#nature keeps dead birds from snakes to live
gonzodangerfeels · 5 months
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For real though.
What the fuck am I.
Fucking church library
Church of the Palms.
Home of bells, boners, lesbian(sorry Amazonian that's the catch)single mother support groups, and hair counting choir chamber maids that have great expectations and Kirk Cameron religious dogma.
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Burning Branches - Role Reversal Au (part 1)
SO, so earlier I read a fic where Poppy didn't go to branch for help in the first movie and the village was left abandoned with Branch as the only survivor after the revival of Trollstice. Meaning he was alone when Barb invaded...And it has inspired a different route on to how Char and Poppy would meet.
Links to OG AU posts, 1, 2, 3
Char = Branch as it would.
We start with the events of the first movie. Poppy would run off to save her friends and she would succeed, however, when they arrived back to the village there wasn't anyone there. Or at least that's what the snackpack thinks. They find little Keith crawling out of some of the fresh rubble, he has a small frown but it was Shocking to Poppy as the boy was usually expressionless. From Keith they learn that the bergens came back while they were trying to leave, and his dad hid him in a bush. The attack was days ago...
Some members of the SnackPack want to go back to get the rest of the village, but Poppy knows that she barely got her friends out of there, an entire village was a completely different challenge, and Trollistice had already passed...They would need help. There had to be people out there who would help them.
Staying in the village is out of the question, so they gather what they can from the destruction, and move on. They walk for days, and living in the woods is harder then expected. It really opens Poppy's eyes to the true nature of the wilderness, especially since she's taking care of Keith (the Blank child clings to her since she found him). They try singing to keep their spirits up, but singing attracts predators. Large spiders and snakes, come at them from all directions. Creek (no he didn't betray them...yet) can't talk them down. Food is scarce, they don't know which berries are safe. And eventually they all get caught in a storm, getting washed away.
By some miracle they all wake up the next morning by the edge of the forest. Before them stretches vast plains, some patches of the ground darkened in ways they are un-familiar. Here they are faced with a choice go back into the forest with all it's dangers or face the unknown ones just beyond the threshold. Creek tries to argue that they should stay with what they know, convincing Biggie, Guy Diamond (who has been feeling sick), and the twins that they shouldn't take a chance. However, Poppy, Cooper, DJ, smidge and Fuzzbert think that the unknown is worth the risk. Cooper saying he was technically from the unknown, and maybe they could find where he was born. In the end Creek is out-voted.
The plains are different. There aren't as many spiders or birds, but snakes are still an issue as well as a lack of natural shelter for the sun. its hot, and it only grows hotter. the land slowly becomes more and more burnt, more and more black. The ground is turning their feet red as they walked. Then they heard a screech, and were swarmed with Leather Vipers (leather Vipers are the main predators in my version of Rock Troll territory, basically picture a mix of snake/ Dragon made of polished leather and glowing warped metal teeth, claws and horns). It looks like the end, until they hear a second screm from above.
And Anglerbus is over head, and jumping from it, are...other trolls. Coming to the SnackPack's rescue. A few power cords and the vipers are scared off. Poppy feels great relief at seening them. They weren't the last trolls, these guys were here, and even better they had ways to defend themselves. In her eyes they were saved. Creek while thankful to not be dead, isn't as welcoming of these strangers. These dully color strangers covering in scares and scowling at them. At least on the surface, he's still "polite" to get the aid their group desperately needed.
Val Thundershock is part of the group that was on the Anglerbus, she's a little surprised to find a group of Pop trolls (and one funk) out in the Rock Wastes. No one knew where the Pop trolls had gone since the split and frankly no one cared, however she did want to know why they would suddenly invade the territory.
Val: Well, Well, Well, we got us some little pop trolls, now what exactly are you doing in Rock territory?
Poppy: Hi, first off thank you so much, we would've been if it wasn't for you.
Val: yeah I know, now what are you doing here? I hope you realize that Pop trolls aren't exactly welcome here.
Creek (rudely cuts in): Pop trolls?
Val: That's what you are right? Peppy, over excited, happy music lovers?
Poppy: Well kinda...
Val: Then you might as well turn around. Your kind isn't welcome here.
Poppy: Wait please!
Val: Go home, there's nothing for you here
Poppy: We don't have a home! Our home was destroyed by the bergens! We're all that's left!
Val dismissal is finally the thing that gets Poppy to shout. Finally accepting that yes her home is gone and that they were the only survivors. They all had been ignoring the subject while the woods. It's a hard truth to swallow, but one she chokes down to get Val to listen. And listen Val does. When Poppy confirms that they were indeed the last pop trolls. Val immediately shifts gears, as even if the tribes didn't get along, Genres needed each other to remain in balance. Not since the dancing plague of the disco tribe did one go completely extinct. Still it isn't her call, to preserve the genre. Thankfully she was on the same ride, as a very close friend to her. She tells one of the Rockers to contact Prince Char.
Creek, pulls Poppy aside, and expresses his concerns over these new trolls. Saying they shouldn't trust them. Poppy asks why, and Creek starts explaining that he was warned about trolls who were dulled. Saying that when he was a child there had been a grey trolling who lived near by and that grey one had killed his own grandmother. Poppy, says that she understands that Creek is scared, but they don't really have a choice. AT that moment Guy would throw up adding to Poppy's argument, saying that at the least they need food, shelter and a doctor for Guy. Creek can't really argue, especially since one of the Rock trolls came over to help the twins ease Guy too the ground.
The Anglerbus would land, and Char would walk out. The Rockers salute him as their prince, and that kind of intimidates Poppy, as while she is a Princess, she never actually interacted with another member of Royalty beyond her Dad. And Char is by far the dullest of all the strange trolls. Creeks words getting to her. Speaking of the idiot, he steps in to be the first to speak to the Prince.
Creek: Prince Char, it is lovely to meet you, I hope to extend an arm in friendship yes?
Char (not shaking Creek's hand): You speak for this group?
Creek: Well in a way. I-I wouldn't go that far. Second in command or spiritual leader might be a better fit. I do hope we can-
Char: cut to the chase, what is your business here?
Creek (taken aback): We come for aid, please it was horrible our village is destroyed. As fellow trolls we need to stick together.
Char (laughing dryly): You come here preaching unity after your kind split us apart. it's so ironic its funny.
Creek: I believe I don't understand.
Char: Centuries ago, the six tribes lived in harmony, until the Pop trolls, you kind tried to wipe out the rest of us. Destorying out music and culture triggering the great split and forcing us from our homes. Seem's the universe has come back to bit you.
Creek: I'm not sure where you've heard that but I assure you these rumors are not true in the slightest.
Char: they're aren't rumors their history. My people wouldn't be living out in these wastelands if it weren't for the split.
Creek: Then your history is incorrect. We'd never do such a thing, all trolls are supposed to be friends.
Char: *hum*, Treat there wounds, but start the bus, you'll receive no aid from us.
Creek: What?
Char: Don't act shocked, you gave everything I need to know. That "greater then thou" act won't fly here. You're intentions are not ones I can put trust or faith in, because they are not genuine. Go back to your king or and queen and tell them if they were trying an invasion, we the people of Rock will not hesitate to rain down hell fire on your home land.
Poppy: Wait! Please! *runs towards Char, with Keith in her arms only to be blocked by the Rockers* We're telling the truth! We don't have a home to go back too! We're all that's left Please help us!
Char: And who are you?
Poppy: I'm Princess Poppy, and I'm begging you. Help us.
Char: Take them up, get them settle, doctors food water. Then bring the princess to my quarters. We need to talk privately.
And I'll cut this off here. There's going to be a part 2.
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I'm curious on your take on the Ratman and ratlings' relationship with animals. Do you think they'd keep any and risk becoming attached? I feel this would outwardly effect Jack the most considering his love for all the weird shit they got in Australia but I think Arthur is also the type to be really hurt by the loss of a pet. But in a dad way. Like he'll begrudgingly take in the fucking cat one of his kids brings to his home out of the rain and the animal ends up being his partner in crime. He's stone-faced when it passes away and it takes a while for the pain to subside but he doesn't let it show for even a second. I don't imagine Matthew could handle the mental load of losing a beloved pet. Alfred is too fucking busy to properly care for one. Zee probably has a few birds whose babies she cares for for generations maybe a kiwi lol
TW for pet death
Alfred has had horses his entire life. He's got a ranch in his name somewhere where the descendants of the pair of horses, Liberty and Justice, that Matt gave him during the Civil War live. Justice got shot out from under him in 1864 but he went full Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie, dropped dead of idk, the shits and when he was feeling better Liberty was getting her hump on with a local stallion so he just made a ranch there and their descendants still fuck amongst the grasses or however the prairies work. Liberty is immortal because fuck I already killed one horse this post and I'm already emotional.
Matt... He just kept trying. Nations have semi immortal pets. All he wanted was a goddamn friend. François gave him a lap dog when he was little. It died in its first Canadian winter as was often the fate of anything smaller than a terrier. He tried a newfie. It drowned. Finally, around the 1780s he had a little black and white working dog he named Sel et Poivre who lasted a decade. But eventually he got ripped up by a wolverine and Matt was damned to eternal loneliness until Arthur had mercy on him and got attached enough to the wee fat house lion he named Flufferton he didn't die. Matt's best friend for awhile and favourite heat source at his father's. Cue 1980 with Canada finally getting it's full independence and Jan dropping him like a hot rock and Alfred got him a Samoyed puppy in the aftermath. I've called this dog Kuma, Bud and Buckwheat before. The neighbor backs over him by accident! and Matt low-key has the worst mental breakdown of his life like he's 20 seconds from getting the axe and ending up in grippy sock jail. Then the pupper pops up licks him and Matt has the happiest sob fest for like a solid week. Finally! Immortal pupper. No more perishing.
Jack is a fun example because he's very in tune with the circle of lire and his favourite pet was a tortoise named Harriet he's had on and off since 1830 when she died in 2006. So when she finally died of natural causes he was absolutely fucking devastated. Didn't get out of bed for a week after the funeral, cried his eyes out every time he saw a turtle or tortoise for years. She was his baby since he was a baby. Closest thing to losing a childhood dog a nation can express. He had plenty of snakes and spiders and dogs that passed on and they made him sad but oh Harriet 😭.
Zee has a budgie named Pavlova that Jack got her when she finally dropped the family name. Just so she can say she owns Pavlova. It spent a week with Uncle Matt during hockey season and went back to Mum telling everyone, "Give your balls a tug, tit fucker" and making nondescript sobbing sounds. And the singular devotion with which New Zealand intervenes in its bird's well-being? Oh yeah, they're her children. Entire genomes of Kiwi-birds and Kakapo and Kea. She personally hunts rats that threaten their population like it's 1916, flashlight between her teeth, knife in one hand, Arthur sweating like mad somewhere. Bird watching is something she and the old man have in common so he probably does jokingly call them her grandchildren. Zee gets beat in the shin by a screaming kiwi-bird, and he just picks it up like, "Now that's no way to treat your mother, lad! Mind your manners." Before it toddles off and any on-looker is just pure, what the fuck.
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personalpagan · 2 years
Duality of the Jötnar:
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Ymir: Nothing, and Everything. The result of worlds colliding, creating the first being. Ymir came from a world of nothingness. He was one of the sole figures that came from Ginnungagap. That nothingness eventually became occupied by the dismembered parts of his body, after having been torn apart by the Aesir. Ymir went from occupying the Great Nothingness, to being everything that surrounds us: the mountains, the water, the clouds. 
Angrboda: The Giver of life, and the Taker of life. One of the foremost Jötuns, and the bearer of some of the other Gods. Angrboda descends from a violent tribe in myth, the Jötuns being notoriously troublesome, particularly for humans and the Aesir themselves. Blood often coats their hands, stains their teeth. Known life-takers. Yet, Angrboda has birthed many of the great Jötuns. From her, we have been given other beings of Duality. Their lives, their power, would not have come to being without her creation.
Jörmungandr: The Beginning and the End. The circular World Snake, who, in most depictions, has bitten his own tail. Serpents are given a bad rep in Christian interpretations of the myths, seen as destructive—bringers of (Christian-inspired, most likely) Ragnarök. But, it is well documented that our far ancestors revered Serpents, and recognized their relationship with life and death. Odin himself needed to take the shape of a snake to travel the Worlds. Their power was immense, and deeply spiritual. Jörmungandr can be interpreted as the World's Beginning and End, wrapped around our Realm in a never-ending coil, his head, the beginning, his tail, the end.
Fenrir: The Antagonist, and the Protagonist. Once a wolf-pup, the very thing that mankind so loves. Our faithful friends, dogs have long since been one of our greatest allies. Wolves are protectors, powerful, and with fur that is soft to the touch. But Fenrir grew too large, too powerful, and the Aesir began to fear him. Fear, as the myth portrays, can make people do bad things. Fenrir is chained, a sword forced into his jaws. A once faithful friend to a prisoner. Circling back to Ragnarök, Fenrir is set loose, seeking his revenge on the people who had ensnared him, having been made into the villain. 
Hel: Life and Death. Quite obvious, this one. Half her body is that of a rotting corpse—the state in which every living thing will eventually embody. The other half is a beautiful maiden, reflecting that of a woman in the prime of her life. Hel is the keeper of the Realm of the Dead, the one who we can presume to meet one day. Hel, the Realm, in myth, is a mirror-like reflection of what lies here—life seems to continue on as usual, though this time alongside our Ancestors. The Queen of Hel keeps things in order, keeping the Dead as such, and the living out. 
