirely different circumstance, but the intention is loud. You moan into his mouth, arching against him as his fingers dig into your flesh.
“Slow down, cowboy,” You tease, flicking at the hat, your laugh breaking through the tension as Joel parts for a brief second, watching your fingers fold around the hem of your shirt, “help me?”
It’s devious, you know, he knows it. 
But, he listens.
The moment your shirt is thrown to the floor, Joel’s jaw slackens.
Instinctually, his thumb drifts over your nipples, circling the areola before he’s using the full expanse of his grip to cup your breasts, maneuvering the barstool until you’re leaning against the marble top, his lips latching onto your skin, tongue alternate as they circle the sensitive buds.
He’ll repent later, much later.
A gasp escapes you when he grazes his teeth against your nipple, sending a spark of pleasure through your body.
"Joel," you breathe, arching into his touch. He hums against your skin, the vibration sending shivers down your spine. He knew exactly what he was doing, hesitance out the window and replaced with newfound confidence.
His hands slide down your sides, rough calluses catching on your soft skin as he explores every inch of you. When his fingers reach the waistband of underwear, he pauses, looking up at you for guidance and surety. 
You nod eagerly, lifting your hips in time with his tug, pulling the damp fabric down your legs and leaving you bare. The cool air hits your heated skin, making you shiver with anticipation. Joel's eyes rake over your naked form, hunger evident in his eyes.
And you learn quickly that his skilled hands and fingers aren’t entirely for show, two fingers to start as they push inside of your cunt, head tilted back into his empty hand as he watches you carefully - the quickened breath as he curls his fingers, eyes fluttering shut when he reaches a sensitive spot deep inside of you, gasping for air while he brushes it once, twice, until you’re nothing but a sobbing mess, crying out his name until you come over his fingers, the butt of his palm pressed against your clit for added measure.
“She loves me, don’t she?” Joel teases, the gall of that man.
You offer a pathetic sound of acknowledgement, Joel's eyes never leaving your face as you come undone, drinking in every gasp and shudder. As your climax subsides, he slowly withdraws his fingers, bringing them to his lips. His tongue darts out, cleaning up the mess you’ve made, his chest rumbling with a deep groan.
You’ve had enough.
You reach for his jeans, fumbling weakly as you push them down, desperate for as much of him as you could consume—all of him, preferably.
His arousal is evident as you rid him of his jeans, watching as he kicks away the tangled mess to fit himself between your spread legs, his cock bobbing freely against his stomach, thick and heavy against your thigh as you pull him closer. You wrap your hand around his cock, stroking slowly, reveling in the way his breath hitches and his hips buck involuntarily.
"I’m good," You assure him without elaborating, guiding him towards your entrance—you could talk later, too desperate to feel him inside of you.
Joel hesitates for a moment, searching your eyes. Whatever he sees seems to convince him, both of your breaths holding as he presses inside with slow, hesitant thrusts.
The sensation steals your words, knowing just by the sight of him that it would be pushing what you were used to, and no fumbling hands either, sure in every touch he laid upon you.
The way he squeezed at your hip and curled his other hand around the back of your neck, protecting you from the hard edge of the counter before he’s slinging your arms over his neck and nearly knocking the barstool to the floor as he leans into you, his hips picking up in their intensity as he listens to your body and your voice, distant and soft but there, floating in some ethereal plane of pleasure.
Your fingers dig into Joel’s shoulders, moaning at how he fills you in the most satisfying way, amiss to the bite of the counter in your back as the chair creaks and rocks with Joel’s hurried movement, breath hot against your neck where he’s buried himself.
“Jesus, sweetheart,” He sighs, mouthing his way to your ear, hissing at the sting of your grip and with that his thrusts become deeper, more forceful— each one pushing you further over the edge. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, wanting more.
Joel’s lips find yours frantically, in desperation as he groans, a low rumble that seeps into your own mouth, “Gonna gimme one more,” He tells you,
You nod fervently, barely able to form words as Joel's movements grow more insistent.
His hand slips between your bodies, finding that sensitive bundle of nerves and circling it with a precision that leaves you breathless. The dual sensations of his thick length filling you and his skilled touch on your clit quickly push you towards the precipice.
“Good, good,” He coos, soothing your weak cries with his mouth as your voice muffles under his guise, kissing you soundly, “go on—let go for me,”
His words push you over the edge and you come undone while Joel follows, burying himself deep inside you with a guttural moan, coming forceful and deep, fucking his spend deeper inside of you as reality resurfaces too soon.
“You alright?” Joel asks almost immediately, slipping out of you with a soft grunt.
The barstool creaks ominously as you adjust yourself and Joel chuckles.
“Probably not the sturdiest spot for that,” He jokes, thankful for the levity as he helps you stand, unsteady on your legs and held up by his firm grip, “I’m blamin’ you for that one.”
The grin it brings out of you is worth the slight discomfort you feel.
You shrug, nonchalant and admit defeat, “Guilty,”
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
He’s not supposed to be here.
There was always a plan, something tucked away in his back pocket.
This time it was the element of surprise and a mix of fear, eyes landing on him for the first time since he rushed onto Joel’s property, half-cocked and throwing out demands where he had no position or right.
He knows what he’s doing, eyes locked with yours from several feet away.
“Guest speaker?” Joel asks, the words biting as they leave his mouth, “Seriously?”
“It’s okay,” It was a mantra to yourself mostly, but Joel hears you, “I know what he’s trying to do—it won’t work.”
“You say the word, I’ll take care of it,” Joel promises.
You smirk slightly, rubbing your hand against his cheek and offering a reassuring squeeze.
“Easy, cowboy,” You offer lightheartedly, “I can handle myself.”
Joel’s Ranch, Two Months Ago — Flashback: 
You knew he’d figure it out eventually.
For a while he believed the lie—that you had been transferred to a beautiful place in Florida that dealt with injury and rehabilitation for your line of work and he accepted that, kept his distance.
He almost followed through on his reconciliation with Joel, that is, until he sees you at his side.
It was such a natural moment for the both of you now, Joel’s arm slung around your waist as he pulled you in, lips pressing against your temple before you both called it for the day, Honey’s head slipping between your hands as she noses at your head, suddenly whining at the shadowed intruder as he grew close.
At the sound of his voice, you fade away. 
You’re still here, standing, but Joel’s protectiveness jumps out instantly.
The words were loud and harsh, but the moment you snap back is as your father’s hand squeezes at your bicep and yanks you forward, immediately met with resistance. 
“I forbid it,” He shouts, “whatever brainwashin’ you’ve done to my kid, it’s over.”
“Forbid it?” You counter, “Do you hear yourself?”
“Always liked makin’ a show of things,” He sounds bitter, he is, “come on, we’re leaving.”
“No,” You tell him, voice unrecognizably strong, “I’m finally doing something for myself.”
Your father's face contorts, a mix of anger and betrayal etched into every wrinkle. He takes a step forward, his voice lowering to a dangerous growl. "For yourself? You think leaving everything behind and letting him influence you is for yourself?"
Joel shifts behind you, a ghosting of his fingers against your back but you don’t waver.
"Yes, for myself," you say, shocked at the steadiness in your voice. “I deserve a chance to figure things out my own way, I don’t have to follow the same path you did.”
Your father scoffs, shaking his head. "Your own way? You don't even know what that means, honey. All we built together, you’re ready to throw that away for him—”
"We?" you interrupt, feeling a surge of frustration. "You built that, Dad. I was a kid, I did what I was told.” It was clear he still saw you as a young girl, his protege, destined to take over after he was gone and carry on the legacy.
The silence that follows is deafening. 
Your father's eyes narrow, searching your face as if seeing you for the first time. You weren’t the same young girl who stared at him wide-eyed, amazed by his ability to wow the crowd and commit to everything he did. The disappointment in his gaze morphs into something else—hurt.
“I’m not gonna sit and wait around if he breaks your heart,” Your father tells you, “let alone how inappropriate it is—you try justifyin’ that to the public. I see what this is and what you did.”
His eyes land on Joel.
Fortunately, he couldn’t be more wrong.
Austin, Texas — Present Day:
The truth was, no one cared.
You and Joel had created an amazing partnership with natural chemistry and it seared the crowds, grabbed their attention, all eyes on you when you finally took your run out in the arena.
It was weeks that had built to this, following through your routine almost masterfully and without missing a beat, ending with a flourish trick as you stood on Honey’s back for the hundredth time it felt like now, not a single waver in your movement and lasso’d the cowboy hat from the middle of the ring and yanked it in, placing it on your head before the crowd erupted in a loud cheer.
It was the feeling you had searched for since you were younger, fulfillment like no other.
Your father’s appearance couldn’t be further from your mind and as you dismounted Honey and took your bow, your eyes searched the side for the one face that mattered most. Joel's proud grin beamed at you from across the arena, his eyes locked on yours. 
In that moment, the roar of the crowd faded away and it was him.
Joel’s Ranch, One Month Ago — Flashback:
You feel guilty for the way your eyes linger on his back as Buttercup trots around the ring, distracted and smiling to yourself as you step onto the railing and lean over with your forearms.
“Focus,” Joel chirps, “c’mon—put on your best voice.”
You clear your throat dramatically and lower your tone a bit, fighting through the giggles.
“You know him, you love him,” You bellow from deep in your chest, “It’s Old Timer!”
Joel chuckles, “That was horrible, baby.”
“So what?” You shrug, “I know him, I love him—point proven.”
It was rare to get a glimpse of Joel like this, back in his element as you watched him run-through your routine without all the flair, offering a slightly different view—though, he knows it won’t help.
You were barely focused on the routine, preoccupied with how easily Joel could capture a room like this, noticing your glossed over gaze as he finishes and hops off his horse, walking over with a knowing smirk.
"You weren't paying attention at all, were you?" Joel teases, his voice low and intimate.
You feel a heat creep up your neck as you meet his gaze.
 "I was... distracted," You admit sheepishly.
His smirk softens into a tender smile. "By what, exactly?"
“Not Joel,” You clarify, grabbing hold of his collar as you pull him close, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, “I like it when you ride, Old Timer.”
“All I gotta do is hop on a horse to make you swoon?” Joel asks, the skin around his eyes crinkling with the emotion as he blushes at the affection.
“Among other things.”
“Done and done, sweetheart.”
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void-my-warranty · 10 months ago
Sack of Flour (18+)
Service Dog Johnny Part 7 (full part list here)
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“Get your monthly while I was gone?”
“Mhmm.” You don’t look up from your hobby things at the table, chewing on your mouth as you try to get it right. 
“How was it?” Simon asks. From across the kitchen comes the soft, slow chopping sounds of someone with mediocre knife skills and an aversion to being cut. 
“Fine,” you reply with a sigh. “We were slow at work, so I took breaks. Wasn’t as bad as last time.”
He gives you an acknowledging grunt, and the chopping pauses for a few seconds before resuming. “Touch yourself while I was gone?”
Craft momentarily forgotten, you twist your head to see him tossing onion skins in the trash, as if that’s just some natural, catching-up sort of question. 
“A little.”
He leans his hands in the counter to look at you, those little lines around his eyes creasing with a smile. “Get that toy out finally?”
You roll your eyes and go back to your project. “Yes, actually.”
“On my bed, was it?” 
You’re determinedly not looking at him now. “Mhmm.”
“I missed you, darling.”
Okay, nevermind. You flash him a happy smile. “Missed you too.”
There’s a stretch of comfortable silence after that, where Simon is busy with the cooking and you’re allowing yourself some mental recuperation before the work week begins. 
He’s been in quite a good mood today. It makes you wish you had pried into his nightmares earlier, wish you had known there was some shameful burden he’s been carrying. It’s so much better, knowing. You can’t work through these parts of him if he never shows them to you. Can’t really know him, unless he allows it.
“Playing with Johnny tonight?”
You exhale when something goes a little bit wrong with your project, and you have to retrace your steps to fix it. “Uh, no, I told him no sex tonight, just come over for food.”
The air shifts. It’s heavier now, in a way that you recognize as Simon gathering his thoughts before he says something. You peer over to try and gauge his expression, figure out what you said wrong.
“When’s the last time you got to cum?” he asks casually, turning his back to get the stove going. 
A timid laugh leaves you, not really sure if he’s joking or not. “Don’t worry about me. I’m okay.”
That’s when you get his full, stupid attention on you, making your knee bounce under the table while you endure his ‘I’m not going to repeat myself’ face.
“Okay,” you relent, scrubbing a hand over your face. “Um…. Four or five days ago, maybe? Actually, no, last weekend. Really, it’s fine. I just… I don’t know. I really don’t want him to feel used.”
“Mhmm.” Simon turns away again, a hand propped on his hip and the other one hovering over the pan to check the temperature. “Me ‘n Johnny have been sitting in dirt and sweat for two weeks. I think you should let him make his own choice.”
Okay, but that would require being both honest and selfish at the same time, and your sexual needs are simply not worth doing that.
You must be taking too long to reply, or maybe staring at the table too intently, because he clears his throat a little and says, “And if I’m honest, I haven’t heard your pretty little noises in two weeks, and I’m a mite hard up for it.”
A tingle of interest sparks between your legs, effectively drowning out your previous embarrassment. Simon’s turned back to toss the onions in the pan, but you know he’s just using it as an excuse to hide for a second. Your eyes float over his broad back, the movements of his arm as he works. You’re thinking about this morning, waking up to him wrapping himself around you and sighing so deliciously into your hair. 
“Simon,” you prompt quietly, waiting for him to turn and meet your eyes. “You know, you’re really easy to love.”
He does that subtle shake of his head. “Don’t be givin—“
“Shut your mouth, or else I’m going to grab that knife and hold it on your neck until you do.” 
Your enormous boyfriend sets down the spatula without a sound, turning fully to face you with his eyes suddenly dark and foreboding.
“Don’t,” you warn, trying to scowl back, even though you’re smiling like an idiot. 
He doesn’t even have to look behind him, just clicks the stove burner off and takes a step toward you.
“Simon Riley, I’m warning you.” You desperately push your craft farther into the table so it will be spared. 
The sizzle of the onions begins to die as he closes the distance, and you shriek as he scoops you up into the air with a, “Where’s your fuckin knife now, you little ankle biter?”
Two days of not shaving unfortunately means he has a weapon, and he doesn’t hesitate to assault you with his prickly chin, weaseling it into your neck while you squeal and wriggle in his arms. 
“You’re gonna— make me— horny—“ you gasp out, fisting his hair in an effort to prevent tickles. 
“Rubbish, and you know it.”
His phone dings in his pocket, but he ignores it.
You finally manage to yank his face away from your neck, but he just nips at your exposed ear, forcing another peal of laughter out of you. “That’s probably Johnny!” you argue breathlessly. 
“You need to check it. He’s lost or something. Broke his other ankle.”
Simon sighs, giving you one last play bite. He slings you straight over his shoulder as if you’re a sack of flour, wrapping his arm around your thighs and digging into his pocket with the other hand. 
“Oh my god,” you huff, unreasonably entertained by the downward view of his ass. 
“Ahh, yeah, Johnny’s here.”
Oh no.
“Don’t you fucking dare—“
To your horror he just starts walking with you like that, ignoring your frantic screeches and death threats. You can practically feel the self satisfaction etched into his body as he gets you all the way to the hall, and you’re helpless to do anything but prop your arms on his back, freezing in place and holding your breath when you hear the door open. 
“Hey, Johnny.”
There’s a suspicious silence then, and you can perfectly imagine the look on Johnny's face, confronted with your whole ass stuck next to Simon’s head. You just know your boyfriend has that deadpan expression plastered on, the one he uses whenever he’s fucking with someone. 
“Got some wine,” comes Johnny’s amused voice.
“Cheers, mate.”
You wind back as far as you can, furiously smacking Simon’s ass with one solid hit, and you’re rewarded by his pained grunt and a highly satisfying sting to your palm.
Next Part
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Dividers by @the-aesthetics-shop
Chronological Read-Through Path
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suempu · 9 months ago
How about a blind reader and thistle
Like thistle met them by accident and now they just keep them around because reader makes them happy
gn + human, mage reader + can be platonic or not
first off all, he’s fucking confused cause how the hell did you even end up in the dungeon? thistle first finds out about your existence when you accidentally stumble upon him after his confrontation with laios’ party.
he immediately puts up his guard when he hears your footsteps before you gasp in surprise.
“hello! wow, i didn’t think there would be another person down this deep...” you smile, staff clicking on the stone tiles.
he’s taken aback before asking you questions warily, to which he finds out you had some sort of echolocation ability. you have no clue that he had a sour expression on his face, assuming he only had a gruff voice from the aggressive way he talks.
you normally go dungeon crawling with your party but decided to walk around while they recuperate on the floor above. honestly, how did you even survive? what kind of idiot decides to take a casual walk in a dungeon? on the floor the red dragon was, no less. thistle thinks. you were lucky you missed it.
the two of you sit after you’ve offered him some food and snacks from your pack. he tried to refuse but you just kept on insisting.
thistle is interested in the foggy look in your eyes, unabashedly staring at your face after finding out you couldn’t see him.
you both sit on the floor as you munch on your bread, occasionally asking him questions and making conversation.
after that night, he’s curious about your whereabouts and everything about you, oftentimes sending out a creature to spy observe you. its been a long time since he has found good company, and to be completely honest, he’s lonely.
thistle came to know that your party has disbanded after eavesdropping with his creatures, the members finding different jobs and passions.
to your surprise, he appears again while you’re out camping on the second floor. you smile once you realize its your mysterious friend, eagerly offering him soup he couldn’t taste and a space for sleeping which he didn’t need. but he thanks you nonetheless.
thistle finds peace around you, the only person he could call a companion after so many years of isolation. if he’s in a decent mood, he’ll bring out his lute to play tunes while you hum.
conversations with you are enjoyable, you both find a good harmony of back and forth, discussing various topics such as nature, magic, and his hobbies.
“you write poems? that’s amazing. read it to me sometime?”
“i’m not sure you’d like it. it’d probably make you cry.”
you smile assuredly. “i’m sure it’s great! don’t sell yourself short!”
“you’re facing the wrong way. i’m on your left.”
you two grow closer once he lets you touch his face. the curiosity of what he looked like came out in a question as you whisper it to him unsurely.
thistle is hesitant at first, but your amazed gasps and the gentle touches of your palm against his cheek made his heart ache. how long has it been since someone had held him? talked to him? how long has he went without the softness and comfort of another being?
you caress his eyelids, nose, and ears while smiling, committing the feeling of his face to your mind.
“you’re beautiful. thank you for trusting me enough to do that.”
“how do you know? that i’m beautiful.” he murmurs, looking at the floor in contempt.
“i can feel it.” with a hand on your chest, you tell him wholeheartedly.
thistle allows himself to laugh, reaching out to tilt your chin at his direction. “you’re looking the wrong way again.”
you pout, “well, i can’t look or see at all, mind you!”
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venusalexian · 2 days ago
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solet • let me do this for you
part 1
barça femení x teen!reader, alexia putellas x teen!reader
in which you finally let someone in, and Alexia accepts that she’ll be having a bigger role in your life than she first expected
Ale had driven you to the grounds this morning, as she tends to do now if she has a free day when you have a game. You were so excited for this game. Your grandpa had recuperated well from his surgery, even if he now needed some extra care, and Ale’s presence in your life had become a constant. You couldn’t believe this was your life now.
You went into the game eager to win, to score, to lead. By half time, you had scored once and provided an assist. You were on fire, but everything changed when you stepped into the tunnel and Ale was waiting for you, a worried frown in her face.
“Solet, I need you to stay calm while I tell you this, okay?.” She said. “Your neighbor called, they’ve had to take your grandma into the hospital because she fainted. They firmly believe she’s going to be okay. I will drive you to the hospital right now if that’s what you want.” You can’t believe she’s even doubting it. There is no way you’re making it back out into the pitch now.
“Please Ale, let’s go.” You rush to the locker room to get your things and run all the way to Ale’s car, impatient.
“It’s all gonna be okay, I promise.” Ale says as she lays her free hand on your arm, the other on the steering wheel.
You really want to believe her, but you don’t really think she has the ability to fulfill this one. You don’t respond. You just lay your head against the window and let its coldness ground you to reality.
As soon as you get to the waiting room you make a beeline for your grandfather, who sits in a corner. He’s recuperated from his surgery, but he still can’t stand for long periods of time and needs help remembering to take his meds.  You break down as soon as you’re in his arms.