Skadi: Calm and Rage. The Goddess of Winter. If you have experienced the falling of snow, then you will know the quiet of it. The World seems to go silent as the flakes fall, the wind has died down, the animals are hidden away from the cold, no birds to be heard. Nature seems to settle in, and silence settles onto those who will listen. A prime time for hunting, particularly deer, known for their demure ways. Skadi occupies this land, treads the freshly fallen snow in silence, waiting for the right time to loose one of her arrows. But Skadi also knows rage, for that of her slain father. She storms into the home of the Aesir themselves, boots stomping, voice loud, demanding to be heard. A consuming force that doesn’t let you rest until the matter is settled. Only once appeased may the snow fall calmly again.
(A/N: Just a little thing I wanted to write. I've been doing my studying and meditating and was thinking about the Jötnar Tribe. UPG, I would like to clarify. Your experience with them might be entirely different :). )
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 months
Horsemen Reptile/Amphibian/Arachnid Pet Owners:
This is just me wanting to have a bit of fun speculation for funsies as a reptile owner myself and someone who grew up around these animals as long as I've been alive. So what would each Horseman get as a pet or pets if they were to get into the reptile/amphibian/arachnid hobby.
You hadn't been to a reptile show since the apocalypse happened. In truth many of the species you loved as a kid were struggling to stay around past potential extinction. Others however actually managed to thrive despite everything happening. So when you heard that your fellow humans were hosting a show once again, things finally began to feel somewhat like normal again. It was also high time for your scaly puppy to have food again as you'd run out of your bulk.
Since you have nothing better to do than that, you decide to make the most of this. Especially given how long it's been, and you finally have friends to share your hobby with. Finally some folks who don't think reptiles and such are gross or inheritly evil. Death takes some convincing, given his homebody nature when not working. But eventually decides to join along, if only to make sure you stick to your shopping list and don't buy anything out of budget or anything living. Just the one 'danger noodle' as you keep calling your royal python is enough he feels(Yes he does call ball pythons by the original name and even knows why they're called royal pythons.). Strife needed no convincing at all and was happy to come and see what these mythical 'reptile shows' were. That and he's an animal lover so he's as excited as little kids are to see them all. Fury only came so you'd stop asking, supposedly. Deep down though, she's curious about the animals that have captured your heart so. She initially plans to ask questions about any that peak her interest or yours. War is convinced well enough after your explain just how big some of these python species can get. Course he's not believing you because, "I've seen much bigger snakes than a simple reticulated or indian python.". So he's coming just so he can prove you wrong.
So what does everyone buy?
Y/N - Well thanks to Death’s mostly hypervigilant self, you avoid buying any new critters. Just frozen rats to feed your scaly puppy at home. That doesn't stop you from taking photos of War posing with pythons and boas, and Strife holding everything he comes across if he's allowed to. Fury and Death were hard to nail in any photos. But eventually you do get one of each quietly. One has Fury interacting with a baby hognose that played dead in her hand as she called it a drama queen. The other has Death handling a tarantula, something you're admittedly still afraid to do. It was a beautiful sapphire gooty female that was somehow there. You immediately fled the scene right after the picture, not because Death caught you, but because the spider decided to showcase the speed demon side all indian ornamental species are known for. Getting a good chuckle out of the old Horseman who luckily was definitely fast enough to keep the little lady from 'chasing you'.
Death - He decides on buying the sapphire gooty, as their extreme rarity gave him a sort of kinship kind of feeling towards her. That and the unintentional jumpscare she gave you might've given him some ideas. He gets at least two other species as well. A goliath bird eater because he enjoys her spunk seeing as she actually stridulated at him when he picked up her container. The final tarantula he takes is a gorgeous antilles pinktoe. The colors were just way too eye-catching to him, and her temperament was a plus too. The last animal he grabs isn't even an arachnid though, as he actually finds someone selling venomous animals and is attracted to a black female king cobra. You at first ask if he's crazy, then notice she's blind. Upon asking, Death and you are told she's a rescue and was devenomed. Naturally you explain the term to Death, who is horrified at knowing. He can't forget about her and ultimately buys her. Promising he'll give her a much happier life. Good thing humans these days will take gilt as well as cash. Cus he definitely has that in surplus. Naturally he buys enclosures/food for his new critters and the ones his siblings inevitably buy. He of course also names his little ladies. The GS is named Princess(yes he is serious about the name), the goliath is named Ungoliant, and the pinktoe is dubbed Tanzanite. Meanwhile he calls the cobra Queenie.
Strife - Strife avoids the tarantulas like the plague, and other arachnids to his older brother's amusement. He explains Death and War have pranked him with these animals before. Though Death insists he never used anything living to do it. Didn't want them to be needlessly hurt in the panic after all. Strife does however fall in absolute love with ball pythons and geckos. He ultimately leaves the show with a crested gecko, leechie gecko(which to Death’s shock and annoyance cost near a grand in human US currency), & a banana mimosa ball python. The crestie he calls Nutter Butter(Nutter or Nut for short), the leechie he names Chonker, and the BM ball python he names Glowstick because she looks like a rave glowstick to him with all her bright colors.
Fury - Fury takes interest in an axolotl surprisingly, claiming she finds the empty headed creature to be amusing. In reality it's derpiness is more endearing than funny. She also takes the baby hognose from before, as well as a sand boa for the same reasons as the axolotl. Her naming conventions are not terribly creative but at least carry a common theme, she names the hognose Death after her brother until he begs her to change it to Stinky(She thought referencing Death’s avg stink to the stinks hognoses make while playing dead was hilarious for the record.). The sand boa she simply calls Sandy, and soon takes the name very seriously. The last name she picks for the axolotl is Doofus(a secret reference towards Strife that he somehow misses). She never admits it around others, but she adores her little critters.
War - War is a simple man with simple enjoyments admittedly. He takes interest in the bigger animals. He decides on buying a baby anaconda with the intent to grow it into the biggest one the world has ever seen. He also snags a tegu, since they seem hardy and fun. Plus he did like how the one he got is very dog-like for a monitor lizard. He also gets a leechie like Strife does after the latter convinces him to get one for breeding purposes so they make more like Chonker. War names his critters thusly; Amazon for the anaconda, Dog for the tegu(because he acts like a dog and he couldn’t think of anything else), and his leechie gets called Chonkette after Strife suggested it when War couldn’t think of anything. At first he regretted it, now he finds it suits his 'Big Girl' well. Amazon also gets the nickname of 'Big Mama' after the group discovers eggs in her cage about a month later.
The house has gotten so much fuller, but everyone is happy and caring for their respective pets properly. Including you obviously, who War also promised could have first dibs on Amazon and Chonkette's future babies.
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heedra · 1 year
alright, i am not as knowledgeable as you, if you've the time mx. lydia, could you tell us everything wrong in the "damn bitch you love animals like this meme" ? :)
OP of that post probably has the best info on their reasons behind what they included but here's what I know about each issue.
-Wild animals kept as pets (fennec foxes and servals in picture): Exotic wild animals of this kind can be 'tamed' but are not truly domesticated. It is extremely difficult to keep them happy and enriched in captivity and it's pretty much definitionally impossible to do while treating them as household pets- its a having your cake and eating it too situation. Many people on social media keep exotic mammals as housepets under the guise of 'wild animal rescue', when those two sorts of animal husbandry are incompatible.
-Snake racks (those shelves in the back): Many snake breeders keep their snakes in 'racks', which are basically flat shelves with not a lot of vertical space, under the assumption that, as reptiles, they don't actually need a lot of habitat complexity to be comfortable. Such a space really limits the snakes' ability to move around and satisfy their natural behaviors; they may meet the bare minimum needed to keep an animal alive and healthy, but are by no means a sufficient habitat for a properly enriched animal.
-Spider morph python: There are some color morphs in the reptile breeding community that come with a huge amount of health issues for the animal; the 'spider morph' in ball pythons is closely linked to a neurological condition known as 'wobble' syndrome, which severely impacts the snakes ability to hold their heads and bodies steady when moving, eating, or drinking, something that can have fatal consequences and is just generally miserable for the animal to live through. These morphs are still bred for, regardless, because of the appeal of the markings to many collectors.
-Taxidermied bats: Due to their nocturnal behavior and how fragile their bodies are, it is EXCEEDINGLY hard to find an intact dead bat in nature by happenstance. Like, find a needle in a haystack rare. As a result, almost all taxidermied bats on the market are purposefully killed and hunted for the sake of taxidermy, not ethically found and preserved. The market is pretty unregulated right now, and it's wreaking havoc on bat populations in certain regions; New Zealand in particular.
-Feathers, nautilus shell, coral: Similar story to the bats. The wings and feathers in this image are from birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty act; it is illegal to harvest these feathers in the wild (in the U.S., at least), and finding sources where you can guarantee they've been legally and ethically harvested is difficult. The demand for nautilus shell and coral for decor and collections has contributed meaningfully to the decline of wild populations.
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omg-snakes · 2 years
I was under the impression that corn snakes are rat snakes, and therefore are the same species. But the talk about a hybrid between them has confused me a bit. Are corn snakes rat snakes or a different species?
Hey friend!
So okay, yes, corn snakes are rat snakes. Rat snakes, however, are not a single species but many distinct genera of colubrid snakes!
Let's back up a second and talk taxonomy. Humans love love love sorting and classifying things. We simply adore grouping by color and size, giving different things different names, and ranking in general! Sorting and separating is not always a good thing when it leads to some things (or people) being classified as "good" or "bad" or "better," but in scientific context sorting and naming helps us to better understand our natural world.
There's a problem with naming things, though. Different groups of people tend to give distinct things similar names. Like if a group of folks on the North American continent see a snake eating a rat, they might call it a rat snake. Another group of folks wandering around in Southeast Asia see a totally different and unrelated snake that is eating a rat and they call their snake a rat snake also. So now we've got two rat snakes. Are they the same species? Do they have the same habits, size, genetic composition, etc.? When you say "rat snake" which one are you talking about?? This is why scientific names are important.
To unify scientific research and communication, we have developed the basic classifications of living things: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. There are also sub groups of these groups but we try to keep it simple when we can!
The most basic unit, species, refers to a group of organisms in which any two individuals of appropriate mating types can produce fertile offspring. Species are given a two-part binomial name, sort of like the first and last names that humans often use to describe ourselves and our relationships to others. Scientific names are in Latin, which is a dead language that nobody uses anymore so it's not changing as living languages do. The first part of a binomial name is the genus, which describes the generic group to which a living thing belongs. Genera are capitalized. The second part, the species, is a specific epithet that applies to those organisms within the genus that are more like each other than other members of the genus. Species are not capitalized. Usually, members of a species will only mate and produce fertile offspring with other members of their same species. This is often because they are geographically or behaviorally separated from members of other closely-related species. Is this a perfect system? No. We're still learning every day and taxonomic organizations are revised and updated constantly!
Back to the corn snake/rat snake thing, here's the scientific classification for corn snakes:
Kingdom: Animalia - multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that consume organic material and breathe oxygen
Phylum: Chordata - animals with a notochord (aka: OG backbone)
Class: Reptilia - all reptiles except birds
Order: Squamata - scaled reptiles including lizards and snakes
Suborder: Serpentes - snakes!
Family: Colubridae - "typical" snakes, kind of a wastebasket taxon of snake that aren't special enough to put in their own family. :( Rat snakes are in here!
Tribe: Lampropeltini - colubrid snakes of North and South America
Genus: Pantherophis - nonvenomous snakes endemic to North America
Species: guttatus - corn snake
As you can see from the above, when we talk about "rat snakes" we're referring to a bunch of "typical" snakes in Family Colubridae that span the continents of North and South America and Asia.
To put that in context: You, a human bean, are in Family Hominidae, which includes the great apes including orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans.
Some more closely-related species, such as those in the same tribe, can reproduce and result in offspring. Corn snakes can hybridize with many other snake genera in Tribe Lampropeltini including Pituophis (gopher, pine, and bullsnakes) and Lampropeltis (king snakes), as well as other species of Pantherophis including Texas and Everglades rat snakes. Some of these resulting offspring will even be fertile to a degree!
Sooooooo the TL;DR is that corn snakes are considered rat snakes, yes, but rat snakes are not a single species or even a single genera, but instead a blanket term that applies to a huge variety of both closely- and distantly-related snakes that live across the globe and all, by coincidence, sometimes eat rats.
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ellewrites-stuff · 2 months
Old Man Jim
The smooth trunks of the gum trees stretch toward the cloudless sky. It unsettles me. I always used to think that the dimpling where the trunk split into branches made it look like folds of skin. I look away. I keep walking.
Birds cluck, twitter, squawk, warble. I hear them but can’t see them. One shoots out of the tree-line. It begins pecking away at an old streetlight’s dead bulb. One of its fellows deftly perches on top, watching. There’s an exchange of sorts, a melodic chatter, and they both flit off into the trees.
On one side of me, the trees stretch into a sea of bushland, penned in by a rusting chain link fence. On the other, sputtering cars spew fumes onto the freeway. My foot lands awkwardly in a dip in the earth. I stumble. Dandelions poke up from the muddy patch of grass around me, like swimmers surfacing for air. Among the marshy greens and browns they look like little suns.
The sun beats down on the back of my neck. Sweat prickles on my skin. A honking horn startles me into alertness and I right myself and continue on my way. I don’t normally walk this slowly. I prefer speed, to be able to hear my own ragged breathing and the sound of my heartbeat.
They say Old Man Jim lived in this patch of bushland. In a little hut, near the shooting range. I remember getting told the story as a kid, crouched behind one of those old wooden buildings that had been abandoned to nature. Kids went out there, sometimes, for barbecues or running races, and ran around and played in little patches of clearing while their parents sat in fold out camping chairs and gossiped. That was when I heard the story for the first time.
“They say you can still find his hut,” one of the kids told me. “That his car’s parked out here somewhere.”