”Oh, mi niña, everything’s gonna be okay. She was awake when they got her into the ambulance. It was just a big scare, but she’s going to be okay.”
You nod against his chest but don’t detach from his hold. You won’t believe it until you see her with your own eyes and doctors confirm it, but you appreciate the comfort of his words. You turn a bit to look to your left. Ale is talking with your neighbor. She has her capitana face on. That relaxes you further.
You hate how unhelpful you’re being. You should be more composed, asking questions, making sure your grandpa is also okay, planning for any contingencies that might come from this incident. But you can only cling, and cry, like a child. So you’re happy to see that Ale has taken control of the situation, because at least somebody has. You’ve been trusting her with more of yourself and your life over the past months, and you’re so, so glad about it now. She looks over at you, and you know she understands what it means to you. The guilt of your impotence stays, but the pressure eases and you let yourself just fall.
Alexia is looking at you and seeing a kid. A strong, resilient kid. But a kid. So she takes charge, and she accepts that caring for you is coming more naturally to her every day. And as she waits with you for news about your grandma, she gradually also accepts the role she wants to play in your life. More than she’d let herself in the past, more than she’s ever said out loud.
“So… Why are the kids talking about you adopting another kid?” Marta approached Alexia with a massive smirk at the end of training.
“Yeah Ale, I thought you’d at least talk to me before you got a kid outside of this team.” Oh, Irene was having too much fun with this conversation.
“First of all, there is no another, I don’t have any kids, period.” A chorus of ‘hey’ and ‘rude’ was heard from the other side of the room, most notably (and loudest) by Vicky and Jana. Alexia just rolled her eyes. Apparently, the whole team was a part of the conversation now. “And secondly, I have not adopted a kid. I’m just… mentoring.”
“Mentoring? Is that what they call it now? Mentoring is driving a kid to and from practice?” Jana continued teasing her.
Alexia had gotten into the habit of driving you when she could especially to and from late night practices, thinking that it was much too late for you to be out taking public transportation.
“Or staying to watch those practices?” followed Sydney, who’s joking character was coming more and more out as she became more comfortable with the first team.
Now, Alexia knew how to perfectly justify this one.
“I am captain of this team, I have a duty to check in with the B team and source for talent.” she answered, feeling smug.
“Oh, and is having Sunday lunch with her and her family a form of recruitment?” added Vicky, who had become closer with the teen and had taken to chatting with her on occasion.
Alexia actually didn’t know how to respond to this one. She had taken your grandmother’s invitation a couple of time when you had Sunday morning games and she had a free weekend. She loved getting to know you more by spending time with you and your grandparents. And although she thought you pressured yourself too much, she saw herself reflected in your protectiveness, diligence and sense of responsibility toward your family and team.
“Better yet. Why did your girlfriend text me asking if I could give her more information about the kid because she wants to make a good impression when you bring her over for Sunday dinner at your mom’s this weekend?” added Ingrid.
Alexia muttered “traitor” as the locking room erupted in chaos. Everyone knows how much it means for their protective and family-oriented captain to introduce people to her family.
“Okay, enough. I care about her, yes. And she doesn’t have too many people on her corner, so I decided to become one.”
Everyone softened at that, understanding the importance and vulnerability of the statement.
“Now, no more social chit-chat about my life or you’re all running three times as much before practice.”
The soft expressions were replaced with groans, complaints and the occasional soft object thrown at her. Oh how she loves her fútbol family.
Your neighbor has had to leave; she has her own family to care for. So it’s just you, your grandpa, and Ale. Each sitting on a seat to your side. The doctor comes out after a half hour of waiting. The good news is that she’s okay, she’s awake, and there is nothing life-threatening. It feels like a toll has been lifted off your shoulders. But then he continues: it was a big fall, a symptom of an underlying heart condition. It means more medication and the possibility for this to happen again or other bad things. You feel dizzy again. You only hear bits and pieces of the rest: needs more monitorization, will need more constant care for a couple of weeks, she’s gonna stay overnight, you’ll be able to see her soon. You cling to the last part to stay in touch with reality.
Ale sees you drowning, so she asks, “Do you trust me to help, to take over now and help you through this? Let me do this for you?”
You nod. You need her to. You don’t even have any space in your worrying to overthink what this means or why she’s willing to do all this for you. You need her now, and the rest will come when everything’s more calm.
“I’m gonna make a few calls, okay? Can I tell a couple of people what is going on? The girls, mami and Olga are all worried. I won’t say much, just a quick update, okay?”
You nod again. You haven’t uttered a word since you got into Ale’s car. You can’t. So when she nods back, you hide your face in your grandpa’s chest again. You try to distract yourself with happier memories until you can see your grandma again. Thinking of her still hurts, so you focus on your team, your friends, and the people in Ale’s life you’ve met in the past weeks.
You felt dizzy from anticipation. You kept bouncing your leg in the passenger seat, and checking your outfit on the rear-view mirror. Ale noticed your fidgeting and laid her free hand on your shoulder.
“Are you nervous?” her eyes didn’t stray from the road but you noticed her half-grimace. Ale is not the best at not asking obvious questions, but you know it’s because she doesn’t know how to start the conversation otherwise.
“Yeah, I just…” you also grimaced, feeling like a little kid. “I want them to like me.” you mumbled, embarrassed.
“Oh, solet. They will. Mami is a natural caretaker, she’ll take you under her wing immediately. And Alba and Olga will just love having one more person to team up with against me.” Ale rolled her eyes, fondly.
She exudes a different type of softness when she talks about the women in her life, even when she fakes being annoyed at their antics. Her response calmed you, though.
Ale was absolutely right, of course.
As soon as you entered Ale’s home, her mom was giving you a massive hug and when she pulled away, she told you how beautiful you are and that she was really excited to meet you. You were blushing again. She hugged her daughter next, and then motioned for you both to go to the living room while she finished cooking. You offered to help, and you were rewarded with a wide smile and a pinch to your cheek. Ale got a quip that “she ought to keep her instead of her daughters if she keeps this helpfulness up”.
You’re still flushed when you reached the living room with Ale to find her sister and girlfriend sitting at the table in conversation. They stood up when you entered the room. Her sister moved to you, hugged you and introduced herself. You opened your mouth to do the same but she interrupted before you could utter a word.
“Oh, I know who you are. Ale won’t shut up about you.” You both turned to her, but she was too busy kissing her girlfriend to notice. Alba covered your eyes and shouted. “Women, not in front of the kid!”
You smiled as Alba moved away her hand and smiled back at you, all nerves forgotten by now, replaced by warmth. Ale and Olga were walking towards you both now, Ale’s hand on the small of her back. Olga hugged you, and her smile was just as warm and soft as Ale’s. 
“Yeah, Ale hasn’t shut up about you. We’re all really excited to meet her mini-me.” And there you were, blushing again. Had Ale really referred to you like that? Before you could ask, Ale’s mom called the four of you to finishing setting up as dinner was ready.
Conversation during dinner flowed. Ale was right, you had nothing to worry about and the night went perfectly. They all asked about you, eager to get to know you better. Alba and Olga did use your presence to rile Ale up. They shared embarrassing stories as she blushed and covered her face.
“I’ll lose my tough captain facade, stop.”
“You never had one to begin with, Ale”
By the time dinner ends, you couldn’t even believe you had been so nervous to meet them. Ale and Olga offered to drive you home. As you and Olga waited for Ale to finalize some arrangement with her mom, she put her arm around you, as the night had unexpectedly cooled and neither of you had come dressed for it. You basked in the comfort of her warmth and touch.
“I’m so glad Ale brough you over.” You looked up to the older woman, her smile exactly like Ale’s. “She is right, you know? You’re such a solet. I’m so glad you have each other.” Before you could respond, Ale was ushering you both inside the car and the motion of the road and the fullness from dinner lulled you to sleep. You miss their smile at your sleeping form, and their unspoken understanding of their care for you.
By the time Alexia finishes texting and calling, she has a plan. Alexia does well with plans, likes to prepare for things. But she has to talk to your grandparents first, and she doesn’t know how that conversation is going to go. Alexia is also quick on her feet, though, and works with what’s given. Knows how to fight for what she thinks is right.
It doesn't take long for a nurse to come by and lead the three of you to your grandma’s room. You cry again when you see she’s okay. You can’t cling to her like you did with your grandpa, so you’re content to sit by her side and hold her hand while she asks questions about the game, and you do your best to respond to her. Your words are stilted, but Ale and your grandpa smile because it’s the most you’ve spoken in hours.
After some more assurances, your grandma convinces you to go down to the cafeteria with your grandpa to have dinner. You’re hesitant to comply, but both her and Ale reassure you and don’t accept no for an answer. You give them one last glance to reassure yourself everything is okay befor eyou leave the room.
Alexia is nervous to be left alone with your grandma. She needs to start the conversation she knows is coming and despite the encouragement from her family, she isn’t sure to be ready for it. She doesn’t have to be, though, because your grandma beats her to it.
“She needs you.” There’s a heavy silence that follows; Alexia doesn’t know how to respond.
“She needs you because she’s a kid but doesn’t accept it. We both know that this incident means that both I and my husband need more help than she should be burdened by. She’s stretched thin enough, she already does too much. We want her to have fun, be a kid, a student, a footballer. Not a nurse, or a caretaker. She can’t do that if she’s constantly worried about us. And I know you know all this.”
Alexia stands seriously and silently and measures her words before speaking. She knows what’s next, but this is not her family, she doesn’t want to overstep. But if directly asked for her input, she’ll do it. She’ll take care of everything. For you. 
“I do, yeah.”
“We need that kind of help but it can’t come from her. So will you help? I’ve seen you grow closer to her, she admires you so much, relishes your attention and care. If we ask you for it, if she agrees, are you ready for this?”
Alexia doesn’t hesitate.
She can see the tension leave your grandma.
“Good. Now we can talk specifics. What’s your plan? Tell me and then we can tell her together.”
In the morning after you, Ale and your grandpa went home to sleep –Ale taking the couch even if you insisted on her taking the bed–, it’s Ale also who drives back to the hospital and brings your grandma home when she’s released. All four of you sit in the living room and when you try to fuss over your grandma, all three of them reassure you she’s okay.
“Mi vida, we have something to discuss.” Your grandma starts, and you squirm, uncomfortable at being out of loop.