I held the piece of clay shrapnel I’d found close to my chest. Collecting the remains of clay targets the shooting range used was also a pastime of area children. The black ones were the rarest, because those were the ones that had been out here the longest time.
“Where’d he go?” I’d asked.
“Hell, if I know. But that’s not the good bit,” the kid said.
“What’s the good bit?” I dutifully responded.
“He left a ton of treasure behind. Buried in under his hut. And we’re going to find it.”
We snuck away from our parents, who we knew would disapprove of our treasure-hunting and ran laughing into the bush. The trek was longer than our child minds had anticipated. Looking back on it, it was laughably stupid and dangerous. The bone-dry leaves carpeting the ground were the perfect fire starter for an eager spark, and it was the middle of bushfire season. The waist-high grass was the ideal hiding place for an irritable brown-snake. Not to mention the dirt roads that snaked in between the patches of bushland were frequented by cars barrelling along, unprepared for a pack of children to leap out from the roadside trees.
After some time, my tiny eight-year-old legs had begun to hurt, and I begged my companions to turn back, or at least to take a rest break. I was harangued into continuing. Finally, as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, and the sky was stained blood-orange, we came upon a hut.
It squatted in between two thick-trunked gum trees, covered in dried out leaves and animal droppings. A branch had fallen from one of the trees, and onto the hut’s roof. Its drooping leaves hung low over the eaves.
“That’s it,” I heard the kid who’d told the story, who had become our de facto leader, say. “That’s Old Man Jim’s hut.”
We crept toward it, at any moment poised to flee. But nothing happened, and so when we reached the termite-chewed front door, our leader raised his fist and knocked, loudly and clearly, three times.
When no response came, we cracked open the door. It swung inward and out of our grasping hands with a long, low creak and slammed into the adjacent wall with a loud thunk.
Inside the hut was bare. A single wooden table occupied the far left corner. Spiders, the fat, venomous kind, watched us from the gossamer webs they’d spun in the roof’s empty rafters. The floor was covered in a thick layer of dust and when we walked our shoes left little child-sized footprints.
“Old Man Jim?” our leader called. “You there, Old Man Jim?”
The hut remained silent.
I took a step and stumbled, my shoe catching on an uneven piece of flooring. I glanced down. One of the floorboards stuck out above the rest, like it had been partially prised away. I beckoned the other kids over to look. Upon examination it was decided that this was where Old Man Jim had hidden his treasure, and all we had to do was yank the floorboard away and we’d find it.
We used a sturdy branch we found outside as a lever and, inch by inch, jimmied the floorboard out. One the hole had been opened up, we got one of the littlest kids to shove his head inside and have a peer around.
“Can’t see much,” his muffled voice admitted. “Any of youse got a torch?”
We all shook our heads.
“Hey!” the kid called out suddenly. “I think I can see something-”
There was a moment of silence, then the tremendous thump of the kid’s shoulders slamming into the floor, as though something had grabbed onto his head and tugged. Someone started screaming then I did too, and the thump sounded again and again, the yanking incessant, all the while the kid’s fists pounded at the floorboards.
“Lemme go!” he yelled. “Lemme go!”
But I wasn’t brave enough to stick around and see what happened. I did the first smart thing I’d done all day and got the hell out of there and ran crying through the bush until I saw the wavering campfire light and the silhouettes of fold out chairs.
I don’t know what happened to the kid. I think he might have died in that hut.
I keep walking for some time until I reach a break in the fence, the place where the cars come into the bushland from the freeway. The bush smells damp with a trace of something sharp. Eucalyptus bark, I reckon. The edge of the dirt road crumbles away under my boot when I step on it. It’s an old road. Older than me by far.
The walk through the bushland is quiet. A lone bird lets out a plaintive cry. Wind rustles the tree branches.
The sky’s a clear, cornflower blue. Distantly, colourful dots, hot air balloons, are born upward. They send them up, sometimes, from the nearby air strip. I always used to wish I could hide away in one of those wicker baskets and float up into the clouds. Maybe, once I leave here, I’ll finally fly away.
At the sound of the crunch of gravel I turn and look down the road behind me. A car is trundling along, kicking dust up under the tires, leaving a billowing cloud in its wake. It’s a ute, a Ford, big and blocky, with a faded blue paint job. It looks out of place in the brown, dry bushland.  It draws to a stop beside me. The driver winds down the passenger window and leans across.
He’s old, with a face like creased parchment paper and a wiry, white beard, like a bushie Santa Claus. He smiles with the stained teeth of a smoker.
“Hey kid,” he croaks. “You headed down by the old shooting range?”
I nod.
He jerks a thumb at his back seat. “You need a ride?”
I hesitate, but only for a moment. I glide my thumb over the butcher’s knife I’ve got stowed away in my coat pocket and nod again. Revenge is a sin, I know that, but so is killing kids. Old Man Jim better gird his loins.
The passenger door swings open, and I climb inside.
“Thanks,” I tell the old man.
He shrugs and jerks the key in the ignition. The car starts up with a sputter. “Don’t worry about it. It’s getting dark out, anyway. It gets dangerous down in this bush in the dark.”
He grins, his face scrunching up. His wrinkles look like the deep cracks you see in drought ridden earth. His creased eyes are a bright blue, the kind you don’t really see in old people. My teen years were peppered by sporadic visits to my Nana’s retirement home, and my strongest memory is of the grey: grey hair, grey eyes, greying skin. The man’s eyes are mountain stream blue, summer-sky blue, flax lily blue. His pupils are pin-pricks.  I wonder who he is. I’d rather die than ask. 
“Sure,” I say passively. The car hits a branch. It cracks against the bumper.
The trees whip by, a brown-green blur. In the distance, I see a kangaroo bounding away. Sometimes they leap out of the trees onto roads, in front of cars. My mum was always paranoid we’d hit one and our car would cop damage. She made me look at the window and yell out if I saw one. Not today, apparently. We round a corner, and the kangaroo disappears.
I glance out of the corner of my eye at the old man. He’s still grinning, wryly, like he’s in on some joke that I’m not privy to. I shift away from him, pressing my left side against the passenger seat door. I trace one hand over the door handle, the other hovering over the concealed knife.
The ute pulls off the road into a little piece of clearing, a wide, dry dust bowl in amongst the gum trees. The old man grunts, and gestures for me to get out.
“Here we are,” he says. “You’ll have to walk from here. Road just loops round and goes back the other way.”
I ease open the door and step down onto the road. My boot sinks into the sandy dirt. “Thanks again.”
The old man smiles his unnerving, stained smile, and silently slams the passenger door shut. I hear the shudder of the car starting up and the ute jerks forward and rolls off down the road, disappearing around a corner and behind the trees.
It’s starting to get cool. The setting sun sends deep purple shadows stretching along the ground. Everything is dipped in lukewarm shades of blue, the grass, the tree trunks, the gum leaves. Everything except for the brilliant orange sky.
A kookaburra cackles in the distance.
It’s quiet, in the bush, other than the crunch of dead leaves and twigs under my footfalls, and the occasional cry of a wild animal. I check the ground each time I take a step, with almost paranoid fervour. My childhood dog was killed by a snake that none of us saw in the long grass.
I retrieve a torch from my bag, switch it on and keep watching.
The grass swishes around my legs, parting for me like the Red Sea. No snakes around here, it seems, or if there are they’ve slithered away from my thundering footfalls. Gum trees swim out of the darkness at me, ghostly trunks, slender and smooth. The knots in the trunk stare at me with wooden pupils, in eerie synchrony with the glittering eyes sat up in the treetops reflecting the torchlight.
It’s quiet now, except for the creepy-crawly noises of bugs going about their business. Cicadas whine like spoiled toddlers. A dumb buzzing fly bumps clumsily into me. It’s almost worse, I think, than if something were chasing me. At least then I’d know to run.
Then, in the distance, I can see a hut, squatting between two thick-trunked gum trees, like it had been all those years ago.
It’s unchanged. Maybe a few more layers of leaves have gathered on the roof and clogged up the gutters. It’s still standing, termite chewed, dung-covered and dilapidated as ever. The empty windows observe me apathetically. The door still hangs ajar.
“Old Man Jim?” I call out. “You there, Old Man Jim?”
The hut regards me with contempt. There’s nothing in its lopsided windows other than dust and spider-webs.
I take a step forward and force myself to keep moving. At night, the shadows inside the hut are darker than ink. Anything could be in there. But I push open the hut’s door, and listen to the rusted hinges squeal high-pitched, like a pig, as it swings open. My fingers find the butcher knife’s handle, and I step forward, across the doorway’s threshold.
“Are you in there, Old Man Jim?” I call again. Somewhere outside the hut, a magpie warbles from a tree.
The hut is silent. The butcher’s knife feels pathetic in my shaking hands. Did I really think it would be any use against the old bastard? I knew I should have tried to get a gun licence before coming back out here. I take a step. The floorboard gives a little, under my boot, wood gone soft and rotten from the damp.
There’s a spot in the middle of the floor where part of the floor is prised away and the boards around it are caved in and splintered. It’s a gap about as big as a child’s head and shoulders. Bile rises in my throat. I bear the knife and grit my teeth.
“Chi-cken,” I say, in a childish sing song.
Maybe, if Old Man Jim is here, he’s just bones under the floorboards. Maybe the kid snagged his shirt on a nail and struggled to break free until he suffocated. Or maybe there’s something in this hut, or out there in the bush, watching me with beady, crinkled eyes.
I case the cabin, find nothing, head out back. A Ford ute’s parked, badly, bumper rammed up into a tree trunk. It was probably painted a nice colour, once, but its faded to muddy, rusted brown. The front door’s been ripped off. The windshield’s shattered.
“Old Man Jim?” I call, my voice cracking a little. The ute looks horribly familiar.
The sun’s dipping toward the horizon. The sky’s the same blood orange it was when I first met him.
I don’t see him. Just hear the rustle of something under the floor, the movement of something down in the dirt that you can’t see. Like the birds in the trees, only bigger. Much bigger. The floor creaks, and something thumps. Then it thumps against, closer. Maybe I imagine it, but I think I see eyes, down there. Unnatural, mountain-stream, summer-sky, flax-lily flower blue eyes with pin-prick pupils. Watching, waiting for me to step closer.  Peering up at me, from a wryly grinning face; smoke-stained teeth in a Santa Claus beard.
There’s ragged breathing, down in that child-sized hole in the floor.
I drop the butcher’s knife. I don’t know what he is. I hope for all of our sake that he’s only a dead man who stuck around longer than he should have.
I do the smart thing, and I get the hell out of there. 
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nationmckinleyscorset · 9 months
Does anyone else keep a list in their phone of everything they've ever watched including content warnings? No? Well, here's mine. It's super helpful cos if my friend's ask what I've been watching lately I just send them this. Enjoy the recommendations.
13 reasons why - blood, sexual assault, suicide (graphic in Clay's nightmares), rumours
47 metres down - blood
Alleluja! The Devil's Carnival - blood, religion
All of us are dead - blood
And then there were none - suicide, murder, blood
Annie 2014
Back to life - blood, murder, abusive man
Bambi - 😭
Beautiful thing the play - homophobia, abusive man
Beetlejuice - blood, implied suicide
Beetlejuice the musical - blood
Birdbox - suicide, blood
Bo Burnham comedy
Carrie - religion, abuse, blood
Charlie and the chocolate factory (original & Timmy boy's)
Cinderella (live action)
Clue - blood
Corpse bride
Dark crystal
Detroit become human (game) - blood, abusive man
Do revenge - drugs, cringe
Drag me to hell - afghhhagagha. Vomiting bugs, blood, religion
Dr Who
Dumbo (Tim Burton)
Easy A
Endless night - blood, SA, the paradoxical sleep girl's wrists, suicide. GRAPHIC suicide.
Ella Enchanted
Ever after high
Everybody's talking about Jamie
Everybody's talking about Jamie musical
Fall - blood, falling, getting eaten by birds
Fifty shades of grey
Fifty shades darker - flogging
Fifty shades freed
Freaky friday
Gavin and Stacey
Girl, interrupted - blood
Great expectations
Greys anatomy - blood
Heathers the musical
Hedda - implied suicide and murder, suicide
Holy grail - blood
Horrible histories - blood, vomit, basically anything disgusting you can think of
I am mother - blood
Ice age
I'm not ok with this - blood
Into the woods
It follows
Jo Koy comedy
Jumanji welcome to the jungle
Jumanji the next level
Katherine Ryan comedy
K-12 - blood
Keeping Faith - blood, drugs, 2nd season is meh, 3rd season is shit
Knives out - blood, suicide, drugs, vomit
Labyrinth - David Bowie's crotch
Liar liar
Life of Brian - blood, religion, full frontal nudity
Mako mermaids - David's cunt of a brother
Maze runner
Miss Peregrin's home for peculiar children
Metamorphosis the play
Motherland - vomiting child
Moulin Rouge - blood
Mrs Doubtfire
Murder mystery
Nine lives
Orange is the new black - blood, religion
Outlaws - drugs
Oz the great and powerful
Paddington 2
Phantom of the opera
Phantom of the paradise - blood, cracked
Pirates of the Caribbean - blood (not much)
Queens of mystery - blue balls from this fucking Raven storyline
Reefer madness - blood, drugs, cannibalism, abusive man
Repo! The genetic opera - blood, dissection
Red Riding hood - blood
Red rose - blood, suicide
Rocky horror 2015
RuPaul's drag race (specifically s12)
Russian Doll - blood, suicide
Sarah Millican comedy
Shock treatment
Shock treatment commentary
Snowpiercer - blood, torture, murder, suicide
Squid game - blood
Squid game challenge - gagging
The addams family - so. Much. Blood. Lmao
The boy in the striped pajamas
The craft - SA, attempted suicide
The end of the fucking world - blood, SA
The darkest minds
The day after tomorrow - blood, natural disasters
The Devil's Carnival - blood
The golden compass
The greatest showman
The human centipede - blood. DO. NOT. WATCH.
The hunger games
The hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes - bombs
The hunger games catching fire
The hunger games mockingjay 1
The hunger games mockingjay 2
Thelma & Louise - rape, murder, suicide, blood
The lost boys - blood
The mask
The nightmare before Christmas
The purge TV series - I have no words. SA, blood, cult
The school of good and evil - blood
The sound of music - nazis
The rocky horror picture show - blood
The tourist
TORCHWOOD - slime, cannibalism, paedophilia
Tracy Beaker
Tracy Beaker returns
Tuck everlasting
TWD video game - blood
The walking dead - blood
Waitress - whispering, SA
Wednesday - blood
White chicks - blood
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guardianofwonder · 9 months
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Many influences come together to make my Nicolas Nicolas.
“It was said that he once defeated an entire regiment of calvary with a bent steak knife-while he was eating.” - William Joyce
“He’s a wild man,” Ramsey says. “An adventurer, a warrior, a dynamic force. A big guy who takes over every room. He has two gigantic swords. He kicks down doors. The core idea was, what would a guy who can fly around the world in one night be like? He had to do this with sheer force of will. So we wrapped that dynamo around a guy who loves making toys, whose whole existence is bringing generosity to the world.”
INFLUENCES: Slavic myth, Norse myth, Christian myth, Violent Night, William Joyce’s The Guardians of Childhood and The Man in the Moon, Rise of the Guardians (2012), historical connections to Santa Claus, this amazing webpage outlining information about Veles, & the Rankin/Bass Claymation films.
My Nicolas is very inspired by Nicholas St. North, but the idea of him also being the Slavic god Veles was so interesting to me: I wondered what would come of the muse if I combined them?
NAME: Veles, Nicolas. 
ALIAS: Nicholas St. North, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Odin, Wodan, Welnos, Volos, Saint Blaise, The Devil, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sinterklaas, Krampus, Father Christmas, any & every name for Santa Claus.
TITLES: The Guardian of Wonder, the Spirit of Generosity, The Greatest Thief & Bandit Who Ever Lived, The Cossack, Toymaker.
AGE: Indetermined. Very old. Jokes that he’s seen the beginning of time.
GOD OF: fertility, boundaries, order, mischief, magic, invention, cattle, water, earth, the underworld, the dead, music, wealth, trickery, forests, oath-keeping & treaties, retribution, farming, vengeance, psychic ability, the hunt, power, & poetry.
SPIRIT OF: generosity, nature, & invention.
GUARDIAN OF: wonder.
WEAPON: two swords & a spear.
SACRED ANIMALS: bear, wolf, snake, dragon, owl, any farm animals & black birds.
ASSISTANTS: yeti, Leshy, reindeer, & elves.
DOMAIN: Nav/Nawia (The North Pole). In Winter, Nav/Nawia changes from a forest and farmlands to the North Pole, and returns back to its forest-y appearance when Spring arrives.
ABILITIES: shapeshifting (into a dragon or bear or other animal under his domain), using snowglobes to transport himself + others, master swordsmanship, the power of wonder, master craftsman, master inventor, master magician, master toymaker, the gift of the silvertongue (can communicate with all beings + can articulate clearly), 
STRONGEST ABILITY: The Power of Wonder. North has an ability to find the wonder in everything around him which helps him in his creation of toys and inventions. It also boosts his faith in others and resolve, and helps him be jolly and a little childish but gives him a unique insight. His shapeshifting ability is an extension of his Power of Wonder.
APPEARANCE FC: David Harbour in Violent Night (during Winter).
David Harbour as Jim Hopper (all other seasons).
VOICE FC: Adam Baldwin in Rise of the Guardians.
EYE COLOR: blue, crystal blue.
HAIR COLOR: always has black eyebrows.
white + long, curly hair and beard (during Winter).
dark + short cropped (all other seasons).
red (as Kris Kringle).
CLOTHING: Black fur hat, a long red coat with black trim, black boots, black sheepskin pants, and thick, black gloves (in Winter).
Hawaiian shirt + jeans with tennis shoes and white socks (all other seasons.)
HEIGHT: 6'6".
WEIGHT: 270 lbs.
BODY SHAPE: Big boy. It’s cuffin’ season. Chunky but also muscular.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: When appearing as Nicolas, he has tattoos on either arm featuring Naughty + Nice, all sorts of Celtic + Slavic symbols on his torso, arms, and back. Right on the center of his chest + ribs is his Veles snake. Blue eyes, no matter the form. 
If he reveals his true form, as Veles, he will have golden antlers protruding from his long, brown, & curly hair.
NATIONALITY: N/A. Appears Slavic, as that is one of his favorite places, Nicolas has an indistinct Slavic accent that can sound very Russian at times.
GENDER: Masculine. Uses he/him.
SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC IDENTITY: Bisexual and demiromantic.
MORALITY: Chaotic Good.
PERSONALITY: Nicolas is a warrior with a heart of gold. Fierce, demanding and impulsive, everything about him is larger than life. For him, nothing is impossible as long as he believes in it. He is inventive and witty, sarcastic and curious, and immensely willful. He will do whatever he can to save others. He is also fearless, mysterious, caring, and full of wonder.
BIOGRAPHY: Veles had been alive for what feels like all of Time, guarding the border between Yav (the mortal world) and Nav (the underworld). When his worship + power started to wane due to Christianity’s influence across all of the world, and his reputation was tarnished as the Devil, the Man in the Moon offered Veles a new job: become the Guardian of Wonder.
He took the name Nicolas, and decided to embody an aspect of himself that he enjoyed a great deal: Santa Claus.
Nav became the North Pole, its fertile fields turning to snow-encapsulated tundra when Winter struck. No mortal can dare enter the North Pole, not without special permission.
Souls who pass under the Slavic banner end up residing in Nav for all of eternity, and when Nav turns into the North Pole, those who live within Nav can volunteer to help with Santa’s duties, or opt to just enjoy the wintery aspect of the realm. Those who are favored by Nicolas can become Santa’s Helpers, and he sends them all throughout the mortal world to act in his stead.
Leshys patrol the space, so no souls leave without permission. Elves assist in toymaking. The Yeti assist in overseeing all functions within Nav, and act as managers, while also covering all other duties that the others fail at.
Every December 24th, he delivers gifts to good children and leaves coal for naughty children. He has also been known to still deliver to adults.
Using his Globe of Belief, Nicolas makes sure that the children of the world believe in the Guardians. Whenever crises arrive, Nicolas is there, blades at the ready, spear strapped to his back, and is ready to kick a w ho-ho-ho le lot of ass.
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thecritterguy · 2 years
Keep your pet birds safe with Skunk Removal In Ontario
Living on a small lot, we have all kinds of adventures. My least favorite adventure is dealing with our egg-loving skunks. Chickens are precious to us and deserve protection. What's the best way to catch a skunk? Or even better, how do you try to look out for skunk removal in your area?
We at The Critter Guys like to use live traps baited with food that the skunk can't resist. Ideal baits for skunks include eggs, crispy bacon, cat food, chicken or turkey, canned tuna or sardines, peanut butter on bread, marshmallows, or highly flavored fatty meat products.
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We like to lure live traps with eggs. Because that's what attracted them to our house in the first place. The last skunk we caught dug up a dead chicken and several weeks-dead baby rabbits from our little animal graveyard. smelly thing.
In this post, we discuss how to protect chicks and eggs from predators and how to capture and safely dispose of skunks with live traps. Fortify your homestead to reduce lure and predator access.
One of the best ways to protect your chickens and eggs from skunks and other predators is to reinforce your chicken coop. Reserve your time and resources to avoid affecting any chicken predators that may be in your area, including skunks, raccoons, dogs, weasels, rats, foxes, coyotes, minks, snakes, and birds of prey.
These are steps we have taken to keep our birds safe. 1. Insect proof bird house We've made several different nest boxes over the years, but my favorite is the Best Nest Box. The eggs roll out from underneath the hen and wait until they are collected in predator-proof trays. Eggs are always clean. Best of all, there's nothing wrong with chickens developing the bad habit of eating their own eggs. Best Nest Boxes can be configured to collect eggs from the front or back. We designed our chicken coop in such a way that we collect our eggs from an outside pantry so we don't have to go into the coop to collect them. I love this setup! 2. High bar No matter how many bars a chick has access to, it will fight for the highest position. It's the safest place to be, so naturally, you do that. You can help your chickens feel safer by giving them a chance to perch on a high perch. 3. Keep the chicken coop closed at night Closing the coop at night is a bit of a hassle, but your birds can sleep knowing they're safe until morning. You can purchase automatic coop doors that automatically release chicks in the morning and retract them at night. This is another level of bird protection. know your enemy. Okay, skunks are not my enemies. They are unwelcome uninvited guests on my property. A better understanding of the skunk will allow you to safely hold and move the creature without getting hurt or splashed. Skunks may not be as obedient as domestic cats, but they can make quite interesting pets as well.
In domestic skunks, the mercaptan-secreting odor glands are surgically removed. Once a pet skunk is always a pet skunk. They have no way to survive in the wild without smelly weapons.
Skunks are nocturnal but tend to be active and hunt during the morning and evening hours. This usually means your chickens can roam safely during the day. Winter months may be an exception as skunks do not hibernate and may be more active during the day. Thus, you need to look out for a sunk removal service in Ontario.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Has anyone tried to sort the characters from The Winx or the Barbie Movies ?
I assume you mean the original Winx Club and I am afraid I don't remember that enough to try and sort it. Buut I did a rewatch of (the more interesting) Barbie movies and with the help of @the-phoenix-heart @starry-sky-stuff @laufire here are the Babries we’ve sorted:
1. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)- Lion Snake. The movie focuses a lot on Clara's dreams and goals. Her Snake is a bit more hidden, but she has the same quiet Snake secondary energy kids that grew up in controlling/abusive households tend to develop. Plus remember when she had to save Eric she straight up lied to the guards?
2. Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel)- Double Bird; the brush is such a Bird sec tool and she has that Bird primary vibe. Not to mention this shows that you can have The (Mad) Scientist sorting with artists too 
3. Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake)-Badger Lion. Her secondary is a bit burned in the begining but she gets better. Badger because of how much she cares about literally everyone, from people to mythical animals.
4. Annelisse (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Bird. Her People are her mom -for whom she might have developed a bit of a Lion model- and Julian and what other secondary would collect and classify rocks for fun?
5. Erika (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Lion. She ~bonds with Annelisse which is the only reason why she goes along with Julian’s plan -her only other Person is her cat xD- and I will say Lion secondary because she is clearly Improvisional and so snippy to her employer
6. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia series) - Double Badger. "For the friends you haven’t met” is such a Badger primary say and the only thing to get Elina out of her trance in the first movie. I hesitated between Lion and Courtier Badger but the last two movies made me choose the latter.
7. Teenage Barbie (Barbie Diaries) - Lion Badger. To quote Phoenix: “ People pleaser with dreams of being popular and a news anchor is a total Lion Badger ”
8. Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 dancing princesses) -Badger Bird. She is the one that is always willing to lend a hand and who keeps her mom's traditions alive. And she always go for logical solutions (dad is sick, call the doctor), makes the plan to defeat Rowena in the end AND when Rowena attacks her she defends herself using the fan skills she learned from the duchess herself :DD. Not to mention that she seems the most capable to rule out of all the sisters so The King sorting fits her well
9. Ro (Barbie as The Island Princess)- Bird Badger. We see her caretake in the very first minutes of the movie with Tika or how she chases away the crocodiles. I chose her primary mostly by elimination, but I think it’s fitting for a girl who has an entire song with lyrics that start with “why” and wears a peacock dress. Symbolism much xDD. Not to mentionBird Badger is The Survivor and Ro sure is one.
10. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa) - Lion Bird She's clearly an Intuitive primary abd the way she's carving adventure and visiting far-away places made me settle on Lion. Also it might be me, but the sentence "I don't know what's worse, failing or admiting it to people who believed in me?" sounds veeery Lion primary. She loves reading books, and uses the knowledge she gathers from them to accomplish her goal which is a very Bird secondary MO.
11. Liana (Barbie and the Diamond Castle) - Double Snake. Her Snake secondary is easy to spot: she tricks Slyder with switching the mirrors, she gets her and Alex to play music at the restaurant for a meal. It's obvious Liana is a Loyalist and for the longest time I thought she was a Badger, but a Badger would not have been happy living alone just with Alexa in their small cottage. Also, her very betrayed speech to Melody after Alexa leaves her is so Snake to me xD
12. Eden Starling (Barbie in A Christmas Carol). Snake Lion. Her primary is burned at the start of the movie and yet we can still see how she is loyal to both her dead aunt and her cat. The entire movie is about her unburning and it is cathartic to watch. Lion secondary because she is abrasive at the best of times and at the end she relies on grand gestures to make ammends.
13. Thumbelina (Barbie presents: Thumbelina)- Lion Bird. She's an inventor so the Bird is obvious. Her dedication to save her home, her adventurous spirit, and her confrontational attitude with Mackena all scream Lion primary to me.
14. Corrine (Barbie in The Three Musketeers) - Double Lion. Could the girl who lifted the ban on female Musketeers be anything else but The Revolutionary? Corrine is a dauntless improviser and very stubborn. She starts as a bit of an immature Lion who wants to fight for glory and has to learn to fight for what's right.
15. Merliah (Barbie on a Mermaid Tale)- Lion Snake. Another immaure Glory Hound Lion who learns to embrace her role as princess. I considered Lion secondary, but I am pretty sure her rival/co-protagonist in the second movie-Kylie- is one. And while they are similar, Kylie is much more direct and abrasive which makes me think Merliah is a Snake who loves to live in neutral. She's certanly charming enough to be one.