“Alexia and us have a proposal for you, mi niña. We’ll do only what you want us to, but we think this is the best for all of us, and especially you.” You don’t respond to your grandpa, just nod, the anticipation driving you crazy. Your grandma takes over the conversation again.
“We love you so much, mi vida. We love how kind you are, how responsible, and how much you care for us. But your grandpa and I need more help, and we want you to not be burdened by it.” You’re about to protest –they’re not a burden, would never be, you love them and you’ll always care for them–but Ale stops you.
“Ssh, solet, listen to what we have to say first, okay?” You nod again instead of responding.
“So remember when I made a few calls yesterday at the hospital? I set up a couple of things. First, there is a home-care medical team that will be taking care of your grandparents from now on. They’re the best, but we still get to pick who’s going to be coming to stay with them for continued care. You’ll be part of that decision too.”
You exhale, thankful that Ale took over arranging this service. Deep down, you know that even if you would have tried your hardest, your grandparents need specialized care you wouldn’t be able to provide.
“And we also thought something else, but we’ll only do this if you want to and completely at your pace.” You become uneasy again at their own nervous expressions.
“Mi vida, we’ve thought that you spend so much time moving from here to the city, and it’s not benefitting you in your studies, or your football career, so Alexia kindly offered an arrangement that we think will work for all of us.”
“Solet, I’d like it if you moved in with me.” There is nothing but shock in your expression now. You have no idea how to respond, this being the last thing you expected from this conversation.
“We were thinking you could stay with me over the week, so you can go to a school that is more understanding of your football career, like many of your teammates, and be closer to the training grounds. You’ll come back to stay over weekends with your grandparents, so you’ll still see them a lot. And you can obvious tell me anytime you wanna be with them, and we’ll make it work so you never feel detached.”
You stop her nervous rambling with an obvious question, still in shock.
“You really want me to move in with you? Are you sure?”
Her smile is so, so soft again. Her eyes so kind, but also somewhat exasperated, she can’t believe you don’t understand how much she cares for you yet.
“Yes, solet. And before you ask. Yes, I’ve talked to Olga, she also thinks this is good. She’s in and out of the house these days because of work in Madrid so she thinks this is actually good for us both, apparently I don’t struck her as someone who lives well alone.” She rolls her eyes when she shares that part, but she’s still smiling.
“And, avis, you think this is best for all of us? Because I’ll still miss you a lot, but you’re right that I’ve been struggling these days.”–you finally admit–“And I guess if there’s a professional caring for you here and I can call you anytime and come often, then, I guess, it seems like a good solution to me too.”
All three of them smile widely at you, glad that you see the same things they do.
“Yes, mi niña, we do. And this is always your home, you can be here as much as you want to.”
“Okay” You say, and it feels definitive, the start of something.
so here’s the second part of solet! it took me a bit longer than expected but I wanted to do a good job at setting everything up and it made it longer than i initially expected.
this is the end of setting up the arc, and stories from now on will be just instances of solet’s life :)
I already have some ideas drafted, but I’m super eager to get requests and asks about this world of what kind of things you’d like to see from solet’s life.
thank you for reading!
xoxo, a.c.
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hiddenlongingsfanfic · 4 months ago
Just His Luck (Lucky Boys 1)
The viscous liquid drip…drip..dripped off of the tip of a clawed finger.
Landing on the bricks below, it sounded incongruously like rainfall.
The acid green substance defied gravity with its tendrils creeping out and then into the porous surfaces of a badly maintained sewer system. His hands were covered in tight fitting gloves, still glowing white even amongst the filth. They lay lax, palms up, and fingers loosely curled to create a small divot in the center.
It took a long time, and it hurt this waiting.
Slowly, though, his patience began to bear fruit.
In his slightly cupped hand pooled the unnaturally rippling ectoplasm.
Danny laboriously, in fits and starts, managed to bring his hand to his chest and tipped the meager liquid directly into his organs. He whined softly with relief as he felt this new world’s ectoplasm nourish him. He didn’t know what would happen if he had a direct source to guzzle from, though. He couldn’t even really describe the difference that he felt. he just knew that it was present and almost alien.
Although Danny smiled slightly, he supposed at this point, he was the alien life-form.
He grimaced then at the feeling of the restrictive plastic that was still strapped to his face before he was forced back to stoicism when it cut painfully into his skin. It wouldn’t be pretty if he had to try and projectile vomit through the thin metal bars that pierced his skin. He finally heaved a deep breath and gingerly wrapped his arms around his torso, doing his best to avoid any sutures, before he pillowed his head on the sinuous length of his tail. Curled into as tight of a ball as his battered body would concede, Danny finally allowed himself to start crying. Tears streamed down his face, and if he had had the ability, he would have screamed.
At the loss of everything.
His jaw wouldn’t move, held in place by some sort of wire that wound its way through his gums and bones held in place by the plastic of the muzzle. Whatever Fenton invention they had used on it made it nearly impossible to remove. It refused to phase through walls with him and was strong enough that he couldn’t manage to snap the wire into pieces. 
They had learned their lesson early on with him.
They hadn’t wanted to hear what he had to say anyway. Had only cared about what they could discover next. What they could find as they tore through him with methodical, scientific patience. He was a ghost. Long dead. Why would they waste the supplies on feeding him? They had tried something different.
This shallow pool was a slow method of collection, but it also gave him time to recover his strength, and it didn’t hurt anyone else. He wasn’t being forced to harm anyone just to survive. He couldn’t remember when the portal had started to fall to pieces around him. Cobbled together as it had been, a mixture of human and animal blood used by his friends in a desperate attempt to free him from the laboratory that he had been imprisoned in.
Danny had appeared amongst the clouds and didn’t have the strength to stay afloat.  Danny’s ghost half was supernaturally hardy, but even he needed time to recuperate after plummeting from that high in the air. He had tried to control his fall, but he had just been so tired. Normally, floating felt more natural to him when he was like this than walking. But his injuries even before he had escaped had left him weak. At least he had managed to avoid skewering himself on the steeple of a church. Had felt something close to horror at the thought of being killed (again? fully?) by the sharp points of a metal cross.
A sudden noise distracted him from his agonized sobs.
Danny growled low in his chest as he heard something splashing through the sewer water. Gross. That water couldn’t be sanitary. Seemed questionable to him. He wanted to disappear away from whatever was making that much of a ruckus. Sure, he could technically still turn himself invisible, but that wouldn’t hide the trail of ectoplasm that he had left in his wake. Better to make himself as scary as possible. At this point he’d probably have trouble fighting off the ghost of a fly, let alone whatever monster was roaming through near pitch black tunnels with apparent ease. He couldn’t bare his teeth anymore, but he let the sonic rumbling coming from his chest turn up a gear. There was another splash, and this time, it was followed by a curse. Someone had just fallen face first into that foul water.
That helped the fear a little bit. 
Danny let the growl ebb away with a quizzical chirp. He’d have to be even worse off than he currently was to not recognize that “ Mother Fucker!!” that echoed off the brick walls for a moment.  The tinny sound of some sort of earpiece let him hear the faint sound of the feminine laughter of whoever was on the other line.
“Shut it, O. It’s your fault I’m down here anyways.”
The voice was raspy, but it also didn’t sound completely natural. Some sort of mechanical modulation that gave him the heebie-jeebies. 
“ I told you. Cameras caught something falling out of the sky. I found the furrow that it left.”
In the goddamn cemetery.”
“ Yes, but you saw the same thing I did.”
“Yeah, something dragged itself away from the impact site.” “
Satellites saw whatever fell. They literally survived a fall from low atmosphere space and then had the strength to pull themselves into the sewers.”
The damned muzzle meant that there was no way for Danny to run away from whoever was looking for him. Every other piece of clothing went intangible with no issue; but the Fucking Fenton Wire™ made it literally impossible for him to get his face through anything. Forcing himself through would probably end with him missing a bunch of teeth and a good portion of skin from his face. It might be worth it; Danny had taken enough blows to the head that he knew his teeth grew back eventually. Maybe he’d get lucky and the man would give up after his impromptu dip in sewage.
Has he ever been lucky in his entire life?
The abrupt blast of light as the man held up a small penlight felt like it pierced him solidly through both of his eye sockets.
“Hmmm, I’m seeing some sort of liquid.”
“ Blood?”
“I mean the splatter marks. They match up to what I’d expect to see if someone managed to drag themselves through Gotham city water.” 
“ But?” “
"But this shit is looking a hell of a lot more like  Lazarus Water?”
There was a long buzzy pause that came out of whatever kind of earwigs these two weirdo’s were wearing. Danny forced himself to lay even flatter to the ground. He took in a deep breath and fully stuck himself into the corner. Maybe his ratty old hazmat suit would let him pass as a pile of dirty laundry or a trash bag. It wouldn’t work, but Danny hadn’t had too many great ideas about how to talk to a man without showing off his wired. shut. teeth. He also seemed familiar with ectoplasm. Though it didn’t seem to be a happy association.  His modulated voice had dipped into an even lower register. 
When a hand forcefully landed on Danny’s shoulders, the tips of his gloved fingers caught against the concrete of the floor and threw out sparks as he was dragged backwards by ungentle hands.
“ Wait! Hood, be care…!! ”
Danny had had more than enough of being manhandled in his lifetime (afterlife?) and he didn’t even let the woman on the other side of the microphone finish her warning before he whipped his body around and smacked his clawed fingers across the face of his unknown attacker.  It wasn’t exactly like a hot knife through butter, but Danny could feel the way the tips first caught in the metal of the full face helmet that the man was wearing and a push of ice into those cracks shattered the rest of the man's headgear. In a normal situation (for Danny) this would be the point where the person, ghost, being of unimaginable power, etc, etc would either turn tail and run in the other direction or at least shrink away from whatever had just ripped apart what looked like it had been a very expensive piece of body armor. This time, though, he didn’t even have time to react before being punched straight in the nose.
His head snapped back hard for a moment before he twisted sinuously around and launched himself at whoever had hit him. Only for the much taller man to nimbly spring away from where he had been and leaving Danny crouched in the grotty water that was already up well past his shins. At least his feet had decided to reappear. Small favors and all that.  Danny swung out in a wide arc with his claws bared rather than in a fist and let out a little growl of frustration as he hit nothing but air. The other man was quicker on his feet than Danny was used to and he didn’t want to put his full force behind the blow anyways. 