16. Actress!Barbie (Barbie in a Fashion Fairytale+Fairy Secret)- Badger Snake. She's an Exterior primary that's very affected by what the world thinks. Also note that when she wants to get away she does not go to a completely unknown place like her friends suggest, but to her aunt's fashion house because that's where she feels safe. Her determination to save both the fashion house and then Ken felt almost Lion secondary at times, but I think she's a Snake: she is an actress, the interaction with the crazy director in Fashion Fairytale points to Fluid secondary and The Advisor seems to pretty much sum up her role in the first movie.
17. Blair (Barbie in Princess Charm School)- Snake Badger. Probably the Snakiest Snake primary Barbie as everything she does is for her mom and sister. She's a hard worker as proven by both her job as a waitress than by the way she has to practice to do well in the charm school.
18. Kristyn (Barbie in the Pink Shoes)- Bird Snake. The Artist probably fits this ballerina best. She's an Improviser as the whole movie proves, yet has no Lion bone in her body. Also her glee at getting to play -not just dance the part, actually be- Giselle and Odette points to Snake secondary. Bird primary becauss when she's stuck in the plays her system automatically shifts to integrate the rules of the world she is in, no matter how crazy they are.
19. Lumina (Barbie: Pearl Princess) - Bird Badger. She craves adventure and it's most likely an External primary but has no sense of community the way Badgers do. Badger secondary because of how enthusiastic she was to have a job just because she got to work.
20. Alexa (Babrie and The Secret Door)- Bird Lion. All her daydreaming and escapist fantasies made me think Bird primary. I chose burned Lion secondary because in a lot of ways, Alexa reminded me of well, me.
21. Starlight!Barbie (Barbie: Starlight Adventure)- Badger Lion. She cares about people and animals a lot and well, she is an hoverboarder and a daredevil.
ETA: 22. Annika (Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus) - Lion Snake. Her sneaking out plus her Oedypuss style deception points to Snake secondary. Her rebllious and passionate nature as well as her determination point to Lion primary.
Wow, this was not easy. But also fun :D
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tgon · 2 years
The Nightmare Room #9, Camp Nowhere | Review
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Title: The Nightmare Room #9 – Camp Nowhere
Author: R.L. Stine
Cover Artist: Vince Natale
30th US President Calvin Coolidge would stow pickles and munch on them around the White House. It’s been said that he was the first “President To Just Be Two Kids Stacked On Top Of Each Other” president. Everyone has their quirks. R.L. Stine’s quirk is writing good camp stories. Maybe we can set aside our doubts and let the nostalgia of summers-gone-by whisk us away. Go ahead. Set down your bags.
A summery breeze shoots past, warming the trees, carrying the sweet smell of sap along for the ride. Sounds of nature fill your head. Water laps at a lake’s edge, birds chitter away, a lonely bee bumbles along. A counselor jotted down your name when you arrived, but the ink hasn’t even dried yet. Camp. It’s a place for developing minds, new friendships, one or two “Ernest” films, and sometimes terror.* Hang on to your friendship bracelets, camper. The story is about to begin.
*Actual terror may vary.
Everyone at Camp Hawkwood thinks Russel is a wimp. And they’re right. When he tries to disprove his wimpery it only makes things worse. He attempts to save a counselor’s dog, but (long story) he gets knocked off a cliff by snakes. Ouch, my scariest summercamp memory is when I ate gummy worms until I threw up.
All senior campers get an opportunity to canoe down Forbidden Falls. Adding to the terror, Counselor Ramos reveals that he won’t be able to canoe alongside the kids and will have to watch from the sidelines. It makes no difference to Russel. He already decided to be the bravest camper to traverse the Falls. This includes worrying himself so bad he gets nightmares.
When the big day comes, Forbidden Falls turns out to be a dud, not scary at all. Russel and his friends decide they’ll get revenge on Ramos for playing up the terror. They settle on a classic prank, the old “Make An Adult Think We’re Dead” routine.
The kids all flip their canoes to stage a wreck (hilarity!) and wait to see their counselor’s reaction. Things go haywire when the kids realize they’re lost. The entire area looks unfamiliar, and their footprints from earlier have vanished. Russel uses the footprints as a poetic metaphor for a higher power, but his peers are unreceptive.
Night falls. The kids hunker down as best they can. Russel and his friends Charlotte and Erin spot a light in the distance. Into the night with Charlotte Sometimes the group goes. They discover a place called Camp Evergreen. It’s odd for many reasons. The phones don’t work; the campers watch black and white movies; most disturbing, they don’t know who Michael Jordan is (that sneaker logo guy).
A camper named Drew warns Russel and his friends that they’re in grave danger. Unfortunately, “Drew the Schmoo” has an embarrassing nickname so he’s immediately discredited, especially as a political candidate. Russel begins to heed the warning once he discovers that the other campers have locked Drew in a shed, and making people angry is a universal sign of rightness. They don’t lock irrational people in sheds now do they?
The Hawkwood campers set Drew free and run until they’re caught by Camp Evergreen. The lead counselor explains that his camp is super cursed, and it does not get more sensitive to Native Americans beyond this point. Native spirits destroyed Camp Evergreen years ago for trespassing. These aren’t unreasonable destroyer spirits, though. They grant the campers two days a year to come back as ghosts so long as they’re respectful of the land and keep their existence a secret. The lead counselor tried to get three days a year, but Spirit Court disfavors mortal men.
Drew goes beserk and lights a cabin on fire. If the forrest burns, the ghosts will be destroyed and probably lose their deposit. Cooler heads prevail when Russel puts out the blaze. Promising to keep Camp Evergreen a secret, the living kids are allowed to leave. While sprinting into the woods, they discover the real (and terrifying) Forbidden Falls. I should clarify that “discover” is code for “fall headfirst into.”
Doom seems inevitable for the kids tumbling ungently down the stream until they’re lifted up by unseen hands. Up. Up into the air. A ghostly voice thanks Russel for stopping the fire, and the kids are set down at Camp Deusexmachina. Russel brags to every Hawkwood kid about how easy Forbidden Falls was.
Abrupt ending aside, this book executes its small(ish) concept well. It’s sensitive with the main character. Regrettably less sensitive with the mysticism. Credit where it’s due, Stine resisted his urge to name this book Camp Tipacanoe.
9th US President William Henry Harrison was nicknamed Old Tippecanoe. His presidency had an abrupt ending when he died after a month in office. Four years is a long time. Tasteless segue aside, I’ve been reviewing this series for nearly four years, and I’m only nine books in. I’m going through these numbers slower than Nevada goes through votes, which’d be topical if I wrote this back in November 2020. It’s not so dreary, though. Just keep going and see where it gets you. Harrison considered himself retired prior to his election, so being president for a month was a cherry on top.
“But what if it’s a UFO?” David asked. “What if aliens from another planet are secretly landing in the woods, and they zap anyone who disturbs them?” “But they might have food!” Marty exclaimed. “Yeah. Let’s check it out!” David said.
The camp spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
David shouted. “Remember what the counselors told us? About the snake caves?” [...] “That’s just another camp legend,” Marty said.
Snake caves. Yet another thing made up by greeting card companies. Much like Boss’s Day or Saint Valentine.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Etched Words
Characters: Xiao x gn!reader
Word Count: 2,920
Warnings: None
Premise: He'd long given up the idea. No one should be stuck with him, and fate would never be so kind to do so, no so cruel to punish someone in such a way. And yet you'd appeared, and now he didn't know what to do.
In which the reader’s familiarity is written on Xiao’s sleeve.
Author’s Note: Originally wasn’t going to write this tonight since I was afraid of how long this was going to be but oops. I love soulmate AUs, they’re probably the fic that I make up in my head the most, there’s just so much potential for it.
Xiao I’m sorry I’ve neglected a oneshot for you for so long, hope you forgive me and hope everyone who reads this enjoys!
Xiao would never admit the real reason that he was determined to wear a sleeve around one of his arms. Part of it was tradition, he’d worn it since Rex Lapis had first commanded him to fight, and even if those days of war were long forgotten to most the memories still burned bright to him. He couldn’t bring himself to completely lose that legacy, even in terms of what he wore. To those who knew him that was assumed to be the only reason; but every once in a while, when he was perhaps feeling weak enough, Xiao would lift up his sleeve to read the words snaking across his forearm.
What a lovely little bird, don’t you think? Those words haunted him, tearing apart his thoughts for certain lengths of time, filling his head with a sense of resentment and melancholy.
The last thing Xiao wanted was a soulmate. Soulmates were something destined for humans, those who could live life ducking most of its horrors, those who could feel passionately and indulge in the feeling of love without sorrow or guilt. Most important of all humans would never have to experience the feeling of losing one’s soulmate forever, and living on for millennia afterword with only memory and regret to keep them company. It was a curse to give an immortal being a soulmate, especially one such as Xiao, who battled every day with the chains of his past, with the acts he’d committed and the darkness he’d almost fallen into. No one, mortal or immortal, deserved a soulmate such as he, and Xiao for his part thought he didn’t deserve such a curse. Let him deal with his affairs alone, he didn’t want a punishment like this.
Besides, Xiao had long ago come to the conclusion that he was never to meet his soulmate. So long had it been since those words had been etched onto his skin that he was sure they must’ve been the mutterings of someone who’d long passed him by, or someone who’d never managed to say those words at all. After all, being destined to fall in love with someone wasn’t a guarantee that one would live that long, and fate could be so easily twisted and bent. Yes, his soulmate must be long dead. Perhaps they’d been a worshipper of long ago, or perhaps they’d been nothing at all. Perhaps they’d died in one of the wars in which the yaksha had participated in and perhaps they’d lived to a ripe old age, never once uttering that phrase which haunted him. Either way they were dead and gone, and Xiao didn’t want the reminder of that. He certainly didn’t want others to know, to look down upon him with pity.
So he kept it hidden, and though the words sometimes haunted him at least he had the certainty that they would never be spoken in his presence. Even if a small part of him doubted, and hoped for a miracle.
There was a new guest and the Wangshu Inn, and one that was most likely going to be staying for a while. Or so Xiao heard that morning as Verr Goldet checked on the breakfast and made the rounds. He liked Goldet, respected her for her ethic and her wry sense of humor, even if he loathed it being turned upon himself. She was intensely practical in nature, and always had a sense of what was important and what was ultimately not. So the mention of a new and mysterious guest stuck with him the whole day, and though he spent most of his time away from the Inn, he couldn’t help but turn Goldet’s words over in his mind, wondering if they would truly turn out as important as she made them seem.
It had been a busy day for Xiao, as Liyue was still reeling from its attempted destruction and negotiations between the adepti and the Qixing were long and arduous. The meal afterwards was even more so and if it weren’t for the traveler Xiao most likely wouldn’t’ve attended in the first place. By the time he made his way back to his usual spot on the balcony of the Inn he was tired and irritable, so much so that he only noticed he wasn’t invisible when you spoke after him, and after that he was too far gone to really register that fact.
“What a lovely little bird, don’t you think?” You were leaning on the railing, staring up at a nightingale, who was chirping away. “They’re so cute aren’t they, and they have such a classical sort of call. It’s really so peaceful.” You sighed for a moment, a sigh of contentment, and once more focused your gaze back to Xiao, smiling a slightly embarrassed smile. “I’m sorry the familiarity, I don’t believe I’ve met you yet.”
It was more of a question than a statement, but at that point Xiao could barely process what you’d just said, and the question itself was lost in the swirl of emotions he felt. Disbelief and shock were the primary emotions, for who could imagine you were real and not a figment of his imagination, but there were other emotions too; longing, frustration, fear, guilt. They all mingled together, reminding him of why he’d both longed for a moment like this and wished for it never to come. And now it was here, here and all too much. Letting out a gasp of breath that meant nothing at all Xiao vanished into the night, cheeks burning with shame as a part of him cried out that he’d just made the greatest mistake of his life.
At first Xiao had planned to avoid the Inn completely, to wait until he knew you were gone and then try to get back the semblance of normalcy that had been completely destroyed. He quickly realized however that it would be impossible to do so. The Inn had become a sort of refuge for Xiao, a familiar place where he could listen to the soft sounds of humanity in the evening and of the wilderness at night, where he didn’t have to worry about sudden changes in weather or running into treasure hoarders or monsters. Besides he’d underestimated the power of meeting one’s soulmate. And by the next morning Xiao was sure that he was going to finally drive himself to insanity if he didn’t go back and see you.
Not that you were there when he returned, for the sun was up and you’d already packed your things, going off to do whatever you did in the daytime. The hours stretched on and on for Xiao, but he attempted to busy himself by walking along the familiar valleys of Jueyun Karst, the familiar atmosphere grounding him as best it could while his mind spun this way and that.
You were real. You were alive and you had spoken to him and you were real. If the feeling of wanting to know you had suddenly appeared then so too had the feeling of overwhelming loneliness, a sudden realization of how dreary, how heavy all the years of his life had been. Xiao had acquaintances, allies, even friends, but those bonds had faded long ago, made weak by death or war or even the long peace that existed now. Even if he was grateful for the peace, he knew that it had made him lonely; all the adepti stayed within their domains and Rex Lapis had disappeared into the city, a place Xiao could never imagine dwelling in. There were humans of course, pilgrims, thieves, the curious mixing with the pious, mixing with the lost. But they were separate from him, and he had long ago developed a total disinterest in regards to most of their requests. He protected Liyue, not the interests of its citizens. And even if he had wished to mingle with them he knew that it would most likely bring them only despair, as curses clung to him and no matter how much he tried he’d never be able to exorcise them.
And yet you were human. Only now the thought truly cemented itself in Xiao’s mind. You were human, of course you were human. Fate would never be so kind as to simply drop you at his doorsteps, smiling and willing to talk and immortal on top of it; no you’d been born mortal, and in that fact Xiao saw only ruin. He might very well destroy you, for though he’d not truly spent enough time with mortals to see the long term effects of his karma might be, he could hardly imagine it to be pleasant. Even if he didn’t kill you time would. And then where would he be? If he already felt somewhat attached to you now, how would he feel then, after you’d truly gotten to know one another? The idea terrified Xiao so completely that for a moment he felt as if he was drowning. You were human. Why were you human.
Despite this Xiao couldn’t help but feel some sense of relief, even happiness, when you appeared on the balcony again that evening. You leaned against the railing for a bit, but eventually grew tired and went inside. Xiao’s disappointment however was negated when you came back, a chair in one hand a book in the other. Sitting down you opened the book on your lap, but instead of reading it you stared out into the night. And, eventually, you began to speak.
“The innkeeper tells me that what happened yesterday was normal. I’m so sorry I scared you in that way, or perhaps that I approached you so casually. I hadn’t realized you were an adeptus you see, although perhaps that was a stupid mistake on my part, as you hardly seem like a normal person. I’m sorry either way. She also told me that you were often up here in the evenings, so hopefully I’m not talking to myself.” You let out an embarrassed sort of laugh, Xiao loved nothing so much as your laugh in that moment, before continuing. “I don’t know if I’m talking to myself right now, but I do have something for you. I found it on my way here, and though it’s probably common enough here I thought it was pretty. I hope you like it.”
The next day nothing had moved from where you’d left it, and to your disappointment the Qingxin had gotten utterly soaked in the morning rain.
Xiao knew he should say something, knew that it was incredibly rude to leave your gift untouched. But he couldn’t help it, couldn’t break down the walls that he’d built up for so long. Not that he could completely stay away either. It’d become a routine of some sorts, to come back to the Inn each night and listen to you speak. You were always there, even when the heat became near unbearable or when you came back so late that it was closer to sunrise than sunset. Even then you still spared at least ten minutes to talk into the dark. Xiao wasn’t sure why you were doing so, although he somewhat suspected Goldet in the matter, nor could he tell why you were waiting for him, being hardly versed in the idea of soulmates and unsure whether you’d realized it or not. Regardless of how or why, the tradition still continued, Xiao silent, you filling said silence with words or laughter or sighs. And at least once a week there was a gift. Though Xiao never touched it and eventually Goldet would come and collect it or it would scatter in the wind.
“I have an idea!” Your voice was filled with excitement today and, as if to match it, you’d abandoned the chair, instead bouncing up and down slightly on your toes as you stared out into the sky. “I’m going to do something for you tomorrow, okay. So be sure not to come back until after sunset, or it won’t be a surprise.”
At first Xiao had been completely set on ruining your surprise, after all he disliked being thrown off guard, and you were hardly close enough an acquaintance for him to consider making an exception. The knowledge that the latter half of his reasoning was completely his fault however managed to keep him away, though he stubbornly refused to come back until a half an hour after sunset.
The balcony was the same as ever, and at first Xiao wondered if you’d hadn’t given up on whatever you’d been scheming. However he quickly became aware of what the surprise was when you came into view, a slightly bashful smile on your face and a plate of Almond Tofu in your lap instead of the usual book or weapon when it needed cleaning.
For once Xiao didn’t think about how Goldet had definitely tipped you off, or how he shouldn’t talk to you, or how you were so oddly persistent. He felt his invisibility fall off of him, as if he’d shed a coat or a second skin. Footsteps causing the wood to creak slightly he watched as you jumped for a moment, having obviously been daydreaming, before smiling widely.
“I’ve heard you like Almond Tofu!” You smiled, reaching the plate out towards the yaksha. Silently taking it Xiao stepped back a bit. You did nothing in response to the gesture, merely sitting there, hands folded in your lap and face full of anticipation.
The dish tasted wonderful, perfectly sweet and melty it seemed somewhat distinct, although why Xiao couldn’t really tell. Eating piece after piece he savored the flavor, for it’d really been quite a long time since he’d been offered Almond Tofu, and whether it was your cooking style or the fact you were the chef he couldn’t help but feel as this batch had come out better than the rest. Xiao couldn’t help himself. Looking up at you he let out a soft smile.
“I’m glad you like it!” You exclaimed, face bright with triumph. Standing up you walked slowly over towards Xiao, hand once more reaching out to take the plate. Instead of letting you take it however Xiao walked into the Inn and placed it on the nearest table. Coming out onto the balcony once more he crossed his arms.
“If you stay close to me you’ll die.”
This, instead of having any sort of negative effect on you, instead caused your eyes to widen, and your smile with it. Bouncing up and down once more you giggled slightly.
“So it really is you.” And, before Xiao could say anything, you turned around, hiking up the sleeve on one of your shoulders. Xiao didn’t need to lean in to make out the spidery lettering that trailed down towards your forearm. He wasn’t surprised in what he saw. If you stay close to me you’ll die.
Honestly, what does one do in a situation like this? Xiao couldn’t tell, having so long abandoned hope of something like this happening. Yet even while his mind reeled once more from the confirmation his legs didn’t. Stepping softly towards you, slightly weary, he reached out and traced the letters on the back of your shoulder, as if trying to convince himself it was real.
“May I see yours?” You said, turning around suddenly. Although your question was direct your tone had somewhat softened, and a slight blush dusted you cheeks. Nodding Xiao lifted up his sleeve, and your fingers ghosted over your words in turn. “I never knew what to think of those words, once I become aware of them,” you smiled softly, “but I’m so glad now I’ve found out.”
“They’re true.” Xiao spoke firmly, fear at the forefront of his thoughts. “You don’t know my past, my burden. Fate hasn’t been kind to you, and I might very well kill you.”
“I’ve read about your supposed curses.” You replied, leaning towards him slightly despite his words. “But you said ‘might very well’ not definitely. And besides,” you shrugged, “I want to trust in fate.”
“Why?” Xiao let out a bitter laugh. “Fate is hardly kind.”
“I don’t know, it brought me to my soulmate after all. If fate were so cruel, surely it would never do such a thing.”
“You’re acting reckless.” The words might’ve been a rebuke but Xiao couldn’t find it in him to be harsh. How much he’d underestimated what it’d be like to meet one’s soulmate. Well, he’d never do so again.
“Perhaps, but I’d like to stay and get to know you better regardless.” You stared at him, eyes both somehow piercing and soft. They were beautiful, your eyes, Xiao could drown in them and hardly notice.
“Very well.” Perhaps not the kindness of concessions, but nevertheless you smiled. Pausing for a moment you reached up and wrapped your arms around him. After a moment Xiao returned the gesture, too caught up in your gentle grasp to want to resist.
Was fate kind? Xiao couldn’t tell. He’d been so sure he’d never find a partner, never some he could call his home, his anchor. And yet it had come to pass, and though Xiao was afraid, so desperately afraid, he also was hopeful. How could he not be? The last thing Xiao had wanted was a soulmate, but now that he’d met you, he never wanted to be without you again.
Both your phrases faded over time. But your love never did.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hunt (JJK x Reader) 🐾🔞💜☁️
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🌸 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🌸 Genre: ABO Au!, werewolf AU!, Hybrid/Shifter Au!, Angst, smut, romance
🌸 Warnings: fighting scene, usage of guns, graphic descriptions of violence, grief and guilt, subspace, omegaspace (is that a thing it’s a thing now), Dom!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Alpha!Jungkook!, Omega!Reader, oral (M Rec.), thigh riding, mutual masturbation in a way, non penetrative sex, praise kink, prima smut, biting, scratching, choking in a way, chokehold, manhandling, brat!Reader, handjob (m. Rec)
🌸 Summary: he was your alpha, and he’d always look after you. Even if that meant he had to hurt you.
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Jungkook loves you dearly.
That much is clear to everyone who has eyes inside their sockets, with how much he fusses over you daily, always concerned about your well-being. His presence is never far away from you, and if so, he makes sure to call and text as much as possible to make sure that you're alright. It's natural really, not only as your alpha, but your mate as well.
You're just so delicate, he can't help but want to hide you from the world around him. He knows you're capable of being by yourself- he doesn't doubt that at all. It's just that he's naturally a very caring person already, and all of that had just been amplified by your bond that you now shared. He was yours, and you were his; there was no better way to describe it.
"Jungkook?" You ask, turning around as he suddenly snaps his head up from where his butt is resting against the kitchen table, deep in thought as he snaps out of them to reply with a hum. "Did you stare at my butt again?" You question accusingly, putting your hands on your hips as he can't help but smile. You try to look mad, intimidating maybe, but you're just so cute that he can't help it.
"And even if I was, what's so offending about that?" He throws back, smirk on his lips as you simply huff out a breath, turning back around as you continue to watch the cooking ramen in the pot, smell already invading his living space as his stomach groans a bit. "When can we eat?" He whines out, and you shrug your shoulders.
Jungkook likes to appear manly and strong to everyone, like he can do anything and everything, yet he sometimes acts more like an overgrown man-child. He also hates strong smells, doesn't really wear cologne but rather likes the smell of when you do his laundry (It has to be you he once stated, not because he wants to come off as sexist or anything but it always smells different when he does it, even if he measures everything the same way you do, he can't explain it either), or when he uses your bodylotion. He doesn't care much about his hair or his clothes, but he prefers oversized and soft fabrics, even though you can spot him in a button up sometimes. Jungkook can be a little difficult sometimes too- He sometimes sends out mixed signals just to get frustrated when you don't understand what he wants. He loves everything in order, but tends to leave his things all over the place too.
Long story short, living with Jungkook is never boring.
You're not so simple either, however. Its a well known fact in the pack that no one should get on your bad side when Jungkook isn't around- the alpha seemingly having tamed you whenever he was close. Because whenever he wasn't, you weren't all bark no bite- you didn't bark at all, you just went straight for the throat. Now, you weren't a bad person at all. You just were a bit more straight forward. Confidence was something you had in a healthy amount; you knew who you were, and that you were, at the end of the day, no ones slave. You didn't back down, even if it seemed pointless- and no one wanted to mess with you in all honesty. The pack loved to pick on you, when Jungkook was around, because there was nothing you could do about it. They did shit their pants though once he'd leave.
Just like now.
Jimin came up behind you, intentionally scaring you since he knew you had bad hearing on your left side, making you yelp and hit his ribs with your elbow out of reflex. "Jimin you fu-" But Jungkook cleared his throat before you could finish your sentence, teeth gritted together in a silent growl as your eyes glowed at the older pack beta, who simply grinned.
"Jimin, cut the shit. That was unnecessary, apologize." He grumbled out, as the beta simply sighed, mumbling a sorry you took with a smirk that earned you a smack on your behind. "Stop looking so smug Omega." He throws your way, sounding upset, but you knew that he didn't mean it.
"I'm feeding you all and this is how you thank me." You dramatically sigh out as you turn off the stove as soon as the food was finished, when Jungkook snaked his arms around you from behind, dipping his head down to kiss your bonding mark.
He humms. "Hm, but I thank you enough in other ways?" He says, and Jimin makes a gagging noise as he closes the fridge.
"Not in the kitchen!"
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'Catch me loosers!' You send out, as your paws hit the ground underneath you, Jimin and Taehyung hot on your heels as they take on the challenge you proposed. Taehyungs form hit your back hard, sending your rolling over the grassy grounds as you snap playfully after his fur. You get a bit of the fluffy hairs into your mouth as you sneeze, making Jimin join in on teasing you as he pulls on your tail with no intention to hurt you. Jungkook however, sees that different as he rams the beta off of you, growling loudly to warn him.
'Killjoy!' Jimin snarls out at the alpha as the wolf in question runs after him after he took off running, knowing all too well how to get on the younger once's nerves. Taehyung meanwhile got thrown over by your smaller form, jaws snapping at him as he keeps his head low, squeezing his lanky form out from underneath you, running straight into Hoseok, who'd joined in on the fun. Namjoon was on his way, lazily jogging towards you with Yoongis short white form behind him, as a shot rang through the air, scaring and scattering birds out of the trees as all motion holds instantly.
Taehyung stands up as you shake your fur, instantly searching for your alpha which wasn't far away and nudged you with his large head, providing comfort as if to tell you that he was there now, there was nothing that could hurt you. Namjoon and Yoongi were still, everyone's ears on high alert as you look out for any sort of motion or giveaway from where the shot came from. This was peacefull ground; established after the great war between Humans and werewolfes, back in 1993. Hunting was illegal here, and an absolute taboo.
Yet it seems like that didn't stop anyone today.
And just as Namjoon is ready to tell them to go home, a loud yelp rings through the air, as your head throws itself back to inspect the dart in your leg, instinctively trying to pull it out without much luck. Jungkook instantly tries to help you, Jimin and Taehyung making their way towards you as well as another shot rings through the air, successfully scaring everyone as a group of black clothed and masked men dart towards them with weapons ready. You run off, Jungkooks voice clear and demanding in your head, but you can't make out the words as a second dart hits your leg, throwing you off balance as you violently fall to the ground, rolling over the branches and dead leaves as Jungkooks almost falls as well trying to stop. Theres a shot just barely missing his leg, and the only instinct your omega seems to have left is;
Get away from him. Don't let them get to him. They want us.
So you run off to the side, leading them down the tight woods as you hear them follow you. There's the sound of yelping, angry barks and violent teeth as they seem to fight off whoever was behind you. But you can't stop.
You almost fall into the pond next to you, before actually stumbling and wetting the side of your face and body, hardly making it out as you stumble and fail to gain good footing.