He’d gotten into plenty of fights with ghosts, in their form of rough and tumble play, and a little less regularly by humans that meant business.
This felt like a combination of the two and that was fucking weird man.
Not to be trusted.
It's time to try and actually fight his way out of this situation since this asshole wouldn’t just leave him alone to sulk in the sewers.
Danny instinctively tried to open his mouth wide both to show off his sharpened fangs as well as to hopefully wail into his attacker's face. Of course, the wire cut that off hard, and he had to pull back with a sharp, frustrated whine as he pawed at his face for a moment. Scrabbling to get that stupid mask off so that he could defend himself.  His claws caught on the edge of the plastic, but it didn’t budge. He only managed to snag a finger through a small loop of the metal before it shocked him hard enough to drop him completely in the water, the muzzle sparking and pulsing in punishment and making it impossible for him to keep on his feet. He could feel the way the water around him electrified and was relieved when the other man had the good sense to jump out of it.
This time when a hand came down to grab him the stranger had at least gone for a limb a little further away from whatever fuckery was happening on his face and he felt now much gentler hands wrap around his ankles.  They gently dragged him up and out of the water, plopping him relatively softly on the cement again before relinquishing his hold and backing up with his hands in the air. Danny flopped onto his belly and pushed himself away as quickly as he could. He ended up on all fours with his forearms flat on the ground so that he could hold his head up away from the ground but not have to try and hold onto his teetering balance.
Electricity flashed through his face and left him seeing stars and smelling burnt flesh.
He was gasping for air.
Air he knew that he didn’t really need anymore, but it still felt so necessary.
Deep inhales and slow exhales to try and calm himself down and to get the equipment on his face to stop fucking zapping him. It took several long seconds before he was able to get the courage together to look over and see what the stranger was doing while he was having an electricity induced panic attack. He hadn’t heard the other man leave but that didn’t mean much when this sort of stuff happened. He couldn’t hear much of anything with the way it felt like electricity jolted through his brain. It brought back not only recent memories of this being used as a punishment but older, harder memories from his deathday.  But no, the stranger hadn’t had the decency to leave. Instead he had just taken a seat across the stream of water from him and was watching him carefully from behind another smaller mask that still hid a good majority of his facial features.
Who wears two masks?
He could see the black hair with a shocking patch of white, turned a little brown gray from the muck of the sewer water. 
The sight made his core hum inquisitively.
That was a very distinctive sort of mark to have. Danny cocked his head a little further and, this time, let himself reach out with tendrils of inquiry from his core to see how the other man reacted.
At first, he didn’t.
React that is.
Didn’t seem to have any sort of idea about what was happening, and then Danny felt the first flutters of a very, very new core as it responded with a stressed chatter of noise. It said don’t hurt me…I’m just a baby…Just a baby . Be calm. Safe. safe. Danny’s eyes blazed green as he reacted to the placating emotions the man was obviously sending his way unintentionally. Even after everything he had gone through, Danny didn’t want to be a bully. Sure his face, hell his entire body, fucking hurt, but he had all but face planted into the other ghosts territory. He hadn’t known where the portal had been going to take him. All he had been able to gather from the abrupt conversation that he had had with Jazz was that it was somewhere the GIW would never find him.
A dimension far far away, where he would be safe.
But safe.
He had grabbed onto that with both hands and hadn’t let himself think about what he might be losing. So he had managed to get away from an evil government agency, lose his remaining friends and family permanently, only to land smack dab in the middle of some powerful baby ghosts haunt.
Just his fucking luck . 
Jason wasn’t often at a complete loss for words.
He had words to spare.
Profanity laced, but still, available for use at all times. 
When the call had come through from Oracle, he had felt cold dread start to creep down his spine. Some thing had landed in Crime Alley and walked away from the impact. It was late enough that he had been considering turning in for the evening. When he had heard the subtle ping of his earpiece. Jason had almost considered declining the call. Whatever it was that Oracle needed at this time of night wasn’t going to be good. Even the criminals went to bed eventually.
He clenched hard on his motorcycle's handles before he accepted the call with a gruff. “What is it?”
“ We’ve got something or someone that just landed hard in the Gotham cemetery.” “
Why aren’t you sure if it’s a person or an object?”
“ They fell from literal space. Some sort of portal ripped open the sky and dropped something through it. I’d say the only person that would be able to survive that kind of a fall would be Superman.”
“But it’s not him because?”
“ Because Superman is currently working a case with B, and he was the first person I called. Present and accounted for.” “
And you don’t think it’s a random object falling from a portal because?”
“ First. When has it ever just been a random object?”
“Hn.” Jason grunted in agreement.
“ Secondly, it’s not there anymore. Camera’s went a little fuzzy, but somebody pulled themselves out of the impact site and slid through a sewer grate.”
“Hn.” This was not a grunt of agreement. This was a grunt of displeasure. Oracle had worked with enough bats and birds throughout her lifetime to be able to tell the difference immediately. “
Yes. I literally mean through. It looked like liquid, but it moved under its own power.” “
“ Don’t whine. It’s not befitting a crime lord.”
Jason didn’t even bother to respond as he pulled in through the cracked open gates of the cemetery. Better to park his bike here rather than on the street. B would actually never let him hear the end of it if someone tried to steal his tires.
It didn’t take him long to find the impact site.  There were spatters of sinister glowing green liquid, and the sight of it made Jason’s gorge rise. There was no way that was what it looked like. As he circled around the deep divot in the earth, Jason could make out what looked like handprints in the earth.
Whoever had landed here had hit the ground with enough force to dig several inches into the loamy soil before it looked like they had crawled out with clawed fingers digging deep divots into the dirt as it dragged itself towards the slim opening that led into the Gotham sewer system.
“Yeah, there’s no way I’m fitting through that opening.” Jason drawled. “We’ll have to call in one of the Robins. What a shame.”
“ Nice try. There’s a manhole less than 50 feet from where you’re standing.”
Jason let his face drop forward with a dramatic sigh before he strode over to the manhole. With a grunt of effort, he pulled the thick metal up and to the side before he peered down into the darkness. Thankfully, his mask helped him see through the pitch black, and he was able to locate a ladder without trouble.
He curled his lip a little with disgust before dropping down into the muck. The ladder was made out of a sturdy metal, but he could still feel flakes of rust coming off underneath his leather gloves, and his boots slipped a little on some sort of slimy algae. Jason could hear Oracle breathing quietly in his ear, but they had both gone quiet as he had gotten closer to whatever fresh horror had arrived in Gotham city this time. The water was as disgusting as he had feared when he finally hit the floor, but it was still less slippery than trying to walk on the slick sides that slanted inwards to direct the water. Hood’s mask would have had trouble distinguishing the dark stain of normal blood from the filth that coated the surfaces around him but the bright neon of whatever this creature was dripping stood out in stark contrast to everything around it.
It looked toxic.
His impression of danger only deepened when he felt his chest rumble like he was standing next to a speaker thrumming with bass.  He was so focused on following the small trailing drops that when Jason tripped over some sort of submerged trash he didn’t have the wherewithal to catch himself.
“Mother FUCKER!”.
Thankfully his mask was sealed tightly enough that none of the disgusting water actually got into his mouth or eyes but he knew that as soon as the mask was taken off he was going to be able to smell himself. Hell, regular civilians would be able to smell him coming before they heard his motorcycle. The thrumming noise came to an abrupt halt when he hit the water, and then Oracle's laughter rang out across the line. Jason had to grit his teeth hard to hold back an annoyed snarl.
“Shut it, O. It’s your fault I’m down here anyway.”
“ I told you. Cameras caught something falling out of the sky. I found the furrow that it left.”
“ In the goddamn cemetery.”
“ Yes, but you saw the same thing I did.”
“Yeah, something dragged itself away from the impact site.”
“Satellites saw whatever fell. They literally survived a fall from low atmosphere space and then had the strength to pull themselves into the sewers.” 
“Hn, I’m seeing some sort of liquid.”
“ Blood?”
“I mean the splatter marks I'm seeing. They'd match up to what I’d expect to see if someone managed to drag themselves through Gotham city water.” 
“ But?”
" But this shit is looking a hell of a lot more like Lazarus Water?” 
Jason had been feeling more and more sketched out as he stepped past what felt more and more like he had stepped into an evil Jackson Pollock painting. He could see handprints in the smears of green that looked almost human. But there was something wrong with the edges. Like whatever had made them didn’t have just normal fingertips. Little indentations in the brick marked the spaces where claws had dug in a little too forcefully to be human.
When Hood finally turned a corner in the sewers and found the source of the Lazarus water he barely even paused when he saw the dirty frayed edges of some sort of black rubbery suit and just reached out to drag whatever the hell had been stupid enough to show up right on his fucking doorstep out of the darkness.
“ Wait! Hood, be care…!! ”
The clawed hand that whipped out of the darkness shone off-white even in the darkness of the sewers, but Hood didn’t have time to dodge before they caught hard in the alloy that covered his left cheek.  He felt the fine cracks as they started to form before he was hit with a sudden icy cold that burned ferociously for a moment before he felt his helmet completely shatter. Jason could only see a vague shadow of whatever had just hit him, but it was more than enough, and he aimed a hard punch directly where somebody's nose should be.
If it had a nose.
He felt cartilage snap under his knuckles and smirked when his opponent's head snapped backwards. And continued backwards further than any human spine should be able to bend. It twisted sinuously around and sent another swiping blow in his direction. This time Jason had enough time to dodge the uncanny blow, and he leapt backwards to give himself some space. He heard a low growl of frustration from the man across from him, and Hood’s eyes widened as he caught sight of the other man's face for the first time. The clear plastic of the bite mask was deeply embedded in the skin around the stranger's face. 
Jason’s breath caught.
Not embedded.
The edges were sewn into his skin with what looked like a thin wire. Where the metal bars that would usually be in front of his lips had instead been wound through them. Sealing them completely shut. The young man’s eyes glowed the same neon green as the Lazarus water. Eerily similar to his own eyes when the Pit rage took over; but brighter, almost incandescent.  His hair swirled in violent waves around his head as though taken by an unseen riptide, glowing white in the gloom. His skin was almost as pale as his hair; though the filth of the sewers had spread a disgusting film across his face. Jason could see the tear tracks that had sloughed off the dirt in ghostly pale streaks. 
The rumbling growl that Jason had heard was coming from deep within the man’s slender chest.  He could see the way the man’s jaw clenched hard as he strained to open his mouth against the tortuous contraption that was entrenched in his face.
He hoped, God did Jason hope, that the mask was a new fixture because whatever he had been trying to do, the young man jerked his head sideways and pawed ineffectually at the edges of the plastic. Clawed fingertips caught and held but weren’t able to pull the fucking muzzle off of his face. With a newly frustrated growl, the man changed tactics and looped a finger through the metal x’d through his lips and pulled. Jason couldn’t see where the electric shocks that started to spark across the mask came from. There didn’t seem to be any sort of electronics attached to the mask itself but wherever they had come from the shocks were enough to drop the man where he stood.
He was nearly covered by the sewage that he had fallen into, and Jason had years of training to thank for the fact that he managed to get out of the water before it became dangerously electrified. He scrambled up into the tunnel that the other person had emerged from while he tried to figure out how he was going to help this poor fucker without getting electrocuted for his troubles. After several long seconds Jason finally managed to reach out and snag the, hopefully rubber, tattered ends of the guys pants and dragged him up and out of the water with a grunting heave.
Jason curled himself away from the sparks that were still coming off of the guy.
Were the electronics in the man’s mouth?
It took several heaving breaths, nostrils flaring and chest racked with silent coughs, before the guy managed to get up on his knees and elbows. He rested his forehead on his fisted hands for several long seconds as they both tried to decide how best to handle the situation going forward. Green eyes slid over to him, and Jason felt a completely foreign crash of emotion sweep through him in a wave. The top notes of whatever this being was sending his way were aggressive!mean!GETAWAY! But underneath that was a wave of agonized terror that left him nearly breathless.
Jason held back a snarl of fear when he felt something shift in his chest and respond without his conscious permission. Something that felt a little bit like the Pit but a lot like when he was trying to sooth his siblings after a hard night. Safe…safe here. Jason slowly slid further down the wall and took a deep deep breath to try and calm himself down.
They both lay, covered in filth, as they tried to recover from the sudden cessation of violence and stared into each others eyes. “
So…uh Hood? You okay?”
Jesus, now he’d have to talk to Oracle about everything that had just happened in the space of several silent minutes.
He’d have to explain what happened to Da…Batman.
Jason let his head fall back against the dirty brick and groaned aloud.
Just his fucking luck .
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lacy-oh-lacy · 4 months ago
Agatha Harkness ・゚: *✧・゚
NSFW alphabet
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Marvel Masterlist | Wanda alphabet
CW: Fem!Reader, Dom!Agatha, Switch!Agatha, kinky sex, cunnilingus, masturbation, rough sex, knife play, threesomes, brat taming, public sex, sex toys, Horny!Agatha, Agatha being a selfish lover, inappropriate use of magic
Agatha’s so sweet after sex, albeit equally as lazy. You two go at it hard and need time to recuperate, so good luck getting her out of bed to do anything afterwards, you're in a cuddle prison for the next few hours.
Body part
She's a boob woman, an ass woman, an everything woman really. As all her compliments and wandering hands suggest, she appreciates the whole smokin’ package.
Agatha almost always cums first, she’d have to be feeling really nice that day to let you cum before her.
Dirty secret
Agatha’s undoubtedly a dom, but sometimes, and only with you, she needs to be the sub, she needs to let go of all her power and mindlessly let you take care of her. It's like pulling teeth getting her to admit that though.
She's hundreds of years old, kind of a horndog, and about as far from shy as you can get, so Agatha’s definitely got more than one legendary body count.
Favorite position
Agatha's always trying new and wild positions, but a favorite she always comes back to is you in her lap. It's such a soft, casually dominant position. There's so much skin-to-skin, so much her hands can reach, and it's just as hot as it is intimate.
The goofiest. Even in bed Agatha can't resist joking around and having fun …usually. She can also be so dramatically serious if she has something on her mind. Like, she can be desperately intimate if she needs to feel close to you, or a no-nonsense mean dom if she's using you as stress relief.
There's no way that hair bothers her, she's fine having a bush.
Agatha’s deeply romantic in her own way, her own dark, passionate way. She's not sweet, she makes love like she's devouring you, but honestly what's more intimate than that?
Jack off
Agatha's not one to ignore her needs. If you're busy or not in the mood she's not gonna wait around for you when she has her own two hands, not to mention magic that she can have all kinds of fun with.
She'll try almost any kink and probably like it. Some of her favorites include: brat taming, domming, primal, knife play, threesomes, and whatever kinks you have, because you being into them automatically makes them hotter.
Practically anywhere, Agatha has no shame and little regard for consequences so pretty much wherever the mood strikes is fair game. In fact, she kind of gets off on doing it places she's not supposed to (within reason).
Its so easy, you literally don't even have to try. Like you could be fighting with her and accidentally turn her on.
Nothing really. Besides the very basic limits that anyone with a shred of decency would have, Agatha's pretty much up for anything at least once.
Agatha’s very blunt about her preference for receiving. She's a shameless pillow princess, which sucks for you because when she is the one giving you're on cloud nine. She's an oral savant.
She's flexible. She loves taking her time, teasing and pampering you, just as much as she loves going hard and fast, fucking you stupid.
Oh, Agatha loves quickies. She swears she couldn't survive without them. Although, she often has a way of drawing them out long enough that they no longer qualify as “quick”.
Agatha’s already taken just about every risk there is, she's desensitized to them, and naturally she influences you to be more adventurous as well. Or in other words, she corrupts you.
She has A LOT of stamina, in no small part due to how motivated she is when she's hot and bothered. If she is running low though there’s always magical aid.
Agatha definitely uses toys, a whole lot of ‘em in fact, but the real toy is magic. Why use a strap-on when she's one potion away from having a real dick for the night?
Even nonsexually she's a huge tease but Agatha only gets worse in the bedroom, from her patronizing degradation to getting you worked up in public to not letting you cum. She's merciless.
Very high. Firstly, Agatha’s a chatterbox, there isn’t a moment of silence with all her dirty talk and jokes. Then as she starts to unravel her moans and cusses are so loud they could cross state lines.
One way she teases you is by using her magic to put dirty fantasies in your head at inopportune times. It's like sexting / sending nudes when you’re not expecting it but a thousand times worse.
She’s so hot. Her muscles are just defined enough to drive you crazy, and how confident she is in her own skin does wonders for your libido.
Agatha has such a high sex drive. She's almost always at least a little bit horny, and it's obvious to everyone when you're around because she is all over you.
She doesn't always fall asleep afterwards but she always tries. Asleep or just cuddled up though, Agatha’s dead to the world for the next few hours.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 days ago
how does the Amy and Sonic dynamic work with your versions of the two characters?
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Aroace Sonic pt 6 Platonic Sonic and Rose Romantic
1. Amy is still crushing on Sonic just like in most canon material. She knows it’s not recuperated but feelings are feelings and she still likes him quite a lot regardless. (She might have a little bit of a fantasy version of Sonic in her head kind of like crushing on a character rather than an irl person, but it’s only the slightest bit and her feelings are still genuine!) She definitely wants a romantic partner but she’s not one to force herself to change, she plans to let her feelings move naturally in whatever direction they end up going in.
2. Sonic loves his friends, Amy is no exception just because he knows she’s mad crushing on him. NORMALIZE FRIENDS CRUSHING ON FRIENDS WITHOUT IT BEING RECUPERATED AND THEY STILL HANG OUT AND LOVE EACH OTHER BECAUSE THAT’S OKAY! Sonic does not harbour any romantic feelings for Amy. He’s genuinely fine with her liking him and respects her feelings. He loves her in his own way anyways and doesn’t try to avoid doing things that might be seen as romantic just cause she likes him, she gets loved just the same as the rest of his friends thank you very much
3. Yellow Tulips depending where you look can mean happiness, cheerfulness, hope, and “You have sunshine in your smile.”
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etherfabric · 8 months ago
Why things will be easy now
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
more PACs
Pile 1
Queen of Swords, The Emperor
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Things will be easy now because you learned what works for you, and are confident to ditch the rest. Your intuition is razor sharp and wielding it is second nature to you now. Other's opinions don't sway you anymore. You know everyone has their own path, and them doing thing A has no influence on your thing B. You are a master now with drawing boundaries with others as well within your own thoughts - you know which ones are from your true, authentic, eternal, beautiful self, and which one are just silly downward spiraling habits you can opt out anytime. Those doubts are like fluffy clouds on a breezy summer day - superficial, fleeting, never able to stop the sun from reaching you. You know where to put your energy and your focus, and feel the results instantly. How come mood is now so easy? And the best part - it doesn't actually feel new. You remember how this was always at your disposal. How you just forgot about it. But it was always there. Memories of past successes are cut and dry proof of all the blessings to come. It feels powerful, it feels true, it feels good - it feels you. Like actually you.
Pile 2
The World, Page of Pentacles
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Things will be easy now because the minute somethings stops feeling satisfying, another perfect thing will pop up. Talking about divine orchestration, and this is your symphony. You enjoy every step of the journey - the idea, the initiation, the progress, the habit, the finish. You marvel at the infinite combinations of those currents through your perception, and the world is your oyster now. So many prospects that hold reliable promises! It's all up to you. Things that used to be dull and monotonous suddenly bring a sparkle to your eye again. Food tastes rich, water refreshes you with every sip, your body is a miracle you have access to every living second. The physical plane got its magic back. With the eyes of the eternal child, you feel abundant beyond limits. I get the feeling specifically of having beautiful interactions with nature, with an emphasis on animals. Spotting a rare bird, petting a cat, a butterfly landing right next to you. Serendipitous timing with weather - sun right when you want it, rain right when it adds to the athmosphere, a breeze caressing your back as encouragement on a stroll towards something exciting. Beautiful sunsets, stargazing, moonlight moments. You have everything you could ever want, and then some. This is what life is about, and it's so easy. And you know how to stay in it.