'Omega, stop-' Jungkooks voice rings, but you simply move around, ears close to your head as you snarl at him. He's never seen you like this; at least not directed at him, or his pack. You'r eyes are wide open, glowing with a cold yellow color yet your pupils barely leave space for the color to show through properly. Mouth wide open, as you growl at him, the hair on your back is raised in defense. You look like you want to attack, but not out of pure aggression- the way your tails was tucked underneath you, and your lowered body posture showed him what was really going on.
You were terrified.
'Omega, it's me, they're gone.' He tries again, takes a step, but you only snap at him, at Taehyung who tries to get close as well. You're not letting anyone close in this moment, and he watches with worry as the darts color your fur red with the way you'd pulled and scraped them around on your skin. He's surprised you haven't managed to break the needles off yet. The soft and sweet omega he calls his mate is absolutely out of her mind, and he knows that. His alpha inside of him begs him to discipline you, to bring you down, to help you get back and out of this mindset, but his human brain can't make the decision- because it would mean he'd have to fight you. And he knew who you where, how you'd react. You wouldn't just throw yourself down like some puppy because this was his omega; his omega, which would never back down. Not even to him. 'Please-' he tries, but Yoongi cuts him off.
'Jungkook, if you're not bringing her down I will.' He starts, and the alpha instantly turns around at that, snarling at the beta standing next to his leader, who looks determined as well. 'We can't leave her like this, you know this-' He starts again, but he's cut off as Jimin chimes into the argument.
'You can't ask that of him Yoongi! That's his mate!' He yells out, defensive posture unwavering as you cower back, ready to book it as Jungkook has to make a decision. Fast.
So he does.
He wants to cry the moment he feels his teeth break the skin of your scruff, as he desperately tries to get you down, tries to force you to submit, to calm down, but you wiggle and squirm, and twist around in his hold that he looses it for a moment. He snaps after your leg as you try again to run off, a painful shriek escaping you that cuts his own soul like paper his skin, but he has to keep you. He can't let you go, he can't loose you, he can't leave you like that. So even when you claw at his face, scratching his throat as you get your leg out from between his jaws, he doesn't let up. All his packmates can do is watch, as he bites again and again, breaking skin and exhausting you to the point where you finally let him. He's got his jaw around your throat now, barely grasping, but holding firmly as you huff out harshly, eyes still unfocused. You're absolutely out of it at this point, eyes hazy and glazed over as you finally come to a still stand.
He slowly lets off, careful and ready to go in again at any sign of more defense, but you're still.
Eerily so.
For a moment, everyone is quiet as Jungkook can't do anything but stare. The way your chest still moves proves to him that you're still alive, but at what cost? Only now does he notice the iron taste on his tongue, and he wants to throw up so badly that he starts to swallow hard. Would you be okay? Would you forgive him? Would you understand? He had to do it. He knew it, but the view in front of him made his stomach fill with guilt. Yoongi slowly comes closer, helping Namjoon to put your small body onto his back as everyone slowly makes it back. He starts to walk as well, but can't help looking back.
The grass stained with your blood, seeping into the pond close by.
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He's fussing over you like a newly crowned mother of a hundred pups.
Constantly making sure your blankets are properly tucked in, moving your joints every day so that you wouldn't become stiff, and listening to the doctors advice with maximum focus. The men responsible for the attack are facing trial, and he'll have to join everyone in court today, but it doesn't matter to him as he still spends his last minutes before they drive off at your side, fully dressed in a suit, determined to get justice for what happened.
You don't move, but they have told him you'd come around soon enough- a friend, Jin, will take care of you for him while he's gone. He can't do anything but look at you breathe, as he still sees you as the most precious and most beautiful thing in the world. A knock on the door snaps him out of it, as Jin stands, a small smile on his lips. "They're waiting." He simply says, and Jungkook nods, slowly standing up after kissing your forehead. "I'll keep an eye on her." Jin says as Jungkook walks past him, ready to go downstairs.
The rest of them are waiting downstairs already, as they slowly get into the cars, driving to the next fight.
But this time, they'll fight without teeth.
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Two days later, Jungkook is sitting at your bedside again- or more like, sitting at your feet, spooning rice from his bowl into his mouth without much interest as his eyes stay unfocused. It's been like that the day before as well- He'd eat with you, take a nap, shower, take another nap, eat dinner, and fall asleep for the night. He's barely truly sleeping though, every small crack outside waking him immediately, the past still haunting him whenever he tried to rest. He can't imagine what would happen to him if you were to stay like this- or maybe even worse. He'd thought about it, several times, but he always chokes up, always immediately tears up at the mere possibility of you not spending your life with him. This was so unfair.
He sighs as he gets up, feet hitting the cold laminated flooring as he doesn't bat an eyelash at the temperature biting into his soles. He simply shuffles towards the bathroom like a puppet, simply tending to his bodies need to relief itself, as he doesn't notice the way your eyes move behind your lids.
And as you open them, its dark.
Not quite, as the opened window lets the moonlight in quite nicely, drowning the room in a silver light, your eyes adjusting comfortably. The air was fresh, crisp and cold, while your body was cozy underneath the covers. It was just perfect, just how you and Jungkook always liked it- the fresh and cool temperature of the room giving you a reason to cuddle closer, hold each other tighter. You stretched your legs, hissing as a cramp bites at your legs, but it soon settles, after a few seconds. Sitting up, you feel like a headache is close- the pain present but bearable, as if you'd taken a nap for too long. Your eyes burn a little, and you can feel some bandages underneath your clothes, making you wonder what had happened.
And then it hit you.
From the moment of the shot, to the way Jungkooks cries echoed in your head, his pleas and apologies over and over, as you try to process everything. At least you haven't hurt him, you thought to yourself.
You notice him as he stops at the door with a gasp, eyes wide open and lips apart, as they slowly come to terms that you're actually awake. He tilts his head downwards, before he slowly closes the door, walking towards you as he lets himself fall to his knees, a sob escaping him as he throws his head onto your lap. He's vulnerable, but oh so happy at the same time to know that you're gonna be fine. You're up, you're conscious, you're back- and he's too overwhelmed with that reality to keep his composure.
So he cries, violent sobs shaking his shoulders as he holds onto the blankets for dear life, state only worsening as you run your delicate fingers through his locks. He slowly looks up at the touch, searching for any hint of fear, any form of anger or betrayal sent towards him for hurting you like that, but he only finds your warm smile, comforting eyes filled with love, and his tears roll down his cheeks as you take his head into your hands. You don't say anything because there's nothing needed to; and he simply leans into your touch like it's the first time he's ever received such a kind gesture. There's no alpha in him in that moment, no strong Jungkook who's confident and overachieving. No, in fact he looks so young that your motherly instincts shout at you to comfort him, to soothe his cries and dry his tears. Whatever pain he's feeling, you're craving to take it away.
But when the door opens again, after Jimin and Taehyung push too much against the wood, he snaps his head back around to look at them. "Never seen the kid cry that much." Yoongi scoffs with a playful but genuinely happy smile, as the rest snickers- you along. And even though he loves the sound that leaves your lips, he suddenly begins to pout, before shifting. His large wolf form curls up at the end of your feet, and you whine, getting no reaction from you but a tilt of his ear that signals he's still having your attention.
"No, kookie, come here." You whine pitifully, and it takes a moment, before he shuffles closer to you, laying his large body next to you as he somehow still lets only his back face you. "Are you mad?" You ask, and he simply huffs in embarrassment, and you laugh, as the pack leaves you alone, glad to know you were back again. "That's okay." You humm, cuddling his large body as you fall back asleep.
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It's late when you both return from your dinner with his pack, the now shared apartment you both got yourselves feeling cozy to you, since it held both of your scents perfectly aligned. It was your safe haven, a place you could both be yourselves as much as you wanted to, without any interference of the world. Surely, it was a bit weird and it needed time to get used to, but you both eventually made it work.
"Do you think we should lay carpet in the living room?" You casually ask as you take off your jacket, while Jungkook slips out of his shoes.
"Hm." He hums, before he takes a look at the living room area. "Maybe? Would that be better?" He asks, and you lean your head to the side, now out of your shoes as well as you walk towards the open kitchen.
"Maybe. I mean I like soft carpets, and because the sun shines in through the windows I thought it would be nice to have a soft floor to lay on for a nap or something." You casually explain. Jungkooks heart swells as he walks after you, holding your body from behind as he walks like a penguin to your destination, making you giggle. "What now?" You ask, and he simply nuzzles into your neck.
"Nothing." He replies with a grin. "It's just nice hearing you talk about things like that." He explains, running his pointy canines over your shoulder where he'd exposed the skin by pulling on your sweater sleeve. "My omega want's to make our home cozy. I like that." He humms against your pulse point. "Always so caring. So thoughtful, so sweet, my sweet baby." He almost dreamily cooes, as you suddenly try to wriggle out of his grasp. He catches on quickly, holding you tighter so you can't escape as he chuckles at your struggle. "Where you going baby?" He asks with amusement, as you huff.
"Nowhere because you're- ngh- you're yah!" You bark out, and his eyes grow more daring as he notices your behavior. You don't truly want to get away from him, as your body language tells him an entirely different story of what you're trying to bring across. Its a facade- even as you nip at his arm, biting the skin without hurting him as you kick your legs now, and he growls lowly.
"My baby's being a brat now?" He rumbles out, and you scoff again, trying to catch him off guard by hitting your head backwards, trying to push him away, but he only chuckles, one hand holding your body against him while the other moves higher to your throat now, holding your head tilted backwards against his shoulder. "Hm.. I actually wanted to watch a movie, but I think I'll have a different form of entertainment tonight." He says, as his hand tightens, not to choke, but to restrain, as he slowly sits down with you, forcing you with him on the floor as his hand lets your upper body loose, immediately grasping your wrists in his hand, while still holding your neck. You struggle for a good while, and he waits, until your eyes meet.
He can see the golden color of them, warm and hazy as they swim with pure emotions. You're finally submitting, your headspace blurring your thoughts as you become limp, making him smile at you. Once you're free, you turn around immediately, ready to go for his pants as he stands up, holding your neck as you obediently follow him to the bedroom, imaginary tail wagging in excitement on what's to come. "Look at you my baby." He sings out, voice low and soft as he addresses your kneeling form in front of him, hands on his thigh as your chin lays atop of it, closing your eyes when he runs his palm over your head. "Such a sweet little darling I have there." He opens his fly, shedding his pants as he throws the button up over his head, letting his erection free after his underwear is discarded as well. You quickly follow him, shedding your own layers of clothing as you sit in front of him, waiting, as he holds his hands out. You instantly shuffle forwards, nosing at his cock as he hisses at the contact, carefully guiding his length into your mouth as you close your eyes, tongue gliding over the salty skin in sinful patterns that make him groan out in pleasure. He lets his head fall back as his hand stays in your hair, muscles tightening and relaxing at the way you stimulate his nerves and senses, the room filling with your scent as he thinks he's on could nine.
He pulls your head away from him, making you gasp out as his eyes focus on the obscene strand of saliva still connecting your lips to his tip. He guides you upwards to sit on his muscular thigh, your hands holding onto his shoulders as he helps your hips move, gaze never leaving your form as you breathe heavily in pleasure. "Such a good girl." He praises, and you mewl in fondness at the praise, making him grin at you, his length throbbing from the view he has. "So good, look at you, getting yourself off on me." He continues, pushing you down harder and forcing you to faster as your breasts start to sway enticingly in front of him. "Hm? Use me darling, I'm all yours." He cooes, eyes hooded as he watches you fall apart, furrowing your brows as you concentrate on the pleasure. He suddenly hisses out when your hand moves away from his shoulder, suddenly finding his leaking cock as your soft hand wraps itself around it, desperate to give him pleasure back as well. He groans, and you let your forehead fall onto your hand on his shoulder as he growls deeply, the entire situation too much for him as his fingernails scratch down your back, making you arch it as he leaves hot marks on his way down, gripping a handful of your butt in his palm, as you bite down on his neck. It's the sound of wet skin running over skin, your hand jacking him off, groans and whimpers from you and him, and it's stuffy as the air around you takes on more and more of your smell, but its so perfect.
You whine and gasp as you finally come undone, desperately running your fingers over the skin of his length as you make sure to give it attention as well, smiling as you feel his hips trust into the air, muscles contracting as he spurts his cum onto your hand, groaning out a long sound as he lets himself fall backwards onto the bed. He breathes heavily as he holds you close to him, you bodies sweaty and spent, but happy and content none the less.
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Jungkook loves you dearly.
That much is evident to anyone who has eyes inside their sockets.
It could be just how well you fit into his life, how perfectly you align with his pack, or how you care for him in a way only you could. With you, he feels safe, comforted, home- he doesn't need walls and a roof to feel like he's in his own safe haven.
"Jungkooks coming!" Jimin shouts in victory, making you turn around with wide eyes as you spot him walk into the living room. You sneeze as he walks past you, sitting down next to you as he slaps Jimins hands reaching for your snacks with a challenging gaze. The older beta pouts, but doesn't argue as he leans back, watching with amusement as you cuddle up to Jungkooks side, almost crawling onto his lap as he puts an arm around your middle "Heh, big bad omega is all cuddly" Jimin challenges as you get ready to throw the pillow closest at him, but Jungkooks palm takes it out of your hand, diffusing the situation as the beta across from you snickers in triumph. Jungkook however smirks, yawning innocently as he suddenly gets up.
"Oh, I think I've forgotten something in the kitchen." He casually says, getting up to leave you two be as you grin dangerously, while Jimin begins to sweat nervously at the mere prospect of being alone with you.
"A-actually It's late, I should probably leave!"
  And both, Jungkook and you, laugh.