Pile 3
3 of Cups, 2 of Wands
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Things will be easy now because it finally clicked: You remembered how freaking likeable you are. Social interactions that used to confuse you now suddenly make sense - people are intimidated and nervous around you! They really want you to like them, and they can't fathom how you don't see that. Well, those times are over now. A calm and confident warmth emenates from within you now, and what used to be a source of anxiety and stress is now a constant uplift in your life - the people you meet, how they look at you, the words they say, just their body language from across the street are all surefire signs you can read like a children's book. They reflect what has finally once againrevealed itself to you: You are beautiful, impressive, radiant, capable, deserving, magical. This makes time by yourself like a serene island of recuperation and contemplation. Your dreams and plans with people are just as easily achievable as opening the door to your room. Mundane, easy, self explanatory, a given. Not ever a focus of your worries. Why worry about the doorknob? Why worry about things that are certain? Why worry about just the right people entering your life at just the right moment, with just the right circumstances, right words, right gifts, right intentions? That's right. As easy as the inhale and exhale. As sure as the next breath. Welcome to the truth.
Pile 4
5 of Cups, The Hierophant
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Things will be easy now because you know you don't have to fake anything to get what you want. Feel sad? Cry. You are still God's favorite and your blessings are on their way. The more authentic you are, the faster they will come. You have found comfort in what others would falsely read as "bad signs". There are no bad signs when you are set on the right path. There are only different stations all with their own rhythm, themes and energies. All parts of you are necessary and welcome. Your joy, your fear, your sadness, your frustrations - they are no longer being pushed away, but embraced. That's how they power your manifestations. The more you, the merrier. You can suddenly feel the beautiful relief and cleanse your tears bring, the empowering holy fire within your rage as it propels you forward towards what you deserve, the soothing hum of your tiredness replenishing every cell. No more thwarted sense of self that breaks you - you are perfect and sacred as you are. The less pressure, the more rewards are coming your way. Life flows through you, you are an expression of the divine, and carry yourself accordingly through all phases of life. You will suddenly see texts and teachings reflecting exactly that. You will feel validated in a way you never felt before, but it will feel just like home. Your true home of eternal love and possibilities.
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mrskokushibo · 8 months ago
Mitsuri x fem!reader x Obanai
Warnings: Sex, Smut, NSFW, MDNI, 18+, Slight girl on girl action, Threesome
Summary: The atmosphere of a warm and sunny day at the start of spring permeates this short and hot smut. You get interrupted in your chores, but honestly, the distraction is exactly what your deprived body needs.
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The otherwise so neat garden beds outside the Butterfly Mansion were in need of some pruning. As you were squatting and pulling out the freshly sprouted weeds, your efforts were accompanied by the gentle buzzing of bees collecting nectar from the delicate, first flowers of spring, and by the chirping of industrious little birds. The air was balmy, but not yet hot enough for you to brake in sweat, thus you were very comfortable and worked through the entire length of the garden bed without much effort.
Suddenly, there was a fluttery sound above you and as you looked up, two forest pigeons landed, one by one on a branch in the tree. The male was performing the courting dance routine, spreading his wide fan-like tail in an attempt to attract the female. You smiled to yourself at the ways of nature and proceeded to put away the gardening tools in the shed. As you washed your hands in the outdoor basin, you remembered to check on the laundry drying on the line on the other side of the courtyard.
You took your time strolling across the lawn to the clotheslines, the washing fluttering in the breeze, creating an opaque filter for the bright sunlight. It was already dry, the smell of freshly washed cotton overpowering the spring scents momentarily. You began the meticulous process of folding each and every sheet neatly and putting it down in the laundry hamper. It took a while, but you did not mind as it gave you time to savor the surrounding for a while longer.
Ready at last, you picked up the basket and began to walk toward the front door. As you looked up to the Sakura tree near the doorway, the two pigeons were now mating, the soft rustle of feathers and quiet guttural sounds accompanying the quick and ferocious ravage. You shook your head and smiled again.
The sweet scent of the spring air lingered on the linen now so neatly folded in the laundry basket that you were carrying. You sniffed the bedsheets, enjoying the fresh smell, and walked into the building closing the door behind you using one leg. The place was so quiet and clean, only a few dust particles were hovering in the ray of sunlight coming in through a side window. Other than that, it was spotless. Every time you had the Butterfly Mansion to yourself, you cleaned up and organized everything the way you wanted it to be. You took great pride in your unnoticed work. It did not bother you that you stayed in the shadows servicing the flamboyant, excentric hashiras, and demon slayers. You knew your effort provided them with a safe and cozy environment to recuperate and heal after their dangerous missions.
As you were walking through the long corridor, on your way to the storage room, you could not help but notice an open door at the very end of it. No one was supposed to be here at this time of day and you were told that the Hashira would all be out on missions this week. You slowed your footsteps and made them light and as silent as possible. But as you began nearing the room, quiet, muffled sounds were reaching your ears. At first, you thought that maybe the window was open and it was bird- and animal sounds that were coming in from the outside. And that maybe the opened window was what caused a draft that made an unlocked door fling undone. The closer you got though, the more you realised what these sounds were. You could now make out whispers and an occasional high-pitched giggle, blended with quiet moans and deep, raspy grunts… The sounds of, yes… sex…
Since you were quite unsatiated lately due to your lonely existence, your body began to react in that familiar and dizzying way. You quietened your steps even further and continued your advance toward the source of the lewd noises. It was now entirely obvious what was going on in that room and you began to make out familiar voices. Putting down the basket quietly on the floor, you decided to sneak up to the door and peek in. *Just a little peek* you told yourself. You did not want to be nosy, but at the same time, the urge to see what was going on was too strong, now that you were beginning to get aroused.
As you reached your destination, you could easily hide behind the half-open door and watch unnoticed, and there, on the bed were Mitsuri and Obanai, going at it like two rabbits. She was on her back, flushed cheeks, eyes closed, and moaning in pleasure, with Obanai between her legs humping away and eliciting deep grunts. He was squeezing her large and plump breasts and you could see how he was licking them and sucking on the erect little nipples adorning the two luscious and perfectly round plump mounds.
‘Oh, yes, baby. Suck them…just like that. This feels so good…’
‘You know how much I love these tits, my love. Just touching them makes me hard.’
He then whispered something inaudible in her ear, causing her to blush even more and giggle.
‘Well, make me come and then maybe I will let you put your cock between them. I wouldn’t mind some cum on my face.’
She giggled again and he grunted speeding up his pace.
Your panties were soaked now from this performance and your hand moved almost instinctively to touch yourself. At first, you were rubbing through the fabric, but soon enough, that was not enough and you moved them aside and began rubbing yourself between your folds, making your way to your now very stimulated clit.
Mitsuri was moaning louder now and within minutes, she climaxed, arching her back, causing her magnificent rack to bounce up a little. Obanai was not ready yet and he straddled her torso and positioned himself just beneath her breasts.
‘You promised’
He kissed her pouting mouth and squeezed her breast with his thighs, placing his cock between them, it was as if it got swallowed by them. He then began pumping and groaning loudly.
‘Fuuuuck…they feel good. I will not last long like this. Lick my tip, baby’
She stretched out her delicious little tongue and like a kitten lapping up milk, she was lapping up the precum on the tip of his cock whenever it was emerging from between the large tits.
‘I’m coming…oooh!’ He grunted and thick ropes of cum shot all over her neck and face.
You too were too aroused to hold back and came with a loud moan. And this was when they noticed their spectator.
‘What the fuck, I thought you said we were alone’ Obanai hissed, talking to Mitsuri, but looking annoyed in your direction.
‘No, dear, don’t be mad at her. We are the ones at fault here.’
She giggled and smiled at you.
‘Did you like what you saw?’
She tilted her head sweetly and you could not help, but think what an adorable person she really was.
‘You know, why don’t you join us? I feel like fucking some more.’
She turned to Obanai: ‘What do you say? Would you like some more? And think, fucking two girls instead of one. What a treat, hey?’
He mumbled something, but clearly, the temptation was taking the better of him, as you could see his cock already getting hard again.
‘All right, whatever you wish for, my sunshine.’ They kissed and Mitsuri stretched out a hand to you.
‘Come over, darling. Do not be shy. This will be fun.’ She smiled at you as you began walking over to her.
It was as if you were an insect lured in by the sweetness of honey, everything about Mitsuri oozed femininity and gentleness, it was as if she emanated a rosy aura that made your senses tingle and sing. Your slow, cautious footsteps at last placed you right next to her, touching her small, but surprisingly strong hand, you found yourself placing a kiss on her moist lips. It was as if you were in contact with a freshly bloomed rose, still moist with morning dew.
She began helping you to remove your clothes and very soon you were just as naked as the other two occupants of the room. Your eyes were fixated on her breast and she noticed.
‘Don’t be shy, sweetie. Touch them’
And without any more encouragement, you placed your hand on her roundness and began stroking and squeezing, causing her to moan a little. You continued to kiss, your tongues slowly finding each other and nudging gently between the softness of feminine lips. You could feel her hand slide down your belly, down to your sex, beginning to rub gently, with soft small movements. You did not want to leave her unattended and began to reciprocate the action.
The sweetness of it all was indescribable. A pleasure only comparable to biting into a plump, freshly made Sakura mochi or taking a cool bath after a hot day. There was heat too, a passion of a different kind, a wish for more, and a will to give. The lack of masculine aggression in the softness of both your actions and the pure and unadulterated lust for her touch was making your body almost limp. Your juices were streaming down your legs and you were both drowning in each other and in your arousal. You were getting very close to crossing over the line leading to the peaks of pleasure when you were interrupted by Obanai clearing his throat. He was obviously watching, engulfed in his own neediness, as you turned around, you could see him seated at the end of the futon, stroking his painfully hard cock.
Mitsuri looked at him with a smile, her hands still on your nipple and between your legs:
‘Oh, sorry Obi, we are neglecting you. How about you lie down and let us both take care of you.’
He did not wait and lay down flat lazily, while Mitsuri gave you another lewd kiss and directed you to where his head was.
‘How about we ride him... I take the cock and you take his face.’
You nodded and both of you took your respective positions facing each other. He groaned deeply as Mitsuri sank herself down on his hardness, her sweet high-pitched moaning making you want to touch her even more. She began riding him at a slow and gentle pace, her breasts bouncing only slightly. You were not fully seated on Obanai’s face yet, but that changed quickly when a pair of rough, strong hands grabbed your hips and pulled you down on his lips and stretched out tongue, that in an experienced manner found its way straight into your sopping wet pussy. You moaned now too as he was licking and swirling his tongue in and out of your opening.
‘Move a bit for me. You will have some more friction like that.’