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devildomdoofus · 4 years
I saw you said your commissions are open, if it's ok can I request a fluffy morning with the demon brothers, please? I just found your blog but I already fell in love with your writing style 😍. I hope you have a great day 🤗
Thank you so very much!! 😭 I’m over the moon that I can make you happy with my writing and I’ll GLADLY take this request ✨ I hope you have a great day as well!!
I also hope I’ve done your request justice 🥺
- DevildomDoofus
Through Morning’s Rays
Fluffy mornings with the Obey Me! Brothers
Both of your schedules differed a generous amount. He wakes up the earliest out of the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall combined, to ensure everyone’s up and ready for school/work/etc.... and he is the last to go to bed.
That is, if he isn’t dog tired by the time he’s finished doing his last rounds of security checks and sending any remaining night owls to their rooms to keep their schedules in check, and collapses at his desk while finalizing reports.
You, on the other hand, have a steady schedule due to your obligations to your school (and job, if you worked).
To say that you two have a hard time spending any amount of quality time together is an understatement
Please forgive him, he is a lone father and he is trying his best
When he’s up early to get a head start in working to the bone, as usual and doesn’t have much time to share the fleeting, morning hours with you, he’ll gingerly place a kiss to the top of your head and shift the blankets from your late night tossing and turning, back to their place over your shoulders and covers the rest of your body. He’ll leave a little note by the bedside table that wishes you a wonderful day and promises that he’ll meet with you shortly to make up for lost time.
On the rare occasions that he manages to be able to share mornings with you, it is like a gift from the celestial realm to you both in which afterwards, the two of you are like completely different people, beaming with sunshine and happiness as your batteries have been recharged.
In those rare moments, he’ll slide to your side of the bed, oh so carefully snake his arm around you and tugs you gently into his embrace as he places kisses all atop your head. When you finally open your eyes and face him, he’ll run his hand up the length of your silhouette to your face, cupping it, rub his thumb over your cheek and smile lazily. “Good morning, lamb.” He whispers, trying to disguise the grogginess in his voice. Then, he leans down to press his lips against yours in a way that makes you feel like he’s been starving for you for months on end, only to now get what he’s craved and yet it’s not enough.
In this moment, nothing in all of the realms matters to him more than you. Just you and you alone.
You spent many, many, MANY mornings with him and they were some of your favorite memories since you first came to the Devildom. For him.... well, maybe not at first since you were kind of a chore. But the was before you two became so close.
The only problem was that neither of you were morning people, especially if either of you had responsibilities that day like school or work. To deal with such a thing, the two of you made a deal where each of you took turns being the one to help wake the other.
There were mornings where he woke you up with a heavy pillow to the torso and it ended up in you two being late for school due to an epic pillow fight that neither of you wanted to lose.
Other mornings, you woke him up by jumping and flopping around next to him on the bed, belting a song that was the favorite of the pair of you, and he tackles you back down to the bed to deliver you a piping hot plate of a tickle fight
and then there were THOSE mornings.
These mornings, when the two of you just happened to wake around the same time, he’d smile sleepily, yank you closer, and place a kiss on your forehead. “Mornin’, my lil’ human.”
UGH, that gravely, morning voice would be the bittersweet death of you.
While having a few hours to spare, you would lay there in the semidarkness, whispering sweet everythings to each other, exchanging kisses and joke ensued laughter, and simply enjoying each other’s company while entangled in a comfy, cozy embrace.
It’s the same sort of situation as with Mammon; neither of you were really morning people. But with you two, it was because it came with the terms and conditions of being like minded nerds (as a fellow ‘nerd,’ I mean that term in the best way possible and as a compliment) in which the endgame boss had to be defeated, or that one episode simply could not be missed, or your favorite celebrity/idol was going live and you were not about to be absent for it. Many evenings were spent indulging in both of your favorite hobbies, well into the latest hours of the night and early morning, when you should’ve been sleeping instead.
So of course, mornings were INCREDIBLY ROUGH for the two of you.
In the beginning and a majority of the time, you were the one to wake him up. I hope you can forgive him, though, because almost all of his energy is spent drowning out his negative thoughts and the outside judgement from his own brothers, haters, and toxic fans alike via his hobbies and he doesn’t quite have enough energy to take care of himself, including waking up on time for school or other responsibilities/obligations to avoid getting an ass-chewing from Lucifer... much less waking up on time and then having to wake YOU up.
You had to show him the way, in a sense. You’re his motivation and safety net. Where you go, and ensure his ‘safety’ he delightfully follows. Ergo, you had to be the alarm clock for him, for a while, to be shown that you truly care about him and it’s not all just some exasperating, ridiculously elaborate and heart shattering prank.
Your method of ‘raising the dead’ was to gently comb your hand through his hair while softly beckoning him from his dream world with your sweetest voice to ‘the land of the living.’ His eyes would flutter open and as soon as he saw you with that heartwarming smile, his face would turn a deep crimson and he’d smile back, reaching a hand up to place it over top of yours, somewhat nuzzling into it. “Good morning, my human Henry.” His shy, quiet, gravely voice could melt lava.
Through this method of yours, he no longer woke with animosity for the normie world but was rather hopeful and optimistic, feeling as if nothing could bring him down. Not even his brothers’ insults.
Eventually, he got the hang of it, and he was the one waking YOU up and he did so as sweetly as you had done. He’d place his hand on your cheek, rub his thumb over it, and gingerly place a multitude of kisses atop your head as he whispered your name until you woke.
Some mornings when he was feeling extra giddy, he would place a little speaker near where you had fallen asleep and quietly play your favorite song as he sang along and took hold of your hands to swing them gently to the beat. He saw it once in an anime episode and was hoping it would award him the same giggles the love interest gave the protagonist.
Fortunately for him, it always did.
Being one of the more mature and responsible brothers, he rarely ever slept in. It’s just in his nature to be an early bird to catch the early worm.. mostly to get it over with so he could get back to doing what he loved most; reading in comfort. Even still, his schedule matched with yours almost perfectly, and that’s due to the fact that, similar to Leviathan, you two were likeminded.
You had the same interests and hobbies so of course, the pair of you grew very close, very quickly. You first linked up for study sessions because celestial realm knows that school in the Devildom was VASTLY different than human world schools, then book club meetings for when you got a little more comfortable with each other’s presence, then as you became even closer, you just decided to do the same things at the same time as it killed two birds with one stone; you got to do what you enjoyed with the person you enjoyed the most.
Mornings to you two were fairly simple and honestly, quite enjoyable with the other being there when you woke.
One morning, Satan took the first step and woke you to the pleasant sound of one of your favorite records echoing from an antique gramophone while placing a tray of your favorite breakfast foods next to the bed. He then leant down, took your hand into his, and kissed from your knuckles, all the way up to your shoulder, and then planting one final, light kiss to your cheek. “My darling MC, it is time to come back to me. Your dreams have had you long enough.”
From then on, you took turns in trying to wake the other in the most romantic ways possible. From your favorite flower’s petals scattering the bed, to his favorite audio books reading him awake. There was nothing that you two wouldn’t do in order to guarantee that the other woke to nothing less than the world on a silver and golden platter.
He was the envy of his brothers especially Mammon, getting to spend so much time with you and having you smile as brightly as you did with him.
Surprisingly, he’s another early riser. Though when you really think about it, it isn’t quite that surprising, considering he has a strict self-care routine that CANNOT be broken, lest he wishes to end up with a pimple or even worse... a wrinkle! Which neither are bad if you have them, it’s just for Asmo’s personal tastes for his own appearance, he prefers to have none of them.
Because he cares for you so much, he forces sternly asks that you have the same schedule as he does so he can give you the same love and care as he gives himself. He wants you to look and feel as wonderful as who you are on the inside... but he also loves it when you absolutely SHINE.
Please don’t be mistaken, he doesn’t think you’re ugly or unattractive or any other negative thoughts you might have about yourself, in the least. Not at ALL. He simply wishes to amplify what wonderful assets you already have (to your own tastes, of course) because of that oh so magnificent way you carry yourself when you feel your best.
Want to as pretty as a sunset? He’s got you covered. Want to be as handsome as... well, him? You’re covered there too. Want a little mix of any and everything? Oh please, give him a challenge! Whatever look you wish for, he’s there to help you make it happen.
You just have to take his hand and follow his lead. And his lead requires that you be ‘up and at ‘em’ early enough to go through the self-care routine (that he handpicked things for, according to you and your body’s needs), and eat the proper foods so your body and mind can handle the weight of being the most stunning thing to walk the face of any of the realms... besides him, of course. Also, all of this has to happen before school begins.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty early. There’s a LOT of self-care to-do’s that you two have to go through to ensure maximum amplification.
But because he knows that this can be rather overwhelming and a bit stressful to keep up with all of the time (and stress causes physical and mental harm), he’s always sure to make your mornings as pleasant and stress-free as possible.
He lights one of your favorite candles or incenses, and/or turns one of your favorite slower/softer songs on then climbs into bed and over top of you to begin his trails of kisses from the top of your head, down your face, neck and chest, further down your precious tummy, and stops right at your hips to go back up your body and start again. All of this on repeat as he coos and whispers your name, his soothing voice leading you from your dreams to the waking world. When your eyes meet his, he hums “ahh, my dear, you’ve returned to me.” He moves to kiss your lips as sweetly as he speaks.
He then slips his arms underneath you and lifts you up, as if you were one of Lucifer’s feathers, to carry you bridal style into the bathroom. He’ll then set you down and slowly undress you, taking as much time as you need him to, before helping you into the tub and giving you the gentlest of washes you’ve had since before you can even remember.
He’s the most soothing alarm that’s ever existed.
Not really an early riser but he’s also not one to sleep in, either. To sleep in means to miss breakfast, and to miss breakfast is a death sentence for himself and anyone in the way of his next meal.
It also means that he doesn’t get to spend his mornings or share breakfast with you. Another death sentence but this one’s for his heart. Even though he might not say it, being that putting his thoughts and feelings into words is a bit harder than his more comfortable/natural way of simply showing you through his actions, he loves you very, very, VERY much.
This man cares so fucking much for you, he’d give up eating for the rest of his life if it meant you got to have a crumb. But he hopes it doesn’t have to come to that.
The way that Beel shows you that he cares is through food. Eating with you, cooking with you, watching you eat to be sure that you’re getting enough food in your own body, taking his time to eat his food because, now, he’s too busy having wonderful conversations with you, and every and anything in between.
One of his favorite ways is breakfast in bed. You had done it once for him before on one of your anniversaries and ever since then, he’s done it for you in return whenever he got the chance.
On mornings that he had waken up early enough, he’d quietly get up and tiptoe to the kitchen to make both of you a delicious breakfast. If Belphegor was up, on the rarest of rare occasions that he was, he’ll make a little something for him too. He’d put together your favorite foods and beverage while doing the same for himself, draw a cute little heart on a small post-it note and placing it on your side of the tray, tip-toe back up to the room and sets it on the nightstand beside the bed, then moves in close to you to start waking you up. He leans in close and peppers your face in little kisses before moving a little lower to your neck and giving his signature, gentle bite. “MC, honey, wake up. I’ve brought you breakfast.”
Nine times out of ten, you wake up in an instant. When you’ve slept heavily during the night and have a harder time waking up, he plops down onto you gently of course as to not squish you and groans in your ear, nibbling them to remind you of who you’re keeping waiting. “MCCC, pleeeease, I’m hungry. Don’t make me eat yours.”
The warning never fails.
As you two chow down, his dimpled smile never leaves his face nor his eyes on you as he watches you enjoy another morning filled with your favorite things: Beel and Beel’s signature breakfast.
Morning? What the hell is a morning?
Yeah, yeah, he knows what a morning is. He’s had to get up for them too many fucking times to count in order to get to school on time.. or at least try. His attendance is, more or less, nonexistent. He’s just not a morning person.
at ALL.
The one thing ‘Mr. Sandman’ doesn’t do is wake up or get woken up if the awakener values their life
However... if it is you, his favorite walking and talking pillow, he can’t be that pissed about it. It’s a little more of a smooth transition from being asleep to being awake when you’re the one bringing him there.
So, yes, you’re the one waking him up and it’s never the other way around, but you knew this would be your lot in life the closer you had gotten to him.
And yet, whenever you tried to wake him, he’d simply wrap his arm over you and drag you back down onto the bed as he rolls on top of you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “No.” he’d groan in his gravelly morning voice.
What? What did he mean ‘no’ ?! It’s time to get up!!
You’d try your best to to wiggle free but Belphegor is far more stronger than he looks and keeps you pinned down in place. Well... at least it’s comfy.
Wait no, this is his way of coercing you to go back to sleep with him!
Before you can try something else, he plants warm and slow kisses up and down your neck and nibbles at the skin just beneath your ear while whispering in a low tone, “why don’t we just stay here and do something better than go to school?”
Your face heats up and body tenses underneath him. It was not uncommon for him to try this tactic, especially in the morning, so you were fairly used to it but sometimes... sometimes it just does something to you and you’re frozen in place with nothing but his voice to lull you wherever it pleased. Maybe it came with being the Avatar of Sloth? He moves up onto his elbows to deliver his final attack that was his signature, teasing smile in order for him to fully keep you here, in bed, with him and simply enjoy each other’s company while you slept.
Unfortunately for him, this was his mistake and you gained yourself a foothold in pushing him off of you. Getting up from the bed, you look back at him as you straighten your clothes out and fix your hair, saying “Breakfast is in ten minutes,” with a stern voice. You take notice of this and try to sweeten it up to truly convince him. “Be there, won’t you?” you demand more than request, with a signature smile of your very own.
He brings his dropped jaw back up from when you were able to knock him off, and shakes his head as he lightly chuckles. “Whatever you want, MC.” Before you completely walk out of the door, he calls after you. “You owe me!”
You peak back in just enough for him to hear you as you’re closing the door. “No, you owe me.”
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