You could hear him speak through the wet licking noises, his voice muffled by your cunt pressing on his mouth.
You began grinding your hips back and forth on his mouth, and sure enough, you started to feel so much more. As you worked out a good rhythm your attention went back to Mitsuri, who leaned into you, pressing her breasts against yours, the impossibly luscious softness against your own multiplied the pleasurable sensations and you began to caress her breasts and play with her nipples.
She reciprocated and soon you added the softest of kisses to the already so lustful actions. You felt on the edge of consciousness. Your core began to clench achingly and a few more bucks of your hips and you were squirting all over Obanai’s face while squealing noisily. As you kept riding out your high by continued grinding your hips on his mouth, you intensified your nipple action on Mitsuri’s breast. She could barely hold back and a moment later climaxed with a loud moan. The two of you were panting heavily, chests heaving and flushed cheeks covered with sweat. In the meantime, Obanai kept pumping into Mitsuri and as she kept kissing you, he threw a strong sloppy thrust into her and came with a quiet growl.
The three of you were now lying down, spent from your activities.
‘Well, that was quaint.’ Mitsuri giggled.
‘We should so do this more often, don’t you think?’
You could not help but agree. You nodded and closed your eyes, listening to the sweet sounds of spring coming through the window.
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Banners by @cafekitsune and @adornedwithlight
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vivmaek · 1 year ago
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♂ Pisces Mars - I think Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men,” would have this placement. This is a person who is seemingly harmless, and yet they still managed to cause harm and destruction through indirect action. When looking at someone with a Pisces Mars, their innocence and an assumed lack of strength is noticed first. These are kind people. They would rather harm themselves over another person. Their first instinct isn’t to attack, but to defend. When angry, they appear to be caught up within a panic. A Pisces Mars is driven by their big dreams. They might not always know what they want out of life, and their goals and ambitions may change frequently. This does not mean that they are incapable of finding success. If anything, their unwavering belief in themselves and their ability to achieve the impossible is what takes them to great heights. Hope is everything for someone with this placement, it’s what gets them out of bed in the morning. 
♂ Aquarius Mars - It's hard to pin someone with this placement down. Their actions don’t make sense to other people. Aquarius does a good job showing its eccentricity through Mars. The rules of society and the opinions of others do not dictate their actions. These types are constantly surprising people, and they like this. The public will often speculate about those with an Aquarius Mars. Theories are formed about them, no one can guess what they’re going to do next. In my opinion, this is the most rebellious Aquarius placement. They live their life in a manner that is truly unconventional. People with this placement are not aggressive, but they are clever. They like outsmarting people. A sense of superiority can sometimes act as a driving force. They go out of their way to make the people around them feel stupid if they’re in a foul mood. Their need for independence will never be forsaken. 
♂ Capricorn Mars - Hard work doesn’t scare these people off. They’ll put in whatever energy is needed to complete a project or endeavor. A strong sense of ambition and an excellent sense of focus are traits commonly seen with this placement. They’re quite secure in themselves and exercise self control through all their actions. Discipline motivates them. They take their responsibilities seriously and expect others to do the same. A Capricorn Mars goes above and beyond what is expected of them. They do this through a step-by-step process and practical planning. Cutting corners or taking the easy way out is something you’d never catch them doing. These types want to maintain control over every aspect of their life. They become angry when plans are thrown into a disarray through unexpected events. “Going with the flow,” is not a strong suit of theirs. Their need for security is what motivates them. 
♂ Sagittarius Mars - People with this placement are incredibly restless. They lack patience and need many different outlets to pour their energy into. They are easy going but are also quickly overtaken by passion. Crossing their moral beliefs is a good way to get them riled up. They like to believe that their opinions are more intellectual than they are emotional. When angry they like to get up on a soap box to lecture people. When people don’t agree with them, it can sometimes feel like criticism. They also don’t consider how their tendency to dish out brutal honesty may actually be more hurtful than it is impactful. They often act as a spark that ignites fire, in both a positive and a negative way.
♂ Scorpio Mars - The definition of “moving in silence.” Lots of people claim to do this, but a Scorpio Mars wouldn’t be caught making such a claim. They’re smarter than that. They know that hardship and struggle are inevitable. This does not scare them, but they also don’t fight against the natural currents of life. During certain points, their sense of ambition is so relentless that it becomes obsessive. But, this can only last so long. Rest and recuperation is a process they embrace. After acting on an immense level of concentration for a long period of time, they will need to take a step back to reassess goals. Rather than just accepting things for the way they are, a Scorpio Mars would rather make changes. If they feel that a path is ill-suited for them, they’re not afraid to change directions. Starting from zero is not discouraging and it is something that motivates these types. They have the power to turn nothing into something great. 
♂ Libra Mars - Mars is uncomfortable being in Libra. People with this placement often struggle with taking action and are as indecisive as they come. They get caught up in what's fair and what isn’t. They have a strong need to strike equality and want every situation to be as balanced as possible. Some might be surprised to know that the ultimate desire for these types is to garner a sense of peace. They might unintentionally stir the pot through their inability to take a strong stance on something. They want to weigh all the options possible and can become stressed trying to do so. Being passive-aggressive is also something that's frequently seen with this placement. These types think they’re being nice when in reality they’re making people uncomfortable through their fear of being direct. They’re sneaky when faced with conflict but also good at leading people into a resolution. 
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beenbaanbuun · 1 year ago
non sexual dominance w/hongjoong
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hongjoong is a natural leader
i mean look at him, i literally couldn’t say a more obvious thing if i tried
everything he does, he shows this natural power he has, and it just makes him so easy to follow
even if he’s being a little more on the controlling side, no one really blinks an eye at it because it’s hongjoong! it’s just comes so naturally to him
and obviously that bleeds into your relationship
it’s gentle and soft, and half the time he doesn’t even know he’s doing it, but you do
and that’s not a bad thing… at all
“you’re sat too far away,” he says to you one evening when you’re out together at a random gathering, “come closer.”
all your other friends are preoccupied by their own conversations so you don’t mind putting your full attention on your boyfriend
“i’m on a seperate chair, joong,” you roll your eyes, “obviously i’m not going to be pressed up to your side.”
he cocks a brow at your defiance before leaning a little closer to you
“i’m not asking you to be pressed to my side, i just want you to move your chair a little closer,” his voice was quiet and gentle, but there was still a commanding undertone to it
of course you scoffed at his ridiculous request, but it didn’t stop you from complying
you didn’t argue back, and just shuffled your chair a couple of inches closer to him
“good girl,” he smiles and kisses your cheek, finally having you close enough to do that
he holds your hand under the table for the rest of the night to make sure you don’t stray too far again
and then a couple of nights later you’re up late, sat at your desk with your head shoved into your laptop
hongjoong arrived at your place no more than half an hour ago - which is how you know its late - and is already tucked up in your bed
he watches you carefully as you sigh for the hundredth time
it’s clear to him that you’re stressed, as he just gets out of bed and walks over to you silently
“when was the last time you saved it?” he asks as though he’s just curious
perhaps he’s worried about you losing all the stuff you’d worked so hard on
“i’ll save it now,” you reply, and he watches as you click the little button at the top of the screen, “thanks for reminding me- hey!”
your eyes shoot up to his face as he shuts the lid of the laptop, unplugs it and picks it up
his expression is neutral as he stares down at your clearly upset one, but he makes no move to give you your laptop back
“bed,” he says, “i’m confiscating this until morning.”
“hongjoong, that’s not fair!”
he rolls his eyes
“i don’t care,” he turns and begins to walk back to his side of the bed, “you’re tired and stressed and i’m not going to sit and watch you work yourself up. get in bed, now.”
he places his laptop on his bedside table before crawling back into bed
there’s nothing to stop you taking it, but unless you want hongjoong up your ass about it for the next few days, you know not to
you don’t get up from your seat for just a few seconds, but it seems like it’s a few seconds too long for hongjoong
“if i have to come over there and carry you to bed, i won’t be happy,” he warns
and although you know he’s not being completely serious about the carrying thing, he is about being unhappy
he likes you to take good care of yourself so of course he gets a little annoyed when you don’t listen to him telling you to
so you get up and shuffle over to the bed where he’s waiting with open arms and a smile
“that wasn’t too hard was it?” you shake your head, “good, now come cuddle…”
but it isn’t just a one time thing, and hongjoong isn’t always at your apartment to tell you to look after yourself
more often than not, you end up staying up later than you should, and by the time the project is over, you’re worn down and tired
and hongjoong can see that
obviously he isn’t happy in the way you’re treating yourself (you always remind him that he’s the same way, but he always refuses to acknowledge that fact) so he takes it upon himself to monitor your recuperation
brings you food every day and either watches you eat it, or insists on feeding you himself
you complain about the latter, reminding that you’re perfectly capable of putting food in your own mouth
he just rolls his eyes and asks you to ‘let him do this’
you realise after some time that half of the reason he’s doing this is because of guilt that he wasn’t there more often to stop you overworking yourself
you have to remind him that he has a life outside of you and he can’t always be there to take care of you
“what if i just moved in?” he asks as he spoons some soup into your mouth, “that way i could monitor you…”
you swallow the soup quickly just so you can tut at him
“first of all, i don’t need monitoring,” he makes a sound to let you know he disagrees, “and secondly, you seriously want to leave jongho and wooyoung alone together?“
hongjoong agrees that would be a bad idea since both of the boys like to push the other’s buttons
“well, what if you move into the dorms?” he suggests after a moment of silence
“you don’t need to monitor me!”
he relents after a quick back and forth, finally agreeing that sure, maybe you are capable of taking care of yourself without him to help
the thought makes him a little sadder than it should, though
because he likes taking care of you…
feeding you, washing your hair in the bath, keeping a hand on you whenever you’re out together
and maybe you moving in together is less him monitoring you, and more him just being able to care for you in the way that he wants to
to be able to lead you to make the best decisions for yourself, even if he isn’t too good at doing that for himself
but although it made him said, he was fine conceding to your will this time
he likes having that dominance over you, but he’d never force you into something so big if you aren’t quite ready for it
for now he’s stick to showing up at your place unannounced and taking care of you from there
reminding you to eat when he knows you haven’t
pulling you around by your waist when he doesn’t want you too far from him
pinning you to the couch when he knows you’re too fidgety to relax properly
he’d have to happy with just that for the time being
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